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Module Information Pack MSc Applied Statistics with Operational Research Fundamentals of Applied Statistics STAT 5230C Academic Year 2013 Semester 1

Fundamentals of Applied Statistics A. Module Convenor: Mr. Rajive Ajodhea I. Office: N/A II. Phone No.: 948-9867 III. E-mail: B. Module Coordinator: Mr. A. Saib C. Programme Coordinator: Mr. A. Saib D. Credits: 4 E. Pre-required skills: Major component of statistics at degree level F. Teaching and Learning Strategies: Lectures/Tutorials: G. Academic Tutoring: On Appointment H. Student Progress and Assessment: Assignment on R 20% Class test (week 10) 20% 3 hr Written Exams 60% Total 100% I. Summary of Module Content: Statistical concepts and methods Probability techniques Statistical inference Linear models Experimental and survey design Introduction to R J. Module Aim Statistics provides the reasoning and techniques for producing and understanding data. In this course we overview several techniques of statistical modelling, and discuss real life problems where you will be challenged to use these tools to learn from the data. R will be used for carrying out simple statistical analysis and graphical presentation of data. K. Learning Outcomes By the end of this course, students should be able to To determine what are the appropriate models to analyse data and implement these computationally. To introduce and examine ideas of design in sample surveys, in the context of probability sampling from finite populations, particularly with respect to accuracy and cost. To use R to perform statistical analysis and present data in graphical forms.

15 x 4-hour sessions

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Fundamentals of Applied Statistics L. Semester Plan (Tentative) Week No. Topics 1 Concepts of population and sample, need for sampling, census and sample surveys, Sampling and non-sampling errors. Introduction to R- Objects & Arithmetic + Exercises 2 Probability and non-probability sampling Probability techniques- Introduction to Probability and basic definitions Introduction to R- Summaries & Subscripting, Matrices + Exercises 3 Probability techniques-Bayes Theorem derivation and application. Introduction to R- Attaching to Objects, The Apply function + Exercises 4 Probability techniques-Discrete and continuous probability distribution (including derivation) Introduction to R- Attaching to Objects, The Apply function + Exercises 5 Fundamentals of Statistical inference Introduction to R- Statistical Computation & Simulation + Exercises 6 Inferences on means Introduction to R- Graphical Procedures+ Exercises 7 Inferences on standard deviation Introduction to R- Writing functions + Exercises 8 Linear models- Correlation:- Product-moment correlation (Pearson). Rank correlation Spearmans coefficient. Calculation and interpretation. Introduction to R- Reading Data from files + Exercises 9 Class test 10 Linear models- Regression & Analysis of variance Introduction to R- Tutorials 11 Basic Concepts of Experimental Design 12 Completely Randomized Design (Structure of CRD, ANOVA) 13 Presentation of Assignments 14 Randomized Block and Two-way Factorial Design. 15 Revision M. Reading List I. Recommended Text 1. Applied Statistical Methods for Business, Economics & Social Sciences by William.L. Carson. 2. Statistics & Computing: Introductory Statistics with R by Peter Daglaand. II. Supplementary Materials 1. Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments by Robert L. Mason, Richard F.Gunst, James L.Hess. 2. A First Course in Design and Analysis of Experiemnts by Gary W.Oehlert. Past Exam Papers Past Exam Papers are downloadable on campus through the Intranet at the following address http://intranet/resource


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