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NoTz . x

Reign and Charactero] Mahometthe Second- Siege, Assault, and l_nal
Conquesto] Constantinoplebythe Turks -- Death o] ConstantinePal_-
ologus--Sertritudeo] the Greeks--Extilw.tlono] the Roman Empire in
the Eaa--Conslernationo] Europe-- Conquestsand Deatho] Mahomet
the Second
x45o--x452Character of MahometII. x
x45x-x48xHis Reign • • 4
x45xHostileIntentionsof Mahomet . 5
t452 He builds a Fortresson the Bosphorus 9
The TurkishWar xo
I452, I453 Preparationsforthe Siege'ofC_nstantinople x2
The greatcannonof Mahomet. x4
x453MahometII. formsthe Siegeof Co_tantinople" x6
Forcesof the Turks . x7
Greeks . 19
x452 False Unionof the Two Cl_urches 2z
Obstinacyand Fanaticismof the Greeks 2r
x453 Siegeof Constantinople by MahometH. 24
Attackand Defence . 26
Succourand Victoryof fourShips . 28
Mahomettransportshis NavyOverland 3a
Distressof theCity . 35
Preparationsof the Turks fortl_eGeneralAssault 36
Last Farewellof the Emperorand the Greeks. 38
The GeneralAssault. - 39
Death of the EmperorConstautmePal_eologns 44
Lossof the City and Empire . 45
The Turks enterand pillageConsta_tinopie 45
Captivityof the Greeks ..... 46
Amountof the Spoil . 49
M__hometILl.visitsthe City,St.'Soplfia,tl_ePaia¢_,etc. 5I
His Behaviourto theGreeks ..... 5a
He _-peoples and adornsConstantinople.... 54
x453 Extinctionof the ImperialFamiliesof ComneunsandPala_ologus 58
x46o Lossof the Morea 58
I461 Loss ot Trebizond
I453 Grief and Terror of ]_urope 6x59
t48I Death of Mahomet 11. 68

S_le o]Rome]rom the Twelfth Century-- TemporalDominionof thePopes
-- Seditionao/the City- PoliticalHeresyo] Arnoldo] Brescia-- Res-
torationo] the Republic--The Senators--Pride o] the Romans--
Their Wars--They aredeprivedo] the Electionand Presenceo] the
Popes, who retire to A_ignon--The Jubilee--Noble Families o]
Rome-- Feudo_the ColonnaandUrsini
iroo--i5oo Stateand Revolutionsof Rome 65
zooo-LtooThe French and GermanEmperorsof Rome 66
Authorityof thePopes in Rome 69
From Affection. 69
Right 7°
-- Virtue 70
Benefits. . . 7r
Inconstancyof Superstition 7_
Seditionsof Rome againstthe Popes 73
io86--i3o5Successorsof GregoryVII. 74
zo9o--zxx8Paschal11. 75
zzx8, Izz9 Gelasius1I. 75
xr44,1I45 Lucius II. 76
xz8x-zz85 Lucius IIL 76
zxz9-rI24 CalixtusII. 77
i18o-ii48 Innocent1"1. 77
Characterof the RomansI_ySt. Bernard 77
II4o PoliticalHeresyof Arnoldof Bresci_ 78
ii44-ix54 He exhortsthe Romansto restorethe Re )ublic 81
[Innocent II.,AnastasiusIV., Adrian IV. 82
1t55 His Execution . . 83
Restorationo1the Senate . 84
The Capitol 87
The Coin . 88
The Prefect of tlaeCity . . 88
Number and Choiceof the Senate 90
The Officeof Senator 9r
x252-I258 Brancaleone . 92
lr265--I278 Charlesof Anjou 94
128r PopeMartin IV.... 94
1328 The Emperor Lewisof Bavaria 95
Addressesof Rome to the Emperors 95
xz44 Conrad IIL 95
xr55 FredericI..... 96
Wars of the Romansagainst the neighbouringCities 1oo
zx67 Battle of Tusculum . io2
1234 . of Viterbo lto2
The E,/ectionof the Popes" 1o3
z179 Right of the Cardinalsestablishedby"AlexanderIII." 1o4
,274 Institutionof the Condave by GregoryX. xo4
Absenceof the Popesfrom Rome xo6
x294-x3o3 BonifaceVIII.. . xo8
x3o9Translationof the HolySe_to Avignon io9
x3oo Institutionof the Jubilee,or HolyYear ix1
z35o The SecondJubilee . . . xi3
The Nobles orBarons of Rome zx4
Familyof Leo the Jew xx6
The Colonna Ix7
And Ursini xz7
Their hereditary'Feucis x2x

Ctmracterand Coronationo] Petrarch--Restoration o] the Freedomand
Governmento] Rome by the Tribune Rienzi- His Virtues and Vices,
his Expulsionand Death--Re_urn o] the Popes/tom A_ignon--Great
Schismo] theWest-- Re-Uniono] theLatin Church-- Last Struggleso]
RomanLiberty- Statuteso] Rome-- Final Sett_nen_o]the F_.c.clesia_ti-
x3o4-x374Petrarch .... x23
x34x His Poetic Coronationat Rome 126
Birth, Character,and PatrioticDesignsof'Rienz.i x29
x344 BecomesNotaryof the CivicCamera x3o
x347 He assumesthe Governmentof Rome x32
Withthe Title and Officeof Tribune x33
Laws of the Good Estate . . . x33
Freedomand Prosperityof the RomanRe )ublic x36
The Tribune is respectedin Italy,etc. x37
AndcelebratedbyPetrarch I39
His Vicesand Foilies x39
The Pompof his Knighth°°d . x4x
AndCoronation . I43
Fearand Hatredof tl_eNobles of Rome 144
They opposeRienziin Arms . x46
Defeatand Death of the Colonna . I46
Fell and Flightof theTribune Rienzi x48
i347-I354 Revolutionsof Rome x49
Adventuresof Rienzi xSO
x351 A Prisonerat Avignon I5x
z354 Rienzi,Senatorof Rome . z52
His Death . x54
x355 Petrarchinvitesand upbraidsthe EmperorCharlesIV. I54
He solicitsthe Popes of Avignonto fix their Residenceat Rome x55
z367-x37oReturnof UrbanV.. x57
x377 Final Return of GregoryXI. x57
x378"HisDeath . I59
Electionof UrlmnVI" x59
Electionof ClementVII. . . i6o
1378-x4x8GreatSchismof the West x6a
Calamitiesof Rome . x62
x39_-z4o7. Negotiationsfor Peaceand Union . i63
_4o9 Councilof Pisa . . x6S
x4x4-x4x8Councilof Constance x6S
Electionof Martin V. x67
x4I7 MartinV. x67
x43_ EugeniusIV. I67
x447 NicholasV. . . i68
x434 Last Revolt of Rome 168
x452 Last Coronationof a GernlanEmperor,F'redencH/. x69
The Statutes and Governmentof Rome x69
:453 Conspiracyof Porcam x72
Last Disordersof theNoblesof'Rome x74
x5oo The Popesacquirethe absoluteDominion'ofRome_ x75
The EcclesiasticalGovernment x78
I585-z59o SixtusV.. x78


Prospecto] the Ruin_ o] Rome in the Fifleenlh Ccnlury_ Four Causeso]

Decayand Destruction_ F_ample o/the Coliseum_ _ion o/the
City -- Conclusiono! thewholeWork
x43o Viewand Discourseof Poggiusfromthe CapitolineHill i8e
His Descriptionof theRuins x83
Gradual Decayof Rome . z86
Four Causesof Destruction _87
I. The Injuriesof Nature . x87
Hurricanesand Earthquakes x88
Fires . x88
Inundations z89
II. The HostileAttacksof'the Barbariansand Chris:ians x9x
III. The Useand Abuseof the Materials x94
IV. The DomesticQuarrelsof the Romans z98
The ColiseumorAmphitheatreof Titus "o2
Gamesof Rome 204
z332A Bull-feastin the Coli_um 204
Injuries . . 206
And Consecrationof the Coliseum 207
Ignoranceand Barbarismof the Romans 2o8
I420 Restorationand Ornamentsof the City _io
Final Conclusion 2_3
Ar_.m>zx . . _x5
I_EX I., to Text .'. . a19
L,coEx II., to Appendices. . 387

THEBum_mcoF ROME. Frontispiece

Froma drawingbyJan Styka.
Froma paintingby T. Allom.
Froma portrait
by Tofanelli.
Froma portraitbyFraSebastiano
Froma photograph.


I HAVE again the pleasureof thankingProfessorStanley

Lane-Poole for his assistance. He has helped me to
revise chapters of the last two volumesdealing with ori-
ental history.
j. B.B.

andfinal Conquesto]Constantinople
by the Turks
Deatho] ConstantinePala_ologus--Servitude
o] the
Greeks-Extinctiono]theRomanEmpirein theEast
o] Europe_ Conquests
Mahomet theSecond
Tm_siegeofConstantinople bytheTurksattractsourfirst
attentionto thepersonandcharacterofthegreatdestroyer.
MahomettheSecondI wasthesonofthesecondAmurath;
sheismoreprobablyconfounded with
thenumerous concubines whopeopledfromeveryclimatethe
haremofthesultan. Hisfirsteducationandsentimentswere
thoseofa devoutMusulman;and,as oftenashe conversed
withan infidel,he purifiedhis handsandfacebythelegal
ritesof ablution.Ageand empireappearto haverelaxed
this narrowbigotry;his aspiringgeniusdisdainedto ac-
knowledge a powerabovehis own;andin hislooserhours
1Forthe characterof MahometII. it is dangerousto trusteithertheTurks
or the Christians. The most moderatepicture appears to be drawn by
Phranza (1.i. c. 33), whoseresentmenthad cooledin age and solitude; see
likewiseSpondanus (A.D.x45x, No. xx), and the continuator of Fleury
(tom. xxii. p. 552),the F_./og/a
of PaulusJovlus (1.iii. p. x64-x66),and the
Dictionnairede Bayle(tom. iii.p. 27a-a79). [Cp. Critobulus,i. 5, inMinUet,
Frag.Hist. Gr., v. part _; Zinkeisen,Gesch.d¢8o+rnp-ni_c.hen Rciches,ii.
468 sqq.]
VOL. XlI._ I |
he presumed(it is said)to brandtheprophetofMeccaasa
robberandimpostor.Yetthesultanpersevered in a decent
reverence forthedoctrineanddisciplineofthe Koran;_his
ear; andwe shouldsuspectthe credulityofstrangersand
so proneto believethata mindwhichis hardened
againsttruth must be armedwith superiorcontemptfor
absurdityand error. Underthetuitionof themostskil/ul
in thepathsofknowledge;and,besideshisnativetongue,it
is affirmedthathe spokeor understood fivelanguages/the
Arabic,the Persian,the Chalda_an or Hebrew,the Latin,
andthe Greek. The Persianmight,indeed,contribute to
hisamusement, andtheArabicto hisedification;andsuch
studiesarefamiliartotheOrientalyouth. In theintercourse
oftheGreeksandTurks,a conqueror mightwishtoconverse
withthe peopleoverwhomhe wasambitiousto reign;his
ownpraisesin Latinpoetry' orprose5mightfinda passage
Cantem/r(p,ix5), andthemoschswhichhe founded,attesthispublic
regardforreligion.Mahometfreelydisputed withthepatriarch
on thetworeligions (Spond.A.D. 1453,No. 22).
s Quinquelinguasprinter suamnoverat;Gmecam, Latinam,Chaldalcam,
Persicam.TheLatintranslator ofPhranzahasdropttheArabic,whichthe
Koranmustrecommend toeveryMusulman.[TheGreektextofPhranze._
i. 32 (p.95 ed.Bonn)has'Aaa.#uc_p. ThehistorianCritobulus (forwhom
seevol.ix. Appendixz)givesus themeansof criticisingth/sstatement
ofPhrantzes.Hesays(i.5, 2)thatMohnmmad wasthoroughly conversant
withArabicandPersianandhadstudiedGreekphilosophical works(Aris-
thisstatement, v. Io,4, anddescribes
thesultanstudyingthe cosmographical
diagramsof Ptolemy.Villoison(Noticeset extraitsdes Mannscrits,voL
viii.partii.p. 22)quotesfromadescription ofMobammad givenbyNicolaus
Sagund/nus toKingAlfonsoofAragon,inJan._453,thestatementthatthe
sultankeptbyhimtwophysicians, oneversedinLatin,theotherin Greek;
andtheyinstructed himinancienthistory.]
•Philelphns,bya Latinode,requested and obtainedthelibertyof his
wife'smotherandsistersfromthe conqueror of Constantinople.It was
delivered intothesultan'shandsbytheenvoysofthedukeofMilan. Philel-
phushimselfwassuspected ofadesigno!retiringtoConstantinople;yetthe
oratoroftensoundedthetrumpetofholywar(seehisLifebyM. Lancelot,
to the royalear; but whatuse ormerit couldrecommendto
the statesman or the scholar the uncouth dialect of his
Hebrewslaves? The historyand geographyof the world
werefamiliarto his memory; the livesof the heroesof the
East, perhapsof the West,6 excitedhis emulation; his skill
in astrologyis excusedby thefollyofthe times,and supposes
some rudiments of mathematicalscience; and a profane
taste forthe arts is betrayedin his liberalinvitationand re-
ward of the paintersof Italy.v But the influenceof religion
and learningwereemployedwithouteffecton his savageand
licentiousnature. I will not transcribe,nor do I firmly
believe,the storiesof his fourteenpages,whosebellieswere
rippedopen in searchof a stolenmelon; or of the beauteous
slave,whosehead he severedfromher body,to convincethe
Janizariesthattheirmasterwas not the votary of love.*His
sobrietyis attested by the silence of the Turkish annals,
in the Mdmoiresde l'Acaddmiedes Inscriptions,tom. x. p. 718, 724, &c.).
[The Letterof Philelphnsto Mohammad,xzthMarch,x454,is publishedin
his biographyby Rosmini(18o5), vol.ii. p. 305.]
6RobertValturiopublished at Verona,in 1483,his twelvebooks,de Re
Militari,in which he firstmentionsthe use of bombs. By his patronSigis-
mond Malatesta, prince of Rimini, it had been addressedwith a Latin
epistleto MahometII.
e Accordingto Phran_a,he assiduouslystudiedthe lives and actions of
Alexander,Augustus,Constantine,andTheodosius. Ihave readsomewhere
that Plutarch'sLivesweretranslatedby his ordersinto the Turkishlanguage.
If the sultan himseLfunderstoodGreek,it musthave been forthe benefitof
his subjects. Yet these Livesarea schoolof freedomas well as of valour.
[Crltobulus (i. 5, x) says that Mohammed's exampleswere Alexander,
Pompey,and Cmsar-- lr#t 'AX_/_av_v_p_ K,,IIIo_lr_tovtKalKz/capas_al
"roOtxal; _x_l_ovt
vThe famousGentileBellino,whomhe hadinvitedfromVenice,wasdis-
migo.ed with a chain and collar of gold, and a purseof 30ooducats. With
VoltaireI laughatthe foolishstoryof aslavepurposelybeheaded,toinstruct
the painter in the action of the muscles. [Bellini painted a portraitof
Mohammad,which is extant. It passed into the possessionof Sir Henry
Layard. For Bellini at the Sultan's court (i479-8o) see L. Thuasne,
Gentile Belliniet SultanMohammedII.]
[The storyis an invention,and is likewiserejectedby Thuasne(op.cil.
P. 53 sqq-),who points outthat a similarstorywas told aboutParrhasius
(see the elderSeneca'sControversiae, x. 5)-]
whichaccusethree,and threeonly,ofthe Ottomanlineof the
viceof drunkenness,g But it cannotbe denied that his pas-
sionswereat oncefuriousand inexorable;that in the palace,
as in the field,a torrent of bloodwas spilt on the slightest
provocation;and that the noblestof the captiveyouthwere
often dishonouredby his _mnaturallust. In the Albanian
war, he studiedthe lessons,and soonsurpassedthe example,
of hisfather; and the conquestof twoempires,twelveking-
doms,and twohundreddries,a vain and flatteringaccount,
is ascribed to his invinciblesword. He was doubtlessa
soldier,and possiblya general; Constantinoplehas sealed
his glory; but, if we comparethe means,the obstacles,and
the achievements,Mahometthe Secondmustblushto sustain
a parallelwith AlexanderorTimour. Underhis command,
the Ottomanforceswere alwaysmore numerousthan their
enemies; yet their progresswas boundedby the Euphrates
and the Adriatic; and his arms werecheckedby Huniades
and Scanderbeg,by the Rhodianknights,and by the Persian
In the reign of Amurath,he twicetasted of royalty,and
twicedescendedfromthe throne; his tender age was inca-
pableofopposinghis father's restoration,but never couldhe
forgive the vizirs who had recommendedthat salutary
measure. Hisnuptialswerecelebratedwith the daughterof
a Turkman emir; and, after a festivalof two months,he
departed from Hadfianoplewith his bride to reside in the
governmentof Magnesia. Beforethe end of six weeks,he
was recalledby a sudden messagefrom the divan, which
announcedthe deceaseof Amurathand the mutinousspirit
of the Janizaries. His speedand vigourcommandedtheir
obedience; he passed the Hellespontwith a chosenguard;

0These Imperial d_mk*rdswereSollm_nI., SelimII., and AmurathIV.

(Cantemir,p. 6I). The sophisof Persiacan producea moreregularsuc-
cession;and in thelast age ourEuropeantravellerswerethe witnessesand
and,at thedistanceofa milefrom_anople, thevizlrs
andemirs,theimamsandcaAhis, thesoldiers
fellprostratebeforethenewsultan. Theyaffected to weep,
theyaffectedto rejoice;he ascendedthe throneat the age
oftwenty-one years,andremovedthe causeof seditionby
thedeath,theinevitabledeath,ofhisinfantbrothers#° The
ambassadors ofEuropeandAsiasoonappearedto congratu-
latehisaccession,andsolicithisfriendship;and to allhe
spokethe languageof moderationand peace. The confi-
and fairassurances withwhichhe sealedthe ratification
thetreaty; anda richdomainonthebanksoftheStrymon
sandaspers,thepensionofan Ottomanprincewhowasde-
minedat hisrequestintheByzantine court. Yettheneigh-
boutsofMahometmighttrembleat theseveritywithwhich
a youtb/ulmonarchreformed thepompofhisfather'shouse-
hold;theexpenses ofluxurywereappliedtothoseofambition,
dismissedfromhisserviceorenlistedin his troops. In the
firstsummerofhisreign,hevisitedwithan armytheAsiatic
provinces;but,afterhumbling thepride,Mahomet accepted
the submission,of the Caramauian,that he mightnot be
divertedbythe smallestobstaclefromthe executionof his
TheMahometan, andmoreespeciallytheTurkish,casuists
havepronounced thatnopromisecanbindthefaithfulagainst
theinterestanddutyof theirreligion;and that the sultan

10Calapin,oneof theseroyalinfants,wassavedfromhiscruelbrother,and
baptisedat Romeunderthenameof CallistusOthomannus. The emperor
FredericHI. presentedhim with an estatein Austria, wherehe endedhis
life; and Cuspinian,who in his youth conversedwith the aged princeat
Vienna,applaudshis pietyand wisdom(de CAesaxibus, p. 67_, 673).
zlSeethe accessionof MahometII. in Ducas(c. 33),Phranza(1.i. c. 33,
L ii. c. 2), Chalcondyles(1.vii. p. I99 [P. 376, ed. Bonn]),and Cantem/r
(p. 96).
mayabrogatehisowntreatiesandthoseof hispredecessors.
Thejusticeandmagnanimity ofAmurathhad scornedthis
immoralprivilege;but hisson,thoughtheproudestofmen,
couldstoopfromambitionto thebasestartsofdissimulation
and deceit. Peacewason his lips,whilewar was in his
heart: heincessantly sighedforthepossessionof Constanti-
nople;and the Greeks,bytheirownindiscretion, afforded
= Insteadoflabouring
to be forgotten,
theirambassadors pursuedhiscamp,to de-
mandthe paymentand eventhe increaseof their annual
stipend:thedivanwasimportuned bytheircomplaints,and
the vizir,a secretfriendof the Christians,
to deliverthesenseofhisbrethren. "Ye foolishandmiser-
ableRomans,"saidCalil,"we knowyourdevices,and ye
areignorantof yourowndanger!the scrupulous Amurath
is no more; histhroneis occupiedby a youngconqueror,
whomnolawscanbindandnoobstaclescanresist; and,if
_zBeforeI enteronthe siegeofConstantinople,I shallobservethat,except
theshorthintsof CantemirandLeunclavius,I havenotbeen_ble to obtain
any Turkishaccountof thisconquest; such an accountas we possessof the
siegeof Rhodesby SollmanII. (M_moiresde l'Acaddmiedes Inscriptions,
tom. xxvi. p. 723-769). I must thereforedependon the Greeks, whose
prejudices,in some degree,axe subduedby theirdistress. Ourstandard
textsarc thoseof Ducas (c. 34-42), Phranza(1.iii. c. 7-2o), Chalcondyles
(I.viii.p. 2oz-214[p. 380s_q.,ed. Bonn]),and LeonardusChiensis(HistoHa
C.P. a Turco expugnat_e, Norimberghav, I544, in 4to,2o leaves[moreacces-
siblein Reusner'sEpistolzeTurcic_e,i. p. II3 sflq.,orintheChronicaTurdca
of Lonicerus,i. p. 315sq9.]). The lastof these narrativesis the earliestin
date,sinceit was composedin the isle of Chios,the i6th of AugustI453,
onlyseventy-ninedaysafterthe loss of the city,and in thefirstconfusionof
ideas and passions. Somehintsmaybe addedfroman epistleof Cardinal
Isidore (in FarragineReturnTurcicarum,ad calcemChalcondyl.Clauseri,
Basil,_556[andin Reusner'sEpistoL_Turdc,_,i. Io4])toPope NicholasV.,
and a tract of TheodosiusZygomaL% whichhe addressec_in theyearx58_,
to Martin Crusius(Turco-Gn_a, I. i. p. 74-98, Basil,xS84). The vaxi-
ons facts and materials are brieflythough criticallyreviewedby Spon-
darius(A.D.z453,No. 1-27). The hearsay-relationsof Monstreletand the
d/stantLatins,I shall take leave to disregard. [See for other authorities
whichyetdelaysthechastisement ofyoursins. Whydoye
seekto affrightus byvainand indirectmenaces ? Release
thefugitiveOrchan,crownhimsultan ofRomania;callthe
Hungarians frombeyondthe Danube;arm againstus the
vokeand precipitateyourruin." But, if the fearsof the
ambassadors werealarmedbythesternlanguage ofthevizir,
theyweresoothedby the courteousaudienceand friendly
speechesoftheOttomanprince;andMahomet assuredthem
that on his return to Hadrianoplehe wouldredressthe
grievances,andconsultthetrueinterests, oftheGreeks. No
soonerhad he repassedthe Hellespontthan he issueda
mandateto suppresstheirpensionandto expeltheirofficers
fromthebanksoftheStrymon : in thismeasurehebetrayed
an hostilemind; and the secondorderannounced, and in
somedegreecommenced, the siegeof Constantinople. In
the narrowpassof the Bosphorus, an Asiaticfortresshad
formerlybeenraisedby his grandfather:in the opposite
situation,ontheEuropeanside,he resolvedto erecta more
formidable castle;anda thousandmasonswerecommanded
to assemblein thespring,ona spotnamedAsomaton, about
fivemilesfromthe Greekmetropolis. TM Persuasion is the
theambassadors of theemperorattempted,withoutsuccess,
to divertMahometfromtheexecution of hisdesign. They
represented,thathisgrandfather hadsolicitedthepermission
IsThe situationof the fortress,and the topographyof the Bosphorus,are
best learnedfromPeterGyllius(de BosphoroThracio,[cp.p. x3-I 4]),
Leunclavius(Pandect.p. 445),and Tournefort(Voyagedans le Levant,tom.
if. lettrexv.p. 443,444); butI must regretthe map or planwhichTournefort
sent to the French ministerof the marine. The reader may turn back to
chap.xvii. [vol.iii.] of this history. [The buildingof the fortress is well
describedby Critobuhis,i. Io madxx (p. 59-62). The place is now called
P.umiliHissari,Castleof Rumella. The villageof Asomatonisthe modern
Arnautkiol,a little to thenorthof Bebek. CompareMordtmann,Belager-
ung und EroberungConstantinopels, p. x7, x8; Paspates,
_tX_,__-_K_o_"r.,p. 78 sqq.]
of Manuelto build a castleon his ownterritories;but that
this double fortification,which wouldcommandthe strait,
couldonlytend to violatethe allianceof thenations,to inter-
cept theLatins whotradedin the BlackSea,and perhapsto
annihilate the subsistenceof the city. "I formno enter-
prise," repliedthe perfidioussultan, "against the city; but
theempireof Constantinopleis measuredby her walls. Have
youforgotthe distresstowhichmyfatherwasreduced,when
you formed a leaguewith the Hungarians; when they in-
vadedour countryby land, and the HeLlespont was occupied
by the French galleys? Amurath was compelledto force
the passageof the Bosphorus; and yourstrengthwas not
equalto yourmalevolence.I wasthena childat Hadrianople;
the Moslemstrembled; and for a while the Gabours1_in_
sultedourdisgrace. But, whenmyfatherhad triumphedin
the fieldof Warna,he vowedto erecta forton the western
shore,and that vowit is my duty to accomplish. Have ye
the right,have ye the power,to controlmy actionson my
own ground? For that ground is my own: as far as the
shoresof the Bosphorus,Asiais inhabitedby the Turks,and
Europe is deserted by the Romans. Return, and inform
yourking that the presentOttomanis far differentfromhis
predecessors;that his resolutionssurpasstheirwishes; and
that he performsmorethan they could resolve. Return in
safety; but the next who deliversa similar messagemay
expectto be flayedalive." After this declaration,Constan-
tine,the firstof the Greeksin spirit as in rank,15had deter-
t, The opprobriousname which the Turks bestowon the Infidelsis ex-
pressedK,,flotJpby Ducas, and G4az_rby Leunclaviusand the moderns.
The former term is derived by Ducange (Gloss. Grmc.tom. i. p. 53o) from
in vulgar Greek a tortoise,as denoting a retrogrademotion from
thefaith. But, alasI Gabouris no morethan Gheber,whichwas transferred
from the Persian to the Turkishlanguage,from the worshippersof fire to
thoseof the crucifix(d'Herbelot,Bibliot. Orient.p. 375)-
_6Phranzadoes justice to his master's sense and courage: CaUiditatem
hominis non ignoraus Imperator prior anna movere constituit, and stig-
matises the follyof the curesacri turn profanlproceres,whichhe had heard,
amcntesspe van_pasci. Ducas was nota privycounsellor.
minedto unsheathethe sword,and to resistthe approachand
establishmentof the Turks on the Bosphorus. He was dis-
armed by the adviceof his civiland ecclesiasticalministers,
who recommendeda system less generous,and even less
prudent, than his own, to approvetheir patienceand long-
suffering,to brand the Ottomanwith the nameand guilt of
an aggressor,and to depend on chance and time for their
own safetyand the destructionof a fort whichcouldnot be
long maintainedin the neighbourhoodof a great and popu-
lous city. Amidsthope and fear, the fears of the wiseand
the hopes of the credulous,the winter rolled away; the
properbusinessof eachman, and eachhour, was postponed;
and the Greeksshut theireyesagainstthe impendingdanger,
till the arrival of the springand the sultan decidedthe as-
suranceof their ruin.
Of a masterwhoneverforgives,the ordersare seldomdis-
obeyed. On the twenty-sixthof March, the appointedspot
of Asomatonwas coveredwith an activeswarm of Turkish
artificers; and the materialsby sea and land werediligently
transportedfrom Europe and Asia.le The lime'had been
burnt in Cataphrygia;the timberwascut downin the woods
of Heracleaand Nicomedia; and the stonesweredug from
the Anatolianquarries. Each of the thousandmasonswas
assistedby two workmen;and a measureof twocubitswas
marked for their daily task. The fortress17was built in a
triangular form; each angle was flanked by a strong and

,t Instead of this clearand consistentaccount,the TurkishAnnals(Cante-

mir, p. 97)revivedthe foolishtale of the ox's hide, and Dido's stratagem in
the foundationof Carthage. These annals (unless we are swayed by an
antichrisfianprejudice)are farless valuablethan the Greekhistorians.
I_In thedimensionsof thisfortress,the oldcastleof Europe,Phranzadoes
not exactlyagreewithChalcondyles,whosedescriptionhas been verifiedon
the spotby his editorLeunclavius. [Phrantzes(p. 234) givesthe breadthof
thetowersa_25feet, and this nearlyagreeswith Critobnlus(, 4) whosays
"x2.cubits,"i.e.,24feet. Chalcondylessays 22feet, andDucas"30 spans,"
i.e., 22½feet. Cfitobulnsalone givesthe heightof the wall, ioo feet, and
addsthat insizethefortressresemblednota fortressbuta litre town(_roMx _).
sea-shore;a thicknessoftwenty-two feetwasassignedfor
coveredwith a solidplatformof lead. Mahomethimself
pressedanddirectedtheworkwithindefatigable ardour;his
themeanestlabourwasennobledbytheserviceof Godand
thesultan;andthediligence ofthemultitudewasquickened
bytheeyeofa despot,whosesmilewasthehopeoffortune,
andwhosefrownwasthemessenger of death. The Greek
emperorbeheldwithterrorthe irresistibleprogressof the
work;andvainlystrove,byflatteryandgifts,to assuagean
implacablefoe,who sought,and secretlyfomented,the
slightestoccasionof a quarrel. Suchoccasionsmustsoon
andinevitablybefound. The ruinsofstatelychurches,and
eventhemarblecolumnswhichhadbeenconsecrated to St.
Michaelthe archangel,wereemployedwithoutscrupleby
the profaneand rapaciousMoslems;and someChristians,
whopresumed toopposetheremoval,received
thecrownofmartyrdom.Constantine hadsoliciteda Turkish
guardto protectthefieldsandharvestsofhissubjects:the
guardwas fixed; but their firstorderwas to allowfree
pastureto themulesandhorsesofthecamp,andto defend
theirbrethrenif theyshouldbe molestedby the natives.
TheretinueofanOttomanchiefhadlefttheirhorsesto pass
the nightamongthe ripecorn: the damagewasfelt; the
insultwasresented;andseveralof bothnationswereslain
in a tumultuousconflict.Mahometlistenedwithjoyto the
complaint;and a detachmentwas commandedto exter-
minatethe guiltyvillage:the guiltyhad fled; but forty
innocentand unsuspecting reapersweremassacredby the
soldiers.Till this provocation,Constantinoplehad been
opento the visitsof commerce and curiosity:on the first
alarm,the gateswereshut; but the emperor,stillanxious
forpeace,releasedon the thirdday his Turkish captives, t*
and expressed,in a last message,the firm resignationof a
Christianand a soldier. "Since neitheroaths,nor treaty,
norsubmission,can securepeace, pursue,"said he to Ma-
homet,"your impiouswarfare. My trust is in God alone:
if it should pleasehim to mollifyyourheart, I shall rejoice
in the happy change; if he deliversthe cityinto yourhands,
I submitwithouta murmurto his holywill. But,until the
Judgeof the earthshallpronouncebetweenus,it is my duty
to liveand die in the defenceof my people." The sultan's
answerwas hostileand decisive; his fortificationswerecom-
pleted; and beforehisdepartureforHadrianoplehe stationed
a vigilantAga and four hundredJanizariesto levy a tribute
of the shipsof everynationthat shouldpasswithinthe reach
of their c_nnon. A Venetianvessel,refusingobedienceto
the newlordsof the Bosphorus,wassunk witha singlebullet.
The master and thirtysailorsescapedin the boat; but they
weredraggedin chains to the Porte; the chiefwasimpaled;
his companionswere beheaded; and the historianDucas1,
beheld,at Demotica,their bodiesexposedto the wildbeasts.
The siegeof Constantinoplewas deferredtill the ensuing
spring; but an Ottomanarmy marched into the Moreato
divert the force of the brothersof Constantine. At this era
of calamity,one of these princes,the despotThomas, was
blessedor afflictedwith the birth of a son, "the last heir,"
saysthe plaintivePhranza,"of the last sparkof the Roman
The Greeksand the Turks passedan anxiousand sleep-
:8AmongtheseweresomepagesofMahomet,so consciousofhis inexorable
rigourthat they beggedto losetheir heads inthe cityunlessthey couldreturn
:DDucas, c. 3S- Phranza (1.iii. c. 3), whohad sailedin his vessel,com-
memoratesthe Venetianpilot as a martyr. [Cp. NiccolbBarbaro,p. 2 (ed.
Cornet). OtherVenetianvesselsweremoresuccessfnl.]
:0Auctum est Palmologorumgenus, et Imperii successor,parvmque
Romanorumscintillmheres natus,Andreas, &c.(Phranza,1. iii. c. 7). The
strongexpressionwas inspiredby his feelings.

lesswinter: the formerwerekept awakeby their fears,the

latter by their hopes; both by the preparationsof defence
and attack; andthe twoemperors,whohad the mostto lose
or to gain, were the most deeply affectedby the national
sentiment. In Mahomet, that sentimentwas inflamedby
the ardour of his youth and temper: he amusedhis leisure
with building at Hadrianople,i the lofty palace of Jehan
Numa (the watch-towerof the world); but his serious
thoughtswere irrevocablybent on the conquestof the city
of C_esar. At the dead ofnight, about the secondwatch,he
started from his bed,and commandedthe instant attendance
of his primevizir. The message,the hour, the prince,and
his own situation alarmed the guilty conscienceof Calil
Basha,who had possessedthe confidence,and advisedthe
restoration,of Amurath. On the accessionof the son, the
vizirwasconfirmedin hisofficeand theappearancesoffavour;
but the veteranstatesmanwasnot insensiblethat he trodeon
a thin and slipperyice,whichmight breakunderhisfootsteps
and plungehim in the abyss. His friendshipfor the Chris-
tians,which might be innocent under the late reign, had
stigmatisedhim with the nameof GabourOrtachi,or foster
brotherofthe infidels;= and his avariceentertaineda venal
and treasonablecorrespondence,which was detected and
punishedafter the conclusionof the war. On receivingthe
royalmandate,he embraced,perhaps for the last time,his
wifeand children; filledup a cupwithpiecesofgold,hastened
to the palace,adoredthe sultan,and offered,accordingto the
Orientalcustom,the slighttributeofhis duty and gratitude?s
)zCantemir,p. 97, 98. The sultanwas either doubtfulof his conquest
or ignorantof the superiormeritsof Constantinople. A city ora kingdom
may sometimesbe ruinedby the Imperialfortune of their sovereign.
by thepresidentCousin,is translatedpbr¢nourricier,most
correctlyindeedfromtheLatinversion; but in hishastehe hasoverlooked
the noteby which IsmaelBoillaud(ad Ducam,c. 35) acknowledgesand
rectifieshis ownerror.
The Orientalcustomof neverappearingwithoutgiftsbeforea sovereign
or a superioris of high antiquity,and seems analogouswith the ideaof
"It is not my wish,"saidMahomet,"to resumemy gifts,
but ratherto heapandmultiplythemonthyhead. In my
turn, I ask a presentfar morevaluableand important,-
Constantinople." Assoonas thevizirhadrecovered from
his surprise,"The sarneGod,"saidhe, "whohasalready
giventheesolargea portionoftheRomanempire,willnot
denythe remnant,and the capital. His providence and
thy powerassurethy success;and myself,with therestof
thy faithfulslaves,willsacrificeour livesand fortunes."
"Lala" _ (orpreceptor),continued the sultan,"doyousee
thispillow? allthenight,in my agitation,I havepulledit
ononesideandtheother;I haverisenfrommybed,again
haveI laindown; yetsleephasnotvisitedthesewearyeyes.
Bewareof the goldandsilverof theRomans;in armswe
are superior;andwiththeaid ofGod,andtheprayersof
theprophet,weshallspeedily becomemastersof Constanti-
nople." To soundthe disposition of his soldiers,he often
wanderedthroughthestreetsaloneandin disguise;andit
wasfatal to discoverthesultan,whenhe wishedto escape
fromthe vulgareye. His hourswerespentin delineating
the planof thehostilecity; in debatingwithhis generals
and engineers,onwhatspothe shoulderecthis batteries;
onwhichsidehe shouldassaultthewalls;wherehe should
springhis mines;to whatplaceheshouldapplyhisscaling-
ladders;andtheexercises ofthedayrepeatedandprovedthe
Amongthe implements of destruction, he studiedwith
peculiarcarethe recentand tremendousdiscoveryof the

sacrifice,stillmoreancientand universal. Seethe examplesof suchPersian

gifts, ,__,lian,
Hist. Var. I. i. c. 3x-33.
._ The La/a of the Turks (Cantemir,p. 34) and the Taraof theGreeks
(Ducas, c. 35) are derived fromthe naturallanguageof children; and it
may be observedthat all such primitivewordswhich denote their parents
are the simple repetitionof one syllable,composedof a labial or dental
consonantand anopenvowel(desBro,3__s, M6ch_niqmedesLangues,tom. i.
p. 23x--'a47).
Latins; andhisartillerysurpassedwhateverhad yetappeared
in the world. A founderof cannon,a Daneor Hungarian,25
whohad beenalmoststarvedin the Greekservice,desertedto
the Moslems,and was liberallyentertainedby the Turkish
sultan. Mahometwas satisfiedwith the answerto his first
question, whichhe eagerlypressedon the artist. "Am I
able to cast a c_nnoncapableof throwinga ball or stoneof
sufficientsize to batter the wallsof Constantinople? I am
not ignorantof their strength,but, weretheymoresolidthan
thoseof Babylon,I couldopposean engineof superiorpower;
the positionand managementof that enginemust be left to
your engineers." On this assurance,a foundrywas estab-
lishedat Hadrianople:the metalwas prepared; and, at the
end of three months,Urban produceda pieceof brassord-
nance of stupendousand almostincrediblemagnitude; a
measure of twelve palms is assignedto the bore; and the
stonebulletweighedabovesixhundredpounds._ A vacant
place beforethe new palacewas chosenfor the firstexperi-
ment; but, to prevent the sudden and mischievouseffects
of astonishmentand fear,a proclamationwas issuedthat the
cannonwouldbe dischargedthe ensuingday. The explosion
was felt or heard in the circuitof an hundred furlongs: the
ball, by the force of gunpowder,was driven abovea mile;
and on the spotwhereit fell,it buried itselfa fathomdeepin
the ground. For the conveyanceof this destructiveengine,_7
"_[Orhan ('0pfla_) was a Hungarian;no authoritysays that he was a
Dane. Gibbonhas mistakenthephraseof Chalcondyles, whopedantically
describeshim as a "Dacian" (Ad_, p. 385,ed. Bonn. _flo_'_ is the
wordChalcondylesusesfora"gunner." StrictlyOrhanwasa_'_flokovotS_.]
x The Attictalentweighedaboutsixtymin_, or avoirdupoispounds(see
HooperonAncientWeights,Measures,&c.); butamongthemodemGreeks
that classicappellationwas extendedto a weightof one hundredor one
hundredand twenty-fivepounds(Ducange,Tdkarro_). LeonardusChiensis
measuredthehall orstoneof thesecondcannon: Lapidem,qui palmisun-
decim ex meisambihatin gyro. [The pa/ma, or span, beingreckonedat
8 inches,it is calculatedthat the ballwould haveweighedx456lbs.avoir-
dupois. Mordtmann,op. c/t. p. 36.]
[Accordingto ZorzoDolfin,Assedioe presadl Cpli§ i6 (Paspates,op.
c/_.p. x2on.) the cannonwas conveyedin pieces.]
a frameor carriageof thirtywaggonswaslinkedtogetherand
drawn alongby a team of sixtyoxen; two hundredmenon
both sides were stationedto poise and support the roiling
weight; twohundred and fiftyworkmenmarchedbeforeto
smooththe wayand repairthe bridges; and neartwomonths
were employedin a laboriousjourneyof one hundredand
fiftymiles. A lively2sphilosopherderides,on thisoccasion,
the credulityofthe Greeks,and observes,withmuch reason,
that we should alwaysdistrustthe exaggerationsof a van-
quished people. He calculatesthat a ball, even of two
hundredpounds,wouldrequirea chargeof one hundredand
fiftypoundsof powder; and that the strokewouldbe feeble
andimpotent,sincenot a fifteenthpart of the masscouldbe
inflamedat the samemoment. A strangerasI am to theart
of destruction,I candiscernthat the modemimprovements of
artillerypreferthe numberof piecesto the weightof metal;
the quicknessofthe fireto the sound,or eventhe consequence,
of a singleexplosion. Yet I dare not reject the positiveand
unanimousevidenceof contemporarywriters; nor can it
seemimprobablethat the first artists,in theirrude and am-
bitious efforts, should have transgressedthe standardof
moderation. ATurkish cannon,moreenormousthan thatof
Mahomet,stillguardsthe entranceof the Dardanelles;and,
if the use be inconvenient,it has been foundon a late trial
that the effectwas far from contemptible. A stone bullet
of elevenhundredpounds' weightwas oncedischargedwith
three hundredand thirty poundsof powder; at the distance
of sixhundredyards, it shiveredintothreerockyfragments,
traversedthe strait,and, leavingthe watersin a foam,again
roseandboundedagainstthe oppositehill._°
2sSee Voltaire(Hist.G_n_rale,c. xci. p. 294, 295). He was ambitious
of universalmonarchy; and the poet frequentlyaspiresto the name and
style of an astronomer,a chemist,&c. [Mordtmann(/oc. ¢/t.) saysthat
stone balls, measuringfrom 72 to 88 inches round,have beenfoundin the
Arsenal,in the wallsof Galata,and elsewhere.]
The Baronde Tort(tom. iii. p. 85--89),whofortifiedthe Dardanelles
WhileMahometthreatenedthe capitalof the East,the
ofearthandheaven.Buttheinvisible powersweredeafto
hissupplications; andChristendom beheldwithindifference
the fallof Constantinople,whileshederivedat leastsome
promiseof supplyfromthejeaJousand temporalpolicyof
thesultanofEgypt. Somestatesweretooweak,andothers
tooremote;bysomethedangerwasconsidered asimaginary,
byothersas inevitable:theWesternprinceswereinvolved
in theirendlessand domesticquarrels; and the Roman
pontiffwasexasperated bythefalsehood orobstinacyof the
Greeks. Insteadofemploying in theirfavourthearmsand
treasuresof Italy,NicholastheFifthhadforetoldtheirap-
proachingruin; andhis honourwasengagedin theaccom-
plishmentof his prophecy.Perhapshe wassoftenedby
thelastextremity of theirdistress;buthis compassion was
tardy; his effortswerefaint and unavailing;and Con-
stantinoplehadfallen,beforethe squadronsof Genoaand
Venicecouldsailfromtheirharbours, s° Eventheprincesof
theMoreaandoftheGreekislandsaffected acoldneutrality:
the Genoesecolonyof Galatanegotiated a privatetreaty;
andthesultanindulgedthemin thedelusivehopethat by
his clemency they mightsurvivethe ruin of the empire.
Aplebeiancrowd,andsomeByzantine nobles,baselywith-
richdeniedthe emperor,and reservedfor the Turks,the
secrettreasureswhichmighthaveraisedin theirdefence
wholearmiesof mercenaries, st The indigentand solitary
againstthe Russians,descn'besin a lively,and even comic,strainhis own
prowessand the consternationof the Turks. But that adventuroustraveller
doesnot possesstheart ofgainingourconfidence.
l0Non audivit,indignumducens, saysthe honest Antoninus; but, as the
Romancourtwas afterwardsgrievedand ashamed,we findthe morecourtly
expressionof Platina,in snimo fuissepontificijuvare Gr_cos,andthe posi-
tive assertionof .,EneasSylvius,structamdassem, &c. (Spond.A.D.x453,
No. 3)-
stAntonin. Epist._. Isidor.apud Spondanum;and
princeprepared,however,to sustainhis formidable adver-
sary; but,ifhiscouragewereequaltotheperil,hisstrength
wasinadequate tothecontest. In thebeginningofthespring,
the Turkishvanguardsweptthetownsandvillages as far
as thegatesof Constantinople: submissionwassparedand
protected;whateverpresumedto resistwasexterminated
withfireandsword. The Greekplacesonthe BlackSea,
Mesembria, Acheloum, and Bizon,surrendered onthefirst
summons;Selybriaalone_ deservedthehonoursof a siege
or blockade;and the bold inhabitants,whilethey were
coastofCyzicus,andsoldtheircaptivesin thepublicmarket.
prostrate;he firsthaltedat thedistanceoffivemiles;and
fromthenceadvancing in battle-array
ofApril,formedthememorable siegeofConstantinople.
leftfromthePropontisto theharbour;theJanizariesin the
frontwerestationedbeforethe sultan'stent; theOttoman
linewascoveredbya deepentrenchment; anda subordinate
armyenclosed thesuburbofGalata,andwatched thedoubtful
faith of the Genoese.The inquisitivePhilelphus,who
residedin Greeceaboutthirtyyearsbeforethe siege,is
confidentthatalltheTurkishforces,ofanynameor value,
Dr. Johnson, in the tragedyof Irene, has happily seizedthis characteristic
The groaningGreeks dig up the goldencaverns,
The accumulatedwealthof hoarding ages;
That wealthwhich, granted to their weepingprince,
Had rang'd embattlednationsat their gates.
'_[The Tower of St. Stephen,on the sea of Marmora,twohoursfrom the
city,was alsostormedand the garrisonbeheaded. Critobulns(i. 32)men-
dons thatMohammadhimself,afterhisarrival,stormedthefortsof Studion
andTherapeion; it is unknownwheretheywere. He also senthisadmiral
Paltoglesto capturethe fortof thePrince'sisland(/b.33). Thesefactsare
recordedby Critobulnsalone.]
VOL. Ill. -- 2
couldnot exceedthenumberof sixtythousandhorseand
twentythousandfoot; andheupbraidsthepusillanimity of
the nationswhohadtamelyyieldedto a handfulof Barba-
rians. Such,indeed,mightbethe regularestablishment of
the Capiculi,
_ the troopsof the Portewhomarchedwith
theprinceandwerepaidfromhis royaltreasury. But the
bashaws,in their respectivegovernments, maintainedor
levieda provincial
tenure;manyvolunteers wereattractedbythehopeofspoil;
andthesoundoftheholytrumpetinviteda swarmofhungry
andfearlessfanatics,whomightcontribute at leasttomultiply
theterrors,and in a firstattackto blunttheswords,of the
Christians.The wholemass of the Turkishpowersis
magnified by Ducas,Chalcondyles, and Leonardof Chios,
to theamountof threeof fourhundredthousandmen; but
Phranzawasa lessremoteandmoreaccuratejudge;and
Thepalatine troopsarestyledCa/rlculi,
mostofthenamesandinstitutions oftheTurkishmilitiaexistedbeforethe
CanonNamehof SolimanII., fromwhich,and hisownexperience, Count
Marsiglihas composed hisMilitaryStateof the Ottomanempire. [Mo-
hammadpitchedhisheadquarters on thehillof Maltepe,a shortdistance
fromthemiddlepartofthelandwall,oppositetothegateof St.Romanus
(TopKapussi)andthepartofthe wallknownas MyriandHon (cp.Mordt-
mann,Esquissetopographique de Constantinople,
p. 24). The Anatolic
army(underIsaac)wasonhisright,stretchingtothe seaofMarmora,the
Rumeliot (underKaratzas)onhisleft,towardstheGoldenHorn. A special
forcewascommitted to ZaganPasha,and postedbehindGalata,on the
groundwhichis nowPera,to watchthe Genoese;and Zaganwasalsoto
surveythebuildingofa bridgeacrossthe GoldenHornto thenorthpoint
of Constantinople(PortaCynegii,AiwanKapnssi).SeeCritobulus,i. 27
(P.75); N. Barbaro,p. 3o.-- Thenumbersofthebesieging armyaregiven
as follows:Phrantzes,258,ooo;Critobulus,over3oo,ooo(not counting
campfollowers,&c.); Chalcondyles,400,000;Ducas,over400,0o0(p.267),
items(p.283)amountto26o,ooo;Leonardus, over300,000;
N. Barbaro,z6o,ooo;theThrSnosofConstantinople, 217,ooo.Tedardi,a
Florentinewitness(for whoseworksee Appendix),nearlyagreeswith
Barharo; countingx4o,ooofightingmenand6o,oootraders,tailors,&c.,
whofollowed thearmyinhopeofgain(Informaciun, p. 2x). Mordtmann is
inclinedtoacceptthe numberofBarbaro;Hammer,that ofPhrantzes.It
istobeobservedthattherewerea largenumberof Christians intheTurkish
armyaccording toTedardi(theThr_nosgivesthenumberat30,000;1.752).]
A.,.,4so-,_q OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 19
his precisedefinitionof twohundredand fifty-eightthousand
doesnot exceedthe measureof experienceand probability. _
The navyof the besiegerswaslessformidable: the Propontis
was overspreadwith three hundredand twentysail; but of
theseno morethan eighteencouldbe rated as galleysof war;
and the far greaterpart mustbe degradedto the conditionof
storeshipsand transports,whichpouredinto the campfresh
suppliesof men, ammunition,and provisions. In her last
decay,Constantinoplewas still peopledwith more than an
hundredthousandinhabitants; but thesenumbersare found
in the accounts,notof war,but of captivity; and theymostly
consistedof mechanics,of priests, of women,and of men
devoid of that spirit which even women have sometimes
exertedforthe commonsafety. I cansuppose,I couldalmost
excuse,the reluctanceofsubjectsto serveona distantfrontier,
at the will ofa tyrant; but the manwhodaresnot exposehis
lifein the defenceof hischildrenand his propertyhas lost in
societythe firstand most activeenergiesof nature. By the
emperor'scommand,a particular inquiry had been made
throughthe streetsand houses,howmany of the citizens,or
even of the monks,were able and willingto bear arms for
their country. The listswereentrusted to Phranza;_ and,
after a diligentaddition,he informedhis master,with grief
and surprise,that the national defencewas reducedto four
thousand nine hundred and seventy Romans. Between
Constantineand his faithfulminister,this comfortlesssecret

s,The observationof Philelphusisapprovedby Cuspinianinthe yearx5o8

(de Cmsaribus,in Militi_Turcic_,p. 697). Marsigliprovesthat
the effectivearmiesof the Turks are much lessnumerousthan they appear.
In the army that besiegedConstantinople,LeonardusChiensisreckonsno
morethan zS,OOO Janizaries. [The usualstrengthof the Ottomanarmyon
animportantexpeditionwas aboutxoo,ooo.]
ssEgo eidem (Imp.) tabeUasextribui non absque dolore et m(_stiti_,
mansitqueapudnosduosaliisoccultushumerus(Phranza,1.ill c. 3)- With
someindulgencefornationalprejudices,we cannotdesirea moreauthentic
witness,notonlyof publicfacts,but of privatecounsels. [Thestatementof
Phrantzesas to thenumbersis confirmedbyTedardi.]
was preserved; and a sufficientproportionof shields,cross-
bows,and musketswas distributedfrom the arsenalto the
city-bands. Theyderivedsomeaccessionfroma bodyoftwo
thousandstrangers,underthe commandof John Justiniani,a
noble Genoese;_ a liberal donativewas advancedto these
auxiliaries; and a princelyrecompense,the isleof Lemnos,
was promisedto the valour and victoryof their chief. A
strong chainwas drawn acrossthe mouthof the harbour;8,
it wassupportedby someGreekand Italianvesselsofwarand
merchandise;and the ships of everyChristiannation, that
successivelyarrived from Candia and the Black Sea,were
detained for the publicservice. Againstthe powersof the
Ottomanempire,a cityof the extent of thirteen,perhapsof
sixteen,mileswas defendedby a scantygarrisonof sevenor
eight thousandsoldiers. Europeand Asiawereopen to the
besiegers;but the strengthand provisionsof the Greeksmust
sustaina dailydecrease; nor couldthey indulgethe expecta-
tion of any foreignsuccouror supply,s8
The primitiveRomanswouldhave drawn theirswordsin

[All these strangershad not come with Giustiniani;he brought7oo

(Barbaro,p. i3) orperhapsonly4oo(Critobulus,i. 25; Leonardus,p. 319).]
s_[Forthechainseeabove,vol.iii. p,94. A partof thechainis preserved
in the courtof the churchof St. Irene,and maybe seenfiguredin Mordt-
mann's EsquisseTopographique,p. 49. Cp. above,vol.x. p. 363-4.]
88[Sincethe fourth century,variousemperorshadimprovedthe fortifica-
tions of the city. Ilerac/ius had strengthenedthe Palace of BIachernon
the west(at the time of the Avar siege)by a new wail,betweenthe Tower
of Anemasand the Xyloporta; and Leo V. had built anotherwall outside
the wall of Hemclins. In the twelfth century Manuel Comnennsbuilt a
wall enclosingthe quartercalled Caligaria,fromthe Tower of Anemasto
the gateof Xylokerkos(or Kerkoporta). The Gate ofCaligaria(EgriKapu)
was in this newwall of Manuel. The ineffectivesiegeof Constantinopleby
_Muradin 1432moved John Palaeologusto repairand strengthenthe whole
outer line of wail, and inscriptionsrecordingthis are foundon the towers.
The fortificationson the seaside,the wailsalong the GoldenHorn and the
Propontis, weremainly the work o][Theophilusin the 9th century. It is
interestingtofind an inscriptionon a tower(nearthePorta Contoscali)stating
that it was repairedby GeorgeBrankovi[, Despot of Servia,in 1448. In
_453Georgecontributedtroopsto the armyof Mobammad.]
theresolution ofdeathorconquest.Theprimitive Christians
charitythestrokeofmartyrdom.Butthe Greeksof Con-
stantinople wereanimatedonlybythespiritofreligion,and
that spiritwasproductiveonlyof animosityand discord.
Beforehisdeath,theemperor JohnPala_ologus hadrenounced
theunpopular measureofanunionwiththeLatins;norwas
theidearevived,tillthedistressof hisbrotherConstantine
imposeda last trialof flatteryand dissimulation? 9 With
thedemandoftemporalaid,hisambassadors wereinstructed
to mingle the assuranceof spiritualobedience:hisneglect
of thechurchwasexcusedbytheurgentcaresof thestate;
andhis orthodox wishessolicitedthe presenceof a Roman
legate. The Vaticanhad beentoooftendeluded;yet the
signsof repentancecouldnot decentlybe overlooked;a
legatewasmoreeasilygrantedthan an army; and, about
sixmonthsbeforethefinaldestruction, thecardinalIsidoreof
Russiaappeared inthatcharacterwitharetinueofpriestsand
soldiers.Theemperor salutedhimasafriendandfather;re-
spectfuUy listened
themostobsequious oftheclergyandlaymensubscribed the
OnthetwelfthofDecember, thetwonations,in thechurchof
St.Sophia, joinedin thecommunion ofsacrificeand prayer;
andthenamesofthetwopontiffsweresolemnly commem-
orated: thenamesof Nicholas theFifth,thevicarofChrist,
and of the patriarchGregory,whohad beendriveninto
exilebya rebellious people.
Butthedressandlanguage oftheLatinpriestwhoofficiated
atthealtarwereanobjectofscandal;anditwasobserved with
horrorthat he consecrated a cakeor waferof unleavened
nInSpondanus, thenarrative
Thebishop ofPamiers diedin164a,andthehistoryofDucas,

A national historianacknowledges with a blushthat noneof

his countrymen,not theemperorhimself,weresincerein this
occasional conformity.*° Their hasty and unconditional
submissionwas palliatedby a promiseof futurerevisal; but
the best or the worst of their excuseswas the confessionof
theirownperjury. Whentheywerepressedbythe reproaches
of their honestbrethren,"Have patience,"they whispered,
"havepatiencetill Godshallhavedeliveredthe cityfromthe
great dragonwho seeksto devourus. You shall then per-
ceive whetherwe aretruly reconciledwith the Azymites."
Butpatienceis not theattributeofzeal; norcanthe artsof a
court be adaptedto the freedomand violenceof popular
enthusiasm. Fromthe domeof St. Sophia,the inhabitants
of eithersexandof everydegreerushedin crowdsto the cell
of themonkGennadius, '_to consulttheoracleof the church.
Theholyman wasinvisible;entranced,as it shouldseem,in
deepmeditationordivinerapture;buthehad exposedon the
doorof his cell a speakingtablet; and they successively
withdrew,after reading these tremendouswords: "0
miserable Romans] whywillyeabandonthetruth?andwhy,
insteadofconfidingin God,willyeput yourtrustin theItal-
ians? In losingyourfaith,you will loseyourcity. Have
mercyon me,O Lord! I protest,in thy presence,that I am
innocentof the crime. O miserableRomans! consider,
*0Phranza,one oftheconformingGreeks,acknowledgesthatthe measure
was adoptedonlypropterspem auxilii; he aifixmswith pleasurethat those
who refusedto performtheirdevotionsin St. Sophia,extraculpamet in
paceessent (1.iii. c. 2o).
HisprimitiveandsecularnamewasGeorgeScholarius,whichhe changed
for thatof Gennadius,eitherwhenhe becamea monk [in themonasteryof
the Pantokrator]or a patriarch. His defence,at Florence,of the same
union which he so furiouslyattackedat Constantinople,has temptedLeo
Allatius( Georgiis,in Fabric.Bibliot.Gra_c.tom. x. p. 76o-786)
to dividehiminto two men; but Renaudot (p. 343-383)has restoredthe
identityof his person,and the duplicityof his character. [Monographby
C. Sathas,I'_d_p'rLo_ _XoXdp_o_,
x865. On "the identityof this person"
cp. Dr_seke,Byzant.Zeitsch.iv. p. 3 0:895)• The writingsof Gennadius
arecollectedin Migne,P.G. t6o.]
pause,and repent. At the samemomentthat yourenounce
the religionof your fathers, by embracing impiety, you
submitto a foreignservitude." Accordingto the adviceof
Geanadius,the religiousvirgins,aspureasangelsand asproud
as demons,rejectedthe act of union and abjured all com-
munionwiththe presentand futureassociatesof the Latins;
and theirexamplewas applaudedand imitatedby the great-
est part of the clergyand people. From the monastery,the
devout Greeksdispersedthemselvesin the taverns; drank
confusionto the slavesof the pope;_ emptiedtheirglassesin
honourof the imageofthe holyVirgin; and besoughther to
defend against Mahometthe city which she had formerly
saved from Chosroes and the Chagan. In the double
intoxicationof zeal and wine, they valiantly exclaimed,
"What occasionhave we for succour,or union, or Latins?
far from us be the worshipof the AzymitesI" During the
winterthat precededthe Turkish conquest,the nation was
distractedby this epidemicalfrenzy; and the seasonof Lent,
the approachofEaster,insteadof breathingcharityand love,
served only to fortify the obstinacyand influenceof the
zealots. The confessorsscrutinisedand alarmed the con-
scienceof theirvotaries,mada rigorouspenancewasimposed
on thosewhohad receivedthe communionfroma priestwho
had given an express or tacit consentto the union. His
serviceat the altar propagatedthe infectionto the mute and
simple spectatorsof the ceremony; they forfeited,by the
impurespectacle,the virtueof theirsacerdotalcharacter; nor
was it lawful,even in dangerof suddendeath, to invokethe
assistanceof their prayersor absolution. No soonerhad the
churchof St. Sophiabeen pollutedby the Latin sacrificethan
it was desertedas a Jewishsynagogue,or an heathentemple,
by the clergyand people; and a vast and gloomysilence

a [UbertinusPusc_us (ii. 1. 498 $_., ed. F_ll_n, p. 36--,/)narratesthat

Gennadiussuborned a Bohemianheretic, who happenedto be in the city,
to stir up the peopleagainstthe Unionand inveighagainst the Pope.]
prevailedin that venerabledome,whichhadso oftensmoked
with a cloudof incense,blazedwith innumerablelights,and
resoundedwith the voiceof prayer and thanksgiving. The
Latinswerethe mostodiousof hereticsand infidels;andthe
first ministerof the empire,the great duke, was heard to
declare that he had rather behold, in Constantinople,the
turbanof Mahometthanthe pope'stiara or a cardinal'shat."
A sentiment so unworthyof Christiansand patriots was
familiarand fatal to the Greeks: the emperorwasdeprivedof
the affectionand support of his subjects; and their native
cowardicewas sanctifiedby resignationto the divinedecree
or the visionaryhopeof a miraculousdeliverance.
Of the triangle which composesthe figureof Constanti-
nople,the twosides alongthe sea weremade inaccessibleto
an enemy: the Propontisby nature,and the harbourby art.
Betweenthe two waters,the basisof the triangle,the land-
sidewas protectedby a doublewalland a deepditch of the
depthofone hundredfeet." Againstthis lineoffortification,
which Phranza, an eye-witness,prolongsto the measureof
sixmiles,_ the Ottomansdirectedtheirprincipalattack; and
the emperor,after distributingthe serviceand commandof
the most perilous stations,undertookthe defenceof the ex-
ternalwall. In the firstdaysof the siege,the Greek soldiers
descendedinto the ditch,or salliedinto the field; but they
soondiscoveredthat, in the proportionof their numbers,one
a cardinal'shat. The
oftheGreek andLatinhabits
Barharo,p.x4,I5,mentionsthatduringthelasttwoweeks of
March, aVenetian sea-captain
named Diedo,withthecrews ofhisvessels,
wasemployed bytheemperor todiga ditch
infrontofa portion
nearthePortaCa.ligaria(EgriKapu).Thiswasa weakspot.]
_sWeareobligedtoreduce theGreekmiles
tothesmallestmeasure which
is pre_rvedinthewersts ofRussia,of547Frenchtoi_es,andofxo4]to a
degree.Thesixmiles ofPhranzadonotexceedfourEnglishmiles
Mesures Itin6raires,
p. 6x,z23,&c.).[Cp.Critobulus,
i. 28;hegivesxa6
35forthesideoftheGolden Horn.Forthewallscp.above, vol.iii.p.xoo,

Christianwas of more valuethan twentyTurks; and,after
thesebold preludes,theywereprudentlycontentto maintain
the rampart with their missileweapons. Nor shouldthis
prudence be accused of pusillanimity. The nation was
indeed pusillanimousand base; but the last Constantine
deservesthe nameof an hero; his noble band of volunteers
wasinspiredwith Roman virtue; and the foreignauxiliaries
supportedthe honourof the Westernchivalry. The inces-
sant volleysof lances and arrowswere accompaniedwith
the smoke,the sound, and the fire of their musketryand
cannon. Theirsmallarmsdischargedat the sametimeeither
fiveor even ten balls of lead of the sizeof a walnut; and,
accordingto the closenessof the ranksand the forceof the
powder,severalbreastplatesand bodiesweretranspiercedby
the sameshot. But the Turkish approachesweresoonslml_
in trenchesor coveredwith ruins. Each day addedto the
scienceofthe Christians; but their inadequatestockof gun-
powderwas wasted in the operationsof eachday. Their
ordnancewas not powerfuleitherin sizeor number; and, if
theypossessedsomeheavycannon,theyfearedto plant them
on the walls,lest the aged structureshouldbe shakenand
overthrownby the explosionN The samedestructivesecret
had been revealedto the Moslems; by whomit was era-

,6At indiesdoctiores
qtuetamenavaredabantur. Pulviseratnitrimodica,
bombarda_,siademnt incommoditatelociprimum hostesoffendere
nonpoterant.N'am siqu_emagn_e
emnt,nemurus con-
quiescebant.Thispassage ofLeonardusChiensis
andimportant.[TheTurkshaddirected twelvelargecannons(apartfrom
againstthelandwall:threeagainst theTekfour
SemiPalace, fouragainsttheGateofRomanus, threeagainst
Selymbria,andtwoagainst the Golden Gate.TheGateof Romanns,
which thegreatcannon (whichwasnamed theB_ilica)wasset,is
hencecalledTopKapussi, "Cannon Gate."Thereader should observe
thatbetween theGolden GateandBlachernae therewerefourchiefgates
inthisorder:PortaSelymbriae(orPegana), PortaRusii(orR.hegiJ),
S.Romani, andPortaChaHsii (orCharseae: thesameastheGateofHa-
drianople).Themostdangerous andimportant postattheS.Romanus


ployedwiththe superiorenergyof zeal,riches,and despotism.

The great c_nnonof Mahomethas been separatelynoticed:
an important and visibleobjectin the historyof the times;
but that enormousenginewas flankedby two fellowsn]rnost
of equalmagnitude;_7the longorder of the Turkishartillery
waspointedagainstthe walls; fourteenbatteriesthunderedat
once on the most accessibleplaces; and of one of theseit
is ambiguouslyexpressedthat it was mounted with one
hundred and thirty guns,or that it dischargedone hundred
and thirty bullets. Yet, in the power and activityof the
sultan,wemaydiscernthe infancyofthenewscience. Under
a master whocountedthe moments,the great cannoncould
be loadedand firedno more than seventimesin one day?8
The heated metal unfortunatelyburst; several workmen
weredestroyed; and the skillof an artist wasadmired,who
bethoughthimselfof preventingthe dangerand the accident,
by pouringoil, after each explosion,into the mouth of the
Thefirst randomshots wereproductive ofmoresound
than effect; and it was by the adviceof a Christianthat the
engineerswere taught to level their aim against the two
oppositesides of the salientanglesof a bastion.** However
imperfect,the weightand repetitionof the firemade some
impressionon the walls; and the Turks, pushingtheir ap-
proachesto the edgeof the ditch,attemptedto fillthe enor-
Gatewasdefended by3ooomen(including 50oGenoese),underthecom-
mandof theEmperorand Giustiniani,whoweresupported
by Don Francisco
of Toledo,a relativeof theEmperor.l
a Accordingto Chalcondylesand Phranza, the great cannon burst: an
accidentwhich,accordingto Ducas, was preventedby the artist'sskill. It
is evidentthat theydo not speak of the same gun.
48Near an hundredyears after the siegeof Constantinople,the French
and Englishfleetsin the Channelwereproud of firing30oshotinan engage-
ment of two hours(Mdmoiresde Martin du Bellay,I. x. in the Collection
Gdndrale,tom. xxi.p. 239).
o [The Christianwho gave the advice was an envoyof John tiunyady.
,.v.,4so-x48q OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 27
mouschasmand to build a road to the assault,s° Innumer-
able fascinesand hogsheadsand trunksof treeswereheaped
on each other; and such was the impetuosityof the throng
that the foremostandthe weakestwerepushedheadlongdown
the precipiceand instantly buried under the accumulated
mass. To fill the ditch was the toil of the besiegers; to
clearawaythe rubbishwas the safetyof the besieged;and,
after a long and bloodyconflict,thewebthat had beenwoven
in the day was still unravelledin the night. The next re-
sourceof Mahometwasthepracticeofmines; butthe soilwas
rocky; in everyattempthe wasstoppedand underminedby
the Christianengineers;nor had the art been yet invented
of replenishingthosesubterraneouspassageswithgunpowder
and blowingwholetowersand cities into the air.5_ A cir-
cumstancethat distinguishesthe siegeof Constantinopleis
thereunionofthe ancientand modernartillery.The cannon
wereintermingledwith the mechanicalenginesfor casting
stones and darts;u the bullet and the battering-ramwere
directedagainst the same walls; nor had the discoveryof
gunpowdersupersededthe useof theliquidand unextinguish-
able fire. A woodenturret of the largestsize wasadvanced
on rollers; thisportablemagazineofammunitionand fascines
wasprotectedby a threefoldcoveringof bulls'hides; inces-
sant volleysweresecurelydischargedfromthe loop-holes;
in thefront,threedoorswerecontrivedforthe alternatesally

ssI haveselected
andobstinateeloquenceoftheAbb6 deVertot, inhisprolixdescriptions
thesiegesofRhodes, Malta,&c. Butthatagreeablehistorianhada turn
forromance,and,ashewrote topleasetheOrder,hehasadopted thesame
ofenthusiasm andchivalry.
stThefirsttheoryofmines withgunpowder appearsin x48o,
ina MS.of
George ofSienna(Tkaboschi,
in x487;butthehonour andimprovement inI5o3isascribed
toPeterofNavarre, whousedthemwithsuccess inthewarsofItaly(Hist.
delaLigue deCambray, tom.ii.p.93-97)-
st[Cp.Blanchin andTedardi, Informacion,p. 22(forthisworksee
andretreat ofthesoldiers andworkmen.Theyascended by
astaircase totheupper platform,and, ashigh asthelevel of
that platform, ascaling-ladder could beraised bypulleys to
forma bridge andgrapple with theadverse rampart. By
these various arts ofannoyance, someasnewasthey were
perniciousto the Greeks,the towerof St. Romanus was at
lengthoverturned; after a severe struggle,the Turks were
repulsedfrom the breach and interruptedby darkness; but
theytrusted that with the return of light they shouldrenew
the attack with fresh vigour and decisivesuccess. Of this
pause of action, this interval of hope, each momentwas
improvedby the activityof the emperorand Justiniani,who
passedthe night on the spot, and urgedthe labourswhich
involvedthe safetyof the church and city. At the dawn of
day, the impatient sultan perceived,with astonishmentand
grief,that his woodenturret had been reducedto ashes: the
ditch was cleared and restored; and the tower of St. Ro-
manuswas againstrongand entire. He deploredthe failure
of his design; and uttered a profaneexclamationthat the
wordof the thirty-seventhousandprophetsshould not have
compelledhim to believe that such a work, in so short a
time, should have been accomplishedby the infidels.
The generosityof the Christian princes was cold and
tardy; but, in the firstapprehensionof a siege,Constantine
had negotiated,in the isles of the Archipelago,the Morea,
and Sicily,the mostindispensablesupplies. As early as the
beginningof April,five_ great ships,equippedformerchan-
*"It is singularthat the Greeksshouldnotagreein thenumberof these
illustriousvessels; the five of Ducas, the/our of Phranzaand Leonarflus
[and Barbaroand Pusculus],and the avo of Chalcondyles[andSad ad-Din,
ii. p. x37],must be extendedto the smaller,or confinedto the larger,size.
Voltaire,in givingoneoftheseshipstoFredericHI., confoundstheemperors
of the East and West. [Critobulusdoes notmentionthe Imperialship but
only the threeItalian ships, which, he says, were sent by the Pope with
provisionalhelp till he should preparea largearmament,i. 39- Ducas
describesthem as Genoesemerchantvessels. The date of the engagement
isknownfromBarbaro(p. 23,24), whosuppliesthechronology of the siege.]
dise and war, wouldhave sailedfromthe harbour of Chios,
had not the wind blownobstinatelyfrom the north,r_ One
of these ships bore the Imperial flag; the remainingfour
belongedto the Genoese; and they wereladen with wheat
and barley, with wine,oil, and vegetables,and, aboveall,
with soldiersand mariners, for the serviceof the capital.
Mter a tediousdelay,a gentlebreeze,and,on thesecondday,
a strong gale from the south, carried them through the
Hellespontand the Propontis; but the city was alreadyin-
vestedby seaand land; and the Turkishfleet,at theentrance
of the Bosphorus,was stretchedfromshoreto shore,in the
formof a crescent,tointercept,or at leasttorepel,thesebold
_ The readerwhohas presentto his mind the
geographicalpicture of Constantinople,will conceiveand
admire the greatnessof the spectacle. The five Christian
ships continuedto advancewith joyfulshouts, and a full
pressboth of sails and oars, againstan hostilefleetof three
hundredvessels;m and the rampart,the camp,thecoastsof
Europeand Asia were lined with innumerablespectators,
whoanxiouslyawaitedtheeventof thismomentoussuccour.
At the first view,that eventcouldnot appeardoubtful: the
superiorityof the Moslemswas beyondall measureor ac-
count; and, in a calm, their numbers and valour must
inevitablyhave prevailed. But their hasty and imperfect
navyhad been created,not by the geniusof the people,but
r_In bold defiance,or rather in grossignorance,of languageand geog-
raphy,the presidentCousindetainsthem at Chioswith a south,and wafts
them to Constantinoplewith a north, wind.
s5[The fleethad arrivedonAprilt2 (a smallpart of it had arrivedearlier,
on the same day as Mohammad,April 2, accordingto Phrantzes,p. 237).
It weighedanchor, andmade its headquarters,at Diplokionion,nowBeshik
Tash, on the Thracian side of the Bosphorusat a short distancenorth of
the mouth of the GoldenHorn.]
_e[Our authoritiesgive veryvariousstatementsas to the strengthof the
Turkish fleet. Critobulus(i. _2) says 350(not countingshipsof freight);
Phrantzes, 48o (comparingp. _37with p. 239ed. Bonn); Marino Sanuto
(Muratori, S.R.I.xxii.H48),375;Leonardus,'. 250;Chalcondyles,230;
by the will of the sultan. In the heightof theirprosperity,
the Turks have acknowledgedthat, if God had giventhem
the earth,he had leftthe seato the infidels;sTand a seriesof
defeats,a rapid progressof decay,has establishedthe truth
of their modestconfession. Except eighteengalleysof some
force,the rest of their fleet consistedof open boats, rudely
constructedand awkwardlymanaged,crowdedwith troops
and destituteof cannon; and,sincecouragearisesin a great
measurefrom the consciousnessof strength,the bravest of
the Janizaries might tremble on a new element. In the
Christian squadron,five stout and lofty ships were guided
by skilfulpilots,and mannedwith the veteransof Italy and
Greece, long practised in the arts and perils of the sea.
Their weightwas directed to sink or scatter the weak ob-
staclesthat impededtheir passage; their artilleryswept the
waters; their liquidfirewaspouredon the headsofthe adver-
saries who, with the designof boarding,presumedto ap-
proach them; and the winds and wavesare alwayson the
sideof the ablest navigators. In this conflict,the Imperial
vessel,whichhad been almostoverpowered,was rescuedby
the Genoese;but the Turks, in a distant and closerattack,
were twice repulsed with considerable loss. Mahomet
himselfsat on horsebackon the beach, to encouragetheir
valour by his voiceand presence,by the promiseof reward,
and by fear more potent than the fear of the enemy. The
passionsof his soul, and eventhe gestures of his body,ss
s7The perpetualdecay and weaknessof the Turkish navy may be ob-
served in Rycaut (State of the Ottoman Empire, p. 372-378),Th_venot
(Voyages,p. i. p. 229"-_42),and Tott (M6moires,tom. iii.); the last of
whomis alwayssolicitousto amuseand amaze his reader.
ssI must confessthat I have before my eyes the living picturewhich
Thucydides(1. vii. c. 7x) has drawn of the passionsand gestures of the
Atheniansin a navalengagement in the greatharbourof Syracuse. [Mordt-
rn_nn,Belagerung,p. x38, n. x7, thlnk.qthat the spot where Motmmm_d
lookedon at the conflictwas Zeitin Burnou,at a quarterof an hour'sdis-
tancefromthe SevenTowers(at the Golden Gate); at this point thesea
A.v._45o-x48_] OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 3I
seemedto imitatethe actionsofthe combatants;and,as if
hehadbeenthelordofnature,he spurredhishorsewitha
fearlessand impotenteffortintothe sea. His loud re-
proaches,andtheclamours ofthecamp,urgedtheOttomans
toa thirdattack,morefatalandbloodythanthetwoformer;
andI mustrepeat,thoughI cannotcredit,theevidenceof
abovetwelvethousandmenin the slaughterof the day.59
Theyfledindisorderto theshoresofEuropeandAsia,while
the Christiansquadron,triumphantand unhurt,steered
alongtheBosphorus andsecurely anchoredwithinthechain
of theharbour. In theconfidence ofvictory,theyboasted
that the wholeTurkishpowermusthaveyieldedto their
arms; buttheadmiral,or captain-bashaw, foundsomecon-
solationfora painfulwoundinhiseye,byrepresenting that
accidentas the causeof his defeat. BalthaOgli wasa
renegadeof theraceofthe Bulgarianprinces;hismilitary
characterwas taintedwith the unpopularviceof avarice;
and,underthedespotism oftheprinceorpeople,misfortune
is a sut_cientevidenceofguilt. Hisrankandservices were
annihilatedbythe displeasure of Mahomet.In theroyal
presence,thecaptain-bashaw wasextendedon the ground
byfourslaves,andreceived onehundredstrokeswitha golden
rod;6°his deathhadbeenpronounced;andhe adoredthe
clemency of the sultan,whowassatisfiedwiththe milder
punishment of confiscation
andexile. Theintroduction of
supinenessof their Westernallies. Amidstthe desertsof

givesmore reasonable
fromtheTurkishpointofview, mayhave beeninclined
losses.Hesaysthata littlemo_e thanxoowere
andmore than3oowounded.]
orcorrupt textofDucas (e.38),this
thearmofMahomet andbruise
Anatolia and the rocks of Palestine, the m_llionsof the
crusadeshad buffedthemselvesin a voluntaryand inevitable
grave; but the situation of the Imperial city was strong
against her enemies,and accessibleto her friends; and a
rational and moderate armament of the maritime states
might have savedthe relicsof the Roman name and main-
tained a Christianfortressin the heart of the Ottomanem-
pire. Yetthis wasthe soleandfeebleattemptfor thedeliver-
ance of Constantinople; the more distant powers were
insensibleof its danger; and the ambassadorof Hungary,
or at least of Htmiades,resided in the Turkish camp, to
removethe fears, and to directthe operations,of the sultan.*t
It wasdifficultfor the Greeksto penetratethe secretof the
divan; yet the Greeksare persuadedthat a resistance,so
obstinateand surprising,had fatiguedthe perseveranceof
Mahomet. He began to meditate a retreat, and the siege
wouldhavebeen speedilyraised,if the ambitionandjealousy
of the secondvizir had not opposedthe perfidiousadviceof
Calil Bashaw,who still maintaineda secret correspondence
with the Byzantinecourt. The reduction of the city ap-
peared to be hopeless,unlessa doubleattack could be made
fromthe harbour as wellas from the land; but the harbour
was inaccessible: an impenetrablechain was now defended
by eight largeships,morethan twentyof a smallersize,with
several galleys and sloops; and, instead of forcing this
barrier, the Turks might apprehenda naval sally and a
second encounterin the open sea. In this perplexity,the
geniusof Mahometconceivedand executeda plan of a bold
Ducas, who confesseshimself ill informedof the affairs of Hungary,
assignsa motiveof superstition,a fatal beliefthat Constantinoplewouldbe
the termofthe Turkishconquests. SeePhranza(I.ill.c. 20)and Spondanus.
[The Hungarianenvoyhad come to announcethat Hunyadyhad resigned
the governmentto Ladislaus,the youngking, and to returnthe document,
in which a truce betweenTurkeyand Hungaryhad been signedin r45x,
andaskforthecounterpart which hadbeensigned byHunyady.Theem-
bassy wasthusa moveintended tosuggest toMohammadthat Hungary'
raightcometo the rescueof the Emperor.]
and marvellous cast,s3of transportingby land his lighter
vesselsand militarystoresfromthe Bosphorusintothe
higherpartoftheharbour. Thedistanceisabouttenmiles;
the groundis uneven,and was overspreadwith thickets;
: and, as the road must be openedbehindthe suburbof
Galata,theirfreepassageor totaldestruction mustdepend
ontheoptionof theGenoese. a Buttheseselfishmerchants
wereambitiousof the favourof beingthe last devoured;
and the deficiencyof art wassuppliedby the strengthof
obedientmyriads. A levelwaywascoveredwitha broad
platformof strongandsolidplanks; andto renderthem
sheepand oxen. Fourscore _ lightgalleysandbrigantines
offiftyandthirtyoarsweredisembarked ontheBosphorus
shore;arrangedsuccessively onrollers; anddrawnforwards
stationedat thehelmandtheprowofeachvessel;thesails
wereunfurledto thewinds;andthelabourwascheeredby
songandacclamation.In thecourseofa singlenight,this
andwaslaunchedfromthedeclivityintotheshallow waters
of theharbour,farabovethemolestation ofthedeeperves-
selsof theGreeks. The real importance of thisoperation
wasmagnified bytheconsternation andconfidence whichit
inspired;but the notorious,unquestionable fact was dis-
'_[N. Barbarosaysthat theidea was suggestedto the Sultanbya Chris-
la[Starting fromDiplokionion(BeshaTktash) the ship sailedup theh_ of
Staurodromion, anddescendedto the littlebayof Kasimpashain the Golden
Horn. See Paspates,op. dr. x36. We do not know how longbefore its
executionthe plan had beenprepared. The distancewas betweentwoand
three miles. The best descriptionof the transport of the vesselsis given
by Cdtohulus,i. 42. Accordingto Michaelthe Janissary(for his Memoirs
see Appendix)"the batterieskept up an incessantcannonadethat night,"
to distractattention (Mijatovich,Constantine,Last Emperorof the Greeks,
p. I63).]
o,[The numberof shipsis givenbyBarbaroas 72,byTedardias between
70 and 80, by Critobulusas 67 (Chalcondyles7o, Ducas 80).]
played beforethe eyes,and is recordedby the pens, of the
two nations._ A similar stratagem had been repeatedly
practised by the ancients;_ the Ottoman galleys(I must
again repeat) should be consideredas large boats; and, if
we comparethe magnitudeand the distance,the obstacles
and the means, the boasted miracle67 has perhaps been
equalledby the industry of our own times,es As soon as
Mahomethad occupiedthe upper harbour with a fleetand
army, he constructed,in the narrowestpart, a bridge, or
rather mole,of fiftycubits in breadth and one hundredin
length; it was formedof casksand hogsheads,joined with
rafters linked with iron, and covered with a solid floor.
On this floatingbattery heplantedone of hislargestcannon,
whilethe fourscoregalleys,with troopsand scaling-ladders,
approachedthe most accessibleside, which had formerly
been stormed by the Latin conquerors. The indolenceof
the Christianshas been accused for not destroyingthese
,mfinlshedworks; but their fire, by a superiorfire, was
controlledand silenced; nor weretheywantingin a nocturnal
attempt to burn the vesselsas well as the bridgee_of the

The unanimoustestimonyof the fourGreeksis confirmedby Cantem/r

(p. 96)fromthe Turkishannals; butI couldwish to contractthe distance
of ten miles,and to prolongthe termof one night.
**Phranzarelatestwo examplesof a similartransportationover the six
m_es of the isthmusof Corinth: the one fabulous,of Augustusafter the
hattie of Actium; the othertrue, of Nicetas, a Greek general,in the xth
century. To these he might have addeda bold enterpriseof Hannibal, to
introducehis vesselsinto the harbourof Tarentum (Polybius,1.viii. p. 749,
edit. Gronov [c. 36]). [Cp. also Thucydides,iii. xS; 8z; iv. 8; and the
draggingof the Syracusanfleetof DionysiusI., overthe isthmusof Motya,
a distanceof 2½miles, on a woodenroad (Diodorus,xiv. 5o; Polyaenus,
e7A Greekof Candia,who had served the Venefiansin a similar under-
taking (Spond. A.v.x438,No. 37), mightpossiblyhe the adviserand agent
of Mahomet.
esI particularlyalludetoour ownembarkationsonthe lakesof Canada,in
the yearsx776and I777, so greatin the labour,so fruitlessin the event.
e0[Barbarostatesthat the bridgewas notcompletedtill Mayx9; andhe
placesthisattemptto burnthe vesselson April28. GibbonfollowsPhrant-
^.D.,4so-_q OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 35
sultan. Hisvigilancepreventedtheirapproach;theirfore-
mostgalliotsweresunkor taken;fortyyouths,thebravest
ofItalyand Greece,wereinhumanlymassacred at hiscom-
mand; norcouldtheemperor'sgriefbeassuaged bythejust
of twohundredandsixtyMusulmancaptives.Aftera siege
offortydays,thefateof Constantinople couldnolongerbe
averted. The diminutivegarrisonwas exhaustedby a
doubleattack; thefortifications,
whichhad stoodfor ages
thegateofSt. Romanusfourtowershadbeenlevelledwith
theground. 7° Forthe paymentofhisfeebleandmutinous
troops,Constantine wascompelled to despoilthechurches,
withthepromiseof a fourfoldrestitution;andhissacrilege
offereda newreproachtotheenemiesoftheunion. Aspirit
ofdiscordimpairedthe remnantof theChristianstrength;
the Genoeseand Venetianauxiliariesassertedthe pre-
eminence of theirrespective
service;and Justinianiandthe
GreatDuke,whoseambitionwasnot extinguished by the
commondanger,accusedeachotherof treacheryandcow-
DuringthesiegeofConstantinople, thewordsofpeaceand
capitulationhad beensometimes pronounced;and several
zes.Ducasalso mentions (p.277ed.Bonn)anattempt toburntheTurkhh
ships,and attributesitsfailureto the treacheryof the Genoeseof Galata,who
revealedit to Mohammad. Due.asmentionsthe constructionof the bridge
aper this unluckyenterprise. Critobulnsrelateshow Mohammadfoileda
planof the Greeksto confinehis shipsto the little harbour(KasimPasha);
and he placesthis episodeafterthe buildingof the bridge(i. 44). It seems
fromthis that:Ducashas mixedtogetherthe incidentrecordedby Phrantzes
withthat recorded by Critobulus.]
70[The Turks alsoessayedminingoperationsagainstthe Caligariaregion
(southof Blachernae),where the groundwasmost favourable. But all their
mines(the first wasdiscoveredon May i6, see Barbaro,p. 4x)werefoiledby
the skill of a German engineer,Johannes Grant, who was entrustedwith
the defence of this part of the wall. Cp. Phrantzes,p. 254, and Tedardi,
Informacion,p. 25.]
embassies hadpassedbetweenthecampandthecity." The
Greekemperor washumbled byadversity;andwouldhave
yieldedto anytermscompatible withreligionandroyalty.7_
TheTurkishsultanwasdesirousofsparing thebloodofhis
soldiers;stillmoredesirous of securingforhisownusethe
Byzantinetreasures;andheaccomplished a sacreddutyin
presentingtotheGabours thechoiceofcircumcision,oftribute,
orof death. 7s Theavariceof Mahometmighthavebeen
withanannualsumofonehundred thousand ducats;
buthisambition graspedthecapitaloftheEast;totheprince
heoffered a richequivalent,tothepeoplea freetolerationora
safedeparture; but,aftersomefruitlesstreaty,hedeclared
hisresolution offindingeithera throne ora graveunderthe
wallsofConstantinople.Asenseofhonour andthefearof
universalreproach forbadePal_eologusto resignthecityinto
thehandsoftheOttomans;andhedetermiued toabidethe
last extremitiesofwar. Several dayswereemployed bythe
sultanin thepreparations of theassault;anda respitewas
Chalcondylesand Ducas differ in the time and circumstancesof the
negotiation;and,as it wasneithergloriousnor salutary,the faithfulPhranz_
spareshis princeeven the thought of a surrender.
n [The authorof the Slavonicrelationof thesiege(see Appendix)states
that a councilwas held on May 3, and that all the militaryofficers,the
senators,and the patriarchadvisedthe emperorto leave the city, and at-
temptto createa diversion. "The emperor" (the passageis thus trans-
lated by!M.Ch. Mijatovich,op. c/2.p. i73) "listenedto all thisquietlyand
patiently. At last, after havingbeen for some time in deep thought,he
beganto speak: 'I thankall for the advicewhichyou havegivenme. I
knowthatmy goingoutof thecitymightbe ofsomebenefittome,inasmuch
as allthatyouforeseemightreallyhappen. Butit isimpossibleforme togo
awayl Bow couldI leavethe churchesof our Lordand his servantsthe
clergy,and the throne,and my peoplein such a plight? Whatwouldthe
worldsay aboutme? I prayyou, my friends,in future do notsay tome
anythingelse but: "Nay, sire, do notleaveusl" Never,neverwill I leave
youf I am resolvedto die here with yout' Andsayingthis,theemperor
turnedhis headaside, becausetearsfilledhis eyes; and with hlmweptthe
patriarchand all who were there."]
7s[Onthis mission Mobnmm_dsenthisbrother-in-lawIsmail Ham_
lord ofSinopeandCastamboly, whowasonfriendly terms withConstantine.
Theincident isentirely omittedbyBarbaro, Phrantzcs, andCritobulus.]
grantedby his favouritescienceof astrology,whichhad fixed
on the twenty-ninthof May as the fortunateand fatalhour.
On the eveningof the twenty-seventh,he issued his final
orders; assembledin his presencethemilitarychiefs; and
dispersedhis heraldsthroughthe campto proclaimthe duty
and the motivesof the perilousenterprise. Fear is thefirst
principleof a despoticgovernment;and his menaceswere
expressedin the Orientalstyle,that thefugitivesanddeserters,
hadtheythe wingsof a bird,7'shouldnot escapefromhis in-
exorablejustice. The greatestpart of hisbashawsand Jani-
zaries werethe offspringof Christianparents; butthe glories
ofthe Turkishnamewereperpetuatedby successiveadoption;
and,in the gradualchangeofindividuals,the spiritofa legion,
a regiment,or an odais keptaliveby imitationand discipline.
In this holy warfare,the Moslemswere exhortedto purify
theirmindswith prayer,theirbodieswith sevenabsolutions;
and to abstain from food till the closeof the ensuing day.
A crowdof dervishesvisitedthe tents,to instilthe desireof
martyrdom,and the assuranceofspendingan immortalyouth
_m;dstthe riversand gardensofparadiseand in the embraces

7*Thesewings (Chalcondyles,I.viii.
figure; but, in the tragedyof Irene, Mahomet's passionsoars abovesense
Shouldthe fierceNorth,uponhis frozenwings,
Bearhimaloftabovethewondering clouds,
AndseathiminthePleiads' goldenchariot
Thenceshouldmyfurydraghimdown totortures.
of therant,I mustobserve,L Thattheopera-
tionofthewindsmustbeconfined tothelower regionoftheair. 2. That
thename,etymology,andfableoftheP1eiads arepurely Greek(Scholiast
adHomer, • 686;EudociainIoniA,p.399;Apollodore,1.iii.c.xo;Heine,
p.229,Not.682),andhadnoaffinitywiththeastronomy oftheEast(Hyde
adUlugbeg,Tabul.inSyntagma Dissert.
tom.i.p.40,42; Goguet, Origine
desArts,&;Gebelln, Hist.duCalendrier,p.73),which
Mahomet hadstudied.3- Thegolden chariotdoesnotexisteitherin
orfiction;butI muchfearthatDr.Johnson hasconfounded the
Pleiads with the great bear or waggon,the zodiac with a northern con-
oftheblack-eyed virgins. YetMahometprincipally trusted
to the efficacyof temporaland visiblerewards.A double
paywaspromised to thevictorious
troops: "Thecityandthe
buildings,"saidMahomet,"are mine; but I resignto your
valourthe captivesand thespoil,the treasuresofgoldand
beauty;be richandbe happy. Manyaretheprovinces of
my empire:theintrepidsoldierwhofirstascendsthewalls
of Constantinople shallberewardedwiththegovernment of
the fairestandmostwealthy;andmy gratitudeshallaccu-
mulatehishonoursandfortunesabovethemeasure ofhisown
hopes." Suchvariousand potentmotivesdiffusedamong
theTurksa generalardour,regardless of lifeandimpatient
for action;thecampre-echoedwiththe Moslemshoutsof
"GodisGod,thereisbutoneGod,andMahomet istheapostle
of God";75andtheseaandland,fromGalatato theseven
towers,wereilluminated bythe blazeoftheirnocturnalfires.
Far differentwasthestateof the Christians;who,with
loudandimpotentcomplaints, deploredtheguilt,orthepun-
ishment,oftheirsins. ThecelestialimageoftheVirginhad
beenexposedinsolemnprocession; buttheirdivinepatroness
wasdeafto theirentreaties:theyaccusedtheobstinacy ofthe
emperorfor refusinga timelysurrender;anticipatedthe
horrorsoftheirfate; andsighedforthereposeandsecurityof
estof theallies,weresummoned to the palace,to prepare
them,ontheeveningofthetwenty-eighth, forthedutiesand
wasthefuneralorationof theRomanempire:7,hepromised,

n Phranzaquarrels withtheseMoslemacdamatious,notforthe nameof

God, but for that of the Prophet: the pious zealof Voltaireis excessive,and
even ridiculous. [There was a great illuminationin the Turkish camp on
the nightof the 24thMay, when the Sultan first proclaimedhis plan for a
general assault(Barbaro,p. 46; it is mentionedalso by"the Slavonicchron-
icle). Gibbonrefers to the illuminationon May 27.]
n I am afraid that this discoursewas composedby Phranzahimself; and
it smellsso grosslyof thesermonandthe conventthat I almostdoubtwhether
heconjured, andhewlnlyattempted toinfusethehopewhich
wasextinguished inhisownmind. Inthisworldallwascom-
haveproposedanyconspicuous recompense totheheroeswho
princeand theconfinement of a siegehadarmedthesewar-
described bythefeelingsofthehistorianPhranza,whowas
embraced;regardlessof theirfamiliesand fortunes,they
devotedtheirlives; andeachcommander, departingto his
station,maintainedallnighta vigilantandanxiouswatchon
therampart. The emperor,andsomefaithfulcompanions,
convertedintoa mosch;and devoutlyreceived, withtears
and prayers,the sacramentof the holycommunion.He
reposedsomemomentsin thepalace,whichresounded with
mighthaveinjured;77andmountedonhorseback tovisitthe
andfall ofthe last Constantine aremoregloriousthanthe
longprosperityofthe ByzantineC_esars.
In the confusion ofdarknessan assailantmaysometimes
succeed;but, in thisgreatandgeneralattack,themilitary
judgmentand astrological knowledge of Mahometadvised
himto expectthemorning, _sthememorable twenty-ninth of
May,in the fourteenhundredand fifty-thirdyearof the
Christianera. The precedingnighthad beenstrenuously
inwhich headdresses
from dying
thanoncetoaskpardon ofan
PhrantzesandBarbaro. ButCritobulns
Ducas setthebeginning
andmake thefight-
employed: thetroops, thecannon, andthefascines were
advancedto the edge of the ditch, which, in many parts,
presenteda smoothand levelpassageto the breach; and his
fourscoregalleysalmost touched,with the prowsand their
scaling-ladders,the less defensible walls of the harbour.
Underpain of death, silencewas enjoined; but the physical
lawsof motionand sound are not obedientto disciplineor
fear; each individualmight suppresshis voiceand measure
hisfootsteps; but the marchand labourof thousandsmustin-
evitablyproduce a strangeconfusionof dissonantclamours,
whichreachedthe ears of the watchmenof the towers. At
daybreak,withoutthe customarysignalof the morning-gun,
the Turks assaultedthe city by seaand land; and the simili-
tude of a twinedor twistedthread has been appliedto the
closenessand continuityof their lineof attack.79 The fore-
most ranks consistedof the refuse of the host, a voluntary
crowd,whofoughtwithoutorder or command; ofthe feeble-
nessof ageor childhood,of peasantsand vagrants,and of all
who had joinedthe camp in the blind hope of plunderand
martyrdom. The commonimpulsedrovethem onwardsto
the wall; the mostaudaciousto climbwereinstantlyprecipi-
tated; andnot a dart, not a bullet,of the Christianswasidly
wastedon the accumulatedthrong. But their strength and
ammunitionwcre exhaustedin this laboriousdefence; the
ditch was filledwith the bodiesof the slain; they supported
the footstepsof their companions; and of this devotedvan-
guard the death was more serviceablethan the life. Under
their respectivebashawsand sanjaks, the troopsof Anatolia
and Romaniawcresuccessively led to the charge: theirprog-
ress was variousand doubtful; but, after a conflictof two
hours, the Greeks still maintained and improvedtheir ad-
vantage; and the voiceofthe emperorwasheard, encourag-
ing his soldiersto achieve,by a last effort,the deliveranceof
Besides the zo,ooo guards, and the sailors and the marines,Ducas
numbersin this generalassault 250,000Turks, both horse and foot.
their country. In that fatal moment,the Janizariesarose,
fresh,vigorous,and invincible. The sultanhimselfon horse-
back, with an ironmace in his hand, was the spectatorand
judgeoftheirvalour; he wassurroundedby ten thousandof
his domestictroops,whomhe reservedfor the decisiveoc-
casion; and the tide of battle was directedand impelledby
his voiceand eye. His numerousministersof justicewere
postedbehind the line, to urge, to restrain, and to punish;
and, if dangerwas in the front,shameand inevitabledeath
werein the rear ofthe fugitives. The criesoffear and ofpain
weredrownedin the martial musicof drums,trumpets,and
attabaUs; and experiencehas proved that the mechanical
operationof sounds, by quickening the circulationof the
bloodand spirits,will act on the human machinemorefor-
cibly than the eloquenceof reason and honour. From the
lines, the galleys, and the bridge, the Ottoman artillery
thunderedon all sides; and the campand city,the Greeksand
theTurks,wereinvolvedin a cloudofsmoke,whichcouldonly
be dispelledby the final deliveranceor destructionof the
Roman empire. The singlecombatsof theheroesof history
or fableamuseourfancy and engageouraffections; theskil-
ful evolutionsof war may informthe mind, and improvea
necessarythoughperniciousscience. But,in theuniformand
odiouspicturesof a generalassault,all is blood, and horror,
and confusion; nor shallI strive,at thedistanceofthreecen-
turiesand a thousand miles,to delineatea scene of which
there could be no spectators,and of which the actorsthem-
selveswere incapableof formingany just or adequateidea,
The immediateloss of Constantinoplemay be ascribedto
the bullet, or arrow, which piercedthe gauntlet of John
Jusfiniani.*° The sightof his blood,and the exquisitepain,
s0[At3 o'clock
inthemorninga breach
St.Romanus hadbeenmadebya cannon, andtheTurkspressed intothe
; butitwassoon
appalledthe courageof thechief,whosearmsand counsel
werethefirmestrampartofthecity. Ashewithdrewfrom
hisstationin questofa surgeon, hisflightwasperceivedand
stoppedbytheindefatigable emperor. "Yourwound,"ex-
claimedPalmologus, "is slight;thedangeris pressing;your
presenceis necessary;and whitherwillyouretire?" "I
whichGodhasopenedtotheTurks;" andat thesewordshe
Bythispusillanimous act,hestainedthehonoursofamilitary
life; andthefewdayswhichhe survivedin Galata,or the
isle of Chios,wereembitteredby his ownand the public
reproach21His examplewasimitatedbythe greatestpart
andthedefence begantoslackenwhen
theattackwaspressedwithredoubledvigour. Thenumber
to thatof theChristians;thedoublewallswerereducedby
thecannonto anheapofruins; in a circuitofseveralmiles,
someplacesmustbe foundmoreeasyof accessor more
feeblyguarded; and,if the besiegers couldpenetratein a
Demetrius Cantacuzenus)were posted at the Churchof the Holy Apos-
ties. It was at this moment, whenthese reserve troopswere drivingback
the Turks, that Giustinianiwas wounded (in the leg, Phrantz_; in the
hand, ChalcondylesandDucas; underthe armpit,ZorzoDolfmand Leonar-
dus; in the arm, Pusculus; in the chest, Critobulus).]
alIn the severecensureof the flight of Justiniaul, Phranza expresseshis
ownfeelingsand thoseof the public. For someprivatereasons,heistreated
withmorelenityand respectby Ducas; but thewordsof LeonardnsChiensis
expresshis strongand recentindignation,giorimsalutls sulqueoblitus. In
thewholeseriesof their Easternpolicy,hiscountrymen,the Genoese,were
alwayssuspected,andoftenguilty. [" ThedialoguebetweenConstantineand
Ginstinianigivenin the pagesof Gibbonisevidentlya rhetoricalinvention.
Noneof thehistorianswerepresent,and who of thosepresentcouldreport
any conversationwith accuracyat such a moment?" Fiulay,History of
Greece,iii.p. 52onote. Barbaro,whois throughoutsevereonthe Genoese,
ismarkedlyhostileto Giustiulaul. Thefactsthat thewoundactuallyproved
mortal,andthat Giustiniaul'svalouranddistinguishedservicesare extolled
byallthe Greekwriters,areasufficientanswerto theaccusationsof cowardice
andfailurein duty.]
single point, the whole city was irrecoverablylost. The first
who deserved the sultan's reward was Hassan, the Janizary,
of gigantic stature and strength. With his scymetar in one
hand and his buckler in the other, he ascended the outward
fortification ; of the thirty Janizaries, who wereemulous of his
valour, eighteen perished in the bold adventure. Hassan and
his twelvecompanions had reached the summit : the giant was
precipitated from the rampart ; he roseon one knee, and was
again oppressed by a shower of darts and stones: But his
success had proved that the achievement was possible: the
walls and towers were instantly covered with a swarm of
Turks ; and the Greeks, now drivenfrom the vantage-ground,
wereoverwhelmed by increasing multitudes.82 Amidst these
multitudes, the emperor,_ who accomplished all the duties

[In thisaccountof thelast conflictGibbonhas omitteda highlyim-

portant fact whichhastened the captureofthe city. Thisfactis notmen-
tionedbyPhrantzes;it restson theauthorityof Ducas(p. 28o-5)andis
confirmed bya shortstatementof Critobulus (i. 6o adfin.). Northofthe
PortaCharseae, southofthePortaCaligaria, ina transverse wailwhichcon-
neetstheinnerandouterTheodosian walis,thereisa smaU postern(foundby
M.Paspates)whichis calledtheKerkoporta byDucas(wrongly?), andwas
alwayskeptshut,buthadbeenopenedbyGiustiniani's orders forthepurpose
of a possiblesortie. Someof the Greekswhowerefightingin thespace
between theinnerandtheouterwall,pressed bytheenemy,retreated through
theKerkoporta, andfiftyTurksfoUowed them,astheyneglected toshutthe
gate. MoreTurkssoonpressed in,andothersmountedthewalis,captured
thetowerclosetothegate,andsetup the Ottoman standards onthewalls.
Theretreatofthe Greeks,whowereoutsidethe innerwall,bythe Kerko-
portawasnowcutoff,andseeingthe flagsof the foeonthe battlements
theythronged backthroughthePortaCharseae, whichwasthenleft un-
defended, so thattheTurkscouldenterbythisgatetoo. TheTurkswho
thuspenetrated seemtohavebetakenthemselves at firstto theharbourside
ofthecity,andsometimeelapsedbeforethecombatantsat theGateofSt.
Romanus,wherethe fightwasragingmosthotly,learnedwhathad hap-
pened.Phrantzes (withoutexplaining)
describes the arrivalofthe tidings
(p. 285). A crywasheardon theharbourside: "The fortis taken,the
standards of thefoeareon the towersl" ThenConstantine spurredhis
horseintothe thickof the fray.]
atDucaskillshim withtwoblowsof Turkishsoldiers;Chalcondyles
woundshimin theshoulder, andthentrampleshiminthegate. Thegrief
ofPhranzacarrying himamongthe enemyescapesfromthepreciseimage
of a general and a soldier,was long seen, and finallylost.
The nobleswhofoughtround his person sustained,till their
last breath, the honourablenames of Pala_ologus and Canta-
cuzene: his mournfulexclamationwasheard,"Cannot there
be founda Christianto cut offmyhead?" _ and hislast fear
was that of fallingaliveinto the hands of the infidels._ The
prudentdespairof Constantinecast awaythe purple; amidst
the tumult, he fell by an unknownhand, and his bodywas
buried under a mountain of the slain. After his death,
resistanceand order wereno more; the Grecksfledtowards
the city; and many werepressedand stifledin the narrow
pass of thc gate of St. Romanus. The victoriousTurks
rushedthrough the breachesof the inner wall; and, as they
advanced into the streets, they were soon joined by their
brethren, whohad forcedthe gate Phenar on the sideof the
harbour." In the firstheat of the pursuit,abouttwo thou-
sand Christianswereput to the sword; but avaricesoonpre-
of hisdeath; but we may,withoutflattery,applythese noblelinesof Dry-
den: m
Asto Sebastian,letthem searchthefield;
And,wheretheyfinda mountainof theslain,
Sendone to climb,andlookingdownbeneath,
Theretheywill findhimat hismanlylength,
Withhisface upto heaven,in thatredmonument
Whichhis goodswordhad digg'd.
Spondanus(A.D.I453,No. zo),whohas hopesof his salvation,wishes
to absolvethis demandfromthe guilt of suicide.
LeonardusChiensisvery properlyobservesthat the Turks, had they
knowntheemperor,would have labouredto save and securea captiveso
acceptableto the sultan. [It appearsthat Constantinefell in the space
betweenthe inner and outerwails (Ducas, p. 283), near the Gate of St.
Romanus(Phrantzes,p. 287). Critobulusis mistakenin sayingthat it was
near the Kerkoporta(i. 6o). TheodoreSpanduginoCantacusinoin his
work"Della originede principiTurchi" (ed. z564,p. z9S) describesCon-
stantineas rejectingthe proposalswhichweremadeto him to fleeto the
harbour, and crying,"God forbid that I shouldlive an Emperorwithout
enjoying the EmpireI I will die with my cityl"]
s Cantemir,p. 96. The Christianshipsin themouthof the harbourhad
flankedand retardedthis navalattack. [Cp. Barbara,p. 56; Critobulus,
i. 65.]
A.v.,4so-,_,]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 45
vailedovercruelty;andthevictorsacknowledged thatthey
shouldimmediately havegivenquarter,if the valourofthe
emperorandhischosenbandshad notpreparedthemfora
similaroppositionin everypartof thecapital. It wasthus,
defiedthe powerof Chosroes, the Chagan,andthe caliphs,
was irretrievablysubduedby the armsof Mahometthe
her religionwastrampledin the dustby theMoslemcon-
querors, s7
Thetidingsofmisfortuneflywitha rapidwing;yetsuch
wastheextentof Constantinople thatthemoredistantquar-
ters mightprolong,somemoments,the happyignoranceof
theirruin.s8Butin thegeneralconsternation, in thefeelings
of selfishor socialanxiety,in thetumultandthunderofthe
assault,a sleepless
nightandmorningmusthaveelapsed; nor
canI believethatmanyGrecianladieswereawakened bythe
Janizariesfroma soundandtranquilslumber. Onthe as-
getherin the streets,likean herd of timidanimals,as if
accumulated weaknesscouldbeproductive ofstrength,orin
safe and invisible.From everypart of the capital,they
flowedintothechurchofSt.Sophia:in thespaceofanhour,
leries,werefailedwiththemultitudes offathersandhusbands,
of womenand children,of priests,monks,and religious
s7Chalcondyles mostabsurdlysupposesthat Constantinople
bytheAsiaticsin revenge fortheancientcalamities
marians ofthexvthcenturyarehappytomeltdowntheuncouthappellation
of Turksintothe moreclassicalnameof Teucri.
88WhenCyrussurprisedBabylonduringthecelebration ofa festival,so
vastwasthe city,andso carelesswerethe inhabitants,that muchtime
elapsedbeforethe distantquartersknewthattheywerecaptives.Herod-
otu_(I. i. c. x9I),and Usher(Annal.p. 78),whohasquotedfromthe
prophetJeremiaha passageof _imilarimport.
virgins; the doorswerebarred onthe inside,andtheysought
protectionfromthe sacreddomewhichthey had so latelyab-
horred as a profaneand pollutededifice. Their confidence
was foundedon the prophecyof an enthusiastor impostor,
that one day the Turks wouldenter Constantinople,and pur-
sue the Romansas far as the columnof Constantinein the
squarebeforeSt. Sophia; but that this wouldbe the termof
their calamities; that an angelwoulddescendfrom heaven,
with a swordin his hand, and woulddeliverthe empire,with
that celestialweapon,to a poorman seatedat the footof the
column. "Take this sword,"wouldhe say,"and avengethe
peopleof the Lord." At these animatingwords,the Turks
wouldinstantly fly,and the victoriousRomanswoulddrive
them from the West, and from all Anatolia,as far as the
frontiersof Persia. It is on this occasionthat Ducas, with
some fancy and much truth, upbraids the discordand ob-
stinacy of the Greeks. "Had that angel appeared," ex-
claimsthe historian,"had he offeredto exterminateyourfoes
if youwouldconsentto the unionofthe church,eventhen,in
that fatal moment, you wouldhave rejectedyour safetyor
have deceivedyour God." sg
While they expectedthe descent of the tardy angel, the
doors werebrokenwith axes; and, as the Turks encountered
no resistance,theirbloodlesshands wereemployedin selecting
and securing the multitude of their prisoners. Youth,
beauty,and the appearanceof wealth attracted their choice;
and the right of propertywas decidedamongthemselvesby a
n This lively descriptionis extractedfromDucas (c. 39), who twoyears
afterwaxdswas sent ambassadorfrom the prince of Lesbos to the sultan
(c. 44)- Till Lesbos was subdued in i463 (Phranza,1. iii. c. 27), that
islandmust havebeenfull of thefugitivesof Constantinople, whodelighted
to repeat,perhapsto adorn,the tale of their misery. [The terrible de-
scriptionof thewastingof Constantinoplegivenby Critobulus(i. 61-63), who
wrote as a friend of the Turks, provesthat the other historianshave not
exaggeratedthefrightfulscenes. He has an interestingnoticeof the destruc-
tion of books sacredand profane (c. 62,3) ; someweredestroyed,but "the
greaternumber of them" were sold for small sums, cp. Ducas, p. 312.]
,.D.,45o-,48,] OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 47
prior seizure,by personalstrength, and by the authorityof
command. In the space of an hour, the malecaptiveswere
bound with cords, the femaleswith their veils and girdles.
The senatorswerelinkedwith theirslaves; the prelateswith
the portersof the church; and youngmenof a plebeianclass
with noble maids,whosefaceshad been invisibleto the sun
and their nearest kindred. In this commoncaptivity, the
rznk._of societywereconfounded; the ties ofnaturewerecut
asunder; and the inexorable soldierwas carelessof the
father'sgroans,the tears of the mother,and the lamentations
of the children. The loudestin their wailingswerethe nuns,
whoweretornfromthe altarwithnakedbosoms,outstretched
hands, and dishevelledhair; and we shouldpiouslybelieve
that fewcouldbe temptedto preferthe vigilsof the haremto
thoseofthe monastery. OftheseunfortunateGreeks,ofthese
domesticanimals,whole stringswererudely driventhrough
the streets; and, as the conquerorswere eagerto returnfor
moreprey,their tremblingpacewas quickenedwithmenaces
and blows. At the samehour, a similarrapinewasexercised
in all the churchesand monasteries,in all the palaces and
habitationsof the capital; nor could any palace, however
sacredor sequestered,protect the personsor the propertyof
the Greeks. Abovesixtythousand90of this devotedpeople
were transportedfrom the city to the camp and fleet; ex-
changedor sold accordingto the caprice or interest of their
masters,and dispersedin remoteservitudethrough the prov-
incesof the Ottomanempire. Amongthesewe may notice
some remarkablecharacters. The historian Phranza, first
chamberlainand principalsecretary,was involvedwith his
family in the common lot. After sufferingfour months
the hardshipsof slavery,he recoveredhis freedom; in the
ensuingwinterhe venturedto Hadrianople,and ransomedhis

dren,in theflower of youthandbeauty,hadbeenseizedfor
theuseofMahomet himself.Thedaughter ofPhranzadied
intheseraglio,perhapsa virgin; hisson,inthefifteenth
of his age,preferred deathto infamy,andwasstabbedby
thehandoftheroyallover. 8t A deedthusinhuman c_nnot
surelybe expiatedbythetasteandliberality withwhichhe
releaseda Grecian matron andhertwodaughters,onreceiving
aLatinodefromPhilelphus, whohadchosena wifeinthat
noblefamily. _ Theprideorcruelty ofMahomet would have
beenmostsensibly gratified
bythecapture ofaRomanlegate;
butthedexterity ofCardinalIsidoreeludedthesearch,andhe
escaped fromGalatain a plebeianhabit._
Thechainandentranceoftheoutward harbourwasstill
occupied bytheItalianshipsofmerchandise andwar. They
hadsignalisedtheirvalourin thesiege;theyembracedthe
in thepillageof thecity. Whentheyhoistedsail,thebeach
wascoveredwitha suppliantandlamentable crowd; but the
meansof transportationwerescanty; the Venetiansand
Genoese selectedtheircountrymen;and,notwithstandingthe
ated theirhousesand embarkedwith theirmostprecious
*lSee Phranza, 1. iii. c. 20, 2x. His expressionsare positive: Ameras
su_ manu jugulavit. . . volebatenlm eo turpiteret nefarieabuti. Me
miserumet infelicem. Yet he couldonly learnfrom reportthe bloodyor
impurescenesthat wereactedin the darkrecessesof the semgllo.
02See Tiraboschi( p. i. p. 29o), andLancelot( l'Acad_-
mie desInscriptions,tom. x. p. 7x8). I shouldbe curiousto learnhowhe
couldpraisethe publicenemy,whomhe so often revilesas themostcorrupt
and inhumanof tyrants.
u The Commentariesof Pins II. supposethat he craftilyplacedhis car-
dinal'shatontheheadof acorpse,whichwas cutoffand exposedintriumph,
whilethe legatehimseffwas boughtand delivered,as a captiveof novalue.
The great BelglcChronicleadornshis escapewith new adventures,which
he suppressed(saysSpondanns,A.D.I453,No. _5)in his ownletters,lesthe
shouldlose the merit and rewardof sufferingfor Christ.
In the fall and the sackof great cities,an historianis con-
denmed to repeat the tale of uniform calamity; the same
effectsmust be producedby the same passions; and, when
those passionsmaybe indulgedwithoutcontrol,small,alas t
is the differencebetweencivilisedand savageman. Amidst
the vagueexclamationsof bigotryand hatred, the Turks are
not accusedof a wantonor immoderateeffusionof Christian
blood; but, accordingto their maxims(the maximsof an-
tiquity), the lives of the vanquishedwereforfeited; and the
legitimaterewardof the conquerorwas derivedfromthe ser-
vice,the sale,or the ransom of his captivesof both sexes.**
The wealthof Constantinoplehad beengrantedby the sultan
to his victorioustroops; and the rapine of an hour is more
productivethan the industryof years. But, as no regular
divisionwasattemptedof the spoil,the respectiveshareswere
not determinedby merit; and the rewards of valour were
stolenaway by the followersof the camp, whohad declined
the toil and dangerof the battle. The narrativeof theirdep-
redations could not affordeitheramusementor instruction;
the total amount,in the last povertyof the empire,has been
valued at four millionsof ducats; .5and of this sum a small
part wasthe propertyofthe Venetians,the Genoese,the Flor-
entines,and the merchantsof Ancona. Of these foreigners,
the stock was improvedin quick and perpetualcirculation;
but the richesof the Greeksweredisplayedin the idleosten-
tation ofpalacesand wardrobes,or deeplyburiedin treasures
of ingots and old coin, lest it should be demandedat their
hands for the defenceof theircountry. The profanationand

Busbequlusexpatiateswithpleasureand applauseon the fights of war

and the useof slaveryamongthe ancientsand the Turks (de Legat.Turdc_,
epist, iii. p. x61).
0sThis sumis specifiedin a marginalnote of Leunclavius(Chalcondyles,
I. viii.p. _xx),but in the distributionto Venice,Genoa,Florence,and Ancona,
of 5o, 20, so, and x5,ooo ducats, I suspectthat a figurehas been dropt.
Even with the restitution,the foreignproperty wouldscarcelyexoeedone
plunderof the monasteries andchurchesexcitedthe most
heaven,the secondfirmament, the vehicleof thecherubim,
thethroneof the gloryof God,_ wasdespoiled oftheobla-
tionsofages; andthegoldandsilver,thepearlsandjewels,
thevasesandsacerdotal ornaments, weremostwickedly con-
canvas,or thewood,wastorn,or broken,or burnt,ortrod
underfoot,or applied,in thestablesorthe kitchen,to the
vilestuses. Theexampleofsacrilege wasimitated,however,
fromtheLatinconquerors ofConstantinople; andthetreat-
mentwhichChrist,theVirgin,and thesaintshad sustained
from theguiltyCatholicmightbe inflictedby thezealous
Musulman onthemonuments of idolatry.Perhaps,insteadof
joiningthepublicclamour,a philosopher willobservethatin
thedeclineoftheartsthe workmanship couldnot bemore
valuablethanthework,andthata freshsupplyofvisionsand
miracleswouldspeedilyberenewed bythecraftofthepriest
andthecredulityofthepeople.Hewillmoreseriously deplore
scatteredin thegeneralconfusion:onehundredandtwenty
thousandmanuscriptsare saidto havedisappeared; °_ten
volumesmightbepurchased forasingleducat; andthesame
ignominious price,toohighperhapsfora shelfoftheology,
productions of thescienceandliteratureof ancientGreece.
Wemayreflectwithpleasurethatan inestimableportionof
ourclassictreasureswassafelydeposited in Italy; andthat
themechanics ofa Germantownhadinventedan art which
deridesthe havocof timeandbarbarism.

NSeetheenthusiasticpraisesandlamentations ofPhranza(1.iii.c. _7).

07SeeDucas(c.43),andan epistle,xsthJ'uly,x453,fromLaurusQuid-
nustoPopeNicholasV.(HodydeGr_cis,_. p. x92, fromaMS.intheCotton
Library).[Cp.above,p. 86, note89.]
Fromthe firsthour08of thememorable twenty-ninthof
May,disorder andrapineprevailed in Constantinopletill
the eighthhourof the sameday; whenthesultanhimself
passedin triumphthroughthe gateof St. Romanus.He
wasattendedby his vizirs,bashaws,andguards,eachof
whom(saysa Byzantinehistorian) wasrobustas Hercules,
of ordinary mortals. The conqueror o9gazedwithsatis-
factionandwonderonthestrangethoughsplendid appear-
anceofthedomesandpalaces,so dissimilar fromthe style
of Orientalarchitecture.In the hippodrome, or atmeidan,
pents;and,asatrialofhisstrength, heshattered
maceorbattle-axe theunder-jaw ofoneofthesemonsters, 1°°
whichin theeyeoftheTurksweretheidolsortalismans of
thecity. Attheprincipal doorof St. Sophia,he alighted
fromhishorseand enteredthe dome;1°_andsuchwashis
jealousregardforthatmonument of hisglorythat,onob-
servinga zealousMusulman in theactofbreaking themarble
pavement,he admonished him with his scymetarthat, if
thespoilandcaptivesweregrantedtothesoldiers, thepublic
andprivatebuildingshadbeenreserved fortheprince.By
hiscommand themetropolis oftheEasternchurchwastrans-
formedintoa mosch:therichand portableinstruments
of superstition
hadbeenremoved;the crosseswerethrown

wasusedat Constantinople.
ButDucasseemsto understand the natural
stSeetheTurkishAnnals,p. 3_9,andthe Pandectsof Leunclavius,
p. 448.
10oI havehadoccasion(vol.ill.p. xo4-5)to mention thiscuriousrelic
of Gredanantiquity.
tot[According to the SlavonicRelation,he stoopeddownatthethresh-
oldof thechurch, tooksomeearth,andscattered it onhishead,in token
ofhumiliation to God. Inthesamesourceitis statedthat,attheprayers
ofthepriestswhom_thiminSt.Sophia,heissueda proclamation tostaythe
pillage,c. '_x'--_".]
mosaics,werewashedandpurifiedandrestored to a state
ofnakedsimplicity. 1°2Onthesameday,orontheensuing
Friday,the muezinorcrierascended themostloftyturret,
andproclaimed the ezan,or publicinvitation,in thename
ofGodandhisprophet;theimampreached; andMahomet
the Secondperformed the namesof prayerandthanks-
givingonthegreataltar,wherethe Christian mysterieshad
so latelybeencelebrated beforethe last of the C_esars.lm
FromSt. Sophiahe proceeded to the augustbut desolate
mansion of anhundred successorsofthegreatConstantine;
butwhich,in a fewhours,hadbeenstripped of thepomp
of royalty.A melancholy reflection
on the vicissitudes of
humangreatness forceditselfonhismind;andherepeated
an elegantdistichofPersianpoetry,"The spiderhaswove
his webin theimperialpalace;andtheowlhathsungher
watch-song onthetowersofMrasiab."10_
Yethismindwasnotsatisfied, nordidthe victoryseem
complete,till hewasinformed of the fate of Constantine;
whetherhehadescaped, orbeenmadeprisoner, orhadfallen
inthebattle. TwoJanizaries chimedthehonourandreward
ofhisdeath: thebody,undera heapofslain,wasdiscovered
bythegoldeneaglesembroidered onhisshoes;the Greeks
acknowledged withtearstheheadoftheirlateemperor; and,
afterexposingthebloodytrophy, 1°6Mahometbestowed on

Jm[Covered withwhitewash.]
10sWeareobligedto Cantemir (p. xo_)fortheTurkishaccountof the
conversionof St.Sophia,sobitterlydeploredbyPhranzaandDucas. It is
amusingenoughtoobserve inwhatopposite lightsthesameobjectappears
to a Musulman anda Christian eye.
Thisdistich,whichCantemir givesintheoriginal,
fromthe application,It wasthus thatSdpiorepeated, in the sackof
Carthage,thefamousprophecy ofHomer.Thesamegenerous feelingcar-
fledthemindoftheconqueror tothepastorthefuture.
z_I cannotbelieve,withDucas(seeSpondanus, A.D.I453,No.z3), that
MahometsentroundPersia,Arabia,&c.the headof theGreekemperor;
he wouldsurelycontenthimselfwitha trophyless inhuman.
_ 1t_ "_'_ _

hisrivalthehonoursofa decentfuneral. Afterhisdecease,
was the most importantprisoner. Whenhe offeredhis
inthe defenceof yourprinceand country?" "Theywere
yours,"answeredthe slave; "God had reservedthemfor
yourhands." "If he reservedthemfor me," repliedthe
despot,"howhaveyoupresumedto withholdthemsolong
bya fruitlessandfatalresistance?"Thegreatdukealleged
theobstinacy ofthestrangers,andsomesecretencouragement
fromthe Turkishvizir; and fromthis perilousinterview
hewasat lengthdismissed withtheassurance of pardonand
protection.Mahometcondescended to visit his wife,a
venerableprincess,oppressedwithsicknessand grief; and
his consolationfor her misfortuneswas in themosttender
strainof humanityandfilialreverence.Asimilarclemency
was extendedto the principalofficersof state, of whom
severalwereransomedat hisexpense;andduringsomedays
he declaredhimselfthefriendandfatherofthevanquished
people. But the scenewas soonchanged;and beforehis
departurethe hippodrome streamedwith the bloodof his
noblestcaptives.Hisperfidious crueltyis execratedbythe
Christians.Theyadornwiththe coloursof heroicmartyr-
domtheexecutionofthegreatdukeandhistwosons; and
his death is ascribedto the generousrefusalof delivering
hischildrento thetyrant'slust.1°7Yeta Byzantine historian
has dropt an unguardedword of conspiracy,deliverance,

death,or hisownretreattoa monasteryextorta feelingof sympathyor
[iii.9]. Ducasisinclinedtopraiseandpitythemartyr; Chalcon-
dylesis neuter;butweareindebtedtohimforthehintofthe Greekcon-
107[So Ducas,p. 303sqq. Chalcondylea, p. 4o_. Pusculus,iv. xo7n
adviceof the Sultan'scouncillors(i. 73,9).]
_*_'_-- ,,4 _ _ • _


and Ital_ansuccour: such treasonmay be glorious; but the
rebel who bravelyventureshas justly forfeitedhis life; nor
should we blame a conquerorfor destroyingthe enemies
whomhe can no longer trust. On the eighteenthof June,
the victorioussultan returned to Hadrianople; and smiled
at the base and hollow embassiesof the Christian princes,
whoviewedtheir approachingruin in the fall of the Eastern
Constantinoplehad been left naked and desolate,without
a princeor a people. But she couldnot be despoiledof the
incomparablesituation which marks her for the metropolis
of a great empire; and the genius of the place will ever
triumph over the accidents of time and fortune. Boursa
and Hadrianople,the ancient seats of the Ottomans,sunk
into provincialtowns; and Mahometthe Secondestablished
his own residence,and that of his successors,on the same
commandingspot whichhad been chosenby Constantine.l°s
The fortificationsof Galata, which might afford a shelter
to the Latins, were prudentlydestroyed; but the damage
of the Turkish cannon was soon repaired; and bcforethe
month of Augustgreat quantitiesof lime had been burnt for
the restorationof the walls of the capital. As the entire
propertyof the soiland buildings,whetherpublicor private,
or profaneor sacred,was nowtransferredto the conqueror,
he first separated a space of eight furlongsfrom the point
of the trianglefor the establishmentof hisseraglio,or palace.
It is here, in the bosom of luxury, that the grand Signor
(as he has beenemphaticallynamed by the Italians)appears
to reignover Europeand Asia; but his personon the shores

seeCantemix (p.xo2-xo9)
, Ducas(c.42),withTh_venot, Tournefort,
op.c/z.ii.p.5-8.] From
a gigantic
&c.ofConstantinople and
theOttoman empire (Abr_g$del'Histoire
tom.i. p. x6--2x),
maylearnthatin theyearx586theMoslems werelessDnm_rons inthe
th_ntheChristians oreventheJews.
A.o.,45o--x4s,]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 55
of the t_osphoru_may not alw_y_he securefromthe ingultg
of an hostile navy. In the new character of a mosch,
the cathedral of St. Sophia was endowedwith an ample
revenue,crownedwith lofty minarets,and surroundedwith
grovesand fountains, for the devotionand refreshmentof
the Moslems. The same modelwas imitated in the ]ami,
orroyalmoschs;and the firstof thesewas builtby Mahomet
himself,on the ruins of the churchof the HolyApostlesand
the tombs of the Greek emperors. On the third day after
the conquest, the grave of Abu Ayub, or Job, who had
fallenin the firstsiegeof the Arabs,was revealedin a vision;
and it is before the sepulchreof the martyr that the new
sultans are girdedwith the sword of empire.'°' Constanti-
nopleno longerappertainsto the Romanhistorian; nor shall
I enumeratethe civil and religiousedificesthat were pro-
fanedor erectedby its Turkish masters: the populationwas
speedilyrenewed; and before the end of Septemberfive
thousand families of Anatolia and Romania had obeyed
the royalmandate,whichenjoinedthem,underpainofdeath,
to occupytheir newhabitationsin the capital,n° The throne
of Mahomet was guarded by the numbers and fidelityof
hisMoslemsubjects; but hisrationalpolicyaspiredto collect
the remnant of the Greeks; and they returned in crowds,
as soon as they were assured of their lives,their liberties,
and the free exerciseof their religion,m In the electionand
investitureof a patriarch, the ceremonialof the Byzantine
*0mThe TurM, or sepulchralmonumentof Abu Ayub, is describedand
engravedin the TableauG_n_ralde l'EmpireOttoman(Paris,i787, in large
folio),a workof lessuse, perhaps,than magnificence(tom.i. p. 305, 306).
u0[Subsequently4000 Serviansweresettled in Constantinople;2000
Peloponnesianfamiliesafterthe reductionof the Peloponnesus;twothirds
of thepopulationof Amastris,the Genoesecolonyon the BlackSea; also
conquered,to augmentthepopulationof the capital. SeeZinkeisen,loc.cit.]
m [The firstvolumeof a historyof the GreekChurchunderTurkishrule
by Prof.Lebedevappearedin z896. It is entitled:Istoriiagreko-vostochnoi
tserkvipod vlastiiuTurok, ot padeniiaKonstantinopolia do nastoiaschago
courtwasrevivedandimitated. Witha mixtureofsatisfac-
tionand horror,theybeheldthe sultanonhis throne,who
deliveredintothehandsofGennadius thecrosier,or pastoral
staff,thesymbolofhis ecclesiasticaloffice;whoconducted
the patriarchto thegateof theseraglio,presentedhimwith
an horserichlycaparisoned, anddirectedthevizirsandba-
shawsto leadhimto thepalacewhichhad beenallottedfor
his residence,m The churchesof Constantinople were
and,tillit wasinfringed bySelim,thegrandsonofMahomet,
the Greeksm enjoyedabovesixtyyearsthe benefitof this
equalpartition. Encouraged bytheministersof the divan,
whowishedto eludethefanaticismofthesultan,theChris-
tianadvocates presumedto allegethatthisdivisionhadbeen
an act,not of generositybut of justice; not a concession,
buta compact;andthat,ifonehalfofthecityhadbeentaken
bystorm,theothermoietyhad surrendered onthefaithof
a sacredcapitulation.The originalgranthad indeedbeen
consumed byfire; but thelosswassuppliedbythetestimony
of three agedJanizarieswhoremembered the transaction;
andtheirvenaloathsareof moreweightin the opinionof
Cantemirthanthe positiveand unanimousconsentof the
historyof thetimes.TM
m Phranza(I. iii. c. I9) relatesthe ceremony,which has possiblybeen
adornedin the Greek reportsto each other, and to the Latins. The fact is
confirmedby EmanuelMalaxus,who wrote,in vulgar Greek, the historyof
the Patriarchs after the taking of Constantinople,inserted in the Turco-
Grmciaof Crusins(l. v. p. io6-i84). [C.Sathas has shownthat the l:Iistoria
Patriarchicawas not the work of Malaxns but of DamascenusStudites,to
whom he also ascribes the Historia Politica, which is likewiseprinted in
Turco-Graecia.] But the most paticnt reader will not believe that Ma-
homet adopted the Catholic form, "Sancta Trinitas quse mihi donavit
imperiumte in patriaxrh_mnovaeRommdeligit."
m From the Turco-Gr_cia of Crusius, &c., Spondanns (A.D. I453,
No. 2z; I458, No. x6) describesthe slavery and domesticquarrels of the
Greek Church. The patriarchwho succeededGennadinsthrew hlm_e[fin
despair into a well.
1,_Cantemir(p. xo_-io5) insistson the unanimousconsentof the Turkish
historians,ancientas well as modem, and arguesthat theywould nothave
_D._45o-_48_] 57
The remainingfragmentsof the Greekkingdomin Europe
and AsiaI shallabandonto the Turkish arms; but the final
extinctionof the two last dynasties-,5whichhave reignedin
Constantinopleshould terminate the decline and fall of the
Roman empire in the East. The despots of the Morea,
Demetriusand Thomas,n6the twosurvivingbrothersof the
nameof PAI_OLOCUS, wereastonishedby the death of the
emperorConstantineand the ruin of the monarchy. Hope-
less of defence,they prepared, with the noble Greekswho
adheredto theirfortune,to seeka refugein Italy, beyondthe
reach of the Ottoman thunder. Their first apprehensions
weredispelledby the victorioussultan, who contentedhim-
self with a tribute of twelvethousand ducats; and, while
his ambitionexploredthe continentand the islandsin search
of prey,he indulgedthe Morea in a respite of sevenyears.
But this respite was a period of grief,discord,and misery.
The hexamilion,the rampart of the Isthmus, so oftenraised
and so often subverted,could not long be defendedby three
hundred Italian archers: the keys of Corinthwere seized
violatedthe truth to diminishtheir nationalglory,sinceit is esteemedmore
honourabletotake a cityby forcethan by composition. But x. I doubt this
consent,sincehe quotes no particularhistorian, and the Turkish Annalsof
Leunclaviusaffirm, without exception,that Mahomet took Constantinople
perv/m (p. 329). _. The same argumentmay be turned in favour of the
Greeks of the times, who would not have forgotten this honourable and
salutary treaty. Voltaire, as usual, prefers the Turks to the Christians.
[This fable,recordedin the Hist. Patriarch. p. i56, is connectedwith the
reign of Sulayman, not with that of his father Selim. Finlay has pointed
out that it involvesa chronologicalmistake. The date givenis 1537and the
vizir named, as interestinghimselfin the cause of the Greeks, is Tulphi.
But the Luffi- who is meant- was vizirin i539--x54I. See History of
Greece,v. p. x42.]
1,1For the genealogyand fallof the Comneniof Trebizond,seeDucange
(Faro.Byzant. p. i95); for the last Pahz'ologi,the same accurateantiqua-
rian (p. 244, 247, 248). The Pal,_eolngiof Monfferratwere not extinct fill
the next century; but they had forgottentheir Greek origin and kindred.
ImIn the worthless story of the disputes and misfortunes of the two
brothers,Phranza 0- iii. c. 2i-3o) is too partialon the side of Thomas,
Ducas(c. 44, 45) is toobrief, and Chalcondyles(l. viii. ix. x.) too diffuse
bytheTurks;they returned fromtheir summerexcursions
witha train ofcaptives andspoil; andthecomplaints of
the injuredGreekswereheardwithindifferenceanddisdain.1_
The Albanians,a vagrant tribe of shepherdsand robbers,
filledthe peninsulawithrapine and murder; the twodespots
imploredthe dangerousand humiliatingaid of a neighbour-
ingbashaw; and,whenhe had quelledthe revolt,his lessons
inculcatedthe rule of their future conduct. Neither the ties
of blood,nor the oaths which theyrepeatedlypledgedin the
communionand before the altar, nor the strongerpressure
of necessity,could reconcileor suspendtheir domesticquar-
rels. They ravaged each other's patrimony with fire and
sword; the alms and succoursof the Westwere consumed
in civilhostility; and theirpowerwas onlyexertedin savage
and arbitrary executions. The distress and revengeof the
weakerrival invokedtheir supremelord; and, in the season
of maturity and revenge, Mahomet declared hlm_elf the
friend of Demetrius,and marchedinto the Moreawith an
irresistibleforce. Whenhe had taken possessionof Sparta,
"You are too weak," said the sultan, "to controlthis turbu-
lent province. I will take your daughterto my bed; and
you shall pass the remainder of your life in security and
honour." Demetriussighed,and obeyed; surrenderedhis
daughter and his castles; followed to Hadrianople his
sovereignand son; and received,for his ownmaintenance,
and that of his followers,a cityin Thrace, and the adjacent
isles of Imbros, Lemnos,and Samothrace. He was joined
the next year by a companionof misfortune,the last of the
COmeEm_AN race, who, after the taking of Constantinople
by the Latins, had foundeda newempireon the coastof the
it7[The misgovernmentof the Peloponnesusin the ISth centuryis illus-
trated by the discoursesof Gemistus PIethon addressedto the Emperor
Manueland his son the despotTheodore,proposingpoliticalreforms. They
werepublishedby Canter in his editionof the Eclogaeof Stobaeus(x575),
and have been edited (with Germantranslation)by Ellissen. See above,
vol.xi. p. _86, note xxL]
Black Sea.1t8 In the progressof his Anatolianconquests,
Mahometinvested,with a fleetand army,the capitalofDavid,
who presumedto style himself Emperor of Trebizond;m
and the negotiationwas comprisedin a short and peremp-
tory question,"Will you secure your life and treasuresby
resigningyour kingdom? or had you rather forfeit your
kingdom, your treasures, and your life?" The feeble
Comnenuswas subdued by his own fears, and the example
of a Musulmanneighbour,the princeof Sinope,_2°who,on
a similar summons,had yieldeda fortifiedcity with four
hundredcannonand ten or twelvethousandsoldiers. The
capitulationof Trebizondwasfaithfullyperformed; and the
emperor,with his family,was transportedto a castle in Ro-
mania; but on a slight suspicionof correspondingwith the
Persian king, David and the whole Comnenianrace were
sacrificedto the jealousy or avarice of the conqueror. Nor
could the name of father long protect the unfortunate De-
metriusfrom exile and confiscation:his abject submission
movedthe pity and contemptof the sultan; his followers
weretransplanted to Constantinople; and his povertywas
alleviatedby a pensionof fiftythousandaspers,till a monas-
tic habit and a tardy death released PMmologusfrom an

1_8SeethelossorconquestofTrebizond inChalcondyles 0.ix p.263--266

[P.494sqq.ed.Bonn]),Ducas(c.45),Phranza (1.iii.c.27),andCantemir
(p.XOT). [ThelastdaysoftheEmpire of Trebizond aredescribed by
FinlayinHistoryofGreece, iv.p.4oosqq.]
**'Though Tournefort(tom.iii.lettre
xvii.p.x79 ) speaks ofTrebizond
asrealpeupl_e,Peyssonel,thelatestandmostaccurate observer,canfind
Ioo,oooinhabitants(Commerce dela MerNoire, tom.ii.p. 72,andfor
theprovince,p.53-9o).Itsprosperity andtradeareperpetually disturbed
bythefactiousquarrelsoftwoodasofJanizaries, inoneofwhich 3o,ooo
Laziarecommonly enrolled(M6moires deTott,tom.iii.p.i6,i7).
1,0IsmaelBeg,princeofSinope orSinople,waspossessed (chiefly
hiscoppermines)ofa revenue of2oo,ooo ducats(Chalcond. I.ix.p.258,
259).Peyssonel (Commerce dela MerNoire,tom.ii.p. coo)ascribes to
themodern city6o,oooinhabitants. Thisaccount seems enormous; yetit
isbytradingwitha peoplethatwebecome acquainted withtheirwealthand
earthlymaster. It is not easy to pronouncewhetherthe
servitudeofDemetrius ortheexileofhisbrotherThomasm
be themostinglorious.OntheconquestoftheMorea,the
despotescapedto Corfu,andfromthenceto Italy,withsome
nakedadherents;hisname,hissufferings, andtheheadof
theapostleSt.Andrewentitledhimto thehospitality ofthe
Vatican;andhis miserywasprolonged bya pensionofsix
AndrewandManuel,wereeducatedinItaly; but the eldest,
contemptible to his enemiesand burdensome to his friends,
wasdegradedbythe basenessof his lifeand marriage.A
titlewashissoleinheritance;andthatinheritance hesucces-
sivelysoldto the kingsof FranceandArragon. m During
ina publicfestival,heassumedtheappellationandthepurple
ofAugustus:the Greeksrejoiced,andtheOttomanalready
trembled,at theapproachoftheFrenchchivalry, m Manuel
Pal_eologus,thesecondson,wastemptedto revisithisnative
country:hisreturnmightbegrateful,andcouldnot bedan-
gerous,to the Porte; he wasmaintainedat Constantinople
in safetyandease; and an honourabletrainof Christians
andMoslemsattendedhimto thegrave. If therebe some
animalsofsogenerousa naturethattheyrefuseto propagate
in a domesticstate,the last of the Imperialrace mustbe
m Spondanus (fromGobelin,Comment.Pii II. I. v.) relatesthearrival
and receptionof thedespotThomasat Rome(A.D.I46X,No. 3)-
!- By an act dated A.V.I494, 6th Sept.,and latelytransmittedfrom the
archivesof the Capitolto the royal libraryof Paris, the despot Andrew
Palmolngns,reservingthe Morea,and stipulatingsomeprivate advantages,
conveysto CharlesVIII. Kingof France,theempiresof Constantinopleand
Trebizond (Spondanus,A.D.x495,No. _). M. de Foncemagne(M_a. de
l'Acad6miedesInscriptions,tom. xvii.p. 539-$78)has bestoweda disserta-
tion on thisnationaltitle,of whichhe had obtaineda copyfromRome.
m See Philippede Comines0. viL c. x4), who reckonswith pleasurethe
number of Greeks whowere preparedto rise, sixtymiles of an easynaviga-
tion, eighteen days' journeyfrom Valonato Constantinople, &c. Or, this
occasionthe Turkishempire was saved by the policyof Vcnlce.

ascribedto an inferiorkind: he acceptedfromthesultan's
liberalitytwobeautifulfemales;and his survivingsonwas
lostin thehabitandreligionofa Turkishslave.
The importance of Constantinoplewasfeltandmagnified
fulandprosperous, wasdishonoured bythefalloftheEast-
era empire;andthe griefandterrorofthe Latinsrevived,
or seemedto revive,the old enthusiasmof the crusades.
In oneofthemostdistantcountriesoftheWest,Philip,duke
ofBurgundy,entertained,at Lislein Flanders,an assembly
ofhis nobles;andthe pompouspageantsof thefeastwere
skilfullyadaptedto theirfancyandfeelings.TM In themidst
of thebanquet,a giganticSaracenenteredthehall,leading
a fictitiouselephantwitha castleonhis back;a matronin
a mourningrobe,thesymbolof religion,wasseento issue
fromthe castle;shedeploredher oppression and accused
the slowness of her champions;the principalheraldofthe
goldenfleeceadvanced,bearingonhis fista livepheasant,
which,accordingto the ritesof chivalry,he presentedto
the duke. At this extraordinary summons,Philip,a wise
andagedprince,engagedhis personandpowersin theholy
war againstthe Turks; his examplewasimitatedby the
baronsandknightsoftheassembly;theysworeto God,the
werenot lessextravagant thanthegeneralsanctionof their
oath. But the performance wasmadeto dependon some
futureand foreigncontingency;and, duringtwelveyears,
ture. Hadeverybreastglowedwiththesameardour; had
theunionoftheChristianscorresponded withtheirbravery;

mSeetheoriginalfeastinOlivier delaMarche(!VI_aoires,
withtheabstractand observations ofM. de St. Palaye(M&noires
sur la
tom.i.p. iii.p. x82-xS5).Thepeacock andthepheasant
distingui_edas royalbirds.
had everycountry,fromSweden usto Naples,supplieda
just proportionofcavalryandinfantry,ofmenandmoney,
it is indeedprobablethat Constantinople wouldhavebeen
delivered,and thatthe Turksmighthavebeenchasedbe-
yondthe Hellespontor the Euphrates. But the secretary
of the emperor,whocomposedeveryepistleand attended
everymeeting,N_,neas Sylvius,
m a statesmanand orator,
describesfromhisownexperience the repugnantstateand
spiritofChristendom."It is a body,"sayshe, "withoutan
head; a republicwithoutlawsor magistrates.The pope
but theyareunableto command, andnonearewillingtoobey;
everystatehas a separateprince,and everyprincehas a
separateinterest. What eloquencecouldunite so many
discordantand hostilepowersunder the same standard?
Couldtheybeassembled in arms,whowoulddaretoassume
the officeof general?What ordercouldbe maintained ?
? Whowouldundcrtaketo feed
suchan enormous multitude? Whowouldunderstandtheir
variouslanguages,or directtheft:strangerand incompatible
manners? Whatmortalcouldreconcilethe Englishwith
the French,Genoawith Arragon,the Germanswiththe
nativesof Hungaryand Bohemia?If a smallnumberen-
listedin the holywar,theymustbe overthrown bythe in-
fidels;if many,bytheirownweightand confusion."Yet
the sameN.meas, whenhe wasraisedto the papalthrone,
It was found by an actual enumeration that Sweden,Gothland, and
F_nlandcontained z,8oo,ooo fighting men, and consequentlywere far
more populousthan at present.
_2eIn the year x454,Spondanushasgiven,from._EneasSylvius,a viewof
the state of Europe,enrichedwith his own observations. That valuable
annalist,and the Italian Muratori,wall continuethe seriesof eventsfrom
the year x453to z48x,theendof Mahomet'slife, and of thischapter. [The
chiefworkontEneasSylvinsisthat of G. Voigt: EneaSilviode' Piccolomini
als PapstPiusII. undseinZeitalter(in 3vols.),x857--63. There isa special
monographbyO. yonHeinemannonhis agitationagainsttheTurks: _Eneas
Sylviusals PredigereinesaUgemeinenKreuzzugesgegendie Ttixken,x855.l
underthenameof Plusthe Second,devotedhislifeto the
prosecutionoftheTurkishwar. In thecouncilofMantua,
heexcitedsomesparksof afalseorfeebleenthusiasm; but,
whenthe pontiffappearedat Ancona,to embarkin person
withthetroops,engagements vanished inexcuses;a precise
daywasadjournedto an indefinite term;andhiseffective
armyconsistedof someGermanpilgrims,whomhe was
obligedto disbandwithindulgences and_lms. Regardless
offuturity,his successors
and the powersofItalywerein-
volvedin theschemesof presentanddomesticambition;
andthe distanceor proximity of eachobjectdetermined,
in theireyes,its apparentmagnitude.A moreenlarged
viewof theirinterestwouldhavetaughtthemto maintain
a defensiveand navalwaragainstthe commonenemy;
andthesupport ofScanderbeg andhisbraveAlbaniansmight
haveprevented thesubsequent invasionof thekingdom of
Naples. The siegeand sack of Otrantoby the Turks
diffuseda generalconsternation; and PopeSixtuswaspre-
paringto flybeyondtheAlps,whenthestormwasinstantly
dispelledby thedeathof Mahomet theSecond,in thefifty-
firstyearof hisage.'2_ His loftygeniusaspiredto thecon-
m Besidesthe two annalists, the reader may consult Glarmone(Istoria
Civile,tom. iii. p. 449-455) for the Turkish invasion of the kingdom of
Naples. [See the Dlarium Parmense(p. 35o sqq.) in the xxiid volumeof
Muratori; the Relazionedella presa di Otranto (by a commissarioof the
Duke of BaH) in the Archiviostoricoper le provinceNapolitane,vi. L 74-
x62, 169-x76(x88o); Joannis Albini Lucani de gestis regum Neap. ab
Aragonia qui extant libri iv., x689; Antonio de Ferrariis,Successidell'
armata turchescanella citt_ d'Otranto nell' anno MCCCLXXX, 16x2.] For
the reign and conquests of Mahomet If., I have occasionallyused the
MemorieIstorichede' Monarchi Ottomannidi GiovanniSag'redo(Venezia,
x677,in 4to). In peaceand war,the Turks haveever engagedthe attention
of the republicof Venice. All herdespatchesand archiveswere open to a
procuratorof St. Mark, and Sagredois not contemptibleeither in senseor
style. Yet he toobitterlyhatesthe infidels; he is ignorantof theirlanguage
and manners; andhis narrative,whichallowsonlyseventypagestoMahomet
LI. (p. 69-x4o), becomesmore copiousand authentic as he approachesthe
years x64o and x644,the term of the historiclabours of John Sagredo.
[MohAmm,ddied on 3rd May, cp.Ziakeisen,ii. p. 468.]
questof Italy: he waspossessedof a strongcityand a capa-
cious harbour; and the same reignmight havebeen deco-
rated withthe trophiesof the NEwand theANCmlVr ROME. m
m AsI am nowtaking an everlastingfarewellofthe Greek empire,I sbaT!
brieflymentionthe great collectionof Byzantinewriters, whosenames and
testimonieshave beensuccessivelyrepeatedin this work. The Greek presses
of Aldusand the Italianswere confinedto the classicsof a better age; and
the first rude editionsof Procopius,Agathias,Cedrenus,Zonaras,&c.were
published by the learned diligenceof the Germans. The whole Byzantine
series(36volumesin folio)has graduallyissued(A.D.I648, &c.) fromthe
royalpressof the Louvre,with somecollateralaid from Romeand Leipsic;
but the Venetianedition (A.D.1729), thoughcheaper and more copious,is
notless inferior in correctnessthan in magnificenceto that of Paris. The
meritsof the French editorsare various; but the value of Anna Comnena,
Cinnarnus, Vlllehardouin, & enhancedby the historical notesof Charles
du Fresne du Cange. His supplementalworks, the Greek Glossary,the
ConstantinopolisChristiana,the Famil_ Byzantine, diffusea steady light
over the darkness of the lower Empire.
,_..oo--x35o]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 65

.Stateo]RomefromtheTwellthCentury- Temporal Domin-
ion o] the Popes_--Seditions
o] the City--Political
Heresyo]Arnoldo]Brescia-- Restoration
lic--The Senators_Prideo] the Romans--Their
Wars- Theyaredeprivedo]theElectionandPresence
of thePopes,who retireto Avignon--The Jubilee--
NobleFamilieso] 'Rome_ Feudo] the Colonnaand
oureyeis invariablyfixedontheroyalcitywhichhadgiven
lawsto the fairestportionof the globe. We contemplate
her fortunes,at firstwithadmiration,at lengthwithpity,
alwayswithattention;and, whenthatattentionis diverted
fromthecapitalto theprovinces, theyareconsidered as so
manybrancheswhichhavebeensuccessively severedfrom
the Imperialtrunk. The foundation of a secondRomeon
the shoresof the Bosphorushascompelled thehistorianto
followthe successors ofConstantine;andourcuriosityhas
beentemptedto visitthemostremotecountriesofEurope
andAsia,to explorethe causesandtheauthorsof thelong
decayoftheByzantine monarchy.BytheconquestofJus-
tinianwehavebeefirecalledto thebnnksof the Tiber,to
the deliveranceofthe ancientmetropolis;but thatdeliver-
ancewasa change,orperhapsan aggravation, ofservitude.
Romehad beenalreadystrippedof her trophies,her gods,
andher C_esars;norwasthe Gothicdominionmoreinglo-
riousand oppressive than the tyrannyof the Greeks. In
theeighthcenturyof the Christianera,a religiousquarrel,
theworshipof images,provokedtheRomansto asserttheir
independence; their bishopbecamethetemporalaswellas
thespiritualfatherofafreepeople; andoftheWesternempire,
whichwasrestoredbyCharlemagne, thetitleandimagestill
decoratethe singularconstitutionof modern Germany?
Thenameof Romemustyetcommandourinvoluntary re-
spect; the climate(whatsoever maybe its influence)was
nolongerthesame; 2thepurityof bloodhad beencont,mi-
nated througha thousandchannels; but the venerable
aspectof her ruins,andthe memoryof pastgreatness,re-
kindleda sparkofthenationalcharacter.Thedarknessof
the middleagesexhibitssomescenesnot unworthyof our
notice. NorshallI dismissthepresentworktillI havere-
v/ewedthestateand revolutions ofthe Ro_ CITY, which
acquiescedundertheabsolutedominionof thepopesabout
the same time that Constantinople was enslavedby the
In thebeginningofthetwelfthcentury, s theeraofthefirst
crusade,RomewasreveredbytheLatins,as themetropolis
the rightor exerciseof temporaldominion.Afterso long
an interruption,it maynot beuselessto repeatthatthesuc-
cessorsof Charlemagne andthe Othoswerechosenbeyond
z[But no longer,as the Roman empireceased to exist in i8o6 (August)
when Francis II. resignedthe ImperialCrown. Hehad taken the new title
of Emperor of Austria in x8o4.]
2The Abb_Dubos, who,withlessgenius than his successorMontesquieu,
has asserted and magnifiedthe influenceof climate, objects to himself the
degeneracyof the Romansand Batavians. To the first of these examples
he replies,I. That the changeis lessrealthan apparent, and that the modern
Romans prudently conceal in themselves the virtues of their ancestors.
2. That the air, the soil, and the climateof Rome have suffcreda great and
visiblealteration (Rg.flexionssurla Po6sieet sur la Peinture,part ii. sect.x6).
[The chiefwork nowon the subjectof this andthe twofollowingchaptersis
Gmgorovins, Geschichte der Stadt Rom in Mittelalter, which has been
excellentlytranslated into Englishby Mrs. Hamilton.]
s The readerhas beenso longabsent fromRome,that I wouldadvisehim
to recollector reviewthe 49th chapter,in the viiithvolumeof this history.
theRhinein a nationaldiet; but that theseprinceswere
contentwiththehumblenamesofkingsofGermany andItaly,
tilltheyhadpassedthe/kipsandtheApelmine, to seektheir
ImperialcrownonthebanksoftheTiber._ Atsomedistance
fromthecity,theirapproachwassalutedbya longprocession
of theclergyand peoplewithpalmsand crosses;andthe
thatfloatedin themilitarybanners,representedthedeparted
legionsand cohortsof the republic.The royaloath to
maintainthelibertiesofRomewasthricereiterated,at the
bridge,s thegate,andonthestairsoftheVatican;andthe
distributionof a customarydonativefeeblyimitatedthe
magnificence ofthefirstC,esars. In thechurchofSt.Peter,t
thecoronationwasperformedbyhis successor; _ thevoice
Thecoronation of the GermanEmperors atRome,moreespecially in
thexithcentury, isbestrepresentedfromtheoriginal monuments byMuratori
(Antiquitat.Ital_ medii_Evi,tom.i. dissertat, ii. p. 99, &c.)andCenni
(Monument. Domin.Pontif., _6x),thelatterofwhomI
onlyknowfromthecopious extractofSehm_dt (Hist.desAllemands, tom.ill
p.255466). [CenniquotestheOrdocoronationis givenbyCencinsCamera-
flus,whichcriticsvariously refertoHenryIII.andHenryVI. SeeWaltz,
DieFormeln derdeutschen KSnigs- undderrrmischen Kaiserkr_nung yore
xotenbisi2tenJahthundert (intheAbhandlungen oftheGrttingen Gesell-
schaftderWiss,i873,No. xS);andSchwarzer, Die Ordines derKaiser-
krrnung(in Forschungen zurdeutschen Gesehichte, xxii.i6x sqq.,x882).
Thecoronations of the9thcenturyhavebeentreatedbyW.Sickelin his
articleonDieKaiserk.rOnungen yonKarlbisBerengar, in theHistorisc_
N.F.xlvi.i sqq.]
s [Theemperor"firsttookanoathto theRomansatthelittlebridgeon
theNeronian fieldfaithfullyto observetherightsandusagesof the city.
Onthedayofthecoronation hemadehisentrancethrough thePortsCasteUa
closetoSt.Angeloandhererepeated theoath. Theclergyandthecorpora-
tionsof Romegreetedhimatthe churchof St. MariaTraspontina on a
legendary sitecalledtheTerebinthus ofNero"(Gregorovius, op.cir.,Eng.
' [ItmaybenotedthatHenryV.,crowned atSt.Peter'sa.v. _xtI, I3th
April,wasthefirstemperorcrowned at Romewhowasnotcrowned inthe
[Theinteresting ceremony atSt. Peter's- as it wasperformed inthe
i2thcenturyat allevents- deservesmoreparticular notice.Gregorovins
thusdescribes it (/b.p. $9,6o): Havingarrived at thesteps,thekingdis-
of God was confoundedwith that of the people; and the
public consentwas declaredin the acclamationsof "Long
life and victoryto our lord the pope! Long life and victory
to our lordthe emperor! Longlifeand victoryto the Roman
and Teutonicarmies!" 8 The namesof CmsarandAugustus,
the lawsof Constantineand Justinian,the exampleof Charle-
magne and Otho, establishedthe supremedominionof the
emperors; their title and image was engravedon the papal
coins;9 and their jurisdictionwas marked by the swordof
mountedand "stooped to kiss the pope's foot,tenderedthe oath to be an
uprightprotectorof the Church,and was adoptedby him as the son of the
Church. Withsolemn song both king and pope enteredthe Churchof St.
MariainTutti besidethe steps ofSt. Peter's,and herethe kingwas formally
made Canonofthe Cathedral. He then ad_'anced,conductedby theLateran
Countof the Palaceand by the Primiceriusof the Judges to the silverdoor
of the cathedral,where he prayed and the Bishop of Albanodeliveredthe
firstoration. Innumerablemysticceremoniesawaitedthe kingin St. Peter's
itself. Herea short way fromthe entrance was the lZotaPorphyretica,a
round porphyrystoneinsertedin the pavement,on which the kingand pope
knelt. The Imperial candidate here made his Confessionof Faith, the
Cardinal-bishopof Portus placed himselfin the middle of the Rota and
pronouncedthe secondoration. The king was then draped in new vest-
ments, wasmade a clericin thesacristyby the pope,was cladwith a tunic,
rlalmatica,pluviale,mitreand sandals,and was then led to the altar of St.
Maurice,whitherhis wife,aftersimilarbutlessfatiguingceremonies,accom-
panied him. The Bishopof Ostia here anointed the king onthe rightarm
and the neck and deliveredthe third oration." Afterthis followedthe chief
ceremony. The pope placed a ring on the king's finger,girt him with a
sword,and placedthe crownon his head. Then the emperor,havingtaken
offthesesymbols,"ministeredtothepopeas subdeaconatmass. The Count
Palatineafterwardsremoved the sandals and put the red Imperial boots
with the spursof St. Maurice upon him."]
sExercituiRomano et TeutonicoI The latter was both seen and felt;
but the formerwas no more than magninominisumbra.
gMuratori has giventhe series of the papal coins (Antiquitat.tom. ii.
diss. xxvll,p. 548-554). Fiefinds only two moreearly than the year 80o;
fiftyaxestill extantfromLeo nI. to Leo IX. with the additionof the reign-
ing emperor; none remainof GregoryVII. or Urban II.; but in those of
PaschalII. he seemsto have renouncedthis badgeof dependence. [There
are no Papal denarii betweenBenedictVII. (ob. A.D.984) and Leo IX.
But, as Gregorovinsobserves(op. cir.iv. p. 78 note), this is an accident,
for coinsmust have been struck. In the Ixth centurywe have one coin of
leo IX. and one ofPaschal II. The intervalbetweenPaschaland Benedict
justice,whichtheydeliveredto theprefectofthecity. But
guage,andthemannersofa Barbarianlord. TheC_esars of
SaxonyorFranconiawerethe chiefsof a feudalaristocracy;
nor couldtheyexercisethe disciplineof civilandmilitary
power,whichalonesecurestheobedience ofa distantpeople,
impatientofservitude, thoughperhapsincapableoffreedom.
Once,andonceonly,in hislife,eachemperor,withanarmy
of Teutonicvassals,descendedfromthe Alps. I havede-
scribedthepeacefulorderof hisentryandcoronation;but
thatorderwascommonly disturbedbytheclamourandse-
ditionof the Romans,whoencounteredtheir sovereign
asa foreigninvader:hisdeparturewasalwaysspeedy,and
oftenshameful;and, in the absenceof a longreign,his
authoritywasinsulted,and his namewasforgotten.The
progressofindependence in GermanyandItalyundermined
thefoundations oftheImperialsovereignty, andthetriumph
ofthepopeswasthedeliverance ofRome.
Ofhertwosovereigns, theemperorhadprecariously reigned
bytherightofconquest;but theauthorityofthepopewas
habit. The removalof a foreigninfluencerestoredand
endearedtheshepherdto hisflock. Insteadofthearbitrary
orvenalnominationof a Germancourt,the vicarofChrist
wereeithernativesorinhabitantsofthecity. Theapplause
ofthe magistratesand peopleconfirmed his election;and
the ecclesiasticalpowerthat was obeyedin Swedenand
Britainhad been ultimatelyderivedfromthe suffrageof
theRomans. The samesuffragegavea prince,as wellas
a pontiff,to the capital. It wasuniversallybelievedthat
Constantine had investedthe popeswiththe temporaldo-
of. SeeGregorovius,/b.
sceptics,weresatisfiedwithdisputingthe rightof the emperor
and the validityof his gift. The truth of the fact, the au-
thenticityofhis donation,was deeplyrootedin the ignorance
and traditionof four centuries; and the fabulousoriginwas
lostin the realand permanenteffects.The nameofDominus,
or Lord, wasinscribedon the coinof the bishops; their title
was acknowledgedby acclamationsand oaths of allegiance;
and,with the freeor reluctantconsentof the GermanCmsars,
they had long exerciseda supremeor subordinatejurisdic-
tion overthe city and patrimonyof St. Peter. The reignof
the popes, which gratifiedthe prejudices,was not incom-
patible with the liberties of Rome; and a more critical
inquiry wouldhave revealeda still nobler sourceof their
power: the gratitude of a nation,whom they had rescued
fromthe heresyand oppressionof the Greek tyrant. In an
ageof superstition,it shouldseemthat the unionof the royal
and sacerdotalcharacterswouldmutually fortifyeach other,
and that the keys of paradise wouldbe the surest pledgeof
earthly obedience. The sanctityof the officemight indeed
be degradedby the personalvicesof the man; but the scan-
dais of the tenth century wereobliteratedby the austereand
more dangerous virtues of Gregory the Seventh and his
successors;and,in the ambitiouscontestswhichthey main-
rained for the rights of the church, their sufferingsor their
successmustequallytend to increasethe popular veneration.
They sometimeswanderedin povertyand exile,the victims
of persecution;and the apostoliczealwithwhichtheyoffered
themselvesto martyrdommust engagethe favour and sym-
pathy of everyCatholicbreast. And sometimes,thundering
from the Vatican, they created, judged, and deposed the
kings of the world; nor could the proudest Roman be dis-
graced by submittingto a priest whosefeetwerekissed,and
whosestirrup was held,by the successorsof Charlemagne. t°
t0See Ducange,Gloss.medimet infim_eLatinitat. tom. vi. p. 364, 365,
STA,v_'A.This homagewas paid by kingsto archbishops,and by vassalsto
their lords (Schmidt,tom. lii. p. 262); and it wasthe nicestpolicyof Rome
to confoundthe marks of filial and of feudal subjection.
Eventhetemporal interestof thecityshouldhaveprotected
inpeaceandhonour theresidence ofthepopes;fromwhence
a vainandlazypeoplederivedthegreatestpartoftheirsub-
sistenceand riches. The fixedrevenueof the popeswas
probably impaired : manyoftheoldpatrimonial estates,both
in Italyandtheprovinces, hadbeeninvadedbysacrilegious
hands;norcouldthelossbecompensated bytheclaimrather
thanthepossession of themoreamplegiftsofPepinandhis
descendants.But theVaticanand Capitolwerenourished
bytheincessantandincreasing swarmsofpilgrimsandsup-
pliants; thepaleofChristianity wasenlarged,andthepope
and cardinalswereoverwhelmed bythejudgmentof eccle-
siasticaland secularcauses. A newjurisprudence had es-
tablishedin the Latin churchthe right and practiceof
appeals;u and, fromthe North and West,the bishops
andabbotswereinvitedorsummoned to solicit,to complain,
to accuse,or to justifybeforethe thresholdof theapostles.
A rareprodigyis oncerecorded,that twohorses,belonging
totheArchbishops ofMentzandCologne, repassedtheAlps,
yetladenwithgoldandsilver;_ butit wassoonunderstood
thatthesuccess,bothofthe pilgrimsandclients,depended
ostentatiously displayed;and their expenses,sacred or
profane,circulated in various ¢hnnnelsfortheemolument of
n The appealsfromall the churchesto the RomanPontiff aredeplored
by the zealof St. Bernard(de Consideratione, 1.iii. tom. iLp. 43x-442,edit.
Mabillon,Venet. x75o),and the judgmentof Floury(I)iscourssurl'Hist.
iv. andvii.). Butthe saint,whobelievedin thefalsedecretals,
condemns only the abuse of these appeals; the more enlightenedhis-
torianinvestigatesthe origin, and rejectsthe principles,of this new juris-
Germanici. . . summariinon levatis sarcinisonusti nihileminnsre-
patriantinviti. Nova resl quandoh_ctenusaurum Roma refudit? Et
nuncRomanorumconsilioid usurpatumnon credimus(Bernard,de Con-
sideratione,1.iiLc. 3, P. 437). The firstwordsof thepassageareobscure,
and probablycorrupt.
Suchpowerfulmotivesshouldhave firmlyattachedthe
voluntaryandpiousobedience of theRomanpeopleto their
spiritualandtemporalfather. Buttheoperationofpreju-
diceand interestis oftendisturbedbythe salliesof ungov-
gatherthefruit,'s andthe Arab whoplundersthecaravans
of commerce, are actuatedby the sameimpulseof savage
nature,whichoverlooksthefuturein the present,andre-
linquishesformomentary rapinethelong_ndsecureposses-
sionofthemostimportantblessings.Andit wasthusthatthe
shrineofSt.Peterwasprofanedbythethoughtless Romans,
whopillagedtheofferings,andwounded thepilgrims,without
computingthe numberand valueof similarvisits,which
they preventedby their inhospitablesacrilege.Eventhe
influenceof superstition
is fluctuatingandprecarious;and
the slave,whosereasonis subdued,willoftenbe delivered
byhisavariceor pride. A credulousdevotionforthefables
and oraclesof the priesthoodmostpowerfullyactson the
mindofa Barbarian; yetsucha mindis theleastcapableof
preferringimaginationto sense,of sacrificingto a distant
motive,toan invisible,
and interestsof thepresentworld. In the vigourof health
andyouth,his practicewillperpetually contradicthisbelief;
tillthepressureof age,orsickness,or calamityawakenshis
terrorsandcompelshim to satisfy thedoubledebtof piety
and remorse. I have alreadyobservedthat the modern
timesof religiousindifferenceare the most favourable
to thepeaceand securityoftheclergy. Underthereignof
theyhadmuchto hopefromtheignorance, and
muchto fearfromthe violence,of mankind.Thewealth,
whoseconstantincreasemust have renderedthem the
soleproprietorsof the earth,was alternatelybestowedby
QuandlessauvagesdelaLouisiane veulentavoirdufruit,ilscoupent
Farbreau piedet cueillentle fruit. Voil_le gouvernement despotique
(EspritdesLoix,1.v.c. x3); andpassion
andignorancearealways despotic.
,_v.,,oo-,3so]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 73
the repentantfatherand plunderedby the rapaciousson;
theirpersonswereadoredor violated;andthe sameidol,
bythehandsof thesamevotaries,wasplacedonthealtar
or trampledin the dust. In thefeudalsystemofEurope,
armswerethe tire of distinctionandthe measureof alle-
giance;and amidsttheirtumultthe stillvoiceoflawand
disdainedthe yoke, and insultedthe impotence, of their
bishop;1_nor wouldhis educationor characterallowhim
to exercise,
withdecencyor effect,thepowerof thesword.
Themotivesof hiselectionandthefrailtiesofhis lifewere
exposedto theirfamiliarobservation;and proximitymust
diminishthe reverencewhichhisnameand hisdecreesim-
pressedon a Barbarousworld. This differencehas not
escapedthe noticeof our philosophichistorian:"Though
thenameandauthority ofthecourtofRomeweresoterrible
in theremotecountriesof Europe,whichweresunkin pro-
foundignorance,and wereentirelyunacquainted with its
characterandconduct,thepopewassolittlereveredat home
thathis inveterateenemiessurroundedthe gatesof Rome
itselfandevencontrolledhis government in thatcity; and
the ambassadors,who,froma distantextremityof Europe,
carriedto himthehumble,or ratherabject,submissions of
maketheirwayto himandtothrowthemselves athisfeet."1,
1. In a freeconversationwith his countrymanAdrianIV., John of Salis-
bury accusesthe avariceof the pope and clergy: Provinciarumderipinnt
spolia, ac si thesauros Crcesistudeant reparare. Sed recte cum eis agit
Altissimus,quoniam et ipsi altis et s_pe vilissimishominibusdati sunt in
direptionem(de NugisCurialium,1. vi. c. 24,p. 387). In the next page,he
blamesthe rashnessand infidelityof the Romans,whomtheirbishopsvainly
strovetoconciliateby giftsinsteadofvirtues. It ispity thatthis miscellaneous
writer has not given us less morality and erudition,and more picturesof
himselfand the times.
isHume'sHistoryof England,vol.i. p. 4i9. The samewriter hasgiven
us, fromFitz Stephen,a singularact of crueltyperpetratedon the clergyby
Geoffrey,the father of Henry II. "When he was masterof Normandy,the
chapter of Seezpresumed,withouthis content, to proceedto the electionof
Sincethe primitivetimes,the wealthof the popeswas
exposedto envy,theirpowerto opposition,
to violence.Butthelonghostilityofthemitreandthecrown'
increasedthe numbers,and inflamedthe passions,of their
sofatalto Italy,couldneverbeembraced withtruthor con-
stancybytheRomans,thesubjectsandadversaries bothof
thebishopandemperor;but theirsupportwassolicitedby
bothparties;andtheyalternately displayed
in theirbanners
the keysofSt. Peterandthe Germaneagle. Gregorythe
Seventh,whomaybe adoredor detestedas thefounderof
the papalmonarchy,wasdrivenfromRome,and diedin
exileat Salerno.Six-and-thirty
of hissuccessors,
retreatto Avignon,maintainedan unequalcontestwiththe
churches,in the solemnrites of religion,werepollutedwith
seditionand murder. A repetitiont7of such capricious
a bishop; upon which, he ordered all of them, with the bishopelect, to be
castrated, and made all their testiclesbe brought him in a platter." Of the
pain and danger they might justly complain; yet, since they had vowed
chastity, he deprivedthem of a superfluoustreasure.
,0From Leo IX. and GregoryVII. an authentic and contemporaryseries
of the lives of the Popes, by the Cardinal of Arragon[Nicol5Roselli(oh.
A.D.I36_)_ Pandulphus Pisanus,BernardGuido, &c. is insertedin the
Italian historiansof Muratori(tom. iii. p. i. p. 277-.685), and has been
always before my eyes. [This collectionof Lives, printedby Muratorl
underthe falsetitle of the Cardinalof Aragon,is containedin the Liber
CcnsuumsanctaeRomanaeEcelesiae(whichis noticedabove,vol. x. p. too,
note54)- The Liveswerealso published,as ActaVaticana,by Baroniusin
his Annalesecclesiastici(scatteredaboutunderthevariousyears); and his
text is saidto be betterthanthat of Muratori. There is a neweditionof the
LiberCensuum(put togetherA.D.Ix9a by CenciusCamerarius)by P. Fabre.
On the wholesubjectcp. Fabre'sEtude sur le Libercensuumde I'_glise
t7The dates of years . . . may, throughoutthis chapter,be under-
stood as tacit references to the Annalsof Muratori,myordinaryandexcellent
guide. Heuses, and indeedquotes,withthefreedomof a master,his great
Collectionof the ItalianHistorians,in xxviii,volumes;and,as that treasure
is in my h'brary,I havethoughtit an amusement,ff not a duty,to consult
brutality,withoutconnectionor design,wouldbe tedious
anddisgusting;andI shallcontentmyselfwithsomeevents
andthecity. On HolyThursday,whilePaschalofficiated
beforethealtar,he wasinterruptedby theclamoursof the
multitude,whoimperiously demanded theconfirmation ofa
is His silenceexasperated theirfury;
hispiousrefusalto minglethe affairsof earthand heaven
wasencountered withmenacesandoaths,thathe shouldbe
thecauseand the witnessof the publicruin. Duringthe
festivalof Easter,whilethebishopandtheclergy,barefoot
andin procession,visitedthetombsofthemartyrs,theywere
twiceassaulted,at thebridgeofSt. Angeloandbeforethe
Capitol,with volleysof stonesand darts. The housesof
hisadherentswerelevelledwith the ground; Paschales-
capedwithdifficultyanddanger; heleviedan armyin the
patrimonyof St. Peter; and his lastdayswereembittered
bysuffering and inflictingthecalamitiesofcivilwar. The
scenesthat followedthe electionof his successorGelasius
the Secondwerestillmorescandalousto the churchand
city. CencioFrangipani, 1°a potentand factiousbaron,
burstintothe assembly furious,and in arms: thecardinals
werestripped,beaten,andtrampledunderfoot; andheseized,
withoutpityor respect,the vicarof Christby the throat.
18[The magistrate meant is the Prefect of the City (cp. below,p. 89),
the criminal judge of Rome. His electionoften caused party conflicts.
Paschalwisheda son of Pierieoneto be chosen,and the riot wasmarked by
an attack on the fortress of the Pierleoni near thetheatre of Marcellus.]
I_I cannotrefrain fromtranscribingthe high-colouredwordsof Pandul-
phusPisanus(p. 384): Hocaudiensinimicuspacisatqueturbatorjam fatus
CentiusFrajapane,moredraconisimmanissimisibilans,et ab imispectori-
bustmhenslonga suspiria,accinctusretrogladiosine more cucurrit,valvas
ac foresconfregit. Ecclesiamfuribundusintroiit,indecustoderemotopapam
animalintra limen ecclesimacriter calcaribuscruentavit;et latro tantum
dominumper cap_ioset brachia,Jesu bonointerimdormiente,detraxit,ad
domumusquededuxit,inibi catenavitet indusit.
with blows,wounded with spurs, and bound with an iron
chain in the house of his brutal tyrant. An insurrectionof
the people deliveredtheir bishop; the rivalfamiliesopposed
the violenceof the Frangipani; and Cencio,who sued for
pardon, repented of the failure rather than of the guilt of
his enterprise. Not many days had elapsedwhen the pope
was again assaulted at the altar. While his friends and
enemies were engagedin a bloody contest, he escapedin
his sacerdotal garments. In this unworthy flight, which
excitedthe compassionof the Roman matrons,his attendants
were scattered or unhorsed; and, in the fields behind the
churchof St. Peter, his successorwas found aloneand half
dead with fear and fatigue. Shaking the dust from his
feet, the apostlewithdrewfrom a city in which his dignity
wasinsultedand his personwasendangered; and the vanity
of sacerdotalambitionis revealedin the involuntaryconfes-
sion that one emperor was more tolerable than twenty.2°
Theseexamplesmight suffice; but I cannot forgetthe suffer-
ingsof twopontiffsof the sameage, the secondand third of
the name of Lucius. The former,as he ascendedin battle-
array to assault the Capitol, was struck on the temple by
a stone,and expiredin a fewdays; _ the latter was severely
woundedin the persons of his servants._ In a civil com-
motionseveralof his priests had been made prisoners; and
the inhumanRomans,reservingone as a guidefor his breth-
ren, put out their eyes,crownedthem with ludicrousmitres,

2oEgo coram Deo et Ecclesiadico, si unquam possibileesset, maUem

unum imperatoremquam tot dominos(Vit. GeMs.II. p. 398). [HenryV.,
calledinby the Frangipanl,appearedin Romeon i ith March, 1II9. Gelasius
escaped to Gaeta. Gregoroviusappropriatelyobservesthat "the flightto
Gaeta was repeated729yearslaterin the historyof Plus IX" (iv. 383).]
21[Godfreyof Viterbo,in MuratoHvii. p. 46I.]
" [The sourcesfor this outrage on Lucius III. (who finally sought the
emperor's protectionat Verona, where he died) are: Sigebertus Gem-
blacensis,AuctariumAquicinense,ad ann. 1184(Bethmann'sed. of Sigibert
inthe p. 3o0sqq.hassupersededall others); Albertus
Stadensis(= AmmlesStadenses,in Mort.Germ.Hist.xvi.)ad zz83.]
^.D..oo-,3so]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 77
mountedthemon asses,withtheirfacesto thetail,andex-
tortedan oaththat in thiswretchedconditiontheyshould
offerthemselves asa lessontotheheadofthechurch. Hope
or fear,lassitudeor remorse,thecharactersofthemenand
the circumstances of the times,mightsometimes obtainan
withjoyfulacclamations to the Lateranor Vatican,from
whencehe hadbeendrivenwiththreatsandviolence.But
the rootof mischiefwasdeepandperennial;z3 anda mo-
mentarycalmwasprecededand followed by suchtempests
ashadalmostsunkthebarkofSt.Peter. Romecontinually
presented the aspectof war anddiscord;thechurchesand
palaceswerefortifiedand assaultedby the factionsand
families;and, after givingpeaceto Europe,Calixtusthe
Secondalonehad resolutionand powerto prohibittheuse
ofprivatearmsin themetropolis. 2' Amongthenationswho
reveredtheapostolicthrone,the tumultsof Romeprovoked
a generalindignation;and,in a letterto hisdiscipleEuge-
niusthe Third,St. Bernard,withthe sharpnessof his wit
andzeal,hasstigmatised thevicesoftherebeUious people.
"Whoisignorant,"saysthemonkofClairvaux, "ofthevan-
ityandarroganceof theRomans? a nationnursedin sedi-
tion,cruel,untractable,and scorningto obey,unlessthey
aretoofeebleto resist. Whentheypromiseto serve,they
aspireto reign; if theyswearallegiance, theywatchthe
opportunity ofrevolt;yettheyventtheirdiscontent in loud
clamours,if yourdoorsor yourcouncilsare shut against
2,[As Gregoroviusputsit (iv. 609): "The spirit of Arnold stillsurvived
in Rome,and each Pope was obligedto win toleratioafor himselfor elseto
livein exile."]
[Calixtusalso forbadethe fortificationof churches. See /_fansi,Con-
ciliaxxi. 285. He restoredtheLateran.]
_sQuidtam notumseculisquamproterviaet cervicositasRomanorum ?
Gensinsuetapaci,tumultuiassueta,gensimmitisetintractabilis usqueadhuc,
subdinescia,nisi curenon valetresistere(de Considerat.1. iv. c. 2, p. 441).
The saint takes breath,and then begins again: Hi) invisi terrmet c_elo,
utriqueinjeceremanus, &c.(p. 443)-
them. Dexterous in mischief,theyhaveneverlearnedthe
scienceofdoinggood. Odioustoearthandheaven, impious
to God,seditiousamongthemselves, jealousoftheirneigh-
bours,inhuman tostrangers,theylovenoone,bynooneare
theybeloved;and,whiletheywishto inspirefear,theylive
in baseandcontinualapprehension. Theywillnotsubmit;
theyknowhowto govern;faithlessto theirsuperiors, intol-
erableto theirequals,ungrateful to theirbenefactors,and
nllkeimprudent in theirdemandsandtheirrefusals.Lofty
inpromise, poorinexecution: adulationandcalumny, perfidy
andtreason,arethe familiarartsof theirpolicy." Surely
thisdarkportraitisnot coloured bythepencilofChristian
charity;_ yetthefeatures, howeverharshandugly,express
a livelyresemblanceoftheRomansof thetwelfthcentury. _7
TheJewshadrejected theChristwhenheappeared among
themina plebeiancharacter;andtheRomansmightplead
prideofa temporal sovereign.In the busyageof thecru-
sades,somesparksof curiosityandreasonwererekindled
in theWesternworld;theheresyofBulgaria,thePanlician
France;theGnosticvisionsweremingled withthesimplicity
oftheGospel;andtheenemiesoftheclergyreconciled their
passionswiththeirconscience, the desireof frg_clomwith
the professionof piety."_8The trumpetof Romanliberty
" Asa Roman citizen,
a mint,wasa man; thathemightbeprovoked byresentment,andpossibly
repentofhishastypassion,&c.(M_moires surlaViede P_trarque, tom.i.
p. 33o).
Baronius,in hisindexto thexiithvolumeof hisAnnals,hasfounda
fairandeasyexcuse.Hemakestwoheads,ofRomaniCalholici andSchls-
ma//c/;totheformer, heappliesallthegood,tothelatteralltheevil,thatis
toldof thecity.
Theheresies of thexiithcenturymaybefoundinMosheim (Insfitut.
Hist.Eccles.p.419-427) , whoentertainsa favourableopinionofArnoldof
Brescia.In the6thvolume,I havedescribed thesectofthePaulicians,and
followedtheirmigration fromArmenia to ThraceandBulgaria, Italyand
,_.,,,x,-x35o]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 79
wasfirstsoundedbyArnoldofBrescia, 2_whosepromotion in
thechurchwasconfined to thelowestrank,andwhowore
themonastichabitratheras a garbof povertythanas an
uniform of obedience.His adversaries couldnot denythe
wit andeloquence whichtheyseverelyfelt; theyconfess
withreluctance the speciouspurityof hismorals;andhis
errorswererecommended to thepublicbya mixtureofim-
portantandbeneficialtruths. In his theologicalstudies,
he hadbeenthe discipleof thefamousand unfortunate
s° whowaslikewiseinvolvedin the suspicionof
heresy;but the loverof Eloisawasof a softandflexible
nature;and his ecclesiastic judgeswereedifiedanddis-
Arnoldmostprobably imbibedsomemetaphysical defini-
tionsoftheTrinity,repugnant to thetasteofthetimes;his
ideasof baptismand the eucharistareloosdycensured;
buta political
tunes. He presumedto quotethedeclaration ofChristthat
hiskingdomis notof thisworld: he boldlymaintained that
theswordandthesceptrewereentrustedto the civilmagis-
Theoriginal pictures ofArnoldofBresciaaredrawnbyOthobishopof
Frisingen (Chron. 1.vii.c.3x,deGestisFrederici I. 1.i. c.27,1.ii.c.2x),and
in1.iii.oftheLigurinus [composed inA.D.xi86-7],a poemofGunther, who
flourishedA.D.12oo,inthemonastery ofParis[notParis,butP_ris,inEisass],
nearBasil(Fabric.Bibliot.Latin.reed.etinfima: ,,Etati& tom.iii.p _74,175)-
Thelongpassagethatrelatesto Arnold, isproduced byGuilliman (deRebus
Helveticis,1.iii.c.5, P-Io8). [Gibbon doesnotseemtoknowoftheattack
madeonthegenuineness ofthepoem"Ligurinus"bySenckenberg inhis
Parerga Gottingensia, i. (x737).Upto theyeari87t, theorthodox viewof
criticswasthattheworkwasa forgery.Buttheauthorship ofGunther was
provedbyPannenborg in theForschungen zurdeutschen Geschichte, xi.
p. I63 sqq.(i871). Cp.his Programm "Der Verfasser des Ligurinus,"
1883. Thereis a German translation
of thepoembyT. Vulpinus, I889.
OnArnold ofBrescia,seeGiesebrecht's monograph, Arnold yonBrescia.]
ThewickedwitofBaylewasmusedin composing, withmuchlevity
andlearning, thearticlesofAB_LAt_.D, For-,_.s, HV-Z.OmE, in hisDiction-
naireCritique.Thedisputeof Abelard andSt. Bernard, ofscholastic and
positivedivinity,is wellunderstood by Mosheim(Insfitut.Hist.Eccles.
p. 412"415).
trate; thattemporalhonoursand possessions werelawfully
vestedin secularpersons;thattheabbots,thebishops,and
the popehimselfmustrenounceeithertheirstateor their
salvation;andthat,afterthelossoftheirrevenues, thevolun-
tary tithesand oblationsof the faithfulwouldsuffice,not
indeedforluxuryandavarice,butfora frugallifeintheexer-
ciseofspirituallabours. Duringa shorttimethepreacher
wasreveredas a patriot;and thediscontent,or revolt,of
lessons.Butthefavourofthepeopleislesspermanent than
theresentment ofthepriest;and,aftertheheresyofArnold
had beencondemned by InnocenttheSecondsl in thegen-
eral councilofthe Lateranthe magistrates themselves were
urgedby prejudiceandfearto executethesentenceof the
church. Italycouldnolongerafforda refuge;andthedis-
cipleofAbelardescapedbeyondtheAlps,tillhefounda safe
and hospitable shelterin Zurich,nowthefirstof the Swiss
cantons.Froma Romanstation, = a royalvilla,a chapter
of noblevirgins,Zurichhad graduallyincreasedto a free
andflourishing city,wheretheappealsof theMilanesewere
sometimestried by the Imperialcommlssaries. _a Ill an
m_ Damnatusab illo
Prmsule,quinumerosvefitumconfingere nostros
Wemayapplaudthedexterityand correctness of Ligurinus,whoturns
theunpoetical nameofInnocentII. intoa compliment.[Fortheactsofthv
LateranCouncilseeMansi,Concil.xxi.p. 5_3sqg.]
" A Romaninscription of StatioTurioensishas beenfoundat Zurich
(d'Anville,Noticede l'andenneGaule,p. 642-644);but it is without
suffidentwarrantthat thecityandcantonhaveusurpedandevenmonopo-
lisedthenamesofTigurumandPagusTigurinus. [SeeOttoof Fr_islngen,
" GuiUiman (deRebusHelveticls" I. iii. c. 5, P- xo6)recapitulates
donation(A.D.833) of the emperorLewisthe Piousto hisdaughterthe
abbessl:l.ildegardis.CurtimnostramTuregum in ducamAlamanni_e in
pagoDurgaugensi, withvillages,woods,meadows, waters,slaves,churches,
&c.,a noblegift. Charlesthe Boldgavethe jus monetm, the citywas
walledunderOthoI., andthe lineof the bishopofFrisingen,
NobileTuregummultarum copiareturn,
is repeatedwithpleasureby theantiquaries of Zurich.
agelessripefor reformation, theprecursorofZuinglius was
heardwithapplause;a braveandsimplepeopleimbibed,
andlongretained, thecolourof hisopinions;andhisart,
or merit,seducedthe bishopof Constance, andeventhe
pope'slegate,whoforgot,forhissake,the interestoftheir
masterand theirorder.Theirtardyzealwasquickened by
thefierceexhortations of St. Bernard;_ and theenemy
of the churchwasdrivenby persecution to the desperate
measureoferectinghisstandardin Romeitself,in theface
ofthesuccessor of St. Peter.
Yetthe courageof Arnoldwasnotdevoidof discretion:
hewasprotected, andhadperhaps beeninvited,bythenobles
andpeople;andin the serviceof freedomhis eloquence
thundered overthesevenhills. Blending in the samedis-
coursethetextsofLivyandSt. Paul,unitingthemotives of
gospelandofclassicenthusiasm, headmonished theRomans
howstrangely theirpatienceandthevicesoftheclergyhad
degeneratedfromthe primitive timesof thechurchandthe
city. He exhortedthemto asserttheinalienable rightsof
menand Christians;to restorethe lawsandmagistrates
oftherepublic;torespectthenameof theemperor;butto
confinetheirshepherdto the spiritualgovernment of his
_ Norcouldhisspiritual government escapethecen-
sureandcontrolofthereformer; andtheinferiorclergy
u Bernard,epistol,cxcv.cxcvi,tom. i. p. I87-I9o. Amidsthisinvectives,
hedrops aprecious acknowledgment, quiutinam quamsan_esset doctrinm
quamdistHctae est vitae. He ownsthatArnoldwouldbeavaluableacquisition
forthe church. [Bernardhimself-- thoughhe opposedArnoldasa heretic
stronglycondemnedthe temporaldominionof the Pope,in hisDe Con-
sideratione. He observes,for instance: nemo militaus Deo implicetse
negotiissecularihus. Cp. Gregorovius,op. cir. iv. p. 483-4.]
He advisedthe Romans,
Arbitriotractaresuo: nil jurisin h_cre
Pontificisummo,modicumconcedere regi
Suadebat populo.Sic Ims_ stultusutr_que
Majestate, reum gemimese faceratauhv.
Nor is the poetryof Guntherdifferentfrom the proseof Otho.
taught by his lessonstoresistthe cardinals,who had usurped
a despoticcommandoverthe twenty-eightregionsorparishes
of Rome.TM The revolutionwas not accomplishedwithout
rapineand violence,the effusionof blood,and the demoli-
tion of houses; the victoriousfactionwas enrichedwith the
spoils of the clergy and the adverse nobles. Arnold of
Bresciaenjoyedor deploredthe effectsof his mission; his
reigncontinuedaboveten years, whiletwo popes,Innocent
the Secondand Anastasiusthe Fourth, eithertrembledin
the Vaticanorwanderedas exilesin theadjacentcities. They
were succeededby a more vigorousand fortunatepontiff,
Adrianthe Fourth,s7the only Englishmanwhohas ascended
the throne of St. Peter; and whosemerit emergedfrom the
meanconditionofa monk,and almosta beggar,in the monas-
tery of St. Albans. On the first provocation,of a cardinal
killedor woundedin the streets,he cast an interdicton the
guilty people; and, from Christmasto Easter, Rome was
deprivedof the real or imaginarycomfortsof religiouswor-
ship. The Romans had despised their temporal prince:
they submittedwithgrief and terror to the censuresof their
spiritualfather; their guilt was expiatedby penance,and
the banishmentof the seditiouspreacherwasthe priceoftheir
absolution. But the revengeof Adrian was yet un_tisfied,
and the approachingcoronationof Frederic Barbarossawas
fatal to the bold reformer,who had offended,thoughnot in
an equaldegree,the headsof the churchand state. In their
interviewat Viterbo,ss the pope representedto theemperor
the furiousungovernablespirit of the Romans; the insults,
the injuries,the fears, to which his personand his clergy

ttSeeBaronius(A.D.xx48,No.35,39)fromtheVatican MSS.He
No.3)as thefatherofthepolitical
Ital.L rxT.J
werecontinuallyexposed;andthe pernicioustendencyof
theheresyofArnold,whichmustsubverttheprinciples of
civilas wellas ecclesiastical
convinced bythesearguments,or temptedbythe desireof
theImperialcrown;in thebalanceofambition,theinnocence
orlifeofan individualisofsmallaccount;andtheircommon
enemywassacrificed toa momentofpoliticalconcord. Mter
his retreatfromRome,Arnoldhad beenprotectedbythe
viscountsof Campania,fromwhomhe wasextortedby the
powerof Ceesar:theprefectofthecitypronounced his sen-
tence;the martyr offreedomwasburntaliveinthepresence
ofa carelessandungrateful people;andhisasheswerecast
intothe Tiber,lestthe hereticsshouldcollectand worship
the relicsof theirmaster?' The clergytriumphedin his
death; withhis ashes,his sectwasdispersed;hismemory
stilllivedin themindsoftheRomans. Fromhisschoolthey
hadprobablyderiveda newarticleoffaith,thatthemetropolis
municationand interdict. Theirbishopsmightarguethat
the supremejurisdiction,whichtheyexercisedoverkings
andnations,morespecially embracedthecityanddioceseof
theprinceoftheapostles. But theypreachedto thewinds,
andthesameprinciple thatweakened theeffect,musttemper
Theloveof ancientfreedomhasencouraged a beliefthat

s, Besidesthe historianand poet alreadyquoted,the last adventuresof

Arnold are related by the biographerof Adrian IV. (Muratori, Script.
RerumItal. tom.iii. p. i. p. 44x, 442). [The circumstancesof the death of
Arnoldof Bresciaaredark; it happenednearSoracte,not in the city. Cp.
Gregorovius,op. ¢/t. p. 544. A new and importantsource was discovered
not many years ago- an anonymousLatin poem entitledGesta Friderid
imperatorisin Italia,describingthe Lombardwars of FrederickBarbarossa
up to the battleof Carcanoin A.D.xx6o. (It has beenproposedto ascribe
the authorshipto Thadeus de Roma.) It was published in x887(Cesta di
FedericoI. in Italia)byE. Monad, as vol.Lof the Fonti perla storiad'Italisu
]_utthe passagerelatingto Arnoldof Bresda was printedin x878in vol.i. ot
the Archiviodella Societ_Romana di storia patria.]
as earlyas the tenthcentury,in theirfirststrugglesagainst
the SaxonOthos,the commonwealth wasvindicatedand
wereannuallyelectedamongthe nobles;and that ten or
twelveplebeianmagistratesrevivedthe nameand officeof
thetribunesofthecommons. 4° Butthisvenerablestructure
disappearsbeforethe lightof criticism.In the darkness
of themiddleages,the appellations ofsenators,of consuls,
ofthesonsofconsuls, maysometimes bediscovered21 They
werebestowedby the emperors,or assumedby the most
powerfulcitizens,to denotetheirrank,theirhonours, _ and
6sDucange(Gloss.Latinitatis medi_eet infimm_Etatis,DEC_C_Ot_ms,
tom.ii. p. 726)givesme a quotation fromBlondus(decad.ii. 1.ii.):Duo
consulesex nobilitatequotannisfiebant,qul ad vetustumconsulum ex-
emplarsllmrn_rermnpr_eessent. Andin Sigonius (deRegnoItalia_, I. vi.
Opp.tom.ii. p.4oo)I readoftheconsulsandtribunesofthexthcentury.
BothBlondus,andevenSigonius, toofreelycopiedtheclassicmethodof
supplyingfromreasonor fancythedeficiency of records.
*JIn thepanegyric of Berengarius (Muratori, Script.Rer.Ital.tom.ii.
p.i. p.408),a Romanismentioned as consulis
natusinthebeginning ofthe
xth century.Muratori(dlssert.v.) discovers, in the years952 and956,
Gratianus inDeinomine consuletdux,Georgius consuletdux;andinIox5,
Romanus,brother of GregoryVIII., proudly,but vaguely, styleshimself
consulet duxet omniumRomanorum senator.[Nosuchbodyas a Sen-
ateexistedatRomefromthe8thtothe z2thcentury;andthewordSenatus
frequently occurring notonlyinchroniclesbutevenin Actsof Councils
signifiesmerelytheRomannobility.ForexampleBemmdescribes a meet-
ingoftheadherents oftheImperialpartyinA.D.xo62asan"assemblyof
theSenate." ThussenahTr meanta noble. Butit wassometimes assumed
as a titlein a morepregnantsense,implyingmunicipalauthority, as when
AlbericstyledhimselfomniumRornanorum Senator;andhisfather-in-law
Theophylactus hadalready bornethetitleConsulorSenatoroftheRomans,
andthesonofTheophylactus wascalledSonof the Consul,andhis wife
Theodora theSenatrix.Compare Gregoroviusop.c/t.ill p._93-5. Though
thereis noreasontosupposethattheRomanselectedconsulsannuallyin
thisage(zothcentury), it seemsthat"a Consul of theRomanswaselected
as Princepsof thenobilityfromits midst;confirmed bythe Pope;and
placedasa Patricins attheheadofthejurisdiction andadministration ofthe
city." Gregorovius, ib. p. 253o The Countsof Tnsculumusedto style
themselves Consuls andSenatorsoftheRomans.Gregorovius, iv.p. I38.]
e As lateas the xth century,the Greekemperorsconferredon the
dukesof Venice,Naples,2,malfi,&c. the title of _'arot, or consuls
perhapstheclaimofa pureandpatriciandescent;butthey
floatonthesurface,withouta seriesora substance, thetitles
ofmen,not theordersof government; _ andit is onlyfrom
that the establishmentof thesenateis datedas a glorious
era,intheactsofthecity.4_ Anewconstitution washastily
framedby privateambitionor popularenthusiasm;nor
couldRome,in the twelfthcentury,producean antiquary
to explain,ora legislatorto restore,the harmonyand pro-
portionsof the ancientmodel. The assemblyof a free,of
anarmedpeoplewilleverspeakin loudandweighty acclama-
tions. Butthe regulardistributionofthe thirty-five tribes,
thedebatesof the adverseorators,and the slowoperation
ofvotesandballotscouldnot easilybe adaptedby a blind
(see Chron. Sagornini,passim); and the successorsof Charlemagnewould
not abdicate any of their prerogatives. But, in general, the names of
consuland senator,whichmay he found amongthe French and Germans,
signifyno more than count or lord (Signeur, Ducange, Glossar.). The
monkishwritersare oftenambitious of finedassic words. [The title consul
wasborne in the x2thcentury,denotingthe judiciary andruling magistracy.
Cp. Gregorovius,op. c/t. iv. 459-]
_aThe most constitutionalform is a diploma of Otho III. (,_.D.998),
Consulibussenatus populique Romani; but the act is probably spurious.
At the coronationof Henry I. A.D.xor4,the historianDithmnr (apud Mura-
tori,Dissert.xxiii.)describeshim, asenatoribusduodecimvallatum,quorum
sexrasi barlx_talii prolixRmysticeincedebant cure baculis. The senate is
mentionedin the panegyricof Berengarius(p. 4o6).
[Just before this revolutionthe Romanshad been involvedin a war for
the possessionof Tivoli. The placehad surrenderedto the Pope, and they
had demanded it from him. The revolutionfollowed. "In II43," says
Gregorovius,"Rome made an attempt to form such an associationof the
differentcl___esas had been formedin Milan, Pisa,Genoa, and other cities"
(iv.p. 449). The lessernobilityjoined the burghers,seizedthe Capitoline,
declaredthemselvesthe Senate. Thus a free burgher classwasestablished,
and the despotismof the nobilitywho werethe supportersof the Pope was
overthrown: this is the significanceof the revolutionof Ix43. The first
civicconstitution(Ix44)was framedunder the influenceof JordanPiefleone.
Pope LuciusII. turned to ConradIFI.,but gotno help. Then theSenate
invited Conradto come and rule in Rome (xx49or xI5o). See Otto of
Freisingen,i. 28.]
multitude,ignorant of thearts,andinsensible of thebene-
fits,of legalgovernment.It wasproposed by Arnoldto
reviveanddiscriminate theequestrian order;butwhatcould
be the motiveor measureof such distinction? '5 The
pecuniary qualificationoftheknightsmusthavebeenreduced
tothe poverty ofthe times:thosetimesno longer required
theircivilfunctions of judgesandfarmersof therevenue;
andtheirprimitive duty,theirmilitary serviceonhorseback,
wasmorenoblysupplied by feudaltenuresandthespirit
of chivalry.Thejurisprudence ofthe republic wasuseless
andunknown;thenationsandfamilies of Italy,wholived
undertheRomanandBarbaric laws,wereinsensibly mingled
in acommon mass;andsomefainttradition, someimperfect
fragments, preserved thememory of theCodeandPandects
of Justinian.Withtheirliberty,the Romansmightdoubt-
lesshaverestored theappellation andofficeof consuls, had
theynotdisdained a titleso promiscuously adoptedin the
Italiancitiesthatit hasfinallysettledonthehumble station
oftheagentsof commerce in aforeignland. Buttherights
of thetribunes, theformidable wordthatarrested thepublic
counsels,suppose, ormustproduce, alegitimate democracy.
Theoldpatricians werethesubjects, themodembaronsthe
ofthestate;norwould theenemiesofpeaceandorder,
whoinsultedthevicarof Christ,havelongrespected the
unarmed sanctityof aplebeian magistrate.
a In ancientRome,theequestrianorderwas notrankedwiththesenate
andpeopleas a thirdbranchof therepublictill theconsulshipof Cicero,who
assumesthemeritof the establishment(Plin. Hist. Natur.rn-lll. 3; Beau-
fort,R_publiqueRomaine,tom. i. p. i44-x55).
The republicanplanof Arnoldof Bresciais thusstated byGunther:
Jura tribunorum, sanctumreperaresenatum,
Et seniofessasmutasquereponereleges.
Lapsa ruinosis,etadhucpendentiamuffs
Reddereprim,'evo Capitoliapriscanitori.
But of these reformations,some were no morethanideas,othersno more
than words.
In the revolutionof the twelfthcentury,whichgavea new
existenceand era to Rome,we mayobservethe real and
important events that marked or confirmedher political
independence.I. The Capitolinehil]_one of hersevenemi-
nences/7 is about fourhundredyardsin lengthand twohun-
dred in breadth. A flight of an hundred steps led to the
summitofthe Taxpeianrock; and fax steeperwastheascent
beforethe declivitieshad been smoothedand the precipices
filledby the ruins of fallenedifices. From the earliestages,
the Capitolhad been usedas a templein peace,afortressin
war: after the lossof the city, it maintaineda siegeagainst
the victoriousGauls; and the sanctuaryof empirewas occu-
pied,assaulted,and burnt in the civil wars of ViteUiusand
Vespasian. _s The templesof Jupiterand his kindreddeities
had crumbledinto dust; their placewassuppliedby monas-
teriesand houses; and the solidwalls,the long and shelv-
ing porticoes,weredecayedor ruined by the lapseof time.
It was the firstact of the Romans, an act of freedom,to
restorethe strength,thoughnot the beauty,of the Capitol;*'
to fortifythe seatof their armsand counsels;and,as oftenas
a Aftermanydisputesamongthe antiquaries of Rome,it seemsdeter-
minedthat the summitofthe Capitolinehillnextthe riverisstrictlythe Mons
Tarpeius, the Arx; and that, on the other summit,the church and convent
of Araceli,the barefootfriars of St. Francis occupy the templeof Jupiter
(Nardini, Roma Antica, 1. v. c. xx-x6). [This conclusionis incorrect.
Both the Tarpeian Rock and the Templeof Jupiter were on the western
height; the Arxwas on the eastern,whichis nowcrownedby the Churchof
St. Mafia in Aracceli. For the determinationof the site of the temple, a
passagein the Graphla(a collectionof ceremonialformularieswhichwas
perhapsdrawn upfor Otto III., in imitationof theByzantineceremonials)
was of greatimportance:"On thesummit of theforh'essover the Porficus
Crinorumwas the Templeof Jupiter and Moneta." Thisportico belonged
to the Forum olitorium;as was shownby excavationsin the CaffarelIi
PopeAnacleteII. ratifiedto the Abbotof St. M_riathepossessionof the
Tacit.Hist. iiL 69, 7o.
**[The old Tabularium,in the saddle betweenthe two _lmmit._be-
came the Senate-house. Cp. Gregoroviu,% op. _. iv. 477.]

they ascendedthe hill, the coldestmindsmusthave glowed

with the remembranceof their ancestors. II. The first
C_esarshad been investedwith the exclusivecoinageof the
gold and silver; to the senate they abandonedthe baser
metal of bronzeor copper;50 the emblemsand legendswere
inscribedon a more amplefield by the geniusof flattery;
and the princewasrelievedfromthe careof celebratinghis
own virtues. The successorsof Diocletiandespisedeven
the flatteryof the senate: theirroyal oflficers
at Rome, and
in the provinces,assumed the sole directionof the mint;
and the sameprerogativewas inheritedby the Gothickings
of Italy,and the longseriesofthe Greek,the French,and the
Germandynasties. After an abdicationof eight hundred
years, the Romansenate assertedthis honourableand lu-
crativeprivilege;whichwas tacitlyrenouncedby the popes,
from Paschalthe Secondto the establishmentof their resi-
dence beyond the Alps. Someof these republicancoins
of the twelfthand thirteenthcenturiesareshewnin the cabi-
nets of the curious. On one of these, a gold medal,Christ
is depictured,holdingin his left hand a bookwith this in-
Peterdeliveringa bannerto a kneelingsenatorin hiscap and
gown,with the name and armsof his familyimpressedon a
shield)* III. With the empire,the prefectof the cityhad
This partitionof the noblerandthe basermetals betweenthe emperor
and senate must, however,be adopted, not as a podtivefact, but as the
probableopinionof the bestantiquaries(see the SciencedesM&laillesofthe
P_re_oubert,tom.ii. p. zoS-_xi,in the improvedandscarceeditiond the
Baron de la Bastie).
In his xxviithdissertationon the Antiquitiesof Italy (tom.ii. p. 559-
569), Muratoriexhibitsaseriesof thesenatoriancoins,whichboretheobscure
namesofAl_orHatl[=of stronggoldI Infortlatl,Provisini[fromProvins, in
Champagne],Paparini. [Throewhich are perhapsearliesthave Ro_.N.
pmC_v-roundthe imageof St. Peter,and SF-_AT.POPVL. Q.R.roundSt.
Paul.] During thisperiod,allthe popes,withoutexceptingBonifaceVIII.,
abstainedfrom the right of coining,whichwas resumedbyhis successor
BenedictXI. and regularlyexercisedin the courtof Avignon.
declinedto a municipalofficer; yet he still exercisedin the
last appealthe civil and criminaljurisdiction;and a drown
sword,whichhe receivedfrom the successorsof Otho, was
the modeof his investitureand the emblemofhisfunctions. _
The dignitywas confinedto the noble familiesof Rome;
thechoiceof the peoplewasratifiedby the pope; but a triple
oath of fidelitymust haveoftenembarrassedthe prefectin
the conflictof adverseduties._ A servant,in whomthey
possessedbut a third share,was dismissedby the independent
Romans; in his place they electeda patrician; but this
title,which Charlemagnehad not disdained,was too lofty
fora citizenor a subject; and,after the first fervourof re-
bellion,they consentedwithoutreluctanceto the restoration
of the prefect. Aboutfifty yearsafter this event,Innocent
the Third, the mostambitious,or at leastthe mostfortunate,
of the pontiffs,deliveredthe Romans and himself from
this badgeofforeigndominion; he investedthe prefectwith
a bannerinstead of a sword,and absolvedhim from all
dependenceof oaths or serviceto the Germanemperors. _
In his place an ecclesiastic,a present or future cardinal,
was named by the pope to the civilgovernmentof Rome;
but his jurisdictionhas been reducedto a narrowcompass;
s,AGerman historian, Gerard ofReicherspeg (inBaluz. Miscell. tom.
v.p.64,apud Schm;dt,Hist.desAllemands, tore.iii.p.265), thusdescribes
ofRomein the xithcentury:Grandiora urbiset orbis
negotiaspectantad Romanure pontificere iterequead Roreanure Im-
peratorem;sireilliusvicariure urbispr-,efecture, quide su_dignitate
utmreque,videlicetdominum papamcuifacitdominum, etdominum
a quoaccipit sua_potestatisinsigne,scilicetgladium exertum.
Depr-_fecto Urbis.]
Thewords ofa contemporary writer(Pandulph. Pisan.inVit.Paschal.
IL p.357,358)describe theelectionandoathoftheprefect in xx18, incon-
sultispatribus..,locaprmfectoria . . . laudespr_vfectoria_ . . . comi-
tiorum applausum . . . juratururepopuloin ambonem sublevant . ..
eureinurbepr_efecture petunt.
prmfecture adliglamfidelitatere recepit, et permantum quod
ilUdonavitdeprmfectur_ eurepublice investivit,quiusqueadid tempus
imperatori fuitobligatus, et abeoprmfecturm tenult
honorem (GestaInnocent. Muratori, tom.lii.p. i. p.487).
and in the daysof freedomthe right or exercisewasderived
from the senate and people. IV. Mter the revival of the
senate,_ the conscriptfathers (if I may use the expression)
wereinvestedwith the legislativeand executivepower; but
theirviewsseldomreachedbeyondthe presentday; and that
day was most frequentlydisturbedby violenceand tumult.
In its utmost plenitude,the order or assemblyconsistedof
fifty-sixsenators,_ the most eminentof whomwere distin-
guished by the title of counsellors; they were nominated,
perhaps annually,by the people; and a previouschoiceof
theirelectors,ten personsineachregionorparish,mightafford
a basis for a free and permanentconstitution. The popes,
whoin this tempestsubmittedrather to bend than to break,
confirmedby treaty the establishmentand privilegesof the
senate, and expectedfrom time, peace, and religion the
restorationof their government. The motivesof publicand
private interestmight sometimesdraw fromthe Romansan
occasionaland temporarysacrificeof their claims; and they
renewedtheir oath of allegianceto the successorof St. Peter
and Constantine,the lawful head of the church and the
is See OthoFrising.Chron.vii. 3x, de Gest.Frederic.I. 1.i. c. _7.
u Ourcountryman, RogerHoveden,speaksof the singlesenators,of the
Capv._i family, &c. quorumtemporibusmelius regebaturRoma quam
nunc(A.D.x:94)est temporibuslvi. senatorum(Ducange, p.
x9t. S_AZOR._S).
67Muratorl (dissert.xlii. tom. iii. p. 785-788)has published an original
treaty: Concordiainter D. nostrum papam Clementem III. et senatores
populiRomani super regalibnset al]i_dignitatibnsurbis, &c.44° senatns.
The senatespeaks,and speakswith authority: Reddimusad prmsens. . .
habebimus . . . dabitis preshyteria . . . jurabimus pacem et fidelitatem,
&c. A chartulaDe tenimentisTnsculani,dated inthe 47thyearof the same
era, and confirmeddecreto amplissimiordiais senatns,acclamationeP. R.
publiceCapitolioconsistentis. It is there we find the differenceof senatores
eonsiliariiand simplesenators (Muratori,dissert,xlii. tom. iii. p. 787-789).
[The transactionshere touched on belong to the revolutionof A.D.H88,
which deserveda more particularnotice. Pope ClementIII. (xxgT-9X ) was
forced to make a formal treaty,which implied a newconstitution. The
Popewas recognisedas overlord; he had the right of investingthe Senate;
The unionand vigourofa publiccouncilwasdissolvedin a
lawlesscity; and the Romanssoonadopteda morestrongand
simplemodeof administration. They condensedthe name
and authorityof the senatein a single magistrateor two
colleagues;and, as they werechangedat the end of a year
or of sixmonths,the greatnessof the trust was compensated
bythe shortnessof the term. But in this transientreign,the
senatorsof Romeindulgedtheir avariceand ambition; their
justicewaspervertedby the interestof their familyand fac-
tion; and, as they punishedonly their enemies,they were
obeyedonly by their adherents. Anarchy,no longer tem-
peredby the pastoralcare of their bishop,admonishedthe
Romansthat theywere incapableof governingthemselves;
and they sought abroad those blessingswhich they were
hopelessof findingat home. In the same age, and from
thesamemotives,mostofthe Italianrepublicswereprompted
to embracea measure,which,howeverstrangeit mayseem,
was adapted to their situation,and productiveof the most
salutaryeffects,ss They chose,in someforeignbut friendly
city,an impartialmagistrate,ofnoblebirth and unblemished
character,a soldierand a statesman,recommendedby the
voiceof fame and his country,to whomthey delegatedfor
a time the supremeadministrationof peaceand war. The
compactbetweenthe governorand the governedwas sealed
withoaths and subscriptions;and the durationofhis power,
the measureof hisstipend,the natureof theirmutual obliga-

theSenatorstookanoathofloyaltytohim;hehadtherightofcoining, and
enjoyedtheoldrevenuesofthesee;hewasbound tosupply
thewallsofthecityandtopaythemilitia;heabandoned Tusculum tothe
Romans todestroy,
thoughitwasunderhisprotection. ThePope,bythis
andrightsofgovernment; his
powerdepended onhislandsandestates.It is tobenotedthatthiscon-
ignored theImperialauthority.SeeGregorovius,iv.
p. 62o.]
ssMuratori (dissert.
xlv.tom.iv.p. 64--92)
ofgovernment; andtheOcu/us PastoraJ/s,
orsermon ontheduties oftheseforeignmagistrates.
tions,weredefinedwithscrupulous precision.Theyswore
to obeyhimas theirlawfulsuperior;hepledgedhisfaithto
unitetheindifferenceofa strangerwiththezealofa patriot.
Athischoice,fourorsixknightsandcivilians, hisassessors
in armsandjustice,attendedthePodest_, s*whomaintained
at his ownexpensea decentretinueofservantsandhorses;
his wife,hisson,his brother,whomightbiastheaffections
of the judge,wereleft behind;duringtheexerciseof his
office,he wasnot permittedto purchaseland,to contract
an alliance,or evento acceptan invitationin thehouseof
a citizen;norcouldhe honourably departtillhe hadsatis-
fiedthecomplaints thatmightbe urgedagainsthis govern-
It wasthus,aboutthe middleof thethirteenthcentury,
that the RomanscalledfromBolognathe senatorBranca-
ion bythepenof an Englishhistorian.Ajust anxietyfor
hisreputation,a clearforesightofthedifficulties
had engagedhimto refusethe honourof theirchoice;the
statutesofRomeweresuspended,andhis officeprolonged
to the termof three years. By the guiltyand licentious
8_In the Latin writers,at leastof the silverage, the title of Potesta$
was transferredfrom the ofl3ceto the magistrate:--
Hujus quitrahiturpr_textamsumeremavis;
An FidenarumGabiorumqueessePotestas.
(Juvenal.Satir.x. 99-)
e0See thelife anddeathof Brancaleone,in the HistoriaMajor of Mat-
thewParis,p. 74I,757, 792,797,799,8xo,823,833,836,840. The multitude
of pilgrimsandsuitorsconnectedRomeand St.Albans;and the resentment
of the Englishclergy promptedthem to rejoicewheneverthepopeswere
humbledand oppressed. [Therehad beenanotherrevolutionin A.D.II9I.
Since I143the majorityof theSenatehad beenplebeian; the noblesgained
admissionbydegrees,and afterthetime of ClementIII. andCelestlneIII. it
numberedmorepatricians of ancientlineagethanburghersorknights.Hence
discontentand revolution. In 1i9i the populaceoverthrewtheConstitution
and made BenedictCarnshomothe summussenator. Under him the first
municipalstatuteseems to havebeenissued. Epp. Innocentliiii. lib.ii. n.
239. See Gregorovius,op. cir.iv. 632.]
_.noo-135o]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 93
hewasaccusedas cruel; bytheclergyhewassuspected as
partial;but thefriendsof peaceandorderapplauded the
firmand uprightmagistratebywhomthoseblessings were
restored.No criminals were so powerfulas to brave,so
obscureas to elude,thejusticeofthesenator. Byhissen-
tence,twonoblesof theAnnibaldifamilywereexecutedon
agibbet;andheinexorably demolished,inthecityandneigh-
bourhood, onehundredandfortytowers,thestrongshelters
ofrapineandmischief.Thebishop,asa simplebishop,was
compelled toresideinhisdiocese;andthestandardofBran-
caleonewasdisplayed in thefieldwithterrorandeffect.His
serviceswererepaidbytheingratitude ofa peopleunworthy
ofthehappiness whichtheyenjoyed.Bythepublicrobbers,
whomhe had provokedfor their sake,the Romanswere
excitedto deposeandimprisontheirbenefactor;norwould
his lifehavebeenspared,if Bolognahad not possessed a
pledgeforhissafety. Beforehisdeparture,theprudentsen-
atorhadrequiredtheexchange ofthirtyhostages
in thecauseof honour,sustainedthe thundersof a papal
interdict.This generousresistanceallowedthe Romans
to comparethepresentwiththepast; andBrancaleone was
conducted fromtheprisonto the Capitolamidsttheaccla-
mationsofa repentantpeople. Theremainder ofhisgovern-
mentwas firmand fortunate;and, as soonas envywas
appeasedby death,his head,enclosedin a preciousvase,
wasdeposited onaloftycolumnofmarble21
Theimpotence ofreasonandvirtuerecommended inItaly
el Matthew Paris',thus ends his account:Caput veroipslusBraucaleonis
in vase pretiososuper marmoreamcolumneamcoUocatum,in signumsui
valorisetprobitatis,quasireliquiassuperstitiosenlmi_et pomposesustulerunt.
Fuerat enim superborumpotentum et malefactorumurbis malleuset ex-
stirpator, et populi protector et defensor, veritafiset justiti_eimitator et
amator(p. 840). A biographerof InnocentIV. (Muratori,Script.tom. iii.
p. i. p. 59x, 592)draws a lessfavourableportraitof this Ghibellinesenator.
a moreeffectualchoice:insteadofa privatecitizen,towhom
they yieldeda voluntaryand precariousobedience,the
power,whocoulddefendthemfromtheirenemies andthem-
selves. CharlesofAnjouandProvence, themostambitious
andwarlikemonarchof theage,acceptedat thesametime
thekingdom ofNaplesfromthepopeandtheotficeofsena-
torfromthe Romanpeople." Ashe passedthroughthe
city,inhisroadto victory,hereceived theiroathofalegiance,
lodgedin the Lateranpalace,and smoothed,in a short
Charleswasexposedto theinconstancy of thepeople,who
salutedwiththesameacclamations thepassageofhis rival,
the unfortunateConradin;anda powerfulavenger,who
reigned in theCapitol,alarmedthefearsandjealousyofthe
popes. Theabsolutetermofhis lifewassuperseded bya
renewaleverythirdyear; andtheenmityof Nicholasthe
Thirdoblgedthe Siciliankingtoabdicatethegovernment
ofRome. In hisbull,a perpetual law,theimperious pontiff
assertsthe truth,validity,anduseofthedonationof Con-
stantine,notlessessentialto thepeaceofthecitythanto the
independence of thechurch;establishes theannualelection
ofthesenator;andformallydisqualifies allemperors,kings,
princes,andpersonsofan eminentandconspicuous rank._
Thisprohibitory clausewasrepealedin hisownbehalfby
MartintheFourth,whohumblysolicitedthesuffrage ofthe
Romans.Inthepresence, andbytheauthority, ofthepeople,
twoelectors conferred,notonthepope,butonthenobleand

_'_TheelectionofCharlesof Anjoutotheofficeof perpetual senatorof

Romeismentioned bythehistorians intheviiithvolumeoftheCollection of
Muratori,byNicholasde _lameilla (p. 59:0,the monkof Padua(p. 724),
SabasMal_Lqpina 0. ii.c.9,P"8o8),andRicordano Malespini(c.x77,p. 999).
a Thehigh-sounding bullof NicholasILLwhichfoundshistemporal
sovereigntyonthedonation ofConstantine,isstillextant;and,asit hasbeen
insertedbyBonifaceVIII.intheSe._ oftheDecretals, it mustbereceived
bythe Catholics,oratlea.stbythePapists,asa sacredandperpetuallaw.
faithfulMartin,the dignityof senatorand the supreme
administration of therepublic,
s to holdduringhisnatural
life,and to exerciseat pleasurebyhimselfor hisdeputies.
acknowledged byhertwosovereigns, whoacceptedamunicipal
officein thegovernment oftheirownmetropolis.
In thefirstmomentsofrebellion, whenArnoldof Brescia
hadinflamedtheirmindsagainstthe church,the Romans
artfullylabouredto conciliatethefavourof theempire,and
torecommend theirmeritandservices in thecauseofCaesar.
The styleof their ambassadors to Conradthe Thirdand
Frederic theFirstis a mixtureofflatteryandpride,thetra-
ditionandignorance oftheirownhistory._ Mtersomecom-
plaintofhis silenceandneglect,theyexhorttheformerof
theseprincesto passtheAlpsandassumefromtheirhands
theImperialcrown. "We beseechyourMajestynot todis-
dainthehumilityofyoursonsand vassals,not to listento
theaccusations ofourcommonenemies;whocalumniate the

6,I amindebtedto Fleury (Hist. Eccles.tom.xviiLp. 3o6)for anextract of

thisRomanact whichhehastaken fromthe EcclesiasticalAnn_l_ofOdeficns
Raynaldus, A.D. x28I, No.14,I5.
m Theseletters andspeeches arepreserved by Otho[Otto], Bishop of
Frisingen (Fabric.Bibliot.Lat. reed.etinfim, tom.v.p.186, x87),perhaps
thenoblest ofhistorians; hewassonofLeopold, marquis ofAustria; his
mother, Agnes,wasdaughter oftheemperor HenryIV.;andhewashalf-
brother anduncle toConrad III.andFrederic I. He hasleft, inseven
[eight] books,a Chronide oftheTimes;intwo, theGesta Frederid I.,the
lastofwhich isinserted inthevith volume ofMuratori'shistorians. [The
chronicle isedited byWilmansinMon.Germ.Hist. xx.p.xx6sqq., and
separately intheScript. rer.Germ.x867.(Germantranslation byKolfl,
x88L)TheGestaisalso editedbyWiimansinthesamevolume ofthe
Monumenta; andbyWaltz(x884) intheseries oftheScript. mr.Germ.
(German translation by Kohl,x883).The nameoftheChronide was
originallyDe duabusdvitatibus. Itisa History oftheWorld, andits
object istoprove that, while thesecular dvitasorkingdomisephemeral
andtransitory, theChurch, orthekingdom ofGod,iseternM.Cp.thebrief
characteristicof Otto in Giesebrecht'sGeschichtederdeutschenKaiserzeit,
theSicilianareunitedin an impiousleagueto opposeour
zealand couragehashithertodefeatedtheirattempts.Of
theirpowerfuland factiousadherents,moreespecially the
Frangipani, wehavetakenbyassaultthehousesandturrets;
elledwith the ground. The Milvianbridge,whichthey
hadbroken,is restoredandfortifiedforyoursafepassage;
and yourarmymayenter thecitywithoutbeingannoyed
fromthecastleof St.Angelo.All thatwehavedone,and
allthatwedesign,isforyourhonourandservice,in theloyal
hopethat youwillspeedilyappearin personto vindicate
thoserightswhichhavebeeninvadedbytheclergy,to revive
thedignityoftheempire,andto surpassthefameandglory
ofyourpredecessors.Mayyoufixyourresidence in Rome,
thecapitaloftheworld; givelawsto ItalyandtheTeutonic
kingdom;andimitatetheexampleof Constantine and Jus-
tinian,_ who,bythevigour ofthesenateandpeople, obtained
the sceptreof the earth.",7 Butthesesplendidand falla-
visitingRomesoonafterhis returnfromtheHolyLand.
Hisnephewandsuccessor, FredericBarbarossa,wasmore
ambitious of the Imperialcrown;nor hadanyof thesuc-
ofItaly. Surrounded byhisecclesiastical
hegaveaudience inhiscampat Sutri6stotheambassadors of
Rome,whothusaddressed himin a freeandfloridoration:
We desire (said theignorantRomans) to restorethe empirein eum
stature,quo fuit temporeConstantiniet Justiniani,qui totumorbem vignre
senatus et popull Romanisuis tenueremanibus.
0, Otho Frising. de Gestis Frederlci I. 1. i. e. 28, p. 662-664.
68[For the meetingwith Pope Hadrian at Sutri, and the following
events,see Giesebrecht'sGeschichteder deutschenK.aiserzeit,v. p. 60 sgq.]
"Incline your ear to the queen of cities; approachwitha
peacefuland friendlymindthe precinctsof Rome,whichhas
cast awaythe yoke of the clergyand is impatientto crown
her legitimateemperor. Under your auspiciousinfluence,
maythe primitivetimesbe restored. Assert the prerogatives
of the eternalcity, and reduce under her monarchythe in-
solenceof the world. You are not ignorantthat, in former
ages,by the wisdomofthe senate,bythe valourand discipline
oftheequestrianorder,sheextendedhervictoriousarmsto the
East and West,beyondthe/kips, and over the islandsof the
ocean. Byour sins,in the absenceof our princes,the noble
institutionof the senatehas sunk in oblivion; and,with our
prudence,our strength has likewisedecreased. We have
revivedthe senateand the equestrianorder; the counselsof
theone,the armsof the other,willbe devotedto yourperson
and the serviceof the empire. Doyounot hearthe language
ofthe Romanmatron? Youwerea guest,I haveadoptedyou
asa citizen; a Transalpinestranger,I haveelectedyouformy
sovereign;60and givenyou myself, and all that is mine.
Your first and most sacredduty is,to swear and subscribe
that you will shed your blood for the republic; that you
will maintainin peace and justicethe lawsof the city and
the chartersof yourpredecessors;and that youwill reward
withfivethousandpoundsof silverthe faithfulsenatorswho
shall proclaimyour tides in the Capitol. With the name,
assumethe character,of Augustus." The flowersof Latin
rhetoricwerenot yet exhausted;but Frederic,impatientof
their vanity, interrupted the orators in the high tone of
royalty and conquest. "Famous, indeed, have been the
fortitude and wisdomof the ancient Romans; but your
speechis not seasonedwith wisdom,and I could wish that
fortitude wereconspicuousin your actions. Like all sub-
lunary things,Rome has felt the vicissitudesof time and
H Hospeseras, civem feel Advena fuisti ex Transalpinispartibus;
fortune.Yournoblestfamilies weretranslatedto theEast,
to theroyalcityof Constantine;andthe remains of your
strength andfreedom havelongsincebeenexhausted bythe
GreeksandFranks. Are youdesirousof beholding the
theknights,the discipline of thecamp,the valourof the
legions?youwillfindthemin theGermanrepublic.It is
notempire, nakedandalone,theornaments andvirtuesof
empirehavelikewisemigratedbeyondtheAlpsto a more
deserving people; 70theywillbeemployed in yourdefence,
but theyclaimyourobedience.Youpretendthatmyself
ormypredecessors havebeeninvitedbythe Romans:you
mistaketheword; theywerenotinvited,theywereimplored.
Fromitsforeignanddomestic tyrants,thecitywasrescued
byCharlemagne andOtho,whose ashesrepose inourcountry;
andtheirdominion wasthepriceofyourdeliverance.Under
thatdominion yourancestorslivedanddied. I claimby
therightofinheritance andpossession, andwhoshalldareto
extortyoufrommy hands? Is the handof the Franksn
andGermansenfeebled byage? AmI vanquished ? AmI a
captive?AmI not encompassed withthe bannersof a
potentandinvincible army? Youimposeconditions onyour
master;yourequire oaths: iftheconditions arejust,anoath
issuperfluous; if unjust,it is criminal. Canyoudoubtmy
equity? It is extended to themeanestofmysubjects.Will
not myswordbeunsheathedin thedefenceof theCapitol?
restoredto theRomanempire. Youprescribethemeasure
andtheobjectsofmybounty,whichflowsin a copious but a
70Noncessitnoblsnudum impcrium, virtute
suitamictum venit,
mentasuasecuretraxit.Penesnossuntconsulestui,&c.Cicero orLivy
wouldnothaverejectedtheseimages, theeloquence
ofaBarbarian born
andeducatedintheHercynian forest.
nOtho ofFrisingen,
whosurely understoodthelanguageofthecourt
anddietofGermany,speaksoftheFranks inthexiith
equitesFranci, man
asFrancorum); headds,
voluntary stream.All willbe givento patientmerit;all
willbedeniedto rudeimportunity." r_ Neithertheemperor
northesenatecouldmaintaintheseloftypretensions of do-
minion andliberty.Unitedwiththepope,andsuspicious of
theRomans,Frederic continued hismarchto theVatican:
hiscoronation wasdisturbed bya sally7sfromtheCapitol;
and,ifthenumbers andvalouroftheGermans prevailed
thebloody conflict,
hecouldnotsafelyencamp inthepresence
of a cityof whichhestyledhimselfthe sovereign.About
twelveyearsafterwards hebesieged Rome,to seatananti-
introduced intotheTiber;but thesenateandpeoplewere
savedbytheartsofnegotiation andtheprogress ofdisease;
nordidFrederic orhissuccessorsreiterate
Theirlaborious reignswereexercised bythepopes,thecru-
sades,andthe independence of Lombardy and Germany;
theycourtedthealliance of theRomans;andFrederic the
Second offeredintheCapitolthegreatstandard, theCaroccio
ofMilan._+ Aftertheextinction ofthehouseofSwabia, they
werebanished beyondtheAlps; andtheirlastcoronations
betrayed theimpotenceandpoverty oftheTeutonic Cmsars.
Otho Gestis FrederlciI. 1. ii. c. 22, p. 72o--723.These
originaland authenticactsI havetranslatedwithfreedom,yetwith fidelity.
[The coronationceremonywasover,when thesally was made.]
*' Fromthe Chroniclesof Ricobaldoand FrancisPipin,Muratori(di_rt.
xxvi.tom.ii. p. 492)has transcribedthis curiousfact,withthe doggrelverses
that accompaniedthe gift.
Avedecusorbis avei victustibi destinor,ave[
Currusab AugustoFredericoCmsarejusto.
VmMediolanumI jam sentisspernerevanum
Imperilvires,propriastibi tollerevires.
Ergotriumphorumurbs potesmemoressepriorum
Quost_i mittebantregesqui beLlagerebant.
Ne si deetacere(I nowusethe Italian Dissertations,tom. i. p. 444)chenell'
anno x727,tma copia dessoCaroccioin marmo dianziignotosi scoprl,nd
Campidoglio,pressoalle carceredi quel luogo,dove SistoV. l'avea falto
rinchiudere. Stava esso posto sopra quatro colonnedi marmofirmcolla
sequenteinscrizione,& the same purposeas the old inscription.
76The declineof theImperialarmsand authorityin Italy isrelatedwith

Underthe reignofHadrian,whenthe empireextendedfrom

the Euphratesto the ocean,fromMount Ariasto the Gram-
pian Hills,a fancifulhistorian7eamusedthe Romanswith the
picture of their infant wars. "There was a time," says
Florus, "when Tibur and Prameste,our summer-retreats,
were the objectsof hostile vows in the Capitol,when we
dreaded the shades of the Arician groves,whenwe could
triumph withouta blush over the namelessvillagesof the
Sabinesand Latins, and evenCoriol/couldafforda title not
unworthyofa victoriousgeneral." The prideofhis contem-
porarieswas gratifiedby the contrast of the past and the
present: they wouldhave been humbledby the prospectof
futurity; by the predictionthat aftera thousandyearsRome,
despoiledof empire and contractedto her primevallimits,
wouldrenewthe samehostilitieson the samegroundwhich
was then decorated with her villas and gardens. The
adjacent territory on either side of the Tiber was always
claimed,and sometimespossessed,as the patrimonyof St.
Peter; but the baronsassumeda lawlessindependence,and
the cities too faithfully copied the revolt and discord of
the metropolis. In the twelfthand thirteenthcenturiesthe
Romansincessantlylabouredto reduce or destroy the con-
tumaciousvassalsof the church and senate; and, if their
headstrong and selfish ambition was moderated by the
pope, he often encouragedtheir zeal by the allianceof his
spiritualarms. Their warfarewas that of the first consuls
and dictators, who were taken from the plough. They
assembledin armsat the footofthe Capitol; salliedfromthe
gates, plunderedor burnt the harvestsof their neighbours,
intheAnnals ofMumtori(tom.x.-xii.);andthereader
maycompare hisnarrativewiththeHistoire
desAllemands (tom.ifi.iv.)
bySchmidt,whohasdeserved theesteemofhiscountrymen.
7sTiburnuncsuburhanum et mstiv_v
Prmncstedelici_vnuncupatis in
votispetehantur.Thewhole passage
andhasdeserved thepraise
ofamanofgenius (Oeuvzcs
engaged in tumultuaryconflict,andreturnedhomeafteran
expeditionof fifteenor twentydays. Their siegeswere
tediousandunskilful:in theuseof victory,theyindulged
themeanerpassionsofjealousyand revenge;and, instead
ofadoptingthevalour,theytrampledonthemisfortunes, of
theiradversaries.Thecaptives,in theirshirts,witha rope
roundtheirnecks,solicitedtheirpardon. Thefortifications
andeventhebuildings oftherivalcitiesweredemolished, and
theinhabitantswerescatteredin theadjacentvillages.It
Albanum, Tusculum,Pr_eneste, and Tibur,or Tivoli,were
successivelyoverthrownby the ferocioushostilityof the
Romans." Of these, 75Portoand Ostia,the twokeysof
theTiber,are stillvacantanddesolate:the marshyand
unwholesome banksarepeopledwithherdsofbuffaloes, and
theriveris lostto everypurposeof navigationandtrade.
Thehills,whichaffordashadyretirement fromtheautumnal
heats,haveagainsmiledwiththeblessings ofpeace;Frascati
hasarisennearthe ruinsof Tusculum;Tibur,or Tivoli,
hasresumedthehonoursofacity; 7gandthemeanertownsof
AlbanoandPalestrinaaredecoratedwiththe villasof the
cardinalsandprincesofRome. In theworkofdestruction,
bytheneighbouring citiesandtheirallies;in thefirstsiege
ofTibur,theyweredrivenfromtheircamp; andthebattles

v7Ne a feritateRomanorum,sicutfuerantHostienses,Portuenses,Tus-
culanenses,Albanenses,I.abicenses,et nupcr Tiburtini destruerentur
(MatthewParis,p. 757)- Theseeventsare markedin theAnnalsand Index
(the xvifithvolume)of Muratori.
7BForthe stateorruinofthesesuburbancities,the banksof theTiber,&c.
seethe livelypictureof the P. Labat (Voyageen Espagneet en Italie), who
had long residedin the neighbourhoodof Rome; and the more accurate
descriptionof which P. Eschinard(Roma,i75o, in octavo) has added to
the topographicalmap of Cingolani.
_tLabat (tom.iii. p. 233) mentionsa recentdecreeofthe Romangovern-
ment,which has severelymortifiedthe prideand poverty of Tivoli: in
civitateTiburti_ non viviturdvfliter.

of Tusculum.0 and Viterbo.1might be compared,in their

relative state, to the memorablefieldsof Thrasymeneand
Cnnn_e.In the first of these petty wars, thirty thousand
Romans were overthrownby a thousand German horse,
whomFredericBarbarossahad detachedto the reliefof Tus-
culum; and,if wenumberthe slain at three,the prisonersat
two, thousand, we shall embracethe most authentic and
moderateaccount. Sixty-eightyearsafterward,theymarched
against Viterbo,in the ecclesiasticalstate, with the whole
forceof the city; by a rare coalition,the Teutoniceaglewas
blended,in the adversebanners,with the keysof St. Peter;
and the pope's auxiliarieswere commandedby a count of
Toulouseand a bishopof Winchester22 The Romanswere
discomfitedwith shame and slaughter; but the English
prelatemusthaveindulgedthe vanityofa pilgrim,if hemulti-
pliedtheirnumbersto onehundred,and theirlossin the field
to thirty,thousandmen. Had thepolicyofthe senateandthe
disciplineof the legionsbeen restoredwith the Capitol,the
divided condition of Italy would have offeredthe fairest
opportunityof a secondconquest. But in armsthe modem
Romans werenot above,and in arts they were far bdaw,
the commonlevelof the neighbouringrepublics. Nor was
their warlike spirit of any long continuance; after some
irregularsallies,theysubsidedin the nationalapathy,in the
soI depart frommy usualmethod of quotingonlyby the datethe Annals
of Muratori,in considerationof the criticalbalancein whichhe hasweighed
ninecontemporarywriterswho mentionthe battleof Tusculum (tom.x.
p. 42-44).
Matthew Paris, p. 345. This bishop of Winchester was Peter de
Rupibus, who occupiedthe see thirty-twoyears (A.D.i2o6--1238),and is
described,by the English historian,as a soldier and a state_raau(p. _78,
m[LucasSaveUi,whobecameSenatorin x$34, passedan edict claiming
Tuscanyand the Campagnaas the propertyof the Romanpeople. Pope
GregoryIX. fledfromRome,and Viterbowas hischiefsupport. "What,"
asks Gregorovius,"would have beenthe fate of the Papacy,had the city
succeededin becominga civicpowersuch as Milan orPisa?" (v. p. I72).
FredericII. sawhimselfunwillinglyforcedto assistthe Pope.]
neglectof militaryinstitutions,andin thedisgraceful and
dangeroususeof foreignmercenaries.
Ambition isaweedofquickandearlyvegetation inthevine-
yardofChrist. UnderthefirstChristianprinces,thechairof
St.Peterwasdisputedbythevotes,thevenality, theviolence,
ofa popularelection;thesanctuaries ofRomewerepolluted
withblood;and,fromthethirdto thetwelfthcentury,the
churchwasdistractedbythe mischiefof frequentschisms.
Aslongasthefinalappealwasdetermined bythecivilmagis-
triedby equityor favour;norcouldthe unsuccessful com-
petitorlongdisturbthetriumphofhisrival. But,afterthe
emperorshad been divestedof theirprerogatives, aftera
maximhadbeenestablished thatthevicarofChristis ame-
nableto no earthlytribunal,eachvacancyof theholysee
mightinvolveChristendom in controversy and war. The
over-ruledbythetumultsofa citythatnolongerownedor
obeyeda superior. Onthedeceaseof a pope,twofactions
proceeded, in differentchurches,to a doubleelection:the
numberandweightofvotes,thepriorityof time,themerit
of thecandidates:mightbalanceeachother; the mostre-
whobowedbeforethe spiritualthrone couldnot distin-
guishthe spuriousfromthelegitimateidol. Theemperors
ofopposing a friendlyto anhostilepontiff;andeachofthe
competitors wasreducedto suffertheinsultsofhisenemies,
whowerenotawedbyconscience, andto purchasethesup-
port of his adherents,whowereinstigatedby avariceor
ambition.A peacefuland perpetualsuccessionwas as-
certainedby Alexanderthe Third,_ whofinallyabolished
u See Mosheim,Institut. Histor. Ecdesiast.p. 4oI, 403. Alexander
himselfhad nearlybeenthevictimof a contestedelection; and thedoubtful
the tumultuaryvotes of the clergyand people,and defined
the rightof electionin the solecollegeof cardinals,ta The
threeordersof bishops,priests,anddeaconswereassimilated
to each other by this important privilege; the parochial
clergyofRome obtainedthe firstrank in the hierarchy: they
wereindifferentlychosenamongthe nationsof Christendom;
and the possessionof the richest benefices,of the most
important bishoprics,was not incompatiblewith their title
and office. The senatorsof the Catholicchurch,the coad-
jutors and legates of the supreme pontiff,were robed in
purple,the symbolof martyrdomor royalty; they claimed
a proudequalitywithkings; andtheir dignitywasenhanced
by the smallnessof their number,which,till the reignof Leo
the Tenth, seldomexceededtwentyor twenty-fivepersons.
By this wiseregulationall doubt and scandalwereremoved,
and the root of schismwas so effectuallydestroyedthat in a
period of six hundredyears a doublechoicehas only once
dividedthe unity of the sacredcollege. But, as the concur-
renceof two thirdsof the votes had been made necessary,
the electionwas often delayed by the privateinterestand
passionsof the cardinals; and, whilethey prolongedtheir
independentreign,the Christianworldwasleftdestituteofan
head. A vacancyof almost three years had preceded the
elevationof Gregorythe Tenth, whoresolvedto preventthe
futureabuse; and his bull, after someopposition,has been
consecratedin the code of the canon law.85 Nine daysare

merits of Innocenthad only preponderatedby the weightof geniusand

learningwhichSt. Bernard cast into the scale (seehis lifeand writings).
a The origin, titles, importance,dress, precedency,&c. of the Roman
cardinals,are very ably discussedby Thomassin (Disciplinede l'Eglise,
tom. i. p. x26_-i287); but their purple is nowmuch faded. The sacred
collegewas raisedto the definitenumberof seventy-two,to represent,under
his vicar, the disciplesof Christ.
a8See the bull of GregoryX. [issuedat Lyons,at the Great Council]ap-
probantesacroconcilio,in the Sext¢ of the Canon Law (1.i. tit. 6, c. 3), a
supplementto the Decretals,which BonifaceVIII. promulgatedat Rome
in xa98,and addressedto allthe universitiesof Europe.
allowedforthe obsequiesofthe deceasedpopeand the arrival
ofthe absentcardinals. On the tenth,they are imprisoned,
eachwithone domestic,in a commonapartment,orconclave,
withoutanyseparationofwallsor curtains; a smallwindowis
reservedfor the introductionof necessaries;but the dooris
lockedon both sides,and guardedby the magistratesof the
city,to secludethem fromall correspondencewith the world.
If theelectionbenotconsummatedin threedays,the luxuryof
theirtablesiscontractedto a singledish atdinnerand supper;
andafter the eighthday they werereducedto a scantyallow-
anceof bread, water,and wine. Duringthe vacancyof the
holy see, the cardinals are prohibited from touchingthe
revenues,or assuming,unless in some rare emergency,the
governmentof the church; all agreementsand promises
amongthe electorsare formallyannulled; and theirintegrity
isfortifiedby theirsolemnoathsand theprayersofthe Catho-
lics. Some articles of inconvenientor superfluousrigour
havebeen graduallyrelaxed,but the principleofconfinement
is vigorousand entire: they are still urgedby the personal
motivesof health and freedomto acceleratethe momentof
their deliverance; and the improvementof ballot, or secret
votes,has wrapt the strugglesof the conclave_ in the silky
veil of charity and politeness.8_ By these institutionsthe

The geniusof CardinaldeRetz hada righttopainta conclave(of i665),

in whichhe was a spectator and an actor (M_aoires, tom. iv. p. x5-57);
but I amat a lossto appreciatethe knowledgeor authorityof an anonymous
Italian,whosehistory(Conclavide' PontificiRomani,in 4to,x667)has been
continuedsincethe reign of AlexanderVII. The accidentalform of the
work furnishes a lesson, though not an antidote,to ambition. From a
labyrinth of intrigues, we emergeto the adorationof the successfulcandi-
date; but the next page openswith his funeral.
s7The expressionsofCardinalde Retzare positiveand p[cturesclue: Ony
v_cuttoujoursensembleavecle m_merespectet la m6mecivilitdque l'on ob-
serveclansle cabinet des rois, avecla m_mepolitessequ'on avoit clans la
courde HenriHI.) aveela m_-nefamillaritdcluel'on voit clansles coll_ges;
avecla m_memodestiequi se remarquedans les noviciats; et avecla m_me
charlt_,du molns en apparence)qui pourroit_tre entre des frbresparfaite-
ment unis.
Romanswereexcludedfromthe electionof theirprinceand
bishop; and in the feverof wildand precariouslibertythey
seemedinsensibleof the loss of this inestimableprivilege.
The emperorLewisof Bavaria revivedthe exampleof the
great Otho. Mter some negotiationwith the magistrates,
the Romanpeoplewas assembled88in the square beforeSt.
Peter's; the popeof Avignon,John the Twenty-second,was
deposed; the choiceof his successorwas ratifiedby their
consentand applause. Theyfreelyvotedfor a newlaw,that
theirbishopshouldneverbe absentmorethan three months
in the year and twodays'journeyfromthe city; and that, if
he neglectedto return on the third s*_rnmons, the public
servant should be degraded and dismissed. 8. But Lewis
forgothisowndebilityand the prejudicesofthetimes: beyond
the precinctsof a Germancamp, his uselessphantomwas
rejected; the Romans despised their own workmanship;
the anti-popeimploredthe mercyof his lawfulsovereign;o0
u Richiestiper bando (says John ViUani)senatoridi Roma, e 52 del
popolo,et capitani de' _5, e consoli (consolig),et 13 buone huomini,uno
perrione. Our knowledgeis too imperfectto pronouncehow muchof this
constitutionwastemporary,andhow muchordinaryandpermanent. Yetit
is faintlyillustratedbythe ancient statutesof Rome.
'gViUani(1.x. c. 68-7I, in Muratori,Script.tom.xiii. p. 64t-645)relates
this law, and the whole transaction,with much less abhorrencethan the
prudent Muratori. Any one conversantwith the darkerages must have
observedhowmuchthe sense(I meanthe nonsense)of superstitionis fluctu-
ating and inconsistent. [Gregoroviusobserves(vi. 16o): "This important
revolutionwasthe consequenceof thesojournof the Popesat Avignon,the
effectof the quarrelwhichJohnXXII. so foolishlyinvokedwiththeempire,
and of the reformingprinciplesof themonarchy,withwhichwas associated
the Franciscanschism. The high-handeddoingsof Johnand Lewis,their
tediousactionsat law,the extensiveresearchesinto theimperialand papal
authority,formedthe dose of this mediaevalstruggle,whichnow passed
into more intellectualregions. The age of the reformationbegan; the
ecclesiasticalseveranceof Germanyand Italywas perceptiblein the dis-
tance and becameinevitableas soonas the politicalseverancewas accom-
MIn the firstvolumeof thePopesof Avignon,seethe secondoriginalLife
of John XXII. p. x4_-x45,the confessionofthe anti-pope,p. x45-xsa; and
the laboriousnotesof Baluze,p. 7x4,7z5.
andthe exclusiveright of the cardinalswasmorefirmly
establishedbythisunseasonable attack.
Hadtheelection beenalwaysheldin theVatican,therights
impunity.ButtheRomans forgot,andwereforgotten, inthe
absenceofthesuccessors ofGregory theSeventh,whodidnot
keep,asa divineprecept,theirordinaryresidence in thecity
thegovernment oftheuniversalchurch; norcouldthepopes
delightin a cityinwhichtheirauthoritywasalwaysopposed
and theirpersonwasoftenendangered.Fromthe perse-
cutionof the emperorsandthewarsof Italy,theyescaped
beyond theAlpsintothehospitable bosomofFrance; fromthe
tumultsofRometheyprudentlywithdrewto liveanddiein
theadjacentcities. Whentheflockwasoffended orimpover-
ishedbytheabsenceoftheshepherd, theywererecalledbya
stemadmonition thatSt. Peterhadfixedhischair,notin an
obscure village,butinthecapitaloftheworld; byaferocious
menacethattheRomanswouldmarchin armstodestroythe
placeand peoplethat shoulddareto affordthema retreat.
desertionhad occasioned, thehire of lodgings,the saleof
provisions,andthevariousexpenses ofservantsandstrangers
whoattendedthecourt21 Aftera shortintervalofpeace,
andperhapsof authority,theywereagainbanishedbynew
tumults,andagainsummoned bytheimperious orrespectful
s,Romaniautemnon valentesneevolentesultra suam celarecupiditatem
gravissimamcontra papammoverecoeperuntquestionem,exigentesab eo
urgentissimeomnia qumsubierantper ejus absentiaradamna et jacturas,
videlicetin hospitiislocandis,in mercimoniis,in usuris,in redditibus,in
provislonibus,et in aliismodisinnumcrabilibus. Quodcttmaudissetpapa,
ingemuitet se comperiensmuscipulatum, &c.,Matt. Paris,
P. 757. For the ordlnaryhistoryof the popes, their llfeand death,their
residenceand absence,it is enoughto referto the ecdesiasficalannalists,
Spondanusand Fleury.
invitationof the senate. In theseoccasional retreats,the
exilesand fugitivesof theVaticanwereseldomlongor far
distantfromthemetropolis ; butinthebeginning ofthefour-
teenthcentury,the apostolicthronewastransported,as it
mightseem,forever,fromtheTiberto theRh6ne;andthe
causeofthetransmigration maybededucedfromthefurious
contestbetweenBoniface theEighthandthekingofFrance2 2
The spiritualarmsof excommunication and interdictwere
oftheGaUican church; butthepopewasnotpreparedagainst
thecarnalweaponswhichPhiliptheFair had courageto
employ.Asthepoperesidedat Anagni,withoutthe suspi-
Nogaret,a Frenchminister,andSciarraColonna, of a noble
buthostilefamilyofRome. Thecardinals fled; theinhabit-
antsofAnagniwereseducedfromtheirallegiance andgrati-
tude; butthedauntlessBoniface, unarmedandalone,seated
himselfin hischair,andawaited,liketheconscriptfathersof
old,theswordsoftheGauls. Nogaret,a foreignadversary,
wascontentto executethe ordersof his master: by the
domesticenmityofColonna, hewasinsultedwithwordsand
blows;and duringa confinementof threedays his life
wasthreatenedbythehardshipswhichtheyinflicted onthe
obstinacywhichtheyprovoked.Their strangedelaygave
timeand courageto the adherentsof thechurch,whores-
cuedhimfromsacrilegious violence;but hisimperioussoul
waswoundedin a vitalpart; andBoniface expiredat Rome
in afrenzyofrageandrevenge.Hismemory is stainedwith
mBesidesthe generalhistoriansof the churchof Italy and of France,we
possessa valuabletreatise,composedby a learnedfriendof Thuanus,which
hislastandbesteditorshavepublishedinthe appendix(PAstoireparticulate
du grandDiff_rendentre BonifaceVIII. et Philippele Bel, parPierredu
Puis,tom.vii. p. xi. p.6x-8_). [Tosti,Storiadl BonifaeioVIII. The bulls
of Bonifacehave beeneditedfromtheVaticanarchivesbyDegon,Faucon
and Th_a% I884-9o.]
theglaringvicesofavariceandpride;norhasthecourage ofa
martyrpromotedthisecclesiastical champion to thehonours
ofa saint:a magnanimous sinner(saythechronicles ofthe
times),whoenteredlikea fox,reignedlikealion,anddied
likea dog. Hewassucceeded byBenedict theEleventh,the
mildestof mankind.Yet he excommunicated the impious
ofPhilip,anddevoted thecityandpeopleofAnagni
bya tremendous curse,whoseeffectsarestiUvisibletothe
Afterhisdecease,the tediousandequalsuspense of the
conclavewasfixedby thedexterityof theFrenchfaction.
Aspecious offerwasmadeandaccepted, that,inthetermof
fortydays,theywouldelectoneofthethreecandidates who
shouldbe namedby theiropponents.The archbishopof
Bordeaux, a furiousenemyofhiskingandcountry,wasthe
firston the list; but his ambitionwasknown;and his
conscience obeyedthecallsoffortuneandthecommands of
a benefactor, whohadbeeninformed bya swiftmessenger
thatthechoiceofa popewasnowin hishands. Theterms
wereregulatedina privateinterview;andwithsuchspeed
andsecrecywasthebusiness transactedthattheunanimous
conclaveapplauded the elevationof Clementthe Fifth._
The cardinalsof both partiesweresoonastonishedby a
summons to attendhimbeyondthe Alps;fromwhence,as
theysoondiscovered, theymustneverhopeto return. He
wasengaged,by promiseand affection, to preferthe resi-
denceof France; and, after dragginghis courtthrough
Poitouand Gascony,and devouring, by his expense,the
citiesandconvents ontheroad,hefinaUy reposedatAvignon, '_
u It isdifficultto knowwhetherLabs/(tom. iv. p. 53-57)be in jestorin
earnestwhenhe supposesthat Anagnistillfeelstheweightof this curse,and
that the corn-fields,or vineyards,or olive treesare annually blasted by
Nature,the obsequioushandmaidof the popes.
Seeinthe Chronicleof GiovanniVillani(1.viii.c. 63,64,8o,inMuratori,
tom._i.) theimprisonmentofBonifaceVIII. andtheelectionof ClementV.,
the last of which,likemostanecdotes,is embarrassedwith somedifficulties.
8_The originallivesof theeightpopesofAvignon,ClementV. JohnXXII.
aboveseventyyearsm theseatoftheRoman
pontiffandthemetropolis of Christendom.
sea,bytheRh6ne, theposition ofAvignon
popeandcardinals; andtheartsofluxury weresoonat-
tractedbythetreasures ofthechurch.Theywerealready
possessedoftheadjacent territory,
a populous andfertile
wasafterwards purchased fromtheyouthanddistress of
Jane,thefirstqueenofNaples, andcountess
of Provence,
fortheinadequate priceof fourscore
Under theshadow oftheFrench monarchy,
people,thepopesenjoyed anhonourableandtranquilstate,
BenedictXII. ClementVI. InnocentVI. UrbanV. GregoryXI.and Clement
VII., are publishedby StephenBaluze (Vit,_ PaparumAvenionensium;
Paris, x693,2 4to),withcopiousand elaboratenotes,and a second
volumeof acts and documents. With the true zeal of an editorand a
patriot,he devoutlyjustifiesorexcusesthe charactersof his countrymen.
mThe exileof Avignonis comparedbytheItalianswith Babylonandthe
Babylonishcaptivity. Suchfuriousmetaphors,moresuitableto theardour
of Petrarchthanto thejudgmentofMuratori,aregravelyrefutedin Baluze's
preface. The Abbdde Sadeis distractedbetweenthelove of Petrarchand
of hiscountry. Yethemodestlypleadsthatmanyof thelocalinconveniences
of Avignonare nowremoved; andmanyof thevicesagainstwhichthe poet
declaims hadbeenimported withtheRomancourt bythestrangers ofItaly
(tom. i. p. 23--a8
.7 The comtatVena;_n was cededto the popes,in :273, byPhilip III.,
kingof France,afterhehadinheritedthedominionsof thecountofToulouse.
Fortyyearsbeforethe heresyof CountRaymondhad giventhema pretence
of seizure,and they derivedsome obscureclaim fromthe xithcenturyto
some landscitraRhodanum(ValesiiNotitiaGalliarum,p. 459, 6xo; Longue-
rue, Descriptionde la France,tom.i. p. 376-38I).
,s If a possessionof fourcenturieswerenot itselfa title,such objections
mightannul thebargain; but the purchase-money must be refunded,for
indeedit was paid. CivitatemAveulonernemit . . . per ejusmodivendi-
tionem pecuni_redundantes,&c.(2da VitaClement.VI. in Baluz.tom. i.
p. 272; Muratori,Script.tom. iii. p. ii. p. 565). [Recherchcshistoriques
concernantles droitsdu Pape suxla villeet l'_tat d'Avignon,x768.] The
only temptationfor Jane and her secondhusbandwas readymoney,and
withoutit they could not havereturnedto the throneof Naples.

to whichthey long had been strangers; but Italy deplored
their absence; and Rome, in solitudeand poverty,might
repentof the ungovernablefreedomwhichhad drivenfrom
the Vaticanthe successorof St. Peter. Her repentancewas
tardyand fruitless;after the death of the old members,the
sacredcollegewas filledwith Frenchcardinals,°°who beheld
Romeand Italy with abhorrenceand contempt,and per-
petuateda series of national and even provincialpopes,
attachedby the mostindissolubleties to theirnativecountry.
The progressof industryhad producedand enrichedthe
Italian republics: the era oftheir libertyis the mostflourisb-
ing period of populationand agriculture,of manufactures
and commerce; and their mechaniclaboursweregradually
refined into the arts of eleganceand genius. But the
position of Rome was less favourable,the territory less
fruitful; the characterof the inhabitantswas debased by
indolence,and elated by pride; and they fondlyconceived
that the tribute of subjectsmust for ever nourish the me-
tropolis of the church and empire. This prejudicewas
encouragedin somedegreeby the resort of pilgrimsto the
shrinesof the apostles; and the last legacyof the popes,the
institutionof the HOLY YEAR,1°°was not less beneficialto
the peoplethan to the clergy. Sincethe lossof Palestine,the
gift of plenaryindulgences,whichhad been appliedto the
crusades,remainedwithoutan object;and the mostvaluable

)0ClementV. immediatelypromotedtencardinals,nine Frenchand one

English(Vita4ta, p. 63,et Baluz. p. 625, &e.). In x33i, the pope refused
two candidatesrecommendedby the king of France, quod xx. Cardinales,
de quibusxviLde regnoFrancimoriginemtraxissenoscuntur,in memorato
collegioexistant(Thomassin,Disciplinede l'Eglisc,tom. L p. x281). [In
the year A.D.x378the college consistedof 23 cardlna!s,I6 of them were
at Rome and included7 Limousins,4 French, x Spaniard,and 4 Italians.
See Gregorovins,vi. 49i.]
lO°Ourprimitiveaccount is from Cardinal James Caietan [=Jacopo
Stefaneschi,cardinalis S. Georgiiad Velum aureum] (Maxima Bibliot.
Patrum,tom.xxv.); andI am ata loss todeterminewhetherthe nephewof
BonifaceVIII. be a fool ora knave; the unde is a much dearer character.
treasureof the churchwassequesteredaboveeightyears
frompubliccirculation.A newchannelwasopenedbythe
diligenceofBoniface theEighth,whoreconciled thevicesof
ambitionandavarice;andthepopehadsufficient learning
to recollectandrevivetheseculargames,whichwerecele-
bratedin Romeat the conclusion of everycentury.To
sound,withoutdanger,the depthof popularcredulity,a
sermonwas seasonablypronounced, a reportwas artfully
scattered,someagedwitnesses wereproduced;and onthe
firstof Januaryofthe yearthirteenhundredthechurchof
St. Peterwascrowded withthefaithful,whodemandedthe
customary indulgenceof the holytime. The pontiff,who
watchedand irritatedtheirdevoutimpatience,was soon
persuaded,by ancienttestimony,of the justiceof their
claim;andheproclaimed aplenaryabsolutiontoallCatholics
who,in thecourseofthatyear,andat everysimilarperiod,
shouldrespectfullyvisittheapostolicchurchesof St. Peter
andSt.Paul. Thewelcome soundwaspropagatedthrough
Christendom; andat firstfromthenearestprovinces ofItaly,
and at lengthfromthe remotekingdomsof Hungaryand
Britain,the highways werethrongedwitha swarmof pil-
grimswhosoughttoexpiatetheirsinsin a journey,however
costlyor laborious,whichwasexemptfromthe perilsof
militaryservice. Allexceptions of rank or sex,of age or
infirmity,wereforgottenin the commontransport;andin
the streetsand churchesmanypersonsweretrampledto
deathby the eagerness of devotion.
1°1The calculation of
101["The way that led from the city acrossthe Bridgeof St. Angeloto
St. Peter's wastoo narrow; a newstreetwas thereforeopened in the walls
along the river,not far from the ancient tombknownas the Meta RomulL
[Gregoroviusreads pontemforpartum in the passagein Stefaneschiwhich
describesthis.] The bridgewas coveredwith boothswhich divided it in
two, and in order to preventaccidentsit was enactedthat thosegoingto St.
Peter's shouldkeep toonesideof the bridge,those returning to the other."
This arrangementis referredto by Dante, Inferno,xviii,v. 28 sqq.:
Comei Roman,per l'esercitomolto,
L'annodel Giubbileo,su perlo ponte
[ A.D.
probablybeen magnifiedby a dexterousclergy,weUap-
prisedofthecontagion ofexample;yetweareassuredbya
judicioushistorian,whoassistedat theceremony,thatRome
wasneverreplenished withlessthantwohundredthousand
strangers;andanotherspectator hasfixedattwomillionsthe
totalconcourseof the year. A triflingoblationfromeach
individualwouldaccumulatea royal treasure; and two
priestsstoodnightandday, withrakesin theirhands,to
collect,withoutcounting,the heapsof goldand silverthat
werepouredonthealtarofSt. Paul.I°2 It wasfortunatelya
seasonof peaceand plenty; and,if foragewas scarce,if inn_
and lodgings were extravagantlydear, an inexhaustible
supplyof bread and wine,ofmeat and fish,was providedby
Froma citywithouttrade or industry,all casualricheswill
speedilyevaporate; but the avarice and envy of the next
generationsolicitedClementthe Sixth10sto anticipatethe
distant period of the century. The graciouspontiffcom-
pliedwith theirwishes; affordedRomethis poorconsolation
for his loss; and justified the change by the name and
Hanno a passarla gentemodotolto:
Che dalI'un lato tutti hanno la [ronte
Verso 'Icastello,e vanno a Santo Pietro;
DaU'altra spondavanno verso 'I Monte.
See Gregorovius,v. p. 56o--I.]
m See John Villani(1.viii. c. 36)in the xilth,and the ChroniconAsten.m
inthe =fit.h,volume(p. x9x, x9_)of Muratori'sCollection. Papa innumera-
bilempecnnlamab eisdemaccepit,ham duoclerici,cure rastris, &c.
_mThe two bullsof BonifaceVIII. and ClementVI. areinsertedin the
CorpusJuris Canonici(Extravagant.Commun.1.v. tit. ix. c. x, _).
104The sabbaticyears and jubilees of the Mosaic law (Car.
Republi_ Hebm'orum,Opp. tom. iv. 1.ill c. z4, xS, p. x5x, xsa), the sus-
&c.,mayseema nobleidea,but theexecutionwouldbe impracticablein a
/ffo]anerepublic;and I shouldbe glad to learnthat this ruinousfestival
was observedbytheJewishpeople.
VOL XlI.--
and the number,zeal, and liberalityof the pilgrimsdid not
yield to the primitivefestival. But they encounteredthe
triplescourgeof war,pestilence,and famine;10,many wives
and virginswereviolatedin the castlesof Italy; and many
strangerswerepillagedor murderedby the savageRomans,
no longermoderatedby the presenceof theirbishop,l°e To
the impatienceof the popes we may ascribethe successive
reductionto fifty, thirty-three,and twenty-fiveyears; al-
thoughthe secondof thesetermsis commensuratewith the
life of Christ. The profusionof indulgences,the revoltof
the Protestants,and the declineof superstitionhave much
diminishedthe valueof thejubilee; yet even thenineteenth
and last festivalwas a year of pleasure and profitto the
Romans; and a philosophicsmilewillnotdisturbthetriumph
of the priestor the happinessof the people.1°7
In the beginningofthe eleventhcentury,Italy wasexposed
to the feudaltyranny,alikeoppressiveto the sovereignand
the people. The rightsofhumannaturewerevindicatedby
hernumerousrepublics,whosoonextendedtheir libertyand
dominionfromthe city tothe adjacentcountry. The sword
of the nobleswas broken; their slaves wereenfranchised;
their castleswere demolished;they assumedthe habits of
society and obedience; their ambition was confined to
municipalhonours,and in the proudestaristocracyofVenice
or Genoaeachpatricianwas subjectto the laws.1°8 But the
feeble and disorderlygovernmentof Rome was unequalto
to#[It was shortlyafterthe abdicationof Rienzi (x347)and the devasta-
tions of the Black Death.l
tmSee the Chronicleof MatteoVillani0. i. c. 56), in the xivthvolumeof
Muratori,and the M6moiressurla V'mde Pdtrarque,tom. iii. p. 75-89.
1o7The subjectis exhaustedby M. Chais,a Frenchministeratthe Hague,
in his LettresHistoriqueset Dogmatiquessu.rles Jubil_set les Indulgences;
In Haye,ITSI, i2mo: an elaborateand pleasingwork,had not
the author preferredthe characterof a polemicto that of a philosopher.
a0sMuratori(Dissert.xlvii.)allegesthe Annalsof Florence,Padua, Genoa,
&c., theanalogy of the rest, the evidenceof Otho of Frislngen(de Gest. "
Fred. I. L ii. c. x3), and the submissionof the marquisof Este.
the task of curbingher rebeUious sons,whoscornedthe
authorityofthemagistrate withinandwithoutthewall_, It
wasnolongera civilcontention between thenoblesandthe
plebeiansforthegovernment ofthestate;thebaronsasserted
in armstheirpersonalindependence; theirpalac_and
castleswerefortifiedagainsta siege; and theirprivate
quarrelsweremaintained by thenumbers of theirvassals
andretainers.In originandaffection, theywerealiensto
theircountry;a0,and a genuineRoman,couldsuchhave
beenproduced, mighthaverenounced thesehaughtystrangers,
whodisdained theappellationof citizensandproudlystyled
themselves the princesof Rome. tt° Mter a dark seriesof
revolutions,all recordsof pedigreewerelost; the distinc-
tionofsumarnes wasabolished;thebloodofthenationswas
mingledin a thousandchannels;andtheGothsandLore-
hadobtainedthefairestpossessions byroyalbountyorthe
prerogative of valour.Theseexamplesmightbe readily
presumed;buttheelevationofan Hebrewraceto therank
ofsenatorsandconsulsis an eventwithouta parallelin the
longcaptivityof thesemiserableexiles,ttt In the timeof
LeotheNinth,a wealthyandlearnedJewwasconverted to
andhonouredat his baptismwiththenameof
his godfather,the reigningpope. Thezealand courage of
1_As earlyas theyear8_4, theemperorLothaireI. foundit expedientto
law he choseto be governed(Muratod,Dissert.xxii.).
noPetrarchattacksthese foreigners,the tyrantsof Rome,in a de-hma-
tion or epistle,full of boldtruths and absurdpedantry,in whichhe applies
themaxims,andeven prejudices,of the oldrepublic,to thestateof thexivth
century(Mdmoires,tom. iLLp. x57-x69).
m The originand adventuresof this Jewish familyare noticedby Pagi
(Critiea,tom. iv. p. 435, A.v. xx24,No. 3, 4), who draws his information
fromthe ChronographusMaurigniacensis [in Migne,Patr. Lat. i8o, p. I3x
sqq.],andAmulphusSagiensisdeSchismate(in MuratorlScript.Ital. tom.iii.
p. L p. 423-43a). .Thefact must in somedegreebe true; yet I couldwish
that it had beencoollyrelated,beforeit wasturnedinto a reproachagainst
Peter, the sonofLeo,weresignalisedin the causeof Gregory
the Seventh,who entrusted his faithful adherent with the
governmentof Hadrian's mole,the towerof Crescentius,
or, as it is now called,the castle of St. Angelo. Both the
father and the son werethe parentsof a numerousprogeny;
their riches,the fruits of usury,were sharcdwith the no-
blestfamiliesof the city; and so extensivewas theiralliance
that the grandsonof the proselytewasexalted,by the weight
of his kindred,to the throneof St. Peter. A majorityof the
clergyand people supportedhis cause; he reigned several
years in the Vatican; and it is only the eloquenceof St.
Bernard,and the finaltriumphof Innocentthe Second,that
has brandedAnacletuswith the epithetof antipope. After
his defeat and death, the posterityof Leo is no longercon-
spicuous; and none will be found of the modem nobles
ambitiousof descendingfroma Jewishstock. It is not my
designto enumeratethe Romanfamilieswhich have failed
at differentperiods,or thosewhichare continuedin different
degreesof splendourto the presenttime."" The oldconsular
line of the Frangipanidiscovertheir name in the generous
act ofbreakingordividingbread in a timeoffamine;andsuch
benevolence is moretruly gloriousthan to have enclosed,with
their allies the Corsi,a spaciousquarter of the city in the
chainsof their fortifications;the Savelli,as it shouldseema
Sabinerace, have maintainedtheir originaldignity;its the
obsoletesurnameof the Capizucchiis inscribedon the coins
of the firstsenators; the Conti preservethe honour,without
the estate,of the countsof Signia;n4and the Annibaldimust

m Muratorihasgiventwo dissertations(xli.and xlii.)to thenames,sur-

names,and familiesof Italy. Somenobles,who glory in their domestic
fables, may be offendedwith his firmand temperatecriticism;yet surely
someouncesofpure goldareofmorevaluethan manypoundsof basemetal.
_ ["The foundationof the house of the SaveUi,which was probably
German,was due to thenepotismof theirmemberPope I-Ionorius[III.],
and they only roseto powerafterhis time." Gregorovius,v. p. xx8.l
lz_[Seethereferencesin Gregorovius,v. p. 6.]
have been very ignorant,or very modest,if they had not
descendedfrom the Carthaginianhero.m
But among, perhapsabove, the peers and princesof the
city,I distinguishthe rival housesof COLOmqA and URSLm,
whose private story is an essential part of the annals of
modemRome. I. The nameand armsof Colonnam have
beeDthe themeof much doubtfuletymology;nor have the
orators and antiquarians overlookedeither Trajan's pillar,
or the columnsof Hercules,or the pillar of Christ'sflagella-
tion,or the luminouscolumnthat guidedthe Israelitesin the
desert. Their first historicalappearancein the yeareleven
hundredand four attests the powerand antiquity,while it
explainsthe simplemeaning,of the name. Bythe usurpa-
tion ofCava_,the Colonnaprovokedthe armsof Paschalthe
Second; but they lawfullyheld in the Campagnaof Rome
the hereditaryfiefsof Zagarolaand Colonna;and the latter
of thesetownswas probablyadornedwith someloftypillar,
115The ¢ard{n_Iof St. George,in his poetical,or rathermetrical,history
of theelection and coronationof BonifaceVIII. (Muratori,Script.Ital.
tom.iii. p. i. p. 64I, &c.),describesthe stateand familiesof Romeat the
coronationof BonifaceVIII. (A.D,i295):--
Intereatitulisrcdimitisanguiniet armis
Illustresqueviri Roman_a stirpctrahentes
Nomenin emeritostant_ virtutishonores
Aurat_fulgentestog_ sociantecaterv_.
Ex ipsis devotadomuspr_.staotisab Ursa
Festa Columnajocis, necnonSabelliamiffs;
Prmfectusqueurbis magnumsine viribusnomen.
(1.ii. c. 5, ioo, p. 647, 648.)
The ancientstatutesof Rome 0- iii. c. 59, P- x74, x75)distinguisheleven
familiesof barons,who are obligedZoswear-2aconciliocommuni,before
the senator,that they wouldnotharbouror protectanymalefactors,outlaws,
&c.- a feeble seeurityl [The Anibaldifami2yrose to prominencec. A.D.
I23o. SeeGregorovius,v. x58.]
noIt is pitythat the Colonnatheam_lve_have not favoured the world
with a completeand criticalhistoryof their illustn'ottshouse. I adhereto
Muratori (Dissert.xlii. tom. iii. p. 647, 648).
therelicofavillaortemple,m Theylikewise possessed one
moietyof the neighbouring cityof Tusculum:a strong
presumption oftheirdescentfromthecountsofTusculum,
whoin thetenthcenturywerethetyrantsoftheapostolic see.
According to theirownandthepublicopinion,theprimitive
andremotesource wasderivedfromthebanksoftheRhine;as
andthesovereigns ofGermany werenotashamed ofarealor
fabulousaffinitywithanoblerace,whichin therevolutions
of sevenhundredyearshasbeenoftenillustratedbymerit
and alwaysbyfortune, m Aboutthe endof thethirteenth
century,themostpowerful branchwascomposed ofanuncle
andsixbrothers,allconspicuous inarmsorin thehonoursof
the church. Of these,PeterwaselectedsenatorofRome,
introducedto theCapitolin a triumphantcar,andhailedin
somevainacclamations withthe titleof C_esar, whileJohn
Romagna,byNicholas theFourth,a patronsopartialto their
familythathe hasbeendelineated in satiricalportraitsim-
prisonedas itwerein a hollowpillar,m Afterhisdecease,
their haughtybehaviourprovokedthe displeasureof the
mostimplacable ofmankind. Thetwocardinals, theuncle
_17Pandulph.Pisan. inVit.Paschal.II. in Muratori,Script.Ital. tom.iii.
p. i. p. 335. The family has still greatpossessionsin the Campagnaof
Rome; buttheyhavealienatedtotheRospigliosithisoriginalfiefofCol_
(Eschinard,p. 258, 259).
_s Te longinquadedittelluset pascuaR.heni,
saysPetrarch;and, in x417,a dukeof GueldersandJuliers acknowledges
(Lenfant, Hist. du Concilede Constance,tom. ii. p. 539)his descentfrom
the ancestorsof Martin V. (Otho Colonna): but the royal authorof the
Memoirsof Brandenburgobservesthat the sceptrein his arms has been
confoundedwiththecolumn. To maintaintheRomanoriginof theColonna,
it was ingeniouslysupposed(Diariodi Monaldeschi,in the Script.ItaL
tom.xii. p. 533)that a cousinof the emperorNero escapedfrom the city
and foundedMentzin Germany.
nJI cannotoverlookthe Romantriumphor ovationof MarcoAntonio
Colonna,who had commandedthe pope'sgalleysat the navalvictoryof
Lepanto (Thuan. Hist. 1, vii. tom. ill. p. 55, 56; Muter. Orafiox. Opp.
tom.i. p. x8o-I9o).
Muratori,Annalid'Italia,tom.x. p. 2x6,22o.
andthenephew, deniedthe election
of BonifacetheEighth;
andtheColonnawereoppressedfor a momentbyhistem-
poralandspiritualarms.m Heproclaimed a crusadeagainst
oneithersideof the Tiberwerebesiegedbythe
troopsof St. Peterandthoseof therivalnobles;andafter
theruinof Palestrinaor Prameste,theirprincipalseat,the
groundwas markedwith a ploughshare, the emblemof
sixbrothers,in disguiseanddanger,wanderedoverEurope
withoutrenouncingthe hopeof deliverance and revenge.
In this doublehope,the Frenchcourtwas their surest
asylum:theyprompted anddirectedtheenterpriseofPhilip;
andI shouldpraisetheirmagnanimity, hadtheyrespected
the fortuneand courageof the captivetyrant. His civil
actswere,nnulledbythe Romanpeople,whorestoredthe
honoursandpossessions of the Colonna;andsomeestimate
weregrantedthemagainsttheaccomplices andheirsofthe
deceasedpope. Allthespiritualcensuresanddisqualifica-
tionswereabolished m by hisprudentsuccessors;andthe
fortuneof the housewasmorefirmlyestablished by this
transienthurricane.The boldnessof SciarraColonnawas
in thecaptivityofBoniface,andlongafterwards in

mPetrarch'sattachmentto the Colonnahas authorisedthe Abb_de Sade

to expatiateon the state of the familyin the fourteenthcentury,the perse-
cutionof BonifaceVIII.,the characterof Stephenandhis sons, theirquarrels
with the Ursini, &c.(Mdmolressur P_trarque,tom. i. p. 98--xxo,x46--x48,
x74-z76, 222-230, 275--280 ). His criticismoftenrectifiesthehearsaystories
of ViUani,and the errorsof the less diligentmoderns. I understandthe
branchof Stephento be nowextinct.
m AlexanderIII. haddeclaredthe Colonnawhoadheredto theemperor
FredericI.incapableof holdingany ecclesiastical benefice(V'fllani,
1.v. c. x);
and the last stainsof annualexcommunication werepurifiedby SixtusV.
(Vitadi SistoV. tom.iii. p. 416). Treason,sacrilege,and proscriptionare
oftenthe besttitleso£ancientnobility.
the coronationof Lewisof Bavaria; and by the gratitudeof
the emperorthe pillar in their arms was encircledwith a
royal crown. But the firstof the familyin fame and merit
wasthe elderStephen,whomPetrarchlovedand esteemedas
an hero superior to his own times and not unworthyof
ancient Rome. Persecution and exile displayed to the
nationshisabilitiesin peace and war; in his distresshe was
an object,notof pity,but ofreverence;the aspectof danger
provokedhim to avowhis nameand country; and whenhe
was asked, "Whereis nowyour fortress?" he laid his hand
on his heart,and answered,"Here." He supportedwith the
samevirtuethe returnof prosperity; and, till the ruin ofhis
decliningage, the ancestors,the character,and the children
of Stephen Colonna,exaltedhis dignity in the Roman re-
public, and at the court of Avignon. II. The Ursini mi-
gratedfrom Spoleto:m the sons of Ursus,as theyare styled
in the twelfthcentury,fromsomeeminentpersonwhois only
knownas the father of their race. But they weresoondis-
tinguishedamongthe noblesof Rome, by the numberand
braveryof their kinsmen,the strengthof their towers,the
honoursof the senateand sacredcollege,and the elevationof
two popes, Celestinthe Third and Nicholasthe Third, of
theirnameandlineage.TM Theirrichesmaybe accusedas an
1,, V_]i_te proximamisit
Appenninigen_qu_ prata virenfiasylv'_
Monaldeschi(tom. xii. Script.Ital. p. 533) givesthe Ursinia Frenchorigin,
whichmay be remotelytrue. [Cp. Gregorovius,v. p. 39 sqq.]
*_In the metrical life of Celestin V. by the Cardinalof St. George
(Muratori,tom. ill. p. i. p. 6x3, &c.),we find a luminousand notinelegant
passage(L i. c. iii. p. ao3, &c.):--
genuitquem nobilisUrs_e(Ursi?)
Progenies,Romanadomus,veterataque magnis
Fascibusin dero, pompasqueexpertasenatus,
Bellorumquemanugrandistipata parentum
Cardineosapices necnonfastigiadudum
MuratoH(Dissert.xlii.tom.iii.) observesthat the firstUrsinipontificateof
CelestinHI. was unknown; he is inclinedto read Ur*'iprogenies.
earlyabuseofnepotism;the estatesof St. Peterwerealienated
in their favourby the liberalCelestin;m and Nicholaswas
ambitiousfor their sake to solicitthe allianceof monarchs;
to foundnew kingdomsin Lombardyand Tuscany; and to
investthem with the perpetualofficeof senatorsof Rome.
Allthat has been observedof the greatnessof the Colonna
willlikewiseredoundto the gloryofthe Ursini,their constant
and equal antagonistsin the long hereditaryfeud whichdis-
t_actedabovetwo hundredand fiftyyearsthe ecclesiastical
state. The jealousyof pre-eminenceand powerwas the true
groundof theirquarrel; but, as a speciousbadgeof distinc-
tion,the Colonnaembracedthe nameof Ghibelinesand the
partyofthe empire; the Ursiniespousedthe title of Guelphs
and the cause of the church. The eagleand the keyswere
displayedin their adversebanners; and the two factionsof
Italy mostfuriouslyraged whenthe originand natureof the
disputewerelongsinceforgotten, t_* Afterthe retreat of the
popesto Avignon,theydisputedin armsthe vacantrepublic;
and the mischiefsofdiscordwereperpetuatedby the wretched
compromiseof electingeach year two rival senators. By
their privatehostilities,the cityand countryweredesolated,
and the fluctuatingbalance inclined with their alternate
success. But none of eitherfamilyhad fallenby the sword,
till the mostrenownedchampionof the Ursiniwas surprised
and slainby the youngerStephenColonnaY7 His triumph

mF'dii Ursi,quondam Coflesfinl

debonis ecdesize
ditati(Vit.Innocent. Muratofi, Script.
tom.iii.p.i.). Thepartial
ofNicholas moreconspicuousin VillanlandMuratori.
YettheUrsini would
disdain thenephews ofa modern
ofParma saidofNicholas Ill. thathebuiltSionin hiskinsfolk(a_lificavit
Sionin sanguinibus). Theexpression is quotedby Gregorovius, v.49o.
Compare Dante,Inferno, xix.v. 70-2,whereheisalluded to as "figliuol
mInhisfifty-firstDissertation ontheItalianAntiquities,MuratoH ex-
oftheGuelphs andGhihelines.
mPetrarch (tom.i. p. 222-23o) hascelebrated
thisvictory according
theColonna; buttwocontemporaries, aFlorentine
(Giovanni Villani,
is stainedwiththereproach
of violatingthetruce; their
defeatwasbaselyavengedby theassassination,
church-door, of an innocent boy and his two servants. Yet
the victorious Colonna, with an annual coUeague, was de-
dared senator of Rome during the term of five years. And
the muse of Petrarch inspired a wish, a hope, a prediction,
that the generous youth, the son of his venerable hero, would
restore Rome and Italy to their pristine glory; that his justice
would extirpate the wolves and lions, the serpents and bears,
who laboured to subvert the eternal basis of the marble

c.220)anda RomanCLudovicoMonaldeschi IS.R.I. xii.],p. 533,534),are

usTheAbb$deSade(tom.i.notes,p.6x--66) hasapplied thevithCanzone
SpirtoC_nlil,&c.,to StephenColonna theYounger.
Orsl,lupi,leoni,aquilee scrpi
Adunagranmarmorea _olonna
Faanonojasoventee _ se damao.
_.,_z-,5oo] OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE ,23

andCoronationo] Petrarch--Restoration
o] the
Freedom andGovernmento]RomebytheTribuneRienzi
--His VirtuesandVices,his ExpulsionandDeath-
Returno] thePopes]romAvignon--GreatSchismo]
the West--Re-union o] the Latin Church--Last
o]RomanLiberty-- Statuteso]Rome-- Final
o] theEcclesiastical
INthe apprehension of modemtimes,Petrarch'is the
ItaliansongsterofLauraandlove. In theharmonyofhis
Tuscanrhymes,Italyapplauds,or ratheradores,thefather
of herlyricpoetry;andhis verse,or at leasthisname,is
repeatedbythe enthusiasm or affectationof amoroussen-
sibility.Whatevermaybe the privatetasteof a stranger,
knowledge shouldhumblyacquiesce
inthetasteofa learnednation;yetI mayhopeorpresume
thattheItaliansdonot comparethe tediousuniformityof
sonnetsand elegieswiththe sublimecompositions of their
of Tasso,and the boundlessvarietyof the incomparable
Ariosto.ThemeritsoftheloverI amstilllessqualifiedto
appreciate;nor am I deeplyinterestedin a metaphysical
aThe M_maoires surla Vie deFran_:ois
3 4to) forma copious,original,and entertalnlugwork,a labourof
love,composedfromtheaccuratestudyof Petrarchandhis contemporaries;
buttheherois toooftenlostin thegeneralhistoryof theage,and theauthor
too often languishesin the affectationof politenessand gallantry. In the
prefaceto his firstvolume,he enumeratesand weighstwentyItalianbiog-
raphers,who have professedlytreated of the same subject. [K6rting,
Petraxca'sLeben und Werke,x878; Geiger,Petraxca,,874. Cp. above,
"colxi. p. _77, note92.]
passionfora nymphsoshadowythatherexistence hasbeen
;2 foramatronsoprolific
s thatshewasdelivered
of elevenlegitimatechildren4whileheramorousswainsighed
and sung at the fountainof Vaucluse3 But in the eyes of
Petrarch,and thoseofhisgravercontemporaries, hislovewas
a sin, and Italian verse a frivolousamusement. His Latin
worksof philosophy,
poetry,and eloquence
seriousreputation,which was soon diffusedfrom Avignon
over Franceand Italy; his friendsand disciplesweremulti-
plied in every city; and, if the ponderousvolume of his
writings_be nowabandonedto a long repose,our gratitude
must applaud theman who by preceptand examplerevived
thespiritandstudyoftheAugustanage. Fromhisearliest
: The allegoricalinterpretationprevailedin the xvth century; but the
wise commentatorswere not agreedwhetherthey shouldunderstandby
Laura,religion,or virtue,or the blessedVirgin,or . See theprefaces
to the firstandsecondvolumes.
s Laurede Noves,bornaboutthe yeari3o7, was marriedin_anuaryx325
to Huguesde Sade,a noblecitizenof Avignon,whosejealousywas not the
effectof love, sincehe marrieda second wifewithin seven months of her
death,which happenedthe 6th of Aprili348, preciselyone andtwentyyears
afterPetrarchhad seenand lovedher.
4Corpuscrebrispartubusexhaustum; fromone of theseis issued, in the
tenthdegree,the Abb_de Sade,the fondand gratefulbiographerof Petrarch;
and this domesticmotivemostprobablysuggestedthe idea of his work, and
urgedhim to inquire into everycircumstancethat couldaffectthe history
andcharacterof his grandmother(see particularlytom. i. p. I22-i33, notes,
p. 7-58; tom. il. p. 455-49S,notes,p. 76--82).
Vaucluse,so familiarto our English travellers,is describedfrom the
writingsof Petrarch,and the local knowledgeof his biographer(M6moires,
tom.i. p. 340-359). It was,in truth,theretreatofan hermit; and themoderns
aremuch mistakenif they placeLaura and an happy loverin the grotto.
e Of 125opages, in a closeprint, at Basil,in the xvlthcentury,but with-
out the date of the year. The Abb_de Sadecalls aloud for a newedition
of Petrarch'sLatin works; but I much doubtwhetherit wouldredoundto
the profitof the bookseller,or the amusementof the public. [Petrarch's
Epistolaede rebusfamiliaribuset variaehave beeneditedin3 vols.x859--63
by G. Fracassettiand translated(withcommentary)into Italianby the same
scholar (in 5 vols. i863-7), who has also translatedand annotatedthe
Epistolaeseniles (Letteresenili,2 vols.z869). The De ,,,irisillustribusvitae
has been edited by A. Razzolini,x874, who has added in a and vol. the
Itagan translationthereof by DonatodegliAlbanzani.]
_.D.,34,-,soo]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE z25
youth,Petrarchaspiredto the poeticcrown. The academical
honoursof the three facultieshad introduceda royaldegree
of master or doctor in the art of poetry;7 and the title of
poet-laureat,which custom,rather than vanity, perpetuates
in the English court,8 was first inventedby the Cmsarsof
Germany. In the musicalgames of antiquity,a prize was
bestowedon the victor;' the beliefthat Virgiland Horace
had been crownedin the Capitolinflamedthe emulationofa
Latin bard ;10and the laureln was endearedto the loverby
a verbal resemblancewith the name of his mistress. The
valueof eitherobjectwas enhancedby the difficultiesof the
ConsultSelden's Titles of Honour, in his works (vol. iii. p. 457-466).
An hundred years beforePetrarch, St. Francisreceivedthe visit of a poet,
qui ab imperatorefuerat coronatuset exinderex versuumdictus.
BFrom Augustusto Louis, the muse has too often been false and venal;
hut I much doubt whetherany age or courtcan producea similarestablish-
ment of a stipendiarypoet, who ineveryreign, and at all events,is boundto
furnish twicea year a measureof praiseand verse,such as may be sung in
the chapel, and, I believe,in the presenceof the sovereign. I speak the
morefreely, as the best time for abolishingthis ridiculouscustom is while
the prince is a man of virtueand the poet a man of genius.
DIsocrates(in Panegyrico,tom. i. p. H6, H7, edit. Battle,Cantab. x729)
^ nativeAthensthegloryof firstinstitutingandrecommending
*r • • the

The exampleof the Panathen-'_awas imitated at Delphi; but the Olympic

gameswereignorantof a musicalcrown,till it wasextortedbythevaintyranny
of Nero ( Nerone,c. 23; Philostrat.apud Casaubonad locum;
Dion Cassiusor Xiphilin,1.lxiii,p. zo32[c. 9], Io4z [e. 2o]. Potter's Greek
Antiquities,vol.i. p. 445,450)•
soThe Capitoline games (eertamen qninquennale,m_/cum, equestre,
gymnlcum)wereinstitutedby Domitian(Sueton.e. 4) inthe yearof Christ86
( Die Natali, e. xviii,p. zoo, edit. Havercamp),and were not
abolished in the ivth century (Ausonlusde Professoribus Burdegal.V.).
If the crownwere givento superiormerit, theexclusionof Statius (Capitolia
nos'tr_inficiatalyre, Sylv.1. iii. v. 3I) may do honourto the gamesof the
Capitol; but the Latin poetswho lived beforeDomitianwerecrownedonly
in the public opinion.
n Petrarch and the senators of Rome were ignorantthat the laurel was
not the Capitoline,but the Delphic crown(Plin.Hist. Natur. xv. 39; Hist.
Critiquede la R_publiquedes Lettres,tom. i. p. z5o-22o). The victorsin
the Capitolwere crownedwith a garlandof oak-leaves(Martial, 1. iv. epi-
gram 54).
pursuit; and,ifthevirtue orprudence ofLaurawasin-
exorable,t' he enjoyed, and might boast of enjoying,the
nymph of poetry. His vanitywas not of the most delicate
kind, sincehe applauds the successof his own labours;Iris
name was popular; his friends were active; the open or
secretoppositionof envy and prejudicewas surmountedby
the dexterityof patient merit. In the thirty-sixthyear of
his age, he was solicitedto acceptthe objectof his wishes;
and on the sameday,in the solitudeof Vaucluse,he received
a similar and solemninvitation from the senate of Rome
and the universityof Paris. The learning of a theological
school,and the ignoranceof a lawlesscity, werealike un-
qualifiedto bestowthe ideal,thoughimmortal,wreathwhich
geniusmayobtainfromthe freeapplauseofthe publicand of
posterity; but the candidatedismissedthis troublesomere-
flection,and, after somemomentsof complacencyand sus-
pense,preferredthe summonsof the metropolisof the world.
The ceremonyof his coronationt, was performedin the
Capitol,by his friendand patron the suprememagistrateof
the republic. Twelve patrician youths were arrayed in
scarlet; six representativesof the mostillustriousfamilies,
in green robes, with garlandsof flowers,accompaniedthe
procession; in the midst of the princes and nobles, the
senator, count of AnguiUara,a kinsmanof the Colonna,
assumedhisthrone; and, at the voiceof an herald,Petrarch
arose. After discoursingon a text of Virgil,.4 and thrice
Thepiousgrandson ofLaurahaslaboured, andnotwithout success,
herimmaculate chastity
againstthecensuresofthegrave andthe
sneersoftheprofane (tom.ii.notes,p. 76--82).
Thewhole process ofPetrarch'scoronation/s
theAbb_ deSade(tom.i. p.425-435; tom.ii.p.x-6,notes,p.z-x3),from
hisownwritings [seeEp.Poet.ii. I],andtheRoman DiaryofLudovico
Monaldeschi,without mix/ng inthisauthenticnarrative
I*[SedmeParnassi deserta
Raptatamor. m Georgics 3,29L
Thisaddress hasbeenpublished byAttilio
Hortls inScritti
di Ft.
x874,p. 3xIsqq.]
repeatinghisvowsforthe prosperityofRome,he kneltbefore
thethrone,and receivedfromthesenatora laurelcrown,with
a more preciousdeclaration,"This is the rewardof merit."
The peopleshouted,"Long lifeto theCapitoland the poet!"
A sonnetin praiseof Rome was acceptedas the effusionof
geniusand gratitude; and, afterthe wholeprocessionhad
visitedtheVatican,the profanewreathwas suspendedbefore
the shrine of St. Peter. In the act ordiploma15whichwas
presentedto Petrarch,the title and prerogativesof poet-
laureatare revivedin the Capitol,afterthe lapseof thirteen
hundredyears; and he receivesthe perpetualprivilegeof
wearing,at his choice,a crownof laurel,ivy, or myrtle,of
assumingthe poetichabit, and of teaching,disputing,inter-
preting,and composingin all placeswhatsoeverand on all
subjectsofliterature. The grantwasratifiedby theauthority
ofthesenateand people; and thecharacterof citizenwasthe
recompenseof his affectionforthe Romanname. Theydid
him honour,but theydidhim justice. In thefamiliarsociety
of Ciceroand Livy,he had imbibedthe ideas of an ancient
patriot; and his ardent fancy kindledeveryidea to a senti-
mentand everysentimentto a passion. The aspectof the
sevenhillsandtheir majesticruins confirmedtheselivelyim-
pressions;and he loveda countryby whoseliberalspirithe
had been crownedand adopted. The povertyand debase-
ment ofRomeexcitedthe indignationand pity ofher grateful
son: he dissembledthe faults of his fellow-citizens;ap-
plauded with partial fondnessthe last of their heroesand
matrons; and in the remembranceof the past, in the hope
ofthe future,waspleasedto forgetthemiseriesofthe present
time. Romewas still the lawfulmistressof the world; the
popeand the emperor,herbishopand general,had abdicated
theirstationby an ingloriousretreatto the Rh6ne and the
Danube; but, if she could resumeher virtue,the republic
tsThe originalact is printedamongthePi_cesJustificativesin theM&
moiressurP_trarque,tom. iii. p. 50--53
indulgenceof enthusiasmand eloquence, lePetrarch,Italy,
andEuropewereastonished by a revolution
fora moment,hismostsplendidvisions.The riseandfall
of the tribune,Rienzi,willoccupythe followingpages. 17
The subjectis interesting,the materialsarerich,and the
glanceof a patriot-bard
18willsometimes vivifythecopious
but simplenarrativeoftheFlorentine,/_andmoreespecially
leTo find the proofsof his enthusiasmfor Rome,I need only'requestthat
the readerwouldopen,by chance,either Petrarchor his Frenchbiographer.
The latter has describedthe poet's first visit to Rome [A.D.x337](tom. i.
p. 323-335). But, in the placeof much idlerhetoric and morality,Petrarch
mighthave amusedthe present and future age with an originalaccountof
the city and his coronation.
1_It has been treated by the pen of a Jesuit, the P. du Cercean,whose
posthumouswork (Conjurationde NicholasGabrini, dit de Rienzi, Tyran
de Rome,en i347) was publishedat Paris, I748, x2mo. I amindebted to
him for some facts and documentsin John Hocsemius,canon of Litge, a
contemporaryhistorian(Fabricius, Bibliot.Lat. reed. A_vi,tom. ill. p. 273;
tom. iv. p. 85).
isThe Abb_de Sade,who so freelyexpatiateson the historyof the xivth
century,mighttreat, as his propersubject,a revolutionin whichthe heart of
Petrarch was so deeply engaged (M6moires,tom. ii. p. 5o, 5i, 32o-4x7,
notes, p. 7o-76; tom. iii. p. 221-243,366-375). Not an idea or a fact in
the writings of Petrarch has probablyescaped him.
1_Giovanni Villani, 1. xii. c. 89, Io4, in Mu.ratori,Rerum Itaiicarum
Scriptores,tom. xiii. p. 969, 97o, 981-983.
20In his third volumeof Italian Antiquities(p. 249-548),Muratori has
inserted the Fragmenta Histori_ Romanceab Annox327usquead Annum
i354, in the original dialectof Rome or Naplesin the xivthcentury,and a
Latin version for the benefitof strangem. It containsthe most particular
and authenticlife of Cola (Nicholas)eliRienzi, which had been printed at
Braeciano,i627, in 4to, under the name of TomasoFortifiocca,who is only
mentionedin this workas having been punishedby the tribune for forgery,
[This Life has been editedby ZeferinoRe, 2nd ed. I854.] Human nature
is scarcelycapable . " such sublime or stupid impartiality; but whosoever
is the author of thes Fragments,he wroteon the spot and at the time, and
paints,withoutdesign or art, the mannersof Rome and the characterof the
tribune. [Rienzi'sletters have been published by A. Gabrielli,Epistolario
di Cola di Rienzo, 189o.Monographs: Papencordt,Cola di Rienzi und
seineZeit, i84i (and Frenchtransl,by Bord,x845); Rodoc_n_chi,Cola di
Rienzo: histoirede Romede I342 _. x354,1888.]
In a quarterof the citywhichwasinhabitedonlyby
mechanics and Jews,themarriageof an innkeeperand a
washerwoman produced thefuturedeliverer
ofRome? t From
dignitynor fortune; and the gift of a liberaleducation,
whichtheypainfullybestowed,wasthe causeof his glory
anduntimelyend. Thestudyofhistoryandeloquence, the
writingsofCicero,Seneca,Livy,C_esar, andValeriusMaxi-
mus,elevated abovehisequalsandcontemporaries thegenius
oftheyoungplebeian;heperusedwithindefatigable diligence
themanuscripts andmarblesof antiquity;lovedto dispense
hisknowledge in familiarlanguage;andwasoftenprovoked
to exclaim,"Whereare nowtheseRomans?theirvirtue,
theirjustice,theirpower?whywasI not born in those
happytimes?''= When the republicaddressedto the
throneofAvignonan embassyofthethreeorders,thespirit
andeloquence ofRienzirecommended himtoa placeamong
factionof conversing
withPetrarch,a congenial mind; but
thepatriotwasreducedto a singlegarmentandthecharity
of the hospital.Fromthismiseryhe wasrelievedbythe
2,The first and splendidperiod of Riend, his tribtmifiangovernment,is
containedinthe xviiith chapterofthe Fragments(p. 399-479),which,in the
newdivision,formsthe iid bookof the historyin xxxviii,smallerchaptersor
sections. [The more correct form of his name is Rienzo, from Lorenzo.
In Latin documentshe is called NicolausLaurentii.]
The readermay be pleasedwitha specimenof the originalidiom: Fb
da soajuventutinenutricatodi latte de eloquentia,bonogramatico,megliore
rettuorico,autoristabravo. Deh comoet quantoera veloceleitore1 moito
usava Tito Livio, Seneca,et TuUlo, et BalerioMassil o, moltoU dilettava
le magnificentiedi Julio Cesareraccontare. Tutta la ¢'tese speculavanegl'
intagli di marmolequali iacciointorno Roma. Non era altri cheesso, che
sapesse lejere li antichi pataffai. Tutte scritture antiche vulgarizzava;
quesse fiure di marmo justamenteinterpretava. Oh come spesso diceva,
"Dove suonoquellibuoniRomani? doveenelorosommajustitia? poleramm_
trovarein tempoche quessifiurianol"
senseofmeritorthesmileoffavour;andtheemployment of
apostolicnotaryaffordedhima daily= stipendof fivegold
florins,a morehonourable andextensive connection, andthe
rightofcontrasting,bothin wordsandactions,hisownin-
tegritywiththevicesofthestate. Theeloquence of Rienzi
waspromptandpersuasive;themultitudeis alwaysprone
to em_ and censure:he wasstimulatedby the lossof a
brotherandtheimpunityof theassassins;nor wasit pos-
sibleto excuseor exaggeratethepubliccalamities.The
blessings ofpeaceandjustice,forwhichcivilsocietyhasbeen
instituted,werebanishedfromRome: thejealouscitizens,
whomighthaveenduredeverypersonalor pecuniary injury,
weremostdeeplywoundedin thedishonourof theirwives
anddaughters;_ theywereequallyoppressed bythe arro-
ganceofthenoblesandthecorruption ofthemagistrates; and
theabuseofarmsor oflawswastheonlycircumstance that
distinguished the lionsfromthedogsand serpentsof the
Capitol. Theseallegorical emblems werevariously repeated
in the pictureswhichRienziexhibitedin the streetsand
churches;and, whilethe spectatorsgazedwith curious
wonder,the boldand readyoratorunfoldedthemeaning,
appliedthesatire,inflamedtheirpassions,and_nnonnced a
distanthopeofcomfortanddeliverance.Theprivileges of
Rome,hereternalsovereignty overherprincesandprovinces,
wasthe themeof his publicandprivatediscourse;and a
monumentof servitudebecamein his handsa titleand in-
centiveofliberty. Thedecreeof thesenate,whichgranted
the mostampleprerogatives to theemperorVespasian, had
beeninscribedon a copper-plate stillextantin thechoirof
the churchofSt. JohnLateran. = Anumerousassembly of
= [Monthly,notdaily. SeeCola'spetitionfortheoffice,whichwasgranted
to him bythe Pope. SeeGregorovius,vi. p. 23x, note.]
Petrarchcomparesthe jealousyof the Romanswiththe easytemperof
the husbandsof Avignon(M_moires,tom. i. p. 33o).
)s The fragmentsof the Lex Reglamay be foundin the inscriptionsof
Gruter,tom. i. p. 242,and at the endof theTacitusof Emesti,withsome
noblesandplebeians wasinvitedto thispoliticallecture,and
a convenient theatrewaserectedfor theirreception.The
notaryappearedin a magnificent and mysterious habit,ex-
plainedtheinscriptionbya versionandcommentary, _ and
descantedwitheloquence andzealonthe ancientgloriesof
the senateandpeople,fromwhomall legalauthoritywas
derived.The supineignorance ofthenobleswasincapable
of discerningtheserioustendencyof suchrepresentations:
theymightsometimeschastisewith wordsand blowsthe
plebeianreformer;but hewasoftensuffered in theColonna
palaceto amusethecompanywithhis threatsandpredic-
tions; and the modernBrutus27wasconcealedunderthe
maskof follyand thecharacterof a buffoon.Whilethey
indulgedtheircontempt,the restorationofthe goodestate,
apossible, andatlengthasanapproaching, event;
and,whileallhadthedisposition to applaud,somehadthe
courageto assist,theirpromiseddeliverer.
Aprophecy,or rathera summons,affixedonthechurch-

learnednotesof the editor,tom.ii. [ 93o. Cp. above vol. i.

p. 84, n. 19. "Cola had discoveredthis bronzetabletin the Lateran,where
it had beenemployedin the constructionof an altar in the timeof Boniface
VIII. The inscriptionhad then beenturned inwards,but it was restored
to lighteitherby the fallof the churchin consequenceof the fareor in process
of rebuilding. The use to which Cola turned this monumentof imperial
despotismwas singularand ingenious. He causedthe tabletto be built into
thewall behindthe choirof the Lateran,androundit had theSenatepainted
in the act of conferringthe imperialauthorityon Vespasian."]
I cannotoverlooka stupendousand laughableblunderof Rienzi. The
Lex RegiaempowersVespasianto enlargethe Pom_rium, a wordfamiliar
to every antiquary. It was not so to the tribune; he confoundsit with
pomafium,an orchard, translateslo Jardino de Roma cioeneItalia, and is
copiedby the lessexcusableignoranceof the Latin translator (p. 406) and
the Frenchhistorian(p. 33)- Eventhe learningof Muratori has slumbered
over the passage. [Gregoroviuscompares Dante's (Furgatorio,vi. xos)
chhil giardin dell' Imperio sia deserto.]
simulationeminduerat, ut sub hoc obtentuliberator ille P. R. aperiretur
tempore suo . . . ille regibus,hic tyranniscontemptns(Opp. p. 536).
doorofSt.George, wasthefirst public evidence ofhisde-
signs; a nocturnalassemblyofan hundredcitizenson Mount
Aventine,the first stepto their execution. After an oath of
secrecyand aid, he representedto the conspiratorsthe im-
portance and facilityof their enterprise; that the nobles,
withoutunion or resources,were strongonly in the fear of
their imaginarystrength; that all power,as wellas right,
was in the hands of the people; that the revenuesof the
apostolicalchamber might relievethe public distress; and
that the pope himselfwouldapprovetheir victoryover the
commonenemiesof governmentand freedom. After secur-
ing a faithfulband to protect his first declaration,he pro-
claimedthrough the city, by sound of trumpet, that on the
eveningof the followingday all personsshouldassemblewith-
out arms beforethe churchof St. Angelo,to providefor the
re-establishmentof the good estate. The wholenight was
employedin the celebrationof thirty massesof the Holy
Ghost; and in the morning, Rienzi, bare-headed,but in
completearmour, issuedfrom the church, encompassedby
the hundred conspirators. The pope's vicar, the simple
bishopof Orvieto,whohad been persuadedto sustaina part
in this singularceremony,marchedon his fight hand; and
three great standards were borne aloft as the emblemsof
their design. In the first, the banner of liberty,Romewas
seatedon twolions,with a palm in one hand and a globein
the other; St. Paul, with a drawn sword,was delineatedin
the bnnnerofjustice; and in the third, St.Peter heldthe keys
of concordand peace. Rienziwasencouragedby the presence
and applauseofan innumerablecrowd,whounderstoodlitre
and hopedmuch; and the processionslowlyroiledforwards
fromthe castleofSt.Angeloto the Capitol. Histriumphwas
disturbedby somesecretemotion,whichhe labouredto sup-
press: he ascendedwithout opposition,and with seeming
confidence,the citadelofthe republic; haranguedthepeople
fromthe balcony; and receivedthe mostflatteringconfirma-
^.o.,3¢x-zsoo] x33
tionof his actsand laws. The nobles,as if destituteof arms
and counsels,beheld in silent consternationthis strange
revolution; and the moment had been prudentlychosen,
when the most formidable,Stephen Colonna, was absent
fromthe city. On the firstrumourhe returnedto hispalace,
affectedto despisethis plebeiantumult, and declaredto the
messengerof Rienzithat at hisleisurehe wouldcast the mad-
man fromthe windowsof the Capitol. The great bell in-
stantly rang an alarm, and so rapid was the tide, so urgent
was the danger,that Colormaescapedwith precipitationto
the suburbof St. Lawrence; fromthence,aftera moment's
refreshment,he continuedthe same speedy career, till he
reachedin safetyhis castleof Palestrina,lamentinghis own
imprudence,whichhad not trampledthe spark ofthis mighty
conflagration.A generaland peremptoryorder was issued
fromthe Capitolto all the nobles,that theyshouldpeaceably
retire to their estates: they obeyed; and their departure
securedthe tranquillityof the free and obedientcitizensof
But such voluntaryobedienceevaporateswith the first
transportsof zeal; and Rienzifelt the importanceofjustify-
inghisusurpationby a regularformand a legaltitle. At his
ownchoice,the Roman peoplewouldhave displayedtheir
attachmentand authority,by lavishingon hishead thenames
of senator or consul,of king or emperor: he preferredthe
ancientand modestappellationof tribune;28the protection
of the commonswas the essenceof that sacred office; and
theywereig'norantthat it had neverbeen investedwith any
share in the legislativeor executivepowersof the republic.
In this character,and with the consentof the Romans,the
tribuneenactedthe mostsalutarylawsforthe restorationand
maintenanceof the good estate. By the firsthe f,lfils the

u [This was his style: Nicholaus,Severuset Clemens,LibertafisPads

_usfifiaequeTribunus,et sacre RomaneReipubliceLiberator. (Gregorc_
vius, vi. 249.)]
wishof honestyand inexperience,that nocivilsuit shouldbe
protractedbeyondthe term of fifteendays. The dangerof
frequent perjury might justify the pronouncingagainst a
false accuser the same penalty which his evidencewould
have inflicted; the disordersof the timesmight compelthe
legislatorto punish every homicidewith death and every
injury with equal retaliation. But the executionof justice
was hopelesstill he had previouslyabolishedthe tyrannyof
the nobles. It wasformerlyprovidedthat none, exceptthe
suprememagistrate,should possessor commandthe gates,
bridges,or towers of the state; that no private garrisons
shouldbe introducedinto the townsor castlesof the Roman
tcrritory; that noneshould bcar arms or presumeto fortify
thcir housesin the city or country; that the barons should
be responsiblefor the safetyof the highwaysand the free
passageofprovisions; and that the protectionof malefactors
and robbersshouldbe expiatedby a fineofa thousandmarks
of silver. But theseregulationswouldhave been impotent
and nugatory,had not the licentiousnobles beenawed by
the swordof the civilpower. A suddenalarmfromthe bell
of the Capitol could still summon to the standardabove
twentythousandvolunteers; the supportof the tribune and
the lawsrequireda moreregular and permanentforce. In
each harbour of the coast,a vesselwas stationedfor the as-
suranceof commerce; a standingmilitia of three hundred
and sixtyhorseand thirteenhundrcdfootwaslevied,clothed,
and paid in the thirteenquartersofthe city; and the spiritof
a commonwealthmay be traced in the gratefulallowanceof
one hundred florins,or pounds,to the heirsof everysoldier
wholost hislife in the serviceof his country. For the main-
tenanceof the publicdefence,for the establishmentof gran-
aries, for the relief of widows,orphans, and indigentcon-
vents,Rienziapplied,withoutfear of sacrilege,therevenues
of the apostolicchamber; the three branches of hearth-
money,the salt-duty, and the customs, were each of the
annualproduceof one hundredthousandflorins; **and
scandalous werethe abuses,if in fouror fivemonthsthe
amountof the salt-dutycouldbetrebledbyhisjudicious
economy.Mter thusrestoring the forcesandfinances of
therepublic, thetribunerecalled thenoblesfromtheirsoli-
taryindependence; required theirpersonalappearance in
theCapitol;andimposed anoathofallegiance toothenew
government andofsubmission tothelawsofthegoodestate.
Apprehensive fortheirsafety,butstillmoreapprehensive of
thedangerofa refusal,the princes andbaronsreturned to
theirhousesat Rome,in the garbof simpleandpeaceful
; theColonna andUrsini, theSavelliandFrangipani,
wereconfounded beforethetribunalofa plebeian, ofthevile
buffoon whomtheyhadsooftenderided, andtheirdisgrace
wasaggravated bytheindignation whichtheyvainly struggled
todisguise.Thesameoathwassuccessively pronounced by
theseveralordersofsociety,theclergyandgentlemen, the
judgesandnotaries,the merchants and artisans,andthe
gradual descent wasmarked bytheincrease ofsincerityand
zeal. Theysworeto liveanddiewiththerepublic andthe
church,whoseinterestwasartfullyunitedby thenominal
associationofthebishopof Orvieto, thepope'svicar,tothe
officeof tribune. It wasthe boastof Rienzithathehad
delivered thethroneandpatrimony of St. Peterfroma re-
belliousaristocracy;andClementtheSixth,whorejoiced in
itsfall,affectedto believethe professions, toapplaud the
merits,andto confirm thetitleofhis trustyservant.The
speech,perhaps themind,ofthetribunewasinspired witha
livelyregardforthe purityof thefaith: heinsinuated his
20In one MS. I read(1.ii. c. 4, P- 409)perfumantequatro solli,inanother
quatroflorini: an important variety, sincethe florinwas worthten Roman
solidi(Muratori,dissert,m-rviii.).Theformerreadingwouldgiveus a popu-
lationof 25,000, the latterof 25o,ooo,families; and I muchfear thatthe former
is moreconsistentwiththe decayof Rome and her territory. [Thepopula-
tionwas probablynot morethan 50,0o0in all, at this period. Cp. Grego-
rovius, vi. x52note. The hearth tax (]ocaticum)is said to have been 26
denari(_. 256).]
claimto a supernaturalmissionfromtheHolyGhost,"en-
forcedbyan heavyforfeituretheannualdutyof confession
andcommunion;andstrictlyguardedthespiritualas well
as temporalwelfareofhisfaithfulpeople, s°
Never,perhaps,hastheenergyandeffectofa singlemind
beenmoreremarkably feltthanin thesudden,thoughtran-
sient,reformationofRomebythetribuneRienzi. Adenof
robberswasconverted to thedisciplineofa camporconvent :
patientto hear,swiftto redress,inexorableto punish,his
tribunalwasalwaysaccessible to thepoorandstranger;nor
couldbirthordignityortheimmunities ofthechurchprotect
theoffenderorhisaccomplices.The privileged houses,the
privatesanctuariesin Rome,on whichno otSccrofjustice
wouldpresumeto trespass,wereabolished;andhe applied
thetimberandironoftheirbarricades in thefortifications
theCapitol. Thevenerablefatherofthe Colonnawasex-
and ofbeingunable,to protecta criminal.A mule,witha
jar ofoil,had beenstolennearCapranica;andthelordof
theUrsinifamilywascondemned to restorethedamage,and
to dischargea fineoffourhundredflorinsforhisnegligence
moreinviolatethantheirlandsor houses;and, eitherfrom
accidentor design,thesameimpartialrigourwasexercised
againstthe headsof the adversefactions.PeterAgapct
Colonna, whohadhimselfbeensenatorofRome,wasarrested
in thestreetforinjuryordebt;andjusticewasappeasedby
thetardyexecution ofMartinUrsini,who,amonghisvarious
actsofviolence andrapine,hadpillageda shipwrecked vessel
at themouthofthe Hisname,the purpleoftwo
s0Hocsemius,p. 398, alouddu Cerceau,Hist. de Rienzi, p. 794. The
fifteentribunidan laws may be found in the Romanhistorian(whom for
brevity I shallname) 1;'ortifiocca_I.ii. c. 4.
si Fortifiocca,1. ii. c. xi. Fromthe accountof this shipwreckwe learn
somecircumstancesof the trade and navigationofthe age. 7. The shipwas
built andfreightedatNaplesforthe portsof MarseillesandAvignon. a. The
cardinalshis uncles,a recentmarriage,and a mortal disease
weredisregardedby the inflexibletribune,who had chosen
his victim. The publicofficersdraggedhim fromhis palace
and nuptial bed: his trial was short and satisfactory.;the
bellof the Capitolconvenedthe people; striptof hismantle,
onhisknees,withhishands boundbehindhisback,heheard
the sentenceof death; and, after a brief confession,Ursini
was led awayto the gallows. After such an example,none
whowereconsciousofguilt couldhopefor impunity,and the
flightof the wicked,the licentious,and the idlesoonpurified
the city and territoryof Rome. In this time (saysthe his-
torian) the woodsbeganto rejoicethat they wereno longer
infestedwith robbers; the oxenbegan to plough; the pil-
grimsvisitedthe sanctuaries; the roads and inns werere-
plenishedwith travellers; trade,plenty,and goodfaith were
restoredin the markets; and a purse of gold might be ex-
posedwithoutdangerin the midst ofthe highway. As soon
asthe life and propertyof the subjectare secure,the labours
and rewards of industry spontaneouslyrevive: Rome was
stillthe metropolisofthe Christianworld; and the fame and
fortunesof the tribunewerediffusedin everycountryby the
strangerswhohad enjoyedthe blessingsof his government.
The deliveranceof his countryinspiredRienziwitha vast,
and perhapsvisionary,idea of unitingItaly in a great federa-
tiverepublic,ofwhichRomeshouldbe the ancientand law-
ful head, and the free cities and princesthe membersand
associates. His pen was not less eloquentthan his tongue;
and hisnumerousepistlesweredeliveredto swiftand trusty
messengers. On foot,with a whitewandin theirhand, they
traversedthe forests and mountains; enjoyed,in the most
sailorswereof Naplesandthe Isle of Oenaria,lesssldffulthanthoseof Sicily
and Genoa. 3- The navigationfromMarseilleswas a coastingvoyageto
themouth of theTiber,wheretheytook shelterin a storm,but, insteadof
findingthe current,unfortunatelyranona shoal; the vessel wasstranded,
themarinersescaped. 4. The cargo,whichwas pillaged,consistedof the
revenueof Provencefor theroyaltreasury,manybagsof pepperand cinna-
mon,andbalesofFrench cloth,to the valueof 2o,oooflorins: a richprize.
hostilestates, the sacred securityof ambassadors;and re-
ported,in the style of flatteryor truth, that the highways
along their passage were lined with kneelingmultitudes,
who imploredHeavenfor the successof their undertaking.
Couldpassionhavelistenedto reason,could privateinterest
have yieldedto the publicwelfare,the supremetribunaland
confederateunionof the Italian republicmighthave healed
their intestinediscordand closedthe Alps againstthe Bar-
bariansofthe North._ But the propitiousseasonhadelapsed;
and, if Venice,Florence,Sienna,Perugia,and manyinferior
cities offeredtheir livesand fortunesto the good estate,the
tyrantsof Lombardyand Tuscanymust despise,or hate,the
plebeianauthor ofa free constitution. Fromthem,however,
and from everypart of Italy, the tribune receivedthe most
friendlyand respectfulanswers; they werefollowedby the
ambassadorsof the princesand republics; and in this foreign
conflux,on all the occasionsof pleasureor business,the low-
born notary could assumethe familiaror majesticcourtesy
of a sovereign ._ The most gloriouscircumstanceof his
reign was an appealto his justicefrom Lewisking of Hun-
[It is strangethat Gibbonshould have made no mentionof Dante's
workDe Monarchia,which, though it expressedthe Ghibeliineideal and
lookedforsalvationto Germany,was neverthelessanimatedwiththesame
ideawhichinspiredRienzi,in so faras it recognisedthattherule of theworld
belongedto Rome. The De Monarchiais an importantindicationof the
mediaevalideals whichmoved Italiansin the fourteenthcentury,and the
reactionagainstthe Popes. Mr. Brycegivesanaccountof its argumentin
his HolyRomanEmpire,p. 265sqq.(ed. 7)- As the workappearedafter
theItalianexpeditionof Henry VII.-- thelastepisodeinthe historyof the
Empirein Italy-- Mr.Brycedescribesthebookas "an epitaphinsteadof a
prophecy." See alsothe observationsof Gregorovius,vi. p. 19-24. It is
patheticto see howmen like Petrarchlookedfor the regenerationof Italy
to the degeneraterabbleof Rome.]
_'It was thus that Oliver Cromwell'sold acquaintance,who remembered
his vulgarand ungraciousentranceinto the Houseof Commons,were aston-
ished at the ease and majestyof the Protector on his throne (see Harris's
Life of Cromwell,p. 27-34, from Clarendon,Warwick,Whitelocke,Waller,
&c.). The consciousnessof meritand powerwill sometimeselevatethe
mannemto the station.
gary,whocomplained that his brother,and her husband,
waspleadedin asolemntrialat Rome;
but,afterhearingtheadvocates, _ thetribuneadjournedthis
weightyandinvidiouscause,whichwassoondetermined by
theswordof the Hungarian. BeyondtheAlps,morees-
atAvignon, therevolution wasthethemeofcuriosity,
perhapsthesecretcounsellor, ofRienzi: hiswritingsbreathe
themostardentspiritofpatriotism andjoy; andallrespect
forthe pope,allgratitudeforthe Colonna,waslostin the
superiordutiesofa Romancitizen.Thepoet-laureat ofthe
Capitolmaintainsthe act,applaudsthe hero,andmingles
withsomeapprehension and advicethemostloftyhopesof
thepermanentandrisinggreatness of therepublic? 6
WhilePetrarchindulged theseprophetic visions,theRoman
andthe people,whohad gazedwithastonishment on the
ascendingmeteor,beganto mark the irregularityof its
courseand the vicissitudes of fightand obscurity.More
eloquent thanjudicious,moreenterprising thanresolute, the
ingreason;hemagnified in a tenfoldproportiontheobjects
ofhopeandfear;andprudence, whichcouldnothaveerected,
didnotpresumetofortify,histhrone. In theblazeofpros-

See the causes,circumstances,and effectsof the death of Andrew,in

Giannone(tom.iii. 1.xxiii,p. 22o-229), and the Life of Petrarch(M6moires,
tom.ii. p. i43-x48,245-250, 375-379,notes,p. 21-37). The Abb_de Sade
wishesto extenuateher guilt.
The advocatewho pleadedagainstJean couldadd nothingto the logical
forceand brevityof his master'sepistle. Johannal inordinatavita prince-
dens, retentiopotestatisin regno,neglectavindicta,vir alter snsceptns,et
excnsatiosubsequens,necisviritui teprobantfuisseparticipemetconsortem.
Jane of Naples and Maryof Scotlandhave a singularconformity.
See the EpistolaHortatoriade Capessend_tRepublic&,fromPetrarch
to NicholasRienzi (Opp. p. S35-54o),and the fiftheclogueor pastoral,a
perpetualand obscureallegory.
perity,his virtueswereinsensiblytincturedwiththe adjacent
vices: justicewith cruelty,liberalitywith profusion,and the
desire of fame with puerile and ostentatiousvanity. He
might have learnedthat the ancienttribunes,so strongand
sacredin the publicopinion,werenot distinguishedin style,
habit,or appearancefroman ordinaryplebeian; _' and that,
as often as they visitedthe city on foot, a singleviator,or
beadle, attended the exerciseof their office. The Gracchi
would have frowned or smiled, could they have read the
sonoroustitles and epithets of their successor,"NICHOLAS,
JUSTICE; TRIBUNE.AUGUST": his theatricalpageantshad pre-
parc_lthe revolution; but Rienziabused,in luxuryand pride,
the politicalmaxim of speakingto the eyes as well as the
understandingofthemultitude. Fromnaturehehad received
thegiftof anhandsomeperson,s°tillit wasswelledand disfig-
ured by intemperance;and his propensityto laughter was
correctedin themagistrateby the affectationof gravityand
sternness. He was clothed,at least on publicoccasions,in
a paTti-colouredrobe of velvetor satin,lined with fur and
embroideredwithgold; the rod of justice whichhe carried
t7In his Roman questions,Plutarch(Opuscul.tom. i. p. 505, 506,edit.
Graec.Hen. Steph.)states,on the most constitutionalprinciples,the simple
greatnessof the tribunes, who werenot properlymagistrates,but a check
onmagistracy. It wastheir duty and interestb/2.o,o_oOa_¢X_,t_are,
rat 6,a/r_7ro;_i'_rtT"vTXCiVoucr,
r_v lroX,r_l,. . . xara_rar¢?o'Oat
_t'£(a saying
vo_=, _._ crd,var=, "rocro_o/_XXov =6_t-ra= r_ _vvci/_*,,&c. Rienzi,
andPetrarchhimself,wereincapableperhapsofreadinga Greekphilosopher;
but theymighthave imbibedthe samemodestdoctrinesfromtheir favourite
Lafins,Livy and ValeriusMaximus.
" Z could not expressin Englishthe forciblethough barbarous rifle of
Zela/arItaliae,which Rienzi assumed.
sgEra bell' homo (1.ii. c. I, p. 399). It is remarkable,that the risosar-
casticoof the Bracdano edition is wanting in the Roman MS. fromwhich
Muratorihas giventhe text. In his secondreign,whenhe is paintedalmost
as a monster, Rienzi traveauna ventrescatonna trionfale,a modo de uno
AbbateAsiano,orAsinino(1.iii. c. zS,p. 5"3).
in his hand was a sceptreof polishedsteel,crownedwith a
globeand crossof gold,and enclosinga smallfragmentof
the true and holy wood. In his civil and religiousproces-
sionsthroughthe city, he rodeon a whitesteed,the symbol
of royalty; the great bannerof the republic,a sun witha
circleof stars, a dove with an olive-branch,was displayed
overhishead; a showerof goldand silverwasscatteredamong
the populace; fifty guards with halberds encompassedhis
person; a troop of horse precededhis march; and their
tvmbalsand trumpetswere of massysilver.
The ambitionof the honours of chivalry40betrayedthe
meannessof his birth and degradedthe importanceof his
office;and theequestriantribunewasnot lessodioustothe
nobleswhomhe adopted than to the plebeianswhom he
deserted. All that yetremainedof treasureor luxuryor art
was exhaustedon that solemnday. Rienziled the proces-
sionfrom the Capitolto the Lateran; the tediousnessof the
way was relievedwith decorationsand games; the ecclesi-
astical,civil,and militaryordersmarchedundertheirvarious
banners; the Romanladies attendedhis wife; and the am-
bassadorsof Italy might loudlyapplaud, or secredyderide,
the noveltyof the pomp. In the evening,when they had
reachedthe churchand palace of Constantine,he thanked
and dismissedthe numerousassembly,with an invitationto
thefestivalof the ensuingday. Fromthe handsof a vener-
able knighthe receivedthe orderof the Holy Ghost; the

t0Strangeas it may seem, thisfestivalwas notwithouta precedent. In

theyear 1327,two barons,a Colonnaand an Ursini,the usual balance,were
createdknightsby the Roman people: theirbath was of rose-water,their
bedsweredeckedwithroyalmagnificence,and they wereserved atSt. Maria
of Araceliin the Capitol by the twenty-eightbuani hv.oraini. They after-
wardsreceivedfromRobert, king of Naples, the swordof chivalry(Hist.
Rom.1.i. c. 2,p. 259). [On26thJulyofthisyeax,x347,Rienziissuedanedict,
declaringthe majestyand supremacyof the Roman people,and abolishing
all the privilegesassumedby the Popes. This edict was submittedto a
councilof jurists, and was issuedin the name of the Italian nation. See
Grcgorovius,vi. p. 267.]
ofthebathwasa previous ceremony;but inno
stepofhislifedid R/enziexcitesuchscandalandcensureas
bythe profaneuseof theporphyryvasein whichConstan-
tine(a foolishlegend)hadbeenhealedofhisleprosybyPope
4' Withequalpresumption thetribunewatchedor
reposedwithinthe consecrated precinctsof the baptistery;
and thefailureof hisstate-bedwasinterpreted as an omen
of his approaching downfall. At the hourof worshiphe
showedhimselftothereturningcrowdsina majesticattitude,
witha robeofpurple,hissword,andgiltspurs; buttheholy
fromhis throne,and advancingtowardsthe congregation,
heproclaimed in a loudvoice,"Wesummonto ourtribunal
PopeClement,andcommandhimto residein hisdioceseof
Rome; we alsosummonthe sacredcollegeof Cardinals. _
We againsummonthe twopretenders, CharlesofBohemia
and Lewisof Bavaria,whostylethemselves emperors;we
likewisesummonall theelectorsof Germany,to informus
onwhatpretencetheyhaveusurpedtheunalienable rightof
theRomanpeople,theancientand lawfulsovereigns of the
empire.''_ Unsheathinghis maiden sword, he thrice
ttAllpartiesbelievedinthe leprosyandbathof Constantine (Petrarch,,andRienzijustifiedhisownconduct byobserving tothe
courtofAvignonthat avasewhichhadbeenusedbya pagancouldnotbe
profaned bya piousChristian.Yet this crimeis specifiedin the bullof
excommunication (Hocsemius,apuddu Cerceau,p. I89, I9o).
a Thisverba2 summons ofPopeClement VI.,whichrestsontheauthority
ofthe Romanhistorian anda VaticanMS.,isdisputed bythebiographer of
Petrarch(tom.ii. not.p. 70-76),witharguments ratherofdecencythanof
weight.The courtof Avignonmightnotchooseto agitatethisdelicate
Thesummons ofthetworivalemperors,a monument of freedom and
folly,is extantin Hocsemius (Cerceau,p. 163-i66). [Gregorovius (vi.
p. _76)wellobserves:"The Romans,accustomed to all the spectaclesof
history,bluntedtothedistinctions betweenthesublimeandtheridiculous
. . . neitherlaughedatthisedictnoratthe figureofthecrazytribune ....
Theyloudlyshoutedtheirapproval.Theabsurdproclamation appeared as
theultimateconsequence oftheclaimsofthecityto theImperialmajesty,
withwhichshe had formallyconfronted Conradthe firstof the Hohen-
brandishedit to the three parts of the world,and thrice
repeatedtheextravagantdeclaration,"Andthis toois mine!"
The pope'svicar,the bishopof Orvieto,attemptedto check
this career of folly; but his feebleprotest was silencedby
martialmusic; and,insteadofwithdrawingfromthe assembly,
heconsentedto dinewithhis brothertribune,at a tablewhich
had hithertobeen reservedfor the supremepontiff.A ban-
quet, such as the Caesarshad given,was preparedfor the
Romans. The apartments, porticoes, and courts of the
Lateran werespread with innumerabletables for either sex
and every condition; a stream of wine flowedfrom the
nostrilsof Constantine'sbrazen horse; no complaint,except
of the scarcityof water,could be heard; and the licentious-
ness of the multitudewas curbed by disciplineand fear.4'
A subsequent day was appointed for the coronationof
Rienzi;4_ seven crownsof differentleaves or metals were
successivelyplacedon his head by the most eminentof the
Roman clergy;46 they representedthe seven gifts of the
HolyGhost; and he stillprofessedto imitatethe exampleof
the ancient tribunes. These extraordinaryspectaclesmight
deceiveor flatter the people; and their own vanity was
gratifiedin the vanity of their leader. But in his private
life he soon deviatedfrom the strict rule of frugality and
abstinence; and the plebeians, who were awed by the
staufens.... The errorsand theoriesof Dante and Petrarchin their
theologicalage explainorexcusethe insanedreamsof the Tribune."]
[On the nextday,2ndAugust,a festivalof theUnityof Italy was held.
Cola assignedthe bannerof Italy to the Florentines,the bannerof Con-
stantineto Perugia,the banner of freedomto Siena.]
4_It is singularthat the Romanhistorianshouldhave overlookedthis
sevenfoldcoronation,whichis sufficientlyprovedby internalevidence,and
thetestimonyof Hocsemius,and evenof Rienzi(Cerceau,p.I67-x7o, 229).
[Not exactlysevencrowns,but six crowns(of oak, ivy, myrtle,laurel,
olive,silver)and a globe,emblemof the world. Rienzibelievedthat the
ancienttribuneswerecrownedwith thesesix crowns,and thushe character-
istically combinedclassicalantiquity with Christianity. He was at once
(Gregorovins,vi. p. 284) "Tribunus Augustusand Candidateof the Holy

splendourof the nobles,wereprovokedby the luxuryof their

equal. His wife,his son, his uncle(a barber in name and
profession),exposedthe contrast of vulgar manners and
princelyexpense;and, withoutacquiringthe majesty,Rienzi
degeneratedinto the vices,of a king.
A simplecitizendescribeswith pity,or perhapswith pleas-
ure, the humiliationof the baronsof Rome. "Bare-headed,
their hands crossedon their breast, they stood with down-
cast looksin the presenceof the tribune; and theytrembled,
goodGod, how they trembled!" 4, As long as the yoke of
Rienziwasthat ofjusticeand theircountry,theirconscience
forcedthem to esteemthe manwhompride and interestpro-
yokedthem to hate: his extravagantconductsoonfortified
their hatred by contempt; and they conceivedthe hopeof
subvertinga powerwhichwas no longerso deeplyrootedin
the public confidence. The old animosityof the Colonna
and Ursini was suspendedfor a momentby their common
disgrace: they associated their wishes,and perhaps their
designs; an assassinwas seizedand tortured; heaccusedthe
nobles; and, as soonas Rienzideservedthe fate,he adopted
the suspicionsand maxims,of a tyrant. On the sameday,
undervariouspretences,he invitedto the Capitolhisprincipal
enemies,amongwhomwerefivemembersof the Ursini,and
three of the Colonna,name. But, insteadof a councilor a
banquet,they foundthemselvesprisonersunderthe swordof
despotismor justice; and the consciousnessof innocenceor
guiltmightinspirethem with equalapprehensionsofdanger.
At the soundof the great bell the people assembled: they
were arraigned for a conspiracyagainst the tribune's life;
and, though some might sympathisein their distress,not a
hand nor a voicewas raisedto rescuethe firstof the nobility
from their impendingdoom. Their apparentboldnesswas

47Puoise facevastare denantease, mentresedeva,li baronituttiin piedi

ritfi cole vracdapiecate,e coli capuccitratti. Deh comostavanopaurosi1
(Hist. Rom. 1. ii. c. 2o,p. 439)- He saw them,and we see them.
promptedby despair;theypassedin separatechambersa
sleeplessandpainfulnight; andthevenerable hero,Stephen
Colonna,strikingagainstthe doorofhis prison,repeatedly
urgedhisguardsto deliverhimbya speedydeathfromsuch
ignominious servitude.In themorningtheyunderstood their
sentence fromthevisitofa confessor and thetollingof the
bell. ThegreathalloftheCapitolhadbeendecorated forthe
tionerswereunsheathed;andthe baronswereinterrupted
in theirdyingspeechesbythe soundof trumpets.But in
thisdecisivemomentRienziwasnot lessanxiousor appre-
hensivethanhiscaptives:he dreadedthesplendour oftheir
names,theirsurviving "kinsmen,theinconstancyofthepeople,
thereproachesoftheworld; and,afterrashlyofferingamortal
injury,hevainlypresumedthat,ifhecouldforgive, hemight
himseffbe forgiven.His elaborateorationwasthatof a
Christiananda suppliant;and,as thehumbleministerof
thecommons, heentreatedhismastersto pardonthesenoble
criminals,forwhoserepentance andfutureservicehepledged
his faithand authority."If youarespared,"saidthetri-
supportthe goodestatewith your livesand fortunes?"
Astonished by thismarvellous clemency,the baronsbowed
theirheads; and,whiletheydevoutlyrepeatedthe oathof
allegiance,mightwhisperasecret,andmoresincere, assurance
ofrevenge.Apriest,in thenameofthepeople,pronounced
theirabsolution.Theyreceivedthe communion withthe
tribune,assistedat the banquet,followedthe procession;
weredismissed in safetyto theirrespective
newhonoursandtitlesofgenerals,consuls,andpatricians. '$
4sThe originalletter, inwhichRienzljustifieshis treatmentof theColonna
(Hocsemius,spud du Cerceau,p. a22-229),displays, in genuine colours,
the mixtureof the knaveand the madman.
Duringsomeweeksthey werecheckedby the memoryof
their danger rather than of their deliverance,till the more
powerfulof the Ursini,escapingwith the Colonnafrom the
city,erectedat Marinothe standardof rebellion. The forti-
ficationsof the castle wereinstantly restored; the vassals
attendedtheir lord; the outlawsarmed against the magis-
trate; theflocksand hcrds,the harvestsand vineyards,from
Marinoto the gatesof Rome,weresweptawayor destroyed;
andthe peoplearraignedRienzias the authorof thecalamities
which his governmenthad taught them to forget. In the
campRienziappearedto lessadvantagethan in the rostrum;
and he neglectedthe progressof the rebel barons till their
numbers werestrong and their castles impregnable. From
the pagesof Livy he had not imbibedthe art, or even the
courage,ofa general. An armyof twentythousandRomans
returned,withouthonouror effect,fromtheattackofMarino;
and hisvengeancewasamusedby paintinghis enemies,their
heads downwards,and drowningtwo dogs (at least they
shouldhave been bears) as the representativesof the Ursini.
The beliefofhisincapacityencouragedtheiroperations: they
wereinvitedby their secret adherents; and the barons at-
tempted,with four thousandfootand sixteenhundredhorse,
to enter Romeby forceor surprise. The citywas prepared
for their reception;the alarmbell rungall night; the gates
werestrictlyguarded,or insolentlyopen; and after some
hesitationtheysoundeda retreat. The twofirstdivisionshad
passedalong the walls,but the prospectof a free entrance
temptedthe headstrongvalourof the noblesin therear; and,
after a successfulskirmish,theywereoverthrownand mas-
sacred withoutquarterby the crowdsof the Roman people.
Stephen Colonna the younger, the noble spirit to whom
Petrarchascribedthe restorationof Italy,was precededor
accompaniedin death by his son John, a gallant youth,by
his brotherPeter,whomightregretthe ease and honoursof
the church, by a nephew of legitimatebirth, and by two
bastardsof the Colonnarace; and the numberof seven,the
completed bytheagonyofthedeplorable parent,ofthevet-
eranchief,whohad survivedthe hopeandfortuneof his
house. Thevisionandprophecies of St. MartinandPope
Boniface hadbeenusedbythetribunetoanimatehistroops;_
hedisplayed, atleastin thepursuit,thespiritofanhero; but
heforgotthemaximsoftheancientRomans, whoabhorredthe
triumphsofcivilwar. Theconqueror ascended theCapitol;
deposited his crownand sceptreon thealtar; andboasted
withsometruththathehadcutoffan earwhichneitherpope
noremperorhad beenableto amputate, s° His base and
implacable revengedeniedthehonoursof burial; andthe
bodiesof theColonna,whichhe threatenedto exposewith
thoseofthevilestmalefactors, weresecretlyinterredbythe
holyvirginsof theirnameandfamily.5t Thepeoplesym-
pathisedin their grief,repentedof their ownfury, and
victimshadfallen. It wasonthatfatalspot
thatheconferred onhissonthehonourofknighthood;and
theceremony wasaccomplished bya slightblowfromeach
" Rienzi,in the above-mentionedletter,ascribesto St. Martinthetribune,
BonifaceVIII. the enemyof Colonna,himself,and the Roman people,the
gloryof the day, which ViUanilikewise(1.xii. c. xo4)describesas a regular
battle. The disorderlyskirmish,the flightofthe Romans,and the cowardice
of Rienzi are painted in the simpleand minutenarrative of Fort[fiocca,or
the anonymouscitizen(1.ii. c. 34-37).
60In describingthe fall of the Colonna,I speak only of the family of
Stephenthe Elder, who is often confoundedby the P. du Cerceauwith his
son. That family was extinguished,but the house has been perpetuated
in the collateralbranches,of whichI have not a very accurate knowledge.
Circumspice(says Petrarch) famili_etu_estatum, Columniensiumdomos:
solito pauciores habeat columnas. Quid ad rein? modo fundamentum
stabile solidumquepermaneat.
'_The conventofSt. Silvesterwasfounded,endowed,and protectedby the
Colonnacardinals,for the daughtersof thefamily whoembraceda monastic
life, and who, in the year I318, weretwelvein number. The others were
allowedto marrywith their kinsmenin the fourth degree,and the dispensa-
tionwas justifiedby the small numberand closealliancesof the noblefami-
lies of Rome (M6moiressur P6trazque,tom. i. p. xIo, tom. ii. p. 4oI).
of the horsemenof the guard, and by a ridiculousand inhu-
man ablutionfrom a pool of water,which was yet polluted
with patricianbloody
A shortdelaywouldhavesavedthe Colonna,the delayof a
singlemonth, which elapsedbetweenthe triumph and the
exileof Rienzi. In the prideof victory,he forfeitedwhatyet
remainedof his civil virtues,withoutacquiringthe fame of
militaryprowess. Afreeand vigorousoppositionwasformed
in the city; and, whenthe tribune proposedin the public
council_ to imposea newtax and to regulatethe government
of Perugia,thirty-ninemembersvotedagainsthis measures;
repelledtheinjuriouschargeoftreacheryand corruption; and
urged him to prove, by their forcibleexclusion,that, if the
populaceadheredto his cause,it was alreadydisclaimedby
the most respectablecitizens. The pope and the sacred
collegehad never been dazzledby his speciousprofessions;
they werejustlyoffendedby the insolenceof his conduct; a
cardinal legatewas sent to Italy, and, after some fruitless
treaty and two personalinterviews,he fulminateda bull of
excommunication, in whichthe tribuneis degradedfromhis
officeand branded with the guilt of rebellion,sacrilege,and
heresy34 The survivingbarons of Rome were now hum-
bled to a sense of allegiance; their interest and revenge
engagedthem in the serviceofthe church; but, as the fateof
the Colonnawasbeforetheireyes,theyabandonedto a private
6_Petrarchwrotea stiffand pedantic letterof consolation(Faro. I. vii.
epist,x3,p. 682, 683). The friendwas lostin the patriot. Nullatoto orbe
principumfamilla carior; carior tamen respublica, cariorRoma, carior
Je rendsgracesauxDieux de n'_trepasRomain.
ssThis council and oppositionis obscurelymentionedby Pollistore,a
contemporarywriter, who has preservedsome curiousand originalfacts
(Rer. Italicarum,tom. xxv. c. 3I, p. 798-8o4).
The briefsand bullsof ClementVI.againstRienziaretranslatedby the
P. du Cerceau(p. _96, 232), fromthe EcclesiasticalAnnals of Rodericus
Raynaldus(A.D.I347,No. I5, IT,2x, &c.),whofoundthemin the archives
of the Vatican.
x-asoo] 149
adventurerthe periland gloryofthe revolution. JohnPepin,
countofMinorbino, _ in the kingdomofNaples,had beencon-
denmedfor his crimes,or his riches, to perpetualimprison-
ment; and Petrarch,by solicitinghis release,indirectlycon-
tributedto the ruinof hisfriend. At the headofone hundred
and fiftysoldiers,the countof Minorbinointroducedhimself
into Rome; barricaded the quarter of the Colonna; and
found the enterpriseas easy as it had seemed impossible.
Fromthe firstalarm,the bellofthe Capitolincessantlytolled;
but, insteadof repairingto the well-knownsound,the people
was silent and inactive; and the pusillanimousRienzi, de-
ploringtheir ingratitudewith sighsand tears, abdicatedthe
governmentand palace of the republic.
Withoutdrawinghissword,CountPepinrestoredthe aris-
tocracyand the church; three senatorswerechosen,and the
legate,assumingthe first rank, acceptedhis two colleagues
fromthe rivalfamiliesof Colonnaand Ursini. The acts of
the tribune were abolished,his head was proscribed; yet
suchwasthe terrorof hisnamethat the baronshesitatedthree
days before they wouldtrust themselvesin the city, and
Rienziwas left above a month in the castle of St. Angelo,
fromwhencehe peaceablywithdrew,afterlabouring,without
effect,to revivethe affectionand courageof the Romans.
The visionof freedomand empirehad vanished; theirfallen
spirit would have acquiescedin servitude, had it been
smoothedby tranquillityand order; and it was scarcelyob-
servedthat the newsenatorsderivedtheir authorityfromthe
ApostolicSee; that fourcardinalswereappointedto reform,
with dictatorialpower, the state of the republic._ Rome

6tMatteoVillanidescribesthe origin,character,anddeath of this countof

Minorbino,a man da natura inconstantee senzasede,whosegrandfather,a
craftynotary, was enriched and ennobledby the spoilsof the Saracensof
Nocera(1.vii.c. xo2,io3). Seehisimprisonment,and the effortsofPetrarch,
tom. ii. p. x49-x51.
[One of these cardinalsasked Petrarch his opinionon the question.
Petrarch'sadvicewas: "Snatch allthis pestilentialtyrannyfromthe hands
was again agitatedby the bloodyfeudsof the barons, who
detestedeachother and despisedthe commons;their hostile
fortresses,bothin townand country,againroseand wereagain
demolished; and the peacefulcitizcns,a flockof sheep,were
devoured,says the Florcntinehistorian,by these rapacious
wolves. But, whentheir pride and avarice had exhausted
the patienceof the Romans, a confraternityof the Virgin
Maryprotectedor avengedthe republic; the bellof the Cap-
itol wasagaintolled,the noblesin armstrembledin the pres-
ence of an unarmed multitude; and of the two senators,
Colonnaescapedfromthe windowof the palace,and Ursini
was stonedat the foot of the altar. The dangerousofficeof
tribunewas successivelyoccupiedby two plebeians,Cerroni
and Baroncclli. The mildnessof Cerroniwasunequalto the
times; and,aftera faintstruggle,he retiredwith a fair repu-
tation and a dccent fortune to the comfortsof rural life.
Devoidof eloquenceor genius,Baroncelliwas distinguished
by a resolutespirit: he spokethe languageof a patriot,and
trod in thc footstepsof tyrants; hissuspicionwasa sentence
of death, and his owndeath wasthe rewardof hiscruelties.
Amidstthe publicmisfortunes,the faultsof Rienziwcrefor-
gotten; and the Romanssighedfor the peaceand prosperity
of the good estate.57
After an exileof seven years,the first delivererwas again
restoredto his country. In the disguiseof a monkor a pil-
grim,he escapedfrom the castleof St. Angelo,imploredthe
friendshipofthe king of Hungaryat Naples,temptedthe am-
bition of everybold adventurer,mingledat Rome with the
pilgrimsofthe jubilee,layconcealedamongthe hermitsofthe

of the nobles; notonly give the PlebsRomanaa share of thepublic dig-

nities,but deprivethe unworthySenatorsof the officewhichthey have so
badlyadministered"(Gregorovius,vi. p. 33o).l
s7The troublesof Rome,fromthedepartureto the returnof Rienzi,are
relatedbyMatteoVillani(1.ii. c. 47; 1.iii. c. 33, 57,78)and ThomasForti-
fiocca(l. iii. c. I-4). I haveslightlypassedoverthesesecondarycharacters,
who imitatedthe originaltribune.
Apennine,"and wanderedthrough the citiesof Italy, Ger-
many,and Bohemia. His personwasinvisible,hisnamewas
yet formidable;and the anxietyof the courtofAvignonsup-
poses,and evenmagnifies,his personalmerit. The emperor
Charlesthe Fourth gaveaudienceto a stranger,whofrankly
revealedhimselfas the tribuneof the republicand astonished
an assemblyofambassadorsand princesby the eloquenceofa
patriotand the visionsof a prophet,the downfallof tyranny
and the "kingdom of the Holy Ghost)9 Whateverhad been
hishopes,Rienzifoundhimselfa captive; but he supported
a characterof independenceand dignity,and obeyed,as his
ownchoice,the irresistiblesummonsof the supremepontiff.
The zealof Petrarch,whichhad beencooledby the unworthy
conduct,was rekindledby the sufferingsand the presence,of
hisfriend; and heboldlycomplainsof the timesin whichthe
saviourof Romewas deliveredby her emperorintothe hands
of her bishop. Rienziwas transportedslowly,but in safe
custody,fromPrague to Avignon; his entranceinto the city
wasthat ofa malefactor; in his prisonhe waschainedby the
leg; and fourcardinalswerenamedto inquireintothe crimes
of heresy and rebellion. But his trial and condemnation
wouldhave involvedsomequestionswhichit was morepru-

5, [The FraticeUiof MonteMajellain the Abruzzi. Rienzi stayedthere

abovetwo years,doing penancefor his sins.]
"These visions,of whichthe friendsand enemiesof Rienziseem alike
ignorant,aresurelymagnifiedby the zealofPollistore,a Dominicaninquisi-
tor(Rer.Ital.tom.xxv.c.36,p.8x9). HadthetribunetaughtthatChristwas
succeeded by theHolyGhost,thatthe tyrannyofthepopewouldbe abolished,
he mighthave beenconvictedof heresyand treasonwithoutoffendingthe
Romanpeople. [The lettersof Pdenziat thistime (givenin Papencordt's
workcitedabove,p. x28, note 20)are very important. They portraythe
stateof Rome; indictthe Pope; and are thoroughlyGhibeilinein spirit,
expressingthe needof keepingthe secularand ecclesiasticalpowersapart.
Gregorovius says (vi. 346): "The tribune in chains at Prague was more
dangerousto thePapacythan he had beenwhenat theheightof his power
inthe Capitol. He nowexpressed, liketheMonarchists,thenecessityforman-
kind of a reformation;and this constitutesthe seriousimportanceof this
extraordinaryRoman,and secureshima place in history."]
dentto leaveunderthe veilofmystery: the temporalsuprem-
acyof the popes; the duty of residence; the civil and eccle-
siasticalprivilegesof the clergyand peopleof Rome. The
reigning pontiffwell deserved the appellationof Clement;
the strange vicissitudesand magnanimousspirit of the cap-
five excitedhis pity and esteem; and Petrarch believesthat
he respectedin the hero the name and sacredcharacterof a
poet.e° Rienziwas indulgedwith an easy confinementand
the useof books; and in the assiduousstudyof Livyand the
Biblehe soughtthe causeand the consolationof his misfor-
The succeedingpontificateof Innocentthe Sixthopeneda
ncw prospectof his deliveranceand restoration; and the
court of Avignonwas persuadedthat the successfulrebel
couldaloneappeaseand reformthe anarchyofthe metropolis.
After a solemnprofessionof fidelity,the Roman tribunewas
sent into Italy with the title of senator; but the death of
Baroncelliappearedto supersedethe useof hismission; and
the legate, Cardinal Albernozf1 a consummatestatesman,
allowedhim,with reluctance,and withoutaid, to undertake
the perilousexperiment. Hisfirstreceptionwasequalto his
wishes: the day of his entrancewasa publicfestival,and his
eloquenceand authorityrevivedthe lawsof the good estate.
But this momentarysunshinewas soon cloudedby his own
vicesand thoseof the people: in the Capitol,he mightoften
regret the prison of Avignon; and, after a secondadminis-

e0Theastonishment, theenvyalmost, ofPetrarchisaproof,ifnotofthe

truthofthisincrediblefact,atleastofhisownveracity.TheAbb_ deSade
(M&noires, tom.iii.p. 242)quotesthevithepistleofthexiiithbookof
Petrarch,butit isoftheroyalMS.which heconsulted,
naryBasiledition(p. 920).
el3EgidiusorGilesAlbornoz, a nobleSpaniard,archbishopofToledo,
andcardinallegatein Italy(A.D.I353-x367) , restored,
by hisarmsand
thetemporal dominion ofthepopes.Hislifehasbeenseparately
writtenbySepulveda; butDryden couldnotreasonablysupposethathis
name,orthatofWolsey, hadreached theearsoftheMuftiinDonSebas-
A.v.,34,-,5oo]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE i53
tration of four months,Rienzi was massacredin a tumult
which had been fomentedby the Roman barons. In the
societyof the Germansand Bohemians,he is said to have
contractedthe habitsof intemperanceand cruelty; adver-
sity had chilledhis enthusiasm,withoutfortifyinghis reason
or virtue; and that youthful hope, that lively assurance,
whichis the pledgeofsuccess,wasnowsucceededby the cold
impotenceof distrustand despair. The tribunehad reigned
withabsolutedominion,by the choiceand in the heartsof the
Romans; the senator was the servileministerof a foreign
court; and, whilehe was suspectedby the people,he was
abandonedby the prince. The legateAlbornoz,whoseemed
desirousof his ruin,inflexiblyrefusedall suppliesofmen and
money; a faithfulsubjectcouldno longerpresumeto touch
the revenuesof the apostolicalchamber; and the firstidea
of a tax was the signalof clamourand sedition. Evenhis
justicewastaintedwiththe guiltorreproachofselfishcruelty;
the most virtuouscitizenof Romewas sacrificedto his jeal-
ousy; and in the executionof a publicrobber, fromwhose
pursehe had been assisted,the magistratetoo muchforgot,
or too much remembered,the obligationsof the debtor,e2
A civilwar exhaustedhis treasures,and the patienceof the
city; the Colonnamaintainedtheir hostilestation at Pales-
trina; and his mercenariessoondespiseda leader whoseig-
norance and fear were envious of all subordinatemerit.
In the death asin the life of Rienzi,the hero and the coward
werestrangelymingled. Whenthe Capitolwas investedby
a furiousmultitude,whenhe was baselydesertedby hiscivil
and militaryservant,the intrepidsenator,wavingthe banner
of liberty,presentedhimselfon the balcony,addressedhis
eloquenceto the variouspassionsofthe Romans,and laboured
mFromMatteo Villaniand Fortifiocea,the P. du Cerceau(p. 344-394)
hasextractedthelifeand death ofthe ChevalierMontreal,the lifeof a robber,
and the death of an hero. At the head of a free company,the first that
desolatedItaly, he becamerich and formidable; he had moneyin all the
banks, 60,000ducats in Padua alone.
to persuadethem that in the samecausehimselfand the re-
publicmust eitherstand or fall. Hisorationwas interrupted
by a volleyof imprecationsand stones; and, after an arrow
had transpierced his hand, he sunk into abject despair,
and fledweepingto the innerchambers,fromwhencehe was
let downby a sheetbeforethe windowsof the prison. Des-
titute of aid or hope, he was besiegedtill the evening: the
doorsof the Capitolweredestroyedwith axesand fire; and,
whilethe senatorattemptedto escapein a plebeianhabit,he
wasdiscoveredand draggedto the platformofthe palace,the
fatal sceneof hisjudgmentsand executions. A wholehour,
withoutvoiceor motion,he stoodamidstthe multitude,half
nakedandhalfdead; theirragewashushedintocuriosityand
wonder; the last feelingsof reverenceand compassionyet
struggledin his favour; and they might haveprevailed,if a
boldassassinhad not plungeda daggerin hisbreast. He fell
senselesswith the first stroke; the impotentrevengeof his
enemiesinflicteda thousandwounds; and the senator'sbody
was abandonedto the dogs,to the Jews, and to the flames.
Posterity will compare the virtuesand the failings of this
extraordinaryman; but in a longperiodof anarchyand ser-
vitude the name of Rienzi has oftenbeen celebratedas the
delivererof hiscountryand the last of the Roman patriots._
The firstand mostgenerouswishof Petrarchwas the resto-
rationof a free republic; but, afterthe exileand deathofhis
plebeianhero,he turnedhiseyesfromthe tribuneto the king
of the Romans. The Capitolwasyet stainedwiththe blood
ofRienzi,whenCharlesthe Fourth descendedfromthe Alps
to obtain the Italian and Imperial crowns. In his passage
through Milan he receivedthe visit,and repaid the flattery,
of the poet-laureat; accepteda medal of Augustus; and
promised,withouta smile,to imitatethe founderofthe Roman
a Theexile,secondgovernment, and deathof Rienziare minutelyrelated
by the anonymousRomanwhoappearsneitherhis friendnor his enemy
(1.iii. c. I_--a5). Petrarch,wholovedthe tr/bune,was indifferentto the fate
of the senator.
monarchy. A falseapplicationof the namesand maximsof
antiquitywasthe sourceof the hopesand disappointmentsof
Petrarch; yet he couldnot overlookthe differenceof times
and characters: the immeasurabledistancebetweenthe first
C_esarsand a Bohemianprince,who by the favour of the
clergyhad been clcctcdthe titular head of the Germanaris-
tocracy. Instead of restoringto Rome her glory and her
provinces,he had bound himself,by a secrettreatywith the
pope,to evacuatethe city on the day of his coronation;and
his shamefulretreat was pursuedby the reproachesof the
After the loss of libertyand empire,his third and more
humblewishwas to reconcilethe shepherdwithhisflock; to
recallthe Romanbishopto his ancientand peculiardiocese.
In thc fervourof youth, with the authorityof age, Petrarch
addressedhis exhortationsto five successivepopes,and his
eloquenccwas alwaysinspired by the enthusiasmof senti-
ment and the freedomof language25 The son of a citizen
of Florcnceinvariablypreferredthe countryof his birth to
that of his education; and Italy, in his cycs,wasthe queen
and gardenof the world. Amidsther domesticfactions,she
was doubtlesssuperiorto Franceboth in art and science,in
wealthand politeness;but the differencecouldscarcelysup-
portthe epithetofbarbarous,whichhc promiscuously bestows
on the countriesbeyond the Alps. Avignon,the mystic
Babylon,the sink ofviceand corruption,wasthe objectofhis
hatredand contcmpt; buthe forgetsthat herscandalousvices
Thehopesand thedisappointmentof Petrarchare agreeablydescribed
in hisownwordsbytheFrenchbiographer(M6moires,tom.iii.p. 575-613);
but the deepthoughsecretwoundwas thecoronationof Zanubi,thepoet-
laurcat, by CharlesIV.
u See,inhisaccurateand musing biographer, theapplicationof Petrarch
and Rometo BenedictXII. in theyeari334(Mamoires,tom. i. p. 261-_65),
to ClementVI. in x342(tom.ii. p. 45-47),and to UrbanV. in 1366(tom.iii.
p. 677-690 ; his praise (p.71x-715)andexcuse(p. 77l) of thelastof these
pontiffs. His angrycontroversyon therespectivemeritsof Franceand Italy
may be found (Opp. p. lO68-1o85).
werenot the growthof the soil, and that in everyresidence
theywouldadhereto the powerandluxuryof the papalcourt.
lie confessesthat the successorofSt. Peteris the bishopofthe
universalchurch; yet it wasnot on the banks of the Rh6ne,
but of the Tiber, that the apostlehad fixedhis everlasting
throne; and, while every city in the Christian world was
blessedwith a bishop,the metropolisalonewas desolateand
forlorn. Sincethe removalof the HolySee,the sacredbuild-
ings of the Lateran and the Vatican,their altars and their
saints,wereleft in a state of povertyand decay; and Rome
wasoftenpaintedunder the imageof a disconsolatematron,
asifthe wanderinghusbandcouldbereclaimedbythe homely
portrait of the age and infirmitiesof his weepingspouse._
But the cloudwhichhung over the sevenhills wouldbe dis-
pelledby thepresenceoftheirlawfulsovereign: eternalfame,
the prosperityof Rome,and the peaceof Italy wouldbe the
recompenseof the popewhoshoulddareto embracethis gen-
erousresolution. Of the fivewhomPetrarch exhorted,the
three first, John the Twenty-second,Benedictthe Twelfth,
and Clementthe Sixth, wereimportunedor amusedby the
boldnessof the orator; but the memorablechangewhichhad
been attemptedby Urbanthe Fifth wasfinallyaccomplished
by Gregorythe Eleventh. The executionof their design
was opposed by weightyand almost insuperableobstacles.
A kingof France,whohas deservedthe epithetof Wise,was
unwillingto releasethem froma localdependence:the car-
dinals,for the most part his subjects,wereattached to the
language,manners,and climateof Avignon; to their stately
palaces; above all, to the wines of Burgundy..7 In their
" Squalidasedquoniamfacies, neglectaquecultu
Cmsaries;multisquemallslassata senectus
: vetusaccipenomen;
Roma vocor. (Carm. 1. il. p. 77.)
lie spins this allegory beyondall measure 9r patience. The epistles to
Urban V. in proseare moresimpleand persuasive(SenJlium_ I. vii. p. 8xi-
827; 1. ix. epist, i. p. 844-854).
a7[Vinum Be-anenae,"Beatme."]
eyes,Italy was foreignor hostile; and they reluctantlyem-
barkedat Marseilles,asif theyhad beensoldor banishedinto
the land of the Saracens. Urban the Fifth resided three
years in the Vatican with safety and honour; his sanctity
wasprotectedby a guardoftwothousandhorse; andthe king
ofCyprus,the queenof Naples,and the emperorsof the East
and Westdevoutlysalutedtheir commonfather in the chair
of St. Peter. But the joy of Petrarch and the Italianswas
soon turned into grief and indignation. Somereasons of
publicor privatemoment,hisownimpatienceor the prayers
ofthe cardinals,recalledUrbanto France; and the approach-
ing electionwas saved from the tyrannic patriotismof the
Romans. The powers of Heaven were interestedin their
cause: Bridgetof Sweden,a saint and pilgrim,disapproved
the return, and foretoldthe death, of Urban the Fifth; the
migrationof Gregorythe Eleventh was encouragedby St.
CatherineofSienna,the spouseof Christand ambassadressof
the FIorentines;and the popesthemselves,the great masters
ofhumancredulity,appear to havelistenedto thesevisionary
females._8 Yet those celestialadmonitionsweresupported

ssI have not leisure to expatiate on the legendsof St. Bridget or St.
Catherine, the last of which might furnish some amusing stories. Their
effecton the mind of GregoryXI. is attestedby the last solemnwordsof the
dyingpope, who admonishedthe assistants,ut caverentab hominibus,sive
viris,sire mulieribus,sub specierelig/onisloquentibnsvisionessuicapitis,quia
per tales ipse seductus,&c.(Baluz.Not. ad Vit.Pap. Avenioaensinm,tom.i.
p. 1223). [St. Bridgetwasthe wifeof a great Swedishnoble, UlfGudmaro
son. Her Lifeby Bartholdusde Romais publishedin the Acta Sanctorum,
8th October, iv. p. 495 _qq- Her Revelationshave been frequentlyedited,
most recently(Revel.Selects)by A.Heuser,_851. There isalso an English
translation: "Certayne revelacyonsof St. Bri_tte," by Th. Godfrey(Lon-
don, no date). The most importantmonographis by a Swede,F. Ham-
merich, and has been done into German by A. Michelsen: St. Birgittadie
n6rdische Prophetin und OrdensstifteHn,x872. There is also a Danish
monographby A. Brinkmann (x893); and a French by the Comtessede
Flavigny: SainteBrlgittede Su;hle,1892.- There is an immenseliterature
on Catherineof Siena. Chavinde MaIan's Histoirede SainteCatherinede
Sienne, 2 vols., x846,and AugustaT. Drane's History of St. Catherineof
Siena with her companions(with a translationof her treatiseon Consum-
by someargumentsof temporalpolicy. The residenceof
thirtythousandrobbers,an hero had extortedransomand
absolutionfromthevicarofChristandthe sacredcollege;
andthe maximof theFrenchwarriors,to sparethe people
andplunderthechurch,wasa newheresyofthemostdan-
gerousimport." WhilethepopewasdrivenfromAvignon,
he wasstrenuouslyinvitedto Rome. The senateand people
acknowledgedhim as their lawful sovereign,and laid at his
feet the keys of the gates, the bridges, and the fortresses;
of the quarter at least beyondthe Tiber.7° But this loyal
offerwas accompaniedby a declarationthat they couldno
longersufferthe scandal and calamityof his absence; and
that his obstinacywouldfinallyprovokethem to reviveand
assert the primitiveright of election. The abbot of Mount
Cassin had been consulted whether he would accept the
triplecrown71fromtheclergyandpeople:"I ama citizen
mate Perfection),2 vols., x887,may be mentioned. The letters of the saint
have been editedby N. Tommaseoin 4 vols., x86o.]
eJThis predatoryexpeditionis relatedby Froissart(Chronique,tom. i.
p. 230),and in the lifeof du Guesclin(CollectionG_n_raledes Mdrnoires
Historiques,tom. iv. c. I6, p. Io7-x_3). As earlyas the year I36i , the
courtof Avignonhad beenmolestedbysimilarfreebooters,whoafterwards
passed the Alps (M_oires sur P&rarque,tom. iii. p. 563-569).
T0Fleuryalleges,from the annalsof OdericusRaynaldus,the original
treatywhichwas signedthe 2xst of Decemberx376betweenGregoryXI.
and the Romans(Hist. Ecclds.tom. xx. p. 275).
n The firstcrownor regnum(Ducange,Gloss.Latin. tom.v. p. 702)on
the Episcopalmitre of the popesis ascribedto thc gift of Constantine[to
]PopeSylvester]orClovis. The secondwas addedby BonifaceVIII. as the
emblem,not onlyof a spiritual,but of a temporal,kingdom. The three
statesofthe churcharerepresented bythetriplecrownwhichwasintroduced
by JohnXXII. or BenedictXII. (M_moiressurP_trarque,tom. i. p. 258,
_59). [Theregnumorpointedtiara "originallyconsistedofwhitepeacock's
feathers,and waslaterornamentedwithpreciousstones,encircledby a gold
rim,and afterwardsby threediadems; the wholewas surmountedby a
carbuncle." Gregorovius, v. p. 8 (wherethereis a descriptionof the papal
coronation). Thethreediademsare saidto havebeenaddedbyNicholasI.,
BonifaceVIII., and UrbanV. Monograph:Z6pffel,Die Papstwahienund
diemitihnenirantichstenZ-_ammenhang stehendenCeremonienvomzxbis
x4 Jahrhundert,x87L]
ofRome,"n repliedthatvenerableecclesiastic, "andmyfirst
lawis thevoiceofmy country."7s
If superstitionwillinterpretan untimelydeath,7. if the
seemtofrownona measureofsuchapparentreasonandpro-
monthshisreturnto the Vatican;andhisdeceasewasfol-
Latinchurchabovefortyyears. Thesacredcollege wasthen
composed oftwenty-two cardinals: sixofthesehadremained
at Avignon;elevenFrenchmen,one Spaniard,and four
Italiansenteredtheconclave intheusualform. Theirchoice
wasnotyetlimitedtothepurple;andtheirunanimous votes
acquiesced in the archbishop of Bari,a subjectof Naples,
conspicuous for his zeal and learning,whoascendedthe
throneofSt.PeterunderthenameofUrbantheSixth. The
n Baluze(Not. ad Pap. Avenion.tom. i. p. xi94, xx95)produces the
originalevidence,whichattests the threatsof the Romanambassadors,and
theresignationof the abbot of Mount Cassin,qui ultro se offerensrespondit
sc civem Romanurnesse,et illud vellequod ipsi vellent.
The return of the popesfromAvignonto Rome,and their receptionby
thepeople,are relatedin the originalLivesof UrbanV. and GregoryXI. in
Baluze(Vit. Paparum Avenionensium,tom. i. p. 363-486)and Muratori
(Script. Rer. Italicarum,tom. ill. p. i. p. 6Io-712). In the disputesof the
schism,every circumstancewas severelythoughpartially scrutinised,more
especiallyin the great inquestwhichdecidedthe obedienceof Castile,and to
which Baluze, in his notes, so often and so largely appeals,from a MS.
volumeinthe Harleylibrary(p. x28x, &c.). [Seethe worksofTheodoricus
de Niem: De scismate (ed. Erler, I89o); Vitae PontificumRomanorttma
NicolaoIV. usquead UrbanumV. with an anonymouscontinuationto A.D.
x418(in Eccard, Corpushist.medii aevi (i. p. r46I sqq.); Nemus Unionis
(collectionof documentsfor GregoryXII. and BenedictXIII.) ed. Schard
(with the De scismate), x566. Monograph: G. Erie.r, Dietrich yon
Nieheim; sein Lebenund seineSchriften,x887.]
74Canthedeathof a goodman be esteemeda punishmentby those who
believein the immortalityof the soul? They betraythe instabilityof their
faith. Yet,as a merephilosopher,I cannotagree with theGreeks,8_ol &ol
_,ko_o-_z,d,ro#lq_0"ge, s,to_ (Brunck, Poet.reGnomici, p. 231). See in
Herodotus (1. i. c. 3x) the moral and pleasingtale of the Argiveyouths.
tion,whichhadbeeninspired,as usual,bytheHolyGhost;
he wasadored,invested,andcrownedwiththe customary
rites;his temporalauthoritywasobeyedat RomeandAvi-
supremacywasacknowledged inthe
Latinworld. Duringseveralweeks,thecardinalsattended
theirnewmasterwiththefairestprofessions of attachment
andloyalty,tillthesummer-heats permitteda decentescape
fromthecity. But,as soonas theywereunitedat Anagni
andFundi,in a placeof security,theycastasidethemask,
accusedtheirownfalsehood andhypocrisy,excommunicated
theapostateandantichristofRome,andproceeded to a new
electionof Robertof Geneva,Clementthe Seventh,whom
theyannounced to thenationsasthetrueandrightfulvicar
of Christ. Theirfirstchoice,an involuntaryandillegalact,
wasannulledby thefearof deathandthe menacesof the
Romans;andtheircomplaintis justifiedbythestrongevi-
denceofprobabilityandfact. ThetwelveFrenchcardinals,
abovetwo-thirds of thevotes,weremastersoftheelection;
and,whatevermightbetheirprovincial jealousies,it ca_uot
fairlybepresumedthattheywouldhavesacrificed theirright
andinterestto a foreigncandidate,whowouldneverrestore
themto theirnativecountry.In the variousandoftenin-
75theshadesof popularviolenceare
moredarklyorfaintlycoloured; butthelicentiousness ofthe
seditiousRomanswasinflamedbya senseoftheirprivileges,
and the dangerof a secondemigration.The conclave
wasintimidatedby the shouts,and encompassed by the
St. Peter'srangan alarm: "Death,or an Italianpope!"
wastheuniversal cry; thesamethreatwasrepeatedbythe
7sIn the firstbook of the Histoiredu Concilede Pise,M. Lenfant has
abridgedand comparedtheoriginalnarrativesof theadherentsof Urbanand
Clement,of the Italiansand Germans,the Frenchand Spaniards. The
latterappearto be themostactiveand loquacious,andeveryfact andwordin
theoriginalLivesof GregoryXI. andClementVII.aresupportedinthe notes
of theireditorBaluz,e.
twelvebnnnerets orchiefsofthequarters,
itableadvice;somepreparations weremadeforburning the
obstinate cardinals;and,had theychosena Transalpine
subject,it is probable
alivefromtheVatican.Thesameconstraint imposed the
necessityofdissemblingintheeyesofRomeandoftheworld ;
theprideandcrueltyofUrbanpresented a moreinevitable
danger;andtheysoondiscovered thefeaturesofthetyrant,
whocouldwalkinhisgardenandrecitehisbreviary, whilehe
heardfroman adjacentchamber six cardinalsgro_nlngon
therack. His inflexible zeal,whichloudlycensured their
luxuryandvice,would haveattachedthemtothestationsand
dutiesof theirparishes at Rome;and,hadhenotfatally
delayeda newpromotion, theFrenchcardinals wouldhave
beenreducedto an helpless minorityin thesacredcollege.
Forthesereasons, andinthehopeofrepassing theAlps,they
rashlyviolatedthe peaceandunityofthechurch;andthe
meritsoftheirdoublechoiceareyetagitatedin theCatholic
7. Thevanity,ratherthantheinterest, ofthenation
determined thecourtandclergyofFrance. 77 Thestatesof
Savoy,Sicily,Cyprus,Arragon, Castille,Navarre,andScot-
landwereinclinedbytheirexampleandauthority to the
obedience of ClementtheSeventh, and,afterhisdecease, of
Benedict theThirteenth.Romeandtheprincipal statesof
Italy,Germany, Portugal,England,
78the Low Countries,
7eThe ordinalnumbersof the popesseemto decidethequestionagainst
ClementVII. andBenedictXIII. whoareboldlystigmatised as anti-popesby
the Italians,while theFrench are contentwith authoritiesand reasonsto
pleadthe causeof doubt andtoleration(Baluz. in Pr_efat.). It is singular,
or ratherit is notsingular,thatsaints, visions,and miraclesshouldbe com-
mon to both parties.
77Baluzestrenuouslylabours(Not.p. x271-x28o)to justifythepureand
piousmotivesof CharlesV., kingof France:herefusedto hearthearguments
of Urban; butwerenottheUrbaaistsequallydeafto thereasonsof Clement,
78An epistle,or declamation,in the name of EdwardIII. (Baluz.Vit.
Pap. Avenion.tom. i. p. 553)displaysthezealof the Englishnationagainst
the Clementlnes. Nor wastheirzeal confinedto words; the bishopofNor-
VOL. XII. m I l

and the kingdomsof the North,adheredto the prior election

ofUrbanthe Sixth,whowassucceededby Bonifacethe Ninth,
Innocentthe Seventh,and Gregorythe Twelfth.
From the banks of the Tiber and the Rh6ne, the hostile
pontiffsencounteredeachotherwith the pen and the sword;
the civil and ecclesiasticalorder of societywas disturbed;
and the Romanshad theirfullshareof themischiefs,of which
theymay be arraignedas the primaryauthors.7g They had
vainlyflatteredthemselveswiththe hopeofrestoringthe seat
of the ecclesiasticalmonarchy,and of relievingtheirpoverty
withthe tributesand offeringsofthe nations; but the separa-
tion of France and Spain divertedthe stream of lucrative
devotion; nor could the loss be compensatedby the two
jubileeswhichwerecrowdedinto the spaceof ten years. By
the avocationsof the schism,by foreignarms and popular
tumults,Urbanthe Sixth and his three successorswereoften
compelledto interrupt their residencein the Vatican. The
Colonnaand Ursinistill exercisedtheir deadly feuds; the
bunneretsof Romeassertedand abused the privilegesof a
republic; the vicarsof Christ,whohad levieda militaryforce,
chastisedtheir rebellionwith the gibbet,the sword,and the
dagger; and, in a friendlyconference,elevendeputiesof the
peoplewereperfidiouslymurderedand cast into the street.
Sincethe invasionof Robert the Norman, the Romanshad
pursuedtheir domesticquarrelswithoutthe dangerousinter-
positionof a stranger. But,in thedisordersofthe schism,an
aspiring neighbour, Ladislaus king of Naples, alternately
supportedand betrayed the pope and the people; by the
formerhe wasdeclaredgon]alonier, or generalof the church,
whilethe lattersubmittedto hischoicethenominationoftheir
magistrates. BesiegingRome by land and water,he thrice
wichled a crusadeof 60,ooobigots beyondsea (Hume'sHistory,vol. ill.
7. Besidesthe generalhistorians,theDiariesof DelphinusGentilis,Peter
Antonius,and Stephen Infessura, in the great Collectionof Muratori,
representthe state and misfortunesof Rome.
enteredthe gatesas a Barbarianconqueror;profanedthe
altars,violatedthevirgins,pillagedthemerchants, performed
hisdevotions at St.Peter's,andleftagarrisoninthecastleof
St.Angelo.Hisarmsweresometimes unfortunate,andto a
delayofthreedayshewasindebtedfor hislifeandcrown;
butLadislanstriumphedin histurn,andit wasonlyhispre-
maturedeaththat couldsavethe metropolisand the ec-
clesiasticalstatefrom the ambitiousconqueror, whohad
assumedthetitle,orat leastthepowers,of kingofRome. s°
I havenot undertakenthe ecclesiastical historyof the
schism;but Rome,theobjectoftheselastchapters,isdeeply
interestedinthedisputedsuccession ofhersovereigns.The
firstcounsels for the peaceandunionof Christendom arose
fromtheuniversity ofParis,fromthefacultyoftheSorbonne,
whosedoctorswereesteemed, at leastintheGaUican church,
as the mostconsummate mastersof theological science.
Prudentlywaivingallinvidious inquiryinto the originand
meritsofthedispute,theyproposed, as an healingmeasure,
thatthetwopretenders ofRomeandAvignon shouldabdicate
atthesametime,afterqualifying thecardinalsoftheadverse
factionsto joinin a legitimateelection ; andthatthenations
shouldsubtract s2theirobedience, if eitherofthecompetitors

*0It is supposedby Giannone(tom.iii. p. 292) that he styledhimselfRex

Rom*e,a titleunknownto the worldsincethe expulsionof Tarquin. But a
nearerinspectionhas justifiedthe readingof Rex Ramm,of Rama, an ob-
scurekingdomannexedto the crown of Hungary.
81The leadingand decisivepart which Franceassumedin the schismis
stated by Peter du Puis, in a separate history,extractedfromauthentic
records,andinsertedinthe seventhvolumeofthe last and besteditionof his
friendThuanus (tom. xi. p. xxo---i84).
Of this measure, John Gerson,a stout doctor,was the author or the
champion. The proceedingsof the universityof Paris [of which he was
chancellor]and the Gallicanchurchwereoftenpromptedby his advice,and
arecopiouslydisplayedinhis theologicalwritings,of which Le Clerc(Biblio-
th_queChoisie,tom.x. p. x-78) has givena valuableextract. John Gerson
acted an important part in the councilsof Pisa and Constance. [The
collectiveworks of Gerson were issuedseveral times in the x5thcentury.
The besteditionisthat of ElliesDu Pin, t7o6. Monographs:J. B.Schwab,
preferredhisowninterestto that of thepublic.At each
vacancy,thesephysicians ofthechurchdeprecated themis-
chiefsofanhastychoice;butthepolicyoftheconclave and
theambition ofitsmembers weredeafto reasonandentrea-
ties; and,whatsoeverpromises weremade,the popecould
designs oftheuniversity wereeludedbythe
artsof the rivalpontiffs,the scruplesorpassionsof their
adherents,andthevicissitudes of Frenchfactionsthatruled
theinsanityofCharlestheSixth. Atlengtha vigorous reso-
lutionwasembraced;anda solemnembassy, ofthetitular
patriarchof Alexandria,twoarchbishops, fivebishops,five
abbots,threeknights,andtwentydoctors,wassentto the
courtsofAvignonandRome,to require,inthenameofthe
churchandking,the abdication of the twopretenders, of
PeterdeLuna,whostyledhimselfBenedict theThirteenth,
andofAngeloCorrario, whoassumedthenameof Gregory
theTwelfth.Fortheancienthonour ofRomeandthesuc-
cessoftheircommission, theambassadors solicited
a confer-
encewiththemagistrates ofthecity,whomtheygratified by
a positivedeclaration
thatthe mostChristiankingdidnot
a wishoftransporting theholyseefromtheVatican,
whichheconsidered as the genuine andproperseatofthe
successorofSt.Peter. In thenameofthesenateandpeople,
aneloquent Romanassertedtheirdesiretoco-operate in the
unionof the church,deploredthe temporalandspiritual
ofthelongschism,andrequested theprotectionof
FranceagainstthearmsofthekingofNaples. Theanswers
of BenedictandGregorywerealikeedifying and alike
deceitful;and,in evadingthedemandof theirabdication,
the tworivalswereanimatedby a commonspirit. They
agreedonthenecessityofa previous interview,butthetime,
the place,and themannercouldneverbeascertained by
sa vie,sontemps,ses
_.x34x-xsoo]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE x65
mutualconsent."If theoneadvances," saysa servantof
Gregory, "the otherretreats;the oneappearsan animal
fearfuloftheland,theothera creature apprehensiveof the
water.Andthus,fora shortremnantoflifeandpower,will
theseagedpriestsendanger thepeaceandsalvationof the
The Christianworldwas at lengthprovokedby their
obstinacyandfraud:theyweredeserted bytheircardinals,
whoembraced eachotherasfriends andcolleagues; andtheir
revoltwassupported by a numerousassembly of prelates
andambassadors. Withequaljustice,the councilofPisa
deposed thepopesofRomeandAvignon;theconclave was
unanimous in the choiceof Alexander the Fifth,u andhis
vacantseatwassoonfilledbya similarelection of Johnthe
Twenty-third, the mostprofligate of mankind. _ But,in-
steadofextinguishing theschism,therashness oftheFrench
andItalianshadgivena thirdpretender to thechairof St.
Peter. Suchnew claimsof the synodandconclave were
disputed;threekings,of Germany, Hungary,andNaples,
adhered to thecauseof Gregory theTwelfth;andBene-
dicttheThirteenth, himselfaSpaniard,wasacknowledged by
thedevotionandpatriotism ofthatpowerful nation. The
rashproceedings of Pisawerecorrectedby thecouncilof
Constance;theemperor Sigismond acteda conspicuous part
astheadvocate orprotector oftheCatholic church;andthe
number andweightofcivilandecclesiastical members might
t_LeonardusBrunusAretinus,one of the reviversof classiclearningin
Italy,who,afterservingmanyyearsas secretaryinthe]Romancourt,retired
to thehonourableofficeof chancellorof the republicof Florence(Fabric.
Bibliot.medii,,Evi,tom.i. p. 29o). Lenfanthas giventhe versionof this
curiousepistle(Concilede Pise,tom.i. p. t92-x95). [The Letters of Leo-
narduswereedited in eight booksby L. Mehns,i74i. ]
s_[PietroFilargowas a native of Candia. The last GreekPope was
JohnVII. (electedA.D.7o5).]
ts[Theodoricof Niem,Historiade vim JohannisxXIII., in Meibomius,
Ser.rer.Germ.i. p. 5 sq_t.C.Hunger,Zur GeschichtePapstJohanns,xxiii.
seemtoconstitutethe states-generalofEurope. Ofthe three
popes,John the Twenty-thirdwas the firstvictim: he fled,
and was brought back a prisoner; the most scandalous
chargeswere suppressed; the vicar of Christ was only ac-
cusedofpiracy,murder,rape,sodomy,and incest; and,after
subscribinghis own condemnation,he expiated in prison
the imprudenceoftrustinghispersonto a freecitybeyondthe
Alps. Gregorythe Twelfth, whoseobediencewas reduced
to the narrow precinctsof Rimini, descendedwith more
honourfrom the throne,and his ambassadorconvenedthe
sessionin whichhe renouncedthe titleand authorityoflawful
pope. To vanquishthe obstinacyofBenedictthe Thirteenth,
or his adherents,the emperorin personundertooka journey
from Constance to Perpignan. The kings of Castille,
Arragon, Navarre, and Scotland obtained an equal and
honourabletreaty; with the concurrenceof the Spaniards,
Benedictwas deposedby the council; but the harmlessold
man wasleft in a solitarycastleto excommunicatetwiceeach
day the rebelkingdomswhichhad desertedhiscause. After
thus eradicating the remainsof the schism,the synod of
Constanceproceeded,with slow and cautioussteps,to elect
the sovereignof Romeand the head of the church. On this
momentousoccasion,the collegeof twenty-threecardinals
was fortifiedwith thirty deputies; sixof whomwerechosen
in each of the fivegreat nationsof Christendom,the Italian,
the German,the French, the Spanish, and the English:86

mI cannotoverlookthis greatnationalcause,whichwas vigorouslymain-

rainedby the Englishambassadorsagainstthoseof France. The lattercon-
tended that Christendom was essentiallydistributed into the four great
nations and votesof Italy, Germany,France,and Spain; and that the lesser
kingdoms(suchas England,Denmark, Portugal, &c.) werecomprehended
under oneor otherof thesegreatdivisions. The Englishassertedthat the
British islands,of which theywerethe head,shouldbe consideredas a fifth
and co-ordinatenation with an equal vote;and everyargument of truth or
/able was introducedto exalt the dignity of theircountry. Including Eng-
land, Scotland, Wales,the four kingdomsol Ireland,and the Orkneys,the
Britishislandsaredecoratedwith eight royalcrowns,and discriminatedby
the interferenceof strangerswas softenedby their generous
preferenceof an Italian and a Roman; and the hereditary
as wellas personalmeritof Otho Colonnarecommended him
to the conclave. Romeacceptedwithjoy and obediencethe
noblestof her sons,the ecclesiasticalstate was defendedby
hispowerfulfamily,and the elevationof Martinthe Fifthis
the era of the restorationand establishmentof the popesin
the Vatican.s7
The royal prerogativeof coiningmoney,whichhad been
exercisednear three hundred years by the senate, was first
resumedby Martin the Fifth,88and his image and super-
scriptionintroducethe seriesof the papal medals. Of his
twoimmediatesuccessors,Eugeniusthe Fourth was the last

fouror five languages,English,Welsh, Cornish,Scotch, Irish, &c. The

greaterisland,fromnorthto south,measures80omiles,or 4° days' journey;
and Englandalone contains 32 counties,and 52,ooo parish churches(a
bold account1),besides cathedrals,colleges,priories,and hospitals. They
celebratethe missionof St. Joseph of Arlmathea,the birthof Constantine,
and the legatinepowers of the two primates,without forgettingthe testi-
monyof Bartholemyde Glanville(A.D.I36o),whoreckonsonlyfourChristian
kingdoms,I. of Rome,2. of Constantinople,3- of Ireland,which had been
transferredto the Englishmonarchs,and 4. of Spain. Our countrymen
prevailedin the council,but the victoriesof HenryV. added muchweightto
their arguments. The adverse pleadingswerefoundat Constanceby Sir
Robert Wingfield,ambassador from Henry VIII. to the emperor Maxi-
milianI. and by him printedin i517, at Louvain. Froma LeipsicMS.
theyaremorecorrectlypublishedin theCollectionof VonderI:Iardt,tom.v. ;
butI have onlyseenLenfant's abstractof theseacts(Concilede Constance,
tom. ii. p. 447, 453, &c.).
The historiesof the three successivecouncils,Pisa, Constance,and
Basil,have been writtenwitha tolerabledegreeof candour,industry,and
elegance,by a Protestantminister, M. Lenfant, who retired from France
to Berlin. They form six volumesin quarto; and, as Basilis the worst,
so Constanceis thebest,part ofthe Collection. [Seeabove,vol.xi. p. 253,
st Seethe xxviithDissertationof the Antiquitiesof Muratori,and the ist
Instructionof the SciencedesM6daillesof the P_re Joubertand the Baron
delaBastie. The MetallicHistoryof MartinV. andhis successorshasbeen
composedby two monks,Moulineta Frenchman,and Bonannian Italian;
but I understandthat the firstpart of the seriesis restoredfrommorerecent
pope expelledby the tumults of the Roman people,8. and
Nicholas the Fifth, the last who was importunedby the
presenceof a Roman emperor2° I. The conflictofEugenius
withthe fathersof Basil,and the weightor apprehensionofa
new excise,emboldenedand provokedthe Romansto usurp
the temporal governmentof the city. They rose in arms,
selectedseven governorsof the republicand a constableof
the Capitol; imprisonedthe pope's nephews; besiegedhis
person in the palace; and shot volleysof arrowsinto his
bark as he escapeddown the Tiber in the habit of a monk.
But he still possessedin the castle of St. Angeloa faithful
garrisonand a train of artillery: their batteriesincessantly
thunderedon the city,and a bulletmoredexterouslypointed
brokedownthebarricadeof thebridge and scattered,witha
singleshot,the heroesof the republic. Theirconstancywas
exhaustedby a rebellionof fivemonths. Underthetyranny
of the Ghibelinenobles, the wisestpatriots regretted the
dominionofthechurch; and theirrepentancewasunanimous
and effectual. The troops of St. Peter again occupiedthe
Capitol; the magistratesdeparted to their homes; the most
guiltywereexecutedorexiled; and the legate,at thehead of
two thousandfoot and four thousandhorse,was saluted as
thefather of the city. The synodsof Ferrara and Florence,
the fear or resentmentof Eugenius,prolongedhis absence:
hewasreceivedby a submissivepeople; butthe pontiffunder-
stoodfrom the acclamationsof his triumphalentry that, to
securetheir loyMtyand his ownrepose,he must grant,with-
out delay,the abolitionof the odiousexcise. II. Romewas
n Besidesthe Livesof EugeniusIV. CRerumItalic.
tom. iii. p. i. p. 869,
and [the Life by VespasianusFlorentinus]tom. xxv. p. 256),the Diariesof
Paul Petroniand Stephen Infessuraare the best originalevidencefor the
revoltof the Romans against EugeniusIV. The former,who lived at the
time and on the spot, speaks the language of a citizenequally afraid of
priestlyand popular tyranny.
00The coronationof FredericIII. is describedby 1.enfant(Concilede
Basle,tom. ii. p. 276--_88)fromZEneasSylvius,a spectatorand actorin that
_.D.,_,,-isoo] OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE I69
restored,adorned,and enlightenedby the peacefulreignof
Nicholasthe Fifth. In the midst of theselaudableoccupa-
tions,the popewas alarmedby the approachof Fredericthe
Third of Austria; though his fearscould not be justifiedby
the characteror the powerof the Imperialcandidate. After
drawinghismilitaryforceto the metropolisand imposingthe
best securityof oaths_1and treaties,Nicholasreceived,with
a smilingcountenance,the faithfuladvocateand vassalof the
church. So tamewerethe times,so feeblewasthe Austrian,
that the pomp of his coronationwas accomplishedwithorder
andharmony; but the superfluoushonourwasso disgraceful
to an independentnation that his successorshave excused
themselvesfromthe toilsomepilgrimageto the Vatican,and
rest theirImperialtitle on the choiceof the electorsof Ger-
A citizenhas remarked,with prideand pleasure,that the
king of the Romans, after passingwith a slight salute the
cardinalsand prelateswhomethim at the gate,distinguished
the dress and personof the senatorof Rome; and, in this
last farewell,the pageants of the empire and the republic
wereclaspedin a friendlyembraceY Accordingto the laws
ofRome,_ her firstmagistratewas requiredto be a doctorof
laws,an alien, of a place at least fortymilesfromthe city;
withwhoseinhabitantshemust notbe connectedin the third
0_The oath of fidelityimposedon theemperorby the popeisrecordedand
sanctifiedin the Clementines(1.ii. tit. ix.); and/Eneas Sylvius,who objects
to this new demand,couldnot foreseethat in a fewyearshe shouldascend
the throne and imbibethe maxims of BonifaceVIII.
02Lo senatorediRoma,vestitodibrocartoconquella beretta,e con quelle
maniche,et ornamentidi pelle,co' quali va alle festedi Testaccioe Nagone,
mightescapethe eyeof 3EneasSylvius,but he is viewedwithadmirationand
complacency by the Roman citizen(I)iario di StephanoInfessura,p. xi33).
[SeeGregorovius,v. p. 289 sqq.]
See,inthe statutesofRome,thescna_ andthreeiudges(I.i. c.3--_4),the
(1.i. c. xS-rT; 1.iii.c. 4), the caporioni(1.i. c. x8; 1.iii.c. 8),
the secretcount//0, ii/. c. 2), the commoncount//(1, iii. c. 3). The title of
]cuds,defiances,acts oJ_iolcne, e, &c. is spread throughmany a chapter(c.
r,4-4o)d the secondbook.
canonical degree of blood or alliance. The electionwas
annual; a severescrutinywas institutedinto the conductof
the departing senator; nor couldhe be recalledto the same
officetill after the expirationof two years. A liberal salary
of three thousandflorins was assignedfor his expenseand
reward; and hispublicappearancerepresentedthe majesty
of the republic. His robeswereof gold brocadeor crimson
velvet,or in the summerseasonof a lightersilk; he borein
his hand anivory sceptre; the soundoftrumpetsannounced
his approach; and his solemnsteps wcreprecededat least
by fourlictorsor attendants,whosered wandswcreenveloped
with bands or streamersof the goldencolouror livcryof the
city. Hisoath in the Capitolproclaimshis right and duty to
observeand assertthe laws,to controlthe proud,to protect
the poor,and to exercisejusticeand mercywithinthe extent
of his jurisdiction. In theseusefulfunctionshe was assisted
by three learned strangcrs, the two cdlaWrals,and the
judge of criminal appeals: their frequent trials of rob-
beries, rapes, and murders are attestcd by the laws; and
the weaknessof theselaws connivesat the licentiousnessof
private feuds and armed associationsfor mutual defence.
But the senatorwasconfinedto the administrationof justice;
the Capitol,the treasury,and the governmentof the cityand
its territory wereentrusted to the thrce conservators,
_ who
were changed four times in each year; the militia of the
thirteenregionsassembledunderthe bannersof their respec-
tive chiefs,or caparioni; and the first of these was distin-
guishedby the name and dignityof the prior. The popular

['UrbanV. introducedthe three Conservatorsof the Civic Camera

"a civiccouncilwithjudicialand administrativepowerwhoseofficeendures
to the present day," Gregorovius,v. p. 439- At the same time, Urban
abolishedthe CouncilofSevenReformatores,whohadbeen electedin z358to
advisethe Senators,and suppressedthe "Banderesi,"the heads of military
companieswhich had been organisedin I3_;6. These Banderesiexecuted
justice (likethe Gonfalonieriin Florence),and their powerhad becomevery
tyrannical. See Gregorovius,Sb. p. 4o3.]
, ,_D.,_,-xS,*,] OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE I7I
legislatureconsistedof the secret and the commoncouncils
of the Romans. The formerwas composedof the magis-
trates and their immediatepredecessors,with somefiscaland
legalofficers,and three classesof thirteen, twenty-six,and
forty counsellors,amountingin the whole to about one
hundredand twenty persons. In the commoncouncil,all
male citizenshad a right to vote; and the value of their
privilegewas enhancedby the carewithwhichanyforeigners
were prevented from usurping the title and character of
Romans. The tumultof a democracywas checkedby wise
and jealousprecautions: exceptthe magistrates,nonecould
proposea question; none were permittedto speak, except
froman openpulpit or tribunal; all disorderlyacclamations
weresuppressed; the senseof the majoritywas decidedby a
secret ballot; and their decrees were promulgatedin the
venerablenameof the Roman senateand people. It would
not be easyto assigna periodin whichthis theoryofgovern-
ment has been reducedto accurate and constant practice,
since the establishmentof order has been gradually con-
nectedwith the decayof liberty. But in the year onethou-
sand five hundred and eighty the ancient statutes were
collected,methodisedin three books,and adaptedto present
use, under the pontificate,and with the approbation,of
Gregorythe Thirteenth:95this civil and criminalcodeis the
modernlaw of the city; and, if the popularassemblieshave
been abolished,a foreignsenator,with the three conserva-
tors, still residesin the palace of the CapitolY The policy
u Stalula alm_ Urbi_RotateAuctori2al¢S. D. N. Gregorii..7(111.Pont.
Max. a SenaguPopuloqueRom. rejorraatael edita. Ronur,x58o, in ]olio.
The obsolete,repugnantstatutesof antiquitywereconfoundedin fivebooks,
and Lucas P_etus,a lawyerand antiquarian,was appointedto act as the
modernTribonian. Yet I regretthe old code, with the ruggedcrust of
freedomand barbarism.
N Inmy time(x765),and inM. Grosley's(Observationssur l'Italie,tom.
ii.p. 36x),the senatorof Romewas M.Bielke,a nobleSwede,anda proselyte
to the Catholicfaith. The pope's right to appointthe senator andthe con-
servatoris impliedrather than affumedin the statutes.
of the C_esarshas been repeated by the popes; and the
bishopof Rome affectedto maintainthe formof a republic,
whilehe reignedwith the absolutepowersof a temporalas
wellas spiritualmonarch.
It is an obvioustruth that the times must be suited to
extraordinarycharacters,and that the geniusof Cromwell
or Retzmightnowexpirein obscurity. The politicalenthu-
siasmof Rienzi had exaltedhim to a throne; the samecn-
thusiasm,in thc nextcentury,conductedhis imitatorto the
gallows. The birth of Stephen Porcaro was noblc, his
reputation spotless; his tonguewas armed with eloquence,
his mind was enlightcnedwith learning; and he aspired,
beyondthe aim of vulgar ambition,to free his countryand
immortalisehis name. The dominion of priests is most
odiousto a liberal spirit: everyscruplewas removedby the
recent knowledgcof the fable and forgeryof Constantine's
donation; Petrarch wasnowthe oracleof the Italians; and,
as often as Porcaro revolvedthc ode which describesthe
patriot and hero of Romc,he appliedto himselfthe visions
of the propheticbard. His first trial of the popularfeelings
was at the funeral of Eugeniusthe Fourth: in an elaborate
speech,he calledthe Romansto libertyand arms; and they
listenedwith apparentpleasure,till Porcarowas interrupted
and answeredby a grave advocate,who pleaded for the
church and state. By every law the seditiousorator was
guilty of treason; but the bencvolenceof the new pontiff,
who vicwedhis character with pity and esteem,attempted,
by an honourableoffice,to convertthe patriot into a fricnd.
The inflexibleRoman returned from Anagniwith an in-
creaseof reputationand zeal; and on the first opportunity,
the gamesofthe placeNavona,he triedto inflamethe casual
disputeof some boysand mechanicsinto a generalrisingof
the people. Yet the humane Nicholaswas still averse to
accept the forfeitof his life; and the traitor was removed
from the scene of temptation to Bologna,with a liberal
allowancefor his support, and the easy obligationof pre-
sentinghimselfeachday beforethe governorofthe city. But
Porcaro had learned from the youngerBrutus that with
tyrantsno faith or gratitude should be observed: the exile
declaimedagainstthe arbitrarysentence; a partyand a con-
spiracyweregraduallyformed; his nephew,a daringyouth,
assembleda band of volunteers; and on the appointed
eveninga feast was preparedat his house for the friendsof
: the republic. Their leader, who had escaped from Bo-
logna,appearedamongthem in a robe of purple and gold:
his voice, his countenance,his gestures,bespokethe man
whohad devotedhis hfe or death to the gloriouscause. In
a studiedoration,he expatiatedon the motivesand the means
of their enterprise; the name and liberties of Rome; the
slothand pride of their ecclesiasticaltyrants; the activeor
passive consent of their fellow-citizens; three hundred
soldiersand four hundredexiles,longexercisedin armsor in
wrongs; the licenceof revengeto edge their swords,and a
millionof ducats to rewardtheir victory. It wouldbe easy
(hesaid) on the next day, the festivalof the Epiphany,to
seizethe pope and his cardinalsbeforethe doors,or at the
altar,of St. Peter's; to lead them in chains underthe walls
ofSt. Angelo; to extort by the threat of their instant death
a surrenderof the castle; to ascendthe vacantCapitol; to
ringthe alarm-bell; and to restorein a popularassemblythe
ancient republic of Rome. While he triumphed, he was
alreadybetrayed. The senator, with a strong guard, in-
vestedthe house; the nephewof Porcarocut his waythrough
the crowd; but the unfortunateStephenwas drawnfrom
a chest,lamentingthat his enemieshad anticipatedby three
hoursthe executionof his design. After suchmanifestand
repeatedguilt, eventhe mercyof Nicholaswas silent. Por-
caro, and nine of his accomplices,werehanged withoutthe
benefitof the sacraments; and, amidst the fears and in-
vectivesof the papal court, the Romanspitied,and almost
applauded, these martyrs of their country27 But their
applausewas mute, their pity ineffectual,their liberty for
everextinct; and,if theyhave sincerisenin a vacancyofthe
throne or a scarcityof bread, such accidentaltumults may
be found in the bosom of the most abject servitude.
But the independenceofthe nobles,whichwasfomentedby
discord,survivedthe freedomofthe commons,whichmustbe
foundedin union. A privilegeof rapineand oppressionwas
longmaintainedby the baronsof Rome; their houseswerea
fortressand a sanctuary; and the ferocioustrain of banditti
and criminalswhomthey protectedfromthe law repaid the
hospitalitywiththe serviceoftheir swordsand daggers. The
private interestof the pontiffs,or their nephews,sometimes
involvedthem in thesedomesticfeuds. Under the reignof
Sixtusthe Fourth, Rome was distracted by the battles and
siegesofthe rivalhouses; afterthe conflagrationofhispalace,
the proto-notaryColonnawas tortured and beheaded; and
SaveUi,his captive friend, was murdered on the spot, for
refusingto join in the acclamationsofthe victoriousUrsini2s
But the popesno longertrembledin the Vatican: they had
strength to command,if they had resolutionto claim,the
obedienceof theirsubjects; and the strangers,whoobserved
17Besides the curious though condscnarrative of Machiavel (Istoria
Florenfina,1. vi. Opere,tom. i. p. zxo, 2tx, edit. Londra, x747,in 4to), the
Porcarian conspiracyis related in the Diary of StephenInfessura(Rer. Ital.
tom. iii. p. u. p. xx34, xt35), and in a separate tract by Leo BapfistaAlberti
(Rer. Ital. tom. xxv. p. 6o9-6x4). It is amusing to comparethe style and
sentiments of the courtier and citizen. Facinus profectoquo . . . neque
periculo horribilius,neque audaci_tdetestabilius,neque crudelitate tetrius,
a quoquamperditissimouspiamexcogitatumsit.... Perdette la vitaquell'
huomo da bene, e amatore dellobene e llbert_tdi Roma. Anothersource:
Petrus de Godis,Dyalogonde conjurationePorcaria, was first publishedby
M. Perlbachin x879. See also Tommasint,Documenfirelafivia Stefano
Porcari, in the Arch. della Soc. tom. di storia patria, iii. p. 63 sqq.x879;
Sanesi,StefanoPorcari e la sua congiura,I887.]
*sThe disordersof Rome,whichweremuchinflamedby the partialityof
SixtusIV., are exposedin the diariesof two spectators,StephenInfessura
and an anonymouscitizen. Seethe troublesof the year 1484,and the death
of the proto-notaryColonna,in tom. iii.p. ii. p. xo83,xx58.
these partial disorders, admired the easy taxes and wise
administrationof the ecclesiasticalstate.°*
The spiritualthundersofthe Vaticandependon theforceof
opinion; and, if that opinionbe supplanted by reasonor
passion,the soundmay idly wasteitself in the air; and the
helplesspriestis exposedto the brutal violenceof a nobleor a
plebeianadversary. But after theirreturnfromAvignonthe
keysof St. Peter were guarded by the sword of St. Paul.
Romewas commandedby an impregnablecitadel; the use of
cannon is a powerfulengine against popular seditions;a
regularforceof cavalryand infantrywas enlistedunder the
bannersof the pope; his ample revenuessuppliedthe re-
sourcesof war; and,fromthe extent of hisdomain,hecould
bringdownon a rebelliouscityan armyof hostileneighbours
and loyal subjects,t°° Since the union of the duchiesof
Ferrara and Urbino,the ecclesiasticalstateextendsfromthe
Mediterraneanto the Adriatic, and from the confinesof
Naplesto the banks of the Po; and, as earlyas the sixteenth
century,thegreaterpart of that spaciousand fruitfulcountry
acknowledgedthe lawful claims and temporal sovereignty
of the Roman pontiffs. Their claimswerereadilydeduced
fromthe genuineor fabulousdonationsof the darker ages;
the successivesteps of their final settlementwouldengage
us teo far in the transactionsof Italy, and evenof Europe:
**F.sttoutelaterm de l'6glisetroublfepourcettepartialit6(des Colonnes
etdes Ursins),comenous dirionsLuceet Grammont,ou en HoUandeHouc
et CabaUan;et quandce ne seroitce diff6rendla terrede l'6gliseseroitla
plusheureusehabitationpourles sujets,quisoitdanstout le monde(carils
nepayentni tailesni gu_resautreschoses),et seroienttoujoursbienconduits
(cartoujoursles papessontsageset bienconseill_s);mais tr_ssouventen
advientde grandset cruelsmeurtreset pilleries.
100By theeconomyof SixtusV. the revenueof theecclesiasticalstatewas
raisedto twomillionsandahalf of Romancrowns(Vita,tom.ii. p. 297-296) ;
and so regularwas the militaryestablishmentthat in onemonthClement
VIII. couldinvade the duchy of Ferraxawith threethousandhorseand
twentythousandfoot(tom.iii.p. 64). Sincethattime (A.I).i597), thepapal
armsare happilyrusted; but the revenue must havegained somenominal
the crimesof Alexanderthe Sixth,the martial operationsof
Juliusthe Second,and the liberal policyof Leo the Tenth,
a theme whichhas been adornedby the pens of the noblest
historiansofthetimes,m In the firstperiodoftheirconquests,
till the expeditionof Charlesthe Eighth, the popes might
successfullywrestle with the adjacent princes and states,
whosemilitaryforce was equal, or inferior, to their own.
But,as soonas the monarchsof France,Germany,and Spain
contendedwithgiganticarmsfor the dominionof Italy, they
suppliedwithart the deficiencyof strength,and concealed,in
a labyrinthof wars and treaties,their aspiringviewsand the
immortalhopeof chasingthe Barbarians beyondthe Alps.
The nice balanceof the Vaticanwas oftensubvertedby the
soldiersof the North and West, whowere unitedunder the
standard of Charlesthe Fifth; the feeble and fluctuating
policyof Clementthe Seventhexposedhis personand do-
minionsto the conqueror; and Romewas abandonedseven
monthsto a lawlessarmy,morecrueland rapaciousthan the
Goths and VandalsY2 After this severelesson,the popes
contractedtheir ambition,which was almost satisfied,re-
sumedthe characterof a commonparent,and abstainedfrom
all offensivehostilities,exceptin an hasty quarrel, whenthe
vicarof Christand the Turkish sultanwerearmedat thesame
time against the kingdomof Naples)a The French and
Germansat lengthwithdrewfromthe fieldof battle: Milan,
x01MoreespeciallybyGuicciardiniand Machiavel: in thegeneralhistory
of the former,in the Florentine history, the Prince, and the politicaldis-
coursesof the latter. These, with their worthysuccessors,Fra Paolo and
Davila, werejustly esteemedthe first historiansof modernlanguages,till,
in the presentage, Scotlandaroseto disputethe prizewith Italy herself.
102In the historyofthe Gothic siege,I have comparedthe Barbarianswith
the subjectsof CharlesV. (vol. v. p. 25o-250: an anticipationwhich,like
that of the Tartar conquests,I indulgedwith the lessscruple,as I could
scarcelyhope to reach the conclusionof my work.
,0_The ambitiousandfeeblehostilitiesof the CamEapope,Paul IV., may
be seen in Thuanus (1.xvi.-xviii.) and Giannone (tom. iv. p. x49--x63).
Those Catholicbigots,Philip II. andthe dukeof Alva,presumedto separate
the Roman prince fromthe vicar of Christ; yet the holycharacter,which
Naples,Sicily,Sardinia,and the sea-coastof Tuscanywere
firmly possessedby the Spaniards; and it becametheir
interestto maintainthe peaceand dependenceofItaly,which
continuedalmostwithoutdisturbancefromthe middleofthe
sixteenthto the opening of the eighteenthcentury. The
Vaticanwas swayedand protectedby the reli_ous policyof
theCatholicking; his prejudiceand interestdisposedhim in
everydisputeto supportthe princeagainstthe people; and,
insteadof the encouragement,the aid,and the asylumwhich
theyobtainedfromthe adjacentstates,the friendsof liberty
orthe enemiesoflaw wereenclosedon all sideswithintheiron
circleofdespotism. The longhabitsofobedienceand educa-
tion subduedthe turbulentspiritof the noblesand commons
of Rome. The barons forgotthe arms and factionsof their
ancestors,and insensiblybecamethe servantsof luxuryand
government. Instead ofmaintaininga crowdoftenantsand
followers,the produce of their estateswas consumedin the
privateexpenses,whichmultiplythe pleasures,and diminish
the power, of the lord.t°* The Colonnaand Ursini vied
witheachotherin the decorationoftheirpalacesandchapels;
and theirantiquesplendourwasrivalledor surpassedby the
suddenopulenceof the papal families. In Romethe voice
of freedomand discord is no longerheard; and, insteadof
i the foaming torrent, a smooth and stagnant lake reflects
! the imageof idlenessand servitude.
A Christian,a philosopher,
'°s and a patriotwillbe equally

wouldhave sanctifiedhis victory,was decentlyappliedto protecthis defeat.

[For the Popes of the x6th century,see Ranke, Historyof the Popes,their
Churchand State (Eng. tr. by Kelly),1843.]
so,This gradualchangeof mannersand expenseis admirablyexplained
by Dr. Adam Smith (Wealthof Nations, vol. i. p. 495-504),who proves,
perhapstoo severely,that the most salutary effectshave flowedfrom the
meanestand mostselfishcauses.
1_Mr. Hume(Hist. of England,vol.i. p. 389)too hastilyconcludesthat,
if the civiland ecclesiasticalpowersbe unitedin the sameperson,it isof little
momentwhetherhe be styledprinceor prelate,sincethetemporalcharacter
VOL.xn. _ i "J,
scandalisedby the temporalkingdomof the clergy; and the
localmajestyof Rome,the remembranceof her consulsand
triumphs,mayseemto embitterthe sense,and aggravatethe
shame,of her slavery. If we calmlyweighthe merits and
defectsof the ecclesiasticalgovernment,it maybe praisedin
its present state as a mild, decent, and tranquil system,
exemptfrom the dangersof a minority,the salliesof youth,
the expensesof luxury,and the calamitiesof war. But these
advantagesare overbalancedby a frequent,perhapsa septen-
nial, electionof a sovereign,who is seldoma native of the
country; the reign of a young statesmanof threescore,in
the declineofhislifeand abilities,withouthopeto accomplish,
and withoutchildrento inherit,thelabours of Iristransitory
reign. The successfulcandidateis drawn from the church,
andeventheconvent; fromthemodeofeducationand lifethe
most adverse to reason, humanity, and freedom. In the
trammelsof servilefaith,he has learnedto believebecauseit
is absurd,to revereall that is contemptible,and to despise
whatevermight deservethe esteemof a rationalbeing; to
punisherror as a crime,to rewardmortificationand celibacy
as the firstof virtues; to placethe saints of the calendar'_*
abovethe heroesof Romeand the sagesof Athens; and to
considerthe missalor the crucifixas moreusefulinstruments
than the ploughor the loom. In the officeof nuncio,or the
rank of cardinal, he may acquire some knowledgeof the
world,but the primitivestain will adhere to his mind and
m_nners: from study and experiencehe may suspectthe
mystery of his profession; but the sacerdotalartist will
imbibe some portion of the bigotry which he inculcates.
The geniusof Sixtusthe FifthIo,burst from the gloomof a
I_ A Protestantmay disdain theunworthy preferenceof St. Francisor
St.Dominic,buthe willnotrashlycondemnthe zealor judgmentof SixtusV.
who placed the statuesof the apostlesSt. Peterand St. Paul on the vacant
columnsof Trajan and Antonine.
lel A wanderingItalian, GregorioLeft,hasgiventheVitadl Sisto-Quinto
(Amstel.i721, 3 x2mo),a copiousand amusingwork,but which
Franciscancloister. In a reignof fiveyears,he exterminated
the outlaws and banditti, abolishedthe pro]amsanctuaries
of Rome,1°8formed a naval and militaryforce,restoredand
emulatedthe monumentsof antiquity,and, after a liberal
use and large increaseof the revenue,left fivemillionsof
crownsin the castleof St.Angelo. But hisjusticewassullied
with cruelty,his activitywas promptedby the ambitionof
conquest: afterhis decease,the abusesrevived; the treasure
wasdissipated; he entailedon posteritythirty-fivenewtaxes,
andthe venalityofoffices;and,afterhis death,hisstatuewas
demolishedby an ungratefulor an injured people.1°_ The
wildand originalcharacterof Sixtusthe Fifth standsalonein
the seriesof the pontiffs: the maximsand effectsof their
temporalgovernmentmaybe collectedfromthe positiveand
comparativeviewof the arts and philosophy,the agriculture
doesnot commandour absoluteconfidence. Yetthe characterof the man,
and the principalfacts, are supportedby the annalsof Spondanusand
Mm'atori(A.D. x585--159o),and the contemporaryhistoryof the great
Thuanus (1.lxxxii,c. x, 2; I.lxxxiv,c. io; 1. c. c. 8). [The sourceof Left
was a collectionof anecdotes,of apocryphalcharacter,entitledDetti e fatfi
di papa SistoV., of whichthe MS. is in the Corsinilibraryat Rome. This
discoverywasmadeby Ranke. See his SgmmtlicheWerke,vol. 39,PP-59-
65(in Appendixto his Livesof the Popes).]
_0*These privilegedplaces,the quavtierlor]ranchises,wereadoptedfrom
the Roman noblesby the foreignministers. Julius II. had once abolished
the abominandumet detestandumfranchitiarumhujusmodinomen; and
after SixtusV. they again revived. I cannotdiscerneither the justice or
magnanimityof LouisXIV. who,in x687,sent his ambassador,the marquis
de Lavaxdin,to Rome, withan armedforceof a thousandofficers,guards,
and domestics,tomaintainthisiniquitousclaim,andinsultPopeInnocentXI.
in the heart of his capital (Vita di SistoV. tom. Hi.p. 26o-278; Muratori,
Annalid'Itatia, tom. xv. p. 494-496; and Voltaire,Si_clede Louis XIV.
tom.ii. c. z4, p. 58, 59).
,oDThis outrageproduceda decree,whichwas inscribedon marbleand
placedin the Capitol. It is expressedin a style of manly simplicityand
freedom: Si quis,sive privatus,sive magistratumgerens de coUocand_ _vo
pontificistatu,_,menfionemfacereansit, legitimoS. P. Q. R. decretoin per-
petuuminfami*et publicorum munerumexpersesto.MDXC.menseAugusto
(Vitadi SistoV. tom.Hi.p. 469). I believethatthisdecreeis stillobserved,
andI knowthat everymonarchwhodeservesa statueshouldhlm_q_lf impose
the prohibition.
and trade,the wealthandpopulation,
of the ecclesiastical
state. Formyself,it ismywishtodepartincharitywithall
mankind;noramI willing,in theselastmoments,to offend
eventhepopeand clergyof Rome.u°
_1oThe historiesof the church,Italy, and Christendomhave contributed
to thechapterwhichI now conclude. In the original Livesof the Popes,
we oftendiscoverthecityandrepublicof Rome; and the eventsof the xivth
and xvthcenturiesarepreservedin therude anddomesticchronicleswhich
I havecarefullyinspected,andshallrecapitulatein theorderof time.
z. Monaldeschi(LudoviciBoncomitis)FragmentaAnnaliumRoman.A.D.
x328,in the ScriptoresReturn Italicarumof Muratori,tom. xii.
p. 525. N.B. The creditof thisfragmentis somewhathurt by a
singularinterpolation,in whichthe authorrelateshis owndeathat
the ageof 115years. [Theworkseemsto bea forgery;andLabruzzi
(Arch.dellaSociet_Romana di storiapatrla,ii. p. 281 sqg.x879)
ascribesit to AlfonsoCeccaxeali(whowas executedin I583).]
2. FragmentaHistoriaeRoman_ (vulgoThomas.Fortifiocc,_), inRomano
Dialectovulgari(A.D.I327-I354), in Muratori,Anfiqu/tat.medii
._EviItalla_,tom. iii. p. 247-548; the authenticground-work of the
historyof Rienzi. [Seeabove,p. z28,note 20.]
3. Delphini(Gentilis)DiaxiumRomanum(A.D.x37o--r4io),in theReturn
Itallcarum,tom. iii. p. ii. p. 846.
4. Antonii(Petri) Diariura Rom. (A.D.i4o4-I4x7), tom. xxiv. p. 969.
[SeeSavignoni,Giornaled'Antoniodi PietrodelloSchiavo,in the
Arch.dellaSoclethRom.di. stor. patr.xlii. p. 295sqq.]
5. Petroni (Paull) Miscellanea Historica Romana (A.D. X433-I446),
tom. xxiv. p. xIoi.
6. Volaterrani(Jacob.)DiariumRom.(A.D.I472-x484),tom.xxiii,p. 8I.
7- AnonymiDiariumUrbisRomae(A.D.I48I-I492), tom.ill.p. ii.p. io69.
8. Ingessurze(Stephani)DiariumRomanum(A.D.I294, or i378--r494) ,
tom.iii. p. ii. p. iio9. [Neweditionby O. Tommasini,189o.]
9. HistoriaArcanaAlexandriVI. sire ExcerptaexDiaxio.]'oh.Burcaxdi,
(A.D.x492-i5o3),editaa Godefr.Guilelm.Leibnizio,Hanover,i697,
in 4to. The largeand valuableJournalof Burcardmightbe com-
pletedfromthe MS. in differentlibrariesof Italy and France(M. de
Foneemagne,in the Mdmolresde l'Acad, des Inscrip. tom. xvii.
p. 597-606). [Best, and only complete,edition by L. Thuasne,
3 vols.i883-5.]
Exceptthe last, allthesefragmentsanddiariesaxeinsertedin the Collec-
tions of Muratori,my guideandmasterin the historyof Italy. His country
and the publicare indebtedto him for the followingworkson that subject:
I. Rerumlle2ice.rumScriptores(A.D.5oo-ISoo),qt_Trumpolis$_fna parsnunc
primum in lucernprodi$,&c.xxvill, folio, Milan, I723-I738, 175I.
A volumeof chronologicaland alphabeticaltablesis still wantingas a key
--_ _7.TemplumJovl5Victoras
-_• ,-_,-_ Porta t8. Templum Apol[inis
_/arm' 19.TemplamPortum
ao, TemplumVenerisetRomae
2L TherrnaeConstantin[
a2. BasilicaConstantini

Circu_ a,l. BasilicaAemtlia

]tadriani O-_ Castra a6. DomusCaligulae
e _"_" Praetorla _7.Domus
=3.Baeilica TUipia
•_ a, % 9 o nat t Ia o T.Soils 28.DomusLivia¢
C a _ P_ "_" zg. Domus
30. DomusSeptimli
_o * ._ 3x. DomasAureaNeronla
C. cu_ 33-ArcusTiti

Th. t.9

x. Fortm_"l'r,_jani
2. l'orums",ugu_ti -:
3- ForumNe_'ae :-"
4. Forum\'t.H_a_.iani "___
5. FoIt:lll lZ.omanum "": •
6. 'l'emplumSpcl ;_" ' "_,,"
_""l'cmldumJur,onisMoactae ROME
tunl "_';
lo. Tclllp|umVencri'zGcnetrici_ _:_'_.': UN_E p-,-TH_ EMPERORS
tz. TemplumPacis _-_-,_'.-'_-_
.-." .".l."
13 TempIumAntonmietFaustinae ":'_"
z4. TemplumSacraeUrbis SCALE
_5-'/'¢mplumCastorisct Pollucls _ PedesR_ _ i ] I_ a_
t6. AtriumVestac "!".,._' _lppta Vardt o ....
mr mL_ _v.
to thisgreatwork,which is yet in a disorderlyand defectivestate. [After
thelapseof nearlya centuryand a half this greatCollectionhasbeensupplied
with ChronologicalIndices by J. CaUigarisand others: Indices Chrono-
loglciad Script.Rer. Ital. i885.] 2. An_iquP.atesIta2i_mediiAg_, vi. vols.
in folio, Milan, 1738-x743,in lxxv. curiousdissertationson the manners,
government,religion,&c. of the Italians of the darkerages, with a large
supplement of charters, chronicles, &c. [Also published in x7 quarto
volumesat Arezzo,x777-8o. ChronologicalIndexeshave been prepared to
this work too by BattagIinoand Calligaris,x889, &c.] 3- Diasertazioni
soprale Anllqui_ Italiane,iii. 4to, Milano,x75x, a free versionby
theauthor,which maybe quotedwiththe sameconfidenceas the Latin text
of the Antiquities. 4. Annali d'ltalia, xviii, octavo,Milan, I753-
x756,a dry,thoughaccurateand useful,abridgmentof the historyof Italy,
fromthe birth of Christto the middle of the xviiith century. 5. DeW
An21¢hil& EstenseedIta//ane,ii. folio,Modena, z7z7,x74o. In the
historyof thisillustriousrace, the parentof our Brunswickkings,the critic
is not seducedby the loyaltyor gratitudeof the subject. In all his works,
Muratoriproveshimselfa diligentand laboriouswriter,who aspiresabove
theprejudicesof a Catholicpriest. He was born in the year1672, and died
inthe year I75o, afterpassing nearsixtyyearsin the librariesof Milanand
Modena(Vitadel PropostoLudovicoAntonioMuratori,by his nephewand
successor,Gian. Fmcesco Soli Muratori,Venezia,1756,in 4to). [Several
biographiesof Muratorihave appearedsince; e.g. by Reina in xSx9; by
Brigidiin x87x. In x872, the centenaryof his birth, werepublished: Bel-
viglieri,La vita, le operc,i tempi di L. A. Muratori; and Roncaglia,Vita
di L. A. Mur.]

Prospecto]theRuinso] Romein theFi]teenthCentury--
Four Causes o] Decay and Destruction--Example o]
the Coliseum_ Renovationo] the City- Conclusiono]
the wholeWork
I1_thelast daysof PopeEugeniustheFourth,twoof his
servants,the learnedPoggius1 and a friend, ascendedthe
CapitolineHill; reposed themselvesamong the ruins of
colurnn._and temples; and viewed,from that commanding
spot,the wideandvariousprospectof desolation? The place
and theobjectgaveamplescopeformoralising onthevicis-
situdesof fortune,whichsparesneithermannorthe proudest
of his works,whichburies empiresand citiesin a common
grave; and it was agreedthat in proportionto her former
greatnessthe fallofRomewasthemoreawfuland deplorable.
"Her primevalstate, such as she might appearin a remote
age,whenEvanderentertainedthestrangerof Troy,s has
11 havealready(not.58, 59,on chap.lxv.)mentionedthe age,character,
and writingsof Poggius; and particularlynoticedthe date of this elegant
morallectureon the varietiesof fortune. [On the subjectof this chapter
the followingworksmay be consulted: Gregorovins,Romein the Middle
out the work; consultIndex); Jordan'sTopographicder StadtRom im
Alterthum, i87z; O. Richter'sarticle on the Topographyof Rome in
Denkmliler,iii. p. _436$99.; J- H. Middleton,The Remains
of AncientRome,2vols., i89_; above all,theworksof R. Lanciani: Pagan
and ChristianRome, i892; The Ruinsand Excavationof AncientRome,
Consedimusin ipsis Tarpei_earcisruinis,poneingensporUecujnsdam,
ut puto,templi,marmoreum limen,plurimasque passimconfractascolurnn_%
mademagn_ex parteprospectusurbispatet (p. S)-
m/Eneid,viii. 97-369. Thisandent picture,so artfullyintroducedandso
exquisitelyfinished,must have beenhighly interestingto an inhabitantof
been delineatedby the fancyof Virgil. This Tarpeian rock
wasthena savageand solitarythicket: in the timeofthe poet,
it wascrownedwiththe goldenroofsof a temple: the temple
is overthrown,the goldhas beenpillaged,the wheeloffortune
has accomplishedher revolution,and the sacred groundis
againdisfiguredwith thorns and brambles. The hill of the
Capitol,on whichwesit,was formerlythe headof the Roman
empire,the citadel of the earth, the terror of kings; illus-
tratedby the footstepsof so manytriumphs,enrichedwith the
spoils and tributes of so many nations. This spectacle
of the world,howis it fallen! howchanged! howdefacedl
The path ofvictoryis obliteratedby vines,and the benchesof
the senatorsare concealedby a dunghill. Castyour eyeson
the Palatine Hill, and seek,among the shapelessand enor-
mousfragments,the marble theatre,the obelisks,the colossal
statues,the porticoesof Nero'spalace: surveytheotherhills
of the city, the vacant spaceis interruptedonlyby ruinsand
gardens. The forum of the Roman people, where they
assembledto enact their laws and elect their magistrates,
is now enclosedfor the cultivationof pot-herbsor thrown
openfor the receptionof swineand buffaloes. The public
and private edifices,that werefoundedfor eternity,lie pros-
trate,naked, and broken,likethe limbs of a mightygiant;
and the ruin is the more visible,from the stupendousrelics
thathave survivedthe injuriesof timeand fortune."4
Theserelicsare minutelydescribedby Poggius,oneof the
firstwhoraisedhis eyesfromthe monumentsoflegendary,to
thoseofclassic,superstition3 I. Besidesa bridge,an arch, a

Rome; and our early studies allow us to sympathL_ in the feelings of a

' Capitolium adeo.., immutatum ut vine-- in senatorum subsellia succes-
serint, stercorum ac purgamentorum receptaculum factum. Respice ad
Palatinum montem . . . vasta rudera . . . c,_teros colles perlustra omnla
vacua _lificiis, ruinis vineisque oppleta conspides (Poggius de Varietat.
p. 22).
sepulchre,and thepyramidof Cestius,hecoulddiscern,ofthe
ageof the republic,a doublerowof vaultsin the salt-office
the Capitol,whichwereinscribed with the name and mu-
nificenceofCatulus. 2. Eleventempleswerevisiblein some
degree,fromthe perfectformof the Pantheon,to thethree
arches and a marblecolumn' of the templeof Peace,which
Vespasian erected after the civil wars and the Jewish
triumph. 3. Of the number, which he rashlydefines,of
representthe use and distributionof the severalparts; but
thoseof Diocletianand AntoninusCaracallastillretainedthe
titlesof the founders,and astonishedthe curiousspectator,
who, in observingtheir solidityand extent,the variety of
marbles,the sizeand multitudeofthe columns,comparedthe
labour and expensewith the use and importance. Of the
baths of Constantine,of Alexander,Tof Domitian,or rather
ofTitus,8somevestigemightyet befound. 4. The triumphal
arches of Titus, Severus,_and Constantinewereentire,both
the structure and the inscriptions; a fallingfragment was
honouredwiththenameofTrajan; and twoarches,thenextant
in theFlaminianWay,havebeenascribedto the basermemory
of Faustina and GallienusY 5. After the wonder of the
*[Thecolumnwas movedby PaulV. tothe churchof S.MariaMaggiore.]
7[ThermmNeronlanveet Alexandrinm,baths built by Neroandenlarged
by AlexanderSeverus,werecloseto the Stadium(discoveredin 1869),south
of the PiazzaNavona-- south-westof the Pantheon.]
s [It has been provedonlyquiterecently(byexcavationsin I895)that the
Bathsof Titus andTrajanweredistinct; it was nota case of bathsbuilt by
Titus and restoredorimprovedby Trajan. The Propylmaof the Therma_
of Titus have been found on thenorth side of the Coliseum; the Baths of
Trajan were to the north-east,almost adjoining. See Lancianl, Ancient
Rome,p. 365-6. On theAventinetherewereotherlargeBaths,the Thermm
Declanm, See Lanciani,lb. p. 544-6.]
o[Aninterestingsketchofthe historyofthis archwillbefoundinLanciaai,
op. ¢/Lp. 284-6.]
_0[He also mentionsthe Archof Claudius(in the PiazzaSciarra)and the
Arch of Lentnlus (on the Avenfine). Landani has shown that an old
Churchof St. Stephen, which was excavatedin the Piazzadi Pietra, was
built of spoils takenfrom the triumphalArch of Claudiusand from the
Coliseum,Poggiusmighthaveoverlookeda smallamphi-
theatreof brick,mostprobablyfortheuseof theprmtorian
camp. The theatresof Marcellus u and Pompeywereoc-
cupied,in a greatmeasure,bypublicandprivatebuildings;
andinthecircus,AgonalisandMaximus, littlemorethanthe
situationandtheformcouldbeinvestigated.6. Thecolumn_
ofTrajanandAntonine 12werestillerect; but theEgyptian
obeliskswerebrokenor buried? s A peopleof godsand
heroes,theworkmanship ofart,wasreducedtooneequestrian
figureofgiltbrass,andto fivemarblestatues,ofwhichthe
mostconspicuous werethetwohorsesof PhidiasandPrax-
iteles. 7. Thetwomausoleums or sepulchres of Augustus
andHadriancouldnottotallybelost; buttheformerwasonly
visibleasa moundofearth; andthelatter,thecastleofSt.
Angelo,hadacquiredthenameandappearance ofa modern
fortress.Withtheadditionof someseparateandnameless
TempleofNeptune (in the Piazzadi Pietra). Cp. his Paganand Christian
Rome,p. 99. Fragmentsofthe Arch ofTiberiusat thefoot ofthe Capitoline
have been discovered. Foundationsof the Arch of Augustuswerefoundin
1888. Lanciani had shown in i882 that "this arch had been found and
destroyedbythe workmenof thefabbrica diS. PietrobetweenI54oand x546
exactlyin that place, and that the inscriptionCorpus, vol.vii. no. 872, be-
longedto it." AncientRome,p. 27x.]
al [Seebelow,p. zoo, note 54.]
az[It is interestingto observethat in the Middle Ages it was usual to
ascendthe ColumnofMarcus Aureliusfor the sakeof the view,by the spiral
staircasewithin,and a fee of _lmi_-_onwas charged. See Gregorovins,lii.
P. 549-]
[Poggiosaw on the Capitola small obeliskwhich is now in the Villa
Mattei. And there was the obeliskin the VaticanCircus, which SixtnsV.
removedto the Piazza dl S. Pietro,whereit now stands. Sincethen several
obeli_k_have been set up again, e.g., the great red granite obelisk in the
Piazza of St. John in the Lateran; the obeH_k_in the Piazza del Popolo,
and the Piazza di Monte Citorio. See Parker's Twelve Egyptian Obelisks.
And cp. above,vol. iii.p. 245, note 48.]
a4[The MausoleumofAugustuswastakenasa strongholdbythe Colonnas
and destroyedin i x67when theywerebanished. It was refortifiedin x24x,
and it was used as a pyrefor the bodyof Rienzi. See Lanciani,Paganand
ChristianRome,p. x77-8o. The Soderinifamily convertedit into a hang-
haggarden in x55o. The ancientustrinum or cremationenclosure,and a
numberof monument.% werefoundin excavationsin i777.]
columns,suchwerethe remainsof the ancientcity; for the
marks of a more recent structuremight be detectedin the
walls,which formed a circumferenceof ten miles,included
three hundredand seventy-nineturrets,and openedinto the
countryby thirteengates.
This melancholypicture was drawn abovenine hundred
years after the fall of the Westernempire,and even of the
GothickingdomofItaly. A longperiodofdistressand anar-
chy,in whichempire,and arts,and richeshad migratedfrom
the banks of the Tiber, was incapableof restoringor adorn-
ing the city; and,as all that is humanmust retrogradeif it
do not advance,everysuccessiveagemust havehastenedthe
ruin of the worksof antiquity. To measurethe progressof
decay,and to ascertain,at eachera, the stateof each edifice,
wouldbe an endlessand a uselesslabour; and I shallcontent
myselfwith two observations,which will introduce a short
inquiryinto the generalcausesand effects, i. Twohundred
years before the eloquent complaintof Poggius,an anony-
mous writer composeda description of Rome._ His ig-
norance may repeat the same objects under strange and
fabulousnames. Yet this Barbaroustopographerhad eyes
and ears: he could observethe visible remains; he could
'* Liber de MirabilibusRom_, ex RegistroNicolal Cardinalisde Arm-
gozxiA, in Bibliothec_St. Isidori Armazio IV. No. 69. This treatise,with
someshort but pertinentnotes,hasbeen publishedby Monffaucon(Diarium
Italicum, p. 283-3oi), who thus delivers his owncritical opinion: Scriptor
xiiimicirciters_culi, ut ibidem notatur; antiquari_ rei imperitus,et, ut ab
ilio mvo,nugiset anilibns fabeUisrefertus: sed quia monumentaqu_ ils
temporibusRommsupererant pro modulorecenset, non parum inde lucis
mutuabiturqui Romanisantiqultatibnsindagandisoperam navabit(p. 283).
[MirabiliaRomm,ed. Parthey, x867; The Marvelsof Rome or picture of
the GoldenCity, by F. M. Nicholls,x889. The Mirabiliais a z2th
centuryrecensionof an older guide-book,probablyof the Ioth century, of
whichthe Graphiaaure_urbisRom_ ( Ozanam'sDocumentsin6dits,
p. I55sqq.)is anotherrecension. Wehave a stillolderdescription,of about
A.D.9o0, in the Collectionof inscriptionsby the Anonymousof Einsiedeln.
It is published inIordan's TopographiederStadtRomim Alterthum,vol.iL
Cp. the accountsof this topographicalliterature in Jordan, op. cir., and
Gregorovius,ill. p. 5z6 sqq.]
listento the tradition of the people; and he distinctlyenu-
meratesseventheatres,elevenbaths,twelvearches,and eigh-
teenpalaces,of whichmanyhad disappearedbeforethe time
of Poggius. It is apparent that many statelymonuments
of antiquitysurvivedtill a late period,t*and that the prin-
ciples of destruction acted with vigorousand increasing
energyin the thirteenth and fourteenthcenturies. 2. The
samereflectionmust be appliedto the three last ages; and
weshouldvainlyseek the Septizonium of Severus,t7 whichis
celebratedby Petrarchand the antiquariansof the sixteenth
century. While the Roman edificeswere still entire, the
firstblows,howeverweightyand impetuous,wereresistedby
thesolidityof the massand theharmonyofthe parts; but the
slightesttouchwouldprecipitatethe fragmentsofarchesand
columnsthat alreadynoddedto their fall.
Aftera diligentinquiry,I candiscernfour principalcauses
ofthe ruin of Rome,whichcontinuedto operatein a period
ofmorethan a thousandyears. I. The injuriesof timeand
nature. II. The hostile attacks of the Barbarians and
Christians. III. The use and abuseof the materials. And,
IV. The domesticquarrelsofthe Romans.
I. The art of manis ableto constructmonumentsfar more
permanentthan the narrowspan of his ownexistence; yet
thesemonuments,likehimself,are perishableand frail; and,
in the boundlessannalsof time,his lifeand hislaboursmust

10The P_reMabillon(Analecta,tom.iv. p. 502) haspublishedananony-

mons pilgrimof theixth century,who, in his visitroundthechurchesand
holyplacesofRome,toucheson severalbuildings,especiallyporticoes,which
had disappearedbeforethe xiiithcentury. [The Anonymousof Einsiedeln,
see last note.]
z7On theSeptizonium,see the M_moiressurP_trarque(tom. i. p. 325),
Donatus(p. 338),and Nardini (p. ix7, 4x4). [The existingremainsof the
Palaceof Severusonthe Palatine are aboutsixtyyards high. In the eighth
century,two fifthsof the building in the centre collapsed. The siegeof
Henry IV. in xo84 (see below, p. 2oo-x) destroyedmanypillars,and in
x_57Brancaleonedestroyedthe largerextremity. Forits usebySixtusV.
seebelow,p. I97.]
equallybemeasured asa fleetingmoment.Ofa simpleand
it isnoteasy,however, to circumscribe
tion. As the wonders of ancientdays,thepyramids is at-
tractedthecuriosityoftheancients : anhundred generations,
theleavesofautumrl,t9havedropped intothegrave;and,after
thefallofthePharaohs andPtolemies, theCaesarsandCaliphs,
the samepyramidsstanderect and unshaken abovethe
floodsof theNile. A complex figureofvar/ousandminute
partsis moreaccessible to injuryanddecay;andthesilent
lapseof timeis oftenaccelerated byhurricanes andearth-
doubtless beenshaken;andtheloftyturretsof Romehave
appearto beplacedonthegreatcavities of theglobe;nor
hasthecity,in anyage,beenexposedto theconvulsions of
naturewhich,in the climateof Antioch,Lisbon,or Lima,
havecrumbled ina fewmoments theworksofagesintodust.
Fireis themostpowerful agentoflifeanddeath:therapid
mischiefmaybekindledandpropagated by the industry
ornegligence of mankind;andeveryperiodoftheRoman
annalsismarkedbytherepetition of similarcalamities.A
memorable conflagration,theguiltormisfortune of Nero's
reign,continued, thoughwithunequalfury,eithersix or
ninedays.2° Innumerablebuildings, crowdedin closeand
" The ageof thepyramidsisremoteand unknown,sinceDiodorusSiculus
(tom. i. 1. i. c. 44, p. 72)is unabletodecidewhethertheywereconstructed
zoo0or 34o0years beforethe clxxxthOlympiad. Sir John Marshman's
contractedscaleof the Egyptiandynastieswouldfix themabout3o0oyears
before Christ(Canon.Chronicus,p. 47). ['Mostof the pyram/dsbelongto
the 4th millenniumB.c. The Great Pyramidof Gizeh was the tombof
K.hufu(Cheops),the secondkingof the4th dynastysaid to haveflourished
in B.c. 3969-39o8. See Petrie,History of Egypt, i. p. 38 sqq. For the
earlierpyramidof Sneferu,/b.p.32-3; andforthepyramidsof thesuccessors
of Khufu,and thefollowingdynasties,thesamevolumepassim.]
19See the speechof Glaucusin the Iliad (Z, z46). This naturalbut
melancholyimageis familiarto Homer.
20The learningand criticismof M. des Vignoles(lqJstoireCritiquede Is
R_publiquedes Lettres,tom. vii/. p. 74-zx8; ix. p. ZT_-Z87)
crookedstreets,suppliedperpetualfuel forthe times; and,
whentheyceased,four only of the fourteenregionswereleft
entire; threeweretotallydestroyed,and sevenweredeformed
by the relicsof smokingand laceratededifices3 t In thefull
meridianof empire,the metropolisarosewith freshbeauty
fromher ashes; yet the memoryof the old deploredtheir
irreparablelosses,the arts of Greece,the trophiesof victory,
the monumentsof primitiveor fabulous antiquity. In the
daysof distressand anarchy,everywoundis mortal,every
fall irretrievable;nor can the damagebe restoredeitherby
thepubliccareofgovernmentor theactivityofprivateinterest.
Yet twocausesmay be alleged,whichrenderthe calamityof
fire moredestructiveto a flourishingthan a decayedcity.
I. The more combustiblematerialsof brick, timber,and
metalsare firstmelted or consumed; but the flamesmay
playwithoutinjury or effecton the naked wallsand massy
archesthat have been despoiledof theirornaments. 2. It
is amongthe commonand plebeianhabitationsthat a mis-
chievousspark is mosteasilyblownto a conflagration ; but,
as soonas theyare devoured,the greateredificeswhichhave
resistedor escapedare left as so many islandsin a stateof
solitudeand safety. From her situation,Rome is exposed
to the dangerof frequentinundations. Withoutexcepting
the Tiber, the riversthat descend from either side of the
Apenninehavea shortand irregularcourse;a shallowstream
in thesummerheats; an impetuoustorrent,whenit isswelled
of Rome fromA.D.64, x9th July, and the subsequentpersecutionof the
Christiansfromisth Novemberof the sameyear.
2_Quippe in re#ones quatuordecimRoma dividitur, quarum quatuor
integr_,-manebant,tressolo tenus dejectm;septem reliquispauca tectorum
vestigiasupererant,lacera et semiusta. Among the old relics that were
irreparablylost, Tacitus enumeratesthe temple of the Moon of Servius
Tallius; the lane and altar consecratedby EvanderprmsentiHerculi; the
templeof Jupiter Stator, a vow of Romulus; the palace of Numa; the
templeof Vesta,cure PenatibuspopuliRomani. He thendeploresthe opes
tot victoriisqumsitmet Grmcanunartium decora . . . multa qumseniores
meminerant,qumrepararinequibant(Annal. x'v.4o_4x).
in thespringor winterbythefallofrainandthemeltingof
the snows.Whenthecurrentis repelledfromthe seaby
adversewinds,whentheordinary bedis inadequate tothe
withoutlimitsorcontrol, theplainsandcitiesoftheadjacent
country.Soonafterthetriumph of thefirstPunicwar,the
Tiberwasincreased byunusualrains; andtheinundation,
surpassing allformermeasure of timeandplace,destroyed
allthe buildings that weresituatebelowthehillsofRome.
According to the varietyofground,the samemischiefwas
produced bydifferent means; andthe edificeswereeither
sweptawaybythesuddenimpulse, ordissolved andunder-
minedbythe longcontinuance, of the floodY Underthe
reignofAugustus,thesamecalamitywasrenewed : thelaw-
lessriveroverturned thepalacesandtemplesonitsbanks;_*
and,afterthelaboursoftheemperor in cleansing
ingthebedthatwasencumbered withruins,_ thevigilance
of hissuccessors wasexercisedby similardangersandde-
signs. Theprojectofdiverting intonewchannels theTiber
itself,orsomeofthedependent streams, waslongopposed by
"A. U. C. 507, repentinasubversioipsiusRorn_ prmvenittriumphum
Romanorum. . . diversmigniumaquarumque dadespeneabsumsereurbem.
NamTiberisinsolitisauctus imbribuset ultra opinionem,vel diurnitatevel
magnitudine redundans,omnia Roma_mdificiain plana posita delevit.
Diversa_qualltateslocorumadunamconvenerepernicem:quoniamet qu_e
segniorinundatiotenuitmadefactadissolvit,et qua_cursustorrentisinvenit
impulsadejedt (Orosins,Hist. 1. iv. c. ii, p. 244, edit. Havercamp). Yet
we mayobservethat it is the plan and studyof the Christianapologistto
magnifythe calamitiesof the paganworld.
Ire dejectummouumentaRegis
TemplaqueVestae. (Horat.Carm.i. 2.)
If the palaceof Numa andtempleof Vestawerethrowndownin Horace's
time, what was consumedof those buildingsbyNero'sfirecould hardly
deservethe epithetsof vetnstissimaor incorrupta.
Ad coercendasinundationesalveumTiberislaxavitac repurgavit,com-
pletumolim ruderibus,et mdificiorum prolapsionibuscoarctatum(Suetonins
in Augusto,c. 3o).
servitudeofriversis thenoblestandmostimportantvictory
whichmanhasobtainedoverthelicentiousness ofnature;_
and,ifsuchweretheravagesoftheTiberundera firmand
theinjuriesofthecityafterthefallof theWesternempire?
A remedywasat lengthproducedbytheevilitself: theac-
cumulation of rubbishandthe earththathadbeenwashed
downfromthehiUsis supposed to haveelevatedtheplainof
Romefourteenor fifteenfeet,perhaps,abovethe ancient
level;27andthemodemcityis lessaccessible to theattacks
1-1.Thecrowdof writersof everynation,whoimputethe
destructionoftheRomanmonuments to theGothsandthe
haveneglectedto inquirehowfartheywereani-
matedby anhostileprincipleandhowfartheypossessed the
meansandthe leisureto satiatetheirenmity. In the pre-
cedingvolumesofthisHistory,I havedescribed thetriumph
ofBarbarismandreligion ; andI canonlyresume,in a few
words,theirreal or imaginaryconnection withthe ruinof
ancientRome. Ourfancymaycreate,oradopt,a pleasing
Tacitus(Annal.i. 79)reportsthe petitionsof the differenttownsofItaly
to the senate against the measure; and we may applaudthe progress of
reason. On a similar occasionlocal interestswouldundoubtedlybe con-
suited; but an EnglishHouseof Commonswouldreject withcontemptthe
arguments of superstition,"that nature had assigned to the rivers their
proper course," &c.
Seethe Epoquesde la Nature of the eloquentand philosophicBuffon,
His pictureof Guyanain SouthAmericais that of a new and savage land.
in which the waters are abandonedto themselves,withoutbeing regulated
by human industry (p. 212, 56z, quarto edition).
In his Travels in Italy, Mr. Addison(hisworks, p. 98, Bask_'r-
ville'sedition) has observedthis curiousand unquestionablefact.
2aYet, in modern times, the Tiber has sometimes damaged the city;
and in the years x53o, i557, x598, the Annals of Muratori record three
mischievousand memorableinundations,tom. xiv. p. a68, 429; tom. xv.
P. 99, &c.
romance,that the Goths and Vandalssalliedfrom Scandi-
navia, ardent to avengethe flight of Odin,2Qto break the
chains,and to chastisetheoppressors,of mankind; that they
wishedto bum the recordsof classicliteratureand to found
their national architectureon the broken membersof the
Tuscan and Corinthianorders. But, in simple truth, the
Northern conquerorswere neither sufficientlysavage nor
sufficientlyrefinedto entertain such aspiring ideas of de-
structionand revenge. The shepherdsof Scythiaand Ger-
manyhad been educatedin the armiesof the empire,whose
disciplinethey acquired,and whoseweaknessthey invaded;
with the familiaruse of the Latin tongue,they had learned
to reverencethe name and titles of Rome; and, though in-
capable of emulating,they were more inclined to aclmlre
than to abolish,the arts and studiesof a brighterperiod. In
the transientpossessionof a rich and unresistingcapital,the
soldiersof Alaricand Gensericwerestimulatedby the pas-
sionsof a victoriousarmy; amidstthe wantonindulgenceof
lust or cruelty,portableweathwas the objectof theirsearch;
nor could they derive either pride or pleasurefromthe un-
profitablereflectionthat theyhad batteredto the groundthe
worksof the consulsand Caesars. Their momentswerein-
deed precious: the Goths evacuatedRome on the sixth,s°
the Vandalson the fifteenth,day; sl and, though it be far
moredifficulttobuildthan to destroy,theirhastylassault would
havemade a slightimpressionon the solidpilesof antiquity.
Wemay rememberthat bothAlaricand Gensericaffectedto
spare the buildingsof the city; that theysubsistedin strength
and beautyunderthe auspiciousgovernmentof Theodoric;"_
zDI take this opportunityof declaringthat in the courseof twelveyearsI
have forgotten, or renounced,the flight of Odin from Azophto Sweden,
which I neververy seriouslybelieved(vol.ii. p. 6--7). The Goths areap-
parently Germans; but all beyond Cmsarand Tacitus is darknessor fable
in the antiquitiesof Germany.
,0 Historyof the Decline, &c.vol. v. p. 2S_.
s,Ib/d. vol. v. p. xS8.
" lb/d. vol. viii. p. 24x-'_.
and that the momentaryresentmentof Totilan was dis-
enemies.FromtheseinnocentBarbarians thereproachmay
betransferredtotheCatholics of Rome. Thestatues,altars,
andhousesof the demonswerean abominationin their
eyes;and in the absolutecommandofthecitytheymight
labourwithzealandperseverance to erasetheidolatryof
theirancestors.Thedemolition ofthetemplesintheEast_
affordsto theman exampleof conduct,andto us an argu-
mentof belief; and it is probablethat a portionof guiltor
meritmay be imputedwithjusticeto the Romanproselytes.
Yet their abhorrencewas confinedto the monumentsof
heathen superstition; and the civil structuresthat were
dedicatedto the businessor pleasureof societymight be
preservedwithoutinjuryorscandal. The changeof religion
was accomplished,not by a populartumult,but by the de-
creesof the emperor,of the senate,madof time. Of the
Christianhierarchy,the bishops of Rome were commonly
the most prudent and least fanatic; nor can any positive
chargebe opposedto the meritoriousact of savingand con-
vertingthe majesticstructureof the Pantheon.*"
III. The valueof any object that suppliesthe wants or
pleasuresof mankind is compoundedof its substanceand
tsIbid. vol. vii. p. 255.
Ibid. vol. v. c. x.xviii,p. 80--84.
u Eodem temporepetiit a Phocate principetemplum, quod appellant
Pantheon,in quo fecitecclesiamSanctmMaximsemperVirginis,et omnium
martyrum; in qu_ ecclesimprinceps multa bona obtulit (Anastasiusvel
potiusLiberPontificalisin BonlfacloIV. in Muratori,Script.Rerum Itali-
carum, tom.iii. p. i. p. x35). Accordingto the anonymouswriterin Mont-
faucon,the Pantheonhad been vowedby Agrippa to Cybeleand Neptune,
and was dedicated by BonifaceIV. on the kalends of November to the
Virgin,qumest materomniumsanctorum(p.297, 298). [Itis nowestablished
that theexistingPantheonwas notthe workof Agrippa but of Hadrian(A.D.
12o-5). The originalbuildingof Agrippa was rectangular. See Lanciani,
AncientRome,p. 476-88. Urban VIII. removedthe bronze rooffrom the
porticoof the Pantheon. RaphaePs coffanand boneswerediscoveredhere
in I833.]
its form, of the materialsand the manufacture. Its price
must dependon the numberof personsby whomit may be
acquiredand used; on the extentof the market; and con-
sequentlyon the ease or difficultyof remoteexportation,ac-
cordingto the nature of the commodity,its local situation,
and the temporarycircumstancesof the world. The Bar-
barian conquerorsof Rome usurped in a momentthe toil
and treasureof successiveages; but, exceptthe luxuriesof
immediateconsumption,they must view without desireall
that could not be removedfromthe city in the Gothicwag-
gons or the fleetof the Vandals._ Gold and silverwerethe
first objectsof their avarice; as in everycountry,and in the
smallestcompass,theyrepresentthe mostamplecommandof
the industryand possessionsof mankind. A vaseor a statue
ofthose preciousmetalsmight temptthe vanityof someBar-
barian chief; but the grosser multitude,regardlessof the
form, was tenaciousonly of the substance; and the melted
ingotsmightbe readilydividedand stampedinto the current
coinof the empire. The lessactiveor lessfortunaterobbers
werereducedto the baser plunderof brass, lead, iron, and
copper; whateverhad escapedthe Goths and Vandalswas
pillagedby the Greek tyrants; and the emperorConstans,in
his rapaciousvisit,strippedthe bronzetiles fromthe roofof
the Pantheon?7 The edificesof Romemight be considered
as a vast and variousmine: the firstlabourof extractingthe
materialswas already performed; the metals were purified

seFlaminlusVacca(apudMonffaucon, p. i55, x56;hisMemoir is like-

wiseprinted,p.2x,attheendoftheRomaAntica ofNardini),
Romans, doctrin_
werepersuadedthattheGoths buried
atRome,andbequeathed thesecretmarksfiliisnepofibusque.Herelates
some anecdotes
toprovethat,inhisowntime,theseplaces werevisitedand
theheirsoftheGothic conquerors.
t70mniaqua_ erantinrareadornatum civitatis
B.Marine admartyresqutedetegulis_ereis
(Anast. in
p. I4x).Thebaseandsacrilegious Greekhadnoteventhepoor
pretenceofplundering anheathen temple; thePantheon wasalreadya
and cast; the marbleswerehewn and polished; and, after
foreignand domesticrapine had been satiated,the remains
of the city, coulda purchaserhave been found, werestill
venal. The monumentsof antiquityhad beenleft nakedof
their preciousornaments,but the Romanswoulddemolish
with their own hands the arches and walls,if the hopeof
profitcould surpassthe cost of the labour and exportation.
If Charlemagnehad fixedin Italy the seat of the Western
empire,hisgeniuswouldhave aspiredto restore,rather than
to violate,the worksof the C_esars;but policyconfinedthe
Frenchmonarchto the forestsof Germany; his taste could
be gratifiedonlyby destruction; and the new palaceof Aix
la Chapdle was decorated with the marblesof Ravennaa8
and Rome3° Fivehundredyears afterCharlemagne,a king
ofSicily,Robert,the wisestand mostliberal sovereignof the
age,was suppliedwith the samematerialsby the easynavi-
gation of the Tiber and the sea; and Petrarch sighs an
indignant complaintthat the ancient capital of the world
should adorn, from her own bowels,the slothfulluxuryof
Naples.'° But these examplesof plunderor purchasewere
s*Forthe spoilsofRavenna(musivaatquemarmora)seetheoriginalgrant
of PopeHadrianI. to Charlemagne(CodexCarolin.epist,lxvii,in Muratori,
Script.Ital. tom.iil. p. ii. p. 223).
agI shall quotethe authentictestimonyof the Saxonpoet(A.D.887-899),
de Rebus gestis Caroli Magni, 1. v. 437-440,in the Historiansof France,
tom. v. p. xSo:
Adqum marmorea._ pramtabatRo_ columnas,
QuasdamprmdpuaspulchraRavenna dedit.
De tam longinqu_poterit regionevetustas
IUiusornatum Francia ferre fibi.
And I shall add, fromthe Chronicleof Sigebert(Historiansof Prance,tom.
v. p. 378),extruxitefiam Aquisgranibasilicamplurimoepulchritudinis,ad
cujus structuram a Ro_ et Ravenn_columnaset marmora devehifecit.
[Seeabove,vol.viii. p. 346.]
,0 1 cannotrefuse to transcribea longpassageof Petrarch (Opp. p. 536,
537, in EpistoL_hortatoriAad NicolaumLaurentittm),it is so strongand
full to the point: Nec pudor aut pietas continult quominusimpii spoliata
I)el templa, occupatasaxces, opes publicas, re#ones urbis, atque honores
magistratuuminter se divisos; (hab_ant?) quam un_L in re, turbulentiae
rare in the darkerages; and the Romans,aloneand unenvied,
mighthaveappliedto theirprivateorpublicusethe remaining
structuresof antiquity,if in theirpresentform and situation
theyhad not been uselessin a great measureto the cityand
its inhabitants. The wallsstill describedthe old circumfer-
ence,but the cityhad descendedfromthe sevenhillsinto the
CampusMartins; and someof thenoblestmonumentswhich
had bravedthe injuriesof time wereleft in a desert,far re-
mote from the habitationsof mankind. The palacesof the
senatorswereno longeradapted to the mannersor fortunes
oftheir indigentsuccessors;the use of baths ,Iand porticoes
wasforgotten; in the sixthcentury,the gamesof the theatre,
amphitheatre,and circushad beeninterrupted; sometemples
weredevotedto the prevailingworship; but the Christian
churchespreferredthe holyfigureof the cross; and fashion
or reasonhad distributed,after a peculiarmodel, the cells
and officesof the cloister. Under the ecclesiasticalreign,
the number of these pious foundations was enormously
multiplied; and the citywas crowdedwithfortymonasteries
of men,twentyof women,and sixtychaptersand collegesof
canons and priests,**who aggravated,instead of relieving,
the depopulationof the tenth century. But, if the forms
sedifiosihomines et tofius rellqum vitro consililset rafionibus discordes,
inhumanifcederisstupend_ societateconvenirent,in pontes et mceniaatque
immeritoslapides desmvirent. Denique post vi vel senlo collapsa palatia,
qumquondamingentestenuerunt viri,postdiruptosarcus triumphales(unde
majoreshorumforsitancorrueruat),de ipsiusvetustatisac propria_impietatis
fragminibusvilemqu_stum turpi mercimoniocaptarenon puduit. Itaque
nunc, heu dolor! heu scelus indignuml de vestris marmoreiscolumnis,de
liminibus templorum(ad qu,e nuper ex orbe toto concursusdevotissimus
fiebat),de imaginibussepulchrorumsubquibuspatrumvestrorumvenerabilis
civis (cinis?) erat, ut reliquas sileam, desidiosaNeapolis adornatur. Sic
paullatimruimeipsmdeflciunt. Yet KingRobert wasthe friendof Petrarch.
*_Yet Charlemagnewashedand swamat Aixla Chapellewith anhundred
of his courtiers(Eginhart,c. 22, p. xoS, io9); and Muratoridescribes,as
late as the year 814, the publicbaths whichwere built at Spoletoin Italy
(Annali,tom. vi. p. 4x6).
See the Annals of Italy, A.D.988. For this and the precedingfact,
Muratori hlm_II is indebtedto the Benedictinehistoryof P_re MabiUon.
of ancientarchitectureweredisregardedby a peopleinsen-
sible of their use and beauty, the plentifulmaterialswere
appliedto everycall ofnecessityor superstition,till the fairest
columns of the Ionic and Corinthian orders, the richest
marblesof Paros and Numidia,were degraded,perhaps,to
the supportof a conventor a stable. The dailyhavocwhich
is perpetratedby the Turks in the citiesof Greeceand Asia
may afforda melancholyexample; and, in the gradual de-
structionof the monumentsof Rome, Sixtusthe Fifth may
alonebe excusedfor employingthe stonesof the Septizonium
in the gloriousedificeof St. Peter's.a A fragment,a ruin,
howsoever mangledorprofaned,maybe viewedwith pleasure
and regret; but the greaterpart of the marblewas deprived
of substance,as wellas ofplaceand proportion; it was burnt
to lime for the purposeof cement. Sincethe arrivalof Pog-
gius,the temple of Concord4, and many capital structures
had vanishedfromhis eyes; and an epigramof the sameage
expressesa just and piousfear that the continuanceof this
practice would finallyannihilateall the monumentsof an-
tiquity.45 The smMlnessoftheir numberswasthe solecheck
onthe demandsanddepredationsoftheRomans. The imagi-
Vita di Sisto Quinto,da GregorioLeft, tom. iii. p. 5o.
Porticuss-disConcordim,quamcumprimumadurbemaccessividi fere
integram opere marmoreoadmodum specioso: Romani post modum ad
calcem _dem totam et porticus partem disjectis columnissunt demoliti
(p. 12). The templeof Concordwas therefore not destroyedby a sedition
in the xiiith century,as I have read in a MS. treatise del' Governocivilede
Rome, lent me formerlyat Rome, and ascribed(I believefalsely) to the
celebratedGravina. Poggiuslikewise_ that the sepulchreof Cmcilia
Metellawas burnt for lime (p. xg,30).
Composedby .,EneasSylvius,afterwardsPope Pius II. and published
byMabiUonfroma MS.of the Queen ofSweden(Mus_eumItalJcum,tom.i.
P. 97):
Oblectatme, Roma,tuas spectareruinas:
Ex eujus lapsu gloriapffscapater.
Sedtuus hic populusmuffsdefossavetustis
Calcisin obsequiummarmoraduracoquit.
Impia tercentumsi sic gens egefftannos,
Nullumhinc indiciumnobilitatiserit.
nationof Petrarchmightcreatethe presenceof a mighty
people;_6andI hestitatetobelievethateveninthefourteenth
centurytheycouldbereducedtoa contemptible listofthirty-
threethousandinhabitants.Fromthatperiodto thereign
ofLeotheTenth,iftheymultiplied to theamountofeighty-
fivethousand,47theincreaseof citizenswasin somedegree
IV. I havereservedfor thelastthemostpotentandfor-
ciblecauseof destruction,the domestichostilitiesof the
Frenchemperors, thepeaceofthecitywasdisturbedbyac-
cidentalthoughfrequentseditions:it is fromthedeclineof
thelatter,fromthebeginningof thetenthcentury,thatwe
maydatethelicentiousness ofprivatewar,whichviolated with
impunitythelawsof theCodeandthe Gospel,withoutre-
spectingthemajestyoftheabsentsovereign or thepresence
andpersonof thevicarofChrist. In a darkperiodoffive
hundredyears,Romewasperpetuallyafflictedbythe san-
guinaryquarrelsof thenoblesandthe people,theGuelphs
andGhibelines, theColonnaandUrsini; and,ifmuchhas
escapedtheknowledge, andmuchis unworthy ofthenotice,
ofhistory,I haveexposedin thetwopreceding chaptersthe
causesand effectsofthe publicdisorders.Atsucha time,
trusttheirlivesor propertiesto the impotenceof law,the
powerfulcitizenswerearmedfor safetyor offenceagainst
thedomesticenemieswhomtheyfearedor hated. Except
Venicealone,thesamedangersand designswerecommon

dtVagabamurpariterin ill urbetam magn_; quae,cure propterspatinm

vacuavideretur,populumhabetimmeasum(Opp. p. 6o5; Epist. Farniliares,
47Thesestatesof the populationof Rome,at differentperiods,arederived
froman ingenioustreatiseof the physicianLancisi,de RomaniCceliQualita-
tibus Co.zzz). [Cp. above,p. z35, note 29. The population at beginning
of the x6_century was 85,ooo; in i663, it was xo5,433. Gregorovius_ op.
_.v.,4_-xsoo]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE I99
toallthefreerepublicsofItaly; andthenoblesusurpedthe
prerogativeof fortifyingtheir houses,and erectingstrong
towers_ that werecapableof resistinga suddenattack.
The citieswerefilledwiththesehostileedifices;andthe
exampleof Lucca,whichcontainedthreehundredtowers,
herlaw,whichconfinedtheirheightto themeasureoffour-
scorefeet,maybe extended,withsuitablelatitude,to the
moreopulentand populousstates. The firststepof the
senatorBrancaleone in theestablishment
fortyofthetowersofRome; andin thelastdaysofanarchy
anddiscord,as lateas thereignof MartintheFifth,forty-
fourstillstoodin oneofthethirteenor fourteenregionsof
the cityJ9 To this mischievous purpose,the remainsof
antiquityweremost readilyadapted: the templesand
archesaffordeda broadandsolidbasisforthenewstructures
of brickand stone; and wecan namethe modernturrets
that wereraisedon the triumphalmonumentsof Julius
Cmsar,Titus,andtheAntonines. 5° Withsomeslightaltera-
tions,a theatre,an amphitheatre, a mausoleum, wastrans-
formedintoa strongand spaciouscitadel. I neednot re-
ofthecastleofSt.Angelo;sl theSeptizonium ofSeveruswas
,s Allthe factsthat relatetothe towematRome,andin otherfree citiesof
Italy,maybe foundinthe laboriousandentertainingcompilationofMuratori,
AntiquitatesItalia_medii .JEvi,dissertat,xxvi. (tom. ii. p. 493-496, of the
Latin,tom. i. p. 446,of the Italian,work).
4, [Thirteenregionsinthe I4th century. Their namesandarmorialbear-
ingsin Gregorovius,vi. p. 727-8.]
soAsfor instance,TemplumJani nuncdicitur,tuttis CentiiFrangapanis;
et sane Janoimpositmturris lateriti_econspicuahodiequevestigiasupersunt
(Montfaucon,Dlarium Italicum, p. i86). The anonymouswriter (p. 285)
enumerates,arcus Tiff, turris Cartularia; arcusJulii Ca_is et Senatorum,
tunes de Bratis; arcusAntonini,tuttis de Cosectis, &c. [There is an
accountof thesetowersand fortressesin Gregorovius,v. p. 657sqq.]
m_Hadriani molem . . . magn_ex parte Romanoruminjuria . . . dis-
turbavit: quodcertefunditusevertissent,sieorummanibuspervia,abeumptis
grandibus_s_ reliquamoles exsfiffsset(Poggiusde VarietateFortune,
capableof standingagainsta royalarmy; _ the sepulchreof
MeteUahas sunk underits outworks;u the theatresof Pom-
pey and Marcellus were occupiedby the Savelli_ and
Ursinifamilies; and the rough fortresshas been gradually
softenedto the splendourand eleganceof an Italian palace.
Even the churches were encompassedwith arms and bul-
warks, and the militaryengineson the roof of St. Peter's
werethe terror of the Vaticanand the scandal of the Chris-
tian world. Whatever is fortifiedwill be attacked; and
whateveris attacked maybe destroyed. Couldthe Romans
havewrestedfromthe popesthe castleofSt. Angelo,theyhad
resolved,by a public decree, to annihilatethat monument
of servitude. Everybuilding of defence was exposedto a

p. x2). [In A.D._379,the mausoleumof Hadrian, which held out for Pope
Clement,wasdestroyedby the Romans. It was "pulled downto the central
part which enclosesthe vault" (Gregorovius,vi. 516). The ruins lay for
about twenty years till it was restoredby Boniface IX. A.D.1398, with a
tower. In the x4th century there was a covered passage connectingSt.
Angelowith the Vatican.]
Against the emperorHenry IV. (Muratofi, Annali d'Itaiia, tom. ix.
p. x47). [Seeabove,p. i87, note i7. ]
I must copy an important passage of Montfaucon: Tuttis ingens
rotunda . . . Ca_cili_MeteUa_. . . sepulchrumerat, cujus muritamsolidi,
ut spafiumper quamminimumintus vacuumsupersit: et Torte di l_ow [or
Capo di Bore] dicitur, a bourn capifibus muro inscriptis, ttuic sequiori
_evo,tempore intestinorum bellorurn,ceu urbecula adjuncta fuit, cujus
moeniaet turres etiamnum visuntur; ita ut sepulchrumMetell_cquasi arx
oppidulifuerit. Ferventibusin urbepartibus,cure UrsiniatqueColumnenses
mutulscladlbuspernicieminferrentclvitati,in utriusvepartisdifionemcederet
magni momenti erat (p. x42). [The sepulchre of Caecilia MeteUastill
stands, a conspicuousobject on the AppianWay.]
See the testimoniesof Donatus, Nardini, and Montfaucon. In the
Savellipalace,the remains of the theatre of Marcellus a_restill great and
conspicuous. [The theatre of Marcellus,towardsend of xxthcentury-,was
convertedinto a fortressby the Pierleoni. In _7x2it passed into the hands
of the Orsini. "The sectionofthe outsideshell visibleat present,a magnifi-
centruin in outlineand colour,is buried 15feet inmodernsoiland supports
the Orsini palaceerected uponIts stage and ranges of seats. What stands
aboveground of the loweror Doric arcadesis rented by the Prince for the
mostsqualidand ignobleclassof shops." Lanciani, AncientRome,p. 4ox.
The Theatre of Balbns becamethe fortressof the Cenci.]
siege; and in everysiegethe artsand enginesof destruction
werelaboriouslyemployed. Afterthe deathof Nicholasthe
Fourth,Rome,without a sovereignor a senate,was aban-
donedsix monthsto the fury of civil war. "The houses,"
saysa cardinaland poetof the times,_ "werecrushedby the
weightand velocityof enormousstones;m the walls were
perforatedby the strokesof the battering-ram;the towers
wereinvolvedin fire and smoke; and the assailantswere
stimulatedby rapine and revenge." The work was con-
summatei:! by the tyrannyof the laws; and the factionsof
Italyalternatelyexerciseda blind and thoughtlessvengeance
on their adversaries,whosehousesand castlesthey rased to
the ground37 In comparingthe days of foreign,with the
agesofdomestic,hostility,wemust pronouncethat the latter
have been far moreruinousto the city; and our opinionis
confirmedby the evidenceof Petrarch. "Behold," saysthe
laureat,"the relicsof Rome,the imageof her pristinegreat-
hess! neither time nor the Barbarian can boast the merit
of this stupendousdestruction: it was perpetratedby her
owncitizens,by the most illustriousof her sons; and your
ancestors(hewritesto a nobleAnnibaldi)havedonewiththe
u ]'ames,cardinalof St. George,ad velumaureum,in his metricallifeof
Pope CelestinV. (Muratori,Script. Ital.tom. i. p. iii.p. 62x; 1.i. c. x, ver.
I32, &c.).
Hoc dixissesat est, Romam caruisseSenatu
Mensibusexactisheu sex; belloquevocatum(wo,ato$)
In scelns,in sociosfraternaquevulnerapatres:
Tormenfisjecisseviros immardasaxa;
Perfodissedomustrabibus, fedsse ruinas
Ignibus; incensasturres, obscuraquefumo
Lumina vidno, quo sit spoliatasupellex.
Mttratori (Dissertazionesopra le AntiquitkItaliane, tom.i. p. 427-43x)
finds that stone bullets,of two or three hundred pounds weight,were not
uncommon; and theyaresometimescomputedat xii.or xviii,atntariofGenoa,
each cantaroweighing x5opounds.
67The vith law of the Visconfiprohibits this commonand mischievous
practice; and strictlyenjoinsthat the housesof banishedcitizensshouldbe
preservedpro eommuniutilitate(Gualvaneusde la F]amrna,in Muratori,
Script.R.erumItalicarum,tom. xii. p. xo4x).
battering-ram,whatthe Punicherocouldnot accomplish
withthesword."68 Theinfluence ofthetwolastprinciples
ofdecaymust,in somedegree,bemultiplied byeachother;
war,requireda newand perpetualsupplyfromthemonu-
Thesegeneralobservations maybe separatelyappliedto
the amphitheatreofTitus,whichhasobtainedthenameof
the COLISEUM,st eitherfromits magnitudeor fromNero's
statue: anedifice,hadit beenlefttotimeandnature,
whichmight,perhaps,have claimedan eternalduration.
The curiousantiquaries,whohavecomputedthenumbers
andseats,aredisposedto believethat,abovetheupperrow
ofstonesteps,theamphitheatre wasencircledandelevated
withseveralstagesofwoodengalleries, whichwererepeatedly
consumed byfireandrestoredbytheemperors.Whatevcr
wasprecious,orportable,or profane,thestatuesofgodsand
heroes,and the costlyornamentsof sculpture,whichwere
castin brass,or overspreadwithleavesof silverandgold,
becamethefirstpreyofconquestorfanaticism, oftheavarice
oftheBarbarians or theChristians.In themassystonesof
ssPetrarchthusaddresses his friend,who,withshameand tears,had
shownhimthemcenla, lacenespecimen miserabileRomm.,anddeclaxedhis
ownintention ofrestoring them(CarminaLatina,1.ii.epist.PauloAnnl-
badensi,xii.p. 97,98):_
Necteparvamanetscrvafis famaminis
Reliquise testanturadhuc;quaslongior$ctas
Hostis,abegregiis frangunturcivibus,heul heu!
. . . Quod///¢nequivit(Hannibal)
s, The fourthpart oItheVeronaIUustrata of the MarquisMaffeipro-
fessedlytreatsofamphitheatres, particularly
theirdimensions, woodengalleries,&c. It is frommagnitudethat he
derivesthenameofColosseum, orColiseum:sincethesameappellationwas
appliedto theamphitheatre ofCapua,withoutthe aidofa colossalstatue;
sincethatof Nerowaserected in thecourt(inatria)ofhispalace,andnot
intheColiseum (p.iv.p. xS-z9;1.i.c.4).
the Coliseummany holes are discerned; and the two most
probableconjecturesrepresentthe variousaccidentsof its
decay. Thesestoneswereconnectedby solidlinks ofbrass
oriron,norhad theeyeof rapineoverlookedthe valueofthe
baser metals:6° the vacant space was convertedinto a fair
or market; the artisansof the Coliseumarementionedin an
ancientsurvey; and the chasmswereperforatedor enlarged,
to receivethe polesthat supportedthe shopsor tents of the
mechanictrades,st Reduced to its naked majesty, the
Flavianamphitheatrewas contemplatedwith awe and ad-
mirationby the pilgrimsof the North; and their rude en-
thusiasmbroke forth in a sublime proverbialexpression,
whichis recordedin the eighthcentury,in the fragmentsof
the venerableBede: "As longas the Coliseumstands,Rome
shallstand; whenthe Coliseumfalls,Romewill fall; when
Romefalls,the world willfall." _ In the modernsystemof
war,a situationcommandedby threehillswouldnotbe chosen
for a fortress; but the strengthof the wallsand archescould
resistthe enginesof assault; a numerousgarrisonmight be
lodgedin the enclosure; and,whileone factionoccupiedthe
Vatican and the Capitol, the otherwas intrenchedin the
Lateranand the Coliseum. _
l0JosephMaria Suar_s,a learnedbishop,and the authorof an historyof
Prmneste,hascomposeda separatedissertationon thesevenoreightprobable
causesof theseholes,whichhasbeensincereprintedinthe Roman Thesaurus
of Sallengre. MonLfaucon(Diarium,p. 233) pronouncesthe rapine of the
Barbariansto be theunamgermanamquecausamforaminum. [The traver-
tineblockswereconnectedby ironclamps,run withlead; and the holes,as
the authorsays,are clueto theremovalof theseclampsin the Middle Ages.
Cp. Middleton,Remainsof AncientRome,ii. 87 note.]
st Donatus,Roma Vetuset Nova, p. 285.
t_QuamdiustabitColyseus,stabitetRoma; quandocadet Colyseus,cadet
Roma; quandocadet Roma,cadet et mundus (Bedain Excerpfisseu Col-
lectaneisapud infimmLatinitatis,tom.ii. p. 407,
edit.Basil). This sayingmustbe ascribedto the Anglo-Saxonpilgrimswho
visitedRome beforethe year 735, the era of Bede'sdeath; for I do not
believethat our venerablemonk ever passed the sea.
t, I cannot recover,in Muratori's original Lives of the Popes (Script.
l_erumItalicarum,tom. iii. p. i.), the passagethat attests this hostileparti-
The abolition at Rome of the ancient games must be under-
stood with some latitude ; and the carnival sports of the Testa-
cean Mount and the Circus Agonalis _ were regulated by the
law _ or custom of the city. The senator presided with dig-
nity and pomp to adjudge and distribute the prizes, the gold
ring, or the pallium, _ as it was styled, of cloth or silk. A
tribute on the Jews supplied the annual expense ; 67 and the
races, on foot, on horseback, or in chariots, were ennobled by
a tilt and tournament of seventy-two of the Roman youth.
In the year one thousand three hundred and thirty-two, a
bull-feast, after the fashion of the Moors and Spaniards, was
celebrated in the Coliseum itself; and the living manners are
painted in adiaryof the times3 s Aconvenient order of benches
was restored; and a general] proclamation, as far as Rimini
and Ravenna, invited the nobles to exercise their skill and
courage in this perilous adventure. The Roman ladies were

t'ion,whichmustbe appliedtothe end ofthe xith or thebeginningof the_dith

6'Althoughthe structureof the CircusAgonallsbe destroyed,it still re-
tains its form and name (Agona,[in Agona]Nagona,Navona): and the
interiorspaceaffordsa sutficientlevel for the purposeof racing. But the
MonteTestaceo,that strangepileof brokenpottery,seemsonlyadaptedfor
the annualpracticeof hurlingfromtop to bottom some waggon-loadsof
livehogsfor thediversionof the populace(StatutaUrbisRomm,p. i86).
e_See the StatutaUrbisRotate,1.iii. c. 87, 88, 89, p. 185, i86. I have
alreadygivenan idea of this municipalcode. The racesof Nagonaand
MonteTestaceo are likewisementionedin the Diary of Peter Antonius,
from 14o4 to i4i 7 (Muratori,Script.Rerum Itallcarum,tom. xxiv.p. II24).
e6The Pallium,which Menageso foolishlyderivesfromPalmarium,is an
extensionof the idea and the wordsfromthe robeorcloak to the materials,
andfrom thenceto theirapplicationas a prize (Muratori,dissert,xxxiii.).
e7For these expenses,the Jews of Rome paid each year i13o florius,of
which the odd thirty representedthe piecesof silverfor which Judas had
betrayedhis master to theirancestors. There was a foot-raceof Jewish as
well as of Christianyouths(StatutaUrbis,ibidem).
e8This extraordinarybull-feastin the Coliseumis described,fromtradi-
tion rather than memory,by LudovicoBuonconteMonaldesco,in the most
ancientfragmentsof Roman annals (Muratori,Script.Rerum Italicarum,
tom.xii. p. 535, 536); and, howeverfancifultheymayseem, they aredeeply
markedwith the coloursof truthand nature.
A._,.,4oo-,soo]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 205
marshalledin three squadrons,and seatedin threebalconies,
whichon this day, the third of September,werelined with
scarletcloth. The fairJacovadi Rovereledthematronsfrom
beyondthe Tiber, a pure and nativerace,whostillrepresent
the featuresand characterof antiquity. The remainderof
! the city was divided, as usual, betweenthe Colonnaand
Ursini; the two factionswereproud of the number and
beautyof their femalebands: the charmsof SaveUaUrsini
are mentionedwith praise; and the Colonnaregrettedthe
absenceof the youngestof theirhouse,whohad sprainedher
anklein the gardenof Nero'stower. The lots of the cham-
pionsweredrawnby anold and respectablecitizen; and they
descendedinto the arena,or pit, to encounterthe wild bulls
on foot,as it shouldseem,with a singlespear. Amidstthe
crowd,our annalisthas selectedthe names,colours,and de-
vicesof twentyof the most conspicuousknights. Several
of the namesare the most illustriousof Romeand the eccle-
siasticalstate; Malatesta,Polenta, della Valle, Cafarello,
Savelli,Capoccio,Conti,Annibaldi,Altieri,Corsi; thecolours
wereadapted to their taste and situation; the devicesare
expressiveof hope or despair,and breathethe spirit of gal-
lantryand arms. "I am alonelikethe youngestofthe Hora-
tii," the confidenceof an intrepid stranger; "I livediscon-
solate," a weepingwidower; "I burn under the ashes,"
a discreetlover; "I adoreLavinia,or Lucretia,"the ambigu-
ousdeclarationof a modempassion; "My faithis as pure,"
the mottoofa whitelivery; "Who is strongerthanmyself?"
ofa lion'shide; "If I am drownedin blood,whata pleasant
death!" the wishof ferociouscourage. The pride or pru-
denceof the Ursinirestrainedthem fromthe field,whichwas
occupiedby three of their hereditaryrivals,whoseinscrip-
tions denoted the lofty greatness of the Colonnaname:
"Though sad, I am strong;" "Strong as I am great;" "If
I fall," addressinghimselfto the spectators,"you fall with
me;" -- intimating (says the contemporarywriter) that,
whilethe otherfamilieswerethe subjectsofthe Vatican,they
alone werethe supportersof the Capitol. The combatsof
the amphitheatre were dangerous and bloody. Every
champion successivelyencountereda wild bull; and the
victorymay be ascribedto the quadrupeds,since no more
thanelevenwerelefton thefield,withthelossofninewounded,
and eighteenkilled,on the side of their adversaries. Some
of the noblest familiesmight mourn, but the pomp of the
funerals,in the churchesofSt. John Lateranand Sta. Maria
Maggiore,affordeda secondholidayto the people. Doubtless
it wasnot insuchconflictsthat thebloodof theRomansshould
have beenshed; yet, in blamingtheir rashness,weare com-
peUedto applaudtheir gallantry; and the noble volunteers,
whodisplaytheirmagnificenceand risk theirlivesunderthe
balconiesof the fair, excitea moregeneroussympathythan
the thousands of captivesand malefactorswho werereluc-
tantly draggedto the scene of slaughter.B_
This use of the amphitheatrewas a rare, perhaps a singu-
lar, festival: the demand for the materialswasa dailyand
continualwant, whichthe citizenscouldgratify withoutre-
straint or remorse. In the fourteenthcentury,a scandalous
act of concordsecuredto both factionsthe privilegeof ex-
tracting stones from the free and commonquarry of the
Coliseum;70and Poggiuslaments that the greater part of
thesestoneshad been burnt to lime by the folly of the Ro-
mans.n To check this abuse,and to prevent the nocturnal
Muratorihas givena separatedissertation(the x_rth) to the gamesof
the Italians in the middleages.
_0In a concisebut instructivememoir,the Abb_Barthe]emy(lVl_moires
de PAcad_miedesInscriptions,tom.xxviii,p. 585)has mentionedthis agree-
ment ofthefactionsofthexivthcenturydeTiburtinofaciendointheColiseum,
froman originalact in the archivesof Rome.
_xColiseum. . . ob stultitiam Romanorum ma]oriex parte ad calcem
deletum,saysthe ind/gnantPoggius(p. 17): but his expression,too strong
for the present age, must be verytenderly appliedto the xvth century. [It
may be inferred withtolerablecertaintythat the chiefinjurywhich the shell
of the Coliseumsustained,the fairingof the wholewesternhaLftowardsthe
C_e]ianHill, happened in the great earthquakeof A.D._348. These ruins
were then freely used as a quarry. Cp. Landani, op. c/_.p. 395-6. In
crimesthat might be perpetratedin the vast and gloomy
recess,Eugeniusthe Fourthsurroundedit witha wall; and,
i by a charter
ficeto long extant,granted
the monksof both the
an adjacentconvent, r* groundand edi-
the wallwasoverthrownin a tumultof the people; and,had
they themselvesrespectedthe noblest monumentof their
fathers,they might have justifiedthe resolvethat it should
"_ never be degraded to private property. The inside was
:_ damaged; but, in the middleof the sixteenthcentury,an
era of taste and learning,the exteriorcircumferenceof one
'_ thousandsix hundredand twelvefeetwas stillentireand in-
violate; a triple elevationof fourscorearches,whichroseto
the heightof one hundred and eight feet. Of the present
ruin the nephewsof Paul the Third are the guilty agents;
._ and everytravellerwhoviewsthe Farnesepalacemay curse
the sacrilegeand luxuryoftheseupstartprinces,n Asimilar
; reproachis appliedto the Barberini; and the repetitionof
_ injurymight be dreadedfromeveryreign, till the Coliseum
was placed under the safeguard of religionby the most
, liberal of the pontiffs,Benedictthe Fourteenth,whoconse-
crated a spot which persecutionand fable had stainedwith
the bloodof so many Christianmartyrs,u
A.I).i386 the senateand peoplegaveone third of the Coliseumtothe Com-
pagnia del Salvatoread SanctaSanctorum.]
7,Of the Olivetanmonks. Monffaucon(p. x42)afllrmsthis factfrom the
memorialsof FlaminiusVacca(No. 72). They stillhoped, on somefuture
occasion,to reviveand vindicatetheir grant.
7sMter measuringthe priscus amphitheatrigyrns,Monffaucon(p. x42)
only adds that it was entire under Paul III.; tacendo clamat. Muratori
(Annalid'Italia, tom. xiv.p. 37x)morefreelyreportsthe guiltof the Farnese
Pope and the indignationof the Roman people. Against the nephewsof
Urban VIII. I have no other evidencethan the vulgar saying,"Quod non
feceruntBarbari, fecere Barbarini," which was perhaps suggestedby the
resemblanceof the words. [The spellingBarbarini here is intentionaland
shouldnot be changed.]
;4Asan antiquarianand a priest,Montfauconthus deprecatesthe ruin of
the Coliseum: Quodsi nonsuoptemeritoatquepulchritudinedignumfulsset
quod improhas axceretmantis,indigna res utique in Iocumtot martyrum
cruoresacrum tantoperesa_vitumesse.

WhenPetrarch firstgratifiedhis eyeswith a viewof those

monumentswhose scattered fragmentsso far surpass the
most eloquentdescriptions,he was astonishedat the supine
indifference75of the Romansthemselves;7ehe was humbled
rather than elated by the discoverythat, excepthis friend
Rienziand one of the Colonna,a strangerof the Rh6newas
more conversantwith these antiquitiesthan the noblesand
nativesof the metropolisW The ignoranceand credulityof
the Romansare elaboratelydisplayedin the old survey of
the city, which was composedabout the beginning of the
thirteenthcentury; and, withoutdwellingon the manifold
errors of name and place,the legendof the Capitol7smay
provokea smileof contemptand indignation. "The Capi-
tol," saysthe anonymouswriter, "is so namedas beingthe
head of the world; wherethe consulsand senatorsformerly
residedfor the governmentof the city and the globe. The
strongand lofty wallswerecoveredwith glassand gold,and
crownedwith a roof of the richestand mostcuriouscarving.
__Yet the Statutes of Rome(1.iii. c. 8i, p. i8_) imposea fineof 5ooaurei
on whosoevershall demolishany ancientedifice,ne ruirdscivitasdeformetur,
et ut anfiquaa_dificladecoremurbis perpetuorepresentent.
In his first visitto Rome(A.D.x337; seeM_moiressur Pdtrarque,tom.i.
p. 322, &c.),Petrarchis struck mute miraculoreturn tantarum, et stuporis
mole obrutus.... Pra_sentiaveto, mirum dictu, nihil imminuit: vere
major fait Roma majoresquesunt reliqui_ quam rebar. Jam non orbem
abh_c urbedomitum,sedtamserodomitura,miror(Opp. p. 6o5; Familiares,
ii. I4; Joanni Columna:).
77He exceptsand praisestherareknowledgeofJohn Colonna. Qui enim
hodiemagisignarireturn Romanarum,quam Romanicives? Invitus dico,
nusquamminus Romaeognosciturquam Rome.
7sAfter the description of the Capitol, he adds, statu_eerant quot sunt
mundi provincim;et habebat quw.libetfinfinnabulumad collum. Et erant
ita per magicamartem dispositm,ut quando aliqua regio RomanoImperio
rebeUlserat, stafimimago illius provincimvertebat se contra illam; unde
tinfinnabulumresonabatquod pendebat ad collum; tuncque rates Capitolii
qui erant custodessenatui, &c. He mentionsan exampleof the Saxonsand
Suevi,who, after they had been subdued by Agrippa, again rebelled; fin-
finnabulumsonuit; sacerdos qui erat in speculoin hebdomad_senatoribus
nunfiavlt; Agrippa marched back and reducedthe Persians(Anonym.
in Montfaucon,p. 297, 298).
Belowthe citadelstooda palace,ofgoldforthe greatestpart,
decoratedwith preciousstones, and whosevaluemight be
estimatedat onethird of the worlditself. The statuesof all
the provinceswerearrangedin order,eachwith a smallbell
suspendedfrom its neck; and such was the contrivanceof
art-magic79that, if the provincerebelledagainstRome,the
" statue turned round to that quarter of the heavens,the bell
: rang, the prophet of the Capitolreported the prodigy,and
the senatewas admonishedof the impendingdanger." A
secondexampleoflessimportance,thoughof equalabsurdity,
maybe drawnfromthe twomarblehorses,led by twonaked
youths,whichhave sincebeentransportedfromthe baths of
Constantineto the Quirinal Hill. The groundlessapplica-
tionof the names of Phidiasand Praxitelesmay perhapsbe
excused;but theseGreciansculptorsshouldnot have been
removedabovefour hundredyears from the age of Pericles
to that of Tiberius; they shouldnot have been transformed
intotwophilosophersor magicians,whosenakednesswasthe
symboloftruth and -knowledge, whorevealedto the emperor
his most secret actions, and, after refusingall pecuniary
recompense,solicitedthe honourof leavingthiseternalmonu-
ment of themselves. 8° Thus awake to the powerof magic,
the Romanswereinsensibleto the beautiesof art: no more
than fivestatueswerevisibleto the eyesof Poggius; and,of
the multitudeswhichchanceor designhad buried underthe
ruins, the resurrectionwas fortunatelydelayed till a safer
and more enlightenedage.81 The Nile, which now adorns
v*The samewriteraffirmsthat Virgilcaptusa Romanisinvlsibillterexiit
ivitqueNeapolem. A Romanmagician,inthe xithcentury,is introducedby
Williamof Malmesbury(de GestisRegumAnglorum,1.ii. p.86); andin the
timeofFlaminiusVacca(No.8t, io3) it wasthevulgarbeliefthatthestrangers
80Anonym.p. _89. Montfaucon(p. t9I )justlyobservesthat,if Alexander
be represented,these statuescannotbe the workof Phidias (Olympiad
lxxxiii.), or Praxiteles(Olympiadcir.), who lived beforethat conqueror
(Plin. Hist. Natur. xxxiv, i9).
8tWilliamof Malmesbury( p. 86, 87)relatesa marvellousdiscovery
_'OL.Xll.-- 14
the Vatican,had been exploredby somelabourersin digging
a vineyardnearthe temple,or convent,ofthe Minerva; but
the impatient proprietor,whowas tormentedby somevisits
of curiosity,restored the unprofitablemarble to its former
grave._ The discoveryof a statue of Pompey,ten feet in
length, was the occasionof a law-suit. It had been found
undera partition-wall:the equitablejudge had pronounced
that the head should be separatedfrom the body,to satisfy
the claimsof the contiguousowners; and the sentencewould
have beenexecuted,if the intercessionof a cardinaland the
liberalityof a pope had not rescuedthe Roman hero from i
the hands of his Barbarouscountrymen. _
But the cloudsof Barbarismweregraduallydispelled; and '
the peacefulauthorityof Martin the Fifth and his successors
restoredthe ornamentsof the city as wellas the order of the
ecclesiasticalstate. The improvementsof Rome, sincethe
fifteenthcentury,have not been the spontaneousproduceof
freedomand industry. The firstand mostnatural root of a
greatcityis the labourand populousnessofthe adjacentcoun-
try, which suppliesthe materials of subsistence,of manu-
factures,and of foreigntrade. But the greater part of the
Campagnaof Rome is reducedto a dreary and desolate
wilderness; the overgrownestates of the princes and the
clergyare cultivatedby the lazy handsof indigentand hope-
less vassals; and the scanty harvests are confinedor ex-

xo46)of Pallas, the son of Evander,who had been slain by Turnus:
the perpetual light in his sepulchre,a Latin epitaph,the corpse,yet entire,
of a younggiant, theenormouswoundin his breast(pectusperforat ingens),
&c. If this fable rests on the slightestfoundation,weimay pity the bodies,
as well as the statues,that wereexposedto the air in a Barbarousage.
s2Prope porficumMinerva,, statua est rccubantis,cujus caput integr,l
effigietanta_magnitudinis,ut signaomniaexcedat. Quidamad plantandas
arboresscrobesfaciensdetexit. Adhoc visendumcure pluresin diesmagis
concurrerent, strepitumadeunfium fastidiurnquepert_sus, horti patronus
congestS,humotexit(PoggiusdeVarietateFortuna_,p. 12).
mSee the Memorialsof FlaminiusVacca, No.57, P- Ix, i2, at the end of
the Roma Anticaof Nardini(z7o4,in 4to).
^.v.,4oo-,5oo]OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 2Ix

ported for the benefitof a monopoly. A secondand more

artificialcause of the growthof a metropolisis the residence
of a monarch,the expenseof a luxuriouscourt, and the
tributesof dependentprovinces. Those provincesand trib-
utes had been lost in the fall of the empire; and, if some
streamsof thesilverof Peruand the goldofBrazilhavebeen
attractedby the Vatican,the revenuesof the cardinals,the
feesof office,the oblationsof pilgrimsand clients,and the
remnantof ecclesiasticaltaxesafford a poorand precarious
supply,whichmaintains,however,the idlenessof the court
and city. The populationof Rome,far belowthe measure
of the greatcapitalsof Europe,doesnot exceedone hundred
andseventythousandinhabitants;_ and,withinthe spacious
enclosureof the walls,the largest portionof thesevenhills
is overspreadwith vineyardsand ruins. The beauty and
splendourof the modem citymay be ascribedto the abuses
of the government,to the influenceof superstition. Each
reign(the exceptionsarerare)has beenmarkedby the rapid
elevationof a new family,enrichedby the childlesspontiff
at the expenseof the churchand country. The palacesof
thesefortunatenephewsare the most costlymonumentsof
eleganceand servitude; the perfect arts of architecture,
painting,and sculpturehave beenprostitutedin theirservice;
and theirgalleriesand gardensare decoratedwith the most
them to collect. The ecclesiasticalrevenueswere more
decentlyemployedby the popes themselvesin the pompof
the Catholicworship; but it is superfluousto enumerate
theirpiousfoundationsofaltars,chapels,and churches,since
theselesserstarsare eclipsedby thesunofthe Vatican,by the
domeof St. Peter,the most gloriousstructurethat everhas
kIn the year _7o9,the inhabitantsof Rome(withoutincludingeightor
ten thousandJews)amountedto x38,568souls(Labat,Voyagesen Espagne
et en Italie,tom.iii. p. 2x7, 218). In x74othey had increasedto x46,o8o;
andin x765,I leftthem, withoutthe Jews, x6x,899. I am ignorantwhether
theyhavesincecontinuedin a progressivestate.
been appliedto the use of religion. The fame of Julius the
Second,Leo the Tenth, and Sixtusthe Fifth is accompanied
by the superiormerit of Bramanteand Fontana,of Raphael
and Michael-Angelo;and the samemunificencewhichhad
been displayed in palaces and temples was directed with
equal zeal to reviveand emulatethe labours of antiquity.
Prostrate obeliskswereraised fromthe groundand erected
in the most conspicuousplaces; of the elevenaqueductsof
the Caesarsand Consuls,three were restored; the artificial
rivers wereconductedover a long seriesof old or of new
arches,to dischargeinto marble basonsa floodof salubrious
and refreshingwaters; and the spectator,impatientto ascend
the stepsof St. Peter's, is detainedby a columnof Egyptian
granite, whichrises betweentwo lofty and perpetualfoun-
tains to the height of one hundred and twentyfeet. The
map, the description,the monumentsof ancientRomehave
been elucidatedby the diligenceof the antiquarianand the
student;_ and the footstepsof heroes, the relics, not of
superstition,but of empire,are devoutlyvisited by a new
s The P_re Montfaucondistributeshis ownobservationsinto twentydays,
he should have styledthem weeks,or months,of his visitsto the different
parts of the city (Diarium Italicum, c. 8--2o,p. io4-3oi). That learned
Benedictinereviewsthe topographersof ancient Rome; the first effortsof
Blondus,Fulvius, Martianus, and Faunns,the superiorlabours of Pyrrhus
Ligorins,had his learning been equal to his labours; the writingsof Onu-
phrinsPanvinius,qui omnesobscuravit,and the recent but imperfectbooks
of Donatus and Nardini Yet Monffauconstill sighsfor a more complete
plan and descriptionof the old city, which must be attained by the three
followingmethods: i. The measurementof the spaceand intervalsof the
ruins. 2. The study of inscriptionsand the placeswherethey were found.
3. The investigationof all the acts, charters, diaries of the middle ages,
which name any spot or buildingof Rome. The laborious work, such as
Monffaucondesired, must be promotedby princelyor public munificence;
but the great modernplan of Nolli(A.D.1748)would furnish a solid and
accuratebasisfor theancienttopographyofRome. [Wehave nowLanciani's
greatplan inforty-sixsheets: FormaUrbisRomm(publishedbytheAcademy
of the Lincei). For excavationsin recent times see espedallythe seriesof
the Bullettinodella Commissionearcheologicacomunale di Roma, 1872
e_sqq.; Notizledegli Scavi, 1876e$sqq.; Mittheilungenof the German
arch_ol. Institute, R6mischeAbtheilung,1886 ¢tsqg.]
raceof pilgrimsfrom the remote,and oncesavage,countries
of the North.

Ofthesepilgrims,and of everyreader,the attentionwillbe

excitedby an Historyof the Declineand Fall of the Roman
Empire: the greatest,perhaps,and most awfulscenein the
history of mankind. The various causes and progressive
effectsare connectedwith manyof the eventsmostinterest-
ing in human znnals: the artful policyof the C_esars,who
longmaintainedthe name and imageof a free republic; the
disorderof militarydespotism; the rise,establishment,and
sectsof Christianity; the foundationof Constantinople;the
divisionof the monarchy; the invasionand settlementsof
the Barbariansof Germanyand Scythia; the institutionsof
the civil law; the character and religionof Mahomet; the
temporalsovereigntyofthe popes; the restorationand decay
of the Westernempireof Charlemagne;the crusadesof the
Latinsin the East ; the conquestsofthe Saracensand Turks;
the ruin of the Greek empire; the state and revolutionsof
Romein the middle age. The historianmay applaudthe
importanceand varietyof his subject; but, whilehe is con-
sciousof his own imperfections,he must often accusethe
deficiencyof his materials. It was amongthe ruins of the
Capitolthat I firstconceivedthe idea of a workwhich has
amusedand exercisedneartwentyyearsofmylife,andwhich,
howeverinadequateto my ownwishes,I finallydeliverto the
curiosityand candourof the public.
June 27, x787.


Forthesiege ofConstantinople, Gibbonhad onlythree accounts by
eye-witnesses, that ofPhrantzes, thatofLeonardus ofChios,andthat of
Cardinal Isidore (see above,p.6,notei=).Several otherrelations
sonswhowereinthecity duringthesiege havebeenpublished during the
present century.
Chief amongthese isthe Journal
ofa Venetian, NicolbBarbaro:Giornale
assedio diConstantinopoli 1453,edited byE.Cornet, 1856.
I Itis
invaluable fordetermining thediary
ofthesiege ; but
itismarked byhostility
andspite towards theGenoese, especially
Giustiniani,andbycontempt for
An"Informacion"sentby Francescode Tresvesto the Cardinald'Avi-
gnon,and also by Jehan Blanchinand JacquesTedardi(or Tedaldi)of
Florence, onthecaptureof Constantinople.EditedinMarteneand Durand,
Thesaurus,i. p. x8x9 sqq. (x7x7)and in Chartier'sChrordquesde Charles
VII.,iii. p. 20 sqq., i858. Tedardiwas an eye-witness. He escapedby
throwinghimselfinto the water,and was rescuedby a Venetianboat.
UbertinoPusculoof Brescia,whowasalsofortunateenoughtoescape,has
leftanaccountofthelastepi_de ofthehistoryofthe Empirein fourBooksof
Latinhexameters. It contributeslittle enoughto our "knowledge of facts.
Thedescription of the siegedoesnotbegintill themiddleofthe Thirdbook.
IntheFirstbookthereis anaccountof thebattleof Varna,andmuchabout
theecclesiastical antagonismof the Greeksand Latins. The Secondbegins
withthedeathof.John Paiaeologusand the accessionof Constantine,and
containsa virulentdescriptionof the moral degenerationof the peopleof
Constantinople(v.Ii 7 sqq.):--
obscaenasanctaepietatisin urbe
nec speciesnec formafuit, nec gratia recti,
nec virtutisamor(v. x4I).
Theworkispublishedin Ellissen'sAnalekten,vol.iii.,as anappendix,i857.
AnanonymousGreekpoem,in politicalverses,underthe title of Capture
of Constantinople('A_._0",_ K_vo'rct)'r,_otrtr&k_o_),
is misnamed, for it
touchesonlyincidentallyonthefactsof thesiegeand isin thisrespectoflittle
historicalimportance. It is reallyan appealto the powersof the West-

There is a goodanalysisof the contentsin Ellissen'sAnalekten,vol.iii.,

Appendix,p. 84s_q.
2I 5
FrenchandEnglish,Spanishand Germans
_'_'ow _al'A'/_i_',#es,
to combineandrecoverConstantinoplefromtheunbelievers. The Venetians
areespeciallyencouragedand urgedto set the example--
"_ BevvrDdvoL
_rpa_aio__ t+ru_t_Lo+.
The Hungarians,Servians,and Walachiansare incited to avengethe defeat
of Varna: --
The author,thoughorthodox,wasnotextremein hisecclesiasticalviews. He
probablylived withinreachof Mohammad'sarm, forhe willnot disclosehis
name :--
T_p_cKew_ ravog,,K_tZ
_p6Bca T_JVomi
rt_ b ro,z_r++
but gives his friendsthe means of knowinghis identityby mentioningtwo
bodilymarks-- a blackmoleon the littlefingerofhis fight hand,and another
of the samesizeon his lefthand (vv. zo,2o sqq.). The workwas firstedited
by F_Jlissenin vol.iii. of his Analekten(i857), with introduction,translation,
and analysi%underthetifleDirgeof Constantinople(Op_vo_K+av*+'+tvr+vo_r6X_o+
-- a misnomer,for it is nota dirgebut a tearful appeal. Legrandpublished
an improvedtext in _88oin vol.i. of his Bibl.grecque vuJgalre,p. z69 sqq.
A Slavonicaccount, written probablyby a Slavof some of the Balkan
countries,is also preserved,and has been publishedby Sreznevsk.iunder the
title: Skazaniiaovziatii Tsargrada bezbozhnymturetskymsultanom,in the
Zapiskiof the 2nd Di_Ssionof the St. Petersburg Academyof Science,vol.
i. p. 99 sqq., z854.
We have another Slavonleaccount,written in a mixture of Polishand
Servian,by a Janissary+ of Mohammad,namedMichael,whotookpart in the
siege. Hewasa Servianof Ostrovi_, and inhislateryearshe wentto Poland
and wrote his Memoirs,whichwere edited,as "Pamiemiki Janiczara," by
Galezowskyin i828, in voI. v. of his collectionof Polish writers (Zbior
Pisarzow Polskieh). This relation is especiallyvaluableas written from
outside, by one who knew what was goingon in the camp of the besiegers.
It hasbeen utilisedby M. Mijatovlchin his accountof the siege(see below).
A report by the Father Superior of the Franciscanswho wasat Galata
during the siegewasprinted by Muratori in vol. z8(p. 7o_)of the Scr. Rer.
It.: Rapporto del Superiore dei Franciscanipresente all' am+edioet alla
presa di Constantinopoli. It seemsto have escaped the noticeof Gibbon.
An account by ChristoforoRiccherio (La presa di Constantinopoll)is
insertedin Sansovino'sDell' HistoriaUniversaledell' origineet imperiode
Turchi (z564), p. 343sqq.
Abraham,an Armenianmonk, who was present at the siege, wrotea
"Meflodie_Mgiaque,"which was translated into French by Brossetand
printed in St. Martin's ed. of Lebeau'sHistoiredu Bas-Empire(m'd.p. 307
,qq.) which Brossetcompleted.
AdamdeMontaldo,of Genoa: De Constantinopolitano excidioad nobilis-
simum juvenem Melleducam Cicalam, amicum optimum; edited by C.
Desimoni,in the AttideliaSocietkLiguredi stoHapatHa,x. p. 325sqq.,1874.
Besidestheserelationsof eye-witnesses we have someadditionalcontem-
poraryaccountswhichwerenot accessibleto Gibbon. The mostimportant
of thesesources,Critobulus,has been ,s_.kcnof in Appendixx of vol.xi.
ZorziDolphinwroteanaccountofthe siegeandcaptureof Constantinople
in z453,"whichwas publishedby G. M. Thomasin the Sitzungsberichteof
the BavarianAcademy,i868. His sourceswerethe reportsof Leonardoof
Chios,Philip da Rimano, and anon)maous eye-witnesses. He adds little to
the story.
A letter of the Genoese"Podest_.of Per-a,"written on June 23, x853,
givinga brief accountof the cap.ture,waspublishedby Sylvestrede Sacyin
Noticeset extraits desmanuscriptsde la biblioth_quedu Roi, xl. x, p. 74,
Documentsthrowinglight on the policyof the Genoesein the fatal year
will be found in Vigna's Codicc diplomaticodelle Colonic Tauro-Liguri,
durantcla Signoriadell' uficiode S. Georgio(x453-I475),x868.
Of little importancefor the siegeis the Amyris of Filelfo--on the life
and deeds of Mohammad in 4 Books- published in Hopf's Chroniques
: grdco-romanes. The 'Avti_X_/garfis Kwrarav'rtt,6=oXn_ (the anonymous
writer of these verses was possibly a Cretan) published by Legrand,
Collectionde monuments,Nouv. s&._v. p. 85 sqq., and the Oafiro_on
the _apture,published by Lampmsin "Eo'rla,z886,p. 821sqq.,tell us noth-
ing. A Monodyof AndronicusCallistus,in Migne'sPatr. Gr., i6I, p. i124,
teachesus,as Paspateshaspointedout, that therewas waterinthe ditchout-
side thewesternwall.
The finalsceneofthe siegeisbrieflydescribedinSpanduginoCantacusino's
Deliaoriginede principiTurchi (whichis includedin Bk. ii. of Sansovino's
Dell' Historia Universale,p. x87sqq.),p. x95-6.
There are a number of other documentsextant whichhave not yet been
printed. C. Hopf and A. Dethier had designedand preparedthe publica-
tionofthesein theMonumentaHungar.Hist.,alongwithmanysourceswhich
had beenalreadypublished. Four volumeslie in MS.; a descriptionof their
contentsisgivenbyKrumbacherinhis Gesch.der byzantinischcnLittcratura,
p. 311-12.
Brossetgathered some material from Armenian and Georgian sources;
see thelast vol. of St. Martin's edit. of Lebeau's Histoiredu Bas-Empire.
The Turkish authoritiesare of verylittle value for the siege; they were
utilisedby Hammer. The earliest Ottomanhistoriansbelongto the end of
the z5th century,viz. the Historyof the great-grandsonof Ashik-Pasha(who
livedunder Murad I.); the anonymouschronicle,Tarikhi Ali Osman; the
Worid-viewof Neshri. See Hammer'sIntroductionto his History. These
earlierworkswere usedby the mostfamousof Ottomanhistorians,Sad ad-
Din, inhis Crownof Histories(writtenunderMurad lII., end of I6th cent.).
The followingis a listof the chiefmodernaccountsof the siegethat have
appearedsinceGibbon wrote:-
Hammer, Geschichtedes osmanischenReiches,i. p. 398 sqq.,I834.
Zinkeisen,GeschichtcdesosmanischenReiches,i. p. 8ix sqq.,184o.
Stassulevlch(J.), Osada i VziatieVizantiiTurkami, I854.
Sreznevski,Poviesto Tsargradic,x855.
Mordtmann(A.D.), BelagernngundEroberungConstantinopelsdutchdie
Tlirkenim Jahre x453; 1858. (This had two advantagesover previous
accounts. Mordtmannknew the ground; and he made useof the diaryof
Broadribband Greece,vol.ilL,,
Besant, Consta t"p.op5_e3
a sketch of its historyfrom
foundationto its conquestby the Turks, x879.
Vlasto (E. H.), Lesderniersjoursde Constantinople,_883.
Paspat_s (A. G.), lloXLoprl_rct_ltk_oo.Lt
_, _r_, r453; x89o.
Mijatovich(Ch.)Constantine,Last Emperorof the Ot_eks,i892.
The sources have been dealt with in an article by P. Pogodinin the
ghurnal rain.narod, prosy., vol.283, August,z889.
A. van Millingen'sByzantineConstantinople(x899),which appearedtoo
late to be used in the preparationof this volume,containsmuchmaterialfor
the study of the siege,and many difficultiesin theepisodeare discussed. It
may be observedthat the author argues with considerableforce from the
viewthat the route of the Turkish shipsacrossthe hills wasby the valleyof
Dolma Bagtch_,a distanceof threemiles. This isthe viewadoptedabove,
P. 83, note 63.
BY MP,s. J. B. BxmY

AASl(Asi),fatherofAmmu,ix., x7_. Abd-al-Rahman,governorof Africa

Aazaz,castleof,ix., x65. [A.D.749],ix., 230_tote.
Abac_, vii.,378note. Abd-al-Rahman III., Caliphof Spain,
Aban,Arabiansoldier,deathof,ix.,x45- ix., 262 s_.; magnificenceof,
Abates,Scythian colonyof,inHungary, 265--7.
vi., 2 note; destroythe IllyrianAbd-al-Rahman, orAbderame, victories
frontierfortresses,x2note. of,ix.,252sg.; defeatedbyCharles
AbbasShah,vii., 222andnote. Martel,256s_.; death,256.
Abbas,son of Motassem, at Amorium,Abdas,bishop,destroysthefiretemple
ix.,292-3. at Susa,v., 329andnote.
Abbas,uncleofMahomet,at thebattle Abderame,seeAbd-al-l_-bman.
of Honain,ix., 76; posterityof, Abdication, Diocletian's,ii., x89sq.
233; rewardedby Omax,xx5. Abdullah,s_ Abdallah
Abbasides,elevationof the, ix., 258; Ab6lard,xii., 79and note.
dynastyof,established,262; expira- Abgarus,last Kingof Edessa,i., 266.
fion of familyof, 295; fall of the, AbgarusV., King of Edessa,ii., 34t
3o5sq. note; correspondenceof with
Abd-al-Aziz, son of Musa, treatyof, Christ,viii.,3x3andnote.
with Theodemir,ix., 191 sg.; Abibas,son of Gamaliel, bodyof, ex-
valourof,x92; death,222. humed,v., ioo.
Abd-al-Balddes, Abyssinianhistoryof, Ablavius(Ablabius),iii.,x8onote,x92;
ix., r72note. deathof, x94; Praetorian Prefect,
Abdallahdefeatsthe CaliphMervan, 378note,iv., z2o.
ix., 26xsq. AborasorAraxes,i., 245; ii., x?5and
AbdMlabibn Maimum al-Kaddah, note.
founderof the Caxmathianmove- Abrahah,King of the Homerites,vii.,
ment,ix.,297note. 233; viii., 63 and note; besieges
AbdMlah,sonof Abbas,ix.,2x. Mecca,3onote.
Abdall_h,son of Abd-al-Motalleb, ix., Abraham,nephewof JohnMaron,viii.,
3z; deathof,at Mum,78. x99.
Abdallah,sonof Jaafar,ix., x52. Abraham,opposesidolatry,ix., 37;
Abdallab. sonof Musa,ix., 22x. placeof,in theKoran,39-
Abdall_b_ sonof Said,invadesAfrica,Abu-Ayubor Job, companionof Ma-
ix.,x92; valourof,x92. hornet,deathof,ix.,239; hisgrave
Abdallah, sonofZobeir,ix.,202. (tv.rb_),xii.,55 andnote.
Abd-al-Malek, caliph,conquestsof, in Abu-Bekx, publishesKoran,ix., 42and
Africa,ix., 2o2. _tote; at battle of Bedr, 66-7;
Abd-al-Motalleb, grandfatherof Ma- spreadsreligionof Mahomet,54;
hornet,ix.,29. flightof, fromMecca,58; chosen
Abd-al-1_ahman, generalofCaliphMoa- by Mahomet,8z-2; electedCaliph,
wiyah,ix.,238ttote. 92 s_l.; death,93; conquerSthe
Arabs, zx2; virtues of, Ix5; in- hornet,73;rewardedby Mahomet,
variesSyria, I34s_. 76.
Abu-Caab, emir of the AndalusianAbu-Taher,the Carmathian,ix.,298sq.
Arabs,ix., 238. Abu-Taleb,uncleof Mahomet,ix., 3x;
Abu-Hafs,leaderof Sicilianrebels,x., his testimonyto Mahomet,32note.
87 nOte. Abu-Taleb,readAbu Lahab,uncleof
Abu-Hafs,seeAbu Caab. Mahomet,ix., 56and no_e;death
Abu-Horaira, on Mahomet, ix., 32 of,57-
note. Abydus,iii.,95.
Abulfeda,ix.,8; eraof, 31note; Arabic Abyla,fairof,ix., I51s_r.
text of, edited by Gagnier, 53 Abyssinia,Churchof,ii.,273note;viii.,
note; on burialof All, xoonote; 2o9 sqq.; chrisfianised,iii., 3Ix;
on the Fatimites,xo6 note; his tradeof, vii.,36 sg.; describedby
Annales Moslemici,xt8 note;his Cosmas,23I _wte;Greekspeech
account of Caliph l_,lervan,ix., in,viii.,x83; Portuguesein,2xosq_.
u6o;of CaliphMuktadir,266;on Abyssinians,conquered,vii., 230s_.;
the Bedoween,298; familyof, x., their alliancewithJustinian,232;
294note,396note;spectatorofthe artArab race,viii.,208.
warinSyria,326;on thecrusaders,Acacius,BishopofAmida,redeemsthe
xi., 38 note; fights againstthe: PersiancaptiveS,v., 33o.
Moguls,z34 note. Acacius, leader of the Homoeans,iii.,
AhulghaziBahadur, History of the 363note.
Tartars by,iv.,a63note,272note; Acacius,masterofthe bears,vii., xo.
on ZingisK.han,xi., t3o note,and Acacius,Patriarchof Constantinople,
x32notes, vi.,3o3.note ; drawsup theHenoti-
Abulpharagius,or GregoryBar He- con,van.,x63note.
brmus,primateoftheEast,viii.,89 Academics,i., 38.
note,x97and note; on the Arabs, Academyof the Platonistsat Athens,
ix., 5note;compendious Historyof: vii., 76.
xi8 note; DynastieSof, x83; on Acatzixes, vi., 78;ruled overbyEllac,
CaliphAlmamun,27o; on the sonof Attila,vi., 76.
Mongols,xi., _54note. Accaloli,Italian familyof, in Greece,
Abu-l-Waled, KingofGrenada,ix.,232 xi., 9a.
note. Accarias,on Romanlaw,vii., 3o2nOte;
Abu-Moslem, rebellionof,ix., 259sq. 3x9note.
Abuna,headof the Abyssinian priest- Accents,Greek,xi., 286.
hood,viii.,2o9 andnote. i Acclamations, addressedto GreekEm-
Abundantius exiled to Pityusby Eu-_ perors,ix.,344.
tropius,v., 204andnote. i Acephali,Egyptiansectof,viii.,x64and
Abu-Obeidah,commandsArabianarmy: note.
in Syria,ix.,x37; at takingofDa-i Acesins,Novatianbishop,ilL,334and
mascus,x481at battleof Yermuk, note.
t58; besiegesJerusalem,x6o,An- Achaia,provinceof,i., 3o.
tiochand Aleppo,t63; death,x69. Acheloum,takenby the Turks,xJi.,x7-
Abu-Rafe,servantof Mahomet,ix., 7x Achelbns,battleof,x., 33andnote.
note. Achilles,the,oftheVandals,vii.,86and
Abfi-Sa'id,sultan,deathof,xi., x86,date note.
of,/b,note. Achilleus,tyrant, ii., x6xandnote.
Ab0-S'id,the Carrnathian, ix., _98. Achin,promontoryof,vii., 35.
Abu Sophian[Abu-SofyAn ibn Harb], Acholius,Bishopof Thessaloniea, bal>-
princeofMecca,ix.,57-8;defeated tisesTheodosius,v., xx andnote.
byMahomet68; commands expe- Achrida,seeLychnidus.
ditionof the nations,69; besiegeSAcolyth,officeof,ix., 340.
Medina,/b.;adoptsreligion ofMa- Acra,Mount,iv., 75.
Acreor Ptolemals,ii., xi6; Emir of, note; Maximus,of Con.qtantius,
treats with crusaders,x., _54; iii.,x99note.
ConradIII. at, 28Inote; siegeof Adfi_dicaLio, vii.,358note.
(H89 ^.v.), 305sqq.; Richard I. Admiral,etymologyof that name, xi.,
at, 3o9-1o; Louis IX. at, 322; 340-xand note.
metropolisof Latin Christians Adolius,v., 359.
324; taken by Sultan Khalil,326 Adolphus,reinforcesAlaric, v., 230
note. and note;countofdomestics,237;
AeropolitaGeorge,xi., 26 note, 32 succeedsAlaric,256 sgq.; allies
note;Ministerof Vataces,54note; himselfwithJovinus,269;assassi-
punishedbyTheodoreLascaris11. notedat Barcelona, 274; his death
58; collectsletters of Theodore celebratedat Constantinople, 275
Lascarls,/b. note. note.
ActaDiurna,vii.,312no/¢. Adoption,ceremonyof,x., aa9 note.
ActaSanctorum,v., 36onote. Adorationof theemperor,ii.,x83;eere-
Actiacgames,restoredby Julian,iv.,4_ monyof,ix.,34t.
note. Adorno, Genoesegovernor,aecompa-
Actions,rightof judicial,vii., 366s_. nies AmttrathII. to Europe,xi.,
Ad,tribe of,ix., 56. 222.
Adamand Cl_risseau, workon Spalatro, Adrian,seeHadrian.
ii., i96 note. Adrumetum,cityof,surrenderstoBell
Adam,placeof, in the Koran, ix., 39; sarius, vii.,98; destroyedby An-
apocryphalbooksof,lb. note. talas,vii., a4o.
Adarman,generalofNushirvan,reduces Adulis,seaport,vii.,37and note,_32.
Syria,viii.,52. Adultery,Germanpunishmentof, i.,
Adarne,passesof,iii.,215. 291 and note; Romanlaws con-
Adauctus,martyr,iii.,76. cerning,vii.,376sqq.; declaredto
Addamationes graves,i., I_5 note. be a capitaloffence,381.
Addttus(Adda*)Doarineo1,viii., 3_3 Adventus,Praetorianprefect,i., r76.
note. Advocatus, iii.,r33note.
Addison,Mr., bigotryof,viii.,3x3note, zEdesius,the Platomst, iv., 52; at
xi., 271note,xii., x9xnote. Pergamns,56.
Addua,riverof Lombardy,crossedby zEdui,Gallictribe,iii.,x62andnote.
Alaric,v., 152; battle of the, vi., AEgze, cityin Cilicia,v., 358.
3xo. /Egidius,master-general of Gaul,revolt
Add or Saphadin,brother of Sultan of,vi., 116; death,ib.; character,
Saladin,x., 3xx. x15note; defeatsRicimerat Or-
Adela,wifeof Raymondof Toulouse, leans, 13x; electedKing by the
x., =_7note. Franks,=x2note.
Adenulf [De Excidia urbis Acamis], Aegilus,stationof, viii., 254note.
x., 326note. ,'Ella Capitolina,ii., 27x; iv., 75; ix.,
Aderbijanor Media,conqueredby the 16oand note.
Moslems,ix., _6 note; conquered._Aianus,leader of the Bagandae,ii.,
by Togrul,x., x58. x52and note.
Adhadel Dowlat,tyrantof Persia,ix., _Elianusor Laelianus,seeLollianus.
xoonote. _.lius Gallus,invadesArabia, ix., z2
Adharbij_n,seeAderbijan. note.
Adhed {Adid],last Fatimitecaliph of /EliusPaetus,tripartiteof,vii., 3_o.
Egypt,x., _93and note. 2Emilianus, emperor,ii., 5o.
Adh6mar,Bishopof Puy,x., r99, 2x8, /Emilianus,governorof Pannonia,re-
250;death,259- volt of,ii.,2o, 21.
Adiabene,marchof Julianthrough,iv., ,_mooa,ii.,246andno/_;resistsMaxi-
12o; nameof Assyria,r27note. mus, v., 38; siegeof, by Theo-
Adiabenicus, titleof Diocletian,ii., x78 dosius,4t; Alaricat, x83and note.
AEneas, galleyof, preserved atRome, persecution oftheChristians in,by
vii., u62note. Maximin, Hi.,75;religious discord
._..neasof Gaza,his description of the in,4o5sgq.;CountRomanus in,iv.,
Africanconfessors,vi., z99 and 33I sqq.; rebellionof Firmusin,
note. u33sqq.;Theodosiusin, 234sq.;
Sylvius(PlusII.), foundsUs,i- Africadescribed,237sq.and notes;
versityof Basil, xi., 254 note; Gildo'srevoltin,v., x26sqq.; re-
effortsagainsttheTurks,xii.,62; voltof Bonifacein, 34usqg.;Van-
at coronation of FredericIII., x58 dalinvasionof, 344;Donatistper-
note,z69note;epigram of,x97and secutionin, 346and notes; deso-
note. lated by Vandals,349 and 350;
zEolus,tragedyof Euripides,v., 267 Va_dalpersecution in, vi.,x9o_qq.;
note. reducedbyBel/saxius, vii.,97 _qq.;
zF_wnor2_mano_/on oftheDeity,Gnustic date of conquestof, 88 note;
conceptionof,iii., 343andnote. CatholicChurchre-established in,
Aerialtribute,vii.,43. to9; taxedby Justinian,_35; re-
._schines,vii., 74; on Alexander, ix., voltof Stozain, _38sg.; rebellion
xu7note. of the Moorsin, u4osqq.; desola-
_,sculapius,i., 4r; islandof, vi., t35; lion of, u4u; Saraceninvasionof,
templeof,at Lambesa,vii.,xuo. ix.,x9xs_g.; finalreduction o[,uo4
AEslii,inhabitantsof the Balticcoast, sg.; Christianityextinctin, 23osq.;
iv., u46andnote; bringamberto revoltsfromthe Caliph,ix., 3ox;
Theodoric,vi., 3x7aad note. Normanconquestsin, x.. *3osg.
/Eteriarch,o/fleeof,ix.,340andnote. Agapae,ii.,3u3.
/Ethiopia,i., u; ii.,_74note; tribesof, Agathaxclddes, geographer,ix., u note,
joinGildotheMoor,v., z32;saved 4 note; date of his Historica,u3
by the Portuguese,viii.,uxx. note.
AEthiopians, vii.,286note;three thou- Agathias,on testamentof Arcadius,v.,
sand at battle of Ascalon,x., 3,9andnote; describes theFranks,
259. vi.,237and note;continueshistory
Ae.tins,hostagein campof Alaxic,v., ofProcopius, vii.,7note;editionof
*97; generalof Plac/dia,340and Leyden,8 note;onAnthemius,50;
note; supportsJohn, the usurper, onPersia,2oxand note;on Lazic
34_;battlewithBonifa_e, 353; his wax,2x3note,227 nolo,28o and
fl/ght,/3.; hisrestoration,vi., 4_ note.
hisgovernment,/3, sqq.;allieshim- Agathocles, iv., I45note-
self withtheHurtsand Alan/,42; Agathyrsi, tribesof,iv., 285.
portraitof, by Renatus,ib. note; AgannumorSt.Maurice,monastery of,
subduestheFranksandSuevi,/3.; foundedbySigismund, vi., _28and
defeatsClodion,5o; his son'sbe- note.
trothal,78;hisdeath,/3. Agentesin rebus,Hi.,rSt and note.
Aetius,surnamedthe Atheist,Hi.,35I Agiamoglans, Turkishclassof,xi., 228.
andnote;favouredby Gallns,37o. Agilo,general,iv.,35-
z_tolia,recovered byJohnCantacuzeneAglab,lieutenantof Haxuo,ix., 3oL
xi., ro$. Aglabites,usurptheprovinces ofAfrica,
Afghan/stan,GhOrid dynastyof,xi., x37 ix., 286.
note. Aglae,a Romanlady,Hi.,77.
Afrasiab,Emperorof Touraa,x., z57 Agnats,in Romanlaw,vii.,854,$60.
note;"towersof," xfi.,x52. Agnellus,viii.,33x note.
Afrasiabs,iv.,273. AgnesorIrene,daughterof Henryof
Africa,province of, i.,32,and33;trib- Brunswick, wifeofAndroaicus 1II.,
ute,204, sos; revoltsfromMaxi- xi., ro3and note.
rain,223; fromDiocletian, ii.,i6o, Agnes,wifeofHenry,Emperor of Con-
16i; Ch.r_tlunlgy inj338andno/c/ _ople, Zi. I8.
Agobard, BishopofLyons,vi.,247_wte. _, seeA]emannl.
Agria,vi., 28andnote. A1-Amin,Caliphoi Bagdad,ix., 264
Agricola,i., 4 note,5 andnote; origin note.
of,iii.,x2onote. Alani,ii., xo; invadeAsia,xxo; con-
Agriculture, i., 65,66, 67; encouraged queredby the Hurts,iv., 285;
by the Magi,258; ruinedby land inthe serviceofGratian,v., 4; in-
tax,iii.,x58;oftheeasternempire, vadeSpain,27_; jointheVandals,
vii., 28 s¢.; in AsiaMinorunder a76; colonyof,at Orleans,vi.,43
Romaaus,viii.,a65note. andnote; alliesof/Etins,/b.; in-
Agrippa,buildsthePantheonatRome, vadeItaly,xz7 note; alliesof the
i., 55 note, and xii., x93 note; Avars,vii., x9oandnote.
aqueducts of, v., _x9. Alankavak,virginmother,Seljukides,
Agrippina, i., x92andnote. derivedfrom,x., r57note.
AgroCalvenfiano, Boethiusexecuted at, Alaon,monasteryof,viii., 364note.
vi., 340note. Alaric,Kingof the Visigoths,vi., 67;
Abroad,Ben Joseph,ix., 6x note. slainby Clovisat Vonill6,vi., 232.
Abroadibn Arabshah,xi., x8x note, Alaric,the Goth, familyof, v., _39
x87note;on Bajazet,2o7. and note; revoltof, /3. _qq.; in
Abroad,sonofAbdAllah,ix.,297note. Greece,x4osqq.; entersAthens,
Abroad,sonof Tfdfin,ix.,303note. x4x; destroysEleusis,x43; retreats
AhnafibnKaJs,subduesKhux_s_.n, ix., to Elis, x43; escapesto Epixus,
x26note. z44; allieshimselfwith the Em-
Ahriman, i., _55,256andnote; nature peror of the East, x45; master-
of,x., 8. generalof EasternIllyrieum,/b.;
Aibak,husbandofa Mamelukequeen, King of the Visigoths,x47; in
x., 32znote. Italy,z48$q_.;defeatedbyStilicho
Aidin,Tuxkishchief, xi., x6o;princenf, at Pollenfia,x55; demandsaprov-
submitsto Murad,/b. note; sub- incejx83;demandshostages,x97;
duedby BajazetI., x69. beforeRome,225; raisesthesiege,
Aikaterina, Bulgarianprince._, viii.,aSx a28; negotiations for peace,231;
note. takesOstia,235; declaresAttalus
Aimoin,a Frenchmonk,his accountof emperor,_37; degradeshim,24o;
Belisaxius, vii.,x65note. sackofRome,a4Isflq.;hismodera-
AixlaChapelle, memorable duelat, vi., tion, 242; evacuatesRome,a52;
247 note; palaceand churchof hisprojects,254,255; deathand
Charlemagne at, viii., 346 note; funeral,256.
xii., x95. Alatheusand Saphrax,chiefs of the
Ajax,sepulchxeof,iii.,96. Ostrogoths, iv.,288;sendambassa-
Ajnadin,battleof,ix., x2x*q. dorstoAntioch,294; atthe battle
Akbah,lieutenantof Moawiyah,ix., of Hadrianople,3x3; cross the
x97-8; Africanexpeditionof, x99 Danube,334; death of Alatheus,
sq.; death,200. /b.
AkhalEmir,x., 87 note. Alauda,Romanlegion,i., x2 note.
Akindynos, Gregory,xi., 3x9note. Alavivnsand Fritigern,judgesof the
Akshehr,deathof Bajazetat,xi., 2o5. Visigoths, iv.,289andnote;leadthe
Ala, lieutenantof the Abbasides,ix., revoltof the Goths,297; at the
263. battleof Salices,303note.
AIRad-DinMohaxamad, Shahof Ca- Alba,vii., _3o note; interview at, be-
rizme,xi., 137note. tweenambassadorsof Theodatus
Alk-ad-Din, vizirofOrcha.n,reformsof, andJustinian,z3x; takenbyBell-
aft.,x58andnote. sarius,x52.
Aladin(I/til_h_ 0 defendsJerusalem,AlbaPompeia in Piedmont, i., x24note.
x., 255. Alba,fiver,ii.,H8 note.
Aladin,Sultanof Iconlum,zi., 156. AI-Bak.,'i, ix., x91note.
Albania(Caucasian), L,8; Heradlusin,] name,28 note;in GaulandItaly,
viii.,zo5andnote,xo6. [ 28note; alJtianeeof the,withGalli-
Albania(Illyrian),princeof, opposesI enus,ag;opposeClaudius,65note;
Ottomans,zi., x68note. [ invadeItaly,77; defeatedbyAure-
Albanians(Caucasian),in the armyof[ lian,78;destroythewallofProbus,
Sapor,iii.,254 andnote. ] x:z; defeatedbyConstantius,z59;
Albanians(IIlyrian),theirinvasionof in Alsace,iii., a6o; defeatedby
Greece,xi.,xz5note;revoltof,3z8 Julian,_67; in Gaul,iv., 2_3 st.,
st.; colonyof, in Calabria,32z 306 sq.; defeatedby Majorian,
and note; in the Peloponnesus, vi., _o3 and note; derivationof
xii.,58. theirname,ax7; defeatedby(21o-
Albano,Romanvillasat, x//., roL vis, /b.and ax8; theirinstitutions,
Albara,capturedby crusaders,x., a53 240; protectedbyTheodoric,320
note. and note; invadeItaly,vii., 275;
Al-Beithar,Arabianbotanist,ix., 275 defeatof, by Narses,277; invade
note. ItalyandaredefeatedbytheLom-
Albengue,ii.,x25 note. bards,viii.,27; theircouatryunder
Alberic,revoltof,viii.,38o-z; his title Charlemagne,366;nameof,given
senator,xii.,84 note. by theGreeksto the Germans,x.,
Albigeois,persecutionof, x., x9 sq.; 277note.
etymologyofname,x9 note. Alembic,275note,276.
AlbinusClodius,governorofBritain,i., Aleppo,churchof, ii.,272; Julianat,
x39, z4o; waxwith Severus,x49 iv., zi7; besiegedby Nashirvan,
sqq.; death,z54. vii., 208; resists]]alan, viii., 72;
Albinus,Prefectof Rome,v. 262. siegeof,bytheSaracens, ix.,x63sq.;
Albinus,senator,accusedoftreason,vi., castle of, D. and note; taken by
338. Nicephorus,3Io-lz; princesof,
Albinus,the Pontiff,conversionof, v., expelledbythe Syrian dynastyof
79note. Seljuks,x., x77; undertheAtabegs,
Al-Bocchari,editstheKoran,ix.,43and 288; attackedby Saladin, 395;
note. pillagedby the Moguls,xi., z44;
Albofleda, sister of Clovis, marries sackof,by Timour,x97.
Theodoric,vi., 2x8. Alexanderthe Great, Indianconquests
Alboln,Kingof the Lombards,aasistsl of, i., 35 and note; in Julian's
Justinian, vii., 266 note; early Cmsaxs,iv., io8, zo9 note;hisfort
prowess,viii., 5; allies himself near the CaspianGates, vii., 72;
with the Avars, lb.; destroysthe comparedto Be/is_."us,I4o.
kingdomof the Gepid_e,7 st.; in- Alexander,Archbishopof Alexandria,
vadesItalY,9sgq.;Arianismof,to; iii.,35° and note.
subduesgreatpartofItaly, _3sqq.; Alexander,emperor,colleagueof Con-
besiegesPavia,x3; murderedby stantineVII., viii.,264.
his wifeRosamund,I5 sq. Alexander,generalof Justhdan, vii.,
Albornoz,Cardinal,xii., _52and note. 244note.
Alcantara,bridgeof,L, 56. Alexander of Diospolls,
Alchymy,if., x64,275note.276. 382.
A/ciat, on the Pandects, vii., 33a AlexanderIII., pope,assiststheLore-
note. bards,viii.,385; receivesembassy
AldusManutius, printsGreekauthorsat fromConstantinople, x., z37; pro-
Venice,xi., 20onote. nouucesseparationof Latin and
Alemanni,Nicholas,quotesthe ]'usti- GreekChurches,z38; definesthe
nianiVita) vii., 2 note; publishes right of Papalelection,xii., xo3-4
the SecretHistoryof Procopius,8 and note;disqualifies the Colonna,
note. z2oand no_.
Alemanni,origin,ii., 27; etymologyof AlexanderSeverus,sc¢Scverus.
Alexander, sonofBasilI., emperor, viii., crowned,367; visitsEuropewith
25x. Montferrat, 369;accused ofapos-
Alexander theScribe (Logothete),viL, tasy, 369-70; conduct toward the
246andnote; calledPsalliction,
ib. Lafins, 37x
; death of, 372-3.
Alexander V.,pope, xii.,x65andnote. Alexins Mourzoufle, seeMourzoufle.
Alexander VI.{Borgia], xii.,
x76. Alexius, son-in-law ofTheophilus, put-
Alexandria,i., 63; massacreat, x74; chasesthepalaceofAnthemius,vi.,
described, ii.,55; tumultsat, under xa4 note.
Gallienus,ib. and 56; seizedby Alexius,son of ManuelComnenus,x.,
Firmns,93; taken by Diocletian, 335; governorof Trebizond,xi.,
x6x;cornat, x63note;churchof to; foundsstate of Trapezusin
335; school of, iii., 34o; Jews I2o4, ix note; succeededby his
at, lb.;Trinitariancontroversyat, stepson,H note.
344sq.; siegeof,bySyrianns,390; Alexius Strategopoulos,general of
tumultsat, underJulian,iv., 99; MichmlPakcologus, xL,35; made
earthquakeat, _59; temple of Cmsar,65-6.
Serapisat, v., 84 sqq.; libraryof AlfredtheGreat,translatesthe writings
the Ptolemies,85 note; libraryof ofBoethius,vi.,34zandnote;sends
Serapeum, 87; museumof,vii.,75; ambassadors to Madras,viii.,_9x.
taken by Chosroes,viii., 9I; Algardi,relid by,representing the ap-
patriarchof,lendsmoneyto Hera- pearanceof SS. PeterandPaul to
clius,99 note;siegeof, byAmrou,' Attila,vi., 74 andnote.
r79sq.; date of Saracenconquest Algebra,discovery of,ix., 274andnote.
of, _Sx note; destruction of! Algezirein Spain,townof Julian,ix.,
library at, x82 sqq.; church of 2_a and note.
St. John at, x8o; povertyof, re- Algiers,aristocracyof,i., 245and note;
lievedby Charlemagne,x., x83; Christianityrevivesat, ix., 23a.
takenbyShiracouh,a92. ALHurrinvadesGaul, A.I). 7x8, ix.,
Alexandrians, characterof the, ii., 55, 252note.
56. All, sonof AbuTaleb,sixty-ninesen-
AlexiadofAnna Comnena,x., x6 note. tencesof,ix., _9-2o,54, 55; aids
Alexisde Menezes,Archbishop of Goa, Mahomettoescape,58; valourof,
viii.,x93. 7x; marriesFatima,9o; charac-
AlexiusI., sonof JohnComnenus, viii., ter, 9x sq.; renouncescaliphate,
285;character,287;takesConstan- 93; reign, 97 s_.; defeat and
tinople,/b.; persecutesthe Pauli- death,zoo; tombof, at Cufa,/b.
cians,x., XT;requestshelpfromthe note; one of the twelveImams,
Latins,xx4;defeatedby Guiscard xos; posterityof,ib.
at Durazzo,xx6;epistleof,to the AllPasha,vizirof Bajazet,xi.,x7onote.
Countof Flanders,xSr-aandnote; Alicantsurrendered by Theodemirto
ambassadors of, at Placentia,x95; the Saracens,ix., 2x9-2o.
divertsthecrusadersintoAsia,2_2; AliceorAgnes,wifeof AndronicnsI.,
policyof, towardscrusaders,227, viii.,3o5.
2a9; failstoassistthemat Antioch,iAligeru,brotherofTeias,vii.,273; de-
248 and note; comparedto the l fendsCumin,274-
jackal,.OTx;successesagainstthe Aliquaca,Gothicchief,ii., 258note.
Turks,/b.sqq. iAliturus,a Jewishactor,iii.,23.
AlexiusII., Comnenus, EmperorofCon- AI-Jannabi,Arabianphysician,ix., 53
stantinople,reign, viii., 294sqq.; note.
newtides introducedby,ix., 336. AI-Kaim,seeCayem.
AlexiusIII., Angelus,x., 34o. Al-I_ta [AI-LAt], worshipof,x., 56and
AlexiusIV., son of IsaacAngelus,his note.
alliancewiththe crusaders, x.,354 AUectns, ii.,x56.
sg.; flightof, 366; restoredand Allier,fiver,vi., 256.
voL x_x._ z5
Allis,battleof,ix., xx9. Al-Sama,invadesGaul,ix., aSanole.
AUobich,barbariancommander of the Altai Mountains,seeCal.
guardsof Honorins,v., 234- Alticri,Italianfamilyof,xfi.,ao5.
Allodiallandsin Gaul,vi., aSZ. Altinum, city of, pillagedby Alaric"
Alma,Mount,ii., xa6. v., x98;destroyed byAttila,vi.,68.
AI-Makkari,ix., azonote. Alum,minesof,in Me.los,xi., a2zna¢.
Almamon,caliph,besiegesBagdad,ix., AI-Uzzah(Uzzg),worshipof,ix.,56and
264 note; wealthof, 265-6; en- note.
courageslearning,269, _78 note; Alva,Dukeof,xii.,_76note.
subduesCrete,282sq.; revoltof Alvare.z,Portuguesetraveller,vii., 232
theprovincesunder,3o0sq. note.
Al-Mamfan, seeAlmamon. Alypius,ministerof Julian,iv., 79sq.
Al-Mansor,caliph,encourages learning,Al-ZfihirSayf-M-DinBarkflk, founds
ix., 26o,269; foundsBagdad,264 Burji dynasty(CircassianMarne-
andnote. lukes),xi., x96note.
Almeria,learningat, underthe caliphs,Amain,Kingofthe Goths,ii.,9-
ix., 27I; manufactureof silk at, Amalafrida,sisterofTheodoric,marries
326"-7. Thrasimond,vii., x2a andnote.
A1-Modain (the cities),winterresidenceAmalaric,grandsonof Theodoric,re-
ofthe Persiankings,iv., t37. storedto the throneof Spain,vi.,
Al-Mohades or PHncesof Morocco, ix., 342.
io5; fanaticismof, 232; x., x3z. Amalasontha,daughterof Theodoric,
Almondar,SaracenPrince,vii.,205and vi., 3i5 note; erectsmonumentof
note,2o6. Theodoric, 343; character,
Almns,Kingof theHungarians,x., 37 andnote;regentofItaly,/b.;reigns
note,38. with Theodahad,_26; exile and
AI-Nagjar,meaningof, ix., 6x note. death,_27.
Al-NLsir Ntis/x-M-Din Faraj,CircassianAmalasontha, granddaughterof Theod-
Mameluke,xi., x96note. j oric,marriesGermanus,vii., 264.
Alodes,tribeof,conversion of the,viii.,IAmali,royallineof, v., 274note.
208note IAmalphi,discoveryofthePandectsat,
Alogians,ii.,33a note. vii., 335and note;Romancolony
Alor,townof, takenby theMoslems, at,viii., 29; independence of, £b.;
ix., I32note. joinsLeagueof thesouthern cities,
AlpArslan,sultanoftheTurkmans,x., ix., 288; dukesof, x., 78-9 note;
_6x;conquestsof, x62;defeatedby subduedbyRobertGniscard,xo2;
Diogenes,x64; winsthe battleof tradeof, xo4-5,184;siegeof,ax9;
Manzikert, x66;treatyof,withthe foundsthehospitalof St. John at
empexor, tTO;dcath,XTX ; tombof, Jenasalem,263 note; declineof,
x7a. 334.
Alphabet,Phoenician, i., 3znote; My- AmairicorAmaury,KingofJenasMern,
cenmansyllabary,_. x., 265note;invadesEgypt,aga-3;
AlphonsoIII., King of Leon,ix., _o8 wars of, 299.
note. Amandns,Gallicianbishop,viii., x79
AlphonsoMendez,CatholicPatriarciaof note.
.;Ethiopia,viii.,axxandnote. Amandus, leaderof revoltin Gaul,ii.,
Alphonso of Castile,viii.,389no/._, x52and note,257.
Alphonso the Chaste,Kingdomof,viii., Amantins,eunuch,vii., 2; death,4.
368. Amara,fortifiedby the Paulicians,x.,
Alps,passagesof the,ii., 229andnote, to note.
23o; MaritimeAlps,one of the Amari,on Saracensin Sicily,ix., 284
sevenprovinces, v., 286note;pas- note.
sageof,by Majorian,vi., xxoand Amastris,Genoesecolony,xii.,55 note.
noU. Amaury,seeta,malric.
Amazons, ii..94andnote. Roman manners,v., 208sqq.and
Amber,i., 69 and note; broughtto notes.
Theodoric,vi., 3z7and note. Ammon,themathematidan, his meas-
Amblada,Aetiusat, iii.,388note. urementof the wailsof Rome,v.,
Amboise,conierenceof Clovis and 223.
Alaricnear,vi.,229. AI_aaoniLts, neo-Platonist,ii.,198;John
Ambrose,St., iil.,323note; epistleof, Philoponns,his last disciple,ix.,
toTheodosius,iv.,81 andnote;his 183.
treatiseonthe Trinity,v., 3 note; Ammonius,the monk,viii.,138.
tolerationof, 28; early history,Amnesty,general,publishedby Hono-
3o, 3z; disputeswithJustina,3_ rius,v., 262.
sqq.; friendshipwithTheodosius,Amogavares, xi., 85 note; namefor
52; dealingswithTheodosius,55 SpaniardsandCatalans.
sqq.andnotes;withEugenius,65; Amoror Hamalaod,code of, vi., 24o
opposesSymmachus, 77;onthc note.
stateof Italy,
vi.,r54 andnote; vii., Amorian war, ix., 28sqq.
317note; cathedral of,
atMilan, Amorium, birthplace ofLeotheAr-
viii., 39L mcnian, viii.,
246no/e; destruction
Ambrosius Aurelian theRoman, vi.,
276 of, 25o;taken bythe Saracens,ix.,
andnotes. 23; siege of, by theSaracens,
Amed_c theGreat, ofSavoy, xi.,1o4 292-3; site of, 292note.
note. Amphilochius, Bishop ofIconium, v.0
Amelius,neo-Platonist,ii.,198. 12.
Amelotdela Houssaie,vi., 7t note. Amphipolis, undertheServians,xi.,xt3
Amer,apostateArabian,ix., 168. note.
Amelia,rebuiltby Leo,ix.,_9o. Amphissa,taken by Boniface,xi., 7
America,vi., 295note. note.
Amida,cityof,iii.,254andnote;modernAmphitheatre of Titusat Rome,ii.,t37
name of, 254and note; takenby and notes,i38 and note.s.
Sapor,256 and note; capital of Ampoulle,Sainte,vi., 220note.
Mesopotamia,iv., 168; strength-Ampsaga,river,v., 354.
ened by the sieges of, vii., 69 Amrou(Amr),ix., 73; attempton his
note,7o; destroyedby Chosroes, life, 99; acknowledgesMoa-
viii.,88;takenbytheSaraceus,ix., wiyah,1oo; at Damascus,x44;
17o; recoveredFby Nicephorus, birth, 172; in Egypt, I73 sqq.;
312; SeeDiaxbekir. interviewwith the prefect,t8o;
Amiens,ii.,159. administration of,inEgypt,186sq.;
Amiaa,the Zahrite,ix., 3I. canal of, betweenNile and Red
Amir,Turkishprinceof Ionia, rescues Sea,187andnote;correspondence
the EmpressIrene fromthe BUt- withOmar,x88note.
garians,xi., 162; deathof, _63. Amrou,brotherof Jacobthe Soilorite,
Ammates,brotherof GeHmer, slainby ix., 3o3.
the Romans,vii.,too. Amselfeld, battleof the,xi., 168note.
Ammianus Marcellinns,i.,252note;ili., AmurathI., Sultan[Murad],reignand
ZTX note; on Eusebius,225; as a conquests of,xi.,166sqq.;iustituteS
writer,225note,228note;attended the Janizaries,i68; death, 169;
Ursieinus,242note;at Amida,258 punishesSauzes,x76.
no/e; on ConstantiusII., iv., 26 AmurathII., Sultan,marriesServian
note; on the Christians,iil., 4o8; princess,xi., 207note; reignof,
on Julian's clemency,iv., 63; on 221;takes Hadrianople,222; be-
the templeat Jenxsalem,81; in siegesConstantinople, 224-5; era-
Persia,14i inote;on the Church bassyof, to John Palmologus, 258
ofRome,21o;at Sallces,3o4;ira. andnote;characterandreign,3oo
partialityof, 326 and _; on sflq.; pardonsScanderbeg,302;
abdication,302 sq.; in battleof Anastasins,St.,actsof,viii.,92 note.
Warna, 309 sq.; entersAlbania,Anatho,iv., x26and note.
3x9; retiresfromCroya,/b.; re-_Anatolia, invadedbyMonguls,xi., x45;
ceivesPhranza, 322; death,324. dividedamongtheEmirs,759; in-
Amycns,iii.,92andnote. vadedby Timoux,200; givento
Anachorets,vi., 157,J75sq. Mousa,ao5.
Anacletus, pope, consecratesRoger, Anatolius,heretic,vii., 46 note.
firstKing of Sicily,x., x3o; xii., Anatolius,master-general of thearmies
87 note; "antipope,"x_6. of the East,ambassador to Attila,
Anagni,xii., _o7; BonifaceVIII. at, vi., 36.
io8; thecurseof, 5o9note;college Anatolius, masteroftheoffices,iv., x52,
of cardinalsat, 759; Porcaroat, z54.
172. Anatomy, studyof,amongtheSaracens,
Anaitis,goldenstatueof, v., 89 note. ix., 275andnote.
Anas,river,v., 344- Anazarbus,valleyof,viii.,297.
Anastasia,daughterof Heracllus,viii., Anbar, city of, reducedbyCaled,ix.,
22x_wte. 7x9.
Anastasia,daughterof the EmperorAnbasa,invadesGaul,ix., 252note.
Maurice,viii., 83 note. Anchialus,ii., 39; warmbathsat, vii.,
Anastasia,Empress,wifeof Tiberius, 6x; EmperorMaur/ceat, viii.,73;
viii.,2x andnote. Andronicus at, 297; battleof, x.,
Anastasia,Gregory'sconventicle, v., 76, 33note.
17andnote. Anc///a, or sacred shields, i., x86;
Anastasia,sisterofConstantine,ii.,209 iv., 52note; v., 227note.
nole,245; ill.,573. Ancona,takenbyBelisarius,vii., 755;
Anastasia,sisterof the Empre_Theo- resistsTotiIa, 264; siegeof, by
dora,vii.,xo. FredericBaxbarossa, x., 537; trad-
Anastasius,authorof theLiber Pontiff- ers of, at Constantinople, xii., 49;
calls,vii.,254note. PlusII. at, 6.3.
Anastasius,grandsonof the Empress Ancyra,MonumentumAneyranum,i.,
Theodora,vii., 36oand note. a note; ii., 87; councilof, 326;
Ana.stasiusI., Emperor,heresyof,vi., Jovianat,iv., z78; takenbyChos-
222;makesTheodor/c consul,235; toes, viii., 9x; pillagedby the
marriesAriadne,303; war with Paulicians,x., x3; takenbyMu-
Theodoric, 3x8 sq.; religious rad V.,xi., 760note.
troubles in the circus, vii., 35; AndagestheOstrogoth,killsTheodoric
economyof, 40 and _wle; remits at ChMons,vi., 62.
taxation,39 and note; exemptedAndalusia,ix., 207note.
various cities from taxation,42; AndalusianArabsin Egyptand Crete,
long wall of, 62; suppressedthe ix., 283.
pensionsof the Isaurians, 64; Anderida(AndredesCeaster),vi., 378
Persianwar, 69 sq.; in the circus andnote.
as a suppliant,viii., x67; signs Andernach,fortifiedbyJulian,lii., 373
treatyof orthodoxy,lb. note.
AnastasiusII., Emperor,viii., 333; Anderson'sHistoryof Commerce onthe
preparationsagainstSaracens,ix., Hanseaticleague,x., 55 note.
243-3 andnote. Andragathius, generalto Maximus,v.,
AnastasiusI., Pope,epistleof,to Clovis, 43note.
_., 222 note. AndreasdeReduslisde Quero,his de-
AnastasiusIV.,Pope,xii.,83. scription of thesackof Az.oph,xi.,
Anastasius,librarian of the Roman 790note; Chancellorof Trevigi,
Church,ix., 256note,29xnote. .,o7 note.
Anastasius,Patriarch, supportsArta- Andrew, eunuch,protectsthe Chris-
v_dus, viii.,256note. tians,iii.,59-
Andrew,King of Hungary, refuses the Ani, capturedby Alp Arslan, :064 A.D.,
empire,xi., 2a. X., x62 .n.ote.
Andrew of Naples, strangled, xii., :39 Anianus, Bishop of Orleans, vi., 56;
note. Life of, 56 note.
Andrew, St., body of, removedto Con- Anician family, conversion of, v., 79,
stantinople,v. 98; spiritual founder 202 and note; consulships of, 202
of Constantinople, ib. note; head note.
of, removed to Vatican, xii., 60; Anicius GaUus, see Gallus.
family portrait of Gregory I. at Anicius, Julian, senator,v.,203 and note.
monastery of, viii., 42; shrine of,at Anicius, Q. (Prmnestinus), tribune, v.,
Patras, ix., 3a4. 2o2note.
AndronicusAngelus, viii., 3o6. Aniush, Castle of, in Susiana, iv., 239
AndronicusDucas, brother of Constan- note.
fine X., x., a4o and note. Anna Comnena, Life of her father, viii.,
Androaicus I., surnamed Gidos, second 287, 288; conspires against her
Emperor of Trebizond, xi., xi brother, 289; her property confis-
note. i cated, 290; on Greek fire, ix., 248
AndronlcusI., viii., 282; character and i note; learning of, 37x; on Malek
adventures of, 294 sqq.; reign, 303 Shah, x., :77 note,227 and note; on
sqq.; death, x., x39; massacre of crusaders, 234; on the Latin
Latins, 336. Church, 332 note.
Andronicus II., or Eider, Palmologus, Annah, city of, see Anatho.
restoresJustinian's statue, vii., 290; Annal_ Bare_e_, x., 92 nole.
crowned, xi., 72; pays the Cata- Anne, daughter of the Emperor Ro-
lans, 87; defeated by them, 89; manus II., viii., 268; ix., 348;
reign, 94 sq_'-; associates i_ichael, marries Woladomir, 349; x., x:4;
97; abdicates, io:; death, 1o2; her account of battle of Durazzo,
preservescolossus of Justinian and i :8.
St. Sophia, xi., 296. Anne of Savoy, Empress, xi., Io4 and
Andronicus III., or Younger, xi., 97; note; opposes John Cantacuzene,
coronation, xoo; character, aoo; Io7 sqq.; makes a treaty with Can-
reign, xo2 sqq.; dea_, xo6; dt._ tacuzene, i14; her mediation at
feated by Orchan, xi., x59; em- Thessalonica, i16; treaty with
bass3, to Benedict XlI., 233 and Orchan, xi., x65.
note. Anne, or Constance, daughter of Fred-
Andronicus,President of Libya, excom- eric1I., xi., 56.
municated, iii., 326 and note. Annibaldi, Italian, family of, xii., xi6,
Andros, island of, taken by Venice,xi., 5 i 17 note, 205.
note. _nnibalianns, brother of Constantine,
Anecdoton Holderi, vi., 335 note. ii., 2o9 note.
Anema.s, tower of, xi., I76; xii., 2o Annibalianus, general of Probus, ii.,
note. i: 7.
Angamala or Cranganor, Jesuits invade Annii, family of the, consulships of, v.,
the seeof, viii., x93; Bishop of, x92. 203 note.
Angelo, St., fortress of, viii., 382. Annona, tax under Justinian, vii., 42 sq.
Angels, bishops so called, ii., 312 note. Anomoeans,sect of, ii., 35x.
Angles, in Britain, vi., 27x. Ansars, or auxiliaries of Medina, ix.,
Anglo-Saxons, conversion of, by Greg- 6x; [ai-Ansar],239.
ory, viii., 46. Anseau de Cayeux, corresponded with
Angora, battle of, xi., ",oxs_. Michael Palmologus, xi., 35 and
Angora, see Ancyra. note.
Angoultme, siege of, vi., 234 and note. Auses, Gothic demigods, ii., 9.
Anguillara, the Count of, at Petrarch's Antala, Gothic prince, vi., 67.
coronation, xii., x26. Antalus the Moor, vii., 86 note; assists
Art=banagainst Gontharls,=39 Antioch-Chosrou, vii., azo note.
note; defeatsSolomonat Tebeste Antioch(P/sidia),crusadersat, x., 24o.
24osg. Antiochus,King,eraof,i., z5xnote.
or Poson_
nameforSopron Antiochus,
x., 21i note. note.
monk,homiliesof, viii.,89
Antes,Slavonlanla'ibe,i/., zonote;vii., Antiochus,officerof thehousehold,iii.,
183andnote. 199.
Anthemius, EmperoroftheWest,zs,ooo Antiochus,proconsul of Greece,v., 139.
menleviedforhisserviceinBritain, AntiochusSidetes,v., 333note.
v., 282 note; familyof, vi., xsz; Anti-Tribonians, vii., 302note.
marriesthe daughterof Marcian, Antivad,anonymouswriterof, xi., 3r6
z=2; religioustolerationof, 124; note.
quarrels with Ricimer,136 sq.; Antonina,wifeof Bells=z-ins, vii., 47;
bornin Galatia, _b.note; death character, 91 sg.; accompanies
14°. Belisarinsto Africa,96; deathof
Anthemius, grandfatheroftheemperor Constantine attributedto, z56and 1
consul and praetor/anprelect note;secrethistoryandadventures
governsthe easternempire,v., 3no of, z67 sqq.; accusedof exileof
andnote. Sylverius,246note;solicitsreturn
Anthemius,thearchitect_vii.,,_8, 5o,5L, of Belisaxius,=58; foundsa con-
Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedia, i vent,=87note.
iii.,i69 note. Antonines,the, found a school at
Anthimus, sonof Constantine Coprony- Athens,i., x=note; reign,97; en- ,
mus,viii.,239. dowtheschoolsof philosophy, vii.,
Anthropomorphism, viii., z_9 andnote. 77.
Anticus,titleadoptedbyJustinianand AntoninusArrius,i., zz5.
his successors, vii., 183note. Antoninus,fugitiveat thecourtofSapor,
Antigonus,lii.,a98note. ili.,=5rand note.
Aotinomies,vii.,333note. Antoninns,M. Aur.,wars,i., xz; levies
Antinopolis,inUpperEgypt,vii.,48. troopsfromtheQuadiandMarco-
Antin6us,i., 96. manni,z9 note,93 note,3oz note;
Antioch,i., 63; capturedbySapor,/i., characterand reign,97, 98 and
44; battleof, 87, 88; arsenalsat, note; campaignson the Danube,
z57; Diocletianat, 169; Church 99; indulgenceof, xo6, zo7, 134
of,334;Chr/stianChurcherectedbyl note; Maxcomannic wars of, 300,
Constantineat, IiL,3=x; Council 3oz; ii., zz5 nole; in Julian's
of, 379andnote; Olympicgames Cmsars,iv., zo6.
at, iv., 90; cathedralof, shut by Antoninus,name of Gem and Cara-
Julian, 93; Julian at, xo9 sqg.; calla,i., 163no/e,164,
Churchof, xxz; Jovian at, I77; Antoninus,nameof Hel/ogabalus,i.,
persecutionat, for magic,192sg.; zS_.
seditionat, v., 47sqq.; dateof,49 AntoninusPins, wallof,i., 5, 6; corn-
note;restoredbyJustinian,vii.,57 paredwith Hadrian,9, _o; wars
and note; burnt by Nushirvan, withtheMoors,madBrigantesof
=o9; earthquakeat, a94;takenb_ Britain,xo note; characterand
Chosroes, viii.,88; bytheSaracens reign,98; edictof,infavourof the
ix., _63sg.; date of, z65 note;re Jews,iii.,3.
coveredby NicephorasPhocas,Antoninus,Proconsulof Asia, iiJ.,44
31o; loyaltyof, to the empire,x., andnote.
z81;takenbySultanSol/man,lb.; Antoniode Ferrari/s, xii.,63 note.
bythecrusaders,24asqq.; history Antonius,L., i., 93 note.
of, =6_note; principality of, a66 AntoniusPetrus,xii.,z8o;Diaryof,=o4
note; princesof, =73; taken by note.
SultanBondocdar, 334. Antony,Mark,v., 85note.

iii _ |
Antony, St., monasteryof,at Kauleas, ! purple,viii.,229;executedbyJus-
ill., xoonote; on Mount Colzim, tinian11.,230.
vi., _58sq.; foundscoloniesof Apuleius,i., 47 note; his metamor-
monksin Egypt,ib. sg. phnses,ii., 3_8note.
Antrustion, rankof,amongtheFrank_,Apulia,stateof, in tenthcentury,x.,
vi.,243andnob. _. 80; conqueredby the Normans,
Anulinus, masterof Diocletian,ii., x44. 89; countof, 90; reducedby
Anulinns,praetorian prefect,ii.,a x2. Manuel,x35.
Anushtigin,Governorof Caxizme,xi., Apulians,i., _7.
x37note. Apulus,William,onthe Normans,x.,
ApameaorComa,ii.,35; iv., xa7note; 83note,87note.
besiegedby Nu.sbirvan,vii., so8 Aqueducts,Roman,vii., x47and note.
destroyedby Adarman,viii., 52; Aquileia,siegeof, i., 235; besiegedby
massacreof monks at, x94 and Jovinus,iv., 25; taken by Theo-
note;taken by the Saracens,ix. dosius,v., 42; siegeof, by the
x68; recoveredby Nicephorus Goths, x48; pillagedby Alaric,
3xx. x98; usurperJohn,beheadedat,
Aper,Arrius,prmtorian prefect,ii.,x4o, 338; besiegedby Attila, vi., 66;
_4_note;death,x42and note. destroyedby him,67 and note.
Apharban, ii., x72. Aquitaln,provinceof, i., 25; ii., 82;
Aphdal, Sultan,restoresFatimiterulein Gothssettlein, v., 277sqq.; first
Palestine,x., 252, and second,twoofthe sevenpro_-
Apocalypse, the, rejectedby Councilof inces,286note; unitedby Clovis
Laodicea,ii., 29xnote,332note. to France,vi., 234; under Char-
Apocaucus,Duke, attacksregencyof lemagne,viii., 364; recoveredby
John Cantacuzene,xi., xo6, xo7 Eudes,ix., 257.
note; defeats Cantacuzene,xo9; Aquyrion,palace of Constantine,iii.,
death,xx_. x9x.
Apodemius,iv., 35. Arabah,blindArab,ix., 2x.
Apollinaris,Bishop of Laodicea,his Arabia,attemptedreductionof,i.,2and
theory of the incarnation, viii. note; descriptionof, ix., x sqq.;
_33s_/. geographersof, 2 note; European
Apollinaris,Patriarch of Alexandri_ travellersin, ib. note; three divi-
viii.,2o3 sq. sionsof,4; horsesof,6; camel,7;
Apollinaris, sonof Sidonius,vi., 233. cities, 8 sq.; trade, 9; Roman
Apollinaris,worksof, iv., 85 note. languageof, i8; provinceof, z1
Apollo,statueof,at Constantinople, iii., note; Sabiansin, 26; Magians,
xo4. Jews,and Christiansin, 27 sqq.;
Apollodorus, Trajan'sarchitect,vii.,59 Turksin, ix note; religioussects
note. of, 24; subduedby Mahomet,74
Apollonia, cityof Assyria,iv., i27 note. sqq.; province ofSyriacalledAra-
Apelloniates. Lake,ii.,36. bia,i37; languagesin,235note.
Apolionius, ambassador of Martian,vi., Arabia,daughter of JustinIL, viii.,19.
39. ArabianNights,ix., 227note.
Apollonius of Perga,ix., 272and note. Arabiclanguage,diffusionof, ix., 235
Apollonius of Tyana,ii., 87 and note; andnote.
iii.,16i note. Arabissus,in LesserArmenia,v., 3x6;
Apologists, earlyChristian,ii., 346. in Cappadocia, viii.,24.
Apostates, Christian, iii.,47. Arabs,undertheRomanEmpire,i.,3I;
Apostles, ii.,31o; iii.,x6andnote. assisttheRomans,iii.,200; proph-
Apotheosis, seeDeification ofEmperors. ecy of independence, ix., xo and
Apparitors, iii.,I27. note; descriptionof, 5 sqq., xo;
Apsarus,fortifications of,vii., 2x9. civil warsof, z6; social life of,
Al_imar(TiberiusHi.), assumesthe xS; annualtruce,/b,note; poetry
of, x9 and note; generosityof, Archers,in Homer,iv., 276andnote;
2o; ancient idolatry of, 2I; Roman,defended byProcopius,/b.
theirrites and sacrifices,24 sq.; Archimagns, i., 259.
unionof, txxsq.; militarytactics,Archimedes, vii., 49-
x2x; seeSaracens;in Persia,z27 Archipelago, etymologyof name,ix.,
sqq.; inTransoxiana,x3asqq.; in 32xnote.
Syria,x34sqq.; furtherconquests,Architecture,Roman,i., 55 sq.; oldest
x69 sq.; navalexploits,XTx ; in modelofGothic,vii.,3a7andnote;
Egypt,_72;in Africa,x9xsqq.;in Saracen,ix.,267.
Spain,207sqq.; at Constantinople,Ardaburins,opposesthe usurperJohn,
237 s_lq.; in France, 250 s_tq.; v. 337-
learning among, 269 sflq.; in Ardalio,battle of, betweenGildo and
Sicily, 284; in Italy, 286; see Macezel,v. _32.
Saracens. Ardaric,Kingof theGepid_e,councillor
Aradus,ix., XTO. of Attila, vi., 8; at the battleof
Aram_ean,Syriac dialect, viii., 183 ChSJons,6x; victoryonthe Netad,
note. 76; establisheda newkingdom,77-
Araric,King of the Goths,crossesthe ArdeshirI. and 1I., see ArtaxerxesI.
Danube,iii.,x87. and II.
Aratus,commandsHeruliagainstTo-, Arduin, Greek interpreter,x., 88, 89
tila, vii.,266. note.
Araxes,river,Heracliusat,viii.,xo4and Arelate,ii.,28 note; marriageof Con-
note. stanfineat, 2x4; Maximinianat,
Araxes,river,seeAboras. 22o; councilof, iii.,33o, 336,384;
Arba, river,Heraclinsreachesthe,viii. assemblyofthe sevenprovincesat,
i xS, xx6. v., 286; besiegedbythe Visigoths,
Arbalist,crossbow,x., 239. vi., 44; taken by Euric,2zx; be-
Arbela,i., 268note. longedto Burgundyin year 499
Arbetio,generalof Constantine, iv., 35, A.D.,254note;Clovisraisessiegeof,
z9t. 235;resignedto the Franks,236;
Arbetio,generalof Julian,iv.,35- conquered by Theodoric, 320;
Arbogastesthe Frank, opposesMaxi- siegeof, by Abderame,ix., 252.
vans,v., 40; putsFlavinsVictorto Arenula,battleof, x., 85 note.
death, 42; dismissedby Theodo- Areobindns,the Goth,v., 330;marries
sifts,59andnote;makesEugenius nieceof Justinian,vi., x4x note;
emperor,6x; defeatsTheodosius, Mag. Mil. in Africa, 238 and
64; death,66. note.
ArboruchiorArmorici,vi.,2z6note,223 Arethas,Arabianchief,vii., 205,2ir.
note. Arethas,St., Princeof Negra,martyr-
Arcadia,daughterof Arcadius, v., 322. doraof, vii.,232note.
ArcadiusCharisins,iii., x53note. ArethusaorRestan,iv., 88 note.
Arcadins,sonof Theodosius,Augustus,: Aretinus,LeonardusBrunus,stealsthe
v., x2; Emperorof the East, v., i Gothichistoryof Procopius,vii.,7
67, to7; marriesEudoxia,xx6, note; lifeof, xi., 282and notes;
reign, 288sgq.; his cruel law of xii., x65note.
treason,297; signscondemnationArg_eus,Mount,viii.,254note.
of Eutropius,302; deathand testa- Argans,churchof the Panlicians,x., 4
ment, z86,3x9sq.; columnof,xi., note, z2note.
9 note. Argentaria(Colmar),battleof, iv., 3o8
Arcaph,lii.,376note. andnote.
Archof Constantine, ii., 238. Argos,iv., 4x; destroyedbyAlaric,v.,
Arch_eopolis, siegeof, vii.,225. 14:.
Archefais,Asia Minor,Crusadersat, Argyropulus, John,xi., 284.
x., 240. Argyrus,officerof Constantine Mono-
machus,x., 92; cruelty of, 93; sia,ib.; againRoman,x76;Chris-
hisflighttoBari,94. tianised, 34o and nOte, _98;
Ariadne,daughterof Leo and Verina, recoveredbyPersia,lb.; Christians
vi.,3o2;cha.ractcrof, 3o3;marries of, iii., 3xx; relinquishedby the
Anastasins, lb. Romans,iv., x6x; invadedby Sa-
Arianism,iii.,35x; creedsof,356sq9.; por, 239 sqq.; dividedbetween
underValens,iv., 2o3sq.; inCon- Aspaeurnsand Pap,24x; indepen-
stantinople,v., x3 sq.; ruin of, at dent,242sq.;dRidedbetweenPer-
Constantinople,_8 sq.; ruin of, siaand Rome,v., 331sq.; further
among the Barharians,vi., aoo revolutions,ib. sq.and nOtes;lan-
completeruin of, 2o7. guageof, 332nOte;Countof Ar-
Arians,crueltyofthe,iii.,4o2sq.; per- menian frontier,ib.; townsof,
secutionof, by Theodosius,v., 19 fortified by Justinian,vii., 68;
sqq.; edictsagainst,a4 sqq.; tol- Greekspeechin, viii.,x83;Fourth
erationof, vi., x87; crueltyofthe Armenialost to the Saracens,23x
Arian clergy, x95; law against,i note; incorporatedin the empire,
under Justin,334; Arian clergy, 278 note; Pauliciansof, x., xx;
expelledfromRome,vii., 253and conqueredby Alp Arslan, _62;
note; of Italy and Spain, recon- Mogulsin, xi., x45.
ciledunderGregoryI. totheCatho- h.rraenians, schismofthe,viii.,:oosg.;
ticChurch,viii.,45; wealthof the patriarchofthe,2oz; commerce of,
Arian Churchat Con_t_utinople, lb.; settlementof Armeniansin
17o-L Thrace,:56 note; attitudeof, to
Aricia,i., 89. images,3x8andnote.
Arii,tribeof, ii.,xx8. Armentarius, surnameof Galerins,ii.,
Ariminum, seeRimini. x49.
Arinth_eus, Julian'sgeneralofhorse,iv., Arminians,v., 352note.
124, 156; his embassyto Sapor, Armorica,independence of, v.,28xand
16o; generalof Valens,x9xand note; revoltof, lb. and note; dis-
note; defendsthe Euphrates,241. turbed by the Bagaud:e,vi.. 82;
Axiolica, vi., 73 note. federation of, 214note;description
Ariovistus, crossestheRhine,vi., 248. of the Armoricanrepublic,:43;
Aristides,philosopherand Christian, subdued by Clovis,ib.; British
apologyof, ii., 343and note. settlement in, a75 andnote; Brit-
Aristoof Pella,ii., 271note. ] onsof,lb.andnote;cavalr3" of,283;
Aristobulus, prmtorianprefect,ii., 146 struggleagainst Clovis,223 and
note. note.
Aristotle,vii., 74; philosophyof, ix., Armorieans,Gallictribe, vi., 58 and
272,273; study of,revivedby the note,216note,223note.
Caliphs,273; in westernuniversi-Armour,useof,v., 69.
ties, xi., 4I; study of, by Theo- Arms,of the Romansoldiers,i., 16.
doreGaza,286. Army,Roman,underHadrian,i., 2t;
Arius,characterof, iii., 349and note; stationsof,/b.; underAugnstus, 92
heresyof, 35i; his Thalia, ib. sqq., 157; pay of, x75and note;
note; banishment, 365; recallof, attemptedreformationof, byMa-
366; death,ib. and note. crinus,x8o;recruited fromtheBax-
Arka,besiegedby Crusaders, x., 254 bariansby Probns,ii., xsx; under
note. Constantine, iii.,x39sgq.; stateof,
Arles,seeArelate. under Maurice.viii., 75 sq.; dis-
Armatins,widowof, marries Attila's contentof,76.
seCretary, vi., 24. Arnold,Matthew,on PersianPassion
Armenia,Roman province, i., 8, 9; Play, ix., xo4note.
underPersia,ii.,4:; stateof, x65, Arnoldof Brescia,his theories,xii.,79;
z66and note; revoltof, fromPer- at Ziirich,80; at Rome,8x sqq.;
234- INDEX
his death, 83 and note, 86; plan Artabazus,Persianin serviceof Jus-
of,/b. note. tin/an, vii.,244and nose.
Arnulph,Dukeof Moravia,x., 43. Artasires,oneof the assassinsof Goa-
Amulph, Patriarch of Jerusalem,x., tharis,vii., 239nole.
a6ohate. Artasires,successor of Chosroes, v., 33a;
Aromatics,useof,i., 69,7oand note. deposed,333.
Arpad,King of theHungarians,x., 37 Artavasdes,commanderof Armenian
note,38; reignof, 44 no/e. army,ii.,i66.
Arragon,etymologyof the name,i., 24 Artavasdes,King of Armenia,ii., 42
note; houseof, acknowledged in note,47 note.
Greece,xi., 9x; kingsof,buy title Artavasdus,Count of the Opsikian
of Emperor of Constantinople,aii., theme,viii., 236 note; supports
6o. images,322.
Arrastakenbythe Germans,v., 175. Artaxata,Archbishop of, iii.,i99; pal-
Arrechis,Duke of Beaeventum,sub- aceat,v., 332.
duedbyCharlemagne, viii.,365. Artaxerxes I. (Ardeshir) restoresPersian
Arrian,i., 3° note; Periplusof, vii., monarchy, i., 55x; reign,253sgq.;
ax5note; visitof,to Colchos,5an. declares warwithRome,567;char-
ArriusAntoninus,i., xz5. acter, 570; laws of, revivedby
Arsaces,reigns in WesternArmenia, Nnshirvan,vii., aoo.
underArcadius,v., 332; royal ArtaxerxesII., succeedsSaporin Per-
houseof, 333note. sia,iv., 545note.
Arsaces,satrap,iv., xsr note. Artemita,residenceof ChosroesII.,
Arsaces Tiranus, King of Armenia,
character,iv., xao; treacheryof,
x41; death,239.
of Armenia,i., 253,a6z; iv.,
viii.,93 and note; palaceof, x_5
Artemius,Duke of Egypt,death, iv.,
36,37 and note.
Arsadus, Archbishopof Constanti-Artemins,see Ana.stazius II. [
nople, v., 3z5; crowns Michael Axtemon,followersof, ii., 343.
Palmologus,65; excommunicatesArthur, King, vi., 276and note,277.
Michael,7o; banishmentof, 7L Artillery,Roman,i., r9.
Arsenites,schismof,x/., 7osq. Artogerassa, siegeof, iv.,a4o and note.
Arsenius,bishop, iiL,375 and note; Artois,Countof, stormsMassoura,x.,
accompanied Athanasius,376. 320.
Arsenius,Patriarchof Nice, x/., 59, Arnspices,edictofConstantineconcern-
65; Patriarchof Constantinople, ing,iiL,a8xand note.
excommunicates MichaelVIII.,7oArvandus,prmtoHanprefect,trial of,
sg. vi., x33sgq.; exile,i35 sq.
Arsenins,tutorof Arcadins,v., xx5 and Arzanene, provinceof,cededto theem-
nole. pire,ii., z76andnote.
Arshak,Kingof Armenia,iv.,239and ArzanSu, tributaryof the Tigris,iv.,
note. x6anote.
Ars_f,battleof,x., 3o8. Arzema(Azacmidocht), Queenof Per-
Art,attitudeof the Christians towards, sla,ix.,i2o and note.
ii.,582. Arzingan,cityof,takenbyTimour,xi.,
Artaban,Armenianprince,in Africa, z95.
vii.,239andnote;conspires against As,Roman,valueof,vii.,309nole.
Justinian,a6o and note; replaces Asan, Bulgarianchief, revolt of, x.,
Liberiusincommand,263; reduces 338aq.andnote.
Sicily,264. AsbadtheGepid,vii.,aTL
A.,'taban,Kingof Parthia,i., 255. Asburg,seeAsgard.
Artabanus,Armenianprince,at court Ascalon,ix., x67note; taken by the
of LeoI., viii.,256. Saracens,x68;battleof(A.D.z099),
x.,25x; conquestof,261andnote; Assemblies ofthepeople,i.,g5andnote;
dismantledby Saladin,309; de- legislative
stroyed,3x2. vi.,265s_/.
Ascausar (Aksunkur), governor of Assessors,vii.,385.
Aleppo,x., 288. AssiseofJerusalem,x.,_64sqq.;intro-
Ascellinus,traveller,his journeyamong ducedinto the Peloponnesus, xi.,
theMongols,xi., x34note. 4 note.
Ascetics,Christian,ii., 306, 307; vi., Assyria,Roman provinceof, i., 8;
x56sq. described,iv., x27andnotes;reve-
Asclepiades, philosopher, iv., 9xnote. ! nue, x29 and note; invasionof
Asclepiodatus, general of Probus, ii., Julian, x29 sqq.; Persian prov-
117,x56, x57. ince,vii.,x99;conqueredbyOmar,
Ascoli,conqueredby the Normans,x., ix.,x25.
89note. Asta, in Liguria,retreatof Honorins,
AsconiusPedianus,vii.,385note. v., I53and note.
Asena,seeBerte.zena. Astarte,imageof, broughtto Rome,i.,
Asfendiar,Persianhero,iv., 273. 187.
Asfoeld,plainof, viii.,6. Asterius,St.,ofAmasea,onexecutionof
As-gaxd,residenceof Odin,ii., 6 and Tatian, v., 1x1note; on exileof
note. Abundantius,_94 note; Count
Ashik-pasha-zadi,Ottomanhistorian,I Asteriusmarchesagainstthe Van-
xi., 203note. I dals, 343-
Asia Minor, descriptionof, i., 30;]Asti,citizensof,defeatedby the Max-
given to Theodosius,iv., 353; quis of Montferrat,xi., 35: note;
settlementof the Goths in, 335; seeAsta.
desolatedby Tribi/_-ild, v., 299; Astingi,iii.,x87.
securityof,vii., 62 sq.; campaignAstolphus,Kingofthe Lombards,takes
of Chosroesin, viii., 91 sq.; con- Ravenna,viii.,336;besieges Rome,
queredby theTurks,xi.,t6o s_. 338;defeatof,329.
Asia,tribute, i., 2o4; alicientrevolu- Astorga,sackedby Theodoric,vi.,98.
tionsof, _SX;sevenchurchesof, Astracan,Kingdom of, invaded by
ii.,332; xi.,x6o. Mongols,xi., x46; city of, de-
Asiarch,ii.,328note. stroyedbyTimour,2x6.
AsiniusQuadratus,ii.,27 note. Astrology,belief in, among the Ro-
As-of,cityof,seeAs-gard. roans,v., 2x6.
Asomaton,fortressat, xii., 7 and note; AstronomicalTables of Samarcand
descriptionand dimensionsof for- [Gurganian], xi., x82note.
tress,9 and notesq. Astronomy,science of, cultivatedat
Aspacuras,Kingofthelberians,iv.,24o. Babylon,ix., 22; by the Saracens,
Aspalathus,ii., x96. a74sq.
Aspar,Princeof _r Scythia,vii.,4 Asturians,i.,24.
note. Asturias,goldof, i., 2o5; survivalof
Aspar,son ofArdaburius,v., 337; op- Gothickingdomin,ix.,2xTandnote.
posesthe Vandalsin Africa,352; Astytzion,castleof,onthe banksof the
_arcian in the serviceof, vi., 38; Scamander,xi., 63 note.
heresyof, t2oand note; deathof, Atabeks,x., x77; atabegs,ib. note; of
3o2. Syria,288andnote.
Asper,Turkishcoin,=6.,224andnote. Atelkuzu,Patzinaksdrivenout of, x.,
ASprudus,river,ii., x74. x65nole.
Assassinsor Ismaelians,Sheikof, x., Athalarie,grandsonof Theodoric,in-
3o8and note; extirpationof, xi., heritsItaly,vi.,342; educationof,
143s_,.and notes, vii., x24; death, :26.
Assemannus, JosephSimon,accountof, Athanagild,Kingof the Visigoths, vi.,
viii.,x84note;_5.,27znote. 2oInote.
Athanaric,judgeof the Visigoths,iv., takenbyTurks, 9a; eircumnaviga-
245andnote;warwithValens,249 tionof, 294andnote.
sqq.; peacewithValens,250; de- Athos,Mount,Gothicfleetat, if., 66;
rented by Huns, 289; at Con- Great Laura founded by Atha-
stantinople,33x and note; death, nasiuson, viii.,269note;opinion
332; his persecutionof the Chris- and practiceof the monksof, xi.,
tianGoths,vi., x8i. xxSs¢.;manuscriptsinmonasteries
Athanasiusof MountAthos,viii.,269 of,294note.
note. Athribis,bishopricof, viii.,164note.
Athanasius, Patriarch of Coustanti- Arias,Mount,i.,33 andnote.
nople,xi., 94 st. Atmeidan,seeHippodrome.
Athanasius,PraetorianPrefectof Africa, Atropatene,province,if., x77;iii.,x99;
vii.,239note. x., x58,and seeAderbijan.
Athanasius, St., iii., 326; supports Atsiz,Shah of Carizme,xi., z37note.
Nicene doctrine, 355; opposes Atsiz, the Carizmian, lieutenant of
Arianism,356; banishedby Con- Malek Shah, x., t88 sqq.; takes
stantine,366; characterand ad- Jerusalem,A.D.zo7o, x89note.
ventures, 372 sq_.; ArchbishopAttacotti,Caledon/antribeof, iv., 2a8
of Alexandria,373; banishment, and note.
379; restoredby ConstantineII., Attalus, Countof Autun,vi., a58 note,
lb.; secondexile,ib.; restoration 259.
by Constans,382; third expul- Attalus, Prefect of Rome,made ero-
sion,389; retreat,393; returnsto peror,v., 237; reign,; Arian
Alexandria,iv., 99; persecutedby baptismof,238note;deposed,24o;
Julian, _oo, 1ox; restored by at weddingofAdolphus,26o; am-
Jovian,x75and no/e;death, 2o5; bassador,270; banishment,27L
introducedmonasticismat Rome, Attica,territoryof,wastedby Alaric,v.,
vi., _6o, z6x and note; Festal x4L
Letters of, lb. note; Life of Atticus, successor of Chrysostom,
St. Antony,x62 note; creed of, v., 3z7note;rift., z4onote.
x96, x97and note. Attila (Etzel),King of the Huns, de-
Athaulf,seeAdolfus. script.ionof, vi., 3 sqq.; putshis
Atheism, Christians accused of, brother Bleda to death, 6; ac-
iii., 9- I quiresScythiaand Germany,7st.;
Athelstan,conquersCornwall,vi., 275I invades Persia, 9; invades the
note. EasternEmpire,zi sqq.; defeatS
Athenais,seeEudoeia. the Romans,on the Utns,at Mar-
Athens,resortofstudents,i., 38; popu- cianopolisand in the Thracian
lationof,4x,42andnote;schoolof Chersonese,z3; ravagesEurope,
the Antoninesat, 72note;sackof,i lb., sg.; peace with Theodosius,
bytheGoths,if.,37; wailsrestored, _9sq.; his embassiestoCnustanti-
/,38 note,4x; fleetof, 255 nople,_2 s9.; his villageand ne-
note;Churchof, 332note; Julian gotiationswith the Romans de-
at, ilL,236;favouredbyJulian,iv., scribed,28sgq.; receivesMrL'timin,
4x; taken by Alaric,v., x4o s_?.; 3o; royalfeast of, 31 sq.; con-
wails of, restoredby Justinian, spiracyof theRomansagainst,34;
vii., 6x; schoolsof, 73; library sendsambassadors to Theodosius,
of Hadrianat, 77; supposedvisit 36; threatens both empires,39;
of Roman deputiesto, 3o3 and alliancewiththesonofClodion,5_;
note; marriagelawsof, 852; law invades Gaul, 53; croSsesthe
of inheritanceat, 359-6onote;law Rhine, 54; besiegesOrleans,55;
of testamentsat, 362; revolution defeatedon the Catalaunianfields,
of, underthe Franks,xi., 89 s_.; 59 sqg.; invadesItaly, 66; cte-
dukesof, 9o-z; state of, 92 sg.; stroysAquileia,67; makespeace
withValentinian,7t sq ; marriage!Aurasius,Mount,citadelof, vii., xx9
and death,74; funeral,75; em- and note,236.
pireof,dismembered,76sq. Aurelian,consul,sentencesEutropius,
Attitianus,ii.,8xnote. v., 304.
Attok,on theIndus,xi., x9i. Aurelian,Emperor, succeeds,ii., 69;
Attuarii,tribeof Franks,iv.,13. origin and reign, 70 sqq.; cedes
Atyras,Hver,vii.,283; fortressof, ib. Dacia to the Goths, defeatsthe
note. Alemanni,77,78; superstitionof,
AtysandCybele,storyof,iv., 53- 79; fortifiesRome, /b.; defeats
Auchenii,familyof,v., 202note. Tetricus, 82; capturesPalmyra
Auctions,taxon,i., 2o8. and Zenobia,9x; defeatsFirmus,
Audax,friendof Sidonius,vi., x42note. 93; triumphof, 93, 94; magnifi-
Audefleda,sister of Clovis, vii., x24 cenceandsuperstition,96; cruelty,
note. 99; death,_o_; worethediadem,
Audians,sectof the,v., 26; viii.,x4x. x85note; conductto the Chris-
Audoin,KingoftheLombards,vii.,266. tians,iii.,58.
and note;viii.,6. AureliusLitua,ll.,x6xnote.
Augsburg,battleof,x., 43. Aurelius,seeAntoninus,Marcus.
Augurs,v., 72 andnote. Aureolus,emperor, ii., 50; invades
AugustalPrefectofEgypt,iii.,x27. Italy,59, 6o; death, 63 andnots.
Augustin,St., a Manich_ean,ii., 278 Aureus(coin),iii.,16on ore.
note; teacherof rhetoricinMilan, Auri Oblatio,iii.,x66note.
v.,36; De CivitateDeiof,xoznote, Aurungzebe,GreatMogul,campof,vi.,
243and note; on the defeat of 28 note;yd.,2x7.
Radagaisus,x69sq.; approvesthe Auruss(Urus)Khan,xi.,_88.
persecutionof the Donatists,347 Ausonius,iii., ix6 note,xI7 note; iv.,
andnote,348_totes;lettertoCount 2x7note; tutor of Gratian,v., 2
Boniface,lb. note; death, 35r; note; consul,lb. note; letters to
writings,ib. and note; his igno- Paulinus,_53note.
ranceofGreek,lb. note;canonisa-Auspices,i., 80note.
tion,352note; relicsof,carriedto Autenti,battleof,vii.,237note.
Sardinia,vii.,xo8note. Autharis,son of Clepho,viii., xS.
Augustina, daughterof Heradius,viii., Autonomus0St., church of, Emperor
22xnote. Mauriceat, viii.,79 and note.
Augustulus(Romulus),emperorof the Autun, vineyardsof,i., 67 note;siege
West, vi., J44; banishedto the of,ii.,83and note;rebuiltbyCon-
Lucullanvilla, x49. stantine, x6o note; college of
Augustus,moderatiohof, i., 2; testa- rhetoricat, x98note;visitof Con-
mentof, 3; policy,xo; buildings stantineto, 223and note; capital
of, 55 and note; after the battle of the A_dui,iii., z62 and note;
ofActium,75; reformsthesenate, schoolof, vi., 2xo.
76; madeemperor,78; administra-Auvergne,provinceof, opposesEurie,
tion and policy,78 sqq., 92 and vi.,x32;cededtotheVisigothS, x42;
note;breviariumor register,2o4 oppressed by Euric, 2xx; con-
and note; taxes, 206; at Jerusa- queredbyTheodoric,sonofClovis,
lem, ii., 264; in Julian'sC_.sars, 255; descriptionof,ib.sq.; counts
iv., lo6; temperance,v., _x9and of,x., x97andnote.
note;makestheharbourat Classis,Au.xentius, Mount,viii.,254note-
x63; underminesthe powerof the Auxiliaries,i., xS,I9; Barbarianaux-
popular assemblies, vii., 31o; iliariesunderConstantine, iii.,x4I;
modestyof, viii.,293. Nervian,v., x3o; Barbarianaux-
Augustus,title,i., 89 and note; three ilia.tiesemployedby Majorian,vi.,
August.i, ii.,237andnote. _o9; British,leviedbyAnthemius
Auranitis,vii., 2o6note. todefendGaul,x32s_/.
AnTimum,$eeOsimo. and Zobelr, 97; present at the
Avars,subduedby the Turks,vii.,x9o battleof Bassora,98.
a_.; embassyto Jnstinian,zgr; Ayoubites(Kurds),x., 293note.
conquestsof,x92; embassytoJus- Ayub,fatherofSaladin,x.,294.
tin II., vii/., 3; alliancewiththe Azan, King of Bulgaria,x/., 26 and
Lombards,5, 6; defeatthe Gepi- note; peacewithEastern empire,
d_, 7 st.; dominionsof, 68 sgq.; 28note.
wars of, withMaurice, 73sgg.; Azimus, orAzimuntinm, city of,op-
attackHeraclius,96; Heraclins posesthe Huns, vi., 2x sq.; its
treats with, 99; attack Con- positionin Thrace,ib. note;privi-
staatinople,_o8sqq.; defeat,xto; legesof,viii.,74-
subduedby Charlemagne, 367. Azoph,seeTana.
Avernus,lake,v., 2_z note. Azymites,sectof,xi.,297.
Averroes,Arabian philosopher,ix., Azyms,debateconcerning the,x., 3_9.
278note. Azzadin(Izz-ad-Din),Sultan of Ico-
Aversa,townof,foundationof, x., 86; nium, fliesto Constantinople, xi.,
countyof, ib. note. I45; taken by theTartars,x53.
Avicenna,Arabianphysician,ix., 275- Azzo,Marquisof Lombardy,x., zo9
Av/enus,Rufus,translatorofDionysius, note.
ix., z54note.
Avlenus,senator,his embassytoAttila, B.*.M_EC, seeHeliopolis.
vi., 72; portraitof,lb. note. Baanes,Paulicianteacher,x., 4 note.
Avignon,flight of Gundobaldto, vi., B_bag,PrinceofPersis,i., 2_2note.
226; translationof HolySee to, Babain,battleof,x., 29i.
xii., Jo9 aqq.; Petrarchat, x55; B_bar,introduces gunsin UpperIndia,
the "Mystic Babylon,"Petrarch x., _49note; descentof, xi., 2x7
on, x55-6;UrbanV.returnsfrom, note.
x56. Babec,fatherof A.rtaxerxes,
i., 252note.
Avitns,Bishopof Vienna,epistlesof, Babegan,surnameof Artaxerxes,i.,
vi., x87_wte;letterto Clovis_220 252note.
note; at couferenceof Lyons,226 Babolinns,lifeof St.,ii., x52note.
and note. Babylas,St.,Bishopof Antioch,iv., 9°
Avitus,senator,ministerof Aetins,vi., andnote,92.
46 note; preceptorof TheodoricBabylon,nameappliedto Rome,ii.,
II., 47 note;amba_sadurtoTheod- 29r; cixcumferenceof, iii., to2
oric,57; commandsin Gaul,9_; note; madeinto a royalpark,iv.,
characterand reign,/b. sqq.; es- x28; licentiousnessat, x33 note.
tare of,in Gaul,/b.; visitsTheod- Bacchanals,ii.,336andnote.
oHc,93; madeemperor,94; con- Bacchus,St., accountof,viii., 66 note.
sent of Marciandoubtful,/b. note; Bacon,Friar, on Greekfire,ix., 250
panegyricof, by Sidonius,99; note.
deposedby Ridmer,xoo;Bishop Bacon,publicdistribution of,at Rome,
ofPlacentia,xox; flightanddeath, v., 2i9.
ib. andnote; burialat Brivas,lb. Bactriana,Greekkingsof,iv., 282note;
Awsites,Arabiantribe o[, adopttell- Greeksof,vii., x93note;vizierof,
gionof Mahomet,ix., 59- appointed byChosroes, z99.
Axuch,a Turkishslave,viii.,29o. Ba_:urius,
Iberianprince,iii.,3io note;
Axum,inscriptionof a kingof,vii., 37 at the battleof Hadrianople, iv.,
note;villageof,232andnote; de- 3z3; fightsforTheodosius,v., 64.
serted,viii.,2xo. Badaverd,rharnberof Chosroes, Viii. i
Axumites,aceAbyssin/ans. 93. [
Ayesha,wife of Mahomet,ix., 82; Bader,villageof,vii.,60note.
daughterof Abu-bekr,88;enemy Badoeri,Dukes of Venice,viii., x8
of AI/, 92; flightof, withTalha _w_. [
Baduarius, superintendent ofthepalace,Baiash,vii.,69 note.
viii.,19;familyof,_. note. Baibatus,seeValebathus.
Baduila,nameofTotila,q.v. Balbinus[13.CmliusCaivins],i., 23r
Bzetica,provinceof Spain,i., 24; Si- and note; reigns with Maximus,
lingiin,v., 273; sea-coastof, sub- ib. sqq.; death,lb.24i.
duedbythe Saracens, ix., ",x
5. Balbus,Cornelius,i., 231note.
Bagai,battleof,iii.,407. Balch,in Khorasan,i., =52; mission-
Bagaudze, ii., 151and note; v., 179 ariesof,viii.,r89;subduedby the
_ note; in Spainand Gaul,vi., 83 Moslems,ix.,1=8;takenby Zingis
note;alliesof Majorian,xxo. Khan,xi., 138.
Bagavan,Mount,ii., 166. Balduson treason,v., 208note.
Bagdad,founded,ix.,264;etymology of Baldwin[I.],Countof Flanders,x., 334
thename,lb.note;collegeat, 271 note;infourthcrusade,344;char-
disordersof Turkish guards at, acter of, xi., 3; Emperorof the
295; Greeks retreat from, 312; East ¢b.; capture,zS; death, 17
TogrulBeg at, x., 16o; Malek andnote.
Shahat, 176; takenby Mongols BaldwinIf., Emperorof Constanti-
XJ., I44 ; _-lolagou at, 154; pyra- nople,xi., =3-=5; marriage,26;
midofTimourat, 199. sellsholyrelicsof Constantinople,
Baghisian,commander of Antioch 3r,38.
x., 242. Baldwin,hermit,pretenderto the em-
Bagr'L% towerof, nearAntioch,x., a43 pire of Constantinople, xi., 17.
note. BaldwinI., brotherofGodfreyofBouil-
Baharites,Mama.luke dynasty,x., 323 Ion, x., 2t6; reprovesRobert of
note,=91note. Paris,=31-2; foundsprincipality
Bahrain,seeVa_h_ranes. of Edessa,24I andnote; Kingof
Bahrein,districtof, ix., 5; Carma- Jerusalem,298.
thiansin,=98. BaldwinII., King of Jerusalem,x.,
Baize,springsof,vi., 328. 298.
Baian,chaganof theAvars,accountof, BaldwinIII., Kingof Jerusalem,x.,
viii.,68; wars of,69 sqq.; empire 298_9.
of,72; warwithMaurice,73sg_.; BaldwinIV., King of Jerusalem,x.,
threatensConstantinople, 75. 299.
Baik.,d,Lake,iv.,276. Baldwin V.,Kingof Jerusalem, x., =99.
Bailly,M.,systemof,vi., 318note. BalearicIslands,i.,33.
Bain,Mr.R. N.,onsiegeof Belgrade,Ballots,originof the, x., 165note.
xi.,314note. Balista,Emperor,ii.,50.
BajazetI., Sultan (Ilderim),xi., 169 Baiistaor crossbow,vii., 142.
sqq.;surname,ib.note;conquests,Ballot,secret,at Rome,vii.,309.
lb. sqq.; morals and mannersat BaithaOgli,admiralof MahometII.,
courtof,_7onote; winsthebattle! xii.,31sq.
ofNicopolis, 17x; takestheFrench Baltior Baitha,familyofAlaric,v., 138
princesprisoner,173-4; threatens andnote.
Constantinople, 177; receives tail>-BalticSea,i., 274note;how"known to
ute,178; buildsmosqueat Con- theRomans,iv., 221note.
stantinople, ib.; sendsembassyto Baluze,Stephen,hiseditionof Livesof
Timour,193;lettersof,toTimour, theAvignonPopes,xii., to9 note;
194;their genuineness questioned, defendsCharlesV. of France,t6x
ib. note;defeatedat Angora,2oz note.
sg.; hiscaptivity,202sqq.;death, Banchor,Monastery of, vi., x6=.
2°9. Bandalariosor standard-bearer, vii.,
Bajazet II., Sultan,xi.,289note. 139note.
Bajazet,vizirof MahometI., Sultan, Banderesi,heads of militarycompa-
xi., 220. n/es,xii.,17onote.
Baptism,ancientpracticeandtheoryof, takenbytheEmperorLewisII.,77;
iii., 306 and note; opinion of wonby the Greeks,78; blockade
Fathersconcerningdeathbedbap- of, by RobertGuiseard,ioz; be-
tism,307note. siegedby Pal_eologus, i36.
Baradeus,James,monk,founderof the Barid,horseof Cbosroes,viii.,93.
Jacobites,viii.,195; historyof, lb. Barkok, Circassian(Mamaluke),xi.,
note. z96note.
Baratier,his translationof theItinerary Barlaamand Josaphat,story of, viii.,
of Benjaminof Tudela, ix., 33o 376note.
note. Barlaam,Calabrianmonk,xi.,xr9and
Barbalissus,PersianhostcroSsthe Eu- note sq.; embassy,233; learning,
phratesat, vii.,2_o. 277sg.; Bishopof Calabria,278
Barbarians,conversion of, vi.,x79sqq.; and note.
motivesfor their faith, x82 sq.; Barlazs,familyof Timfir,xL, z82 note.
effectsof conversion,784sqq.; in- BarletiusMarinus,Albanianhistoryof,
volvedin Arian heresy, x86 sq.; xi., 3z6note.
laws of the, 241sqq.; divisionof Barmecides, extirpationof, ix.,280and
landsby,248sq.and note. note.
Barbaro,Nicol6,xii.,24note. Barnabas, Epistle of, ii., 289 note;
Barbary,suppressionof Christianityin, Gospelof,ix.,40 note.
ix., 232. Baroncelli,tribune,xii., 75o, r52.
Barbatio,general,iii., 233; marchesBaronius,iii., 326note; on the Dona-
againstthe Alamanni,265. fists,v., 348note;on secrethistory
Barbyses,river,x., 228note, o! Procopius,vii., 9 title; Annals
Barca, Saracenconquesto[, ix., x92 o[,viii.,4znote,46note;on theex-
note. communication of Leo III., 325;
Barcelonataken by Adolphus,v., 274; his divisiono[ the Romans,xii.,
residenceof the Frenchgovernor, 78note; on Arnoldof Brescia,82
viii.,365; Saracensat, ix., 219. note.
Barchochebas, iii.,4 and note. Barsumas at the secondcouncil of
Barclay,apologistof the Quakers,ii., Ephesus,viii.,_54sq.
307note. Barthfilemy, Abb6,xii.,2o6note.
Bardanes,rebel,prophecy, of,viii.,245. Bartbius, commentatorof Claudiart,
Bardanes,surnamedPhilippicus,made v., 290note.
emperor,viii.,232; restoresMono- Bartholdusde Roma,xli., x57note.
theletism,233. Bartholemy,a NeocastroSicilianhis-
Bardas Phocas,supports Constantine torian,xi., 84 note.
Porphyrogenitus,viii., 267 note; Bartholemy,Peter, see Peter Barthol-
campaignin Asia, 273, 274 and emy.
note. Baxtolus,the civilian,on treason,v.,
Baxdas Sclerus,general,campaignof, 298note; pensionerof Charlesthe
in Asia, viii.,273, 274and note; Fourth,viii.,393-
x., 66note. Basicand Cursic,seeBasich.
Bardas, uncle of Michael III., viii.,!Basich and Cursich,commandersof
258; patronofPhotius,x., 33xand I Hunsin Persia,vi., zo and note.
note. !Basil I., the Macedomanreign,viii.,
Bardesanes,ii., 34t note; cozaverts 256sqfl.;familyof,256"avariceof,
Edessa,viii.,313note. ix., 330; defeatedChrysocheir, x.,
Bards,Welsh,vi.,276note,282sq. x3-x4; alLancewith Lewis II.,
Barg_eus, dissertationon the edificesof 76; restores thepatriarchIgnatius,
Rome,v., 247note. 33z.
Baxgus,favouriteof Timasius,v., 295. BasilII., Emperorof Constantinople,
Bar-Hebrmus,seeAbulpharagius. viii., 268; reign, 273; conquers
Bad, colony of Saracensat, x., 76; Bulgarians,275; death,_.; called
the"Bulgar-slayer,"/b., x., 35and Basina,QueenoftheThuringians, mar-
note. ties Childeric,vi., 2z2 and note.
Basil,Archbishopof C_esarea,iv., xo3 Basnage,hisEcclesiasticM tlistory,viii.,
note;canonicalepistlesof,iii.,326 x42note,x44note;on images,312
note; onArintheus,iv., *9rnote; note.
transact'onswith Valens,206and Basra,iv., x27and note;see Bassora
note;accountof,v., 14sq.;founds and Bussorah.
monasteryof Pontus,vi., z6xand Bassi,familyofthe,v., 79-
note; opposesApoUinaris,viii., Bassianns(Cmsar),ii.,209note,245.
t34; canonsof,concerning soldiers,Bassianus,nameof Caracalla,i., x63
ix.,357. note.
BasilBojannes(Catepan),x., 85 note. Bassianns,nameof Elagabalus,i., _82.
Basil,Chamberlain,assaultedby The- Baasora,Christiansof St. John at, ix.,
ophano,viii.,27x_wte;accountof, 27; Arabianinsurgentsat, 96;
272note; banished,275note. rebelsdefeatedbyAliat, 98;battle
BasilMesardonites(Catepan),x., 85! calledDayoftheCamel,lb.;foun-
note. dafionof, t23and note; pillaged
Basil,St.,Calabrianmonksof, xi.,276 by the Carmathians,299; see
and note. Basraand Bnssorah.
Basilthe monk, burnt at Constanfi-Bastarnae,ii.,9, xoandnote;inThrace,
nople,x., x7and note. x22; coloniesof, in Gaul, x6o;
Basil,cityof,xi., 254note. massacredby Stilirho,v., 12o.
Basilacius, Romangenera.l,rebellionof, Bat.avianhorseguards,i., x3xnote.
viii.,286,304. Batavians,i.,298; defeatedbyProbus,
Basileopator, title of, firstintroduced it., xz7;islandofthe,iii.,260;vi.,
viii.,26i note;x., 338note. 2t2.
Basileus,titleof Asiaticsovereigns,it., Batavians,legion,iv.,3 and note;mu-
x84; imperiMtitle used by Ge- tiny of,t78; degradationof, ax4;
limer,vii.,87 note;titleof Charle- in Britain,229.
magne,viii.,374. Bath (AqumSuits).Roman colony,i.,
Basilies,code,viii., 26x; ix., 3x5and 45 note.
note,369. Baths,public,at Rome,v., 2x9sq.
Basilides,AbyssinianEmperor,expels Batnae,near Hierapolis,JuLianat, iv.,
the Jesuits,viii.,2i3. ix8 andnote.
Basilides theGnostic,viii., t3o. Batnir, fortressof, taken by Timour,
Basilidians, gnosticsect,it.,277. xi., i9I.
BasilikeTherma,battleof,viii.,274note.Butte,trial by,xi., 64note.
Basilina,motherofJulian,iii.,226note; BA_, Khan of Kipchak,xi., z4o note;
iv., x86note. expeditionandvictoriesof,_45sq.;
Basiliscus, brotherof the EmpressVe- retreatsfromthe Danubeto Serai,
rena,commands expeditionagainst r49andnote;deathof, x53;col_-
Vandals,vi., x28; vii., 87; de- quers tribesof the WesternKip-
featedbyGenseric,vi., x3o;flight chak,x87note.
to Constantinople, /b.; Emperor,Ban orPabau,monastery of,vi., _59sq.
302. note.
Basiliu% consul,vi., x52note;vii., 82 Bauto,generalof the Franks,fatherof
note. the EmpressEudoxia,v., x_5and
Basilius,delatorof Boetkins,vL, 339 note.
note. Baux,de, James, titularEmperorof
Basilius,a Senator,amba_ssador to Constantinople in *373-I383,xi.,
Alaric,v.,228; vi.,72; portraitof, 82note.
ib. note; friendof Sidonius,i52 Baux(nearAries),lordsof,v., x38note.
and note; condemnedby Pope Bavaxes, ii., x6onote.
Symmachus, r53note. Bavaria,dukesof,viii.,366.
VOL.Xll._ 16
Bavarians,revoltof, fromthe Huns, Bel/sarius, quellsN'ikariot,vii.,28;birth,
vi., 3; institutions of, adoptedby education,campaignsinAfrica,89;
theMerovingians, _39s_l.;under Persiancampaigns,/.b.and note;
Charlemagne, viii.,366. inAfrica,97sqq.; takesCarthage,
Bayer,TheophilusSiegfried,ontheRns- Io2; fortifies it, xo4; atHippeRe-
sians,x.,49 note. gius,xo7; invadesItaly, J3asg.;
Bayle,iii., 288note; on comets,vii., entersRome,137; valourof, x4o;
993andnote; onGregoryI., viii., defendsRome,14_sq.; epistlesto
41 note;his "wickedwit,"adj.,79 emperor,_5o; receives embassyof
note;on Abelard,/b. Vitiges,152; besiegesRavenna,
Beacons,extinguished byMichw.1 III., i61; enters Ravenna,164; re-
viii., 254and note; ix., 354 and turnand gloryof, /b. sqq.; expe-
note;stationsofthe, lb. ditionagainstthe Persians,172;
Bearsof Valentinian, iv., 198. disgrace andsubmission of,/b,sq.;
Beatrice,daughterof CharlesofAnjou, recallof,21z; returnto Syria,ib.;
xi., 8o. repulsesthe Persians, ax_ sq.;
Beaufort,onRomanlaw, vii.,383note. tranquillises Africa,238; second
Beanne,wineof,xii., 56note. commandof, in Italy, a48 sgq.;
Beauplande, Frenchengineer, x.,56note, epistleto Totila, o49; lastvictory
Be.ausobre, ft., 277note; on Christian of, a84; disgrace and death,
idolatry.,v., io4 note; Viii., In2 287; fable concerning,287 and
note; onimages,3_5note. note.
Beanvais,ii., i59. Belins,Matthew,Prodromusand No-
Becket,Thomas,iii.,41note. titiaof, vi.,2 note.
Bede,the Venerable, iv.,226; vi.,_68, Bellof Antermony,Travelsof,in Per-
•72 note; dateof his death,xii., sia,ix.,266note.
2o3 note. Bellarmine,Cardinal,on the excom-
Beder[Bedr],battleof,ix., 66andnote. municationof Leo III., viii.,325.
Bederiana,districtof,vii., i note. Bellini,Gentile,visits court of Ma-
Bedoweens,descriptionof, ix., 5 sq_.; hornetII., xii.,3 note.
incorrectformof name,/b. note. Bellona,templeof,x., 9 and note.
Beehives,constructioaof, ix.,27oandnote.Bellonoti,tribeof,vi., 54note.
Beg, Turkishwordmeaninglord or Bells,amongthe Moslems,ix., 138and
prince,xi., 18_note. note.
Beglerbe_,nameof Ottomangenerals,Belus,towerof,atBabylon,ix. 125and
xi.,31o. nole.
Beta (Alexius),Hungarianprince,viii., Benacus,lake,vi., 73 and note; v_.,
294. 277-8.
BelaiV., Kingof Hungary,notaryof, Bender,i., 7-
writesChronicle,x., 37 note;de- BenedictAnianinus,CodexRcgularum
featedbytheMongols,xi., 147. of,vi.,i66note.
Bclenus,tutelarydeity,i., 235,a36note. BenedictXI., Pope, resumesright of
Beles(Balls),on the Euphrates,ix., 2 coining,xiL, 88 note; his bull
andnote. Flagiliosum,zo9.
Belfry(Belfridus),war engine,x., 237 BenedictXII., Pope, receivesamba-c-
and note. sadors of Andronicus,xi., 233;
Belga:,i., 26. character,235and note;addressed
BelgicGaul,i., 25. by Petrarch, xii., _55 and note,
Belgradeor Singidunum,vi.. 3al and i56; saidto haveintroducedtriple
note;destroyedby theAvars,viii., crown,_58note.
7xand note; besiegedbyCharles Benedict XIII., Pope(Peterde Luna),
of Anjou, _fi., 8x; withstands xii.,x64,x65;deposed,i66.
Amurath,300; besiegedby Ma- BenedictXIV.,Pope,consecrates the
hornetIf., 3_4. Coliseum,xii.,ao7.
Benefice, ofthe Merovingians, vi., 25x. Bernard,St., opposesRogerof Sicily,
Beneficium, meaningof,viii.,379note. x.,x3o; preaches crusade,284sqq.;
Benefits, vii.,367. on appealsto Rome,xii., 7xnote;
Beneventum, tusks of the Calydonian onthecharacterof theRomans,77
boarat, vii.,x35andnote; princes sq.; on the temporal dominionof
of,viii.,3o; dukesof, 3a; duchy the Popes,8x and note;supports
of.365; princesof,x., 76; duchy PopeInnocentII., xo4note,-xx6.
of,/b. note; subjectto the Greek BernardusThesaurarius,x., x99note.
emperor,78andnote;littleChron- Bernice,seeBerenice.
icle of, 79 note; besiegedbythe Bernier,i., a64note.
Saracens,8x; underRomanPort- Bernoulli,on comets,vii.,a93andnote.
tiff,ioa; battleof,xi., 79. Bercea,inThrace,Liberiusat, iii.,387;
Benfey, Theodore,his translationof the vi.,3ornote;besiegedbytheAvars,
Panchatantra,vii.,2o3note. viii.,72.
Bengal,kingdomof, conqueredby the Bercea,see.Meppo.
Mongols, xi., 14a. Berry,cityof, opposesEuric,vi., x3a;
Benjaminof Tudela,ix., 33° and note; givento Childebert,255note.
onthe Jews,x., 2io note. Bertezena(Berte-scheno), leaderof the
! Benjamin, PatriarchoftheCopts,flight Turks,vii., 387andnote.
of, viii., 2o6; ix., x78; life of, Bertha,motherof Hugo,KingofItaly,
x79note. ix.,347.
Ben Schounah,Arabichistoryof, xi., Bertha,daughterof lq'ugo,ix., 346sq.
17xnote;seeEbnSchounah. Bertha, wife of ManuelComnenus,
Bentivoglio, nuncio,iii.,29xnote. viii.,294.
Bentley,Dr., on Romanmoney,vii., Bertram,sonofRaymondofToulouse,
305note; xi.,_9o. x., 26xnote.
Beran-birig (Marlborough), battle of, Bertrandonde la Brocqui6re, describes
vi.,274andnote. Amurath,xi., 3oonote; on Con-
Berbers,Barbarsor Barbarians,sub- stantinople,3a6note.
due NorthAfrica,ix., 2o2 note; Berytus,law-schoolat, iii., x3z and
historyof the word Barbars,2o5 note;manufactures of,vii.,32,75,
note. 79 note; destroyedby an earth-
Berengarius,Panegyricon,viii., 382 quake,295sq.; date of, ib. note;
note. Andronicusbecomeslord of, viii.,
Berenice,concubineof Titus, vii., 353 299;takenby the Saracens,x68;
andnote;ix., 345and note. lost bv the Franks,x., 324.
Berenice,in Cyrene, march of Cato Berzem,governorof, opposesAlpArs-
from,vi., z26note. I lan,x., tTX.
Berelti,Father, professorat Pavia, Besangon , Julianat, iv.: x3 and note;
viii., x4 note; on stateof Italy, takenby the Saracen.s,ix., 253.
30note. Bessarion,Bishopof Nice,xi.,259; at
Bergamoad Pedem Montis,Alanire- thecouncilofFlorence,265; made
pulsedbyRicimerat, vi., _x7 note. cardinal,266-7and note;literary
Bergamo,cityof, destroyedby Attila, meritof,283-4.
vi.,68. iBessas,generalof Justinian,vii., 224,
Bergerde Xivrey,onEmperorManual, 244note;defendsRome.250sq_.;
xi.,249note. i avariceof,ib. and note,255-
Bergier,I-IistoiredesGrandsChemins,Bessi, or minorGoths,iv., 3oxnote;
i.,34note. vii.,4note.
Befit,chieftainat Attila'sfeast,vi., 32. BEthArmgye,provinceof, viii., zo6
Berimund,descendantof Hermanric, note.
vi-,343note. Bethlem,residenceof St. Jerome,v.,
Bernard,monk, Itineraryof the, x., 250; monkof,a85note;crusaders
x84note. at, x., 254.
Bezabde,takenby Sapor,iii.,257;be- entertainstheRomanambassadors,
siegedby Constantine, 259. 27.
Beza, Theodore,errorin the Greek Blemmyes,ii., 93, _x6and note,x6i,
Testament,vi.. x98note. 162; religionsprivilegesof, viii.,
BiancaLanciaof Piedmont,x., 56 note, 2o8note.
Bibars,Sultanof Egypt,seeBondocdar.B16terie, Abb6dela, i., 3oonote.
Bible,text of the Latin, vi., x98and Blinding,modesof,xi., 69 and note.
note; translatedinto Arabic,ix., IBlols,Countof,receivesDuchyofNice,
a8. xi., 8.
Bidpai,seeBilpay. Blue Horde,tribessubjectto B_t_,xi.,
Bielasica,battleof,x., 35note. x87note.
Bielkc,M., senatorof Rome,xii., x7_ Blues,ororthodoxfactionin Constanfi-
note. I nople,vii.,2x sq.
Biemmi,Giammaria,on Scanderbeg,iBlum,Richard,fatherofRogerdeFlog
xJi.,XT_note. ! xi., 86note.
Biet,M., onthe kingdomof Syagrius,' Boadicea,i., 4-
vi.,214note. ,Boccaccio,xi., 279; entertainsLeo
Bigerra(Bejar),surrenderedtotheSara- Pilatus,/b.s_.; his "Homer,"280
censby Theodemir,ix., 220. and note.
Bigleniza,nameof motherof Justinian, Bocha.ra(Buk_rh), vii.,x88; reduced
vii., xnote;seeVigilantia. by MalekShah, 244; subjugated
BilfidhurI,ix., J9xnote. by the Saracens,ix., _33andnote;
Bilbeys,seePelusium. subduedby ZingisKhan, xi., x38.
Bilimer,seeGilimer. Bodonitza, near Thermopyl0e,xi., ?
Bindoes,a SassanianPrince,dethrones] note.
Hormouz,viii.,60; murdershim,_Boethius,ministerofTheodoric, vi.,323,
62. { 332; accountof, 335and notes;
Bineses,Persianambassador, iv., r67.] worksof,336s_.; accusedoftrea-
Bingen,fortifiedbyJulian,lii.,273note. son,338; imprisonment, 339; his
Bir,passageof the Euphratesat, iv., De Consolatione, ib. sq.; death,
xz9 note. 34o; tombof, /b. and note; chil-
Biserta,Arabiansquadronat, ix., 286. dren of, restoredto their ialaefi-
Bishops,originand authorityof, ii., tance,vii.,x24.
3tl-3r3; at courtof AlexanderBoethius,praetorianprefect,deathof,
Severns,iii., 53; underChristian vi., 79.
emperom, 3x4s_/.,seederg3';ruralBogislav,Stephen,revolto[, viii., 277
bishops,seeChorepiscopi; income note.
of,322andnote;thirteen,of Lydia Bogomiles,Gnosticsect,x., z7 note.
and Phrygiadeposedby Chryso_-Bohadin(Bchh-ad-Din), lifeoI Saladin
tom, v., 3x2; banishmentof the by, x., 294note.
African,vi., i9z and note. Bohemia,Marcomanni in, i., 3oxnote;
Bisinus,Thuringian king,vi., 2x2note. subdued by Charlemagne,viii.,
Bisseni,Turkishtribe, in Hungary,x., 366; kingof,elector,389note.
40note. Bohemond, son ofRobertGuiscard,x.,
B_ex_le, iv., 183and note. xo9; commandsat Durazz_,xxz
Bithynia,ii., 87; subduedby Proco- sq.; againstthe Greeks,xx9 sqq.;
pius,iv., x89; Theodorain, vii., in the firstcrusade,2_9; at Con-
i8; conqueredby Orchan,xi., 159 Stantinople,225; Anna Comnena
sq. on, 227 note; at Constantinople,
Bizon,takenbytheTurks,xii.,xT. 229; takes Antioch,244-5; his
Blandina,martyrof Lyons,iii.,35note. reputationwiththeSaracenS,252;
Bleda,brotherof Attila,interviewwith becomesPrinceof Antioch,258;
ambassadorsof Theodosius, vi., 3; : captivityof,272.
puttodeathbyAttila,6; hiswidow!Boillaud,Ismael,xii.,12 note.
Bolanus, iv., 23° note. Bonifatius,Romancharioteer, medals
Bolgary,villageof,x., 27note. inhonourof,v., 353note.
Bolingbroke, Lord,on the Popes,xi., Bonn,fortifiedbyJulian,iii.,273note.
_88note. Bononia,on the Danube, ii., _52;
360note. ActaSanctorum of the,v., Julianat,
Bononia, iv., 2x.
Bologna,cityof,resistsAttalus,v., 238;:Bononia,seeGessoriacum.
Stilichoat, I87; numberof stu-Bonosus, generalof Aurelian,ii., 73
dentsinuniversityof,_d.,274note;i note;revoltof,in Gaul,x25.
under Papal interdict,:di., 93; Bonzes,vii., i88.
Porcaroat, x72-3. Borak,horse of Mahomet,ix.,44.
Bolsena,lake,vii., x27and note. Bor_m,Persianqueen,ix., x2onote.
Bona,CapeBasiliscnsat,vii., I28. Borani,ii.,zo.
Bona,seeHippoRegius. Bordeaux, description of, v., 277;
; Bonamy,M., on the Frenchlanguage, schoolat, vi., 21o; Clovisat, 234;
vi.,262note. taken by the Saracens,ix., 25a.
Bonanni,metallichistoryof, xfi., x67 Borderers,iii.,I36.
note. Borga,Khan,in Russia,xi., 153.
_: Bondari,historyof the Seljukidesby, Borgites(Bftrji),Mamaluke,dynastyof,
x., x6onote. x., 29xnote,323note.
Bondocdar, or Bibars,Sultanof Egypt, Boris, Bulgarianprince, x., 32 note;
takes Antioch,x., 324 and note/ 64 note.
buildsmosquein Crimea,xi., x22 Borjigen,familyof ZingisKhan,xii.,2
note. note.
Bonfinius,historyof Hungaryby, xi., Borysthenes, ii.,9, 3°.
x7xnote; on Ladislans,307 note, Bosnia,i., 28; King of, opposesthe
3xznote. Ottomans,xi., z68note.
Boniface,Count, repulses Adolphus Boso of Vienne,foundskingdomof
fromMarseilles, v., 257;character, LowerBurgundy,viii.,372note.
34onote,34z; revoltof, 342sqq.; Bosphorus,city of, siegeof, by the
invitestheVandals,lb./ repentance Turks, vii.,x89and note.
of,348;besiegedinIIippo Regius, Bosphorus,"kingdomof, subduedby
350; defeat, 352; death, 353; Trajan,i., 8; Gothsin, ii.,31sqq.
medalsstruckinhonourof,/b,note. Bosphorus,Straitof, iii.,92.
Boniface, Marquisof Montferrat, leads Bossuet,UniversalHistoryof, i., 36
fourth crusade,x., 35x; adopts note.
causeof Alexius,/b. note,356and Bostra or Bosra, Julian'sepistle to
note;clemency, 377; sellsCandia, peopleof, iv.,62; fairsof, ix., _o
xi., 6 and note; acquiresMace- andxznote;siegeof,133" theSara-
donia,/b. and 7; defendsThessa- cens,x37sq.; fortifications of, lb.
lonica,x8; death,lb. note.
BonifaceIV., Pope, comsecratesthe Botaniates,see Nicephorus Botaniates.
Pantheon, v.,84note;xii.,x93_ote. Botany,ancientknowledge of,ix., 276.
Boniface VIII., Pope,i., 247note;his Botheric, commandantofThessalonica,
Se_teof theDecretals,xii.,94note, v., 5xsqq.
xo4note; hisquarrelwithPhilip, Botrys,vii., 295andnote.
xo8sq.; institutesjubilee,xxrsq.; Boucher, silversmith, atCaracorum, xi.,
metricalhistoryof his coronation, x5o note.
Ix7 note; adds a diademto the Boucicault, Marshal, commandsan
papalmitre,x58note. armyagainstBajazet,xi., _72and
Boniface IX., Pope,xii., x62; restores note/ memoirsof, /b. note; ran-
mausoleumof Hadrian,x99note. somed, I74; relievesConstanti-
Boniface,St.,vi., x83note; apostleof nople,x78-9; returnsto France,
Germany,vii.,axz. x79; Memoirsof,_o6note.
Bouillonin the Ardennes,x., 2x5. viii.,252ttote;heldfor LeoVI.,_.
Boulainvilliers, Countde, Lifeof Ma- note.
hornet,viii.,94 note;ix., 53note. Bridges,Roman,i., 64 andnote.
Boulogne,seeGessoriacum,iv., 227. Bridget,St., of Sweden,xii., r57 and
Boursa(Brusa),residenceof Bajazet, note.
xi., x74; pillagedby MehemmedBrienne,Waiterde,DukeofAthens,see
Sultan, 202-3; royal schoolsat, Walterde Brienne.
228; decline of, _di., $4. See Brigantes,i.,26.
Frusa. Britain,conquestof,i., 4; provinceof,
Bova,territoryof,Greekdialectspoken described,a5 sq.; coloniesof, 45
in the,xi., 276note. and note; Vandalsin, i/., x22;
Bowden,J. W., Lifeof GregoryVII., importanceof, I54 *q.; revoltof
x., i22 note. Carausius,I54 sqg.; Christianity
Bowides,Persiandynastyof, ix., 229 in, 339, invadedby Picts and
hate,304 and note; warwiththe Scots, iv., 5; how peopled,223,
Sultanof Gazna,x., 152. 227sq.; Theodosiusin, 229sq.;
Boyardo,Count, forgeryof, x., 220 Maxlmusin, v., 5 sq.; Stilicho
note; OrlandoInamoratoof, xi.,, recallslegionsfrom,x5i; invaded
292note. by Scotsfrom Ireland, x77and
Brabant,Franksin, iii.,a6o; duchyof, note; variousemperors, x78sg.
x., 215note. and note; revoltof, 280sq. and
Bracarain fourth century,v., 27I. note; independenceof, confirmed,
Bracc_,ii., 94 and note. ib.; stateof,282sg.; citiesof, 283
Brachophagos, battleof,betweenGreeks and note;Churchand bishops,285
and Genoese,xi., x26. and note; revolutionof, vi., 268
Braga,metropolisoftheSueviin Spain, sqq.; Saxon invasion,269 sqq.;
pillagedby Theodoric,vi., 96. LesserBritain,275; desolationof,
Brahman_.bad,town of, taken by the 278; fabulousaccountsof,284sq.;
Arabs,ix., z32note. ChristianityintroducedbyGregory,
Brahmapootra,river,xi., 592note. , viii.,45; mentiouedbyAnnaCom-
Bramante,architect,xii., 2r2. , nena [Thule],x., 273note;revenue
Brancaleone,podestaof Rome,_di.,92i of, in thirteenthcentury,379and
and note; death, 93; destroys note; herring fisheryof, xi., 148
palace of Severus,i87 note; de-i note; descriptionof, by Chalcon-
molishestowersof Rome,199. dyles,247sg.; feelingsof English
Brandenburg,Vandalsof,vii.,xI7note. clergytowardsthe Popes,xii., 92
Braniseba,duchyof, viii.,296. note; eight kingdomsin British
Bread,distributionof,v., _x8. Islands,x66note.
Breakspear,Nicholas (Hadrian IV.), Britonsof France,subduedby Charle-
xii.,82. magne,viii.,36,1.
Bregetio,on the Danube,Valentinian Britons,stateof,vi.,272sqq.; flightof,
at, iv., 255. intoWales,275;in Gaul,ib. note;
Bremen,bishopricof, viii.,366; town servitudeof,280; mannersof,282;
of,destroyedbyHungarians,x.,44. in Chmamus,x., 277note.
Brenckmann, hisHistoriaPandeetarum,Brittia,Islandof,mentionedby Proco-
vii.,335note. pins,vi., 285andnote.
Brenta,Hungariancampon the,x., 44. Brittii,mentionedby Cinnamus, x., 277
Breones,Gallictribe,vi., 58 andnote. note.
Brequigny,M. de, his life of Posthu* Brivasor Brioude,burialof Avitusat,
mus,ii., 25 note. vi., iox; takenby Theodoric,257.
:Brescia,ii.,23i ; dukesof,viii.,3a; re- Brosses,Presidentde, vii., 213 note;
voltsagainstherbishop,xii., 80. xii.,r3note.
Bretagne,seeArmorica. Brotomagus(Brumath),battleof, i/i.,
Bride-show, at themarriage oftheCzar, a63,264.
Bruchionin Alexandria,ii., 56. 338-9andnote;invadedbyTheo-
Bructeri,i.,299. doreLascaris,xi., 58; wastedby
Bran,on Palaceof Seral,xi., x49note. theMongoLs, z49andnote.
Brundusium, portof, fleetof GuiscardBulgarians,first mentionof, vi., 304
at, x., x25and note. note;ethnology,vii., x8oandnote
Brunechild,mother of Ingundis, vi., sq.; threatenConstantinople, x83
2orand note. sq.; pillageGreece,lb.; threaten
Bruno,St.,brotherof Ottothe Great, Constantinople,282 sq.; retire,
viii.,37xnote. a85; besiegeConstantinoplewith
! Brunswick, houseof, originof, x., lO9 JustinianII., viii.,23o; approach
: note. Constantinople in reignof PhilJp-
Brusa,seeBoursaand Prusa. picus,23a note; besiegeComstan-
! Bruttium,goldminesat,vi.,328; name tinoplein reignof Leo V., 246
changedto Calabria,viii., 3° note. note; kingdomof, overthrownby
Brutus,i., 9° note; foundsconsulship, Basil, a75 sg.; assist the Em-
vii. 8x; judgmentof, 376. perorLeoagainsttheSaracens, ix.,
Brutus,the Trojan romance,iv., aa3 246; name of, x., x9 and note;
note. emigrationof, 27-8; war of,with
Bryce,Mr., on CharlesIV., viii.,392 Nicephorus,3I; defeatedby Basil
note;on the De Monaxchia, xii., II., 35; coloniesof, in Hungary,
x38note. 49 note; war with the empireof
Bryennius, seeNicephorus. Romania,xi., x8sqq.
Bunt,Comtede,onGermaninvasionof BullfightintheColosseum, xii.,204and
Gaul,v., x73note; on destruction note.
ofMetz,vi.,55and note;ondefeat Bulla,near Carthage,vii., xo5, 237.
of Attila,63 note; on the Slavo- Bullets,stone,useof,atRome,xii.,aox
nians,vii.,xSxnote. and note.
Bubafiain Pannonia, birthplace of Bundicia,death of R. Guiscardat, x.,
Decius,ii.,2 note. x26note.
Bucelin,Duke of the Alamanni,in- Buonaccorsi,Philip(Callimachus),on
vadesItaly,vii.,275andnote; de- Varnacampaign,xi., 31xnote.
featedby Narses,278; death of, Burcard,J., his Diary,xii.,t8o.
279. Burekhardt,on the Renaissance,xi.,
Bucentaur, shipof JohnPalmologus II., ag*note.
xi.,260. Burdigala,ii., 82note; seeBordeaux.
Buchanan,iii.,288note; iv., 226note. Burgesses, courtofthe,atJerusalem,x.,
Bucharia,provinceof, iv., 263 note; 269.
Magianworshipin, ix., x3L Burgundians,iL, 8, 9 note; conquered
Buda,city of, iii., 248; Ladislausat, by Probus, XrT; on the Elbe,
xi.,3o6. iv.,ax8andnote;feudwiththeAla-
Budaeus, xi.,290. manni,az9; invadeItaiy,v., x66;
Buff'doesintroducedinto Italy by the invadeGauland settlethere, 278
Lombaxds,viii., 33 and note. and note; subduedby Attila on
Buff'on,vii., 49 note; descriptionof the Rhine,vi.,7; invadeBelgium,
Guyanaby, xii.,x9tnote. 44; invadeBelgieprovincesand
Bugia,city of, takenby the Saraceus settlein Savoy,45; join Theodo-
ix., 198. tic againstthe Huns,58; betray
Bukulithos,battleof, viii.,274note. Rometo Genseric,89 note; con-
Bulgaria,kingdomof, positionof, x., versionof, x82; on LakeLeman,
a7andnote;firstkingdomof, 3t; 2x7; boundaries, 224; conquered
Greekprefectof, in firstcrusade by theFranks,a27s_lq.;lawsof,
2tx; relationswith NicholasI., 24r and note; judicialcombats
33x;joinstheGreekChurch,332; among,247; assistOdoacer,3Io.
foundationof secondkingdomof, Burgundy,Duke of, opposesBajazet

Sultan, xi., _7_-3; pays ransom ByzantinewriterS,collectionsof, xii.,

to Bajazet,:75- 64 hate.
Burgundy,Duke of, uncleof CharlesByzantium, besiegedbySeverns,i., x53;
VI.,=i_a43; atCouncilofFerrara,[ fortifications demolished,
a6a. [ taken by Maxim:n,ii., 240; by
Burgundy,i., 67; twoprovincesof,v., [ Constantine,257; situation, iii.,
278; kingdomof, vi., 2x4note; 90; fisheries,98 andnole(seeCon-
wars of Clovisin, 225sqq.; final stantinople).
conquestof, by the Franks, 227 Byzas,iii., 9: note.
sqq.; three Romanscommandin,
26x; Kingdomof Lower Bur- CAAB, Arab,ix., 2x note.
grundy,viii., 372note; of Upper Caaba,templeof Mecca,ix., 23; plan
Burgundy,ib.; vassalsof, called of,lb.note;360idolsof,broken,74.
"provincials,"x., 2x8; winesof, Cabadesor Kobad, King of Persia,
xii., x56andnote. wars with the Romans, vii., 69;
Buri,i., 3oInote. restoration anddeath,x96, _97-
B_trji(Mamlfi "ks),x., 29i note,323note. Cabul,subduedbyNusliirvan,vii.,23o.
Burnet'ssacredtheoryof the earth,ii., [Cadaxigan,Persian officer,secondin
293note. command,viii.,xx2.
Burningglasses,vii., 49,5° and note. Cadesia,battleof, ix., x2o,and note;
Bnsbequius,ambassadorat court of situationof, ib. note; periodsof
Soliman,xi., 207; on slaveryand the battleof, zuxand note.
rightsofwaramongTurks,xii.,49 Cadhi,orificeof,xi., :7o andnote.
note. !Cadijah,wifeof Mahomet,ix., 3x; ac-
Busiris in Egypt, /i., :6_; camp of ceptsthe religionof Mahomet,54;
CaliphMerwanat, ix., 26:; four affectionof Mahometfor, 9o.
placesof samenamein Egypt,lb. Cadiz,seeGades.
note. Cadmus,Mount,battle of (xx47A.D.),
Bussorah,Nazaxenesat, ii., 27: note; x., 28_note.
seeBassora. Caecilian,
Bflst,conqueredby Subuktiginin 978 note.
A.D.,x., :48 note. CmcSlins(seeLactantins),on the dream
BustaGallorum,vii.,268andnote. of Constantine,iii.,296and note.
Buffer,author of Lives of the Saints, Cmlestian,senatorof Carthage,v., 357.
viii.,43 note. ICmlius,Mons,ii., 79 note.
Buwayh,ix., 304note. Cmrmaxth_en, vi.,282.
Buwayhids,seeBow:des. 'Cmrwys,vi., 283note.
Buzentinns(Bazentinus),river, course Cmsarand Augustus,i., 89; titles of,
of, divertedfor burialof Alaxic,v., under Greek emperors,x., 336-7•
256. Cw._ax,Julius, i., 75 note; iv., xo7;
Buzes, colleagueof Belisarins, vii., Commentariesof, 3x8 note; era
i72. of, ix., 2ix note.
Buzurg Mihur, Persian philosopher,Ca:sarea,capitalof Cappadocia,siege
viii.,55; accountof,lb. note. of,ii., 45; residenceof Hannibali-
Byxlkershoek, on Romanlaw,vii., 374 anus,iii., x83; templeof Fortune
note. at, iv., :o3; Hospitalat, 206and
Byrrhus,senator,i., :z 5. note; sacked by Chosroes,viii.,
Byssus,cloth made fromp/nna s_ua- 89; Togrul at, x., :62; occupied
mosa,vii., 33 and note. by Timour,xi., 200.
Byzacena,seeByzacium. Cmsaxeain Mauretania,iv., 233; vi.,
Byzacium,i., 223 note; ceded to the :o8; dukeof, xxo.
Vandals,v., _54 note; Moorsin, Cmsarea,in Syria,surrendersto the
vii., xx8. Saracens,ix., x67; date of, /b.
Byzantineempire,sexRomanempire, note; crusadersat, x., _54 and
note;fiefof Sidon,266**ate;re- takes Damascus,t46-7; defeats
coveredby crusaders,308. the Gassanites,x57; death,i69.
Czesarius,Bishopof Aries,vi., 330and Caledonia,description of, iv., 224sq.
note. and notes.
Caesarius,consul,v., 323note. CaledonianwarofSeverus,i.,x65,166.
Cmsarius,imperialphysician,iv., 7x Caledonians,i., x66.
and note. Calendar,reformed byMalekShah,x.,
Cmsarius, masterof theoffices,v.,48sq. x74; Julian, at Constantinople,
Cmsarius,Roman magistrate,i., 65 xii., 5x note.
note. Caligula,i., 92; statueof,at Jerusalem,
Cmsadus,son of Duke of Naples, his ii., 264.
conquestsover the Saracens,ix., Call1 Basha, vizier of MahometII.
288. (K.halilPasha),xii., 6-7; treason-
C_ars of Julian,iv., 3x, xo6,xo7and ablecorrespondence of, x2-I3, 32.
notes. Caliph,title of, ix., 9o-x; firstfour
car, mountain,vii., x86and note,x94 caliphs,9x sqq.; characters,xx4
and note. sq.
Cafarelio,Italianfamily,xii., 205. Caliphate,divisionof the,ix.,263note;
Calia,Genoesecolonyof, xi., x23and extinctionof Abbaside,xi., x¢4sq.
note; inhabitantsof, transportedCalisia,ii., xx7note.
to Constantinople,xii., 55 note. CMixtus II., Pope,on romanceofTur-
Cagan,seeKhan. pin, x., x96note; his pontificate,
Cagliari,Vandalfleetat, vii., xo5. xii.,77andnote.
Cahina,QueenoftheMoors,ix.,2o5sq. Calligraphes, epithetof Theodosius the
Caietan,Cardinal (of St. George) younger,v., 325.
Jacopo,xii., xH note,x2o note, Callimachus, seePhilipBuonaccorsi.
2oxnote. Callinicum,religiousriots at, v., 53
Cairo,ix., x76; Newand Old,/b.note; and note.
inhabitantsof, repulsethe Turks, Callinicusof Ileliopolis,inventorof
x., x89;attackedbyAmalrig,292; Greekfire,ix., 247and note.
fortifiedby S'.dadin,297. Callixene,priestessof Ceres,iv., 68
Calroan,foundation of,bytheSaracens, note.
ix., 2or and note; attemptto re- Calmucks,black,iv., 284and note;vii.,
viveChristianreligionat, 23t. 293.
Caius,Romanpresbyter,v., 97 note. Calocerus,iii., z84note.
Caius,the civilian,authority of, in Calocyres,ambassadorof Nicephorus,
jurisprudence,vii.,326; Institutes x., 64; assumesthe purple,65.
of, 337and note. Calo-John,King of Bulgaria,corre-
Calabria,lossof, viii.,3° note; name spondenceof,with PopeInnocent
appliedto Bruttium,/b.; province III., x., 338note,339; assiststhe
of,madeby ConstansII., 225note; Greeksagainstthe Latins, xi., x3
taken by the Iconoclastsfrom sqq.;Scythianarmyof, _4; defeats
Rome, 355and note; towns of, Baldwinandimprisonshim,15.
pillagedby the Saracens,ix., 286; Caloman,Hungarianking,x., 21xnote;
state of, in tenthcentury,x., 80; treaty with Godfreyof Bouillon,
reducedby Manuel,x35-6. 224.
Calapin(CallistusAthomannus),xii., Calpurnius,date of, ii., 95 note; first
5note. eclogueof, x3onote,135note,x37
Calchas,the soothsayer,x., 85 note. note,x38note.
Caled[KhMid], vii.,23_note;at Ohud, Caltabellotta, takenbytheSaracens, ix.,
ix., 68; conversionof, 73; mas- 285note.
sacres,lb.; at battleof Muta, 78; Calvary,Mount,fair at, x., t84.
victoriesof, xx3; in Persia,xx9; Calvincomparedto Augustine, v., 352
Syrianwarof, /b. sq., x37 sqq.; note;doctrineof,ix., ",x-2.
Calycadnusriver,x., a83note. Candidian,ministerof Theodosius, in-
Calydonianboar,vii., x35and note. sultedbythe Councilof Ephesus,
Camar_,ii., 32 andnote. viii., x46; receivedby John of
Cama_,-ina, takenby the Saraceas,ix., Antioch,x47.
285note. Candidianus, iJ.,242.
Cambrai,ii., t59; taken by Clodion,Candioli,Avar ambassador,vii., x9x.
Kingof the Franks, vi., 49; resi- CanJdia of Horace,iv., 793note.
denceof Charade.h,_x3 note. CanJghul, gardensof,xi., 2xt.
Camden,iv., 2:3 note; vi.,274note. Caninianlaw,ii., xo8note.
Camel,Arabian,ii.,97 note;ix., 7; of Canine,battle of, x., 76; Normans
Chosrocs, 93 and note;useof,in- defeatthe Saracens,89; date of,
troducedinto Sicilyby the Arabs, /b. note.
x., 707note. Cannibalism of the Crusaders,x., _j6
Camelopardalis, i., x2onote; presented andnote.
toTimour,xi., 2io. Cannonof MahometII., xii.,73sg.
Camenday, inthe mountainsof Cilicia, Canobin,Monasteryof, residenceof
x., 762note. thepatriarch of theMaronites,viii.,
Cameniates, John, viii.,267note. 799.
Camillus,Romangeneral,vii.,268note. Canoes of the Goths, iv., 293, 334
Cnmi_ards of Languedoc,iii.,407note. note.
C,trnp,Roman,i., 79,20. CanonNamehof SolimanII., xii., t8
Campania,i., 27; desolationof, iii., note.
758; towns of, pillagedby the Canonsofthechurch,ii.,314; fifteenth,
Saracens,ix., 286. of Nic:ea,v., 23.
Campania,or Champagne,vi., 59 and Cantabrians,i., 24.
note. Cantacusino,T. Spandugino,xii., 44
Camphire,inPersia,ix., t24; inChina note.
and Japan,ib. note. Cantacuzene,Demetrius,defendsCoa-
CampiCanini,or ValleyofBellingzone, stantinople,xii., 47 note.
AlamannidefeatedbyMajorianin, Cantacuzene,John,Historyof, xi., 96
vi., 703and note. and note; supportsthe younger
Campona,Ii., 252. Androaicus,99; great domestic,
Campsa,fortressof, defendedby the xo6; regencyof, /3.; despatches
Goths,vii.,279. letters to the provinces,ib.; as-
Camus,a liquordistilledfrombarley, sumesthe purple, zo8; flies to
vi., 27. Thessalonica,io9; alliancewith
Canabus,Nicholas,phantomemperor, theServians,_.; victoryof, zzo;
x., 372. reignof, z74 s_.; continueshis
Canada,i., 276. history,/b. note; Servianexpedi-
Canals, in Europe,begunby Charle- lion of, zz5 sq.; defeats John
magne,viii.,267andnote;between Pal_eologus, x77; abdicationof,
NileandRedSea,x87andnote. lb.; death, 718 note; four dis-
Cananns,John,hisaccountof siegeof coursesof,lb. note; his war with
Constantinople, xi., 225. the Genoese,x23 sq_.; his ta-eaty
CanaryIslands,i., 33 note. withthe Venetians,725; solidts
Cancellarius, ii., I34note. help fromthe Turks, x62; his
Candahar,takenby Mongols,_., 738. friendshipwith Am.Jr,lb. note;
Candaules, storyof, viii.,x0note. negotiations of,with ClementVI.,
Candax,campoftheSaracensinCrete, 235-6.
ix., 283. Cantacuzene, Manuel, governorof Mis-
Canddapti,officeof the,ix., 338note. ithra,x., xx3note.
Candia,in Crete,besiegedby Niceph- Cantacuzene,Matthew,abdicationof,
orosPhocas,ix., 308. x., 7x4 note;assodatedin theem-
Candia,orCrete,ix., 283; seeCrete. pire, xx7.
Felix, iii.,
x26note. Capuzzl, Romanfamily of, xii.,
9o note.
Cantemir, Demetrius, onMahomet, ix.,Caracalla, i., 157 note; names of,163
zn7note; Historyofthe Othman note; reign,z67sq_l.;titlesof,168
Empire,xi., x57note; accountof note; edict concerningfreemen,
Moldavia,x7o note; of Bajazet, 202andnote; taxationo[ Roman
2o8; onconversionof Churchof citizensby, 2ix; bathsof,v., 22o
St. Sophia,xii., 52 note; on the sq.; lawsof,vii.,3x5note;edictof,
treatment of the GreekChurchby concerningthe nameof Romans,
the Ottomans,56 and note. ix., 364•
Canterbury, EmperorManuelat, xi., Caracorum orHolin,residence of Zingis
244. Khan,xi., t5o and notesq.
Capelianus,i., 229. Caractacus,i., 4.
Capernaum,Latinpilgrimsbesiegedin, Caracullusfor Caracalla,i., 164note;
x., 188. in the poemsof Ossian,166note.
Caphargamala,villagenearJerusalem,Caramania,Emirof, militaryforceof
v.,zoz. the,xi., 159-6o;stateof, rivalsthe
Capiculi,Turkishtroops,xii., 18 and Ottomansin Asia,z6onote; SUl-
note. tan of, defeatedby Murad,/b.;
Capistran(John Capistrano),xi., 314 conqueredby Bajazet, I69; war
note. withthe OttomanTurks,306,3o7.
Capitationtax in Gaul,ii., 223; levied Carausius,ii.,I53 sqq.
on the Jews,lii., 24; underCon- CarasharNevian,ancestorof Timour,
stantine,158andnote; leviedby xi., 182.
LeoIII., viii.,33o and note. Caravans,Sogdian,vii.,34-
Capito,Ateius,vii., 32o,3_4and note. Carbeaz,the Panlician,x., 12 sq.
Capitolof Rome,iii.,24and notes; see Carbonaxianforest,vi.,49 and note.
Rome. Carca.ssonne, vi., 233note; Churchof
Capitolinegames,seeGames. St.Maryat, ix.,219; takenby An-
Capitoline Mount,ii., 79note. basa, x., 252note.
CapitoHnus, i., 124note, x29note. Caxche,iv., 158and note.
Capizucchi,the, familyof, xii., 116. Cardinals,titlesof, viii.,376and note;
Capoccia,Italianfamilyof,xii., ',o6. their fightto electa Pope, xii.,
Caporioni, chiefsof militia,xii., 17o. xo3-4; sacredcollegeof, xo4note;
Cappadocia, invadedbyAlacic,li.,xzo; conclaveof, 1o4 and note; pre-
domainsof,iii.,x48,149and note; dominanceof French,Ixx and
proconsulof, vii., 65; Paulidans note.
of,x., 8. Cardonne,De,hisHistoryofAfrica,ix.,
Capranica,xii., I36. 19x note; on Aglabitesand Edri-
Capraxa,vii.,27I. sites, 3oL
Capraxia,Islandof, monksin the, v., Caxduchians, subduedby Trajan,i.,8;
13o sq. li., 176.
Capreolus,Bishopof Carthage,on des- Carduene(Corduene), ii., 175and note.
olationof Africa,v., 35o note. Carette,M., on assemblyof the Seven
Capsia,takenbyRogerofSicily,x.,x32. Provine=s, v., 287note.
Captain,titleof,inRome,viii.,384and Caribert, Kingof Paris,vi.,286note.
note. Carinus(M.Aurelius),ii.,I29; Czesar,
Capua,i., 27; amphitheatre at, 56,62; 13o, 13z note; emperor, 132;
xJi.,2o2note;destroyedbyAlaxic, character,z34andnote;celebrates
v., 252and note;Belisariusat,vii., theRomangames,I35; death,143
137; Lombard princesof,x., 78-9; andnote.
besieged bytheSaracens,8z; taken Carizme[Khw_rizm], cityof,takenby
byRoger,I29. -- the Saracens,ix., 133 and note;
CaputVada,Be.lisarins at, vii., 96 and reducedby /_alekShah, x., z73;
note. provinceof, invadedby MongolS,
xi., z37;andcityof,takenbyMon- of, in eleventh century, a3_;
gols,_38; byTimour,ax6. poverty of, relievedby Charle-
Carizmians,invadeSyria,x., 3t8. magne,x., z88.
Caxloman,brother of Charlemagne, Carthagena,silverminesat, i., 205;
viii.,360. taken by the Vandals,v., 343;
Carlovingian dynasty,viii., 340s_. fleet of Majoriandestroyedby
Caxmath, anArabianpreacher, ix., 297 Gensericat,vi., xi2.
andnote. Carthagin/ensis,provinceof, Alan/in,
Carmathians, Arabiansect, rise and v., 273.
progressof,ix., 298sqq., 300note. Carun,i., x66.
Carmel,Mount,battlesnear,x., 305. Carus,generalof Probus,ii.,Ix7; era-
Carmelites, vi., 158vole. peror,i28 andvote;reign,ib. s_.;
Carnuntum,on the Danube,Severus easternexpedition,x3o;death,z32.
declaredemperorat, i., z43 note; Carushomo, Benedict,xii., 92 vote.
Congressof,ii., 2_4note. Ca.saubon,i., z_anote,zx6nole.
Carocium, standardof the Lombards,Casbin,cityof, Heracliusat, viii., zo7
viii.,384_ote;placedin Capitolby andnote.
FredericII., xii.,99. Cascellius,
Carpi,ii.,zo, z6oandnote,25a_wte. ICashgar,underMalekShah,x., i73;
Caxpilio,son ofAetius,educatedinthe I KhedarKhanat, x74note.
campof Attila,vi., 4a and note,Casia, seeIcasia.
78note. :Casilinumbattleof,vii.,a77 and note.
Carpini,John de Piano,friar, visitsICasiri,ix., 224note,225note.
courtof the greatKhan,xL, z35 Caspianor Albaniangatesof Mount
note. Caucasus,vii., 72and note.
Carpocrates, viii.,x3o. CaspianSea, explored,viii., 54; two
Carpocratians, iii., x3. navieson, lb. note.
Carrago,circleofwaggons,iv.,303note. Cassano,battleof,ii., 60note.
Carrh_e, templeoftheMoonat, i., x77, Cassian,dukeof Mesopotamia, iii.,249.
_44note;iv._zz9andno/e;Roman Cassian,on monasticinstitutions,vi.,
colonyat, i., 266vole; taken by i65 note; on anthropomorphism,
Sapor,i/., 42; Paganismat, 48 viii.,_3ovote.
note. Cassians,legalsect,vii., 325.
Carrierpigeons,introducedinto SicilyCassianusBassus,Geopon/caof, ix.,
bytheArabs,x., zo7 note. 3x6note.
Carsamatius, meaningofthe word,ix., Cassin/oncomets,vii.,293.
335note. _Cassiodorus,Gothichistoryof, ii., 4;
Carthage,i., 32,62; takenbyCapeli- accountof embassyto Attila,vi.,
anus,229; buildingsof Maximian 43 andnote; of battleof ChMons,
at,ii., x8onote;wastedbyMaxen- 6zsq.; historyof,abridgedbyJor-
tius, a24; Councilat, 3x4 note; nandes,54 and vote; epistlesof,
templeof Venusat, v., 84; con- 3x3; ministerof Theodoric,3_3
ferenceat, 346andnote; deserip- and note; at Squillace,324; his
tion of, 355 sqq.and notes;con- accountofthe toleration of Theod-
ference of bishopsat, vi., z9x; oric, 33° note;announcesto the
cathedralat, restoredbyHunnerlc, senatetheaccessionof Theodatus
_95;buildingsof Justinianat, vii., and Amalasontha,vii.,x26.
57; Belisarinsat, zozsqq.; neigh-Cassius,Avidius,i., 93 note,zo6,a64
bourhoodof, zo3 note; fortifica- note.
*.ionsof, xo4; synodof, xo9 sq.; CassiusDion,seeDion Cassius.
saved byBelisarius,za9 andnote;'Cassius,Romangeneral,iv., 9z note.
conspiracy againstSolomon at,237;ICastalianfountainof Daphne,iv., 9z.
patricianof, ix., x97; taken by Castamona,estateoftheComnen/,vi/i.,
Hassan,no2; burnt,no4; bishop a79.
explanationof name,ix., 225 maximsof,onfamilylaw,36t and
note. note.
Castile,s_ Castell,_. Catothe Younger,marchof, to Car-
Castinns, master-general, marches thage,vi., i26sq. and note.
againstthe Vandals,v., 343- Catti,if.,24, x2xnote.
CastlesinAfrica,vii.,59 note;in Bat- Cattle,horned,in the Vosges,vii., x6o
kanPeninsula,6o and note. note.
Castorand Pollux,apparitionsof, ili., Catullus,poemof,on Atys,iv.,53note.
299note. Catulus,gildstheroofoftheCapitol,vi.,
Castoria,duchyof,viii.,296. 9° note.
CastraHerculis(Heraclea),fortifiedby Catus,see_EliusP_etus.
Julian,iii.,273note. Cancaland(Hauha-land),iv., 33x and
Castricia,persecutesChrysostom,v., note.
3tonote. Caucanain Sicily,vii.,96 and note.
Castriotes,George,see Scanderbeg. Caucasus,Mount,vii.,72.
Castriotes,John, xi., 3x5-16. Caucha(or Coca),Theodosiusat, iv.,
CastrucdoCasticani,Life of, ix., 329 331andnote.
_wte. Cava,daughterof CountJulian,ix.,209
Catacalon,veteran,viii.,280. and note.
Catalafimi in Sicily,ix., 284note. Cavalry,Roman,i., 17; armsof, 18;
Catalans,serviceand war of, in the of the Crusaders,x., 232-3.
Greek empire, xi., 85 sqq. and Caviar,exportationof, xi., 12_ and
note;annualpensionof, 87; con- note.
questsof,in Greece,91 sqq.; ally Cayem(Kaim),Caliph,deliveredby
themselveswith the Venetians Togrul,x., 159.
againstGenoa,126. Cazan,KhanofPersia,collectsMongol
Catalaunian Plains,iv.,215; vi.,5° and traditions,xi., 132note; deathand
note. character,155and note.
CatanainSicily,Belisariusat, vii., 128; Cazan,"kingdom of, invadedby Moo-
taken by the Saracen.s,x., 285 gols, xi., i4 6.
note. Cea,islandof, takenby the Venetians,
Cataneo,on Capistrano,xi., 314note. xi., 5 note.
Ca_apan, governorof Themeof Lore- Ceaulin,grandsonof Cerdic,vi., 274.
hardy,x., 79 and note. Cecaumenos, Strategicon of,x., 51note,
Catechumen, iii.,aSonote. 338note.
Cathay,nameof NorthernChina,xi., Ceecarclli,Alphonso,xii.,18o.
141and note. Cecrops(Ceeropius),li.,6o.
Catherine,grand-daughterof Baldwin Cedars,of MountLibanuS,viii., x99
I1.,marriesCharlesof Valois,x., and note.
38andnote. Cedrennsthehistorian,lii.,xo3;x., I6i
Catherine,St.,of Sienna,xli., 157and note.
note. Celer,consul(5o8^.D.),viii.,162.
Catholic,primateofthePersianChurch, CelestineI., Pope, receivesembassy
viii., I85; applied to Seleucia, from the EgyptianChurch,viii.,
Ctesiphonand Bagdad,19I. 143-4.
Catholics,Roman,criteriaof martyr- CelestineIII., Pope,x., 145;richesand
dora, iii., 35 note; Catholics,iv., nepotismof,xii., x2osq.
ao3sq. Celsius,i.,279note.
Catibah (Kutaiba), lieutenantofWalid, Celsus,Emperor, ii.,48note,5o.
viii., I3a andnote; conquestsof, Celsus,friendof Lucian,ii., 344note,
lb.; conquersTransoxiana,133 346note;iii.,x9 note.
note. Celtae,legion,iv.,3-
Cato,the censor,legalstudiesof, vii., Celtiberiaus, i.,24.
320; onthe Oppianlaw,347note; CelticGaul,i., 25.
Celticlanguage,i., 47 and note. [ x4x; founded,iii.,93; tribunalof_
note. Paul at, v., Hx; of the martyr
Cenni,on imperialcoronations,
CenciusCamerarius, xii.,67
:di., 67 note,741 Euphemia,
iv., 304;takenbyChosroes,
36; church of St.Peterand St.
note. ! viii., 9x.
Censors,last,ii., x4note. [ Chalcis,inSyria,granariesof,iv., I12;
Censorship ofAugustus,i., 83; revived[ Julian'ssettlementnear,ia6; be-
byDedus, ii.,x4, zS. sieged by Nushirvan,vii., 2o8;
Censusof theRomanpeople,v., x99 tributeof, to Saxacens,ix., x56;
note. takenby theSaracens,x63nae;
Centumcella_, vii., 15a,26_; resistsTo- death of Solimanat, 244.
tila, 264; inhabitantsof, trans- Chalcondyles, Demetrius,xi., 29onote.
portedto Leopolis,ix., 29o. Chalcondyles,Laonicns,ix., 366note;
Centuries,assemblyof, at Rome,vii., xi.,207;GreekandTurkishhistory
309 . of, 245note; description of Euro-
Ceos,isleof,manufactureofsilkat, vii., pean countries,ib.,284; onschism
31 and note. of Constantinople,296note; on
CephMlonia,taken by the Venetians Varna campaign,3zx note; on
xi., 5note. sack of Constantinople,xi/., 45
Cephisus,river,battleofthe,xi., 9x. note.
Ceramio,battleof, x., XOT;fortressof, Chaled,seeCaled.
ib. note. Chfdons,battleof,ii., 82; iii.,x63and
Cercaor Creca,wifeof Attila,vi.,29. note; descriptionof, vi., 6x and
Cerceau,P_redu, on Rienzi,xii., x28 noteand s99.;iv., 2i5.
note. Chalybians,or Chald_eans, vii.,66 and
CerdictheSaxon,vi., 273. _ note.
Ceremonies,pagan, attitude of the Chamavians,Franldsh tribe (pagus
Christianstowaxds, ii.,28o;adopted Chamavorum),ii., x59note; sub-
by Christians,v., xo4sg. duedbyJulian,iii.,27o,27x; code
Cerinthusof Asia,his theory of the of (lcx Charnavorum), vi., 24o
doublenatureof Christ,viii., _3o note.
and note, 13i; adopted by the Chameleon,surnameofLeo V.,9.v.
Catholics,x34. CharnpagneSt. Hilaile,villageof, vi.,
Cerroni, tribune,xii., xSo. 233note.
Cerularius,Michael,Patriarchof Con- Chancellor,seeCancellarius.
stantinople,viii., 28o-i and note; Chang-Tsong,Emperorof China,death
lettersof, ix., 203 note; cxcom- of,xi., _35noLe.
municatedby the Pope,x., 332. Chanse,province of,iv., 28x.
Cesena,cityof, vii., 276. Chansond'Antioche,x., 192note.
Cethegus, thePatrician,appearstoJus- Chao.wu,the great Khan, invades
tinianin a dream,vii.,a63. Persia,viii.,57.
Ceuta,seeSeptem. ChapterS,the Three,controversyof,
Ceylon,see Taprobana. viii., x74s{.
Chaborus, river, iv.,t22note. Chararich, dominions of,vi.,2x3note.
Chagan, titleofthe, Kingofthe Avars, Chardin, SirJohn, onIslam, ix.,46
vii., 192; alliancewiththe Lore- note; on Hosein, _o4 note; on
bards, viii.,7; Dacianempireof Persia,23onote.
the,9; policyand powerof,68sq. Charegites,orKh,'Xrejites, revoltof,ix.,
Chaibar(Khaibar),townof, viii.,7o;[ 96.
submitsto Mahomet,71; tribe Charigites, orKhazrajites, Arabiantribe,
of, *_.; Jews of, transplantedto I adoptIslam,ix.,59.
Syria,_. Chariotraces, iii., 30, 3z and note;
Chais,M.,xii., ix4 note. vii.,x9sqq.
Chalcedon,ii., 35; Romanlegionsat, Charito,wifeof Jovian,iv., t79.
Charlemagne,studied laws of the to empiresof Constantinople and
Franks,vi., 240;falconersof,viii.,! Trebizond,and assumestitle Au-
34note;rusticcodeof,vi.,25onote; gustus,xii.,60 andnote.
conquersthe Lombards, viii.,339; CharlesXII. of Sweden,i., i77.
alliancewithHadrianI., 344; at Charrnoy,M., accountof Timour's
Rome,lb.; donationof, 346and campaigns,xi., x89note.
note; holdssynod at Frankfort,Charon,nameof a patrician,viii.,28o.
354; assembliesof, /b. note; Charondas,lawsof, vii.,3o6andnote.
churchof,at Aachen,/b.note;book ChAteaubriand, onthe assemblyof the
of,354andnote;pilgrimagestothe sevenprovinces,v., 287and note.
Vatican,356;coronation of,356-7; Chauci,ii.,24.
rdgn, soq.; character, 359; Chazars,tribeof in Hungary,x., 49
nameof,lb. note;crueltyof,tothe note;seeChozars.
Saxons,36o; lawsof, /b.; Span- Chazrajites,seeCharigites.
ish expeditionof, 36_; literary Chelebi, Turkishtitle,viii.,294.
meritsof,362-3; extentof his em- Chemistry,scienceof, revivedby the
pirein France,/b. s_.; instituted Arabs,ix., 275andnote.
theSpanisl_March,365; foundedChemnis,in Upper Egypt, Nestorius
eightbishoprics, /b.; protectsthe buriedat, viii.,x53; description
Latinpilgrims,x., x83. ib. note.
Charles_lartcl, receivesembassyof CherefeddinAll,panegyristof Tamer-
PopeGregoryI., viii.,337; made lane,vi., x6note.
patricianof Rome,342and notes; Cherson,cityof, iii., x88note; Wolo-
defeatsthe Saracens,ix., 254sqq.; domirat, x., 7o; captureof, lb.
on the fi2/oque question,328 and note.
note;palaceof,at Aixla Chapclle,ChcrsonesusTaurica, ii., 3z; Justin-
xii.,t95, x96note. inn II. banished to, viii., 228-_).
Charlesof Anjouin Sicily,x., 78sqq.; Chersonesus,Thracian,defeatof the
ddeat alxddeath,84; senatorof Romans by Attila in, vi., x3;
Rome,xii., 93 and note. fortifications,a longwallof, vii.,
Charlesthe Bald, grants charterto 62.
monasteryof Alaon,viii.,364note. Chersonites,allies of Constantine
Charlesthe Bold,givesright of coin- againstthe Goths,iii., x88, x89;
agetoZurich,xii.,8onote. exemptionof, from duties,x89.
Charlesthe Fat,viii.,37xsq. Chernsci,ii.,24.
CharlesIV. of Germany,weaknessof, Chesney,General,his survey of the
viii.,39° sgq.; foundsUniversity EuphratesandTigris,ix., x25note.
ofPrague,39° note;ostentation of, Chess,vii., 2o4andnote;improvedby
39xs_.; contrastbetweenCharles Timour,xJ.,2x4and note.
and Augustus, 393; receivesChester,Romancolony,i.,45 note.
Rienzi,xii., x5_ and note; ira- Chianss,officeof, x., 339andnote.
perialcoronationof,x54. Chtldebert,laws of, vi., 245note; at-
CharlesV., emperor,ii., x89; sack of tempt to conquerAuvergne,255
Romeby, v., 25x; in Northern sq.; invadesItaly,viii.,27sq.
Africa,ix., 232; struggleof, with Childeric,exileof, vi., xx6and note;
thepopes,xii.,x76sff. marriesBasina,2z2 andnote.
CharlesV. of France, defendedby Childeric,last Merovingianking, de-
Baluz_xii.,16znote. posed,viii.,340and note.
CharlesVI., I-Iistoirede CharlesVI., Chiliarchs,of Vandalarmy,v., 345.
xi., x72note; his giftsto Sultan China,in the third centuryA.D.,ii.,x67
Bajazet, x74; assists Emperor and note;iv., 274sqq.andnotes;
Manuel,x78; receivesEmperor invadedbythe Topa,v., x64;silk
Manuel,243; xii., x64. in, vii.,3x; earlyChinesechronicle,
CharlesVIII., of France,receivestitles D.note;tradein,35sq.; Turksin,
vii.,_88sg.; Christianity in,viii., Chostoes,son of Tiridates,Hi.,x99.
x9o sg.; friendshipof, with the Chosroes,vassalof Pemia,rulesover
Arabs,x33; papermanufacturein, EasternArmenia,v., 33_.
x34;invadedbyZinghisKhan,xi., Chosroiduchta,sisterof Otas, ii., z66
x35sqq.; northernand southern andnote.
empiresof,x4o--xsg. Chozars,orKhazars,relations of, with
Chingiz,seeZingis. Heraclius,viii.,xix andnote;Jus-
Chionites,in thearmyof Sapor,ilL,254 tirdanII. seeksrefugewith the,
andnote. 229.
Chiorli,townof, xL,29. Chrabr, monk,x., 32 note.
Chios,Islandof, Turks drivenfrom, Christ,dateof birthandcrucifixion of,
x., 27I; Ginstinianiin, xli., 4x- ili.,18 note;miraculousimageof,
42. viii.,57andnote,85note;sepulchre
Chiozza,Isle of,vi., 70. of,bul'nt,9o; opinionsconcerning
ChishuI,traveller,v., 307note. thenatureof, z23 sqq.; statueof,
Chivalry,x., 220. 312andnote;correspondence with
Chlienes,Armenianprince,viii., 256. Abgarus,3x3; pictureof, /b. sq.;
Cklodwig, see Clovis. how regardedby Mahomet,ix.,
Chlorus,seeConstantius. 30sq.
Chlum,princeof,_d.,x68note. Christian,Archbishopof Mcntz, x.,
Chnodomar,King of the Alamanni, 137note.
iii., 266andnote; takenprisoner Christianity, inquiryinto its progress
byJulian,269. and establishment,ll., 26x sg_.;
Chodai-nama or bookofLords,vii.,aox Jewishconvertsto,268;causesof,
and note. andhistoricalviewof its progress,
Chorasan,seeKhur_sgtn. 327sgq.; in the East, 332; in
Chorasmia, provinceof,iv., 282note. Egypt,334; in Rome, 336; in
Chorepiseopi, or rural bishops, iii., Africa, 337; beyondthe empire,
3r5note. 341; attitudeof Hadrianto, lii.,
Chosroe_ I., Nushirvan,Kingof Persia, 3o, 3X; underConstantine, 284
i., 27onote; sevenphilosophersat aqg.,308sqq.; under Jovian, iv.,
his court,vii.,8_; accessionof,/b, z74; in Rome,v., 75 sgq.; Pa-
note; date of accession,_98note; ganceremoniesin, xo4sq.; a cause
proposedadoptionby Justin,197; of thefallof the westernempire,
meaningof"NnshLrvan," z98note; vi.,29Isq.; propagation of,inAsia,
characterof, x98 sqq.; appoints viii.,x88s_g.; in the northof Eu-
four viziers,x99; endlesspeace rope,x., 7xsq_.
with Rome, 205; makes war Christians,pecul/acopinionsof primi-
againstthe Romans,/b.; invades five,ll., _78sqq.; their beliefin
Syria, 208 sqq.; ruins Antioch, miracles,295sqq.;virtuesandcns-
2o9; negotiations with Justinian, tomsof primitive,300sq_.; com-
228sqq.;empireof,23o;palaceof, munityof goodsamong,3z9sqq.;
ix., x24sq. tithes,3t9, 320; underNero,336;
ChosroesII., sonofHormouz,accession proportionto Pagans, 34x; pov-
of, viii.,6x; fliesto the Romans, erty of, 344; confoundedwiththe
62-3; restored by Narses, 65; Jews,lii., x5andnote; favourably
lettersof,67 note;invadestheRo- regardedby Constantine,285;
manEmpire,86-7sqg.; conquers descriptionof, underConstantine,
Syria, 88; threatensConstant/- _85 sqg.; loyaltyof, 29o, 29x;
nople,_o0; retreatsbeforeHera- yearlysynods,329; respectfor
elias,xos; flight,xx6; murderof, Plato,344andnote; doctrinesof,
_z8and note. 35x $_q.; Ariancontroversy, 354
Chosrnes,KingofArmenia,i., a69 and sq9.; their sects, 356 sqq.; Ju-
tw/¢;ii., 42. lian's txeatmentof, iv., 84 *gg.;

i influenceof, on the l_fahometans, and note; on monasticlife, vi.,
ix., 28; of the seventhcentury x63note;opposesApollinaris, viii.,
": relapseinto semblanceof pagan- x34.
: ism,36; mannersof,attimeoffirst Chundo,chamberlain ofGontxan,King
crusade,x., no2; theirdiscipline
of of Burgundy, vi., 25_note.
penance,lb.sq. Church,Christian,government ofprimi-
of St. John,in Bassora,ix., five,ii., 3o9sq9.; wealthof,3x9;
27. revenues of, 322; excommunlca o
Christmasday,originof, iv.,I6 hole. fion in, 323,3a4; property of,se-
Christopher,son of ConstantineCo- curedby edictof Milan,iii., 320
pronymus, viii.,a39. and note; authorityof, 348; dis-
sonof RomanusI., made endowedby Julian,iv.,84; East-
emperor, viii.,265. ern Church torn with discord,
passof, x., zzo note; on viii., x6zs_q.; unionof the Latin
theGreekfrontier,zx3 note. a6dGreek,x82; corruption ofthe
seeCroats. Latin,xi., 25_sq.; unionof the
Chronicon Farfense,viii., 348note. Latin and Greek, concludedat
Chroniquedu religieuxdeSaintDenys, Ferraraand Florence,264sgq.;
xi.,x72note, treaty betweenthe Greek and
Chrysanthiusthe philosopher,iv., 56, Latin,268sq.
69; highpriestof Lydia,7onote. Churches,Christian,underConstan-
Chxysaphius,favouriteof Theodosius fine, iii., 322; privilegeof sane-
theyounger,vi., 34andnote; par- tuarytransferredto,325andnote.
doned by Attila, 36; supportsChu YuenChang,revoltof, xi., x52;
causeof Eutychius,viii., x54; foundsMingdynasty,lb. note.
death,_57- Cibalis,battlenear, ii., a46and note.
Chrysocheirthe Paulician,viii., 26o; Cibossa,churchof Pauliciansat, x.,
victoriesof, x., x3 s_/.; death,i 4 note.
x4. Cicero,De natu.ra Deorum,i., 37 and
St.Peter,commends piety note; attitudeto religion, 39 note,
ofPlacidia,vi., 78note. xoS,2xo; ontheimmortality ofthe
Manuel,professor ofGreek soul,ii., 284andnote; on Plato's
at Florence,xi., 28x; death,283; Tim_eus,iii.,346note; aspiredto
his pupils, ib. note; compares the Augurate, v., 73 note;on the
RomeandConstantinople, 293sg.; Twelve Tables, vii., 308, 318;
epistleof,to JohnPal_eologus, 293 accountof De Legibus,322 note.
hole;death,/b. Cilicia,province, war in, betweenSev-
battleof,ii., 258; iii.,93; erusandPescenninsNiger,i., TSI;
Harunal Rashidat,ix., 279; Sul- Persianconquestof, ii., 45; in-
tan Solimanentertained at, x., x79. vadedbyAlani,:zo; Cilician gates,
Chrysostom,John,onthechurchatAnti- viii.,xooand note;conquestof,by
och,ii.,334sq.; eloquenceof,iii., Nicephorus, ix., 3o9.
329;on earthquakeat Jerusalem,Cillium,or ColoniaCiUitana,vii., 24t
iv., 8%8z; on the luxuryof Con- note;subduedbytheSaracens,ix.,
stanfinople,v., 288and note;pro- xTo;warsof Alexiusin,x-, 272-
tectaEutropins,3o2; homiliesin Cimbri,iv.,22onote.
defenceof Eutropius,3o3 note; Cineas,councillorof Pyrrhus,v., x99
election and merit of, 308 sq.; note.
administrafion, 3xo sq.; extends Cingolani,his mapof the Campagna,
thejurisdiction of Constantinople, xii.,xoznote.
3xa; persecution of, by Eudoxia,Cinnamus,historian,prejudiceof, x,
3x3s_l_.;exile,3z6; death,3z7; 278nole.
epistlesof, 3z6 note; his relics Cixcassians,dynastyof, xi., x96 and
broughtto Constantinople,3x7! note.
VOL, x_L-- z7
Circesium,site of, i., a45 note; forti- Claudian,portraitof Serena,v., xx9
fled by Diocletian,ii., x75; Ju- note;ondeathof Ruflnus,xa3 and
lian at, iv., x2x, x23; vii., 66; note; epithalamium,_35 note;
Chosroesat, viii.,63. poemon Geticwar, x47note;epi-
Circumcellions, sect of, iii., 4o5 sgq.; gram on old man at Verona,z49
tunnelsof, in Africa,v., 347. note; on battleof Pollentia,_56
Circumcision,ii., 267,273note; prac- and note; account of, J9x sqq.;
tised by Mahometanson the Eux- on Eutropius,29xnotes;onauction
ine, vii., 2x7; condemned in of the state,293.
Abyssiniaby the Jesuits,viii.,2x3 Claudiopolls, bathsat, i., 56note.
and note. ClaudiusI., electedemperor,i., 9x, 96
Circus,Roman,v., 22oand note;fac-' note,x34note.
tions of the, at Rome and Con- ClaudiusII.,atThermopyl-_,ii.,x3note;
stantinople,vii.,z9sq.; factionsof, origin,6xand note; reign,/b,sqq.;
abandon the Emperor Maurice, letter of, 66; victoriesover the
viii.,78. Goths,/b.and 68; death,ib.
Cirencester, Richardof,i., 45 note;iv., Claudius,a freedman,iii., xo8note.
226note; on citiesof Britain, v., ClaudiusQuadrigariustheannalist,vii.,
283note. : 342note.
Cirta, ii., 224; iii.,x86note; opposes!Cleander,ministerof Commodus,i.,
Gaiseric,v., 355; duke of, vii., xx4sqq.
x_o. Cleaveland,Ezra,HistoryoftheCourte-
Citadelsofthe Alps, ii.,229and note. nays,xi.,43 note.
Citeaux,monasteryof,x., 28,1. Clematiusof Alexandria,iii., 228and
Cities,in the Romanempire,i., 6x; in note.
ancientItaly,ib.; in Britain,Gaul, Clemens,Flavius,ii., 3xanote; execu-
and Spain,/b.; inAfricaand Asia, tionof, iiL,26.
62; of Britain, v., 282 and note, CIemensofAlexandria,li.,3o4not_,343.
283and note; decayof the cities ClementILL, Pope, x., x23; xii.,9o
of the WesternEmpire,ix., 322; note.
wealthof the Easterncities,lb. sq. ClementV.,Pope,at Avignon,xii.,xog-
CitizenshipunderCaracalla,i., _xxand _o and note; appointscardinals,
note. x__note.
Citron wood,valued by the Romans, ClementVI., Pope, his negotiations
viii.,z99and note. withCantacuzene, xi.,235-6;Lives
City o] God,work of St. Augustine, of, 236 note; celebratessecond
v., 243. jubilee, xii., xx4 and note; ad-
Cius,ii., 35- dressedby Rienzi,an9; confirms
Civetot,crusadersat, x., 2x2note. histitle,x35;summonedbyRienzi,
Civilians,Roman,vi., x52sqq. x42 and note; his Bulls against
Civiiisthe Batavian,i., 208. Rienzi,x48note; his death, x52;
Civitate,battleof,x., 94-5. Petrarch'sexhortationto, _54-5
Civit,'lVecchia,seeCentumveU_e. and note,156.
Clairvaux,monasteryof, x., a84 and ClementVII., Pope (Robert of Ge-
note. nero),hiselection,xii.,x6o.
Clmissimi,Roman senators,iii., jo9 ClementVIH., invadesFerrara, xii.,
note. x75 note.
Classics,Greek and Latin, x., 277; Clementines, the, ili.,342note.
losses,andpartialpreservation,of, Cleodamns,fortifiesPir_eus,ii.,37-
xli., 5o. Cleopatra,daughterof EmperorMau-
Cla__d_, harbourof Ravenna,v., z63 rice,viii.,83note.
note; pillagedby Dukeof Spoleto,Cleopatra,queen,libraryof,v.,86 note;
viii.,26. concubineof Mark Antony, vii.,
Claudia,miracleof,iv.,$x,5am_e. 353.
Clepho,Kingof theLombards, viii.,x8. CodexArgentetts, Gothic,vi., x8tnote.
Clergy,distinctionof,fromlaity,li.,3x8 CodexCaroliuus,viii.,337note.
st.; orderof, iii., 3x3; underthe Codex,theGregorianand theHermo-
-: emperors,/b,sqq.; celibacyof,3x7 genian,vii., 3x6.
and note;ordainedby thebishops, Codexof Justinian,vii.,329s_/.; sec-
/b.; exemptionsof, 3x9and note; ond editionof,336.
"" numberof,ib.; wealthof, 320${.; CodexNasiraens, seeNnsiraeus.
civiljurisdiction,323sq.;spiritual Codexof Theodosius,v., 24 note;laws
censorship of,325and note; public againstthe Donatistsin, 347note.
preachingof, 328andnote; legis- Codicils,Romanlawon, vii.,364sq.
lative assembliesof, 329 sqq.; Codinns,iii.,xxonote,x78note; vii.,
avariceof, restrainedby Valen- u88note; hisaccountof honoars
tinian,iv., ",o
7 and note;in Gaul andoffices,x., 34rnote.
-_ vi.,26aand note;clergyand bish- Codrus,Romanpoet,v., 2_4.
opsexiledand imprisonedby Jus- Coemption,vii.,345,346note.
tin,viii.,x94-5 and note;underthe Coenobites, originof,vi., z57 note;ac-
Carlovingians, .387. countof, x75and note.
Clermont, estateofAvitnsat, vi.,92and CcenumGalllcanum,iii.,232note.
note; besiegedby the Visigoths,Cogende(Khojend),city of, taken by
_32sq.; councilof, x., x96s_. the Mongols,xi., 138.
Cleves,Julianat, iv., r3. Cognats,vii.,36o.
Clodion,Kingof the Franks,occupiesCogni,seeIconium.
Tournay and Cambray,vi., 49; Cohorts,city,i., 22, xI6note.
death,5o. Coil,Britishking,ii.. ao4note.
Clotaire,sonof Clovis,constitutionof, Coimbra,treatywithSaracens,ix., aao
vi.,24anote. note.
Clotilda,wife of Clovis,convertsher Coinage,depreciationof, underGal-
hushand,vi., 2t9; promoteshis lienns,ii., 58note,97; of Constan-
expeditionagainstthe Goths,230. tine the Great,iii., _6oand note;
Clovis,Kingof theFranks,vi.,2x2sq.; withhead ofBoniface,v. ,353and
birth of, lb. note; character,2x4; note; underthePal_eologi, xi.,87
defeatsSyagrius,lb.sq.; addsTon- and note;papal,xii.,68and note;
grestohis dominions,2x6; defeats Roman republican,in twelfthand
theAlemanniat Tolbiac,ax? sq.; thirteenthcenturies,88 and note;
conversion of, 219sq.; baptismof, of thepopes,x67andnote.
220sq. and note;subduesArmor-Colchester,Romancolony,i., 45 note.
ica, 223; war with the Burgun- Colchians,braveryof,vii., 218.
dians,235sqq.;victoryof, nearDi- Colchos,conqueredby Trajan, i., 8;
jon,226; warwiththe Goths,229 alsocalledLazicaorMingrelia,vii.,
sqq.;conferencewith Alaric,lb.; ax4; descriptionof,ib. sqq.;man-
consulship of, 235and note. netsofthenatives,2x6;Christians
Cluveriuson the Lombaxds,vii., x78 of, aXT;revolutionsof, 2x8; re-
note. voltsof, 221s_q.
Cniva,Kingofthe Goths,ii., t2. Colias,Gothicleader,iv., 3oo.
Coaches,Roman (carruc_e),v., 209 Coliseum,seeRome.
note. Collaterals,or assessors,xii., xTo.
Cocaba,villageof, iil.,a5. Collatioepiscoporum proveda forgery
Coeheon theTigris,Julianat, iv., i36 byHayer,vi.,2a6note.
sqq. College,electoral, of Germany,viii.,389
CochinChina,conqueredby the Mon- andnote.
gols,xi.,i42. Collyridian heresy,ix.,36andnote.
Cochin,Kingof,grantsprivileges to the Cologne(Colonia),i., 28xnote; Post-
Christiansof St. Thomas, viii., humusat, ii., 54 note; destroyed
x9a" by Germanz,iii., 260; pillaged by
CIodion,vi., 50; archbishopsof, !Commodus,sharedthe imperialpower,
their relationtoRome,xii., 7t. i., xo7; reign,/b. Sqtl.;Porphyro-
Colonalus, i.,3o_note. genitus, io8 note; death, lb.;
Colonia,Sultanateof, viii.,299. accusesSeverus,143 note; pro-
Colonies,Roman,i., 44, 45; in Britain tectedthe Christians, iii., 50.
andSpain,lb.note;honorarycolo- Comneni,familyof,viii.,279;genealogy
nies,/b. note. of, 280 sqq.; extinctionof, xii.,
Colonna,John, _[arquis of Ancona, .59.
xii., :i8; learningof, 208note. Comnenus,see Alexius,David,Isaac,
Colonna,John, son of Stephen the John,Manuel(emperors).
Younger,xii., x46. Comnenus,Hadrian,viii.,285.
Colonna,MarcoAntonio,xii., zr8 note. Comnenus,John, refusesthe empire,
Colonna,Otho,seeMartinV. viii.,28z; C_..sar, 283;childrenof,
Colonna,Peter, senatorof Rome, xii., 285.
xx8; arrested,_36; death,x46. Comparetti,on SouthItaliandialects,
Colonna,Protonotary,xii.,I74. xi., 276note.
Colonna,Romanfamily,xii., ix7sqq.; Compi_gne,Palaceof theMerovingians
splendourof,r77; quarrelsof,with at,ix., 25randnote.
theUrsini,2o5. Compostella, shrineof, ii.,339-
Colonna,Sciarra,xii., _o8, Hg. Compurgators, vi., 246.
Colonna, Stephen,theElder,xli., xx8-9 Comum,townofAttilaat,vi., 68;lake
andnote,x2o,133sq.,x45. of, 328.
Colonna,Stephen,the Younger,xii., Conception, doctrineoflmmaculate,/x.,
I2I, _22"_ deathof, z46. 4° and note.
Cahrvion,tunicwornbytheGreekera- Conclave, institutionof the,xii.,1o5.
perors,ix., 336_wte. Concord,altarof, in Elephantine, vii.,
Columba,St., Monasteryof, vi., r63 65note.
andnote. Concordia, pillagedbyAlaric,v., r98;
Columban,St.,vii.,277note. destroyedbyAttila,vi., 68.
Columbanus, ruleof,vi., x66note,z69 Concubines,Roman laws respecting,
note. vii.,353sq.
Colume..Lla,v., 206note. Con/arreation,marriagerite,vii., 345,
ColumnaRegina,at Rhegium,viii.,28 346note.
note. Confederates, Barbarianarmyof, sub-
Colzim,Mount,Monasteryof, at, vi., vertedthe WesternEmpire,vi.,
I59; Anthonyat,lb.andnote. x42and note; new legionof Ti-
Comana,templeof, iii.,z49 and note; beriusso called,viii.,24 andnote.
Chrysostomat, v., 3z7. Confessors, iii.,43 note.
Comans,Turl_shtribeof, serveunder CONOB, inscription of Byzantine
Bulgarianking, xi., x4 and note; coins,viii.,335note.
under AlexiusStrategopulus,35 Conon,nameof Leothe/saurian,viii.,
and note,36-7; 40,000familiesof I 23S.
the, adoptedby King Bela IV.,I Conon,
xi., z47.
church and monasteryof,
vii.,24 note.
Coates,seeCount. I Conrad,Duke of Franconia,deathof,
Comets,vii.,29xsq.and notes, x., 48.
Comitia,seeAssembly. !Conrad,Duke of theFranconiaas,x.,
Comito,sisteroftheEmpressTheodora,J 48.
vii.,zoand note. ConradI., viii.,373nole.
Commachio, morassof, viii.,28note. ConradII., Emperor,annexedking-
Commentiolus, generalof the Emperor dom of Ariesto empire,viii.,37=
Maurice,viii., 74 and note. note; in SouthernItaly, z., 86
Commerce, despisedby theplebeiansof note.
Rome,v., 2t6. ConradIll., Emperor,x., 194; joins
secondcrusade,274; dealingswith Constantia,
theGreekemperor, 279; hismarch note;escapesto Sirmium,252.
inAsiaMinor,280; illnessof, 28z Constantian,
generalof Justinian,vii.,
note;invitedto Romebythe sen- xz7note.
i Conradof Montferrat,
ate,xii.,85 note,95.takes part in Constantina,
the Great, crowns Vetranio,
daughterof iii.,
: third crusade,x., 304; death,308; 209 and notes; marries Gallus,
"*: husband of Theodora Angela, 227; character,228; death,232.
355note; defendsTyre, lb. Constantina,sister of Eusebia,iv., z5
Conradinof Swabia,invadesFrance, note.
z x., 79,81-2; in Rome,xii., 94. Constantina,widow of the Emperor
Consentia (Consenza), lsthmusof,land- Maurice,viii.,83; death,_b.
markof Autharis,viii., 29; sub- Constantina,town,besiegedby Cobad,
duedby R. Guiscard,x., xoo. vii.,69note.
Conservators, instituted,xii., x7o. ConstantineI., theGreat,ii., 75; birth
¢: ConsdiumSpecialeand Generale,xii., and familyof, 204and note; edu-
171. cation, /b.; escapeof,and journey
Consistorium, iii., I46note;at Treves, toBritain,207;elevation, 208sqq.;
_. condemnsPriscillian,v., 27; se- marriesFausta,214; namedAu-
cretsof,disclosedto Attila,vi., 26. gustus,ib.; besiegesAries,220;in
;_ Constable, officeof, ix., 34° and note; Gaul, 224; war with Maxentius,
ofFrenchmercenariesat Constan- 226 sqq.; passes the Alps, 230;
tinople,xi.,6x. battles of Turinand Verona,ib.
- Constance, heiressof Antioch,x., 300 sqq.; victorynearRome,235;re-
note. ceptionof, at Rome,237; estab-
Constance, treatyof, viii.,385; Coun- lishedsenatoria.Itax, 239; alliance
cilof,392note;synodof.xo95A.D., withLicinius,240; civilwarwith
x., x94note;xJ.,253;xii.,x66. Licinius,246sq_.;treat)"ofPeace,
ConstansI., son of Constantine,iii., 249;lawsof,249sqq.;clemencT to
x73; governs Italy and Africa, the Christians,iii., 75; chooses
x83; Augustus,x96; reigns,lb.; Byzantiumas sitefor Constantino-
warwithConstantineII., 205sq.; pie, 9o, 9r; plansConstantinople,
slain at Helena, 208; protects ib.; prodigalityof, Io9; character,
Athanasius,38x; toleratespagan- x68sqg.;familyof,x72;edictof,en-
ism,4xI; visitsBritain,iv.,227. couraginginformers, z75,r76; visits
; ConstansII., son of ConstantineIII., Rome, ib.; puts Crispus to
typeof,viii.,179;emperor,224sq.; death, x77;punishesFausta,t79;
nameof,ib. note;putshis brother elevateshis sons and nephews,
Theodosiusto death, 224; in x8x; Gothic war, x87; alliance
Greeceand Italy, ib.; murder of, withthe Chersonites,z88; death,
in Sicily,225; checkedadvance 19t; conversionof,279sqq.;con-
oftheSaraeens,/b. note;death of, ducttowardstheChurchandChris-
328;dreamof, ix., xTxand note; tians,280,28x;pagansuperstition
sends armyto Africa,x97 note; of, 282and notes;protectsChris-
visitto Rome,364;takesrooffrom tiansofGaul,283; publishesEdict
thePantheon,xii., x94. of Milan,284;divinerightof,289;
Constans,sonof the usurperConstan- religious war against Licinius,
tine, put to death at Vienna,v., 292and note;dreamof, 296;his
265. conversion,3Olsqq.; hisdevotion,
Constantia,sister of Constantinethe 305;his baptism,306;at Council
Great, ii., 209note,240, 258;iii., of Nice,33x; opposesthe Arians,
173" daughterofRogerofSicily, 365; and the
hisreligious Orthodox,
vacillation, lb., 366;
at.,x42,x46. atespaganism,409sg.;in Julian's
_, iv.,45; donationof,viii., Constantine XlI..viii.,283.
349 and note; imaginarylawof, ConstantineXIII. [XI.], Palmologns,
ix., 346, 347 and note; curedof last Greek emperor, xi., 32x;
leprosy,xii., x4aandnote. crownedat Sparta,322; message
Constantine11., ii., 249 and note; to MahometII., xii.,zz; signs
iii., x73; elevationof, x8x, x83; act of unionof Greek and Latin
Augustus,x96; warwithConstans, Churches,2z; defendsConstanti-
205; death,206. nople,24 sg_.; L_t speechof, 28;
ConstantineIII., generalof Honorius, death,44.
receivesthe fortuneof Heraclian,Constantine,AfricanChristian,learn-
v., 264; character,267sq.; raised ing of, x., to4; translatesHippo-
to the Empireof the West, 336; crates,xo4note.
marriesPlacidia,335; death,336. ConstantineAngelus,viii., 306.
Constantine[IIl.], son of Heraelius,Constantine,brotherof Michael,x.,
madeAugustus,viii.,22xandnote; xo9note;lettersof,to R.Guiscard,
at Cmsarea,ix., z66-7, lb.; commandsin Greece,xi., 72.
ConstantineIV.,Pogonatus,defeatsthe,Prince of Ser-
usurper, Mizizios,viii., a26; re- via,xi.,3at note.
voltofhis brothers,/b.,227;reign, Constantine,governorof Spoleto,vii.,
ix., 238sq. z55; death,z56and note.
Const.'mtineV.Copronymus, reign,viii., ConstantinePMeokappa, authorof the
236sq9.; militaryprowessof, 237 Ionia,ix., 37rnote.
note;abolishesthemonks,/.b.; Ix:s-Constantine,private soldier, tyrant,
tilenceintheempire,lb.; bonesof, electedin Britain,v., x78 and
burned, 255; settledArmenian note; besiegedin Vienna, x79;
familiesin Thrace,256note;mar- claimsratified,265; besiegedin
ties daughterof Kingof theCho- Aries,266; death,268.
zars, ix., 346; introducesthe Constantine,son of Bardas Phoca3,
PauliciansintoThrace,x., x5sg. viii., 267.
ConstantineVI., crowned,viii., 238; Constantine, son of BasilI., deathof,
marries Theodote, 24z note; viii.,26L
blindedbyorderof Irene,242and Constantine,sonof MichaelVII., x.,
note. xo9.
Const,'mtineVII.,Porphyrogenitns, on ConstantineSylvanns,x., 4 and note;
the Chersonites,iii., x88 note; laboursof,8; death,9-
birth of, viii.,263; title of, 264; Constantinople:--
deputes governmentto his wife Augusteum,iii.,ro4 note.
Helena,267; death,ib.; on Greek] Bathsof: Zeuxippns,iii.,4or; burnt
fire, ix., 249; worksof, 282note, during the Nika riots, vii., 25.
314 sqq.and notes; Ceremonies, Anastasia,iv.,x88.
Themes,Administration of Empire, Blachcrnm, iii., roz note; bridgeof
Geoponics,Encyclopmdia, Tactics, the,x., 328note;palaceof, occu-
Hippiatrica,lb.; on the Franks, pied by Franks,376; fortifiedby
362s_.; onthe Selavonians, x., 30 Heraclins,xii.,2o note.
note; on Russia, 53 note; his ac- Caligaria,quarter,xii.,2onote;rain-
countof baptismof Olga,69. ing operationsoI theTurks at, 35
ConstantineVIII., sonof RomannsI., note.
viii.,266. Chainof l:tarbour,iii.,94 and note;
ConstantineIX. [VIII.I,viii.,27S. .xii.,2oand note.
ConstantineX. [IX.I, Monomachtts, Churchesof: Acacius,St.,iii., 402.
viii.,278and note. Anastasia,St., v., x6 and note.
ConstantineXI. IX.],Ducas,viii.,282; Holy Apostles,x8 note; vii., 56;
policyof, ib. note; sonsof, banish rifledbytheFranks,x., 38z. Lau-
the motherof the Comnenl,285. fence, St., vii., 24. Conons SL_
_>., note. Sophia, St.,burnt dur-I 24noLe; repeopled andadorned by
ingthe Nikariots,25; foundation,[ Mahomet,54sqq.
52; descriptionof, 52 sqq.; au-] Forum of Constantine,iii., ,o4 and
thorit/es concerning, lb. not_;[ note.
; marblesof, 55;richesof, lb. sq.;[ Gates of: Caligaria,xii., ao note.
" eastern hemisphereof, falls, xi.,[ Contoscali,_. Xylokerkos(Ker-
296and note; inhabitantsof Con-[ koporta),aonote,43 note,44 note.
-t stantinopleseek refuge in, Am.[ Selymbri_e(or Pegana), 25 note.
1453,xii., 45; MahometII. in, Rusii(or Rhegii),lb. Charisii(or
5x sq.; convenedinto a mosch, Charse_) or Hadrianople,:5 note,
52 andnote. John,St., vii., x7o. 43 note. Romanus,25note;tower
Virgin,the, xTt. Diomede,St., of, 28, 44 note,5L Phenar,44.
viii.,257. Irene,St.,harbourchain Hebdomon, orfieldof Mars,iv., _84
preserved in, xii.,20note. note; seebelowunderPalaces.
College,Royal,at, ix., 367. Hippodrome (Atmeidan),iii.,_o4and
Column:of Arcadius,xi., 9 note;of note; condemnedto silenceafter
Justinian,295 and note; (and Nika riot, vii., 28; MahometII.
. Colossus)Constantine,xii., 46. in, xii.,5'.
'. Descriptionof, iii.,9_ sqq.; advan- Monastery ontheBosphorus, founded
tageoussituationof, 97; fonnda- byTheodora,vii.,x7; ofSt.Conon,
tion of,98; extent,zoo; edifices, 24.
_. *o3; population,*06, io7; dedi- MoschofMahometII.,xii.,55.
.. cation,*H; newformof govern- Palacesof: Imperial,iii., zoo, ,05
e ment at, x*_;churchof, 400sgq; andnote;v.,288; restoredby Jus-
imperialcourtof,and itsreforma- tinian,vii., 57; x., 331sqq.and
; fion by Julian, iv., 3', 32 sgq.; notes. Hebdomon,Arabiantroops
Senate,4_; revoltof Procopiusin, disembarknear,v., _23; viii.,80;
_80; school foundedby Valen- ix., 238. Her_eum, and gardens,
finianI. at, :oo; Athanaric'sira- vii.,58andnote. Lausus,287note.
pressionsof, 33,; its Arianism, Daphne,ix.,33z note. Magnaura,
v., x3 sqq.;interestof its inhabit- lb.; school at, 368. Blachernae,
ants in theologicalquestions,lb.; _eeabove,Blachernae.Boucoleoa,
firstcouncilof,20sqq.;massacreof x.,376.
Gothsat, 305sq.; religiousriots, Phiale,ix.,333.
3*3sq.; wallsof,rebuiltby Athe- Sieges and threatened attacks:
nilus, 32,; earthquake,vi., *3; ThreatenedbyGoths,iv., 3t7; by
Circusfactionsat, vii., 2, sqq.; GothsunderAlaric,v., *39; by
Nikariots,23sqq.;riots(A.D.560, BulgariansunderZabergan,vii.,
285 sq.; revolt againstMaurice, 283; besiegedbyAvars,viii.,96;
viii.,78sqq.; famineat, 95; reli- threatenedby Persians,,oo; be-
gionswar,x65sqq.; secondcourt- siegedby ThomastheSlavonian,
Cilof, *75; third councilof, ,8o; 248; by Arabs,ix., 237; dateof
iconoclastcouncilof,320;manners siege, /b. note; secondsiege,_42
of, reformedby John Comnenus, sqq.; threatenedby FIarun al-
a9o-t; first Crusaders at, x., Rashnid, 278-9; besieged by
229_qq.; fireat, 37o; pillageof, Krum,x., 32note; threatenedby
376sqq.;statuesof,destroyed, 382 Hungarians, 45; fourtimesbyRus-
rqq.; librariesof, destroyed,384; sians,57sqq.;byGeorgeofSicily,
bronzehorsesof, taken to Venice, ,33-4; siegeand conquestof, by
ib. note;wallsof, restored by Mi- the Latins,363sq.; siegeof, by
ehael,xi.,78; stateofthelanguage Asanand Vataces,xi., 26 sq.;re-
at, 27t _qq.; seclusionof the coveredby MichaelPaheologus,
Women of,273sq.; comparedwith 35 sgq.; escapeof,fromtheMon-
Rome,293s_q.; circuitof, xii., gols, z53; threatenedby Hola-
gou, x54; by Bajazet, x77; re- Constantius, secretaryof Attila,vi., 23
lieved by Boucicanlt,_78; be- andnote.
siegedby AmurathII., 235sq.;by Constitutions, of the emperors,vii.,
MahometII., xii., 24 sqq.; cap- xi2 sq.
ture of,4zsqq. Consularis,iii., x28.
Sigma,semi-circular portico,x., 385. Consuls,i.,82,84note;underConstan-
Skyla,a vestibule,ix., 38xnote. fine,iii,, xx6s_.; in the middle
Triclinos:of Justinian II., ix., 351 ages,xii.,84and note.
note;Chrysotriklinos, ib. 334and Consulship, underthe empire,i.,84and
note;Lausiac,53xnote. note; assumed by emperorsin
Trikonchon,buildingof Theophilus, fourth and fifth centuries,ii., x87
ix., 33:note,333nole. note; Julian's reverencefor the,
Turb6 (grave)of Abu Ayub,xii.,55 iv., 40; restoredby Odoacer,vi.,
and note. x52and note; suppressedby Jus-
ConstantiusI., Chlorus,general of tinian,vii.,8xs_.; resumedbyJus-
Probus,ii.,xz7; adoptedbyCarus, finII., viii.,5.
x35; made C_esar,x49and note; Conti,Romanfamilyof, xii., xx6,ao5.
in Britain,_56,x57; in Gaul,x59; Contracts,vii., 366s_.
character and reign, 2oz sqq.; Convertlsseur, iv., 7xnote.
death, no6; epitaphon, /b. note; Conybeare,Mr., defendsPhilo's trea-
averseto persecution,iii., 74. tise on the Therapeuta.',ii,, 335
ConstanfiusII., son of Constantine, note.
iii.,x73; C-'esarand rulerof Gaul, Co/dat_,or grave-diggers, iii.,32o.
x75; inthe East,zSS;receivesthe Copticdialect,viii.,_85.
testament of Constantine, x94; Coptos,ii., H6, _62.
seizes Constantinople,_93; Au- Copts,orEgypfians,heresyof,viii.,x86,
gustus,z96; Persianwars of, x99 2o2;declineof,207;submittothe
sqq.; refusesto treat with Mag- Saracens,ix., xo,xL
nentius,2zo;deposesVetranio, 2xz; Corbnio,i., 4 note.
makes war against Magnentius,Corcyra,Totilaat, vii.,262; Procopius
213, 214; defeatshim at Mursa, at, ib. note;siegeof,byManuelI.,
2x6; elevatesJulian, _39; visits viii., 292; Crusadersat, x., 358;
Rome, 242 sqq.; war with the takenbyVenice,xi., 5note.
Quadi,246sqq.; Persiannegotia-Cordovain fourth century,v., 27I;
tionsof, 249sq_.; Easternexpe- siegeof,vi.,2o2;governorof,inthe
ditionof, 258; besiegesBezabde, hands of the Saracens,ix., 216;
259; apotheosisof, 282; adopts legionof Damascusat, 224;seatof
Arianheresy,367,368; reconciled theCaliphs,225;Christiansof,an-
withAthanasius,58z, 582; edicts der Arabs, 232and note;martyrs
againsttheCatholics, 403;tolerates of, 234and note;seat of learning,
paganism,4x2; visits templesof 27x.
Rome,_.; his fear of Julianand Corduene, iv., z47.
waragainsthim, iv., x sgq.; re- Corea,kingdomof, conqueredby the
ceivesJulian'sembassy,x4;death, Mongols,xi., x42.
a6. Corfu,se_Corcyra.
ConstantlnsIII., generalof Honorius, Corinth,i., 62;churchat, vi., 3xo;de-
receivesthe fortuneof Heraclian, stroyedbyAlaric,v.,x41; wallsof,
v., 264; character267sq.; raised restored by Justinian,vii., 6I;
to the Empireof the West, 336; besiegedby Georgeof Sicily,x.,
marries Placidia, 335; death, x53;takenby Turks, xii.,57.
336. Corippus, Johannisof,vii.,235note;on
Constantius,Julius, the Patrician, Justinian,viii., xnote.
brotherof Constantine, ii.,ao9note;:Corn,at Alexandria,ii., _65note;at
iii,,173. Constantinople, iii., _o8 sq. and
note;export of, fromEgypt,vii., held, z56; faith of the, x59sg.;
29. ratifiedby Justinian,x73.
Corneille,"Attila" of, vi., 8 note Clermont,x., x96sq.
"Heraclius"of,viii., 8z note. Constance,viii., 392note;xi., 253;
-" Cornwallconqueredby Athelstan,vi. xii.,x65sq.
275note. Constantinople, firstof,v., 2osq.and
Coronarygold (Aurum Coronarium) note; ratifiedby Justinian,viii.,
iii.,x65,x66note. x73.
"3 Coronations, imperial,at Rome, ac- Constantinople,second of (fifth
countof,xii.,67 and note,68. generalcouncil),viii.,x75.
-_ Corporations, municipal,lawsof Majo- Constantinople, third of (sixthgen-
Correctors, iii.,x28. vi., xo6sq. eral council),
Constantinople viii., x8o.
(eighthgeneral coun-
Corruptibles and Incorruptibles,heresy cil),x., 33xandnote.
: of,viii.,202. Constantinople, iconoclastof, viii.,
d Corsi,Roman family of, xii., zt6 3x9.
205. Ephesus,first of, viii., x44-5; con-
Corsica, i.,33; bishopsbanishedto, vi., demnedNestorius,x46;ratifiedby
39x; stateof,/b. and note. Justinian,x73-
' Cones,iv., x45note. Ephesus,secondof, viii., x54; per-
Cor_Snus, Matthew,King of Hungary, secutesFlavian,x55s_.; character
xi.,335and note. ; of, x56.
"_ Corvinus,surnameof John Huniades,i Ferrara,A.D.x438,xi., 262sqq.
-_ q.v. Florence,A.D.x438-39,xi.,262sqg.;
Cos,Isleof,silk madein, vii.,3x and actsofunionofthe Councilof,269
note. note.
Cosa(KussaJ),ancestorof Mahomet, Frankfort,viii.,354andnote,36anote.
Usurps the Caaba,ix.,24 note. Illiberis,ii.,326.
Cosdar, townof,takenbytheMoslems, Lateran(A.D. 649),viii.,x79; (A.D.
" ix., z32note;seeKnsd_r. xx79),_di.,304.
*_ Cosmas Indicopleustes, vii., 36note,39 Lyons,generalCouncilof, xi., 28;
note;accountof theAxumites,23t Greekclergyat, 75-
note;Christima topography of,vlii., Mantua (A.D. x459),xi., 63.
" 388note. Milan,iii.,385note.
Cosmoof Medicis, Nice,firstof, iii.,333,353and note;
Cossova,battleof, xi., x68s_.; John ratifiedby Justinian,viii., 373.
# Huniadesdefeatedat,334. Nice,secondof,viii.,35x.
Cotini,i., 277note. Pisa, A.D.x4o9,xi., 253 and note,
Cotrigurs, seeBulgarians. x65.
Cotymum, battleof, vii., 64; Turkish Placentia,x., x97.
campat, x., _78. Rimini,seeAriminum.
Coucy,Sirede,joinsincrusadeagainst Rome,anti-Iconoclastic, convenedby
theTurks,xi.,372andnote;death, GregoryII., viii.,332.
374. Sardica,iii.,380note,38xand not*.
Council,general,authorityof, xi., 254. Seleucia,iii.,360.
Councils of: Ancyra,ii,, 526. Sophia,St. (fictitious), xi., 298note.
Antioch,iii.,379and note. Toledo,vi.,267andnote.
Ariminum, iii.,360. Tyre,iiJ.,376.
Aries,iii.,384. --.ouncils,
provincial, instituted,ii.,333.
Basil,A.D.x43x-43,xi., 253andnotes,Count,Latintitle,vi., 245andnote.
andsq. Count:of the East,iii., x27note,x29
Chalcedon, acts of the Councilof, note; militarytitleof, 335;of the
viii., x46 and note; summoned household(castrensis),t¢3 and
Nestoriusto appear,xSa; council note; of theSacredLargesses, z47
sq. andno/e;of the privateestate Phocas,85; condemnedtomonas-
t48 sq.andno/e;ofthe domestics tic life,86.
xSOsq. Crltobttlus,
Coupele,rockof,xi., z9anote. 46 note.
Couroultai, or Dietof the Tartars,iv., Croatia,i., 28; kingdomof, x., 3o;
27xandnote;vi., 66 note. princeof, opposesthe Ottoman
Courtenay,lordshipof,xi.,29andnote; Turks,xi., i68 note.
digression on thefamilyof,43-53, Croats,of Dalmatia,x., 3o.
see Tableof Contents. Crocodiles,ii., x36note.
Courtesy,termof chivalry,x., 22z. Crocus,or Erocus,ii., 207andnote.
Cousin, President,his translationof CromwellOliver,xli., x38note.
Procopius,vii., 85note; mistrans-Cross,symbolof,adoptedby Constan-
lationin, 300note; his translation tine, iii., a94; inventionof the,
of Cantacuzene, xi., xo5note;mis- iv., 76 and note; true crossre-
translationof a passagein Ducas, movedto Persia, viii.,9o; recov-
_di.,I2 note. eredby Heraclius,12o; exaltation
Cracow,cityof,destroyedbythe Mon- of the, /b.; sign adoptedby the
gols,xi., x46. Crusaders,x., 209; cross-bearers
Craiova,Turkishforcesdefeatedbythe of St. Sophia,xi., _68.
Princeof Wallachiaat, xi., xT_ Crossbow,used by Crusaders,x., 239
note. andnote.
Cral[Kral],ordespotof Ser_a,deriva-Crotona,Belisariusat,vii.,258; resists
tionof name,xi., zo9 _ote. Totila,264; battleof, x., 79-
Cranmer,x., 24 and note. Crownofthorns,soldbyBaldwin II. to
CrasSus, ii.,x69. the Kingof France,xi., 3z.
Cremera"ii.,235note. Crowns, obsidional,givenbyJulian,iv.,
Crcmona,pillagedbyKlaxic,v., x98. x34, :35; of GreekEmperors, ix.,
Crescentius, Consulof Rome,viii.,382. 336andnote.
Crestona" city of, vii.,3o4note. Croya"takenby Scanderbeg, xi., 3z8;
Crete,i., 34; archersof,atThermopyla. _, siegeof, 3x9.
ii.,_3note;conqueredby Niceph- Crucifixion,date of,ii., 333-
orus, viii.,a69; by the Arabs,ix., Cruitnich,or wheateaters,iv., 225.
•8_sq.; Saracensof, puttodeath, Crum,BulgarianKing, viii., 8 nae;
294andnote;recoveredbyNiceph- death.246note.
orus Phocas,3o8; taken by the Crusades:first crusade,x., x9z sqq.;
Venetians,xi., 5 note;boughtby justiceof,200sq.; motive'_ for,202
Venice,6. sq9.; secondand third,_74sqq.;
Creyghton,Robert,his historyof the fourth and fifth, 3z4 and note;
union of the Greek and Latin sixth,3_8sqq.; seventh,322sq.;
Churches,xi., 259note. accountoffourth,34_sq¢.;conse-
CrimTartary,ii., 3L quencesof the,xi.,38 sgq.
Crimea,fortificationsof Justinianin, Crusius, his Turco-Grzecia"xii., 56
vii.,65; tradeof, xi., x23. note.
CrinitusUlpius,ii., 70. Ctesiphon,or Madayn,i.,265;besieged
Crispinus,i., 235. by Severus,/b., ii.,84, 85; taken
Crispius¥ibius, i., Io3 note. by Caxus,i3I ; Julianat, iv., :36
Crispus,sonof Constantine,Cmsar,li., sq¢.; palaceof, Nushirvanat, vii.,
249and note; defeatsthe Franks 230; Heracliusnear, viii., xzS;
andAlemanni,25aandno/e; naval Chosroesenters,xx6; sackof, by
victoryof,257; character, iii.,x74; the Saracens,ix., x23and notesq.;
Cmsar,/b.; disgraceand death, palaceofChosroesat, I24; decay,
x77. x25; ruinsof the hallof ChosroeS
Crispus the Patrician,son-in-lawof at, ib. note.
Phocas,viii.,84 andnote;betraysCubitof the Arabians,ix., a74 note.
Cublai,grandsonof ZingisKhan,xi., the accountof, iii.,36sqq.;letters
x4oandnote;conquestsof,i4xsq.; lb.; flight,/b.; at Curubis,38;
prosperityunder, xSx; residesat martyrdom,39; festival,of, vii.,
Pekin, i53. 1o2.
Cucusus,in LesserArmenia,iii., 4oI Cyprus, i., 34; insurrectionagainst
note; retreat of Chrysostom,v., Constantine,iii., I84; Hyrcanian
316. captivessent to, viii.,54; ravaged
Cudworth,iii., 339note,34_note. by the Saracens,ix., 171, 28x;
Cufa, insurgent Arabs of, ix., 96; recovered by Nicephorus,313;
tombof Aliat, xoo;foundationof Assisein theLatinkingdomof,x.,
*a5; pillagedby the Carmathians, 266, 270 note; conquestof, by
299. RichardPlantagenet,338and note.
Curieletters,ix., J9. Cyrene,i., 3a; ruinedstateof,iii.,326
Cumze,reducedby Totila, vii., 245; and note; Greekcoloniesof,extir-
defendedby Aligern,273; Sibyn's paredby Chosroes,viii.,91; con-
caveat, =74and note. foundedwithCairoano[theArabs,
Ctmaans, Turkishtribein Hungary,x., ix., ao* note.
49note;sameas the Uzes,/b.,x65 Cyriacus,of Ancona,iii.,a4 note.
note; glossaryof the Cuma_ian Cyriades,Emperor,ii.,44,50.
language,/b. Cyrilof Alexandria,answersJulian,iv.,
Cunimund, viii.,6; slain by the Lom- 6o and note; account of, viii.,
bards,7; skullof,usedasdrinking x35-6; made patriarch, i37;
cup byAlboin,x5. tyrannyof,/b.; allowsHypatiato
Curator, officeof,in Rome,vii., 355. bemurdered,i39and note;at the
Curds,ii., x76; dynastyof Curds or first Councilof Ephesus,145sqq.;
Ayoubites, ix., xonote; x., _94sq. degradedby the Orientalbishops,
and notes, x47; is reconciledto Johnof An-
Curland,holygrovesof,x., 55and note. tioch,x48.
Curopalata_ officeof,ix., 338and note. Cyrilof Jerusalem,iii., 368, 369and
Cursuspublicus,seePost; cursusclavu- note;characterof,iv.,77 and note.
/ar_,iv., 6 note. Cyrila, Arianbishop,at conferenceo£
Curubis,townof,Cyprianbanishedto, Carthage,vi., x81; hisignorance of
iii.,38. Latin,105note.
Cusina,Moorishchief,vii.,241note. Cyrizus,stationof,viii.,-_54note.
Cuspinian,xii., 5 note. Cyrrhus,Bishopof, v., 325note; vi.,
Customs(imposts),i., _o7and note. 3oi note; dioceseof,x., 3 note.
Cutturgurians, tribesof, vii., x8onote. Cyrusthe Great, eunuchsof, iii., 2a4
Cutulmish,grandsonof Seljuk,x., 177. note; captureof Babylonby, xii.,
Cybele,i., 4x,xI4and note; orationof 45note.
Julian in honourof, iii., 5I and Cyrus,nephewofSolomon,vii.,240.
note. Cyrus,praetorianprefect,disgraceof,
Cyclades,islands,Saracensin, ix., xT_. v., 328.
Cydnus,river,iv., x7_and note. Cyrus,patriarchof Alexandria, ix., x78
Cydonia,in Crete,ix., 284. note.
Cynegius,praetorianprefect,closesthe Cyrus,river,vii.,2x4.
pagantemples,v., 8x. Cyta,or Cotatis,townof,vii.,2t6.
Cynochorita_, churchof the Paulicians, Cyzicus,ii., 35; buildingsof, iii.,xo_
x., 4 note. note;massacreofhereticsat,4o4;
Cyprian,Bishopof Carthage[Thallus subdued by Procopius,iv., x8;
CceciliusCyprianns],ii., 315 and Johnof Cappadociaat,vii.,47sq.;
note; opposesBishop of Rome, Arabianfleetat, ix.,239.
317; deLapsis,32a andnote; on
Episcopalgovernment,326, 327; DACt.% conqueredby Trajan, i., 6, 7;
teacherof rhetoric,343; opposes descriptionof, 29; inroadsof the
Gothsinto,ii., 8, xz; lost to the x39sqg.; fallof, x46-7andnote;
Goths,30note; givenbyAurelian exilesof,pursuedandslain,x49sq.;
to theGoths,73; invadedbyCris- GateKeisanat, x49;capitalofthe
pus, 253; given to the Eastern Saracens,x87; takenbyZiraisces,
Empire,iv., 323; subduedby Ar- 3ix; princesof, expelledby the
daric,Kingof theGepid_,vi., 77; Seljuks,x., z77;reducedby Atsiz,
desolationof, 309; two provinces x88; siegeof, by ConradIII.,
of, vii.,59 note. 282; joinedto Aleppo,288; at-
Dacians,drivenfromUpperHungary tackedby Saladin,395and note;
by theSarmatians,iii.,x86. Saladinretreatsto, 804; Timour
Dadastana,iv., r78 and nole. at, xi., x98.
Dagalaiphus,officerof Julian,iv., a_; Damasus,Bishopof Rome,iv., ao8;
in Persia,r24; at Maogamalcha, accountof,209sflq.;v., x2.
33x; factionof,at deathof Julian, Dames,a Saracen,ix., x64.
x56; addressto Valenfinian I., iv., Damghan,battleof,x., 156.
384; consulateof,2t4 note. Damianus,Peter, vi/i., 376 note; x.,
Daghestan,vii., 73. 45 note; friendandbiographer of
Dagisteus,gener',dof Justinian,corn- St. DominicLoricatus,2o4note.
roundson the Euxineagainstthe Damietta,taken by the Crusaders, x.,
Persians,vii.,224; commandsthe 314.
Huns againstTotila,266. Damocles,storyof,vi., 87 andnot_.
Dagobert,foundedthe Churchof St. Damophilus,Archbishopof Constant/-
Denys,v., 26xnote; viii.,364. nople,exileof, v., z8 andnote.
Daher,Indianckief,conqueredby the Dandolo,Andrew,x., 367 note.
Moslems,ix., 332note. Dandolo, Henry, Doge of Venice,
Dahesand Gabrah,warof,ix., 37nob;. chronicleof, x., 3x note; account
Daihal,captureof,by Mohammad ibn of,348andnote; at siegeof Con-
Kgsim,ix.,132note. stantinople,365sqg.; refusesthe
Daimbert,Archbishopof Pisa, made Latinempire,xi.,2; despotofRo-
PatriarchofJerusalem,x., 260and mania,5; death,38.
hole. Danes,iv., 220; vi., _7z.
Dakiki,Persianwriter,vii.,2oi note. Daniel, first bishop of Winchester,
Dalmatia,description of, i., 28; sub- epistleof, to St. Boniface,vi., 383
duedby theRomans,x42;wonby note.
Constanfius, iii.,2_9; cededto the Daniel,P6re,on Childeric,vi., rx6not_.
EasternEmpire,v., 339; occupiedDaniel,prophecyof, vi., 289note.
by MarceUinus,vi., 3x5; iron DanieliS,Matronof Patras, viii., 257;
minesof,328; Crusaders in, x.,225. giftstotheEmperorBasil,ix.,326;
Dalmatianlegionaries, destroyedbythe wealthof, 334sq.
Got/as,v., 232. Dante, his De Monarchio,xii., r38
Dalmatinus,JuvencusC_eliusCalanus, note.
lifeofAttila,vi., 3note. Danube,victoriesof M. Antoninuson,
Dalmatius,nephewof Constantine, lii., i., r3; provinceson, 27; frozen,
x73; madeC_esar,_8z; character 275; bridgeof boatson, iv., 249;
of, x93note; murderof, z94. conference ofValensandAthanaric
Dalmafiosthe abbot,viii.,x49andnote. on, 25o; Gothstransportedover
Dalmatiusthe censor,ii., 2o9 note; the, 292 sq.; frozenunderJus-
ii/., 373. tinian,vii., 282; canalof Charle-
DamascenusStudites,xii.,56 note. magne,viii.,367.
Damascius,his Life of Isidore,vii., 79 D'Anvilie,M., plan of Romeby, vii.,
note. 340note;easterngeography of,ix.,
Damascus,Andronicusflies to, viii., x39 note; descriptionof Alexan-
299; faiz'sof, ix., zo; caliphsat, dria, x79note; on the ORoma n
zxo; besiegedby the Saracens, dynasty,xi., z55note.
Daphne,grove and templeof, iv., 89 Decemvirs, twelveTablesof, vii.,3o$
andnote; templeof, burnt,93 sq. sqq.,308.
Daphnusia, townof,xi., 36and note. Decennovium, vii.,x35and role.
Dora,siegeof,vii.,2x3; byNushirvan Decentius, brother of Magnentius,
viii.,$2; Bahrainat, 57; restored, madeC_esax, iii.,220andnote,2az.
66; destroyedby Chosroes,88. Decimus,battleof (AdDecimum), vii.,
Dardania,provinceof, vi/., 59 note; zoo.
acquiredbythe Bulgarians,x., 28 Decius,consul,vii., 269note.
androte. Decius,emperor,defeatsPhilip,ii.,=;
Dardanians,ii., x3 note,x49and rote. reign,lb.; birth,/b, rote; marche$
Dardauus of Troy,ii.,6znote. againstthe Goths, 3, 4; Gothic
Dardanus,prmtorianprefectin Gaul warof, z3 sgq.; death,x7; perse-
opposesJovinus,v., 269and note; cutesthe Christians,fii., 55 and
! inscription erectedby, 284 note. note; v., 359androle.
: Dargham,Egyptianvizir,x., 29oand Deeius,the Younger,death, ii., t6.
role,29L Decius,Romanpatrician,vii., 254.
Darius,constructscanal in Egypt,ix., Deeoratus,delatorofBoethius,vi.,339
x87note;compared toVataces,xi., note.
57note. ' Decretals,theForged,viii.,347.
Darius,oflqcerof VaientinianIII., in-I Decumates,ii., x2oand note.
terview with Count Boniface at Decurions,or Curiales,iii.,x56.
Carthage,v., 348sq. DeJensores, iv., 200; officerevivedby
Dastagerd, seeArtemita. Majorian,vi., xor.
Datianus,governorof Spain, iii., 74 Deification of emperors,i., 8o,88.
and note. Dejal,ortheAntichrist, ix., xo5.
Datiaausthe Patrician,iv., x8o and Dejoces,King of the Medes,vi., ,x5
note. note.
Darius,Bishop of Milan, vii., x5u; De la Malle,Dureau,on populationof
retiresto Constantinople,x58and the Romanempire,i., 53rote.
note. Delators,i., xx_,_u8. Cp.iii., x75-6.
D'Aubign6, onearly Christianfaith,v., Delbene,Sannuccio,zSi.,x26note.
xo4note. Delhi,conquered by theSultanof Gaz-
Daur,townof, taken by the Modems na,x., I5o; Timourat,xi., xgx-2.
ix.,x32note. Delian,Peter,revoltof,ia Macedonia,
Dausara,taken by AvidiusCassius,i., viii.,277note.
264rote. Delphi,iv.,42.
DavidComnenus, lastEmperorofTreb- De2phicum,royal banquetinghall at
izond,xii., 59sq. Rome, Constantinople, and Car-
David,grandsonof Andronieus,seizes thage,vii., to3 note.
Paphlagonia, xi.,xxrote; death,/b. Delphidius,inGaul,iii.,275;widowof,
David, lberian prince, aids Phocas v., 27.
againstSclerus,viii.,274note. Delphinus,Gentilis,xii., 18o.
David,Sonof Heraclius,viii.,22xnote. Dema.ratus, vii., x74note.
David,Sonof Shishman,x., 64 note. Demetrias,granddaughter of Proba,v.,
Davila,Fra, historian,xii., x76note. 249note.
Davy, Major,his Institutionsof Ti- Demetrius,brotherof JohnII., x., 33
mour,xi., xgxnote. and rote; voyageof,toVenice,xi.,
Dawldnsand Wood, descriptionof 26o,268.
Palmyraand Baalbee,ix., x55note. Demetrius,despotof Epirus,siegeof
Debt,lawof,vii.,374sq. Rhodesby,ix., XTX andnote.
Decapolis, plain of, ix., x57. Demetrius,Egyptianprelate,ii.,335-
Decebalus,Dacianking, i., 6, 7. DemetriusPoliorcetes, ix., 35a note.
Decempagi, Dieuzein Lothringen,iii., Demetrius,son of Marquisof Moat-
a64note. ferrat,ai., 24.
Democedes of Crotona,vii.,_o_note. Diamper,synodof, viii., x93.
Democritus,philosopher, xi., 69note. Diarbekir (or Amida),despoiledby =
Demons,ii., 279, 28o. Saladin,x., 395. 7
Demosthenes, vii.,74. DiariumParmense,xii.,63 note.
Demotica givento
and note; Countoof
massacre fSt.PoI,xi.,8
the Latins Diarium,UrbisRomae, xii., x80.
at, x4; Cantacuzeneassumesthe Dic*earchus, iv., 260note.
purple at, _o8; EmpressAnne Dicanice,Greekname forthe imperial
besiegedin, bytheBulgarians,z62. sceptre,xi., 66 note.
Denarius(coin),iii.,x6onote. Didot,A. F., on AldusManutius,xi.,
Dengisich,son of Attila, on the banks 290note.
of theDanube,vi., 76; invadesthe Didymus,prince of the Theodosian
EasternEmpire,77;death,ib. house, opposes Constantinethe
Denmark,Crusaders from, x., 304; Tyrant,v., 18oand note.
kingdomof,restoredtotheempire, Diedo, Venetiansea captain,xii., 24
xii.,98. note.
Deogratias,Bishopof Carthage,assists DieM,C., onAfricanforts,vii.,58note.
theprisonersofGaiseric,vi.,9xand Dietof theTartars,seeCouroultai;of
note. the Hurts,iv., 27_note;German,
Depopulation,in th/rd century,ii., 57, viii.,389,392,393-
58. DietrichofBern,vi., 327note.
Derax[Dhir_r],Arab warrior,iv., 3x7 Diffarreatio, vii.,348.
note;atsiegeofDamascus,ix.,x4o Digest,seePandectS.
sq.; valourof, x42and atty. Dijon,fortressof, vi., 226and note.
Derbend,vii., 72 and note; gatesof, Dilemites,ii., x68note; alliesof the
penetratedbytheMongols, xi., x4o., PersiansintheLazicwar, vii.,2a5.
Dervishes,xi., 3o3and note; in Turk-_Dimitriu,articleof, on Russia,x., 57
ishcampat Constantinople, xii.,37-i note.
Desiderius,brother of Magnentius,;Dinar,ix.,24L
made C_r.sar, iii.,220note;death, Dinarchus,vii., 93 note.
_2_note. Dioceses(civil),lii., x26sq.
Desiderius,daughterof, repudiatedby' Diocletian(C. AureliusValeriusDio-
Charlemagne,viii.,339note;con- cletianns),ii., xzT; election,142
queredby Charlemagne,/b. and notes; reign, I44 sgq.; asso-
Deslisle,William,geographer,ix., 3x4 dates Maximian,x45; Galerius
note. and Constantine,x49; defenceof
Despina(?), queen,restoredby Ti- the frontiers, r57; policy, lb.;
mourto Bajazet,xi., 204-5. settlementof the Germans,Sar-
Despot,tide bestowedby the Greek motions,etc., x6oand note; wars
emperors,ix., 337- in Egyptand Africa,x6xsgq.and
Deuterius,chamberlain,v., _89note. note; suppressesalchemy, x63;
Develtus,townof, capturedby Krum, Persianwarsof, z64 sqq.; at An-
x., 32note. tioch,i69; receivesTiridates,x7o;
Devonshire,earls of, see Courtenay. negotiateswith Persia, x72; his
Dexippus,ii., 38 and note. moderation,x73; triumph, x77;
D'Herbelot,his Biblioth_que Orientate, titlesof, x78note; edictof maxi-
ix., xx8andnote. mum prices, /b.; at Nicomedia,
Dhoulacnaf,Arab title of Sapor,iii., xSo; systemof ImperialGovern-
x97" i meat, x8_ s_q.; assumes the
Diadem,imperial, introducedby Aure-I diadem,z85; administration,x86
1/an and Diocletian,ii., z85 and] sqq.; increaseof taxationunder,
note;ix., 336andnote. 4 x88; abdication,x89,19o; at Sa-
Diadumenianus,i., x78; death,z84. ] lona,z92sqq.;bathsatRome,2o9
Diamonds,i., 69 andnote. i and note; treatmentof the Chris-
tians,Hi.,58 sqq.; first edict,66; D/'ue/es_, long tunic wornby the
secondedict,73; thirdandfourth Byzantineemperors,ix., 336note.
edicts,/b. Divination,iii.,41o.
Diodetianopolis, besiegedby theAvars, Divinity, titles of, assumedby Dio-
viii.,72. cletianand Maximian,ii., 184.
DiodoruS, Count,iv.,96. Divorce,vii.,348sqq.;limitations ofthe
Diodorus, heretic,viii., x34. libertyof,349sq.
DiodorusSiculus,on the priesthood,Dlugossius,Johannes,his historyof
lii.,318note;vi.,296note;on the Poland,xi., x34note.
Caaba,ix., 23 and note. Dniester,Gothicfleeton, ii.,65; Visi-
Diogenes, leaderoftheChersonites,iii., gothiccampon,iv., 288.
_88. Docetes,gnosticsect,iii.,343and note;
Diogenes, officerof Justinianin Rome, their opinionon the nature of
vii.,26x. Christ,viii.,i26 sq.
DionCassius,i., 42 note,86 note; his Docles,no.meof Diocletian, ii.,x44note.
father,95 note; enemyof Didius Doclia,ii., 144note.
Julianns,x37note,x53,x6o; con- Dodona,Gothsat, vi.,262and note.
sul underAlexanderSeverus,x99. Dogeof Venice,institution of, x., 347-
Dionysius,Bishopof Milan, banish- Dogs,sent fromEuropeto Bajazet,xi.,
mentof,ili.,387. _75note.
DionysiusI. of S)aracuse, viii.,33 note; Dolfino,Giovanni,Dogeof Venice,xi.,
xii.,34 note. 5_wte.
Dionysius of Alexandria, iii.,36. Dollinger,onthepopes,viii.,377note.
Dionysius of Byzantium,vi., 9xnote. Domestic,Great,officeof,ix., 340and
Dionysiusof Corinth,ii.,323note. note.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, onRoman Domestics,revoltof, againstCommo-
constitutional history,vii.,303note. dns,i., x23; schoolsof,lii.,xso.
Dionysiusof Telmahr_,Patriarchof Dominic,St.,hermit,x., 204; Life of,
Antioch,ix., i7o _wte. lb. note.
Dionysius, poeticalgeographer,ix., x54 Dominus,title of the emperor,i., I83
note. andnote;refusedbyJulian,iv.,39
Diophantus of Alexandria, ix., 274note. and note; adoptedby the popes,
Dioscorus,Patriarch of Alexandria, viii., 3.34-5and note; on papal
supportsEutyches,viii., 154; dis- coins,xii.,7o.
graceof, r57; deposedand ban- Domitian,emperor,i., 5, 92; lifecen-
ished,x59. sorshipof, ii., x4 note; gildsthe
Dioscurias, town,ii.,33 note;vii, 216; capitol,vi., 9° note; bust of,vii.,
fortificationsof, 2I9. 289 and note;law of, concerning
Diospolis, image at, viii., 3_5-6 and suicides,387; founds Capitoline
note. games,xii.,x25note.
Diplokionion, orBeshikTash, _di.,u9 Domitian,Orientalprefect,iii., 229,
note. 230note.
Dir,Slavking,x., 52note. Domitilla,nieceof Domitian,iii., u6
Dirhem(drachma),ix., 24xnote. andnote.
Dlsabul,Khan of the Turks, vii., x93 DomitiusDomitianus,ii., r6xnote.
andnote;receivestheRomanam- Domninus of Syria, ambassadorof
bassadors,195sq. Valentinian,v., 37Sg.
Dispargum,residenceof Clodion,King Domtts,classof Romanhouse,v., 224.
ofthe Franks,vi., 49; site of,/b. Donationof Constantine, iii.,28onote;
no/e. forgeryof, viii., 347; of Charle-
Ditch,battleof the,viii.,369. magne,/b.; of Constantine,348
Dithmar,chronicleof,x., 5a note. and note.
Dius,vi. 3oxnote. Donafists,schismof,iii.,336sqq.;re-
Diva,or Male,iii.,3H note. voltof,405sqq.; religioussuicides
of,407sq.; persecution of,v., 346, ria,v., x63note; quotationfrom,
347andnotes, xii.,43 no/e,x52note.
Donatus,Africanbishop,iii., 335- Dubis,Persiancampat,vii., az3.
Donatus,on topography of Rome,xii., Dubos,Abbd,i., 44 note; onthestate =
2x2note. of Gaul,vi., 4° note;on influence -
Dongola,ruinsof,viii.,ao9. of climatein relationto the Ro- -
Dorcon,horseof Heraciius,viii., xI4 roans,xii.,66 note. F
note. Ducange,C. du Fresne,ix., :_47note;"
Doria,Genoeseadmiral,xi., x26. onthe Catalans,89 note; hisedi.
Dorothens,eunuch,protectsthe Chris- tionsof Byzantine writers,xli.,64 la
finns,iii.,59. note-
Dorotheus,religious enthusiast, x., Ducas,Greekhistorianof theTurks,
334- _d.,2z8note,220note;onschismof
Dorotheus,selectstheInstitutesof Jus- Constantinople,46 note; account
tiuian,vii.,338. of the destructionof Venetianship
Dorylzeum,Theophilusat, ix., a93; by the Turks, xii., zx and note;
battleof, x., 238; nowEskishehr, historyof, printed,axnote; am.
a#o; ConradIII. at,280note. bassadorto sultan,46 note.
Dositheus,Patriarchof Jerusalem,xi., Ducas,seeConstantine XI.
98 note. Ducat,derivationof the name,xi.,a56
Doutremens,Jesuit, his History of note.
FourthCrusade,x., 344note. Ducenorius,imperial procurator,iii.,
Dovin,destroyedby He.radius,viii., 56 note.
Io3note. Duels,judicial,see Judicialcombat.
Doxology, iii.,397. Duke,Latintitle,vi.,245and note.
Draco,nameof visitor-general of Leo Dukesof the frontier,ii., 7o and note;
III., viii.,323and _wte. ix., 34o-z.
Draco,river,seeSarnus. Dukes,military,iii., x35; established
Draco,statutesof, vii.,37a; ageof,/b, by Namesin Italy, vii., a8o and
note. note.
Dracon,river,x., 2x2note. Dumatians,tribe of,ix., 25.
Dracontius,masterof the mint,iv.,96. Dunaan,Princeof the Homerites, vii.,
Dragoman,officeof,ix., 339-40- _3x and note.
Dragon,city,iv., 27xnote. Duraon the Tigris,iv., x59and note;
Drcnco,river,Attilareceivestheera- treatyof, :62 andnote; takenby
bassyofTheodosius onthebanksof Nushirvan,vii., 2o7.
the,vi., 36. Dura.zzo,siegeof, x., xxz s£f.; battle
Drepanum,ii.,204note;Crusadersat, of,xx6; takenbyRobertGuiscaxd,
x., _x2note. xz8--9;nameof, xx9note;Bohe-
Dristra or Durostolus,x., 66 note; mondat, 273; Latinslandat,358;
Swatosiausat, 67. MichaelAngelusat, xi., z2.
Drogo,brotherof Williamof Apulia, Durham,bishopricof, vi.,28o.
x., 90note; deathof, 94. Durostolus, seeDristra.
Dromedary,viii.,93 andnote; in Ara- Dyeingindustries,vii., 3° s_?.andnote.
bia,ix., 7- Dyrrachium,fortifications of, v., xT.O;
Dromones, or Byzantinegalleys,ix., 352 treasure of Amalasonthaat, vu.,
andnote. xa6; takenbytheLombards,x79;
Druidsof Gaul,i.,4o. Belisariusat, 25o; seeD_.
Druses,of MountLibanus,x., x86and EAOr.E, Roman,i., x3 andnote.
note.. Earthquakes,at Jerusalem,iv., 80;
Drusus,German conquestof, lost by A.D.365,259sq.; underJustinian,
Vacus,i., 25note; iv., a2I note. i vii., 294sg.
Dryden,fableof Theodoreand Hono-Easter,viii.,_Tx--a andnote.
Eba,the elder,ix., 323- Edicts,oftheprmtors, vii.,3xxandnote;
Ebermor,desertsto the Romancamp, perpetualedict,3x2andnot,.
vii., x32. Edificesof Justinian,vii.,48sqq.
Ebionites, ii.,a72andnote;opinionsof, Edobie,generalof Constantine, defeat
iii.,342and _tot¢;opiniononthe and death,v., 267.
incarnation,viii., xa3-4; their Edom,"kingdom of, iii., 5-
gospel,xa5note. Edris (Idrls), founderof the Edrisite
Ebn [Ibn] Schounah,his accountof caliphate,ix., 3onnote.
Timour,xi.,r96;se*BenSchounah.Edrisi,on the Christianityof the Nu-
Ebredunum. or Iverdun,Romanfleetat, blahs,viii.,2o9note;on geography
vi.,45note. ofArabia,ix., 2note.
Ecbatana,i., 265; ii., 177; iv., x47 Edrisitesof Mauritania,caliphsof the,
note;Towerof Oblivionat, 239 ix., 263; foundingof the, /b. and
andnote;useofthe name,ix., 3x2 note.
andnote. Edward,Countof Savoy,xi., xo4note.
Ecclesiastes, Book of, authenticityof, EdwardI., of England,inthe East,x.,
vii.,IX5note. 3a4-
Ecclesiastical order, iii., 3x5; govern- Edward III., of England,letter of,
meut,discussionofits harm-e,_di., against ClementVII., xii., 16z
x77-8, note.
Eedicius,prefectof Egypt,iv., io2. Egbert, his intercoursewith Charle-
Ecdicius,son of Avitus,defendedAu- marne, viii.,368 note.
vergne,vi., xoi note, x32; family Egica,Kingof the Goths,in Spain,vi.,
of,_. note. 267.
Ecebolns,vii., t2. Egilona,widowof Roderic,ix., 222.
Eclectus,conspiracyof, i., x22. Eginhard,marriesdaughterof Charle-
Eclipses, ii.,348. marne, viii.,360note.
Ectliesis, ofHeraclius,viii., x79- Egregius,rankof, iii.,xx5note.
Edda,ii.,6. Egypt,provinceof, described,i., 32;
Edeco,lieutenant of Rodericthe Got.h, languageof, 48 and note; popu-
ix.,2x2. lation, 63 note; revenue, 204;
Edecon, fatherof Odoacer,ambassador rebellionof Firmns in, ii., 93;
of Attila,vi., 24; his interviews works of Probus, x26; revolts
with Chrysaphius,34; his con- from Diocletian,x6xsqq.; Chris-
fessionand repentance,/b.; de- tianity in, 335; Augnstal pre-
featsthe Scyrri,x45. fectof,iii.,i27; kingsof,3t4note;
F.,dessa, described,i., 266 and note; monksin, 394; givento Theodo-
battle of, ii., 43; Christianized, Mns, iv., 323; wheat exported
34xandnote;Sabinianat, iii.,258; from,vii., 29and note; marriage
churchof,oppressedby Julian,iv., lawsin, 352; conqueredby Chos-
98; shrineof St. Thomasat, v., roes,viii.,90; dateof,Sb.note,206;
t54note;tributepaid by,vii., 39; invadedby Saracens,ix., x73sqq.;
Strengthenedby Justinian, 67; descriptionof, x88sqq.; popula-
Siegeof,69, 7° andnote,2t3; de- tion, x89sq. andnotes; revenues
stroyed by Chosroes,viii., 88; of,x9onote;churchof, underthe
Hcraclius at, it2 and note;school Saracens,232 sq.; vineyardsof,
at, x86and note; conversionof, destroyedby Hakem,x., x86;in-
3x3note; imageof Christat, 3x4 vadedby Seljuks,x88;conquered
sq.; capturedby Arabs,ix., t7o by Turks, 289sqq.; invadedby
andnote;takenby Zimisces,3ix; the Mongols,xi., x44-5; Sultan
principality of, x., 24x and note; of, submitsto Timour,2xo.
retakenby SultanZenghi,ib. note, Egyptianlanguage,i.,48 andnote.
288; countyof,266note; Timour Egyptianworship,prohibited,i., 4o.
at, xi., x87. Egyptians,disabilities ofthe,i.,48,49;
VOL.xtl.-- z8
disputetheelectionof Gregory, v., Emb/ema/a, vii., 333note.
23- Emeralds,vii.,68 andnote; largeem-
Ehrhard,A., on SimeonMetaphraztes, erald at Cairo,x., 290note.
ix., 3x7note. [Emerita,orMerida,v., 27i,seeMerida
Elnsiedeln,Anonymousof, xii., xS6 Emesa, Elagabalusdeclaredemperor
note,x87note. at, i., x82; worshipof the sun at,
Eisenach,in Thuringia,vi., 66 note. 186;defiesSapor,ii.,45; residence
Ekmia.sin(Etchmiazin),Monasteryof, of Odenathusof Palmyra,84,85;
viii., 2oz. battle of, 87; arsea',dat, z57;
Ektag,Mount,probablyMountAltai, Heraclinsat, ix., 77; army of
vii., t93 note. Heracliusat, *42; captured by
Elagabalus, i., x82; bravery, x84; the Saracens,,54 sq.; recovered,
reign,/b. sqq.; death, z9x; wears 3ii; acknowledges the Sultan,x.,
silk,vii.,32. z88.
Elburz,Mount,AIagiansat,ix., 229-3o. Emiral-Omra,ix.,306 and note.
Eleanora,wife of EdwardI., x., 324Emir(Amir), oradmiral,titleof,ix.,34o.
note. Emirs,Arabian,in Spain,ix., _63note.
Eleans,exemptfrom war, v., I43 and Emma,motherofTancred,_.,2x9note,
note. 238note.
Electionof bishops,iii.,3*5and note. EmperoroftheRomans,titleof,ix.,364.
Electorsof Germany,viii., 389. Emperors,Roman,electionand desig-
Elect,is,chamberlainof Commodus,i., nationof the,i., 93; theirjurisdic-
•23. fion over the Church, iii., 3:2;
Elephant,eraof the,seeEras. officeof pontifexmaximus,3*3and
Elephantine,island,ii., *63; altar of note;publicspeechesof,iv.,69sq.;
Concorddestroyedby Just/manat, legislativepowerof, vii., 3*4s¢.;
vii., 65note. rescriptsof,315sq.; of theWest,
Elephantsat Rome,ii., *37- viii., 37osqq.;jurisdictionof em-
Eleusinianmysteries,Julian initiated perorsof the Westin Rome,379;
into the,iv., 57 and note; put an weaknessof the German,390;of
end to,v., I43. Constantinople, ix.,33*sqg.; ado-
Eleusis,desla'oyed by Alaric,v., I43. rationof, 34I and ,rote;revival
Eleuthero-(or Free)Laconiarrs, ix.,325 of learningunder,367-8.
sq. Empire,seeRomanempire.
Eleutherus,river,iii.,*99. Empire,Greek,ix., 320sq_.; seeRo-
Elias, NestorianBishopof Damascus, manempire.
viii., *35note. Engaddi,townneartheDeadSea,men-
Elijahs,patriarchsof Mosul,viii., ,9 I. tionedby Pliny,vi., i58 note.
Ells,citiesof, iv.,42. EngebertsendsLibri Carolinito Ha-
Ellac, son of Attila,death of, in the drianI., viii.,354_wte.
battleof Nctad,vi., 76; King of Enginesof war,x., 231andnote.
theAcatzires,lb. England,seeBritain.
Elmacin[Ibnal Amidal-Makin],His- EnguerrandVII., seeSire de Coucy.
toryof theSaracens,viii.,89 note; Ennodius,accountof embassyof Epi-
ix.,**8note;onvictoriesof Caled, phanius,vi., i38 note; panegyric
x*9; on Ego'pt,19onote; onAra- of, 3'* note; orationof, 3x3note;
bian coinage,24i note. Bishopof Pavia,lb.; libellof,33*
Elpidius,physicianof Theodoric,vi., note.
342. Enoch,bookof,ix.,39 note.
Elpidius,PrmtorianPrefectof theEast, Epagathus,Prefectof Egypt,L, *09.
iv.,x5 note. Ephemerisof Ausonius,v., 2 note.
Elusa, birthplaceof Rufinus,v., ao8 Ephesus, templeof, i., 63; ii., 40;
note. Churchof St. John at, vii., 56;
Emaus, Crusadersat, x., 354. MichaelVII., Archbishopof, viii.,
285; pillagedby the Paulicians,Erd_ly,Hungarianname of Transyl-
x., z3; recoveredby AlexinsI., vania,x., 49note.
27i; Louis VII. at, 28_ note; E_egli,Heraclea,x., 240note.
taken by the Turks, xi., z6o. Erichtho,of Lucan,iv., x93.
Ephrem,St., on monks,vi., z76note. Erivan,caravanstation,viii.,202.
Epictetus,Arian bishop,iv., z5. Erixo,vii., 343and note.
EpicureanS, i., 38. ErosandAnterosofthe Platonists,iv.,
Epicurus,religionsdevotionof, i., 39 56note.
note;bequeathshisgaxden,vii.,77; Erzeroum,Timourat, xi., 195.
birthof,78note. EscanderDulc_rnein,Arabiclegendof,
Epidaurus, iv., 260_'.ote. x., x62note.
Epigenes,quaestor,vi., 3- Eschinard,P., description of the Cam-
Epiphania,see Eudocia, daughterof pagna,xii.,zoxnote.
Heraclius. Esimonton, seeAzimns.
Epiphania,takenby the Saracen.% ix., Eskishehr,seeDoryl_eum.
x63note. Eslam,daughterof, vi.,31 andnote.
Epiphanins,Bishopof Pavia,ambassa- Esiaw, ambassadorof Attila,vi., 3;
dorof R.icimer,to Anthemins,vi., pronouncesbeforeTheodosiusthe
i37 and note; intercedesfor the reproofofAttila,35-
peopleofPavia,xS_note,3a8 note, Esquiline,Mount,ii., 79note.
33° andnote. Essenians,ii.,3x9.
Epiphanins,Bishopof Salamis,v., 3t3 EsserifEssachalli,Arabianphilosopher,
note. x._io8 *'tote.
Epiphany,ChristianFestivalof,iv., x6 Estachar [Istakhr],or Persepolis,ix.,
andnote. z26 note;valleyof, Arabsin the,
Epirus,subduedby Alaric, v., x44; z27.
provinceof,cededto Bulgaria,x., Este,houseof,originof,x., zo9 note.
28 and note; islandsand towns Esthonia,provinceof, iv., 246.
of, subduedby RobertGuiscard, Estius,iii.,350,360note.
x_2;despotsof,xi., x2sqq. Etruscans,i., 26; vicesof the,vii.,380
Episcopalauthority,seeBishops. andnote.
Eponina,i., io* note. Eubcea,derivationof name Negro-
EpzdoneL v., 73and note. ponte,x., 357 note; inhabitants
Equestrianorder,i., x8and note;pro- transportedto Constantinople, xii.,
posedrevivalof,xii., 86 and note. 55 note.
Eq_itius,M_ter-Generalof Illyricum, Eucharist,diversopinionscon_g,
iv.,25x, X.,2x.
Eraric,theRugian,vii.,243note. Eucherins,son of Stilicho,v., z86;
Eras,Greekand Latin,vii.,83; Chris- reli#onof,x9o.
tianera,ib. note;of the elephant, Euchrocia, matronof Bordeaux,execu-
ix.,3° and note. tionof,v.,27.
Er_mus,on Hilary,iii., 357note;ac- Eud_emon, of Carthage,v., 357-
countniChrysostom, v., 308note; Eud_emonis, a virgin,Hi.,395note.
lifeof St. Jerome,vi., x66note; Eudamidas,of Corinth,vii.,45 note.
publishesthe Greek Testament, Eudes, Duke of Aquitain,repelsthe
]22 note; religiousopinionsof, Saracens,ix., 252; marries his
x., 24note; systemof Greekpro- daughterto Munuza,253; seeks
nunciation,xi., 285note,290;Life aidfromCharlesMartel,255; let-
of,lb. note. ters of,to the pope,256note.
Erbe,or Lambesa,metropolisof Nu- Eudocia,,consortof Theo-
midia,ix., z98. dosiusII., characterandadventures
Erchempert, chronicler,
x., 80 note. of, v., 326 $qq.; accountof, by
Erdaviraph, one of the sevenMagi,i., John Malalasand by Socrates,ib.
254- note; her paraphraseof the Old
Testament,327; pilgrimageto Eugenins,the rhetorician,made era-
Jerusalem, 328;disgrace andexile, peror by Arbogastes,v., 6i ; pa-
3a9 andnotes; death,ib. ganismof, lb. note; death,65_q.
Eudoda, daughterof Valentinian III., Eugippius,Life of St. Severinusby,
marriesHunnericthe Vandal,vi., vi., _5xnote,x53note.
xx8. Eugraphia,widowat Constantinople,
Eudocia,wifeof Heraclius, viii.,xx2note. persecutesChrysostom, v., 3xonote.
Eudocia,or Epiphania, daughter of EugubineTables,vii.,304andnoge.
Heraclius,viii., ax2 and note,22x Eulalia,St.,of Merida,vi.,98.
note. Eulalius,countof the domestics,testa-
EudociaIngerina,motherof Leo VI., mentof, vii.,44.
viii.,258note. Eulalius,philosopher,vii.,80.
EudociaBaian6,wifeof Leo VI., viii., Eulogia,sisterof MichaelPalaeologus,
263note. yd., 66; conspiresagainst her
Eudocia,daughterof Constantine IX. brother,77-
(VIII.),_4ii.,276. Eulogiesandbenediction._ at Constanti-
Eudoda, widow of ConstantineX., nople,viii.,i5o.
viii., 282and note; philosophicalEulogius,Patriarchof Alexandria, ac-
studiesof, 284; learningof, ix.,I countof,viii.,204andnote.
37x and note; attackedby Alp Eulogius,St.,of Cordova, ix., _34note.
Arslan,x., x64;marriesRomanns] Eumenius, the orator,i., 67 note;ii.,
Diogenes,lb. x54note; Professorof Rhetoricat
Eudocia,nieceof ManuelComnenus Autun,x98note; panegyric of,iii.,
viii.,295. 283note.
Eudociaof Damascus,ix., z5L Eunapius,historyof the Sophists,iv.,
Eudoxia,wifeof Arcadius,daughterof 52 note,l i6 nole; on the Gothic
]3auto, v., rx5,xx6; accusesEutro- war, 248note; on theravagesof
pius,302and note. theGoths,320note;fanaticism of,
Eudoxia,daughterof Theodosiusthe v., 95.
Younger,marriesValentinian III. Eunomians,disabilitiesof the, under
v., 339;vi., 8o; obligedto marry Theodosius, iv.,26.
Pet_onius_,(aydmus, 87; imploresF.unomius,iil.,359and note; shelters
the aid of Genseric,88; carried Proeopius,iv., x87note;v., x2.
captiveto Carthage,9I; restoredEunuchs,ii., 185; powerof, iii., 223
by Genseric,xi8. sq.; characterof, 224; powerof,
Eudoyda(Eudocia),wifeof EIeraelins, underArcadius, v., 29xandnote.
viii.,86. Eupheraia, daughterof JohnofCappa-
Eudoxus,ArianBishopof Coustanti- docia,vii., 47-
nople,iv., 203and note. Euphemia,daughterof Marcian,mar-
Eudoxus(Eudocimus),sonofConstan- ries Anthemius,vi., x22.
tineCopronymus, viii.,239. Euphemia,St.,churchof,councilheld
Euelthon, KingofCyprian Salamis,viii., in,vii/.,x57-
a2 note. Euphernins, expeditionof,to Sicily,ix.,
Eugenins,chamberlain, vi., 53. 284andnote; death,285.
EugeninsIlL, Pope,xii.,77- Euphrates, victoriesof M.Antonlnus on
EugeniusIV.,Pope,yd.,254;opposedby the,i., :i ; navigationof,iv., x45,
the Councilof Constance,254-5; I46 note; sourceof, vii., 67 and
deposedat Councilof Basil,269; note.
receivesOrientalembassies, 27o-i; Euphrosyne,daughterof Constantine
forms leagueagainst the Turks, VI., marriesMichaelthe Second,
303sq.; spuriousepistleof,toKing viii.,242,249,
of Ethiopia, 32x note; expelled,Euphrosyne,wifeof AlexiusAngelus,
ydi.,_67-8;funeralof, x7=;builds x., 34L
wallroundtheColiseum,_o7. Euric,Kingof theVisigoths,assassi-
nateshisbrotherTheodorlc,vi., x3x; Eustathiusof Eplphanla,vii.,64 note.
persecutesthe Orthodox party, Eustochium, daughterof l_aula,vi.,164.
x88; dominionsof, 2xxsq.; first Euthalites, or Nephthalites(White
Gothicprincewhowrotelaws,24L Huns), iv.,282andnote,283; con-
Euripides, ii.,3L questsof,vii., 68; defeatPerozes,
Europe,populationof, i., 53, 54 and Kingof Persia,69; conqueredby
note; changein climateof, 275; the Turks, x88; by Nushirvan,
presentstate of, vii., 292sq.;pc>- 230;in Transoxiana, ix., x33note.
liticalsystemof, in fifteenthcen- Euthaliusat Terracina,vii.,x5z.
tury,xii.,x66note. Eutharie,grandsonof Berimund,vi.,
Europus,i., 264note; vi., 3oxnot_; 343note;vii.',x24note.
Belisarius at, vii.,a xi. Eutherius,chamberlain ofJulian,iv.,x2.
Eusebia,wifeofConstantiusII., friend- Euthymins,PatriarchofConstantinople,
ship of, to Julian, iii., 235, 237; viii.,263note.
friendlyreceptionof Julian, 238; Eutropia,sisterof Constantine,ii., 2o9
her supposedjealousyof Julian, note;iii.,x73; death,2x9.
240and note; death, iv., I5 and Eutropius,father of Constantius,ii.,
note. 149.
Eusebius,Bishopof Vereellm,lii.,387. Eutropiusthe eunuch,v., 62; opposes
Eusebius,chamberlain of Honorius,his Rufinus,_x5 sq.; magistrateand
death,v., 234. general,29x; powerover Arca-
Eusebius,Count of Ticinum, orders dius, ib.; consul,292 and note;
executionof Boethius,vi.,34° note. venalityandinjustice,293andnote;
Eusebius,neo-Platonlst,iv., 56. degradesAbundantius,295; exiles
Eusebius ofCmsarea,as a historian,ii., Timasius,296; calls councilof
253and note; iii., 60 and note; war, 300and note;fallof, 3oasq.
on Palestinemartyrs,85 note;re- Eutropius thehistorian,iii., XTOnote;
markon hisstyle,_b.; silenceon dateof his History,228note;iv.,
deathofCrispus,x78note;account x6onote.
of Constantine'sconversion,300 Eutyches,heresiarch,vi., 34 note.
andnote;friendshipwithConstan- Eutyches,abbot,viii.,x49note;heresy
tine,3o4;descriptionoftheChurch of, x54sqq.
at Jerusalem,32i note; supports Eutychianheresy,suppressedby Pul-
Arius,350; acceptsthe Homoou- cheria,v., 323; controversy in the
sion,365; characterof,lb.note;at East, vi.,207.
the Councilof Tyre, 376. Eutychius,exarch,formsa leaguewith
Eusebitm of Nicomedia,supportsArius, Liutprand,viii.,335note.
iii., 350; exile,365; recall,366; Eutychius,historian,viii.,89 note;An-
educatesJulian,iv., 48 and note; nalsof,ix., ix8 note,x73note;on
Bishopof Constantinople,v., x3 takingof Alexandriaby theSara-
note. CCns, I80, I81 _lOle.
EusebiusScholasticus,poem on the Euxine,Romannavalstationon the,i.,
Gothicwar,v., 308note. 23; circumnavigation of,vii., 214
Eusebiusthe eunuch,chamberlain of andnote.
Constantius,iii., 225; questionsEvagrius,description of the Churchof
Gallus,234;fallof,iv., 26;death, St.Euphemia at Chalcedon,v.,304
35. note;on theIsanrianwar, vii.,64
Eustace,the elderbrotherof Godfrey note; on EmperorMauriee,viii.,
ofBouillon,x., ax6. 25note.
Archbishop ofThessalonica Evanderthe Arcadian,vi., x25.
ix.,370;x., x4onote. Evans,A. J., Cretandiscoveries of, i.,
BishopofAntioch,iii.,366; 31 note; researchesin Illyricum,
death,397- vii.,60 note.
EustathiusofCappadocia,iii.,25*note. Evodius,Bishopof Uzalis,v., tot note,
Exarchate,givento thepopes,viii.,345 Farmah,seePelusium.
and note. FErs,subduedby the Arabs,ix., xati
Exarchs,titleof,inAfrica,vii.,xxo; of note; Bowidesat, aa9 note; dy-
Ravenna,28oandnote;extinction nastyof,3o5note.
of, viii.,336;governorof ScptemFarsistan, mountains of(Yezdegerdflies
receivedtitleof, ix., ao8 note. to the),ix., i26.
Excise,i.,_o8andnote. Fasti,Consular,vi., 235andnote.
Excommunication, ii., 324; iii., 326, Fathersof the Church,visionsin the
327. Apostolic, ii.,295_wle;morality of,
Exereitus, i., x4andnote. 3o_sq_.; on marriage,305aqq.;
Exeter,colonyplantedat,by Athelstan, on warandpolitics,3o7 sq.;belief
vi., _75note. of, in pagan gods,iii., 62 note;
Exorcism ofdemons,ii.,295sq. wor"ksillustrating theirsuperstition,
t_xpositiototiusMundi, v., 355 note, v., 98 note; Greektranslations of
356note. Latin,xi., 39-
Ezra,adoredas theson of Godby the F_.tirna, daughter of Ali,ix., ro3.
Jewsofl_[ecca,ix., 36andnote. F/ttima,daughterof Mahomet,v., 336
Ezzerites,in Greece,ix., 324. note; marriedAll, ix., 90; death,
Fa.BxIcrtrs, hisBibliothecaGr_eca,ix., F_.timids, ix., 9x; in Egyptand Syria,
37° note. to6andnote;caliphsof the,reign
Facciolati,Dukeof Constantinople, xi., at Cairo,263; usurpthe prov-
xx3. incesof Africa,286; succeedthe
Factions,of the circus,vii., x9 sq. Ikhzhidids,3o3 note,307; in the
Fadella,daughterof theEmperorMar- HolyLand, x., x85; lose Egypt,
cus, i., xx7; deathof, x72. 289sq.
Fadl-allb.h, vizir,his Persianhistoryof Faun,theBarberini, discoveryof, vii.,
theMongols,xi., I32note. _42note.
Faenza,van-guardof Theodoricbe- Faunus,ii., x29.
trayedat, vi., 3xo; battleat,vii.: Fausta,daughter of Maximian,ii.,2x4;
284. receivesMaximian,at9; children
F_esul_e,v., x7o and note; takenby of, iii., x73; disgraceand death,
Belisarius, vii., _57- x79,x8o.
Falcandus, Hugh,on Palermo,ix., 327 Faustina,daugbterofAntonlnus Pius,i.,
e; on Sicily,x., x4sq.;hisIlLs- 97,Io6.
toriaSicula,x4xnote. Faustina, widow of CortstantiusIL,
Falcidianportion,term in Romanlaw supportsProcopius,iv., x9o.
of inheritance,vii.,364. Faustinus,Romannoble,v., 2o6note.
Falconry,introducedby the Lombards Faustus,accountof Armenianwar,iv.,
into Italy,viii.,34 andnote; price 239note.
of falconsinPalestine,x., a7°; see Fava,orFeletheus,KingoftheRugians,
Hawking. conqueredby Odoacer,vi., x53.
FalcoSosius,i., z3o andnote. Faventia,secFaenza.
Fallraerayer, onthereignof AndronicusFelicissimns, ii.,97.
I., viii., 303note; his historyof Felix,an Africanbishop,executionof,
Trebizond,xi., H note. iii.,7o, 335note.
Famine,rareunderthe empire,i., 67. Felix,Archbishop of Ravenna,blinded
Fano,ii., 78. by JustinianII., viii.,232note.
Farage(Faraj),Circassianruler, xi.,x96. Felix II., anti-pope,electionof (n.y.
Faro.s,familiesor generations,term in 356),iii.,396note; expulsion,399'
Lombardlaw,viii.,32 note. FelixIV.,Pope,grandfatherofGregory
Faxghb.aa,territoryof, ii., i67 note; theGreat, viii.,42.
ix., x3oand note;subduedby the Felix V., xi., 264; retiresto Ripaille,
SaracegS,x33note. 27_.andnote.
Felix,St.,tombof,at Nola,v., a53. Fir_, son of Yezdegerd,ix., x3z and
Ferdusi, the Persianpoet,vii.,not note; note.
linesof, quotedby MahometII., Fiscus or publicmoneypaid to the
xii.,52. imperator,i.,i26note.
Fergana,see Fargh_na. Fisheries,of thePropontis,iii.,98.
Fergus,cousin of Ossian, iv., 226 FlacciUa,consortof Theodosiusthe
note. Great,v., 12.
Ferishta, Persianwriter,x., x49note. Flaccina,daughterof Arcadius, v., 322
F_.rramenta Samiata,ii., 72note. note.
Ferrara,JohnPal_eologus at, xi.,262-3; Flaccus,Granius,vii.,304note.
councilat, /b.; duchyof, unitedto Flagellation, practiceof,by themonks,
Urbino,xii.,r75. x., 204andnote.
Ferreolus, Bishopof Ufez,monasticrule Flamens,Roman,v., 73and note.
of,vi.,x68note. Flarninianway,stationsof,vii.,268.
Festivals,attitudeof the Christiansto Flamininus,iii., x39note.
pagan, ii., 28a and notes; pro- Flamstced,on comets,v., 293.
hihited,v., 9xand note;fourgreat, Flavianfamily,i.,94 andnote.
of the Latin Church,viii.,47 and Flavian,Bishopof Antioch,v., 47-
note. Flavian,ecclesiastic, v., 22 note.
FeuGrrgeois,seeGreekfire. Flavian,Patriarch of Constantinople,
Fez,Edrisitekingdomof,founded,ix., opposesEutyches,viii.,154;perse-
302andnote. cuted by the second Councilof
Fidei-commissa, vii., 364note,365. Ephesus,155; death,x56.
Fihl(Pella),battleo[,ix., x5t note. Flavianusand Diodorus,iii.,397.
Filio_uecontroversy, x., 328sq. Flavianus,pagansenator,v., 76note.
Finances, of the Romanempire,i., _o2 FlaviusAsellus,count of the sacred
s_q.;administrationof,underCon- largesses,vi., i34.
stantine,iii.,x47sqq.,r54sqq.;laws Flax,i.,67.
of /qajorian concerning,vi., Io4 Fl_Sier,Bishopof Nismes,his lifeof
: Theodosius,iv., 322note.
totwelfthcenturies,ix.,i Fleury,Abb6de,Inst. of CanonLaw,
Fines,inthearmy,iii.,x4o; forschism, iii.,323note;Ecclesiastical History
v., 347- of, xi., 233note; continuatorof,
Fingal,i., 165. on schismof Constantinople, 27x
Finlay,Mr.,viii.,24note; on Emperor note,a96note;on appealstoRome,
Maurice, 25 note; on _ichael xii.,7z note.
VIII., xi., 78 note; on the Otto- Flor,Rogerde,seeRogerde Flor.
roans,x6xnote;on Constantinople,Florence,siegeof, by Radagaisus,v.,
326note. T68; originof, /b. note;Pandects
Finns,languageof,alliedtoHungarian, at, vii., 335; councilof, xi., a64;
x.,38 andnote. revival of Greek learning at.,
Fioretto,G., on revivalof learningin 283.
fifteenthcentury,xi., 275note. Florentius,PrmtorianPrefectof Gaul,
Firdusi,seeFerdusi. iii.,275; characterof,iv.,5; flight,
Fire,Greek,seeGreekfire. xa,22; disgrace,36.
Firesignals,seeBeacons. Florianus,ii., xo8,xxxnote;usurpation
Fireworship,i.,256and note. and death,fla.
Firmicus,Julius,ii., 205note. Florin, xi., a56 note.
Firmum(Fermo)Councilof War be- Florus,Prince,xi.,49.
tweeaBelisarinsand Narsesat, Florus,Romanhistorian,xfi.,1oo.
vii.,x55note. Fo, Indiangod,worshippedbyKublal
Firmus,rebellionof, ii.,93" Khan,xi.. x52and note.
FirmustheMoor,revoltof,iv.,_33s_I_.;Fcederati, orallies,v., 336.
death,a36. Folard,Chev.,on Romanmilitaryen-
gines,i., t9 note,z53 note;ii., 60 andAfrica, @.,25,_6; drivenfrom
note;vii., 278note. GaulbyProbns,zx7;intheMedi-
Follis,or purse,tax,iii., x66note. terranean,xa3; powerof, under
Foncemagne, M. de, on Merovingians, sonsof Constantine, iii., x42; in-
vi., 5xnote; onthetitleofFrench vade Gaul,259; in Bataviaand
kingsto the Romanempire,_di., Toxandria,260andnote,26xand
60note. note;subduedby Julian,270;ally
Fontana.architect, xii.,2x2. themselveswith Stilicho,v., i73;
Fontanini,viii., 28 note. subduethe Vandals,x74; in Sec-
FonteneUe,comedyof, vii., 45 note, ond or LowerGermany,278; in
328note. Gaul,undertheMerovingians, vi.,
Foot,Roman,i., 238no/e; Greek,iii., 48; defeatedby Aetius,50; elect
xoxnote. /Egidius king, vi., ii6; Chris-
Fortifiocca,T., xii., x28no/e,x47no/e, tianityof, x92; in Germany,2x8;
xSo. inBurgundy,228sqfl.;inAquitain,
Fortunatus, poet,vi., 258note. 233; politicalcontroversy concern-
ForumJulii,capitalof Venetia,vi., 67 ing the, 238 and note; laws,239
note;Lombardsat, viii.,_3; first s_l_.;finesfor homicide,243sq.;
dukeof, 3x. judgmentsof God,245; judicial
ForumTrebonii,ii.,x6andnote. combats,247sqq.;theirdivisionof
Fostat,Saracensettlementof,ix., x76; Gaul, 248; anarchyof, 263; in
x., 292. Italy,vii., x58sgq.; retire,x60;
Frakn6i,W.,onMatthiasCorvinus, xi., invadeItaly,276sq_l.;defeatof,
315note. by Narses,_77; invadeItalyand
Frame_,i., 297. aredefeatedby Autharis,viii.,27;
France,New,xi., 24. empire of, under Charlemagne,
France, population compared with 368; militaryforceof,ix.,35xsqq.;
Gaul, iii., x6xsqq.;name of, vi.,I nameof,appliedto allWesternna-
255; under Charlemagne,viii.,[ tions,360; theircharacterandtac-
364; invadedby the Arabs, ix.,I tics,ib. sq.
25osqq.; Hungariansin, x., 44;/Frascati, xii., IoI; seeTnsculum.
positionof kingsof, in eleventhFravitta,Gothicleader,v., 338; con-
century,x97s(/.; description of,by sul,339note;defeatsGainas,306;
Chalcondyles, xi., 246sq.;titleof consul,307.
kingsof, to empireof Constanti-Freculphus, v., xoxnote.
nople,xii.,60andnote. Fredegarius, viii.,x2note.
FrancisII., Emperor,resignsthe era- Fredegundis, Queenof France,vi., 246
pire,xii.,66note. and note,262no/e.
Francis,St.,visitedbya "rexversuum," FredericI., Barbarossa,inItaly,viii.,385
xii., z25note. sq.; Italiancitiesoppose,x., x37;
Francisca,or Franklqhbattleaxe, vi., undertakesthirdcrusade,274sqq.;
230and note. numberof his host,276; in Ana-
Franciscoof Toledo,at siegeof Con- tolia,282; deathof, 283; crowned
stantinople,_di.,25 note. emperor,xii., 83; embassyof the
Franconia, viii.,366;duchyof,389note. Romansto, 96sq9.; wins battleof
Frangipani(Frangipane), Cencio,xii., Tusculum,xo_-2.
75;. Cp.76note. FredericII., reignof,viii.,386; founds
Frangipani,name and familyof, xii., universities of Salernoand Naples,
zx6. 39° note; x., xo3 no/e; in Pales-
Frangipani, Odo,x., x37. tiue, 3r5 sq.; obtainsJerusalem
Frankfort, synodof, seeCouncils. fromthe Sultan,3x7sq.; marries
Frankincense ofArabia,ix.,4 andnote. daughterof John of Brienne,xi.,
Franks,orFreemen, originof,ii.,_3,24 26; deposedat Councilof LyonS,
and notes; invade Gaul,Spain, _8;TheodoreLascaxison,/b. na*;
urgesEuropeto opposetheTar- Funerals,Roman,iv., x?x.
tars, x48; placesstandardin the Vurtwnlancelicioqu¢con_ptura,vii.,
Capitol,xii., 99; assiststhepope, 3x7andnote.
1oanote. Fust,orFaustus,firstprintedBiblesof,
FredericIII., of Austda,xi., 304; let- vii.,333note.
tersofthe Hungariansto, 3o7note;
coronation of, xfi.,x68note,x69. GABALA, towninSyria,Saracensat,ix.,
Freebooters, Turkish soldiersin the xSOand note;takenby the Sara-
serviceof Orchan,xi., x59. cens, x68; lost bythe Franks,x.,
Freedmen, i., 5x; vii.,339- 324.
Freegifts,ii.,a25; Hi.,x6S. Gahinius,Kingofthe Quadi,murdered
Freeman,Mr., on the Bagaud_c,v., byorderof Marcellinus,iv., 25a.
x79note;on Radiger,King ofthe GabourOrtachi,namegivento Khalil
Varni,vi., 285; on theHeptarchy, vizir,xii.,xu.
286note. Gaboursor Giaours,Tur!dsh name,
Freinshemius, i., 286note. etymology of,xii.,8 note.
Fr_jns,navalstation,i., 23. Gabriel,Roman,son of Samuel,BUI-
Fremona, in Aby_-qinla_ JesuitmiSSion garianrule,x., 35note.
viii.,2xx. Gades,honorarycolony,t., 46note,2o5
Frexenses, Moorishtribe,vii., 86 not_ note.
Frigeridus, duxofValeria,iv.,253note; Gaeta,subjectto theGreek emperor,
defeatsthe Taifal_e,309and note. x., 78 note; PopeGelasiusII. at,
Frigeridns,RenatusProfuturus,frag- xii.,76nole.
meritof,v., x74note. G,etulia,tribesof,join Gildo,theMoor,
Frigidus,river, battle at, v., 64 and v., x32.
note. Gagnier,M., Lifeof Mahomet,ix.,53
Frisians, ii.,H7; in Britain,vi.,27xand note.
note. Gaian,Patriarchof Alexandria,viii.,
Fritigern, judge of the Visigoths,iv., 302sq.
245note; at the butte at Salices, Galliard,M., Historyof Charlemagne,
3o4; negotiationwithValens,3xz viii.,359note.
sq.; at the battleof Hadrianople,Gaina.s,theGoth,commands thetroops
3x2; death, 329; convertedby againstRufinus,v., i22; against
Ulphalis,vi., x8x. Trebigild,3oz; allieshimselfwith
Friuli,seeForumJulii. Trebigild,/b.note;entersConstan-
Froissard,chronicleof,xi., xTanote. tinople,305andnote;defeatedby
Fronto,Count,ambassadorof Avitus Fravitta,306; by Uldin, 307;
to Rechiarins,vi., 97- death,308note.
Fruit,introduction of, into Europe,i., Gaiseric,Kingof the Vandals,defeats
66. Hermanric,v., 344; his name,/b.
Fromentins, iii., 3xt. note; befriends the Donatists,347
Fulcaris,the Herulian,vii., 276. and note;treatywithValentinian
Fulcherins,historian,x., 233and note, III., 354andnote; surprises Car-
24xnote. thage,355; crueltreatmentofThe-
Fulgentins,St., Life of, vi., t9o note; odoric'sdaughterby, vi., 47; title
controversialbooksof, t92 note; of,KingsofVandalsandAlani,84;
familyand educationof, ,96 note. buildsa fleet,85; conquersSicily,
Fulgentius,the qumstor,friendof the /b; castsanchorin theTiber,/b.;
Emperor Maximns,vi.,87. destroysthe navyof Majorianat
Fulk,Countof Anjou,Life of,vii., 85 Carthagena,xiu; ravagesthecoast
note. of the Mediterranean,xx7; de-
Fulkof Neuilly,x., 34x. stroysthe fleetof BnsiliscuS,xu9;
Fundi,pillagedbytheSaracens,ix.,287; allieshhnseUwiththe Visigothsin
CollegeofCardinalsat,xii., x6o. Gaul,x3x; persecutestheCatho-
Hcs, x89;poaceof,withthe Catho- Galliena,if., 48 note.
lic Church,/b.note. GaUienns, associatedintheempirewith
Gaita[Sigelgaita],wifeofRobertGuis- Valerian,if., 23 note; reign of,
card,x., xo9,zx7. 47 sqq.; death,6x and note;con-
Gains,commentaries of, vii.,334note, spiracy against,favoured
340note. fians,iii.,56.
Ca/a,etymologyof the word,ix., 343 Gallipoli,fortificationsof, vii., 62;
note. taken by the Catalans,xi., 88;
Galazaus, Historyof Galanns,viii.,2oo takenby theOttomans,x6Snote;
note. rebuiltby Soliman,x65.
Galata,iii., zox and note; towerof, Gallo-Grecians ofGalatia,vi.,x37note.
stormedbythe Lafins,x., 362and Gallns,electedemperor,if., x8; peace
note;suburbof,quarterofFrench withtheGoths,lb.; death,st.
and Venetians,367; siegeof, by Gallus,M. Anicius,tribune,v., no2
MichaelPala_ologns, xi.,35 note; note.
given to the Genoese,68, I_o; Gallus, nephew of Constantine,iii.,
destroyed, _2x; Genoeseof,make x73; educationof, 225; iv., 49;
a treaty with MahometII., xii., governorof the East, iii., 2_7;
:6; abandonedby Genoeseafter crueltyof, ib. sqq.; disgraceand
capture of Constantinople,48; death, 232sqq.; removesbodyof
fortificationsof, demolished,54. St.Babylas,iv., 93-
G:datia,Alaniin, if.,xIo. Gamalielappearsto Lucianthe preS-
Galatians,paternalpowerof the, vii., byter,v., xoo.
340note. ]Games,secular,i., 246, 247and note;
Galba, i., 94; capital punishment Capitoline,xii.,x25note,seeLu&.
under,vii.,378, Ganges,river,xi., z93-
Galeazzo,John, first duke of Milan, Gannys,eunuch,i., I84.
xi., 242note. Ganzaca, Temple of, destroyedby
Galerins,generalof Probus,if., x:7; Herachus,viii., xo3 note,xo5and
associatedintheempireby Dioele- note.
finn, x49, xSOand note; Persian Gapt,one of theArisesor Demi-gods,
wars, x69 sqq.; character and vi., 299note.
reign, 2oxsqq.; makes Constan- Garda,Lake,if.,65 note.
tineCaesax,2o8;invadesItaly,2x5, Gardenof the Epicureansat AthenS,
216; elevatesLicinius,2x7, 218 vii., 76.
note; death, 22x; persecutionof Garganus,Mount,vii., 256and note;
theChristians,iii.,39; inthe East x., 84.
78; edictof toleration,79- Garibald,King of Bavaria,allieshim-
Galfridns,Malaterra,history of, x., self withAutharis,viii.,35.
83note. Garizim,mountainof blessing,viii.,
Galila:ans, sectof, underNero, iii.,23 x72and note.
andnote;useofnameenjoinedby Gascony,subduedbytheArabs,ix.,252.
Julian,iv.,83andnote. Gassan, Arabiantribe, iv., x26 and
Galilee,principalityof, x., 266 and note;vii.,205;in Syrianterritory,
note. ix.,x3; defeatedbyCaled,x57sq.
Gall,St.,vii., 277note. Gass,W., on Gennadiusand Pletho,
Galla,motherofGallns,Hi.,226note. xi.,286note.
Galla,sisterof ValentiuianII., marries Gaubil,P_re,his translationofAnnals
Theodosius,v., 40; death, 6x of the Mongols,xi., x4xnote.
note. Gaudentius,Count, doses the pagan
Gallicanus,consularsenator,i., 239. temple,v., 8z.
Gallicia,goldof, i., 205; dividedbe- Gaudentius,fatherof Aefius,v., 34°
tweenthe Sueviand the Vandals, note;vi., 4_; his betrothalto Eu-
v., 273; heldby theSuevi,vi., x3x. doxia,78.
Gaudentius, thenotary,iv., _4; death, v., r25andnote;deploresthestate
36. of Italy,x54sq.
Gaul,provinces of, i., 24, 25; divided GelasiusIf., Pope,xii., 75.
byAugustus, ib.; Celtic,ib.;limited Gelimer,KingoftheVandals,inMriea,
tolerationin, 40; tribute, 204; vi., i9o; deposesHilderic,vii.,86
usurpers in, ii.,8o,gt ; invadedby sq.;defeatedbyBelisarius, xoos_q.;
Lygians,xxS; peasantrevoltin, furtheradventures,to4 sqq.;flight
x5x, 152; Christianityin, 337 of, io7; captivityof, xxos_g.;in-
andnote; capitationtax, iii., 159 terviewwith Belisurius,xx3; at
s_q.and notes; invadedby Ger- Constantinople, ix5; retire.stoGa-
marts,259s_q.; by the Alamanni, latia,H6.
266; Julianin,iv., 2sqq.;outlaws Gelli,ii.,168note.
in, x3 and note; invadedby the Geloni,iv., 285.
Saxons,222and note; by Suevi, Gelzer,H., vii., 79 note; estimateof
VandalsandBurgundians, v., x74; Theophilus,viii.,249note.
sgq.;Alan]in,vi.,43;Visigoths in, Gemonim, i.,103note.
44; 13I sq.; Barbariansin Gaul Generals, Roman(Imperatores), i., 78,
converted fromArianism,2oo;rev- 79.
olutionof, 2o9;aUodiallandsof, Genesius,ix., 282note;worksof, 314
25z; Britonsin, 275note. note.
Gauls,in Lombardy,i., 26; in Ger- Genevieve,St., of Paris,vi., 55; life
many,277 note; religionof, li., of, 54note,216note.
287note;relationof,totheFranks, Gennadius, monkandPatriarch ofCon-
vi.,239. stantinople, xii.,22s_/.,56 [George
Gayangos, M., ix., 225note. Scholarius].
Gayeta,besiegedby the Saracens,ix., Gennadius,Patriarch of Constanti-
287; siegeraised,288; maritime nople,on the creedof Athanasius,
stateof,lb. vi., 197note.
Gayuk(Kuyuk),Khan,xi.,14o. GenneridMaster-General ofDalmatia,
Gaza,templesat, iv., 78 note; taken strengthensthe IUyrianfrontier,
bytheSaraeens, ix., 168;battleof, v., 233andnote.
x., 3_8. Genoa,cityof,destroyed bytheFranks,
Gaza,Theodore, seeTheodore. vii., 16o.
Gazi,holywaxof theTurks,xi., 156; GenoeSe, engineers,x., 256; assistthe
carriedon by Timour,187. Greeksagainstthe Latins,xi., 35
Gazi(GhSM),title of SultanSoliman, andnote; settlein suburbof Gal-
x., 179. ata, 68,12o;attackedbythcVene-
Gazna,city and provinceof, x., 148 tians, x2x; privilegesconferred
and_wte. upon the, by ]_chael VIII. and
Gaznerides, dynasty,of, x., 148 note. Andronicusthe Elder, xa2note;
Geber,Arabianphysician,ix., 275. tradeof, _b.; warof, withCanta-
Geberic,KingoftheGoths,iii., 89. cuzene,i23 sqq.;theydestroythe
Gedda,Arabianseaport,ix., 9- Greekfleet,124; defeattheVene-
Gedrosia,districtof,i., 262note. tians and Greeks,i25 sq.; their
Gegnesius,Paulicianleader,x., 4 note; treaty with the empire,127; of
dateof,xonote. Galata, give free passageto the
Geiza,Hungarian "king,x., 49. Turks, xii., 33; policyof, sus-
Gelalmanera of theTurks,x., x75and pected,42note.
me. Gem,Roman,vii.,360sg.
Gelaieddin, defeatedby ZingisKhan, Genseric, seeGaiseric.
xi., 139; activity of, 155; Genso,sonof Genserie, vi.,x3o.
death, /b. Gentiles,term inRomanlaw,vii.,361.
GelasiusI., Pope,iii., 322note;abol- Gentoo,sovereign, acknowledged bythe
ishesthefestivalof theLupercalia, Christians ofSt.Thomas,viii.,192.
Gcntoos of]:llndostan, warwith Mah-[Germanlda, wonbackfromtheSara-
mild,x., x49. [ censby ConstantineV., viii.,235
Geoffrey,fatherof HenryII. of Eng-[ note; Crusadersat, x., a4o,
land,xli.,73note. [Germanicus, i., 4 note; at Thebes,ill.,
Geographerof Ravenna,ii., 23 note. [ a44 note; belicfof, in magic,iv.,
Geography, earlyChristian, vii.,38and [ z94 note.
note. ]Germans,ancient,in Belgium,i., 25;
Geometry,studiedat Alexandria, viii., originof, 277; mannersof, 279
z39. $_q.; politicalinstitutionsof, 287
Geoponicsof ConstantinePorphyro- sqq.; religion,u93; invadeGaul,
genitus,ix., 3z6and note. ii., HT; iii., a59; defeated by
GeorgeBrancovi_,Despot of Servia, Julian,267sqq.; drivenfromthe
sendstroopsto Mohammed,xii., Rhine,274; religiousindifference
20note. O[, 292 and rwte; emigrationof,
GeorgeBrankovi_, xi., 3o5. intoItaly,v., I65sq.; invadeGaul,
Georgeof Cappadocia,iii., 39r; iv., rTz; characterof,insixteenthcen-
96 and note,sq¢.; worshippedas tury, aSz, 353; cross the Rhine
saint andmartyr,97 andnote. under Ariovistus,vi., 348; join
Georgeof Pisidia,viii., zo3 note; de fourthcrusade,x., 35z-3.
BelloAvaxico, xix; Heracliad,xx8 Germaaus, elder and younger, vii.,
note. x65note.
Georgeof Sienna,xii.,27 note. Germanus,father-in-l_w ofTheodosius,
Georgeof Trebizond,writingsof, xi., vi/i.,78s9¢.
356note,_84. Germanus,nephew of Justinian, in
GeorgePhranza,ambassadorto Ainu- Africa,vii., 338and note,lb. and
rath II., xi., 207-8; hisaccountof note; commandsthe army, _63;
Bajazet,3o7andnote. familyof, /b. note; marriageand
GeorgeScholarius,seeGennadius. death,_64.
George,Sicilianadmiral,besiegesMoo Germanns,sonof a patrician,punished
hadia,x., r33. byConstantineIV.,viii.,336.
Georgia,beautyof theinhabitants,vii., Germany,Upperand Lower,Roman
2z7; Christiansof, /b.; conquest provinces,i., 25; descriptionof,
of, by Aip Arslan,x., x63; under 273s9¢.; its population,285;iv.,
Malek Shah, x73; visited by 2x3sq.; Goths,Burgundians, and
Phranza,xi., 323. FrankssettleinFixstorUpper,v,,
Georgians,religionof the, x., x62sq.; 378; Burgundiansin Secondor
nameof the,x63note;theysubmit Lower, D.; Sclavoniancolonists
toTimour,xi., _93. in, viii., 72; united by Charle-
Georgiiias,Rhodianpoet,vii.,287note. magne,366; princesof, mdepen-
Geougen,Scyt_antribe,v., z64; sub- dent, 386sq.;Germanicconfeder-
dued byAttila,vi.,8 andnote,77; at/on, 388 sq_.; counts of, 389;
enslavetheTurks,vii.,z86; extir- descriptionof, by Chalcondyles,
paredby theTurks,x87. xi., 345sq.;armiesof,in fifteenth
Gepid_e,ii., 8 and note; subduedby century,304note.
Attila,vi., 8; seizeBelgrade,vii.,IGerontius,commander/n Greece,v.,
x77 and note; conqueredby thei z39.
Avarsand Lombards,x89; viii.,i Gerontius,generalof the usurperCon-
7 sq. I stantine, makes Maximus era-
Gerardof Reicherspeg, xii., 89 note. ] peror, v., 265; death, 266 and
Gerasa,fortress,ix., r37 andnote. ] note.
Gergovia,siegeof, byCa_.r, vi., 2551Gerrha,or Katif,built by Chald_eans,
and note. , ix., 30.
Germane,nearSardica,vii.,89 note. Gerson,John,doctorof the Sorbonne,
Germania,in Thrace,vii.,89 no/¢. i xii.,x63note.
Gervasius andProtasius, martyrs, v.,Gladiators, revoltof, under Probus, ii.,
35andnote. x25, z26.
Gcssoriacum (Boulogne), ii.,x53 , x54.Glanvillc, Bartholemy de,xii.,
G_taFra_:orum, vi.,233_ote, 234Glasgow, iv., 228.
note;x., x99note. Glycerius,Emperorof the West,vi.,
GestaFridericiimperatoris, xii.,83note. x4_; BishopofSalona,x42;assas-
GestaLudovid VII., x., a82 note. sinatesNepos,x43;Archbishop of
GetaandCaracalla,i., x63,x64; reign Milan,/.b.and note.
of, x67sqq.; titles of, /b. note; Gnapheus,Peter, Monophysite bishop,
deathof Geta, x7o; apotheosisof, viii.,x66and note.
i68 and note. Gnelus(Knel),sonof Paxa(Pap),iv.,
Getes,Jits, or Calmucks,confounded 245note.
withthe Germ(Dacians),xi., 383 Gnosticism, authoritieson,ii., 274note.
note; invade Transoxiana,/b.; Gnost.ics, ii., 274sgq.
drivenfromTransoxiana,384-5. Goal Kingofthe Alanl,v., _69.
Getulia,iv., 23I. Godas,governorof Sardinia,vii., 88.
Gezi,magicstone,vi., 8 note. Godegesil, brotherofGundobald,reigns
Ghebers,or Magians,ix., 227sq. in Geneva,vi., 225; joins Clovis,
Ghermian(Karmiy_.n),Emir of, mili- 226; killedby Gundobald,227.
tary forceof, xi., i59--6oand note; Godescal,monk,x., 2o9.
subduedby Bajazet,x69. Godfreyof Bouillon,leads the first
Ghibelines,factionof, viii., 386; see crusade,x., 235; characterof,_36
Guelfs. note; in Hungary,224; menaces
Giannone, hishistoryof Naples,iii.,323 Constantinople, 228; adoptedby
note;iv., x99note;xii.,63note. Alexins, 229;tornbya bear,24o--x;
Giaour,seeGabour. at Antioch,243; pietyof, 247; at
Gibamund,nephew of Gellmer, de- siegeof Jerusalem,256sq_.; de-
featedby the Mu¢_agetm, vii., xoo. fenderand baronof HolySepul-
Gibraltar, ix.,2x2. chre,/b.; deathof, 260; assizeof
Gijon,townof,termof theconquestof Jerusalemascribedto, 264.
Musa,ix., 2x6. !Godfreyof Viterbo,Pantheonof, viii.,
Gildas,vi.,268; accountofBritainby,' 38xnote.
272sq. Godsigidus,King of the Vandals,v.,
Gildo,the Moor,independenceof, v., x74.
22x; revoltof, 326and note; con- Gogand Magog,imaginax 7 wall of,
demnedby the senate, x28; war vii.,73_vote.
withhis brother,3a9; defeatand Goguet,authorof OriginesdesLoix et
death,x32, x33. desArts,vii.,3° note.
Gilimer,Gothicleader, death of, vi., Goisvintha,wifeof Leovegild,vi., 2ox
x4o; nameof, /b. note. andnote.
Gilles,St.,x., 2x8note. Goldandsilver,proportionbetween,i.,
GiomOmortag,Bulgarianprince,viii., 69,7° madnote; in Arabia,ix., 4
_46note; x.,32 note. and note.
Giraffe,seeCamelopardalis. Goldof affliction,tributeleviedonthe
Gisulf,nephewof Alboin, Duke of poor,vii., 39 and note.
Friuli,viii.,3x. GoldenBull,viii.,39x-2andnote.
Giubin,surnameof Bahrain, viii.,58. Golden-footed Dame,leaderof female
Giustcndil, seeKtistendil. Crusaders, x., 277.
Giustiniani, Glambattista,ii., x94note. GoldenHorde,kingdom of,xi.,x87and
Giustirfiani,John, bringscompanyof, note.
Genoeseto Constantinople,xii.,GoldenHorn,iii.,93-
20; quarrelswith the Duke of GoldenMountains, seeCal.
Venice,35; flightof, and death, Goldenspears,armyof Chosroea II.,
4z-2andnote. viii.,to9.
Goletta,entranceto lakeofTunis,vii., iv., 287sg.; defeatof,byGratian,
202; Spaniardsin the fortressof, 333sqq.;desolateAsiaMinorunder
ix., 204. Tribigild,v., 299; conqueredby
Gore,vii.,2z5. Attila,vi.,8; revoltagainstHuns,
Gonderic, PrinceoftheVandals, v.,343. 76; settle in Paanonia,77; em-
Gondi Sapor, academyof physicat, braceChristianity, x82sq.; invade
vii., 2ox and note. IUyricumand Thrace, 30I sqq.;
Gonfalonier, xii., 162. stateof,infirstyeatsofTheodoric,
Goafanon,Imperial,x., 374and note. 3oxnote;marchto Italy, 3o8sqq.;
Gongylus,General,ix., 3o8note. conditionof, in Italy, 314 nq.;
Gontharis,vii., 239and note. threatenedbyBelisarius,vii., xa2;
Gontran,King of Burgundy,invades dissensions of,underAmaiasontha,
Sepfimania, vi., 263sq. x24sqq.; besiegeRome,x38sqq.;
Gordian,fatherof Gregorythe Great, raisethesiege,x53; evacuatePan-
viii., 42. nonia,x77; revoltof,in Italy,242
GordianI., Proconsul of Africa,i., 223; sqq.; besiegeRome, 25o sqq.;
elevation and character, 2_4; enterRome,254; loseRome,256;
reignswithhis son, 225sqq.; de- retake Rome, 261; kingdomof,
featanddeathof, 229and note. destroyedby Narses,279.
GordianII., i., 225Sq_. Visigotl_[Thervingi],nameof, ii.,8
GordianIII., declaredC_esar, i., 232; and note; conquered by Herman-
emperor,242 and note; Persian ric, iv., 245; war of, with Huns,
war,243; death,245. 286; revoltof,in Mcesia,297; win
Gorgo,orCarizme.iv.,283. battleof Hadrianople, 313; siege
Gorgona,isleof, v., x3znote. of Hadrianople bythe, 3x6sq.; at
Gorgonlus, eunuch,protectsthe Chris- Constantinople, 317; ravagethe
tians,iii., 59- provinces, 3x8sqq.; massacreof,
G6rres,onthe miracleof Tipasa,vi., in Asia, 320sq.;division,defeat,
200note. andsubmission of, 329sqq.; revolt
Gorski,his Historyof theCouncilof of, afterdeathof TheodosiusI.,
Florence,xi., 27xnote. v., x37sqq.; ravageGreece,139
Gospels,ii., 331sq.andnote. sqq.; invadeItaly,148sqq.; join
Goths,earliestmentionof, i.,287note; Radagaisns,x66; besiegeRome,
wax of, with Decins, ii., 3, z2; 225sqq.;secondsiegeof, by, 235
origin,religion,andinstitutions of, sq.;thirdsiegeandsackby,241sq.;
4 sqq.; emigrationsof, 7 sqq.; characterof, 242; occupyItaly,
invadeRomanprovinces,xx; oh- 254; marchintoGaul,256sq.; in
taintributefromGallus,x8; con- Spain,274 sqq.; win permar.cnt
questsof,in thirdcentury,3xsqq.; dominionin Gaul, 278; modern-
attemptThessaloniea, 38 note,66; tionof,28osq.; besiegeNarbonne,
invade Illyricum, 252; invade vi.,44sq.;conquered byMajorian,
Moesia, iii., x87 sqq.; assist xxo notes; conversionof, from
revoltof Procopius,iv., 247scl.; Arianism,2o0; TheodoricprotectS,
waxwithValens,248sqq.; driven' in Spain,_34; codeof, 24x note,
by the Huns into Westernprov- _67sq., 268note; historyof, in
inces,26x; imploreprotectionof Spain, 265 note; of Gaul, assist
Valens,29x; settledinThrace,292 Theodoric, 3xo; expeditionto
sgq.; converted to Christianity,vi., AfricaunderTheudes, vii., z21;
x8nsq9.; settlementof,inCrimea, lose part of Spainto Justinian,
vii.,65 andnote; said tohavein- /3.; join Johnthe Prefectagainst
yokeddemonstofindtreasure,xii., theArabs,ix., 203andnote.
-,o9 note. Gotones,seeGoths.
Oateogolhs [Gruthungi],nameof,ii., Governolo, vi., 73 note.
8 and note; warof, with /=Inns,Gozelo,Duke,x., 2I5 note.
Gozz,Oriental name for the Uzi, q.v. of Florence, 262 sg.; acts of
Gracchi,family of the, conversionof, union, 268 sq. and note; new
v., 79- schism, 296 _q.; under Turkish
Grado,Isle of, vi., 70; viii., x3 andnote. rule, xii., 56 and notes.
Grammar,teaching of, in the empire, Greek Empire, see Roman Empire.
iv., 200. Greek fire, ix., 247 and note, 248 and
GrampianHills, i., 5 and not*. note, 355.
Gran, German colony at, attacked by Greeklanguage,i., 48; sdentific idiom,
Tartars, xi., _47. 49; modern pronunciation,x., 234
Granaries,public, i., _56 note. note; xi., 286 and note; state of
GrandSignor,nameof TurkishSultans, the, in fourteenthcentury,272 3q.;
xli., 54- loanwords in, ib. note.
Grant,see Johannes Grant. Greek learning, revival of,ix., 368 sqg.;
Graphia aurea urbis Romm, xii., 87 in Italy, xi., 275 sqq.
note, I86 note. Greeks, return of, from Troy, vii., 95
Grass6,palace of Vandal kings, vii., 98. and note; flight of, from Egypt,
Grasses,artificial,i., 67. ix., x79; navy of, 355 sq.; their
Gratian,Count, father of Valentinian, hatred of the Latins, x., 327 s_/.,
iv., 1St. 333 sqq.; massacre the Latins,
Gratian,declaredemperor by the Brit- 335-6; xi., x4; quarrel of, with
ish legions, v., x78. Latins in Constantinople,x., 369;
Gratian,son of ValentinianI., Emperor, revolt of, x2o4 n.9., xi., 8 sgq.;
passes the Rhine, iv., 2x6; reign, knowledge of the, 245. See
_57sq.; madeAugustus, lb.; mar- Greece.
tiesConstantia,/b.; accepts Valen- Green faction of the Hippodrome,vii.,
tinian II. as colleague,258; victory x9 sq_I.
over the Alemanni, 307 sq.; asso- Gregorian chant, seeGregorythe Great.
dates Theodosius, 32a; character, Gregorian code, vii., 316 and note.
v., t sqq.; flight and death, 7 *q., 8 Gregorins Catinensis, Chronicou Fax-
note; friendship with Ambrose, fense of, viii., 348 note.
3o, abolished pagan ceremonies,74. Gregorovius,Athenais of, v., 326 note;
Gratianopolis,in region of Chalkidike, on schools of Athens,vii., 79 note;
xi., H 3 note. his History of 5Iedia_valRome, xii.,
Gratianns,magister militum, ix., 287 66 note; and in the notes of chaps.
note. bdx-ixad, passim.
Gratus,Bishop of Carthage,iii., 4o6 Gregory, of Agrigentum,Life of, ix.,
note. 208 note.
Gray,poet,on the Nile, ix., t89 twte. Gregory,Archbishopof Alexandria,iii.,
Greaves,on Roman coinage, vi., xo6 379.
note. Gregory, Bar Hebr*eus,set Abulpha-
Greaves,traveller,on the Seraglio,xi., ragius.
228 note. Gregory, Bishop of Hadrianople, xi.,
Greece,Christianityin, ii., 333; cities 7x.
of, restored by Julian, iv., 4r sg.; Gregory, Bishop of Langres, vi., 258
invadedby Goths, 33° note; plun- and note.
dered by Alaxic, v., x4o sqq.; Gregory I., the Great,Pope, on miracle
coast of, attacked by Totila, vii., of Tipasa, vi., x99, 200 and note;
262; Albanian invasion of, xi., consulted by Recared, 204; papal
H5 note; conquests of Bajazet in, nuncio, viii., 26; his aversion to
_7o.See Greeks. classical monumentS,40 and note;
Greek Church, union with the Latin birth and history, 42 sqq.; Lives
Church, viii., x82; discordwith the of, /b. note; founds monasteries,
Latin, x., 327 s_q.; reunion, xJ., 43andnot*; pontificateof, 44sqq.;
73; dissolution of, 78; Council Gregorian chant, 45 and note; his
missionariesin Britain, 45-6; no_; death, 24; opposesApolll-
temporalgovernmentof, 46 sq.; naxis,viii.,z34.
alms of, 47; savesRome,48. Gregory,nephewof HeracLius, ix.,x96
GregoryII., Pope,vii/.,3axno_;chum- note.
pionofimageworship,324;letters GregoryofNyssa,ii.,333note.
of,326and note; convenessynod Gregory,Patriarchof Constantinople,
at Rome,332. A.D.x452 ,XU.,2x.
GregoryIII., Pope,championsimage Gregory,prefectof Air/ca,ix., x93;
worship,viii.,324. revoltsagainstConstans,/b. not_;
Gregory IV., Pope, demolishesthe daughterof,_94; death,z95;fate
episcopalcityof Ostia,v., 236. Ofhis daughter,z96note.
Gregory VII. [Hildebrand], reformsthe GregoryThaumaturgus,ii., 34 no/e;
papacy,viii., 379; lettersof, ix., miraclesof,x.,9andnote.
23i and note; Livesof, x., xa2 GregoryofTours,translatesthelegend
note; besiegedby the Emperor of the SevenSleepers,v., 36o; his
HenryHI., zaa; his designfor a accountof Julianthe Martyr,vi.,
crusade,z93sq.; virtuesof,xii.,70; xoz note;on deathof Apolllnar/s,
foundsthe papal monarchy,74; 233; onsiegeof Angoulgme,a34
death,lb. note;familyof, a6onote.
Gregory IX., Pope, excommunicates Grenada,giventotenthousandSyrians,
Frederic II., x., 3t6. ix., a24; suppression of Christians
GregoryX., Pope,urgesunionof Greek in, 232and note.
and Latin Churches,xi., 74-5; Grenoble(Gratianopolis),vi., 45 no_,
mediationof, betweenCharlesof Grethungi,oppose Claudius, ii., 65
AnjouandMichae.1 VIII., 80; in- note. Sez Gruthungi.
stitutes the conclave,xii., xo4and Gretser,on images,viii.,3x5note.
note,xos. Gr/gor'ev,on the pMarPat Serai,x4.,
Gregory XI., Pope, supported by x49note.
Viterbo,xii., xoa note; his return Gr/gor/Presbyter, x., 3a note.
fromAvignon,x57note; deathof, Grimoald,Duke of Beneventum, viii.,
x59. 365.
GregoryXII., Pope, documentscon- Grocyn,xi., 290note.
cerning,xii., x59note; accessionGronovius,James,iii.,259note.
of, z62, x64 sqq.; abdicates,Grotius,iii.,87; on politicalsystemof
_66. the Christians,a87 note; on royal
GregoryXIII., Pope,xii., _7x. succe._ion,v., 338note; on king-
Gregoryof Cyprus,xi., 76 note. doraoftheVisigoths, vi., 2zJnote;
Gregory,Illuminator,i/., 340 note; De Jure Belli, vii., x6a note; on
apostleof Armenia,v., 333no_- originof the Lombards,,78 note.
Gregory, lieutenant of the exarch Grubenhagen,principalityof, xi., zo3
Heraclius,viii.,85. note; silverminesof,/b, note.
GregoryNazianzen,li., x84 note; at Grumbates,Kingof theChionites,ii/.,
AthenswithJulian,ii/.,23note;elo- _5_.
quenceof,329;supportsNicenedoc- Gruter'sInscriptions, i., 84 note.
trine,355; on religioussects,4o8; Gruthungi,or Ostrogoths, defeatof,by
on Julian'selevation,iv., 9 note; Gratian,iv., 333sqg.; subjectto
calumniatesJulian,a6 note; op- Attila, vi., 8. See under GothS
posesJulian,47andnote; account andcp.Grethungi.
ofearthquakeatJerusalem,8x; ac- Gualter/nsCancellar/us,his Historyof
countof,v.,x4sgg.;bitth,_.note;- PHndpalityof Antioch,x., a6z
his missionto Constantinople, x6 note.
sq.; poemon his life, _5 note; Guardiansand wards,Romanlaw of,
Archbishopof Constantinople, x8 vii., 354s_/.
s_.; retreatof,a3; orationsof,/b. Gubazes,King of I.,agic_ vii., aaz;
alliedhimselfwithNushirvan,aa2; GfirKhans,xi., _37note.
his war against Persia, 224sq.; Gustavsburg,or Lupudunum,fortress
religion of, 227;his death,_h. repairedby Julian, iii., 272and
Gudmarson, Ulf, xii., x57note. note.
GuelfsandGhibelines, factionsof,viii., GustavusAdolphus,attemptsto form
386; xii., 74,x2xandnote. regimentof Laplanders,x., 40
Gu_nde,Abb_,on Palestine,v., 3_9 note.
note. Guy I., firstDukeof Athens,xi., 9o
Gudrard, onCapistrano, xi., 3x4note. note.
Guibert,historianof thecrusades,x., GuyII., Dukeof Athens,xi.,9° note.
199note,233and note. Guy of Lusignan,Kingof Jerusalem,
Guicciardini, historyof, v., _5z note; x., 299; imprisoned,300; re-
xfi., x76note. leased,305; receivesCyprus,338.
Guido,Bernard,author of Lives of Guyof Spoleto,relieves Rome,ix.,a87
Popes, xii., 74 note. note.
Guidobonus,Antonius,on Scander- Guy PaUavicini, grantedlandby Boni-
beg, xi., 3nonot_. faceof Monfferrat, xi., 7note.
Guignes,de, Historyof the Hurls,iv., Guyana,descriptionof,byBuffon,xii.,
a67note; on theEdrisites,ix.,3o_ x9i note.
note;on ZingLsK.han, xi.,J35note; Guzarat,kingdomof, conqueredby
on theOttomandynasty,x55note. Mahmud,x., xso.
Guiscard,Robert,defeatsLeoIX., x., Gwent,spearraenof,vi., 283.
95; birthandcharacter,96-7sqq.; Gyarus,Isle of,i., 2o6.
Duke of Apulia,xoz; invadesthe Gyllius,iii., 9z note; on equestrian
EasternEmpire,xo8 sq.; at Or- statueof Justinian,xi., 295note.
ranto, xix; victory at Durazzo,
xx6; deliversPopeGregoryVII., H_.IAS I., Pope, condemnsIcono-
x23;secondexpedition intoGreece, clasts,viii.,355;pontificate of,356
xa4; death,xa6. sq.; allowsCharlemagne todespoil
Guizot,on the Assemblyof the Seven Ravenna,xii., x95note.
Provinces, v., a87 note. HadrianIV., Pope,xfi.,8a andnote.
Gundamund,Kingofthe AfricanVan- Hadrian,Pra_toriauprefect,v., x9a
dais,persecutes theOrthodox paxty, andnote.
vi., _89. Hadrian,Emperor, resignsEasterncon-
Gundelinda, wifeofTheodatus,epistles questsofTrajan,i.,9; character of,
of, vii., xa8note. to; pacificsystemof,/b.; rebellion
Gundobald,Burgundianprince and of Jewsunder,lb. _ote; encour-
nephewof Ricimer,vi., x4x; ac- aged militaryexercises,xS, x6;
quiredkingdomof Burgundy,x4_ monuments of, 55;adoptionof,95
note; convenesan _sembly of and note; character, /b.; adopts
bishopsat Lyons,a25; defeated Verns,lb., 97, I34 note; makes
by Clovis,226; murdersGode- Trebizonda port,li.,33; letterof,
g_[, 227; establishesjudidal 55 note; at Daphne,iv., 9° note;
combat,247note. his Athenian library,vii., 77;
Gunpowder, used by the Chinese,vi., mausoleumof, z42 andnote; es-
66note;xi., x4x; inventionof, a3o tablishesPerpetualEdict,3z2 and
s_. note; buildsPantheonat Rome,
Guns,introductionof, into India, x., xii., x93note.
x49note. Hadrianople,battle of, ii., 255, "56;
Gunther,prior,his historyof the Ger- Gallusat, iii.,233andnote;siege
man crusade,x., 352 note; his of, by the Goths,iv., 300; Valens
Ligurinus,xli., 79 note. defeatedat, 3z3 sq.; siegeof,3x6
Guntiarius,Kingof the Burgundians, sq.; siegeof,bytheAvars,viii.,72;
v., 269. by the Latins,xi., xS; younger
VOL. lit.-- x9
Andronicus erectshisstandardat, mus,/b.; borethetitleof King,lb.;
99; siegeof, raisedby the Bul-] lived at C_esarea,x83; his king-
garians,xo8; residenceof Murad dora, ib.; death,x94.
Sultan, _66 and note; taken by HanseaticLeague,vi., 293; viii.,389.
AmurathII., 222; royalschoolat, Hapsburg,counts of, succeedto the
aaS; savedby Amurath1I., 3o3; empire,viii.,39o.
palaceof MahometII. at, xii.,x2; HaraldHardrada,in Sicily,x., 88note.
Phrantzesat, 47; Mahometat, Ha.ran,Templeof theMoonat, ix., a7.
A.D.x453,54; becomesa provin-Harbii, proscribedsects of, ix., an6
cialtown,ib. note.
Hadrumetum,seeAdrumetum. Hardouin,P&e,onthe 2Eneid,ii.,3x7
H_emimontus, provinceof,iv.,3x2note. note.
Iimmus,Mount,retreatofthe Gothsto, Hardt,historian,on the Councilof
ii.,68. Constance,xJ.,253note.
I-I_nel,hiseditionof the CodexTheo- FIarmatius, vi.,302.
dosianus,vii., 3z6 note. !Harmozan, satrapof Ahwazand Sum,
Hafsa,daughterof Omarandwifeof surrenders to Othman,ix., t28.
Mahomet, ix.,89. Harpies,iii.,92 note.
Hahn,M., xi., xI5note. Harris,James, Commentary on Aris-
Hainault,provinceof,iii.,x6xnote. ! totle,ix.,273note.
Haiton, theArmenian, Tartar History Harris, Mr.,his Philological Arrange-
of,x., x8onote; _., i33 note. ments,ix.,37° note.
Hahem (,F_.timid,Caliphof Harris,Mr.,of Salisbury,x., 382note,
Egypt,x., i85; sacrilegeof,t86-7; 383note.
dateof,I85 note. i Hart,fordof the,crossedbyClovis,vi.,
Halberstadt,bishopric of,viii.,366. ' 232.
Halicz,Andronicusat, viii.,297. ' Harte,Mr., Essayson Agriculture,i.,
Halys,river,HeracHuson, viii.,to3. 67note;Historyof GustavusAdol-
H_'nadanites(Hamd_.nids),Saracen phns, v., 3x8note.
dynastyof, ix., 304andnote,3xx. Harunal-Rashid, hispresents to Charle-
14"_madh_n, subduedby theMoslems, magne,viii.,368 and no_e;wars
ix., 727note;Bowidesat, 229note; withtheRomans,ix., 278sg.;ally
x., i6o. of Charlemagne, /b.;x., x83.
I4"_m_cheu, Chineseroyalresidence, xi., tiaruspices, Tuscan,v., 8i.
x42. Hasan, Governorof Egypt,ix., 2on;
Hamyarites, Arabiantribeof, viii.,158 defeatedbythe Moors,205.
note. Ha.san,Hamd_nid,ix., 3o4.
Hamza,uncleof Mahomet,conver_onHa.san,son of Ali, ix., 97; retiresto
of,ix., 56;death,68. asceticlife, xox; one of thetwelve
Hart,dynastyof,iv., 279. Imams, xos; marriesdaughterof
Hanbal,sectof,ix., 3o5. Yezdegerd,i3i note.
Hanbal,AhmadIbn, ix.,305note. Hasan,the Janizary,at siegeof Con-
l[-lan/fs,religiousmovementof, ix., 35 stantinople,xii., 43.
note; followMosailama,xx2. Hashem(H.ish_u-n), Caliph,ix.,223,_5_-
Hannibal, ii., x26note;passageof,over Hashemites,family of Mahomet,ix.,
the Alp.s,229 and note; before . 24; refuseto acknowledgeAbu-
Rome,v., x99 sq.; camp of, at bekr,92.
Mount Garganus,vii., 256 and Harem(Hatim),Arab,ix.,2L
note; introduceS his shipsintothe Hatfield,synodof, heldby Theodore,
harbourof Tarentum,xii.,34note. Bishopof Britain,viii., x8anote.
H_nn;balianus, brotherof Constantine,Hatra,orAtra(AlBach'),i., _44note;
iii.,x73andnote. siteof,iv.,x65note.
Hannibalianus, nephewof ConstantineHauteville,Castleof,seatof Tancred,
iii., x73; C_sar, xSx; Nobili.ssi- x., 97.
Hauteville,Johnde,monkofSt.Albans, of FravittaoverGainas,v., 306;
iv.,8note. dateof navalvictory,307note.
Haverfidd, Mr.F., v., 285note. Helmichis,loverofRosamund,viii.,x5,
Hayer,J., ontheCollatioEpiscoporum, z7
vi.,226note. Helvetii,i., 285note.
Hawkingamongthe Normans,x., 9x HelvidiusPriscu£,i., xoxnote,_o2,17_
and note. and note.
Hawks,inpossession ofBajazet,Sultan, HdvittsPertinax,seePertinax.
xi.,x75note. Helyot,on Monasticism,vi., x56note.
Hawkwood, John, Englishmercenary,Hems,seeEmesa.
xi., 24osq.; his name,/b. note. Henda,wifeof Abu Sofyan,ix., 67-8.
Hayton,on theMongols,xi., x54note. Hendinos,title of generalor King of
Hebal,statueof, ix., 24. the Burgundians,iv., 2x8.
Hebdomon,or fieldof Mars,see Con- Hengistand Horsa,vi., 269sq.
stantinople;palaceof,s_ Constan- Henna,townof,taken bytheSaracens,
tinople, ix.,285note.
Hebron,principalityof,x., 266note. Henoticon,of Zeno, viii., x62 and
Hebrus,ii.,256. note.
Hegira[Hijra],eraof, ix.,59 andnote. Henry,brotherof BaldwinI., takesthe
Heineccius, on civillaw, v., 298note; cross, x., 344; conquersMour-
vii.,3o2note,3x2note. zoufle,373; assumesthe regency,
Hcinemann,O. yon, monographon xi., x6; reignand characterof, z8
_neas Sylvius,xii.,62note. sqq.; death,2x.
Heinz,provinceof,ix., 5- Henry I., King of France,marries
Helena,cityof,iii.,ao8andnote. granddaughter of Anne,daughter
Helena,consortof ConstantinePor- of RomanusII., viii.,268andnote;
phyrogenitus, viii., 266; assumes ix., 349.
administration, 267. Hem3"It., Emperor,coronationof,._i.,
Hdena,daughterof Eudda,v., 6 note. 85 note; besiegesRome, xo84
Helena,daughterof Licinius,iii., x77' A.D.,x87note.
note. HenryIII., Emperor,visitof,to South-
Helena,daughterof RobertGuiscard, ern Italy, xo47 A.D.,x., 91 note;
X.,zo9. invitedbythe Greeks,x2z; be-
Helena,mother of Constantinethe siegesRome,x22;fliesbeforeGuis-
Great,ii.,2o4;iii.,x79;herChris- card,x23.
tianity, 282 note; at Jerusalem,HenryIII., Kingof Castile,sendsem-
ir., 75. bassyto Timour,xi.,2x2note.
Helena,sisterof Constantius1I., mar- Henry.IV., of England,receivesthe
riesJulian,iii.,238;death,iv.,14. EmperorManuel,xi., a43-4.
Helenopolis, seeDrepanum. Henry.IV., of France,comparedwith
Helepolis, iv., x3o; usedbythe Avars, Clovis,vi., 224; with Belisarius,
viii.,72note. vii.,x4o.
Heliodorus, Bishopof Altinum,v., x38 HenryV.,Emperor,coronation of,xii.,
note. 67 note; called to Romeby the
Helion,Patrician,investsValentinian Frangipani,76 note.
Ill. withthe purple,v., 339- HenryVI.,Emperor,unitedNaplesand
Heliopolis,captured by the Saracens, Sicilytotheempire,viii.,386;mar-
ix.,x54sq.; ruinsof, z56and note; ties daughterof Roger, x., x42;
pillagedby the Carmathians,299. conquersSicily,x44.
Helleblcus,general of Theodosius, HenrytheFowler,viii.,372;tifleof,373
v., 48,49. note;defeatstheHungarians, x., 46
Hellespont,battleat, betweenPescen- sqq.
niusNigerandSeverus, i., x5x;de- Henry,the Greek,of Brunswick,xi.,
script.ionof,iii.,94; navalvictory xo3note.
HenrytheWonderful,Dukeof Bruns-Hercules,columnsof, i., 26, 33; Ro-
wick,xi., xo3note_, man,titleof Commodns, zx9.
Heptarchy,Saxon,vi., 272and note. Herculians,guards of Diocletian,ii.,
Hera, Caveof, Mahometretreatsto, z82 and note; of Julian, iv.,
ix., 35; situationof, /b. note. I4z.
Heraclas,Egyptianbishop,ii., 335. Herculius,title of Ma_mjan,ii., x48.
HeracleaPontica,siegeof, bythe Sara- I-Iercynian Forest,ii., 75.
cens,ix.,"_8xand_wte. Hereditary succession, i., 2x4sq.
Heraclea(Thracian),ii.,36,x4z; taken Hcredium,of the first Romans,vii.,
by Maximin,240,24X; Julian at, 357.
iv., 27; Genoesecolonyin, xi., Heresy,beginningof,ii., 274;persecu-
68. lion of, fli., 33a sq_.; disabilities
Heracleonas, viii.,222; reign,223; ex- attachedto,vi., x2onote.
fieof,/b.; ix., x67note. promontory, Romanfleetat,
Heraclian, Count,slaysStilicho,v.,z89; vii., zo2.
oppresses the familyof Proba,250; Hermann,onCapistrano,xi., 3x4note.
revoltof,inAfrica,263; death,264. Hermanric,King of the Ostrogoths,
I.ieradianns, Praetorian prefect,ii., 6o, conquestsof,iv., 245s_.; warswith
6x note. the Huns,286sqq.
Heraclitus, spuriousepistlesof,vii.,305 Herman-tic, Kingof theSuevi,in Spain,
note. v., 344.
Herachus,ExarchofAfrica,viii.,85. Hermapion, iii., 245note.
Heraclius, favouriteofValentinian HI., Hermechionites, vii., z92note.
vi., 78; death,8x. Hermenegild, sonofLeovegild, Kingof
HeracliusI., Emperor, rebelsagainst Spain,revoltof,vi., 2ozsq.;death,
Phocas, viii., 85; madeemperor, 202andnote.
86; distreSs of, 94 sq.; his cam- Hermes,Christian forgery,ii., 347-
paignsagainstPersia,zoo s_q.; Hermias,the philosopher, vii., 8o.
¢cthesisof, z79 sq.; a Maronite,Herminlanus,Claudius,ii., 86 note;
_98; marriesMaxtina,22z;date severitytowardstheChristianS, iii.,
of hisdeath,222; childrenof,221 33 note.
note; receivesMahomet'sambas-Hermits,vi., z75sq. andnote.
sador,ix., 77; war with,78 s9.; Hermodorus, theEphesian,vii.,3osand
fortifiesPalaceof Blachern_e, xii., note.
2o note; daughterof,capturedby Hermagenes, generalofthecavalry,iii.,
Saracens,ix., z5i; flightof, x66; 4oz.
death,x82;dateof,/b, note. Hermogenian code,vii., 3z6 and note.
HeracliusII., or Heracleonas,son of Hermunduri, i., 3oznote.
Heradius,viii.,222,223; ix., x67 Heroand Leander,taleof, iii.,95 and
note. note.
Heraclius, sonof Constans II., rebelsHerod,sonof Odenathus, ii., 85.
againsthis brother,Constantine Herodes Atticus,familyof, i., 57; his
IV., viii.,226sq. education, ib.; public monuments,
Heraclius,son of Constantine IV., 58.
viii.,_27. Herodian,officerof Justinian,at Spo-
Heraclius,the prefect, campaignof, leto,vii.,259.
againstthe Vandalsin Africa,vi., Herodian,the historian,description of
x26Sqfl.;his defeat,x3o. ImperialPalace,i., _68note.
Her_eum, Palaceof,seeConstantinople.Herodians, sectof,ii., 263note.
Herat,dry of Khorasan,destroyedby Herodotus, on polytheism, i., 36 note;
Zingis,vi., z5; subduedby the on the Persianreligion,256; on
Moslems,ix., x28; Magiausin, the Syrians,ii., 263note;descrip-
228; taken by the Mongols,xi., tion of Assyria,iv., za7 nott; on
z38. the S.cythians, 263note.
Hertzberg, Countde,ontheLombards, tolerationof Anthemius,vi., xa4
vii.,x77note. andnote.
Hertzberg, G.,vii., 79note- Hildegardis,daughterof Lewisthe
Heruli,ii., 8, 9 nole; bodyof,in Ro- Pious,xi;.,8o note.
manservice,38,39andnote;legionHilderic,Kingofthe AfricanVandals,
of, in Gaul,iv., 3 and note; in religioustolerationof, vi.,x9o sq.;
Britain,229;subduedbytheGoths, daughters of, educatedby Justin-
z46; slavesof the, vi., x8 note; inn,vii., x16.
at the battleof Chglous,6x; al- Hilderic,Vandalprince,religious tolera-
lies of Theodoric,3x6, 3x7 and -ion of, vii., 85; deposedby Gel-
note; at Constantinople, in the liner,86.
Nikariots,vii., 25; jointheexpe- Hildesheim, bishopric of,viii.,366.
ditionof Bclisaxiusto Africa,92; Hildibald,commander of the Gothsof
defeatedby the Lombaxds,x79; Italy,vii.,243;death,/b.
serveunderNarses,266. IHiUeh,villageof,iii.,2oo.
Herzegovina, Princeof, opposesthe[Himerius,general,expeditionagainst
Ottomans,xi., x68note. Crete,ix.,8o8.
Hesnus,Arab,ix., 2xnote. I:lincmar of Rheims,v., 286note;Life
Hesseis, J. H., editionof theSaliclaw, of Remigius,vi., 22o note; on
vi.,242note. baptismof Clovis,lb. note; pas-
Hesychasts, or Quietists,xi., xx8. totallettercomposedby,ix., 258
H_-amilion(wa.Uof Manuel),xJ.,25z note.
andnote;xii.,57. Hindoos,religionof, ix., 227note.
Heyne,editionof Virgilby, vii., 274 Hindostan,conquestof,bytheMongols,
note. xi., z43,x9osq.
Hia,land of the,conqueredbyZingis, Hiong-nou,iv., 267note,275note,282
xJ.,x35note. note.
Hierapolis, in Syria,Constantius at, iv., Hipparchus, astronomer, ix.,a6 note.
24; granaries of, xx2; Julianat, Hippocrates,aphorismsof, translated
xx8 and note, xx9; besiegedby by Constantine, x., xo4note.
Nushlrvan, vii.,208; Chosroesat, Hippodrome, see Constantinople.
viii.,63; takenby the SaracensHippolytus,Bishop,worksof,viii.,127
ix.,x68; recovered,3zi. note.
Hierarchy, imperial,iii.,xx3 sg. HippoRegius,colonyof, v., 35o; city
Hierodes, i., x88note. of,/b. no,e; siegeof,35zsq.;Beli-
Hierocles, wrotereviewof the Eastern sariusat, vii., xo7; conquered by
provinces, vii.,29note. Rogerof Sicily,x., x32.
Hieroglyphics, iii., 244sq. andnote. Hira"vii., 2o5; ix., x3; reducedby
Hieromax,or Yermuk,q.v. Caled,xI9; foundation of,/b,note.
Hil2xl, an Arab,slaysRustum,x., x22 Hirth,F., vii.,32note.
note. Hismahelitm, Slavonians, x., 49 note.
St.,iv., 26onote. Hittin,battleof, x., 3oo.
Hilaxion, theSyriananachoret, vi., x6x; Hobal,deityof the Caaba,ix.,68.
life of, lb. note; voyageof, x62 Hocsemius, John,xii., x28note.
note. Hodaibiya, treatyof,betweenMahomet
Hilarius,senatorof Antioch,v., 47; andtheKoreish,ix.,72.
made governorof Palestine,5o. Hodgkin,Mr., on Ambrose,v., 35
Hilary,:Bishopof Poitiers,iii., 357, note; on Alaric,x47 notes; on
358and note; on the i-fomoiou- journeyof Stilicho,I74 note,xSx
s/on,36x,362andnote; accountof note; on Claudian,x93 note;on
Councilof Antioch, 379 note; Alaric'sarmy,23xnote,24_note;
baninhment,387; tomb of, de- on p_ge of the Vandals,
stroyedby the Saxacens,ix., a54. 345note;onHunsat TroyeS,vi.,
Hilm-y,Pope, censuresthe religious 54 note;referencesto, 3oo note,
3oxnote;308notes,32xnote,322 third Councilof Constantinople,
note,343 note;vii., 93 note, r43 viii.,xSonote.
note, x56note,268note. HonoriusI11., Pope,crownsPeterof
Hody, Humphry,Dr., on revivalof Courtenay,xi., 22; his nepotism,
Greeklearning,xi., 275note,28_ xii., x_6note.
note. Honorius,succeedsto Empire of the
Hoensbroech,Count Paul von, on West, v., 67, *o7; marriage,
miracleof Tipasa,vi., 200note. ! _34; character, *35; flight
Hoeschliusof Augsburg,printsGreek fromMilan,x5° s_.; triumphof,
textof Procopius,vii.,8 note. at Rome, J59; abolishesgladia-
Holagou(Hfil_gfi)Khan,grandsonof torial shows, x6o and notes; at
Zingis,xi., *43andnote. Ravenna,x6zsqg.; associatesCon-
Holin,seeCaracorum. stantiasinthe empire,335; death,
Holstenins,Lucas,monasticrule, vi., 336; persecutedthe Donatists,
x66note. 346.
Holw_m, hill fortressof, Yezdegerdat, Horace,description of MountGarganus,
ix., i26note;takenbytheMoslem_ vii.,256note.
ib. note. Hormisdas,Pope,iv., x89note.
Holy Island, at mouth of the Tibe: Hormisdas,Princeof Persia,iii., 244
v., 236note. note;generalof Julian,iv., x¢4sq.
HolyLance,legendof,x., 248sff. and note;adviceof, refused,,3o;
HolyYear,seeJubilee. receivesmessagesfromSapor,143;
Homer,m:_q_hology of, i., 37 andnote sonof, x89andnote.
Lmstrygonsin Italy, vi., 298and Hormuz contends with Narses for
note;vii.,x9 note,29note,92 note; throneofPersia,ii.,i68.
Syriae versionof, ix., 277 note; Hormuz,son of Nushirvan,vicesof,
Florenceeditionof, *488,xi., 29o viii.,54-5; authoritiesfor account
note. of, 56 note; acceptshelp of the
Homerites,vii.,23,sq_.; monumentS of Turks, 57; treatmentof Bahrain,
the,ix., x9. 59; deposedand imprisoned, 60;
Homicide,pecuniaryfluesfor, vi., 243 death,62.
sq.and notes. Hormuz,seeRamHormuz.
Homocans, sectof,iii.,359. tIorologoi,officeof the, ix., 338note.
Homoiousians, Ariansect of, iii., 358. Horses, Roman cavalry,i., x8; Ara-
Homoousians, iii.,358;iv., 2o3;perse- bian, ix., 6 sq_.; price of war
cutedunderValens,v., I4. horsesin "kingdom of Jerusalem, x.,
Homoousion,term, iii., 354, 355 and 27oand note.
note. Horta,rebuiltbyLeoIV.,ix.,29o.
ix., 272note. Hosein,sonofAli,at siegeofConsta_ti-
Honain,war of, ix., 75; battle oI nople,ix.,zo2; insurrection of,/b.;
75-6. flightanddeath,Jo3-4; oneofthe
Hongvou,founderof dynastyof Min twelveImams,or pontiffs,xo5.
xi., 2*x. Hosein,seeHoussein.
Honoratus,Bishopof Milan,viii., x4. Hospitallers,knights,at Rhodes,xi.,
Honorians,troopscalled,v., x8o and ,61.
note; betraySpainto the Goths Hostilianns,son of Dedus, made em-
272and note. perorbythesenate,ii.,,8.
Honoria, sister of ValentinianILL Hottoman,Francis,lawyerof the six-
education, vi., 5I; exile, /b.; teenth century,vii., 302note.
negotiationswithAttila,lb.; medal Houses,Roman,rent of,v., 224;num-
struck with portraitof, /b. note; herof,and twoclassesof,lb.
imprisonment, 53- Houssaie,Amelotde la, his Historyof
HonoriusI., Pope, condemnedby the Venice,vi., 7xnote.
Houssein,Emir,xi., i85; deathof,/b. 3r5; ambassador of, at siegeof
Hoveden,Roger,xii.,9° note. Constantinople, xfi., 32 and note.
Howell,Historyof theWorld,iii., x37 Hunneric, sonof Genseric, Kingofthe
note. Vandals,v.,354; marriesEudocia,
Howorth, SirH., on theAvars,viii.,68 vi., xt8; persecutes theCatholics,
nol¢; on the lZaxaits,xi., x3o 789; callsa conference of bishops
note. at Carthage, x9x; deliversRoman
HughCapet,founder of Capetianrace, citizensto the Moors,x93; re-
x., x96andnote. storesthe cathedralat Carthage,
Hugh,Countof Vermandois, leaderin 195.
the firstcrusade,x., 2x6,2a6; cap- Huns,origin,iv., 275and note; con-
tuxedby AlexinsComnenus,226, questsand wars,ib. sq¢.; decline
229; returnsto France,247. of,279;emigrations of,28t; white,
Hughde Reiteste,vii., 68note. 282and note;of the Volga,283;
Hugh,Dukeof Burgundy,at the third subduethe Alani, 285s¢.; vie-
crusade, x., 3o7,3o9note. toriesover the Goths, 286 sq.;
Hugh,Kingof Burgundy,introduced conquered byShelun,v., i65; join
into RomebyMaxozia,viii., 38o. Alaric,230; on thelllyrianfron-
Hugh,son of Azzoof Lombaxdy,x., tier,233;underAttila,vi., x rqg.;
xo9 note. in Hungary,2 note; intercourse
Hughes, Mr.,authorofSiegeof Damas- with the Goths, x7; religious
cns, ix., x49 note. opinions of, _6andnote;mechanic
Hugo,Kingof Italy,marriageof, x., artsencouraged by, x7; language
346,347. of, ib. andnote; invadeGaul,53
Huldin,chiefoftheHuns,joinsSfilicho, sqq.; invadeItaly,66 sqq.; said
v., x68. to haveinvadedBritain,27xand
Hume,Historyof Religion,i., 36note, note.
I43note,286; ontheismandpoly- Huntingdon, Henryof,vi., 274note.
theism,v., xo4note; on ancientHyader,river,ii., i95 note.
population,223 note; on crime, Hycsos,orshepherd kings,ix., 76note.
vii., 373 note; on ecclesiasticalHymettus,Mount,honeyof, xi., 92
government, xfi., x77. and note.
Humphrey, son of Tancredof Haute- Hypa:pe, cityofAsia,i.,62 note.
vine,x., 97; death,99- Hypatia,daughter ofTheon,teachesat
Hungarians,wax of, with Manuel Alexandria, viii.,x39;death,ib.
Comnenus,viii., 292; establish-Hypatius,nephew oftheEmperor Anas-
mentand inroadsof, x., 42 sqq. tasins,crowned at Constantinople,
SeeMngyaxs. vii., 26; death, 28; besieges
Hungary, Great,onthe Volga,iv., 283 Amida,69 note.
andnote. Hyperides, ix., 37x.
Hungary,Hunsin, vi., 2 sq.; ScythianHyphasis,Alexanderthe Greatat, i.,
coloniesin, 2 note; conversionof, 35.
x., x87; devastatedbythe Cru- Hyrcania,subduedby Nushirvan, vii.,
saders,2_x; opposesGodfreyof 23o.
Bouillon,224; invadedby the Hyssus,fortifications of, vii., 2r9.
Mongols,xi., 147 -*_/.;by the
Ottomans,x7r s_.; truce with IAMBIJCBUS, neo-PlatoniSt, iv., 52, 56
Turkey,r45I A.D.,xii., 37 note. note.
Huniades,John,campaignagainstthe lamblichus,oneof the sevensleepers,
Turks,xi., 3o6 sqg.; defeatedat v., 359.
Waxna,31o-xx; birthand family Iazygia,settlement of the Gepid,_, vii.,
of, 3_3 andnote; second defeat x77note.
and flight,3x4; defendsBelgradeIbasofEdema,viii.,x75.
againstMahometII., /b.; death, Ibelin,s¢¢John d'Ibelin.
Iberia,i., 8; conversion of,ii.,340and Igmazen,Kingof theIsaflenses, iv.,235
_; attackedby Sapor,iv., 239. sg.
IberianandCaspiangates,vii., 72and Ignatius,Patriarchof Constantinople,
_7/e. restored,x., 33: andnote.
Ibn Abdal-Hakam,historian,ix., z84 Ignatius,St., ii., 3:2 note; Acts and
note,x85no/e,i9: note. Epistlesof,iii.,34twte; on martyr-
Ibn Alwaxdi,authorof chart,ix., 235 dora,43; epistleof, to the Smyr-
_W/e. n_eans,vi_, x27note.
Ibn Ish_k,on _fion of Abrahah,Igor,sonof Ruric,x., 6o.
ix., 3o note. Igours,Vigours, orOnigors,Tartarrace
Ibn Khaldfin,ix., x9z note. of, iv., 276and note;destroythe
Ibn Khateb,ix., 224note. kingdomof the Huns,vi., 77; art
Ibn Kutaiba,ix., 3° note. of writingamongthe,xi., z3aand
Ibn Shuna.seeEbn Schounah. note.
Ibr_him:Ibrahim. Ikshidids,Saracendynastyof, ix., 303
Ibrahim,chiefof the Abbassides,ix., andnote.
259; death,26o. I1 Khans,dynastyof the, xi., :43note.
Ibrahim,grandson ofEbatheEider,ix., llderim,surnameof Bajazet,xi., z69
223. andnote.
Ibrahlrn,infantsonofMahomet, ix., 9o. Ildico,wifeof Attila,vi., 74.
Ibrahim,Princeof Shirwanor Albania, Ilerda,orLerida,ii., 26 note.
submitsto Timour,xi., i86. Ilium,ii., _79note.
Ibrahim,son of Aglab,ix., 3oz. Illiberis,Councilof, ii., 326; ill., x3
Ibrahim,sonof Sharokh,xi., _o5 note. note; decreeconcerningmartyrs,
Ibrahim,vizirof Mur_dII., xi., 22x 44 note; concerning images,viii.,
andnote. 3_oandnote.
Icasia,viii.,252andnote. IUnstres,rankof, if/.,xx4.
Iceni,Britishtribe,i., 26. Illyricum,i.,27andnote; Julianin,iv.,
Ichoglans,Turkishclassof,xi., 228. x9; prefectureof, dismembered,
Ichthyophagiof Gedxosia,i., 262note; 333; divided betweenArcadius
onthe shoresof the PersianGulf, and Honorius,v., xoT; Western
ix., $and note. IUyricumcededto Constantinople,
Iconium,or Cogni,Crusadersat, x., 339andno/e; sevenprovinces of,
24z; Seljukcapital,273and 274 vii.,59; dioceseof,separatedfrom
note; taken by FrederickBar- Rome,viii.,355andnote.
baxussa,282; battleof, xi., xeo Im_d-ad-dawla, his principality,ix.,
note. 305note.
Iconoclasts,extirpationof, viii., 253; Images,worshipof, viii., 3o9 sqq.;
riseof,3:esq,. "made withouthands,"3:5 and
Idatins,on passageof theVandals,v., no/e; condemnedby Councilof
344 note; spuriousFragmentof Constantinople, 320; restoredby
Chronicle of,vi., 54 note; Bishop secondCouncilof Nice,350.
of Ida Flavia,¢_9no/e; accountof Imams,twelvePersian,ix., xo5 and
the Suevic war, /b.; in Gallicia, note.
_x2note. Imaus,Mount (or Ca.f),iv., 273; see
Idolatry,ii.,280andno/e;iii.,4x4and Ca/.
note. Imbros,DemetriusPala_logus,Lord
Idrtsids,seeEdrisites. of, xii.,58.
Ieroslaus[Yarnslav],of Halicz (notof Imma, daughter of Charlemagne,
Kiev),viii.,297. marriesEginhard,viii., 36onote.
Iftikhar,see Aladin. Imm_,battleof,i.,:83note;ii.,87note.
Igilgilis,or Gigeri,iv., 234. Immortalityofthesoul,doctrineoftbe,
Igilium,Isleof, resiststhe Goths,v., ii., 284sqq.
248,249and note. Immortals,royalPersiancavalry,iv.,
J58andnote;v.,330; puttoflight claims fourth crusade,/b.; ac-
by Belisaxius,vii., 9o; of John countof pillageof Constantinople,
Zimisces,x., 66. 377; letters of, xi., 4 and note;
Imperator,i., 78and note; latermean- reformsthe officeof prefect,xii.,
ingof, ii.,183. 89.
Ina,King of Wessex,viii.,329note. Innocent VI., Pope, his treaty with
Incarnation, historyof the doctrineof, John Palmologus,xi., 238; his
viii.,122sqq. pontificate,xii., 152.
Incendiarism, law concerning,vii., 373 InnocentVII., Pope,xii.,162.
sq. InnocentXI., Pope,xii.,179note.
Incest,Romanlaw of,vii., 352sq. Inquisitors,religious,under Theodo-
India,Romantradewith,i.,69, 7oand sius,v., 26.
holes; ambassadorsto Constan- InstitutesofJustinian,vii.,329s_q.,337
tinefrom,iii.,x9xandnote; Chris- sqq.; of Caius,337and note.
tians of St. Thomasin, viii.,x91 Insu/a, or Roman lodging-house, v.,
andnote. 224and note.
Indiancommoditiestaxed by Alex. Interamaia,SeptimiusSeverusat, i.,
Severus,i., 208andnote. 146.
Indians,vii.,286note. Interest,Romanlawof, vii.,369sq.
IndiCtiOus, iii., 154Sqq.axldnotes. Interregnum, A.D.275,ii., xo3,xo4.
Indo-Scythm, vii.,69 note. Intiline,provinceof, cededto the em-
indulgences, to the emperors,vii., 313 pine,ii., i76 and note.
andnote; practiceof,x., 204. Inveges,Augustinemonkof Palermo,
Infanticide (byexposing), Constantine's x., 97 note.
lawagainst,ii., 250;Christians try Iona, Isle of, monasteryat, vi., 162;
to prevent, 323; vii., 344 and libraryandtombsof, r63note.
note. Ionia, work azcribedto an Empress
Infantry,Roman, lay asidetheir at- Eudocia,v., 327note.
mour,v., 69. Iphieles,deputyof Epirus,iv.,254and
Infessura,Stephen,xii., 174note,18o. note.
Ingenuus,citizenof Narbonne,v., 259. Irkk, conqueredby the Saracens,ix.,
lngenuus,Emperor,ii., 5o, 53. 122; extentof,_. note;Bowides
Ingo,KingofSweden,ii.,5note. at, 229note.
Iagulphus,secretaryof Williamthe Iran,or Persia,vii., 196.
Conqueror, x., x88. Ireland,iv., 225.
Ingundis, consortof Hermenegild, per- Irenmus,ii.,29oandnote; preachesin
securedby Goisvintha, vi., 2o1. Gaul,295; worksof, viii., _27
Inheritance, Romanlawof,vii.,359sq. note.
Inigo,orIgnatius, founder oftheJesnits Irene,daughterof TheodoreLascaxis,
w., 174note. xi.,56.
In _re cessio,processof,vii., 357note. Irene,orPansophia, viii.,158andnote.
Injuries,Romanlaw concerning,vii., Irene,wifeof JohnCantacuzene, xi.,
370sq.I., Bishopof Rome,suplxlsed 1o8;
besiegedin Demotica,163;x24;
defendsC onstantinople, in-
superstition of, v., 228. vitesAmirtoConstantinople,/b.
InnocentII., Pope,electionof,x., 13o; Irene,wifeofLeoIV.,Emperor of Con-
xii.,77; condemnsArnold,8o and stantinople,crownedwithherson,
note,82; his triumphover Aria- viii., 238; her connectionwith
clete,i16. Charlemagne,373; letterof Ni-
InnocentILL,Pope, persecutes the AI- cephorusconcerning, ix.,28o;reign,
bigeois,x., 20; promotesfourth viii.,24osqq.;restoredimages,/.b.;
andfifthcrusades,312sqq.; nego- canonised,/b.; banishedby her
tiatiouswithBulgarians,338note, son,/b.;restored, 242-3;dethroned
339;biographyof,342note;pro- andbanishedtoLesbosby Niceph-
orus, _43; Life of, 252 note; Isldoreof Seville,i/i.,x87note; v., xTo
restorationofimagesby, 350s_l. note; on passageof the Vandals,
Irene,wifeof Philipof Swabia,x., 34L v., 344note; monasticrule of,vi.,
Irgana-kon,Mountainof,vii.,186note. x68note,x69note;on Sisebut,206
Irnac,youngestson of Attila,vi., 33; note; Historyofthe Visigot._,265
retiresto LesserScythia,77; king- note.
dora of, destroyedby the Igours, Isidore,pupilof Proclus,vii., 79; Life
/b. of,lb. note;leavesAthens,80.
Iron,Siberian,vii., 186and note. Isidore,the Milesian,architect,vii.,5x.
Isa,sonof Bajazet,xi., 2x8. Isisand Serapis,Templeof,i.,4x and
Isaac,anArmenianarchbishop,v., 332. note; v., 85.
Isaac, grandsonof Eba the Elder,ix., IMam,faithof,ix.,35sq.; derivationof
223. name,/b. note; descriptionof, 46
IsaacI., Comnenus, viii.,280sq.; inthe sqq.; beliefconcerning the Resur-
Abbeyof Studion,282. rection,49; Hell andParadiseof,
IsaacLI.,Angelus,accession,viii.,304 50; tolerantspiritof,226; propa-
sq.; reign,306 sq.; defeatsthe gationof,ib.
Normans,x., x4o; policy of, Ismael=
towardsCrusaders, 277, 280;char- Ismael,ancestoroftheArabs,ix., xo.
acter and reign, 336 sq_.; de- Ismael Beg,Prince of Sinope,xii., 59
posedby Alexius,340; restored, andnote.
366-7sq.; death,373. Ismael,son of Jafar ai-Sadik,ix., 297
Isaac,lieutenant of Belisarius, vii.,253. note.
Isaac,sonof AlexiusComnenus, made Ismael,theSeljuk,x., i54.
SebasWcrator, viii., 289; sorts of, IsmaeliansofPersia,seeAssassins.
294. Ismail Hamza,brother-in-lawof Ma-
Isaac,sonofJohnComnenus, imprison- hornetII., xii.,36 note.
mentof, viii.,292; restoration of, Isocrates,iv., z3 note; vii.,74, 76; on
x., 366sq. musicalcontests,xii., x25note.
Isaiahof Rhodes,disgraceof,vii.,382. Isonzo,battleof the, vi., 309.
Isamus,stationof,viii.,254note. Ispahan,Heracliusat, viii.,to7; taken
Isar,Atiz,expeditionof,x., x89note. by the Moslems,ix., x27 note;
Isaurians,rebellionof,ii., 56 st.; de- Magianreligionat, 229; Bowide
feated by Probus, xx6; besiege dynastyin, 230note; MalekShah
Seleucia,iii., 237; iv., 290; in- at, x., x76; Timourat, xi., z93;
vade Palestine,v., 3x8; armyof, destroyedbyTimour,2x6.
leviedby Leo, vi., x2x; destruc- Israelite,a club,lii.,406.
tionof,ib.note;invadedAsia,vii., Issns,cityof,campofEleraclius at,viii.,
63; defeatedin Phrygia by the xoxand note.
Goths, 64; betrayRome to the Ister,LowerDanube,i., 29 andnote.
Gotlis,253, 254; betrayRome a Isthmusof Corinth,wall of the, ft.,
secondtime,26i. 37 note;gamesof,iv. 42; tran_
Iseander,seeEscander. portationoffleetover,xii.,34note;
Isdigune,ambassador of Chosroes, vii., Turksat, 57-8.
228. Istria, i., 27; campaniaof,vi., 3_8.
Isidore, Archbishopof Russia,made Italian language(modem),formation
cardinal,xi., 299 and note; ira- of,viii.,3Z andnote.
prisoned,/b.; epistleof,to Nicho- Italians,separationof, fromthe Goths,
las V., xJi.,6 note; Papal legate, underTheodoric,vi., 3:5-
2x; hisescape,48 andnote. Italica,honorarycolony,i., 46 note;
Isidoreof Badajoz,ix.,208note. iv., 323note.
Isidoreof Pelusium,v., 87 note;friend Italy,described, i.,26,27;distinctfrom
of Cyrilof Alexandria,viii., x36 theprovinces, 43 andnote; Gothic
andnote. invasionof, v., x67sg_/.;portsof,
dosedbyStiHcho,19onote; laws Jalal ad-DInHasan,Ismaelianprince,
forthereliefof,262; Western Era- m.,x43note.
pireconsistsofthekingdomof, vi., JalMad-DinMangbarti, seeGelaleddin.
116; under Odoacer, x53 sqq.; Jalola,battleof,ix., i26.
partitionof, underTheodoricthe Jamesde Delayto,xi., 2o7note.
Ostrogoth,3z3 sq.; civilgovern-Jamesof Sarug,Syrianbishop,v., 360
mentof,3=xsqq.;stateof,3=7sqq.; and note; homilyon the Seven
invasionofBelisarius, vii.,x32sqq.; Sleepers,by, viii.,3x4note.
invasionof Fr_nl_% x6o; subdued James,St.,Bishopof Edessa,miracles
by Narses,277sgq.; settlementof, _ of, iii.,203note.
28o;theLombardsin, viii.,r3sqq.; James,St.,Legendof,in Spain,ii.,339
distressof,26a_.; revoltsfromLeo and note.
the Isanrian,329sqq.; ByzantineJami (mosques),_di.,55-
dominion continuesin,fill timeof lane, daughterof EmperorBaldwin,
Charlemagne, 332and note;Char- xi., z7.
lemagne'sempirein, 365; rise of Jane, Queenof Naples,sellsAvignon,
driesin, 384sg.; Hungarianinva- xii., zlo and note; stranglesher
sion,x.,44 sqq.; Saracens,Lafins, husband,x39.
and Greeksin, 75sqq.; Themeof, Jane, sisterof the Countof Savoy,see
79 not.e;Normansin, 83; revival Anneof Savoy.
of Greeklearningin, xi., 275sgq.; Janiculum,seeRome.
Rienzi'sideaofa confederation of, Janizaries, institutedbyAlA-ad-Din, xi.,
xG.,x37sg.;compared withFrance 58 note, x67-8and note; at the
byPetrarch,J55andnote. Byzantine Court, 263 and note;
lthacius,CatholicPresbyter,v., 29and adoptionamong,xii., 37.
note. Jansenists, ii.,293_ote;v., 352twte.
lthobai,Kingof Tyre,vii.,=95note. Januarins,St.,bloodof,x., x85note.
Itineraries,i., 64note;of theBordeauxJanus,Templeof,vii., x43.
pilgrim, iv., 75note;of Antoninns,Jaroslaus, Yaxoslav, ix., 349andnote;
x78note,303note,v., x5 note,x53 x., 6x; collegeof,73.
note. Jason,hostageinAlaric'scamp,v., _97-
Itinerarium regisRicardl,x., 3to note. Jaxaxtes, river,ix., x29andnote.
Jazberin, vi., 28andnote.
JA_.cR,kinsmanof Mahomet,death Jazyges,Sarmatiantribe,i., 3or note;
of,ix., 78. ii.,xo; iii.,x86.
sixthImam,ix., co6 note. Jefferyof Monmouth,vi., 277-
Jabalan, chiefoftheChristian Arabians,JehanNuma,palaceof MahometII.,
ix., x57; exileof, in Byzantium, xii.,x2.
_59andnote. Jexom,St., on the Councilof Rimini,
Jablonski,viii.,x44note,x53note. iii.,363note; dialogueof,iv., xoo
Jabril,generalofHarunal-Rashid,ix., note; on theclergy,iv., 2o9note;
=8xnote. on the ravagesof the Goths,iv.,
Jacob,sonofLeith,ix., 3o=andnote. 3x9•
Jacobitesor Monophysites, viii., t77; Jeroslaus,seeJaroslans.
submissionof, in Egypt, to the Jerusalem,"kingdom of, x., 26o sqg.;
Saracens,ix., x77; friendlyto the declineof,298; femalesuccession
Saracens, 233andnote. in,/b, note;conqueredbySaladin,
Jadera,seeZara. 3oosq.
Jaen,legionof Kinnisrinor Chaletsat, Jerusalem, templeof,destroyedbyfire,
ix.,=24. iii., =4; Christianchurchat,32x
Jaffa,countyof (WithAscalon),x., 266 andnote;Julian'sdesigntorebuild
note;townof,takenbyCrusaders, it, iv., 77,78sq!t.; Churchof the
3o8; surprisedby Saladin,309; Holy Virginat, vii., 56; city of,
lostby the Frank%3=4. described,iv., 74, 75; spoilsof
templeat, taken from Rome to Joannites,or followersof Chrysostom,
Carthage, vi., 90; takenby Chos- v., 3x7note.
toes, viii., 89; Monophysitetu- Joasaph,monkof MountAthos,xi.,
mults at, x6i; taken by the H7.
Saracens,ix., x6osg_.; Omar's Job,bookof,ix.,43and note.
mosqueat, x6u and note; con- Jodelle,xi., _9xnote.
queredby the Turks, x., r74, r82 JohannesGrant,Germanengineer,at
s_.; sacrilegeoftheHolySepulchre siege of Constantinople, xii., 35
at, x87; miraculousflamein the note.
Holy Sepulchre,z84 and note; JohnAngelus,Emperor of Salonica,xi.,
besiegedby Afdal, 252; by the 33note.
Crusaders, :54sqq.; populationof, John AsenH., see Calo-Johnof Bul-
255note;watersupplyof,lb. note; garia.
St. Stephen'sGateat, 256; tower John AsenIV.of Bulgaria,xi.,86 note.
of Psephinaincitadelof,257note; John Bermudez,viii., 2ix note.
Assiseof, a64sqq.; principality of, John, Bishop of Antioch,important
a66 note; Christiansof. despoiled authorityon deathsof Aetiusand
bySaladin,295; takenbySaladin, Valenfinian,vi., 8x note; sum-
3oxs¢.; mosqueof Omar at, 3o3; moned to the first Council of
RichardI. near,3o9andnote. Ephesus,vii/., z46; reconciledto
Jesuits,missionof, in Abyssinia,viii., Cyril,x48-9.
2I_sgq.; expulsionof, 233-4. John, Bishop of Asia, see John of
Jews,rebellion of,underHadrian,i., to Ephesus.
note;characterof,ii.,263sq.;zeal ]'ohnBoivin,xi., 32 note.
of,264sqq.; underthe AsmonaeanJohn, brotherof Pappus,magistermili-
princes,288; crueltiesof, iii., 3; turn of Africa,heroof Cor/ppus,
under Nero, 22; of Alexandria, vi/.,238note.
340; Julian's letterto, iv., 73and John, brotherof Paulof Samosata,x.,
note; synagogueof, destroyedat 4note.
Calliuicum,v., 53 and note;con- John Comnenus,or Calo-Johannes,
versionof, at Minorca,xo3note; Emperorof Constantinople, viii.,
exemption of, from municipal 289s_.
340note;pex_cutJon of,in John, Count, lover of Eudoxia, v.,
Spain,vi., 205s_.; persecutedby 3x8.
the Italians,333; by Heracllus,John, Countof Nevers,his crusade
viii., x2o; theirbeliefin immor- against the Turks, xi., x72 sq.;
tality, t_6; persecutionof, by taken prisoner, x73; ransomed,
Cyrilof Alexandria,I37-8; perse- x74,243.
cuted by Justinian, zTx Sfl.; in John Damascenus, worksof, on ira-
Arabia,ix.,27 SOl.;assistthe Sara- ages, viii., 319note,322; l_feOf,
censinSpain,2x5; massacreof,by ib. note.
first Crusaders, x., 2to-xt; pay Johnd'Ibelin,compiles Assiseof Jeru-
tributeatRomein fourteenth con- salem,x., 265and note,266note.
tury,xii.,204note. lohnDueas,Caesar, x., x67note.
JeaAegexd, seeYezdegerd. John,Dukeof Trebizond,xi., xxnote.
Jirjir[PrefectGregoryJ, ix., 193note. John Eladas,regentfor Constantine
Joan, Pope, vii/., 377 note, 378 VII.,viii.,264note.
note. John,Emperorofthe East,Iberia,and
Joan,sisterof RichardI. of England, Peratea,xi., xt note.
x., 3H. JohnGeometres, x.,35note.
Joannlna,daughterof Belisaxiosand John,grandsonof John Vataces,xi.,
Antonina,vii.,a6o. 33 (Lascaris),minorityof, 59;not
Joannina,fortifiedby Stephen Dushan, crowned,65; blinded and ban-
xi., xto no_e. ished,68$_.
JohnI., Pope, sent by Theodoricto 26t; residesat Ferrara, 263;mar-
Constantinople, vi., 334. ties Princessof Trebizond,252;
JohnVII.,GreekPope,xii.,,65 note. dateof his association, 293note;
JohnXI.,Pope,viii.,378and no/e,38,. wallof,xii.,20note.
JohnXII., Pope,viii.,378; disgraceof, John,PatriarchofAlexandria (theM,_-
38t. giver),receives fugitivesfromPales-
JohnXXII., Pope,wealthof, xi., 253 fine, viii., 9o; Life of, /b. note;
note; depositionof, xii., _o6; ex- givesmoneyto Heraclius,99 and
hortedby Petrarch,x56; said to note;accountof,204and note.
have introducedtriple crown,:58 JohnPhiloponus,his intercoursewith
note. Amrou,viii., x83; works of, _.
JohnXXIII.,Pope, xii., x65; impris- note.
oned,*66. [ohn,St.,Christians of,at Bassora,ix.,
John of Apri,Patriarchof Constanti- 27 andnote.
nople,xi., xoT; deposed,x2o. John,St.,of Jerusalem,hospitalof,x.,
Johnof Biclar,historianof the Visi- *84; knightsof, see Hospitallers.
goths,vi.,265note. [ohn,St.,theEvangelist,iii.,34z and
JohnofBrienne,KingofJerusalem,xi., note;gospelof,342*tote;appear-
25; Emperorof Constantinople, anceof,toTheodosius,v., 64trlote.
26; defendsConstantinople from John,son of Isaac the Sebastocrator,
Vataces,/b.;becomesa monk,28. apostacyof,viii.,294.
John of Cappadocia,ministerof Ju._: John,sonof Sisiniolus, vii.,238note.
tinian,vii., 26; disgraceand exile John,son of Vitalian,generalof Jus-
of,48; opposesthe Africanexpe- tinian, vii., 284 note; marries
dition,87; suppliesbad foodfor daughterof Gcrmanus,25onote.
thearmy,95; povertyof,287note.i John the Armenian,generalof Belisa-
Johnof Ephesus,on Theodora,vii., x61 flus,vii.,99.
note;on speechof Justin II.,via.,John, theDeacon,on GregoryI., viii.,
20note. 42note.
John,officerof Basiliscus,vi., *29. John,theeunuch,brotherof Michael
Johnof Gorz,embassyof,to Cordova, IV., viii.,277.
ix., 232note. John,the Exarch,x., 32note.
JohnofLycopolis, v., 62andnote. JohntheFaster,PatriarchofConstanti-
JohnofNikiu,chronicleof,ix.,ix7note, nople,viii.,44.
x85no/e. John, the prefect,expeditionagainst
JohnofProcida,accountof,xi., 8t sq. theArabs,ix., 203.
JohnofRavenna,pupilofPetrarch,xi., John, the pflmicerius,embassy to
282. Alaric,v., 228; usurpedthethrone
Johnof Salisbury,on slavery,vi., 252 ofHonorius,337; death,338.
note;onpapalavaflce,xii.,73note. John the Sanguinary,vii., *52; be-
JohnPala_logusI., emperor,reign,xi., siegesRimini,x54; takes Viti_ges
xo4; marriesdaughterof Canta- prisoner,x64note.
cuzene,xx4;takesup armsagainst JohnTzimisces,seeZimisces.
Cantacuzene,xx6; enters Con-IJohn Vlaxtislav, Bulgarian ruler,x., 35
staminople, ix7; weaknessof,t75' note.
sq.;imprisonment and escape,x76; Johnson,Dr., his Irene,xii., ,6 note,
death of, x77; pays tribute to 37note.
AmurathII., 225; treatywithIn- oinville,the historian,descriptionof
nocentVI., 238 ; his visitto Ur- Greekfire,ix., 250; in the East,
banV.,239;in Venice,24I. ]L,3x9andnote.
JohnPMmologus II.,associatedin the Jonas,Bishopof Orleans,vi.,252note.
empire,xi., 250; reign,252sqq.; Jonasof Damascus,ix., x49.
embarksinthePope'sgalleys,256; Jones,Sir William,vii., 37° note;his
entersVenice,26o; entersFerrara, sevenpoemsof the Caaba,ix.,
2o note; on Asiatic poetry,277IJovius,titleof Diocletian,ii., 148.
note. [Jubilee,or HolyYear, institutionof,
Jordan,John Christopherde, on the] Jdi.,xxx; descriptionof first, zz2
Sclavonians, x., 29 note. _ and note;second,113-4.
Jordan,onRome,xii., 182note. ]JudastheGaulonite,iii.,23 andnote.
Jornandes,ii., 4 and note, 2t note;| Jude,St.,grandsonsof,iii.,25and note.
accountof Alaric, v., I47 note;]Judex,Visigothic rifle,iv.,24Sandnote.
accountof Placidia,258, 259and| Judgments of God, amongthe Franks,
note; descriptionof CatalaunianI vi., 245st. and notes.
fields,vi., 59; suppressesthe de- Judicialcombats,vi., 246 sq.; cstab-
featof the Vkqigoths by Majorian, lishedby Gundobaid,247note;in
xro. kingdomof Jerusalem,x., 266sq.;
Jortin,Dr.,iii.,355note. prohibitedby MichaelVIII., xi.
Joseph, ancestorof the Zeifldes,x., 63; inFranceandEngland,64and
z3z. notes.
Joseph of Arimathea,St., missionof Judicialprocedure,vii.,383s_.
xii., 166note. Jfljl,seeToushi.
Joseph, Patriarch of Constantinople,JuliaDomna,i., zSx, 163, x69; death,
pardonsEmperorMichael,xi., 7I; 181.
withdraws toa monastery, 75. JuliaM_qa,i., 82.
Joseph,Paulicianleader,x., 4 note. Julian, anteces._rof Constantinople,
Josephthe Caxizmian,opposesMalek ix.,365note.
Shah,x., xTz. Julian, Cardinal,at Councilof Flor-
Joseph, the patriarch,accompanies enee,xi.,265; legate,3o5; account
JohnPalmologus to Italy,xi., 258; of, 312;deathof,atVarna,313.
death,266. Julian,Count,generalofthe Goths,in
Josephs,the,of Amida,Nestoriansect, Africa,ix., 208; invitestheMoors
viii.,191. and ArabsintoSpain,21o; castle
Josephus,i., 9z note;ii., 264note;on and townof,212andnole;advises
Christ,iii.,2o note. the Saracens, 214; entertains
Josephus,thefalse,iii.,5note. Musa,217; death,223.
JoshuaStylites,vii.,64 note,69note. Julian,Emperor, hisCvesars, i., 9° note,
Joubert,POre,xii., 88 note. to7 note,124note;ii., 63note,127
Jovian, iv., 14I note; madeemperor, note,129note,i5o note; sparedby
155sq.; campaignin Persia, 158 Constantius,iii., 226; education,
sflfl.; reign,173 sqq.; universal ib. s_. note; sent to Milan,234;
tolerationproclaimedby, 176; to Athens, 236; recalled,238;
death,x79s_. madeCaesar,240; in Gaul, 261
Jovians,guardsof Diocletian,ii., 182: Sqfl.;defeatstheAnemanni, a66s9.;
of Julian,iv.,x4z; in Britain,229. subduesthe Franks,269; crosses
Jovinian,v., 149note. the Rhinethree rimes,27I sq.;
Jovinus,generalof Julian, iv., x9; civil administration of, 275 sq.;
besiegesAquileia,25, 27; defeats wintersat Paris, 277; Gallicle-
the Alamanni,2z4 $_.; consul, gionsorderedto the East, iv., 3
215. sq.; proclaimedemperor,7 sqq.;
Jovlnus, tyrant, dreamsof, 1o and note;embassy
atMentz,v., 269;death,27o, to Constanrius,z2; crossesthe
Jovius,quaestorof Julian,iv., z9. Rhine, z3; preparationsfor war,
Jovins,Pr_torianprefectunderHono- 17; marches into Inyricum, I9
flus, made emperorby the eu- agq.;entersSirmium,21; epistles
nuchs,v., 232; his treatywith of,23 and note;besiegesAquileia,
AlarJc, 234; desertsHonorius,239. 25; enters Constantinople,27;
Jovins, sent by Theodosiusto close civilgovernmentof, 28 sqq.;date
pagantemples,v., 8z. of his birth,D. note; worksd,
3x; reformsthe palace,/b.; and Jurisprudence, Roman,vii., 3oxsqq.;
thechamberof justice,34; clem- abusesofcivil,387st.
encyof, 38; protectsthe Grecian Jurj_.n,territoryof, subduedby the
cities,4x; as an oratorand judge, Saracens,ix., i32 note.
42 sq.; characterof, 44, 45; Jus,Latinum,i.,46andnote;relationis,
paganismof, 46 sqq.; education, ii.,xx5 note;Italicum,iii.,lxoand
48 sq.; fanaticismof, 58; uni- note;Papirianum,vii.,304note.
versa1tolerationof, 6o; writes Justin,generalof Justinian,vii., 245
againsttheChristians,/b.and note; note.
restorespaganism,63; edictagainst Justin1., elevationof, vii.,3; crowns
the Christians,84 and note; con-i his nephewJustinian,7; death,lb.
demustheChristianstorestorethe Justin II., nephewof Justinian,re-
pagan temples, 87; Misopogon, ceivesTurkish embassy,vii., x92
xx4and notes; marchof, to the note; elevationof, to the empire,
Euphrates,xx7sqq.; Persiancam- viii.,2; consulshipof,3; receives
paign,xa9 sgq.; invasionof As- embassyoftheAvars, ib. sq.;aban-
syria, x29; takes Perisabor,/b., dons theGepid_e, 9; weaknessof,
and Maogamalcha,x3r; crosses x8sq.; associatesTiberius,19-2o;
the Tigris, x37; refusesto treat speeehof,2oandnote;reign,a.-zx;
withSapor,I4x; burnshis fleet, death,2x; warwithPersia,52.
x44; retreatof, x48; death, xSa; Justin Martyr,ii., 274; dialogueof,
funeral,xTx;accountof Da.nla.s- 274note,290;on spreadof Chris-
cus,ix., z4o note. tianity, 340note; studiedGreek
Julian,firstofthenotaries, inthe Gothic philosophy,343; ontheEbionites,
camp,v., 238. 342andnote.
Julianof Halicarnassus, viii.,x77note; Justina,Aviana,wifeofValentinianI.,
convertedthe Armenians, 200and iv., 256andnote;Arianismof,v.,
note. 3x; summons Ambrose tothecoun-
Julian,Salvius,Roman lawyer, vii., cil, 32; causesan edictin favour
3_2, 326. oftheArians,34; flighttoAqnileia,
Julian,tutelarsaintof Auvergne, sane- 38; death,57.
tuaryof, vi., xox; accountof, by JustinianI., Emperor, on themiracle of
Gregoryof Tours, ib.note; sepul- Tipasa,vi., 2oo note;ratifiesthe
chreof,atBrioude,257. establishment of the Frenchmon-
Julian,tyrant, ii., x6x,x62andnote. archy, 236; birth and education,
Julianus,Claudius,consul,i., 238. vii., i st. andnote; namesof, lb.
Julianus,Didius,purchasesthe empire, note; becomesemperor,3; mar-
i.,x36;reign,_37sg_l.;distressof, riesTheodora,x3sq.; favoursthe
x44andnote,x45; death,x46. bluefaction,2o;celebrates theides
Julianus,M. Aurelius,tyrantof Pan- of January,23; Nikariotanddis-
nonia,ii., _42note. tressof Justinian,25; state ofthe
Julin,cityof,x., 55- revenueunder,40; avariceof,ib.;
JuliusAfricanus,ii., 343; vii.,83 note. remittancesand taxes under, 42
JuliusC_.sar,ii., x79note. sqq.; coinageof, 44and note;ve-
JuliusII., Pope,xii.,x76; munificence nalityat the courtof,/b.; ministers
of,2iu. of, 46; edificesof, and architects,
Julius,master-general, massacreof the 48 sqq.; restoresSt. Sophia,52;
Gothsin Asiaby, iv., 32o. builds churches and palaces
JuliusSolon,i., xx5 note. throughoutthe empire,56 sqq.;
Jumelpur, diamondmineat, i., 7onote. his fortificationsin Europeand
Junghans,Historyof Childericand Asia, 58 sqg.; suppressesthe
Chlodovech, vi., 2x2note. schoolsofAthens,73;andconSUl-
Jupiter,Urius,templeof,iii.,92. shipof Rome,8x; resolvesto in-
Juriscousults, iii.,_33note; vii., 3x9. vadeAfrica,84; peacewithPersia,

85; fleetof, 94 and note; invadesKaifong,residenceof the Chinese era-
Africa,95sq.; hisgeneralsinItaly, peror,xi., I4x.
x32sqq.;makespeacewithVitiges,Kainoka,Jewishtribe of the, ix., 69
_62; weaknessof his empire,I74 andnote.
s_q.; alliancewiththe Avaxs,x9x Kairawgn,seeCairoan.
sg.; Lazicwar,225sqg.; negotia-K_kwayhids,dynastyof the, ix., 305
tions with Nushirvan,_28 sqft.; note.
his jurisprudencein the West, KaliiahandDimnah,vii.,203note.
28z; deathand characterof, 288 Kalligas,on Councilof Florence,a£,
sqq.; statueof, 290; Code,Pan- 27xnote.
dects,and Institutesof, 3oi and Knmhl, Emperor, iv., 269note.
note,3a9sqq.;legalinconstancy of, K$.mil(Mohammad), Sultan,x., 3x7
336sq.; lawof,on inheritanceof, andnote.
363andnote;generalcriticismon Kamtchatka, vii., 388.
legislationof, 387sq.; death of, Kandah_r,taken by the Moslems,
viii.,x;Persianwaxof,54;theolog- ix., x32note.
ical characterandgovernmentof, Kaoti,Emperorof China,iv., 277and
z68 sqq.; persecuteshereticsand note.
pagans,x7o;the JewsandSamari-Kaxacorum,residenceof the succes-
tans, XTZ-2 ; his orthodoxy,x73 sorsofZingis,vi., 28note.
sqq.; heresyof, x76sq.; eques- Karg-Khitay,tribeof Turks, xi., x35
trianstatueof, at Constantinople, note; kingdomof, conqueredby
xi., 295and note. Zingis,i37 note.
JustinianII., Emperor, viii.,227; mu- Karfisi,ancientMysia,conqueredby
tilationandexileof, 228-9; takes Orchan,xi., x59note.
refugewiththeChozars,229;allies Kaz-s,cededto the empire,x., x62
himselfwith the Bulgarians,a3o; note.
besiegesConstantinople, ib.; resto- KS.shgar,Chinesegarrisonat, ii., i67
ration and death,lb. s¢g.; his note; khansof, invadeTransox-
treatmentof Ravenna,232 note; iana, xi., x83; peopleof, called
persecutesthe Paulicians,x., xi; Uzbegs,/b.note;kingdomof,sub-
his treatmentof Leonfiusand As- dued byTimour,x87.
pimar,i68 note. Kfisimpasha, Bay of, xii., 33 note.
Justinian,general of Honorins, v., Kastamuniy_., principalityof,coaquered
x79. by the Turks,xi., x6onote.
Justinian,Romanadvocate,v., x86. Kastoria,fortifiedby StephenDnqhan,
Justinian, sonof Oermanus,commands xi., Honote.
the Easternarmy,viii.,22 sq. KataXankatad, Moses, Armenian
JustinianaPrima,seeTauresium. writer,viii., zo6note.
JustinianaSecunda,see Ulpiana. Katona,Stephen,x., 36note.
Jgstiniani Vita of Theophilns,vii., x Kazgan,Emirof Traasoxiana,xi., i82
note. note.
Jnstiniani,John, seeGiustinianL Keating,Dr.,Historyof Ireland,i., 278
Jnstus,theapostatePaulician,x., xo. note.
Jutes,in Kent,vi.,27L Keblaof prayer,ix., 69.
Juthungi,ii.,75note,76note,77note. Kekaumenos,Strategikonof, x., 35
Juvenal,i., 39 note,67note; hissatires rote.
readby theRomans,v., 214; on Kendc,conquests of,vL,274.
thehardshipsofthe Ixmrin Rome, Keraites,khansofthe,xJ.,x3oandnote;
224andnote. accountof, /b.
Juventins,prefect,iv.,2to. Kerak, lordshipof, x., 266note; for-
tressof, a99.
K._gRS,a Khazaxpeople,x., 49 note. Kerbela,pL=dn of, Hosein surrounded
KaMna,seeCahina. in,ix., zoa.
Kerboga,Princeof Mosul,x., 245sq.; note;Seljuldandynastyof,x., r76
twenty-eightemirsof, 252-3. andnote.
Kerman,seeKirm_n. KialarAga,protectsthe Athenians,xi.,
Kermiyan (Western Phrygia),seeGher- 93.
mian. Kiss,on JohnHuniades,rd.,3x4note.
Khalllpasha,seeCaliL Kiuperli,grandvizier,xi., 2_6note.
Khaiil,Sultan,takesAcre,x., 325. Klette,T., on Philelphus,xi., 272
Khan,or Cagan,iv.,270and note;title note.
of Shelun,v., x65and note;great Klokotnitza,battleof, xi.,26 note.
KhanoftheTurks,invadesPersia, Knez,title of Bulgarianrulers,x., 34
viii.,57. note.
Khazars,seeChozars. Knight, Dr.,his Lifeof Erasmus,xi.,
Khedar (Khidr) Khan, x., x74 and 290note.
note. Knighthood,x., 220s_q.
Khitans, revolt of,onChinese frontier, Knolles, historian,hisHistory ofthe
xi.,_36. Turks,xi., x57note.
Khondemir, abridgesHistoryof Mir- Koba,townnearMedina,Mahomet at,
chond, ix.,228note. ix., 60.
Khoten,Chinesegarrison,ix., z3o. Kobad,grandsonof the Persianking,
Khubil_y, seeCublai. commandsthe Persiansagainst
Khur_azAn, conquestof, by Ahnafibn Totila,vii.,266; origin,lb. note.
Kais,ix., _26note; Magiansin, Koraidha,Jewishtribeot,ix., 69note,
228; conqueredby Mongols,xi., 70.
x38. Koran,the,viii.,3t6; chapterof,called
Kh0zis_n,conquest of,bytheMoslems the Elephant,ix., 3° note; chap-
ofKufa,ix., x26note, ters of, cailed Suras, 33 note,
Kiealong, poet,iv., 269no/_. origin of, 4x; editionsof, 42 sq.
Kiev,seeKiow. and note;versionsof the,53note;
Kilidjc(Kilij),A_mlkn,II., his dealings tenetsof predestinationin, 65.
withthe Crusaders,x., 283note. Koreishites,Arabian tribe of, ix., 9;
Kilidje(Kilij),ArsOn,SultanofRoum, sceptretransferredto, 35; acquire
seeSoliman,sonof Cutulmish. custodyof the Caaba,a4; Maho-
Kin,dynastyin China,xi., x35note. met sprungfromthe, 29; deliver
Kinnisrin, seeChalcis. Meccafromthe Abyssinians,30;
Kinnoge,cityof, Mob.mild at, x., I49 persecuteMahomet,56 sqq.; in-
and note. terdictof, 57; defeatedby Maho-
Kiotahia,Timourplantshis standard met at Bedr,66-7; defeatMaho-
at,xi.,202. metat Ohud,68.
Kiow(Kiev),Andronicus at, viii.,297; Kosho-Tsaidam, Lake,Turkishinscrip-
Oleg at, x., 52 note; capital of tion foundnear, ix., 333note.
Russia,54 and note; Churchof Kosovo-polje,battle of, betweenthe
St. Sophiaat, 73 and note; crypt Slavsand Ottomans,xi., x68note.
monasteryat, /b. nole; destroyedKrumbacher, on Icasia,viii., 252note.
by theTartars,xi., x46. KudatkerBilik, or Artof Government,
Kipzak,Plain of, B_x_ defeats the x., x75note.
Cossacksin the,xi., x46and note; Kul, Turk,inscriptionto, ix.,x33note.
Conqueredby Timour, x87-8; Kunoviza,battleof,xi., 306.
Western Kipzak, conquered by Kurikan,Turkishclan,xi., x82note.
B_tfi,x87note. Kusdgr,conquered bySubuktigin,x.,
KirghizKazaks,Siberian tribe, xi., x48note. See Cosdar.
z87note. Kuseila,Berberchief,ix., ao2note.
Kirm_m, in Persia,conqueredby the Kussai,seeCosa.
Arabs,ix., x26note;survivalofthe Khstendil,vii.,6o note.
religionof the Magi in, 229emd Kutaieh,seeCoty_eum.
VOL. XII.-- 20
Kutritzakes,one of the _olunletrsof I,and-tax,underConstantine,iii., x58
Alexius Strategopoulus,xi., 36 and note.
note. Lane-Poole, S., Studiesin a Mosque,
Kuyuk,seeGayuk. ix., Io4sg. note,x38note;Lifeof
Saladin,x., 294note.
L,_/flitY_,orstandardof theCross,iiL, La_rane,Archbishopof Canterbury,
294sqq.andnotes;nameof Christ correctstext of theBible,vi., x98
exudedfrom,byJulian,iv.,72;dis- nole.
playedbyJovian,x74. Langl6s,M., his Life of Timour,xi.,
Labat, P_re,his descriptionof towns z8i note.
nearRome,xii.,xoxnote; onthe Langres,battleof,ii., x59; bishopsof,
curseof Anagni,io9 note. vi., 226note.
Labeo,Antistius, vii.,320,324,andnote, Languantan,Moorishtribe, vii., 240
325. note.
I_beo, Q.,commentaries of theTwelve Languedoe, seeSeptimania.
Tables,vii.,37xnote. Laod/cea,inAsiaMinor,i.,63; council
Laconians, Free,ix.,325_g. of, ii., 29t note; FredericBarba-
La Croze,viii.,144note. l'os._a
at, x., 279.
Lactantius,iL, _45note,x9onote,29o Laodiceain Syria,Antiochsubjectto,
and note; his Institutes,iii., 279 v., 48 and note; Saracensat,ix.,
andnotes;vii.,337note;hisChris- z$o andnote,x63note; takenby
tianity,iii., 303 note; on images, theSaracens,J68; by SultanSoli-
viii.,3xonote. man,x., tSi; lost by theFranks,
Lactarius,Mount,vii., 273andnote. 324.
Ladislaus, KingofNaples,xii.,162,x64. Laplanders, x., 39sq.
Larli_]aLL_, King OfPolandand Hun- Lardnex,Dr.,Credibility, v., 26 twte.
gary,x.i.,305 and note; marches La_,-issa, captured bythe Bulgarians, x.,
againsttheTurks,306; concludes 35 note; besiegedby Bohemond,
peaceof Szegedin,307; deathof, x2o.
at Varna,3zz. Lascaris,Constantine, Greekgrammar
l._ta, daughter ofProba,v.,249. of,xi.,290note.
Lmta,widowof the EmperorGratian, Lascaris,James, Greek grammarian,
generosity of,tothe poorin Rome,i xi.,.,85sg.andnote; foundsGreek
v., 226and*wte, collegesof Rome and Paris, ib.
, Lmti,Gallictribe,vi.,58 andnote. note;bringsMSS.fromthe East
L_etus,Mmcius,i., 159note. forLorenzode Medicio,289.
lmetus,Praetorian prefectof Commo- Lascaris,John,grandsonof Vataces,
dus,i., x22ag.,i35. seeJohn.
Iaigodius,opposesthe usurperCon- Lascaris,TheodoreI., seeTheodore.
stantine,v., x8oandnote. Lascaris,TheodoreII., see Theodore.
Lahore,city of, takenby Sultanof Latifundia, viii.,265note.
Gazna,x., zSo. Latimer,xi.,29onote.
Laity,orderof,iii.,3r3. Latin Christians,indifference of, iii.,
Lambesa,ruinsof,vii., 120. 36x,362; influenced by Vaiensand
Lampadius,Roman senator, v., x8 Uma_ius,362andnote;Churchof,
and note. distracted by schism,xi., 244.
Lamus,river,ix., 294note. LatinlanguageintheRomanprovinces,
Lancearii,iv., 3x3. i., 46,47 andnote; officialuseof,
Landani,R., on Rome,xii.,x82note; 49; oblivionofthe,ix.,364sq.
planof Rome,2x2note. Latins,nameof the Franks,ix., 360.
Lancisi,Romanphysician,on popula-Latium,rightof,i.,46andnote.
tionof Rome,x//.,x98note. Latronian,'thepoet,execution of,v.,27-
Land questionin tenth century,vii/., Langier,Abb_,Historyof Venice,x.,
263note;273note. 347_te.
Laura,of Easternmonasteries, vi., 158 vertsHermenegild, vi., 202; goes
note,176. to Byzantium,/b.
Laurede Noves,xii.,124andnote,126 Lebanon,cedarsof,builtthechurchat
and note. Jerusalem,vii., 57.
Laurence,competitorfor bishopricof Le Beau, on images,viii.,35° note.
Rome,vi.,33I. Lebedev,Professor,Historyof Greek
Laurence,deacon,ii.,320. ChurchunderTurks,xii., 55note.
Lavardin,Marquisde, xii.,179note. Lebedias,refusesHungariansceptre,
Law,studyof,iii.,13os_g.; Romanor x., 38.
civil law, vii., 8o1 sgq.;Twelve Lechfeld,battleof the,x., 47.
Tablesof, 305sqq.; of the pew Lechi(=Poles),mentionedby Cinna-
ple,309sq_.; of the Senate,31o; mus,x., 277note.
edictsof the emperors,313 sqq.; Leclerc, ecclesiasticalhistorian, ii.,
royallaw,314andnote; formsof, 272note,277note;viii.,122note;
316sq.; threeperiodsofcivillaw, ix., 183note.
318sqq.;legalsectsin Rome,324 Legacyduty,i., 2o8,2o9; reducedby
_qq.; reform of Roman law by Tiberius,209note;by Macrinus,
Justinian, 326; loss of ancient 2x2note.
Romanlaw, 333 sg.; statutesof Legacyhunters,i., 2xo; viii.,2r3.
Draco,372; criminallaws,/b,sqq.;;Legibussolu:us,vii., 313and note.
abolitionof penallaws,375. Legion,Roman,description, i., x3 sqq.;
Laws:-- stipend increasedby Domitian,
Aquilian,vii.,371and note. x3 note; revoltof, under Alex.
Caninian,ii., 1o8note. Severus,199;underMaximin,233
Cornelian,vii., 31o, 344 note, 345, andnote;reductionof,byConstan-
377. tine, iii.,138; degeneration of, v.,
Julian,vii.,3Io, 377, 379note. 69; Jovian,Herculian,andAugus-
Of Citations,vii., 326. tan, i3o; twentieth,recalledfrom
Pompeian,vii., 31o, 344 note, 377- Britain,15I.
Porcian,vii.,375. Legrand,hisBiographie Hell_ique,xL,
Scatinian,vii.,380and note. 275note.
See I.e_xde imperioVespasiani(= Leibnitz,xi.,41 note.
regia). Leman,Lake,Alemanniat, vi.,_17.
Valerian,vii.,375. Lemberg,or Leopold,See of, xi., 299
Voconian,vii.,36i andnote,365. note.
Lawyers,Roman,series of, vii., 318 Lemnos,Isleof,takenbytheVenetians,
sqq.; their philosophy,321 sq.; xi., 5 note; DemetriusPal_eolo-
authorityof,322. gus,lord of,xii., 58.
Laymen,ii., 314note,318sq. Lenfant,M., historianof thecouncils,
Lazarus,Kralof Servia,conqueredthe xi.,253note,167note.
Ottomans,xi., 168note. Lentienses,tribeof,iv., 307.
Lazarus,the painter,persecuted,viii., Lentz,E., on relationsof Venicewith
353note. theempire,x., 345note.
Lazi,tribeof,vii.,2noandnote;solicit Leo Africanus,geographyof, ix., x93
friendshipof Chosroes,22i sq.;re- note; on tribesof Barbary, 207
newalliancewith Justinian,223; note.
their war with Persia, 225 sqq.; Leo,Allatlus,xi., 32note.
deathofthe Lazicking,227; serve Leo,Archbishopof Ravenna,uzurpa-
as Janizaries,xii.,59note. tionsof, viii.,347note.
Lazica,war for the possessionof, vii., Leo, Archbishopof The_alonica,ix.,
25,2x3 note; descriptionof, see 368.
Colchos. Leo, brother of John Zimisces,viii.,
LeanderandHero,seeHero. 271.
Leander,Archbishopof Seville,con- LeoDiaconus,historian,ix.,313note.
Leo Gabalas,takesIsland of Rhodes, Leo X., Pope, xii., x76; munificence
ix.,290note. of,ai2.
Leo, general of Eutropius,opposesLeo of Tripolis,attacksThessaloaica,
Tribigild,v., 3oo. viii.,25z note.
Leo I., of Thrace,Emperor,vi., x2o; Leo Pilatns,firstprofessorof Greekat
opposesA.spar,x2x; electsAnthe- Florence,xi., 279s_.; his transla-
mitts Emperorof the West, /b.; tiouof Homer,28xnote.
sendsnavalarmamentagainstthe LeoSguros,of Nauplia,xi.,7 note.
Vandals,z27 sq.; cost of arma- Leo, slaveof the Bishopof Langres,
merit,/b,andnote; connivesat the vi., 258sq.
electionof Olybrius,x39andnote; Leo, son of BardasPhocas,viii.,a67
murdersAspar,302. note.
Leo III., the Isaurian,Emperor,viii. LeotheJew,foundsfamilyofthe Pier-
234; originand birthplaceof, 235 leoni,xii.,ix5sq.
note; valour of, /-b.; abolishes LeoTornikios,revoltof,viii.,278note.
images,3x8 sg_.; quarrelswith LeonardAretin,see Aretinns.
Pope Gregory,329-3o; revoltof LeonardusChiensis,on siegeof Con-
Italy from,33o sq.; defendsCon- stantinople,xii.,6 note;on cannon
stantinopleagainst the Saracens, of Mahomet,I4 note,x9 note;on
ix., 43 sqq. Giustiniani,4xnote,42note.
Leo IV., Emperor,viii.,238; religiousLeonas,the quaestor,iv., x6.
opinionsof, 35o. Leontia,wifeofPhocas,viii.,8x.
LeoV.,theArmenian,Emperor,proph- Leoatini,taken by the Saracens,ix..
ecy concerning,viii., 245; reign, 285note.
a46; death, 248; opposesimage Leontius,Athenian sophist,fatherof
worship,352; persecutesthePauli- Eudocia,v., 326.
cians, x., H; defeats the Bul- Leontius,BishopofNeapolisinCyprus,
gariansat Mesembria,32and note. Life of John the Almsgiver,viii.,
LeoVI.,thephilosopher,Emperor,viii. 2o4note.
26xsqq.; marriages,263and note; Leontius, Roman general,made gov-
Tacticsof,ix.,3x5and note,355-6; ernor of Greeceby JustinianII.,
absolutismof,35osq.; date of his viii.,228; assumesthepurple,/b.;
death,363note; encouragedlearn- death,23o.
ing, 369sq. Leopards,in possessionof BajazetSul-
LeoI., the Great,BishopofRome,era- tan,xi., x75note.
bassytoAttila,vi., 72; character, Leopolis,foundationof, ix., 29oand
lb. note; mediateswith Genseric,i note.
89andnote;callsCouncilof Chal- Leovigild,GothicKing of Spain,re-
cedon,viii., i56; his epistle,lb.; ligioustolerationof,vi.,2ox.
approvedby the council,16o. Leptis,cityof, iv., 23xsq.; surrenders
Leo III., Pope, electionof, viii., 357; toBelisarius, vii.,98; dukeof,no;
assaulted and imprisoned,/b.; massacreof Moorishdeputiesat,
crownsCharlemagne inSt. Peter's, 24o.
358; on the fdioqu_question,x., I-_bos, islandof,takenbyJohnVata-
329andnote. ces,xi., 24and note;recovered by
Leo IV., Pope, electionof, ix., 287; John Cantacuzene,xo5; reduced
victory and reign of, 288 sqg.; by Turks,xii.,46 note.
foundsLeoninecityin Rome,a9o. Lethe,castlesontheBosphorus,iii.,93
Leo IX., Pope,his leaguewiththe two note.
empires,x., 93; Life of,/b. note; Leti,Gregorio,his Life of SixtusV.,
expeditionof, against the Nor- xii., z78note.
roans, 94; detained by them at Leucadia,Bishopof, ix., 326.
Beneventum,96 note; death, /b.; Leucothoe,or St. Cyprian,fair at, vi.,
extantcoinof, aft., 68 note. 328note.
Leuderis, Gothiccommander in Rome, LiberCensuum,VaticanMS.,x., xoo
vii.,_37. note;:di.,74note.
Leunclavius on theTurks,xi.,x57note, Liber Pontificalis, vii., 254note; con-
208; his editionof Chalcondyles, tinuationof,x., x93note.
245note. Liberiaxta, Basilica,iv.,axonote.
Leutetia,ancientnameof Paris,see Liberius,Bishopof Rome,banishment
Lutetia. of, iii.,387sq.; retracts,388; ex-
Lew/s,derivation of thename,vi., 2xa puisionandrecall,398sq.
note. Liberins,officerof Justinian,vii., a63.
LewisI.,thePious,emperor,duelatAIX Liberins,Praetorian prefect,vi.,323.
la Chapellebefore,vi., 247 note; Libertines,orfreedmen, i., 50,5x;vii.,
laws on falconry,viii., 34 note; 339.
donationof, 346note; associatedLibraxiesof Constantinople destroyed,
in the empire,370; receivesera- xii., 5o.
bassyfrom Charlemagne,x., 50; LibriCarolini,viii.,354note.
his donationto Hildegarde,xii., Lihurnian galleys,i., 23; mentioned by
80note. Zosimus,v., 3o6note.
LewisII., son of Lewis the Pious, Licinius, claimed relationshipwith
association of,viii.,37o; reignedin Philip,i., 245note; benefactorof
Italy,37x; called"rex,"375;letter Tiridates,if., x65;birth, /b. note;
of, toBasil I., x., 78 note; death, raised to the purple, 2x4 note,
78. 2t8; dividestheempire,223,249;
LewisVII.,seeLouisVII. alliance with Constantine,240;
LewisIX.,seeLouisIX. warwithMaximin,/b.;crueltyof,
LewisofBavaria,emperor,excommuni- 247; warswith Constantine,246
cation of, viii., 390; Senatorof sqq.,a53,a54;defeatedatHadrian-
Rome,xii.,95; interferes in papal ople,255; death,259; persecutes
election,xo6andnote;coronation the Christians, iii.,29oandnote.
of,xao. Licininsthe Younger,Czesax,ii., 249
Lewisof Hungary,appealsto Rieazi, and note; deathof, iii., 177and
xii.,738-- 9. note.
LewistheChild,x., 43. ,Liegnitz,battleof,between Tartarsand
Lex,seeLaws. Russians,xi., 747andnote.
Le.x de Imperio Vespasiani (Lex Lieutenants,imperial,i.,8o.
Regia),i., 84 note; vii., 3z4 note; Lightning,if., x33andnote.
discoveryof, xii., 73o and Lignitz,battleof,seeLiegnitz.
note. LigorinsPyrrhus,topographer, xii.,2xa
Libaninsthe Sophist,account of Ju- note.
lian,iii.,236note,iv., x5 note;on Ligurians,i., 26and note.
Julianas anorator,43; on his re- Ligurinus,the poem,authorshipof,
tiglon,59; on the restorationof xii.,79 note.
paganism,65; account of, and Lilius,ambassadorof Phocas,viii.,87.
literaxycharacterof, :75 sq. and Lilybmum,fortress of, cededto the
notes;remarkson Jovian'streat)-, Vandals,vii.,x23; claimedbyBeli-
x6aandnote,x66note;funeralora- satins,/.b.; destroyedby theSara-
tionon Valens,iv.,375sq.; praises cens,ix., a84note.
the moderationof Theodosius,v., Limagne,plainof,vi.,256.
94. Limborch,if..269note.
Libanus,vii_a94andnote;topography Limigantes,Sarmatianslaves,iii.,79o;
of, ix., x54and note; colonyof, treachery of, 248; exterminated by
aS.,x43. Constantins,249.
Libel,law of,vii.,374. Linacer,xi.,29onote.
iii.,46note,54l_ot_. Lincoln,Romancolony,i., 45note.
Libdli,iii.,54 note. Lintax,namefor Leith,x., 2xxnote.
Lions,African,L, xI9 note. v_.,x7;,; originof,/$, note;sub-
Lipari,Isleof, Attalusbanishedto, v., duethe Gepida_,x79;destroytheir
27i ; volcanoof,vi., 344andnote. kingdomunderAlboin,viii.,7sq.;
]Lifts,or Garigliano,river,fleetof Van- relinquishtheirlandsto theAvars,
daisand Moorsat, vi., Io9. xz; conquerItaly, 13 sqq.; king-
Lisbon,Saracensat, ix.,224;silkmanu- domof the,30; descriptionof,3x
factureat, ix., 327. sqq.;dressand marriageof,34sq.;
IAssa,cityin Silesia,viii.,73. introducethe chaseinto Italy,_.
Lissus(Alessio),assemblyat, xi., 3x8; and note;government andlawsof,
deathof Scanderbeg at, 32o. 37 sg.; attackRome,335sq.; de-
Litarbe,iv., xI7note. featof, underAstolphus,338--9.
Literature,intheRomanEmpire,i., x2, Lombardy,viii.,z3; ravagedbyAttila,
T3; declineof,ib.; Byzantine,ix., vi., 68; kingdomof,underAlboin,
314sgg.; 369sqq. viii.,5 sqg.; destroyedby Charle-
Lithuania,conversionof,x.,7=. magne,365; Greek provinceof,
Liticiani,Gallictribe,vi., 58 note. x., 79.
Litorius,Count,relieves Narbonne,vi., London,Roman colony,i., 45 note;
46; attacksToulouse,/b. AUectusat, ii.,z57.
Liturgy,Roman, of GregoryL, viii., Long/nns,Exarchof Ravenna,viii.,ii
44 andnote. andnote; loverof Rosamund,z7.
Liturnum,countryhouseof the elder Long/nus,tutorof Zenobia,i., 73and
Sdpioat, vi., x49and note. note; ii., 84; death,92.
Liutprand,Bishopof Cremona,viii., Lonicerus,ChronicaTurdca o[, xii.,
334; on NicephorusPhocas,ix., 6 note.
3o7note;embassyof,3z9andnote, Lopaxlium,LouisVII. at,x., 28onote.
34a and note,348note. Lorca,surrendered by Theodemirtothe
IAutprand,King of the Lombards, Saxacens,ix., 2uo.
conveysrelicsof St. Augustineto Loria,Rogerde,seeRoger.
Pavia,vi/., io8 note;viii.,335and Lothaire,Duke of the Alamanni,in-
note. vadesItaly,vii.,275sq.; deathof,
Livy,onconstitutional historyof Rome, 277and note.
vii., 3o3note;on libraryat Alex- LothaireI., Emperor,constitution of,
andria,ix., z84 note. vi., 24u note; associatedin the
Lizios (M_-_os), Greek formfor liege-- empire, viii., 370; kingdomof,
man, xi., zaoand note. 37o-z; ]_i.j II 5 nole.
Locri, or Santa Cyriaca,Barla_m, LothaireII.,ix.,247;opposesRogerof
Bishopof, xi., 278 note. Sicily,z., z3o.
Loerians,republicof,vii.,3o6andnote. Lotharingia,or Lorraine,kingdomof,
Logos,thePlatonic,iii.,339; opinionof x., 2x5note.
Athanasiuson, 345and note; of Loughborough, Lord,z., ¢68note.
the Christians,34z sq.; of Arius, Louis,Countof BloisandChartres, x.,
35Iandnote;oftheGregories, 35x 343.
_ole; representedby the sun, iv., Louisle Gros,x., a69note.
55andnote;opinionoftheDocetes Louis VII., viii., 3o5; rescuedby
on, viii.,x27; of Apollinaris,x33. Georgeof Sicily,x., x34; conducts
Logothete,officeof, vii.,246note; ix., second crusade, 274 sqq.; his
339andnote;of themilitarychest, maxch through Anatolia,_8osq.
339note; of the Dromos,i3.; of andnote.
theflocks,/b. LouisIX.,ix., 18xnote;refusesknight-
Lollianus(Laelianus), tyrant,ii.,5o,8z hoodto infidels,x., 295nole;cr,_-
andnote. sades of, 318sqg.; takesDami-
Loll/usUrbicus,wallof,i., a6no/e. etta, 319-ao;captivity,320; ran-
Lombards,/i., 8; adoptNicenefaith, sore of, 32x note; deathof, 322;
vi.,2o5; inNoricum andPannonia,[ generosityof, to Baldwin,xi., 29
and note; buys holy relicsfrom Ludi, Sarmatici, ii., fix note;Gothici,
Baldwin,31; lastcrusadeof,79. /b. SeeGames.
LouisXIV.,iv.,7I note;sendsambas- Ludolph,Dukeof Saxony,viii., 37x
sadorto Rome,xii., z79 note. note.
Lublin,cityof, destroyedbythe Mon- Ludolphns,_Ethiopian Historyof,vii.,
g01S,xi., 146. 23xnote.
Lucan,i., x48note; Pompeyof, viii., LudovicusVires,vii., 3x_note.
6_note. Lugdunensis Gailia,province, i., _5.
Lucania,ii.,96; forestsof,v., 2x8and Lugdunumor Lyons,i., 25.
note;Totilain,vii.,256sqq.; Bell- Lugo,campof Musaat, ix.,2ai.
sariusin,258. Luke, St., bodyof, removedto Con-
Lucanians,i., 27. stantinople,v., 98.
Lucanus,Joh. Albinus,_i., 63 note. Lulon,fortressof,viii.,254note.
Lucar,Cyril, Protestantpatriarch of Lupereal, situation of the, vi., z35
Constantinople, viii., 2o7 note. note.
seeNotarns. Anthemius, vi., x24sq.; abolished
LucasTudensis,Galliciandeacon,ix., by PopeGelnsius,z25,x26note.
2o9note. Lupercals,confraternity of, v., 73-
Lucca,siegeof,vii.,275sq.; monopolyLupicina,Empress(Euphemia), vii.,I3.
ofsilktradeat, ix.,328;threehun- Lupicinus,general,iv., 5 and note;
dredtowersat, xii., x99. imprisoned,x2; fightsfor Vaiens,
Luccari, M., vii.,2 note. iv., 19i; governorofThrace,295;
Lucerne,artificialgrass,i., 67. oppressestheGoths,ib.; defeated
Lucian,CountoftheEast,puttodeath bythem,299.
byRufinus,v., 1x4. Lupicinus,St.,vi.,217note.
Lucian,eunuch,protects theChristians,Lupus,Protospata, authorofChronicles
iii.,59- of Bari,x., 92 note.
Lucian,martyr,iv., 2o3 note. Lupus,St.,of Troyes,vi., 55; Lifeof,
Lucian,Presbyterof Jerusalem,ex- ib. note.
humesthe bodiesof the saints,v., Lusatia,Wendsof,vii., H7s_'.note.
xooand note,xox. Lusignan,de,seeGuyde Lusignan.
Lucian,satirist,i., 72note;PhilopatrisLusignan of Cyprus, hisgiftstoBajazet,
ascribedto,ii.,x3xnote;onChris- "Jr;.,
tianityin Pontus,333- Lusitania,provinceof Spain,i., 24;
Luciferof Cagliari, iii.,382note;exile, goldof, 2o5;Alaniin,v., 273-
387; libelsof, 396note; iv., ioo L_stai,officeof the,ix., 338note.
note. Lustralcontribution [lustralis
collatio or
Lucilla,purchasesthe Bishopricof chrysargyron], iii., I64.
Carthage, lii., 57 note. Lutetia,ancientnameof Paris,fii.,278
Lucilla,sisterof Commodus, i., IH. note.
Lucillianns,Count,iii.,2o_; generalof Luther,doctrineof,x., 2r.
cavalryinIllyricum,iv., 21; taken Luxuryof the Greekemperors, ix., 33x
prisoner, lb.; death,r78. sqq.
Lucius,Bishopof Alexandria, iv., 205. Lycandus,battleof,viii.,274note.
LuciusII., Pope,xii., 76; appliesto Lycaonia,prmtorof, vii., 65; people
Conrad III., 85 note. of, /b. note.
LuciusIIl., Pope,xii., 76and_wte. Lyceumof the Peripatetics, atAthenS,
LucrineLake,v., 2xxand note. vii., 76.
Lucullus,L,268note; villaof,vi.,x49; Lychnidus,or Achrida,x, 28 and
Augustulus banishedto castleof, note;flightofAlexiusto, xi8.
xsonote;othervillasof, rSxnote. Lycia,province of,degraded byRuiinus,
Ludewig,Life of Justimaa,vii., _89 v., 111.
note,3oxnote. Lycophron,vii.,306note.

Lycopolis,city of, v., 62 and _t_; Macrianus,PHnceoftheAl_m_nni,iv.,

Johnof,/b. _x9.
Lycus,river,iii., 93 note; TheodosiusMacriniusDecianns,ii., x6onote.
fallsintothe,vi.,36. MacrinusOpilius,i., x76; reign,z77
Lydda,Crusadersat, x., 254. sqq.; death,x84; peacewiththe
Lydius,theIsaurianrobber,i/.,xx6note. Parthians,_63.
Lydus,John,vii., 28 note. Macrobius, ii.,282note;Saturnaliaof,
Lygians,ii.,xx8andnote. v., 2I5 note;his beliefinthestars,
Lyons,battle of, SevernsdefeatsAI- "_x6note.
binus,i., xSi; taken by Aurelian, Madayn,see CtesiphonandModain.
ft.,83; Magnentinsat,iii.,2ao;as- Madras, Churchof St. Thomasnear,
semblyofbishopsat, vi.,a25; real- viii.,x9xand note.
dence of Gtmdobald,ib. note; Mmcenas,i., 4a note.
takenby Clovis,226; by theSara- Ma_cenas, a Praetorian senator,i., 239.
cens,ix., 253. M_onius,ti., 85.
Lysias,speechof, vii.,376no/e. M_eotis,lake,v., 289 note.
M._RRA,captured by Raymond and Ma.ffei, i.,44note;ii.,x37note,23znote,
Bohemond,x., 253note. 233note; historyof Venetia,vi.,
Mabillonon monasticism,vi., 166note. 69note,7onote; interviewbetween
Macarius,commissioner in Africa,iii., St. Leo and Attila, 73 note; on
405and note. dukesin Italy, vii., 28onote; on
Macarius,Patriarchof Antioch,con- amphitheatreS, xii., 2o2 note.
demned by the third Councilof Magdeburg,sackof, iv., 3x8note.
Constantinople, viii.,I8o. Magi,religionof,i., 253sqq.; council
Macedonia,i., 29; invaded by the of, 254; powerof, 258sq.; spirit
Goths, iL, 68; given to Eastern of persecutionof, 26o; predict
Empire,iv., 323; ravagedby the birthof Sapor,ifi.,196; restrained
Hun.s, vi., x3; Macedonia so- by Constant/ne,3H; numberof,
¢unda,vii.,59note. 3x8note;persecutethe Christians,
l_acedonia,maidofAntonina,vii.,x68. v., 330; persecutethe churchesof
Macedonians, sectof,iv., 2o3; tenetsof Persarmenia,viii., 52; persecute
the,condemned, v.,148andnote. in Persia,92; flyto Arabia,ix.,27
MacedoniusI., semi-ArianBishop of and note;astronomyofthe,intro-
Constantinople, iii.,400;entersthe ducedinto China,ix., _3o;fallof,
cathedralat Constantinople, 4o2; in Persia,227sqq.
oppressesthe Orthodoxparty in Magic,practisedby Julianus,i., I46;
ThraceandMacedonia,4o3; and by Severus,x6z; bythe Persian
in Paphlagonia,4o4. priests,a6o; underValentinian and
MacedoniusII., Bishopof Constant/- Valens,iv., x92 s_q. and noles;
nople(^.D.496--5IZ), exileof,viii., ancientbeliefin, z93; persecution
165. of, in Romeand Antioch,x95s_.;
Macellum,castleof,iii., 226. Romanlawagainst,vii., 374.
Macepracta, townof,iv., t27. Magistermilitum,peditumet equitum,
Machiavelli, i., 286 and note; on the iii., i34 and note; utriusque
popes,xii., 176note. milithe,/b.; in prsesenti,/b.; per
Macon,lii.,x63andnote. orientem,vii., 89 note; in Arme-
Macoraba,Greeknamefor Mecca,ff.v. nia, /b.
Macpherson,Dr. John,iv., 224note. Magisterofl_ciorum, iii.,x44.
Macpherson,James,iv., a24 note. Magistracies,civil, laid asideby Dio-
Macpherson'sOssian,i., x66note. detian, ii., x8a andnote.
Macriaaus,Emperor,ii., 5o. Magistrates,Roman,i.,84,85and noU.
Macrianus,Praetorianprefectunder Magnaura,Palace of, se_ Coastanfi-
Valerian,ii., 43. nople.
Magnentius, salutedemperorin Gaul, Sleepers,36onot.; dateofhisbirth,
iii.,206and note,_qq.;campaign viii.,Sxnote;rejection of hissum-
againstConstantius II., 213_q{.;! monsbyChosroes,94andnote;an-
batfleof Mursa,2x6s_.; defeat cestorsof, ix., 24 andnote;birth
anddeath,22o,22i. and education, 29sqq.;appearance
Magnesia,or GuzelH.issar,i., 62 note; and characterof, 32; journeys
TheodoreLascarisdiedat, xi., 6x to Syria,34; his knowledgeof
and note; AmurathII. retiresto, writing,33 note; assumestitleof
xi.,3o2andnote. Prophet,35,37; creedof,37$qq.;
MagniaUrbica,ii., x34note. composes the Koran, 4x sg.;
Magnusof Carrh_e, iii.,I5I note. prophecyof the Paracleteapplied
Magnus,senator,i., 22i. to, 4z and note; miraclesof, 43
Magyarsor Hungarians,vi., 2 note; sq.; visionof, 45 and note; in-
nameof,x., 37 sq. stitutesa fast, 48; preachesat
Mahadi(Mahdi), caliph, son of K1- Mecca,53 s_.; Livesof, 53 note;
Mansfir,wealthof,ix., 265. his disciplesemigrateto/Ethiopia,
Mahadi(Mahdi),last of the Persian 57; his flight,58 sq.; Princeof,ix., xo5. Medina,59; regalandsacerdotal
Mahadia,in Africa,x., z32. officeof,6_; militarylawsof, 63;
Mahmfld, Sultan,of DeLhi,defeatof, warsof,65sqq.;subduestheJews,
byTimour,xi., x92. 69; submissionof Mecca,7zsq.;
Mahm0dII., Sultan, massacresthe ten years'trucewiththe Koreish,
Janizaries,xi., x68note. 72;submission ofAxahia,77;em-
Mahm0d, Princeof Gazna,viii.,4 note. bassyof, toHexaclius,lb.; expedi-
Mahm0d,the Gaznevide,x., x47sq.; tionofTabuc,79sq.; death,8xsq.;
assumestitle of Sultan, x48; in epilepsyof, 80note;tomb,83and
Hindostan,149sq.; chaxacterof, note; character,ib. sqq.; private
1St;death,_55. lifeof, 86sq.; wives,88; andchil-
Mahomet=Mohammad, g.v. dren,9o; choiceof a successor,
MahometI. (OttomanSultan),son of 92;successofb_isreligion,zo7sq.;
Bajazet,xi.,220;obtainsAnatolia, Lifeof, inModernUniversalHis-
lb.; defeatsM0s3.,lb. tory,x_onote;embassytoMokaw-
Mahomet 1I.,restorescastlesof Europe kas, x77and note.
andAsia,iii.,92; hisdescentfrom Mahometanism,see Islam.
the Comneni,viii., 294; putslast Maillet,M.,Consul,his descriptionof .
Dukeof Athensto death, xi., 92; Egypt,ix., z89notes,i9_ not..
marriesAsiaticprincess,207note; Maimbourg,Historyof Iconoclasm,
besiegesBelgrade,3x4; character viii., 3t8 nole; on AlexiusCorn-
of,xii.,xandnotesq.;reign,4sqfl.; nenus,X.,227nole.
marriage, ib.; hostileintentionsof, Maimonides,ii., 263_wte.
5sq.; buildsfortresson the Bos- Maine,SirHeaD,,AncientLawof,vii.,
phorus,9; preparesfor the siege, 3xxnot..
xo;greatcannonof, x3-4; forcesMaJnfroy,Kingof Naplesand Sicily,
of,z7sq.;headquarters of, ib.note; x., x45; proscribedby the Popes,
besiegesConstantinople, 24 sqq.; xi., 78.
employs mines, 27; punishesMainotesor Eleuthero-Laconians, ix.,
Baltha Ogli, 3x; transportshis 325.
v_ ten miles,33; constructsMninz,seeMentz.
a bridge,34; his treatmentofthe Maiuma, port of Gaza, iv., xo4
Greeks,52 sq.; repeoplesCon- note.
StantJnople, 54 sqg.; his mosque, MajeUa,seeMonteMajeUa.
55; histhe
Prophet,v., 336note; Majestas,crimeof,
concerning,underi., io3 note; law
Arcadias, v.,
adoptsthe Legendof the Seven 297andnote;_d.,379.
Majo, Admiral,conspiresagainstWil- Malta,i., 34; takenby theSaracens,
lianaI. of Sicily,x., x4x. ix., 286note; conqueredby Roger
Majorcaand neighbouringhies, Van- of Sicily,x., t3x; KnightsHospi-
dalsin,v.,343; submittoJustinian, ta.Uers at, 264.
vii., io8. Maltepe,HiUof, headquartersof Ma-
Majorian,Emperor,originof, vi., xo2; hornet,xii., x8 note.
panegyricof Sidoniuson, ib. and Maltret,Claude,publishesParisedit/on
note; madeEmperorbyRicimer, of Procopius,vii., 8 note; his tm-
zo3;epistleof,tothesenate,/b.s_.; fulfilledpromises,x3_note.
lawsof,xo5andnote,xo6;protects Mamacc_on the Oise, Palaceof the
the edificesof Rome,xo7; laws Merovingians, ix., 35L
concerningmarriage,io8; defeats Mamachi,Father,iii., 38znote.
Theodoric,i_o; buildsa fleet,xtr Mamalukes('Maml0ks),name,x., _9r
and note; his fleetdestroyedby note; two dynastiesof, 333 and
Geuseric, xx2; abdication and note;recruitedfromCircassia,xi.,
death,x13. z2_; defeattheMongols,xi., x45;
Majorinus,AfricanBishop,iii.,335- allianceof, withthe Khan, 153.
Makrizi,x., 3so note. Mamas,beaconof, viii.,354note.
Malabar,NestorianChristiansof, viii., Mamas,St.,monumentof, at Cmsarea,
x93sq. iv.,48 and note.
Malaga,reducedbyAbdelaziz, ix.,3z9; Mamertinus,the panegyrist,ii., I47
seat of learningunderthe Arabs, note,i55 note; consul,iii.,35 and
ix., _7x. note;iv.,40 and note.
Malalas,John,ii.,x29note;onHistory l_amgo,the Scythian,ii., x67.
of Antioch,v., 329note. Mammma,motherof AlexanderSeve-
Malarich,iv., x78. rus,i., i82; regent,x9z; avarice,
Medasontha, seeAmalasontha. i93; murder of, 319; interview
Malaterra,seeGalfridus. withOrigen,iii.,53.
/¢lalatesta,Italianfamily of, xii., 305. Mamfm,Caliph,ix., 328note. SeeAI-
Malatest_,Sigismond, PrinceofRimini, MaroOn.
xii., 2 note. Man, Isle of, inhabitedby Scots,iv.,
]_alaxus,Emanuel,xii.,56 no/e. 236.
Malazkerd,siege of, x., 164; called Mananalis,in Cappadocia,x., 3 and
Marazikert, lb. note;battleof, _66. note.
Malchus,accountof embassyfromthe Man,t, Arabicdeity,vi., 56 note.
senatetoZeno,vi., 148note. Man-Chu,dynastyin NorthernChina,
l_alchus,adventuresof,iii.,2oonote. xi., x35note.
Maldives,islands,iii., 3xi note. Mancipation,vii.,357note.
MalekRodosaces,Emir of thetribeof Mancipiura,explanationof that term
Gassan,iv., x36. in Romanlaw, vii., 357and not*.
MalekShah,sonof SultanAlpArslAn,Mandmans,ii., 27r note.
x., 163; conquestsof, 173 Sq';i Mandolori,G., on Bazlaam,xi., 377
pilgrimageof, to Mecca, x74; note.
deathof, x75. Mandracium, suburb of Carthage,
Malespina Ricordano,on Charlesof sackedbya Romanoffice.r, vii.,102;
Anjou,xi., 79 note. restoredby Belisarius,xo3.
Malleolus,P., vii.,373note. Manes,i., 261note;iii.,333note;tenets
Mallevilla,name for Zemlin,x., 3xr of, revived,viii., x79; rejectedby
note. thePaulicians,x., 5.
Mallins(Theodorus), Prmtorianprefect, Man#, name of SouthernChina,xi.,
iii., x3x, x32 note; epigram of I4I note.
Claudianon, v., t92and note. Mangta,grandson of Zingis,xi., _40and
Malmistra,seeMopsuestia, note.
M.alomir, sonofOmortag,x., 33note. Mauiaces,George,Greekgovernorof
Lombardia, general,viii.,_77note; ManuelPahe_Iogus,son of theelder
subduesSicily,x., 88 and note. Andronicus, xi., 98.
Maniach,Turkishambassador,vii. Manuel,Romangeneral,634A.D.,ix.,
x92note;at the Byzantinecourt x59-
x93. Manufactures,Roman,i.,67.
Maniach,princeof the Sogdoites,vii. Manumission,limitationof, ii., xo8
t93. note.
Manichmans,ii., 277; iii., 334 and Manus,powerof a husbandoverhis
notes; laws against,underTheo- wife,vii.,346and note.
dosius,v., 26; persecutedbyHun- Manuscripts, ancient,destruction
nerie,vi., i9t ; persecutedin the the Turks in Constantinople, xii.,
provinces,207; on the natureof 46note,soandnote.
Christ,viii., ,28; in Arabia,ix., Manzikert,seeMalazkerd.
28; desertthe standardofAlexius Maogamalcha,fortressof, taken by
Comnenus,x., x6. Julian,iv., x3i sq.
Manilius,i., xxonote. Maphri.'in,Jacobiteecclesiastic,viii.,
Manilius,Romanlawyer,vii., 334note. x96.
ManliusTorquatus,i., 79 note. Maxacci,Father,onthe Koran,v., 336
Manorsor farmsgrantedto the hospi- note; on almsgiving,ix., 49 nae;
tallersand templars,x., 264 and on ParadiseandHellofMahomet,
note. 53note.
Mansf_r,seeA1-Mansor. Marasquin,x., 354note.
Mansftr, Prince of Fats, opposesiMarble,varietiesof,i., 224and note.
Timour,xi., x86. MarcAntony,removesthe Pergamene
Mans0ra,battleof,x.,320and32xnotes, libraryto Alexandria,v., 85 note.
Mantinium, iii.,404and note. Marcelia,a Romanlady,v., x49note,
Manuel,brotherof TheodoreAngelus, 246 note;taughtbyAthanasius, vi.,
xi.,33 note. x6rnote.
ManuelComnenus,Emperorof Con- Marcellinus,brother of Maximus,v.,
stantinople,viii.,29r; warsof, ib. 4x.
sq.; character,293; repulsesthe Marceflinus,Count, Chronicleof, v.,
Normans,x., i35; his ambition, x7x,293note;on treaty,of Thco-
x37; makes peacewiththe Nor- dosinswithAttila,vi., 2x note;on
marts,x39; secondand third cru- the miracleofTipasa,vi.,200note.
sadesin reignof, 277; accusedof MarceUinus, Countof the SacredLar-
treachery,28o; wivesof, 335;let- gesses,rebelsagainstConstans,iii.,
tersof,to PopeAlexanderIII., fib. 207;embassyto CorLstantius, 2Jo;
note;wailof,xii.,ao note. death,22Iand note.
ManuelComnenus,firstof the Corn- Marcellinus [Marcellianus],son of
neni,viii.,280. Maximin,iv.,25tsq.
ManuelComnenusof Trebizond,xi., MarceUinus,Romangeneral,rulesin
zxnote. Dalmatia,vi., xx5 sq.; acknow-
ManuelComnenus,sonof Andronicus, ledgesand assistsAnthemius,x27;
viii.,3o5. expelsthe VandalsfromSardinia,
ManuelComnenus,brotherof Alexius lb.; flightto Sicily,x3o;death,/b.
I., viii.,285. note.
ManuelPalmologus, Emperor,xi., x76; Marcellus,BishopofApamea,destroys
imprisonmentand escape, fib.; thetemples,v., 82s_.
servesunder Bajazet,x77; visits Marcellus,Bishopof Rome,iii.,76and
Frenchcourt,x79; returnsto Con- note.
stantinople,223; concludestreaty MarcellusEprins,i., io3 note.
with Mahomet,/b.; death, 225, Marcellus,generalof the cavalryin
25x; negotiations of, aSo; dia- Gaul,iii., 264and note; son of,
]ognesof,fib.twfe. executed,iv., 39.
Marcellus,conspiratorggainst _'us-IM_rgaretof Hungary,wife of Isa_
tin/an,vii.,286. Angelus,x., 34xnote;xi., 6note.
Marcellusof Ancyra,iii.,356andnote. Margensis,or UpperMcesia,//., x43
MarceUus,centurion,iii., 63, 64. note.
March,Spanish,iastitutedby Charle- Margus, battlebetweenCarinusand
magne,viii.,365. Diocletianat,it., z43and note,25a;
Marcia, concubineof Commodns,L, magazine of arms at, v., _47;
xx7,i22, x:3; iii.,5o. meetingbetweenAttilaandBleda,
Marcia.n,conspiresagainst Gallienus, andtheambassadorsofTheodosius,
ii.,6o. vi., 3; Bishopof, treats withthe
Marcian,Emperor,v., 322; marries Huns, x2; battle betweenTheod-
Pulcheria,vi., 37; educationand oric the Ostrogothand the Ro-
character,lb. sq. and note; his marts,vi., 319.
dream beforethe death of Attila, Maria,daughterof EmperorManuel,
76; acknowledges Avitus(?), vi., wifeof Reinicrof Monfferrat, x.,
94 andnote;death, zx9. 355note.
Marcianor Black Forest,iv., 19 and Maria,daughterof EmperorMaurice,
note. viii.,67note.
Marcianopolis,siegeof, bythe Goths, Maria,daughterof Eud_emon the Car-
ii., za and note; camp of Valens thaginian,v.,358.
at, iv., a49; revoltof the Gothsat, Maria,daughterof Isaac Comnenus,
a97; AttiladefeatstheRomansat, viii.,28z.
vi., x3; positionof, x., 66. Maria,daughterofMichaelPal_cologus,
Marcilianfountain,fairat the,vi., 328. marriesNogathe Mongol,X/.,I54.
Marcion,ii.,32xand note. Maria,daughterof TheodoreLascaris,
gnosticsect,ii., 277;iii., xi., 58note.
x3; persecuted,333; phanlasti_Maria,sisterof Alex/usII., viii., 3o0.
systemof,viii.,zuT; inArabia,ix., Maria,widowof AmurathII., xi.,324
a8; remnantof,in fifthcentury, andnote;retirestoa convent,/3.
x., 3. ,Maria, widowof Manuel Comnenus,
MarcoPolo,visitsthecourtof thegreat: viii.,294; regent,3oo; death,3o_.
Khan,xi., 134note. Maria, wifeof ConstantineVI., viii.,
Marcomanni, i., 3oxandnote. a4xnote.
Marcomir,Frankishking, v., I73. Maria,wifeofHonorius,v., x89.
Marcus,seealsoMark. Mariabaor Merab,i., u note.
Marcus,Bishopof the Nazarenes,ii., Mariana,i., 286; his History ofSpain,
272 . ix., 208note.
Marcus, deacon, his
Life ofPorphyry, Marina, daughter ofArcadius, v.,322.
v., 3x8note. Marino,noblesgatherat,againstRienzi,
Marcus,Emperor,in Britain, v., x78 x/i.,x46.
andnote. Marinus,electedemperorby the Moe-
MarcuSGrmcus,on Greekfire, ix., sian legions,it.,2; murderof,_.
248 note. Marinns,Prmtorian prefect,vii.,5onote.
Mardaitesor Maronitesof MountLi- MariusMaximus,historian, v., 2x5and
banns,viii.,198sq.; reconciled to note.
the Latinchurches,x99andnote; Mariusof Aventicum,accountof the
attackDamascus, ix., 24o; in the Burgundian war,vi., 227note.
Greeknavy,354- Marius, one of the thirty tyrants,ii.,
_/[ardavige, the Dilemite,Magian,ix., 5° sq.,82.
229note. Mal-[ns, Villaof,vi., r5o.
Mardia,battleof,ii.,u47. MarkAntony,iv., I49 note.
Mardoniusthe eunuch,iv.,48 note. Mark,BishopofArethusa,iii.,2a6note;
Margaret,daughter of Catherineof persecutionof, iv., 88 sg.
Valois,xi., 38note. Mark,BishopofEphesus,at Councilof
Florence, xi., 265; oppOseSunion Council,viii.,i79; exile,/b. note,
of thechurches,268; death,298. 328.
Maxkl.,ofAlexandria,viii.,x64note. Martin IV., Pope,excludesMichael
Markezina,the, mistressof John Va- VIII. fromLatinChurch,xi., 78;
taces,xi.,57note. FrenchPope,8z; madesenator,
Mark/and,Jeremiah,xi., 285nat. xii., 95.
Marlborough,battle of, vi., 274 and MartinV.,Pope,xi.,249,a52;election
note. of, xii., i67; medalsof, /b. and
Marmol,his descriptionof Africa,ix., not_; restoration of Romeunder,
x93note. 21o.
Maroboduus, Kingofthe Maxcom_mni, Martin, St., Bishop ofTours, iii.,3x3
i.,3oznote,ii.,xaonote. note;tolerationof,v., 28,29; mi-
Maroe,river,namefor the Savus,x., raculous giftsof,3o andnote;de-
nix note. stroyed the pagan temples,82
Maron,a Syriansaint,accountof,viii., and note; foundsmonasticism in
x98. Gaul,vi.,x6z,x62;lifeof,/b,note;
Maronga,battleat, iv.,x48,x49. miraculousshrine,2o3,222;mira-
Maronites,sectof Maron,orMonothe- desof,252note.
lites,viii.,x97$q. See Mardaites.Martin,Vice-Prefect ofBritain,iii.,222.
Marozia,Romancourtezan,viii., 377, Martina,wifeof EIeraclius,viii., 98;
380. assumesthe purple,22x; disgrace
Marriage,oftheVisigoths,v., 259note; andexile,223.
of the Lombards,ib. note; laws Maxtinianus, namedC_marbyLiciaius,
of Ik_Iajorian concerning, vi., 208; it.,258andnote.
RomanandByzantine lawsof,vii., Martius,Galeotus,on Matthia.sC0r-
345sqq.;of theCw.sars, ix.,345$q. vinus,xi.,315note.
Marsa,widowat Constantinople, perse- Martyropolis, siege of, vii., 7o; re-
cutesChrysostom, v., 3io note. stored,viii.,66.
Marsala, builtonsiteof Lilybmum,ix., Mart)as,primitive, legendsof, iii.,32;
284note. honours paidto,42,43; underDio-
Marseilles,siegeof, by Constantine, ii., clefian,59; numberof, 85; wor-
22o;takenbyEuric,vi.,axx;prov- shipof,v., 96 sq.; fabulous,99.
ince of, cededto the Ostrogoths,Maru,cityof Khorasan, destroyed by
224note; resignedto the Franks, Zingis,vi., xS;tombofAlpArslan
236and note; conquered by The- at,x., xya.
odoric,32o;portfor Avignon,xii.,: Marw_.n, caliph,seeMervan.
236note,I57. Mary,anEgyptiancaptive;ix.,86note,
Marsham,Sir John,on Islam,ix., 5° 88.
note. Mary,daughterof Conradof Mont-
Marsi,i., 27. ferrat,xi., 25.
Marsigli,Count,his MilitaryState of Mary,QueenofBulgaria,xi.,77.
the OttomanEmpire,xii., x8note.i Mary,Virgin,worshipof,by theLatin
Marsyas and M_eander,rivers of: Church,viii., x93; Christiansof
Phrygia,v., 299and note. St.Thomasobjecttoimageof,/3.;
Martel,see CharlesMaxtel. worshippedas a goddessby the
Martialis, assassinatesCaracalla,i., Collyridiaus,ix., 36; doctrineof
x77. immaculateconceptionof, bor-
Martial,on Ravenna,v., z62note. rowedfromtheKoran,4oandnote.
Martin,abbot,pilgrimageof, x., 352 Masada,townneartheDeadSeamen-
note;in Palestine,356note;pious tionedby pllny,vi., I58 note.
robberyof,385note. Maseezel,brother of Gildo,commands
Martin,bringsSclavonians andHumsto troopSagainstGildo,v., x3° and
siegeofRome,vii.,x5o. note;his victory,x33; death,x34
MartinI., Pope,residedatthelateran and no/*.
3 18 INDEX

Mascouon Roman law, vii., 325 Maurus,iv., 3xonote; betrayspassof

_t_. Sued totheGoths,3x8.
Massaget_c, invadepersia,iii.,204and Maria,reignof,ix., x4note.
note; sail forAfrica,vii., 9_. M_-war_d-nahr, Transoxiana, iv., 282
Ma.._oud(Masfid),sonof Mahmfidthe ] note;xi., x4onote.
Gaznevide,x., 155. iMaxentins,sonof Max/mian,revoltof,
Master-general, ofcavalryand infantry, ft.,2o4;declaredemperorat Rome,
seeMagistermilitum, uxxsq. and note; excludedfrom
Master of the Offices,see Magister thesuccessionby CongressofCar-
officiorum, nuntum,2x4nole; opposesGale-
Maternus,insurrection of,againstCorn- riusin Italy,217;one of the six
modus,i., ti3. emperors,2x9; tyrannyof,224sq.
.AIaternus,JuliusFirmicus,on idolatry, andnote; civilwar withConstan-
v., 71 note; his Cato, 22znote. fine,226sqq.; leavesRome,234;
Math_uintha,vii.,x6xnote; motherof defeatedby Constantineat Saxa
Germanus,x65note. Rubra,236; death, /b.; protected
Mathematics,study of, by the Arabs, the Christians, iii., 76.
ix., 272andnote. Maximianand Galerius,persecutethe
Mathilda,Countess, x., x94. Christians,iii.,63.
Matthewof Montmorency, x., 343; at Maximian,colleagueof Diocletian,li.,
passage of the Bosphorus,36i; xI7, x45; emperor,z46andnote;
ambassadorto the emperor,366. provincesruled by, x5oand note;
Matthew,St.,Hebrewgospelof,ii.,33x defeatSthe Bagaud_e,x5x sq.;
note;viii.,x_5 note. warsof, x53sqq.; triumphof,x78;
MatthiasCorvinus,seeCorvinus. abdicates,at Milan, x9x; reaS-
Mattiaci,li.,x2xnote. sumesthe purple,220and note;
Mattiarii,iv.,3x2. takes Aries,/b.; death, _2i and
MaTuan-lin,Chinesebook,vil.,32note. note.
Maundrell,his accountof marchof the Maximianists,Donatistsect, iii., 338.
Franks,x., u54note,255note. Maximilianus, martyr,iii.,63.
Maurenahar,name for Transoriana Maximkn,courtierof Constantinople,
._eeM_-warh-l-nahr. his embassyto Attila,vi., 24;ac-
Maurice,Emperor,Strategikon of,vii., countof, /b. note; interviewwith
_82note;commandstheconfeder- theministersof Attila,26; returns
ares,viii., 24 and note; reign,25 to Constantinople, 34.
sgq.; policyof, ib. note; Persian Ma_min,Emperor, originandreign,i.,
war,26;receivesembassyofChos- 2x7 s_g.; characterof, 220 and
roes,63; warsagainstthe Avars note; marchesinto Italy, 234;
73; his bookson militaryart, 75 death, 237; portraitof,lb.
note; flight, 79; execution,8x Maximin [GaleriusValerius Ma.x_-
Lifeof,87note; pretendedsonof minus],(Day.a),Cmsar,ft., 203;
88-9andnote. emperor,218; dividesthe empire
Mauringania,supposedseat of the withLidnius, 223; allieshimself
Franks,if., 23 note. with Maxentins,223; takesBy-
Mau/JtaniaCmsariensis andTingitana, zantium,24o; death,/b.; conduct
i.,32 andnote,sq.; Gensericin, v., towardsValeria,242sq.; towards
345; relinquished to theempireby the Christians,iii.,53, 80.
Genseric,354; ravagedby Gen- Maximin,Prefectof Gaul, iv., x98;
seric,vi., xx2; Gaditana,vii., xx6 tyrannyof, 25I.
note; Tingitana, conqueredby Maximinianopolis, seeMessinople.
Akbah,ix., z98. Maximus,abbot,opponentofmonothe-
MauritanianSifiti,provinceof,vii.,xao. lism,viii.,x8oandnote;protected
Maurontius,Duke of Marseilles,ix., by Prefect Gregory, ix., 193
257hole. note.
Maximus,Emperorwith Balbinus,i., Mediana,Castleof,iv.,x85.
230; reign,ib.sqq.; death, _4x. Medicine,scienceof,amongtheArabs,
Maximus, friendand rival of Gregory ix., 275.
Nazianz_n,v., _7 andnote. Medicis.Cosmoof,xi.,289.
Maximus,madeemperorin Spain by [,Lorenzoof, learningof, xi.,
Gerontius,v., 265; death, 267. 289.
Maximus,Marius, historian,v., 2x4, Medina,residenceof Mahomet,ix., 8
2xsandnote. and note; under Scythiancon-
Maximus, militaryGovernorof Thrace queror,zx; MahometmadePrince
withLupicinus, iv., 295sq. of, 59sq.; siegeof,byAbuSofyan,
Maximus,Petronius,Senatorof the 69; deathand burialofMahomet
Anicianfamily,vi., 80; procures at, 83; acknowledges Saladin,x.,
thedeathof Valentinian, 8z; char- 295.
acterof, vi., 85 sq.; epistleof Si- Mediomatrici,iv.,246note.
doniuson,ib.note;madeemperor,Mediterranean Sea,includedin Roman
86; marriesEudoxia,87; death, Empire,i., 33.
88. Megalesia,Romanfestival,i., xx4note.
Maximus,revoltof, in Britain,v., 5 Melanin,conquered bytheSaracens, ix.,
sq.; invadesGaul, 7; persecutes x32note.
thePrisciUianists, a7 sq.; invades Melania,St., v., 209note; generosity
Italy, 37 s_q.; defeat and death tothe monks,vi.,x72.
42. Melanthius,vii.,283and note.
Maximns,RomanPatrician,vii., 254. Melchitesorroyalists,easternnamefor
_Iaximus,the Platonist,iv., 56; at the Catholics,viii.,x82sq.and note;of
court of Julian, 69 and note; at PaphlagoniaputXenaiasto death,
Julian's deathbed, x54; charged i95; in Egypt,underthe Arabs,
with magic, iv., x95, x96 note; ix., x82,232.
metaphysics of, viii.,x25note. Meletians,sectof,iii.,375and note.
MazanderAn, Princesof,ix., xo6note. Meletius;Bishopof Antioch,iii.,375
Mazaxa,Euphemiuslandsat, ix., 284; and note;iv., 9z note; his death,
physicianof, atthecourtof Roger v., 22 andnote;persuadesChrys-
of Sicily,x., xo8. ostomto enterthe Church,309.
Mazda.k, the PersianArckimagus,vii., Meliarakes,A., his Historyof Empire
x96andnote,sg. ofNicma,xi.,54note.
Mazda-kites, massacreof,vii., x99note. Melisenda,daughterofBaldwinII., x.,
Mead,Dr.,ontheplague,vii.,299note. 298.
Mebodes,generalof ChosroesI., vii., Melissenus,pretender,x., x79.
198;death,x99. Melitcne,restoredby Justinian,vii.,
Mebodes,generalof ChosroesII., viii., 67; battleof,viii.,53; destruction
64. of, /b. and note; won from the
Mecca,ix., 9 and note; Caabaat, 23; Saracensby Constantine V., 237
besiegedbyAhrahah,3° sg.;flight note.
of Mahometfrom,58; the kebla Menobaudes,Countof the Domestics
ofprayer,69; takenby Mahomet, and King of the Franks,iv., [236
7_ sq.; Christiansexcludedfrom, and note, 257, see Merobaudes],
74 andnote;collegeat, 235note; 307.
pillagedby Abu Taller,ix., 299; Meloof Bail,x., 85.
MalekShah at, x., x74; acknow- Melus,Isle of,takenby theVenetians,
ledgesSaladin,295; threatenedby xi., 5 note; alum minesin, xi.,
Reginaldof Chatillon, 300. 229note.
Medals,seeCoins. Melphi,metropolis of the Normazas in
Media,Persianprovince,invitesTra, Apulia,x., 89 note,sq.; synodof,
jan,i., 8; vizierof, appointedby i xoo.
Nushirvan,vii., x99. Membressa, in Africa,vii., *37note.
Memnon,Bishopof Ephesus,viii.,x45; Meroveus,youngerson of Clod.ion,
degradedby the Orientalsynod, seeksprotectionof Rome,vi., 5z
x47. andnote.
Memory,Templeof, at Carthage,v., Merovingian KingsoftheFranks,vi.,5I
264. andnote;coinageof,237andnote;
Memphis, takenbytheSaracens, ix.,x74 lawsof,239sqq.;domainsof,250;
sq.and notes, palacesof,lb.; survivalinAquitain,
Menander(comicpoet), last playsof, viii.,364; last kings,ix.,25xsq.
ix.,37xnote; "whomthegodslove Merseburg,castleof,x., 46 and note.
die young,"quoted,xii., x59nole. Mervan,last Omayyadcaliph,ix., 260
Menander(historian),extractSof, vii., and note; death at Busiris,26_.
x96note;embassiesof, viii.,sxnote. Merv-er-R0d,Yezdegerdat, ix., x27
Menbigz,bridgeof,overtheEuphrates, note;taken by the Saxacens, lb.
iv., xx9note. Merv,taken by the Saracens,ix., x57
Menelaus,archer,ill.,5z7 note. note.
Mengo,Timour,Khan of K.ipzak,xi., Mesebroch,name for Marseburg,x.,
54. _zz note.
Menophilus,i.,535. Mesembria,battle of, x., 35 note;
Mensurius,Bishopof Carthage,iii.,77- town of, capturedby K.rum,_.;
Mentesia,lord of, submitsto Orchan, takenby theTurks,xii., z7.
xi., z6onote. Mesene,Islandof,siegeof,i., 262note.
Mentz,destroyedby the Germans,v., MeshedAli,cityof,ix., 500note.
I75; pillagedby the Franks, vi., MeshedHosein,cityof,ix., zoonote.
50; massacreof Jewsat, x., 5so; Mesopotamia,subduedby Trajan,i.,
story of itS foundation,xii., xz8 8; resignedby Hadrian, 9; rav-
note. agedby Caxus,ii., x3x; Galerius
Mequinez,i.,38" defeatedin, x69;cededtothe em-
Merab,inArabiaFelix,reservoixat,ix., pire, r7S; invadedby Sapor,iii.,
8 and_tole. x98, 252sqq.; Julianin, iv., x25;
/¢ieranesor Mirraues,Persiantitle,iv., towns of, fortifiedby Justinian,
_48,x55. vii.,68.
Mercury, promontory of, see Cape Mesrobes,inventorof Armenianalpha-
Bona. bet,v., 332note.
l_erdaza,sonof Chosroes,viii.,xzT. Messalla,Governorof Pannonia,saves
Merians,Russiantribe,x., 54note. Constantia,iv., 258.
Merida,defeatofHermanricat, v.,344; MessallaVaierius,firstprefectofRome,
Theodoric at, vi., 98; siegeof, iii., _a4 and note.
202; taken by the Saxacens,ix., Messiah,seeChrist.
217sq. Messina,Straitsof, v., 255; captureof
Merioneth,archersof, vi., 283. town of, by the Normans,x., 88;
Merivale,on thepopulationof Roman Roger the Norman at, xo6and
Empire,i., 53 note,7o note. note;etymology of name,xo7nots.
Mermeroes, PersiangeneralintheLazic Messinopleor Maximianopolis, fiefof
wax,vii.,236. ViUehaxdouin, xi., x9 note.
Merobaudes,paganofthefifthcentury, MessinsDecins,Q., HerenniusEtn_
panegyricof Aetius,vi.,45 note. cus, son of the EmperorDecius,
Merobaudes,savesRomanusfromjus- ii., 3 note.
rice, iv., 236note; withEquirius MessiusQuintus,C.ValensHostilianus,
elevates Valentinian II., 557;! son of the EmperorDecins,ii.,3
death,v., 8. ] note.
Meroliac,castle, taken by Theodoric,[Mesua,Arabian physician,ix., 275.
vi., 256sq.; positionof, i3.note. IMetaurus,river, ii., 78 note.
Merou,revoltsfrom¥ezdegerd,ix.,13o;IMetelli,consulship_ of the,i., 5ornote;
takenby Zingis,xi., x38. I iii., xx9note.
MeteUus, iv., 234. MichaelVII., Parapinaces, Emperor,
MeteUus Numidicus, onWomen,i., x92 viii.,282sq.
note. MichaelVIII., Pal_eologus, reign,xi.,
Metempsychosis, x., 294note. 34 sq.; recoversConstantinople,
Meteorion, in ._siaMinor,xi., 66 twte. 35sqq.andnote;campaignof,in
Methodius,Bishopof Tyre, ii., 307 Epirus,58 note;, his familyand
note. character,60 sqq.; his elevation,
Methoneor Morion,iv., 259note;vi., 63 sq.; entryinto Constantinople,
3oxnote. 67; blinds John Lascaris,69;
MetiusFalconius,if., zo7. excommunicated byArsenius,7o;
Metrodorus, the grammarian,vii., 5o. absolvedbyJoseph,7x; unionof,
Metrophanes, Patriarch of Constanti- with the Latin Church,73; re-
nople,xi., 298. leasesViilehardouin, 72note;sends
Metropolitans, Spanish,presideat the embassyto Councilof Lyons,75;
legislative assemblies,vi.,266. persecutes theGreeks,76sq.;pov-
Metz,destructionof,by Attila,vi., 55 erty of, 87 note; restoredthe
and note. navy,i2x; GoldenBullto Geno-
Meursius, Treatiseon Rhodes,ix., _72 ese, lb. note; surprisedby the
note. Tatars,x53.
Meyer,G.,on the Greeklanguage,xi., Michael1X.,defeatedbythe Cat- al_tn_.
272note° xi., 88; associated in the empire,
Meyer,Paul, his treatiseon Roman 97 andnot*;death,98•
Concubinage, vii., 354note. Michael,pretender,acknowledged by
MichaelAngelo,xil., 2in. RobertGuiscaxd,x., xxo; death
Michael,Archbishopof Athens(Ako- of,at Durazzo,rx8.
minatos),xi., 7 note; defendsthe Michaelthe Janissary,xii.,33note.
Acropolis, /b. note,9° note. Michaelthe Syrian,viii.,2t note.
MichaelCatharus, grandsonof An- Middleton,Dr., his FreeInquiry,if.,
drouicusthe Elder,xi., 98 note. 297note;onpaganism, v., xo6note.
MichaelDoceanus,Catepan, x., 89 Milan,Dukeof,opposesEugeniusIV.,
note. xi.,255; troopsof,beforeFerraxa,
MichaelI. (Angelus),despotof Epirus, 264.
xi., 12 and note. Milan,siegeof, ii., 6o; imperialresi-
MichaelII., despotof Epirus,son of denceof Maximin,x8o;edictof,
MichaelI., xi., 33 note;war with iii., 284 and note,320and note;
TheodoreL_caris, 58 note. councilof,384sq.and note;capital
MichaelI.,Rhangabe, Emperor,elected, of Emperorof the West,iv., x86;
viii.,244; reignof, 245; supersti- PorcianBasilicaat, v., 32; disor-
tionof,352; persecutesthe Pauli- dersat, 33; taken by Attila,vi.,
darts, x., zx. 68; bythe Goths,vii., x58; de-
MichaelII., Emperor,revoltsagainst stroyed,x59and note; taken by
Leo,viii.,a46sq.; reignof,248sq.; Alboin,viii.,x4; by FredericI.,
letterto Lewisthe Pious,lb. note; 385; rebuiltbyManuel,x., x36.
Crete and Sicilylost under, ix., Miles,i., x5 note.
282. Milesians,iv., 223note.
MichaelIIL, Emperor,viii., 253sqq.; Militaryforceof theRomanemperorS,
campaignagainst the Paulicians, i., xxs_l.;wholeamountof, 23.
x., x3. Militaryofficers,iii., x33.
MichaelIV., the Paphlagonian,Era- MiLlennium, doctrineofthe,if.,289sff.
peror,viii.,276and note. andnotes.
MichaelV.,Calaphates,Emperor, viii., Millet,cultureof,vii., x8xandnote.
277s_'. Milo,trialof,vii.,285sgl.
Michael VI., Stratioticus,Emperor,Milosh Obilic, Servianwho stabbed
viii.,279s_/. MuradSultan,xi., x68note.
Milton,ii.,265note;vii.,293andnote. amongsttheScythlans,vi., x6 and
MilvianBridge,i., x46note; Vitiges' note.
at,vii., z38andnote. Missorium,golddishbelonging toToris-
MJna,valleyof, ix., 24; Feastof Vie- round,Kingof theGot]as,v., 26L
rimsin,48 note. Mistrianus, ambassador ofLiciuius,ii.,
Mincins,vi., 73. 248.
Minden,bishopric of, viii., 366. Mithras,i., 256; iii.,6x note;birthday
Mineo,takenbythe Saracens,ix., 285 of, v., xo6note.
note. Mithreum,v., 86 note.
Minervina,wifeofConstantine, iii.,x72 Mithridates,i., 45; gold bustof, v.,
andnote. 156 note; subduesColchos,vii.,
Mines,useof,atsiegeofConstantinople, 2z9.
xii., 27 andnote. MoRwiya,caliph,subduesPersiaand
Ming,Chinesedynastyof,xi., 152note, Yemen,ix., 99; attempton his
2ix. life,lb.; reign,/b,sq.; sendsforces
Mingrelia,seeLazica. to Africa,x97; his peacewiththe
Minorbino,a countof, xii.,x49. emperor,ix., 240.
Minorca,relicsof St. Stephenat, v., Moftwiya,Ibn Hudaii,generalof the
1o3 note. Caliph Moawiyah, ix., x97 and
Minority, Roman law distinguished _ote.
twokinds,v., xaonote. Mocilus,beaconof, viii.,254note.
Mint,revoltof workersin, ii.,97 sg. Moctadi(MuktadI),caliph,marriesthe
Minucins,Felix,ill.,7 note. daughterof MalekShah, x., z76.
MirabiliaRorae,xii., 186mate. Moctador(Muktadlr),caliph,ix., 266;
Miraclesof the PrimitiveChurch,ii., defeatedby the Carmathians,299.
295sgq.; pagan writersomit to Modain,AI, winter residenceof the
notice,345; v., zooand notes; of Sassanlds,iv., _37sq.; loyalto
the monks,vi., x78Sfl.;of Maho- Chosroes,viii.,64; see Ctesiphon.
met,ix.,44. Modar,a Gothicprince,iv.,33o.
Miran,Shah,son of Timour,xi., 217 Modenaand Parma,settlementof the
note. Tai/ulmin, iv., 3o9, 3zoand no/e;
Mirchond,his Historyofthe East,ix., Attilaat (?), vi., 68; reducedby
2_8andnote. the Greeks,viii., 28; threatened
Mirranesof Persia,vii.,89 andnote. by the Hungarians,x., 45 note.
MirtscheatheGreat,Princeof Wala- Moderator,nameused by the Popeof
chia, at battleof Nicopolis,xi., the Greekemperor,xi., 235and
x71 note. note.
MirzaMehemmedSultan,grandsonof Modestinus,iii., 4 note; authorityof,
Bajazet,xi., 202sq. in jurisprudence,vii., 326.
Miscreants,originof word,x., 238and Mceotis,Lake,li., Ho.
note. Mcesia,i., 27 sg.; legions of, dect
Misenum,a naval station,i., 23; re- Marinus,ii., x; invadedby the
storedbyMajorian,vi.,xit; prom- Goths,za; regainedby Claudius,
ontoryof, 15o. 68; revoltofthe Gothsin, iv.,297
Misitheus,ministerof Gordian,i., 244 sqq.; Duke of,seeTheodosiusthe
andnote. Great; Theodoric in, vi., 305;
Misithra,Despotatof, provinceof the secunda,vii., 59 note.
empirein fourteenthcentury,x., Moezaldowlat(Muizz ad-dawla),ix.,
I13 note. 306.
Misnah,iii., 73 note. Mocz,Fatlmitecaliph,ix., xo6.
Misopogon,Julian's,iv., 3r, H4 and Mogan,plains of, Heraclitusin, viii.,
notea. Io5 andnote.
Misrah,name of Memphis,ix., I75. Moguls,great,i., 268note; successors
Missionaries, Christian, ii., 33x; ofTimour,xi.,2x7-
Moguls,seeMongols. Zingis,xL, 128-r55; derivationof
Moguntiacum (Mentz),taken by the name,13onote;divisionofempire
Alemanni,iv.,216and note. of the, 159sq.
Mohadior Mahdi, Abbassidecaliph, Mongous,iv.,275and note.
sendsexpeditionto the Thracian Monks,theirlegends,iii.,32;of Egypt,
Bosphorus,ix., 278. 394; vi., 159; servein the army,
Mohagerians, or fugitiveS
ofMecca,ix., iv., 207; destroypagantemples,
61 [Al-Muhajirun]. v., 84; originof,vi., 156sfl.; ac-
Mohammad, seealso Mahomet. countof, 159sqq.; obedience of,
Mohammad-al-Ikshid, founderof the x65sq.; dressandhabitations, I67
I"kshidid dynasty,ix., 3o3 note. sq.;diet, 169sq.; labour,17osq.;
Mohammad I., Aghlabidcaliph,ix.,288 riches, x7t; solitude,i73; visions
note. of, 174; two classes of, 175;
Mohammad, Ibn Kgsim,conquestsbe- miraclesand worshipof, 178sft.;
yondthe Indus,ix., z32 note. suppressed byConstantine V.,viii.,
Mohammad,Mameluke,Sultan, ^.D. 322sq.; attitudeof the Saracens
1311--1341 , X., 323 note. to, ix., 136;lay-monks,ib. note.
Mohammad, son of Abbas,ix., 258. Monomachus,meaningof the name,
Mohammad,son of Abubekr,ix. x3x viii.,278and note.
note. Monophysitedoctrine,viii., x53; de-
Mohammad, sonof Ismail,ix.,297note. finedby Severus,194.
Mohammad,Sultan of Carizme,iv., Monophysites, pillageJerusalem,viii.,
282note;defeatedbyZingisKhan, x6x; massacreof,inPersia,187.
xi., 137sq.; death, 139. Monopolies,underJustinian,vii., 43.
Mohtadi(Muhtadi),caliph, ix., 297 Monothelitecontroversy, viii., 178sq.;
note. Greekpatriarcha IVlonothelite, ix.,
Mokawkas, an Egyptiannoble,ix., x77 233note.
and note,18o. Monoxyla,orcanoes,x., 58.
Moko,slaveof the Topa princes,v., Monreal,seeMontreal(Chevalier).
164. Monstrelct,on siegeof Constantinople,
Mola,surrenderedto the Saracens,ix., xii.,6 note.
220. Montaigne,ii., 41note.
Moldavia,conquestof, by Bajazet,xi., Montanists,ii., 283note; excommuni-
17oand note. cared, 325 note; on ma-qyrdom,
v., 352note. iii., 46; persecutionof, by Con-
MomyUus, Greekcorruptionof Romu- stantine, 333; in Phrygia,viii.,
lus,vi.,149. 17oandnote.
Monachus, George,vii.,49 note. Montas._r,caliph ['Mtmtasir], ix., 296
Monaldeschi, L., his Diary, xii., I26 sq.
note,x8o. Monte Maggiore,battle of, between
Monarchianism, heresyof,lii.,353note. Normansand Greeks,x., 89note.
Monarchy, i., 75. MonteMajella,xii.,151note.
Monasticism, vi., 156sqq.; in Egypt, Monte Peloso,Normanvictoryat, x.,
x59; in Rome,x6o; in Palestine, 89note.
161; in Gaul, 162; causesof the Montesquleu, de,i., 246;hisSyUaand
proKress of, i62 sq. Eucrates,234 note; on Roman
MOncada, de,his Historyof the Cata- militarygovernment,246; on the
Inns,xi.,89 note. censorship,ii., 14 note; ontaxa-
Mondars,dynastyof,ix., xx9 and note. tion,iii., t54 andnote; criticised
Money,useand valueof, i.,282. by Raynal,409; on declineof the
Mongolsor Moguls,their connection empire,/b.; ott Englishlaws,iv.,
with the Tatars, iv., 26x note; 38 note; on revolutionsof Asia,
barbarousmaximsof war, vi., 14 267note;on theGoths,339note;
sq.and notes; conquestsof, under on Armorica,v., 28xnote; pro-
posedhistoryofTheodoric, vi.,3x3 Morrah,districtof, in fourteenth cen-
note;on secrethistoryof Proco- tury,xi., xx3note.
pins,vii.,9 note;on Justinian,58 Mortgages,Roman laws concerning,
note; on crime, 382 and _wte; vii.,368s_.
on climate,xii., 66 note; on a Mortmain,in Empireof Romania,
passageof Florus, zoo note. zi., 2x.
Montffaucon,Father, edition of St. Moscow,provinceof, x., 53; cityof,
Chrysostom, v., 288note,3o8note; destroyedby MongoLs, xi., x46and
ontheColiseum,xii.,207note;his note; burnt,A.D.,x382,x87note;
visitsto antiquitiesof Rome,2x2 threatenedbyTimour,:89; taken
note. byToctamish,lb.note.
Montferrat, Marquis of, sends his Moseilama, a falseArabianprophet,ix.,
daughterto Constantinople, xi., xx2andnote; death,xx3.
249. Moselle,iv., 2x4and note.
Montius,qumstor of thepalace,iii.,2u9 Mosesof Chorene,iii.,60; Persianwax
and note,sq. describedby,iv., 242note;adven-
Montreal(beyondJordan),lordshipof, turesof Para, 245note; historyof
x., u66note. Armenia,v., 33xnote.
Montreal,Chevalier, Italianfreebooter, i Moses,religionof,if.,a65sqq.; didnot
xii., x53and note. teach immortality,287; in the
Monuments, Roman,i., 54 s_g. Koran,ix.,39; lawsof,compared
Monza,Palaceof,viii.,34 note. withthoseof Mahomet, 63.
Moorsand Parthians,instructorsof Mosheimon Gnosticism,ii., 275note,
Commodns,i., xz8. 277note; viii., x22note; on the
Moors,warsof Antoninnsagainstthe, Pauiiciasas, x., a note;on Arnoldof
i., xo note;description of the, iv., Brescia,xii., 78 note.
*37and note; preservedthe Ma- Moslemah,brotherof CaliphSoliman,
hometanreligion,v., 96 note; ally besiegesConstantinople,ix., 243
themselveswiththe Vandals,346 sqq.;his retreat,u46.
and note;Gelimeramongthe,vii., Moslim,or Mnsulman,meaningof,ix.,
x_xsq.and note;originand man- 35note.
nets of,xx8and note; revoltfrom Mosquefoundedat Constantinople, x.,
Justinian,xx9; defeat of, ann; 28o.
rebellionof,240sq.; conversion of, Mnstali,Caliph of Egypt, imprisons
toIslam,ix.,206. deputiesof the Crusaders,x., 252.
Mopsucrene,near Tarsus, death of Mostarabes, seeMozarabes.
Constantineat, iv., u6. Mosta.sem [Mustasim],"lastof the Ab-
Mopsuesti_,in Cilicia,Aetinsat, iii., ba_sidecaliphs,ix., 29t and note;
388note;siegeof,by Andronicus, death,292note; bringsTurksinto
viii., 295; byPhocasand Zimisces, Bagdad, 295; put to death by
ix., 3o9; takenby the Crusaders, Holagou,xi., x44.
x., u43; restoredto the empire, Mosthadi(Mustadi),caliphofBagdad,
u73;nameof,lb. note. his death,ix., 264note: acknow-
Moravia,i., 3o3note. ledgedin Egypt,x., 293.
Mordvans,religion of the, xi., 299 Mosul,Heracliusat, viii.,x33andnote.
note. Motadhed(Mutadid),caliph,ix., 233
Morea,the, set Peloponnesus. andnote.
Morgingcup,weddinggift ofthe Lore- Motassem(Mutnslm),caliph, "Octo-
bards,v., 259note. nary," war with Theophilus,ix.,
Morocco,i., 33. 29xsqg.
Morosini,Patriarchof Constantinople,Motawakkel (Mutawakkil), caliph,
xi., 3 and note. edictsof, ix., 233note; death of,
Morosi,on Greekdialectsin Italy,xi., ix.,296.
276note. Motaz,caliph,ix., 297note.
Moulinet,metallichistoryof, xii., x67 note;accountofhis works,xSo~x;
note. biographies of,z8x.
Moultan,conquestof, bygrandsonof Murcia,Saracens at, ix., 2:4.
Timour,xi., x9x. Murci,iii.,141and note;on Eudoxia
Mountain,oldmanof the,xi., x43. and theVandals,vi.,88.
Mourzoufle, deposesIsaacAngelus,x., Murder,under the Merovingians, vi.,
372; flight,376; death,xi., 9. 243sq.; underCharlemagne, 245;
Mousa,seealsoM_. Romanlaw concerning, vii., 373-
Mousa,son of Bajazet,King of Ann- Muromians,Russiantribe,x., 54note.
tolia,xi., no4; flightof,and defeat Murom,townof,x., 54note.
by Mahomet,2x9-2o; death,2:o, Murra,seePorcelain.
MousaCassem,descendantof All, ix.. Mursa,or Essek,battleof,iii.,axS,216
xo6note. and note.
Moxoene,provinceof, ii., x76 and Mursa,Tatar chiefs.socalled,iv., 283.
note. MurtadiofCairo,ix.,i86 note,188note.
Moyle,Mr., i., 253note; on Roman Mfa_,seealsoMousa.
religiouscolleges,v., 72 note. M0_ [ibn Nusair] the Saracen, de-
Mozarabes ofSpainand Africa_ix.,23x featsthe Greeksat Utica,ix., 204;
andnote. convertstheAfricans,207;dateof,
Mucaper,assassinatesAurelian,ii.,xox. lb. note;conquersSpain,2_7sqq.,
Mucii,familyof, vii.,319. 2i9 note;disgraceand death,22x,
31uezin(crier), xii., 52. ._2z;legendsconcerning, 223.
Mugello,battleof,vii., _84and note. MlLe.,lastof theHolagoudynasty,_d.,
Mugnieron unionof Greek and Latin x86note.
churches,xi., 254note. Musailima,seeMoseilima.
Muhallabadvancesto the Indus, ix., Music,undertheRomans,v., 2x5sq.
I32note. Musonian,Praetorian prefect,iii.,249.
Mukan,vii.,x94note. Mustapha,reputedson of Baja.zet,xi.,
Muizzad-dawla,in Irak, A... 932, ix., ai8; imprisonment and releaseof,
305note. See Moezaldowlat. 224; dismissesambassadorsof
Muizzben Badis, Zayrid, Sultan of Manuel,ib.
Tunis,x., 87 note. Muta,battleof,ix.,78.
Multanon the Hyphasis,siegeof, by Muzalon,George,great domestic,xi.,
the Saracens,ix., x32note; taken 59; deathof,60.
by Mahmud,x., x5o. Mycenae,iii.,42 _lole.
Mulucha,river,i., 32note. Mycone,Isleof,takenby theVenetiaus,
Mummius, v., I4_note. xi., 5 note.
Mummolus, lastgovernorof Burgundy,Mygdonius,fiver,ii., x75;iii.,zo3and
vi.,26xand note. note.
Mundus,quellstumult at Constanti-MyosHormos,tradingportontheRed
noplevi.,28. Sea,i., 69.
Mundzuk, fatherofAttila,vi.,4. Myriandrion, part ofwallof Constanti-
Municipal cities,Italian,i., 44, 45 and nople,xii.,x8note.
note; under Hadrian, /b.; under Myron,heiferof,at Rome,vi.,326and
theAntonines,46. note.
Munster,bishopricof,viii.,366. Mythology,Pagan,i.,37 and note.
Muntaner,Ramande,historianof the
Catalans,xi., 89note. NABAL, fatherof Firmus,iv.,233; dis-
Munuza(or Abu Nesa), rebel Moor, cordin thehouseof,v., x29sq.
ix.,a53., Syriac dialect,viii., x83
Muratori,Italian annalist,i., 234, a35 note.
notes;his Script.Per. Ital. inGib- Nabath_an ArabsopposeAntigonus,
bon'slibrary,xii., 74note; onde- ix., ii note.
dineofimperialpowerin Italy,aoo Nacolia,battleof,iv., x92andnote.
Nacoragan,PersiangeneralintheLazic Narses,Persianambassadorof Sapor,
wax,vii.,236; deathof, /b. iii.,a$o.
Nadhirites,Jewish tribe of, ix., 69 Narses,Persiangeneralof theEmperor
_#e[Banu Nadir]. Maurice, restores Chosroes, _iii.,
NadirShah,ix.,94 note; enrichestomb 64 andnote; revoltanddeathof,
of All,xoonole. 88.
NaharMalcha,canalof the Tigris,iv., Narses,the eunuch,vii., x55; opposes
t37and note. Belisaxius,x56$q.; recallof,x57;
Nanienus,iv., 307. characterandexpedition of,265$_.;
]Vairs,ornoblesof Malabar,viii.,J92. titlesof, /b. note; marchesfrom
Naissns,birthplaceof Constantine, .ii., Ravenna,268; defeatsTotila,27o;
_o4; Julianat, iv., au; maga.zane takesRome,27xsqq.; hisdisattec-
of arms at, v., x47; includedin tion and death,viii., xxsq.
Attila's dominion,vi., I9; era- NarshakiofBokharaontheconquest of
bassytoAttilaarriveat, 25. Trausoxiana,ix., x32note.
Nakishbend,religiousorderin Islam Nasirmus,Codex,sacredbook of the
xi., z83note. Christians of St.John.
Nakitchevan,destroyedby Heraclins,Nasr ibn Abroad,founderof S_manid
viii.,zo3 note. dynasty,ix., 303note.
Nantes,siege of, by Clovis,vi., 2x6 Natanleod opposesCerdic,vi.,276note.
note;subduedby the Britonsof Nations,orDitch,battleof the,ix.,69.
Armoriea, 275. Naulobatus,chiefof theHeruli,if.,38.
Naples, kingdomof, fief of theHoly Navigation, Roman,i., 65; v., 289and
See,x., 96. note; in fourteenthcentury,xii.,
Naples,townof,buildingsofTheodoric _36note.
at,vi.,327;Greeklanguagespoken Navy,Roman,i., 22, 23; stationsof,
at,vii.,x33andnote;takenby Beli- underAugustus,ib.; amountof.
sa.rins,x34;takcn by Totila, 245; ib.; of theGreekemperors, ix.,35t
dukesof,viii.,29- sgq.
Napolidi Romania,or Nauplia,xi., 7 Naxos,Island of, takenby theVcne-
andnote. tians,xi.,5 note.
Naptha,ix.,247andnote. Nazarene church,at Jerusalem, ii.,_7o.
Narbonne,besiegedby the Visigoths,Nazario,Churchof S., and S. Celso.
Vi., 45; marriage of Placidiaand at Ravenna,Mausoleumof Pla-
Adolphusat, v., 259; palace of, cidia,vi.,98note.
260; columnof Musaat, ix., 2x9; Nazarius,orationof, if.,25onote;ac-
conqueredby the Saracens,ix., countof Constantine's dream,iii.,
252andnote;recoveredbyPepin, 299andnote.
257note. Nazianzus, Churchof,iv., _o5note;site
Narbonne (Narona)in Illyricum,ii., of,v., x$and note.
x28note. Neapolis,seeSichem.
Narbonne,provinceof,i.,25; Firstand Nebridius,Pruetorian prefectin Gaul,
SecondNarbonnese,two of the quW.stor ofthe palace,iii.,23° note;
sevenprovinces, v., 286note. iv., ,8 andnote.
Nardini,topographer, xii., 2za note. Necho,Kingof Egypt,constructs canal,
Narisci,i., 3o_andnote. ix., x87 note.
Narni,Galerinsat, if.,2z5; savedfrom Nectarius, successor of Gregoryat Con-
Alaric,v., x99; rockof, vii., x38; stantinople, v., 24 andnote,3o8.
takenbyBelisarius,_52. Neged,districtof Arabia,ix., 5-
Narses,KingofPersia,warwithRome, Negra,city of Yemen, vii., 23x and
ii., x68and note; flight,XTt;re- note.
¢eivesthe ambassadorsof the era- Negroes,African,iv., u38and note.
perorsin Media,x73; treatywith Negusof Abyssinia,vii., 23i-3•
Rome,t75- Nchavend,battleof,ix., x26andnote.
Neisabour,seeNishahur. Nevers,iii.,x62and note
Nemausus,takenby theSaracens,ix., Nevigastes, generalofHonorius,v., I79.
252note. Nevitta,generalof Julian'scavalry,iv.,
Nemesianns, ii., 95 note,z4onote. x9; de/endspassof Succi,2a,35;
Nennius,vi., 268. consul,4o; in Mesopotamia, _24;
Neo-C_esarea, retreatof St. Basilnear, at Maogamalcha,_3z; factionof,
vi., x6xnote. afterdeathof Julian.i56.
Neopatras,in Thessaly,xL,91 note. Newstadt,in Austria,defendedby the
Nco-Platonists, ii., z98; iii., 62; sup- FranksagainsttheTartars,xi.,_49.
pressedat Athens,vii.,78 sq. Newton,Sir Isaac,vii.,293;on corrup-
Nepos,Julius, Emperorof the West, tion of the New Testamenttext,
vi., x42;makesEcdicinspatrician, viii., x32note; chronological rule
lb.note;flightanddeath,x42,x43; of, 3o6.
sendsEpiphaniustothe Visigoths,Neyss(Neisse),cityin Silesia,viii.,73.
lb.note. Nic_a,seeNice.
Nepotian,nephewof Constantine,iii., Nice, in Bithynia, gymnasiumand
2x8. theatreat,i., 56note;burntbythe
Nepetianus(conSul), ii., _o9 note; Goths,ii., 35; councilof,iii.,33_;
iii.,2x8. its canonS,concerningsynods,lii.,
Nepthalites(Ephthalites), or White 329note;emperorelectedat, iv.,
Huns,seeEuthalites. x82;synodat, A.D.451,viii.,x57;
Nero,Emperor,i., 92, xx8, x2xnote; reducedby Andronicus,3o4; sec-
conspiracyagainst,9x; character ondcouncilfavoursimageworship,
of, xox; desiresto abolishtaxes, 350; metropolisof the Obsequian
21o;saidtohaveburnedRome,iii., theme,ix.,43note;pillagedbythe
x8sq.; introduces musicalcontest Paulicians,x., x3; SeljukconqueSt
at Olympia,xii.,x25note; farein of, x79andnote;capitalof Roum,
hisreign,x88andnote, x8o; Crusadersnear, 2x2; be-
Nerva,Emperor,i.,94; administration sieged by the Crusaders,237;
of,iii.,27. taken by AlexiusComnenus,lb.;
Neshri,Ottomanhistorian,xi.,ao3note. Conradat, 28o note; Theodore
Nestor,Russianchronicleascribedto, Lascarisat, xi.,io; empireof,_.;
x., 51note. panicof citizensof, causedby the
Nestorianheresy, suppressedby PUt- Tartars,x54; takenby theTurks,
cheria,v., 3_3; controversyinthe x59and note; MirzaMe.hemmed
East,vi., 207. at, zo3.
Nestorians,opinionsof the, viii., x84 Nicephorium,or Callinicum,town of,
sqq.; schoolof, at Edessaclosed, Julianat, iv., x2x; ix., 28onote;
x86; missionsof the, in Tartary, pillagedby the Carmathians,299.
India, China,It8; under the ca- NicephorusI., Emperorof Constanti-
liphs,x9o;inTranSoxiana,ix.,133 nople,viii., 8 note; characterof,
note; friendlyto the Mahometan 243; financialadministrationof,
government,232-3. ib. note; embassyof, to Charle-
Nestorius,Patriarchof ConStantinople, magne,373; toHarounal Rashid,
viii.,x34,14OSClq.;heresyof, x4x-2; ix., 280; clemencyto the Paul/-
condemned by the Council of clanS,x., xx; slain by the Bulga-
EpheSus, x46; exileof,x5x;death, Hans, 3_; expeditionagainstthe
z53. Bulgarians,63note;treatyof,with
Netad,battleof the, vi., 76; position Bulgaria,64note;deathof,65note.
of,/b,note. NicephorusII., Phocas,Emperorof
Neumann,C., on the empirein the Constantinople, characterof,viii.,
eleventhcentury,viii.,28a note. a69 andnote;death,27x;reduced
Neuss,fortifiedby Julian,iii.,a73note; Crete,ix.,308; Easternconquests,
siegeof,xi., 3o4note. 309; fortifiesBagras,x., _43note.
NicephornsIn., Botanlates,Emperor Guiscardduke of Apulia, x.,
of Constantinople, revoltof, viii., xoo.
284; interviewwithAlexins,285; NicholasIII., Marquisof Este,xi.,26t
revoltof,x., _79- and note.
NicephorusBlemmydes,his autobiog-NicholasllI., Pope,xi., 80; enmityof,
raphy,xi., 54 note; his quarrel to Charlesof Anjou,x_., 94; his
withVataces,57 note. Bull,/b.note.
NicephorusBryennius,revoltof, viii., NicholasIV.,Pope,xii., xx8; [Ursini],
284; x., x79; vanquished,viii.,_ x2o; his policy,x2xand note.
286; historyof,x., x6xnote. NicholasV., Pope, xi., 288; xii., 6x;
Nicephorus Callistus, Greek of the founds Vaticanlibrary, xi., 289;
fourteenthcentury,accountof the fails to assist the Greek emperor,
death of Theodosius,vi., 37 and xii., x6; recognisedby Greek
nole. Church,2x, x68; Rome restored
Nicephorns,son of ConstantineCo- under,x69.
pronymus,viii.,239sq. NicholasQuerini,Venetian,xi., 3r.
NicephorusGregoras,historian,xi., 54 Nicodemus,bodyof,exhumed,v., xoo.
note,96and note,xx4note; onthe NicolansMysticus,Patriarchof Con-
Quietists,H9 note; on Cantacu- stantinople,viii., 263andnote;x.,
zene,x64no/e,296--7 notes. 34 note.
Nicephorus Melissenus,rebellionof, Nicolo,S.di Lido,Islandof,Crusaders
viii.,286. imprisonedbytheVenetiansin, x.,
Nicephorus,son of MichaelII. of Epi- 352note.
rus, xi., 58note. Nicomedia,forumand aqueductat, i.,
Nicephorus,patriarch and chronicler, 56 note; takenby the Goths,ii.,
viii., 243note; abridgmentof,ix., 35,36; residenceof/¢Iaximianand
xx7note. Diocletian,18o;abdicationofDio-
NleephorusXiphias,victoryof,overthe cletian,x92; Churchof,burnt,iii.,
Bulgarians,x., 35note. 66; Palaceof, burnt, 68; earth-
Nicetas,son of ConstantineV., viii., quake at, 37x; pillagedby the
239. Paulicians,x., x3; Seljuk con-
Nicetas,son of Gregory,lieutenantof questof, x79;Crusadersat, 236;
Manrice,viii.,85; marriesdangh- territoryof, invadedby Othman,
terof Heraclius,86. "Jr;.,
Nicetas,a Greek generalin tenthcen- Nicon,St.,Lifeof,ix., 308note.
tury,xii.,34note. Nicopolis,siegeof, ii., x2 and note;
NicetasChordates,historian,x., x4o restoredby Julian, iv., 4x note;
note;defendsPhilippopolis against capitulatedto theGoths,33° note;
the Franks, 278 note; on Isaac propertyofPaula,v., 205andnote;
Angelus,336note,372;onflightof Goths at, vii.,262; battleof, be-
the Greeks,376; savedby a Vene- tweenTurksand Europeanallies,
tian merchant,377andnote; nar- xi., XTX.
rative of, comparedto Villehar- Nicnsia,Cathedralof,x., 266note.
douin, 379; misfortunesof, 380; Niebuhr,his workon Arabia, ix., 94
MS. of,in Oxford,382. note; hisvisit to MeshedAll, xo4
Nieetins,Bishop of TrOves,viii., x77 note,xo7note.
note. NigerPescennins, governorof Syria,s_
NicholasSpecialis,Sicilianwriter,xi., Pescennius.
83 note. Nika riotsat Constantinople, vii., 23
Nicholas,Cardinal,correctstext of the sqg.; suppressed,28.
Latin Bible,vi., r98note. Nile, statueof, found at Rome,xii.,
NicholasL, Pope, his quarrelwith 2o9-xo.
Photlns,x., 33z. Nile,navigation of the,ii., x_6; v.,289
Nicholas LI., Pope, makes Robert note;risingofthe,ix.,x75andnote.
Nilus,Patriarch,xi., x77 note. 231 note; his interviewwith the
Nine, reverenceof the Tartars for my_- Negus, 232.
terious number, xi., 186 note. Noodt, treatise on Aquilian law, vii.,
Nineveh, battle of, viii., xx3; circum- 37z note, 383 note.
ference of,/b, note. Noricum, i., 28.
Nini, battle of the fiver, ix., 2o5 and Normans or Northmen, x., 5o; invade
note. Italy, 83; in Sicily,87; in Apulia,
Ninus, date, i., 251 note. 89; Italian conquests, Io2; con-
Nishabur,royal city of the Seljuks, x., quest of Sicily,xo5; extinction of,
157; palace at, i58; taken by z46; serve under Romanus, z64.
Zingis,vi., i5; xi., 138. Northern Sea (Baikal), iv., 276.
Nisabur,see Nishabur. Notaras, Lucas, Great Duke, xi., 325;
Nisavi,secretary of Sultan Gelaleddin xii., 24; quarrels with Giustiai-
xJ., 133note. ani, 35; his fate, 53 s_/.
Nisibis, i., 244 note; capture of, by Notoria, official despatch, ii., 62
Avidius Cassius, 264 note; be- note.
sieged by Sapor, ii., 42; meeting of Notitia Digmtatum, Hi., 112 and note,
theemperorsat, x72, 174; Siegeof, i39; Urbis Romae, v., 75 note;
by Sapor, iii., 203; ceded by Jo- Imperil, 13o note; of AncientGaul,
vian, iv., 161; taken by Zimisces, by De Valois and D'AnviUe,28t
ix., 312. note; citic_ mentioned in, i.,
Nitfia,Desertof, iv., 207; tall brothers 25 note.
of, v., 313 note; anachorets of, vi., Noureddin (N_r-ad-Din), Sultan of
I59. Aleppo,viii., 299; war with Chris-
Nitzch, battleof, xi., 306. fian.s, x., 288 sq.; conquests in
Nivernois,Duke of, on political system Egypt, 292 sq.; death of, 296.
of Clovis, vi., 2I 4 note. Novairi, ix., 19I note.
Nizam [al-Mulk], vizir,x., 172; crimes Novatians, excommunicated, ii., 325
and dismissal of, x75. note; persecuted, iii., 334; e._-
Noah, a prophet, his place in the Ko- erupted from penalties, 334 and
ran,ix., 39; seven precepts of, /b. note; of Constantinople, 404.
note. Novels of Theodosius, v., 340 note; of
Nobadmor Nubians, ii., 162; conver- Justinian, vii., 338 sq.
sion of, viii., 208 note. Novempopulania,one of the sevenprov-
Nobilissimus,title of, iii., t8x and note. inces, v., 286 note.
Nobles,Roman, wealth of the, v., 204 Novgorod, Russian capital, x., 54 and
sq.and notea; manners of, 2o6and note, 55; Borga Khan at, xi., 153.
notea; character of, by Ammianus Nubia, Church of,viii., 208,gq.
Marcellinus, 207 sqq. and notes. Numerals, Arabic, ix., 24i note.
Nocera,in Apulia, Saracen colony at, Numerian, son of Carus (M. Aurelius),
z., 145. ii., i29 and note; Caesar,13o; em-
Noga,Mogul chief, xi., 154. peror, 132; character, z4o; death,
Nogaxet,William of, minister of Philip x4x.
the Fair,xii., 1o8. Numidia, i., 32; council of bishopsin,
Nogent, near Soissons,battle of, vi., 215 _ iii., 335; ceded tn the Vandals,v.,
note. 354note; attackedby the Saxacens,
Nohordates (Nohordares), iv., i52. ix., i98.
Nola, retreat of Panlinus, v., i5o note, Numidicus, Metellus, censor, i., x92
" 253;de, destroyed by Alaric, 254. note. seeChosroes.
P., xi., 277note. Nuahirvan,
No_, plan of Rome by, xii., 2t2 note. Nushizad, son of Nushirvan, vii., 202
Nomius, ambassador of Theodosius to note.
Attila, vi., 36. Nymphmum, residenceof the Emperors
Nonaosus,ambassadorof Justinlan, vii., of Nice, xi., 66 and note.
OAr., suburb ofChalccdon, v.,xxx; xsa ;miscrable stateofItaly under,
synod ofthe, 3x3andnote. z53 sq.; resigns
provinces toEur_c,
OasisofLibya, descriptionof, v.,a96 2xx;defeated byTheodoric, 3o9
rote; Timasiusexiled to,296; Nes- sq.;capitulation anddeath, 3_z,
torinsexiledto, viii.,x52note. 3x2and note.
Oathsofthe Ancients,v., a35note. Odoth_us,invasionof, iv., 335note.
Obedience,passive,theoryand practiceOea, cityof, iv.,a3x andnote.
of,iii.,287sq. Oenoe,in Pontus,ManuelComnenus
Obeidollah(Obaid-A1Exh), governorof at, viii.,3oo.
Cufa,ix., xo2; insults corpse of Ogli, Lazarus,_d.,324note.
lZlosein, xo4,x3xnote. Ogotai,GrandKhan,death of,xi., x49
Obelisk,of the Templeof the Sun,re- note.
moved by Constantine,ili., 245; Ogors or Varchonites, conqueredbythe
placedin the Circusat Rome by Turks,vii., i9o and note.
Constantius, ib. andnote. Ogyges,cometsinhis time,vii.,29aand
Oblations,of the Church,ii., 319s_'. note.
Obligations,Roman law concerning,Ohud,battleof,ix., 68and note.
Vii., 366 $_q. Oil, distributionof, at Rome,v., 2x8
Obsequium,fourthTheme,ix.,a43and note;tax on,in Africa,ax9.
note. Okbaibn Nail,seeAkbah.
Ochrida,capitalof Samuel,the Bulga- Olahus,Nicholas,Archbishopof Gran,
dan, x., 35note. his LifeofAttila,vi., xnote.
Ockley,authorof the Historyof the Oldman ofthe mountain,xi., x43-
Saracens,ix., zo4 note,x35note, Olearios,traveller,viii., 58 note; on
240note. Novgorod,x., 54 note.
Octai,sonof Zingis,Khan ofthe Mon- Olga, Princessof Russia,baptismof,
gois,xi., 14o;conquestsof, z45sq. x., 68.
Octavia,tragedyof Seneca,v., 22i _otc. OlJbriones,Gallic tribe,vi., 58 not_.
Octavian,son of Alberic,PopeJohn iOlive,cultivationof the, i., 67.
XlI., seeJohn XlI. Olivcnto,river,victoryof theNormans
Octavianus,name of Augustus,i., 75. on the,x., 89note.
Octavius,i., 75note. OljaJ,wifeof Timour,xi., z84note.
OculnsPastoralis,_di.,9x note. iOlybrius,Romanpatrician,vii.,254.
Odenathusof Palmyra,li., 46, 5o, 53; Olybrius, senator,madeEmperorofthe
Persianvictoric_ of, 84,85; death, Westby Ricimer,vi., x38; death,
85. I4I Sq.and note.
Odenathus(?), Prince,ii.,36 note. Olympia&wifeof ArsacesTiranos[Ar-
Odessus,M.ilesiancolony,seeMama. shak], iv., 240and note,242.
Odeum,restoredbyHe.rode.s, i., 58and Olympias,daughterofAblavius,ix.,a84
note. note.
Odin,flightof,ii., 6, 7 and note; Gib- Olympicgamesat Antioch,iv.,9o.
bon renounceshis earlierviewon, Olympiodorus,accountof Rome,v.,
xii., x92note. 335s_.
Odo,Frangipani,marriesnieceof Era- Olympius,the philosopher,defends
pea-orManuel,x., x37. paganism,v., 86 and note.
Odo, Abbot of Clugny,his Life of Olympinsof Tralles,vii., 5o.
Gregoryof Tours,vi., a6onote. Olympios,anof_cerofthepalace,under
Odo deDeogilo,x., a74note. HonoriusplotsagainstStillcho,v.,
Odoacer,sonof Edecon,commandsin x85 sq.; dismissedthe ambassa-
Italy, vi., x44; puts Orestesto dotsof Alaric,a3x; death, a32-
death, x45; reign, x45sqq.; his Olympus,deitiesof,iv., 5o.
correctname, Odovacar,/b.
abolishestheWestern Empire, note;
x47; Oman,d/strictof
OmarI., caliph[OmarArabia,
ibnix., 5. b],
silvercoin of, lb. note; character, mosqueof, at Jerusalem,iv., 80;
conversion to Mahometanism, ix., VIII., xi., 63; comparedwith
55; acknowledgesAbubeker,9a; judicial combat,64 note.
reignand death,93; virtuesof, Ordinationof clergy,iii.,318and note.
x14-5; conquests,xx6sff.; founds Orestes,prefectof Egypt,persecuted
Bassora, xa3; interview with byCyril,viii., z38.
Haxmozanat Jerusalem,x6xsq.; Orestes,Romanpatrician,vii., a54.
mosqueof, 162 and note; Ma- Orestesthe patrician,ambassadorof
hornet'sopinionof, x09note; de- Attila,vi., 24 sq.; at Constauti-
stroyslibraryat Alexandria,and nople,35; deposesNepos,142;
Persian books, 183 sg. note; accountof, /b. sq.; refusesto all-
mosqueof, at Jerusalem,x., 3o3. vide Italy, z44; put to death by
OmaxIt., caliph,persecutesthe Chris- Odoacer,x45.
tians,ix., a33 note; a45 and note. Orhihuela,givenby Theodemirto the
Omayya,seeOmmiyah. i Saxacens,ix. 22o.
Ommiyah,familyof, ix., 58; support Oribasius,physicianof Julian,iv., xo
Omayya,98; Syria under the, note.
17o; revoltof Arabiaand Persia Origen,ii., 278note,3o6; accountof
from,258sqq.; fallof,261. thenumberof Christians,341;of
Omortag,sexGiom Omortag. themartyrs,iii.,36; tries to con-
Onagri,warlikeengines,vii., x4a and vertMama'a,5a; opinionsof,viii.,
note. x74and note.
Onegesius, favouriteofAttila,vi.,17sq.; Origenism,controversy in Egyptcon-
wifeof,receivesAttila,3x. cexning,v., 313note.
Onulph,brotherof Odoacer,vi., 146. Orlando(Rutlandor Rolando),viii.,
Opadna,vii., 69note. 361note.
Ophites,ii., 274note. Orleans,Duke of, brotherof Charles
Opilio,delatorofBoethius,vi.,339note. VI.ofFrance,xi., a43.
Opima,iv.,335note. Orleans,colonyof Alaniat, vi.,43and
Opis,iv.,145. note; besiegedby Attila,55, 56;
0ppas,Archbisbopof Toledo,ix., 209, siegeof, raised,58; ._Egidius de-
at6 note. featsRicimerat,vi., z3L
Oppianlaw,vii., 347 note. Ormusd,principleof good,i.,a55,a56
Opsildan Theme,mutinyof, viii., 233 andnote.
note; besiegeAnastasins, ix., 243 Ormuz,cityof,xi., 187andnote.
note. Orosins,ii., 26; v., 169; in Palestine,
Opsolxens, vii.,x3xnote. a56 and note; historyof Africa,
Optafianns, panegyricof, ii.,a52 note; a63 note; on an inundationof
iii.,176note. Rome,xii., 19onote.
Optatus,brother-in-law ofConstantine,Orpheus,Christianforgeryof, ii., 347
iii.,_73; his death, i94. andnote.
OptatusofMilevis,iii.,4o5note. Orsini,sexUrsini.
Oraor Opta, givenby Theodemirto Orthogrul, fatheroftheCaliphOthman,
the Saracens,ix., 2ao. xi., 156.
Oracles,iii., 6z and note; abolished,Ortok,hereditaryEmirof Jerusalem,
41o. x., x89.
Orangoutang,iv., 237note. Ortokides,expulsion ofthe,x., x89 note.
Orchan,son of the CaliphOthman, Ortous,territory, of, iv., 28x.
conquersPrusa, xi., i57; con- Orvieto,takenbyBelisarius, vii., 157;
quests of, 159 sqq.; marries bishopof, vicarof pope,x/i.,i32,
daughter of Cantacuzene,163; 135,143.
death,166. Osimo(Auximum), takenbyBelisarins,
Orchoe,inAssyria,iv.,xa7 note. vii., z57,x6xandnote.
Orda,grandsonof Zingis,xi., 187note. OsirL% Egyptiandeity,v., 85 andnote.
Ordeals,trialby,abolishedbyMichael On_iglmi_ tribeof,vi., 275.
Osius,Bishopof Cordova,fii.,3x2note, Otranto(l:Iydrus,Hydruntum),Greek
336; presidedat Councilof Nice, dialect spoken in, xi., 276note;
365; banishment, 387sq.and note. captureby Turks,_di.,63andnote.
Oskold,Slavhero,x., 52 note. Otrar, massacreof Mogulsat, xi., z37
Osnaburgh,bishopricof, viii.,366. and note;taken byZingis,x38and
Osrhoene,conqueredby Trajan, i., 8; note; death of Timour at, 213.
by Severusand Caracalla,266. Otter,on Africa,ix., 19xnote; travels
Osset,or Julia Constantia,in B_etica, in Turkey,x., 24onote.
font at, vi., _o3 and note. Ottomans,originof,xi., x55;etymology
Ossian'spoems,i., x66andnote;ii.,340 of name,z56note; eraof Ottoman
note. Empire,158;theirconquestsunder
Ostia,port of, i., 65; takenby Alaric, Orchan,/b. sqfl.; coinageof the,
v., a35; descriptionof, 236note; ib. note; cavalry,ib.; causesof
an episcopalcity,ib.; heldby the succeSsof, z6znote;establishment
Goths,vii.,_52note; C:e.sariusat, of, in Europe,x65; conquestsof,
ix., 288; bishopsof, their partin underBajazet,x69sqq.; threaten
imperialcoronations,xii., 67 note; Constantinople,x77; attack Con-
in the twelfthcentury,Iot. stantinople,2z3; besiegeConstanti-
Ostius,L., first parricidein Rome,vii., nopleunderAmurathII., 224sq.;
373note. hereditarysuccessionandmeritof
Ostrogoths,see underGoths. the, 225sq.; educationanddisci-
Ostrogotha,ii., Iz note. plineof,227s_/.;levytributeonthe
Otas thesatrap,ii., x66. Christians,/b. note; principleof
Othmin,caliph,revisestheKoran,ix., Ottomanlaw,that theSultansmay
42; reign,94; forgeddocument abrogatetreaties,xii.,5-6.
bearingthe seal of, 96 and note; Outlaws,in Gaul,iv., z3 andnote.
deathof, lb.; recallsAmrou,x73. Ovid,i., Io4note; 292note;hisFasti,
Othm_.n,first OttomanSultan,reign, ii., _82 note; descriptionof the
xi., x56s¢. Sarmatians,iii., i86 andnote.
Otho,RomanEmperor,i., 94,135note. Oxford,numberof studentsat urdver-
Otho (Otto) I., orGreat,Emperorof sity of, xi., 274note.
the West, viii.,37z and note; re- OxusorGihon,river,vii.,z96,2x4;ix.,
storestheWesternEmpire,372Sfl.;I x_9 andnote.
nominatesthe Popes, 376; wax Oxyrhynchus,city of, monasteries at,
with the Hungarians,x., 46 s_q.; vi., z6oand note.
defeats the Hungarians at the
battle of theLech,47; Zurich PACATOS, his panegyricof Theodosius
walledin hisreign,xii., 80 note. the Great,v., 43 note.
Otho(Otto)II., Emperorof theWest, Pachomins,Abbot,in the Isle of Ta-
marriesTheophano,viii.,268and benne,vi., i59, i6o.
note; massacresthe senators,38z Pachymeres,George,historian,on Or-
and note;ix., 348. deals,xi., 6znote;his Perspicuity,
Otho (Otto) Ill., removesbonesof 63 note,96 and note.
Boethius,vi., 34zand note;revolt Pacts,in Romanlaw, vii., 366.
of Romeagainst,viii.,382; defeat Pacuvius,hisBrutusand Decius,v.,22x
of, by the Saxacens,x., 79; spu- note.
riousdiplomaof, xii.,85 note. Paderborn,camp of Charlemagneat,
Otho (Otto) of Freisingen,historian, viii.,358; bishopricof, 365.
onItaliancities,viii.,384note;x., Padua,destroyedby Attila,vi., 68;
•,8o note; leads part of Conrad's wealthof, 69.
army,/b. note;his Works,xii., 95 Pmanius,ii., x59note.
note; on the Franks,98 note. P_ederasty,lawsagainst,vii.,39os¢q.
Othode la Roche,Duke ofAthensand P_tus, Lucas,xiL,x7znote.
Thebes,xi., 9o. P_etns,Thrasea,i., z72note.
Pagan,history of the word, iii., 473, 4t4 Palmologns, Theodore, xii., 4x nole.
note. Pakeologus, Thomas, despot of the
Paganism,toleration of, by Constan- Morea, xi., 3aa; son of, xii., H;
tine and his sons, iii., 409 sgq.; pays tribute to Turks, 57; war
restoredby Julian, iv., 63 sqq.; fall with his brother, 58; flees to Italy,
of, under Jovian, x76 sq.; toler- 6o.
ated by Valentinian, 202; account Palamas, Gregory,histheologicalviews.
of, under Theodosius, v., 7x sqq.; xi., xx9 and note.
prohibited, 9° sqq.; extinguished, Palamites, seePalamas.
94; in the fifteenth century, xi., Palanders or horse tra.nsports,x., 357
29x. and 36I note.
Pagans,zeal against the Christians, iiJ., Palatine, Mount,i., 79,80 note; vi.,ta 5.
6x; favoured by Julian, iv., 70; Palatines, iii., x36; auxiliaries, iv., 3
they persecute the Christians, 94 note; or borderers,in Africa, vii.,
sq.; of the West, v., 94; tolerated xxo.
by Theodosius, lb. and 95; con- Palermo, sack of, by Genseric, vi., 85;
version of, under Justinian, viii., taken by Belisarins,vii., z29; Sara-
x7x. tens at, ix., 285 and note; silk
Pagi, chronologyof, vii., t37 note. manufactureat, 327 note and 328;
Pagus Arebrignus, i., 67 note. coronationof Roger at, x., x29.
Painting,in Italy, in sixth century, viii., Palestine, i., 3x; invaded by the Isau-
42. rians, v., 3x8; taxes remittedafter
Palaces of the Merovingians, vi., 25o. Samaritanrevolt, vii., 42 and note;
Palmologi,end of the, xii., 57 sq. and monasteries built by Justinian in,
note; of Monfferrat, extinction of 57; corruptionof, 382 note.
the, 57 note. Palestrina (orPrmneste),overthrownby
Palmolognm,Andrew, son of Thomas the Romans, xii., xox; seat of the
despot of the Morea, xii., 60 and Colonna,xx9.
note. Palimbothra (Patna),seeK.innoge.
Palmologus, Andronicus, Regent of Palladium, i., t87; v., 72 note; of
Constantinople, xi., _4x ; receives Edessa,viii., 3t4; broughtto Con-
Thessalodica, 25x. stantinople,3x7 and note.
Palmologtm,Andronicus, son of John, PaIladins, Bishop of Iielenopolis, de-
xi., x76; blinded, ib.; made Era- fence of St. Chrysostom, v., 3o8
peror, ib. note; vi., xI5 nol:e.
Palmologus, Demetrius, despot of the Palladins, son of the Emperor Petronius
Morea, xi., 322; pays tribute to Maximns, marries daughter of
Turks, xii., 57; civil war with his Valentinian III.,vi.,87.
brother, 58; submits to Turks and palladins, messenger,v., 33o.
receivesislandsin North/Egean, ib. palladius, a notary, sent to Africa, iv.,
Palmologns,George,viii., 286; defends' 232 and note.
Durazzo, x., xx2; besieges Bari, Pallas, son of Evander,discoveryof his
x36; death, x39. i tomb, xii., 209 note.
Palmologus, John, brother of Michael pallas, i., xx5note.
VIII., xi., 34 note. Pallium, xii., 204 and note.
Palmologus, John, son of Andronicus, Palma,A. Cornelius,lieutenantof Tra-
xi., :76; blinded, ib.; made Era- jan, ix., :_ note.
peror, /b.; held Selymbria, x77; Palmaxia,Isle of, Sylverinsat, vii., 246
civilwarwith Manuel, lb.; receives notes.
Ottoman support, x79- Palmyra, ii., 46 and note,88 sqq.
Paheologus, Manuel, son of Thomas, Paltogles, admiral of Mahomet II., xii.,
despot of the Morea, xii., 60. 77 note.
Palmologus,Michael, lieutenant of the Pambo, the monk,vi., 772 note.
Emperor l_,qanuel,x., x36. Pampeluna, taken by Euric, vi., x3x.
Pamphronius,Roman patridan, hls Paphlagonia,invaded by legionaries,
missionto Constantinople, viii.,_6. ilL, 4o4; sdzed by David Com-
PamphyHa, peasantsof,resistTribigild,: nenus,xi., xxnote.
v., 299. Papianilla, wifeofSidonius, vi.,x32note.
Pan,Altarof,on the Palatine,vi.,x25. Papias,theGreat,officeof,ix.,338note.
Panaetius, friendof Scipio,vii.,322note. Papinian,Praetorianprefect,i., 159;
Panaretos,Michael,historianofTrebi- death of, i73; legalworkof,vii.,
zond,xi., xxnote. 32o; authorityof,326andnote.
Panchatantra,collectionof fables,vii., Paplrius,i., 79 note;vii.,304note.
203note. Papirius,Pmtus,friendof Cicero,vi.,
Pandects,or Digestof Justinian,vii., x55note.
315,33° andnotes,33x; Latinof, Papua,Mount,vii., xH andnote.
333 note; faintlyremembered at Para,sonof ArsacesTiranes,acknow-
Rome,xii.,86. ledgedKingof Armenia,iv., 24z;
Pandetaxia, iiJ.,26note. adventuresof, 242 sqq.; assassi-
Pandulph of Capua,x., 86note. natedbytheRomans,244andnote.
Pandulphof Pisa, x., x93 note; _di., Parabolaniorvisitorsof the sick,iii.,
74note. 3x9,32o; viii., x37andnote.
Pandulph,nephewof Hughof Alatri, Paradise,Persiangarden,vii., 99 and
x., x93note. note;of the Moslems,ix., 52-3.
Paneasin Palestine, imageof Christat Parakcem_menos (chamberlain),viii.,
viii., 3x2andnote. _ 27",note.
Panhypexsebastos,title invented by ParaspondylusZoticus,xi., 3xxnote.
AlexiusComuenus,ix., 337- Paris, Matthew, on BaldwinII., xi.,
Pankalia,battleof, viii., 274note. 29note.
Pannoniaor Hungary,descriptionof, Pax_,description of,iii.,277sq.; palace
i., 28; submitsto Roman yoke, of the baths(Thermarum)at, iv.,
x42; settlementof Suevi,ii., 30; 8 andnote;siegeof,by Clovis,vi.,
colonyof Sarmatiaus in, iii., z9o; 2x6 note; Universityof, xi., 274
invadedbytheQuadi,iv., 252;falls note,xii., x26,x63 and note.
to theEmperoroftheEast,v., 339; Parker,E. H., A ThousandYears of
Aetiusin, 353; occupiedby the the Tartars,iv., 267note;on the
Ostrogoths,vi., 77; campaignof Turks,vii.,x86note.
Majorianin, xxo note; evacuatedParker,J. H.,Archeologyof Rome,_.,
bytheGoths,vii., x77. x43note.
PannoniaSecunda,vii.,59note. Parma,reducedby the Greeks,viii.,
Pannonians, characterof,i., x42. 28.
Pan.sophia or Irene,viii., x58. Parricide, lawsconcerning, vii., 373.
Pansophia, matronofFlorence,v., x69 Paros,Isle of, takenby the Vene-
note. tlans,xi., 5 note.
Pantheonat Rome,i., 55 note;made Parsus,i.,256note.
intoa Christianchurch,v., 84 and Parthia, subduedby Trajan,i., 8; by
note. Artaxerxes,252; feudal govern-
Pantomimes, Roman_V.,221, 222and mentin,26x,262; summaryOfwar
note- withRome,263.
Panvinias,Onuphrius,xii.,2x2note. Parthians,subduedby Artaxerxes,i.,
Paolo,Fra,lli., 88 note;onthe Papal 25z; warsof, with the Romans,
System,xi., 253note;xii.,x76no/¢. 263,264.
Papaloannu,Ch.,onActsof theCoun- Partholanus, thegiant,i., 278note.
cilof Florence,xi., 298note. PaschalII., Pope, his coins,xii., 68
Papencordt,Dr. Felix, his Life of note; seditionagainst,75sq.;con-
Rienzi,xii., x28note. testwith the Colonna,xI7.
Paper,manufacture of, at Samarcand,Paschalchronicle,accountof Attila,vi.,
ix., i34 andnote. 40 note;viii.,96note,97 note.
Pasitigrls,orShot-el-Arab, iv., x27note. persecutionof, anddeath,lii.,400
Patarain Lycia,vii.,246note. and note;viii.,203.
Paternus,Proconsulof Africa,iii.,38. Paul, Warnefrid,the deaconof Friuli,
Patras,BasilI. at, viii.,257. on the Lombards,viii.,6 note,9
Patriarch,titleof,vi., x95note. note.
PatriaPotestas,vii.,340sg.; limitation Paula, pupilof Jerome,familyof, v.,
of,342sq. 200and hole,aox; ownedNicop-
Patricianof Rome,title grantedby the otis, ao5; founds hospitaland
SenatetoCharlesMartel,viii.,344.i monasteriesin Palestine,vi., x64;
Patricians, Roman,revivedbyConstan- epitaphof, by Jerome, lb. note;
fine, iii., z*9, x2o and x2z and generosityof, tothemonks,x72.
notes;viii.,342sq.and note. Paulicians,Christiansect, description
Patriciate,Roman,viii., 343- of, x., x sq9.; derivationof name,
Patricius,Augustin,historian,xi., 27x 4 note;seventeachersof the,lb.;
note. beliefand worshipof, 6 sq.; in
Patricius,nameof,vi.,x49note;titleof, Armeniaand Pontus,8 sq.; per-
in Burgundy,26*andnote. secuted,9; revoltof, **; in Asia
Patrick,saint,vi., x49note. Minor, x3; in Thrace, xs; in
Patripassians,iii.,353note. Italyand France,*8and xii., 78;
Patrocles,admiraloftheKingsofSyria, settled among the Albigeois,x.,
fleetof, in the CaspianSea,viii., x9 sq.
54note- Paulinusof Bordeaux,v., 279,28oand
Patzinaks,invasionof, underConstan- note.
fine IX., viii., 278note; besiege Paulinus,Suetonius,i.,4 note.
Kiev,x., 63note. Paulinus,Bishopof Antioch,v., 22.
Paucton,M., his M_trologie,vii., x45 Paulinus,Bishopof Nolo,v., ,5o note,
note. x68_wte.
PaulCatena,ill., 222; iv.,35- Paulinus,secretaryof Ambrose,v., 36.
Paulof Cilicia,desertsto Totila,vii., Pauiinus,masteroftheoffices, execution
262. of,V.,328.
Paulthe Civilian,i., x6o; vii., 320; Paulinus,PatriarchofAquileia,viii.,*3.
authorityof, 326. Paulinus, Bishopof TrOves,banish-
Paul,commissioner in Africa,iii.,405 ment,iii.,387.
andnote. Paullini,familyof the,conversionof,
Paul, orthodoxbishop of Constanti- v., 79.
nople,banished,iii., ,366; flight, Paullina, wife of Maximin,i., 22z
4ox. note.
Paul, the deaconof Aquileia,on the Paulus,Julius,on Romanlaw,vii.,360
SevenSleepers,v., 36z note; on note.
theprovincesof Italy,vi.,69 note. PaulustheSecutor,i., ,2* and note.
Paul,thehermit,iLL,33 note. Pautalia,vii.,60note.
Paul,brotherof the PatricianOrestes,Pavia, battle of, ii., 78; pillagedby
zn___" Attila,vi.,68; Honoriusat,v.,x87;
Paul ,Pope, . om A
ego ad
o,,b.Odoacer, ,4,,
buildingsof Theodoricat, 327;
Paul IIl., Pope, vandalism of his Boethiusat,339; takenbyCharle-
nephews,xii., 2o7 and note. magne,viii., 339; burnt by the
PaulIV.,Pope, xii., x76 note. Hungarians,x., 44.
Paulof Samosata,Bishopof Antioch,Paximacia,monasticloaves,vi., zTo
iii.,56; his degradation,$8; x., note.
4_mte. Peace,templeof, at Rome,seeRome.
Paul the Silentiary,vii., 52 note, 54 Peacock,a royalbird,xii.,6xnote.
note. Pearlfisheryin Britain,i., 4 andnote;
PaulofTanis,PatriarchofAlexandria inOrmuzandCapeComorin, i, 69
note;largepearlin caliph'streas- Pentapolis,theinland(in Italy), _i.,
uryatCairo,x., 290note. 29.
Pegasians,legalsectofthe,vii.,325and Pentapolis,the maritime(in Italy)of
note. Ravenna,viii., 29,345-
Pegasus, slaveofDomitian, vii.,325andPepin, sonofCharles Martel, delivers
note. Rome, viii., 337 sq.; Kingof
Pegu,kingdomof,conqueredbyZingis, France,340sq.;coronationof,_.
xi.,I42. and note; donations of, to the
Pehlvilanguage,i., 253note. Pope,344sq.; recoversNarbonne,
Peking,besiegedby Zingis,xt.,x36and ix., 257note.
note; royalresidenceoftheKhans, Pepin,John, Countof Minorbino,xli.,
14onote,x52. x49and note.
Pela_an controversy,v., r76 andnote. Pepper,priceof,v., _29note.
Pelagianism inBritain,v., 285andnote; Pera,iii.,xox; Latinsin, x.,37x; Geno-
decayof, vi.,uo7. i ese in, 14.,z2o; siegeof, z24sg.;
Pelagius,papal legate in Egypt, x., l powerof thecolonyat, x27;royal
3x4; his measuresat Constanti- schoolof the Turks at, xL,228.
nople,xi., ao. Peratea,inCrimea,xi., xxnote.
Pelagius,archdeacon, embassyto Gothic Peredeus,murderedAlboin,viii.,x6.
camp,vii.,253and note;appealsto Peregrinus,the philosopher,ii., 3o2
Totila,254; Pope,ib. note; viii., note.
I76. Perennis, ministerof Commodus,i.,
Pelagius,Prmtorianprefect, oppresses iz2and no/e.
the peopleof Pavia,vi., x52note. Perfectissimus,rank of, iii., I_5
Pelamides,or thunnies,iii., 98 note. note.
Pelham, Mr., on Arrian, vii., 2x3 Pergamus,ancientsplendourof, i., 63
note. andnote; libraryof, v., 85 no/z;
Pella, Nazarenechurchat, ii., 271and taken by the Saracens,ix., 243.
note;vi., 3oxnote. Peristhlava,Sviatoslavat, x., 63note.
Pellegrini,on Greekdialectof Calabria Perinthus,i., x53; Belisuriusat,vii.,94.
xi., 276note. Periplus,of Sallust,vii., 2x3 note;of
PellegrinoCamillo,historyofthe Lore- Arrian,lb.
bards,x., 75note. Perisabor,or Anbar,on theEuphrates,
Peloponnesus, stateof,ineightheentury, destroyedby Julian,iv., x3oand
ix.,323sqq.; citiesand revenueof, note.
325; manufactureofsilkin, 326-7; Perjury,Roman law concerning,vii.,
familiesof, transportedto Con- 373.
stantinople,xii., 55; conditionin Peroun,godof thunder,x., 7x.
fifteenthcentury, 58 and note; Perozes,Persianphysician,vii., 2o3.
Albaniansin, ib.; conqueredby Perozes,Kingof Persia,iv.,a83; death,
Turks, /b. vii., 68s_/.and note;Nestorianizm
Pelso,lake,ii., 222and note; vi., 299 of, viii.,_87.
note. Perpera,silvercoin,xi., 3xnote.
Peltmium,plagueat, vii.,_96;takenby Perpignan,vi., _34note.
Chosroes,viii.,90; takenby Am- Perron,Cardinaldu, on earlyChristian
rou,ix., x74; evacuatedby Shira- faith,v., xo4note.
couh,x., 29z. Persarmenia,v.,333; revoltof,viii.,52
Penance,public,ii., 325. sqq.
Pendragon,or Britishdictator,v., 285. Persecutionof the early Christians,
Pengwern,or Cmrmarthaen, vi.,282. under Nero,iii., x7 sqq.; under
Peniscola,BenedictXLII. at,xii., x66. Domitian,24 sqq.; threemethods
Penitentials,Greek,x., 203. of escaping,45 sq.; ten persecU-
Pentadius,masterof theoffices,iv., zx, tions,48; in secondcentury,5o;
x2. bySeverus,50,5x; inthirdcentury,
sr sqq.; by Diocletianand his of Anjou,xi.,82; proclaimed King
colleagueS,64 sqq.; in Italy and of Sicily,83.
Africa,76sq.; in the East, 78sq.; PeterBaxtholemy, visionofHolyLance
freshpersecutionby Ma_m_n,8o; seenby,x.,248sqq.
end of,82. Peter,Bishopof Alexandria, v., zz.
Perseus,treasuresof,i., 2o3. Peter,BulgaxianTsar, x., x7note,63
Persia,foundationof Sassanidmort- note.
axchyin, i., 250sgq.; religionof, Peterof Bulgaria,foundssecondBul-
253; extentandpopulation of,262; gacianldngdom,x., 338.
militarypowerof,27x; civilwaxin, Peterof Courtenay,Emperorof Con-
if., x68; war betweenSaporand stantinople,xi., 22; captivityand
Constantius,iii., x99sqq.; Chris- death,23andnote.
tiansof, protectedbyConstantine PeterGnapheus,Patriarchof Antioch,
3H; JuLianinvades, iv., 123; viii.,r65-6andnote.
peace with Theodosius,v., 33z; Peterthe Great, Tsar of Russia,iii.,
underKobador Cabades,vii., _96 x78; vii.,73 note;fleetof, in the
_q.; accessionof Chosroes,i97; Caspian,viii.,54note.
provinceof, x99; endless peace Peterthe Hermit,x., x9_; proclaims
withRome,2o5; waxwithRome, first crusade,_92 sq.; leadsthe
viii., 5° sqq.; anarchy after the first,2o9;flightof,2t2; shirksthe
deathofChosroes,55sqq.; Chris- fast, 247.
tianityin, z85 sq.; Shiiteschism Peter,brotheroftheEmperorMaurice,
in, ix., 94 and note; Sophisof, viii.,74.
xo6and note; conqueredby the PetertheNotary,v., 189note.
Saxacens, z27sqfl.; Seljuksin, x., Peter,the Patrician,if., x72note;am-
x76; under Sangiax,287; under bassadorto Itaiy,vii.,x3o.
Mohammadof Caxizme,xi., x37; PeterPhocas,defeatedbySclerus,viii.,
conqueredby Holagou,I43; de- 274nole.
dineofMogulKhansin,155;con- PetertheReader,murders Hypati_h viii.,
queredbyTimour,x86sq. i39.
Persona,Christopher, translatesworks Peterde Rupibns,Bishopof Winches-
of Procopins, vii.,8 note. ter,xii.,1o2note.
Pextlnax, Emperor,L, 123note;reign, Peter,St.,visitto Romeof,if.,3x7and
x24sqq.;employments of,I24nole; note;trophiesof, at Rome,v., 97
death,_3_, x4onote; funeraland sq.; apparition to Attila,vi., 74;
apotheosis of,I47sq. Epistlesof,rejectedby thePauli-
Pertlnax Helvins,i., i72 and note. cians,x., 5andnote;churchof,at
Perusia(Perugia),takenhy Belisarins, Rome,sparedbytheGot]as, v.,243.
vii.,152; besiegedby Totila,26i; Peter of Navarre,gunpowdermines
aretreatof Popes,xii.,xo7. i usedby,xii.,27note.
Pescennius Niger,governorof Syria,i., IPeterofCorbaxa,xii.,io6.
I39, x42; wax with Severus,zSOPetitdela Croix,his historyof Zingis,
sqq.;death,x54. xi., x33note; of TimurBeg, i8o
Pessinus, iv.,68note;altarofCybeleat, note.
xo3. Petra,Arabiantownof, vii., 22xand
PestchersU,or CryptMonasteryat note;siegeof,222sq.
Kiev,x., 73note. Petrarch,on CharlesIV., viii., 391;
Pestilenceat Rome,underCommodus, epistleof,totheDogeofVenice, xi.,
i., xx6. x27; revivedlearninginItaly,277
Petancius,Felix,on Varna campaign, sq.; Greekstudiesof,278; on St.
xi., 3z1note. Bernard,xii., 78 note; on for-
Peta_, on the Trinity,iii.,348note; eignersin Rome,xi5 note;char-
vm.,x22note. acterandcoronation, x23sflq.;re,
Peter,KingofArragon, recelvesChaxles lationsto Kienzi,x29,x39;letter
VOL.XII.-- 22
of consolation to theColorma, A.D.Phasis,town,ii.,33 note.
x347,J48 note; advice to a car- Pheasant,a royalbird, xii.,6xandaole.
dinalonreforming Romaaagovern- Pheretimeof Cyrene,viii.,xa note.
ment,xSOnote;regardedRienzias Phidias,transformed into a magician,
a poet,xSaand note;invitesErn- xii., ao9.
peror CharlesIV. z54, x55 and Philadelphiain Asia Minor,siegeof,
note; exhortsPopestoreturnfrom raisedby Rogerde Flor,xi., 86;
Avignon,x55s¢.; influenceof, on in fourteenthcentury,iI 3 note;
Porcaro,172; on thedespoilingof captureof, by the Ottomans,16x
Roman buildings,195 and note, and note; FredericBarbarossaat,
ao_-_andnote;onthe population x., a79.
of Rome,z98andnote; on thein- Philadelphia,in Syria,fortifications of,
differenceof the Romansto their ix., _37andnote.
monuments, 208and note. !Philagrius,prefectof Egypt, iii.,379.
Petronius,father-in-lawof Valens,v.,: Philaretns,governorof Antioch,x.,
x88. x8x.
PetronlusMaximus,seeMaximus. Philelphus,Francis, sophist,xi., 272
Petronius,P., Diariesof,xii., 168note, andrwte; Latinodeof,xii.,2noee,
xSo. 48; on siegeof Constantinople,
PetrusdeGodis,xii.,i74note. xT-xS.
PetrusPisanus,his Livesof the Popes, Philemuth, commands the Heruli
x., x93note. againstTotila,vii., 266.
Petrus Tudebodos,historyof, x., x99 Philip, Pr_torianprefect,under Gor-
note. dian IIL, i., _44, 245 and note;
Petulants,corpsof,iv., 3 andnote. reign,246sg¢.; rebellionagainst,
Peucini,ii.,xo. ii., 3; death, ib.; protectedthe
Peyssonel,M. de, ii., 3x note; xii., 59 Christians,iii.,53.
note. PhilipII., of Spain,xii., x76note.
Pezaro,Inscriptionat, ii., 3_ note. Philip,ambassadorof ConstantiusII.,
Pfeffel,his Abr6g_Chronologique de iii., 2z5, 400; Przetorian prefect,
l'Histoire d'Allemagne,viii., 39° 4oz.
note. PhilipI. ofFrance,quarrelwithUrban
PhaHala%occupiesCyzicus,ix., 237 LI.,x., r96sq.
note. PhilipAugustus(II.) of France,inthe
Phalanx,Grecian,i., zT; Macedonian, East, x., 306sqq.; instituteSfm_d
of Caracalla,x77. forI-IolyLand,342.
Phallas,horseof Heraclius,viii., rx4. PhilipIII. of France,xii.,Ho note.
Phanagoria,dry of, Justinian II. at, Philip IV. (the Fair) of France, his
viii.,a29. strugglewithBonifaceVIII. and
Phantastic system, invented by the BenedictXI.,xii., zo8.
Doeetes,viii.,xa7. Philipof Macedon,hisrevenuefromthe
Pharamond,v., 278andnote. goldminesof Thrace,iv., 3oI.
Pharandzdm,wifeof ArsacesTixanus Philip MouskeS,Bishop of Tournay,
(Arshak),iv.,240and note. xi., a7note.
Phaxas,chief of the Heruli, vii., 9a; Philipof Swabia,AlexiusAngelusvisits,
letterto Gelimer,x_asq. x., 34z; Bonifaceof Monfferrat at
Pharezdak,poet,viii.,x73. courtof, 35xnote.
Pharisees,sectof the,ii., 287. PhilipofTarentum,xi., 38note.
Pharos,lighthouseat Constantinople, Philip,Dukeof Burgundy,joinsHun-
viii.,a54 note. garian crusade,xi., 304; triesto
Phasis, river,ii., 33, xxx; vii., ax4; organisecrusade against Turks,
fortificationson, 22o; Grecian xfi., 6x andnote.
colonyof, 236; I-Ieraclius at, viii., Philip,Kingof Germany,befriends the
x3x. youngAlexius,x., 354-
Philipof Courtenay, xi., 23. Phoenicia, i.,3z; templesof,dest_'oyed,
PhilipofSide,iii.,60,6xnote. iii.,410.
Philip,son of BaldwinII., xi., 30; Phoenician inscriptions, vii., xt8 no/..
betrothedto daughterof CharlesPholoe,Mount,retreatof Alaric,v.,
of Anjou,80; allieshimselfwith x43.
Charlesof Anjou,8x. Photius, Patriarchof Constantinople,
Philippa,daughterof Raymondof v., 3_3 note; educatesLeo VI.,
Poitou,viii.,298. viii.,262; ix.,368sq.; on convcr-
Philippicns,sex Bat'danes. sionof the Russians,x., 68; theo-
Philippopolis, siegeof, ii., x2, 13 and logicaldisputesof,330note.
note;capturedby theRussians,x. Photius, son of Antonina,vii., x68;
65 note; destroyedby the Bul- exileof,x69; arreststhePope,/b.
garians,xi., x9; taken by Murad no*; arrestsTheodosiusat Ephe-
Sultan,xi.,xo6nate, sus, 17o; captivityof, x7I; be-
Philippus, v., 217note. comesa monk,z7a.
Philo,ii.,264note;philosophyof,iii., Photius,thePatrician,viii.,x7x.
340andno/*. Phrsntzes,seePhranza.
Philocrene,hattie of, X.D.I33o' xi., Phranza,George,Greek historian,on
x59. captivityof Bajazet,xi., 207sq.;
Philopatris,dialogue,ii., i3t, r32note; accountof,250andnote;embassy
iii.,8 note. fromConstantinePalmologus into
Philosophers, Grecian,i., 37; attitude Georgia, 323sqq.; greatlogothete,
to Christianity, ii.,345sq.; fanati- 326;oneventsofthesiegeofCon-
cism of the neo-platonic, iv., 55; stantinople,xii.,tx andnote;hum-
atthe courtof Julian,iv., 68sq. hersthe citizens of Constantinople,
Philosophumena, of I-Iippolytus,dis- 28--9andnote;fortunesaftercap-
coveredatMountAthos,viii.,I27 ture of Constantinople, 47-8; fate
note. ofhis children,48sfl.;his enmity
Philosophy, divine,of the monks,vi., toNotaras,53 note.
257sq.; at Athens,vii., 75, 76; Phrygia,settlementof Ostrogothsin,
studiedby Arabians,ix., 272sq.; iv., 335; descriptionof, by Clan-
in MiddleAgesat Constantinople, dian, v., 299 note; rebellionof
368sqq. Tribigildin, 299sq.
Philostorgius, partialtoGallns,iii.,23x Physiciansamongstthe Arabs,ix., _75
note; Arianismof, 35° note; on sq.
electionof Valentinian,iv., x8o Picardy,originof the name, x., x9x
note; on Pulcheria,v., 324note; note.
heresyof,vi.,xSonote. Picenum,John the Sanguinaryat, vii.,
Phflostratus,biographerof Herodes x52sq.; faminein, 282and note.
Atticus,i., 57 note; Lifeof Apol- Pictures,viii.,32xsq.
loniusof Tyana, iii., 62 note. Pierleone,Jordan,xii.,85note.
Philothens,a Macedoniansectary,vi., Pierleoni,familyof, xi., 75note;their
_a4. fortress, xii.,_oonote.
Phinens,palaceof, iii., 9a and note. Pigmiesof Africa,.seePygmies.
Phirouz,a Syrianrenegade,x., 244. Pilate,Pontius,procurator, iii., x8,48,
Ph/egon/i.,348note. 49 andnote.,'in fourteenthcentury,xi.,ix3 Pilgrim, the, and the Paradise,two
note; Genoesecolonyat, 22xs9. galleysof the Latins,x., 375and
Phocas,a centurion,electedemperor, note.
viii.,78andnote;putsNiauriceto Pilgrimages, Christian, iii., 75,76 and
death,8o-I;character,8a sq.; note.
statueof,82note. Pilgrinus,missionary in Hungary,x.,
Phoc_,seeBardas,Co_tine, Leo,i 49 note.
Nicephorus,Peter. Pilpay,fablesof,vii.,2o4andnote.
Pilum,descriptionof the,L, :6 $¢.and 2o2sg.note;studyrevivedinIta]L
note. xi,,286.
PincianGates,battle of, viL,146and Platonists,new,see Neo-PIaton/sts.
note. ]Platon/sts,theologyof,i., 37,38.
Pinna marina, manufactureof silk[Plautianus,ministerof Severns,i., xSS.
from,vii.,33 and note. Plautilla, Fulvia, daughter of Plau-
Pipa,a Germanprincess,ii.,3o. tianus,i., x58,x59and note.
Pirmus,li.,37,255and note. Plebeians,Roman,iii.,xx9 sg.
Pisa, Pandectsat, vii., 335and note; Pletho,GeorgeGemistus,xi., 286note,
merchants of, expelled by the 29r note; on state of the Morea,
GenoesefromtheCrimea,xi., i23; xii.,58note.
Councilof,253. Plinthas,ambassadorto the Huns,vi.,
Pisan/,Venetianadmiral,xi., x26. 3.
Pisidia,praetorof,vii., 65; peopleof, Pliny,the elder,ii., :64; I-tJst.Natur.,
ib. note; ManuelComnenusin, 348; on monks, vi., 358 note;
viii.,293. on use of silk, vii., 32; on the
Pisko,Julius, on Sca.nderbeg, _fi.,3x6 Arabs,ix., x6.
note. Pliny,theyounger,i., xo2,2xo; exam-
Piso, Calpurn/us,it., 5o sq. ines the Christiansof Bithyaia,
Pissumena,motherofLa.'ta,v.,_26note. it.,3o3; lettersto Trajan,333and
t_istisSophia,Gnosticwork,preserved note; edictagainstthe Christians,
in Coptic,it.,277note. iii.,_onote;proceedings againstthe
Pityns,siegeof, bythe Goths,it., 33; Christians,27,28;ontheaugurate,
Abuudantiusat, v., 295and note; v., 73.
desert of, 337; fortificationsof, Plotiua,Empress, i.,95.
vii.,2x9andnote. Plotinns,thephilosopher, i., 24.4note;
Pins II., Pope,see/EneasSylvins. ii.,48 and note,398andnote;iv.,
Placentia, battleof, it., 78; Avitus 52.
made bishop of, vi., xoo, Tot; Plumbatae,weapons,it., 382note.
synodof,x., :95. Plutarch,his treatiseof Isisand Os/ris,
Placidia,sisterofHonorius,adventures iii., 3:4 note; his Lives,ix., 277
of, v., 258sq.; marriesAdolphus, note;on thetribunes,xli.,x4onote.
/b.; marries Constantius,335; Pocock,on dynastyof the Almondars,
flies to Constantinople,336; ad- ix.,x79note;hisDescription ofthe
ministrationof,340sqq.; banishes East, z53note.
Honoria,vi.,52; death,78; sepul- Podest_ officeof,xii.,92 and note.
clareat Ravenna,lb. note. PoetLaureate,_di.,:25, x27.
Plaxidia,youngerdaughterof Valen- Poetovio(Pettau), iii.,233.
tin/an III., restoredby Genseric,Poggins,his dialogue,De Varietate
vi., x:8; marriesOlybrius,_38. Fortua_e,xi., 206and note; dis-
Plague,at Rome,v., 227; under Jns- courseof,fromthe Capitoline, _i.,
tin/an, vii., 296-300; under Con- 182and note,206and note.
stantineV.,viii.,237note. Poimanenos,battleof, xi., 24.
Plane-trees,cultivatedby the andents, Poitiers,battleof,seeVouillt.
v., 254andnote. Pol, St.,Countof,joinsfourthcrusade,
Planudes,Maximns,xi.,39 note. x., 355, 367; Lord of Demotica,
Plat_a, bulwarksof, restoredby Jns- xi., 8.
tin/an,vii., 6L Pola,iii.,233; Belisariusat, vii.,248.
Platoof Studion,viii., 24xnote;ban- Poland,ravagedby the Mongols,_6.,
ished,243note. 746.
Plato,onImmortality,li.,285; his Re- Polemo,Kingof Colchos,vii., 239and
public,3x9 and note; systemof, note.
beforeChrist, iii., 339 s_.; d/a- Polenta,Romanfamilyof,xii.,205-
logues,translatedinto Persian,vii., Politian,Angelo,xi,, 289.
PoHenfia, battleof,dateof, v., I54 sq. 45 sq.; policyand ambition,324
and note; sack of, by Theod- sqq.; regardedas firstmagistrates
oric,vi., 98. in Romc,334; assistedbytheCar-
Pollistore,_di.,x51 no/t. lovingians, 340;donationsofPepin
Polovtsi,nameof the tribeof Uzi, x., andCharlemagne to, 344andnote;
_65note. donationofConstantine to, 347sq.;
Polybius,on Rome,vi., 288and note, finalseparationof, fromtheE, astern
289" empire,354sq.; transfertheem-
Polycarp, martyr,relicsof, v., 99 note. pireto Charlemagne, 356;method
Polyeuctes,Patriarch of Constanti- of theirelection,375s¢.; poverty
nople,dismissesTheophano,viii., and vicesin ninthand tenthten-
271andnote. turies,377; allegedgift of Con-
Polycuctes,Martyr, story of, ill., 44 Stantineto,xii.,69; authorityof,in
P" note. Rome, /b. sgg.; appealsto, 7z;
olytheism,i., 36note;weaknessof,ii.,j electionof,_o3 sgq.;absencefrom
3_8;iv.,5x; revivalof,v., xo2sq.] Rome, xo6s_¢.; final returnof
Poraoerium, Rienzi's confusionwithI GregoryXI., _57s_.; triplecrown
P pomarmm,xu., i3z note. I or tiaraof,158-9 andnotes;rh,al
ompeianus, Claudius,i., xtz,x22,*26.] popesofthegreatschism162sqq.;
Pompeianus, prefectof Rome,super-_ absolutedominiono[ Rome,z75
stiffenof, v., 288note. | sq_.; their governmenti77 sq.;
Pompeianus, Ruricius,commandant of| careofpublicbuildings, 2resq.
Verona,/f., 231; death,233. [Popov,N., workon LeoVI., _4ii.,u6x
Pompey theGreat,i.,79and note;villa note.
of, vii., x3onote; at the CaspianPoppma, Nero'smistress,intercedes for
Sea,viii.,54. theJews,iii.,22,23.
Pompey, nephewof the EmperorArias- Populationof Europe,i., 53, 54 and
tasius,vii., a6; death,28. note; of Rome,v., 222sqq. See
PomponiusL,_etus, v., ,9I note;_ underRome.
foundedRomanAeademy,xi., 29x Porcaro,Stephen,his conspiracyat
note. Rome,xii., x72sq.; death,_73.
Pomponius, Mela,i., 4note;onMauri- Porcelain,Chinese,v., 2*xnote.
tania,ix.,z98note. Porcian laws,i., 79-
Pomptinemarshes,drainedby Theod- Porphyriaus,the Ariansso called,iii.,
oric,vi., 328sq. note; vii., 135. , 365.
PonteMolle,seeMilvianBridge. Porphyrio, whale,vii.,58and note.
Pontifex Maximus,i., 39,83; title of, Porphyrius Optatianus,seeOptafianus.
adoptedbyChristianemperors, iii., Porphyrogenitus, meaning of, viii.,
P 4x3and note. 264.
ontiffs,ambitionof the Roman, ii., Porphyry,neo-Platonist,ii., x98and
317; I_.ganpontiffs established, note;iv., 52.
ii/.,8x; jurisdiction of, v., 72 and Porphyry ofGaza,v., 3x8nole.
note. Porticoof theStoics,vii.,76.
Pentimlo(pous Aureoli),ii., 60 and Porto,cityof,vii., I47; Gothsevacu-
no/_" ate, x52,25_note;colonyof Corsi-
Pontius, hisLife of Cyprian,iii., 37 cans plantedin, by LeoIV., ix.,
note. 29o; bishopsof,theirpartin ira-
Pontus,kingdomof, Alaniin, ii., xxo; pedalcoronations,_i., 67note;in
Christianity in, 333; Paulidansin, twelfthcentury,xoL
x.,8; kingsof, ib. note. Porter/a,or customs,i., 207.
Pope,Alexander,Homer'sIliad, i., 37 Portuguese,inAbyssinia, vii.,23rnote;
note. viii.,2xosq.; in SouthPersia,xi.,
PopesofRome,titlegiventotheRoman x87note.
pontiff,vi.,331; theirpower,viii., Portus,seePorto,
Porus,i., _68Twte. PragmaticSanctionof Justinian,vii,
Posides,eunuchof Claudius,iii., 224, a8i note.
note. Prague, universityof, founded by
Possidius,Lifeof St.Augustin,v., 350 CharlesIV.,viii.,39° nole;Rienzj
note. at, xii., xSI.
Posthumian,a Gallic monk,vi., z6u Praxagoras, Li/eofConstantine, if.,2o5
note;onmonasticinstitutions,x65 note.
no_. Praxeas,heresyof, if/., 349and note;
Posthumus,generalofGallienus,ii., 25 Faunsof,vii.,z4anote.
and note; emperor,5o, 54 note; Praxedis(Euprmcia, Eufrasia,Adelais),
death,8x. wifeofHem-yIV.,of Germany, x.,
Postsandpost-houses undertheempire, x94note.
i., 64 sg. and note; post-waggons,Praxiteles,sculpturesof, i/., 4o; trans-
iv.,6 note. formedinto a magician,xii., 2o9.
Potamius,quw.stor, inthe Gothiccamp, Pray, George,on the Hungarians,x.,
v., 238. 36note.
Fotestas,in senseof municipalmagis- Preaching,freedomof public,iii.,328
tratc,xii.,92note. I sq.andnotes.
Fotid_ea,destroyedby the Bulgarians,Prefect,Latintide, vi., 245and note.
vii., I84. :Prefectsof Romeand Constantinople,
Poullaius,or Pullani,childrenof the vii.,354note; of Romein middle
Crusadersin Syria,x., 262note. ages, xii., 75 note,88 s_.
Prmjecta,nieceof Justinian,vii.,259and Presbyters,if.,3_x.
note. ' Presidents,seePra_.s.
2Or_positus, chamberlain,iii., x43. Presidius,vii.,:x55., iii.,xu8,735note. Prespa,capitalofSamueltheBulgarian,
P_ns, Bruttius,iii.,u6 note. x., 35 note.
Prmtextatus, Archbishopof Rouen,vi., PresterJohn, storyof, viii., x89and
a62 note. note; xi., 730andnote.
Pr_textatus,Proconsulof Achaia,iv., Priarius,KingoftheAIamanni,iv.,307.
2ou,axxand note. Prideaux,Dr., i., 353 note; I.Meof
PrmtorianGuards,i., an; of Augustus, Mahomet,ix.,53 note.
8x; discontentunderPertinax,_a9; Priesthoods,pagan,hereditary,ilL,3z8
assassinate Pertinax, x3x; de- note; imposturesof,v., 88.
scriptionof, x33; numberof, /b. Primate,titleoftheBishopofCarthage,
note;claimsof, x35; sellthe era- vi.,'95 note.
pire, /b.; disgracedby Severns, Primogeniture, vii.,360.
*47; remodelledbyhim, _58;pay, PrincepsSenatus,i., 77, z27note.
x75 note; murder Ulpian, x98; Principateof Augustus, i., 77 sqq.;
rebelagainstMaximus,u4o;revolt transformedby Diocletian,if., :45
of, underMaximus,34x; reduced note.
by Diocletian,if., x82; elevate Printingin China,vii.,38.
Maxcntius,uxx; oppose Maxim- Prior,chiefofmilitiaat Rome,xii.,zTo.
fan, u2o; increasedby Maxen-Prison,wi/eof Diocletian,if., a43;em-
flus, 3a8; rebel againstConstan- bracesChristianity,iii., 59.
fine,_35;suppressedbyhim, u38. Priscian,vii.,80.
Praetorianprefects,officeof, i., _58; Priscillian,Bishopof Avila,execution
dvil and militarypower,iii., xux; of,v., 27 and note.
four prefects,x2asqq.; of Rome Priscillianists, persecutedby Maximus,
and Constantinople, _a4. v., u7sq.; tenetsof,a8.
Przetortutelaris,institutedby Marcus Priscus,acceptsthe purplefromthe
Aurelius,vii.,354note. Goths,ii., x3"
Preetors,Roman,i., 84note. Prlscus,engineer,fortifiesByzantium
Pr_evalitana, provinceof,vii.,xx3note. againstSeverus,i., x53andnote.
Priscns,generalof theEmperorMan- funeral,x69;adventures of,v., x86
rice,defeatstheAvars,viii.,75- sqq.; death,x92.
Prisens,Helvidius,i., xTanote. Procopins,the historian, accountof
philosopher, iv.,_54. testamentof Arcadius,v., 3t9;
Priscus,thehistorian, hismention of testimony uncertain, vi.,
Eudocia, v., 329note; concerningaccount oftheVandalic porsecu-
Attila,vi., x note; on thewarsof tJon,x9onote;on battleofVouill6,
theHuns,xxnot_; meetsa Greek 233note;onBritain,284andnote;
inthe campof Attila,i8; accom- character andwritings,_.,7,8and
partiesMaximin to Attila, 24; noted; his Edifices,8, 56 note;
accountof,ib. note. SecretHistoryof,82 note; serves
Thrasea,i., x72andnote. underBelisarins, 89sqq.; defence
Priulf,Gothicleader,iv., 338,339and of archery,92 sq.; confessionof
note;death,/b. dishonesty,x28 nole; chronology
Proba,widowof theprefectPetronins, of, x32note; corrupttextof, x37
v.,249;flightof,to Africa,fib. note; descriptionof temple of
Probole,orProlatio,ill.,346note. Janus,x43note;mlgqion to Cam-
Probus,chiefof the Anicianfamily, pania, iSi andnote; on the Sla-
v., 203sg.and noted, vonians,x8anote;estimate ofnum-
Probus,generalof Aurelian,ii., 88; bersdestroyed bythe Barbarians,
opposesFlorianus,xta and note; x84and note;on invasionofSyria,
characterof, zI3; reign, lb. sqq.; 2o7; on Lazicwar, 2r3 note; on
victoriesof, xz6sqq.; wallof,xao; troublesinAfrica,235note;escapes
triumphof, 125; death,XaT. fromCarthage,u37; on stateof
Probus,Praetorian prefect,iv., 253sq. Africa,/b.; historyof the Gothic
andnote. war, 242note; in Corcyra,262
Procession of the HolyGhost,x., 328 note; allegedmedicalskillof,297;
sq.; discussion concerning, at Fer- on the plague,lb.; on religion,
raraandFloreuce,xi.,265. viii., x69; seemsto promisoan
Processions of the Greekemperors, ix., ecclesiastical history,x76.
343sq. Proculians,legalsect of,vii.,324s_.
Proclas,the qumstorof Justin,vii., 3; Proculus,L.,AradiusVale.flus, ilL,x3a
opposes theadoptionof Chosroes,note.
x97andnote. Proculns,prefect,sonof Tatian,v., zto
Proclus,proposesto burnthe fleetof andnote;death,xro.
Vitalian, vii.,49- Proculus,revoltof,li.,x25.
Produs,St.,boyof, viii.,x65note. Proculus,Romanlawyer,vii.,325.
Proclus,thePlatonist,vii., 78; Lifeof, Procurators, iii.,x46note.
ib.note. Professors, at Athens,vii., 75,76.
Proconnesus, Isleof,Hi.,rouandnote. Profuturus, generalof Valens,iv., 3o_.
Proconsul, titleof, assumedbyAugns- Promotus, mastergeneralof theinfan-
tns,i.,77; of Asia,Greece,Africa, try,iv.,302; exiled,v., xog.
Gaul and Syria, 8i; of Asia, Promotus,presidentof Noricum,am-
AchaiaandAfrica,underConstan- bassador to Attila,vi., 43 note.
fine,iii.,*26and note. Proportins,vii.,3to and note.
Proconsularis, provinceofAfrica,ceded Property,Romanlawof,vii.,355sq.
totheVandals,v., 354note. Prophets,of earlychurch,ii.,3xo.
Procopia,consortof MichaelI., viii., Propontis,or Seaofblarmora,descrip-
244s_. tionof,iii.,94-
Procopins, father-in-lawof Valens,v., Prosper,chronicle of, v., x7t.
295; father of Anthemins,vi., Proteaored, iii., 350andnote; mutiny
xu2. of,underJovius,v.,234.
Procopius,"kinsmanand generalof Proterius, patriarchofAlexandria, tour-
Julian,iv., xao; conductsJulian's der o/, viii., I61--2.
Protestants,iii.,288; x., 2_sqq. !Pugione,a, Cleander's rifle,i., tz6nOte.
Protosebastos, title inventedbyAlexius Puls,du,Pierre,xii., xo8note,x63nOte.
Comnenus, ix., 337- Pulcheria,sister of Theodosiusthe
Protospathaire,Byzantineofficer,ix., Younger,Augusta,v., 32x, 322;
340andnote. characterand administration, /b.
Protostrator,Byzantineofficer,ix., 340. andnote;religiousopinions of,322;
.Protosymbulos, namegivenbyTheoph- educatesTheodosius,324; Era-
onesto thecaliph,ix., 203note. pressof the East, vi., 37; puts
2_rotovestiare, officerof the Byzantine Chrysaphius to death,/b.;marries
emperors, ix., 339. the senatorMaxcian,lb.; death
Provinces,Roman,i., 24 sq.; govern- and canonisation, tx9 and note.
mentof, 44; divisionof theLatin Pulci,MorganteMaggioreof,xi., z92
andGreekprovinces, 48; division! note.
of,betweenemperorandsenate,8x; PuleRudbar,orHyrcanian Rock,viii.,
oppressedbyMaximin,222; gov- 58andnote.
ernorsof, underConstantine, iii., Pullani,or Poullains,x., 262note.
x28s_'.andnote.s;SevenProvinces,Punicidiom,i., 47.
v., 286and note; assemblyof the Punishments,capital,revivalof, vii.,
Seven,ib. 287andnote. 377sg.
Provincials (Provencals), x.,2x8. Punjab,Timourin,xi., xgr.
Prudentius,booksagainstSymmachus,Pupienus, i., 24Inote.
v., 78 note; against gladiatorialPurim,Jewishfeast,iii.,5note.
combats,i6o andnote. PurplechamberoftheByzantine palace,
Prusa,bathsat, i., 56 note; takenby ix.,333-
the Goths,ii., 36; Vetranioban- Purplecolour,Phmnician,vii., 3° and
ishedto,iii.,2r3; reducedbyAn- note.
dronicus,viii.,3o4;conquestof,by Purpleorporphyry, viii.,264.
Orchan,xi., z57. See Boursa. iPurpurius, ilL,336note.
Prussia,Gothsin,ii., 8. Purser,Mr.L. C., i., 87 note.
PrussiansinvadeBritain,vi., 271. Pus_eus,
iv., i26.
Prypec,river,ii.,9. Pydna,vi.,3oxnote.
Psalliction,orthe scissors,namegiven Pygmies,v.,237, 238andnote.
to Alexanderthe Logothete,vii., Pylades,a dancer,i., x37.
_46. :Pyramids,Egyptian,xii., x88andno¢¢.
]Psalmody, iii.,397sq. iPyramus,river,viii.,xo8note.
]Psellus,Michael,instructorof MichaelPyrrhic dance,i., t4 and note.
VII., viii.,284; ix., 37xnote; re- Pyrrhus,vii.,z4o.
vivedstudyof Plato,xi., 086note. Pyrrhus,the Monothelite,viii.,223.
]psellustheelder,ix., 37Inote. Pytheaz,of Marseilles, ii.,7note.
P/sanum) at Jerusalem,x., 257 QtL, mLsubduedbyM.Antoninus, i.,99,
note. 3ozand note; warswithCommO-
Psylli,Africantribe,vi., x26note. dus,1o9sq.note;receivethe Sar-
Ptolemais,or Acre,iii., 326and note; matians,iii.,90; subduedbyCon-
taken by Saxaceus,ix., x68; see stantius, 246 sq.; oppressedby
Acre. Marcellinus, iv., _52; invadePan-
Ptolemies,libraryof, v., 85note. nonia,/b.; appealto Valenrinian,
PtolemyI., S6ter,ii., x89note. 255.
]ptolemy LI.,]PhJladelphus, dearscanal, Quadriburgium (Schenkenschanz), for-
ix., t87 note;navyof,ix.,352note.; tiffedbyJulian,iii., 273note.
]ptolemyIlI., Euergetes, inscriptionof, Quadrivium,ix., 37xnote.
atAdulis,vii.,37note. Qu_zst/ones, vii., 384.
Ptolemy,Romansenator,viii.,382. Qu_estors,iJJ.,x45-z47andnotes.
l_udentius,Africansubject,vii., 88. Quarto-decimans, seeAudians.
Quierzy, assemblies at, viii.,
338. Ranzanus, Peter, onCorvinus, xi.,
Quietists, see Hesychnsts. note.
Quindecemvirs, v., 72. Raphael,his pictureoftheapparition of
QninqueGentanei,ii., x6onote. SS.Peterand Paulto Attila,vi.,
Quintianus,Bishopof Rodez,vi., 23o 74 and note; his frescoof the
andnote;lifeof,ib. battleof Ostia,x., 289note;find-
Quintilian brothers,i., zza. ingofhis cotfin,xii., x93note,212.
Quintilian, the critic,ix., x86note. Rasaphe,or Sergiopolis, tombof Ser-
Quintilius[M. Aurelius Claudius], gius andBacchusat, viii.,66 and
brotherof Claudius,li.,69, 7° and note.
note. Rashdall,H., on universitiesin the
QuintusCurtius,i., 242note,268note. middleages,xi., 274note.
Quirites,i., aoonote. Ratchis,duke,viii.,8note.
Ratiaria,magazineof armsat, v., t47;
RxccA,palaceof Harunal-Rashidat, destroyed bytheHuns,vi., ra and
ix.,280; seeNicephorium. note.
Racine,v., J42note. Rat/ono/es,ili.,x46note,x48andnotes.
Ra_kion Slavonianstruggleswiththe Ravenna,navalstation,i., 23; besieged
Turks,xi., _68note. by Ma.ximian, ii.,2x3; accountof,
Radagaisus,or Rhodogast,in league v.,x6iandnote,sq.andnotes;Stil-
withAlazic,v., iSi note; invades ichoslain at, x88; enteredby Ar-
Italy, x66;besiegesFlorence,x68; daburiusand Aspar,337; arsenal
threatensRome,x69; hisdefeatby of,restoredby Majorian,vi., xzi;
Stilicho,/b.; death, x7x, x82. besiegedby Theodoricthe Ostro-
Radbod,Kingof the Frisons,vi., z87 goth,3xx; buildingsof Theodoric
note. at, 327note; taken by Belisarius,
Radiger,Kingof the Varni,vi., 285. vii.,x6x,_63and note; Nursesat,
RadulphnsCadomensison miracleof _67; marshesnear, lb. note;ex-
the Holy Lance,x., 25i note. archateof, viii.,23; seton fireby
Raga:,or Rei, princesof, viii.,57 and Justinian II., 232 note; sedition
note; ix.,J27; x., x58. concerningimageworshipat, 33_
Ragnachar, dominionsof,vi., 2x3 note._ sq.; Greeks expelledfrom, /b.;
Ragusa,i., 28; takenbytheSaracens,! subduedby Astolphus,336 and
ix., 285note;treatyof,withMu-] note;mosaicsof,givento Charle-
rodSultan,xi., x66note. marne,346 note; marblestaken
Rahdi,theAbb'_sid,ix.,305. from,to AIXla Chapelle,aSi.,_95
Rainulf,count,leaderofthe Normans, andnote.
x., 86 and note; receivesSiponto Ravennika,parhamentat, xi., 2x note.
andMountGarganus,9° note. Raymond,Count of Toulouse,viii.,
Ralphof Coggeshall, x., 3xonote. 292; takespartin thefirstcrusade,
Rama,kingdomjoinedtoHungary,xii., x., x99,2r8; marchto Constanti-
r63note. nople,225sq.; relationof,toKing
Rama,submitsto Saracens,ix.,x68and ofFrance,23x; atDoryla_um, 238;
note;Crusadersat,x, 254; battle illnessof, 24o; at Antioch,247;
of,3oonote. guardianof theHoly Lance,249;
Ramadan, Mahommedan fast, ix., 48. expedition intoSyria,253;atsiege
Rametta, takenbytheSaracens,ix.,285 ofJerusalem,256;savesthegarri-
note;battleof,x., 288. son,257; refusescrownof Jerusa-
Ramlah, seeRama. lem, 258note;deathof,lb.
Ramusio,hishistoryoftheconquestof Raymond,Countof Toulouse,in thir-
Constantinople, x., 385note. teenthcentury,his heresy,xii.,xxo
Randnitz,xii., xSx. note.
Rondo,chief of the Alamanni,enters Raymond,Countof Tripoli,treachery
Mentz,v., 2r6. of,x., 299-30o.
Raymonddes Agiles,onlegendof the Republic,Roman,nameof,confinedto
HolyLance, x.,25x_ote. theLatin provinces,v., 278.
Raynal, Abb_,hisHistoire desdeu_Resa/na, Persians defeated by Mhi-
Indes,iii., 309note; his criticism theus,i.,=44note.
onMontesquieu,409. Resmancipi,vii.,358note.
Rayy,seeRag_c. Restartor Arethusa,iv., 88note.
Razis,Arabianphysician,xi., 2Ionote. Restitutus,sub-deacon,confessorwho
Recared,sonandsuccessorofLeovigild, spokewithtongues,vi., x99.
conversionof,vi., 2o4,265. Restore,or Rostam,hero,vii.,2o2note;
Rechiaxius,Kingofthe Sueviin Spain, romanceof Restoreand Isfendiar,
messageto Theodoric,vi., 97; de- /b. ,SeeRustan.
fearedby Theodoric,98- Resurrectionof the dead, li., _96;
Recitach, son of Theodoric,son of churchofthe, on Calvary,iv.,79;
Triarius,vi., 304note. Mohammadanbeliefin, ix.,49s_.
Red Sea,part of MareRubrum,ix., 2 Retiaxius,i., z=x.
note. Retz, Cardinalde, his descriptionof
Reformation,Protestantcharacterand Conclaveof x665,xii., 3o5note,sq.
consequencesof, x., 2z sqq. note.
Re]ormatores, councilof the Seven,xi., Revenue,total underAugustus,i., 2o6
xTonote. and note;ofthe CbxistianChurch,
Reggio,conqueredby RobertGuiscard, ii.,3_=,323.
x., zoo. Rex, titleof,x., 279note,s_.
RegiaPotestas,i., 82 note. RexRotate,yell.,x63note.
Regilianus,Emperor,ii., 5o, 54 note. Rex versuum,xfi., z=5note.
Reginaldof Ch_tiUon, x., 300and note. Rhadagast,v., x66note.
Regnum,seeTiara. Rhmtia,i.,27; ii., zx6; invadedbythe
Rehimene,provinceof, ii., 375note. Goths,v., z53and note;Alamanni
Reindeerin Germany,i., 276. in, vi., 2z9note.
Reinier,brotherof Marquisof Mont- Rhazates,generalof ChosroesH., viii.,
ferrat,x., 355note. zx3.
Rei,seeRag_. . Rhegium,taken by Totila, vii., z6_;
ReisEffendi,principalsecretaryof the ColumnaRhegina,viii., 28 and
sultan,xi., 3x8. note.
Reiske,xi.,290. Rheims,takenbytheGermans,v., x75;
Reland, treatiseon the spoilsof the occupiedby theHuns,vi., 55note;
templeat Jerusalem,vi., 9° note; siegeof, by Chlodwig,216 note;
on Mahomet,ix., 5xnote;on wars baptismof Clovisat, 22zandnote.
of Mahomet,64 note;on theHoly Rhetoric,studyof, encouragedby Val-
Land, x57note. entinian,iv., i99; vii.,75.
Relies,worshipof,v., 99; tradein,x., Rhine,freezingof the, i., _75; seven
385; xi.,3° sq. postsof Julianonthe,iii.,273and
Remigius,Bishopof Rheims,vi., 22o note; fortifiedby ValentinianI.,
and note; epistlesof, /b. iv.,217; crossedbytheSuevi,Vaa-
Remigius,masterof theoffices,v., 232. dais, Alaniand Burgundians,v.,
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus, his x74.
characterof Aetius,vi., 42 nole. Rhodanus,chamberlain,iv., z98 note.
Renaudot,Abb6,viii.,2o7note. Rhodes,Isleof,conquered by ChosroeS,
Rennel,Major,his mapsand memoirs viii.,9x; attackedbySaracens,is.,
of Asia, vii., 35 note; maps of! xTxand note; colossusof, lb.;re-
Hindostanxi., x93 note. ducedby John Vatac xi., 24;
Rennes, subdued by the Britonsof: subjecttoMichael,72;esconqucred
Armorica,vi., 275. bythe Turks, z6o_q.
Renungiatio, i., 85note. Rhodope,ridgeof mountains,iv., 3oz
Repentance,doctrineof,ft.,3oo. note.
Rhodosto, Andronicus and JohnPal,z- enceat,betweenJoviusandAlaric,
ologuSat,xi., _77. 234; Britishbishopsatthe Coun-
Rhccteum, cityof,iii.,96. ellof,285note;takenby Johnthe
Rhyndacus, river,ft.,36. Sanguinary, vii., 153; siegeof, by
Riada,battleof,x., 46note. the Goths,r55.
Rialto,Islandof,x., 345. Rinaldo,heroof Tasso,x., 2x9 note.
Riazan,cityof, takenby the Mongols,Riothamus,Britishchieftain,sailsup
_., x46note. theLob'e,vi., x33.
Ricci,G., vi.,343note. R/paille,hermitageof, nearThonon,
Richard I. of England,in the East,x., xi.,27xandnote.
303,306sqfl.; treatywithSaladin, RipuarianLaw (Lex Ribuacia),vi.,
3xx sq.; conquersCyprus,338; 24oandnote.
his answerto Fulke of Neuilly, Ripuariansor Riparii,joinTheodoric
342-3. againsttheHuns,vi., 58andnote;
Richard,CanonoftheHolyTrinity,x., Franks,territory of,vi.,ax4note.
3xo note. Rizzo,Antonio,ship of, sunk by the
Richard,Countof Aversa,x., 95. Turks,xii., xi and note.
Richardde St. Germano,x., 3x5note. Roads,Roman,i., 63,64andnote.
Richardof Cirencester0 i., 6 note;v., RobertofCourtenay, Emperor of Con-
283note. stantinople,m., 24sq.
Richardof Cornwall,candidatefor Robert,Countof Flanders,letterof
Romankingdom,viii., 389note. AlexiusI. to,x., 182note;in first
Richomer,countof the domestics,v., crusade,2x7; matchtoConstanti-
302; ambassadorto the Gothic nople,225,23o.
camp, 3z2 sq.; re,'eat of, at Robert,Kingof Naples,xii., 195and
Hadrianople, 3x4. note.
Ricimer, Count,familyof,vi., xoo;de- Robert,Duke of Normandy,in first
stroysVandal fleet, ib.; deposes crusade,x., ux7; marchto Con-
Avitns,/b.; consentsto elevation stantinople,225; at siegeof Nice,
ofMajorian,xo3; causeshis depo- 244; refusedcrownat Jerusalem,
sifion,ix3; reignsundernameof 258note.
Severus,H4; negotiations withthe Robertof Paris,ascendsthethroneof
EasternEmpire,H8; marrieshis Alexius,
x., u3xandnote.
daughterto Anthemius,x22; de- RodericofToledo, ix.,uH note,_x6note.
fearedat Orleans,x3x; residesat Roderiethe Goth,vi., 265; supplants
Milan, x36; marchesto Rome thesonsofWitiza,ix-,u°9;escapes
x37; takesRome,x4o; death,x4o, frombattleof Xeres,2_4; legend
14i. Of, 2X5 _lOte.
Rienzi,Cola di, the Roman tribune Rodocanachi, workof, onRienzi,a_i.,
accountof,xii., x29sqg.; assumeS x28note.
government of Rome,x32; tribune, RodostoorRh_edeStns, xi., x6.
x33;laws of, /b. sq.; taxationof, Rodugune, vi.,286.
x34; his Italian policy, x37 sq.; Roesler,ii., 74note.
follies,_39; knighthood,x4xsqq.; Rogatian,ConsularofTusevmy,vi.,xo8
coronationof, x43; arrests Co- noge.
lonna and Orsini, z44; fall and Rogatians,Donatistsectof,iii.,338.
flightof, I48sqq.; at Pragueand Rogatus,fatherof Paula,v., 2oi.
Avignon,15x; senatorof Rome Roger I., Count of Sicily,meaSures
I52; deathof, xS4; his pyre,x85 Naples,vii., x34note; introduces
note;knowledgeof Romanantiq- silk manufacture into Sicily,ix.,
uities,2o8. 327•
Rimini,councilof, iii., 323 and note, RogerII., greatCountof Sicily,con-
360sq. and note; confessionof, quersSicily,x., xo5sqg.; reignof,
iv.,99; Alarlcat, v., i98; confer- z28sq_.
Roger de Flor, Catalan chief, account[ into xx6 provinces, iii., 328; divi-
of, xi., 85 note; Admiral of Ro-[ sion among the sonsof Constantine,
mania, 86 note; made Cmsar, 88; [ x95, x96; Christianity the national
death of, lb. [ religion, 308 sqq.; treaty of Dura,
Roger de Loria, Catalan admiral, xi.,] memorable era in the decline of,
84 • [ 162; division into East and West
Roger, M., his Carmen Miserabile, xi., I under ValentinianI., iv., i85; fall
x34 note. of, dates from reign of Valens, 26x;
R6hricht, his History of Jerusalem, x., Dacia and Macedonia added by
27x note. Gratian, 323; decay of military
Rollo, funeralof, x., 84 note. discipline and disuse of armourin,
Roman Empire, Holy, foundation of, v., 69 sq.; division of, between At-
viii., 356; divisionof the, 888 ^.D., cadius and Honorius, 1o7sq.; sepa-
37x sq.; transactionsof the Western rate laws for Eastern and Western
and Eastern empires,373 sq.; elec- Empires, 339; Eastern Empire
toral college of, 389 sq.note; aboli- abandoned to the Huns, vi., i9;
tion of, xii., 66 note; relations of right of female succession, 53;
emperorsto popes, lb. sq_. prophecy of the fall of, 83, 82 and
Roman Empire, its decline, author's note; symptoms of decay in the
Preface, i., xxix sqq.; in thesecond Western,82; extinctionof the West-
century, _; boundaries under ern, vi., x47 sq.; observation on
Augustus, 3; military establish- fall of, 287---98;weaknessof, under
ment, x1 seq.; naval and military Justinian, vii., x75; regular
force of, 23; extent of the em- strength of, /b.; decline of, 235;
pire, 34; population, 53 and note; transactions of the Western and
union of, 54; number of cities in, Eastern empires, viii., 373sq.; cities
6i, 62 and note; refinement and of the Western Empire decayed, ix.,
luxury, 68; eastern commerce of, 322; Revenue of the Eastern Era-
69 s 9.; felicity and decline of in sec- pire, 329; period of ignorance in,
ond centurT, 7x sqq.; condition 367 sq.; revival of Greek learning
after the battle of Actium, 75 sq.; in, 368; decay of genius in, 372;
imperial system, 86; happiest pe- want of national emulation in, 373
riod of, 99; sale of, by the prmto- s¢.; restoration of, at Niczea, xi.,
finns, x35 sq.; civil waxsof, t49sq.; 54; provinces of, in the fourteenth
attempted division of, by Caracalla century, 313 note.
and Geta, i69 and note; under Roman Island, ii., ix3 note.
Severus,x96; finances of, 202 sq_.; Romans, number of, in the Punic war,
want of hereditary succession, 2x6; v., 399 and note; in Gaul, under
decline of, 248 sq.; limits of, under the Merovingians,vi., 26J and note,
Philip the Arabian, 248; invasion sqq.; languageof, 262 sq. and note;
of the Goths,ii., 8 sq.; division of, their fondness for the factions of
under Diocletian, x49 and note; the circus, vii., x9 sq.; intercourse
treaty between Diocletian and with the Greeks,306; name of, in
Narses, x74 sqq.; decline of the arts the empire of Constantinople, ix.,
and letters, x96 sq.; disturbances 366.
after Diocletian's abdication, 200 Romanus I., Lecapenns, commands
sqq.; six emperors, 2x8; under fleet, viii., 264-5 and note; reign,
Maximin and Licinius, 223; wax 265; rebellion of his children,266;
between Constantine and Maxen- comparedto Pippin, 272 note.
flus, 226 sqq.; divisionof, between Romanus II., emperor, viii., 267; chil-
Constantine and Licinius, 245; dren of, 268.
treaty of peace after the battle of Romanus III., Argyros, emperor,viii.,
Mardia, 249; united under Con- 276s _.
stantine the Great, 260; divided Romanus IV., Diogenes, marrieS Eudo-
cia, viii., 282; deposed,283; his restorafionoftheForaof,247note;
warsagainsttheTurks,x., _64;de- sackof,bytroopsofCharlesV.,25t
featedby Alp Arslan,x66; cap- sq.; laws for thereliefof, _62;
tivityand deliveranceof, x68. restorationof the city, 262, 263
Romanus, sonof Constantine Porphyro- andnote;sackedbyGenseric, vi.,
genitus,ix., 346. 89sq.; Majorianprotects theedi-
Romanus, Count,inAfrica,iv., 23xsqq.; ricesof, xo7 sq.; sackedby Rici-
chronologicaldifficultiesof the mer,x39sq.;monasticism in,z6o;
historyof,233note. underTheodoricthe Great,325
Romanus,governor of Bosra, ix., sqq.;citizensinviteBelisarius, vii.,
x39. i37; siegebyVitiges,x38sqq.;dr-
Romanus,militaryduke,ambassador cumferenceof, z4oand note;dis-
to Attila,vi., 43 nole. tress duringthe siege, z46 rqq.;
Rome,Churchof, foundationof, if., besiegedbyTotila,25osqq.;fam-
317andnote;statisticsof,in third ine in,ib.; takenbyTotila,254;
century,337andnotes;underCon- byBelisarius, 256sq.; retakenby
stantine,iii.,398sqq.; vicesunder Totila,26x; byNames,27z; five
Vaientinian, iv., 21o; acceptsira- siegesof, _Txand note; citizens
age worship,viii., 324; discipline sendembassiesto Tiberiusand
differentfromthat of the Greek Maurice,viii., 26; duchyof, 29;
Church,x., 329; quarrelwith subjectto the exarehs,ib. sg.;
GreekChurch,33° sqq.; corrup- depopulation, 39 sq.; preserved
tion of, xi., 252; greatschismof, bythe relicsoftheapostles, 4i s!/.;
162sqq. templesof,attackedby Gregory. I.,
Rome,greatnessof, i., 35; foreign 40; rcpublicof,332-3; territoryof
creedsin, 4° ; numberof citizens, theduchyof,333andnote;styleof
4x,42; freedomof,lb. sq.; monu- the Romansenateand peoplere-
mentsat, 54,55andnote;dateofits vived,334; attackedbytheLore-
foundation, 248note;threatened by bards,335; savedbyPepin,337
theAlemanni,if.,28; pestilencein, sg.; separationfromthe eastern
underGallienus,57; fortifiedby empire,355st.; plundered bythe
Aurelian,79; seditionat, under Arabs,ix., 286sq.; ConstansII.
Aurelian, 97; DiocletianandMax- attemptsto restoreseat of empire
iminian,firstemperors whodidnot to, 364; siegeof, by HenryIII.
livein, x79,x8o; Diocletianvisits of Germany, x., i22; Saracensun-
Rome,x8o,x8x; Maxentiusresides derRobertGuiscardat,z24;corn-
at, 226; Babylonof theprimitive paredwithConstantinople, xi.,2o3;
Christians, if., 29x; destructionof, revolutions at, fromthe eleventh
predicted, lb.; fireunderNero,iii., century,:di.,65 sqq.; Frenchand
xS;prefectsof,x26;vicarsof,x27 Germanemperorsof,66sqq.; au-
note;visitof Constantius to, 242 thorityof the popes,69 sqq.; St.
sqq.; councilof, 336; appealsto Bernard's character oftheRomans,
See of Romesanctionedby the 77-8 andnole; restoration of the
Councilof Sardica, 38z note; senate,consulsand tribunes,84
4o4templesat, iv., 78 note; in- sqg.; of the Capitol,87; of the
quiryconcerningmagic at, x92 prefectsof the city, 88 sg.; the
*q.; conversion of,to Christianity, revolution of A.D.II9z, 92 note;
v., 77sqq.;prosperityin theTheo- firstmunicipalstatuteof,lb.;wars
dosian age, 93 sqg.; description withneighbouring cities,toosgq.;
of, 2o8sqg.; populationof,22-,sq. popesresideat Avignon,xo9sq.;
andnole;houserent,224andno_e; noblesand baronsof, ix4 s_{.;
siegeby Alaric, 225s99.; second coronationof Petrarchat, x26sq.;
siege, 235sfl9.; third Siege,24x conspiracyof Rienzi, I32; city
sqq.; pillageand fireof, 243s99.; underhis administration, x33s_q.;
taxationof, t34; populationin CmciliaMetella,tombof, xii., z97
fourteenthcentury,x35 note,x98 note,200andnote.
and note;in sixteenthcentury,_.; CampusMartius, xii., z96.
in eighteenthcentury, 2zx note; Capitol)see below,underHills.
Pope GregoryXI. returns from Castles: Torre di Bove,xii., 2oo
Avignonto, _57;state of, during note. Of the Brat/, 199 note.
the greatschism,162sq.; last re- Cartularia,ib. Of theCenci,2oo
volt of, z68; last coronationof a note. Of the Colonna,185note,
Germanemperorat, 169; statutes_ 200 note. Of the Cosecti,x99
and governmentof,¢b.sqq.;coun- note. Of the Frangipani,/b.
dis of, z7Isq.; conspiracy of Por-i Of the Pierleoni,75 note, 2oo
caroat, 172sqg.; last disorders of note. Of the Savelli, 200 note.
the nobles,x74; absolutelyruled St. Angelo,ii6, x85, 200 and
by the popes, 175 s_q.; taken note.
byCharlesV.,I76; authoritiesfor Catulus,vaultsof, xii., 184.
its historyin the fourteenthand Cestins,pyramidof,rdi., 184.
fifteenthcenturies,18osq.; quar- Churches,shape of, xii., 196. St.
tieri (franch/ses) of, _79andnote; Angclo, r32. St. George, ib.
Poggius'descriptionof, 182sgq.; St. John Lateran,lex regiain, 330
herbuildingsand ruins,_.; decay and note,206. St. Mariain Ara
of, 186sq.; fourcausesof destruc- Cceli,87note,_41note. St. Maria
tion, 187sqg.; games at Rome, in Turri,67note. St. MariaMag-
204; bull-fightat, /b. sqq.; bar- giore, z84 nole,206. St. Maria
barismof the Romans,208sqq.; SopraMinerva,i93 mote,z94 note
restoredunderMartin V. andhis (Pantheon). St. Paul, pilgrimage
successors,21osqq. to, a rifleto absolution,zx2. St.
Rome, New, iii., iii, see Constanti- Peter, firstcoronationin, 67note;
nople, pilgrimageto, a rifleto absolution,
Rome,topographyandbuildings:- xx2,197; its defences,2oo; "the
Amphitheatreof Titus, see Colos- most glorious"religionsstructure,
seum. 21i. St. Stephen (in Piazza di
Aqueducts,_di.,2x2. Pietra),x84note.
Archesof: Antoninus,xii., 199note. CircusAgonalis,xii., 204and note.
Augustus,i84 note. Claudius,ib. Colosseum or Coliseum, xii.,202sqq.;
Constantine, x84. Faustina, lb. usedas a quarry,206sg.
Gallienus,/b. Julius Czesar,199 Columnsof: MarcusAntoniaus,xii.,
note. Lentulus,184note. Severus, 185andnote. Trajan,t84.
I84. Tiberius,lb. note.Titus,184, Constantine,churchand palace of,
x99note. xii., 14I.
Arx,xii., 87note. Crescentius,Towerof,xii., xx6.
Augustus,Mausoleumof, xiL, x85 Forumolitorium,xii., 87 note.
and note. Gates: Asinarian,Belisariusenters
BasilicaJulii,vii.,164note. Romeby,vii.,x37, 149;openedby
Bathsof: Alexander,_di.,I84 and IsaurianstoTotila,254. Aurelian,
note. Caracalla,v., 219sg.; xii., 153and note. Capena, i5x and
z84. Constantine,184,2o9. De- note. Flaminian,openedto Beli-
dus, 184note. Diodefian,i., 209, saxins, 14o. Maggiore,t44 note.
21oandnote;xii., 184. Nero,184 Pincian,146and note. St. Paul,
note. Titus, 184and note. Tra- openedto Goths, 261. Salarian,
jan,x84note. SdpioMricanns,v., t4o; assaultedby Vitiges,z44;
220note. Gothsenterby, x49.
Bridges: Mflvlan,xii.,96. Sa.laxian Goths,campsofthe,at thegates,vii.,
inscriptionon, vii., a65 note. Of z43 note.
St. Angelo,xii., xxanote. Hadrian,Mausoleum of (CastleofSt.
Angelo),vii., x42 and note;xii.,i tune, x84 note. The Pantheon,
xx6,x85, 200sq. and note. ; x84, x93and note,sq. and note.
Hills: Aventine,xii., x32. Capito- Peace,viii.,40; xii.,x84. Vesta,
line,in MiddleAges,87 andnote; x89note,sq.note.
fortificationof, ib.; Poggiuson, Theatresof: Balbtm,xii.,ado note.
x83andnote;legendoftheCapitol, Marcellus,viii.,4o; xii.,75 note,
208sq. and note. Palatine,Pog- 185,200andnote. Pompeius,iSS,
giuson, x83. Tarpeian,87 note. 20oandnote.
Testacean,204 and note. Vaticanquarter, vii., x46 (and se¢
Lateran, see under Churchesand underPalaces).
Palaces. ViaFlaminia,Narsesonthe,vii.,268
Leoninecity, foundationof, ix., 29° andnote.
and note. Via Latina,vii.,x37.
Library,Palatine,destroyedbyGreg- Vivarium,vii., x44and note.
dryI., viii.,40. Romilda,viii.,95.
MetaRomuli,xii., xx2note. Romuald,Duke of Beneventum,viii.,
Monasteries,xii., I96 and note. 3° note.
Navalia,near Monte Testaceo,vii., Romulus,Count,ambassadorto Attila,
262note. vi-,43 note; his daughter,mother
Navona,xii.,204note. ofAugustulus, vii.,x49.
Nero'stower,Gardenof,xii., 2o5. Romulus,interregnumafter, ii., xo3,
Obelisks,Egyptian,lli.,245andnote; to4.
_di.,t85and note,2x2. Romulus,sonofMaxentius, ii.,224note.
Palaces:of Constantine,see above Roncaglia,diet of, viii.,385.
Constantine.Farnese, xii., 207.Roncevalles,battleof,viii.,36x.
Lateran,restoredby CalixtusII., Rorico, vi.,234note,Sq.note.
77note; Charlesof Anjouin, 94; Rosamund,daughter of Cunimund,
decayof,x56. Numa,x89note,sq. Kingof the Gepidm,marriesAI-
note. Pincian,vii., x49and note. boin,viii.,7; murdershim,x5$_.;
OfSeverus(Septizonium), defended flightanddeath, t7.
by nephewof Gregoryvii., x., Roselii,Nicol6,xii.,74no/*-
123; historyand remainsof, xii., Rospigliosi, Italianfamily,xii.,xt8note.
x87and note,x97, x9O-Vatican, Rossano,held by the Goths,vii., 258
decayof,xS6. OfSaUust,seeSat- and note; sevenconventS at, xa.,
lust. 276 note.
Pomcerium, xii.,x3tnote. Rnsweyde,Lifeof the Fathers,vi., x79
Porticuserinorum,_di.,87 note. note.
Regionsof,xii., x99and note. Rotharis,Kingof the Lombards,vi.,
Rotaperphyretica,xii., 67 note. ao5note;lawsof,viii.,32note;con-
St.Laurence,suburb of,_5i.,z33. cerningwitchcraft,38.
St.Silvester,conventof,xii.,x47note. Rotrud,daughterof CharlestheGreat,
Septizonium, seePalaceofSeverus. viii.,24xnote.
Stadium,xii.,x84note. Rouda,islandof the Nileat Memphis,
Statues: horses "of Phidias and ix., I75-
Praxiteles,"xii., x85,209and note;!Roum, Seljukian-kingdomof, x., x79
theNile,2xo-xx;of Pompey,2xo. sq.; extentof, 236.
Tabularium, xii.,87note. : Roumelia,i., 29; Easternand Western,
Templesof: Concord,xii., x97and ib. note.
note. Hercules (dedicated by Rousseau,onanimalfood,iv.,263note;
Evander),x89 note. Janus, vii., his parallel betweenChrist and
r43and note;xii.,x99note. Jupi- Socrates,viii.,x32note.
ter Capitolinus,87 and note. Ju- Rovere,Jacovadi, xii.,2o5.
piter Stator, x89note. Minerva Rowe,Mr., his tragedyof the Royal
2to. TheMoon,x89note. Nep- Convert,vi., 286note.
Roxolani,Sarmatiantribe, ii., xo, 54 of the Greekand Latin Churches,
note;iv., 288andnote. xi., 299.
Rubies, in the East, x., z52and note; Rustam,generalof Yezdegerd,Kingof
in caliph'streasure at Cairo, 29° Persia,ix., xao; slain by an Arab,
note. 12i.
Rubruquis,themonk,traveller,iv.,283,i., xo2, 262note; and Asfen-
note; visitsthe courtof thegreat diar,Persianheroes,iv., 273. See
Khan,xi., I34 note,x5° note. Restore.
Rudbeck,Olaus,i.,276note,sq. Rusticiana,widowofBoethius,vi.,336;
Rudolph,Emperor,viii., 389note. alleviatesthefamineinRome,vii.,
Rudolph,Normanadventurer in Italy, 24.
x., 84note. Rutherinsof Verona,ix., 36xnote.
Rufinus,ministerof Theodosiusthe Rutillns Namatianus,v., i3z note;
Great,v., 53; eye-witnessof the paganism of, x9o,19xnote;voyage
destruction ofthetempleofSerapis, of, 263note.
84 note; characterand adminis-Rutland,Rolando,Orlando,deathof,
tration, 3o8s_q.; accusesTatian viii.,363note.
and Proculus,3xo; prefectof the Ruy Gonzalezde Clavijo,his embassy
East,3xl; oppresses the East,x3_ to the courtof Timour,xi., 232
sqq.; death,123; correspondence note.
Rufinus,presbyterofAquileia,iii.,33o SAADIEFFE.'ZDI, synopsisof, xi., z57
note;v., x49and note;on monas- note.
ticinstitutions,vi., x65note. Saana,cityof,vii.,23r note;ix.,8 and
Ruga,SpuriusCarvilins,vii., 349note. note; marketsof,xo.
Rugians,at the battleof Ch_lons,vi., Sab_eans,or Homerites,Christianised
63; invadeBritain, 27x; usurp by Theophilus,iii., `33x.
Gothicthrone, vii., 243. Sabaria,Severnsdeclaredemperorat,
Rugilas,or Roas, uncleof Attila,vi., i. x44note.
`3; death,lb. Sabas,St., monasteryof,vi., x58no/e;
Rukn ad-dawla,principalityof, ix., vii., x7note; intercedesforpeople
.305note. of Palestine,42and note;courage
Ruknad Din, princeof the Assassins, of,viii.,x95note.
xi., t4`3note. Sabatius,fatherof Justinian,vii.,xnote;
RumiliHissari,seeAsomaton. Sabaton,lake,if., 2_2note.
R0miya,cityof, vii.,2xonote. Sabellianism,iii.,`35`3
and note,sq.note.
Runiccharacters,i., 279note. Sabellius,accountof hisheresy,iii.,`348
Ruotgerus,biographerofSt.Bruno,viii., note.
`37x note. Sabiansin Arabia,ix., 26; religionof,
Ruric, Scandinavianchief,x., 5x and /b.,s_.andnote.
note. Sabinian,conducts the war against
Rnscianum,seeRossano. Sapor,iii.,258.
Rusium,battleat, xi., x7. Sabinian,generalofAnastasius,vi.,239.
Russia,empireof, vi., 39`3;geographySabinians,legalsect,vii.,224.
andtrade of,x., 53 sq_.; conquest Sabinus,Flavius,cousinof Domitian,
of, by the Mongols,xL, x45 sq. iii.,26andnote.
Russians,servein the Greeknavy,ix., Sabinus,Prmtorianprefect,iii.,80.
354; theirorigin,x., 49-50;Greek Sabinus,Romanlawyer,vii., 325,332
formof the name,5° note; colony note.
of, inHungary,lb.; extentoftheir SablesofSweden,vi.,337andnote.
empire,54 sq.; expeditionof the, Sabrata,cityof, iv.,233; conquered by
against Constantinople,57 sqq.; Saracens,ix., x92note.
their negotiationswith the Greek Sacra,tribeof,if., x68no/*.
emperor,6xs_.; opposethe union Sachau,traveller,ix.,6note.
Sacrifices,human,of theSuevi,ii., 27; calschoolof,1o3andnote;Greg-
of the Scythians,vi., 6 and note;,xii.,74-
of the Arabians, ix., 24-5 and SalianFranksin Toxandria,iii., 27o
_wte;public,at Romesuppressed, andnote.
v., 8x. Sanans,confraternity ofthe,v., 73.
Sacrificialking,v., 73. Saliclands,vi., _5i and note.
Sad-ad-Din, Ottomanhistorian,xi.,203 Sahelaws,vi.,239note.
note. SaUces[Ad],battleof,iv.,304andnote.
Sadder,i.,254note. SMib.Ayyfib,Sultan, x., 3x8 note;
Sadducees,sectof, ii., 287andnote. death of, 321note.
Sade,Abb6de, ]Lifeof Petrarch,viii., Sanmbene,Fra,xii.,x2tnote.
391note;xii.,i24note;ontheexile Salisbury,siegeof,vi., 274.
ofAvignon,11onote;on the Co- Salle,town,i., 33.
lonna,xx9 note;his descentfrom Saliust,descriptionof the Moors,vii.,
Laura,124note. rx8note; Periplnsof, 213note.
Sade,Hughesde, xii., I24 note. Sallust,officerof Julian,iii.,263and
A1(or Abu-i-Ab"b_),ix., 26o. note,iv.,5; Prefectof Gaul,18and
Sagodnus,John,x., 3x note,347note. note,35note.
Sagreda,John, his History of the Sallust,Palaceof,at Rome,destroyed
Ottomanmonarchs,xii.,63 note. bytheGoths,v.,247and note.
Sagundinus, Nicolans,onMahometII., Sanust, Prefectof the East,judgeat
xii.,2 note. Chalcedon,iv., 35 and note; his
SahibKeran,surnameof Timour,xi., adviceto Julian,139; refusesthe
182note. empire,_56;iv.,x8o;hisembassy
SaidibnAbroad,ix., 27onote. to SaporII., 16o; Prefectof the
Said,lieutenantofthecaliphOmar,ix., Eaztfor thesecondtimeandquells
123sq. revoltof Procopius, 19r.
Sail, Homeriteprince, restoredby SallustiaBarbiaOrbiana,wifeofAlex-
Nushirvan, viii., 5x. anderSeverns, i.,193andnote.
Sain(Sh_.hin),Persiangeneral,inter- Salmasius,i.,xx6note;onsilk,vii.,3_.
viewwithHeraclius,viii.,97, xo3 SalonaorSula,seeAmphissa.
note,io7note. Salona,residence of Diocletian, ii., 192;
Saints,worshipof,v., 96sqg. descriptionof, x94 s_'¢?.;Diocle-
Sakaliba,seeLulon. tian'spalaceat, I95; fleetofBeli-
Sala,river,iv.,218note;Charlemagne's sarinsat, vii.,248;Narsesat, 267.
campat, viii.,374. Salonina,Empress, ii.,3° note.
Saladinetenth,seeTithe. Saloninus,son of Ganienns,ii., 25, 54
Saladin,Sultan,viii.,299;defendsAlex- note.
andria,x., 292; GrandVizir of Salt,taxon, at Rome,xii.,134,148.
Egypt,295 and note; characterSalva,Castraof, iv.,2x7note.
of,lb. rq.; conquestof Palestine,Salvian,on Carthage, v., 356and note.
297sgq.; treatswithRichardI., S_n_n, a noblemanof Balkh,ix., 303
31o--xx;death of, 3x2; Saladine note.
tenth,ib. and note; embassyof S_.m_nids, Saracendynastyof, ix.,3o3
IsaacAngelusto,338-9andnote. andnote;fan of,x., 148.
Salankamen,battleof, xi., 226note. Samaraon theTigris,iv.,x58andnote;
Salban,viii.,1o6note;takenbyHera- residenceof Motassem,ix.,"264
CIJus, 107. t;ote,295; palaceat,293; nameof,
Salem,Sonof ZiyS.d,ix., x3xnote. 295andnote.
Salerno,anonymous writerof,viii.,375 Samaxcand, vii., 188sq.; missionaries
note;schoolof, ix., 275andnote; of, viii., 189; conqueredby the
subjectto Greekemperor,x., 78; Saracens,ix.,133andnote;defeat
siegeof, by the Saracens,81, 84 of Moslemsby the Turksnear,/b.
note;bythe Normans,xox; medi- note; Seljukin,x., 157; subdued
VOL.XlI.-- 23
by Malek Shah,x73; takenby Persia,birthof,iii., x96; besiege.
Zingis,i38; observatoryat, x82 Nisibis, i98; defeats Chesroes,
note; Timourat, x93; triumphof x99; defeats Constantius,2o_;
Timourat, arz. raisessiegeofNisibis,no4; expedi-
Samaritans of Palestine,persecutedby tion to Mesopotamia,25z sgq.;
Justinian,viii.,x72sg. besiegesAmida,255; Singaraand
Samiel,hotwind,iv., I65note. Bezabde, 257; attemptsVirtha,
Samnites,i., 27. _b.; sendsa messenger toHormis-
Samosata,massacre of hereticsat, iii., das, iv., x43; his peacewithJo-
404; takenby Zimisces,ix., 3,x; vian,xs9sq.; invadesAymeuia, 239
riseof Pauliciansectat,x., 3. sq_.; death,_42.
Samothrace, inhabitants of,transportedSapor,lieutenantofTheodosius, v., *9.
to Constantinople, xii., 55 14ote;Saracens, GreekandLatinnameforthe
DemetriusPal_eologus lordof, 58. Arabians,describedbyAmmianus,
Samoyedes, iv., 275; inGreenland,vi., iii.,zoo note;in theserviceofJu-
3,8 note;xi., *49. lian,iv., ,22; 290; intheserviceof
Sampsiceramus, iv., 88note. Valens,3x7 and note; pillagea
Samsamah,weaponof CaliphHarun, town in Syria,viii., *2*; wars
ix., 280. withTheophilus,250; nameap-
Samuel,son of Shishman,x., 35 note. pliedto the Arabians,25o; deri-
Samuelthe prophet,ashesof, brought rationof name,/b. nole;theirca-
to Constantinople, v., 98. liphs,,z4sq.; militaryforceof the,
Samuka,generalofZingis,xi.,*38note. 357sqq. SeeArabs.
Sancho,the Fat, King of Leon,ix., Saragossa(C_sar Augusta),city of,
275no_e. takenby Euric,vi., ,3 x; Emirof,
Sanctuary,privilegeof, iii., 334 and asksprotectionfromCharlemagne,
note. viii.,365; mosqueat,ix., 2z9.
Sand, used for Mahometanablutions, Sarapana,river,vii.,2x3.
ix., 47. Sarbaxaza(Shahrbaraz),Persiangen-
Sandoval,Historyof,ix., a2o_4ote. eral,viii., ,oo note,zo3 note;de-
Sandwich,iv.,227. featedby Heraclius,Io7and note,
Sangaxius, river,vii.,58. xo9; at Chalcedon,*,2.
Sangedes,for Count of St. Gilles,x., Sarbar,seeSarbaraza.
234note. Saxdes,Turksdrivenfrom,x., 27x.
Sangiar(Sinj_r),SeljukianSultan of Sardica (Sophia), Galeriusdies at,
Persia,x., 287. ii., _a2note; Constantius andVe-
Sangiban,Kingof theAlani,offersto tranioat, iii.,3ii andnote; Coun-
betrayOrleansto Attila,vi., 55; cil of, 380note,sq. andnole;am-
at thebattleofChalous,6L bassadors ofTheodosiusandAttila
Sanjak,vii.,60 andnote; titlegivento meetat,vi., 24sq.; Justinianborn
Scanderbeg, xi.,3,6. at, vii.,*andnote.
Sanut,family of, acquireDuchyof Sardinia,Islandof, ravagedby the
Naxos,xi.,6. Vandals,vi., xxT; bishopsexiled
SanutusMarinus,Historyof Jexusalem into,by Thrasimund,x92andnote;
by,x., 26onote. surrendered withCorsicato o/ricer
Sapaudia,seeSavoy. of Justinian,vii., zo8; Dukeof,
Saphadinor Ardel,brotherof Saladin, i,o; ArabsandMoorsat,ix.,288.
se_Ardel. Sarmata_,Alanisettledin Gaul,vi.,58
Saphrax,Gothicwarrior,iv., 288,see and note.
Alathens. Sarmatian games,ii., 25anote.
SaporI., son of Artaxerxes,accessionSarmatians, i.,3ooandnote;iJ.,zo;sub-
of,i., 27x; Romanwarsof,ii., 43 duedby Probus,xx6; subduedby
agq.; death,9° andnote. EmperorCarus,,3o; alliesof the
Sapor LI., son of Hormouz,Kingof Goths, a52; accountof, iii., *84
sqq.; settlementson the Danube, SaturrLinns, husbandof Theodora'sfa-
x86; theirGothicwars, x87sqq.; vourite,vii., x6 note.
alliancewiththe Quadi,x9o; col- Satyrs,Greek,iv.,xo6note;in Africa,
ouy of, in the Roman provinces, iv., 237and note.
/b.; crossed the Danube, 237; Saul,generalof Stilicho,slainat Pol-
madeintoa kingdomby Constan- lentia,v., x54sq.
tins, 246, 247; alliancewith the Sauromaces,Kingof the Iberians,ex-
QuadiagainstValentininn,iv.,252 pelledbySapor,iv., 239.
sqq. Sauzes,sonofAmurathI., xi.,x76and
Sarmatia,provinceof, i., 3oxnote. note.
Sarans,or Draco, river, vii.,273 and Savary,travelsin Egypt,ix., x79note,
note. 19znote.
Sarts,tribeof,vi., 27note. Save,i., _9note.
Sarukhan,Emirof,subduedbyBajazet, Savelli,Lucas,senator,xii., xo2note,
xi.,x7o. I49.
SarOkt_n,Turkish chieftain,xi., 16o Savelli,Romanfamily,xii., i16 and
andnote. note,s_. note; memberof, mur-
Sarus,a Gothicwarrior,joins Stilicho deredatRome,x74,no5.
v., z68; pursuesConstantine,x79; Saverne,iii.,265and note.
at Bologna,x88; ability of, x95; Savigny,on Romanlaw,vii., 3o2note.
destroysa body of Goths, 241 Savoy(Sapaadia),first mentiono[,vi.,
supportsJovinns,_7o; death,ib. 45 note;Burgundianssettlein,/b.
Sarus,river, battleat the,Persiansde- SaxaRubra,battleof,ii.,235sg.
fearedby Heraclius,viii., xo8s_/. Saxons,ii.,153note;accountof,iv.,220
Sasima,Bishopricof, heldby Gregory sqq.;settlementin Gaul,22a;join
Nazianzen,v., r5 and note. Theodoric againstAttila,vi.,58and
Sassan,founderofthe Persiandynasty, note;converted byRomanmission-
i., 252note; houseof, vii., x96. aries in Britain, 182; in Britain,
Sassanides, Persiandynastyof, i., 252 a69sqq.;Saxonheptarchy, 271sq.;
and note. tribe of o/d Saxons,lb.; invade
Sassoferrato, vii., a68note. Italy underAlboin,viii.,xo;van-
Satala,in Armenia,restored by Jus- quishedby Charlemagne,366.
tinian,vii.,67. Saxony,ancient,viii.,366sq.
Satalia,the ancientAttalia,LouisVII. Scabini,vi., 245note.
at, x., 281. Sc_evola,Mucius,Romanlawyer,v., 214
Sathas,C., ontheKistoriaPatriarchica note; vii., 320.
xii.,56note. Sc_evola, Q. Cervidius,masterof Pa-
Satires,iv., 1o6note. pinian,vii.,317note.
Satrapies,Persian,i., 267andnote. Scaliger,xi., 29o.
Saturnalia,at Antioch, iv., xx3; of Scanderbeg, PrinceofAlbania,xi.,3o2;
Lipsius,v., x6onote. birth and educationof, 3x5 sq.;
Saturninus,C_elins,iii., z32 note. revoltof, fromtheTurks, 317sq.;
Saturninns,competitorof GallienuS dateof his birth, ib. note; valour
tyrantin Pontus,ii., 5o, 5a. of, 318; Catahrianexpeditionof,
Saturninus,consul,v., 295; count of 320 and note; applies to Pope
thedomestics, assassinated
byorder Pius II.,/.b.; death of,at Alessio,
ofEudocia,328. /b.
Saturninus, Count,daughterof, chosenScanderoOn, Gulfof,Heraclinsat, viii.,
tomarryAttila'ssecretary,vi., 23. xoo.
Saturainus, generalof the cavalry,op- Scandinavia,i., 274and note.
erationsof, againstthe Goths,iv.,!Scarazia or Thule,seeThule.
305• Scaramangion, tunic of the Byzantine
Saturninus, generalofProbus,revolt,ii., Emperors,ix., 336note.
x_4. Scarpoana,battleof,iv., ax4 s_/.
Scatlnianlaw,see Law. Scyllltanmartyrs,ii., 338note.
Scaurns,familyof,iii., xaonote. Scyros,Isle of, takenbythe Venetians,
Scepticismof the paganworld,ii., 3_o. xi., 5 note,
Sceptre,Greek(dicanice),xi., 66 note. Seyr_,rearguardof Uldin,v., 331and
Schafarik,his SlawischeAlterthiimcr,i note;vi.,z43; defeatedbyEdecon,
x., 29 no/*. 145.
Schepss,G., his Priscillian,v., 27note. Scythians,see Tatars, name usedfor
Schiltberger,John, on battleof Nicop- Goths,ii.,4o and note.
o_s,xi., XTznote,203note. Scythiaor Tartary, trade in furs,i.,
Schlumberger, M.,on Nicephorus,viii., 69; ii., 253; situationand extertt
a69 note;L'_poptebyzantine,274 of,iv., 272sq_.
note. Scythopolis, vii., 4anote.
Scholce,ofguards,ii.,i85; military,iii.,ISebastian,Count of Egypt, iii., 39x;
144; vii.,283andnote. ' iv., 12o,165.
Sclwlasticus,iii., I33 note. Sebastian,Count,persecuted by Gen-
Schultens,Life of Saladinby, z., a94 seric, vi., 194andnote.
note. Sebastian,generalof Valens,iv., 216;
Schuldngins, orationof,vii.,33znote. mastergeneralof infantry,3io and
Schultze,F., on theRenaissance,xi., note; death,314.
286note. Sebastian,madeemperorbyJovinus, v.,
Schwarzer, onimperialcoronations, xii. 270.
67 note. Sebastian,son-in-lawof Boniface,per-
Science,cultivatedby the Greeks,i. secuted,vi., 40; seizesBarcelona,
72,73- ib. note.
Scip/o,Younger,vii.,361note; atsack Sebastoerator, title inventedby Alexius
of Carthage,xii., 52 note. Comnenns,ix., 337-
Sciri,Scirri,see Scyrri. Sebasto-hypertatos, titleof LeoSgurosof
Scironianrocks,v., z4I and note. Nauplia,xJ.,7note.
Sclavonia,Crusadersin, x., 225. Sebastopolis, fortifications of, vii.,2t9,
Sclavonians,see Slavordaos. 220and note.
Sderena,concubineof ConstantineX. Sebectagi,fatheroftheSultanMahmud,
('IX.),viii.,279. x., 148and note.
Sderus,seeBardas Sclerus. Sebzar,villageof,birthplaceofTimour,
Scodraor Scutaxi,Crusadersat,x.,225 xi., 182.
andnote. Second,the,officeof, ix., 338note.
Scota, daughterof Pharaoh,iv., 223 Seculargames,i., 246and note.
note. Secundinns, DukeofOsrhoene, iv.,124,
Scotland,Crusaders from,x., 235and !Secutor,i., 12o.
note;historiansof,xii., 176note. :Seditiosus,meaningof, vii.,332note.
SCotsandPicts, invadeBritain,iv., 5 See.z,crueltyof Geoffreyof Anjouat,
and note; 227 sq.; de._ption xii., 73note.
of,_25sq. and note. Sefi,Sheik,fourteenth-century saint,ix.,
Scotta,brotherof Onegesius,procures to6 note.
Maximinan interviewwithAttila, Segelmessa, i., 33.
vi., 26. Segestan,princesof, i., 262note. {
Scourgeof God,epithetof Attila,vi., Segestans, ii.,13o; inthearmyofSap0r,
16and note. iii.,254andnole;assistYezdegerd,
Scribonianus, revoltof,i., 93 note. ix., 128.
Scrinia,iii.,z44andnote. Seg'jah,Arabian prophetess,ix., 11_
Scudilo,Tribune,iii.,232. note.
Scupi,vii.,60 note. Segued,EmperorofAbyssinia, viii,,212,
Scutari,in Bithynia,seeChrysopolis. Seid,seealso Said.
Scutari,in Dalmatia,seeScodra. SeidBechar,xi., 2a5.
Scylitzes,continuatorof Cedrenns,x., Seids, descendantsof Mahomet,xi.,
x6xnote. 303note.

Seifeddowlat, caliph,ix., 3zL imian,zSz sqq.; senateof Con-
Sejanus, i., z79note. stanfinople,iv., 4z; majorityof
Selden, ii.,265note. RomanSenatorsremained Pagans,
Seleueia,i., 264sq.; takenby Corm, v., 75andnote;debateconcerning
ii., z3z; Julianat, iv., z37. worshipof Joveor Christ,;,8and
Sdeucia,in Cilicia,besiegedby the note;armedten legions,z68note;
Is_urians,iii., 237. Stilicho refers the demandsof
Seleucia, in Isauria,councilof bishops Alaricto the, x84sq.; filledwith
at,iii.,37x. newfamiliesfromthecolonies,2or
Sdeucus,Mount,battleof,iJi.,221and note; condemns Serena,225,226;
note. conduct to Alaric,228sq.; refuses
SeleucusNicator,i., 26z note; era of, toallowPagansacrifices, 228;con-
ib. venedby Attalus,237; condemns
Selgae, battleat, Tribigilddefeatedat, Avitusto death,vi., zoosq.;elects
v., 300and note. Libius Severus, zz4; supports
SelimI., Sultan,conquersEgypt, x., Anthemius,z4o; epistleto Zeno
323and note; (alleged)treatment on transferof seat of empireto
ofGreekChurch,_di.,56and note. theEast,z47sfl.; deputiesof,in-
Selina,saltpitsof, _d.,3t8. rite Justinian'slieutenantto enter
Seljuk,x., z54; founder of the Sel- Rome,vii.,137;extinctionof,272;
jukian dynasty,z56 and note,sq. decreesof,3so; officeof President
Seljukians,dynastyof, x., z56 sq.; of the Senateof Constantinople,
probablyChristian,i57 note; in- viii.,272note:authorityof,eradi-
vadethe empire,z6z; divisionof caredbyLeo thePhilosopher,ix.,
empireof, z76; revivalof,xi., z7o. 35o-z; revivalof, in twelfthcen-
Seljuksof Kirman,x., z76 note. tury,xii., 84 sgq.; no senatebe-
Selsey,nearCkichestcr, giventoWilfrid tweeneighthandtwelfthcenturies,
of Sussex,vi., 28L 84 note; electionof, 9° sg.
Selymbria, residence of Andronicus and Senator,rifleof,in middleage,xii.,84
JohnPalzeologus, xi.,z77; besieged note; officeof, 9° sq.; Charlesof
bythe Turks,xii.,ZT. Anjouelected,94; Rienzi,zS2;
Sematsiea,Historyof China,iv., 274 Foreasis,z69.
note. Senatorialtax(]ollis),ii., 230andlwte.
Semi-Arians, iv., 203. Senators,Roman,i., 43note,x2znote;
Semiramis, iii.,223note. in Theodosian age,v., 20osgq.
Seralin,Crusadersat, x., 2tz note. Seneca,Qumst. Natur.,ii., 348;on the
Semno, chiefof theLygii,ii., xzS. luxuryof Rome,v., 206and note;
Semnones, ii.,27. vi., xSO note; onCorsica, z92and
Sempronian laws,i., 79. note;oncomets,vii.,29zandnote.
Senaar,ruinsof, viii.,2o9. Seniorsor Lords,vi., 25z.
Senate of Rome,reformed byAugustus,Sens,Decentinsat, iii.,22x; Julianat,
i., 76; underthe empire,85; at- 264;monasteries at,vi., 285note;
temptof, afterdeath of Caligula, Abderameat, ix., 253.
9z; jurisdictionof, z26 andnote; Senfinum,battleof,vii., 269note.
condemnsJulianus, z46; oppressedSeptemor Ceuta, taken by Roman
bySeverus,z54; opposesMacri- tribune,vii., so8 and note; be-
aus, i79; womenexcludedfrom, siegedby the Visigoths,z2t s¢.;
z92; restoredby AlexanderSev- attackedby the SoracenS, ix., 208
exus, z96; declaresagainstMa.xJ- andnote,2is.
rain,227;electsMaximus andBal- Septaus,interpretafionof theword,viii.,
binusemperors, 230; repulsesthe 329note.
Alamanni,ii.,29; notadmiredto Septima.n/a, retainedbytheVisigoths,
militaryoffices,/b.;underTacitus, vi., 235;invadedbyGontran,263
so8s_.; underDiocletian andMax- s_.; invadedbySaxacea_, ix.,2z9.
Septizonium of Severus,seeunderRome. Servatius,St.,of Tongres,vi., 55-
Sepulchresof the Gauls, see Bust: Servetus,martyrdomof,x., 23andnote.
Gallorum. Servia,rebellion of,A.D.zo4o, viii.,a77
Sepulveda,xii., zSanote. note; dominant positionof, in
Sequani,landsofthe,takenbytheGer- fourteenthcentury,xi., zxo note;
roans,vi.,248. code of laws of StephenDushan,
Seraglio,iii., zoo. ib.;expeditionofCantacuzene into,
Serai, cityand palaceof, xi., 149and :16.
note. Servians,overthrown bytheBulgarians,
Serapeum,at Alexandria,seeSerapis. x., 33 and note; settlementof, it,
Serapion,deaconofChrysnstom, v., 3x2. Constantinople, .Hi.,55 note.
Serapion,friendof Julian,ix., 14onote. Servitudes,terminRomanlaw,vii.,359
Serapion,saint of the Nitrian desert and note.
viii.,z3o; teachesCyrilof Alex:n- Servius,civillawof Romemadeby,vii.,
dria,136. 303.
Serapis,i., z7onote,174; templeof,iii., Sesnstris,longwailof, ix., :6 and note.
92; descriptionof the templeof, Sestus,iii.,95; fortifications of,vii.,62.
at Alexandria,v., 84 sq.; its de- Severn,wifeof ValentinianI., iv., 256,
struction,87 sqq. 257and note.
Seratculi,provincialtroopsoftheTurks, Severianus,ii.,_4:.
xii., I8 note. Severinus,St.,his propheticspeechto
Serbi,tribe of,viii.,72note. Odoacer,vi.,r46; Lifeof,by Eu-
Serena, niece of Theodosius,marries gippius,/b. note; his boneslaidin
Stilicho,v., 1i9 and note; inter- mona.steryofMisenum, 15o;death,
cessionof, concerningAlarie,:84; 15:note.
paganismof, x9oand note. Severus,Alexander,i., x8anote;made
Serendib,seeTaprobana. Cmsar,x89; reign,19osqq.;char-
Seresor Sin_e,vii., 34 note. acter,aox; murdered,218;victory
Sergieevich,x., 57 note. over_erxes, a67; leniencyto
Sergiopolis, seeRasaphe. theChristians,iii.,5o, 51; religious
SergiusIV.,Dukeof Naples,x., 86note. syncretism,v., 5: sq.; privatewor-
Sergiusand Bacchus,saints and mar- shipof, viii.,3zonote.
tyrs, viii., 66 and note. Severus,BishopofHermopolisMagna,
Sergius,the interpreter,iii., :96 note; Arabichistoryof, viii.,137note.
vii., no1note. Severus,BishopofMinorca,v.,1o3note.
Sergiusthe Paulician,x., 4 note; pil- Severns,blindman,miraculously cured,
grimageof, 1o and note. v., 35and note.
Sergins,Patriarch of Constantinople,Severus,generalofcavalryunderJulian,
condemnedbyThirdCouncil,viii., iii.,265.
18onote. Severus,Jacobitehistorian,ix.,:79note.
SergiusI., Pope, viii.,23a note. Sevens, Libius, elected emperorby
Sergius,nephewof Solomontheeunuch, Ricimer,vi., : x4; death, /b.
vii., 238and note,a4o. Severus,otficerofGalerius,madeCmsar,
Serica,vii., 33- ii., =03and note; AuguStus,no8;
Seriphus,Isleof,i., :o4 andnote. defeatand death,a:2 andnote.
Serjabil,friendof Caled,ix., z38. Severns,PatriarchofAntioch,Monoph-
Serjeants,horsemenwho were not ysite,viii.,194; Lifeof,lb. note.
knights,x., 263,362andnote. Severus, philosopher,consul under
Seronatus,prefectof Gaul, execution Anthemius,vi., :=4-
of,vi., i36. Sevel'us,Septimius,i., :26 note; com-
Serranus, friendofSidoniusApollinaris, mandsin Pannonia,143;declared
vi., 85 note. emperor,/b.; marchesto Rome,
Sexres,cityof, takenby the Servians, x44; rapidmarch, 146and no/e;
xi., x:o nols. disgraces the praetorians, /b.; ran-
peror,/b.; defeatsNigerand A1- Sheri],usedbyZonaras forambassador,
binus,x49;reign,x49sqg.;expodi- x., x58note.
tionto Britain,x65sqq.; assumedSheroe,daughterof Chosroes, viii., 67
thenamePerlinax,164note;death, note.
x67; promotedMaximin,2x7;his Sherzhoux,cityof, Heraclinsat, viii.,
treatmentof theChristians, iii.,5o, IzS.
5L ShJJtes, sect of Mahometans, ix., 94;
Severus, Sulpicins,ii.,29_note; v., 26 burialgroundof,neartombof Ali,
note; Dialoguesand Life of St. xoo.
Martinby, vi., x79note. Shiracouh,Emirof Noureddin,x., 291
Sevillein fourthcentury,v., 271; siege andnote;secondinvasion ofEgypt
of, vi., 202; takenby Musa,ix., by, /b.; governsEgypt,293.
217-8; legionof Emesaat, 224; ShishmanofBulgaria,xi.,x66note;re-
Christianityabolishedin, 232. volts againstthe Ottomans,x68
Sfefigrade,siegeof, xi., 302note,3x9; note.
siteof, lb. note. Shishmanof Trnovo,kingdomof, x.,
Shaba,the greatKhan,invadesPersia, 34note.
viii.,57- Siam,i., 268note.
Shafei,sectof,x., 297. SiassetNameh,orbookofgovernment
Sh_thin,seeSain. by Nizam,x., x75note.
Shahmanism, ancientreligionof, xi., Siberia,description of, iv., 275; con-
299note. queredbySheibaniKhan,xi., I49.
Shah,MansFtr, Prince of Fats, xi., Sibyllinebooks,consultedbyAurelian,
i86. ii., 79 sg.; by Constantine, 3o4;
ShahNameh,orbookofKings,vii.,2or burntby Stiiicho,v., x9o.
note. Sibyls,Christian,ii.,347.
ShAhraplakan, Persiangeneral,viii.,Ho Sicamber, nameappliedbyRemiginsto
note. Clovis,vi., 22I note.
Shahrbar_z, seeSarbaraza. Sichem[Neopolis], takenby Saracens,
Shajar-ad-Durr,Queenof Egypt,x., ix., x68.
32Inote. Sichem,or Naplous,templesat, i/i.,78
Shamer,Arabianchief,ix., xo4. note; positionof, viii., 172 note;
Sharokh,son of Timour,xJ.,2z7. groveof Tano near, x., 256 ; cut
ShahAbbas,i., 262note;plantscolony downby Crusaders,/b.
at Ispahan,ix., 229. Sicily,ii., 54; conqueredby the Van-
ShahAllum,xi.,x8xnote,2t7note. dais,vi., 85, I3o; cededto The-
Shaw,Dr.,accountofthe Berbers,ix., odoric,3H; regainedby Belisa-
2o7 note. rius,vii., x27sqq.; plunderedby
Shawer,leader of a factionin Egypt, Totila,262sq.; reducedby Arta-
x., 29oand note; deathof, 293. ban, 264; partly recoveredby
Shayb_n,Khan of theKirghizKazaks, Maniaces,viii., 277 note; con-
xi., x87note. queredby the Arabs,ix., 284sgq.;
Shebdiz, horseofChosroes,viii.,93. Rogerthe Normanintroducessilk
SheibaniKhan,conquersSiberia,xi., into,327; Normansservein,x.,87;
I49.Arabian,ix., x4. princesof,legates
Roger II., Kingof,of holy see,xo8;
x27; under
Shelun,orZarun,descendant of Moko, William the Bad, I4o; under
andconqueror of Tartary,v., x64 Williamthe Good,_42; subdued
andnote. by HenryVI., x44;by Charles of
Sherefeddin, Ali,hishistoryofTimour, Anjou,xi.,79sqq.;Sicilian Vespers,
xi.,_8onote,204sq.note; his ac- 83 andnote;failsundertheHouse
countofBajazet,208. of Aragon,84s_/.
Sherifai-F-Mfissi,Arabianscholar,x., Sicininus,Basilica of, iv., 2to and
xo8note. note.
Sickel,W., on imperialcoronations, xiL, Silenus,characterof, in C_sars of
67note. Julian,iv.,XOT;insixtheclogueof
SicoriusProbus,ii., x74. Virgil,/b. note.
Siculi,tribeof theHuns,x., 49 note. Silingi,inB_etica,v., 273;exterminated
Siculus,Peter, historian,x., 2 note,7 byWallia,276.
note. Silistria,battleof,x., 67_wte.
Sidon,manufacturersof,vii.,29; taken SiliusItalicus,i., 47 note.
by Saracens,ix., x68; Emir of, Silk,tradein, i.,69; manufactureof,in
helpsCrusaders, x., 254; lordof,in China,vii., 3z sqq.; importation
courtofpeers,266; lordshipof,/b, fromChina,33; inGreece,36sg.;
note;lostbytheFranks,324. ix., 326; in Spain,SicilyandItaly,
SidoniusApoliinaris, on taxation,iii., /b. and327.
x61; onSaxonpirates,iv.,222note; Silko, Kingof Nubia, conversionof,
on humansacrifices, 223note;pro- viii., 208and note;receivesenvoy
posedhistoryof Attila,vi., 53; on fromJustinian,/b.
EmperorMaximns,85 no/e; ac- Silures,Britishtribe,i., 26; vi., 276.
count of Avitus,92 note,sq. note, S/Ivanus,seeConstantine, teacherofthe
99; of thecountryfifeofthe Gallic Paulicians.
nobles,93 note; of Theodoric,94 Silver,i., 7o andnote.
andnote,sqq.; panegyriconMajo- Silvester I., St.,Pope,baptisesConstan-
rian,xo2andno,e; on Anthemius, finethe Great,viii.,347; legendof
122andnote,sq.andnote;ontrial his healingConstantine, xii., I42
of Arvandus,x32 note, x34 sq.; and note.
onSeronatus, 136note;onBa.silins,SilvesterII. (Gerbert), Pope,hisepitaph
x52andnote;epistlesof,x87note; on BoethJus, vi., 34znote.
ambassador toEuric,2H. Simeon,Kingof Bulgaria,x., 32 and
Siebenbiirgen, seeTransylvania. note; besiegesConstantinople, 33.
Sienpi,tribeofTatars,iv.,28_andnote; Simeon,Greekminister,x., 9-
power of, 284; style themselvesSimeonMetaphrastes, ix.,317andnote.
"Topa," v., t64. SimeonStylites,the Syrianhermit,vi.,
plainof,battleofrivalcaliphson, x77sg.
ix.,98; siteof,/b, note. Simeon,teacherof the Paullcians, x.,
Sigambrians, shorthair of,vi.,48 note. 4note;causesdeathofSylvanus,9.
Sigma,capitalofChina,iv., 28o; Yezid Simeons,Nestorian sect,revoltof,viii.,
diesat, ix., I3L x99.
Siganfu,inscriptionof. See Singaufu.Simocatta,seeTheophylactus.
Sigebut,despoilsthedaughter of Ebaof Simonde Montfortin fourthcrusade,
herestate,ix., 223. x., 343.
Sigelgalta,seeGaita. Simonthe Magician, viii.,r52.
Sigibert,Kingof Austrasia,vi., not. Simony,iii.,56note.
Sigibert,Kingofthe Ripuarian Franks, Simplicius, BishopofRome,iii.,322and
vi., 2x8note. note; his ecclesiastical distribution
Sigismund,emperor,protectsthe synod of Rome,vi., 139note.
of Constance,xi., 255' 257; xii., Simplicius, lastof thephilosophers, vii.,
x65. 8x.
Sigismund,Kingof the Burgundlans,Sindbal,leader of Heruli,vii., 279;
vi., 227sg.; flightanddeath,228. deathof,28L
Sigismund,Kingof Hungary,warwith Singardu,inscriptionof,viii., i9o nat.
Bajazet,xi., xTxsq. Singaza,siteof,ii., x75no/e; battleof,
Signla,the Conticountsof,xii., xx6. iii., 2o0; taken by Sapor,256;
Sigonius,onRomanlaw,vii., 383note; cededbyJoviantothePersians, iv.,
on PopeGregoryI., viii.,49 note; t6z.
deRegnoItalim,x., 75note. Singeric,brotherof Sarus,Gothicking,
Silentiary,officeof,vii.,227note. v., 274.
Singidunum, destroyedby the Huns, tixonium,xii.,x87note,t97; munifi-
vi.,z2. SeeBelgrade. cenceof,2r2.
Singing,tramontane,viii.,45 and vote. Slaves,amongthe Romans,i.,49 sflq.;
highpriestoftheBurgundians, enterthearmy,iii.,x4o; joinarmy
iv.,218. ofAlaxic,v.,230;undertheMero-
Sinjax,Se.ljukSultan,x., 176vote. vingians,vi., 253 and notessq.;
Sinope,aqueductat, i., 56 vote;under state underconquerors of Rome,
David Comnenns,xi., xi note; 253sflq.;underJustinian, vii.,339
takenby Turks,/b. and xii., 59 s_.
sq.; inhabitantsof, sent to Con-Slaves,seeSlavonians.
stantinople, 55note. SlavorLians,
originof,vii.,x8z; inroads
Sintha,ii.,x76. of, 182s_.; accountof,by Proco-
Sion,Mount,iv., 74. plus, ib. vole; in Illyricumand
Sipahis,xi., 200. Thrace,I84sg.,282;underCharle-
SiraorSchirn,wifeof Chosroes,viii., magne,viii.,366; in Greece,ix.,
66-7 andvote; flightof, xz6. 323vote,324; namesof Slaves,x.,
Sirmium, ii.,68, xa7; residenceof the 29andvote.
emperorsat, 194; Julian enters, Slavoniclegends,vii.,xvote.
iv., 21; Ariansat, 203; held by Sleepers,Seven,legendof the, v., 358
Mesailaagainstthe Quadi,253; andvote,359sq_.
Valentiniau enters,254; Imperial Smallpox, ix.,3ovote.
court,323; destroyed by theHuns, Smaragdus, firstexarchofRavenna, vii.,
vi.,12;subduedbyTheodoric, 32x 280; viii.,xxvote.
andvote;siegeof, by the Avars, Smith,Adam,xii.,I77vote.
viii.,7osc1. Smyrna,i., 62 vote,63 and vote;re..
Sirmond, onAetins,vi., 72vote. storedto the empire,x., 27x; be-
Siroesor Kabad,son of Chosroesand siegedby the Turksanddefended
Sira,viii.,i17; embassyto theRo- by the Rhodianknights,xi., 163
roans,H 9. andvote; takenby theMongols,
Sisaurane, fortressof, vii.,2H. 2o3.
Siscia,townof, taken by Magnentius,Sommias, motherof Elagabalus,i., 182,
iii., 214. 192.
Sisebut,Gothic"kingof Spain, perse- Soatra,x., 274vote-
curesthe Jews,vi., _o6sq. Socotora,Christianityin, viii.,189.
Sisenand, KingofSpain,v., 261note. Socrates,demonof, ix.,84 andnote.
Sisinnius,Bishop of Constantinople,Socrates,ecclesiasticalhistorian, iii.,
viii.,14o. 349vote; on Chrysostom, v., 311
Sisman,seeShishman. vote; on Pulcheria,324note.
Sitifi,inAfrica,Theodosiusat, iv., 236; Soderini,Roman family of, xii., 185
reconquered for Justinianby Solo- vote.
mon,vii.,12o. Soffarides(Saffarids),dynastyof, ix.,
Sitones, i., 286. 303.
Sittas,Dukeof Armenia,vii., zovote, Sogdiana,provinceof China,ii., 167
89vote. and vote; plainsof, iv., _82and
SixtusIV., Pope,alarmedby Turkish vote;vii., 33.
invasionof Apulia,xii., 63; dis- Sogdoites, tributariesof theTurks,vii.,
tuxbcdstateof Romeunder,174. i92 sg.
SixtusV.,Pope,placesobeliskof Con- Soissons, vaseof,vi., 213note;cityand
stantinenear St.JohnLateran,iii., dioceseof,underSyagrius, 214and
245vote;economyof, xii.,175vote; vote;takenby Clovis,215;arsen-
placesstatuesof SS. Peter and als of,/b. and vote;churchof St.
Paul on columnsof Trajan and Draususat, x., a32note; Crusa-
Antoniue,178vote; characterof, ders'parliamentat, 351.
178sq.; usestheruinsof the Sep- Solicinium, Mount,iv.,216.
Solidus,or Constantinianaura,s, ifi., nop]e,accountof, see Constanti-
x6onote;Gallic,vi.,zo6note. nople.
Soliman,brotherof the caliph Walid, Sophian,lieutenantof Moawiyah,ix.,
besiegesConstantinople, ix., 24a 238andnote.
sq.; death,244. Sophronia,Roman matron,il., 225
Soliman,Shah of Carizme,deathof, note.
xi., x56. Sophronius,Patriarch of Jerusalem,
Soliman,sonof Bajazet,xi., 2o2; sub- treats withOmar,ix., 6t sq. and
mitstoTimour,209; character and note.
death,2z9. Sophys,reignof, in Tauris,viii., zo5;
Solknan,son of Cutulmish,conquers claimeddescentfromMahomet,ix.,
Asia Minor, x., x78; his new zo6andnote.
kingdomof Roum,z79; threatensSora,Lombardfortress,viii.,34z note.
Constantinople,x8z; conquersSorbonne,facultyof the,xii., z63.
Jerusalem, ib. sq.; temptstheCru- SortesSanctorum,modeoI divination,
sadersintoplainofNice,2z2;king- vi., 23zandnote.
dora of,invadedbythe crusaders,Sosibius,iv.,9° note.
236sq.; calledKilJdgeArslan,/b. Soubahs,rebellion of,in Hindostan,xi.,
and note. z9i.
Soliman,son of Orchan,xi., r65-6; Soul, immortalityof the, belief of
death,z66. ancient Germans concerning,i.,
Soliman, the Magnificent,Ottoman 295; attitudeofthepaganstowards
Sultan,allegedtreatmentof Greek the doctrineof, li., 284 Sqg.;pre-
Church,xii.,56 note. existenceof, 285andnote; Jewish
Solomon,Kingof the Jews,book of viewsof,287sol.;material,ofuni-
Wisdomof, iii.,34Iand note;his verse, i/i., 34z and note; meta-
iv.,78; notauthorofEL'- physicsof, viii., x26 and note;
vii.,_I5note. viewsof originof, /b. note.
Solomon,the eunuch, commandsin SovonorSo-on,Chinesepatriot,v., 276
Africa,vii., n 9 andnotes_.;con- sq. note.
quersthe Moors,t2o; conspiracySozomen,iv.,95 note; on Chrysostom,
against,237; death of, 24a and v.,3Hnote;onPulcheria,324note.
note. Sozopetra,besiegedby the Emperor
Solon,tablesof,vii.,306. Theopkilus,ix., 29x.
Sondis,Mount,vi., 306and note. Sozopolis,frontiercity in Thrace,xi.,
Song,Chinesedynasty,xi., x4r. xx3 note.
Sonna, Mahometanoral law,ix.,43sg. Spado,iii.,223note.
Sonnenwald, sacredwoodof the Suevi,i Spain,provincesof,i., 24; divisionof,
ii.,27. by Augustus,lb.; wealthof, 2o5;
Sonnites,orthodox Mahometans,ix., under Constantins,li., x5o and
95- note,207andnote;Christianityin,
Sontius,river,Odoacerat the,vi.,3o9. 339; subduedby Constantine,v.,
Sopater,the Philosopher, iii., 378note, x8osq.; accountof, for first four
iv., 68note. centuries,27x, 272; citiesof, lb.;
Sophene,ii., I75. barbariansin, 273; Gothsin, 274;
Sophia,BasilII. at, x., 35note;taken conquestof and restorationof,by
by the Turks, xi., x66note. See theGoths,275;VandalsandSuevi
Sardica. driven into Galicia, 276; Visi-
Sophia,Empress,vii., 7onote;relieves gothsin,converted fromArianism,
the citizensof Constantinopleof vi., 200; legislativeassembliesof,
debt, viii., 3 sg.; recalls Narses, 266sqg.; civil warin, vii., x2x;
xx-x2; her treatmentby Tiberius, under Charlemagne,viii., 365;
ax_q. Arabsin, ix., 223; agriculturein,
Sophia,St., church of, at Constanti- 224; religionstolerationin, 226
sq.; revoltunderthe Abbassides,Stefaneschi,Martin[notUrsini],xii.,
262sg.,3OL x36.
Spalatro(Salona),ii.,194sq_. Stein,L., onTheodoreGaza,xi., 286
Spanheim,E., his OrbisRomanus,i., note.
41note; hisde Usu Numi_matum,Stephanephoru*, magistrate oftheCher-
ii., i83note; his versionof Julian, sonites,iii.,z88note.
iv., io6 note. Stephanieof Hebron,x., 30onote.
Spanheim,F., his HistoriaImaginum Stephanitesand Ichnalates,vii., 2o3
restituta,viii.,3z8 note. nole.
Spaniards,in the sixteenthcentury,v., StephenHI., Pope,missionof,toLom-
b5x; inItaly,xii.,177. bardy,viii.,337-8.
Sparta,destroyedby Alaric,v., x4x; Stephen,Countof Bloisand Chartres,
MahometII. at, xiL, 58. in first crusade,x., 217; marchto
Spartianus, i., 136note,z39 note,x4x Constantinople, 226; letterof,230;
note,142note. desertsatAntioch,247.
Speaabiles, titleof, iii.,H4. StephenDushan,despotof Servia,re-
Spectacles, Roman,ii.,z35sq. ceivesCantacuzene,xi., io9; ac-
Spelman,ii., 17onote. countof,xzonote;lawsof,_.
Sphc_ria_rium or tenniscourt,viii.,268. Stephen,EarlofAlbemarle, at battleof
Spicecountry,i., 2note. Antioch,x.,234note.
Spires,destroyed,iii.,260; by the Get- Stephen,freedmanofDomitilla,iii.,27.
marts,v., 175; massacreof the Stephenof Edessa,Greekphysicianof
Jewsat, x., 2xo. Kobad,vii., 2o_note.
Spoleto,buildingsof Theodoricat, vi., Stephenof Hungary,embassyof, to
327;takenbyBelisarins, vii., 152; Pope Sytvester,x., 72 note, *_l.
betrayed totheGothsbyHerodian, not_;protectspilgrims,x87.
259; Dukeof, pillagesRavenna,Stephen,St.,first martyr,bodyof, re-
viii.,26; Dukeof,assistsLeoIII., movedto MountSion,v., zooand
358;bathsof,xii.,z96 _lOte. note; Abbeyof, near Constanti-
Spondanus, onthe schismof Constan- nople,x., 358; Towerof, on Sea
tinople,xi., 296note; on Hunga- ofMarmora, stormedbytheTurks,
rian crusade,305; on Corvinus, xJi.,x7note.
315note; on unionof Greekand Stephen,son of RomanusI., viii.,265.
LatinChurches,xii., 21 note; on Stephenthe Savage,favouriteof Jus-
deathof Constantine Pal_logus, tinianII., viii.,23z.
44note;his annals,62 note. StephenUroshIII. of Servia,xi., 11o
Sportvd_orSporgdlce, v., 2z3note. no/*.
Squiltace,retreat of Cnssiodorus,vi., Stephens,Robert,errorin textof Greek
324. Testament,vi., i98 note; xi., 290.
Squirrels(ordormice,glires),eatenby Stigmataofthe Crusaders, x., 2o9ttote.
the Romans,v., 213andnote. Stilicho,generalof the West, v., 63;
Stagira,AlexiusAngelusat,x., 341. account of, x17 sqq.; marries
Stagirius,friendof St. Chrysostom, vi., Serena,zx9; guardianof the sons
174gote. of Theodosius,12o; marchesto
Stamboul,iii.,xx2note. Thessalonica,z22; his property
Stafius,epistle of, vii., 133note; his confiscated,I25; bringscornfrom
failureat Capitolinecontest,xii., GanltosupplyRome,129;expedi-
z_5note. tion to GreeceagainstAlaric,x42
Statues,destructionof, at Constanfi- sqq.; defeatsthe barbariansin
nople,x., 382sqq. Rhmtia,iSi and note; battleof
Stature,Romanmilitary,iii., 14oand Pollenfia,I54; takespartin the
note. triumphof Honoriusat Rome,
Stauracius, EmperorofConstantinople, x59; opposes Radagalsus, 169sqq.;
viii.,242. treatywithAlaric,z82; adventures
183sqq.; death,189and note;his Succi,Passof, iv.,21, 22and note,24;
memorypersecuted,189andnotes, fortifiedby Frigeridns,3xonote;
Stipulations, vii.,366. betrayedby Maurns,318.
St. Marc, on Charlemagne,viii., 346 Sueno,Prince,deathof,x., ax5 note.
note. Suerid,Gothicleader,iv.,298.
Stobaens,commonplacebook of, ix., Suetonius,accountof the Christians
370,sq.note. underNero,iii., ao.
Stoicphilosophy, i.,37. Suevi, originof, ii., 27; assumethe
Stoics,maximsof the,vii., 386. nameof Alamanni,/b.; in Italy,
Stonehenge, vi.,_7onote. 28; in Gaul,ib.; in Ganicia,143;
Stoza,aprivatesoldier,insurrection of vi.,97;defeatedbyTheodoricnear
vii., 238andnotes. Astorga,98; hold Gallicia,x3x;
Stradiots,Albanian cavalry, xi., 320 conversion of,182,203andnote,sq.
note. Sufetula(Sbaitla),Gregorythe Prefect
Strasburg,destroyed,iii.,a6o; hattleof, at, ix., 193note; taken by Sara-
267 sgq.; destroyedby the Ger- cens, 195and note,sq.note.
roans,v., I75. Suger,Abb6,x., 282note.
Strata, Romanroadfrom Auranitisto Suicide,under the Romans,vii., 387.
Babylonia,vii.,206. Suidas,Lexiconof, v., 293note; ix.,
Strategikon,authorshipof the, vii.,182 370s_l.note.
_wte. Suintila,King of the Visigoths,vii.,
Strategius,Arian Christian,iii., 334 122note.
note. Suiones,i.,286.
Stratopedareh,Byzantineofficer,ix.,, river,vii.,24Inote.
340. Sulaymran, see also Soliman.
Strigonium,seeGran. Sulaymhn,caliph,conquestsof,ix., 132
St.fitter,John Gotthelf,x., _6note. note;seeSoliman.
Strymon,river,iii.,250. SuUecte,receivesBelisaxins, vii.,98 and
Stubbs,Bishop,on Franksin Palestine, note.
x., 263note; on kingdomof Jeru- Sulpicianns, i., 135s_.
salem,298note;ontheItinerarium Sulpicius,Alexander,historian,v., 59
Reg.Ric., 31onote. note.
Studion,fort of,xii., x7note. SulpicinsSeverns,seeSeverns.
Studites,see Damascenusand Theo- Suipicius,Servins,Romanlawyer,vii.,
dore. 320sq.
Stuhr,F.,on CouncilsofPisaand Con- Sultan,tideof, x., 148andnote.
stance,xi., 253note. Sumium,provinceof,ii., 174note.
Stukely,Dr., ii., 155note. Sumnat,pagodaof,x., 15o.
Sturgeonsof the Don, xi., ra2 and Sun,worshipof, at Rome,i., 187;by
note. thePersians,256;templeofthe,at
Stutias,seeStoza. Emesa,_82,186; at Rome,ii., 96
StylianusZautzes,ministerof LeoVI., and note; representedthe Logos,
viii., 26i note. iv., 55-
Suanians,tribe of, vii., 218. Sunday,iii., 28xand note.
Suards,JosephMaria,xii., 203note. Sunnites,seeSonnites.
Sub-deacons (Rectores),juri._ction of, Sunno,Frankishprince,v., z74.
viii.,46. Super-indictions, iii.,155.
Subregulus,epithetof CharlesMartel, Superstition,ii., 78, 33o; v., 96; its
viii.,337note. fluctuations, :di., xo6note;modern
Subuktigin, seeSebectagi. declineof, 191note.
SuburbicarianChurches,iii., 329note. Surat,Magianreligionamongtheexiles
Subutai,generalofZingis,xi., z38note, at, ix.,229.
I47 note. Surenas,Persiangeneral,iv., x26; fl/ght
Successianus, ii.,33. of, z4o;inthecampofJulian,16o.
Surguton the Sangar,campof Ortho- Sylvester,seeSilvester.
grul,xi., 156. Sylvia,motherof Gregorythe Great,
Surmar(Suomar), King of the Ala- viii.,42.
manni,iii.,272. Symbatios,brotherofBasilI., viii.,255
Surnames,uncertainty of, in Later note.
Empire,ii., zoS note; mult/plica-Symbatios,storyof, vii., 287note.
fion of, v., 209note; viii.,278sq. Symmachus, iii.,412; iv.,223,andnote;
Sus, river of WesternAfrica,ix., x99. solicitsrestorationof Altarof Vic-
Susa,in Italy,ii.,230. tory, v., 75 and note,sqq. and
Susanna,St., Churchof, at Rome,on notes; exile of, 78; warns the
the siteof SaUnst'sPalace,v., 247 RomanSenateof scarcityof corn,
note. x29andnote; vi.,34xnote.
Susnens,seeSegued. Symmachus,father-in-lawof Boethius,
Sutri,camp of Barbarossaat, xii., 96 vi.,336; death,342; familyof,lb.
andnote. note,vii.,x24.
Sviatopolk,or Svatopluk,x., 43 note. Symmachus,Pope,electedby Theodo-
Swabia,duchyof, viii.,389note. i tic, vi., 33x; livesof,ib. note.
Swatoslaus,King of Russia,reignof, Symonds,J. A.,onthe revivaloflearn-
x., 62 sq. and note; paganismof, lag in Italy,xi., 275note.
69. SynceUus, ii., 85note.
Sweden,populationof, infifteenthcen- SynceUus, Theodore,on discovery ofthe
tury,xii., 62note. Virgin'sraiment,viii.,96note,xxx
Swedes,engagedin herringfisheryon note.
coastof England,xi., x48note. Synesius,Bishopof Ptolemais,iii.,326
Swinburne,Travelsin Spain,ix., 219 andnote;opinionsof,327note;on
note. the Romanrepublic,iv.,336note;
SwissCantons,ii., _4,25. v., x45and note,sq.; on St.An-
Switzerland, idolatryin, vii.,277note. tony,vi., _58note.
Sword(Roman),see Arms; of Aris- Synods,provincial,li.,3x3;annual,ilL,
totle, ii., z29; of Mars, discovered 329; extraordinary, convenedonly
by Attila, vi., 5 sq. and note;of by the emperor,33o; canonsof
God (Caied),ix., 79. Nice concerning,ib. note. See
Syagrius,son of 3Egidius,Kingof the Councils.
Franks,reigns over Soissons,vi., Syracuse, sackedbytheFranks,ii.,x23;
214; extent of his kingdom,ib. Belisariusat, vii., 129;description
rote; defeat of, by Clovis and of,lb. note;plunderedby theSara-
flight,2x4. cens,ix.,284note;delivered by the
Syagrins,sonof Timasius,v., _96. Greeks,285; siegeof,/b,and_wte;
Sybarius,attemptof Belisarinsto re- CastelManiadat, x., 88note.
lieve,vii., 258and note. Syria,provinceof,i., 3r; desertof,/b.;
Sybilla,sisterofBaldwinIV. of Jerusa- invasionofSapor,ii.,44sg.;Chris-
lem, x., 299; marries Guy de tian churchesof,33_; invasionof
Lnsignan,lb.,3oz. ChosroesNushirvan,vii.,90; sub-
Syenein Egypt,li., _62. duedby ChosroesII., viii.,8 sg.;
Sylla,the dictator,his legislation,vii., governedby Moawiyah,ix.,xoo-x;
377and note. Saracensin, _35sq.;liistoryofcon-
SyUanns, consul,i., 227. questof, lb. note; climateof,x53
Sylvania,sisterof Rufinus,v., x24note. sq.; expeditionof Nicephorus
Sylvanus, advocate,iv., 167. [ Phocas,3xo; Seljukian dynastyin,
Sylvanus,generalof Constanfiusin x., x76sq.; invadedbythe Seljuks,
Gaul,lii.,2z5; assumesthepurple, i89; invasionof Timoux, x4.,
a42;assassination of,ib. x96sq.
Sylverins,Pope,vii.,I35note; exileof, Syriactongue,i., 48,49 andnote;used
x49s_.,a46andnole. in the eastern provinceso_ Ar-
menia,v., 33z _U; viii.,x83and Tagina,battleof,vii., 258sq.; bishop-
sLote, ticof,ib. note;dateof,27o.
Syrian and Cfliciangates, viii., zoo Taherites(Tahirids),dynastyof, ix.,
note. 302andnote.
Syrians,establishedin Gaul, vi., 236 Tahex (T_dair),founder of Taherite
note. dynasty,ix.,3oanote.
Syrians,or OrientalChristians,x., 269. T._bir,sonofAmr,ix., 3o2note.
Syrianns,Duke of Egypt,iii.,389nole. Tai, tribeof,ix.,xoa.
Syropulus,Sylvester,his historyof the Taifalze,Gothic tribe, iii., 239; ally
union of the Latin and Greek themsdvesto Fritigern,iv., 306
Churches,xi., 259; his name,lb. and note.
note. Taitsong,Emperorof China,ix., I3o.
Szegedin,peaceof, xi., 307; violated,Taiz, townof,i., 262_ote.
/b. Talba, bishopricof,viii., z64note.
Szeklers,x., 49 note. Talents,i.,2o5 andnote;Attic,xii.,x4
TABARt,on banishmentof the Jews Talmis, Inscriptionof, viii., 208twte.
from Chaibar,ix., 7I note; his Tamerlane,seeTimour.
generalhistory,xx7 note; account Tamsapor,satrap, iii.,249.
of the death of Rustam,x3a note. Tana, or Azoph,merchantSof, send
Tabaristgn,conqueredbythe Saraceas, deputationtoTimour,xi., 189--9o;
ix., 132note. sackof,i9o note.
Tabenne,islandin the Nile,monasteryTanals,river,battleon, betweenHans
on,vi., i59; positionof,/b, note. and Alani,iv., 286.
Tabenne, trumpetof the Egyptian Tancred,Kingof Sicily,x., z44.
monks,iii.,394- Tancred, cousin of Bohemond,joins
Table of Solomon,intheGothictreas- firstcrusade,x., 219note; atCon-
ury,v., a6tand note. stantinople, 23I; parentageof,
Tables,astronomical, of the Arabians, 238note; at Antioch,247; lenity
ix., 274note. of,at siegeof Jerusalem,257; de-
Tables(triara_),gameof,v., 213, 2z4 fendsAntioch,272.
and note. Tancredde Hauteville,x., 97,99.
Tabraca,harbourof, v., i33 and note. Tang, Chinesedynastyof the, ix., 13o
Tabue, Mahomet'sexpeditionof,ix.,8o andnote.
andnote. Tangier,Saracensadvanceto, ix., 198.
Tacitns,Emperor,i., Io3; accountof, Tanjou,chiefofthe Huns,iv.,375sqq.
ii., zos; reign,xo6sqq. ITanrmina,seeTauromenium.
Tacltns,the historian,accountof the Taor,villageof,vii., 60note.
Stoics,i., 98; his episodes,25o; Taprobana(Ceylon),i, 69 and _wle,
Germania,273; revoltof Civilis, 1I3 note; iv., xo8and note; vii.,
298; account of the Christians 36!andnote;Christianityin, viii.,
underNero,ii., 336and note,iii., 188.
21, 22; Life of Agricola,/b.; on Tarachns,iii.,83note.
Gaul,vi., 209sq. Taragai,fatherofTimour,xi., 183no/e.
Taaics of Leo and ConstantinePot- Taranton, cityin territoryof theHumS,
phyrogenitus,ix., 315 sqq. and viii.,1o6note.
notes,356andnote;x.,40 andnote. Tarantula,biteof, x., xo7 note.
Tadgics,tribeof, vi., 27 note. Tarantns,nicknameof Caracalla,i.,
Tadmir,nameof Murciaand Cartha- 163note.
gena,ix., 219. Tarasius,patriarchof Constantinople,
Tadmor,seePalmyra. viii.,a4xnote;crownsNicephorus,
Tmni,Arabictribe,iv.,151note. 243; acknowledges his supremacy,
TaghlakTimur,ChagataySultan,xi., /b. note,35z; presidesat seventh
x$3 note. generalcouncil,/,b.
Taxcalissmus, seeZeno. dates,li., :77; Heraclius at, viii.,
Tarentum, assaultedbyAnastasius, vi., xo5andnote.
3x9; takenbyTotiL%262; Con- Taurobolia, feastof,iii.,6I note.
stausII. at, viii.,224. Tauromenium, captureof,bySaracens,
Taxgetias,ambassadorof the Avars, ix.,286andnote.
viii.,4- . . _ Taurus,brazenstatueinthesquareof,
Targeteers,domesticguarus,w., z_2. ; x.,6=andnote.
Tarif,Saracenchiefin Spain,ix., 21x. Taurus,philosopher, vii.,342note.
Tarik,lieutenant of Musa,at Gibraltar,Taurus,Praetorian prefectofItaly,iii.,
ix.,212andnote;histreatment of 371; flightof, iv., 22; banished,
Jews,215, 221 st.; ill-treatedby 36andnote.
MUtsfi, 218. Tavexnier,viii., xo3 note; description
Tarkhan,PHnceof Faxgana,ix., 129- ofKerman,x., I77note.
3°. Taxation,Romanswereexempted from,
Tarquin,posthumouspunishments in- i., 2o3; provincialtaxation,lb.;
ventedby,vii.,386 andnote. underAugustus,2o6s_q.; under
Tarquitius,iv.,z5o note. Trajan and the Antonines,2ii;
Tarraco,ii., _24note. under AlexanderSeverus, 212;
Tarragoaa,provinceof,i., 24; cityof, underDiocletian,i88; underGa-
/.b.; sackedby the Goths,ii., 26; lerius,2_osq.; underConstantine
in fourthcentury,v., 27L theGreat,iii.,i54sqq.;landtax,157
Tarsus,in Cilicia,takenby Sapor,ii., sq.; on tradeand industry,164;
45,rx2; Julianat,iv., xxS;burial reducedby Valens,iv., 2oz; laws
of Julianat, 169sq.; Kingof Ar- of Majorianconcerning, vi., xo5;
inertiaat, 243; reducedby the underJustinian,vii.,42 ${{. See
Saxacens,ix., 17o; siegeof, 309; Tribute.
takenby crusaders,x., 241; re- Tayef, siegeof, by Mahomet,ix., 75
storedtotheempire,273. andnote;submitstoMahomet,77.
Tartartopa,or Tartar gates, vii., 7= Taylor,Mr.Isaac, i., 279note.
note. Tcheremisses, religionof the,xi., 299
Tartary,see Scythia. note.
Tasillo,Dukeof Bavaria,viii.,366. Tebeste,modernTibesli,battleof,vii.,
Tasso,vii., 265note; accountof Ri- 24i andnote,sq. andnote.
nMdo,x., 2x9note;sacredgroveof, Tecbir,Arabianwaxcry, ix., 152and
nearSichem,256and note. note.
Tatars,or Tartars,descriptionof, iv., Tecrit,takenby Timour,iii., 257and
261,26=sqg.;mannersof, 262and note.
note;diet,263andnotesq.;liabita- Tedaxdi,on siegeof Constantinople,
tions,265s_l.; emigrations of, 266, xii., 18 note.
267andnote;exercises, 268; gov- Teflis,Heracliusat, viii., ZXL
ernment,269sqq.andnote.r;corn- Teias, Gothiccommander,vii., 267;
paredtotheHunsofAttila,vi.,_4; defeatand deathof, 273.
originof, xi.,13onote;underZin- Tekkur,titleof Greekprincesof Con-
_s, ib. sqq. stantinople, xi., 21onote.
Tatian,prefectof the East,imprison-Tekfia,rivuletnearJerusalem, x., 255
meat and exile of, v., xxo and note.
note,sol. TeleM,onthe Hunyadys,xi., 313note.
Tatullus,of Petovio,accompaniese.m-Telemachus,St.,v., 16oand note.
bassytoAttila,vi.,43 note;father Telenissa,mountainof,vi., 178.
of Orestes,I43. Telha, Arabianchief, revoltsagainst
Tauresium,villageof, Justinianborn Ali,ix., 97; death,98.
at, vii.,x*tote,59sq.note. TellMannas,villageof,takenbyRay-
Tauri,ii.,31. mandof Toulouse,x., 253no_e.
Tauris,orGandzaca, residenceof Tiff- Tempe,valeof,vii., 61*q.andnote.
Templars,knights,foundationof, x., Thacea,battleof, vii., a38 andnote.
a63note. Thadeusde Roma,xli., 83 note.
Templeof EIagabalus,i., z86. Thais,Kingof Yemen,iii.,x97.
Templeof Solomon,see Jerusalem. Tha'labites,vii.,2o5 note.
Temple, Sir William,ix., x86note;on Tharaan,seeOthman.
theSaraceus,263note;on Timour, Thamar, Queen of Iberia, xi., Ix
xi., aaa note; on Scanderbegand note.
Huniades,3xSnote. Thamud,tribeof,ix., 23,56; caverns
Temples,pagan,destroyed,iii.,4xosq.; of,56 note.
in the provinces,v., 8o sqq.;Mar- Thanet,isleof,vi.,27o.
ceUusleadsan armyto destroy,83. Thapsacus,fordsof, iii.,253; iv., x2a
Templeman,Dr. (Surveyofthe Globe), note.
i.,34 note. Theatres,performances in, v., 222.
Temugin,seeZingis. Thebzeanlegion, iii., x63 note; at
Tencteri,ii.,a7. Hadrianople,a33note.
Tenedos,isleof,John Pal_eologus at,xi., Thebals, desertsof, Westernbishops
x_7. banishedto, iii.,388note; monks
Teneritt,Mount,i., 33note. of,393.
Tephrice,foundationof, x., x2 and Thebarma,or Ormia,cityof,viii.,xo6
note. and note.
Terbelis,the Bulgarian,besiegesCon- Thebes(inBoeotia),takenby Rogerof
stantinople,viii.,23o; madeC_sar Sicily,x., x33; under Otto de la
by JustinianII., x., 34note. Roche,xi., 90; undertheAccaioli,
Teredon,cityofAssyria,iv.,t27note. 92.
Terek, battleof the river,xi., x88note. Thebes(inEgypt),kingsof,i.,14xnote;
Terracina,inscriptionat, vi., 329note; wallsof,lii., xo2and note.
viii.,333andnote. Thecla,sisterofthe EmperorMichael,
Terrasson,on RomanJurisprudence, viii.,258note.
vii.,3o4note. Theft,Romanlawconcerning,vii.,376,
Tertullian,De CoronA,ii.,284note;on 379.
thelaztjudgment,294;his apology , Thegan,biographerof LewisthePious,
339and note; Montanistopinions viii.,37° note.
of,iii.,x3 note;describestheedicts Theiss, or Tibiscus, river, iii., x86;
of Tiberiusand M. Antoninus,48, Romanembassyto Attilacrosses
346andnote;opposesthePatripas- the,vi., a8.
sians,353note. Themes,ix., 243and note,32osq.
Tertullus,Prefectof Rome,iv., 23. Themistius,his fourthoration,iii.,a42
Tervingi,opposeClaudius,ii.,65 note. note;iv.,3note;epistleofJuliant0,
SeeThervingi. _8 note; his addressto Jovian,
Tesser_(dice),v., 2x4andnote. I77 and note; oration, A.,. 374,
Testament,GreekNew,textof,vi.,x98; 206 note; speech to Valens,aSx
published by Erasmus,lb. note; note; orationon Theodosius,337
text concerningthe threewitnesses note.
includedin,/b. Theobald,Dukeof Spoleto,x., 82and
Testaments,lawof,vii.,362s_q. note.
Tetricus,ii., 65; reignedin Gaul, 50 Theobaldof Champagne,x., 343.
SOl.; defeated by Aurelian, 7i; Theoctiste,daughterof EmperorMau-
reign,82 and note; at Rome,94 rice,viii.,83note.
sq.; reinstated,95- Theodatus(Theodahad),reignsinIt_.y,
Teucri,nameappliedto Turks,xii.,45 vi., 3x5note;coinof,322note;vu.,
note. xa6sq.; negotiateswithJustinian,
Teutonicknights,ii., 7 note; vi., 293. x27s_?.;abdicationof,_3xs_.;re-
Thabor,Mount,discussionconcerning voltsagainstJustinian,x32_g.;
DivineLightof,xi.,xxS. death,x36.
Theodebald,King of the Frank%vii., ofNic_a,_d.,ro andnote;charac-
275and note. ter,54andnote.
Theodebert, Kingof Austrasia, vi., 285 TheodoreLasca.dsLI.,reignof,xi., 57
andnote; invadesItaly,vii., x58; sq.; writingsof,58note.
death,i6o. Theodore,monkof Tarsus,madePri-
Theodelinda,seeTheudelinda. mateof Britain,viii.,282note.
Theodemir, Gothicprince,vi.,299and Theodoreof Mopsuestia,viii., _75-6
note,sg. andnote.
Theodolphus, Bishopof Orleans,viii., Theodoreof Studion,viii.,24x note;
357note. banished, 243note;iconoclast, 35x
Theodora,accountof, vii., 1o sqq.; note.
belongsto the blue faction,/b.; TheodorePalamlag_sonof theelder
wifeof Justinian,r3; hervirtues, Andronicus, xi., 97note.
x6 sq.; death,x8; firmnessof,]Theodore, torturedunder Emperor
duringtheNikariot,27; conspires [ Theophflus,viii., 353note.
againstJohn of Cappadocia, 47;]Theodoret,iv.,92note,94note;sacred
negotiations withItaliancourt,vii., legendof, vi., x79.
x27s_.; makesVigiiiuspope,x49; Theodoret,Bishopof Cyrrhus,v., 82,
friendshipwith Antonina, x68; 83; epistlesof,357note;restored,
accusesherenemiesof crime,382; viii.,x75.
Monophysitism of, viii., 173-4. Theodoric I., sonofAlaxic,Kingof the
TheodoraAngela,wife of Conradof Visigoths,vi., 44 and note; be-
Monfferrat, x., 355note. siegesAries,/b.; accountof, 46,
Thcodora, daughterof Constantine IX. 47; daughtersof, marriedto the
[VIII.],viii.,276; empress,278. KingsoftheSueviandVandals,/b.;
daughterof John Cantacu- aUieshim__.lf withtheRomans,57
zene,marriesOrchan,xi., x63-4. andnote,sq.; death,62.
Theodora, nieceof ManuelComnenu.,TheodoricII., KingofVisigoths, vi.,58;
viii.,293. acquires Narbonne, vi., x3i.
Theodora, Petraleipha,wifeof Michac Theodoric,sen of Clovis,_-i.,66 note;
II. ofEpirus,xi., 58note. conquersAuvergne,vi., 255.
Theodora,._cn_r/_:,xii., 84note. Theodoric,son of Triarius,vi., 304
Theodora,sister of Marozia, viii., note;attacksTheodoric,306.
377. TheodorictheOstrogoth, accountof,by
Theodora,widowof BaldwinIII. of Sidonius,vi.,94sqq.;expedition to
Jerusadem, viii.,299. Spain,97sq.; defeatstheSuevi,98;
Theodora,wifeof Constantius,ii., I49 sacks Pollentiaand Astorga,/b.;
note,209. defeatedby Majorian,Io9; allies
Theodora, wifeof Emperor Theophilus, himselfwithRome,xx4; marries
viii.,252note,sq.; restorerof ira- sisterof Clovis,2x8; protectsthe
ages,253; regencyof,/b.; opposes AlamannJ,lb. note; consul,235;
Bardas, 258; establishesimages, birthandeducation,299sq.; sub-
351; persecutesthePaulicians,x., dues the Sarmatians, 3or; serves
xl. Zeno,304;attacked by Theodoric,
Theodora,wifeof Justinian II., viii., sonofTriarius,306; atConstanti-
229. nople,3o7; his marchinto Italy,
TheodoreII., sonof John Vataces,xi. 308sg.; territoryof, 3zx; reign,
33. 3r3sgg.;foreignpolicyof,316s_.;
TheodoreAngelus,despotof Epirus, his defensivewars,3x8s_g.; civil
xi., z2note,22; Emperorof Thes- government of,3at; Latinedictof,
salonica,24,33 note. ib. note; eoi_qs of, 322; visitto
Theodore Gaza,xi., 284andnote; on Rome,325; residesat Ravenna,
Aristotleand Theophrastus, 286. 327; and Verona,/b.; religious
Theodore LascaxisI., x., 364; Emperor toleration of,329sqq.;vicesofhis
VOL. g11._ 2.4
government, 33zs_.;persecutes the and note; pillarof, removedby
Catholics,333; sendsPopeJohn Justinian,vii., 290.
to Constantinople, 334;imprisons TheodosiusII. (the Younger),receives
Boethius,339; putshimandSym- the relics of Chrysostom,v., 317
machusto death,340sq.; death, and note; Caesarand Augustus,
34a; monumentof, 343andnote; 3x8; educationof,324; character,
dateofhismarriage, vii., x24note; 326 and note; marries Eudocia,
acts of,ratifiedby Justinian,28_; 327; campaignin Persia,329sq.;
buildingsof Rome under, xli., in Italy,337; givesWesternEra-
*92. pireto ValenfinianIII., 339; first
TheodoHctm de Niem,xii., *59note. Novelof, 340 note; negotiations
Theodoropol/s, or Dristra,see Dristra. withtheHurts,vi.,*9s_.andnotes;
Theodorus,a personexecutedbyTheo- treatywithAttila,36; death,/b.,37
dosinsI., iv., *94note. andnote;takespartin theNestc-
Theodorus(a youth mentioned by rian controversy,vi/i., *48 sq.;
Rufinus),iv.,92 note. subscribesan edict againstNes-
Theodorus,brother of Heraclius,viii., torius,*5*--2.
x**. TheodosiusIII., Emperorof Constanti-
Theodorus,Mallius,consul,v.,293and nople,viii., 233 sg.; retires,ix.,
note. =43.
TheodosianCode,validin Gaulunder Theodosiusthedeacon,brotherofCon-
theMerovingians, vi., =6x; lawof stansII., viii.,2=4-5; ix., 3o8.
the elergy,=63. SeeCode. Theodosius,deaconof Syracuse,ix.,
Theodosiopolis, v., 332and note;con- 285andnote;poemon conquestof
flagrationof, vii., 7o; wonfrom Crete,3o8no/e.
the Saracensby ConstantineV., Theodosius,fatherof TheodosiusI.,
viii.,237note. inBritain,iv., 229sqg.; in Africa,
TheodosiusI. (theGreat),iii.,,67 note; =34sqq.; death,236.
his successionforetoldby magic, Theodosius, loverofAntoniua, vii.,x68;
iv., *94andnote; defeatsthe Sax- flightof, x69; retiresto Ephesus,
matians, 253 ,254;Emperor ofthe {b.; returnanddeath, '7'.
East, 3=, sqg.; birth and char- Theodosius,Patriarch of Alexandria,
acter, 334s99.; treatywithDuke viii.,=o3; orthodoxyof, 2o5sq.
of Mcesia,324andnote;conductsTheodosius,sonof the EmperorMau-
Gothicwar,3a6sgq.;illnessof,329 rice,viii., 78; goesto Persia,79;
and note; entertainsAthanaric, death,83.
33x;Maximus,v.,9; baptismand Theodosius, opposestheusurperCon-
religiousopinionsof, *osqq.; en- stantine,v., z8o and note.
ters Constantinople, ,8; religiousTheodote,wifeof ConstantineVI.,viii.,
policyof,24sqq.; edictsof,against 24xnote.
heretics, 24 _q.; visits Thessa-:Theodotus, philosopher,Life of, by
lonica, 39; marriesGalla, 40; Tribonian,vii., 327-
enters Rome,43; virtuesof, /b., ITheodotus,Presidentof the Councilof
sg_.; faults of,45, 46; statue of,I EUerapolis, iv, 24and note.
brokenat Antioch,47; pardons_Theognostos, his Historyof Sicily,ix.,
the Antiochians, 49; massacreat 284note.
Thessalonica,5x; restoresValen-Theon,fatherofHypatia,viii.,*39and
tinian,57; defeatedbyArbogastes, nole.
64; dividesthe empirebetweenTheonas,St.,churchof,at Alexandria,
his sons Arcadiusand Honorius, lii.,39o,39*-
67; attitudetowards paganism,Theophane.s,Co_inua_ion o], ix.,
80 sqq.; jewelsof, *=xand note; 3*4.
familyof, in Spain,*8x; descend-Theophanes,the chronicler,i., _3'
antsof, at Constantinople, vi., *4z note;ill., 295note; vii., 234rwte;
ix., 3t4note; on Constantine VI., Theopompus, ix., 37x.
viii.,a4xandnote;ix., xr7note. Theotocos, title of theVirgin,viii.,z4a
Theophanes,tortured under Emperor note.
Theophilns,viii., 353 note. Therapeion, fortof,takenbytheTurks,
Theophania,widow of the younger xii.,x7note.
Rornanus, ix., 309. Therapeutm, ii.,335andnote;studied
Theophano, daughterof RornanusII., philosophy,iii.,340 note; Chris-
wifeof OttoII., viii.,268andnote; tianityof,vi., x56note.
ix., 348. Therianus,on revivalof lea.ruing in
Theophano, wifeof Leo V.,viii.,047. Italy,xJ.,275note.
Theophano, wifeof RomanusII., viii., Thermm,seeunderRome,Bathsof.
268; marriesNicephorus II., 07o; Therrnantia,nieceof Theodosius,v.,
conspiresagainsthim, 07z; dis- xl9 note.
missedby JohnZirnisces, /b. note. Thermantia, wifeof Honorius,divorce
Theophilus, Archbishop of Alexandria, of,v., x89.
iii.,306note;destroyed thetemple Thermopylae, Straitsof,fortifiedbyJus-
of Serapis,v., 86; persecutes tiaian,vii.,6z.
Chrysostom, 3x2 sg.; escapeof, Thervingi,see underGoths.
3x4; hisbookagainstChrysostom,Theseus,Dukeof Athens,characterin
3x7note. Shakespeare, Boccaccio, andChau-
Theophilus, authorof JustinianiVita, cer, xi., 9° note.
vii., xnote,5 note. Thessalonica,siegeof, ii., 66; head-
Theophilns, BishopofAntioch,ii.,096; quartersof Theodosius,iv., 308;
iii.,227note. revoltat,v., 50 sqfl.;massacre at,
Theophiins,consularof Syria,death, $x,5_; magazine of armsat,x47;
iii.,229. capturedby SaracensA.D.904,
Theophilus,Maroniteof MountLi- viii.,o6xnote;sackedbytheSicfl-
banus,ix.,277note. ians,304; playonthe name,ix.,
Theophflus, missionaryto theSabmans, x71note; Bulgariansiegeof, xi.,
iii.,3xt andnote. uo;kingdom unitedtoNice,33and
Theophilus, son of Michaelthe Stare- note; Cantacuzeneat, zo9; ira-
meter,Emperor of Constantinople, portanceof, in the empire,ix3
viii., 049sqg.; iconoclasticism of, note; John P_logus at, ix6;
353; warof, withMotassem,ix., underAndronicus Palmologns,25I;
29x$qq.;hisembassytoLewis,x., conquestof, byAmurathll., 3o2
50; wallsof,xii.,0onote. ] andnote.
Theophflus, thejurist,vii.,314,338; ix.,lThey, province of,cededtotheBul-
365note. garians,x., 08; WMla_an, in
Theophobus, Saxsanid prince,viii.,u5x. fourteenth century, xi., xx3
Theophra_tu*, Dialogue,date of corn- note.
positionofthe,vi., 199note. Theudechildis, sisterofTheodebert, vi.,
Theophrastus,disciplesof, vii., 74; 085andnote.
exileof, 78 note; accountof the Theudelinda,daughterof Garibald,
Romans,306 note; studyof, by King of Bavaria,convertsthe
TheodoreGaza,_d.,286. Lornbards,vi., 005; marriesAu-
Theophylactus, father-in-lawofAlberic tharis,viii.,35-6.
xii.,84 note. Thendes,Kingof theGothsin Spain,
Theophylactus Simocatta, vii.,x9onote; expeditionof, to Africa,vii., x21;
viii.,7note;on speechofJustin,_o death,/b. and note; k/nsrnanof
note;onHormuz,56note;History Hildibald,vii., 243.
of Maurice,75note. Thendibertof Met.z, vii., o6Inote.
Theopolis,vii., 0o8; see Antioch. Theurgyof the Platonists,iv., 55.
villageor castleof, v., 284 Thibant,CountofChampagne, general
of the confederateCrusaders,x., ThunderingLegion,storyof the,iii.,50
35x; death,/b, and note.
Thibet,kingdomof, destroyedby Cu- Thuringia,undertheruleof Attila,vi.,
blai Khan,xi., x42. 7; boundariesof the kingdomof,
Thilsaphata,iv.,I6 5 andnote. 216note.
Thilutha,fortressof, iv., x26. Thuringians,at thebattleof ChMons,
Thomas,a Greeknoble,ix. x45sg.; vi., fix; crueltyof, to the Franks,
exileof,I48. ] 65andnote.
Thomas,apostle,apocryphalgospelof,: Thuroczius,historianof Hungary,xi.,
ix., 40note. x341tote.
Thomasof Stromoncourt, territoryof, Thyatira,churchof,ii., 332; battleof,
in Greece,xi., 7 note. iv., x92and note.
Thomas,Patriarchof Antioch,x., _5 Thyrsus,churchof St.,v., 323note.
note. Thysdrus,cityof,i., 223andnote.
Thomas,St., Christiansof, in India" Tiara, crownof the Popes, xii., x58
viii.,i9xsq. note.
Thomas,St.,Manichman,Indian mis- Tiber,river,inundationsof, xii., x89
sional-y,viii., I9t and note. sq.
Thomas the Slavonian,officerof Leo Tiberias,residenceof theJewishpatti-
V., viii., 246 and note; rebels arch,iv., 74 and note; M_s_at,
against MichaelII., 248sg. and ix., 222; siege and battle of, x.,
note. 299sq.
Thomassin,on Monasticism,vi., x56 TiberiusI., i., 4o and note, 92 _ote;
note;ontheRnmanCardinais,vii., adoptionby Augustus,93, xo3;
44 note. character,10x; placescampof the
Thor, caveof,ix., 58. pr_etofians in Rome, x33, 134;re-
Tboros,Armenianprince,x., 24xand ducestheexcise,208note;alleged
note. edict in favourof the Christians,
Thous,MaiekShah at, x., x72. iii.,49.
Thrace,Provinceof,i., 29; invadedby Tiberius II., sends embassyto the
the Goths, ii., 68; settlementof Turks,vii.,x95; reign,viii.,x9sqq.;
Bastarnmin, x22; of Sarmatians, virtuesof, 2x sq.; selectsMaurice
iii., i9o; invadedby theVlsigoths, for theempire,24; relievesRome,
iv., 248; Goths settledin, a92; 26; trucewithPersia,52-3.
goldminesof,3oxand note;given TiberiusIll., seeApsimar.
to Theodosius,323; settlementof Tiberius,brotherof ConstantinePogo-
theGothsin, .335;ravagedby the natus,madeAugustusby him,viii.,
Huns,vi., i 3. 226.
Thrasea,i., xo2. Tiberius,sonof JustinianII., viii.,_32.
Thrasimund,Kingof the AfricanVan- Tibet, Buddhistsof, form friendship
dais, persecutesthe Catholics,vi., withthe Saraceus,ix., i33 note.
189; exilesthe bishops,x9i sq.; Tibur,orTivoli,townof,ii.,95; Totila
marries sister of Theodoric,vii., at, _., 247; war of, withRome,
x22. xii., 85 note; subduedby Rome,
Three Chapters,dispute concerning, rot and note.
viii.,x74note. Ticinum,orPavia"Stflichoat, v., x68;
Thuasne,L, on Belliniand Moham- siegeof,byAlboin,viii.,r3.
reedII., _di.,3 note. Tigranocerta,ii., I76 note.
Thucydides,on the plagueat Athens, Tigranes,i., 268note.
vii.,297andnote. Tigris, Julian crosses the, iv., 137;
Thule, vi., 317 and note; name of navigationof the,145sq.note.
England, x., 53; colony from, Til,orTula,fiver,vii.,190andnote.
servein Greek army, xxS, 273 Tillemont,,i., 162note,_34note;
note. life of Chrysostom,v., 308 rate;
ofSt.Augustin,35xnote;shockedTobolskoi,residenceof the Mongol
at certainPopes,viii., x64 note; Khans,xi., x49.
Gibbon"takes leaveforeverof," Toctamish,Khan of Kipzak,xi., z88
x67note. andnote;flightanddeath,x89.
Timasius,master-general,v., 53 not_; TogrulBeg,KingoftheTurkmans,x.,
attemptsof, to reformthe legions, x56; reignand character,_57sq9.
68; defeatsthe GothsinThessaly, Togrul,chief ol the Karalts,xi., x3o
:95; character,ib. and note; exile note.
and death,:96 and note. Tokay,vi.,28 and note.
Timavus,describedby Virgil,i., a35 Tolbiac,battleof,vi., :x7 andnote.
note. Toledo,Councilof, vi., 2o4; eighth
Timolaus,ii., 86note. i Councilof,kS.note,2o6; Tarikat,
Timosthenes, Greekhistorian,vii., 2161 ix.,:x8 and note.
note. Toleration,in the Roman Empire,
Timotheusof Gaza,tragedyof,vii.,39 popular,i., 35 sq.; philosophical,
note. 37; official,39; in the provinces,
Timothy,St.,bodyof,broughtto Con- 4o; at Rome, _.; of paganism,
stantinople,v., 98. iii.,409sgq.
Timothythe Cat,a monk,Patriarchof Tollenburg,namefor Pragg, x., :xz
Alexandria,viii., x6: and note. note.
Timouror Tamerlane,iv., :70 note; Tollius,vii., xx7note.
massacresof,vi., _6note;historiesToncat,dietof,vi.,3° note.
concerning, xi.,z8oand note;deri- Tongousesand Samoyedes, iv., 275.
vationof name Timour,x8xnote; Tongres,destroyedbytheGermans,iii.,
accountof,182sqq.andnotes;reign 26o; Julian at, 27o; pillagedby
and wars,x85sqq.; conquersPer- the Hans, vi., 55; subduedby
sin, /b.; Turkestan,x87; invasion Clovis, _x6; confoundedwith
of Syria, x96sq.; sacks Aleppo, Thuringia,ib. note.
I97; invadesAnatolia, 200 sq.; Tonkin, kingdomof, conqueredby
his conquests,:o9 sq.; enters Cublai,xi., 142.
China,:x3; death,ib.; character Tonsure,vi.,x68andnole;ix., x36note.
ib. sq.; his Institutions,2J6sq. Top:, nameassumedby theSienpi,v.,
Tingior Tangier,i., 32; ix.,x98. x64.
Tingitana(Mauritania),i., 32. Toparchof Gothia,notesof theGreek,
Tipasa,maritimecolonyofMauritania x., 7onote.
miracleat, vi.,z98sq.andnotes. Topirus,siegeof,bytheSlavonians, vii.,
Tiraboschi,on restorationof Greek _85andnote.
learningin Italy,xi., 275note,289 Torismund,Kingof the Visigoths,vi.,
note. 58; in the battleof Ch-alons,59
Tiranus,Kingof Armenia,imprisoned sqq.; declaredking, 65; put to
by Sapor,iv.,:39 andnote. deathbyhisbrotherTheodoric, vi.,
Tiridates,son of Chosroes,King of 94 andnote.
Armenia,ii.,z64sqq.; educatedat Torjok,SubutaitheMongolgeneralat,
Rome,ib.; invasionof Assyria, xi., x46note.
x68; defeatedby Narses,lb.; re-I Tort, Mr.C., on Rhodes,ix.,xyxnote.
Stored,x76; convertedto Chris-Tortona,seditionin the Romancamp
tianity,iii., 198; death,lb. at, vi., x13.
Tithes,seeTythes. Torture,useof,iii.,x5x, x52andnotes.
TitlesofAugustus,i., 89; and surnamesTosti, L., Historyof the Councilof
ofthe Roman nobles,v., 2o9; of Constance,xi.,:53 note.
the imperialfamilyof Byzantium,Totila,Kingof theGothsin Italy,vii.,
ix., 336. :44; hisname,ib. note; reduces
Titus,i.,93. Naples, 245; characterof, 247;
Tivoli,s_ Tibur. besiegesRome,25° sg_/.; takes
Rome,254; orationsof, 255; re-i spirit,tS; forumand pillarof,59;
coveredbyBelisarins,257; enters revivedtheconsularoath,84noU;
Romeasecondtime,26x; inSicily, adoptedbyNerva,95; refusesthe
262; attackscoastof Greece,/3.; censorship,ii., t4 noe; arch of,
battleof Tagina,_68; death,27z; spoiledby Constantine, 238 ; con-
did not injurebuildingsof Rome, ductto theChristians,iii.,28; ia
xii., x93. Julian's Caesars,iv., xoT; his
Tott,Baron de,on defenceof theDar- bridgeover the Danube, vii.,59
danelles,ix.,238note;xii.,xSnote; andno/e; constructs canalinEgypt,
onTurkishnavy,3° note. ix., x87note.
Touensh,brotherof the SultanMalek Trajan,Count,in Armenia,iv., '4_;
Shah,x., i89. causesPara (Pap)tobe murdered,
Toulouse,residence oftheGothickings, 244; generalof Valens,302.
v., 278; attackedby Litorins,vi., Tralles,in AsiaMinor,population of,
45; Saxacensat, ix., 252; Inquisi- xi., 86note.
tion of,x., z9sq. no/e. Trani,seeTroina.
Toulun, conquerorof Tartary, see Transmigration,seeSouls.
Shelun. Transoxiana,conqueredby ZAngis, _,
Toulunides(Tfilfinids), dynastyof,ix., x38.
303and note. Transubstantiation, x., 3x3.
Touran,kingdomoftheTurks,vii.,x96. Transylvania, occupiedbytheMongols,
Touran(Tffr_n)Shah,Sultanof Egypt, xi., :t49note.
x., 32I. Trapezus,seeTreblzond.
Tournament,x., 222. Trascalissens,seeZeao.
Tournay,taken by the Germans,v., Trai_,ii.,195and note.
175; bytheFranks,vi.,49- Treason,lawof, byArcadius,v., 297
Tournefort, iii.,9x note; vii., 66 note; and note,sq. and no/e; Romas
viii.,io3note;onHeraclea, ix.,aSr law of, vii.,372.
note; his map of the Bosphorus,Treasures, Gothic,atNarbonne,v.,26o
xii., 7 note. andnote.
Tours,secondCouncilof,vi., 275note; Trebatins,vii.,32aandnote,334no/e.
Abderameat, ix., 253; battleof, TrebeUianns,Emperor,revolt of, in
256. Isauria,ii., 5o, 56.
Toushi[J_ji], sonof Zing_sKhan,xi., Trebizond (Trapezus),taken by the
x4oandnote;sonsof, I87 no/e. Got]as,ii.,33sq.; buildingsofJus-
Towns,walled,originof,x., 43 st]. tinianat, vii., 66; gold minesof,
Toxandrla,in Brabant,Franksin, iii., ax5; sovereigns of,viii.,3o6;inde-
_6oandnote. pendentof theTurks in eleventh
Toxotins,husbandof Paula, v., 2oi century,xi., io-x2; dukedomand
andnote. empireof, xi., xx-x2 and notes;
Toxus,Hungarianruler,x., 44 note. inhabitantsof, sentto Constanti-
Tozer,H. F., on Greek-speaking popu- nople,xii., 55note;fallsunderthe
lationof Italy, xi., 276no/e; on Turks, 59 Sfl'; population of, 59
Plcthon,286note. note.
Trade,foreign,of theRomans,i., 69. Trent,Councilof, ii., 29xnole.
Traditio,termin Romanlaw,vii., 357 TrY:yes, ii., i6o and note;amphitheatre
note. at, 224; Decentius at,iii.,220;de.-
Traditors,ilL,7I, 337. stroyed by the Germans, 26o;
Tradouicus,Peter,Dogeof Venice,x., Athanasius at, 378; Valentinian at,
345note. v., 2x7; pillagedby theFrankS, v.,
Tragutium,seeTrail. 278; vi.,5o; massacreoftheJews
Trajan,Emperor, i., 6; annexesDacia, at,x., 21o.
/3. sq.; his easternconquests,i3.; Trevoux,i., x52note.
eatersPersianGulf, /3.; militaryTrladitza(Sophia),viii.,283note.
Tribes,assemblyof the,at Rome,vii., of Asen,Kingof Bulgaria,xi., 26
309. note.
Tribigild0the Ostrogoth,rebellionof, Troas,aqueductoftterodesAttieusat,
v., 3oos_lq.; allies himselfwith i., 57.
Gainas, 3oi; dictates terms of Troina, battleof, x., 88; fortressof,
peace,3ox,3o2. io6; siegeof,xo7.
Tribonian,ministerof Justinian, on Trowsers(bracc_),ii.,94 noge.
treason,v., 297note; vii., 26, 46; Troy,iii.,96.
accountof,3a7sq.; choosesforeignTroyes,ii.,x59; threatened bytheHuns
lawyers,33xsq.; errorof,concern- and savedbySt.Lupus,vi.,54,55-
ing the Julianlaws,379note. Truce,annual,ofthe Arabs,ix., x8and
Tribuli,enginesused in the siegeof note.
Rome,vii., a57and note. Truceof God(TreugaDe.i),i., 295; x.,
Tribunes,i., 8a sq. note; in middle I98and note.
ages, xii., 84; tribune, title of Truli, namegivento Gothsin Spain,
Rienzi,_33. v., 276note.
Tribunicia Potestas,i., 82note,sq.note. Trumpet,Barbarian,iv.,298and note;
Tribute,i.,ao3s_q.;ii.,i8, z9andnote; Roman,vii.,x45note.
reducedafter the invasionof the Tryphon,Jewishwriter,viii., x24note.
Gothsinto Italy,v., 262. Tsepho,grandsonof Esau,iii.,5 note.
Tricesimm (Kellen),fortifiedby Julian, Tubero, Romanlawyer,vii., 334note.
lii.,273note. Tudela, Benjaminof, ix. 329-3° and
Trigetius, ambassador to Attila,vi.,72. note.
Tringuemale, harbourof, vi., 36. TukaTimur,Khanof GreatBulgaria,
Trinity,controversy concerning the,iii., xi., 187note;houseof, x9onote.
338; Platonicdoctrineof°/-b.sq.; Tull,son ofZingisKhan,xi., 14o.
controversy at Alexandria, 344sqq., Tfilfinids,see Toulunides.
35z; decisionof the Councilof Tureen,Kingof the Turks,vii., 587
Nice,354; of Constantinople, v., note.
ao s_.; textsinterpolated in Gos- Tunis, Latin Christiansat, ix., 232;
pelof St. John,vi., z96 andnotes, takenby Rogerof Sicily,x., 13x;
sq.and notes, siegeof,by LouisIX., 322.
Tripod,inmemoryof defeatof Xerxes,Turcilingi,vi.,I43.
iii.,xo5 andnote. Turin,battleof,ii., 230,a3x; Attilaat
Tripoli(Syrian),conquered bytheSara- (?),vi., 68; siegeof,vi., 296note.
cens,ix., x9i note,sqq.; attackedTurisund,Kingof theGepid_e, viii.,6.
by Zimisces,3ii; takenby Roger Turkestan,expeditionof Alp Arslan
ofSicily,x., 13t sq.; emirof,helps into, x., x7osq.; conqueredby
Crusaders, 254; takenby Baldwin MalekShah,173; by Timour,,Jr;.,
I., 26z andnote; countyof, 262; x87.
countof, in courtof peers,266; Turks, originand descriptionof, vii.,
belongstodescendants of Countof 185sqq.; religionandlawsof,188;
St. Giles,258note; escapesfrom conquestsof,/b. sqq.; embassyto
Saladin,3ox; lost bythe Franks, Constantinople, xotsq.; conqueSts
324. of, in the East,viii.,287; earliest
Tripoli,federation of,iv.,23xandnote; inscription of the,ix., x33note;in
loyalto Justinian,vii., xo8; duke Bagdad,295; in Persia,x., z47
of,Ho; underSaladin,x., 296. sgq.; mannersandemigration of,
Trisagion, hymn viii.,z65sq. z53 sqq.; calledTurkmans,I58
Tristram, Sir,romance of,vi.,275note. note; invadetheempire,i6x sq.;
Tritheism, iii.,352sq. note. Gelal_ean eraof,575andnote;con-
Triumph,thelastat Rome,ii., z77sq. queStofAsiaMinor,578sq.; take
Trnovo,inscription of Omortagat, x., Jerusalem,z82; in Egypt,25xsq.;
32 note; cathedralof, inscription scatofgovernment at Iconium,273
andnote; conquestof Egypt,289 Ukraine,Gothsin,ii.,3x.
s_/q. For Ottoman Turks, see Uldin,KingoftheHurLs, defeatsGainas
Ottomans. the Goth, v., 307; his rearguard
TurksorMagyars,seeMagyars. extirpated, 33z.
Turpilio,generalof Honorins,v., x95. UIj_-Tu,Khan ofPersia,xi., i55 note.
Turpin,Archbishopof Rheims,x., z96 Ulpbila_,apostleof the Goths,account
and note. of, vi., x8osq.; his translationof
Turtullian,vii., 313sq. the Scriptures,/b. note; Arianism
Tuscans,producedthefirstHaruspi¢_, of, x86note.
v., 8x note. Ulphilas, lieutenant of Constantius,
Tuscany,marquisesof, Roman See in v., 268.
subjectionto, viii.,377. Ulpian,head of Mamaea'scouncil,i.,
Tusculum,countsof, hold the See of x6o, x94; on the dutiesof a pro-
Romein subjection, viii.,377;their consul,iii., i28 note;vii., 3to; a
titles,xii., 84 note; ClementIII. jurist,32o;authorityof,326; frag-
gives to the Romans, 9o note; mentsof, 334note.
overthrown,xoz; battleof, _oi-_; Ulpiana,vii.,60 note.
partlybelonged totheColonna,xx8. UlpiusCrinitns,ii., 7o and note.
Tu/da, inRoman law,vii.,354. Ulubad,battleof, xi., 2i9 note.
TwelveTables,laws of the, vii., 3o5:UlughBeg, foundsobservatoryat Sa-
sqq.; severityof, 37x. marcand,xi., x82note.
Tyana, siegeof,ii.,87,xx2; Jovian at, Ulysses,ship of, at Corcyra,vii., _62
iv., x78; taken by the Saracens note.
viii.,23z note;ix., 243. Umbrians,i., 26.
Typeof Constans,viii.,x79. Unitarians,ix., 38.
Tyrant,insenseofusurper,ii.,5o. UniversalHistory,Modern, on _Ia-
Tyrants,the Thirty,ii., 49 sqq.; of hornetand the Caliphs,ix., Ho
Britain,v., 284andnote. note.
Tyre,councilof,iii.,376; recovered by Universities, European,xi., 275.
Afdal,x., 252andnote; emirof Upravda,translationof nameJustini-
helpsCrusaders, 254;takenbythe anus,vii.,i note.
Franks,26i andtwte; besiegedby Upsala,templeof,i., 287note,li., 5and
RichardI.,304;lostbytheFranks, note; CodexArgenteusat, vi., 18t
324. note.
Tythes, ii.,3x9; institutedby Charle- Uraias,nephewofVitiges,vii.,x54,243.
magne,viii.,362andnote;SaladineUranins,sophist,at courtof Nushir-
tenth,x.,312-3andnote. van, vii., 2o2.
Tzangra,crossbow, x., 239note. UrbanII., Pope,x., x92; at Councilof
Tzechi,tribe of, viii.,72 and no/e;x., Placentia,x93sg.
277note. Urban IV., Pope, letter of, viii., 389
Tzetzes,Isaac,ix., 370note. note; protectsBaldwinof Courte-
Tzetzes,John,vii., 49 and note; Chil- nay,xi., 73.
lads of,288 note;ix., 370; other:UrbanV.,Pope,xi., 239andnote; ad-
worksof, /b. note; on death of dressedby Petrarch,xii., x55and
Mourzoufle, xi.,9 note. note,sq. note; returns to Rome,
Tzympe,fortressof,taken by theOtto- x57; deathforetoldby St.Bridget,
roans,xi.,z65note. ib.; introducesconservators,z7o
UBERza_rtrs Pusculus,xii.,23 note. UrbanVI., Pope,xii., x59; supported
Ubiiof Cologne,i., 28xnote. by Rome, England, etc., x6x;
Ugernum,nearAries,assemblyat, de- cruelty,ib.,_62.
dares Avitusemperor,vi., 94 andl Urban VIII., Pope, removesroof of
no/e. porticoof Pantheon,xii.,x93note.
Ugri,orHungarians, x., 39sq. Urbanor Orban, Hungarian,mak¢_
cannonfor Mahomet,xii., x4 and Vacearicia, battleof,x.,85 note.
note. Vacsaor law ofZingis,xi., 2i4 tlote.
Urbicus,river,battleon the banksof, Vadomair, a princeoftheAlamanni, iv.,
TheodoricdefeatsRechiarius,vi., x4 and note; epistleof, to Con-
98. stantius,23 note; son of, mur-
Urbino(UrbsVetus),taken by Belisa- dered,2x5;commands withCount
flus,vii., x57andnote; duchyof, Trajan in Armenia,24z.
unitedto Ferrara,xii., 175. Vagabanta,battleof,iv.,24_.
Uregundi,seeBurgundians. Valaxsaces, dateof,ii., x66_wte;King
UroshV., Kingof Servia,marchesto of Armenia,v., 233note.
deliverHadrianople, xi., x66note. Valdrada, wifeof LothaireI1, ix., 347-
Ursacius,Bishopof ILlyricum, professesValencia,worshipof Christabohshed
Arianism,iii.,362; epistlesof,382 in, ix., 232.
note. Valeus,ArianBishopofMursa,iii.,216
Ursacius,masterof theoffices,iv., 213 not£; influencesConstantius,368.
and note. Valens,Augustus, iv., x84;Emperorof
Urselof Baliol, commandsthe Nor- the East, lb.; chaxacter,x96s_?.;
roansintheserviceofRomanus,x., administration, x98s_l.;adoptsthe
x65and note. Arian heresy,2o2,203;assiststhe
Ursel,rebellion of,viii.,286. Iberians,24z; Gothicwax,247
Ursicinus, inGaul,iii.,242; inMesopo- sqq.; residesat Antioch,290sq.;
tamia,258; disgrace,/b, settlestheVisigoths inThrace,292;
Ursini,Romanfamily,xii., x2o sq.; at Constantinople, 3o9; defeated
splendourof, x77,205. at thebattle of Hadrianople,3x2
Ursini,Bartoldo,stoned,xii., xSo. sq.; death,3x4.
Ursini,Martin,executionof, xii., x36 Valens,Bishopof Illyricum,professes
[seeStefaneschi]. Arianism,iii.,362; epistlesof,382
Ursini,Savella,xil.,2o5. note.
Ursinus, contentionof, withDamasus, Valens,generalof the Dalmatianle-
iv., 210. glons, esCapCS, V., 232 ; in the
Ursula,St.,v., 7note- Gothic camp, ',38; desertsto
Ursulus, the treasurer, death,iv.,36. Attalus,/b.
Urtupa,battleof,xi., x88note. Valens,made Caesarby Licinius,ii.,
Uslpetes, ii.,27. 247;death,248.
Uspenski, T., onBarlaam,xi.,276note. Valens,usurperinAchaia,ii., 5° sq.
Usucapio, termin Romanlaw,vii.,357 Valentia,cityof, Constantine besieged
note,sq. note. in,v., x79; destroyedbytheGoths,
Usufruct, vii.,359andnote. 270, 27,; colonyofAlaniat,vi.,43
Usury,vii., 369sq. andnote;reducedbyAbdal-Aziz,
Usu,,terminRomanlaw,vii.,359. 82.
Utica,honorarycolony,i.,46 note;iv., Valentia,provincein Britain,iv., 23o
232; battleof,ix.,204. andnote.
Utturgurians, vii., x8onote. Valentin,general,despatchedto the
Utus,river,Romansdefeatedby Attila, EastbyHeraclins,viii., 22_-3.
vi., x3. Valentin,guardof Justinian,vii., x9x.
Uzbeks or Usbec Taxtars, iv., 263 Valentinian I., lawagahLst deserters,iii.,
note;vi.,27note;xi.,x83note;in- _4xnote; character,iv., 18xs_.;
vade:Persiaand Transoxiana, 2x7. dividestheempire,x85; crueltyof,
Uzi,tribeof,x., x65and note. x96sg.;beaxsuf,x98;administra-
tion, t98$g.; institutesde]ensors,
VABALLATErus (orBalbatus),ii.,86note. 2oo;religioustoleration, 2ox; edict
Vacasora, subduedbythe Saxaceus, ix., againstthe clergy,207and note;
22o. warwiththe Alamanni,2z4sq_.;
Vacca,Fiaminius,xii., x94note. invades Germany,2x9; sends
Palladiusto Africa,232; warwith Valvassors, orderof,at Rome,viii.,384
the Sarmatians,25xsqq.; enters andnote; or bannerets, in diocese
Sirmium,2$3; death,256andnote. of Coutances, z., 97-
Valentinian II.,Emperor, iv.,258;rules Vgmb6ry,A.,Historyof Bokhgrfi, ix.,
in Italy, Africaand Western11- x32note.
lyricum,v., xo;expelledby Maxi- VanDale,deConsec_atione Principum,
mus,38; restoredby Theodosius, i., 87note.
57; character, 58; death,60. Vandale,physician, iv.,9° note.
Valentinian III., Emperor of the West, Vandals,in Germany, i., 3oxnote,ii.,7,
edict of, concerningthe annum 8andnote,74note;settleinBritain,
consumption of Rome,v., 2x9,339 x22; allythemselveswiththeSat-
and note; reducesthe tributeof matians,iii.,x87; invadeItaly,v.,
NumidiaandMauritania, 354note; I65; defeatedby theFranks,i74;
flighttoRome,vi., 72; peacewith in Gaul andSpain,273; defeated
Attila,73; puts Aetinsto death by Wallia,a76, 277; take Seville
78sq. andCarthagena, 343; inAfrica,343
Valentinians, sect of the,ii.,277; per- sqq.; maritime power, vi., 84;
secuted,iii., 333; iv., 98; theory plunderRome,89sqg.andnotes;on
on the natureof Christ,viii., x3x the coastsof the Mediterranean,
note. ix7; theirconversion, x82; perse-
Valentola, surrendered byTheodcmirto cute the AfricanChristians,x88
theSaracens,ix., 220. sqg.; numberof, underGelimer,
Valeria,daughterof Diocletian,ii.,x49 vii., 99 s{.; fateof, xo9 sqq.; be,
note; fate of, 243s_.; embraces comeextinctin Africa,xxS; re-
Christianity, iii.,59. volt of, in Africa,236; complete
Valeria,provinceof, ii.,222note; gov- disappearance of, 242; effectof
crnedby Marcellinus, iv., =5xand theircaptureon the buildingsof
note. Rome,xii., z92.
Valerian,brings armyto the reliefof: Vannes,dioceseof, subduedby the
Rome,vii., x5o. Britonsof Armorica, vi., 275.
Valerian,censor,ii., 2i; Emperor,22 Vapincum, iii., 22tnote.
andnote;associatesGallienus,23; Varanes,generalof Honorius,v., x95.
wallof, 37 note;expedition to the Vaxanes, or Bahrain,usurper,exploits
East,42, 43; captureof, 44, 47; of, viii., 57 sq.; rebellionof, 59
conducttowardsthe Christians, ili., sqq.; interviews withChosroes, 6z
55- note;deathof, 65.
Valerianus, P.LiciniusCornelius, sonof Vaxanes,or Bahrain,King of Persia
Gallienus,ii., 23 note; death,25 (Varahran IL), ii., x3oandnote.
note. Varanes,son of Yezdegerd,King of
ValeriusFlaccns,onthe Oppian law, Persia, persecutesthe Christians,
vii.,347note. v., 33° ; ruinoftheArmenian king-
Valerius,nameassumedby Diocletian, doraunder,333note.
ii., x44note. Varangians,in the Byzantineservice,
Valet,title of,x., 35t note. ix., 340; x., 5i; nameof,/b, note;
Valla, Laurentius,grammarian,vii., acclamationsof, ix., 344 note;
332note;viii.,349andnote;Latin serveunderAlexiusComnenus,x.
interpreter, xi., 280. XlS; composed of DanesandEng-
Valle,della,Romanfamilyof,xli.,205. lish,364andnote;serveunderthe
Vane,Pietxodella,iv., x36note; vii., Emperors ofNicma,xi.,63,65.
222note; on ruinsof Assyria,ix., Varchonites, seeOgars.
x25note. Varna,battleof,xi.,309sq.
Vallio,Count,death,v., 8 note. Varni,or Varini,vi., 285.
Vahurio,Robert,his de Re Militari,Varro,onfan ofRome,vi.,8zandnote;
xii.,2note. oncomets,vii., 292and note.
Varroniaa, Count,fatherofJovian,iv., republicof,vi.,69_gg.;historyof,
z57. by Ma.ffei,/b. note; infant do-
Varron/an,/afant son of Jovian,iv. minionof,viii.,29; allyof Lore-
x79. bardy,385; tradeof, withEgypt
Varns,Alfenus,Romanlawyer,v., 279 and Palestine,x., x84note; tiis-
note. tory of,344sqq.; bronzehorsesof
Varns,i.,3 note,25note. Constantinopletaken to, _d.,384
Vasinobroncae, iv.,246note. note; her monopolyof trade with
Vataces, John Ducas,Emperorof Nice, the East,xi., x46note;JohnPa-
xi., 24; besiegesConstantinople, l,_'ologus at, 260; knowledgeof
26; conquests,33; death, /b.; Turkishpoliticalaffairsat, xii.,63
administration,55 sqq.; treasures note;holdsalooffromfactionsof
of,6,3and note;interview withthe Italy,x98.
Sultan of Iconium,xi., x54; his Venti,Emperorof China,memorial to,
account ofthe Mongolinvasion iv., 277note, s_.note.
232- Venus,chapel of, at Jerusalem,iv.,
Vatari,villageof,vii.,237note. 75.
Vatican,libraryof the, xi., 289. Venusia,in Lucania,iii., 70; Robert
Vatican,suburb,seeRome. Guiscardburied at, x., x27and
Vaucluse,retreat ofPetrarch, xi., x24 tzote.
and note. Veratius, vii.,37L
Vayvods,or Hungarianchiefs,x., 38; Verdun,massacreof theJewsat,x.,
xi.,3t3. Cp.Voivode. 2xo.
Veccns,Johannes,Patriarchof Con- Vergerius,pupll of Chrysoloras, xi.,
stantinople, xi., 76andnote. 283note.
Vedastus, St.,Life of,vi.,2x8note. Verina,widowof Leo,vi., x4x; claims
Vegetius,his descriptionof Roman the empire,302sq.
legions,i., x9 note; v., 7o and Verinianus,opposesConstantinethe
note. tyrant,v., i8o and note.
Veii,siegeof, i., 2o3; positionof, _b. Verona,amphitheatre at, i., 56; splen-
note,ii.,x79note. dourof,6x; siegeof,ii.,23_sq.and
Velleda,Germanprophetess,i., 292. note;defeatof theGothsnear,v.,
Velleius,Paterculus,i., I42note. x58; destroyedby Attila,vi., 68;
Venaissin, county,cededto the Popes, battleof, 3xo; palaceof Thcod-
xii.,xxoandnote. oric at, 327and note;chapelof
Venantins, consul,viii.,_62. : St. Stephenat, destroyed by The-
Venedi,ii., 9 sq. and note; subdued odoric,333; Teias at, vii., 2¢,7;
by Hermanric,iv., 246. Lombaxds in, viii.,x3-
Venerianus, ii.,37note. Veronica,or imageof Christ,viii.,3xS-
Venetians,recoverRavenna,viii.,336; Verres,tyrantofSicily,vii.,377.
alliancewith AlexinsComnenus,Versinicia, battleof,x., 32note.
x., x25; war withEmperorMan- Versuspolitici,ix.,373and note.
uel,i38; commerce,347; govern- Vert_e, anunknownnation,inthearmy
ment,ib.;treatywiththeCrnsaders, of $apor,iii.,254and note.
348sqq.; treacheryof,to Crusa- Vertot,Abb_de, xii.,27note.
ders,350note;territoryafter con- Verns,.'Elias,i.,96.
quest of Constantinople,xi., 5; VerustheYounger,i.,97-
settlementsin Constantinople, lb.; Ves,Russiantribe,x., 54note.
warwiththe Genoese,x25; treaty Vespasian,i., 55, 84 note,93 sg. and
with Cantaeuzene, /b.; their de- note; discoveryof his lexde ira-
feat,x26; use of gunpowderby, perio,xii., x3oand note.
xi., 23L SeeVenice. Vespasiana,allegedprovincein Scot-
Veneti,i., 26 andnote. land,i.,6note.
Venice,or Venetia,foundationof the Vestals,i., x45; v., 72andnote.
Veterans,lands bestowedon, iii., x4o Constantinebesieged in, x79;
and note. takenby Clovis,vi., 226.
Vetranio,governorofIllyricum,assumesVienna,Theodoricborn at, vi., 299.
the purple,iii., 2o8andnote; de- Viennensis, oneof theSevenProvinces,
posedand exiled by Constantins, v., 286note.
2x3. Vigenna,orVienne,river,vi.,232.
Vettius,celebratedRomanaugur,vi., Vigilantia,motherof Justinian,vii., z
82 note. note,I4.
Vexin,Countof,titleof Kingof France,Vigilantins(presbyter), v., 98 note.
x., 28i note. Vigilantins,generalofHonorius,v.,x95.
Vdzelay,Parliamentof, St.Bernard at, Vigilins,deacon,madePope,vii., x49; !
x., 285. accusedof exileof Sylverius,246
Via Cmsaris,suburb of Ravenna,v., note;sendsSiciliancornto Rome,
x63note. 250and note; apostacyof, viii.,
Vicars or vice-prefects,iii., x27 and x76.
note. Vigilius,interpretersent with embassy
Vicennalia,festivalof the,ii., x77,x78 to Attila,vi., 24; interviewwith
and note. Attila,3o; his conspiracyagainst
Vicenza,destroyedby Attila,vi., 68. Attila,34.
Victor,Africanbishop,his historyof VigilinsofThapsus,dialogueof,vi.,x96
the Africanpersecution,vi., x99. andnote.
Victor,Aurelius,iii.,ao6 note; prefect Vignoles,M. des, on date of firein
of thecity,iv., 2note. Nero's reign,xii., x88note.
Victor(Flavius),sonofMaximns,death Viliaris,a Gothicwarrior, vii., 244note.
of,v., 4_and note. Villages,inRussiaand Poland,vii.,x8z
Victor,the Sarmatian,Julian's general note;authoritiesupon,lb.
of infanta%iv., x24; at Maoga- Villains,or serfs,in Syria,x., 270.
malcha,_3x; wounded,z4o; gen- Villani,John, on therevolutionof a.v.
eralofVMens againsttheGoths,iv., x328at Rome,xii.,1o6note.
:_49; withArintheusarrangespeace Villani,Matthew,historyof, xi., tit
withthe Goths,250; retreatof, at note.
Hadrianople,3z4. Villas,oftheMerovingians, vi., 250and
VictorVitensis,HAstory ofthe Vandalic note.
persecution,v., 350note; vi., x9o Villehardouin, Geoffreyde,joinsfourth
note. crusade,x., 343; originof nameof,
Victor (the Younger),historian, lii., lb. note; compared to Nicetas,
z7onote,225note. 379; Marshalof Romania,xi.,8;
Victoria,motherof Victorinus,ii., 5% retreats before the Bulgarians,
82andnote. x6.
Victorianns, proconsulandmartyr,vi., Villehardouin,William, Prince of
x94note. Achaia,captivityof, :l:i.,34 and
Victorinus,associateof Posthumns,ii., note.
50; death,8x and note. Viminacium, i., x64note;destroyedby
Victors,veteranbandofthe,inBritain, theHuns,vi.,xz.
iv.,229. Vindonissa, battleof,ii.,z$9; ruinsof,
Victory,statueand altar of,v., 74and vi., 217andnote.
note; banished by Gratian, 75; Vine,cultivationof the, i., 66,67 and
restorationssolicitedby Symma- note.
claus,/b. Virgil,fourth eclogueof, iii., 304and
Victovali,i.,3or note. note;sixtheclogueof,iv.,xo7note;
VicnsHelena,townof,Clodiondefeated nintheclogueof,v., 279andnote;
by Aetinsat, vi., 5° and note. mentionof silk by, vii., 3x; men-
Vienna (Vienne),iv., 6; Julian at, (donssuicides,387andnote; as a
x3; ValentinianII. at, v., 59; magician,xii., 2o9 note.
Virtha, or Tecrlt, Arabian fortress,Volney,traveller in Egypt,ix., z79note,
besiegedby Sapor,iii., 257and i9! note.
note. Voloceanmarshes,ii., aaanote.
Visandus, Gothicstandard-bearer, vii., Vologesia, iv., xa7 note.
x39. Voltaire,i., 33note; hisZadig,ix., x9
Visconti,sovereignty of,in Milan,viii., note; on Mahomet,73 note; on
39L siegeof Damascus, x4onote;on
Visigoths, seeunderGoths. divisionof the SaracenEmpire,
Vistula,settlement of Gothson,ii.,7- 263note;onAlexius Comnenus, x.,
Vitalian,Gothicchief,deathof,vii.,4; 227note;onAmurathII.,xi.,303
familyof,ib. note. note; xii., 38 note; Turcophil
Vitalian,nephewof Anastasius,revolt prejudices, 56 note.
of,viii.,z67. Volusianus, son of Gallus,ii., 20 and
Vitalianus,Prmtorianprefect,i., 220 note.
note,228. Volasius,wealthyRomansenator,v.,
Vitalius,generalof Justinian,vii., 244 206note.
note. Vopiscus, ii., :03note.
Vitaxa_,or satraps,i., 26x. Vortigera,Britishprince,vi., 269st.,
ViteUius, emperor,i., 94, zot note. 276.
Vitcrbo,viii., 333andnote; battle of, Vortimer,sonof Vortigern, vi., 276.
xii., xoa and note; a retreatof Vouillt,battleof, Clovisdefeatsthe
popes,xo7. Gothsat,vi.,333; positionof,and
Vitiges,generalof Theodatus,Kingof site ofthe battle,lb. note.
Italy,vii., i36; besiegesRome,J38 Vou-ti,Emperorof China,ii.,I67and
sqq.; sixcampsat Rome,I43and note;iv., 279andnote.
note;besiegesRimini,x55;fliesto Vsevladof Irdev,x., 194note.
Ravenna,lb.; acceptsBelisaxius as Vulcanus,Bonaventura, authorofLatin
King of the Goths, 164; taken versionof Agathias,vii.,8 note.
prisoner,/b.;senatorandpatricianVultures,twelve,of Romulus,vi., St.
at Constantinople,z65 and note;
embassyof, to Persia,ao6. WACg.rDY (AIW_.lddi), historyof the
Vitruvius,thearchitect,v.,233andnote. conquestof Syriaascribedto, ix.,
Vitry,Jamesde,x., 26i note. I35 note; historyof conquestof
Vivarium at Rome,seeRome. Mesopotamia, x7o note;historyof
Vivonne,Clovisattacksthe Visigoths conquestof Egypt,x73note.
near,vi., 233:r/o/e. WaimarofSalerno,x.,90note;receives
Vizir,officeof, revived,ix., 203note; Capua,9t note.
Turkishofficeof, xi., x58. Waltz,G.,onimperialcoronations, xii.,
Vlachia,Great,x., 338note. 67 note.
Vlacho-Bulgarian kingdom, x., 338 Wakasa,battleof (Yermuk),ix., x57
note. note.
Vladimir,metropolis,taken by the Walachians,ii., 74 note;originof,x.,
Mongols,xi., 146note. 28andnote;shareinsecondBul-
Vladimir,seeWolodomir. garian kingdom,338 and note;
Voconian law,vii.,36i and note,365. rebelagainstthe Turks,xi., 168
Voguls,Siberianpeople,x., 39 note. note;claimHunyady,3x3 note.
Voigt,G., on iEneasSylvius,xii., 62 SeeVlachia.
note. Waladimir I., ofRussia,seeWolodomir.
Voigt,Johannes,on PopeHildebrand,Walamir,Princeof the Ostrogoths in
x., x3_note. Pannonia,friendof Attila,vi., 8;
Voivode, :d.,93- brotherofTheodoric theOstrogoth,
Volaterranus, Jac., Diaryof,_di.,xSo. vi., 299and note,sq.
Volaterra,Raphaelde,translatesworksWalamirs,Gothictribe, fightfor the
of Procopius,vii.,8 note. EmperorZeno,vi., 3o4•
Wales, Britons retreatto, vi., 275; Whiteandblack,meaning of,inTurkish
marchesof, 288; musicin,/b.,sq. language,ai., 168note.
note. WhiteHorde,xi., 187_. !
Walid, caliph, marriesgranddaughterWhiteHuns,iv., 282sqq. |
of Yezdegerd,ix., x3r note;con- White,Mr.,ArabicprofessoratOxford, i
32and note;
222 ix.,254note;institutions ofTimour
translatedby, xi., 18z note. ]
a4r. Wibaldof Corvei,Abbot,x., 28r note.
Wall, Roman,in Britain, i., 5; of Wibert,hisLifeofLeoIX., x., 93 note.
Aurelian,ii., 80; of Probus,i2o Widimir,brotherof Theodoricthe Os-
ofChina,iv.,277; of Rome,under trogoth,vi., 299sq. andnote.
Honorius,v., 223; of Justinianin Wilfrid,Anglo-Saxon bishop,vi., 28t
ThracianChersonese, vii., 61 sg.; and note; at the Lateransynod,
of Anastasius,62. viii.,z82 note.
Wallia,KingoftheGoths,allieshlmr_f WilliamI., Kingof Sicily(theBad),x.,
withRome,v., 275;death,vi., 44. I4° sg.
Wnllus,or Cambricus,vi., 28*note. WillisrnII., of Sicily(the Good),x.,
WalterdeBrienne,DukeofAthens,xi., 139,I42.
9_; death,/b. William,Countof Apulia,x., 88, 90;
Walterde Poissy,uncleof Walterthe dividesthe conquestswithRainulf
Penniless,x., 2o9 note. andWaimar,9o note; death,x29.
Walterthe Penniless,x., 2o9; in Asia Williamof Malmesbury,on firstcru-
Minor,ax2. sade,x., 234note.
Walther,on Romanlaw,vii., 3o2note. Williamof Nogaret,xli., io8.
Wangkhan,seePresterJohn. Williamof Tyre,errorof,x., 182note;
War,rightsof,vii., *62note. knowledge of antiquityof,240note.
Warburtonon Julian,iv., 78note. William,Viscountof Melun,flightof,
Warna,seeVarna. at Antioch,x., 247.
Warnefrid, Paul,ontheLombards,vii., Wimpfen,ii., x2o.
I78 note;viii.,28 note;on defeat Winchester, Roman,Gyn_ceumat, iii.,
d theSaraceus, ix.,256note. x48note.
Waters,Princeofthe,Persiantitle,vii. Windmill% introducedinto Europeby
2ooandnote. theCrusaders,xi., 40 note.
Watson,Dr.,ix., 247note. Wine,publicdistribution of, at Rome,
Waywode,seeVoivode. v.,219; scarcityof, lb.andnote.
Wei-lio,Chinesedocument, vii., 32 Wingfidd,Sir Robert,ambassadorof
note. HenryVIII., xii., i66 note.
Wellhausen,on fall of Mecca,ix., 74 Wisdomof Solomon,publishedbythe
note. Alexandrian Jews,iii.,340andnote.
Wells,in Persia,vii., aoo note. Wisumar,VandalKingof the Goths,
Wdtin,visionof,viii.,36onote. iii.,89, 9o.
WendsorS1avonians, vii.,,x 7 note. Witchcraftand Witches,iv., 193; in
Wenzel,son of CharlesIV., viii.,39z Lombardcodeof laws,viii.,37-8.
note. Withicab,sonof Vadomair,murderof,
Werdan,generalof Heraclius,ix., x42 iv., 2z5.
andnote. Withimer,King of the Goths, war
Wharton,Thomas,Historyof English against the Hunsand Alani,iv.,
Poetry, vi., 278note. 288.
Wheat,price of,iii., _7 note;fixedby Witikind(Widukind), Saxonchief,viii.,
Julian,iv., xz2. 372andnote.
Whitaker,i., x66 note; his Historyof Witikind(Widukind), Saxonmonk,vi.,
Manchester,iv.,226note;vi., 268 269note.
note; on Englishlanguage,279 Witiza,KingoftheGothsinSpain,vi.,
m_/4. 265; ix., 2o9.
Woden,godof war, vi., _72. and note;subduedby Mo_wiya,
Wolodomir,Grand Duke of Russia, 99; subduedby Saladin,x., 295.
viii.,268; sendsauxiliariesagainst YenKing,seePeking.
Phocas,274note; ix., 349; bap- ¥ermuk,battleofthe,ix., 156s_.
tismof, x., 7o; marriesPrincess¥ezdegerdI., v., 3x9.
Anne,/b.; dateof, /b. note. YezdegerdIII., lastKingof Persia,ix.,
Wolodomir, provinceof, seeMoscow. 12o;eraof,/b, notes;defeatedby
Women,positionamong Romans,i., theArabsat Jalula,_26;at Rayy,
x92;amongthe Germans,29zsg.; /b. note; takes refugewith the
amongtheMahometans, ix.,52sg.; Princeof Fargana,129-3o;slain
howregardedlegally,vii.,346. by theTurks, x3x; children of,ib.
Woodward, W.H., xi., 275note. note; vii.,20i.
World,date of creationof, ii.,289and Yezd,MagianPontiffnear,ix.,a29-3o.
note;conflagration of, 292sq. YezidI., Caliph,sonof MnAwiya, ix.,
Worms, destroyed,iii.,260;murdersat, xox; sparesfamilyofAll,xo4; at
intenthcentury,x.,203note;mas- siegeof Constantinople, 238.
sacreof the Jewsat, 2_o. Yezid11.,Caliph,iconoclastic edictof,
Worship,public, solid foundationof viii.,3x6note.
religion,v., 95. Yezid,favouriteof Sulaym_m, ix., 223
Wotton'sReflectionson Ancientand note.
ModernLearmng,ix., x86 no/e; Yezid,sonof Walid,ix.,x3t note.
275note. Yolande,daughterof Johnof Brienne,
wifeofFrederic II.,x.,3x5andnote.
XEiqAIAS, or Philoxenus,Bishop of Yolande,sisterof BaldwinandHenry,
Mabug,exileand death of, viii., wifeofPeterofCourtenay,xi.,22.
x95and note. Youldnna,chiefofAleppe,ix., 163,165.
Xenophon, on eunuchs,iii., 224note; Yuen,Mongoldynastyof,xi., t52.
Cyropa_dia andAnabasi.Liv., x63 Yule,Colonel,histranslation of Marco
note;on Syrianand Ciliciangates, Polo,:d.,x34note;onChina,I4x
viii.,ionnote. note.
Xeres,battleof, ix., 2x3 and note.
Xerxes,Bridgeof Boats, lii., 95 and ZAB,lesser,viii.,nS.
note;vii., x74note. Zahatus,orgreatZab, river,iv., x6a
Ximenes, Cardinal,publishestheGreek note; Heracliusat, viii.,xx5;de-
testament,vi., x98note. featof CaliphMervan onthebanks
Ximenes, Roderic,hisl-IistoriaArabum, of,ix.,26o.
ix.,25onote. Zabdas,generalofZenobia,ii.,87.
Xiphilin,Patriarchof Constantinople, Zabdicene,provinceof, cededto the
viii.,283. empire,ii., x76andnote.
Xivrey,Bergerde,onEmperorManuel, Zabergan, leader of the Bulgarian
xi.,249note. cavalry, vfi., 282; threatensCon-
stantinople, 283; retires,285.
YAROSlAV, seeJaroslausandIeroslaus.Zablestan, reducedby Nushirvan,vii.,
Yatxeb,seeMedina. 230.
Yeletz,takenbyTimour,xi., x89. Zacagni,viii.,28note.
Yelutchousay, Chinesemandarin,vi., Zachariah, Patriarchof Jerusalem,
x4andnote. takenby Chosroes to Persia,viii.,
Yemanah, Arabiancity,andprovince of, 9o.
ix.,zx2andnote. Zac_hariah, prophet,vii.,x72.
Yemen,orArabiaFelix,conqueredby Zacharias, BishopofMytilene,viii.,I53
Nushirvan,viii.,5x sq.; kingdomi note.
of, ix., 5 and note; citiesin, 8; Zacharias,thePaulician,x., 4note.
Persians, Egyptians, andTurks,xo Zadeughel, viii.,2ta.
Zagan, Pasha,at siegeof Constant.i-Zenobia,queenof Palmyra,ii., 5o,53,
nople,xii., x8note. 65; defeatedby Aurelian,7r;
Zagarola,fiefof theColonna,xii., Ix7. character andreign,83sqq.; pro-
Zagatai,sonofZingis,xi., x4oandnote. tectsPaulof Samosat3,iii.,58.
Zagatais,defeatToct_mi_h, xi., 189. Zenobius,ii., 95 _wte.
Zaid,seeZcid. Zeno,Emperor, restored, vi., x48;has-
Zaleucus,lawsof, vii.,306and note. band of Ariadne,302; vii., 64;
Zalzuts,x., x57note. Henoticonof,viii.,x62and note.
Zama, battleof, ii., x26note. Zeno,Bishopof Maiuma,iv.,95note.
Zarna,Saracenleader,deathof,ix.,_52. Zeno,orator,vii.,5L
Zames,vii.,266note. Zephaniah,prophecyof, iv., 3x9.
Zamma,brotherof Firmus,iv., 233. Zeugma,passageof the Euphrates,iv.,
Zamoixis,ii.,74. ix9ffagte.
Zamorin,grantsprivileges toChristiansZeuxippus,bathsof, iii., zoS,xo6and
ofSt.Thomas,viii.,x92. note.
gampea,attendantoftheEmpressAnne, Zhebu,thechaganof theKhazars,viii.,
xi., 236and note. i_z note.
Zani,Peter,Dogeof Venice,xi.,6 note. Zichid_e, xi.,3o3note.
Zani, tribeof, vii., 66; sent by Jus- Ziebel,Princeof the Chozars,viii.,
tinianagainstthePersians,223. [ Ix2.
Zano,brotherof Gelimer,vii.,xo5s¢q.;!Zimisces,John, theArmenian, viii.,268
death, _08. note; Typikonof, a69 note,sq.;
Zanteor Zacynthus,massacreat, by accountof, 27osflg.;easterncon-
Genseric,vi., xz8;takenby Vene- quests,ix., 309 sgq.; settlesthe
tians,xi., S note. Paul/clansin Thrace, x., x5 and
Zanubi,poetlaureate,xii., x55note. note; conquersEasternBulgaria,
Zapharan, Jacobite monastery,near 35 note; his name,65 note;takes
Merdin,viii., z96. Marcianopolis, 66; triumphof,
Zara,siegeof,x., 353andnote. 67-8.
Zarabai,officeof the,ix., 338note. ZingisKhan,iv.,26i note,270andnote;
Zarathustra, seeZoroaster. vi., 5 andnote; slaysthe Chinese,
Zathus,Kingof Lazica,vii., _2o. x4 sq.; accountof, xi., xa9 sgq.;
Zayrids, seeZeirides. birthandrace,/b,andnote;etymol-
Zealots,sectofthe,iii.,4 note,23. ogyof nameZing, is,r3onote;laws
Zebrasat Rome,ii., i36 note. of,x3xsq.andnote;religionof,13t
Zehra,cityof,nearCordova, ix.,267. sq.; invadesChina,x35sq.;con-
Zeid,slaveofMahomet,ix.,42note,54; quersCarizme,Transoxiana,and
standardbearerat Muta,78. Persia, J37 sq.; his strategical
Zeineb,wifeof Mahomet,ix., 86 note. ability,ib. note; returnanddeath
Zeineddin (Zaynad-Din)Cadhi,x.,287. of,x39; childrenandsuccessors of,
Zeirides,SaracendynastyinAfrica,x., J4osq.
x3z. Zizais,chiefoftheSarmatians, iii.,¢49.
ZeitinBurnou,nearthe GoldenGate, Zobeide,wifeofHarunAl-Rashid, viii.,
xii.,3° note. _o5 note.
gela_orItali_e,tide, xii., z4o. Zobeir,Arabianchief,supported by ia-
Zemlin,seeSemlin. ; surgentsof Kfifa,ix., 96 andnote;
Zemzem,holywellof Mecca,ix.,9, 24. revolts againstAli, 97; death,
Zendlanguage,i., 253note. 98; _ Gregorythe Prelect,I94
Zendavesta, or Bibleof theGhebers,i.,i sqq.
253,258. Zoe Caxbonupsina,wife of Emperor
Zendecan,battleof,x., 156. Leo VI., viii., 263and note; re-
Zenghi,Governor of Aleppo,x., 288. gencyof,264.
ZeniaorZonastan,Armeniannamefor Zoo, daughterof ConstantineIX.
China,ii., x66note.. (VIII.), viii., a76; empress,278.
Zoe,secondwifeof Leo VI., viii.,26I of his style,326; lack of judg-
note,263and note. ment,336; v., 4o; fanaticism of,
Zoltan,sonof Arpad,Hungarianruler, 95 andnote; accountof Britain,
x., 44 note; Hungarianform of 28u; on revoltof Tribigildand
"Sultan," x48note. Gainas,299note; on the monks,
Zonaxas, i., 232note; on AnnaCorn- vi., x72.
nena,ix.,371note. Zost_patricia,maidofhonourat Byzan-
Zoroasteror Zarathustra,i., 253 and tineCourt,ix.,338note.
note; systemof,254sqq.; ii.,277; Zotlcus,i., i88 note.
vii.,196note;writingsof,ix.,2a7; Zoupans,or Lordsof Croatia,x., 3o.
religionconfoundedwith that of Zuheir,SaracengovernorofAfrica,ix.,
the Hindoos,/b. note,229. 2oo.
Zosinaus,on taxation,iii., x64, 165; Zurich,cityof,xii.,8o and note.
accuses Constantine, 28o; on Zwinglius,ii.,293note.
epistles of Julian, iv., 23 note; Zygomala,Theodosius,on siege of
prejudiced,31o note; description Constantinople, z/d.,6 note.


ABASGIA, ix., 405. 4erariumof Rome,iii.,452.

Abbadgn,town,iv., 343. Aetius,in Merobaudes,iv.,35z; rda-
Abbgsids,the, theirinfluenceon his- tionsto Boniface,376.
toriography,viii.,4x5. Africa,wars in (sixth century),vii.,
AbdaI-Malik,buildingat Jerusalem, 403; exarc.hs of, 404; pt-_t,pre-
iv., 342; coinageof,ix., 399" fectSand magg.milL,/b.
Abdar-Rahmgn(historian),ix.,397- Africa,Dioceseof,iii.,43_.
Ablavius,ii., 35o. Africa,provinceof,i., 3x6; iii.,43I.
Abraha,King,vii.,402andnote. Agapetus of Synnada,iv.,34x.
Abraham,Armenianmonk,xii.,2z6. Agathangelus, i., 3ao; sourcesof, iii.,
Abramos, in Yemen,vii.,4oz. 44L
Abulfaragius, seeBar-Hebrseus. Agathias,i., 3_o-_; vi., 353"
Ab_-l-Fidg,geographyof, iv., 343;life Ager_ezin rebus,iii.,435.
and workSof, ix., 397. AgneUUs, iv., 353.
Ab_1 Sh_ma,se_Abd ar-Rahn_n. Agriculture,code relatingto (eighth
Abyssinia, ia fourthto sixth centuries century),viii.,4375q.
A.D.,vii.,400sq_. Aizan,King,vii.,4oo.
Achaia,province,i., 315. _lc_0_'o__vo_,viii.,398.
Acciajoli, the (Nicholas;Angelo; Ne- Alamanni,ii.,356.
rio I.; Antonio; NerioII.), xi., Alania,ix.,405.
Alans,in Gaul,iv., 348;ix.,404.
Adand, A. H. D., ii.,35o. Alaric,Stilicho's campaigns against,v.,
Acre,Saracensiegeof, ix., 397. 365-7; in Greece,367; in Italy,
Acropolites, George,ix.,383-4• 368-9; "peaetrabisad urbem,"
Acts o/Archedau._, x., 39o. 368.
Adad,King,vii.,4oxandnote. Ajmidain,battleof, ix.,377.
AdamdeMontaldo,xii., 516. Albanians, inthePeloponnesus, ix..409.
Adamek,viii.,396hole. Albano,Bogomilsof,x., 39o.
Adelperga, friendof PaultheDeacon Albertof Aachen,ix.,39_.
AleppO, collegeof,ix.,397-
viii.,4x3. doctrineof, x., 39o.
Adoptionism, Alexander of Alexandria, ii.,366.
Adorationof Emperors,iii.,4a3. Alexandria,Librariesof, v., 365sq.;
Adrunut.zion, ix., 4o6. dateofcapitulation,
Alexius Comnenus, ix., 380.
Adscripti_ii, viii.,436.
Aegeansea, themeof, ix., 4ox; seal Ali,Caliph,coinageof, ix.,39z.
of,4o3. Allectus,iv.,355-
Aegina, xi., 334. AE_lengyon, viii.,436.
Aegyptus, province,i., 3r6. Alpes,maritime,Cottize,Poenin_,i.,
Aelana,vii.,393- 3x5"
Aelius'E_mpridius, writerofHist.Aug., Alphabets,
A1.Mam_n0 Slavonic,
iv., 342.x., 397.
i., 307S_q.
AeliusSpartianus,writerof HistoriaAltandepict,MongolannalS, xi.,328.
Augusta,i., 306sqq. Altziagiri,the,vii.,396.
Aemilianus, tyrant,ii.,353- Amalfi,xi.,332.
Amatusof Salerno, ix.,388sq. vii., 393; Radulph'saccountof
Ambrosethe Norman,ix., 393. captureof, ix.,39a.
Amrlineau,vi.,364. Antiparos,xi.,335-
Amorgos,xi., 336. AntoninusPins, Titus, Edictof, con-
AmmianusMarcellinus,his works,/.i., cerningChristians,i/i.,4x7.
362sq.; listofGallicandEgyptian Antoninus,Marcus Aurelius,rescript
provinces,iii., 424sg.,429. ascribedto, iii., 4z7; Christian
Ammon,bishop,vi., 364. persecutionof, 420; mentionedin
Amyris,of Filelfo,xii., 2z7. Chinesebooks,vii., 893.
Anaea,xi., 335. Anzitene,viii.,4_3.
'Avd_X_ar_jsx_avo'rarrLvlnroXrls, xii., Aosta,viii.,42L
2z7- Aphthartodocetism,viii.,427.
Anaphe,xi.,335. Apollonius,Acts o],iii.,42o.
Anastasius I., Emperor,vi., 3Sa; coin- Apronianus,fatherof Dion Cassius,i.,
ageof,vii.,394. 3o5.
Anastasins,Martyr,Life of,viii.,398. Aquitania,province,i., 3z4.
Anastasiusof MountSinai,viii.,399- Arabia,provinceof, i., 312, 3x6; in
Andan,seeAdad. fourthcentury,iii.,426; goldin,ix.,
Andronicus I., Emperor,ix., 384. 375-
Andros,xi.,334- Arbogast,iv.,357-
Angers,Annalsof,vi., 362. Arborins,iv., 347.
An-hsi(Parthia),vii.,393. Arcadia,province, iii.,424sg.
Anianus,ii.,368; viii.,4x8. Arcadius,Emperor,v., 377.
Anna Comnena,herAlexiad,vii/.,408 Archerand K/ngsford,Hist. of Cru-
sq. sades,ix., 398.
AnnalesBarenses,ix., 389. ArdashirII., iv., 357; v., 374.
AnnalesBeneven_ni,ix., 389. Arentans,the,ix.,4o5.
Annalsof Hundynasty,iv., 357. Areobindus,vi.,36o.
Annalsof Ravenna,iv.,353. Arethas,Kingof Azure,vii., 4o2.
Annon_ ]wMeratic_, iii.,433. Arethas,Martyrdomo], vii., 4oz and
Anonymous Chronographer of A.D.354, note.
_.,3_o,320. Arians,in the Martyrologium, iv., 342.
AnonymousContinuatorof Dion, i., Arickis,DukeofBeneventum, viii.,4_3-
3°6; ii-, 357; viii., 395 hole, Aristakes,Catholicusof Armenia,ilL,
4xo. 442.
AnonymousDirgeon Cnustantioople,Aristotle,Pselluson,viii.,4o6.
_d.,329. Arius,Lettersof,ii.,366.
AnonymousMonodla on Theodore Armenia,historyand historiansof,in
Pal,x_Ologus,ii., 36o. fourth century, iii., 44x sqg.;
AnonymousScribeof King B61a,x., churchof,443; divisionof,between
398. the Empireand Persia, v., 374;
AnonymusCuspiniani,see Chronicon laterhistoriansof,ix.,398;account
Cusp. of, by ConstantinePorph.,405.
Anonymus,on Constantinethe Great Armeniaminor,iii.,4_7-
andHelen,iii.,446. Armenia,theRomanprovincesof,under
AnonymusValesii,the first fragment, Justinian, viii., 42_ sq.; under
iii., 36o; secondfragment,origin Maurice,423.
of, iv., 353; natureof,vi., 358. Armorici, defeatedbyAetius,iv.,35t.
Ansaldo,L., ix., 393- Army,Roman,L, 3x3; underDiode-
Antae,subduedbyAvars,viii.,4no. tianandConstantine, iii.,432$q_.;
Antala,vi., 360; vii., 4o3. sizeof,thirdtosixthcenturies, 433.
Anthony,St., vii.,364. Arnold,C.F., iii.,42o.
Antioch,ii.,35z; Zenobiadrivenfrom,Arnold,W. T., iii., 4no.
354; mentionedin Chinesebooks, Arosa,i., 312.
Arsaces,title,ill., 442. BahrAinIV., iv., 357.
Arsacius,dragonslayer,iv., 34z. Bahr_mV.,iv.,357.
Ar_ak,King,iii.,442. B_,ih.rens,
Artemius,Lifeof,seeVitaArtemii. Baian,viii.,4ax.
Arverni,vi., 357. Baian,seePaganos.
Arzanene,viii.,423. Baidar,xi., 337.
Aschbach I., iv., 355. Baldric,Archbishop of Dol,ix.,39L
Asena,vii.,398. BaldwinIV._ix.,394-
Asia,province,i., 3z5. BaldwinIII., x., 404.
Asmus,J., ii.,361,366. BalearicIslands,vi.,36z.
Assessor,vi., 348- Balista,general,ii., 352; tyrant,ib.
Assisasof Jerusalem,x., 403sg. Banduri,his editionoftheAnonymous,
iii.,442. ix., 383.
Astypala;a, x/., 336. Barbaro,Nicol6,journalof,xii.,ax5.
Asylum,right of, viii.,434. Barbaria,vi.,358.
Ataulf,iv., 34S- Barbarusof Scaliger,iv., 353-
Atecotti,the, iv., 357. Baret,E., ii.,362.
Atelkuzu,x.,4oo. Bar-Hebrmus(Abfi-l-Faraj), viii.,4x8
Athanasius,Patriarch, writingsa source s_.
ofSocrates,ii.,366. Baxlaamof Calabria,ix., 384.
Athanasius,prier,pref.of Africa,vi., Barlow,J. W.,ix.,398.
36o. Baronius,Cardinal,viii.,44z.
Athcnais,vii.,405. BasilI. restoreslawsof Justinian,viii.,
Athens,iv., 346; Goths at, v., 367; 43° sq.; land legislationof, 437;
underAcciajoli,xi., 332. navalimprovements of,ix.,406.
Attaleiates,Michael,his history,viii., BasilII., land legislationof,viii.,436,
407. ! 438-9note.
Attalus,tyrant,iv.,348. [Basilica,collection oflaws,viii.,43o.
Aub6,B, iii.,42o. Basiliscus,tyrant,vi., 346and note.
AugustaPraetoria,viii.,4az. Basina,vi.,36a.
Augustine, St. /v.,354; De Civitate,ib. Bassus,Pomponlus, correcturItali_e,ii.,
Auler,A., vi., 353" 355"
Aurelian,Emperor,war withZenobia,i Bastarnae,the,iii.,44o.
ii.,354. Batiffol,P.,ii.,366.
Aurelian,prset, pref. ("Osiris"), iv., Baur,on theearlyepiscopate,ii.,368.
345; v., 376sg. Baybars,Sultan,ix., 397.
Aurelius,M., see Antoninus,M. Au-iBede, Venerable, vi., 365; H/storyof,
relius. = viii.,4z3.
Aureolus,tyrant,ii.,353. Bedjan;Acta Martyrum,iv.,34z.
Ausonius,DecimusMagnus,iv., 347. i Belgica,province,i.,3x4.
Auxentiusof Mopsuestia,iv., 342. Belisarius,vi.,348,35o-
Auxilia,i.,3z3; iii.,43a ; palatina,433.:Belser,J., iii.,42o.
Avars,the,iv., 358; presson the Sa- Benedictof Peterborough, ix.,394.
biri,vii.,396; theirconquestsand!Benjamin,C., vi.,363.
empirein Europe,viii., 4z9 sq.; Berezin,J. N., xi.,328.
theirempirebrokenup, x., 39z. Berge,De la,i., 312.
Axumites,the, in fourth to sixthcen- BernardtheTreasurer,ix.,394.
turies,vii.,4oosqq. Bessel,on Claudian,iv., 349.
Bessarabia,x., 396.
B_vl.oN,captured,ix., 380. Bestuzhev-Riumin, ix., 387; x., 4o2.
Bacurius,iv., 355- Bethman,L., viii.,4x4.
Baetica,province,i., 314. Be.zm_r, BulgarianKing,x., 39z.
Bagaudae,iv.,35L Bieliaiev,
D. T., iii.,4ax; on"De Cere-
Bah_ad-Dln,ix., 396. moniis,"ix.,38z.
Bil_dhurt,AI-,viii.,4r7- 352; Scotsin,355-6; CarausiusII.
BilAmi,Mohammad,viii., 4t7. in, v., 37x; tyrants in, 37z sq.;
Binding,C., iv., 355- Saxonconquestof,vi., 365.
Birt,Th., iv., 348sq.; on Radagaisus' Broadribband Besant,HistoryofCon-
invasions,v., 369sq. stantinople,xii., 2x7.
Bithynia,province,i., 3x5. Broglie,A. de,iii.,42x.
Blasiis,G. de, ix.,398. Brooks,E.W.,vi.,355; ix.,38o.
Blemmydes,Nicephorus,ix., 385. Briickner,M.,vi., 348,35z.
Blemmyes,the, vii., 402. Bryce,Jas.,vi., 363.
BOcking,ed.of Not. Dign.,iii.,425. Brythons,the, iv., 356.
Bogomils,x., 389sq. Bucellariantheme,ix., 4oi.
Bohadin, Buchon,J. A., ix.,386; x., 333.
Boissier,G., ii., 36t. Biidinger,i., 308; ii.,363.
Boniface,Count,relationsto Aetius,v., Bulgaria,Black, ix., 4o5.
374s{_. Bulgaria,White,Paulicianismin, ix.,
Booko/ the Canques:[of Morea],ix., 389, 39t; list of princesof, 393;
386. extensionof, northof Danube,395
Boor,C. de, on the Anon.Contin.of sg.; conversion of,397-
Dion,ii., 357; on Easternbishop- Bulgarians,werethey Kotrigurs?vii.,
tics,i/i.,446; onEunapius,iv.,345; 395; relationto Avarempire,viii.,
on John of Antioch,vi., 356; on 42o; earlyhistoryof, x., 39z sqq.
GeorgeMonachus,x., 388. Burckhardt,J., ii., 367, 369; iii., 443.
Blatno,Method/usat, x., 397- Burdigala,iv., 348.
Bizya in Thrace,AbbotMax4mus at, Burgundians, ii.,356.
viii.,399. Bury,J. B.,on a passagein Ammianus,
Boccaccio, xi., 332. ii., 363; on positionof Hebdo-
Bolgary,villageof,x., 392. mon, iii.,422; on Praxagoras,436
BoleslawtheChaste,xi., 337. sq.; on a passageinChron.Pasch.,
Bologna,law schoolat, viii.,43z. 438note;on VitaArtemii,439; on
Bonifaceof Montferrat,ix., 395- battleof Singara,440; onStilicho's
Bonwetsch,x., 398. designs,v., 366; on Radagaisus,
Bordeaux,iv.,347. v., 369sq.; on the Nika riot,vii.,
Borghesi,i., 3no. 390; on an oraclein Procopius,
BorisandGleb,ix.,387. 395; on originof Turks,398sg.;
Boris,Bulgarianprince,conversionof, viii.,4x9,429; on themes,ix.,4oo,
x., 398. 4o3; on earlyBulgariankings,x.,
Borries,E. yon,ii., 364. 394; on Omortag's inscription,
Bose,A.,iv.,347. ib.sq.
Bosporus(Crimean), vii.,397; ix-,4o5. Butyras,J., viii.,398.
Bostra,in Arabia,i., 3r2. Byzantios,Sk. D., iii.,42z.
Bouillon,Godfreyof,x., 404.
Bourbon,Houseof,Gibbon'sreferenceC^DESlA, battleof,ix., 378.
to,vi., 366. CmciliusFirmianus,L., ii., 359.
Brandhi.,3to; on thede Mort.Persec., Cmsarea(in Cappadoda),see of, Ar-
ii.,357sq. menianChurchdependenton,iii.,
Braun,H.,vi., 35z. 44a.
Breslau,Mongolsat, xi., 337. Cmsarius("Typhos"), v., 377.
Bretschneider, vii., 392; xi., 329. Cafaroof Genoa,ix.,393.
Brieger,on Constantine'sreligion,iii., Cagliari,sealsof,ix.,4o3.
443sq. Calchi,xi., 336.
Britain,conquestof, i., 3it; coloniesCallistusAndronicus,Monodyof, xii.,
of, 3x2; Hadrian in, ib.; militia 217.
in, 3z3; province,3z5; dioceseof, Camalodunum,i., 3x2.
iii., 429; Saxonconquestof, iv., Caaanus,John, xi., 328.
Candia,xi., 336,see Crete. Chachanov, A. S.,vi.,354note.
Candidus,historian,vi., 346. Chalatianz,on Zcnob.,iii.,441sq.
Cantacusino,Spandugino,on siegeof Chalcondyles, Laonicus, xi.,327.
Constantinople, xii., axT. Chaleb,KingofAlum,vi.,4ox.
Canterbury,mentionedby ConstantineChMons,battleof, wherefought,vi.,
Porph.,iii.,439- 345sq.
Capito,theLycian,vi., 346. Champollion-Figeac, ed.ofAmatus,ix.,
Capitolinns, seeJuliusCapitolinns. 388.
Cappadocia,province,i., 3x5; theme Charlesthe Great, receivesPaul the
of,ix.,403. Deacon,viii.,4x3; receiveskeysof
Captureof Constantinople, anonymous St.Peter,444-
Greekpoem,xii.,2x5. CharlesMartel,keysof St. Petersent
Caracalla,law of citizenshipof, vii., to, viii., 444-
405- Charsianon, themeof,ix., 403.
CarausinsI., tyrant,iv., 355. Chazaria,ix., 404.
CaransinsII., tyrant, v.,37xsq. Chazars,missionto the,x., 397.
Careasan,vii.,403. Chelidromi, xi.,335.
Carla,provinceof, ix.,4oo. Chenoboscium, vi.,364.
Carpathos,xi.,336. Chersoo,vii.,397;"duke"of,398; ix.,
Carpi,the,iii.,440. 406;missionofConstantineat, x.,
Carpocrafians, Gnosticsect, ii.,367. 397.
Carri_re, A.,i., 32o; iii., 44x. Chersonites, their relationswith the
Cm-ystos, xi., 335- Patzinaks, ix.,4o4.
Casanova, M., ix., 375. Chesney,General,iii.,440.
Cassino,Monte,Paul the Deaconat, Childeric,vi.,362.
viii.,4x3. China, commerceof, with Roman
Cassiodorus, GothicHistoryof,ii.,35o; Empire,vii., 392sq.
careerandworks,vi.,358s_. ChineseAnnals, iv.,357sq.; xJ.,329.
Casfinus,v., 376. Chineseinscription, seeSi-ngan-fu.
Castricia,v., 377no_. Chios,xi.,335.
CassiusDio Cocceianus,noticeof, i., Chlodwig, vi., 36_sq.
3o5; onHadrian,3x3• ChlotacharI., vi., 362.
Catacombs, the, iii.,4x7-8. ChosroesI., viii.,398.
CatalanGrandCompany,ix.,396; xi., ChosroesII., viii.,398.
33a. : Chosrov I., ofArmenia, iii.,442.
Catherineof Valois,Empressof Ro- ChosrovII., of Armenia,iii.,442.
mania,xi., 33x. Chosrovofpersarmenia, v., 374-
CatholicPatriarch,titleof chiefof the Christ,W.,ii.,362.
Nestorians, viii.,426. Christians,numberof, in empirein
Cecaumenos, his Strategikon, viii.,407. thirdcentury^.D.,ii., 369; per-
Cedrenus,George,Candidusa source secufionsof, in first andsecond
of,vi., 346; synopsisof, viii.,4to. centuries,iii., 4x8 sqq.; under
Cefalonia,xi., 333. Diocletian,4ao; underConstan-
Celsus,tyrant,ii.,354. fine,444sq.
Censorship of Augustus,i._3x8. ChronicaCaN/ca, iv.,352sq.; vi., 362.
Ceos,xi., 334. Chronicaltalica,iv., 353; vi., 36osq.
Cephalhnia,themeof, ix., 4ox; seals Chronicleof Constantinople, iv., 353;
of,402note;seeCefalonia. vi., 36o.
Cerealis,PefiUins,i., 3xx. Chronicleof A.D.354,SeeAnonymous.
Cerealis,Governor of Cyrenaica,iv., Chronicle of Cassiodorns, i., 3to; vi.,
345. 359. of Edessa,vi.,356.
Cerigotto, 334- Chronw.onAlexandrinum, seeEu.tychins.
Ceuleneer,,i.,3xx. Chronic.on Cuspiniani,i., 3to; iv.,35a.
Chr_ic_Imperi_ (Gibbon's"Pros- Comismrlum, iiL,424.
perTim"), iv., 352. ConstansI., hisshareintheempire,iii.,
Chronicon bm_e.N_orlmannicum, ix.,389. 438$g.
ChroniconPa_chale,relationto Idatins, Constaotia, sisterofConstantine I., iii.,
ij.,365; onapassagein (P.S32,ed. 436.
Bonn),iii., 438note; accountof, Constantine I., theGreat,letteragainst
viii.,398. Arins,if.,366; forum of, iii.,42x;
ChroniconPi4hoeanum---Chroni¢on Into hisorganisation of theempire,422
periale, s_.; militaryreforms,432 sgg.;
ChroniconTerraeSanaae,ix., 394- treatmentof Faustaand Crispus,
ChronographerofA.D.354,i.,320,32o. 435sg.; divisionsofempireunder,
Chronology of 238A.D.,i., 320; world 436 s_.; religion of, 443 $gg.;
eras,if.,368. churchesof,at Jerusalem,iii.,342;
Chrysostom,John, Pailadinson, iv., land legislation under,viii.,436sq.
345. Constantine11,shareintheempire,iii.,
Chwolsohn, on Sabianism,ix., 375. 438sq.
Cibyrrhaeottheme,ix.,4oz; shipbuild- ConstantineVII. (Porphyrogenitus),
ing in, 4o8. on the partitionof A.D.338, iii.,
Cilicia,province,i.,315. 439; viii., 4oi note; suggests
Cimolos,xi., 335. historyofGenesius,404; organises
Cinnamus,John, historian,viii., 409. continuationof Theophanes,4o5;
Cipolla,C., vi., 358. lawof,concerninginheritance,433;
Circusfactions,vii.,389sq. novelof,438note; De Ceremoniis,
Clary,Robertde, his works,ix., 395- ix., 382; treatise of, on themes,
Claudian,poet,iv., 348sq.; on Rada- 4ou; on administration,403; on
gaisus,v., 369sq. the Dnieperrapids,x., 402sq.
Claudian,brotherof Maximnsthe phi- _ConstantineIX., founds a university,
losopher,iv., 348. viii.,406;foundslawschoolatCon-
Clement,St., of Bulgaria,Life of, x., stmatinople, 43i; drivesthe Pauli-
389. clansoutof Armenia,x., 39o.
ClementI., Pope, remainsof, dis- Constantine,apostleof the Slavs,see
covered,x., 397- Cyril.
ClementV.,Pope,ix., 398. Constantine,Bishop of Nacolia,viii.,
ClementofDrenoviza,x., 398. 443-
Clinton,i., 3xz, 320; viii.,4t9. ConstantineKabailinos,viii.,4oo.
Clisurarchit_, ix., 403. Constantine,son of EmperorManuel,
Codeof Justinian,Greekformof,viii., xi., 327.
43°. Constantine, tyrantinBritainandGaul,
Codinus,George,worksof, ix., 383. hiscareer,v., 37x sq.
Cohen,i., 318; ii.,353. Constantinople, topographyof (espe-
Cohortes,ill.,43u. ciailyAugusteumand Forumof
Coinage,underConstantine,iii.,435; Constantine), iii., 42XSq.; great
Saracen,ix.,399. Palaceof, /b.; Forum Bovis,/b.;
Coloni,viii.,436. ForumTauri, /b.; ForumAma_-
Colonies,definitionof,i., 3x6*q. trianorum,/b.;Chalkoprateia, ib.;
CometofA.D.53x,vii.,4o5. Senatehousein the Augnsteum,
Com/tatenses, iii., 432sq. /b.; the Nle_, /b.; Hippodrome,
Coraitea, iJJ.,424; of Domestics,434- lb.; Milestone,/b.; GoldenGate,
Commerce,conditionof, in eighthcen- /&; the Zeu.xJppns, /b.; Churches
tury,viii.,440. of S. Sophia,S. Constantine,S.
Comparetti, D., vi.,353. Maryof the Forum,the Theoto-
Concubinage, lawconcerning,viii.,43x. kos,/b.; siteof theHebdomon,/b.;
ConMliarlua, vi., 348. Palaceof Lansus,v., 367; names
Con*iliumof Hadrian,iii., 4-*4. of buildingsburnedin Nika riot,
vii., 39;; firein reignof Leo I., Crum(or Crumn),x., 395-
vi., 346; St. Sophiainjured,35° Crusade,Fourth,ix.,395.
note;demesof,vii.,389sq.;siege Cumans,revoltofthe,xi.,338.
of,inx.D.626,viii.,397;synodof, Cumont,F., ii.,36x; vi.,346.
in A.v.68o,Cb.;in A.D.92o,432; Cunimund,viii.,4x3.
siegeof,by Saracens,397; Bulga- Cuq,E., i;i.,425.
rian siegeof, A.V.8x5,403; uni- Cura,viii.,433.
versityat, foundedby ConstantineCusina,vii.,403s_.
IX., 4o6; law schoolat, 43z; the Cyclades,provinceof, ix.,4oo.
Phialeat, ix.,4o6; degeneration of Cyprus,provinceof, i., 375; ix., 4oo;
peopleof,xii.,zx5. accountof,byConstantine Porl_,
ConstantiusI., Chlorus,Germancam- 4o6; Assizesof,x., 4o4.
paignsof,ii., 356; in Britain,iii., Cyrene,iv., 345-
4a9note;shareintheempire,436; Cyriacof Gantzac(Guiragos), ix., 398.
legendconcerning,446. Cyriades, i., 35xsq.; a tyrant,352.
ConstantiusII., shareintheempire,iii., Cyril (Constantine)and Methodius,
437sq. Livesof, ix., 387; missionof, to
Constitutionof RomanEmpire,i., 3x7 theSlavs,x.,397sqq.
sq. Cyrillic
alphabet,x., 397.
Consulavis, wit,i., 378. Cythera,seeCerigo.
Continuatorof Dion, anonymous,i., Cythnos,xi.,334.
306. Czwalina, L., iii.,425.
Continuator,Havniensis,of Prosper,
seeProsper. DA_A,of Trajan, and Ripensis,i.,
Conybeare, F. C.,on thePaulicians,x., 3x_; militiain, 3x3; threedivi-
39o. sionsof,3x5.
Corfu,xi., 333. Dacia,dioceseof,iii.,425,428.
Corinth,bishopat,ii.,369;underNich- Dacianwar,first,of Trajan,i., 3z2.
olasAcciajoli,xi., 332. Dacicus,titleof Trajan,i., 312.
Corippus,vi., 36os_.; vii.,4o3 sq. Dahmcn, ix., 443note.
Cornet,E.,xii.,2x5. Dahn,F., ii., 349; iv., 355; on Pro-
Correcdor Itoli_, ii., 355s_. copius,vi.,348sq_/.,363.
Corsica,province,i., 374; territorialDalmatia,province, i., 375; designsof
rightsoftheChurchin, viii.,443-4. Alarie on, v., 366; annexedto
Cosmas,Sicilianmonk, viii.,399. EastIllyricum,ib.; strategosof,
CouncilofAries(A.D.3x6),dateof,iii., ix.,402; accountof,byConstantine
446. Porph.,405.
Councilof Orleans(^.v. 5xx),vi.,362. Dalmatius, seeDelmatius.
Cracow,takenby Mongols,xi.,337. Damascus, captureof,ix.,378.
Credit,defectivesystemof,viii.,439st. Damasus,Pope,iii.,4x7.
Crete,provinceof, i., 3x6; expeditionsDamian,Kingof Homerites,vii., 4nx.
to, intenthcentury,ix.,4o7; Vene- Darns,vi.,357;vii.,4o3.
tian, xi., 335. Darraarios,Greek copyist,viii., 4o4
Crimea,Onogurs,Kotrigurs,Gothsin, note.
vii.,396-7. Darmesteter,J., i., 322.
Criminallaw,viii., 433. Ddbidom', A.,vi.,353-
Crispus,sonof Constantine,taughtby DeBoor,Professor C.,viii.,404.
Lactantiugii.,358. Decebalus,i., 372.
Critobulusof Imbros,his historyofl Decius,Emperor, founder(?)ofProton-
Mohammed II., xi., 328. I tores,iii.,434-
Crivellucd,A.,onEusebius,ii.,36o. [Degreesof relationship, lawsconcern-
Croatians,ix.,4o5. I ing,viii.,43x.
Cross,findingof true,iv.,34x. Delacourt,Peign6,viii.,431.
Cruithnig(=Scots),iv., 356. IDclarc,O., ix.,388,398.
Delmatius,his share in divisionof Domifian,persecution ofChrisfians,iii.
empire,A.V.335,Hi.,438. 419.
Delos,xi., 334. DomitiUa,iii.,419.
Demesof Constantinople, vii., 389sq. Donatists,andConstantinethe Great,
Democratsof Bluesand Greens,vii., iii.,446.
39o. Donatus, De mortibu_dedicated to,
Dessau,i., 309. i., 3ix; ii., 358.
Destunis,G. S.,Hi.,42_; xi.,328. Dorotheus,histranslationof theDigest,
Dethier,A., xii.,ui7. viii.,43o.
De'oasta_io Constantinopoli_ana, ix., 395 Dos (dowry),viii.,43_.
sq. Douglas,R. K.,Life of JinghizKhan,
Dexippus,usedbyZusimus,ii., 365. xi., 33o.
Dhfl-Novas,vii.,4or. Dovin,viii.,4_3; councilof, 398.
Diadem,imperial,iii.,423. Dragovi_i,x., 39o.
Diamondmineof Soumelpour, i., 3r7. Driiseke,J., ii.,36x.
Diataxis,viii.,407note. Drexler,i., 32x.
Dicalidones, the,iv.,356. Drungarius,ix., 407.
DieM,C.,vi.,363; ix.,4oo,4o3. Ducas,historian,xi., 327.
Dierauer,i., 312. Dueas, Michael,xi., 3_7.
Digisene,viii.,4u3. DucatusRwmae,viiL,444.
l)in_r,ix.,399. Ducenarii,membersof council, iii.,
Dindorf,text of Dion Cassius,i., 305. 425; protectors,434.
Diocesesof Asturiaand Gallaecia(2x6 Duchesne,Abb_,Hi.,446; Vii., 402$q.;
A.D.), i., 3x6; introduced by Dio- hiseditionofthe LiberPontificalis,
cletian,iii.,425; listof, /b. sqq. viii.,4iI; onlettersofGregoryII.,
Dioclea,ix.,405. 44x; on rise of papalpower,444-
Diocletian,Germancampaignsof, ii., Dudleby,the,viii.,420.
356; tariff,monetaryreformsof, Dulaurier,ix.,398.
/b.; persecutions of, iii.,42o; or- Du_aan,seeDhfl-Novas.
ganisationof empireby, 422sq.;!Duncker,A. i.,3it.
dioceses instituted by, 424 $_'.; , DLirr, J., 1., 313.
militaryorganisation, 43a; division Duruy,i., 3xx.
of empire A.D. 293 , 436 sg.
DionCassius,see CassiusDio; Anon. EBERT, ii., 357-
eonfinuatorof,seeAnonymous. Eburacum(York),i.,3t2.
Dionysiusof Alexandria,letterof, iii., Eedicius,vi., 357.
442. Eckhardt,H., vi.,353sq.
DionysiusExiguus,vi., 365. Eckhel,i., 318, 320; ii.,353-
Dionysius of Tellmahr_,viii.,418and Eclipseofthe sun,noticedbyTheoph-
note;chronicle of,396. anes,viii.,429.
D/them,Saracencoin,ix., 399. Ecloga,viii.,430; criminallawof,434.
Diptunes,Cmsar,Tib. Jul., vii., 398 Edessa,li.,351; inundationof,vi.,35o;
note. historyof,by Josua,356; account
Divorce,lawsoftheChurchconcerning, of,byFulcherof Chartres, ix.,39t.
viii., 432. Egypt,diocese of, Hi., 425, 426; perse-
D/zabul,vii.,399sq. cutionin,iv.,354sq.; monasticism
Dnieper,waterfallsof the, x., 402 sq. in, vi., 363 sq.; occupationby
Dodu,G.,ix., 398; x., 403. Nicetas,viii.,423; conquestof,ix.,
DtUinger,viii.,444; x., 389. 379s_.; relationswithVenice,ix.,
Domestici,iii.,434sq.; countsof, 434. 395.
D'Ohsson,Mouradja, onOttomanEra- Eichel,J., vi., 353.
pire,xi., 33z. Ekkehaxd of Aura,ix., 392.
Dolphin,Zorzi,xfi.,at7. Ektag,vii.,399-
Dominus,imperialtitle,Hi.,423. Ektel,vii.,399.
EktheslsChronike,xL,328. Eutychlus,Alexandrinechronicleof,
Elba,island,viii.,42x. iii.,439;viii.,4x8.
Elesbaas, vii.,4oz. Evagrius,vi.,346sq.,355sq.;vii.,389;
Eleusis,Gothsat, v., 367. accountof,viii.,396.
Elias and Ross, their translationof Evans,A.J., v.,37x-
Mirza-Haidar,xi., 329. Ewald,Paul, onlettersof PopeGreg-
Emesa,Zenobiadefeatedat, if., 354. ory,viii.,4_2.
Encratites,Gnosticsect,if., 367. Ex_rchs,of Italyand Africa,vii.,404.
Engel,x., 396. Excerpts,of TheodorusLector,viii.,
Ennodius,vi., 358. 4oz-_.
Epanagoge, viii.,43x. Excubitores, iiJ.,433.
EphraemSyrus,if.,366. Executors,testamentary, viii..433.
Epiphaniusof Cyprus,ix., 382. ExpeditiocontraTurcos,ix., 39o.
Epiphanius,Bishop of Ticinum, vi., Ezerites,ix.,4o6.
Epiphanins,collaboratorin ._ist. Tri- FM.CANDUS, Hugo, Historyof, ix.,
part., vi., 359- 389.
Epirus,i., 3x5. Falco,ix.,389.
Episcopate,originof, ii.,368sq. Falconi,Nicolas,ix.,398.
Erasofthe world(Roman,Antiochene,Fallmerayer,on the Hellenes,x., 39x
etc.), if., 368; Romanor Byzan- note.
fine,viii.,397- FastiVindobonen_es, iv.,353.
Ernoul,ix., 394- Fausta,if., 360,365; iii.,435sqq.
Esegcl,Bulgariantribeof, x., 400. Faustnsof Byzantium,i., 32o; char-
Esimphaeus, vii.,4ox. acterof hisworkand sources,iii.,
Eudoxia,wifeof Arcadius,v., 377sq. 44xs_q.
Eudoxia,wifeof ValentinianIII., iv., Fertig,onEnnodius, vi.,358.
35xs_.,v., 366. Festus(Rufus),i.,31o; ii.,357;a pas-
Eugippius,vi., 358. sagein(Brev.,27),iii.,44o.
Eumeniusof Augnstodunum,i., 309. Fib.I,battleof,ix.,379-
Eunapins,if., 364sq.; iii.,439; muff- Finlay,G.,on Justinian'scoinage,vii.,
latededit. of,iv.,345. 394; ontheAcciajoli,xi.,33xs_.;
Eupaterios,Dukeof Cherson,vii.,398 Historyo] Greece,_5i.,2x7.
and note. Fiscus,i., 3x9.
Euphemins,revoltof,viii.,405. FlaviusClemens, iii.,4x9.
Euphrates,courseof,iv., 343- FlavinsVopiscns, writerof Hist.Aug.,
Eusebiusof Caesarea,his works,if., i.,3o6sqq.
359; a sourceofSocrates,366;on Florence,Acciajollat, xi., 33x; San
edict of Antoninns,iii., 4x7; on Lorenzo,332note.
conversionof Armenia,442; on F_terati,inarmy(iii.,433.
religionofConstantine,445. F6rster,R., on Linanius,if.,36a.
Eusebins,Bishopof Rome,iii., 4x7sq.Fortrenn, iv.,356.
Eustathinsof Antioch,ii., 366. Fr_ihn,C.M.,x., 392note.
Eustathiusof Epiphania,vi., 347. Fredegarins, viii.,4z4.
EustathiusofThessalonica,ix., 383sq. Freeman,E. A.,on t_'rantConstantine,
EutharicCillica,vi., 359. v., 37xsq.;on Aetiusand Boni-
Eutropius,historian, i., 3xo; in the face,374sq.;onSaxonconquestof
Hist. Misc., iv., 353sq.; Greek Britain,vi., 366.
transl, of, vi., 346; History of, Frexenses,the,vii-,4°3-
edited by Paul the Deacon,viii., Frick,C.,if., 366.
4x3. Friedl;inder,i.,3x_; ii.,369.
Eutropius,eunuch,v., 377- Friedrich,viii.,444; x.,388.
Eutychianus,on Julian'sPersianwar, Frigeridus,seeRenatus.
if.,365. Fritigern,iv., 359-
Froehner, i., 3z2, George the synceIlus,his chronicle,
Frontinus,i., 3_2. viii.,4oL
Frumentius,apostleof Ethiopians,iv., Geougen,iv., 358; vii.,399.
355. Gepids,the,viii.,420.
Fulcherof Chartres,account of, ix., GermaniaSeeunda,incorporationof,
39x. ii.,356.
Fulco,accountof theFirstCrusade,ix., Germanica,superiorand inferior,prov-
39xs¢. inces,i.,3z4.
Fu-lin,vii.,393. Germanus,Patriarch,Lifeof, viii.,403,
Ftahorc,the,vi.,365. 44_.
Gesoriacum,taken by Constanfius,ii.,
GAISEPaC, iv., 35x. 356.
Galatia,province,i., 3z5. GestaFrancorum,authorof, ix., 39o.
Galicia,Avarsin, viii.,4uz. GestaHenrlci II. et Ricardi I., ix.,
GaUalalacidia,iv., 35z. 394.
Gallia Narbonenses,province,f., 3z4. Geticaof Jordanes,ii.,349-
Galliae,Dioceseof,iii.,4u5, 4u9. Gfrorer,viii.,4x9; ix., 406.
Gallienus,Emperor,preventssenators Giesebrecht,ix., 389.
fromservingin army,iii.,434- Gieseler,x., 387.
Gardner,MissA., ii.,36L Gildas,vi.,366.
Gardthausen,ii.,364. Giloof Toucy,ix.,39u.
Gasmul,ix., 385. Girtzel,J. A.,x., 398.
Gattilusi,the,of Lesbos,sendDucasto Glagoliticalphabet,x., 397.
the sultan,xi.,327. Glevum,i., 3x2.
Gaudentius,iv., 35_- Gfeye,C.E., v.,375note;vi., 355.
Gauderic,Bishopof Velletri,x., 397 Glubokovski,N.,ii.,367.
note. Glycas,Michael,viii.,4xI.
Gaul,Dioceseof, see Galliae; prov- Glyceria,St., island,JohnZonarasat,
inces under Diocletian,iii., 429. viii.,4zo.
Gedeonov,x.,4o2. Gnosticism,theorieson origin of, ii.,
Gelasius,Pope,iii.,34z. 367•
Gelzer,H., onSextusJuliusMricanus, Goeje,Professorde,viii.,4x6,444; ix.,
ii., 359; on Armenian History, 376-
iii.,44I sqq.; on Eastern bishop- Goetz,L. K., x.,398.
tics,446; on John of Antioch,vi., Gold,in Arabia,ix., 375.
356and note;on demes,vii., 390; Gorda.s,x., 4ox,seeGrod.
onMichaelSyrus,viii.,4r8;sketch Grrres,F., on date of De Mort. Pet's.,
of Byzantine history, 4x9; on li., 358; on persecutionsof third
GeorgeCyprius,423. century,iii.,42o; on VitaArtemii,
Gemoll,A., i.,309, 436; on YoungerLicinius,ib.;on
Gems,tradein, vii.,393. St. George,iv., 34z sq.
Genesius,Joseph.,ImperialHistoryof, Gothicalphabet,vi., 365.
viii.,404. Gothic Weihnachtspiel, ix., 382 note.
Gennadius,Continuatorof Jerom De Goths,originof, ii., 349; historyof,
V. IlL,vi.,360. lb.,sq.; divisionof,35r; pacifica-
Gennadius,exarchof Africa,vii., 4o4. tion of, by Theodosius,iv., 359;
Genunians,iv., 356- under Alaric,v., 365; in Greece,
GeoffreyMalaterra,ix.,389. 367; of the Crimea,vii., 396;
GeorgetheCypriote,viii.,4_2. Tetraxite,397.
Georgethe Monk, chronicleof, viii., Gran,captureof, by Mongols,xi., 337.
403; ix., 387;x., 387sq. !Gratian,Emperor,iv.,346s_.
George Pisides,on Persianwars oflGreekfire,ix.,4o6,4o8s¢.
Heraclius,viii.,397. GreeklanguagesupersedesLatin,viii.,
George,St.,identityof, iv.,34zs_. 43o.
Green,J. R., vi., 366. Hamilton,F. J., vi.,357-
Gregoras, Nicephorns, seeNicephorus.HananJesus,Patriarch, viii.,4_6.
Gregorovius, F.,v., 367; vi_.,4z9; ix., Hannibalianus,sharein the empire
398sq. ^.D.335,iii., 438.
Gregorythe Great,Pope, Lettersof Hardy,E.G.,i., 3t4; iii.,4r8.
viii.,4r2,444. Harmonins, souofTaurus,v., 376.
GregoryII., Letters of, viii., 440 Hamack,Ad.,ii., 367; iiJ.,417; vi.,
policyof,443. 364.
Gregory,Illuminator, Lifeof, iii.,44t Harris,J. Rendel,iv., 34r.
Apocalypseof, /b.; consecrationHartmarm,M., on Byzantine rulein
of,442. Italy,viii.,419.
GregoryMagistros, x.,39o. Haruspiees, underConstantine, iii.,445.
GregoryNazianzen,his will,vii., 4o5. Hatch,Dr., onthe Episcopate, iii.,309.
GregoryNyssen,on theologicalsubtle-Hatzidak_s, G. N.,x., 4io.
tiesin Constantinople, v., 363; on Haury,J., vi., 348s_.,35t; vii.,389.
relics,365. Haverfield, F., iv.,356.
Gregory,presbyter,Bulgarian(tenth Haythonns, seeHaitum.
century),vi., 354. Hebdomon, siteof,nearConstantinople,
GregoryofTours,vi.,36asq.; Historia iii.,42z.
Francorumof, viii.,4z3. Heeker,on Julian,ii.,364.
Grnsvenor,E.A., iii.,422. Hefele,on the Iconoclasticedictsof
Grod,King,vii.,397- Leo,viii.,442.
G_tzmacher,on Pachomius,vi., 364. Hegel,C.,viii.,419.
Guest,OriginesCeltic_e, vi., 366. Heimbach,W. E., viii.,435.
Guibert,Abbotof Nogent,ix.,39L Heinemaan,L. yon,ix., 398.
GuiragosGandsa.ketsi,xi., 330; se¢ Heinrich,A.,vi.,356.
Cyriac. Heisenberg, A.,onAcropelites, ix.,384;
GiLldenpenning, A.,ii., 366-7; iv., 345, ed.ofBlemmydes, 385.
355,376. Helena, St., iv., 34I.
Gundlach,W.,vi., 353. Helenopontus, viii., 423.
Gutsdimid,A. yon,i., 32z; emenda-Heliopolis,oldcustomsat, vii., 4o5;
tion in Ammianus,ii., 363; on battleof, ix.,38o.
Agathangelos, iii.,44z. Hellas,themeof, ix.,4oxsq.
Guyard,S., iv., 343. He.radius, Emperor, hisracewithNice-
Gwatkin,Mr.H. M., ti.,366. tas, viii.,423 sq.; confusedwith
Gyaros,xi.,334. Heraclonas, ix., 38o; his alliance
Gycia,ix., 406. withthe Bulgarians, x., 39z.
Hergenrother, J., onPhotius,ix., 38z.
.[-$adith,viii.,414. Herodian, his history,i., 3o6.
Hadrian,Emperor,policyof, i., 3x2; Herodotus,imitatedbyProcopins, vi.,
rescriptconcerning theChristians, 35I.
iii., 4x8sq. Hertz,on Ammianus, ii.,364.
Hadrian1I., Pope ordainsCyrilandl Hertzberg, H., vi.,362.
Methodins,x., 397. IHertzberg, G. F., viii.,4_9.
Hadrianus,RufinusSynesins,iv., 348.IHerzog, i., 318.
Hagenmeyer, H., ix.,39L IHeskel,A.,ix.,389.
Haidar,Mirza,xi., 329. Hesperius,iv.,347-
Haithon,Armenian Prince,visitsMort-:HesychiusIllustris,historian,vi., 347.
golia,xi., 33o. Hesychius ofJerusalem,ii.,367.
Halthon,Monkof Pr6.montr6, xi., 33o. Heydeareich, onlegendsof Constantine
Haitum,ix.,398. theGreat,iii.,446.
Halcomb,Mr.,on Synesins,iv., 345. Hflarion,palestinian monk,vi., 365.
Hallier,L., vi., 356. Hilgenield, onGnosticism, ii.,367.
Ham,.t,inSyria,ix.,398. Hille,G., iv., 353no,¢¢.
Rillger,F., ix.,389. Hydatitts,aceIdafiua.
Hippolytusof Rome,WorldChronicle Hypatia,iv.,345note.
of,if., 359; ]..iberGenerationis
viii.,4x3-4. IAUDAS, vii.,404.
l:/Jrsc.h,F., viii.,404; ix.,388. Ibelin,John,x.,404.
Hirschfeld,O., i., 318. Iberians(Caucasians),ix., 405.
Hirth,F., vii.,392. Ibn Abd-al-Hakam, viii.,4x7.
Hispania¢iterioror Tarraconensis, i., Ibnal-Athir,ix., 397.
3t4. Ibn Foslan,Arabictraveller,x., 392.
Hispellum,Inscriptionof,Hi.,443. IbnI4_.ishRm, viii.,4x5sg.
.H'isloria Augusta,accountof,i.,306sqq. Ibn Ishkk,viii.,4t5 sq.
ZfistoriaBelli Sacri,ix., 39o. Ibn Khallikgn,ix., 397.
2_istoriaMizcdla,iv., 353sfl.; viii., lbn K.hordadbeh,ix., 403.
4z3. Ibn Kutaiba,viii.,4x7.
Hiung-Nu,the, iv., 357; vii.,398. Ibn _ukaffa, viii., 4x7.
Hodgkin,Mr., if., 349 s_., 363; on IbnRusta,x., 398.
Notit.Dign.,iii.,425; on Salvian,Ibn Sad,viii.,4x5.
iv., 354sq_.,369; on Radagalsus'Ibn Serapion,iv., 343-
invasions, v., 369; onBonifaceand Icaria,xi., 336.
Aetius,374sq.; onMaximusand IconoclasticSynod,viii., 429.
Valentinian,/b.; on Cassiodorus,Idatius,Fastiof, if.,365sq.
vi.,359,362;onGregory theGreat, Ifisdalas,vii.,403.
viii.,4x3; onlettersofGregoryII., Ifland,J., iv., 355,359.
44L Ignatius,Deacon,hislifeofNicephorus,
Hoeck,i., 3zi. viii., 400; by NicetasPaphlagon,
H6fner,i., 3XL 403.
Holder,O., iv., 34L ILlyricum, Diocese,iii., 428, 436, 440;
Holder-Egger, O., iv., 352twte. part of, annexedto Prefectureof
Honorias,province,iii.,424,427; viii., Illyricum,v., 366.
423. Illyricum,Prefecture, iii.,436,438sqq.;
lqonorius,Emperor,causeof death,iv., Stflicho'sdesignson, v., 365sq.
353. Fllyrictma, province,i., 3z5.
Hopf,K., viii.,4x9; x., 39_note; xi., Ilovaiski,x., 4o2.
333,336;xii.,2x7. Im_d ad-Din,ix., 396.
HormizdIlL, iv.,357. Imageworship,defendedby John of
Howorth,Sir H., on the Huns, iv., Damascus,viii., 399-
357sq.; on the Avars,viii., 4"x Imperator,title of, if.,352; iii.,423.
hole. Imperialtitles,iii., 423.
Hubert, M. H., viii.,429. IncertusAuctor,seeAnonymus.
Hugoof Burgundy,ix., 405. Ingenuus,tyrant,if., 353-
Hundertmark,i., 3XL Inheritance,lawof, viii.,433.
Huneric,iv.,35L Interest,rates of,viii.,439sg.
Hunfalvy,x., 396. Ireland,Scotsof,iv.,355sg.
Hungarians,relationswith the Patzi- Irene, suggestshistory of Alexiusto
rinks, ix., 4o4; accountof,by Con- Bryennius,viii.,408.
stantine Porphyrogenitus,405; Isidorusof Seville,iv.,353; vi-,36a.
early historyof, x., 398sqg. IsikJ,vii.,399-
Hungary,Avarsin, viii., 410$q.; in- Isperich,BulgarianKing, x., 39x sq.,
vasionof,by SubutaJ,xi.,337. 395.
Hums,the, originof, iv., 357sq. Italy, its divisionsand politicalgeog-
Huaziker,on Diocletian'spersecution, raphyc. 600A.D.,viii., 42xsg.;
iii.,420. exarchsof,vii.,404; Bulgarians in,
Hutton,Rev.W. H., on Aphthaztodo- x., 392.
cetismof Justinian,viii.,427. Italy,Dioceseof,iii.,43o.
Ithaca,xi., 333. John,sent by Justinianas bishopto
ltinerariumregisRicardi,ix., 393- Yemen, vii., 402.
JACOBX, R., onPaulDiaconuS, viii.,4x4. Jordanes,ii.,349-
Jagi_,V., x., 398. Jortin,RemarksonEccl.Hist., v., 363•
JalMad-Din,ix., 397sq. JosuaStylitesvi.,356.
Jazyges,the, iii.,44o. iovian,Emperor,v., 367.
Jazygia,Avarsin, viii.,42x. [ugria,x., 399.
Jeep,L., ii.,366; iiL,438; iv., 35o. ulian,the emperor,his works,ii.,36i;
Jerome,St.,referencetoDe Mort.Pers., hisreference to Jesusinlettertothe
ii., 358; chronicleof, 366; iv., Alexandrians, 363; v., 367.
35_; disputeswith Rufinus,355. JuliusCapitohnus,writerofHist.Aug.,
Jerusalem,Churchesof Constantineat, i., 306sqq.
iv., 34_; Churchof St. Sophia, JuneviUe,Petitde, ii.,36x.
ib.; Mosqueof Omar,/b.; Dome JuUian,L., iii.,425.
oftherock,ib.; dateof captureof, Jung,i., 312; v., 366.
ix.,379; Assisesof,x., 403$g. Junghans,G. W., vi., 36_.
.le_, booksof, ii., 368. Ju_Italicum,i.,3x9.
Jire_ek,C., on ethnologyof the Sarma- Jus Latinum,historyof,i., 3z6.
tians, iii., 440; on the Bogomils,Justi, i., 32x.
x., 389; on the Bulgarians,393, JustinI., intheSecretHistory,vi.,349;
395. vii., 389; embassyto Hira, 4o_;
John Anagnostes,xi., 328. embassyto Axum,4o2.
John of Antioch(Salmas.and Con- iustinianI, Scholaeunder,iii., 433;
stant. Excerpts),on Bonifaceand trafficin officesunder,435; has
Aetius,v., 375sq.; identityof (?), Church
iv., 342;oftreatment
St.Sophiabayt Jerusalem,
vi., 356.
Johnof Biclarum,vi., 36_sq. vi., 348s_.; date of death,360;
JohnCameniates,on captureofThessa- positionunderJustin,vii.,389;at
lonica,viii.,405-6. Nika riot,39:; his dealingswith
John of Cappadocia,vi., 347,349note, theKotrigur_, etc.,396sq.; his
arrangementoftheArmenian re-
John Comnenus,viii., 408and note; inees, viii., 422sq.; his heresy,
capital punishmentunder, 435. 427s_l.;legalworksof,430; navy
johnofDamascus, viii.,399;dateofhis of,ix.,4o6.
Orationson ImageWorship,442. [uvaini,accountof,xi., 329.
JohnDiacrinomenos, vi., 347- [,xi., 329.
Johnof Ephesus,viii., 395.
JohnofEpiphania,viii.,395sq. K.._A.RS, ix.,405; x., 399"
Johnof Jerusalem,viii.,399. Kaidu, xi., 337-
Johnthe Lydian,vi., 347sg. Kainites,Gnostic sect,ii.,368.
JohnMalalas,vi., 354sqg.; his notice Kalligas,P., vii., 392.
ofAxum,vii.,4o2. Kam_tI ad-Din,ix.,397.
JohnMag.Mr, heroofthe Johannid, Kanalites,Kan-Ying, ix.,
vi., 360; vii.,403sq.
Johnthe Monk, relationto the Vita Karabacek,J., Prof.,ix.,376.
Artemii,iii.,435, 439. Kaufmann,onSarmatianwars,Iv.,359'
John of Nikiu,viii.,4z8. Kazachia,ix.,405•
JohnPsahes,vii., 4ox. Kecharitomene, monastery of,viii.,4o8.
John Rogafinus,vii., 404- Kehr,viii.,443note.
John Sikeliotes,vi., 356; viii., 409 Keim,Th., iii.,4x8.
note. Keller,R., iv.,355; v.,366.
Johnof Sirmium,viii.,395- Kellett,F. W., on Gregorythe Great,
John,tyrantin fourthcentury,iv., 351• viii.,4x2.

Kertsch,x., 4oo. ILanglois,V., Hi.,445.
K4za,Simonde, x., 398. Laribns,vii., 403.
Khud_i-n_aa,the, viii., 4z7. iLatinlanguage,disuseof, vii/., 430.
KAepert,H., viii.,422note. Latyshev,V.,vii., 397sq.
K/ev,x.,4ox. Lau,G. T., onGregorytheGreat,viii.,
Kir_ly,i.,3x2. ! 4x3.
Kirchner,on Procopins,vi.,353. Lausus,chamberlain,iv., 345.
K/rpitschnikow,A., ilL, 446. Law, developmentof, in easternprov-
Klaproth,ontheHiung-Nu,iv.,358. incesfromConstantinetoJustinian,
Klein,i., 3xz; on Raymondof AgUes, vii., 4o5; degenerationof, /b.;
ix., 39L Grmco-Roman, viii.,43o.
Klimek,iL,36x. Lazi,federatesof empire.Hi.,433.
Kobad,King,iv., 357- Lazica_Abbot M_TimUS dies at, viii.,
Kocel,x., 397- 399.
Koch,onJulian,ii., 36z. Lebedia, Hungarians in,x., 399.
Koch,J., iv.,350. LeBlant,E., iii.,45z.
K6pke,R., iv., 355; vi., 363. Lega_uslegi_mi_, i., 3x3.
Koran,the,vi/i.,4x4. Leger,L., ix., 388sg.
Kormis_s, x., 394. Legion, size of, infourth ceatury, iii.,
Kostoboks,the, iiL,440. 432.
Kotragoi,the,vii., 395sq. Lemnos,x/., 335.
Kotragos,v//.,396. Leo I., Emperor,iii., 433-
Kotrigurs,vii., 395 sgq.; viii., 45o; Leo III., Emperor,legislationof, viii.,
x., 39L 429; agriculturalcode of, 437;
Krashen/nnikov, IV[.,v/., 353; vii.,389. correspondence withPopeGregory,
Kraus,F. X.,ii., 367. 44x; IconoclasticEdictsof,/b, sg.;
Kreutzer,i., 3o6. on navy,ix., 4o8.
K.rumbacher,K., vi., 354 note, 356 LeoVI.:,Emperor,lawsof,onmarriage,
note; on Cinnamns,viii.,409; on vm.,432; novelof,433; tacticsof,
Glycas,4xx; on Chalcondyles, xi. ix., .38z; relations with Taron,
3_8note. 4o_
Knlsch,B., v/Si.,4x4. LeoDiaconns,his history,viH.,406.
Kugler,B. yon,ix., 395,398. Leo Grammaticns,chronicleof, viii.,
Kulakovski,v//.,397. 404.
Kunik, E., x., 402. Leo, Librarianof MonteCass/no,ix.,
Kurt, Bulgarianking, x., 39z sg.,396. 389 .
Kuta_,chiefofthe Cumans,xJ.,338. Leontinsof Byzantium,vii., 389.
Kuun,G4za,x., 400note,sq. Leontius,Bishopof C_esarea, iii., 442.
Kuvrat,vii., 396; seeKurt. Leontocomis, themeof, ix., 403.
LeovigHd, vi., 36x.
LABA-_U_, the, iii.,444sq. Lesbos,xi., 335.
Lactantins,and authorshipof the De Lesghians,the, iv., 357.
Mort.Pers.,i.,3xx;ii.,357s_/q. Le Strange G., iv., 343; ix., 398.
Laelianus,see Loll/anus. Leucas,seeSantaMaura.
Lagobardia,theme of, ix., 402. Leuva(league),vi., 345-
Laguantan,the,vii., 403. Lewis,T. H., iv., 342.
La Jonquib-re, Hist. of OttomanEra- Libanins,the works of,ii.,36z-2; iv.,
pire, xi., 33z. 343.
Lampridins, see Aelins Lampridins. Liber Pontificalis,viii.,
Land,tenureof,etc.,viii.,435sqq. LibcrPontifir,atis of Ravenna,iv., 353-
LandulfusSagax,iv., 354- Library,Ulpian,i., 309.
Lane-Poole,S.,viii.,4z6; on the Sabi- Librilintel,i., 309.
arts,ix.,376; onSaracen coins,ix., Lichudes, funeraloration ofPsellus on,
399; onOttomanTurks,xi.,33z. viii.,407.
Licinius,Emperor,iii., 437 sq.; iv., Malnotes,ix., 4o5.
445. MainChancellor, policyof, ix.,39o.
LiciniustheYounger,iii.,436. Maju._Impcrium,i., 319.
Liebermann, F.,ix., 393- Makin,al- (Elmacin),viii.,4_8.
Liegnitz,battleof, xi., 337. Malchus,vi.,346sq.
LieutenantS of Emperor,i., 3t8. Mallet,Mr. E., on Procopius,vi.,
Lightfoot,Bishop,ii., 369. 353.
Limesgcrmanicus,ii., 355- Malta,xi., 332-
Limita_i, iii.,43_. Maraertinus, Claudius, ii.,362.
Lindum,i., 3t2. Manasses,Constantine, hisHistoryof
Lingenthal Zacharii_ yon,viii.,435,44o theWorld,viii.,4xi.
ix., 38x. Mandman, Semiticdialect,ix.,375.
L_tusSaxonicum,vi., 366. Mangoldonmonasticism, vi.,364.
Livadia, xi., 333. Manso,J. C., vi., 362.
Loewe,G., vi., 360note. Mansfir,al-(caliph),viii.,4i5.
Logothete, the,seeSymeonMagister. Mansfir(S_manid), viii.,4i7.
L6hrer,J., i., 320. Mansfir,fatherof Johnof Damascus,
Lollianus,tyrant,ii., 352sq. viii.,399.
Lombards, the,chronology of theircon- ManuelComnenus, historyof,byCinna-
queStS,viii., 422 sg. mus,viii.,409;funeralorationby,
Lombardy,themeof,ix.,4o5,seeLongi- ix.,383.
bardia. Manzikert,ix., 4o5.
L6ning,E., iii.,368. Maphrian,viii.,419.
Longibardia, themeof, ix., 4o2. MarApasCatina,iii.,443.
Lucius,on monasticism,vi., 364. MarIzdbuzid,viii.,426.
Lucius,Martyr(secondcentury),iii., Marcellinus,seeAmmianus.
4t9. Marcellinus, Bishopof Rome,iii., 4t8.
Lucius,Patriarchof Alexandria (fourth Marcellinus, Count,chronology of,vi.,
century),iv., 354$q- 36o"
Ludwig,F., iv., 355- Marcellus,Bishopof Rome,iii.,4x8.
Luetjohann,C., vi., 358. Marc.ion, ii.,367.
Lugdunensis, province, i.,3_4. Marczali,H., x., 398note.
Lupusprotospatharius, ix., 389• Maxdaites, ix.,406.
Lusitania,province,i., 3x4• Margat,captureof, byCrusaders, ix.,
Lycandos,themeof, ix., 4o3• 393-
Lycaonia,province,iii., 427. _Mariades, nameof Cyriades, ii., 35_.
Lycia,province,i., 313; iii.,427. iMariusof Aventicum,iv., 353; viii.,
Lyons,councilof,ix.,384• 362"
MACEDONIA, dioceseof,iii.,425,428. the, vii., 403•
Macedonia, province,i., 3:5; iii.,428 the Stylite,viii.,395.
Macedonia, themeof,ix.,4o_. VIarquaxdt, i., 3zI, 313sq.
Macrianus, fatherof tyrantS,ii., 352; Max'r, N., iii.,443-
hisson, ib. s_. Marriage, lawof Justinian concerning,
]_ad_r_i,al-,viii.,4x7. viii., 43t; secondmarriageS, 432.
Madvig,i., 3t8. Marta,battleof,vi.,4o3.
Maeatae,the, iv., 356. Martin,theAbb6,vi., 356.
i Magisterracmor/_z, i.,3io. Martin,Pope, speechof, in Lateran
! Magisteroff_iorum,originof, iii., 424. March,n, Council
Magnusof Carrhae,ii., 365.
, Magyar,originof name,x., 4oi. For Latrie,M. de, e_.of Ernouland
' lVlagyars, seeHungarians. Bernard,ix., 394; xi.,336.
l_[ahmftd lI. ofHam_h,ix.,397. _ason,Rev.J., iii.,4no.
_Iahon,Lord,vi., 363. Maarfig, King,vii.,4o_.
VOL. XII.-- 26
Massilia,Gallicchroniclewrittenat, iv.,]MichaelAkominatos,viii.,409.
352. [MichaelCerularius,Patriarch,viii.,407.
Ma.ffldi,viii.,4J7. [/VLichael Glycas,seeGlycas.
Matthewof Edessa,ix., 398. [Michael,Hugo,ii., 364.
Mauretaniaprovinces,i., 3x6. ]Michaelof Meliteae ("the Syrian"),
Maurica,battle of (ChMons),where[ viii.,4_8sg.
situated,vi., 345sq. [MichaeltheSyncellns,SymbolumFidei
Maurice,Emperor,vi., 354; vii.,39o, [ of, ix.,387.
404; viii.,4a3; Strategiconof, viii., Michadthe Janissary,xii., _6.
4x8. [Michaud,Biblioth_que oftheCrusades,
Maxentius,relationstothe Church,iii.,[ ix., 396; Historyof the Crusades,
418. [ 398•
Maximian,Emperor,German cam-lMiconos,xi., 334.
palgns of, ii., 356 sq.; military[Mijatovich, on Constantine, last Greek
reformsof, iii., 432. [ Emperor,xii., 2x8.
Maximian,Archbishop of Ravenna,iv.,IMilan,edictof,iii.,445-
353; vi., 358. Mflos,xi., 335.
Maximus,Emperor,v., 374 sg. MirzaHaidar,accountof,xi.,329.
Maximus of Saragossa, iv.,353sq.; vi., iMispou/et,i., 3x8.
36_. Mitteis,L., vii.,405.
Ma._dmns, Abbot,accountof,viii.,399- Modares,General,iv., 359-
Mayeronmonasticism, vi., 364. Moesia,provincesof, i., 3z5; Alanic
MazzucheUi, vi., 360. settlement of,ii.,349; provincesin
Melber,J., editionof DiodorfsDion thirdandfourthcenturies,iii.,428.
Cassius,i., 305. McesiarumDioecesis,iii., 425, 428.
Meleda,island,vi., 363. Mohammad,theProphet, sourcesforhis
Meletins,priestof BMkh,viii.,4_6. life,viii.,4_6sq.; histreatywiththe
Mchngi,ix.,406. Koreish,ix., 376; withPrinceof
MeUobaudes, comesdomesticorum, iv., Aria, lb.
356. MohammadII., Sultan,historyof, by
Mellobaudes,trib. armaturarum,iv., Critobulus,xi., 328.
357. Mokaukas,George,ix., 377-
Melos,seeMilos. Mombritius,Sanctuariumof, iv., 34I.
Menander,protector,vi., 354; history Mommsen,i., 3xosg.,313sq.,3_8; ii.,
of,viii.,395. 350,355; onattitudeofempireto
Mendelssohn, L., ft., 365; v., 365. Claristianity,iii.,418sgg.;on listof
Merivale,i., 3x3. Verona,424; onPolemiusSilvius,
Merobaudes, ministerof Gratian, iv., 4:t4-5; onthemilitaryorganisation
356sq. underDiocletianand Constantine,
Merobaudes, poet,iv., 35o- 432 sq.; on the Protectoresand
Menxzanes, iii.,443. Domestici,434sq.; on Prosperand
Mery-on-Seine, vi., 345. other chroniclesin his Chronica
Mesa,inscriptionof, vi., 368. Minora,iv., 352sq.; on Ca.ssio-
Mesopotamia, province,i., 3x6; geog- dorus,vi., 358sg.; onMarcellinus,
raphy of, iv., 342 sg.; province VictorTonn.andotherchroniclers,
underMaurice,viii.,423. 361sq.
Mesrop,iii.,442note. Monasticism, originof,vi.,363sqq.;in
M6tayersystem,viii., 437. eighth and ninth centuries,viii.,
Methodias,Patriarch,viii.,403. 4oa.
Methodinsof Patara,ix., 387. Moncada,ix.,396.
Methodius,apostleoftheSlavs,ix.,387; Monferratns,editionof Ecloga,viii.,
x., 396s_. 435-
Meyer,P.,ii., 357,360. Mongols,originof, xi., 331; invade
MichaelIII., F.,mperor, x., 397. Europe,/b.
Monod, G., vi., 362. Nestor, chronicleof, ix., 386; Life of
Monophysites, viii., 395. Boris and Gleb, 387.
Monothelitism,viii., 399. Nestorians,Catholicpatriarch of, viii.,
Moors, wars with (sixth century), vii., 426.
403. Neumann, C., on the Philopatris, ii.,
Moravia, ix., 405; conversion of, x., 357; on the Byzantine Empire,
398. viii., 407; on Byzantinenavy, ix.,
Mordtmann, Dr., on topographyofCon- 406.
stantinople, iii., 422; xii., 217. Neumann, C. J., ii., 36i; iii., 4x8.
Morea, Chronicle o], ix., 385 ; deriva- Newton,SirI., on cometof 531A.D.,vii. 1
tion of name, 4*o. 405.
Mortreuil,viii., 435- Ney, on Claudian, iv., 35o.
Moses of Chorene,i., 32o; ii., 44x sq. NicephorusI., Emperor,fiscal laws of,
Muager,x., 4o*. viii., 435-6.
Mticke, J. F., ii., 36,. Nicephorus II., Emperor, Novels of,
Muir,W., viii., 4x6, 4x9; ix., 379. viii., 438 note; ix., 38z.
Mukan, vii., 399 sff. Nicephorus Bryennius,viii., 408.
Mukaukis, see Mokaukas. NicephorusCallistus(Xanthopulos),vi.,
Miillenhoff,ii., 349- 346.
Mitller, C., i., 306, 308. Nicephorus Gregoras.account of. ix.,
Mundir,AI-, vii., 40*. 384.
Mundns, oracleconcerning,vii., 395. Hicephorus, Patriarch of Constanti-
Municipia, definitionof, i., 3x7. nople, viii., 400; Life of, by Ig-
Muntaner, Ramon, ix., 396. natius, 40* sq.; x., 392.
Muralt, E., viii., 4r 9. Nicetas, his race with l=Ieraclius,viii.,
Mursa, Ingenuus defeated at, ii., 353. 323•
Musheg, Armenian Prince, viii., 398. Nicetas, Akominatus,viii., 409.
Mutilation, use of, as punishment, viii., Nicetas, David Paphlagon,his Life of
434. Ignatius,viii., 403.
Muzuron, viii., 423. Nicetas, Abbot of Medikion,viii., 403.
Myconos,see Miconos. Nicetius, Bishopof Tr[ves, his letter to
Myos Hormos, vii., 393. Justinian, viii., 427.
:Nicolaites,Gnosticsect, ii., 368.
NAH'RAL-MAuI[,Canal, iv., 343. Nicolas, Pope, Responxes of, x., 392;
Nakshi Rustan, inscriptions at, if., 35*- death of, 397-
Namfio, xi., 335- Nicomedia, persecutionsat, ii., 357.
Narbo Martius, iv., 35*. Nicopolis, theme of, ix., 4o*.
Narra.//o,concerningEmperorsof Theo- Niculitzas,viii., 407.
dosian and Valentinianean houses Niebuhr, i., 3' 7; editsMerobaudes iv.,
iv., see
Narses, 353-
Nerses. 35x"
,Niexi, A, iv, 345.
Narses of Lampron, St., ix., 398. ' Nika sedition,vi., 352, 357; vii., 39* sq.
Nausa, xi., 335- Nikaria,xi., 336.
Navigation Code of Leo III., viii., 43° Nimbus of Emperors, iii., 423.
Navy, Roman, i., 3*4; Byzantine, ix., Nio, xi., 335.
406 sgg. Nisibis, viii., 423; battle of A.D.54',
Naxos,xi., 335- vii., 403.
Nazarius, panegyrist,i., 3*0; ii., 362. Nisyros,xi., 336.
Negroponte,xi., 335- Nobadae, the, vii., 403.
Nennius, vi., 366. Nola, churches at, iv., 347-
Nerscs, Armenian Catholicus, lii., 44, Noldeke, Th., i., 32z; iv., 357; viii.,
$_. 4][4sq.
Neshri, World-_e'a,of, xii., ax7. Nomophylax, viii., 43t.
Nestle, E., iv., 34*. Nonnusus, vii., 4o*.
Norberg, hiseditionof the..qidro Rabba Pagans,of Asia Minor,viii.,395-
ix., 375. Paganus(Baian),Bulgarianprince,x.,
Noricum,province,i., 3x5; vi., 358. 394.
Northcoteand Brownlow,Messrs.,on P_anius, translatorof Eutropius,i.,
the Catacombs, iii., 4z7. 3xo.
Novara,Philipof,x., 404. Palaemon,monk,vi., 364.
Novgorod,x., 4o_. Pala_ologus, Theodore,Manodiaon, ii.,
Noti_iaDignitatum,iii.,425sq_. 360.
2VotitlaGal2iarum, ill.,425,429. Palala, ix.,387.
Notur,vii.,398. .palagini(troops),iii.,433sg.
Nove/sofJustinian,viii.,43o;of Mace- Palchus,vi., 346.
donianand otheremperors,43o-- Palestine,monasticismin, vi., 365.
439passim. Paliadiusof HeLlenopolis, iv., 345; vi.,
Numidia,province,i., 3x6; iii., 43x 363s_.
Numidiamiliciann,/b. PaUmann, R., iv., 355; v., 368, 369.
Nftrad-Din,ix.,396. Palma,Cornelius,i., 3x_.
Palmyra,surrenderanddestruction of,
OBRS,the, viii.,420. ii., 354.
Odenathus,tyrant,ii., 352- Pamprepius,vi.,346.
Odovacar,his grant to Pierius, vi., Panchenko,B., vi., 348, 35I sq.; vii.,
363• 389•
Oedesius,iv., 355. Panciroli,iii.,425.
Ohnesorge,W., ii., 36o; iii., 425$¢-, PanegyriciLatini,i., 309.
43o. Pannonia,Dioceseof, iii.,428.
Oltaxzhevski, Father,vi., 365. Pannonia,provincesof, i., 3i5
Olympia,Gothsat, v.,367. Panodorus,ii., 368.
Olympias,wifeof Argak,iii.,442. Pap, King,iii.,442sq.
Olympiodorus, ii., 365sq.; iv., 346. Papagia,ix., 4o5.
Oman, C, W., viii., 4x9; ix., 38x, Papadimitriu, xi., 328.
398. Papadopoulos-Kerameus, A., ii., 36x.
Omac,mosqueof, iv., 342. Papencordt,F., iv., 355.
Omortag,inscriptionof,x., 394. Paphla_zonia , provincesof, viii., 423;
Onglosor Oglos,x., 39anote. themeof, ix., 40x.
Ophites,Gnosticsect,ii., 368. Papianilla,vi., 357.
Opitz,Th., i.,3xo. Pardessus,on silktrade,vii., 392.
Optatus,valueof his work,iii.,446. Paris,F., ix., 394.
Optimaton,theme,ix., 402sq. Parker,E. H., iv.,358; vii.,398s¢.
Oracles,inProcopius,vii.,394s¢. Paros,xi., 335.
Orcades,the, iii.,429note,439. Parthey,iii., 446.
Orchonins_pfions,the, vii., 398and Parthia,vii., 393.
nol¢. Part..gch,J., vi., 36o; v.u.,404.
Orelli-Henzen, i., 3x8. .PaschalChronicle, see Chronicon.Pas-
Oribasius,memoirsof, ii., 365. chale.
Origen,_repldpxFou,iv., 355. Paspatds,A. G.,onPalaceof Constan-
Orosius,iv.,354; it passageof,v., 364. tinople,iii., 422; xii., 218.
Orphans,guardianship of, viii.,433. Pa._au,See of,x., 397.
Orzianine,viii.,423. Patkanian,on Sebaeos,viii., 398.
Ozniensis,John,x., 389. Patmos,xi., 334,
P^cAz'os,Drepanius,iv., 347. .Palriaof Constantinople, ix., 383.
Pachom/us, Abbot,vi.,363sq. Palriapolestar,viii.,432sq.
Pachymeres,George,accountof, ix., Patrimonlum of St. Peter,viii.,443.
384. Patzinaks, ix.,404Sq.; Z.,400.
Paganoi,ix._404. Patzig,E., vi., 355sfl.; viii.,4zx.
Pauliani,followers of Paulof Samosata,Pirhlmayer, F., i.,3m.
x., 39o. Pictones,iv.,355sq.
panlicianheresy,x., 387sq. Picts,the,iv., 355sq.
Paulinusof Nola,iv., 347sq. Pierius,grantof Odovacar to,vi., 363.
Paulinusof Pella,iv., 347sq. Pippin,King,viii.,443;donationof,/b.
Paulinusof P_rigueux,iv., 347sq. Pisa,xi.,332.
Paulinns,author of V. Ambrnsii,iv., Piscopia,xi., 336.
347,352. Piso,tyrant,ii.,353.
PaulusDiaconus,in Hist. Misc.,iv., iPislisSophia,the, ii.,368.
354;Lombardhistoryof,viii.,4x3. Placidns(ValentinianILl.),iv., 35L
Paulusof Samosata,x., 39o. Plato, Abbot, Life of, by Theodore
Paxo,xi.,334- I Studites,viii.,402s_.
Pears,Mr., his Fall of Constantinople, IPlato, philosopher,opinionof Psellus
ix.,395. concerning, viii.,406; imitatedby
Peasantproprietors,viii.,435$g_. Gregoras,ix., 385.
Pelham,H. F., i., 3x8. Plew,J., i., 308.
Peloponnesus, theme of, ix., 4ox sq. Plummet,A., vi., 365.
note; horse tributein 4o6; Slavs Pogodin,ix.,387;x.,402;xii.,2r8.
in, 4o9. Poland,invasionof, by Mongols,xi.,
Pentapolis,themaritimeandtheinland 337.
(inItaly),viii.,42x. PolemiusSylvius,iii.,425saq.
Peratfi=demes,vii., 39o. Polilicaldemes,vii.,39o.
Par6z,iv., 357. Pollentia,battleof, in Prudentius, iv.,
Persarmenia, v., 374. 350; Stilichoat, v., 365; dateof,
Persecutions,early,of Christians,iii., 369.
418sgq. Pollio,seeTrebeUius P.
Persia,lists of kingsof, iv., 357; viii., Polycandro, xi., 334.
424. Polycarp,martyrdom of, iii.,4no.
Peter,Abbot,onthepaulicians,x., 387 Polydeukes, Julius,viii.,4o4no_e.
s_. Pomptinemarshes,vi., 368.
Peter the Deacon,ix., 388. Pontiff,Augustusas supreme,i.,3x9.
Peter the Patrician, see AnonymousPontusPolemoniaeus, viii.,42__q.
Continuerof Dion,ix.,38a. Popov,A.,x., 393-
Peter, H., his editionof Hist. Aug.,i., PortaRnsciae,Subutaiat, xi.,337.
308sq. Postumus,tyrant,ii., 352s_/.
Petrain Arabia,i., 3_2. Prae/ectus,morum,i., 3x8; prae_/o,
Pfitzner,i., 313. 319; transformation of Praetorian
Phb6u, monastery,vi., 364. Prefecture,iii., 423.
PhilipSidetes,ii., 367. Prae/;ositusof Council,iii.,423.
Philippi,episcopiat, ii., 369. Pr_textatus,proconsulof Achaea,v.,
Philippson,Dr. A.,ix., 409. 367•
Philopatris,the,date of,ii.,357. Praxagoras, ii.,36o;quoted,iii.,436sq.
Philostorgius,ii., 366; used in Vit. Prelect,Pr_torian,seePrae/eclus.
Artemii,iii.,439. Prefectures,divisionsof empire,insti-
Philotheus,protospatharius,ix., 382; tutedby Constantine, iii.,42a.
Clel_rolagion of, 402. Preger,Th., ix.,383.
PhlegononRomanFeasts,ii.,365. Preuss,i., 3xx.
Phocaea,Dueasat, xi., 327. Princeof theSenate,i., 318.
Pholegandros, xi., 334. Princeps,i., 3x8; P. sen_us,/b.
Photius,Patriarch,ix., 38o; x., 387; Priscian,panegyrist,vi., 347.
treatiseof,388; friendof Cyril,x., Priscus,historian,iv.,346; v. 375;vi._
397. George,accountof,xi., 327. Probatns, 346. usurper,ii., 354.
Piadha,xi., 33a. Probusandlimesgermanicus, ii.,355.
Prochiron,legalhandbook,viii.,43o. Rawlinson, G., L, 3_x; vi., 363.
Procopiusof Ca_sarea, legendarystories Raymondof Agiles, ix., 39o.
in, v., 374$q.; lifeand works,vi., Reccared,King,vi., 36z,
348 sgq.; style,35_; SecretHis- Recinaxius,vii., 403.
tory,lb. sq.; oraclesin, vii.,394sq. RegiUianusor Regalianus,tyrant,ii.,
Procopiusof Edessa,vi., 348. 353.
Procopiusof Gaza,vi.,347- Reinaudon relationsof China with
2Procuraeores, i., 3z8. RomanEmpire,vii., 39_; his ex-
ProsperTiro (Gibbon'sProsper),iv., tractsofArabichistorians,ix., 396
352; vi., 359; Gibbon's Prosper s_. i
Tiro, iv., 352; continuationof Reinhaxdt,onJulian,ii., 36z. ]
Prosper,353. ReinkensonProcopius,vi.,353.
Praectores,originof, iii.,434sg. Relics,worshipof, v., 364.
Provincesof RomanEmpire,i., 3_t4sq. Remusat,Abel, iv., 357-
Prudentius,iv., 350sq. RenatusProfuturusFrigeridus,vi.,362.
renaissance accountof, viii., Rendall,W.,
spiritof, 4o8. ii.,36z.
Rentof land,rift.,437- I
Psgudo-camilatenses, iii., 432. R¢._privata,i., 3_9.
Pseudo-Dionysius, viii., 399. R_ville,M., on theEpiscopate,ii., 369
Pseudo-Symeon, viii., 404, 4zo. sq.
Ptolem_eus, martyr(secondcentury),iii., Revillout,on the Serapeans,vi., 364.
4z9-4_o. Rhodiancode,viii., 440.
Ptolemais(Cyrenaic),iv., 345- Rhodes,provinceof, ix., 4oo; island,
Pyrrhus,patriarch,viii., 399. , rulersof (after12o4),xi.,336.
Pytheas of Massiiia,ii., 349- Rh_s,Prof. J., iv., 355sq.
Riant,ed.ofAnnale_Genucnscs, ix.,393,
Quaestor sacripalalii,_.,
Quietus,tyrant,ft., 352.423. iRichardof
395- Cirencester, i., 3x_.
QuinqueProvindae,iii., 424. Richardof London,Canonof theHoly
RA_g_,x., 389. Riccherio,Christoforo,xii.,2z6.
Radagaisus,v., 365; chronologyof his Richter, H., work on the "Westro-
invasions, 369sq. mischesReich,"ii., 369; iv., 355.
Radulphof Caea inPalestine,ix., 39_. Richthofen,F. yon, vii., 393-
l_.aetia,,i.,3z3;province,3x5; Ripa Golhica,iii., 438.
invadedbyRadagaisus,iv.,369sq. RoberttheMonk,of Rheims,histrans-
Ralph of Coggeshall,chronicleof ix., lotionof the Gesta,ix.,39z.
393. Robert of Flanders,Count,ix., 39I.
Rambaud,A., vii.,39o; ix., 383, 403. Rode,on Julian, ii., 36L
RamonMuntaner,ix., 396. Rogerde Flor,ix., 396.
Ramsay,W.M.,iii.,418,446. Rohde,E., ii., 357-
Ranke,L. yon,on Eusebius,ii.,359; on R6hricht,Historyof Crusade_,ix.,398;
Zc_imus,365; iii., 439; We/l- ed. of Regesta Regn. HierosoL,
geschicMe, ii., 367; on divisionof 394-5-
empireA.D. 335 and 337, Eft.,RomanEmpire,periodsof,viii.,4a?.
438; on Constantine's attitudeto RomanusI., landlegislationof, viii.,
Christianity,444; on Procopius, 436, 438sq.; ix., 403,4o6.
vi., 353; on Maukaukas,viii., RomanuslI.,novelof,viii.,438no/¢.
376-7. [RomanusIII., landlegislation of, viii.,
Rashtdad-Din, accountof, xi., 3a8. 436.
Ratchis,Lombardking,viii.,4z3, Romanus,Governorof Africa(fourth
_V_a//om_/e$,iii.,424- cent-uty),iv.,356.
Ratislav,Moravianking,x., 397. Rome, walls of, restored,v., 365;
Ravenna,SanVitalevt., 358. TheodosiusI. at, 363.
RomuaId,Archbishopof Salerno,ix. SaporII., iv.,357.
39o. SaporIll., iv.,357.
Ronci_re,C. dela_ix., 4o6. Saraceno, Agnes,xi., 333no/e.
Rose,A., vi., 363. Saragurs, the,vii.,397note.
RosensteJn, on Stilicho,iv., 355. Sardica, iii., 442.
Rossi,iii.,4x7. Sardinia,province, i.,3z4; ix.,403.
Rothkegel,F., i., 309. Sarkel,ix., 405.
Roumanians, the, x., 396. Sarmatians, not Slavs,i/i., 440; Sar-
Roxolani,the, i/i.,440. matianWar of A.D. 378, iv.,
Rubi6y Lluch,ix.,396. 358--9 .
Rufinus,sourceof Socrates,ii., 366; Sarmezigetusa, capitalof Dacia,i.,3x2.
source of ChronicaGa.LLica_ iv., Sarrasa,Peter,xi.,333.
35_; his lifeand work,354 sq.; SarrazinV., on TheodoreLector,ii.,
on monasticism, vi., 363sq. 366; vi.,347.
RufiusFestusAvienus,ii.,357- !Sarus,general, v., 37_.
RufusFestus,seeFestus. Sarwey,O.yon,ii.,356.
Ruotsi,x., 402. !Sathas,C., hisBibliotheca Grmca,viii.,
Russians,relationswiththePatzinaks, 407.
ix., 404; originof Russianstates,Saturninus, tyrant,ii.,353.
x., 4Ol$_. Sauerbrei, P., onZonaras, viii.,4zo.
SABAS, St.,monastery of, viii.,399. Scala,R.yon,vii.,392.
Sabians,ix., 375- Scarpanto, xi.,336.
Sabinos,x., 394- ISchafarik, seeS',tfarik.
Sabinus,C. Suetrius,correctorItali_e,Schaube, viii.,444.
i., 355- ._ ]Sch_tlein,J., vi.,353-
Sabinusof Heraclea,hisActsot _.:oun- ISchenk, K., viii.,44_not_*.
cils,ii.,366. Schlosser, F. C.,viii.,4t9.
Sabiri,the, vii., 396; viii., 4i9. i Schlumberger, M. G.,ix.,395,4°3,4o9•
Saccudion,Monasteryof, viii., 4o2. Scholae,of guards,ili.,433.
Sackur,viii.,444. Schiller,i., 3_ sq.; on Constantine's
Sac'y, Sylvestrede,xii.,ax?. I religion, iii.,444sq.
Sad ad-Din, Ottomanhistorian,xii., Schmidt,Dr.John,ix.,386.
at7. Schmidt, V,r.A.,vii.,393.
gdarik,onSarmatian peoples,iii.,440; Schmidt,L.,viii.,413hole.
on,viii., 419lrwle. Schneiderwirth, i., 32x.
Saladin,ix.,396; x., 404. Schr6ter,F.,ix., 389•
Salamis,Island,xi., 334. Schulz,A.,vi.,353.
Sailer,yon,i., 354. Schalz,C.F., v.,367.
Salt,soldbytheBulgarians,x., 395- Schultze, V.,ii.,360sq.,367; iiL,444sq.
Sa]vian,iv.,354. Schwarz,onJulian,ii.,36tsq.
Samaria,Gnosticismoriginatedin (?), Schwarze, on AfricanChurch,iii.,4ao.
ii., 367. Schwarzlose, vi/i.,44a and no/_.
Sambulpur, i., 3x7. Sciathos, xi.,335.
Samo,Slavonicrealmof,viii.,4i4. Scili,Aas o/Martyrso],ili.,42o.
Samos,themeof, ix.,4oz; Island,xi., Scopelos,xi., 335.
335- Scots,the,iv., 355-
Samosata,i.,35_. Scriptore_ pos$Theopha_'m,viii.,405.
SamuelofAni,ix.,398. Scylitzes,John,continuator ofTheoph-
Sa.nltturkes, vii.,402. anes,viii.,4o9.
Sandichl,vii.,396. Scyllace, vi., 358.
Sangarius, Bridgeofthe,vi.,349. Scyros, xi.,335-
SantaMaura,xi.,334- Scythia,province of,ix.,4oo.
Santorin,rd.,335. Seb_eos, viii.,398,423.
Sebastea_clisurarch of, ix., 4oL of St. George, iv., 342; account of
Secundus, Lombard historian, viii., 4z3 works, vi., 357-
sg. Sievers, R., ii., 36z.
Seeck, O., i., 320; on De Mort. Pets., Sifanto, x_.,334.
ii., 358; on Eusebins, 359; his Sigisvult, v., 376.
Geschichte des Untergangs der Sigriane, monastery near, viii., 4ox.
antiken Welt, 367; ed. of Notitia Silk, trade in, vii., 393-
Dig., iii., 4_4 sq.; on Crispus and ! Silzibul, vii., 4oo.
Fausta_435 sq.; on younger Licln- Sikeliotes, John, see John.
.ius, /b.; on Constantine's religion, Sikeliotes,Peter, x., 387 $q.
444; on Constantine's attitude to Sikino, xi., 334.
Donatists, 446; ed. of Symmachtls, Simeon, Beth Arsam, vii., 4oL
iv., 347; on battle of Verona, v., Simon the Magian, ii., 367.
368; on Egyptia_._ of Synesius, Si-ngan-fu, inscription of, viii., 424 sgg.
376 sg. Singaxa, date of battle of, iii., 440.
Segusia, see Susa. Siouffi,M., ix., 376.
Seger, J., on Nicephorus Bryennius, Siphnos, xi., 334.
viii., 4o8. Sirmondus, discovers Merobaudes, iv.,
SeJeucia, themeof, /x., 383; elisurarch 350.
of, 403. Slavs, Sarmatians wrongly identified
Semenov, A., vii., 397 note. with, iii., 440; settlementsof, in the
Semulpur or Semah, i., 3z7. provinces, viii., 43o; their influ-
Sepp, on the Dome of the Rock, iv., ence on land tenure, 437; of
342sg. Peloponnesus, 443; ix., 409 sq.;
Septemprovinciae, ill., 424,4_9- conversion o[,x., 396 sq.; alphabet
Serapis,asceticcult of, vi., 364. of, 397.
Serbs,ix., 405. Small Questionao] Mary, treatiseof, ii.,
Sexdica, see Sardica. 368. :
Serfene,xi., 334. Srr,.ith,Dict. of Antiq., i., 314, 318.
Serfs,viii., 436. Socrates, Eccl. History of, ii., 366.
Sergius,Patriarch, viii., 397; composer Solomon, African wars of, vi., 360;
of the Standing .Hymn, 398. position in Africa_ vii., 4o4.
Seriphos,xi., 334. Sophanene, province, iii., 4_6; viii.,
Ser_a_ix., 4o5. 422.
Sethites,Gnosticsect, ii., 368. Sophene, viii., 423. [
Seuffert, 0., iii., 445. Sotiriadis, G., vi., 355. i
Severinus, St., vi., 358. Soteriupolis,ix., 405.
Severus, Septimiu.% prineipate of, i., Soumelpour, mine of, identity of, i.,
3z9; constitution of, /b.; wears 3z7.
mi_tary sagum in Rome, iii., 423. Sozomen, ii., 366; on monasticism,vi.,
Severus,see Sulpiclns Severus. 363 sq.
Seville, attacked by the Rfi.%x., 4oz Spain, how assignedin divisions of era-
note. pire in third and fourth centuries,
Sexagenarii, lii., 424. iii., 436 .*_.; ix., 405.
Sextus, Aurelius Victor, i., 3zo. Spain, dioceseof, iii., 43x.
Sextus, Julius Africanus,ii., 359. Sparta, Phrantzes Prefect of, xi., 327.
Sh,_..h-n_ma, viii., 4x7- Spartian, seeAelius Spartianus.
Shapflr, ii., 35z. Sphendoplok, ix., 405.
Shepherd o] 2/ermaa, x., 39o. Sprenger,Life of Mobm'nmad,viii., 4z6.
Shestakov,S., vi., 346, 355- Sreznevski,ix., 387 note; _rii.,2z6, 277.
Sicilia, province,i., 3x4. SrkuJj, ix., 387 and _wte.
Sicilian chronicle,viii., 405. Ssanang Ssetsen, Mongol prince, xi.,
Sickel, viii., 444. 33z.
Sidonius, Apollinaris, fOUnClA Church Sta_paJi, xi., 336.
Stassulevich, J., xii.,2x7. Tanfan/,L., xi.,333-
Stephen,DeaconofSt.Sophia,viii.,402. Tapur, vii.,399.
StephenII., Pope, viii.,429; letterof Tarasins,Li]cof,vii/.,4o3.
444not_. Tarasins,Patr/arch,ix., 380.
Stephen,St.,the Younger,vii/.,402. Tardu,vii.,399.
Stephens,W. R. W., iv., 355. TarikhiAll Osman,xii.,al7.
Stewart,MajorCharles,xi.,329. Taxon,ix.,4o5.
Stilicho,in inscriptions,v., 364sg.;his Tarraconensis,i., 3x4,316.
expeditionsto Greeceand Illyri- Ta-ts'in,vii.,392sq.; viii.,425sqq.
cure, /b.; his policyand relations Taugast,vii.,4oo.
to Alaric,365sqg.; againstRada- Taurus (print.pre2", third century),a
gaisns,369sq.; measuresagainst protectorAug.,i//.,434.
Constantine,372. Taurus,PalladinsRutilins(pr_t.pref.
St.MartinV.,iii.,44xxq. fourthcentury), v.,376.
Stones,precious,tradein,vii.,393. Tavernier, Bali'stranslationof,i., 3z7.
Strakosch-Grassmann, on the Mongols,Tedardi,Jacques,on captureof Con-
xi.,338- stantinople,xii.,215.
Streit,L., ix.,395- Telec,x., 393.
Strzygovski, J., on Tyche,iv., 445- T_nos,seeTinos.
Strymon,themeof,ix., 402no_. Tephrice,PeterSikeliotesat, x., 389.
Stubbs,Bishop,x., 4o4. Terbuniates, ix., 4o5.
Subutai,invadesHungary,xi., 337- Ter-Mikelian onArmenianChurch,iii.,
Sudhaus,ii.,364. 44x.
Suhomlinov, ix.,387note. Ter-Mkrttschian, Karapet,x., 388.
SulpiciusSeverns,on a passage(in 2, Tessier,M. J., ix.,395.
29), iii.,42o; chroniclefalselyas- TetraxiteGoths,vii., 398.
cribedto, iv.,352no_. Tetricns,tyrant,ii.,353s{.
Susa(Italy),viii.,42x. Teuffel,W.S., i.,3z8; vi.,353sq.
Svatopluk,x.,397- Thackeray,F. St.J., iv., 35o.
Sweden,Finnishnamefor, x.,402. Tbala_us, son-in-law of Ausonius, iv.,
Sybel,H. yon, ix.,39I, 398. 347-
SymeunMagister,chronicleof, viii., Thebes,x/., 333-
4o4. Themes,ix.,383,4oos_,.
SymeonMetaphrastes, viii.,4o4. Themistius, worksof,ii.,36_; iv.,344
Symmachus, Q. Aurelius,iv., 346. Theodora,wife of Justinian I., her
Syncelins, George, ii.,368. character,vi., 353; her influence,
SynesinsofCyrene,iv.,345; theEgyp- viii.,395;lifeof,4o3.
¢ianof,interpretation of,v., 376sq. Theodora,wifeof Theophilus,related
SynopsisSambas,viii., 4zo. to Photius,ix., 38o.
Syra,xi.,334. Theodoreof Cyzicus,chronicle of,vii/.,
Syracuse,estatesof Pieriusat, vi.,363; 4xz.
siegeof, by Saracens,viii.,4o5. TheodoreDaphnopates, viii.,4o5.
Syria (andS. Palmst_a),province,i.; TheodoreGraptus,ILfe of, viii.,4o2.
3x5 sq.; divisionof Syria, 3x6; Theodoreof Heraclea,dragon-slayer,
mentionof,in Chinesesources, vii., iv., 342.
393. TheodoreLascaris,ix., 384n_t¢.
Syro-Roman Codeof Law,vii.,4o5. TheodoreLector,vi., 347; excerpts
TAB,_.I,al-,viii.,4i5sq. TheodoreMetochites, learningof, ix.,
Tabennisi,vi.,364. 384sq.
Tgbifin,the,viii.,4x5. Theodore, secretary,viii.,397.
Tafel,L.F., ix.,383. Theodoreof Studion,worksof, vii/.,
Taman,Gothsin, vi/.,397. 402;Li/e of,lb.; hisLi/¢o/Plolo,
Tancred,ix.,392. 4o3.
Theodoret,H., 366sq. _Tinos,xi., 334.
Theodoric,the Ostrogoth,vi., 358; Tiran,King of Armenia,iii., 44a.
table of marriagealliancesof his iTiridates,seeTrdat.
family,367; his drainingofPomp-:Titles,purchaseof,viii.,44o.
fine marshes,568. ITitus,Emperor,on Jews and Chris-
Theodoropolls, captureof, ix., 38a. tians,iii.,4x9.
Theodorus, seeTheodore. Toktu,x., 394.
Theodosiopolis, its siegebyMermeroes,Tortosa"captureof, ix., 393.
vii.,403; themeof,ix.,4on. !Toulouse,doctrinesof Bogomilsat,x.,
TheodosiusI., extentof his shareof[ 39o.
empire,ill., 439sq.; Symmachus' Trajan, conquestsof,i., 3z2; policyin
panegyric, iv.,346; Gothicwarsof, ! regardto Christians,iii.,4x9.
359; visittoRome,v.,363. ITransylvania, ruledby Crum,x., 395.
Theodosius,count(executedA.D.396), Trdat,Kingof Armenia,iii.,44z sg.
iv.,356. Trebellianus,tyrant,ii., 353.
Theodosiusof Militene,viii.,404. TrebelliusPollio,writerinHist. Aug.,
Theodosius, amonk,oncaptureofSyra- i., 306sgq.
cuseby theSaracens, viii.,405. Tresves,Francescode, on captureof
Theodosiusof Peshtcherski,ix., 387. Constantinople, xfi., al5.
Theognostos,grammarian, viii.,405. Tribun_.smilitumAugu.rti,i., 3x3.
Theophanesof Byzantium,viii., 395. Tripolis,captureof, ix., 393-
Theophanes,his Chronography,viii., Trivet,Nicholas,ix., 393.
4ox; lives of, 4o2; chronologicalTroyes,relationto battleof Chalons,
di_cultiesin,429; an emendation vi., 345-
in,442role; ix.,378; ix., 4o5;on Truzte_, viii.,433.
Bulgarians, x., 392. Tudebodof Sivrai,ix., 39o.
Thcophilus, hisparaphrase of theInsfi- Tureen,vii.,399-
tutes,viii.,43o. Turks,theoriginof,vii.,398sqq.
TheophylactusSimocatta,vi., 354;!Turxanth,vii.,399.
viii.,395; accountof,396. TusculoUbertino,hexameterbooksof,
Thera,xi., 335- xii.,2x5.
Therasia,xi., 335. Tultla,viii.,433.
Th-:_'mia, xi.,334. Tycheof Constantinople, cult of, iii.,
"l'hessalonica,Churchof St. Georgeat, 443,445.
iv., 342; captureof, by Cretan Tyrants,the thirty,ii., 35x s_q.
pirates,viii.,405-6;Normansiege Tzakones,ix., 4xo.
of, ix.,383. Tzimisces,John,a letterof,ix., 398.
Theudebert(Merovingian), vi., 362.
Thomsen,V., vii., 398 note; x., 4o2. JcH't^___ofEdessa"ix.,398note.
Thracia"province,i., 3_5; use of the Ulfilas,alphabet of,vi., 365.
name,iii.,437; themeof, ix., 4ox UlpiaTrajana"i., 3t2.
sq.note. Umar,x., 394.
Op_t, on the captureof Constanti-Ungeron chronologyof Syncellus,ii.,
nople,xii.,az7. 368.
Thucydides, imitatedbyProcopius, vi., Uranius,his letterto Pacatus,iv.,347.
349 $_'.; imitatedby Critobulu.% Usener,H.,vi.,359.
xi., 328. Uspenski,Th., vii.,390; ix., 38i.
Thumb,A.,ix., 4xo. Utignrs,seeUturgurs.
Tigris,cour_of,iv., 343. Uturgurs, vii., 395s_.; viii.,4x9; x.,
Tillemont,i.,320. 39L
Timotheus,CatholicPa4_'i_'ch,viii., Uzes,ix.,404.
Timur,campaign of,inAsiaMinor,xi., VA._._uof F_,dessa, ix.,398.
3a8; memoimof,329. Valar_apat,iii.,44xsg.
Valens,Emperor,his shareof theera- Voglie,de,ii.,352.
pire,iii.,439; persecutes, iv., 354- Volkmann, R.,iv.,345.
Valeus,tyrant,ii., 353. Vopiscus, seeFlaviusV.
Valentinlan L, his dominion,iii.,439; Vortigern, vi., 365.
Symmachuson, iv., 346. Vram_apuh,king,iii.,44x.
ValentinianII., hisdominion,iii.,439. VulcaciusGaliicanus, writerin Hist.
Valentinian III., iv.,350; v., 376. Aug.,i., 306sqq.
Valeria,Itlyricprovince,iii., 428. Vulcano(Vurcano, Ithome),xi.,332.
Valeria,Italian province,iii., 4a9 and
note. WAozm_g, C.,ii.,357-
Valerian,Emperor,defeatof, ii., 35x. Wahballath, sonof Zenobia,ii.,354.
V_unb_ry, A., iv.,358. W_kidi,viii.,4x5s_g.
Varangians,x., 4oi. Walachia,Avarrulein,viii.,42o.
V_trhely,nameofSaxmlzegetusa, i.,3i=. Waterfallsofthe Dnieper,x.,4o2sg.
Vasates,the,iv.,348- Weft,H.,viii.,4x5sq.
Vasilievski, B., on TetraxJteand Cri- Weingarten, on monasticism, vi., 364.
meanGoths,vii.,398;viii.,4o7. Weise,J., viii.,4i9.
Veligosti,Slavsettlementat, ix., 4o9. Wellhanson, on Mohammad, viii.,416.
Venice,ix., 395;foundingof, describedWiegand,on battleof Strassburg,ii.,
by ConstantinePorphyrogenitus, 36I.
4o5; navy,408. Wftcken,oncircusfactions,vii.,39o.
Verina,Empress,vi., 346. Wilken,F., on Abulfeda,ix., 397; on
Verona,battle of, iv., 35o; date of, Crusades, 398.
v.,368sq. Willems,i.,3x8.
Verona,Listo],iii.,4=4$_'_. Williamof Apulia,his poem,ix., 388.
VerturioneS, the,iv.,356. Williamof Tyre,ix.,394.
Veru!_mium, i., ,3r2. Wilmanns,i., 3x8.
iii.,432. Wilson,SirC.,iv.,342sq.
Vicariusa sacriscons//i/s,ifi.,4=3. Wirth,A.,vi., 354.
VictorTonnenneusis, vi.,36x; vii.,389• Wisbaum,W., on Gregorythe Great,
Victor,se_SextusAureliusV. viii.,4x3.
Victor,the Younger,Epitome,ii., 364 W61fl_in, i.,3to.
sg.; a passagein (4I, 2o), iii., Wo[fsgrubcr, C.,onGregorytheGreat,
438. viii.,413.
VictorinaorVictoria,motherofVictori-WoUschack, Th.,on Gregory theGreat,
nus,ii., 353. viii.,4x3.
Victorinus,tyrant,ii., 353. Wotke,on findingofCross,iv.,34I-
Vietorius,Paschal¢of, vi.,359- Wright,W.,vi.,356; hisSyria,= Litera-
Victory,Altar of, in Roman senate ture,viii.,4i9.
house,iv.,346, 35°. Wfastenfeld, his Arabichistoriography,
Vinech,x., 393. viii.,414.
Vieunensis, Dicccesis,iii.,4=4,4_9. Wylie,Mr., translatorof Chinesean-
Villehardouin, ix., 395. rials,iv.,357.
ViIaAr_'di, ill.,436; sourceof Philo-
storgius,439" XF_,NOPOL, i., 3x2.
Vita guthymii, viii.,4o6. Xiphiiin, hisabridgmentof Dion
Vila 8tephaniJuni_is, viii.,44x, 442 Cassius,i., 305; friendofPsellus,
twO. viii.,4o6;director of lawschoolat
Vitalian,vii.,389. Constantinople, 43I.
Vlasto,E. H., xii.,zr8.
Vogel,i., 3_x; v., 358. y_dr.s_,vii.,4o2.
Ye-lftCh'uts'ai,ministerof Chinglz,
Vogeler,A.,viii.,4x3 no_.
Vogt,onClaudian,iv.,350;on Stilicho, xi.,33o. .
355. Yermfllg battle ofthe,_., 377"
YezdegerdI., iv., 357. Zeuss,Die Deutscheaunddie Nach-
Yezdegerd II., iv., 357; v., 374. barstRmme, iv.,355.
YiianShi,xi., 329. Zia, xi.,334-
y/ianch'aopishi,SecretHistoryof the Zichia,ix., 4o5.
Mongoldynasty,xi.,33o. Zigabenos,Euthymius,monk,x.0387.
Yiianshilei pien,Hist.oftheMongols,Zimmer, H., vi.,366.
_d.,33o, _ckJer,on St.George,iv.,34z.
Zonaras,epitomeof D/on Cassius,i.,
ZABEROAN, vii.,39o, 395. 3o5,306;SOurces of,i//.,438; Can-
Zachariasof Mytilene,vi., 356s_. didus,a sourceof,vi.,346;account
Zachhims,ix.,405. of his work,viii.,4zo.
Zacynthus,seeZante. Zor'z/Dolphin, xii., _XT.
Zangemeister, C., iv., 354- Zosimus,on historyoftyrants,ii., 354;
Zante,xi., 333. h/s history, 365; tendency in
ZendAvesta,i., 32xsg. favourof Magnentius,iii., 439;on
Zeno,Emperor,vi., 346sq.,358. Stilicho,v., 365; on /nvasionof
Zenobof G/ak,iii.,44xsq. Radagaisus,369sq.
Zenobia,tyrant,ii., 352, 354- Zoteaberg,viii.,4z7SQ.
Zeugma,bridge,vii.,393. Zulzri,al-,viii,,4x5.

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