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Are you certifiable? OHSAS18001 - Another A th bloody bl d certificate tifi t or the right way to do health and safety?

Get it right first time every time. Zero waste

The frontier performer in y our industry

by Andy Stoddart & David McCulloch astoddart2@anglianwater co uk

IOSH East Anglia Branch 4th November 2011

What is OHSAS 18001:2007?

BS OHSAS 18001 is an Occupation Health and Safety Assessment Series for OH&S management systems which provides an approved and internationally recognised bestbestpractice framework for managing an organisations OH&S risks Intended to help organisations achieve and demonstrate OH&S performance f by b controlling t lli their th i OH&S risks i k consistent i t t with ith their th i policy and objectives Developed p in response p to customer demand for a recognisable g OH&S standard against which their management system could be assessed and certified Compatible with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 but isnt isn t an International Standard itself i.e. NOT ISO (18001 - Information technology - radio frequency identification for item management - application requirements profiles)
OHSAS18002 Guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS18001

OH&S Management System Model for 18001

OH&S policy Planning , risk assessment and Hazard identification, determining controls, legal and other requirements, objectives and programmes Implementation and operation Resources, roles, R l responsibilities, ibiliti accountability and authority, competence, training and awareness, communication, participation and consultation, documentation, , control of documents, , operational control, emergency preparedness and response Checking Performance P f measurement t and d monitoring, it i evaluation of compliance, incident investigation, nonconformity, corrective and preventive action, control of records, internal audit Management Review

Why bother with OHSAS 18001 Certification?

What are the potential benefits of a certified management system? Your views

Benefits of OHSAS 18001 Certification

Allows organisations to identify and control OH&S risks to employees, customers, suppliers and third parties (MoP) potential for accidents with a corresponding p g Reduces the p reduction in the costs associated with accidents at work Promotes a safe and healthy working environment leading to enhanced staff morale, motivation and productivity Reduction in sickness and absenteeism Provides a mechanism for identifying and evaluating legal and regulatory compliance Demonstrates you have a robust approach to OH&S management and provides evidence in defence of potential criminal and civil cases Enhanced organisational status and competitive advantage by demonstrating that OH&S management is effective Reduced insurance premiums and 2nd party audits Improved overall OH&S performance

Or simply.

It shows your employees (and stakeholders) that youre serious about health and safety y i.e. your y commitment

Certification Bodies - UKAS or not?

Two possible options 1. Buy a certificate off the internet!!!! Advantages: - quick & easy, cheap, minimal effort and i impact t on organisation, i ti pre-qualification lifi ti requirements i t met t (where potential clients dont know what their looking for) Disadvantages: - its potentially worthless and may fails to deliver any real benefits 2. Obtain certification through a UKAS* accredited certification body (i.e. LRQA, BSi, SGS etc.) Advantages: - accredited third party assurance of the management system, credibility, benefits realised (pukka certificate!!) Di Disadvantages: d t - takes t k ti time, can be b expensive, i major j impact on organisation The "Tick & Crown" logo provides visual assurance that you hold a UKAS accredited OHSAS18001:2007 certificate *United Kingdom Accreditation Service Website

Who is Anglian Water?

Private company Approx. 6 million customers 27,500 km2 - largest Water Company (mainly rural) 3,800 employees (and almost as many contractor employees) Flat terrain - slow running rivers F Fast t growing i region i population grown by 20% in the last 20 years Driest region in UK Highly regulated Ofwat DWI Environment Agency HSE

Key Operations Statistics Wastewater

Approx. Approx 1,100 1 100 Wastewater Treatment Works Approx. 4,400 Sewage Pumping Stations Approx. pp 43,700 , km of Sewers (+ ( ?km of private p sewers since 1st October 2011)

7 Raw Water Reservoirs Approx. 160 Water Treatment Works Approx. 250 Service Reservoirs Approx. 36,500km of Water Mains

Our principal risks are (in no particular order):

Working in the highway Electrical Risk Confined spaces p entry y Mechanical lifting Working under pressure (stress) Hazardous H d substances b t Machinery/pressure systems Manual handling Slips trips and falls Contractors construction work Work at height Lone working Driving over 30 million business miles/year Approx. 1200 commercial vehicles & 550 company cars

Our Road Map to achieving certification

Ensured top management were fully committed Appointed a dedicated resource to manage the system particularly central document control Benchmarked - looked at other organisations management system approaches Developed the management system to comply with the requirement of OHSAS over time, so as not to burden the business drip feed not big bang Undertook formal gap analysis Involved LRQA from day 1 to determine most appropriate way of achieving goal Phased certification of the business Communication at all levels Tell Tell em, em, Tell em em and Tell em em again!! Then check and if necessary Tell em again

Management System - key features

One-stop-shop O h for f all ll up to d date O OH&S &S information i f i Designed from a users point of view no specific mention of 18001 or clause requirements Fully electronic - intranet based but managers able to issue controlled hard copies Simple and straightforward bite sized chunks Invisible and demystified quality assurance Hyperlinked and cross referenced to both internal & external information Intuitive navigation: Via A-Z y ways y to search for what you y are looking g for Many Short cut keys to most popular information

Safe and Well Screenshot (a)


Safe and Well Screenshot (b)


Safe and Well Screenshot (c) ( )


Safe and Well Screenshot (d)


Getting ready for 18001

Roll out the system with targeted ongoing communications Safety team 1-2-1 with every manager duration appropriate to risk Internal I t l audits dit undertaken d t k to t confirm fi implementation i l t ti effectiveness ff ti Performance reporting to management board Stage 1 1 assessment of management system by LRQA Formal Stage does you defined system fulfil all clause requirements? Agreed on phased certification Coaching and support for targeted managers Formal pre-audit of targeted managers Manager self self audit checklists checklists for key hazard areas Preparing for certification presentations - providing tips, pointers, reminders, guidance to ensure we didnt not get tripped up on the day of assessment


When an inspector assessor calls

Dont panic - They dont expect perfection!
They want to see that you have embraced the main requirements of your H&S management system They will want to speak with managers and certainly with your team members They are likely to ask how you manage H&S, important areas are: Risk assessment both for routine and non routine work Major hazard areas H&S objectives, targets and plans Competence and training Communication, participation and consultation Control of documents and record keeping Emergency preparedness and response Audits & inspections Building/site management, particularly for shared occupancy Housekeeping Individuals H&S responsibilities In reality assessors could look at anything!

Wheres your risk assessment?


Major hazard areas

A typical assessor question might be tell me about the major hazard areas you and you team face and how are these managed They may follow with a show show me me type of question i.e. documentation and records Assessors are likely to do a reality check with team members on any key hazard areas Assessors may start their visit with a site tour and ask team members questions before they ask managers any questions Managers must be able to demonstrate how key hazards are managed without much hesitation Team members will need to be able to demonstrate that they have knowledge of the key controls and how they access their risk assessments


H&S Plans & Action Tracking

H&S Plans are a great way for you to demonstrate how H&S is being managed proactively on an ongoing basis Good plans should include a mix of fixed actions e.g. eg review risk assessments in January etc. You will need to be able to demonstrate that you have a system for managing actions arising out of audits inspections, accident reports, fire risk assessments, etc. Make sure you can prove (with evidence) that you have effectively closed an action! If you have identified something that requires actions, then providing idi you can d demonstrate t t you are managing i through th h a plan / tracking system, the assessors will be satisfied that it is under control


Competence and training

Are you able to demonstrate the competence of the people in your organisation? Have you a means to identify their training needs? Can managers readily lay their hands on training records? How is contractor competence assessed?


Communication Participation and Consultation

This usually crops up as part of another question Do all team members know how to raise a H&S concern? How do you involve employees in the H&S decision making process? Are you aware of the training available to Safety Reps? Are all teams represented at H&S committees? H Have you got effective ff i systems for f communicating i i H&S to team members? Are Safety Reps. involved in accident / near miss investigations and workplace safety inspections?


Workplace p management g
Where you have workplaces under your control l which h h may b be occupied/used by others (e.g. contractors, tenants etc.) you must be able to demonstrate how H&S is being managed In particular it needs to be clear whom is doing what, when and how dodgy Linkage with dodgy neighbours emergency arrangements identified Dont Don t forget management of members of the public

Fire management

Site security arrangements, signing in etc. Emergency plan communication Legionella Inductions Responsibility for welfare and common areas T ffi management Traffic t

First aid Site / office inspections Asbestos information and management Electrical checks on both fixed wiring systems and portable equipment St Storage areas

Control of documents and record keeping

Can be a pain but essential for you to prove that you have effective control of documents and records Use controlled document registers to evidence what has been issued, to who and when If you are going i to t be b missing i i some documents d t and d records d during the assessment, make sure you can demonstrate that you are managing those areas A CUNNING PLAN! Evidence needs to be easily accessed, well archived using the correct forms Handy hint assessors dont don t like standing around for 20 minutes while people desperately search for records. Ensure OH&S records can be accessed easily!!


Emergency preparedness and response

Fire: Risk assessments up to date? System S t for f managing i actions ti arising i i from f risk i k assessments? t ? Maintenance and checking of fire alarm systems? Regular fire drills, drills and effectiveness reviews Fire marshal training? Induction records for employees? System for inducting visitors to workplace? First aid: Adequate number of trained first aiders for risk of workplace? First aid equipment replenished and checked? Other potential emergency situations, e.g. gas leaks, suspicious packages etc.


Audits & inspections

Audits should be based on risk, programmed and cover all clause requirements Inspections are ideal supplements to formal audits and can be undertaken at a local level by system users Actions arising out of audits and inspection must be managed and implemented R Results lt of f audits dit are key k input i tt to the th management t review i process


Housekeeping-no excuses!!! First impressions count!

Its important to keep risk to a minimum through good housekeeping and tidy methodical work practices Those responsible for f workplaces, must ensure they are safe, clean and tidy You (and your assessor) dont want to be stepping around piles of rubbish and discarded equipment on workplaces. If its not supposed to be there get rid of it! you have clearly y labelled areas for any y Make sure y quarantined equipment Dont miss the flipping obvious e.g. missing guarding on ac e y, open ope electrical e ect ca panels, pa e s, unguarded u gua ded voids o ds etc. etc machinery, Do a walk through ask yourself does it look right?


Pitfalls to achieving g certification

What do y you think are the potential pitfalls?


OHSAS 18001 Potential Pitfalls

Not doing it for the right reason just for a badge on the wall Quote from unnamed non UKAS certification body Most organisations want OHSAS 18001 certification to qualify for a tender or to achieve preferred supplier status: typically for a Local Authority or for a supply chain requirement. Assuming that what works well for one organisation will also work for you Getting bogged down by quality assurance Creating excessive paperwork Failure to involve your certification body at an early stage Quoting OHSAS 18001 clause numbers and requirements in procedures - use y p your organisations g language g g NOT OHSAS Not engaging your workforce dont lock yourself away and launch it big bang style Assuming its going to be a quick and painless process Setting zero non conformity targets!!

Learning points
Middle management commitment is as essential as top management Adopt a just culture - NOT a no blame culture Involve the business - design system from a users point of view and actively seek feedback Ensure managers understand non conformities are against the system not them Keep it simple - challenge the value of each document Must be adequately resourced - both implementation and a d ongoing o go g maintenance a a and a d improvement p o Be prepared to identify and tackle previously unrecognised risks and issues More effort required in low risk environments i.e. offices perception that there are no risks to manage

Anglian Waters Just Culture

Was I knowingly breaking the rules?



Would most people have behaved in the same way?




Were the rules clear and workable? Was adequate training/information provided?








Learning points - continued

Ensure responsibilities are clearly defined and understood including contractors and other building users If appropriate consider phased certification It costs money!! dependant on size and complexity of the organisation but allow 8-900/day per assessor include: Gap analysis (2 man days) Stage 1 Assessment (2 man days) Stage 2 Assessment (30 man days) Ongoing surveillance visits every 6 months (10 man days) 3 yearly re-certification (15 man days) It takes longer (and costs more) than you think!!

Evidence of success the stats!!!

2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Accident Frequency Rate Employee - Majors Employee - >3 day Employee DO's j Contracor - Majors Contractor - >3 day Contractor DO's Total No. of RIDDOR Accidents Total No. of RIDDOR DO's




0.39 6 29 6 6 7 1

0.37 2 28 7 10 11 5 51 1 12

0.39 6 32 2 4 8 2 50 0 4

0.37 4 29 1 4 9 1 46 2

0.30 3 16 2 3 11 3 34 5

50 0



48 7

System rolled out from 2007 rules clear and unambiguous AFR decreased from 0.5 in 03/04 to 0.3 in 10/11 Next challenge to reduce to an AFR to 0 0.1 1 through behavioural safety

Accident Rate v System Maturity Graph

accid dents / AFR R

abse ce o absence of formal o a management a age e t system - ad-hoc control system development / implementation

behavioural safety

robust H&S mgt system anglian water

certification achieved

system maturity / time


Evidence of success - continued

Sickness levels reduced from 8 days/employee/year to 5.5 days/employee/year (in line with the CBI private sector average for the UK) Compliance with key legislation assessed and actions implemented for areas of deficiency Results from latest HSE Climate Survey -undertaken May 2011 show improvement in all categories particularly workmates i fl influence and d risk i k taking t ki (previously ( i l undertaken d t k in i 2004) Better understanding of risk profile in business through robust audit and inspection regime Year-on-year improvements i i in near miss i reporting i 2006/07 - 298 2007/08 - 543 2008/09 - 946 2009/10 - 1319 2010/11 - 2175 2011/12 - 1401 (Apr-Sep)

OHSAS18001 clause requirements v safe and well

OHSAS18001:2007 Clause Reference 4.1 General requirements 4.2 OH&S policy 4.3 Planning 4.3.1 Hazard identification, risk assessment and determining controls Safe and well document(s) that addresses clause requirement The safe and well management system - scope defined in this document see section 1.3. OH&S Policy defined in this document see Section 2 and included within the Mgt. of Occupational Health and Safety - Policy section. Policy also available via angalinwater co uk The following Mgt. ofs include requirements for completing risk assessments: Contractors, DSE, Fire, Hazard Identification & Risk Control, Hazardous Substances (COSHH), New & Expectant Mothers, High Pressure Water Jetting, Legionella, Mechanical Lifting, Road Risk, Machinery, Young Persons at Work + specific Model Task and site Specific Risk Assessments e.g. Lone Working, Working at Height, Visiting Anglian Water Operational Sites etc. + COSHH assessments. Mgt. of Legal and Other Requirements + Legal Register, Safety Team Minutes. M t of Mgt. f Objectives Obj ti and d Plans Pl + Annual A l Statements St t t of f Intent, I t t Health H lth and d Safety S f t Plans. Mgt. of Occupational Health and Safety + responsibilities are defined within the procedure section of each Mgt of document. Training and competency levels are defined within the Supporting Information for each Mgt of + Mandatory health and safety training matrix on safe and well. HR p processes, , Mgt. g of Communication and Consultation + safe and well, , Workplace p Health and Safety Information Form, team meeting minutes. Mgt of: Communication and Consultation. Accidents & Near Misses, Hazard identification & Risk Control, Health and safety committees at all levels, minutes of meetings. Health and Safety Policy, this document, safe and well, Mgt. of Documentation and Document Control. Mgt. of Documentation and Document Control. Mgt. of Change, + all other Mgt. ofs. Mgt ofs: Fire, Mgt. Fire Hazardous Substances, Substances Confined Spaces Spaces, Toxic Gases, Gases First Aid Aid, High Pressure Water Jetting + Workplace Health and Safety Information Form + local emergency plans e.g. COMAH and site specific and emergency gas plans.

4.3.2 Legal and Other requirements 4 3 2 Objectives 4.3.2. Obj ti and d programme(s) ( ) 4.4 Implementation and operation 4.4.1 Resources, roles responsibility, accountability and authority 4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness 4.4.3 Communication, participation and consultation Communication Participation and consultation 4.4.4 Documentation 4.4.5 Control of documents 4.4.6 Operational control 4 4 7 Emergency preparedness and response 4.4.7

4.5 Checking 4.5.1 Performance measurement and monitoring Mgt. of Performance Measurement and Monitoring. 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance Mgt of Legal and Other Requirements. 4.5.3 Incident investigation, nonconformity, corrective/preventive action Incident investigation Mgt. of: Accidents and Near Misses, Internal Audits, Communication and g Consultation, Change. Nonconformity, corrective action and Mgt. of Internal Audit, Mgt. of Change. preventive action 4.5.4 Control of records Mgt. of Records. Type of record, retention periods and record custodians are detailed within the procedure section of each mgt of document. 4.5.5 Internal audit Mgt. of Internal Audit + internal audit programme. 4.6 Management review Mgt of System Review.


Certification bodies - final thoughts

They genuinely want you be successful with your certification Their job is not to find fault It Its s to assess your management system against the requirements of OHSAS18001 The work for you, not the other way round!! Dont Don t be afraid to request another assessor if necessary


A Any Q Questions? ti ?


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