Living Mandala Theory

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Personalized Living Mandala Theory

by HealingMindN Medicine Man

This file on the theory for personalized living mandalas accompanies the
personalized living mandala in the form of a 30 minute DVD Video.

1.1.1 The following are personal effects which are

programmed into your personal living mandala:

• Your full name, birth date, and recent digital picture(s) of yourself (up
to 6) as a radionic witness. Head and shoulder portrait shots are ideal.

• Your one wish spoken by you in a sound file.

Your voice speaking your one wish as a sound file is ideal; any kind of sound
file is OK. I would then incorporate your voice in the program including the
phase conjugate (time reversal) with resonators.

Remember to speak with confidence, as if you already have the attribute.

Remember to be specific and to always stay in the positive with your wish
(i.e. avoid negative statements like "don't screw up" and "don't be a loser.")

• (Optional) You may send your favourite song, but when considering
music, Classical music is always recommended over any other form of due
to the mathematical parallels with neural patterns.

What is more important is your having a personal favourite song that actually
induces a state of euphoria – or, at the very least, good, positive feelings
within the realm of your wish.

Most of the time, people have me provide generic meditative music. I will do
this for your convenience. if you prefer.

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HealingMindN Personalised Living Mandalas are the only system which transforms
your personal desire for self-improvement into a radionic message. This radionic
message is modulated upon brainwave entrainment neural patterns to resonate with
your personal self improvement goal.

These integrated functions induce psychotronic brainwave entrainment without

additional hardware or any special training or ability of the user. Your personalised
Living Mandala can only be found through HealingMindN!

HealingMindN Living Mandalas combine proven technologies for brainwave

entrainment with an extra twist: HealingMindN Personalised Living Mandalas implant
your personal wish for success upon your brainwaves after several sessions. As a
result, your mind is psionically tuned to your desires.

1.1.2 Theory of Operation:

Your personal spoken wish is combined with your full name, birthdate, clear
picture(s) of yourself, and your chosen radionic template; this combination is
processed into a 3-dimensional, radionic hologram, also known as a radionic

This radionic message is super-imposed upon an integral of light and sound

animations which are further modulated upon beta, alpha, theta, and delta neural
patterns. The brainwave entrainment functions relax and focus your mind as the
radionic message resonates with your particular desire to implant itself upon your

This manifold process turns any DVD player with monitor into your personal light and
sound psychotronics device. With this method, there is no need to rely upon an
external radiesthesia/radionics device that constantly needs tuning since the actual
system of radionic tuning is through your mind which is always dynamic in

Unlike an external radionics device such as an imprinted magnetic card which can
become demagnetized or lose potency with exposure to magnetic fields, your
personal radionics message is superimposed upon your neural patterns - which are
far more trustworthy since you automatically adapt to any situation. The premise
here is that you will never lose your mind nor will it ever lose its potency.

Only HealingMindN Custom Living Mandalas provide the user with

Psychotronic Brainwave Synchronization. (The other PBS acronym!) The user's
brainwaves are gently entrained into virtual synchronization with relaxing neural
patterns. Remember, your Living Mandala tunes your mind to whatever self-
improvement / accomplishment you desire (within your limits).

1.1.3 What is Brainwave Entrainment?

First, HealingMindN Living Mandalas automatically entrain your neural patterns

through frequency following response to mimic the natural actions of relaxation and
sleep patterns. Here is the order of neural patterns you can expect from your

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psychotronic session in Hertz (Hz ~ cycles per second, cps) during the average
entrainment session:

1) Beta ~ 13 to 27 Hz

2) Alpha ~ 8 to 13 Hz

3) Theta ~ 4 to 8 Hz

4) Delta ~ 0 to 4 Hz

Alpha brainwaves are of particular interest; they are slower in frequency than Beta
brainwaves and represent a state of relaxed mental awareness or reflection. Alpha
brainwave states are typically associated with contemplation, visualization, problem
solving and accessing deeper levels of creativity. The Alpha brainwave state
corresponds to frequencies ranging from 8 Hz to 12 Hz (CPS). The following
spectrograph is an example of brainwave entrainment:

We also need to acknowledge that brainwaves, particularly alpha rhythms, do not

exist in and of themselves as simply a matter of coincidence. We express alpha
brainwaves in response to geophysical electromagnetic effects. The magnetic field of
this planet gently entrains our brainwaves into alpha rhythm neural patterns, namely,
the Schumann Resonances - more on this at Binaural Harmonics.

1.1.4 The origin of our neural patterns

Our geophysical relationship with the earth proves that We are living extensions of
this planet. Through bioheterodyning, human bioenergetics are able to derive beat
frequencies (AKA binaural beats) from a variety of resonant energy sources
including the standing resonant electromagnetic (EM) waves on the earth.

The average of the Schumann Resonances happens to be the same as average

human alpha wave neural patterns because of this bioresonant geomagnetic
entrainment phenomenon. The natural standing resonant EM waves all over the

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earth and within us are also natural carriers for radionic messages because they
also form holographic neural patterns.

The other neural patterns actually go higher in consciousness as the frequency

range gets lower. According to Gerald O'Donnell, we reach our spiritual resonance
connections during delta rhythms, so delta rhythms are, hypothetically, beyond
geophysical entrainment and are the direct result of higher harmonic forces,
perhaps, beyond the physical universe.

1.1.5 What is the scientific proof for all of this?

We are able to use the standing resonant waves on the earth as a carrier for
psychoenergetic information since we resonate with these standing waves during the
alpha state. (See works by Rupert Sheldrake on morphic fields and William Tiller on

HealingMindN Living Mandalas gently entrain the alpha state (Schumann

resonance) within your neural patterns which act as a bioenergetic carrier for your
specific radionic message (which you choose); this process is different from radio
and television signals because the properly entrained human mind takes advantage
of nonlocal effects (e.g. telepathy, premonition, remote healing, etc.), therefore,
distance means nothing while psychic (quantum holographic) resonance means
everything. More information on this at The Holographic Paradigm and Nature's
Mind: The Quantum Hologram.

Here is an excerpt from The Holographic Paradigm by Michael Talbot:

..Stanford neurophysiologist, Karl Pribram, has also become persuaded

of the holographic nature of reality.

Pribram was drawn to the holographic model by the puzzle of how and
where memories are stored in the brain. For decades numerous studies
have shown that rather than being confined to a specific location,
memories are dispersed throughout the brain... the 1960s Pribram encountered the concept of holography and

realized he had found the explanation brain scientists had been looking
for. Pribram believes memories are encoded not in neurons, or small
groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross
the entire brain in the same way that patterns of laser light interference
(interferometry) crisscross the entire area of a piece of film containing a
holographic image. In other words, Pribram believes the brain is itself a
hologram (the mind as the actual function {of neural patterns} and the
physical brain as a tool of the mind).

Pribram's theory also explains how the human brain can store so many
memories in so little space. It has been estimated that the human brain
has the capacity to memorize something on the order of 10 billion bits
of information during the average human lifetime (or roughly the same
amount of information contained in five sets of the Encyclopaedia

Similarly, it has been discovered that in addition to their other

capabilities, holograms possess an astounding capacity for information

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storage--simply by changing the angle at which the two lasers strike a
piece of photographic film, it is possible to record many different images
on the same surface. It has been demonstrated that one cubic
centimeter of film can hold as many as 10 billion bits of information...

Our uncanny ability to quickly retrieve whatever information we need

from the enormous store of our memories becomes more
understandable if the brain functions according to holographic
principles. If a friend asks you to tell him what comes to mind when he
says the word "zebra", you do not have to clumsily sort back through
one gigantic and cerebral alphabetic file to arrive at an answer. Instead,
associations like "striped", "horselike", and "animal native to Africa" all
pop into your head instantly....

Here is an Excerpt from Nature's Mind: The Quantum Hologram by Edgar Mitchell of
the Institute of Noetic Sciences:

..Many investigators have proposed a holography mechanism as a

basis for brain functioning, beginning with Pribram, and indeed, others
have proposed holography as a construct for the universe itself, but
discovery of the non-local quantum hologram created by the
absorption/ remission phenomenon and characteristic of all
physical objects provides the first quantum physical mechanism
compatible with macro-scale three dimensional world as we
experience it...

..we inhabit a quantum world where non-local effects should be

expected at all levels of functioning, not just as a curious artifact of the
subatomic level of reality. The thousands of pages of data recording
non-local phenomena of mind/mind and mind/matter interactions (i.e.
psychic phenomena, extra sensory perception) suddenly no longer
require agonized and embarrassed apologists, nor need accept the
scorn of classical scientists....

As you see, although quantum electrodynamics is not easily understood, the human
mind perceived as a quantum holographic computer provides esoteric understanding
of psychic phenomena. Since the mind operates at quantum holographic levels, we
can understand how resonant holograms can become implanted upon our

It happens all the time because all creatures living including swarm intelligence tune
radionically to the outside world in the form of phase conjugate adaptive resonance
as discussed at Nature's Mind: The Quantum Hologram; that is, all sentient beings
have a curious ability to perceive the physical world right side up and forwards,
although we receive information upside down and backwards. We adapt and
resonate with all that we perceive when it exists in our minds as the equivalent, full
sensory quantum hologram.

The difference with your Personal HealingMindN Living Mandala is that it focuses
completely on Your Reality, so it is already adapted to you. A laymen might expect
that one more small piece of information can easily get lost in the vast storehouse of
your mind.

In fact, your mind is a quantum holographic computer that easily retrieves

information - especially when that information is intention imprinted. Since your

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personal radionic message carrys your emotional desire, it is intention imprinted.
(See research by William A. Tiller on intention imprinted electronic devices.)

More importantly, We are all individual pieces of the universal holographic matrix;
We each carry the same information as the rest of the Universe, therefore, we are all
living holographic intention imprints of the One Universal Mind of God. Think about

1.1.6 The need for radionics:

Finally, here is an Excerpt from Col. Tom Bearden's Bioenergy Collectors at that explains the need for a witness for radionic tuning:

..Each photon carries the virtual state (a potential existence pattern for
observable state) along in the little piece of time contained in the
photon, and partially collected bioenergy which has not yet breached
the threshold of observable photons is being carried in each emitted
photon. These patterns are transferred to the grain atoms by photon
absorption when the piece of time of the photon is momentarily added
to the mass of the absorbing atom, and in turn are continually spread
through the emulsion material atoms by the virtual photon fluxes of the
charges, in both the nucleus and the orbital electrons of the atoms.

So the life pattern of a photographed object is captured on ordinary film

- and indeed that pattern can be resonated through hyperspace with the
object that was photographed, regardless of where the object is in the

Basically, Col. Bearden is referring to matching spin and frequency of between

virtual and observable state photons at a distance from each other. This is the same
concept within radionic tuning, phase conjugate adaptive resonance, quantum
entanglement, and EPR phenomena (spooky action at a distance). This is the basis
of psychic phenomena and serves as the foundation for HealingMindN Personalised
Living Mandalas.


Conventional subliminal suggestions are aural and/or visual messages perceived by

the subconscious mind at the lower threshold of normal conscious perception. When
reinforced, a heightened suggestibility or self hypnotic effect can result, which can
evoke a response appropriate to the subliminal suggestions.

The subconscious mind processes information directly without attaching

preconceived notions, negative thinking, or qualifications to the input. Subliminal
input bypasses the conscious processing of information allowing direct
reprogramming of the mind. For effectiveness, brainwave synchronization programs
must be used with subliminal messages.

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HealingMindN Living Mandalas are also subliminal, but not in the conventional
sense; they provide psychic stimulation to the conscious, subconscious, and
superconscious. Where one would expect to see recognisable words or hear
recognisable language below the threshold of conscious perception, instead we
have two sets of unconventional subliminals:

1.1.9 Reverse Speech:

1. The use of reverse speech subliminal suggestion has been shown to

accelerate the change process. It is believed that the part of the brain that
deciphers reverse speech has the ability to bypass the logical filtering
process. Therefore the reversed speech subliminal suggestion can pass
through to the subconscious unchallenged.

Combined Subliminal Suggestion

The combined technique has been shown to be significantly more effective
than using conventional subliminal suggestion alone.

The phase conjugate resonator of your wish: In this case of phase

conjugates, we are using reverse speech. David John Oates researched
reverse speech to the point of making it an academic subject for professional
counselors; within reverse speech, given the proper emotional content, we
are saying what's really on our minds.

David John Oates proved this phenomenon by resolving these hidden

messages from alleged criminals and solving many investigations for the
police. There are a number of amusing examples of reverse speech at Mr.
Oates site, especially the political arenas. There's a video you can find about
Mr. Oates' research at eBay when looking up "reverse speech."

We don't normally identify these hidden messages in reverse speech with

the naked ear. In order to do that, the reverse speech has to be in phase
with our own. We can usually identify "hidden messages" from our own
speech and from people with whom we are very familiar - because the
speech and neural phase patterns between people who are close tend to
match each other.

That's how you know what's really on your mate's mind when they are telling
you one thing - then you "feel" that something else is going on. This
phenomenon satisfies the phase conjugate adaptive resonant requirement
as discussed at Nature's Mind: the Quantum Hologram.

(On a side note, if a person is on a psychoactive/neuroleptic drug, then the

true neural/speech patterns are supressed, therefore, the person's ability to
truely communicate is supressed.)

Reverse speech is a subliminal; this is why I'm asking you to send me your
spoken recording of your wish, so I can generate the phase conjugate. Even
better, I'm generating a phase conjugate resonator; I modulate multi-phasic
Fibonacci wave resonators upon your reverse speech to mimic phi-based
entrained neural patterns. The end product is well defined reverse speech

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AND and very interesting electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) when played
forwards again! These effects are combined in such a way that they sound
like ocean waves pulling to and fro on the surf of your psyche.

(I have a theory that "ghosts" communicate to us through phase conjugates;

where ever "they" are, it's the reverse image of our physical reality. When we
capture EVPs, we are actually capturing what the "ghosts" are thinking and
feeling.) OK, that's enough of that.
2. Radionic tuning which translates a radionic template into a resonant
holographic set of harmonics which carry your intention imprint; this is your
personal radionic message which is implanted upon your alpha rhythm
neural patterns.

As you see, personalised HealingMindN Living Mandalas are completely unique in

every detail because they are unique to you and your particular desire. For this
reason, every Living Mandala is unique. No one else on this planet is providing
this service to you because Everyone has their own unique living mandala.

1.1.10 Radionic Templates:

Radionic templates are derivations from hyperspace archetypes or dream symbols.

Therefore, radionic subliminals are universal to everyone; there is no particular
language requirement.

Radionic templates and hyperspace archetypes are a focus of study in Stewart

Swerdlow's “The Healer's Handbook: a Journey into Hyperspac e” and are utilised
within the radionics program of HealingMindN Living Mandalas.

For this reason, HealingMindN Living Mandalas only operate under the constraints of
“The Healer's Handbook.” This means I provide programming only for yourself
and those within your reality strictly for purposes of growth, healing, and self-

The following list of radionic templates are used as the basis of whatever wish you

1. Find ancestral information; activate kundalini

2. Find answers to earthly problems

3. Open pineal gland
4. Intensify female aspect; add strength
5. Christ Frequency; understand secrets
6. Decide on choices; end cycles
7. Complete projects; attach frequencies
8. Access DNA; find formulas
9. Cancel/multiply information
10.Increase God-Mind within
11. Merger of personality aspects
12.Increase male energy; bonding

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13.Open a vortex; communicate
14.Open mind patterns
15.Prepare for ELF reception
16.Increase vision in hyperspace
17.Confrontation; vortices
18.Strengthen Mind; growth
19.Protection; conjugate ideas
20.Reap or harvest
21.Increase velocity
22.Build on knowledge
23.Promotion of a peaceful life
24.Increase God-Mind Awareness
25.Cleansing (Spiritual)
26.Enhance Relationships
27.Stop an activation from continuing
28.Clear lower (animal) DNA
29.Tuning to Christ Frequency
30.Attract New Experiences
31.Balance physical and emotional bodies
32.Blend dormant and active DNA
33.Merge with alternate selves
34.Promote pregnancies
35.Increase auric field resonance
36.Become more aware; enhance memory
37.Heal the body
38.Hone instincts; promote survival
39.Discover hidden attributes
40.Direction in life revealed
41.Understanding; high energy
42.Manipulate environment (space)
43.Manipulate time
44.Balance the brain
45.Ignite proteins of DNA
46.Protection of person, place, or object
47.Enhance power and physical strength
48.Promote usage of the entire brain
49.Discover hidden memories and knowledge
50.Find objects and people
51.Contacts beyond earth/physical reality
52.Dolphin frequency information (Dolphins, Whales, ETs)
53.Contact a dolphin mind
54.Blend with dolphin frequency; enter dolphin mind-pattern

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55.Balance your dolphin mind and DNA
56.Access dolphin frequency history
57.Swim with the dolphins
58.Discover your dolphin DNA/ information
59.Access all dolphin knowledge
60.Stop epileptic brain “storms”
61.Balance epileptic brain; prevent seizures
62.Reorganize brain cells and neural connections
63.Redirect electrical currents in the brain
64.Permanently disperse excess electricity in the brain


All of the above templates only operate within the constraints of your reality; this
means if your wish is beyond your experience and ability to intensely visualise in
detail, then it probably won't happen. (e.g. your wish is to perform the lead in La
Boheme and you've never studied opera or the theatre.)

On the other hand, if you are studying opera and the theatre and want to land a lead
role in La Boheme, then this is a realistic wish. You might choose template #20 or
#30, whatever feels right and applies to you and your situation.

My customers usually leave the choice of template(s) up to me based on their

wishes. I combine one to three radionic templates depending on your wish.

Your wish must be simple and in line with one or more of the above templates. For
example, if you are a competing athlete in a strong man contest, template #47 is the
best choice, Enhance power and physical strength. Your wish might be: "Race with a
fridge on my back with the fastest time."

On number 27, this is for stopping any activations from other radionic messages.

On numbers 46 and 50, I do allow programming for persons other than yourself
(within the limits of your reality).

On numbers 52 through 59, these templates are specific to people on the dolphin
frequency (e.g. genetic autistics). I provide free analysis to check if you're on the
dolphin frequency.

On numbers 60 through 64 and any other requests concerning epilepsy, only the
radionic is provided. Synchronized flashing lights with sound can actually induce
epileptic seizures in photic sensitive people, who only need the system of focus and
tuning provided by radionics.

One wish per item per auction is allowed based on one of the above radionic
templates. Each HealingMindN Psychotronic video lasts for approximately 30
minutes and is provided on DVD (NTSC or PAL According to your country).

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1.1.11 to reiterate:

Since HealingMindN Living Mandalas are personalised, you need to include your full
name and birth date, recent digital picture(s) of yourself (up to 6) as radionic

You need to include a sound file of yourself speaking your wish. Optionally you may
include your favourite motivational song to integrate into your Personal Living
Mandala. If you do not provide music, then I provide generic meditation music.

Your voice speaking your wish as a sound file is ideal; any kind of sound file would
do. I would then incorporate your voice in the program including the phase conjugate
(time reversal) with resonators.

1.1.12 Estimated Time of Arrival:

There is a two week turn around time for producing each of these personalised
Living Mandalas; Mini DVD is packaged and mailed safely and securely to your door.
Delivery time depends on your chosen method of delivery service.

1.1.13 Recommended Dosage:

Distance from your monitor during HealingMindN Living Mandalas should be at

least five feet away and are recommended once a day for the first week just
before bedtime. After the first week, you may decrease the implants to once
every two days until the desired effects are achieved. Use in a safe place away
from distraction. You may experience lucid dreams during your sessions. Since you
are instructed by me within your living mandala on maintaining a straight posture
posture and deep breathing patterns during your session. You will experience a deep
meditative trance state rather than simply go to sleep.


1.1.14 Is any of this dangerous?

I would have to say, "NO." As long as you use the Living Mandala that is intended for
you and you adhere to all the guidelines and warnings provided here, then there is
no danger.

Allow me to make a comparison/contrast of HealingMindN Personalised Living

Mandalas to something that I believe is actually dangerous: Big Screen Movie
Trailers. In fact, part of my inspiration for producing HealingMindN Living Mandalas
is from big screen movie trailers; it seems that the editors for these trailers only know
one mode of editing: The Cut.

You know as well as I do the commercials for these big screen movies consist of
super fast edits that cut between scenes in one second or less. When people sit in
the movie theatre in front of the big screen, all that super bright, rapid fire cutting and

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flashing between scenes tends to burn all those images onto the visual cortex; it's
just like when you first wake up in the morning and glance at the bright window. You
close your eyes, but the image from that bright window is burned onto your retina.

The same thing is happening to your visual cortex when you just sit there looking at
all those rapid fire, multi-sensory images.

The thing is, you've paid $10 to sit and watch a movie. Common logic tells you that
you're getting your money's worth by sitting there and taking in all those trailers too -
while your eyes glaze over and the Hollywood Mandalas have you coming back for

Hollywood producers have neuropsychologists and neuroscience researchers

working for them too, so they know exactly what those rapid fire images are doing to
you. I've done market research for Hollywood marketing groups; Hollywood
Producers want to know exactly how you respond to trailers and which particular bits
grab you the most.

In contrast, HealingMindN Living Mandalas are focused on you and your

particular desire; it actually helps erase all those trivial, useless images from
your visual cortex by focusing on you.

1.1.15 Return Policy:

Since HealingMindN Custom Living Mandalas are personalised and made to order,
they are not returnable. If after 30 days, you feel that your personalised video did not
provide the proper effectiveness, credit is provided and a proper assessment is
made for one more video.

No health claims are made concerning HealingMindN Living Mandalas.

HealingMindN Custom Living Mandalas are highly experimental. The
maker/distributor of HealingMindN Living Mandalas relinquishes full responsibility to
the end user. Use at your own risk.


BINAURAL FREQUENCY: When a separate frequency tone (aural sound) is fed into
separate ears, your brain synthesizes the difference frequency tone. The differential
between the two frequencies synthesized by the brain is called a binaural beat.
Binaural tones enhance hemispherical synchronization, therefore, are utilised in
HealingMindN Living Mandalas. Note: 18,000 Hz and 10,000 Hz tones results in a
deduced 8,000 Hz binaural tone.

BRAINWAVES: Rhythmic electric impulses from the nerve centers in the brain.
Brainwave synchronisation is a much quicker method for most people in changing
mental states and physical functions and requires no special ability or training.
HealingMindN Living Mandalas gently entrain your neural patterns into deep
relaxation through frequency following response into brainwave synchronisation.

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BRAIN WAVE SYNCHRONIZATION: The ability of the mind or brainwave state to
synchronize and phase lock with external bioresonant stimulation which can be light,
sound, electromagnetic, etc.

CONSCIOUSNESS: The knowledge of what is happening around one and a sense

of a person's personal or collective identity, especially the complex of beliefs,
attitudes, and sensitivities held by or considered characteristic of an individual or a
group. Special awareness or sensitivity; a totality of one's thoughts, feelings, and
impressions. HealingMindN Living Mandalas entrain the conscious, subconscious,
and superconscious.

DEEP RELAXATION: The act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed. Refreshment
of body or mind through deep relaxation from a loosening or slackening of mental
and physical functions which reduces stress, tension, worries, and/or allows one to
float, day dream, drift, visualise, etc. Deep relaxation during a Living Mandala can
effectively induce lucid or waking dreams.

DREAM: Normally unconscious mental activity associated with the rapid eye
movement (REM) period of sleep. It generally consists of visual images and/or ideas,
and/or emotions, and/or sensations and may reflect somatic disturbances like pain,
indigestion, stress, etc., and/or external stimuli like environmental changes, or
sensory input like loud noises, vibration, smells, etc., during certain stages of sleep.

Sigmund Freud emphasized dreams as keys to understanding the individual. Carl

Jung held that dreams are not limited to the personal unconscious but may also be
shaped by innate mental structures, called archetypes, that originate in the collective
unconscious of the human species.

Steward Swerdlow researched this premise from a spiritual healing perspective and
revealed pure dream symbols as hyperspace archetypes upon which HealingMindN
Living Mandalas are based.

ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY: Brain science of recording and analyzing the

electrical activity of the brain. The EEG (electroencephalogram) recording is made
through electrodes attached to the patient and an electroencephalograph. The brain
activity appears as characteristic wave patterns. The EEG is an important aid in
diagnosing brain disorders and malfunctions.

LIGHT & SOUND MACHINES: (Brain Wave Synchronization or Entrainment

Systems) These machines are manufactured by many companies. A few machines
have Subliminal Messaging functions. Only HealingMindN Living Mandalas provide
you with radionic subliminals.

MEDITATION: An abstract trance state achieved through relaxation and/or Brain

Wave Synchronization. A state of deep relaxation in which one focuses his/her mind.
Requires years of practice for those who are successful. Living Mandala Technology
provides the necessary system of focus for achieving deep meditation.

PHOTOSENSITIVE EPILEPSY: Epilepsy is the result of abnormal electrical activity

in the brain. Epilepsy is the result of brain dysfunction not the cause of it.
Photosensitive Epilepsy is a relatively rare condition in which visual stimuli
precipitates convulsions or seizures. Convulsions and seizures can be caused by

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TV, video games, stroboscopic lights, patterns, flickering or flashing lights, flashing
lights of different colors or frequencies depending on the individual. Less than one
percent of the population has epilepsy. Only a few percent of those having epilepsy
have photosensitive epilepsy.

A standard EEG done with photic stimulation by a specialist knowledgeable of

photosensitive epilepsy can diagnose most persons with this rare disorder.

Possible Symptoms Include:

• A feeling of dizziness or light headedness

• Apparent doze or drowsy state
• Collapse
• Drooling
• Fixed stare
• Headache or motion sickness like feelings
• Loss of contact with surroundings for a few minutes,
• Lack of reaction to stimuli
• Loss of bladder control
• Momentary rigidity
• Spasms of the diaphragm
• Uncontrolled or spasmodic movements of the body, limbs, or head

Psychotronics: The science and discipline of how life functions; umbrella term
includes the study of how technology interacts with the human mind, spirit, and body;
science, mathematics, philosophy, metaphysics, and esoteric studies are united
through the study of psychotronics; it would also include other realities and how we
interface with other dimensions of existence; psychotronic devices use radionic
tuning to transmit brain waves and are used as mind control technology.
HealingMindN Living Mandalas emphasize self improvement through focused self-

Psionics: Effecting at a distance using intention and often focusing tools. Through
psionics one can also perceive the existing state of that object or system. Radionics
incorporates physical tools in this process to create an even stronger focal point for
this process; B. P. Wiesner and Robert H. Thouless first proposed the term "psi" in
1942 as a more general term to include both extrasensory perception and
psychokinesis. The original terminology proposal divided psi into psi-gamma, for
cases of perception, and psi-kappa, for cases of action. These terms were later
modified into "passive psi" and "active psi." Later, John W. Campbell proposed the
term "psionics", from psi (psyche) + electronics (machine), which implied that the
powers of the mind could be made to work reliably, the basis of HealingMindN
Psychotronic Brainwave Entrainment Sessions.

REM: A stage in the normal sleep cycle during which dreams occur and the body
undergoes marked changes including rapid eye movement, brain activity, increased
pulse rate and loss of reflexes (also paradoxical sleep). The rapid, regular, jerky
movement of the eyes during the dream stages of the sleep cycle. A lucid dream

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begins with REM until you realise that you are dreaming, then intense focused
visualisation begins.

Radionics: Every point in space and time has a unique vibratory rate of resonance.
When an object matches that particular vibratory rate, there is an instantaneous
resonant connection which allows for Extra Sensory Perception, teleportation, time
travel, etc.; when you know the vibratory rate of a specific person you can send a
healing to them by matching that rate and transmitting energy to them. The vibratory
rate of a person, place, or thing is determined by accessing their frequency via a
photo, name, or personal object; radionic tuning can be done by device or by the
trained human mind. HealingMindN Living Mandalas train your mind for radionic
tuning through focused intent.

SUBLIMINAL SUGGESTION: Stimuli which is below the threshold of conscious

perception but perceived by the subconscious. Stimuli, when reinforced, cause a
heightened suggestibility or self hypnotic effect which may evoke a conscious
response appropriate to the subliminal suggestion(s). Subliminal messages are
much more effective if the subject is in the Alpha or Theta brain wave states.


Use of the HealingMindN Living Mandalas Sessions means You Understand and
Accept the Warnings And Cautions, notices, notes, and disclaimer, and Will Abide By

WARNING: DO NOT USE the HealingMindN Living Mandalas if you have

EVER had any type of SEIZURE or you are under nineteen years of age.
Read Warning on Photosensitive Epilepsy.

WARNING: DO NOT USE HealingMindN Living Mandalas until you consult a

physician or psychiatrist if you have ever had epilepsy, photosensitive
epilepsy, hallucination(s), head injury(s), seizure(s), psychotic episode(s),
concussion(s), or a cardiovascular condition/medication(s). Do not use if you
have a heart pace maker or you are pregnant.

WARNING: DO NOT USE HealingMindN Living Mandalas while or within 30

minutes prior to operating equipment, machinery, or vehicles, or 30 minutes
prior to taking any action what so ever that could place the user or other(s) at
risk or harm. This video, although personalised, may make the user relaxed,
drowsy, sleepy or meditative. For this reason, sessions are recommended
just before bedtime.

WARNING: DO NOT expose unwilling or unknowledgeable people to

HealingMindN Living Mandalas. Subliminal messages can not be used
without a person's knowledge. Hidden subliminal messages are illegal
and unethical; it is your obligation to inform any potential user of your
DVD that it contains subliminal messages and sensory stimulation.

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WARNING: DO NOT USE HealingMindN Living Mandalas if you are using or
have recently used any prescription, medication, or illegal psychoactive
drugs/medication, such as stimulants, barbiturates, or tranquilizers. If you
have been treated by a psychiatrist or psychologist, or if you are on any
medication of any kind, or under current medical treatment, consult your
medical or mental health doctor who can determine, on an individual basis, if
you should use this product.

Important Notice: Because HealingMindN Brainwave Entrainment Sessions

may effect persons with epilepsy or neurological disorders, it should be used
only by fully informed purchasers. Ask yourself this question: Would you give
another person some of your prescription medication without knowing their
complete medical history? And, would that person be completely honest in
sharing his / her information with you? If you make illegal copies of this
video, the person(s) using your copy can hold you liable for damages or

CAUTION: Consult your employer before using this video at work. In fact,
don't use it at work. There may be others in your working environment who
may be adversely effected by the Brain Wave Synchronization flickering
lights effect. DO NOT leave the video running while unattended. If you
accept the responsibility for using this video, you also accept the
responsibility to inform anyone present about these Warnings and Cautions.

CAUTION: If the flashing lights, sensory imagery, or the synchronized audio

make you experience any abnormal or unusual physical or mental
discomfort, disorientation, dizziness, headaches, or other symptoms,
IMMEDIATELY discontinue use of this video and consult your physician.

NOTE: PHOTOSENSITIVE EPILEPSY: Epilepsy is the result of abnormal

electrical activity in the brain. Epilepsy is the result of brain dysfunction not
the cause of it. Photosensitive Epilepsy is a relatively rare condition in which
visual stimuli precipitates convulsions or seizures. Convulsions and seizures
can be caused by TV, video games, strobe lights, changing patterns,
flickering or flashing lights, pictures, or designs of different colors or
frequencies depending on the individual. Less than one percent of the
population has epilepsy. Only of few percent of those having epilepsy have
photosensitive epilepsy. A standard EEG done with photic stimulation by a
specialist knowledgeable of photosensitive epilepsy can diagnose most
persons with this rare disorder. It is unusual for anyone over 25 years of age
not to know they have epilepsy or photosensitive epilepsy.

Possible Photosensitive Epileptic Seizure Symptoms Include:

A feeling of dizziness or light headedness

Apparent doze, or drowsy state, or drooling

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Headache or motion sickness-like feelings

Loss of contact with surroundings for a few seconds/minutes

Lack of reaction to stimuli or Fixed stare.

Loss of bladder control

Momentary rigidity or collapse

Spasms of the diaphragm

Uncontrolled or spasmodic movements of the body, limbs, or head

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All Rights are Reserved. No part of your

HealingMindN Personalised Living Mandalas, its methods, presentation,
graphics, content, style & format, or Web Page content may be
reproduced, copied, translated, emulated, transmitted, or transferred
to or over any medium or to any person without prior written consent
of the distributor of these Living Mandalas.

Yes, I know it's your video once you've paid for it, but posting your
personal Living Mandala at YouTube or any other public video
server violates all of the above warnings.

DISCLAIMER: HealingMindN Living Mandalas are solely for the person

for whom they are programmed to assist in psionic tuning and
psychotronic experimentation.

Psychotronic Altering of moods, brainwave states, and using

subliminal hypnotic suggestions for self-improvement or motivation
should not be attempted by anyone under nineteen years of age
without express guidance from a Doctor of Psychiatry.

The manufacturer of HealingMindN Living Mandalas makes no guarantees

or claims, either implied or expressed, as to the benefits or results that may
be gained from regular use of his/her customised video.

HealingMindN Living Mandalas are not intended in any form or manner to

replace medical or mental health professional care, medication, or treatment
of any kind. No specific medical effects of any sort are claimed to result from
use of these Living Mandalas.

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In no case will the distributor of HealingMindN Living Mandalas be liable for
chance, accidental, special, direct or indirect damages resulting from use,
misuse or defect of its psychotronic.

Use of HealingMindN Living Mandalas means You Understand and Accept

the Warnings And Cautions, notices, notes, and disclaimer, and Will Abide By

1.2 Your Personalised HealingMindN Living Mandalas Can Only be found through
Track availability through the post on HealingMindN Living Mandalas



References on Brain Wave Synchronization, Frequency Following Effect, Entrainment,
Photic Stimulation & Driving, and Subliminal Messages.
Authors: M. A. Persinger a; S. A. Koren a
Affiliation: a Behavioral Neuroscience Program, Biophysics Section Laurentian
University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
DOI: 10.1080/00207450500535784

The authors have assumed there are specific temporal patterns of complex
electromagnetic fields that can access and affect all levels of brain space. The article

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presents formulae and results that might reveal the required field configurations to
obtain this access and to represent these levels in human consciousness. The
frequency for the transition from an imaginary to real solution for the four-dimensional
human brain was the wavelength of hydrogen whereas the optimal distance in space
was the width of a proton or electron. The time required to expand one Planck's length
as inferred by Hubble's constant for the proton was about 1 to 3 ms, the optimal
resonant "point duration" of our most bioeffective magnetic fields. Calculations indicated
the volume of a proton is equivalent to a tube or string with the radius of Planck's length
and the longitudinal length of m (the width of the universe). Solutions from this approach
predicted the characteristics of many biological phenomena, seven more ?dimensions?
of space between Planck's length and the level of the proton, and an inflection point
between increments of space and time that corresponded to the distances occupied by
chemical bonds. The multiple congruencies of the solutions suggest that brain space
could contain inordinately large amounts of information reflecting the nature of
extraordinarily large increments of space and time.
Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of
mind - brain interaction, (PTB6.pdf), Jeffrey M. Schwartz, Henry P. Stapp, Mario
Enhanced Power within a Predicted Narrow Band of Theta Activity During
Stimulation of Another By Circumcerebral Weak Magnetic Fields After Weekly
Spatial Proximity: Evidence for Macroscopic Quantum Entanglement?; Michael A
Persinger, Eric W Tsang, J Nicholas Booth, and Stanley A Koren; NeuroQuantology |
March 2008 |Vol 6 |Issue 1|Page 7-21.

We tested if "entanglement" could be demonstrated between two non-sibling brains with
only a history of spatial proximity if one brain was exposed to a consciousness-
structured, continuously accelerating, circumcerebral magnetic field to access this
connection. Four pairs of strangers met and remained within one meter of each other for
one hour, twice per week, for four weeks. After this period the brain of the stimulus
person of the pair, who was seated in a closed chamber, was exposed successively to
six (5 min each) different complex circumcerebral magnetic fields that were rotated
counterclockwise. Quantitative monopolar electroencephalographic measurements over
the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes were collected by computer for the
response person of the pair who was seated in another room. The predicted increase in
electroencephalographic power within the 5.0 Hz to 5.9 Hz band over the temporal lobes
(but none of the other lobes), similar to that observed previously for siblings, was noted
for the response persons when the stimulus persons received frequency modulated,
circumcerebral magnetic fields at 20 msec rates of change per solenoid. The response
persons also reported unusually intense "sensed presences", anger, and sexual arousal
during these periods.
MODEL OF MIND/BRAIN INTERACTION; Jeffrey M. Schwartz, Henry P. Stapp, Mario
Budzynski, T. H., "Tuning In on the Twilight Zone." Psychology Today, August,1977.
Churchland, Patricia Smith. Neurophilosophy: Towards a Unified Science of the
Mind Brain, MIT Press, 1986.

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Deikman, A., "Deautomatization and the Mystic Experience." In C. T. Tart (Ed.),
Altered States, of Consciousness. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1969.
Deikman, A., "Bimodal Consciousness." Archives of General Psychiatry, 25,481 489,
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Hoovey, Z., Heinemann, U. & Creutzfeldt, O., "Inter hemispheric 'Synchrony' of Alpha
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Jensen, Bernard. Color, Music & Vibration, 1988.
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