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Professional Automated Horse Racing and

Staking Betting Software
The most advanced automated betting software on the market designed for both the professional and
novice bettor.
1. Automate our selected highly profitable systems and tipsters
2. Automate different staking plans
3. Automate and test bet new systems or selections in live mode without spending a penny
4. Automate your own bets
Increase your betting income by as much as 20%, 50%, 100% or even 200% per month. To be
successful at betting is no exact science you need:
1. Profitable system selection
2. Correct staking
3. Ability to let the system run
4. Large enough bank to survive losses and a bad run

ProBettingBot Features:

Automated Systems – Plug and Go

These are time tested plug and go profitable systems that can be automated via the bot. The user logs into
their Betfair account via the bot and selects which system and hits start – the bot then bets and recovers
according to the systems criteria.

LayPro 88
Laypro 88 is a statistical lay betting system as it names suggests has an 88% strike rate that average 800
points per annum (66 points on average per month).
The system is profitable at level stakes as well as the associated staking plan which increase the profits
A starting bank of 200 points is recommended

Potential Profitability: £100 point * 880 points = £88,000 per annum

Go Fibonnaci is a lay betting system that lays odds on favourite horses with additional selection criteria that
has averaged 150 points per annum (12 points on average per month)
The system uses a martingale recovery type system that cuts its losses before the stakes get too big.

Potential Profitability: £100 point * 150 = £15,000 per annum

Staking Strategies
These are staking strategies that the user can use to tweak a systems profitability.
Level Stakes
This is the most common form of plan and is also known by other names, flat betting being one of them.
This system requires that you bet the same stake at all times. The size of the stake can be determined
however you like but it is best practice to link it to your starting bank. For example, if your start bank was
£200 you would split the bank into points, say 200 points, in this case £1 represents 1 point. You would then
ramp this up as required to a set stake of say 5 points or 10 points. It all depends on how often you expect
to win and the odds at which you would expect to win.

Fixed Liability
This staking plan allows the bettor to know what they could lose on each bet. For example, say we do not
ever want to risk more than £100 in any one bet. The horse we are interested in is 4/1 of 5 in decimal
terms. The stake we would use is £25 and therefore the maximum we can lose is £100 - if the horse wins
we would win £50.00

Lay Mixed
This is a combination of Level Staking and Fixed Liability Staking by having a set odds to separate the two
staking plans. For example, the cut off point could be 9/1 or 10.
Any horse with odds below this would be bet on by using fixed liability. Any horse above this would be a
fixed level stake. The benefit of this staking plan is that it increases our chance of bigger profits at low odds
and reduces any losses at high odds.

Percentage Liability
The percentage liability staking plan is identical to the fixed liability staking plan except that the liability is
linked to a percentage of your bank.
For example, if your betting bank is £100 and the percentage liability is 10% then your liability will be £10.
If the bank increases, so will your liability. If the bank decreases, your liability will also decrease

The Lay % Recovery Plan aims to recover your losses over a set number of cycles and bets.

Using the bot settings the initial stake is 2% of 100. Stake = 2 units.
When the bet loses you enter the recovery mode. The bot allow 2 cycles with each cycle containing 4 bets.
The amount of loss to recover is set at 100%.

Therefore bets 2,3,4 and 5 are calculated as 14/4 = 3.5.

At the bet 6 recovery mode is finished and the stake is back to 2 units

Bet 4 is a loss so the bot knows there are 2 cycles. As the first cycle was not finished we enter the second
cycle and try and recover our losses again. As bet 4 lost the series defecit is 24.5 units. The next 4 bets
(assuming they all win) will be 6.12 units. You can see that by bet 9 the defecit is recovered and recovery
mode is finished. The stake reverts back to 2 units.

If however cycle 2 is not completed the bot cuts its losses and starts again.

In the bot you can set the amount of bets to recover your losses from 1-100. You can also select the cycles
from 1-25.

The Maria staking plan can be broken down into rules.
1) - There are 3 distinct odds ranges to be aware of. The following is based on a starting bank of £5000
· Prices below 3.5: lay to 1% of bank - backer's stake £50 (liability is always under £125 in this price range)

· Prices from 3.6 to 7.4: lay to 0.6% of bank - backer's stake £30 (liability is always between £78 - £192 in
this price range)
· Prices from 7.5 to 11: lay to 0.4% of bank - backer's stake £20 (liability is always between £130 - £200 in
this price range)
· Anything above 11 or 10/1 is left alone.
2) - If making profits, the stakes are increased on a daily basis in proportion to the betting bank on a daily
basis. For instance, if after day 1 the betting bank is at £5500 then 1% would now be £55 rather than £50.
3) - If after a days betting the cumulative betting bank has decreased the stakes are left alone unless 35%
of the highest level of the bank is lost, when the stakes are re-calculated based on the new "65%-sized
For example if your using £5000 as your starting betting bank, you would keep the same stakes used until
your betting bank went below £3,250 when those backer's stakes would become £32.50, £19.50 and £13
until the bank gets back up to £5,000 again (or - even down to £2112.50 - a further 35% loss).
The 35% drop is always worked out from the highest point of the bank.

Additional Features
-Simulation Mode to test betting ideas and strategies
-Green and red colour coding to highlight winning and losing horses
-Live results, race winner, system selection and current profitability on the bot
-Export results feature
-Adjustable odds if you want to tweak any of our systems settings

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