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Types of human trafficking There are 8 types of human trafficking such as sex slaves, slave soldiers, sex tourism,

organ trafficking, skin trafficking, internet criminal paedophilia, ritual torture and labour slaves. Paedophiles, sex tourists and child pornographers are particularly common in developing countries where governmental corruption, indifference, cultural or sexual biases and weak or confusing laws and untrained law enforcement exist. The most lucrative part of trafficking involves sex trafficking, and the trafficking in women and children for the sex trade has emerged as an issue of global concern which is facilitated by porous borders and advanced communication technologies and is becoming increasingly transnational in scope (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes International (ECPAT) 2004a:1). As we know, today 27 million people are enslaved throughout the world, despite the fact that in every single country, slavery is outlawed. As an example, the price of Human life has decreased substantially since 1850 when the African slave trade annoyed. Today an Indian child can be bought for a mere $35, an Eastern European woman for $500, and a Brazilian agricultural labourer for $100. These numbers are amazing, considering that in 1850 an African slave was nominally worth $40,000. In addition, the cost of human life has gone down because people as a commodity have become expendable. There are three times the amounts of people in the world today than there were in 1850. If a slave is not useful or tries to rebel, they are killed and replaced immediately. The internet has made it vastly easier for traffickers to contact potential victims and to lure them into traps based on job and education promises. Moreover, the definition of modern slavery is every bit as cruel as that of the old. Labour slavery is defined as forced work without pay, under the threat of violence. But, that only covers 1 of the 8 different types of modern slavery. Labour slaves make up the largest fraction of slaves worldwide, but today slavery can be found in many other arenas. There are few countries in Asia where this serious problem had occurred such as in India and Japan. In INDIA, more than 2.3 million girls and women were believed to be in the sex industry, and experts believed that more than 200,000 persons were trafficked into, within, or through the country annually. There were

about three million trafficking victims in the country, and two thousand rescues a year. Women's rights organizations and NGOs estimated that more than 12,000 and perhaps as many as 50,000 women and children were trafficked into the country annually from neighbouring states for commercial sexual exploitation. According to an International Labour Organization (ILO) estimate, 15 percent of the country's estimated 2.3 million prostitutes were children, while the UN reported that an estimated 40 percent of prostitutes were below 18 years of age. Tribal persons made up a large proportion of the women forced into sexual exploitation. Meanwhile, Japan is one of the transit country for human trafficking. The traffickers are reportedly part of Japanese well organized crime syndicates, particularly the Yakuza. Japan is a destination country for women and children who are trafficked from China, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, and to a lesser extent Latin America for sexual and labour exploitation. Many of the trafficking victims were coerced into commercial sexual exploitation in strip clubs, sex shops, hostess bars, private video rooms, escort services, and mail-order video services. NGOs reported that in some cases brokers used drugs to subjugate victims. Women also voluntarily migrate to work in Japan but are later coerced into exploitative conditions. Women are usually held in debt bondage for $26,000 to $43,000 for their living expenses, medical care, and other necessities. Moreover, Japan has a significant amount of internal trafficking of women and girls who are trafficked for sexual exploitation.

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