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Spring 2013

Upsilon Deuteron is proud to have 7 newly initiated brothers from the Wabash Class of 2016 Bios: James Fritz- From the small town of Roselawn Indiana and a graduate of a class of only around 100 students from North Newton High School, I find myself feeling rather at home both on the small campus of Wabash and within Theta Delta Chi. Being initiated a little over two weeks ago is something that I can feel enormously proud of and am quite excited to begin becoming a more integral part of this fraternitys impact both on campus and off. On campus I am currently involved in the pre law society, the political science society, German club, Chinese club, and the W.A.R. council. I am intending to be a political science major and either a German or classics minor, with plans to attend law school to pursue corporate law. Bryce Kilian- My name is Bryce Kilian and I am from Huntingburg, IN. While in high school, I participated in tennis, swimming, and golf, along with several clubs and organizations. I maintained a 4.0 G.P.A. and I was the valedictorian of my class. Here at Wabash, my intended major is chemistry and my intended minor is economics. I aspire to attend graduate school after graduating from Wabash and I hope to become either a pharmacist or chemical engineer. I also play on the Wabash golf team. I am currently the IFC representative for our fraternity and I am pledging Alpha Phi Omega this semester. A goal that I have for our fraternity is to see our house G.P.A. increase so that we can maintain the highest average G.P.A. among fraternities on campus. My goal for myself is to eventually hold a position on the E.C. Steven Peters- In case you havent heard of me Im kind of a big deal. My name is Steven (not Steve) Peters from Roselawn, Indiana and recent initiate of Theta Delta Chi. I am a member of Parliamentary Union, W.A.R Council, and Astronomy Club. My intended major as of right now is Classics and I am contemplating minoring in German. My plan for the future is to attend Law School so that I can be buried under debt and eventually become a successful attorney, with that I also plan on making up for my performance in moot court earlier this year by winning gold next year. I hope to make myself a valuable member of Theta Delta Chi in the future and a valuable member of the Wabash community as a whole.

Brent Poling- Growing up in a small community throughout my life I have found myself going to the small school of Wabash and living in the tight-knit fraternity of Theta Delta Chi. Being a recent initiate into the fraternity, I have aspirations to hold more offices in the house above the current position I have as the website manager. In my career at Wabash I plan to be a biology major and minor in classics. I am part of WAR council, the Pre-Med society, and the paint ball club here at Wabash and plan to join German club and create an iGEM team for the school. Graham Redweik - For those who are concerned, my name is Graham Redweik, and I am a recent initiate of Theta Delta Chi at Wabash College. My intended major is Chemistry, and I plan on minoring in Psychology. I participate in WAR council, Chemistry Club, APO (which I am Secretary), Gear Up Program, and also the Wabash football team. I hold the office of IM manager for our fraternity. I plan on making up for the lack of women here at Wabash by becoming a neurosurgeon and continuing to be smashingly goodlooking. My likes include exercising and hanging out with my brothers, and I dislike prospects in letterman jackets. Adam Wadlington- My name is Adam Wadlington and I am a new initiate of Theta Delta Chi Upsilon Deuteron. I am from Indianapolis, Indiana and have lived there all my life. In Indianapolis I attended Lawrence North High School where I was guided to apply for Wabash College by my Principal and track coach. I have been given the honor to receive an education through Wabash College. I run track at Wabash College and am excited to be on my way to the NCAC conference meet in Ohio in March. At Wabash College I plan on being a Physics major and Math minor in coordination with the 3-2 program for Mechanical Engineering through Purdue University. Brian Wittman - Hello, my name is Brian Wittman. I plan on being a biology major here at Wabash. I'm from Evansville, Indiana. I am an Eagle Scout. After Wabash I will go to graduate school and study botany. I enjoy playing golf, and just about any outdoor activity on a warm, sunny day. I look forward to my coming years at Wabash and Theta Delta Chi.

Theta Delta Chi 7th Annual Preamble Institute

Sophomores Eddie Pingel and Corey Egler had the opportunity of attending PI and learning about being leaders in Theta Delta Chi at Delta Deuteron in Berkeley, CA. They were joined by Upsi Deut alums Bryan Arnold 09, Kyle OKeefe 08, and Jacob Surface 10.

Testimony from Eddie Pingel 15: On the weekend of January 18th-20th Corey Egler
and I had the pleasure of being flown out to Berkeley California to attend the annual Preamble Institute for Theta Delta Chi fraternity. I had only heard of PI through casual conversation, picking up on the fact that it was a leadership seminar in the context of fraternity, but never thinking much of it. I was nevertheless quite excited to get the chance to fly out with my pledge brother and relax in California for a weekend. I was to soon find out that my experience was to be far from relaxing. Upon arriving, we were immediately taken up by the beautiful scenery that the San Francisco Bay area has to offer, as well as the relatively warmer weather that we found ourselves in. After an hourlong subway ride into Berkeley, we walked to our hotel and waited until the opening meet-and-greet that night. During that dinner, we began to meet guys across the United States, and we began to see just whom we would be spending the next two days with. The quality of the men that represented the various charges of our fraternity blew me away. I was surrounded by a group of young men, ambitious young men, looking to improve and reform not just themselves, but their living situations within the fraternity as well. Each one of them was thoroughly invested in what was about to occur that weekend, because each one of them saw it as an opportunity to gain a valuable perspective on how to make their specific charge better. This was such an encouragement to me. We discovered that night that we would have very little free time over the weekend because of the amount of activities that were planned, and this only added to the energy. We spent the next two days engrossed in various topics ranging from our personal lives, the history and traditions of Theta Delta Chi, to team building activities. It was a long and exhausting weekend, but one that I will remember for a long time to come. I not only learned the tools of fostering a successful fraternity, but I also came away encouraged by all the ambition and drive that was present in each of the charge representatives, hopeful that they would return and bring with them the energy and passion I was witness to the entire weekend.

Mini Preamble Institute

A week after the 7th annual Preamble Institute, the brothers of Upsilon Deuteron held their own Mini PI, facilitated by alums Joel Bustamante 11, Jordan Ferguson 12, Jim Leuck 09, Kyle OKeefe 08, and Jacob Surface 11.

Testimony from Michael Hodge 13: Mini PI was a success. It managed to bring the
important aspects of PI to Upsilon Deuteron while allowing the people who were not able to attend PI to get a taste of what it is all about (despite the fact that they were not able to taste Phil Bazans delicious carne esada). We were able to see what our preamble meant in a more in depth fashion. It was not simply read through during a meeting; it was broken down and analyzed. The most informative session, though, came in the form of our alumni teaching us a different form of conflict resolution. It showed a way to confront others about issues without being aggressive which could encourage a stronger brotherhood. It was a great event and should be done again in the future

UPSI Deuts Add More to Sphinx Club!

Theta Delts add three more of its own to the Wabash College Sphinx Club as Zach Boston 15, Corey Egler 15, and Eddie Pingel 15 are now Ryhnes this semester. This is the most Rhynes that Theta Delt has had in one semester.

All Theta Delts will Graduate in 2013!

Seniors throughout the campus commented on how much of a relief it was to have passed comps after the College posted the results on February 13. However, comps are simply a rite of passage for all Wabash alumni. From the Theta Delts: Peter Santa Maria earned a distinction in chemistry; Joe Granger received a high pass in biochemistry; John Dykstra and Michael Hodge each received a pass in English literature; Alejandro Maya received a pass in History and Michael WIttman received a pass in biochemistry. All our seniors are preparing for life after graduation while remaining heavily involved in the Fraternity. Granger, Hodge, and Santa Maria have been applying for and visiting graduate schools. Dykstra is exploring a career in news and sports journalism. Maya will be teaching Middle/High School English in Tulsa, Oklahoma for Teach for America. Wittman plans on pursuing a job as a lab research assistant.

Upsilon Deuteron Officers Spring 13

President- Ian Baumgardner14 Vice-President- Josh Jones14 Treasurer- Matthew Bupp15 Corresponding Secretary- Corey Egler15 Recording Secretary- Eddie Pingel15 Rush Chairmen- Matthew Bupp15 & Joseph Sukup15 Social Chairmen- Corey Egler15 & Michael Hodge13 Philanthropy Chairmen- Eddie Pingel15 & Peter Santa Maria13 Student Senate Rep- Zach Boston15 IFC Rep- Bryce Kilian16 IM Manager- Graham Redweik16 House Manager- Peter Santa Maria13 Website Manager- Brent Poling16 Scholarship Chair- Josh Jones14

Contact Us!
President- Ian Baumgardner Vice-President- Josh Jones Treasurer- Matthew Bupp Corresponding - Corey Egler Recording- Eddie Pingel

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