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Slide 11 Most of the time, the reason why people say hurtful critical things is simply because they

are jealous of who you are; let me make it a real clear, most of the time, the reason you have haters because down deep, they wanted to become just like you. But the problem is theyve allowed their own hearts to become polluted and since God would not let them rise to your level, the only way they can justify for not being where you are is to try finding fault and criticize you. They think if they can push you down and make you look smaller, it will make them look bigger and they wont feel so bad about themselves. But even though his other brothers saw Samuel anointed him king, they still tried to stick their old labels on him. When David was out to bring his brothers food to the battle field, his eldest brother Eliab said, hey David what are you doing out there and with whom have you left those few sheeps youre supposed to be taking care of? What was Eliab doing? Trying to stick his old label on David, not talented, weak, intimidated, inferior. He could have let those old labels keep him from his destiny but not this time. He rose up in faith and said, Eliab, it doesnt matter what you said about me, that doesnt change what God had said about me, youre still sticking those old labels of weak, defeated, not able to.

The enemy: God has put all things under our feet. If youre going to live in victory, you have to see every attack of the devil as being under you feet. Its no match for you, its not going to keep you from your destiny, its already defeated. You got to shake off the lies of the enemy that tells you, its been this way too long, its never gonna change. No, this is a new day. Its under your feet. See, When you talk to God you look up but when you talk to the enemy, look down because hes under your feet. If you want to say something to the enemy, write them in the bottom of your shoe because hes under your feet. That enemy is not at your level. He may have a big bark, he may seem tough and big like you cant defeat it but truth is, its no match for you.

Confess it: The Son of God who loves me gave Himself for me! Gods grace is always with you. One time, the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus. They said: We caught her in the very act of adultery. And Jesus was teaching in the temple when they brought her to Him. They throw

her in the midst of Jesus, Master, we caught this woman in the act of adultery. Now, Moses said that such should be stoned. What do you say? They were trying to catch Jesus. If he said, dont stone her, they might say youre breaking Moses law An if He said, stone her! The people around Him will be confused because He was there to bring love and grace. Jesus answered nothing; he stooped to the ground and with his finger, he wrote on the ground. It was found out that when Jesus wrote on the ground, he was writing on stone ground. In other words, Jesus, in essence, was saying by His actions, you presumed to teach me the law? I am the one who gave the law. And he stood up and since they champion on upholding the cause of the law, Jesus unleashed upon them the full light of the law on their conscience. Jesus said, Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her. And he stooped down again and wrote on stony ground. Again he stooped down and wrote on the stony ground. And one by one, beginning with the oldest to youngest, they dropped their stones and they left; See, God gave the 10 commandments twice; the first one never made it to the bottom, Moses broke it all. You still remember when Moses saw the golden calf being worship by the Israelites, he destroyed the tablets. And God says, Mo, come back And during the second time, God gave Moses the 10 commandments, God says put it in the mercy seat under the act of the ark of the covenant. I dont wanna see it. I want to see the blood of atonement covering the law. Mercy rejoices over judgment. Grace is in higher ground than law. You see when you fall from grace, you go to the law. After they left, only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Then Jesus asked her, Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you? No one, Lord, she said. Remember this, there is one person among the crowd who could cast the first stone to her, the only without sin. His name is Jesus. The Pharisees would want to stone her but they could not; Jesus could but He would not. Then, Jesus look at her and said, Woman, neither do I condemn you, Go and sin no more. Now, wait a minute, the church has it backward; the church says, Go and sin no more first and we will not condemn you but if we will just give people the gift of no condemnation, it will empower them to go and sin no more!

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