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Final Fantasy III: FAQ/Walkthrough by Seferaga

Version: Refia | Last Updated: 2012-08-31 | View/Download Original File

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<> | | | | | | <> Perfect Guide
_| |_ _| |_ _| |_

by Seferaga

Started: 8-21-07 | Release Date: 9-17-07 | Last Update: 8-31-12


Final Fantasy III Perfect Guide

Copyright, Seferaga



All rights reserved 2007-2012



Version: Refia+
Latest Version at:

Check the Version History for a list of changes from the latest update!


-- Table of Contents --


Use Ctrl+F to find what you're looking for, and copy/paste the brackets {}.

I) Starting your Adventure: {BEG}

{BEG-00} Hello! and Welcome! ................................. {BEG-00}
{BEG-01} Characters .......................................... {BEG-01}
{BEG-02} Controls ............................................ {BEG-02}
{BEG-03} Main Menu & Saving your Game ........................ {BEG-03}
{BEG-04} Battle System ....................................... {BEG-04}
{BEG-05} Stats ............................................... {BEG-05}
{BEG-06} Positive & Negative Status Effects .................. {BEG-06}
{BEG-07} Gameplay Tips ....................................... {BEG-07}
{BEG-08} Explanations of this Guide .......................... {BEG-08}

II) Walkthrough: {WAL}

{01} Altar Cave - The Beginning .................................. {01}
{02} The Parmeni Mountains & Ur Village .......................... {02}
{03} Cursed Town, Kazus .......................................... {03}
{04} Castle Sasune ............................................... {04}
{05} The Sealed Cave ............................................. {05}
{06} Return to Kazus & Exploring the Mythril Mine ................ {06}
{07} Through Nelv valley to Canaan! .............................. {07}
{08} Dragon's Peak ............................................... {08}
{09} The Healing Copse, Tozus, & Tozus Tunnel .................... {09}
{10} Vikings' Cove ............................................... {10}
{11} Nepto Temple ................................................ {11}
{12} Adventures on the Sea ....................................... {12}
{13} Tokkul .................................................... {13}

{14} Village of the Ancients & Chocobo Woods ................... {14}

{15} Castle Argus .............................................. {15}
{16} Living Woods .............................................. {16}
{17} Gulgan Gulch & the Tower of Owen ............................ {17}
{18} Gysahl ...................................................... {18}
{19} The Dwarven Hollows ......................................... {19}
{20} The Subterranean Lake ....................................... {20}
{21} The Molten Cave ............................................. {21}
{22} Castle Hein ................................................. {22}
{23} Into the New World .......................................... {23}
{24} Cave of Tides ............................................... {24}
{25} Amur Village & the Stinky Sewers ............................ {25}
{26} Goldor Manor ................................................ {26}
{27} Adventures in the Sky ....................................... {27}
{28} Duster .................................................... {28}
{29} Replito ................................................... {29}
{30} Saronia Kingdom & Dragon Spire .............................. {30}
{31} Dalg Continent, Doga's Manor, & the Cave of the Circle ...... {31}
{32} Adventures under the Sea .................................... {32}
{33} Doga's Village ............................................ {33}
{34} Saronia Catacombs ......................................... {34}
{35} Sunken Cave ............................................... {35}
{36} The Temple of Time .......................................... {36}
{37} The Ancient Ruins & the Invincible .......................... {37}
{38} Falgabard ................................................... {38}
{39} The Cave of Shadows ......................................... {39}
{40} The Dragon Kings, Leviathan & Bahamut ....................... {40}
{41} Lake Dohr ................................................. {41}
{42} Bahamut's Lair ............................................ {42}

{43} Doga's Grotto ............................................... {43}

{44} Ancients' Maze .............................................. {44}
{45} Eureka, The Forbidden Land .................................. {45}
{46} The Crystal Tower ........................................... {46}
{47} The World of Darkness ....................................... {47}
{48} Achievements & the 3 Gold Stars ............................. {48}
{49} End-game Stuff .............................................. {49}
{50} Defeating the Iron Giant .................................... {50}

III) Mognet: {MOG}

{MOG-00} Introduction ........................................ {MOG-00}
{MOG-01} How to Use .......................................... {MOG-01}
{MOG-02} The Rules of Mognet ................................. {MOG-02}
{MOG-03} Denizens ............................................ {MOG-03}

IV) Sidequests: {OPT}

{OPT-01} Legendary Blacksmith ................................ {OPT-01}
{OPT-02} Sara's Pendant .................................... {OPT-02}
{OPT-03} Orichalcum & the Ultima Weapon .................... {OPT-03}
{OPT-04} Locations ......................................... {OPT-04}
{OPT-05} Mastery Cards & Items ............................. {OPT-05}
{OPT-06} Secret ??? Dungeon .................................. {OPT-06}
{OPT-07} The Onion Knight Crystal Shard ...................... {OPT-07}

V) Lists: Items, Weapons, Armor, Key Items: {LIS}

{LIS-01} Consumable Item List ................................ {LIS-01}

{LIS-02} Weapon Equipment .................................... {LIS-02}

{LIS-03} Knives ............................................ {LIS-03}
{LIS-04} Swords ............................................ {LIS-04}
{LIS-05} Staves ............................................ {LIS-05}
{LIS-06} Rods .............................................. {LIS-06}
{LIS-07} Dark Blades ....................................... {LIS-07}
{LIS-08} Bows .............................................. {LIS-08}
{LIS-09} Arrows ............................................ {LIS-09}
{LIS-10} Books ............................................. {LIS-10}
{LIS-11} Claws ............................................. {LIS-11}
{LIS-12} Hammers ........................................... {LIS-12}
{LIS-13} Axes .............................................. {LIS-13}
{LIS-14} Spears ............................................ {LIS-14}
{LIS-15} Throwing .......................................... {LIS-15}
{LIS-16} Bells ............................................. {LIS-16}
{LIS-17} Harps ............................................. {LIS-17}
{LIS-18} Armor Equipment ..................................... {LIS-18}
{LIS-19} Helmets ........................................... {LIS-19}
{LIS-20} Armor ............................................. {LIS-20}
{LIS-21} Gloves ............................................ {LIS-21}
{LIS-22} Shields ........................................... {LIS-22}
{LIS-23} Key Item List ....................................... {LIS-23}

VI) Magic, Summons, Skills: {MAG}

{MAG-01} Fundaments of Magic ................................. {MAG-01}
{MAG-02} White Magic ......................................... {MAG-02}
{MAG-03} Black Magic ......................................... {MAG-03}
{MAG-04} Summon Magic ........................................ {MAG-04}

{MAG-05} Terrain ............................................. {MAG-05}

{MAG-06} Bard Songs .......................................... {MAG-06}

VII) Job Guide: {JOB}

{JOB-00} Introduction to Jobs ................................ {JOB-00}
{JOB-01} Freelancer .......................................... {JOB-01}
{JOB-02} Warrior ............................................. {JOB-02}
{JOB-03} Monk ................................................ {JOB-03}
{JOB-04} White Mage .......................................... {JOB-04}
{JOB-05} Black Mage .......................................... {JOB-05}
{JOB-06} Red Mage ............................................ {JOB-06}
{JOB-07} Thief ............................................... {JOB-07}
{JOB-08} Ranger .............................................. {JOB-08}
{JOB-09} Knight .............................................. {JOB-09}
{JOB-10} Scholar ............................................. {JOB-10}
{JOB-11} Geomancer ........................................... {JOB-11}
{JOB-12} Viking .............................................. {JOB-12}
{JOB-13} Dragoon ............................................. {JOB-13}
{JOB-14} Dark Knight ......................................... {JOB-14}
{JOB-15} Evoker .............................................. {JOB-15}
{JOB-16} Bard ................................................ {JOB-16}
{JOB-17} Black Belt .......................................... {JOB-17}
{JOB-18} Magus ............................................... {JOB-18}
{JOB-19} Devout .............................................. {JOB-19}
{JOB-20} Summoner ............................................ {JOB-20}
{JOB-21} Sage ................................................ {JOB-21}
{JOB-22} Ninja ............................................... {JOB-22}
{JOB-23} Onion Knight ........................................ {JOB-23}

{JOB-24} Maxing Stats for Each Job ........................... {JOB-24}

VIII) Stealing Guide: {STL}

{STL-01} The Mechanics of Stealing............................ {STL-01}
{STL-02} Items to Pilfer ..................................... {STL-02}
{STL-03} Thievery Walkthrough ................................ {STL-03}

IX) The Leveling Up Cynosure: {LVL}

{LVL-00} Introduction ........................................ {LVL-00}
{LVL-01} Character Level ..................................... {LVL-01}
{LVL-02} Where should I Level Up? .......................... {LVL-02}
{LVL-03} The BEST Locations for Grinding End-Game .......... {LVL-03}
{LVL-04} Job Level ........................................... {LVL-04}
{LVL-05} Earning "JP" Job Points ........................... {LVL-05}
{LVL-06} Fastest Way to Increase Your Job Level ............ {LVL-06}

X) Walkthrough Maps: {MAP}

{MAP-00} Introduction ........................................ {MAP-00}
{MAP-01} Towns ............................................... {MAP-01}
{MAP-02} Dungeons ............................................ {MAP-02}
{MAP-03} Overworlds .......................................... {MAP-03}

XI) The Perfect File: {PER}

{PER-00} Introduction ........................................ {PER-00}
{PER-01} 100% Treasure ....................................... {PER-01}

{PER-02} Item Maxing ......................................... {PER-02}

{PER-03} Missable Items & Missable Enemies ................... {PER-03}
{PER-04} Getting 9999 HP ..................................... {PER-04}

XII) Bestiary: {BES}

{BES-00} Introduction ........................................ {BES-00}
{BES-01} Enemies ............................................. {BES-01}
{BES-02} Bosses .............................................. {BES-02}
{BES-03} Quick List of Locations ............................. {BES-03}
{BES-04} Item Drop Rates ..................................... {BES-04}
{BES-05} Loot & Treasure ..................................... {BES-05}

XIII) Secrets and Miscellaneous: {MIS}

{MIS-01} The Chocobo Woods ................................... {MIS-01}
{MIS-02} Wellsprings ......................................... {MIS-02}
{MIS-03} Shopping List ....................................... {MIS-03}
{MIS-04} Item Duplication .................................... {MIS-04}

XIV) Version History - the life story of my guide


XV) Credits - everyone that contributed stuffs


XVI) Copyright - zzz! don't fall asleep k?


The Gulgan thus prophesied:

"The earthquake was only the beginning.
The great tremors that swallowed the crystals,
the light of our world, only to spawn monsters
from the depths of the scarred land,
are nothing but harbingers
of what has yet to come.
Something is coming...fathomless, ominous,
and full of sorrow...
But hope is not yet lost.
Four souls will be blessed with light,
and so it shall begin..."
- Prologue, Instruction Booklet











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I) Starting your Adventure: {BEG}


In this section I will explain many important things about FFIII DS. Most of
this stuff can be found in the game's Instruction Manual, but sometimes that
little booklet can get lost or eaten. I will cover every aspect of gameplay
and go into a lot of great detail so you can become a master of all, having
a complete and fulfilling experience!

| {BEG-00} Hello! and Welcome! |

Hi! I'm Seferaga and this is my very first FAQ. I started this guide almost
five years ago, in 2007, but I think it's developed nicely since then.

In this guide I will cover everything you need to know, including: all items,
locations, elusive hidden treasures, missable items and missable enemies,
detailed steps involving all Mognet sidequests, chocobos & fat chocobo,

accurate drop rates on enemy loot, profiles for all 23 Jobs, getting 9999 HP,
and much much more! There's a lot of information in this FAQ, so I really
hope you enjoy what it has to offer. :)

What inspired me to make this guide, so many years ago, was playing FF7 and
using Cloud VS Sephiroth's FF7 Perfect FAQ. (he is now Absolute Steve) I used
it to complete a 100% file for that game, and it got me very interested in
what it takes to make a guide. He is an excellent writer and I suggest his
guides above all others!

This guide has been out for quite a while; going on 5 years! :P I'm sure it
has found many new homes on other websites by now and I just want you to know
that the original version, uploaded by me, is found at, in
all its dusty glory!

Lastly, if you need to, check the "Credits" and "Copyright" sections near the
bottom of the document. The "Version History" section is found at the bottom
as well, so it doesn't use all the space at the top. That's annoying! Hehe.

Anyways... Have fun? :)

| {BEG-01} Characters |

I'm only going to talk about the 4 main characters. I consider the rest of
the cast to be spoilers. You will find out about them when you play the

game, anyway! These character descriptions will be short. There isn't much
to say, really, but what's there is very interesting.

The favorite color of each character is the color of their Toad forms, and
the theme color of their official artwork for the game. Also, most jobs will
will have this color included in the outfit designs in some small way.

Favorite color = Blue
Here is the MAIN character of the game. Haha. Well, in my opinion, but I
just like Refia a lot. Probably because she is cute. :) Anyway! She grew up
in the town called Kazus, south of Ur village. She was raised by Takka the
blacksmith and is quite rebellious. She always runs away from home because
of the work her father always wants her to do. She won't hesitate to yell at
you if are mean to her and she hates all types of amphibians. Mostly toads!

Favorite color = Purple
Luneth is a very outgoing. He loves to explore and go on adventures, and all
the kids in town wish they were just like him. He grew up in Ur village,
raised by Elder Topapa and his wife, Nina. His best friend is Arc and they do
almost everything together. I always assumed that Arc was with Luneth when he
fell down the hole in Altar Cave, but ran back to town to get help. (theory)


Favorite color = Green

Awkward and shy, Arc is the complete opposite of Luneth. He also grew up in
the village of Ur, and was also raised by Elder Topapa and Nina. That will
explain why he and Luneth are so close. They are practically brothers! Since
he likes to keep to himself, he reads a lot of books and is very smart. He
looks up to Luneth and tries his best to be just as brave. But it's hard when
all the kids in town pick on him and are mean all of the time.

Favorite color = Red
A knight to the King of Sasune, Ingus is responsible and well-mannered. Out of
all the four main characters, he seems to be the oldest and most mature. He
cares a great deal about the Princess and does everything for her. Luckily he
was out training when the Djinn cast his curse upon the land, allowing him to
assist the party in finding the Princess. He never had any parents and was
raised as a soldier in the King's army since he was young.

| {BEG-02} Controls |

There is no "Soft Reset" feature in this game and the START and SELECT buttons
have absolutely no use.

Area Controls (towns, caves, etc):

D-pad ......Move around

B ..........Run/Walk(hold), Cancel, Close menu

A ..........Confirm selection, Talk, Open treasure, etc.
Y ..........Talk to any 'Guest' party members
X ..........Open menu
L ..........Zoom-In/Zoom-Out screen; To see shiny spots
R ..........Open/Close menu
Start ......n/a
Select .....n/a

Battle Controls:
D-pad ......Navigate menu
B ..........Cancel
A ..........Confirm selection
Y ..........n/a
X ..........n/a
L ..........n/a
R ..........n/a
L+R ........Attempt to escape from battle
Start ......n/a
Select .....n/a

Menu Controls:
D-pad ......Navigate menu
B ..........Cancel, Close Menu
A ..........Confirm selection
Y ..........n/a
X ..........n/a
L ..........Scroll left between characters
R ..........Scroll right between characters

Start ......n/a
Select .....n/a

World Map Controls:

D-pad ......Move around
B ..........Cancel, Disembark transportation
A ..........Board transportation
Y ..........Talk to any 'Guest' party members
X ..........Open menu
L ..........Zoom-In/Zoom-Out screen
R ..........Open/Close menu
Start ......n/a
Select .....n/a

Touch Screen Controls:

Run ........Touch the edge of screen, press in the direction you want to go.
Walk .......Touch the middle of screen, press in the direction you want to go.
Confirm ....To talk to someone, enter a location, open treasure, etc., just
............tap the desired NPC or object.
Icons ......For anything else just tap Menu options and/or icons.

| {BEG-03} Main Menu & Saving your Game |

Item........View your entire Inventory of items found.

Use; Select an item to use.

Sort; Arrange by Items First, Weapons First, or Armor First.

Key Items; View story related items.

Magic.......View current magic/summons on selected character.

Use; Use magic outside battle. (curaga, mini, poisona, etc.)
Learn; Learn new magic or summons.
Remove; Remove learned magic/summons. (you can relearn it)
Exchange; Swap all magic/summons between characters.

Equipment...View selected character's current equipment.

Equip; Equip weapons or armor.
Remove; Unequip one weapon/armor at a time.
Remove All; Unequip all weapons/armor.

Status......View current profile of selected character.

Formation...Arrange party setup to how you want it.

Character Image; Left = Front Row, Right = Back Row (in battle)

Job.........Change current Job.

Config......Change a few settings in the game.

Text Speed; How fast text appears in dialog boxes.
Cursor; Memorize keeps the cursor where you left it, in menus.
Default Move; Run or Walk without holding B button.
Main Hand; Switch L and R Button functions.

Quicksave...Allows you to temporarily save AND turn off the game.

WARNING, once you return to your game, your quicksave is lost!

Save........Save your game on 1 of 3 files.

You have to be on the WORLD MAP to save your game.

| {BEG-04} Battle System |

This game uses the most basic form of Turn-Based combat. At the start of each
battle you will enter the commands of all your 4 party members, and then all
units, both allies and enemies, will execute their action in order of who has
the highest Agility to lowest Agility. Well, there are a few random numbers
thrown into the equation, but that's the gist of it. It's very basic and easy
to use.

01. Who gets to attack first?

02. Escaping
03. Back Attacks & Pre-emptive Strikes
04. Enemies
05. Critical Hits
06. # of Hits
07. Melee Proficiency
08. What is the Damage Cap?
09. Battle Menu

01. Who gets to attack first?

The order of turns, during a round, depends on your Agility, total weight of
equipped items, and a random number. The higher the speed, the faster you'll
act for that round. All equipment weight is listed in the "Weapons and Armor"
section below. For more details, please visit that section. Ctrl+F. {WT}

Speed = (Agility x 2) - Weight + Bonus

Bonus = (Random # between 0 and Agility)

02. Escaping:
Escaping is pretty simple. Each attempt to escape accumulates, meaning your
success rate increases everytime you fail. Also, keep in mind that everytime
you try to escape from battle, your character's defense is decreased by 50%,
but just for that round. So be extra careful when trying to flee from strong
enemies! If you want more information on the Thief's Flee ability, check its
profile in the "Job Guide" section below. Ctrl+F. {FL}

Run Away Success = Attempt# > 1

Run Away Failure = Attempt# < 1

Chance = Lowest Character Level - Highest Enemy Level

Bonus = Agility x (Random # between 0 and 0.4)

Attempt#1 = Chance
Attempt#2 = Attempt#1 + Bonus
Attempt#3 = Attempt#2 + Bonus
Attempt#4 = Attempt#3 + Bonus


03. Back Attacks & Pre-emptive Strikes:

Occasionaly you will surprise the enemy with a pre-emptive strike. This will
allow you to have an extra turn before the battle even starts. There are no
downsides to this and will help you win the fight much faster than usual.

Likewise, the enemy party may surprise you with a Back Attack and get to have
an extra turn before the battle starts.

In my experience, it is usually best to escape battles when the enemy gets a

back attack. If you have mages in your party, who are in the back row, they
will be moved to the front row and DIE very fast. Some enemies can wipe out
your entire party because of ill luck of a back attack.

NOTE: You could also try to move everyone back to their normal positions, but
depending on the enemy that back-attacked you, you may not survive.

If you are trying for a perfect game and consider 0 escapes from battle a key
part of this, then you'll have to be extra careful. Keep in mind that having
zero escapes doesn't get you anything and is for bragging rights, only. :P

04. Enemies:
Throughout the game you'll encounter a number of different enemies. They'll
attack you in a variety of groups and numbers. Most of the time you'll see

groups of 1 and 2 enemies, but sometimes you'll see a group 3 enemies. That
is a little bit more uncommon, but it's possible, especially during all the
late-game dungeons. There is ONE battle that has 4 enemies, but that is
a special story-related battle. You'll never see a group of 4 enemies during
random battles. 3 is the max.

Also, most beginning random encounters will get 1 attack per round. There
are a few, though, that get 2 attacks per round. Those types of enemies are
usually found during the later parts of the game. The very first random
encounter enemy that gets 2 attacks per round is #070 Dullahan, who can be
found in Castle Hein.

All boss enemies get multiple attacks per round, except Land Turtle. Starting
with the Djinn boss, they all get 2 attacks per round. Most boss enemies at
the end of the game have up to 4 attacks per round!

05. Critical Hits:

Physical attacks have a small chance to deal critical hits. When an attack
is critical, it will deal 50% more damage. The only weapon in the game that
cannot land critical hits is the Harp weapon.

The % chance of it happening depend on your character's Agility, minus the

Agility of your target. The max rate is 10%.

06. # of Hits:

When using physical attacks, your characters may hit multiple times during
the attack, thus dealing a lot more damage. The number hits depends on the
current Job level and Agility of your character. So naturally, the number
of hits increases as you level up the Job, or increase Agility.

The max number of hits you will see on-screen is 16 for one hand, or 32 if you
are using both hands. (dual-wielding weapons) Even though that is the limit
displayed on-screen, the max number of hits goes beyond that.

Here is a chart with each Job's max # of hits, while at character Lv. 99, Job
level 99, and melee proficiency at level 99. (a fully leveled character)

|Max # of Hits| 1h | 2h |Bows|Harp|
|Freelancer | 34 | 68 | 62 | -- |

| 34 | 68 | 62 | -- |


| 31 | 62 | -- | -- |

|White Mage | 31 | 62 | -- | -- |
|Black Mage | 31 | 62 | 58 | -- |
|Red Mage

| 34 | 68 | 62 | -- |

| 36 | 72 | -- | -- |


| 36 | 72 | 66 | -- |


| 30 | 60 | -- | -- |


| 32 | 64 | -- | -- |

|Geomancer | 33 | 66 | -- | -- |

| 28 | 56 | -- | -- | 1h = One Hand
| 33 | 66 | -- | -- | 2h = Both Hands (dual-wield)

|Dark Knight | 34 | 68 | -- | -- |


| 29 | 58 | -- | -- | NOTE: You can't dual-wield Bows or Harps.

| 31 | 62 | -- | 60 | Even though you can only equip one, they

|Black Belt | 33 | 66 | -- | -- | still use both hands, so the # of hits


| 31 | 62 | -- | -- | is calculated for each. Bows and Harps


| 31 | 62 | -- | -- | show a max of 32 hits on-screen.


| 28 | 56 | -- | -- |


| 29 | 58 | -- | -- | NOTE: Using Bare-handed attacks is just


| 36 | 72 | -- | -- | like dual-wielding weapons since you are

|Onion Knight | 36 | 72 | 66 | 72 | using both of your hands.


07. Melee Proficiency:

According to Penguin Knight's guide, and the Japanese Complete Guide, there
is a hidden statistic for each arm. It is Melee Proficiency. Both arms for
all characters, start at level 1, and the max level is 99.

The only things Melee Proficiency influences is the amount of damage you do
with physical attacks, and the # of hits. Because it's a stat that can't be
seen, it's not something you should be worried about. It will naturally go
up as you play the game and defeat lots of enemies.

For every 33 attacks your melee proficiency will increase by +1. (each arm
levels up separately) For bows and harps, they level up at the same time.

08. What is the Damage Cap?


The most damage you will ever see in battle is 9999, but actually, there is
no damage cap in this game. The most damage I have ever done with a single
attack is about 30,000+ damage or so.

Even though you can only ever see 9999 during battle, there is a way to know
the actual amount of damage dealt. In Gysahl Village Inn, talk to the NPC
hidden in the wall and he will tell you various game records of your current
playthrough. He keeps track of the strongest attack you've used and how
much damage it dealt. I've heard stories of people dealing 80,000+ damage!

And yes, that means you can kill bosses with 10,000+ HP in only one hit.

09. Battle Menu:

Here are the different commands available to you in the Battle menu. To see
all options you'll have to scroll down through the list during battle.

Attack.......Damage one enemy/ally with equipped weapon(s) or fists. This can

be used to remove Confusion and Sleep from allies.

Special......The special skill of your current Job will appear right here. To
see each Job's abilities, please see the Job Guide section.

Guard........Reduce damage received from physical attacks by 50% for a single

round. (except Knight, Thief, Scholar) Knights will have the
Defend ability, Thieves will have the Flee ability, and Scholars
will have the Study ability.

Item.........Use consumable items, attack items, or cast magic with certain

weapons. There are 2 ways to cast the magic with weapons. First,
select the weapon from the Item list and choose the intended
target. Or second, press UP at the top of the Item list and then
select the weapon. A job must be able to equip the weapon to be
able to cast its magic.

Equipment....Equip weapons/shields during battle. This can be done anytime

and doesn't use up your turn for the round.

Front/Rear...Put your characters in the Front or Back row. In the Front, your
attack power increases, but defense decreases. In the Back, your
attack power decreases, but defense increases. This uses a turn
for the round.

Run Away.....Attempt to escape from battle. If three party members fail to

escape, but at least 1 is successful, everyone will get to escape
from battle. Does not work during Boss fights.

| {BEG-05} Stats |

These are the main stats of each character. All jobs have pre-set stat charts
that will always be the same no matter what you do. Except for HP. HP is the
only stat that can be manipulated by you, the player. Remember that! :)

Lots of equipment will give you stat boosts while equipped. These boosts are
only temporary and are removed when you unequip that specific weapon/armor.




|Current character level. Gain EXP from battles to level up. Once |
|you level up, your stats will increase.

|Job LV: |The level of your currently selected Job. Gain JP (Job Points), |

|by making actions during battle. Once you level up your Job, you |

|will attack more, and be overall more effective as that Job.


|Hit points. These act as the character's life, and when reduced |
|to zero, the character is KO'd.


|The number of times that you can use each level of magic. MP is |
|dependent on the currently selected Job. Not all Jobs have MP. |

|Strength: |Influences the power and effectiveness of physical attacks. The |

|more strength you have, the more damage you will deal with weapons|

|or bare-handed attacks.

|Agility: |Influences the number of "hits" done with attacks. Also influences|

|the accuracy of physical attacks, who gets to act first in battle,|

|and the chance of Fleeing. (see the "Battle System" section above)|

|Vitality: |Directly influences the amount of HP you gain when you level up |

|your character. Also influences the amount of damage you receive |

|from physical attacks, and HP recovered from healing spells.

|Intellect:|Influences the power and effectiveness of black magic and summons.|

|Also influences the accuracy of Status inflicting spells.


|Influences the power and effectiveness of white magic and healing |

|spells. Also influences the power and accuracy of Harps, as well.|

|Attack: |Influences damage dealt with physical attacks. Equip the strongest|

|weapons to boost this attribute.

|Defense: |Influences damage received from all physical attacks. Equip the |

|strongest armors to boost this attribute.

|Magic Def:|Influences damage received from all magical attacks. Equip the |

|strongest armors to boost this attribute.


| {BEG-06} Positive & Negative Status Effects |



Positive Status:
These status are beneficial to your party by increasing a few stats that will

make defeating enemies a lot easier. The Aura status can only be cast with
a Bard's Minuet song using the Loki Harp, and also with the Level 1 effect of
the Bahamut summon, by using an Evoker or Sage. The Barrier status can only
be cast with the Bard's Elegy song using the Apollo Harp.

Protect, Haste, and Reflect can be cast by using the appropriate white magic
spells, and various other abilites among Jobs. See the Job Guide section for
more details. Reflect doesn't work for 2 spells, Erase and Meteor. Everything else will be reflected, incuding all white magic spells. Summons can't
be reflected, even if all target's have Reflect on.

The % Boosts for Protect, Aura, and Barrier, depend in the target's Job level
and NOT the caster's Job level. All positive status effects fade away after
a few rounds during battle.



% Boost:


|Protect |Increase defense |+100% at JobLv 1 | Yellow tint on character |

|of target.

|+130% at JobLv 99|


|Double agility of| Agility x 2


| Red tint on character


|Increase attack |+100% at JobLv 1 | Orange tint on character |

|of target.

|+130% at JobLv 99|

|Barrier |Reduce ALL damage| -20% at JobLv 1 | Blue tint on character

|dealt to target. | -30% at JobLv 99|


|Reflect |A shield that bounces 1 magic spell| Green tint on character


|off the target, then fades away. |


Negative Status:
Over the course of the game, your party members will most likely be inflicted
with certain status ailments. (during battles) Here is what they do and how
you can cure them. Some ailments remain even after the battle is ended so you
will have to cure them yourself eventually.

There are 3 types of wellsprings. One for HP/MP, one for reviving any KO'd
party members, and one for removing status ailments. Every town has at least
one HP/MP and Revive wellspring. Status springs are rare.

The Esuna spell cures all status ailments, except KO. Inns fully restore your
HP/MP and remove all status ailments except Mini, Toad, Petrification, and KO.

These persist even after battle:



How to Cure:


|Reduces 1/30 of max HP every round | Antidote, Poisona

|until cured


|Decreases the hit rate of physical | Eye Drops, Blindna

|attacks by 50%


|Reduces Strength, Vitality, Attack,| Mallet, Mini

|and Defense to 1


|Same effect as Mini, but can't use | Maiden's Kiss, Toad

|any magic (except for Toad)

|Silence |Character cannot use any magic or | Echo Herbs, Esuna

|summoned beasts

|Petrify |Character turns to stone, unable to| Gold Needle, Stona

|make any actions


|Dead. Unable to make any actions | Phoenix Down, Raise, Arise, |


| Revive wellsprings

|Critical |25% HP left. Turns yellow. A Knight| Anything that restores HP |

|will Defend critical party members.|


These subside during and after battle:



How to Cure:


|Fall asleep for a few rounds,

|unable to make any actions

| Esuna, taking damage, goes |

| away after a few rounds

|Confusion: |Causes confusion for a few rounds, | Esuna, taking damage, goes |

|attacking enemies and allies

| away after a few rounds

|Paralysis: |Character is unable to make any | Esuna, goes away after a |

|actions for a few rounds

| few rounds


|Reduces agility by half, characters| Esuna, Haste, goes away

|act slower and execute less hits | after a few rounds


|Completely stops character, making | Esuna, goes away after a |

|them unable to act

| few rounds

|G. Petrify:|Gradual Petrify, character becomes | Esuna, Stona, Gold Needle |

|petrified after a few rounds


| {BEG-07} Gameplay Tips |

Saving..........Save often. This game can be very challenging! You can only
Save on the World Map. You won't find any save points inside
dungeons or right before a boss room.

Quicksaving.....This is useful if you have to leave the game for a long period
of time and are stuck in the middle of a dungeon. Be careful
though! This quicksave is temporary and will disappear after
the next time you load your game.

Reviving........If you have any KO'd party members, don't waste your Phoenix
Downs. Every major town has at least one REVIVE wellspring, so
use these as much as you possibly can.

Phoenix Downs...You can't buy Phoenix Downs anywhere! :( So save them for the
moments when you are in *desperate* need of them. Like those
dangerous Boss fights!

Shopping........When purchasing items at stores, you'll receive a 5% discount

for buying a quantity of 4 of the same item. The discount
will increase the more you buy. At 99 items you'll receive a
20% discount max, on the total price.

Wellsprings.....There are wellsprings almost everywhere, but are most commonly

found in towns. There are 3 types:

1. HP/MP = Completely restores HP and MP.

2. Revive = Revives all KO'd party members.
3. Status = Cures all status ailments.

Shiny Spots.....Use the L Button to Zoom-In the camera. By doing this you can
find "Shiny Spots". A Shiny Spot will often times be a
valuable treasure and other times a hidden switch. There are
tons of them, so look carefully!

Mini............Some areas of the game will require your entire party to be

Mini. To cast Mini you must have a Job that can use it, and a
sufficient amount of MP. To get out of Mini just recast it on

your party members or use a "Mallet" item.

Toad............Same deal as Mini. Some areas will require your entire party
to be Toads. To cast Toad you must have a Job that can use
it, and a sufficient amount of MP. To get out of Toad just
recast it on your party members or use a "Maiden's Kiss" item.

MP..............When you switch your Job from a physical-based Job(Monk), to a

magic-based Job(White Mage), your current MP will remain at
ZERO. Find the nearest HP/MP wellspring or Inn to restore any
lost MP. You can also use an Elixir.

Learn Magic.....When you buy magic from shops, or find them in chests, they
are added to your inventory as items. They aren't consumable
and can be used over and over, even after you have removed it
from a party member. If you want to teach multiple party
members the same spell however, you'll need multiple copies of
that spell.

Weapon Magic....Some weapons can cast magic for zero MP cost. To cast these
free spells your character must first be ABLE to equip the
weapon. (it doesn't have to be equipped, though) For example,
Warriors can't use the Fire Staff to cast Fire, but they can
use the Salamand Sword to cast Fire since they can equip it.

General Tips:
- Always keep a stock of beneficial items. (Potions, Antidotes, Phoenix Downs,
Elixirs, Eye Drops, etc...)

- Explore and talk to everyone, you may get some interesting info or sometimes
even treasure!

- Don't sell anything! ONLY follow this advice if you are a perfectionist. ;)

Battle Tips:
- Focus on a single enemy until it dies. This will make battles easier since
there will be less opponents attacking you or trying to inflict bad status
ailments on you.

- Any character with a long-range weapon should be in the back row. This way
they can still do full damage while taking LESS damage!

- You can equip and unequip weapons in the Equipment menu. This can be very
helpful if you forgot to do so before battle! It also helps a few jobs by
making them more versatile! Such as the Bard job, who needs to change his
weapons during battle to use different Songs.

- Reserve your MP for boss fights. Some weapons can cast magic, with a cost
of zero MP, allowing mages to last longer without having to rest.

- Casting magic on multiple targets. If you are casting magic on the enemy,
press LEFT to cast it on all enemies. And if you are casting magic on your
party members, press RIGHT to cast it on everyone! Similarly you can can
it on a group of the same type of enemy by pressing "UP" instead.

- Stealing can save you A LOT of money, as well as make you rich! It also
compliments the Scholar job very nicely.

- Dual-Wield. When you equip two weapons, you will witness some incredible
destructive power. (depending on your weapons) A sword and shield combo is
still acceptable, but generally it's better to dual-wield.

- If you have a good Defensive Job, like Knight and Viking, try using two
shields at the same time. With their ability to defend other party members
a Knight and Viking will absorb a lot less damage with two shields. This
can be a great tactic for boss fights!

| {BEG-08} Explanations of this Guide |

This section will explain a few important things that you should know about
while playing a new game and using this Guide.

1. Navigating. When navigating this guide, it is best to use the search

function and enter any code given. I will only give you a code when it's
important, or when I think you'd might be interested in seeing more
details. So, all you need to do is press Ctrl+F, then copy/paste the code
including the brackets {}.

2. Checklists. At the start of each section in the walkthrough, I will write

out the following checklists:

-Bestiary Logs: Enemy encounters and Bosses.

-Treasure: What you will find in treasure chests, containers, secrets, etc.
-Enemy encounters: Enemy encounters in specific areas, and rarity.
-Recommended Level: The range of levels you should be.

3. Enemy % Chance. This is the rarity of the enemy in each given area. It'll
give you an idea of how often you will encounter them. Not all enemies can
be found in just a single area of a dungeon, you must explore all rooms.

4. Treasure. Throughout the walkthrough, I will type items and treasure in a

special way, like this: Open the chest to find a [PHOENIX DOWN]. This
is so you can skim-read paragraphs if you are trying to find them quickly.

5. Bosses. I've created Information Boxes for every single Boss. They will
include stats, item steals, item drops, level recommendations, and the best
of all, detailed strategies for victory. Yahooo!


When you see these notes, you don't need to do them to finish the game. They
are written for the players-who-want-EVERYTHING, by letting them know what to
do, to get that perfect 100% save file.

If getting everything doesn't interest you, then it's ok to ignore them. You
will still be able to complete the story easily. Following them, though, is
highly recommended because they usually reward you with powerful equipment or
save you from missing something permanently. :)












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Section 01 |

II) Walkthrough: {WAL}

| -Checklist-


{01} Altar Cave - The Beginning


Bestiary Logs:

#001 Goblin .........(Lv 1, HP 7)

#002 Carbuncle ......(Lv 1, HP 10)
#003 Eye Fang .......(Lv 1, HP 11)
#004 Blue Wisp ......(Lv 1, HP 14)
#196 Land Turtle ....(Lv 4, HP 111)

Antarctic Wind (x2), Leather Shield, Longsword, Potion (x3)
----------------------Cave, level 3:
100% - Goblin

Cave, level 4:
40% - Carbuncle
30% - Eye Fang
30% - Blue Wisp

Recommended Level:

Once you start a new game, you'll watch a scene where a boy (really?) falls
down a hole. This is Luneth. As it turns out, this cave is filled to the
brim with monsters! You'll immediately be attacked by Goblins. They aren't
too hard, just poke 'em and they'll die. :)

NOTE: You begin the game on level 3 of Altar Cave. Level 1 and 2 aren't
accessible right now.

Cave, level 3:
After the fight, head north through the cave. Along the way you will find two
treasure chests. The left one holds a [LEATHER SHIELD], and the right one
holds a [POTION].

Further up, you'll come across a rock which you must activate. This will
cause a path to open up to the right. On this small path, there will be a
treasure chest with a [LONGSWORD] inside, and some stairs.

Cave, level 4:
In the next area, level 4, head left to a get an [ANTARCTIC WIND]. Then go
all the way to the right to get a [POTION]. After this, head back up and you
will find another [POTION]. To the right is a chest with another helpful
[ANTARCTIC WIND] and, even more to the right, a wellspring that will restore
your HP/MP completely. Yay! It's so pretty. ^_^

NOTE: If you want to, you can stay around this area and level up, then use
the wellspring to heal yourself.

When ready, head left. You will find some stairs. Go up and you will find a
shrine or some kind of ruin.

Cave, level 5:

You won't get very far because you'll be attacked by an evil creature! Make
sure you have at least one Potion, and that you also equipped the Longsword
you found earlier; you just might need it.



Land Turtle

{boss-01} |

|Level: 4


| Antarctic Wind....8.5% | 1. Can't steal yet. |




|---------------------------| Potion............8.2% | 2. --|Exp:




| Bacchus's Cider...8.1% | 3. ---

| Arctic Wind.......8.0% | 4. ---





|Weakness: None.

|Attacks: Bite - Physical attack; Single target

|Strategy: This boss fight can be slightly challenging or super easy. It all |
|depends on how fast you ran through the cave. If you didn't gain any levels |
|then you might have some trouble.


|Before the fight, be sure to equip the Longsword you found in the cave. This|
|will really help you out. If you forgot to do this before the fight, you can|
|still equip it during the fight, too. Just go down the menu to "Equipment". |

|Start off by just attacking. Don't use the Antarctic Winds you found in the |
|cave. You don't need them and you WANT to save them for the next boss.

|When Luneth gets close to about 10 HP use a Potion on him, then continue your|
|attacks until the Land Turtle is dead. The end.

|My Level: Luneth (2)


When you defeat the Boss there will be a couple of scenes. When they end, you
will be returned to the surface, the world map. Go ahead and save if you want
to, and then head south to the nearest village.

| Altar Cave, Level 1 & 2 | <OPTIONAL:>

Bestiary Logs:
#001 Goblin .........(Lv 1, HP 7)
#002 Carbuncle ......(Lv 1, HP 10)
#003 Eye Fang .......(Lv 1, HP 11)
#004 Blue Wisp ......(Lv 1, HP 14)

Bronze Bracers (x2), Bronze Knuckles, Leather Cap, Longsword (x2)

Black Magic:

----------------------Cave, level 1:
100% - Goblin

Cave, level 2:
30% - Carbuncle
30% - Eye Fang
30% - Blue Wisp
10% - Goblin

Recommended Level:

This can be done at any time, but why not now? You will get some fantastic
items! Before heading south to Ur go back into Altar Cave. You will enter a
different part of the cave! This is level 1, which you didn't have access
to at the start of the game.

Cave, level 1:
Take the first right and you'll come to a "dead end". There are many places
like this throughout the game, so keep an eye out for them! ...or I'll just
tell you. ;) Wait, it's not a dead end! You can walk through the wall to find
a secret area. Open the two treasure chests to receive a [LEATHER CAP] and

some [BRONZE BRACERS]. Now go back, then head down.

Cave, level 2:
In the next level head left and you'll come across a room with lots of juicy
treasure and a hole in the middle. I bet you can't guess who fell down that
very *OBVIOUS* hole. Geez! Open the chests to obtain some [BRONZE BRACERS],
[BRONZE KNUCKLES], two [LONGSWORD], and a [SLEEP] spell.

You can fall down the hole if you want, but it won't benefit you in any way,
except maybe gaining a level or two, and you will have to travel back to the
Crystal's Shrine again to teleport out.

NOTE: You just obtained your first spell item in Altar Cave. Sleep. Let me
explain how these work. If you teach a spell to someone, and decide you want
to give it to a different person later, you can remove it and re-learn it. Or
you can just swap them directly between characters. :)

When ready, head south to Ur village.

Section 02 |

| -Checklist-


{02} The Parmeni Mountains & Ur Village


Bestiary Logs:
#001 Goblin .........(Lv 1, HP 7)

Antidote (x2), Dagger, Eye Drops, Longsword, Phoenix Down (x2), Potion (x5)

White Magic:
----------------------Grasslands & Forest near Ur:
100% - Goblin

Ur Village, path leading to Storehouse:

100% - Goblin
HP/MP, Revive

Recommended Level:

When you get to Ur, go into the house on the left. (with the blue roof) In
here you will find two wellsprings. One restores HP and MP, and the other
revives any KO'd party members. Remember this, it will be very helpful later
on. In the second room of this house, you will find Elder Topapa. Talk to

him and watch the scene.


This is just a reminder. Luneth comes equipped with a Knife and Vest. The
rest of the main characters, when you get them, also come equipped with a
Knife. You must *NOT* sell these items! You can't get them anywhere else.

Now exit the house. Talk to the old man right outside, and he will ask you
to use a Potion on him. If you do, he will give you a [PHOENIX DOWN]. What
a nice guy! Phoenix Downs are hard to come by in this game since you can't
buy them anywhere. Sniff.

Speaking of buying stuff, let's talk about the various shops and what to get.

==Item Shop=========Gil==
Eye Drops............40

Potions are definitely the most important thing to get here. Buy a decent
supply of potions and maybe a couple of eye drops and antidotes to be safe.

==Magic Shop========Gil==

This is the only place to get Poisona. It is really helpful and there are
quite a few enemies that can inflict poison on you. Having this is much
cheaper than keeping a hefty supply of Antidotes, though it doesn't hurt to
have a few of those, as well, just in case.

==Weapon Shop=======Gil==Atk==Hit%==Effect==
Dagger...............60 9 85 Longsword...........100 10 80 Staff................40 3 50 Bow.................100 10 70 Effective against flying enemies
Wooden Arrow..........4 6 80 -

Don't buy anything in the weapon shop. Everything here can be found for FREE
very soon. You even find 60 wooden arrows for free! :) I know that makes
all you archers out there happy, hehe.

==Armor Shop========Gil==PDef=MDef==Effect==
Leather Armor........90 3 1 Leather Shield.......40 2 1 Immune to Poison
Leather Cap..........15 1 1 Bronze Bracers.......80 1 1 -

The only things you need here are two Bronze Bracers and 1 Leather Armor. The
leather armor is for Luneth since he needs the upgrade. All party members
come equipped with it, as well as a Leather Cap. You have two Bronze Bracers
already so you'll need two more for the rest of the party. Shields are usually
not worth it since you can dual-wield weapons for more attack power.

Go east past the Inn. If you talk to the lady by the well, she will tell
you to take the [POTION] inside the well. There are three of them. You don't
have to talk to the lady, it's just being polite. :)

Inside the Inn. Here you can buy items, watch a pretty girl dance, and
even play the piano! There are two songs you can play on the piano each with
different results from the audience.

NOTE: I hate to say this, but the dancing girls and playing the piano yield
no rewards in the end. They are for pure enjoyment, only! I see it as a
missed opportunity for two really fun sidequests, but oh well. :(

Now head northeast of the Inn. Up here, you will watch a scene with some kids
bullying another kid. The one being bullied is Arc.

After the scenes, go to the top of the flower patch, near the water. There is
a hidden [POTION] lying on the ground, just waiting to be picked!

Ur Storehouse

The guy north of the weapon shop tells you to take the items in the storehouse, but to be cautious of monsters along the way. Don't worry, they are
only Goblins! When you get to the storehouse, don't enter. There is a
hidden [POTION] near the water. Ok, now go in. :)

In here you will find many useful things. The old man gives you a very
helpful tip. So go ahead and talk to him if you want to. In the pots to the
left you will find two [ANTIDOTE]. Now talk to candle that the old man told
you about. :P

In the secret area you will find a [DAGGER], [LONGSWORD], [EYE DROPS],
[PHOENIX DOWN], and a [CURE] spell. Once you get the rest of your party
together, teach cure to whomever you plan on making a healer. It will
really help against the next couple bosses.

You're done in this town, so go ahead and leave. Don't forget to visit the
shops if you haven't yet.

When ready, exit Ur and head south.

Section 03 |

| -Checklist-


{03} Cursed Town, Kazus



Bestiary Logs:
#001 Goblin .........(Lv 1, HP 7)

#005 Killer Bee .....(Lv 2, HP 18) W: Wind

#006 Werewolf .......(Lv 3, HP 24)
#007 Berserker ......(Lv 4, HP 28)

Mythril Helmet, Potion (x2), Staff, Zeus's Wrath
----------------------Grasslands near Kazus:
100% - Goblin

Desert near Kazus:

40% - Killer Bee
40% - Werewolf
20% - Berserker

Recommended Level:

Upon entering Kazus, you will see Arc. You can talk to him now, if you want,
or explore the town. Either way, this town is doomed. They're all ghosts!

The Mythril Mine at the north end of town is very dangerous at this point of
the game. Monsters are strong and will probably KO all of your party. Also,

level 2 of the mine is locked so you can't get the treasures anyway. We will
come back for this later.

Ok, the first house you'll see is the one with a blue roof. It has a wellspring inside if you need it! Head left of this house through the trees. You
will find a small pond. Around the pond, by the trees, you will find
a [MYTHRIL HELM] and a [STAFF]. After you get the staff, immediately go to
the right. There is a hidden path in the trees! In here you can pick up a
cool [ZEUS'S WRATH].

Now go back to the main part of town. You can find a [POTION] inside the Inn,
and another [POTION] in the house just north of the Inn. They shouldn't be
too hard to find.

NOTE: If you need to, use the Zoom-In feature to see the shiny spots! (Zoom-In
with the L Button) Shiny spots usually mean you can find something
important... like treasure!

After talking to Arc, go inside the Inn. One of the ghosts in here is Cid.
He will ask for your help, and lend you his airship. Awesome!! Since there
isn't much else to do, for now, let's go find his ship.

Leave town and walk to the small desert located to the west. You really can't
miss it, haha. :P On the airship, you will meet Refia. Yay! ^_^ Watch the
scene and fly away.

Head northwest to the castle.

Section 04 |

| -Checklist-


{04} Castle Sasune



Bestiary Logs:
#005 Killer Bee .....(Lv 2, HP 18) W: Wind
#006 Werewolf .......(Lv 3, HP 24)
#007 Berserker ......(Lv 4, HP 28)
#008 Red Wisp .......(Lv 5, HP 39) W: Light
#009 Dark Eye .......(Lv 5, HP 43) W: Light
#010 Zombie .........(Lv 6, HP 47) W: Light
#037 Griffon ........(Lv 6, HP 230) W: Wind

1000 Gil (x2), Bow, Bronze Knuckles, Holy Arrow (x40), Leather Shield,
Phoenix Down, Potion, Wightslayer, Wooden Arrow (x60)

Miscellaneous Items:
Silence Seal ........(rare Griffon drop)

Black Magic:

----------------------Grasslands & Forest, near Castle Sasune:

40% - Killer Bee
40% - Werewolf
20% - Berserker

Recommended Level:

The first thing to happen at Castle Sasune is a meeting with Ingus. After the
scene, you'll end up in the courtyard of the castle. Head right. There is a
tower over here called "Sasune: East Tower". On the 3rd floor you will find
two chests with [x20 HOLY ARROW] and [x20 WOODEN ARROW] inside.

NOTE: Whenever you find arrows, they will always be in bundles of 20. So you
should have 20 Holy arrows and 20 Wooden arrows right now. Not bad!

On the top floor, it appears to be someone's bedroom. How nice! Open the few
treasure chests for a [POTION], [BOW], and [x20 WOODEN ARROW]. You can even
take a nap on the bed. Soft~!

Next, go back to the main gate. Then go up and into the main part of the
castle. In the first room there are some ghosts and a couple beds. If you
are still tired, you can take another nap. ;) Go up to the next room. In
here, go left through the cracked wall.

There is a chest with a [PHOENIX DOWN].

Then head to the opposite side of the room. Go through the cracked wall over
here and then go up the stairs. Follow the hallway to find a [LEATHER SHIELD]
and a [BLIZZARD] spell. There is a cracked wall here as well, so go in and
you'll find a secret room with some [BRONZE KNUCKLES].

NOTE: Freelancers can use Lv1. White and Black Magic, so teach Blizzard to
your weakest physical attacker. Now they will be useful during the
coming boss fights! Heee. You can always remove it and teach it to
someone else later, if you need/want to.

Now go all the way back down stairs. Here, take the other stairs down. Both
chests contain [1000 Gil]. That's a lot of money! You can go down one
more flight of stairs, but there isn't anything special down there. Just a
swimming pool. Aw, I wanna swim. :(

Now go back up, then up again! Go up until you find the King's Room. Watch
the scene here and you'll be given a job to do. To the cave!

| Sasune: West Tower | <OPTIONAL:>

Bestiary Logs:
#008 Red Wisp .......(Lv 5, HP 39) W: Light
#009 Dark Eye .......(Lv 5, HP 43) W: Light

#010 Zombie .........(Lv 6, HP 47) W: Light

#037 Griffon ........(Lv 6, HP 230) W: Wind

Holy Arrow (x20), Wightslayer, Wooden Arrow (x20)

Miscellaneous Items:
Silence Seal ........(rare Griffon drop)
----------------------All floors:
40% - Red Wisp
30% - Dark Eye
30% - Zombie

Recommended Level:

Before we rush out to save a cute princess, let's pay a visit to the monsterinfested "Sasune: West Tower". Oooo.

Head back to the courtyard of the castle and head left. Over here you'll see
another tower like before but this one has monsters roaming on all floors. It
might be a good idea to save your game, first.

On the 3rd floor you will find [x20 HOLY ARROW] and [x20 WOODEN ARROW] inside

the two chests. On the top floor is a single chest with a [WIGHTSLAYER].

But it's a trap! You'll have to fight a feathery beast.



|Level: 6


| Potion............3.2% | 1. Can't steal yet. |




|---------------------------| Bomb Fragment.....3.2% | 2. --|Exp:



| Antarctic Wind....3.2% | 3. ---

| Zeus's Wrath......3.1% | 4. ---

|---------------------------| Silence Seal......3.1% |



| Tranquilizer......3.1% |


| Angel's Sigh......3.0% |

|Weakness: Wind.

|Attacks: Peck - Physical attack; Single target

Fire - Magic attack; Fire-elemental; Single target


|Strategy: This fight is hard if you are too low level. At low levels Griffon|
|will one-hit KO anyone that is hit by Fire, and he uses it almost every turn.|

|If you have more than 50 HP you'll survive a hit from Fire.

|Start out the battle by equipping the Wightslayer you just received. Go into|
|the "Equipment" menu to do that. It has 5 more attack power than Longswords.|

|If you have a bow user, make sure they are in the back row and doing nothing |

|but attacking every round. Blizzard really helps here too, as it's your most|
|powerful attack, currently. Give a Staff and Shield to whomever has Blizzard|
|since they won't benefit from dual-wielding.

|With your melee attackers, do just that, attack. You should defeat Griffon |
|in about 2-3 rounds if you are at my levels. He is only hard if you are like|
|level 1 or something, hehe. Try to avoid using Phoenix Downs.

|My Level: Refia (5), Luneth (4), Arc (5), Ingus (6)


Griffon has a 3.1% chance to drop a Silence Seal. This item is 1 of 3 superrare items that can be found ONLY from monster drops. There is no other way
to get them. Quite a few monsters drop Silence Seals, so if didn't get one
here, don't worry, you'll have plenty more chances later.

The 40 Holy Arrows you found are your first elemental weapon. They will deal
light-elemental damage and work well against the many undead enemies that will
try to eat you in the next dungeon.

Speaking of which, we are done here so let's go find that Sealed Cave. :)

Section 05 |

| -Checklist-


{05} The Sealed Cave



Bestiary Logs:
#011 Mummy ............(Lv 6, HP 52) W: Light
#012 Skeleton .........(Lv 6, HP 57) W: Light
#013 Cursed Copper ....(Lv 6, HP 42) W: Light
#014 Larva ............(Lv 6, HP 44) W: Light
#015 Shadow ...........(Lv 7, HP 66) W: Light
#016 Revenant .........(Lv 7, HP 70) W: Light
#197 Djinn ............(Lv 7, HP 600) W: Ice, Water.

Key Items:
Folding Canoe

500 Gil, Antarctic Wind, Eye Drops, Potion

White Magic:
----------------------Cave, level 1:
45% - Mummy
45% - Skeleton
10% - Cursed Copper

Cave, level 2:
45% - Mummy
45% - Skeleton
10% - Shadow

Cave, level 3:
25% - Mummy
25% - Cursed Copper
20% - Larva
20% - Shadow
10% - Revenant (easiest to find near Djinn's rug)

Recommended Level:

Inside the Sealed Cave, you will fight all undead monsters. If you need to,
take some time to level up. It's possible to rush to this point in the game
without ever leveling, and if that happens, you won't stand a chance. When
you are prepared, go into the Sealed Cave.

NOTE: Don't forget to equip the Holy Arrows. They deal Light-elemental
damage, remember? Having a bow user in this dungeon is great!

Cave, level 1:

Take the path all the way down, ignoring the path to the right, until you
find a chest holding a [POTION]. Then go back up and take that right path,
and follow it all the way up. You will find a treasure chest with a [CURE]
spell. Then go down and follow the long path. At the end are some stairs
leading to the next level.

NOTE: The Cure spell deals damage to undead enemies. ;)

Cave, level 2:
In the next area, open the chest with [500 Gil]. Then talk to the skull
near the upper right part of the room. A path will open and you'll encounter
the Princess! Watch the scene and she will temporarily join your party. She
can be helpful in battle by casting Aero and Cure. Nice Princess! Go down
the stairs after saying hello.

NOTE: You can talk to Guest characters by pressing Y. This usually only
provides minor character developments. Which is nice, I think.

Cave, level 3:
Follow the path to a fork in the road. First, take the path leading down to
find an [ANTARCTIC WIND]. Continue back to the path leading up and you'll
eventually find another treasure chest with [EYE DROPS]. Then take the path
to the left and follow it until you meet Djinn, and his oddly placed... rug?

Prepare to meet your doom, Djinn!




{boss-02} |

|Level: 7


| Bomb Fragment.....8.4% | 1. Can't steal yet. |




|---------------------------| Sheep Pillow......8.3% | 2. --|Exp:




| Potion............8.2% | 3. ---

| Lamia Scale.......8.1% | 4. ---

|---------------------------| Bomb Arm..........8.0% |




|Weakness: Ice, Water.

|Attacks: Slash - Physical attack; Single target

Fire - Magic attack; Fire-elemental; Single/Multi target

|Strategy: To start, have everyone in the back row. There is no need to have |
|your melee attackers do any physical damage.

|If you got everything so far, you should have 3 Antarctic Winds. Lucky for |
|us this boss is weak to Ice, so we are totally going to take advantage, hehe.|

|Try not to use all your Antarctic Winds. During the first round, use only |
|one of them and have your "mage" cast Blizzard. The others can just use Guard|
|or Attack. The next round cast Blizzard a second time and he should die. If|
|not, attack him a couple times to finish him.

|One Antarctic Wind will deal 300+ damage to Djinn. You could actually defeat|
|him in a single round, if you are lucky, but he might get to act before you. |

|Djinn can attack twice per round. If you are in the front row, his physical |
|attacks will deal about 50 damage per hit. Two hits is enough to take out a |
|single character in one round.


|His Fire attack will deal about same amount of damage. Sometimes he will |
|target your entire party with Fire, but this is a good thing. It will deal |
|way less damage than if he had only targeted one person.

|If he KO'd someone in the first round, use a Phoenix Down then defeat him by |
|using another Antarctic Wind or Blizzard. Hopefully everyone is alive so they|
|all gain experience. This battle shouldn't last more than 3 rounds.

|Occasionally, Princess Sara will jump into the battle to cast Cure on every- |
|one or attack Djinn with Aero. Try not to rely on it, though. :p

|My Level: Refia (7), Luneth (6), Arc (7), Ingus (8)


Once you beat him, you will be teleported back to the Crystal. Here you will
watch a scene, and then some credits? Weird. After this a moogle will appear
and tell you about Jobs. Yes, you gain the ability to change Jobs. Wahoo!

For more information on Jobs, go to the "Job Guide" section. Ctrl+F. {WIND}
Or jump to a specific Job using these codes and copy/paste the brackets {}.


{BLACK M-05}

{MONK-03} {WHITE M-04}

{RED M-06}


Choose any team that you think would be fun. Just don't choose four Black
Mages or four White Mages, hehe. That would be really hard! Any good team
will have an even balance between melee and magic.

Here are some brief descriptions for you:

The Warrior is the most basic fighting class. It can't cast any magic, but
its Advance skill does a lot more damage than a normal attack. At the same
time, however, it also decreases your defense so you take more damage - only
for the round it was used. At Job Lv. 1 it has a nice 50% boost in damage,
but your defense is reduced by 50% as well. It does have a nice selection
of armor to wear so that's a bonus. Also, they cannot equip the Wightslayer
which is odd.

Monks are very powerful. During the beginning of the game, though, they are
just a normal Job, nothing special about them, and they have to equip Claws
to deal any damage. For most of the game Monk's will require that you equip
Claws, but when you gain enough character levels, and Job levels, their bare
handed attack power will far surpass any claws you dual-wield. Monks gain
+2 bare-handed attack power for almost every level/job level up.

White Mage:
Starting out they are pretty weak and have very limited equipment pool and

offensive spells. They are great for keeping everyone healthy, but that
isn't really an issue early on. For random battles they aren't very helpful
since they will probably just sit there most of the time. Pretty soon they
will get their first offensive spell "Aero" which you might consider. Once
you have access to more spells they will prove to be more useful, especially
during later parts of the game.

Black Mage:
Like the White Mage, Black Mages have a very limited equipment pool. However,
they can equip a few bows so if you run out of MP you still have a decent
means of dealing damage. Their spells are very powerful and if you take full
advantage of enemy weaknesses you'll deal massive damage. This will be the
strongest job during most of the early section of the game and is recommended
that you have one is your party lineup.

Red Mage:
Red Mages are basically a super Freelancer. They are also better healers than
White Mages in the beginning. (white mage have more MP, though) The main
reason is because they have a better equipment selection than White Mages and
can even deal decent damage with physical attacks. This is a great addition
to any beginning team. The only downside is they have a lot less MP than the
Black Mage and White Mage. Also, they can equip the Wightslayer which is your
best sword currently! :)

Thieves are my favorite Job. I can only say good things about them since they

have quite a few perks that help everyone. First, obviously, is the ability
to steal. It may not seem that great, but there are plenty of useful items
out there just waiting for us to take. If placed at the top of your party, in
the roster, they can pick locked doors later in the game and if you need to
escape from battle, there is no better option than using Flee. Not only that,
but their high agility helps them deal decent damage!

Here is the party I decided to go with:

Refia (Thief)
Luneth (Black Mage)
Arc (Monk)
Ingus (Red Mage)

If you want to, you can start the Onion Knight sidequest. This can be done at
any time during the rest of the game, so don't feel pressured to get it
finished. Besides, having the Onion Knight this early in the game won't help
you at all. It is very, VERY weak when your characters are low levels. Go to
the "Onion Knight Crystal Shard" section if you want it now. Ctrl+F. {OK}

<GETTING 9999 HP:>

Don't worry about getting 9999 HP this early in the game. Using jobs with low
vitality (white mage) won't prevent you from getting max HP, even if you use

it for most of your playthrough.

When you get to about level 60-70, which is pretty much the end of the game,
you can start working on HP. By then you'll have the Black Belt job, as well,
so it will be much easier to get all 9's. :) For more detailed information
and charts, please check the "Getting 9999 HP" section below. Ctrl+F. {HP}

After you have decided on your team, and are ready to continue, head back to
Castle Sasune. After the scenes, the curse will be lifted and you'll receive
your first key item, the [FOLDING CANOE]. Double prizes!

Now go retrieve your airship and fly back to Kazus village.

Section 06 |

| -Checklist-


{06} Return to Kazus & Exploring the Mythril Mine


Bestiary Logs:
#011 Mummy ............(Lv 6, HP 52) W: Light
#012 Skeleton .........(Lv 6, HP 57) W: Light

#013 Cursed Copper ....(Lv 6, HP 42) W: Light

#014 Larva ............(Lv 6, HP 44) W: Light
#015 Shadow ...........(Lv 7, HP 66) W: Light

Mythril Sword (x2)

Recommended Level:

When you enter, Refia will run off with her father. Since everything is back
to normal, you find new things to do! First, let's get Refia back.

Go to the Inn and talk to Cid. Watch the scene and Cid will temporarily join
the party. If you talk to him in the field by pressing Y, he will give you a
hint on what to do next.

Next, head to Refia's house. (the one above the Inn) Watch the scenes here
and Takka will reinforce the ship with a sturdy myrhtil ram. Now we can
break those boulders in Nelv valley! Neat. The airship is waiting just outside of town.

Leave town and board the ship. Silly Refia. ^_^

After the party is back together, let's do some shopping and visit the dark

and scary Mythril Mine.

==Item Shop=========Gil==
Potion ..............50
Eye Drops ...........40
Antidote ............80

Nothing new here. Restock anything you may have used.

==Magic Shop========Gil==
Fire ...............100
Blizzard ...........100
Sleep ..............100

You already have Blizzard and Sleep so skip those. Buy at least one Fire
spell, though.

==Weapon Shop=======Gil==Atk==Hit%==Effect==
Mythril Rod ........400 12 60 Int +1
Mythril Knife ......500 14 85 Mythril Sword ......500 17 80 -

If you have a Thief, the Mythril Knife is a nice upgrade. Buy 2 of those for
some amazing attack power. The Mythril Rod can be used by Black Mages, but
they can equip bows which are better at this point. Since we don't have any
magic-casting weapons, it's best to use a Bow for your Black Mage, so his MP
doesn't run out quickly and he become unable to deal damage. Don't buy any

Mythril Swords. You will find 2 of them for FREE, inside the Mythril Mine.

==Armor Shop========Gil==PDef=MDef==Effect==
Mythril Armor ......350 10 3 Mythril Shield .....180 3 3 Immune to Blind/Confuse
Mythril Helm .......130 4 3 Mythril Gloves .....120 3 1 Mythril Bracers ....120 2 4 Int +1, Mnd +1

Everything here is worth it to buy, except the Mythril Shield. Buy what you
can for all your party members, and if you need extra Gil, go fight a couple
monsters. Don't forget you already have one Mythril Helm from earlier. :)

| Mythril Mine |

Bestiary Logs:
#011 Mummy ............(Lv 6, HP 52) W: Light
#012 Skeleton .........(Lv 6, HP 57) W: Light
#013 Cursed Copper ....(Lv 6, HP 42) W: Light
#014 Larva ............(Lv 6, HP 44) W: Light
#015 Shadow ...........(Lv 7, HP 66) W: Light

Mythril Sword (x2)

----------------------Mine, level 1:
40% - Mummy
40% - Skeleton
20% - Shadow

Mine, level 2:
35% - Mummy
35% - Skeleton
20% - Cursed Copper
10% - Larva

Recommended Level:

Ready to go in the Mythril Mine? Save your game before doing this. Enemies
in here are really strong. Actually, they are pretty much the same ones you
saw roaming around in the Sealed Cave. Hey, you can never save too often! :p

Upon entering the mine, follow the path to the right and then up the railroad

In this room, there is a secret switch near the top left, on the pillar. This
switch opens up a path to a secret area. At the end of this path you will find
two free [MYTHRIL SWORD]. This will save you 1000 Gil. Hooray! Unless you

already bought them. >_>

Section 07 |

| -Checklist-


{07} Through Nelv valley to Canaan!


Bestiary Logs:
#005 Killer Bee .....(Lv 2, HP 18) W: Wind
#006 Werewolf .......(Lv 3, HP 24)
#007 Berserker ......(Lv 4, HP 28)
#021 Basilisk .......(Lv 9, HP 100)
#022 Bugbear ........(Lv 9, HP 110)
#023 Mandrake .......(Lv 9, HP 120) W: Fire

2000 Gil (x2), Elixir, Gnomish Bread (x2), Gold Needle, Great Bow,
Iron Arrow (x20), Mallet, Phoenix Down (x3), Potion

Black Magic:
----------------------Grasslands in Nelv valley:

40% - Killer Bee

40% - Werewolf
20% - Berserker

Grasslands near & south of Canaan:

25% - Werewolf
25% - Berserker
20% - Basilisk
20% - Mandrake
10% - Bugbear/Killer Bee

Recommended Level:

With the new Mythril Ram attached to your airship, you can break through the
rocks in Nelv Valley. It's too bad your ship doesn't survive the collision.

Now that the rocks are destroyed, you can access a new part of the World Map!

Head south to find Canaan. When you enter Canaan, watch the scene and Cid will
leave your party. It's unfortunate, he was very helpful in battle. In the
house connected to the Inn, you can find a [MALLET] and [GOLD NEEDLE].

In the northeast part of town you will find some stairs. Up here you'll gain
access to the canal that runs through town. Follow the canal and at the end

there is a chest with an [ELIXIR]. But don't be hasty! This elixir is NOT
for you. Haha.

Visiting Cid's House

Head to the northwest part of town and you will find Cid's house. Go in and
talk to him. Mrs. Cid is sick so you'll want to give her the elixir. Talk to
her and give it to her. Don't worry, it's worth it!

After the scene, talk to the lamp and a secret passageway will open! Don't you
just love them? In here you will find 12 treasure chests. 12! At first you
notice only 8 chests. The other four are hidden in the wall. Open the eight
to receive a [BLIND] spell, [PHOENIX DOWN], [GOLD NEEDLE], [x20 IRON ARROW],
[GREAT BOW], [POTION] and 2 [GNOMISH BREAD]. Eww, bread? It's probably moldy.

After you open those, locate the hidden passage in the wall to find the last
four chests. They hold [4000 Gil], and two [PHOENIX DOWN]. :D Told you it
was worth it!

Now that we got that finished, let's do some shopping! Hmm...

==Item Shop=========Gil==
Potion ..............50
Eye Drops ...........40

Antidote ............80
Echo Herbs .........100
Gold Needle ........100

Two new items here. Buy a small supply of Gold Needles since we will soon
encounter enemies that love to petrify stuff. Mean! If you have a mage,
then Echo Herbs will cure silence if they ever get inflicted with it. That
won't happen at all during these parts, but later we'll need some.

==Magic Shop========Gil==
Cure ...............100
Thunder ............700
Poison .............700
Blind ..............700

We just got a free Blind spell so you can skip it. Definitely get Thunder and
maybe Poison. Thunder is an excellent damage spell. Poison deals about the
same amount of damage as Thunder, but it can miss, though. Accuracy for your
status inflicting spells depends mostly on your Intellect and Job level.

==Weapon Shop=======Gil==Atk==Hit%==Effect==
Mythril Rod ........400 12 60 +1 Int
Mythril Knife ......500 14 85 Mythril Sword ......500 17 80 Great Bow .........1200 18 65 Effective against flying enemies
Iron Arrow ...........8 12 75 -

You don't need anything here. Well, I guess you might want some more Iron
Arrows if you use a bow at all, otherwise, move on. Make arrows the last

thing you purchase so you don't overspend gil on excess arrows.

==Armor Shop========Gil==PDef=MDef==Effect==
Mythril Armor ......350 10 3 Mythril Shield .....180 3 3 Immune to Blind/Confuse
Mythril Helm .......130 4 3 Mythril Gloves .....120 3 1 Mythril Bracers ....120 2 4 Int +1, Mnd +1

There is nothing new here to buy. It's the same as Kazus armor shop.

Next, go talk to Salina, who is found in the house connected to the Inn. She
will tell you about her boyfriend, Desch. He ran off to a mountain. A scary
mountain with a Dragon! Oh no! Let's go after him and help him.

Before leaving town, I thought I'd mention that there is a new dancing girl
near the magic shop. Beware, though, she is pretty cute. =_=

Anyway! Leave town and head toward Dragon's Peak.

Section 08 |

| -Checklist-


{08} Dragon's Peak



Bestiary Logs:
#017 Firefly ..........(Lv 9, HP 92) W: Ice, Wind
#018 Helldiver ........(Lv 8, HP 120) W: Wind
#019 Rust Bird ........(Lv 9, HP 135) W: Wind
#020 Ruhk .............(Lv 9, HP 155) W: Wind

Gold Needle, Phoenix Down

Miscellaneous Items:
Phoenix Down ..........(easy Rust Bird steal)

White Magic:
Aero, Mini
----------------------Mountain path:
30% - Firefly
30% - Helldiver
30% - Ruhk
10% - Rust Bird

Recommended Level:

Enemies here can cause petrification, so stock up on some Gold Needles. You
can buy them at Canaan Item Shop.

If you encounter the rare Rust Bird enemy, you can steal a Phoenix Down from
it! This is the most reliable source of Phoenix Downs in the whole game.
Having said that, you don't need to sit around here and stock up. You'll find
plenty of Phoenix Downs throughout the game in treasure chests and stuff.

Follow the path up the mountain side. At the first fork, go down to grab a
[PHOENIX DOWN]. See! :p Then continue back up. Take your first right and
grab the chest containing an [AERO] spell. Continue along the path again to
find another treasure chest, but with a [GOLD NEEDLE] inside.

NOTE: Using a White Mage, now that you have the Aero spell, isn't such a bad
thing. All flying enemies are weak to wind-elemental attacks. If you
do have a White Mage, though, it's most likely for its healing spells
so you won't probably use Aero that much, anyway. At least Aero is a
Lv. 2 spell and won't consume MP for Cure or Cura, when you get it.

That was......short. Go up and watch the scene. OH NO! BAHAMUT!! He'll

pick you up and toss you into his nest. Dude, check out all those little
baby Bahamuts. So cute! :) Anyways, talk to that funny looking guy hiding

in the nest. Haha. Watch the scene and....Bahamut attacks!

OK, so you can't actually kill Bahamut right now. He is way too powerful,
giving you no choice but to flee. If you leveled up enough, I'm sure it is
possible you could kill him but that would be ridiculous and insane.

NOTE: Because we had to flee from Bahamut, he won't be recorded into the
bestiary. You actually have to kill him, and that won't happen until
much later in the game.

After you run away from Bahamut, you'll watch another scene and Desch will
jump off the mountain. Genius!

By the way, Desch gives you a [MINI] spell, which you will need, in order to
enter the next village, Tozus.

Section 09 |

| -Checklist-


{09} The Healing Copse, Tozus, & Tozus Tunnel


Bestiary Logs:
#005 Killer Bee .....(Lv 2, HP 18) W: Wind

#006 Werewolf .......(Lv 3, HP 24)

#007 Berserker ......(Lv 4, HP 28)
#021 Basilisk .......(Lv 9, HP 100)
#022 Bugbear ........(Lv 9, HP 110)
#023 Mandrake .......(Lv 9, HP 120) W: Fire
#024 Leprechaun .....(Lv 9, HP 142)
#025 Darkface .......(Lv 9, HP 168)

Fire Staff, Mythril Bracers, Phoenix Down (x2)

White Magic:
Cura, Mini

Black Magic:
----------------------Grasslands & Forest, near Healing Copse & Tozus:
25% - Werewolf
25% - Berserker
20% - Basilisk
20% - Mandrake
10% - Bugbear/Killer Bee
HP/MP, Revive, Status

Recommended Level:

Now you're back on the world map. Be careful! You have never been to this
part and new monsters lurk in the shadow. Eh, not really. Just walk south
a bit and you will enter a small foresty area.

| Healing Copse + Using the Mini Spell |

Bestiary Logs:

White Magic:
HP/MP, Revive, Status

Recommended Level:

In here there are 3 wellsprings that heal EVERYTHING! One restores HP/MP,
one revives all KO'd party members, and one cures all status ailments! Mmmm,
water is so cool. Also, if you talk to the tiny person here, he will give
you a [MINI] spell.

NOTE: This NPC only gives you a Mini spell if you don't have one in your
inventory. So you could technically get 4 Mini spells from him if you
wanted to, hehe. Including the one from Desch, that's five! ;)

NOTE: When you switch from a physical-based Job to a magic-based Job, your MP
will stay at zero. So whenever you do this throughout the rest of the
game, remember to restore your MP using an Inn or an HP/MP wellspring.

To enter Tozus, change one of your characters into a Job that can learn the
spell Mini. I chose a Red Mage since it can equip much better armor than
the White Mage.

Next, use the Healing Copse to replenish your MP. Now you must cast Mini on
ALL 4 party members, so they all shrink. Now you can enter Tozus.

Don't forget that you are Mini. If you have a physical-based attack team,
they will do crappy damage. You might want to turn them into mages. This way
you can defeat your opponents.

Refia (Thief) --------> (Thief) - or another mage

Luneth (Black Mage) ---> (Black Mage)
Arc (Monk) ---------> (Red Mage)
Ingus (Red Mage) -----> (Red Mage)

Here is my current team. I'm going to change Arc and Ingus into Red Mages
and a keep my Refia a Thief. Hey, I gotta have my stealing fix! :P Luneth
stays as a BM since he does fine. Also, put them all in the back row since
magic damage isn't affected by row.

If you don't want to have a Thief, then you can change it to a Black Mage or
another Red Mage. It's just my personal preference. (having a Thief will
make battles more difficult)

Now we are ready for our itty bitty adventure~! Tozus is located south of
Healing Copse, near the very bottom of the large forest.

| Tozus Village |

Bestiary Logs:

Fire Staff, Mythril Bracers

White Magic:

Black Magic:

Recommended Level:

Once in Tozus, go ahead and explore and talk to people. They'll tell you all
about the surrounding locale and other bits of info. We also have some new
shops to visit, too, and we really need to do some shopping for our tiny team.

==Item Shop 1=======Gil==
Potion ..............50
Eye Drops ...........40
Antidote ............80

Same as usual, stock up if you need to.

==Item Shop 2=======Gil==

Gnomish Bread ......200

Hmm... This is pretty much a waste of Gil. :p We found a couple of these

moldy breads in Cid's house, back at Canaan, and that's plenty, hehe. In the
future you will eventually want 99 for your perfect game, but for now, just
save your money. If it was a tastey deli sandwhich, however....

==Magic Shop========Gil==
Fire ...............100
Blizzard ...........100
Sleep ..............100
Thunder ............700
Poison .............700

Blind ..............700
Aero ...............700

Fire and Blizzard are your priority here. Since our party now consists of
mages, we need to buy them some spells so they aren't completely useless. Buy
both Fire and Blizzard spells for all your mages, but one. Your last mage
will get to use a Fire Staff very soon which casts Fire for free, when used
as an item during battle. Yay.

When ready, head to the northwest part of town and enter the house. This is
a doctor's house. First off, Zoom-In the camera with the L Button. Then
walk around the room to find 4 shiny spots. You'll receive a [FIRE STAFF],
some [MYTHRIL BRACERS], a [FIRA] spell, and a [CURA] spell.

NOTE: The Fire Staff is extremely helpful. When you select it in the item
menu, during battle, it will cast Fire at no MP cost. Lucky!

NOTE: Only the jobs that can equip the Fire Staff, can use its magic. Also,
you don't have to equip it to be able to use it.

NOTE: Set your Cursor to "Memorize" in the config menu. This way you don't
have to scroll though your items everytime to cast magic with weapons.

When you talk to the doctor he'll ask for an antidote. Give him one and he'll
open the secret passage. Make sure you stay at the Inn if your MP reserve is
almost out. You'll want full MP before going down here.

| Tozus Tunnel |

Bestiary Logs:
#024 Leprechaun .....(Lv 9, HP 142)
#025 Darkface .......(Lv 9, HP 168)

Phoenix Down (x2)
----------------------Tozus Tunnel, path 1 & 2:
75% - Dark Face
25% - Leprechaun

Recommended Level:

When healed, go back to the doctor's house and enter the secret path. Along
the way you will see two very obvious treasure chests. Open them for two

Continue down the stairs and follow the tunnels until you reach the world map

on the other side. Don't remove Mini just yet. You will need it up ahead, and
also, don't switch your Jobs back to normal either. Trust me! ;)

Enter the nearby cave.

Section 10 |

| -Checklist-


{10} Vikings' Cove



Bestiary Logs:
#005 Killer Bee ......(Lv 2, HP 18) W: Wind
#006 Werewolf ........(Lv 3, HP 24)
#007 Berserker .......(Lv 4, HP 28)
#021 Basilisk ........(Lv 9, HP 100)
#022 Bugbear .........(Lv 9, HP 110)
#023 Mandrake ........(Lv 9, HP 120) W: Fire
#198 Nepto Dragon ....(Lv ?, HP ?)

3000 Gil, Spark Dagger, Viking Axe

Black Magic:

Blizzara, Fira, Thundara

----------------------Grasslands near Nepto Temple & Vikings' Cove:
25% - Werewolf
25% - Berserker
20% - Basilisk
20% - Mandrake
10% - Bugbear/Killer Bee

Forests near Vikings' Cove:

25% - Berserker
25% - Basilisk
25% - Mandrake
25% - Bugbear

Recommended Level:

Inside the cave, follow the path. You'll eventually run into some strangelooking creatures. Vikings!

When you see the group of Vikings sitting at the table, head south. There is
a secret passage leading to a [SPARK DAGGER]. This is a very good weapon at
this point of the game and it deals lightning-elemental damage.

Head back up. The door on the right leads to some shops and an Inn. Go ahead
and buy some stuff if you want. Again, make sure you stay at the Inn. You'll
want full MP for the next dungeon.

==Item Shop================
Potion ..............50 gil
Eye Drops ...........40 gil
Antidote ............80 gil
Gold Needle ........100 gil
Maiden's Kiss ......100 gil

One new item here, the Maiden's Kiss, but you don't need them, yet. Buy some
Antidotes and plenty of Potions, though. You'll really need them for the next
boss fight that is coming up. You might think to use Poisona, but you need
to save your MP as much as possible.

==Magic Shop===============
Fire ...............100 gil
Blizzard ...........100 gil
Sleep ..............100 gil
Thunder ............700 gil
Poison .............700 gil
Blind ..............700 gil
Mini ..............1000 gil

You can buy the Mini spell now, but you should have plenty already. All the
other spells are the same as the shop in Tozus.


Next, head up the stairs to the left of the Inn.

Here you can go left or right. Go left first to what seems like just another
dead end. But wait! There is a secret passage here too! Follow the path
to find some stairs. Down in this room, you will find a nice wellspring that
revives any KO'd allies, a [VIKING AXE], and [3,000 Gil].

Head back. You'll see a moogle along the way. Send some letters to any of
the available FFIII Denizens, if you want to.

Just below the moogle is another VERY well-hidden passage. I mean, you can't
see any sign of it! You'll find 3 treasure chests with a [BLIZZARA] spell,
[FIRA] spell, and a [THUNDARA] spell. Oh yeah! :)

NOTE: Having a character Lv. 10 Black Mage will give you 1 MP to cast these
amazing Lv.3 spells. This is a great strategy for the next boss if you
divide these up between three Black Mages. Likewise, Red Mages that
are character Lv. 11 will also have 1 MP to cast Lv.3 spells.

Continue along. You'll see a cannon around here. It's fun to shoot it for
about 10 shots, but that's all it does, unfortunately. :P Go down and meet
the Viking Leader. He will offer you his ship, the Enterprise, if you help
them out. It's a DEAL! Head up and take the stairs outside.


No matter what you do, DON'T get on that ship!! You'll fight the ultrapowerful Nepto Dragon that deals 10000+ damage each round! So yeah, avoid him
at all costs. He is basically programmed to be stronger than you no matter
what, so even if you were high level you'd still die. Hmph!

Also, if you're worried about missing his Bestiary entry, have no fear, the
Nepto Dragon is automatically logged into your records. (except without stats
since his power is off the charts) :p

Walk along the cape until you reach Nepto Temple.

Section 11 |

| -Checklist-


{11} Nepto Temple



Bestiary Logs:
#026 Petit ............(Lv 9, HP 103)
#027 Poison Bat .......(Lv 9, HP 98) W: Wind

#028 Lilliputian ......(Lv 10, HP 118)

#029 Wererat ..........(Lv 10, HP 130)
#030 Blood Worm .......(Lv 11, HP 165)
#199 Giant Rat ........(Lv 11, HP 900)

Key Items:
Fang of Water, Nepto Eye

Serpent Sword, Shell Armor, Shell Helm

Miscellaneous Items:
Silence Seal ..........(rare Giant Rat drop)
----------------------Temple, level 1:
50% - Lilliputian
50% - Petit

Temple, level 2:


50% - Poison Bat

50% - Blood Worm

Temple, level 3:
40% - Petit
30% - Blood Worm
30% - Wererat

50% - Poison Bat

50% - Blood Worm

Recommended Level:

After entering, walk up to the Dragon Statue and talk to it. Watch the scene
about the missing eye, and then enter the dragon's mouth. Now you see why you
stayed Mini'd this whole time? :) After this dungeon you can return to your
normal self, hehe.

NOTE: If your entire party isn't Mini'd, then you cannot enter the dragon
statue's mouth. If you don't have MP, head back to Vikings' Cove and
rest at the comfort Inn.

Temple, level 1:
This is the smallest dungeon in the whole game! :p Follow the path until you
reach a room with two holes in it. Go in the left hole first.

Temple, level 2A:

Down here you will find two chests with [SHELL ARMOR] and [SHELL HELM]. These
have pretty good magic defense, so equip them on a character before the boss
coming up. Now go back up to level 1 and go down the hole on the right side.

Temple, level 2:
At the end of this path you will find a treasure chest with a [SERPENT SWORD]
and another hole. Drop down this hole.

Temple, level 3:
This last area is pretty simple, as well. There are no hidden treasures so
just walk along the path. At the end of it all you'll find... a giant purple

Isn't this technically a normal-sized rat? We're just...


Giant Rat

{boss-03} |

|Level: 11


| Potion............8.2% | 1. Potion





|---------------------------| Bomb Fragment.....8.2% | 2. Bomb Fragment



| Antarctic Wind....8.2% | 3. Antarctic Wind


| Zeus's Wrath......8.1% | 4. Zeus's Wrath

|---------------------------| Silence Seal......8.1% |


| Tranquilizer......8.1% |



| Angel's Sigh......8.0% |



|Weakness: None.

|Attacks: Fang

- Physical attack; Single target; Inflicts poison

Thunder - Magic attack; Lightning-elemental; Single/Multi target |


Blizzard - Magic attack; Ice-elemental; Single/Multi target

- Magic attack; Fire-elemental; Single/Multi target


|Strategy: Giant Rat gets to attack 2 times per round. Its physical attack |
|isn't that much of a threat since you're in the back row, but sometimes it'll|

|inflict poison on you. Good thing we bought some antidotes! Just hope that |
|Giant Rat uses its physical attacks and not its magic attacks. Ha ha...

|Speaking of magic attacks, this boss has 3 of them. They are all pretty much |
|the same, though. Each magic attack will do 100+ damage to a single target, |
|and about 20-50 damage when multi-target. Heal immediately after it uses any|
|of them. Two potions for single target spells or Cure for multi-targets.

|Have your two weakest characters focus on healing while the other two use the|
|strongest magic available to them. If you have a character Lv. 10 Black Mage|
|or a character Lv. 11 Red Mage, you'll have 1 MP to cast Lv. 3 spells. Fira,|
|Blizzara, and Thundara will deal around 250+ damage to Giant rat. Using this|
|tactic, you could deal a lot of damage very quickly.

|If you don't have any MP for Lv.3 spells, just stick to your next strongest |
|spell, Thunder. It deals 100+ damage. Poison does not work against this boss.|

|Also, if you have extra Antarctic Winds they will deal 200+ damage giving you|
|even more of an advantage. And if you are really lucky Desch will jump in and|
|use his Thundara spell which deals about 150+ damage to Giant Rat.

|My Level: Refia (10), Luneth (10), Arc (10), Ingus (10)


After you slay this purple beast, you'll receive the [NEPTO EYE]. Back-track
to the entrance and stick the eye into its rightful place. Watch the scene and
the Nepto Dragon will give you the [FANG OF WATER]. At least we didn't have
to fight him for it, right? o_o;

Next, walk back to Vikings' Cove. Talk to the leader and, as promised, the
Enterprise is now yours to command. :) Let's go travel the open sea!

Section 12 |

| -Checklist-


{12} Adventures on the Sea



Bestiary Logs:
#031 Killer Fish ......(Lv 13, HP 135) W: Lightning
#032 Hermit ...........(Lv 13, HP 173) W: Lightning
#033 Sea Elemental ....(Lv 12, HP 155) W: Lightning
#034 Tangie ...........(Lv 13, HP 225) W: Lightning
#035 Sahagin ..........(Lv 13, HP 190) W: Lightning
#036 Parademon ........(Lv 16, HP 245) W: Fire
#037 Griffon ..........(Lv 6, HP 230) W: Wind
#038 Lynx .............(Lv 16, HP 265)
#039 Hornet ...........(Lv 15, HP 260) W: Wind
#040 Knocker ..........(Lv 13, HP 131)
#041 Flyer ............(Lv 12, HP 139) W: Wind
#042 Lizard Man .......(Lv 13, HP 155) W: Lightning
#043 Gorgon ...........(Lv 13, HP 145)

#044 Red Cap ..........(Lv 18, HP 252)

#045 Barometz .........(Lv 18, HP 264) W: Fire
#046 Slime ............(Lv 17, HP 240) W: Fire
#047 Tarantula ........(Lv 18, HP 240) W: Fire
#048 Cuphgel ..........(Lv 18, HP 240)

100 Gil (x2), 1000 Gil (x6), 1500 Gil, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind,
Bacchus's Cider, Bomb Fragment, Book of Ice, Book of Fire, Book of Light,
Fire Arrow (x20), Great Bow, Ice Arrow (x20), Ice Staff, Kenpo Gi,
Killer Bow, Lamia Scale, Light Arrow (x20), Medusa Arrow (x20),
Scholar Robe, Serpent Sword (x2), Sonic Knuckles

Miscellaneous Items:
Angel's Sigh ........(rare Tangie/Griffon/Knocker/Red Cap/Slime drop)
Shell Breaker .......(rare Knocker/Red Cap drop)
Silence Seal ........(rare Griffon/Slime/Tangie drop)
Medusa Arrow ........(rare Parademon drop)
Yoichi Arrow ........(rare Parademon drop)
Gnomish Bread .......(chocobo mini-game, Village of the Ancients)
----------------------Inner Sea:
25% - Killer Fish
25% - Hermit
25% - Sea Elemental
20% - Tangie
5% - Sahagin (easiest to find in water near Canaan)

Grasslands/Forest/Desert near Tokkul, Village of the Ancients, Castle Argus:

25% - Knocker
25% - Flyer
20% - Lizardman
20% - Gorgon
10% - Griffon (easiest to find in forest near Village of the Ancients)

Grasslands along the south edge of continent:

40% - Lynx
40% - Hornet
20% - Parademon

Grasslands near southeast corner of continent:

35% - Red Cap
35% - Barometz
20% - Slime
10% - Tarantula

Forest near southeast corner of continent:

35% - Barometz
35% - Tarantula
20% - Red Cap
10% - Cuphgel
HP/MP, Revive

Recommended Level:

There is a TON of treasure to find in this section, but first, I want to talk
to you about the game's three rarest items.

They are the Shell Breaker, Shining Curtain, and Silence Seal. These items
can be found ONLY as monster loot at the end of battle. You may have noticed
that a couple bosses from earlier in the game had a rare chance to drop a
Silence Seal, but that was pretty unreliable. Now random encounters can drop
it, as well as the Shell Breaker! Shining Curtains will be dropped later in
the game. The drop rates are pretty low, but that's what makes it fun! :)

NOTE: You can try to get these items at any point during the game, so don't
feel like you -have to- get them now.


All sea enemies here are missable. You have a long way to go, though, before
you can't fight them anymore, but just to be safe, find them all now.

Let's continue. :) Now that you have the Enterprise, you can go explore the
world. Well, for the most part. We will start by going to Tokkul which is
located to the southwest of the Nepto Temple. They are practically touching!

Close enough, I guess. It's right on the shoreline so you can't miss it.

| {13} Tokkul |


Bestiary Logs:

Bacchus's Cider, Great Bow, Ice Staff, Kenpo Gi, Lamia Scale,
Serpent Sword, Sonic Knuckles

Recommended Level:

In Tokkul, things seem amiss. Most residents live in fear and don't really
trust you. But we are nice people! :(

Go to the northwest part of town. You can find a [LAMIA SCALE] at the base of
the single tree. Now go south of the tree. You can find a [GREAT BOW] in the
crate to the left of the old house. Then go one more house down, not the one
with the blue roof, and you can find a [BACCHUS'S CIDER]. Now that I look at
them, the houses look alike!

NOTE: I sure hope that your party isn't still Mini'd. Hehe! mine.

At the east side of town, along the trees, you can find an [ICE STAFF]. Use
the Zoom-In feature if you can't find it right away. In the house at the

north part of town you can find some [SONIC KNUCKLES], a [KENPO GI], and a
[SERPENT SWORD] in the basement.

Leave Tokkul.

When you get to the world map, head south, following the shoreline. It will
shortly start taking you west.

| {14} Village of the Ancients & Chocobo Woods |

Bestiary Logs:

Serpent Sword

Miscellaneous Items:
Gnomish Bread (chocobo mini-game)

Recommended Level:

After leaving Tokkul and following the shoreline west, you'll eventually see
a huge forest with a circle of grass in the middle. The small forest here is
the Chocobo's Woods!

Chocobo Woods

Go inside and catch one. They're so cute! ^_^ While riding a chocobo, there
will be no random encounters. This makes traveling soooo much faster. If
you dismount the chocobo, though, it runs back to its home so be careful that
you're not 1000 miles away from the nearest locale. :p

From Chocobo's Woods, head west. There is a lonely town on, what looks like,
the EDGE of the world!! That's just awesome.

Village of the Ancients

There is only one hidden treasure here. Go ahead, find it! You at least know
it's there, right? By the way, it's another [SERPENT SWORD]. OK, if you wanna
know where it is now, look below. :p

Chocobo Ride:
There is also a little mini-quest you can do in this town. From the entrance,

head up all the stairs, going to the center of town. Did you see that little
kid with BRIGHT orange hair? Talk to him. You know what to do! Hehe. Let's
go for a ride on a shiny yellow Chocobo!

When you get back, he'll give you......Gnomish Bread? Yeah, thanks, I guess.
You can do this as much as you like, if you really want. I did it 10 times to
see if something might happen, but nothing! Oh well.

Serpent Sword:
Did you find it yet? Hehe. :P Go to the well on the right side of the Inn. See
that little white flower up north? There it is, hiding away! :)

There isn't much else to do here but go shopping. And wow is there a lot of
new items for sale. But guess what! We aren't gonna buy most if it, hehe.

==Item Shop=========Gil==
Potion ..............50
Hi-Potion ..........600
Gold Needle ........100
Maiden's Kiss ......100
Echo Herbs .........100
Mallet .............100
Eye Drops ...........40
Antidote ............80

You honestly don't need Hi-Potions right now. At 600 gil a piece, we can't

afford them, yet. Besides, we have better things to buy! Get at least 4 of
the Maiden's Kiss since we will run into some toads, very soon. Also, buy a
few of the Echo Herbs and Gold Needles. Enemies in the next dungeon can use
Silence and the Boss can Silence/Petrify you.

==Magic Shop========Gil==
Sight ..............100
Fira ..............1500
Blizzara ..........1500
Thundara ..........1500
Cura ..............1500
Teleport ..........1500
Blindna ...........1500

Go ahead and buy Sight. It's pretty worthless, but it's cheap. :p Out of all
the other spells, Teleport is the only one you should buy right now. Blindna
isn't worth it. Make it your last purchase if you must get it.

==Weapon Shop=======Gil==Atk==Hit%==Effect==
Serpent Sword .....1500 25 80 Lightning-elemental
Fire Staff ........3500 20 50 +2 Int, +2 Mnd, Cast Fire
Ice Staff .........3500 20 50 +2 Int, +2 Mnd, Cast Blizzard
Light Staff .......3500 20 50 +2 Int, +2 Mnd, Cast Thunder
Killer Bow ........4000 26 65 Effective against flying enemies
Fire Arrow .........150 17 75 Fire-elemental
Ice Arrow ..........150 17 75 Ice-elemental
Light Arrow ........150 17 75 Lightning-elemental

The only thing to get here is 1 Light Staff. It will be very helpful since

it casts Thunder for free. Thunder is the best, you know. :P Everything else
can be found for free in the next section. You'll even find 20 of each kind
of arrow! Rejoice archers! (even though you can't use them)

==Armor Shop========Gil==PDef=MDef==Effect==
Shell Armor .......1250 18 9 Flame Mail ........2400 21 11 +50% Resistance to Ice
Headband ..........1200 8 3 +1 Str, +1 Agi
Kenpo Gi ..........2000 20 8 +1 Agi, +1 Vit
Mage Robe .........2000 13 22 +1 Int, +1 Mnd

The Flame Mail is your first encounter with elemental resistance. It reduces
all Ice-elemental damage by 50%! Very cool! We will get a free Flame Mail
soon, so don't buy one. Buy a single Mage Robe and that's it. We need 2 of
them, for its HIGH magic defense, but we'll get a free one soon. Also, the
Headband can only be found here. If you have a Monk, it is a nice upgrade.

If you're done in this town, go back to Chocobo Woods and catch-a-ride back to
your ship. Or if you haven't yet, take your bird friend around the continent
and claim your free moldy bread! Hehe. When you are back on your ship, head
west from Tokkul. The coastline will curve and start to go north. Keep going
until you see a castle. Enter.

| {15} Castle Argus |


Bestiary Logs:

100 Gil (x2), 1000 Gil (x6), 1500 Gil, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind,
Bomb Fragment, Book of Ice, Book of Fire, Book of Light, Fire Arrow (x20),
Ice Arrow (x20), Killer Bow, Light Arrow (x20), Medusa Arrow (x20),
Scholar Robe
HP/MP, Revive

Recommended Level:

This place is mysterious and empty. In the second room of the castle, there
are 4 lit candles on the wall and a table in the left corner. Talk to the far
right candle to open a hidden passage.

In this passage there are some stairs and 3 treasure chests! Walk through
the wall to get these. They contain a total of [3000 Gil]. Now head up those
stairs. This next area is LOADED with treasure, too. You'll get [4700 Gil]
this time. Mmm, money.

Go up the next stairs and you'll be on top of the castle. Go left first and
follow the path until you reach a door. It's locked! But guess what, you can

pick the lock. To do this, you need to have a Thief in your party. Ooh, my
Refia's favorite Job! :P

NOTE: To open locked doors with Thief, it has to be at the top of your party.

In this room, talk to the dresser to open up the treasure room. You'll find
a [x20 Light Arrow], [Killer Bow], and [x20 Medusa Arrow].

NOTE: Don't forget that arrows come in bundles of 20.

Head back outside and take a right. Another locked door and ANOTHER treasure
room! I love this castle! You'll receive a [BOOK OF LIGHT], [BOOK OF FIRE],
[x20 ICE ARROW], [SCHOLAR ROBE], [BOOK OF ICE], and [x20 FIRE ARROW]. Now go
back to the main part of the castle. When you get back to the room with the
four lit candles, go up the stairs.

First, take notice of the stairs you came up. There are stairs just like this
to the right of the round table. You can't see them because they are covered
by a roof! In this area, there are 2 treasures with a [BOMB FRAGMENT] and
[ANTARCTIC WIND]. There is also a secret passage to the right. Enter it by
passing between the two chests. You'll find an [ARCTIC WIND].

NOTE: Arctic Wind casts Blizzaga! :D SAVE THIS because it will be extremely
useful later on during a very tough boss fight.

If you need it, there are a couple wellsprings outside. Just head south of the
round table and you'll be in a courtyard with an HP/MP and REVIVE wellspring.

Woohoo! :)

| {16} Living Woods |

Bestiary Logs:

Recommended Level:

This place is located to the Southwest of Castle Argus. It's a round patch of
forest surrounded by some mountains. There isn't much to do here, except talk
to some fairies, but I thought you might want to know anyways. ;) All of the
fairies here will tell you some interesting info.

After a certain point in the game you won't be able to come back here, so you
might consider that, and take this chance to meet the fairies or to just see
the sights, etc.


Section 17 |

| -Checklist-


{17} Gulgan Gulch & the Tower of Owen


Bestiary Logs:
#037 Griffon ..........(Lv 6, HP 230) W: Wind
#040 Knocker ..........(Lv 13, HP 131)
#041 Flyer ............(Lv 12, HP 139) W: Wind
#042 Lizard Man .......(Lv 13, HP 155) W: Lightning
#043 Gorgon ...........(Lv 13, HP 145)
#049 Pugman ...........(Lv 14, HP 171)
#050 Far Darrig .......(Lv 14, HP 177)
#051 Blood Bat ........(Lv 14, HP 208) W: Wind
#052 Petit Mage .......(Lv 13, HP 196)
#053 Fury .............(Lv 16, HP 216) W: Wind
#054 Aughisky .........(Lv 15, HP 235)
#200 Medusa ...........(Lv 17, HP 3000)

Bomb Fragment, Echo Herbs (x3), Fire Staff, Flame Mail, Ice Staff,
Mage Robe, Salamand Sword, Sonic Knuckles, Spark Dagger, Zeus's Wrath

Miscellaneous Items:
Angel's Sigh ........(rare Griffon/Knocker drop)
Shell Breaker .......(rare Knocker drop)
Silence Seal ........(rare Griffon drop)

White Magic:
----------------------Grasslands & Forest, near Gulgan Gulch & Tower of Owen:
25% - Knocker
25% - Flyer
20% - Lizardman
20% - Gorgon
10% - Griffon

Recommended Level:

First you will need to go to Gulgan Gulch. From Castle Argus (which is found
to the northwest of Nepto Temple across the sea), head northwest and you will
bump into some mountains. Venture into the mountains and you'll find Chocobo
Woods on the north path and Gulgan Gulch on the south path.

| Gulgan Gulch |

Bestiary Logs:


Fire Staff, Ice Staff, Mage Robe

White Magic:

Recommended Level:

This place is awesome! I love the waterfalls. On the 2nd floor talk to the
guy in the middle of the group. You learn about Desch's destiny and receive
a [TOAD] spell. Then across the "secret" bridge, you'll find a [FIRE STAFF],

Now head outside and go northeast to the Tower of Owen. You can walk there if
you want, or you can get your ship, it's up to you. Oh, and yes, we are done
treasure hunting. There was a lot to do, but wasn't it worth it?

Ok, to the Tower of Owen!

| Tower of Owen |


Bestiary Logs:
#049 Pugman ...........(Lv 14, HP 171)
#050 Far Darrig .......(Lv 14, HP 177)
#051 Blood Bat ........(Lv 14, HP 208) W: Wind
#052 Petit Mage .......(Lv 13, HP 196)
#053 Fury .............(Lv 16, HP 216) W: Wind
#054 Aughisky .........(Lv 15, HP 235)
#200 Medusa ...........(Lv 17, HP 3000)

Bomb Fragment, Echo Herbs (x3), Flame Mail, Salamand Sword, Sonic Knuckles,
Spark Dagger, Zeus's Wrath
----------------------Tower, floor 1: (with toads)
45% - Pugman
45% - Petit Mage
10% - Fury

Tower, floor 2 to floor 4:

35% - Pugman
35% - Petit Mage
30% - Far Darrig

Tower, floor 5 to floor 10:

25% - Far Darrig
25% - Blood Bat
25% - Petit Mage

25% - Aughisky

Recommended Level:

Before entering the Tower of Owen, make sure you have at least 2 MP for two
uses of Toad. It's a Lv. 2 spell. If you don't have 2 MP then head to Castle
Argus or another location to rest or use a wellspring. OR if you have four
Maiden's Kiss, then 1 MP will work, and then you can just use the items to
remove the Toad status.

NOTE: When you switch from a physical-based Job to a magic-based your MP will
stay at zero. Wait didn't I say this already? Hmmm... Anyway, if you
want to restore your MP, head to the nearest Inn or Wellspring.

NOTE: Enemies here can inflict Silence status on your party. Even if your
mages are silenced, they can still cast magic with magic weapons like
the Light Staff or Fire Staff. So don't waste your Echo Herbs and
instead remove Silence right before the boss fight. The boss inflicts
silence, too.

NOTE: Set your Cursor to "Memorize" in the config menu. This way you don't
have to scroll though your items everytime to cast magic with weapons.

Tower, floor 1: (with toads)

Walk down the path through the toad-filled waters. At the first turn, it will
take you left. Next, take your first up and then follow the path leading
right, to a dead end. You'll watch a scene here. Do what Luneth says and turn
everyone into slimey toads. Poor Refia! :(

NOTE: Use 1 MP to turn everyone into Toads, then when you are on Floor 2, use
Toad again to return everyone to human form. You only need 2 MP total
but if you don't have enough, you can always use Maiden's Kiss item to
remove Toad status. You bought some in Village of the Ancients, I hope?

Tower, floor 2:
In this next area, follow the path. You'll see a short scene along the way
and then head up the stairs when you get to them.

Tower, floor 3:
Head across the walkway and grab a [ECHO HERBS] in the treasure chest to the
right. Continue along and head up another set of stairs.

Tower, floor 4:
You won't find anything shiny on this floor, so just follow the path around
to locate some more stairs.

Tower, floor 5:
Walk left, then across the walkways and grab that chest to the right for a

second [SPARK DAGGER]. Yay thieves! Continue up to the next floor.

Tower, floor 6:
Head all the way to the left to trigger another scene. This time he will tell
you something useful! Now go to the "door" looking space on the wall. It's
not actually a door, but a switch! It will open a path for you. Down here
you will find some stairs, and further to the left is a treasure chest with
an [ECHO HERBS]. Now go up.

Tower, floor 7:
This is another very simple path. It wraps around to the next flight of
stairs and that's all. No treasure or anything fun.

Tower, floor 8:
On this level, go right first to find two chests with [BOMB FRAGMENT] and
[ECHO HERBS]. Then go back and to the left and then up and right to find the
next staircase. Hehe. My instructions are terrible. >_<

Tower, floor 9:
Follow the walkways to the left, then up, and then take a right to find a
[SONIC KNUCKLES]. Now head all the way to the left, then down to find MORE
ugly stairs. Geez! There are way too many!

Tower, floor 10:


Guess what? This is the final floor. Yahoo! Go left, down, then right to
pick up the super flamin' [SALAMAND SWORD]. Then head all the way left again,
then go up to find another chest with a [FLAME MAIL]. Ok, now go down, then
right. Pick up the [ZEUS'S WRATH] next to the stairs, and go up!

Tower, floor 11: Preparing for the Boss:

This boss fight can be especially hard. All bosses before this one seem like
jello treats in comparison. These are the jobs/equipment I recommend:

White Mage

Black Mage


Ice Staff


Fire Staff

Mage Robe







2 Shields

Mage Robe

Red Mage

2 Shields

Scholar Robe Flame Mail


Blizzara or Fira

Don't equip the Light Staff on anyone since we will use it to cast Thunder
with the damage dealers. Earlier we got 2 Mage Robes, so give them to the
White and Black Mage and give the Scholar Robe to the Freelancer. Wait, why
Freelancer?!? The Scholar Robe is the best armor we have for defense and
magic defense, and Freelancer is the only job able to use it right now.

Hih hih hih.



{boss-04} |

|Level: 17





| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion



| 3. Hi-Potion





|Weakness: None.

| 4. Hi-Potion


|Attacks: Strike - Physical attack; Single target; Inflicts silence

Fira - Magic Attack; Fire-elemental; Single/Multi target

Blizzara - Magic Attack; Ice-elemental; Single/Multi target

Thundara - Magic Attack; Lightning-elemental; Single/Multi target |

Stare - Status Attack; Single target; Inflicts petrify

|Strategy: This is a tough fight if you aren't properly equipped. At low level|
|you'll want to use armor with high magic defense. Fortunately for us, we have|
|a few armors with excellent magic defense!

|Use the suggested party and equipment above and this fight will be a lot more|
|managable than if you had used your normal party. Without this setup you'll |
|have a pretty tough time defeating Medusa, unless you power-leveled, hehe. :p|

|Medusa gets to attack 2 times per round. All of her magic is very strong and|
|can cripple the whole party without much effort. When casting on a single |
|target, any of her spells will do about 200 damage, or less depending on who |
|got hit. (better armor) When multi-targeting, her spells will deal anywhere|
|from 60-100 damage. Since we're in the back row, her physical attack isn't a|
|threat except that it can silence you. Stare rarely hits, so it's great when|

|she uses it. Immediately heal anyone that is silenced or petrified.


|Start round one by attacking with everyone. Use the weapons to cast magic so|
|you don't waste MP for Cure. The Freelancer can use the Salamand Sword to |
|cast Fire for free. Black Mage use Thundara and Red Mage use either Blizzara|
|or Fira. Thundara is the strongest and deals about 350-400+ damage. When all|
|your Lv.3 MP is gone, use the Light Staff or Thunder.

|Do NOT use any Antarctic Winds or the Arctic Wind you found in Castle Argus! |

|Attack with everyone but the White Mage. Every round, no matter what, always|
|cast a multi-target Cure. The White Mage has a lot of MP for Lv. 1 spells so|
|that's why we are using one. If someone gets hit by a single target spell, |
|then have a second character help the White Mage heal them. You should have |
|three party members with Cure so always be ready to heal with them. Save the|
|Cura spell for when you need mass-healing to save yourself.

|This will be a long fight since you'll do 350+ damage per round, at most. If|
|you are lucky, Desch will use Thundara for an extra 150+ damage. Just slowly|
|take down Medusa's HP and after a while you'll win.

|My Level: Refia (14), Luneth (14), Arc (14), Ingus (14)


After you beat Medusa you'll watch a scene of great importance. So focus and
pay attention! Hehe. Afterwards, you'll be thrown to your ship and are once
again free to explore the world. With that whirlpool gone you have access to
brand new places. It'd be a good idea to save before sailing away. :)

Aieee! (that was totally Refia)

Section 18 |

| -Checklist-


{18} Gysahl



Bestiary Logs:
#044 Red Cap ..........(Lv 18, HP 252)
#045 Barometz .........(Lv 18, HP 264) W: Fire
#047 Tarantula ........(Lv 18, HP 240) W: Fire
#048 Cuphgel ..........(Lv 18, HP 240)
#071 Anet .............(Lv 14, HP 268) W: Lightning
#072 Mermaid ..........(Lv 15, HP 364) W: Lightning
#073 Seahorse .........(Lv 14, HP 278) W: Lightning
#074 Sea Serpent ......(Lv 17, HP 530) W: Lightning

Gysahl Greens (x3), Magic Key (x2), Shuriken

Miscellaneous Items:
Angel's Sigh ........(rare Red Cap drop)

Shell Breaker .......(rare Red Cap drop)

----------------------Outer Sea:
35% - Mermaid
35% - Anet
25% - Seahorse
5% - Sea Serpent (easiest to find in water near Village of the Ancients)

Grasslands near Gysahl:

30% - Red Cap
30% - Cuphgel
20% - Barometz
20% - Tarantula

Recommended Level:

As mentioned in the scenes by Desch, our next stop is the Dwarven Isle. But
before we go there, let's visit a town far far away.

NOTE: Don't forget to change your party back to your normal. (if you used my
strategy to defest Medusa)

Go past where the whirlpool used to be and sail east. At the end of this long
stretch of sea, you'll find a small village called Gysahl. It's a really

small town, but it has a few great things for us. When you get there, save
if you want, and enter the town.


All sea enemies here are missable. You have a long way to go, though, before
you can't fight them anymore, but just to be safe, find them all now.

Gysahl, the Village of Sheep

In the southeast corner of Gysahl village you can find 3 hidden items by the
water. One [GYSAHL GREENS], and two [MAGIC KEY]. They can be spotted easier
if you Zoom-In the camera to see the shining spots.

NOTE: Talk to the girl near the magic shop for a funny scene. :P

Next, head over to the chocobo stable. It is the building to the left of the
garden in the middle of town. You can find two more [GYSAHL GREENS] in the
pots toward the back. Also, there is a secret tunnel leading to the inside
of the chocobo's fence. Fun! Oh yeah, and you might be coming back to this
chocobo stable if you are doing a perfect game. ;) Ooo, foreshadowing.

In the building to the north of the chocobo stable, you can buy Magic Keys
for the first time! They can open any locked door, but if you have a Thief
as your party leader, they are useless. If you don't use a Thief, then buy

a few for later.

NOTE: You can go back to Argus Castle and open the locked doors there, if you
didn't already.

There is also a secret passage leading to the area behind the counter. You
can open a treasure chest which holds a [SHURIKEN] inside! This weapon is
extremely powerful, but it can only be used by Ninjas which we get near the
end of the game.

NOTE: Shurikens sell for 32,750 gil. We will need to sell it in the future
to help us buy some expensive equipment, but for now, SAVE it!

Gysahl Inn + the In-Game Bestiary

Next, head to the Inn. In this first room you'll find a few people, including
the third dancing girl! And as usual, she is cute. To the right side of
room, you'll find a secret passage in the wall. You can find a man in here
who will tell you many records of your adventure and give you access to the
in-game Bestiary. How awesome is that?!

Just for fun, here are my achievements up to this point:

-------------------------Clear Time:


Chests Opened: 28%

Enemies Defeated: 193

Battles Fled:


Max Damage:
Max Hits:


-------------------------And here is my current party/levels/HP:

Refia (Lv. 15), Thief

(JobLv. 13), HP 286

Luneth (Lv. 15), Black Mage (JobLv. 16), HP 279

Arc (Lv. 15), Monk

(JobLv. 10), HP 290

Ingus (Lv. 15), Red Mage (JobLv. 10), HP 278


The only time I flee from battle is when I'm back-attacked. :p Those are
usually longer battles, so I just use my Thief to flee. Hey, I want to fight
only easy battles... leave me alone. Sniff.

If you have less than 28% chests opened, then you can always go back to find
the ones you missed. There haven't been any missable chests so far, so no
need to worry about that.

Last on our to-do list in Gysahl, is go shopping! Not really.

Magic Key ..........100 gil

==Item Shop================

Gysahl Greens ......150 gil

These are used to call out Fat Chocobo in any chocobo woods. He will let you
store items in his belly for free, which is gross. The girl at the Inn says
it perfectly! :)

==Magic Shop===============
Toad ..............1000 gil
Mini ..............1000 gil
Break .............3000 gil
Shade .............3000 gil
Libra .............3000 gil
Confuse ...........3000 gil
Silence ...........3000 gil

Libra is the only thing here worth while. Status inflicting spells rarely
work unless you are really high Job level with high Intellect. I recommend
skipping them, for now, to save money. You might even consider skipping the
Libra spell since you probably won't use it that much, if at all. You can
always come back later when you are rich. :p

Next, leave town and sail your ship ALL the way back to the area around the
Tower of Owen. From here, sail even further to the west and you'll find an
island with two caves and a lonely Chocobo Woods.

The cave to the north is blocked right now, so enter the south cave.

Section 19 |

| -Checklist-


{19} The Dwarven Hollows



Bestiary Logs:
#040 Knocker ..........(Lv 13, HP 131)
#041 Flyer ............(Lv 12, HP 139) W: Wind
#042 Lizard Man .......(Lv 13, HP 155) W: Lightning
#043 Gorgon ...........(Lv 13, HP 145)

You get the Dwarven Treasury later, in section 21. Ctrl+F. {DT}

Miscellaneous Items:
Angel's Sigh ........(rare Knocker drop)
Shell Breaker .......(rare Knocker drop)
----------------------Grasslands & Forest on Dwarven Isle:
25% - Knocker
25% - Flyer
25% - Lizardman

25% - Gorgon

Recommended Level:

In case you forgot or something, the Dwarven Hollows is located northwest of

the Tower of Owen. It's the southern cave on the Dwarven Isle.

Walk through the first room and down the stairs. This next area is the main
hall of the Dwarven Hollows. You can find shops at the north end, the locked
treasury at the south end, and the Subterranean Lake at the far west end.

==Item Shop=========Gil==
Potion ..............50
Hi-Potion ..........600
Gold Needle ........100
Maiden's Kiss ......100
Echo Herbs .........100
Mallet .............100
Eye Drops ...........40
Antidote ............80

In the next dungeon some enemies can petrify you, so keep a small supply of

Gold Needles. Also buy enough Mallets to have at least 10+ of them in your
inventory. The next boss loves to cast Mini on you and it's possible for him
to cast it on your entire party. Don't buy any Hi-Potions yet. We still don't
need them and they are really expensive.

==Weapon Shop=======Gil==Atk==Hit%==Effect==
Tyrfing ...........2000 28 75 Fire Staff ........3500 20 50 +2 Int, +2 Mnd, Cast Fire
Ice Staff .........3500 20 50 +2 Int, +2 Mnd, Cast Blizzard
Diamond Bell ......4500 42 100 Iron Arrow ...........8 12 75 Holy Arrow ..........10 8 75 Light-elemental

This is the only place to get a Tyrfing. We do get a free Diamond Bell later
but not for a really long time. If you plan to use a Geomancer, which is an
awesome job, then buy one now and you'll have it ready to use. This is also
the first time you can buy Holy Arrows. But you knew that! ;)

==Armor Shop========Gil==PDef=MDef==Effect==
Ice Armor .........2400 20 10 +50% Resistance to Fire
Ice Helm ..........1200 10 6 +50% Resistance to Fire
Ice Shield ........1800 6 4 +50% Resistance to Fire, + see below
Mage Robe .........2000 13 22 +1 Int, +1 Mnd
Kenpo Gi ..........2000 20 8 +1 Agi, +1 Vit

Ice Shields protect against Silence/Sleep/Paralyze. The Ice equipment is some

of the FEW armors in the game that offer elemental resistance. They reduce
Fire-elemental damage by 50%! Resistances do NOT stack, so you can never have
100% resistance to any element. The max is 50%! Luckily, an upcoming boss is

Fire-elemental so having all party members equipped with at least 1 Ice thing
is awesome! You don't need them now, but after the next dungeon.

Talk to the guy standing guard in front of the Ice Horn shrine. You will hear
his plea and I guess agree to help him. So when you are ready, head to the
Subterranean Lake. It's located to the left of the shrine. When you get here
you'll see another scene similar to the one at the Tower of Owen. And again,
poor Refia! Hey, she doesn't like toads, OK? :(

Cast Toad on all your party members and enter the Subterranean Lake.

Section 20 |

| -Checklist-


{20} The Subterranean Lake



Bestiary Logs:
#055 Bomb .............(Lv 16, HP 315) W: Ice, Water
#056 Manticore ........(Lv 17, HP 375)
#057 Stalagmite .......(Lv 17, HP 284)

#058 Sea Devil ........(Lv 17, HP 339) W: Lightning

#059 Merman ...........(Lv 17, HP 345) W: Lightning
#060 Ruinous Wave .....(Lv 16, HP 296) W: Lightning
#201 Gutsco ...........(Lv 17, HP 3500)

Key Items:
Horn of Ice

3000 Gil (x2), Gold Needle (x3), Zeus's Wrath (x2)

Miscellaneous Items:
Silence Seal ..........(rare Bomb drop)
----------------------Cave, level 1:
60% - Manticore
40% - Bomb

Cave, level 2:
50% - Stalagmite
25% - Bomb
25% - Manticore

Cave, level 3:
35% - Sea Devil
35% - Ruinous Wave
15% - Stalagmite
15% - Merman


Recommended Level:

Be careful in this area. There are a few monsters that can petrify your party
with physical attacks. I was typing stuff in this guide and then looked over
at my DS to see that 3 of my characters were petrified and I hadn't saved for
quite a while. Lucky for me I made it out alive. So, BE CAREFUL! ;)

NOTE: If you need some Gold Needles, the shop in Dwarven Hollows sells them.

Cave, level 1:
Follow the cave and cross the 2 bridges when you get to them. After the 2nd
bridge you'll find a chest with a [GOLD NEEDLE] inside. To the right of here
is a path leading to the next area.

This area is empty, so find the stairs and go down to the next level.

Cave, level 2:
Across the bridge, open the chest for a [ZEUS'S WRATH]. Go across the next
bridge and left to find another [ZEUS'S WRATH] and a [GOLD NEEDLE] even more
to the left. Head north across the bridge and get the [GOLD NEEDLE] there
and then go up the stairs on the right.

Cave, level 3:
You'll find [6000 Gil] on a straight path leading to the reason you are down
here in the first place; the no-gooder, Gutsco the Rogue!




{boss-05} |

|Level: 17


| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion



| 3. Hi-Potion





|Weakness: None.

| 4. Hi-Potion


|Attacks: Punch - Physical attack; Single target

Mini - Status attack; Single/Multi Target; Inflicts mini

Cure - Healing magic; Single target

|Strategy: This boss is MUCH easier than Medusa, but can be very annoying with|
|his Mini spell. Gutsco gets to attack 2 times per round. His main attack is|
|a physical attack and it can be very powerful, if you are Mini. All damage |
|you receive from physical attacks is increased, while Mini'd. So whenever he|
|casts Mini, stop all attacks and remove it with the Mallet item. Sometimes |

|it will miss, though, or he will just cast it on a single target which helps.|

|Being in the back row will really help in this fight. Try to limit your front|
|row party members to just 1, to keep damage received under control.

|Sometimes Gutsco will heal himself with Cure, but it only heals ~90 HP. This|
|shouldn't be an issue since you can easily do that much back.

|As usual, your magic is the best way of dealing damage here. Black Mages are|
|so handy! :) Or as an alternative, you could have a few Monks in your party|
|and use nothing but their Retaliate ability. With this they will take less |
|damage (slightly) and counterattack, dealing double damage.

|The only downside to that is they will have to be in the front row. Using at|
|least one Monk is a great idea. Even though Retaliate depends upon being hit|
|by Gutsco, that will most likely happen so it's well worth it.

|There isn't much else I could tell you. It's a pretty easy fight. Just keep|
|everyone big whenever he cast Mini and you will be ok. Also, don't even think|
|about using your Antarctic Winds or Arctic Wind. Hehe. We absolutely need |
|those from the next boss, who is even harder than Medusa! Oh no...

|My Level: Refia (16), Luneth (16), Arc (16), Ingus (16)


Once you kill him, you'll receive the [HORN OF ICE]. Now head back to the
Dwarven Hollows to return the stolen treasure. Teleport works great so you
don't have to walk all the way back.

Hey, what's that shadow!? >_>

Back at the Dwarven Hollows, return the Horn of Ice and watch the scenes.

Section 21 |

| -Checklist-


{21} The Molten Cave



Bestiary Logs:
#061 Balloon ...........(Lv 18, HP 386) W: Ice, Water
#062 Myrmecoleon .......(Lv 19, HP 494)
#063 Crocotta ..........(Lv 19, HP 500) W: Ice, Water
#064 Adamantoise .......(Lv 21, HP 800) W: Ice, Water
#065 Red Marshmallow ...(Lv 18, HP 510) W: Ice, Water
#202 Salamander ........(Lv 19, HP 5700) W: Ice, Water

Key Items:
Horn of Ice (x2)

Antarctic Wind (x2), Freezing Blade, Hi-Potion, Impact Claws, Magic Key,

Phoenix Down (x2)

Dwarven Treasury:
Book of Fire, Book of Ice, Book of Light, Echo Herbs, Elixir, Gauntlets,
Gold Needle, Gysahl Greens, Heroic Shield, Killer Bow, Knight Armor,
Ottershroom, Phoenix Down (x2), Scholar Hat, Scholar Robe

Miscellaneous Items:
Silence Seal ..........(rare Balloon drop)
Sheep Pillow ..........(rare Crocotta drop/Red Marshmallow drop)
----------------------Cave, level 1:
40% - Adamantoise
30% - Crocotta
30% - Balloon/Red Marshmallow

Cave, level 2 & 3:

25% - Crocotta
25% - Myrmecoleon
25% - Adamantoise
25% - Balloon/Red Marshmallow

Cave, level 4:
60% - Crocotta
30% - Myrmecoleon
10% - Adamantoise

Recommended Level:

The Molten Cave is just north of the Dwarven Hollows. The difficulty spike
here is huge, so you'll need to be prepared to even have a chance to survive,
especially against the boss!

The boss here is amongst the hardest in the game. Most people that get here
are either underleveled or not well-equipped and always ALWAYS die. It's
very tough. Well, the dungeon is not that bad actually, but the boss is a
killer beast.

NOTE: Please take some extra time to level up for this dungeon if you can't
seem to survive.

<Ice Equipment:>
For this dungeon, it's best to have at least 1 piece of Ice equipment on each
of your party members. Since you'll want to cast Blizzard most of the time,
the Ice Shield is a great idea, because you won't need to attack with weapons.

Black Mages are great for this dungeon. Even though they cannot equip any of
the Ice equipment, their Blizzard spells will kill everything easily.

Warriors will be able to equip a Freezing Blade very soon, which will help to
deal tons of damage with Advance. You'll find a Freezing Blade on level 2 in
the Molten Cave.

<End Ice Equipment:>

Since Gutsco entered here with the Horns of Ice, the flames blocking your path
before are gone. (if you entered here earlier, the path was covered in really
hot flames so you couldn't proceed)

Cave, level 1:
When you enter the Molten Cave, follow the path down and then head left past
the lava. Up here you will find an [ANTARCTIC WIND]. Now for the scary
part. You have to run on the lava! It slowly damages your HP, so be sure to
keep healed with potions or the Cure spell.

NOTE: Lava does 10 HP damage every second, while walking/standing in it.

Enter the lava. At the fork, head right to find another [ANTARCTIC WIND]. Go
back and then take the left path. Follow it to the next area. Heal your HP
as soon as you exit the lava!

Cave, level 2:
Here you will have to travel on the lava again, so be careful. At the fork in
this lava, go down first to find a chest containing a [FREEZING BLADE]. Mmm,
delicious! You can cast Blizzard with this weapon. :)

Go back and the turn left to go under a waterfall of lava! When you get to
the next split, go down and get a [HI-POTION]. Go all the way back up now to

find another chest with a [PHOENIX DOWN]. Then head down, then left to find
some stairs leading to the next area.

Cave, level 3:
Follow this easy path grabbing [IMPACT CLAWS] and [PHOENIX DOWN] along the
way. At the end of the path, there is a rock you need to talk to. It has
a switch on it and will open a path to the left.

Cave, level 4:
This level is really small. After this room you'll enter an area with very
familiar music. Uh oh! You know what THAT means! ;)

Cave, level 5: Preparing for the Boss:

Since we are going to properly equip ourselves and know exactly how to kill
this powerful foe, the fight will go smoothly. It's actually not that hard
if you do it in a certain way.


Black Mage




Freezing Blade Ice Staff

Ice Shield
Ice Armor

Light Staff
Mage Robe




Red Mage (healer)


Ice Shield

Ice Shield

Mythril Shield Mythril Shield

Scholar Robe Ice Armor

Casting Blizzard with the Freezing Blade won't do any damage against the boss,

so you can put it on the Warrior to help him deal more damage with physical
attacks. The Freelancer should be the support healer, so only cast Blizzard
when everyone is healthy.

Are you ready? Let's do this!



{boss-06} |

|Level: 19


| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion





| 3. Hi-Potion





|Weakness: Ice, Water.

| 4. Hi-Potion


|Attacks: Bite

- Physical attack; Single target

Fire Breath - Magic attack; Fire-elemental; Multi target


Fire breath is used when Salamander has 30% HP left. (1700 HP)

|Strategy: Salamander gets to attack 2 times per round. If you use the party |
|I suggested above, you'll have little to no trouble. At first, he only uses |
|his physical attack which deals, at most, 100+ damage. The Black Mage will |
|get hit the hardest, and will need to be constantly healed by your Red Mage |
|and Freelancer. If he dies, just quickly bring him back with a Phoenix Down.|

|To start the fight, use your Black Mage's Blizzara spell. It'll deal around |
|700-800+ damage. Attack with everyone else except your healer. Always cast |
|cure with your healer, unless everyone is at full HP, which is doubtful.

|KEEP track of how much damage you do. When you get close to 4000 damage, that|
|will put him near 30% HP left. That's when he'll start using his Fire Breath|
|attack, which is insanely powerful and hits all party members. Since we have|
|Ice equipment, it will be reduced by 50%. :) Even then it's still strong. |

|OK, so when you get to about 4000 damage dealt to Salamander, on the next |
|turn, have your Black Mage use the Arctic Wind. (you should have 1 from when |
|you visited Castle Argus) With this you'll defeat Salamander since he only |
|has ~1700 HP left, and the Arctic Wind will deal about 2000+ damage. Sweet! |

|Have some other party members use an Antarctic Wind, just in case the Arctic |
|Wind doesn't deal enough damage to take out Salamander. It should, though, as|
|long as you use it with your Black Mage.

|My Level: Refia (17), Luneth (18), Arc (18), Ingus (18)


After defeating the powerful, transformed Gutsco, watch a scene involving the
crystal, and... NEW JOBS! Yay!

For more information on Jobs, go to the "Job Guide" section. Ctrl+F. {FIRE}
Or jump to a specific Job using these codes and copy/paste the brackets {}.




If you are happy with your normal party, then you don't really need to switch
to new jobs. But it doesn't hurt to try out new things! Some of these new
jobs have unique abilities and can deal some decent damage. Either way, you
are becoming more powerful! :)

Here are some brief descriptions for you:

The Ranger is a love it, hate it job. If you just LOVE having a bow user in
your party, then you can use a Ranger and do just fine. It's definitely not
the strongest job for dealing damage, but it can still deal amazing damage,
especially at high Job levels. It has plenty of elemental arrows for you to
take advantage of enemy weakness, as well. The Barrage attack randomly hits
all enemies using 4 arrows. Also, flying enemies are weak to bow attacks.

Hmm, one of the few good things the Knight has going for it, is it's awesome
choice of equipment it can use. Call it a half-Tank. It's basically like a
Warrior, but without the Advance skill and instead crappy use of Lv. 1 white
magic. I guess you could find use in being able to use Poisona! With that
your other jobs won't have to waste MP, or you can save gil on Antidotes. The
Defend skill is a situational ability. It's only very useful when you're
equipped with two shields and fighting a boss. Also, Knights will only Defend

critically hurt party members, which you will probably heal, anyways. :P

Scholars are very underrated. It does seem like a pretty weak job, but it
is anything but that! The main attraction of this Job is its ability to
use Items with double the potency. Potions will now heal for 100 HP instead
of 50 HP, and Hi-Potions will heal for 1000 HP instead of 500 HP. Even the
battle items such as Antarctic Winds are doubled! You can deal some amazing
damage with the Scholars. The only downside is that you need to keep your
supply of items regularly stocked or you will run out. They can also cast
black and white magic up to Lv. 3, so that's a plus. But their MP curve is
very weird. They don't get MP for Lv. 2 spells until character Lv. 21!

Geomancers are a really cool job. Its Terrain ability can deal some massive
damage, or just outright KO enemies. The downside to it is the randomness,
making it uncontrollable. It's not as bad as it sounds, though. All of the
Terrain attacks are pretty strong, so it doesn't matter which one gets used
it'll deal some decent damage, and sometimes to all enemies even. The only
weapon it can equip is the Bell, which is pretty strong, too, but there are
very few of them in the game. :( For a good while its physical attack will
match that of melee classes but it has to be in the front row, which is bad
because it doesn't have very good armor choices.

Here is the party I've been using so far, and what I'm changing:

Refia (Thief) --------> (Ranger)

Luneth (Black Mage) ---> (Black Mage)
Arc (Monk) ---------> (Geomancer)
Ingus (Red Mage) -----> (Red Mage)

Only switch to a Geomancer if you purchased a Diamond Bell in the Dwarven

Hollows. If you didn't then you won't have anything to equip on it. You can
always go buy one, two is better, and we are headed back there anyway. ;)


If you switch jobs at all, you will be slightly weaker with the new jobs
because they start out at Job Level 1. My Thief was level 21 and was dealing
some decent damage, but since I switched to a Ranger, it will take some time
to adjust since it deals less damage. That's a small price to pay for using
new jobs, but it won't be long before she starts dealing decent damage again.

When you are finished deciding on your new team, step into the portal behind
the Crystal, and warp back to the world map. Then head back to the Dwarven
Hollows and return the Horns of Ice. The Dwarf you return the horns to will
give you a [MAGIC KEY] to show his thanks. How about no thanks. We want the
loaded Dwarven Treasury instead! :P


Dwarven Treasury {DT}


For saving the Horns of Ice, the dwarves will give you access to their HUGE
treasure room. Just go talk to the dwarf who is guarding it and he will show
you the way, by moonwalking there no less! Inside you'll find:


[Echo Herbs]

[Knight Armor]

[Ottershroom] [Scholar Robe] [Book of Light]


[Book of Fire] [Phoenix Down] (x2)

[Killer Bow] [Book of Ice] [Heroic Shield]

[Gold Needle] [Scholar Hat] [Gysahl Greens]

Wow!!! That is one excellent bounty. :D Now you have to say goodbye to the
Dwarven Hollows. On your way out you will encounter an injured fellow who
collapses to the floor. Watch the scene. After it's over, head back to the
ship and sail all the way to Tokkul, to help the villagers. I wonder how he
got to Dwarven Hollows? It's so far and he was even injured, too! Hmm.

Revisiting Tokkul + Preparing for Castle Hein

If you didn't visit Tokkul earlier, it is located southwest of Nepto Temple,

along the shoreline. Before you go there, make sure you a prepared, because
once you enter, you cannot come back out for a while. So head to the nearest
town to re-stock your supply of items.

Enemies in the next dungeon will cast Blind/Poison status on you and even
inflict it with just their basic physical attacks. Make sure you have a small
supply of Eye Drops/Antidotes.

Also, a few of the enemies have a weakness to light-elemental attacks. So if

you have a bow user, purchase a small quiver of Holy Arrows. You do find 20
of them soon but if you are completely out, you may want more than that.

Lastly, enemies in Castle Hein are missable. If you are trying to complete a
perfect game, you may be there for a while trying to hunt them all. This is
more reason to stock up on items so you don't run out half-way through the
dungeon. Castle Hein does have a FULL recovery wellspring (HP/MP, Revive, and
Status ailments), so try to keep that in mind. It really helps. :)

When ready, enter Tokkul village.

Section 22 |

| -Checklist-


{22} Castle Hein



Bestiary Logs:
#066 Pharaoh ..........(Lv 20, HP 580) W: Light

#067 Lemur ............(Lv 19, HP 752) W: Light

#068 Lamia ............(Lv 23, HP 850)
#069 Demon ............(Lv 23, HP 742) W: Light
#070 Dullahan .........(Lv 24, HP 1000)
#203 Hein .............(Lv 22, HP 4500) W: Varies

Key Items:
Fang of Wind, Wheel of Time

3000 Gil (x2), Antarctic Wind, Bomb Fragment, Elixir (x3), Holy Arrow (x20),
Phoenix Down (x4), Royal Sword, Rune Bow, Zeus's Wrath

Miscellaneous Items:
Angel's Sigh ..........(rare Lemur drop, rare Lamia drop)
Silence Seal ..........(rare Lemur drop, rare Lamia drop)

White Magic:
----------------------Castle, level 1: (with prison cells)

Castle, level 2 & 3: 3A:

40% - Pharaoh


35% - Pharaoh

40% - Lemur

35% - Lemur

20% - Demon

20% - Lamia

10% - Dullahan
Castle, level 4:

100% - Lamia 50% - Lamia
50% - Dullahan

35% - Pharaoh
35% - Demon
30% - Dullahan

Castle, level 5 & 6:

35% - Pharaoh
35% - Lemur
30% - Lamia
HP/MP, Revive, Status

Recommended Level:

You've been imprisoned, how rude! This doesn't actually appear to be a castle
but some kind of plant/vine looking place. If you talk to the NPCs around here
you can learn about what Castle Hein really is.


To get a Complete Bestiary and 100% Treasure, you will need to get every chest
and encounter all the enemies in this area. You can't come back here once you
have defeated the Boss! Everything here is missable.

Castle, level 1: (with prison cells)


Walk to the right through the wall, and talk to the soldiers and King, who has
been imprisoned, as well. You'll learn what has happened to his Kingdom. One
of the soldiers here is a spy and will attack you, though he is easy to beat.

NOTE: The soldier that attacks you is a #069 Demon enemy.

The gate in the far right cell is open, so go through it and take a right into
the hallway. Go into the next open cell to find a guard lying down. He will
give you a [MINI] spell so you can enter the tiny hole. Don't lose it!

The pot next to the hole will fully restore your HP/MP, Revive all KO'd party
members, and even remove Status Ailments. Gee, thanks Hein! ^_^ Enter the
tiny hole after casting the Mini spell on your party.

NOTE: If you need to, you can always come back to Level 1 WITHOUT having to
cast Mini on all your party members. Remember this if you ever need to
use the Full Restore pot again.

Castle, level 2:
When you are through the hole take your party out of Mini. Follow the path up
and around to a large-spaced area. Here you have a few different paths you
can take, but a couple of them are just a dead end.

Once you get to the large-spaced area, immediately go down to find a treasure
chest with [x20 HOLY ARROW]. If you use a Ranger, you'll deal some excellent
damage with these. A few enemies here are weak to light-element. :)

NOTE: Please remember that Barrage uses up 4 arrows everytime you use it.

After you get the holy arrows, go back and then head up and left into the next
path, and you'll find two chests both containing a [PHOENIX DOWN]. Go back,
then head left to find a path to the next area of level 2.

In this room, there are two paths you can take. The right one has a treasure
chest with a [PHOENIX DOWN], and the left one has some stairs leading to the
next level.

Castle, level 3:
On this level you'll have 3 doors right in front of you. Inside these 3 rooms
you will find a few good treasures.

Room 3A (left): [Bomb Fragment] [3000 Gil]

Room 3B (middle): [Antarctic Wind] [3000 Gil]
Room 3C (right): [Zeus's Wrath] [3000 Gil]

You might encounter Dullahan in 3A and 3C. It's a very powerful enemy, and
it's the FIRST random encounter enemy to get 2 turns per round. Be extremely
cautious when fighting it, and make sure to keep healed at all times, so if
it gets a back-attack on you, you won't be completely wiped out. My advice
is to immediately switch to back row, and just flee if it gets a back-attack.

Now take the path outside of these 3 doors, to either the left or right, and
it will wrap around, leading to another set of stairs for you to climb.

Castle, level 4:
Dullahan is on this level, too. Careful! Walk up a few steps and grab the
treasure chest to find a [ROYAL SWORD]. A nice upgrade to your current sword
selection. :) Next, continue to the left, walk through the door to another
room. In this room, there isn't anything for us to find, so just take the
stairs up to the next level.

Castle, level 5:
We're outside! Don't fall off now. :P Follow the tree branch all the way
up, grabbing the [PHOENIX DOWN] along the way. At the end of the branch there
is an opening going back into the tree. Or castle. Maybe Hein never had a
treehouse as a kid and is angry because of it. It makes sense now!

Castle, level 6:
Back in the tree, go left first to grab a yummy [ELIXIR]. Then head all the
way up to find a [RUNE BOW]. This bow is a HUGE upgrade. It almost has twice
the attack power of the Killer Bow and is way more accurate, too. It also
gives you a nice +1 Int/Mnd bonus, which is useless! Yay!

After equipping your new bow, go back down a bit, and take the left path you
walked by. Over here, go up the stairs to reach the final area of Tree Hein.

Castle, level 7: Preparing for the Boss:

This boss changes its weakness every round, so it's a good idea to take the

new Scholar Job into the fight. You can also use white magic Libra to detect
its weakness but that requires MP from your healer, and the Scholar's Study
ability does not. :) The Scholar also has the best magic defense available,
thanks to the Scholar Hat and the Scholar Robe.


Black Mage

Book of Ice


Ice Staff

Book of Light Light Staff

Scholar Hat

Mage Robe

Scholar Robe


Diamond Bell Ice Shield

Diamond Bell Ice Shield
Mage Robe



Red Mage (healer)

Ice Helm

Flame Mail

Geomancers are great for this fight since their Terrain ability usually does
500+ damage no matter what is used. And if you are very lucky, it will use
the Shadowflare attack that will pretty much kill Hein in one hit. ^_^

If you don't want to use a Geomancer, then a Knight will work, too. Hein has
some VERY powerful magic, so a Knight can help by taking the heavy hits and
Defend those who are in critical HP state. Be sure to give the Knight two
Ice Shields, though, since the Black Mage and Scholar are going to deal most
of the damage. Also give the Knight a Flame Mail if you have an extra one.

Here we gooo!



{boss-07} |


|Level: 22


| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion




| 3. Hi-Potion





|Weakness: Varies.

| 4. Hi-Potion


|Attacks: Slap

- Physical attack; Single target

Blizzara - Magic attack; Ice-elemental; Single/Multi target

Sleep - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts sleep

Poison - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts poison

Blind - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts blind

Confuse - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts confuse |

Barrier Shift - Changes weakness


|Strategy: Hein gets to attack 2 times per round. If you are in the front row|
|his physical attack will almost 1-hit KO anyone it touches. It is very very |
|strong, so stay in the back row. His Blizzara magic is powerful, too, and if|
|he single-targets someone, they are dead no matter what, unless he casts it |
|on a party member with the Flame Mail. (Flame Mail reduces Ice damage by 50%)|

|When he multi-targets your party with Blizzara, it'll deal about 200+ damage |
|to everyone, so quickly heal using multi-target Cure and/or Cura. It's best |
|to try and defeat Hein before Cura MP runs out, because Cure alone will have |
|a difficult time keeping up with Hein's damage output. He will rarely use his|
|Blizzara spell, though, so it's not as threatening as it seems.

|During the first round Hein has NO elemental weakness, so don't use your best|
|spells/items to deal any damage. Instead conserve your MP and items. Just |
|use Guard to take less damage, or heal any damage that he does to you. Or you|
|can use your weaker spells/physical attacks so you at least damage him some. |

|The reason for this is because you'll deal a lot LESS damage, wasting MP and |
|valuable items. He needs to have a weakness first, so you are able to take |
|full advantage and deal as much damage to him as possible.

|During the second round, and every other round after, Hein will use his lame,|
|but super-cool ability, Barrier Shift, which changes his elemental weakness |
|to something new. Use the Scholar to Study Hein's new weakness and use the |
|best spells and items you have to deal massive damage. Libra works, too, but|
|that requires your healer to STOP healing, which is really bad, hehe.

|Scholars are amazing damage dealers here since they have the special ability |
|to use items with double potency. Their damage even matches the Black Mage, |
|which has a much higher Intellect stat. If Hein is weak to Ice-elemental |
|attacks, an Antarctic Wind will deal 900-1000+ damage when used by Scholars, |
|but only 800-900+ damage with a Black Mage. Crazy!

|Do NOT use your Zeus's Wrath or Heavenly Wrath items, if you have any! We'll|
|need them for the next boss, which is weak to lightning-elemental attacks. |

|Thankfully Hein doesn't have a whole lot of HP. At most, this battle should |
|last 5-6 rounds. He may KO someone, but quickly bring them back, and use as |
|many Phoenix Downs as you need since we will find plenty more later.

|My Level: Refia (18), Luneth (19), Arc (19), Ingus (19)


After the battle, you'll watch a short scene and a little fairy will give you
the [FANG OF WIND]. The tree will tell you something VERY exciting after this
so pay very close attention! Ooo, aren't you excited for what's to come? :D

NOTE: In case you missed it; During the cutscene, you were teleported to the
Living Woods. Don't worry, there wasn't any treasure there. ;) After
this you won't be able to access the Living Woods ever again.

Back on the world map, head to your ship. Now that you have saved the Argus
Kingdom, the castle will be fully re-occupied! Let's go pay them a visit.

Revisiting Castle Argus

Once you make it to Castle Argus go inside. Remember the second room with the
4 lit candles? Take that secret passageway that you opened. Keep going through
here until you reach the roof of the castle.

Head left, then up, and enter the door here that used to be locked. There is
a lady in here. Talk to her and she will give you two [ELIXIR]. She even
tells you that they will be mass-production elixirs in no time at all. Lies!

Now head back through the castle to the round table room. The King and his

men are sitting at the table. Talk to the King and he will give you the
[WHEEL OF TIME]. This is what Cid needs take make another airship, so let's
go see Cid!

NOTE: One of the knights at the table suggests that you to be a Thief and
break into the castles locked doors, hehe. He must not care about
security too much. >_>

Revisiting Canaan

Head to Canaan, that's where Cid lives. Remember? :P Go to his house and
talk to him. Luneth will hand over the Wheel of Time, and with a few clanks
of the hammer, Cid turns your little boat into an airship. Yay!

WARNING: Watch the scenes before reading the next paragraph!

The scene shown here is probably the most important one so far. And it lasts
for more than 3 seconds, too! Haha. The interesting thing about this scene
is when Cid mentions that he, and the rest of the party, are from the surface
world, and that they crash-landed on the floating continent only years ago
when Refia and the others were only babies. This contradicts what the Elder
Tree said during the Living Woods cutscene after defeating Hein. It said that
the surface world was sealed away 1000 years ago or something like that. It's
one of those loopy hole things! :P Maybe I read it wrong. Oh well.

To board your ship, push A. To land, push B. You can only land in water.

Preparing for the New World

We are headed to a new world, but you may be curious about what your progress
should look like. (treasure %, bestiary info, etc.) Fly over to Gysahl Inn
to check if you are missing anything. Here's a quick list of important things
you should have so far:

Chests Opened: 40%

Normal enemies: 001 - 074

Boss enemies: 196 - 203

Inner Sea enemies: 031 - 035
Outer Sea enemies: 071 - 074

If you missed anything in Castle Hein, it's too late to go back. Hopefully you
kept a save file from before entering the dungeon, so you don't have to start
all over! :) If you aren't concerned about getting everything, then there is
no need to redo Castle Hein. I'm just mentioning it for those interested.

A few enemies in the next dungeon can Poison/Blind/Petrify you. You can come
back to the floating continent at any time, but that will be a pain to do, so

buy everything now. This is what you'll need to have in your inventory. The
more you have the better, obviously. :)

Antidotes (x5)
Eye Drops (x5)
Gold Needle (x10)
Flame Mail (x2)

Make sure to have at least 2 Flame Mails. You don't need more than that. The
next boss will cast a powerful Blizzara spell, that will KO anyone with only
a single casting. It's stronger than Hein's Blizzara, even. You can buy them
in the Village of the Ancients, remember? It will really help, so don't leave
without them.

That's about it! You are now ready to explore a whole new world.

Section 23 |

| -Checklist-


{23} Into the New World



Bestiary Logs:

Blood Sword, Zeus's Wrath

Recommended Level:

When you are fully prepared, fly off the edge of the continent. You'll watch
a scene with Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus trying to break through the clouds.

When they make it through, you will be on the surface of the world. To make
it even better, is the wonderful music that plays in this new world map!

Ahh. zzz

This place is huge! The map seems rather....empty, or sprawling as Luneth

put it, but there are a few pieces of land that you can see on the map. Make
your way to the island farthest north. On this island you will find a small
forest and a wrecked ship on the coastline. Enter the ship.

Head down to the bottom deck. You'll find two chests with a [ZEUS's WRATH],
and the excellent [BLOOD SWORD].



I know they're kind of hard to miss, but make sure you get the Zeus's Wrath
and Blood Sword. You can't get these chests ever again!

Now talk to the Old man standing near the beds. After the scene, give Aria an
antidote. She will be cured and wake up! During the scene she mentions that
if you take her to the Temple of Water, she might be able to return light to
the world. Hey, that's what Water Priestesses do! :)

Thank you miss Aria!

Section 24 |

| -Checklist-


{24} Cave of Tides



Bestiary Logs:
#075 Cockatrice .......(Lv 20, HP 890)
#076 Poison Toad ......(Lv 19, HP 800) W: Lightning
#077 Twin Heads .......(Lv 19, HP 910)
#078 Roper ............(Lv 20, HP 815) W: Lightning
#079 Agaliarept .......(Lv 21, HP 930) W: Lightning
#204 Kraken ...........(Lv 24, HP 8000) W: Lightning

Black Magic:
----------------------Cave, level 1:
35% - Twin Heads
35% - Roper
30% - Poison Toad

Cave, level 2:
30% - Twin Heads
30% - Roper
30% - Poison Toad
10% - Cockatrice

Cave, level 3:
40% - Twin Heads
40% - Roper
20% - Cockatrice

Cave, level 4:
30% - Twin Heads
30% - Roper
30% - Cockatrice
10% - Agaliarept
HP/MP, Revive

Recommended Level:

Once you leave the wrecked ship, sail or fly south to the largest island on
the map. On this island, you will find the Temple of Water surrounded by a
forest, and the Cave of Tides in the mountains.

| Temple of Water |

HP/MP, Revive

Recommended Level:

First, enter the Temple of Water. Follow the hallways back to the Crystal's
room and Aria will find a Crystal Shard. Exit the temple and walk a bit to
the northeast and enter the Cave of Tides.

| Cave of Tides |


Recommended Level:

The encounter rate in the Cave of Tides is very high, so expect to fight a lot
of random battles. It's not a bad thing, though, because it will prepare us
for the next boss, which is a powerful foe.

Cave, level 1:
Inside the Cave of Tides, head down across the bridge. Follow the path until
you reach a door, and here you'll watch some scenes. Aria will break the seal
on the door, allowing you to enter further into the cave.

In the next area, take a walk across the longest bridge in the history of the
world. Enjoy the pretty waterfalls, too! At the other side, take the path
to the next area. Cross the single bridge here and you'll find some stairs
leading down to the next level of the cave.

Cave, level 2:
This room has 4 bridges, but one of them is misleading and will force you into
a dead end path. Cross the first 2 bridges and follow the path. The third
bridge you see is the one you want to ignore. Keep on following the path until
you see the bridge farthest to the left. Walk across this last bridge to find
some stairs. Go down.

Cave, level 3:
Level 3 is huge. Follow the path and just around the corner you'll notice a
set of stairs and a bridge to the right. Take the stairs first, and at the
very end of this LONG path you'll find a [BLIZZAGA] spell. Enjoy!

After getting Blizzaga, walk back to that bridge next to the stairs. Across
here is another bridge and then a path leading to more stairs. Go down to the
next level.

Cave, level 4:
This level is flooded! Follow the path around the pool and go up the stairs
when you reach them. These stairs take you to the final area of the cave and
a certain special something. ;)

Cave, level 5: Preparing for the Boss:

Geomancers are NOT recommended for this fight since it's possible for them to
use only their Whirlpool attack, which doesn't work on Kraken, and thus being
a complete waste of turns. So if you've been using one, switch it out for a
more useful job. Here is the team I recommend for defeating Kraken:


Black Mage


Book of Light Ice Staff

Book of Light Light Staff
Scholar Hat

Mage Robe


Red Mage (healer)

-------Heroic Shield Ice Shield

Ice Shield

Ice Shield

Flame Mail

Flame Mail

Scholar Robe







The Flame Mail will help your Knight and Red Mage survive Kraken's powerful
ice magic. The Scholar will survive it, too, thanks to the magic defense
stats of its armor. The one you'll have to keep an eye on is the Black Mage
since it dies easily no matter what you do.

Die, slimey fiend!



{boss-08} |

|Level: 24


| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion



| 3. Hi-Potion





|Weakness: Lightning.

| 4. Hi-Potion


|Attacks: Whip

- Physical attack; Single target; Inflicts Blind

Blizzara - Magic attack; Ice-elemental; Single/Multi target

Blind - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts Blind


|Strategy: Kraken gets to attack 2 times per round. Fortunately, that's all he|
|gets, otherwise we'd be in trouble! His physical attack will deal 100-250+ |

|damage depending on who gets hit, and if it's a critical. His Blizzara magic|
|is even more scary and will KO anyone with a single-target cast. Or if it's |
|a multi-target cast, it'll deal about 200+ damage to everyone.

|If you are lucky, Kraken will rarely use Blizzara. It is possible that he'll|
|use it only once and you won't see it again. This makes the fight a million |
|times easier, but if you are unlucky, however, he will use it almost every |
|round and pretty much destroy your party. So cross all your fingers that you|
|don't see it more than that. :P


|Start the battle by using Zeus's Wrath with the Scholar which will deal 1000+|
|damage to Kraken. Hopefully you taught Blizzaga to your Black Mage, because |
|it will deal quite a bit of damage even though Kraken isn't weak to ice. It |
|will deal about 1200+ damage, so use it as much as you can! If you are at my|
|levels, you'll have 3 MP for Blizzaga.


|You should also have a small supply of Zeus's Wrath items, so use them ALL if|
|you need to. Kraken has a ton of HP so you need to use everything you've got|
|in your inventory. If you try to hold out, the battle will last longer, and |
|the more likely you will lose the fight. Three castings of Blizzaga will deal|
|about 4500+ damage, and with 4 Zeus's Wrath you can easily finish him off. |

|After your MP for Blizzaga is gone, use Thundara. Save the Zeus's Wrath for |
|your Scholar. With the Knight and Red Mage, do nothing but HEAL your party |
|even if they have FULL HP. Kraken will usually get to attack before they do,|
|so always always always heal. (x3) Hehe.


|Having your Scholar help heal as well is a great idea, but only if you need |
|the extra healing. There is a good chance you will, so be ready. This boss |

|requires a little bit of luck, and if he ends up winning just try again using|
|the same strategy. It all depends on if he uses Blizzara a lot, or not.

|My Level: Refia (20), Luneth (20), Arc (20), Ingus (20)


After the fight, some very sad events will occur. Watch them and try not to
get too emotional. Before it's all over, sniff, Aria will bless you with the
Water Crystal's light and... sniff.

When the scenes end, you'll awaken in Amur, the City of Water.

For more information on Jobs, go to the "Job Guide" section. Ctrl+F. {WATER}
Or jump to a specific Job using these codes and copy/paste the brackets {}.




All of these jobs are awesome. The only one that might not be worth all the
effort to train, right now, is the Evoker. Every Job Level you gain as this
Job will be "wasted", since you'll most likely stop using it for use of other
stronger Jobs. If that's the case then those Job Levels NOW will be better
used on Jobs that can help you deal a lot of damage -- Jobs like the Dragoon,
Knight, Geomancer, or Dark Knight, etc. Eventually you'll want to master the
Evoker for your 100% file but save those Job Levels for more deserving jobs
at this point of the game.

Here are some brief descriptions for you:

This is the BEST Defensive job in the game. While it can deal a decent amount
of damage with its physical attacks, the true role of Viking is to Provoke all
enemies into attacking it. This a really great for boss fights. Provoke, at
first, won't always work but at higher Job levels, it will get a better hit
rate. As a bonus, it also reduces the enemy's defense, making it easier to
deal more damage with physical attacks! Damage reduced only lasts for a single
round, so if you want to keep it down, you will need to Provoke the enemy over
and over. Outside of using Provoke, Vikings have a powerful physical attack,
and can deal decent damage with Hammers and Axes, though the hit % for those
types of weapons is lower than most other weapons.

This job is excellent for dealing powerful physical attacks. It's Jump skill
is similar to the Warrior's Advance skill, but it doesn't increase the amount
of damage you receive. When it's in the air, it cannot be damaged by enemy
attacks. This makes healing your party way easier. Since the Dragoon is in
the air avoiding damage, multi-target heals won't affect it and only heal the
3 party members on the ground. The strength of healing spells is reduced
depending on the number of targets selected, and with only 3 party members
being healed, instead of 4, it will heal more HP!

Dark Knight:

The Dark Knight is a rather interesting Job. It's a great physical attacker,
and can deal decent amounts of damage with its basic attack, but in order for
it to deal crazy amounts of damage, it must use its Souleater skill. This
skill calculates damage based on your current HP, plus other things, and will
sacrifice 20% of your current HP everytime it is used. That means it gets
weaker everytime you use it because it reduces your HP. As a bonus, though,
Soul Eater deals full damage even while you are in the back row! Dark Knight
is among the strongest Jobs in the game. It also has a large equipment pool,
with lots of powerful things to use, which is also awesome.

The Evoker is one of the few Jobs that I would never use. It is the first
time that you have access to summon magic, but it's not great. When you
cast a summon as an Evoker, it will randomly choose between the Level 1 and
Level 2 effects of summons. Level 1 is usually support magic, and Level 2
is usually a single-target elemental/non-elemental attack. Because it is
random is what really hurts the Evoker. When you want to deal some damage,
it'll probably end up using the support magic instead, and when you want to
inflict some status ailments, it just won't work. Evokers also have a poor
selection of equipment to use, much like other mages.

The potential of the Bard is absolutely astonishing! It's main purpose is to
support the entire party by providing buffs that increase stats, heal HP, or
just simply reduce all damage received. It can even damage all enemies, too!
When you first get the Bard job, it's kinda iffy, but given a little bit of
training it will help out immensely. You only start with having access to a

single harp, the Madhura Harp, which increases defense. The effect won't be
that noticable with weak armor, however. As you progress in the game, find
better equipment, get higher Job levels, and more Harps to use, the Bard will
become WAY more useful.

Section 25 |

| -Checklist-


{25} Amur Village & the Stinky Sewers


Bestiary Logs:
#080 Darklegs .........(Lv 21, HP 940) W: Fire
#081 Gigantoad ........(Lv 20, HP 838) W: Lightning
#082 Twin Liger .......(Lv 22, HP 960)
#083 Stroper ..........(Lv 21, HP 1100) W: Lightning

Key Items:
Levigrass Shoes

Black Cowl, Black Garb, Cat Claws, Diamond Bell, Gysahl Greens (x4),
Hammer, Kaiser Knuckles, Poison Dagger, Power Bracers, Thief Gloves

Sewers, level 1 & 2:

35% - Darklegs
35% - Gigantoad
30% - Twin Liger

Sewers, level 3:

Sewers, level 4:
30% - Darklegs
30% - Gigantoad
30% - Twin Liger
10% - Stroper

Recommended Level:

When you awaken, go explore the new town. Talk to everyone you see to learn
about what is going on. There is a lot to do, so we will be in this town for
quite a while. Well, longer than any other town we've been to so far.

Inside the Inn, you can find many NPCs to talk to. On the 2nd floor is the
second piano! We haven't played the piano since Ur village. The song that
you play on the piano is the theme song from the Saved by the Bell. It's an
old TV show. Actually I don't know what the song is, but it TOTALLY sounds

like the song from Saved by the Bell! :P

Before we do anything, let's unlock the gate to the canal.

Talk to the girl NPC south of the Armor Shop. During the scene you will meet
the TRUE Warriors of Light! Haha, not. Afterwards, head over to the house
east of the Weapon Shop. The Old Man that lives here will give you access to
the canal.

When you get into the water, head up first. Enter the garden and there you can
pick four [GYSAHL GREEN]. Back in the water, head left. When you pass the
Weapon and Armor shops, take the first path going north. You can walk up this
small waterfall. Keep going north and onto the tiny island. You can find a
[BLACK GARB], [BLACK COWL], and [THIEF GLOVES] hidden on the ground. These
can be purchased in the Armor Shop, but now we don't need to. Wahoo!

OK, let's go shopping.

==Item Shop=========Gil==
Potion ..............50
Hi-Potion ..........600
Gold Needle ........100
Echo Herbs .........100
Gysahl Greens ......150
Eye Drops ...........40
Antidote ............80

If you need to stock up on anything, do so. I would STILL recommend that you
don't purchase Hi-Potions. There are tons of things you need to buy later,
in a different town. Pretty soon you'll need Hi-Potions, but wait until that
time comes. ;)

==Weapon Shop=======Gil==Atk==Hit%==Effect==
Battleaxe .........7400 65 70 Main Gauche .......7000 35 100 +3 Agi
Thunder Spear .....8000 45 90 Lightning-elemental, Cast Thunder
Selene Bow .......16000 63 75 Effective against flying enemies
Boomerang .........9000 40 85 Full damage from back row
Iron Arrow ...........8 12 75 Holy Arrow ..........10 8 75 Light-elemental
Madhura Harp .....10000 60 100 +5 Mnd, Minne Song

Wow this stuff is expensive. Don't buy anything! You'll need to save your
money for the next time we go shopping. In order to buy all the recommended
armor/weapons in the NEXT town, you'll need at least 75000+ gil. (there is
a way to make an easy 80000+ gil, though, but more on that later) All items
here can be found for FREE, except the Battleaxe and Madhura Harp.

For the next dungeon, you need at least 2 physical attackers. The boss has a
high magic defense, so strong weapons is a must. Avoid buying the Selene Bow
since it is a complete waste of money. Buying 1 Main Gauche will help, and
you get a Poison Dagger soon, so you can use them together. Don't buy the
Thunder Spear since you'll find 3 of them for free. If you have a Viking you
will want a Battleaxe. Just try your best to save as much gil as you can!

==Armor Shop========Gil==PDef=MDef==Effect==

Viking Helm .......5500 19 5 Viking Mail .......8000 36 5 Heroic Shield .....3500 8 3 +1 All stats, + see below
Thief Gloves ......2500 11 8 +3 Agi
Black Garb ........5000 30 18 +2 Agi, +2 Vit
Black Cowl ........4000 15 10 +2 Agi
Black Belt Gi .....6000 33 18 +3 Agi, +3 Vit
Chakra Band .......4500 17 11 +2 Vit

Heroic Shields protect against Poison/Blind/Mini/Toad/Petrify/Sleep/Confuse.

All of the armor here can be found for free, except the Black Belt Gi and the
Chakra Band. Since you only need 2 physical attackers in the next dungeon,
buy enough armor for the two of them. You've already found a Black Cowl,
Black Garb, and Thief Gloves for one of them, so buy whatever you can for the
other one. Just try your best to save as much gil as you can!

NOTE: Go outside the village and save. ;) If you do go outside, to level up

or something, try to avoid going too far to the north. Up north are some
ugly Guardian Statues that will kill you if you don't have the required items
to pass. Also if you go south, don't cross the Bottemless Bog. You will sink
and die. Hehe. This place is >_>

| Amur's Stinky Sewers |

Bestiary Logs:
#080 Darklegs .........(Lv 21, HP 940) W: Fire
#081 Gigantoad ........(Lv 20, HP 838) W: Lightning
#082 Twin Liger .......(Lv 22, HP 960)
#083 Stroper ..........(Lv 21, HP 1100) W: Lightning

Key Items:
Levigrass Shoes

Cat Claws, Diamond Bell, Hammer, Kaiser Knuckles, Poison Dagger,
Power Bracers
----------------------Sewers, level 1 & 2:
35% - Darklegs
35% - Gigantoad
30% - Twin Liger

Sewers, level 3:

Sewers, level 4:
30% - Darklegs
30% - Gigantoad
30% - Twin Liger
10% - Stroper


Recommended Level:

Go to the southeast corner of town via the water canal. Here you will find
the entrance to the stinky sewers. Plug your nose! In here we are supposed
to find Delilah, who apparently has some Levigrass shoes. Those will help
us cross the Bottomless Bog.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, some of the NPCs in town hinted
that your ship was locked up by Goldor, who lives in Goldor Manor, which is
blocked by the Bottomless Bog, and can only be crossed with Levigrass Shoes,
which are owned by Amur resident Delilah, who is super weird and smelly, but
only because she lives in the sewers, and the sewers smell like poo, which
has nothing to do with the story.

Sewers, level 1:
Once inside the sewers, make your way across the first room. You'll have to
walk in the poo water. Eww. Go down the stairs on the other side and they
will take you to the next level.

Sewers, level 2:
Walk down the path and into more poo water. Head left and walk up the small
stairs onto the next walkway. Keep heading left and you'll enter more poo
water on the other side. Once at the other side of the room, ignore the

stairs to find a treasure chest with [CAT CLAWS] inside. Now use the stairs
to reach the next level.

Sewers, level 3:
On this level, follow the path and a scene will occur after you cross the
nearby bridge. Save the Old Guys from the toads!

NOTE: This is the ONLY battle in the whole game that has 4 enemies on the
screen at one time. Cool! The limit is 3 enemies, normally.

Defeat the four toads. After the Old Guys are rescued, head to the right
and go down the stairs to the next level.

Sewers, level 4:
Go down just a little bit and enter the secret passage in the wall, to the
right. This will take you to a room with a [DIAMOND BELL] and [HAMMER]. Now
go back out and head left across the bridge. Enter a similar passage way in
the wall here.

Inside this room grab the first chest for some [KAISER KNUCKLES]. On the
other side of the room you'll find two more treasure chests! They contain
some [POWER BRACERS] and a [POISON DAGGER]. Leave this room and continue
following the very long path. Up, left, dooooown, right, stairs.

Sewers, level 5:
On this final level, head right to find Delilah. After the scenes, she will

give you the key item [LEVIGRASS SHOES]. Yay! Now that we are as light as
a piece of poo... er, grass, let's go cross the Bottomless Boog. Say thanks
to the Old Guys for a free Teleport!

Leave Amur village and head south to Goldor Manor. Save your game!

Since we're at a HUGE turning point in the game, I will share my party info
with you. Have fun comparing! :) Also, keep note that I haven't done any
grinding during this playthrough, so I may be slightly under-leveled, or just
right even. Last time I played I was level 27 at this point, which is way
over-leveled and easy. (all my Job levels were 80+, too)

Refia (Lv. 21), Geomancer (JobLv. 10), HP 497

Luneth (Lv. 22), Black Mage (JobLv. 30), HP 532
Arc (Lv. 22), Monk

(JobLv. 17), HP 527

Ingus (Lv. 22), Red Mage (JobLv. 24), HP 522

Poor Refia died a few times in the sewers, missing out on experience, so she
is kinda behind. She will probably stay as a Geomancer for the rest of the
game since she is dealing awesome damage. It'll only get better, too, when
I get more Bells and much higher Job levels.

Luneth does great as a Black Mage. His spells are very powerful. I plan to
turn him into a Magus when I finally get that job, so he'll obviously be way
better at casting magic. He definitely won't be a Sage, since I want him to
be more focused. The Magus job has the highest Intellect stat, anyway.

I'm not too sure what I want to do with Arc. I will probably turn him into a
strong melee class, like Dragoon, Ninja, or Dark Knight. Or maybe he will be
my Onion Knight. I like using at least 1 Onion Knight. Using four of them
just makes the game boring. :P

Ingus will eventually become a Devout. He's been my healer for most of this
playthrough, so that's what he likes to do. Besides, it is kinda funny to
make the cool guy wear a kitty outfit. xD And once I get Holy, he will join
the others in dealing massive damage to enemies! There is also a chance that
he may become a Bard. They are very useful when everyone is high Job levels.

(Optional) |

| (Optional)


Exploring the World Map



Bestiary Logs:
#084 Black Flan .......(Lv 22, HP 880) W: Fire
#085 Hellgaroo ........(Lv 22, HP 888)
#086 Vulcan ...........(Lv 26, HP 2200) W: Ice, Water

#087 Dracrocotta.......(Lv 23, HP 1050) W: Ice

#088 Magician .........(Lv 23, HP 1040)
#100 Frostfly .........(Lv 28, HP 1200) W: Fire, Wind
#101 Simurgh ..........(LV 28, HP 1220) W: Wind
#102 Harpy ............(Lv 30, HP 1650) W: Wind
#103 Gargoyle .........(Lv 28, HP 1240)

Miscellaneous Items:
Chocobo's Wrath .......(rare Magician drop)
Shining Curtain .......(rare Magician drop)
Silence Seal ..........(rare Vulcan drop)
----------------------Grasslands near Amur Village & Goldor Manor:
35% - Dracrocotta
35% - Hellgaroo
15% - Black Flan
15% - Vulcan

Grassland Shoreline, near the river south of Amur Village:

30% - Frostfly
30% - Simurgh
30% - Harpy
10% - Gargoyle

Forest near Amur Village, Chocobo Woods, & Goldor Manor:

40% - Black Flan
20% - Dracrocotta
20% - Hellgaroo
20% - Magician

Desert near Goldor Manor & North Desert:

40% - Black Flan
20% - Dracrocotta
20% - Hellgaroo
20% - Magician

Recommended Level:

The point of this section is to let you know what enemies you can find on the
world map. There isn't any treasure to find, so if you don't want to hunt
all of these enemies to fill in your Bestiary, then you can skip it and go on
to section 26.

Frostfly, Simurgh, Harpy, Gargoyle, Danger!

To the south of Amur Village, there is a small area where you can fight tough
enemies -- the Frostfly, Simurgh, Harpy, and Gargoyle. They are much tougher
than anything else you can fight at this point, so be extra careful to avoid
them. They can KO your party very easily.

It may be difficult to find the right spot, but if you want to find all these
monsters, head to Goldor Manor from Amur Village. Immediately AFTER you cross
the river south of Amur, you'll see a small strip of forest, then grasslands.

The grasslands around here, right NEXT to the sea, are where you can locate
these monsters. They are originally from Dalg Continent to the west, but may
have wandered here to find a new home. Who knows...

Chocobo Woods + Guardian Statues

Directly east of Amur village is a Chocobo Woods. If you want to go catch a

chocobo, it will help you get around the World Map a whole lot easier. You
can explore what's around you without fighting random battles! There is also
a Chocobo Woods to the far north of Amur Village. It's to the west of the
huge desert up there, in a U-shaped forest.

Guess what? There is a 3rd Chocobo Woods you can visit! So many. This one
is located right next to the Bottomless Bog. This makes an easy trip back to
town if you run out of supplies in Goldor Manor.

Just be careful of the Guardians Statues up to the north. They will kill you
if you don't have the required items to pass. When I say kill, I mean you'll
watch a scene where you fall over and die, then go to the game over screen.

Also, you can revisit the Temple of Water if you want, as well as the Cave of
Tides. There isn't anything there, but you may have missed a Bestiary entry

or something. Did you miss the Blizzaga spell there?

Anyway, that's pretty much it for what you can do on the World Map. When you
are ready, head to the southern part of the continent to find the Bottomless
Boog and Goldor Manor.

Section 26 |

| -Checklist-


{26} Goldor Manor



Bestiary Logs:
#089 Lost Gold ........(Lv 23, HP 928)
#090 Gold Eagle .......(Lv 23, HP 935) W: Wind
#091 Gold Warrior .....(Lv 24, HP 1130)
#092 Gold Bear ........(Lv 24, HP 1090)
#093 Gold Knight ......(Lv 25, HP 1100)
#094 Nightmare ........(Lv 25, HP 1120)
#205 Goldor ...........(Lv 26, HP 9000)

Key Items:
Chain Key

Golden Sword (x11), Wyvern Claws
----------------------The Main Hall:
50% - Gold Warrior
40% - Gold Bear
10% - Gold Eagle

The Library:
35% - Nightmare
35% - Gold Bear
20% - Gold Knight
10% - Lost Gold

The Locked Room:

50% - Gold Warrior
40% - Gold Bear
10% - Gold Eagle

The North Wing:

35% - Nightmare
35% - Gold Bear
30% - Gold Knight

Recommended Level:

Now that we have the Levigrass Shoes from Delilah, in Amur, we can cross that
Bottomless Bog, blocking our path to Goldor Manor. Goldor locked up our ship
with a huge chain, so we've come to beat him up and claim what is rightfully
ours! Ooo, shiney...

The Main Hall:

When you enter Goldor Manor head up through the Main Hall. I know it's very
tempting to wander, but don't take any of the other paths as they don't lead
to anything.

When you get to the other side of this area, take the stairs. These lead to
the vast Library.

The Library:
In the Library, follow the hallway. Eventually you will start heading down,
while passing some book shelves along the way. Ignore them, there is nothing
there. On the last row, go right and you'll find a huge line of treasure!

Open them all for eleven [GOLDEN SWORD] and one [WYVERN CLAWS]. What the heck
are we gonna do with THIS!? Eleven golden swords? Really Square? Really?


This is the only place to find the Gold Sword. So if you want a Perfect Item
list, then don't sell any of them. Although you may want to, since they sell

for a lot of money, which we will need. I will talk more about that after we
finish this dungeon.

The Main Hall:

Head back to the Main Hall. In each corner of this area, there are 4 doors
leading to empty rooms. These doors are locked, though, so you will need to
use Magic Keys to open them, or you can use the Thief's lockpicking ability!

If you don't have any Magic Keys, then you'll have to use a Thief to unlock
the doors. The only place to buy Magic Keys is in Gysahl and we cannot fly
there, obviously. To use a Thief to unlock doors, it must be at the top of
your party.

The Locked Room:

All the rooms are empty, save one. Head to the northeast room and unlock the
door. In this room you will find a path to the left. Take it. This path leads
you to a small hallway. Follow it down, then up, to enter the North Wing.

NOTE: In case you are wondering, I am making up these names for the various
areas of Goldor Manor. It's boring to say level 1, level 2, etc., so
I hope it's not too confusing! Hehe.

The North Wing:

This area is short if you know where to go. There aren't any items, so just
run through it as fast as possible. From the start of this room take your

first left, and then go down. Take the next left, and go all the way left
until you can't anymore. Follow this hallway up and climb the stairs at the
very end. This is where the Master Bedroom is!

If you went the other ways, it would take you a lot longer to get through the
area, which is bad, because the encounter rate here is ridiculous.

The Master Bedroom:

In here is the idiot who locked up our trusty Enterprise. Who does he think
he is, anyway? First he chained our airship to the ground, then he placed a
bunch of crappy swords in his house, thinking it's awesome treasure? Fool!

This is the party I recommend for defeating Goldor:




Red Mage (Healer)


Poison Dagger Book of Light Cat Claws

Main Gauche

2 Shields

Book of Light Kaiser Knuckles Ice Helm

Black Cowl

Scholar Hat

Black Barb

Scholar Robe Black Belt Gi

Thief Gloves Cure

Chakra Band

Power Bracers

Flame Mail

Goldor has very high magic defense, so we need at least TWO melee attackers
for this battle. I happen to choose a Thief and Monk because they have the
highest Job levels out of all my melee Jobs. You can pick whatever you want
since they will all work. Just don't pick a Dragoon! You can start using
a Dragoon after you defeat Goldor. ;)

Definitely take a Scholar, though, because Goldor can cast Protect on himself
which never goes away. A Scholar's Study ability will dispel Protect, so
it's really helpful to have. The Red Mage is the healer, as usual! You can
try using a White Mage if you want, but Red Mages have better defense.



{boss-09} |

|Level: 26


| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion



| 3. Hi-Potion





|Weakness: None.

| 4. Hi-Potion


|Attacks: Punch - Physical attack; Single target

Thundara - Magic attack; Lightning-elemental; Single/Multi target |

Silence - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts Silence |

Blind - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts Blind

Confuse - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts Confuse |

Protect - Increases defence

|Strategy: Goldor gets to attack 2 times per round. He will use his physical |
|attack mostly, which deals anywhere from 50-200+ damage. Make sure your two |
|melee attackers are in the front row so they can do maximum damage. With the|
|suggested set up, Goldor won't deal that much damage to them even if they are|

|in the front row. His Thundara spell is pretty strong, too, dealing 200, or |
|less, damage to everyone. You will rarely see it, though.

|If your melee attackers are Blinded, heal them first using Eye Drops. And if|
|they are Confused at all, attack them with your mages. They can really hurt |
|your party if they attack eachother.


|Every round attack with your physical attackers. They will deal about 500+ |
|damage each, more or less depending on Job levels, which makes it 1000 damage|
|dealt to Goldor each round. Just keep this up and Goldor will be defeated in|
|about 8-10 rounds.


|The Red Mage should heal every round, same with the Scholar. A multi-casting|
|of Cure from both of them can easily keep the party healed even with Goldor's|
|damage output. Occasionally you might need to use Cura, though, especially if|
|he uses Thundara. But that's rare.


|If Goldor ever uses Protect on himself, use the Scholar's Study ability to |
|dispel it. Protect will drastically reduce damage dealt, making this battle |
|very long and tiring.


|Compared to previous bosses, Goldor is more annoying than challenging, since |

|he loves to use his status inflicting spells. Just use your two best melee |
|attackers for damage, heal with the Red Mage and Scholar, and you'll win. :)|
|My Level: Refia (22), Luneth (23), Arc (23), Ingus (23)

After the fight watch the scene and take the [CHAIN KEY] from off the dirty
floor. Now venture all the way back to your imprisoned airship, and free it
from the chains of death. Yay!

Now we are free to explore the entire world!

Preparing for the NEXT Boss; #206 Garuda

NOTE: This special preparation can be ignored, if you are at higher levels
than I am. (the level average for my party is 23) If your level is
like 27-30+, then you'll have an easier time defeating Garuda. This
is written for lower-leveled players, but you can still follow it if
you want to. :)

The next boss, Garuda, is one of the hardest bosses in the game! That is a
bold statement, I know, but given our current selection of equipment and the
levels of our current Jobs, it's very challenging. Later bosses, like the
Final Boss and the Iron Giant, are just as difficult as well, but by the time
we fight them, we'll be MUCH higher levels, and have MUCH better equipment.

To help you defeat Garuda, use the following party set up. You should start
using it now so you can begin raising Job levels. You don't have to grind
or anything, you just need to increase the Job Levels during the many random
battles you will most likely have, between now and the fight with Garuda.

This will cost quite a bit of money. You may already have enough to buy all

the recommened equipment, but if you don't, there is a way to make a lot of
gil very quickly. (see below)

Here is the recommended party for defeating #206 Garuda:


Black Mage




Diamond Bell

Light Staff

Diamond Bell

Ice Staff


---------Wind Spear
Wind Spear

Diamond Bell
Diamond Bell

Feathered Hat Feathered Hat Feathered Hat Feathered Hat

Gaia Vest

Mage Robe

Rune Bracers

Leather Armor Gaia Vest

Rune Bracers Power Bracers Rune Bracers


Which ever party member has the highest Job level for that Job, they get to
BE that Job, since our goal here is increase Job levels. Normally I wouldn't
do this, telling you what you HAVE to use, haha, but it will REALLY help you
with defeating Garuda. Trust mee! ^_^

NOTE: This is temporary. After you defeat Garuda, you can change back to
your regular party that you like.

Earn Gil by Selling Extra Items

Looking at the listed equipment above, here is what you'll need to buy and how
much it will cost you. The next towns sell this stuff.


Buy Price

-----------------------------------Feathered Hat .....(x4) = 24,000 gil

Rune Bracers ......(x3) = 15,000 gil
Diamond Bell ......(x3) = 13,500 gil
Gaia Vest .........(x2) = 15,200 gil
Wind Spear ........(x1) = 10,000 gil

Total Gil

= 77,700 gil

You probably don't have the funds to buy all that stuff, so here is what you
can sell for excellent profit. If you are adamant about having a perfect
game, then selling the Golden Swords won't be an option for you, and you will
have to earn the extra gil by fighting random battles. Actually, you might
already have enough gil without selling the Golden Swords. It's possible!

If you are short on gil, then that is something you will have to decide for
yourself. Is having 1 Golden Sword good enough for a perfect game? Or do you
need to have 11 of them? Or how about keeping 4 of them so each party member
can equip one? :P


Sell Price

-----------------------------------Golden Swords ....(x10) = 25,000 gil <--(don't sell them all!)

Shuriken ..........(x1) = 32,750 gil
Ottershroom .......(x1) = 1,000 gil
Battleaxe .........(x1) = 3,700 gil
Main Gauche .......(x1) = 3,500 gil

Serpent Sword .....(x1) = 750 gil

Fire Staff ........(x1) = 1,750 gil
Ice Staff .........(x1) = 1,750 gil
Light Staff .......(x1) = 1,750 gil
Great Bow .........(x1) = 600 gil
Killer Bow ........(x1) = 2,000 gil
Diamond Bell ......(x1) = 2,250 gil
Ice Shield ........(x1) = 900 gil
Ice Helm ..........(x1) = 600 gil
Ice Armor .........(x1) = 1,200 gil
Scholar Robe ......(x1) = 2,750 gil
Flame Mail ........(x1) = 1,200 gil

Total Gil

= 83,450 gil

All of this stuff, except Golden Swords, can be rebought later when gil isn't
an issue. If you've gotten everything in the walkthrough, up to this point,
you should have extra copies of these items. Again, if you don't want to sell
the Golden Swords, then you'll have to fight some random battles to earn the
gil difference you need.

Section 27 |

| -Checklist-


{27} Adventures in the Sky


Bestiary Logs:
#071 Anet .............(Lv 14, HP 268) W: Lightning
#072 Mermaid ..........(Lv 15, HP 364) W: Lightning
#073 Seahorse .........(Lv 14, HP 278) W: Lightning
#074 Sea Serpent ......(Lv 17, HP 530) W: Lightning
#095 Hellgaroo Mage ...(Lv 25, HP 1093)
#096 Needle Monkey ....(Lv 25, HP 1100)
#097 Catoblepas .......(Lv 26, HP 1260)
#098 Sorcerer .........(Lv 26, HP 1270)
#099 Sand Worm ........(Lv 26, HP 1290)
#112 Sea Dragon .......(Lv 27, HP 2550) W: Lightning

Earthen Drums (x2), Elixir (x2), Phoenix Down, Turtle Shell (x2)

Miscellaneous Items:
Chocobo's Wrath .......(rare Needle Monkey drop)
Shell Breaker .........(rare Needle Monkey drop)
Shining Curtain .......(rare Needle Monkey drop)
----------------------Main World Sea:
35% - Mermaid
25% - Anet
25% - Seahorse
10% - Sea Serpent
5% - Sea Dragon (no common location, can be found anywhere in the sea)

Grasslands near Duster and Replito Village:

25% - Hellgaroo Mage
25% - Catoblepas
25% - Sorcerer
25% - Needle Monkey (easiest to find near Replito Village)

Forests near Duster, Replito, and Saronia Kingdom:

30% - Hellgaroo Mage
20% - Catoblepas
20% - Sorcerer
20% - Needle Monkey
10% - Sand Worm

Marshlands south of Saronia Kingdom:

30% - Hellgaroo Mage
20% - Catoblepas
20% - Sorcerer
20% - Needle Monkey
10% - Sand Worm

Recommended Level:

While cruising in your new airship, avoid flying over Saronia Kingdom. You'll

recognize it as the HUGE castle in the northwest part of the World Map. If you
fly over it, bad things will happen and the story will continue. Wait, don't
we want that to happen? NO! Need. More. Treasure.


Once you have your Enterprise back you MUST encounter a Sea Dragon. He can be
found anywhere in the Main World sea. He is missable and now is the best time
to encounter it. (the Sea Dragon is not on floating continent)

First, let's visit Duster Village. It is located on the small island in the
middle of the World Map.

| {28} Duster - Village of Bards and Geomancers |

Bestiary Logs:

Earthen Drums (x2)

Recommended Level:


This town... is filled with a bunch a weirdos. Hehe. Most of the people here
are either a Geomancers, telling you how awesome they are, or a Bard, reciting
the lyrics from songs of old. It's quite entertaining, I guess. :P

When you find the Bard that talks about Items, and the Bard that sings about
chocobos (both are near the water), search the ground nearby. You can find
two [EARTHEN DRUMS], one by each Bard. Sadly, that's all the treasure there
is to find in this town.

==Item Shop=========Gil==
Hi-Potion ..........600
Gold Needle ........100
Maiden's Kiss ......100
Echo Herbs .........100
Mallet .............100
Eye Drops ...........40
Antidote ............80
Gysahl Greens ......150

Buy at least 12 Hi-Potions for the next boss. You probably already have some
from before, but if not, 12 will be a sufficient amount. You can't have too
many, you know, but make sure you can afford your armor before buying these.

==Weapon Shop=======Gil==Atk==Hit%==Effect==

Diamond Bell ......4500 42 100 Madhura Harp .....10000 60 100 +5 Mnd, Minne Song
Loki Harp ........10000 60 100 +5 Mnd, Minuet Song
Lamia Harp .......12000 60 100 +5 Mnd, Inflicts confuse, Requiem Song
Dream Harp .......12000 60 100 +5 Mnd, Inflicts Sleep, Paeon Song

We've only found 1 Diamond Bell, so far, and if that's all you have, then buy
three more. Buy enough Diamond Bells to equip each Geomancer with two.

==Armor Shop========Gil==PDef=MDef==Effect==
Gaia Vest .........7600 35 25 +3 Vit
Bard Vest .........5500 32 28 +2 Agi/Mnd
Feathered Hat .....6000 10 16 +2 Agi
Rune Bracers ......5000 11 13 +2 Int/Mnd, Immune to Mini/Toad/Petrify

Buy 4 Feathered Hats, 3 Rune Bracers, and 2 Gaia Vests.


There is nothing left to do in Duster, so leave and board your ship. Fly in
the northwest direction. AVOID the large castley looking place since it will
make us watch some events and we won't be able to visit the next town for a
long time. On the far north part of this continent, is Replito village.

| {29} Replito - Village of Summoners |

Bestiary Logs:

Elixir (x2), Phoenix Down, Turtle Shell (x2)

Recommended Level:

This town is strange. All the houses have no doors, except the Inn and the
Magic Shop. How do they get in their houses? Hmm.

At the east side of this town, there is a Gulgan hiding in the trees. Next
to him is a hidden [PHOENIX DOWN]. You can find a hidden [TURTLE SHELL] on
the tree to the left of the moogle and another [TURTLE SHELL] above the two
houses at the west side of town. (it's above the north house, by the trees)

And right above that turtle shell, in that small-wooded area in the trees,
you can find a blueberry [ELIXIR]. Yum!

Next, head to the house at the northeast part of town. (blue roof) You can
enter a secret door in the back of the house. In here you can find another
[ELIXIR] hidden in the wall to the right, and an old man. Talk to the Old
Man and he will give you a useful tip about the location of some supposedly

hidden treasures.

Last thing to do here is go shopping. If you want.

==Item Shop=========Gil==
Hi-Potion ..........600
Gold Needle ........100
Echo Herbs .........100
Eye Drops ...........40
Antidote ............80
Ottershroom .......2000
Gysahl Greens ......150
Gnomish Bread ......200

You can buy Ottershrooms for the first time! It's always handy to have a few
of these so you can teleport out of dungeons easily. There may be times when
you don't have enough MP to use Teleport so these can be used instead. Neat!

==Magic Shop========Gil==
Escape .............100
Icen ..............7000
Spark .............7000
Heatra ............7000
Hyper .............7000

Just skip these for now. If you want to try them out or something, save your
game first, before buying them. When you are done, reload your game so you

have all your money back! :p After the next boss, you can come back to buy
them if wanna start using an Evoker.

Well, that's all folks! There isn't anything else we can do at this time, so
we have no choice but to continue the game. If you want to go visit some old
friends, or hunt those elusive sea enemies, now is the time!


This is your last chance to encounter the many sea creatures. If you haven't
seen them all, then do so now. Otherwise you will miss out on their Bestiary
entries permanently and never have a perfect 100% game. Fly to Gysahl to see
if you have these enemies logged:

Floating Continent, Inner Sea:

(#031 Killer Fish)
(#032 Hermit)
(#033 Sea Elemental)
(#034 Tangie)
(#035 Sahagin) - easiest to find in water near Canaan.

Floating Continent, Outer Sea:

(#071 Anet)

(#072 Mermaid)
(#073 Seahorse)
(#074 Sea Serpent) - easiest to find in water near Village of the Ancients.

Main World Sea:

(#071 Anet)
(#072 Mermaid)
(#073 Seahorse)
(#074 Sea Serpent)
(#112 Sea Dragon) - anywhere in the main world sea.

When you are ready, fly to the northwest continent and look for the HUGE area
with towns, trees, cement, walls, and a castle.

SAVE YOUR GAME ON A SEPARATE FILE FIRST! :O Hmm, sorry for yelling. If you
need to come back out of Saronia Kingdom, you can't until you defeat the next
boss. He is VERY difficult so keep an extra save file out here.

Section 30 |

| -Checklist-


{30} Saronia Kingdom & Dragon Spire


Bestiary Logs:
#095 Hellgaroo Mage ....(Lv 25, HP 1093)
#096 Needle Monkey .....(Lv 25, HP 1100)
#097 Catoblepas ........(Lv 26, HP 1260)
#098 Sorcerer ..........(Lv 26, HP 1270)
#099 Sand Worm .........(Lv 26, HP 1290)
#206 Garuda ............(Lv 28, HP 10000) W: Wind

Boomerang, Dragon Hammer, Dragon Helm (x5), Dragon Mail (x4), Earthen Bell,
Elixir, Gaia Vest, Golem Staff, Gysahl Greens (x11), Ice Rod, Main Gauche,
Medusa Arrow (x20), Phoenix Down (x4), Rusty Mail (x2), Scholar Hat,
Selene Bow, Thunder Spear (x3), Tome of Ice, Tome of Light, Tome of Fire,
Viking Helm, Viking Mail, Wind Spear

Miscellaneous Items:
Chocobo's Wrath ........(rare Needle Monkey drop)
Shell Breaker ..........(rare Needle Monkey drop)
Shining Curtain ........(rare Needle Monkey drop)
----------------------Forests within Saronia Kingdom borders:
30% - Hellgaroo Mage
20% - Catoblepas
20% - Sorcerer
20% - Needle Monkey

10% - Sand Worm

Dragon Spire:
20% - Hellgaroo Mage
20% - Catoblepas
20% - Sorcerer
20% - Needle Monkey
20% - Sand Worm

Recommended Level:

To continue your journey, fly over Saronia Kingdom, near the castle. A scene
will occur and you will be shot down. Nooo!! :(

When you gain control again, there will be two lines of soldiers in front of
you. One on the left and one on the right. It seems that civil war has taken
over this Kingdom!

Instead of heading up into the castle, go down and exit. This will take you to
the World Map, right in the middle of Saronia Kingdom's walls. You can access
the four Districts surrounding the castle, but during a civil war, there isn't
much to see or do.

Be sure and talk to everyone, though. You'll learn a lot about what going on

in this war-ridden Kingdom, and you may also find what you need to do next!

====================== ===========
Saronia, NW District


====================== ===========

Public Library ......Closed

Inn/Item Shop .......Open
Magic Shop ..........Closed

Ok, so there isn't much to do here at this time. The magic shop is closed and
some boob is blocking the Library. Grr. There are a few townsfolk that you
can talk to, if you want. The NPC near the magic shop will give you a tip on
how to defeat the next boss. ;)

====================== ==========
Saronia, NE District


====================== ==========

Inn/Item Shop .......Open

Magic Shop 1 ........Closed
Magic Shop 2 ........Closed
Weapon Shop 1 .......Open
Weapon Shop 2 .......Closed

There are more people here you can talk to. Also, there is a weapon shop
open for business! You can buy a Thunder Spear and Wind Spear. We need two

Wind Spears, but only buy 1. We get a free one in the SW District.

At the base of the trees just south of the closed Weapon Shop, you will find
a valuable [ELIXIR].

====================== ==========
Saronia, SW District


====================== ==========

Tavern ..............Open
Armor Shop ..........Closed
Revive Wellspring ...Open
Fat Chocobo .........Open

In the HUGE house at the east side of town, you'll find a guy in there who has
found the secret to finding Fat Chocobo! Talk to him and he will demonstrate.

At the right side of this room, is a secret passageway that leads to a small
room with TONS of treasure chests. Oh yeah! You'll find....whaaaaat? This
is worse than the eleven Gold Swords! 11 gysahl greens? Eww. At least you
know how to find Fat Chocobo now, right? >_>

When ready, go to the tavern at the north part of town. When you enter, some
events will occur, so watch them. Feeling his pain, Arc sticks up for Prince
Alus. Defeat the bullies and watch the scene.

NOTE: Geomancers have a 40% chance to use Shadowflare in this battle. The only
only other place that gives this % chance is Eureka. If you want to see
just a small taste of the Geomancer's power, use one for this fight!


With Alus in your party, go talk to the orange old guy at the southwest part
of town. He will give you a [WIND SPEAR]. And the other orange old guy, on
the small island in the middle of town, will give you a [DRAGON MAIL]. If you
don't get these items now, you will lose your chance to get them at a later
time, because Alus leaves your party soon. Thanks old guys!

====================== ================
Saronia, SE District

Dragon Spire

====================== ================

Dragon Spire ........Open

Chocobo Ride.........Open

In this district there is actually something worth doing! Near the middle of
town you will find the Dragon Spire.

NOTE: The 2 wooden doors on the outside of the Spire have no purpose.

Climb this tower to find some nice treasure. Of course, you'll have to fight
some monsters on the way up, but they aren't that tough.

At the very top you'll find three [DRAGON MAIL], three [THUNDER SPEAR], two
[PHOENIX DOWN], and four [DRAGON HELM]. Now your Dragoon is complete! If
you've gotten everything so far, your team is ready to fight the next boss.

There are some chocobos in the northeast part of town. If you want to ride
one back to Saronia Castle, you can, though it's not very far...

| Saronia Castle: Preparing for the Boss: |

When you're all ready, take Prince Alus to the castle. Watch the dramatic
scenes that take place, and you'll learn the truth behind the King's sudden

A puffin! ...of doom.

This is the boss that I've been preparing you for. To those that haven't been
following my guide until now, at the end of Section 26 I suggested using a
specific party to defeat Garuda, so you could start building its Job levels.

It's ok if you missed it, just switch to the party now and you can still win,
though it might be a little more difficult. (you can always gain a few Job
levels from random battles in Dragon Spire or the Forests on the World Map)

NOTE: Check in the boss' info box to see my Levels and Job levels.

Garuda has an attack that will deal 300-700+ damage to all party members, and

will cause pain and agony. There are a few things you can do, to help your
party survive, but he can use it every round if he wants. Just keep in mind,
no matter what you do, you'll need some luck to win this fight.

NOTE: Before the fight, make sure you have at least 12+ Hi-Potions. You will
need them! You can buy Hi-Potions in the NW and NE Districts.

NOTE: If you try and try, but can't win, try leveling up! That will surely
make this fight easier. I think you'll do fine, though, because I'm
here to help! Yay! ...... *crickets*



{boss-10} |

|Level: 28




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion



| 3. Hi-Potion



| 4. Hi-Potion






|Weakness: Wind.

|Attacks: Wing Strike - Physical attack; Single target

Lightning - Magic attack; Lightning-elemental; Multi target

|Strategy: Garuda gets to attack 2 times per round. His physical attack isn't|
|that powerful, but if he uses it before or after Lightning, it can easily KO |

|a party member. Lightning is his strongest attack. It's a very cheap attack|
|and can kill your entire party with ease. With the recommended set-up below,|
|it'll deal 300-700+ damage. It can't get any better than that, unless you go|
|and grind a bunch of levels for an easy win. But that's no fun! ;)

|If you are lucky, Garuda will only use his physical attack and cast Lightning|
|1-2 times, or less. If you are unlucky, though, he will use Lightning every|
|single round, giving you no chance to do anything, but die. Hehe. That will|
|happen to everyone, there is no stopping his cheapness, so just try again and|
|the fight will eventually go in your favor.


|EVERYTIME he uses Lightning, have everyone that was hit use a Hi-Potion. This|
|will help you survive longer, even another casting of Lightning. I suggested|
|bringing at least 12 Hi-Potions so you have enough to survive three casts of |
|Lightning. (3 Hi-Potions per person) Having a Dragoon is nice because it'll|
|be in the air, Jumping, and avoid getting hit altogether. (see below)

|If someone is KO'd, do NOT revive them. Reviving them is a waste of a turn, |
|and Garuda will have a better chance to KO your party. Don't stop attacking |
|to revive anyone. It's a race to see who dies first! It's rare to defeat |
|Garuda with ALL party members alive, so take what you can get, even if there |
|is only one person remaining.

|Use this party to defeat Garuda. I've tried MANY party combinations, and even|
|some bizarre strategies, but I believe this is the BEST way to defeat Garuda.|

| Geomancer
| ---------

Black Mage


| Diamond Bell


Light Staff

---------Wind Spear


Diamond Bell

| Diamond Bell

Ice Staff

Wind Spear

Diamond Bell

| Feathered Hat Feathered Hat Feathered Hat Feathered Hat

| Gaia Vest
| Rune Bracers

Mage Robe

Leather Armor Gaia Vest


Rune Bracers Power Bracers Rune Bracers



|Black Mage: (My Job Lv. = 33)


|Always cast Blizzaga with the Black Mage. This attack will deal 1500+ damage,|
|and at character level 24, you'll have 5 MP to cast it. That is plenty since|
|this fight shouldn't last longer than that. Lightning will deal ~350 damage |
|to this Black Mage, if you have the equipment I listed.

|Geomancers: (My Job Lv. = 17 and 11)


|The Geomancers will usually cast Wind Slash which deals 700-1000+ damage. If|
|you are lucky they will use Shadowflare which deals 5000+ damage. I had this|
|happen to me and Garuda went down SO easy. :P The chance of it happening is|
|rare, so don't rely on it. They might also use Ice Storm, which deals less |
|damage than Wind Slash, but not by a lot.


|They will usually get to act before Garuda, as well. This is the main reason|
|I recommended using them, plus the fact that they can also survive Lightning |
|easily. It will hit each Geomancer for about 300+ damage if you have all the|
|equipment I listed. Out of all available Jobs and equipment, Geomancers can |
|have the highest Defense AND Magic Defense, both at the same time. Most Jobs|
|can only have one or the other, at this point.
|Dragoon: (My Job Lv. = 5)



|Always Jump with the Dragoon. His Jump attack will deal 1700-2500+ damage, |
|if you are in the front row, and equipped with 2 Wind Spears. My Dragoon was|
|dealing 2100+ damage and it is only Job Level 5! One time it hit for 1800+ |
|damage, though, but that's still a lot!


|Dragoons are very slow, especially if you equip all their heavy gear. Giving|
|them a Feathered Hat and LEATHER Armor will give them a nice boost in speed, |
|and they will definitely have a better chance to act before Garuda. (this is |
|due to equipment weight) The Feathered Hat increases your Agility by 2, so |
|that helps them act even faster during the round. :)

|The downside to using a Dragoon is that Lightning will probably always KO it,|
|no matter what you do. They just have horrible magic defense. Use my listed|
|equipment set up and you'll have a better chance to Jump before getting hit. |
|My Level: Refia (24), Luneth (24), Arc (24), Ingus (24)


NOTE: Another strategy you could've used is have an entire party of Dragoons
and a Bard. Equip the Loki Harp on the Bard so it can use Minuet, which
increases attack power of all party members. Then HOPE you win before
Garuda does. (jump jump boom)

NOTE: Or you could've leveled a Thief to Job Lv. 99, by killing Goblins, and
steal some Raven's Yawn from a Needle Monkey. Then use a full party of
Scholars to deal massive wind-damage with double potency items. (the
Raven's Yawn casts Aeroga)

Did you win, yet? :P Hehe. Great job on beating one of the hardest bosses
in the game! You can relax now. Watch the scenes after the fight. Remember
to change your party back to normal!

When you gain control again, head to the right side of the room. See anything
that looks suspicious? A crack!

| Exploring Saronia Castle |

Enter the hidden path in the wall and follow the stairs down to find a secret
treasure room. You'll find a [BOOMERANG], [SELENE BOW], [TOME OF LIGHT],

NOTE: The Ice Rod casts Blizzara for no MP cost!

For even better results, head down the stairs until you reach the end. There
is ANOTHER secret passage to the right! AHH! I wanna scream for joy. In this
secret room you'll find an ugly [RUSTY MAIL], [VIKING HELM], [EARTHEN BELL],
[DRAGON HELM], [GAIA VEST], and [VIKING MAIL]. Woooooooow! You've just hit
the jackpot.



The Rusty Mails are simply that. Rusty. Not special. :( I'm just letting you
know, because they aren't used for anything in the game other than having a
spot in your treasure collection, so don't sell them! >_>

When finished looking at your new treasure, head back up to the room where you
defeated Garuda. You can go up to talk to Alus, and some castle people, or go
down to leave the castle. Let's go down.

Out here, you'll be in the courtyard of the castle. Talk to the guard at the
northeast part of the courtyard. GRRR!!! He is lucky we're nice.

Go into the left building first. There is a secret passage in the wall to the
right. Find your way through these passages. It's pretty easy. At the very
end you'll find two treasure chests with a [PHOENIX DOWN] inside.

NOTE: Don't worry about the room to the left of this dead-end. You can't get
there at this point, but will be able to later on from a different area.

Now head back to the courtyard. Enter the building on the right. Speak with
the four guys in here and they will upgrade your ship. Excellent! Leave the
castle and board your brand new ship. OR...

With Saronia Kingdom back in order, all the shops and stuff are open again in
the four Districts. I highly recommend you visit each of them again.

====================== ===========
Saronia, NW District


====================== ===========

Public Library ......Open

Inn/Item Shop .......Open
Magic Shop ..........Open

The Library is now open and has some very interesting information inside. Go
check it out! Use the Zoom-In feature and read all the shiny spots. There
is also a magic shop now open. (see below for shop details)

====================== ==========
Saronia, NE District


====================== ==========

Inn/Item Shop .......Open

Magic Shop 1 ........Open
Magic Shop 2 ........Open
Weapon Shop 1 .......Open
Weapon Shop 2 .......Open

There is a lot to do here! Try going to all the different shops and upgrading
your party members. The shops have new equipment and magic that you don't have
yet. Don't skip this District! (see below for shop details)

====================== ==========
Saronia, SW District


====================== ==========

Tavern ..............Open
Armor Shop ..........Open
Revive Wellspring ...Open
Fat Chocobo .........Open

Nothing exciting here, but an Armor Shop is now opened. If you didn't talk
to the orange old guys, when Alus was in your party, it's too late to get
their free items. They are gone for-e-ver... (see below for shop details)

====================== ================
Saronia, SE District

Dragon Spire

====================== ================

Dragon Spire ........Open

Chocobo Ride.........Open

Nothing new here to see. The cute little chobocos are still here if you want
to take one for a ride around the World Map. The gate to Saronia Kingdom is
now open so you can explore beyond its borders. There is a lot out there!

NOTE: You may want to sell your extra copies of items, to get some of the gil
back that you spent in preparation for Garuda.


(NW District)
==Magic Shop========Gil==
Fira ..............1500
Blizzara ..........1500
Thundara ..........1500
Cura ..............1500
Teleport ..........1500
Blindna ...........1500

If you don't have these, yet, buy them now if you have the gil. These were
available back in the Village of the Ancients, but you may have skipped them
to save money.

(NE District)
==Magic Shop 1======Gil==
Thundaga ..........5000
Raze ..............5000
Erase .............5000
Curaga ............5000
Raise .............5000
Protect ...........5000

Awesome! All of these spells are worth buying. Try your best to get enough
gil to purchase all of these. Raze is excellent for killing those annoyingly
weak random encounters. The rest of the spells speak for themselves!

(NE District)
==Magic Shop 2======Gil==
Break .............3000

Blizzaga ..........3000
Shade .............3000
Libra .............3000
Confuse ...........3000
Silence ...........3000

You may already have these from Gysahl Village. If not, you can get them now
if you have enough money. Buy the higher level magicks in Shop 1 first.

(NE District)
==Weapon Shop 1=====Gil==Atk==Hit%==Effect==
Thunder Spear .....7000 45 90 Lightning-elemental, Casts Thunder
Wind Spear .......10000 53 90 Wind-elemental, Casts Aero

Don't buy these. You know why! Too bad you can't return the Wind Spear you
bought earlier for a full refund, hehe. If you plan to use a Dragoon then of
course you'll want to keep it! Or do you?

(NE District)
==Weapon Shop 2=====Gil==Atk==Hit%==Effect==
Fire Rod .........10000 25 70 +3 Int, +3 Mnd, Fire-elemental
Ice Rod ..........10000 25 70 +3 Int, +3 Mnd, Ice-Elemental
Light Rod ........10000 25 60 +3 Int, +3 Mnd, Lightning-elemental
Golem Staff ......13500 30 70 +3 Mnd, Casts Break
Rune Staff .......18000 33 80 +4 Mnd, Casts Erase
Wizard Rod .......20000 20 100 +5 Mnd

You just found a free Ice Rod, but the Fire and Light Rod can only be bought
here. So you must buy them if you want to use their zero MP Thundara and

Fira spells. The Rune Staff + Wizard Rod can only be purchased here, as well,
so buy those, too, if your budget allows it. You find a second Golem Staff
eventually, making it not worth the gil.

(SW District)
==Armor Shop========Gil==PDef=MDef==Effect==
Rune Bracers ......5000 11 13 +2 Int/Mnd, Immune to Mini/Toad/Petrify
Gaia Vest .........7600 35 25 +3 Vit
Scholar Robe ......5500 20 23 +2 Int, +2 Mnd
Scholar Hat .......7500 11 16 +1 Int

You don't need to buy any of this. You have them already, and multiple copies
even! Speaking of which, you should sell them if you need extra gil.

After you are all finished, and are confident in your levels and equipment, go
to your next destination. The super-gusty Dalg Continent!

Section 31 |

| -Checklist-


{31} Dalg Continent, Doga's Manor, & the Cave of the Circle


Bestiary Logs:
#100 Frostfly .........(Lv 28, HP 1200) W: Fire, Wind
#101 Simurgh ..........(LV 28, HP 1220) W: Wind
#102 Harpy ............(Lv 30, HP 1650) W: Wind
#103 Gargoyle .........(Lv 28, HP 1240)
#104 Chimera ..........(Lv 28, HP 1250)
#105 Demon Horse ......(Lv 29, HP 710)
#106 Rock Gargoyle ....(Lv 29, HP 720) W: Wind
#107 Bovian ...........(Lv 29, HP 730)
#108 Dread Knight .....(Lv 29, HP 740)
#109 Flyer Mage .......(Lv 28, HP 680) W: Wind

Miscellaneous Items:
Silence Seal ..........(rare Rock Gargoyle drop)
----------------------Grasslands and Forest on Dalg Continent:
35% - Simurgh
35% - Harpy
20% - Gargoyle
10% - Chimera

Dalg Continent Skies:

25% - Frostfly
25% - Simurgh
20% - Harpy
20% - Gargoyle
10% - Chimera

HP/MP, Revive

Recommended Level:

Now that you have the Nautilus, you can pass through the harsh winds of Dalg
Continent. This continent, if you don't know, is located to the southwest of
Amur Village.

When you get there, circle around the continent and look for the opening near
the south side. Fly your airship into the mountains. About half-way through,
you'll come to a fork. The path going south leads to a dead-end and the path
going north leads to Doga's Manor.

| Doga's Manor |

Bestiary Logs:
HP/MP, Revive

Recommended Level:


Inside the manor, follow the hall and a scene will occur. Doga himself will
join your party and ask you to escort him to the Cave of the Circle. Continue
through his manor and you'll find a room with moogles! There is an Item Shop
and Magic Shop for your adventuring needs.

==Item Shop=========Gil==
Hi-Potion ..........600
Gold Needle ........100
Maiden's Kiss ......100
Echo Herbs .........100
Mallet .............100
Eye Drops ...........40
Antidote ............80
Gysahl Greens ......150

Same old stuff. Buy what you need refills on.

==Magic Shop========Gil==
Firaga ...........10000
Bio ..............10000
Warp .............10000
Aeroga ...........10000
Stona ............10000
Haste ............10000

Curaga ............5000
Raise .............5000

Now is a great time to use a White Mage. These Lv. 6 white spells are really
useful, especially Haste! It's not a necessity, though. Aeroga is just as
powerful as the three main -aga spells. Of the 3 Black Magic spells, Firaga
and Bio should be your first purchases. You might not be able to afford this
stuff, so don't worry about it too much, right now.

There is also a Fat Chocobo! :P Use this chance to stock up on low items or
feed the Fat Chocobo, and then proceed.

Beyond this shop room, you will find a room with junk everywhere. Some of the
junk will heal your party, so I guess we can call it useful? ;) Talk to the
candle in the northeast part of the room. It will open a pathway to a secret
room... with more junk! (it's invisible)

In this room, use the Mini Spell or Mallet to enter the hole. Welcome to the
Cave of the Circle.

| Cave of the Circle |

Bestiary Logs:

#105 Demon Horse ......(Lv 29, HP 710)

#106 Rock Gargoyle ....(Lv 29, HP 720) W: Wind
#107 Bovian ...........(Lv 29, HP 730)
#108 Dread Knight .....(Lv 29, HP 740)
#109 Flyer Mage .......(Lv 28, HP 680) W: Wind

Miscellaneous Items:
Silence Seal ..........(rare Rock Gargoyle drop)
----------------------Cave, Path 1:
40% - Demon Horse
40% - Bovian
20% - Dread Knight

Cave, Path 2:
40% - Rock Gargoyle
40% - Bovian
20% - Demon Horse

Cave, Path 3:
30% - Dread Knight
30% - Bovian
30% - Demon Horse/Rock Gargoyle
10% - Flyer Mage

Recommended Level:


NOTE: This is the same situation as Nepto Temple. You have to be Mini so it's
a good idea to have a magic-based party so you can defeat your foes.

Head right following the path. Just keep going until you reach the end. In
the last room, Doga will cough and then cast a spell on the Nautilus. It can
now go underwater!!! Sweet. He will also tell you to retrieve Noah's Lute,
found within the the Temple of Time.

Temple of Time? That sounds familiar. Hmm... *plays ocarina* Anyways, it is

located in the water by Cape Twin Horn, so let's go fishing! Or diving! :P

I am going to change my party a bit, so just to keep record, here is my party
progression since the very beginning of the game:

Wind Crystal:

Fire Crystal:

Water Crystal:


Refia (Thief) --------> (Ranger) -------> (Geomancer) -----> (Geomancer)

Luneth (Black Mage) ----------------------------------------> (Black Mage)
Arc (Monk) ---------> (Geomancer) ----> (Monk) ----------> (Dark Knight)
Ingus (Red Mage) ------------------------------------------> (White Mage)

I've been meaning to change Arc into a Dark Knight since the Water Crystal,
but there wasn't any time because of Garuda. Even though I'm Job level 1 as
a Dark Knight, it's still pretty strong, dealing 1000+ damage to all foes

with Souleater. (I just tested it, hehe) Also, I'm finally retiring Ingus
as a Red Mage. Since we have access to much better White Magic spells, he
will be a White Mage from now on. Refia is doing awesome as a Geomancer, and
her Terrain ability is doing TONS of damage. I love it! Luneth has 3 new
elemental Rods for casting zero MP magic, so he is having fun, too! :P

Section 32 |

| -Checklist-


{32} Adventures under the Sea


Bestiary Logs:
#110 Noggle ...........(Lv 30, HP 1310) W: Lightning
#111 Abtu .............(Lv 29, HP 1128) W: Lightning
#113 Kagura ...........(Lv 29, HP 1143) W: Lightning
#114 Charybdis ........(Lv 30, HP 1350) W: Lightning
#115 Dozmare ..........(Lv 31, HP 1650) W: Wind
#116 Sea Witch ........(Lv 31, HP 1660) W: Lightning
#117 Killer Hermit ....(Lv 31, HP 1680) W: Lightning
#118 Ologhai ..........(Lv 30, HP 1415) W: Lightning
#119 Kelpie ...........(Lv 30, HP 1420) W: Lightning

#120 Aegir ............(Lv 31, HP 1750) W: Lightning

#121 Kyklops ..........(Lv 32, HP 1580)
#122 Boss Troll .......(Lv 32, HP 1600)
#123 Fachan ...........(Lv 32, HP 1620)
#124 Cenchos ..........(Lv 32, HP 4000) W: Lightning
#125 Balor ............(Lv 32, HP 1660)
#138 Eater ............(Lv 35, HP 2700) W: Dark Blades
#139 Ouroboros ........(Lv 36, HP 2660) W: Lightning
#148 Zombie Dragon ....(Lv 41, HP 11000) W: Light
#149 Death Claw .......(Lv 38, HP 3800)
#155 Peryton ..........(Lv 41, HP 9650) W: Wind
#207 Odin .............(Lv 41, HP 31000)

Aegis Shield (x2), Air Knife, Ancient Sword, Chakram, Cognitome,
Diamond Bracers, Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm, Diamond Mail,
Diamond Shield, Dual Tomahawk, Elixir (x5), Golem Staff, Heavy Lance,
Loki Harp, Metal Knuckles, Phoenix Down (x5), Reflect Mail (x2), Rune Bell,
Tiger Claws, Trident, Triton Hammer

Miscellaneous Items:
Chocobo's Wrath .......(rare Kyklops drop)
Shining Curtain .......(rare Kyklops drop)
Silence Seal ..........(rare Fachan drop)
Elixir ................(easy Odin steal, rare Odin drop)
Gungnir ...............(rare Odin steal/drop)

Summon Magic:

----------------------Main World Sea, Underwater:

30% - Noggle
30% - Abtu
30% - Kagura
10% - Charybdis

Recommended Level:

Another HUGE treasure list, yay! This is just what we needed. After the pain
that Garuda caused, treasure is a welcomed sight. Are you ready for a long and
adventuresome treasure hunt? Mee too! ^_^

In the next dungeon, you can fight Odin. You know, the Gungnir guy? If you
don't have a Job Lv. 71 Thief, or higher, then you won't be able to steal a
Gungnir from him. You do NOT have to fight him now, but you can still visit
his dungeon and find all the treasures there, then just wait to fight him at
a later time. He is Level 41, so it might be better that way. (see below)

| {33} Doga's Village |

Bestiary Logs:

Recommended Level:

There is no treasure to find here (so sad), but you can buy all Lv. 3-7 Black
and White magic and also the Lv. 1-5 Summons. Delicious!

To get to this seemingly elusive "village", fly the Nautilus to the east side
of Dalg continent. With your waterproof Nautilus, dive underwater. If you are
at the eastmost part of the continent, you will see a secret passageway. Go
in and follow it to the end. Emerge from the depths and you will come up near
the village. How cool!

NOTE: This place reminds me of Black Mage Village in FFIX! FFIX and FFV are
my favorite FF games. :)

I'll list shop details for you, but you have to decide what to buy for your
mages. There are many things to try, so have at it!

==Magic Shop========Gil== A
Fira ..............1500
Blizzara ..........1500

Thundara ..........1500
Cura ..............1500
Teleport ..........1500

World Map

Blindna ...........1500

__ ^ __
\_ _/

==Magic Shop========Gil== B

_| |_

Break .............3000

Blizzaga ..........3000

| A |

Shade .............3000

_/ _

Libra .............3000

_ \_

_/ _/ \ / \_ \_

Confuse ...........3000

_/ _/ | | \_ \_

Silence ...........3000

____/ _/



==Magic Shop========Gil== C
Thundaga ..........5000
Raze ..............5000
Erase .............5000

_| |_

| F |____/


\_ _/ |

\_ \____



\\ \

Raise .............5000

\ \ \ _____ / / /
\\ //
\ \_/ /

Bio ..............10000
Warp .............10000

/ //

\\ //

\ \_/ /

==Magic Shop========Gil== D
Firaga ...........10000


| C _______ E |



Aeroga ...........10000
Stona ............10000
Haste ............10000
Curaga ............5000

| \_ _/

Curaga ............5000

Protect ...........5000

M \____| B |

M = Moogle

Raise .............5000

==Magic Shop========Gil== E
Quake ............20000
Breakga ..........20000
Drain ............20000
Curaja ...........20000
Esuna ............20000
Reflect ..........20000

==Magic Shop========Gil== F
Escape .............100
Icen ..............7000
Spark .............7000
Heatra ............7000
Hyper .............7000

| {34} Saronia Catacombs |

Bestiary Logs:
#121 Kyklops ..........(Lv 32, HP 1580)
#122 Boss Troll .......(Lv 32, HP 1600)
#123 Fachan ...........(Lv 32, HP 1620)
#124 Cenchos ..........(Lv 32, HP 4000) W: Lightning
#125 Balor ............(Lv 32, HP 1660)
#139 Ouroboros ........(Lv 36, HP 2660) W: Lightning

#207 Odin .............(Lv 41, HP 31000)

Aegis Shield, Elixir (x4), Golem Staff, Heavy Lance, Phoenix Down (x4),
Reflect Mail, Rune Bell

Miscellaneous Items:
Chocobo's Wrath .......(rare Kyklops drop)
Shining Curtain .......(rare Kyklops drop)
Silence Seal ..........(rare Fachan drop)
Elixir ................(easy Odin steal, rare Odin drop)
Gungnir ...............(rare Odin steal/drop)

Summon Magic:
----------------------Catacombs, Level 1 & 3:
35% - Kyklops
35% - Cenchos
30% - Boss Troll/Fachan

Catacombs, Level 2 & 4:

30% - Kyklops
30% - Cenchos
30% - Boss Troll/Fachan
10% - Balor

Recommended Level: Recommended Level for Odin:



To find this place, dive into the sea just below the SE District of Saronia
Kingdom. There will be a cave around here. Enter it.

If you're NOT ready to fight Odin, you can still explore this dungeon and open
all the treasure chests. (just put the fight with Odin on hold) When I say
ready, I mean ready to steal Gungnir with a Job Lv. 71+ Thief, and are at the
recommended levels above, or higher. (36-37+)

Level 1:
Being the entry floor, this path is simple. Walk up the path to reach the
next floor.

Level 2:
The path here is kinda long, especially with high encounter rate. There are
no treasures, yet, so make your way to the next floor.

Level 3:
On this floor you immediately have an option to go left or right. Go right
first and grab the treasure chests over here. You'll find an [AEGIS SHIELD],
[RUNE BELL], and [GOLEM STAFF]. Yay for my Geomancer! Head back down and
take the left path.

Over here, you'll go up some stairs, and at the top, grab the [REFLECT MAIL]
from the chest. Keep following the path to find some stairs leading to the
next floor. Ignore them, and slightly to the right of here, grab the treasure
chest to receive a [HEAVY LANCE]. Now take the stairs.

--------------------- Floor 4:
Enemy: Cenchos



In this area there is a huge blue rug. Head to the

Level: 32

right. There's a secret passage in the wall, that


leads to 8 treasure chests! They are all traps, but



you get four [ELIXIR] and four [PHOENIX DOWN].


When you open these chests, you'll have to fight the


enemies to the left. You've probably already seen



the Cenchos in this dungeon, but the Ouroboros is a



new monster. You'll fight it as a random encounter

Weakness: Lightning

during a later dungeon.

----------------------------------------- Ouroboros isn't difficult to beat. They have little

Enemy: Ouroboros

HP, so they die easily. When ready, walk back to

the blue rug and go up to the next floor.

Level: 36




Floor 5: Preparing for the Boss:

In this room resides the legendary warrior, Odin, and
his bestest friend/pet/horse, Sleipnir! Odin is very


powerful and has no problems with KO'ing your entire


team using Zantetsuken.




Weakness: Lightning

This fight is actually very similar to the one with

--------------------- Salamander back in Molten Cave. Remember? When he

gets to 30% HP remaining, Odin will start using his
super-powerful Zantetsuken attack. This attack will easily do 1000+ damage to
every party member. Even more if they are under-leveled and poorly equipped.

The stategy for winning will be similar, too, in that we will excute all of
our most powerful attacks near the end of the fight, giving him no chance to
use Zantetsuken.

You'll want to be at least level 36-37 before fighting Odin. It also helps to
have better equipment, and you will if you decide to fight him later. A good
time to fight Odin is right before the Leviathan and Bahamut sections.

You can fight Odin at ANY time during the rest of the game. If you aren't
completely ready, come back later! Last warning! eee eee


For a perfect item list, you must steal the Gungnir from Odin. Your Job level
has to be 71+ or you will only steal Elixirs. It is also possible to win a
Gungnir after battle, but it's very rare! If you are going for MAX items, you
will need to get BOTH Gungnirs. I wish you luck! ;)



{boss-11} |

|Level: 40




| Elixir............0.4% | 1. Elixir

|---------------------------| Gungnir...........0.3% | 2. Elixir




| 3. Gungnir

| 4. Gungnir






|Weakness: None.




|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:


After defeating Odin he will grant you his power, allowing you to summon him
during battle as the ultra-cool Catastro summon!

NOTE: If you haven't gotten it yet, you will notice a treasure chest to the
right of Odin's room. (there are actually two) You can only get these
by going through a secret passage in Saronia Castle. If you followed
everything so far, then you should have opened them already.

Now that we are done here, exit the catacombs and return to your ship. If you
need to restock on anything, you should do so because the next area has some
tough enemies waiting for us.

| {35} Sunken Cave |

Bestiary Logs:
#115 Dozmare ..........(Lv 31, HP 1650) W: Wind
#116 Sea Witch ........(Lv 31, HP 1660) W: Lightning
#117 Killer Hermit ....(Lv 31, HP 1680) W: Lightning
#118 Ologhai ..........(Lv 30, HP 1415) W: Lightning
#119 Kelpie ...........(Lv 30, HP 1420) W: Lightning
#120 Aegir ............(Lv 31, HP 1750) W: Lightning
#138 Eater ............(Lv 35, HP 2700) W: Dark Blades
#148 Zombie Dragon ....(Lv 41, HP 11000) W: Light
#149 Death Claw .......(Lv 38, HP 3800)
#155 Peryton ..........(Lv 41, HP 9650) W: Wind

Aegis Shield, Air Knife, Ancient Sword, Chakram, Cognitome, Diamond Bracers,

Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm, Diamond Mail, Diamond Shield, Dual Tomahawk,
Elixir, Loki Harp, Metal Knuckles, Phoenix Down, Reflect Mail, Tiger Claws,
Trident, Triton Hammer
----------------------Cave, Level 1:
30% - Dozmare
30% - Ologhai/Kelpie
20% - Sea Witch
20% - Killer Hermit

Cave, Level 2:
40% - Sea Witch
25% - Ologhai/Kelpie
25% - Killer Hermit
10% - Aegir

Cave, Level 3:
30% - Dozmare
30% - Ologhai/Kelpie
20% - Killer Hermit
20% - Aegir

Recommended Level:

Back in the Nautilus, fly to the tiny island in the southeast part of the
World Map (looks like a triangle). Dive in the water and you'll find there
is a hidden cave in the base of this island.

Cave, level 1:
In the cave, make your way through the first area. You'll cross a single
bridge and fight some stairs to the left.

Cave, level 2:
In the second area, there are 3 treasure chests to find. One is to the left
and contains a [CHAKRAM]. The path going up has a chest with [TIGER CLAWS],
and the path going down has a chest with a [DUAL TOMAHAWK].

After opening all three, head back to the center of the area, and take the
path going southeast. You'll find some stairs to the next level.

Cave, level 3:
In the next area, go across the first bridge. Here you'll have a choice to
go left, or down. Go down to find the following treasure: [COGNITOME],

Go back and take the left bridge. Here you will find: [DIAMOND MAIL],
[LOKI HARP], [DIAMOND BRACERS], and an [AIR KNIFE]. From here, follow the
path down across the bridge and grab the [PHOENIX DOWN], [ELIXIR], and

Once you open those last chests, enter a hidden passage inside the wall, to
the left. In this secret part of the cave, are 4 treasure chests all guarded
by monsters. They are listed by difficulty, going from easiest to hardest:
Southeast, Southwest, Northeast, Northwest.

|Enemy: Eater

| SE Chest: [TRITON HAMMER] Recommended Lv: 27-28|

|Level: 35

| The Eater is just as tough as any encounter here |


| in Sunken Cave. You'll have no trouble winning, |



| however, this is your first time fighting a divide|


| type enemy. If you attack it using your normal |

| weapons, it will multiply itself. 3 is the max! |






| Weakness: Use Dark Blades or magic to kill it. |

|Enemy: Death Claw


Recommended Lv: 28-29|

|Level: 38

| Slightly harder than the Eater, this enemy will |


| deal 300-400+ damage with its physical attack. You|



| may need to use a healer. Other than that, it has|


| a small amount of HP, so it should die very easy. |

| It doesn't multiply like the Eater.






| Weakness: None

|Enemy: Zombie Dragon | NE Chest: [AEGIS SHIELD]

Recommended Lv: 30-31|

|Level: 41



| Zombie Dragons get 2 attacks per round, and its |

| physical attack will deal about 400+ damage. It is|
| very dangerous for lower-levels. Use a healer! |


| It is undead, so you can hurt it with restorative |


| magic and items. Phoenix Downs kill it! :)






| Weakness: Light

|Enemy: Peryton

| NW Chest: [TRIDENT]

Recommended Lv: 30-31|

|Level: 41

| Peryton is the toughest of the four. Its physical|


| attack will deal 400+ damage, and it has 2 attacks|



| per round. If you still have your Dragoon from the|


| fight with Garuda, that works great! Just use your|

| strongest wind magic/weapons. Use a healer!






| Weakness: Wind


Well that's it, there are no more treasures to get at this point. But you
don't mind right? You just found thousands of Gil worth in treasure!

You're happy. :) Now on to the next destination.

Section 36 |

| -Checklist-


{36} The Temple of Time



Bestiary Logs:
#126 Dira .............(Lv 33, HP 5000) W: Wind
#127 Chimera Mage .....(Lv 33, HP 1540)
#128 King Lizard ......(Lv 33, HP 1560) W: Lightning
#129 Pterodactyl ......(Lv 33, HP 1570) W: Wind
#130 Wyvern ...........(Lv 36, HP 1825) W: Wind
#131 Behemoth .........(Lv 37, HP 12650)
#132 King Seahorse ....(Lv 33, HP 1405) W: Lightning
#133 Dragon ...........(Lv 38, HP 11000)

Key Items:
Fang of Fire, Noah's Lute

Behemoth Knife, Blood Lance, Defender, Diamond Bracers, Diamond Gloves,
Diamond Helm, Diamond Mail, Diamond Shield, Lamia Harp, Protect Ring
----------------------Temple, Floor 1 & 1A:
25% - Dira

40% - Chimera Mage

25% - Chimera Mage

25% - Wyvern

40% - Wyvern
20% - King Seahorse/King Lizard

25% - King Seahorse/King Lizard

Temple, Floor 2:
30% - Dira
30% - King Seahorse/King Lizard
20% - Chimera Mage
20% - Wyvern

Temple, Floor 3 & 3B:

30% - Dira

3A & 3C:
30% - Dira

30% - Chimera Mage

30% - Chimera Mage

30% - King Seahorse/King Lizard 30% - King Seahorse/King Lizard

10% - Behemoth

Temple, Floor 4:
30% - Behemoth
30% - Dragon
20% - Chimera Mage

10% - Dragon

40% - Pterodactyl
40% - Dragon
20% - King Seahorse/King Lizard

20% - King Seahorse/King Lizard

Noah's Lute Room:

30% - Behemoth
30% - Dragon
30% - Chimera Mage
10% - Pterodactyl


Recommended Level:

The only clue Doga gave you, on where you need to go, is "Cape Twin Horn". If
you want to find it on your own, explore the World Map and look for two pieces
of land that look like a pair of horns. There are quite a few of them. If you
want to know now, the answer is 2 paragraphs down.

NOTE: You'll need a Thief or 7 Magic Keys for this dungeon.

The Temple of Time is a dangerous place. It is filled with extremely powerful

monsters that can wipe out your entire party without you even noticing! *looks
at Chimera Mage* Argh! If you need to stock up on items, or maybe level up a
little bit, go ahead! ;)

Are you ready to go? The Temple of Time is located at the southern tip of the
Saronia Continent. When you get there you will see why it's called "Cape Twin
Horn". Dive underwater and you will find the temple. Enter.

As I just mentioned, the monsters in here are tough. After EVERY battle, you
must fully heal your party. You never know if 3x Chimera Mages will get a
cheap Back Attack on you, killing everyone with Lightning.

Remember Garuda and his Lightning? Well the Chimera Mages can use that. If

they Back Attack you, they might cast it 3 times before you get to do anything
and it will most likely kill you. SAVE your game before entering!

Temple, Floor 1:
Once inside, follow the corridor. Take your first left. Along this wall you
will find 2 doors. They are locked so you will need a Thief or Magic Key to
open them up. Inside these rooms are:



Continue along to the left, enter the watery area and head north. At the north
end of the waterway there are some stairs to the right. So go right and there
will be another staircase, but heading down to the next level.

Temple, Floor 2:
Down here, head all the way right to find the [DEFENDER]. Sweet! This sword
is great at point of the game. Now, head down the stairs that you passed to
get this sword.

Temple, Floor 3:
In this area, head all the way to the right to find another locked door. This
room contains a single treasure chest with a:


Now go back into the previous room and follow the water. At the north side of
the waterway, head left first. Another locked door! Grab the treasure chests
inside this room to find:


Back at the waterway, head right. On the opposite side of the room is another
locked door for you to enter. By the way, the Behemoth Knife has a nice bonus
of +8 strength. :) Go in the locked door.

3C: Follow the path in this room until you find the stairs to the next level.

Temple, Floor 4:
When you first get to this area, you will see some waterfalls on the left and
right, and some stairs in front of you. Before heading down the stairs, walk
to the right. You can walk behind the waterfall!

Over here is some VERY rare treasure. Follow the long secret path to find 3
treasure chest at the end. Open them for a [BLOOD LANCE], [PROTECT RING], and
[LAMIA HARP]. After you get these, head back to the waterfalls. Go down the
stairs when you get there. Down, down, down.

The Protect Ring is the best arm accessory in the game. It doesn't have the
best defense and magic defense, but it reduces all elemental damage by 50%!

It would be wise to equip it on your weakest character. Oh, and every Job in
the game can equip it. Yay!

When you get to the fork at the very bottom of the stairs, go left to find a
door. Don't worry, it's also locked! There is one chest in here:


Go back out and head right to open the *FINAL* locked door in the challenging
Temple of Time.

Noah's Lute Room:

Inside this room you will find the instrument, [NOAH'S LUTE]. With this, we
can go wake up Unei! Teleport out if you want, or walk all the way back to
your airship. Check to see if you have MP for teleport, so you don't have to
use an Ottershroom. (they are expensive)

When you get back to the World Map, resurface. Unei's Cave is DIRECTLY north
of the Temple of Time, inside the mountains. So, follow the coastline up the
west side of the continent. Take your first right into the mountains and you
will see a cave.

Go inside and wake up Unei. Watch the scene and you will learn what you are
supposed to be doing. She will give you the [FANG OF FIRE] as well as join
the party.

Talli-ho... away!

Section 37 |

| -Checklist-


{37} The Ancient Ruins & the Invincible


Bestiary Logs:
#134 Pyralis ..........(Lv 37, HP 6550) W: Ice, Water
#135 Silenus ..........(Lv 35, HP 2120) W: Dark Blades
#136 Gaap .............(Lv 34, HP 1800) W: Dark Blades
#137 Azrael ...........(Lv 34, HP 1950) W: Dark Blades
#138 Eater ............(Lv 35, HP 2700) W: Dark Blades
#148 Zombie Dragon ....(Lv 41, HP 11000) W: Light

Black Belt Gi, Chakra Band, Faerie Claws, Reflect Mail, Rune Bell
----------------------Ruins, level 1 & 1A:
35% - Pyralis
35% - Eater
30% - Azrael

Ruins, level 2, 2A, 2B & 2C:


Ruins, level 3, 3A, 3B, 3C & 3D:

35% - Pyralis
35% - Eater
30% - Azrael

Ruins, level 4, 5, 6 & 7:

25% - Pyralis
25% - Eater
20% - Azrael
20% - Silenus/Gaap
10% - Zombie Dragon

Recommended Level:

The Ancient Ruins are to Unei's Cave, as Unei's Cave is to the Temple of Time.

In other words, it is directly north! Fly to Saronia Kingdom and head west
into the mountains. Find your way through the mountains and you will find it
eventually! It's right in the middle. :)

Ruins, Level 1:

Once inside the ruins, follow the hallway down and the right. Over in this
area there are 3 researchers. Their path appears to be blocked by some rocks,
but that's NO problem for Unei! Hehe. Approach the boulders and watch the
scene. Now that your path is clear, continue deeper into the ruins.

Follow this path down and the left. There are 2 doors along the wall. Enter
the first you see door to find a treasure chest containing:


After getting this treasure go back into the main path and take the doorway to
the left. This will take you to the next level.

Ruins, Level 2:
In this area head north, ignoring the stairs on the right. Up here are three
safe rooms you can go into. Here you can buy items, weapons, armor, and take
a rest at an Inn! A town inside a dungeon? Neat!

When ready, head back down and take the stairs on the right.

Ruins, Level 3:
Head down this path and you'll eventually turn right. In this area, there are
four rooms you can go into. Each one has treasure so make sure you visit them
all. Go down first since the path that leads further into the dungeon is near
the top. (level 4) In these rooms you'll find:

Level 2

3A: Black Belt Gi

| ______ |

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Level 4

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3B: Chakra Band

3C: Rune Bell
3D: Faerie Claws

_3C______| |______3D_

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|__________________ |____3B_

| _______|
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_3A____| |___


Ruins, Level 4, 5, 6 & 7:

After you get all the treasures on level 3, continue further into the Ancient
Ruins. On levels 4-7 there are no treasures or branching paths, so just make
your way down to the very bottom.

Just keep following the paths until you reach the end. At the end, you will

find the legendary INVINCIBLE. Yay!

NOTE: Pay very close attention to Unei. She will explain everything you need
to know about your brand new airship.

When you gain control, and are ready to leave, go to the helm of the ship and
fly off the World Map. :)

(Tutorial) |

| (Tutorial)


How to Pilot the Invincible



Hmm, what is an easy way to explain the ability of the Invincible? Hmm. The
Invincible can fly over "smaller" mountains. To explain further, follow these
steps carefully:

Fly to Saronia Castle. Position yourself right in front of the castle and go
directly southwest. When you hit the mountains, go west into the valley, and
when you are out of the forest and over the grass, STOP!

Do you see the really thin mountains south of you? They kinda look like two

tiny mountains that appear slightly different than the rest of them.

THESE are the mountains you can fly over. Just go up to them a push A! The
airship will automatically go up and over them for you.

Since we are here, fly over the mountains. Follow the small path and fly over
a single thin mountain. In this area is Falgabard Village. How nice! :P

Section 38 |

| -Checklist-


{38} Falgabard



Bestiary Logs:
#135 Silenus ..........(Lv 35, HP 2120) W: Dark Blades
#136 Gaap .............(Lv 34, HP 1800) W: Dark Blades
#149 Death Claw .......(Lv 38, HP 3800)
#152 Valefor ..........(Lv 38, HP 4240) W: Dark Blades
#153 Haniel ...........(Lv 37, HP 3400) W: Dark Blades
#181 Shinobi ..........(Lv 46, HP 11000)

Ashura, Blessed Hammer (x2), Demon Mail (x2), Hi-Potion, Kiku-Ichimonji,

----------------------Falgabard, Training Cave:
40% - Valefor/Haniel
40% - Death Claw
20% - Silenus/Gaap

Recommended Level:

To find this village, scroll up a little bit and read the "How to Pilot the
Invincible" section. It uses Falgabard in its explanations.

If you have a Dark Knight in your party, you'll be in heaven! There are lots
of goods here. Before we do anything let's loot the Training Cave located at
the northwest part of town.

| Training Cave |

NOTE: If you aren't using a Dark Knight equipped with a dark blade, then the
enemies in this cave will Divide if you don't kill them in one hit. This
is referring to physical attacks. You can cast your magic without them

dividing. If you are strong enough, you don't need a Dark Knight.

In this cave, open the chest near the entrance for a [BLESSED HAMMER]. Next,
head right. There is a secret path in the wall.

Follow the path around the pool of water. Further up you will find a treasure
chest with a [DEMON MAIL] inside. Here go to the right to find another secret
pathway. At the end, you will find an [ASHURA] and a [KOTETSU].

That's all there is to find in the Training Cave, so let's continue.

| Waterfall Cave |

When ready, go to the huge waterfall in the northeast part of town. You can
walk behind this waterfall to find a hidden cave. How cool!

Once inside, follow the path until you see some stairs leading into the water
stream. Go in the water first.

The water leads you outside the cave, into the river. Follow the little river
until it wraps around a huge rock. Take the stairs by the rock and pick up 4

Now go back into the waterfall cave. Go to the north end of the cave to find
an Old man. Talk to him and you'll be challenged by Shinobi!



|Level: 46




| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Black Hole........3.2% | 2. Black Hole



| Lilith's Kiss.....3.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......3.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

|---------------------------| Shining Curtain...3.1% |



| Shell Breaker.....3.1% |



| Black Musk........3.0% |

|Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...3.0% |




|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:


After the fight he will give you a long-named dark blade: Kiku-Ichimonji.

There is nothing left for us in Falgabard, except go shopping, so if you are

done then head back to the Invincible. I will list shop details, but you can
skip over them and fly to the next section, The Cave of Shadows.

Section 39 |

| -Checklist-


{39} The Cave of Shadows



Bestiary Logs:
#135 Silenus ..........(Lv 35, HP 2120) W: Dark Blades
#136 Gaap .............(Lv 34, HP 1800) W: Dark Blades
#149 Death Claw .......(Lv 38, HP 3800)
#150 Hellish Horse ....(Lv 38, HP 4360)
#151 Chronos ..........(Lv 38, HP 4100) W: Dark Blades
#152 Valefor ..........(Lv 38, HP 4240) W: Dark Blades
#153 Haniel ...........(Lv 37, HP 3400) W: Dark Blades
#154 Vassago ..........(Lv 38, HP 4440) W: Dark Blades
#191 Hecatoncheir .....(Lv 43, HP 28000)

Key Items:
Fang of Earth

Black Musk, Dark Claws, Genji Armor, Genji Gloves, Genji Helm,
Genji Shield, Kiku-Ichimonji, Kotetsu, Lilith's Kiss, Tranquilizer

Miscellaneous Items:
Chocobo's Wrath .......(rare Death Claw drop)
Shell Breaker .........(rare Death Claw drop)
Shining Curtain .......(rare Death Claw drop)
----------------------Cave, level 1:
100% - Valefor/Haniel

Cave, level 2:
100% - Hellish Horse/Vassago

Cave, level 3 & 4:

30% - Chronos/Vassago
30% - Hellish Horse/Vassago
30% - Valefor/Haniel
10% - Silenus/Gaap

Cave, level 5:
30% - Hellish Horse/Vassago
30% - Vassago/Hellish Horse/Chronos
20% - Chronos/Vassago
20% - Valefor/Haniel

Cave, level 6 & 7:

30% - Hellish Horse/Vassago

30% - Chronos/Vassago
30% - Valefor/Haniel
10% - Haniel/Death Claw

Cave, level 8 & 9:

25% - Hellish Horse/Vassago
25% - Chronos/Vassago
25% - Vassago/Hellish Horse/Chronos
25% - Haniel/Death Claw

Recommended Level:

To locate the Cave of Shadows, head east from Duster Island. (it's the island
in the middle of the World Map) When you reach the desert on the Eastern
Continent, go north. You should see an opening that leads into the mountains.

Go in here and you will see a ton of thin mountains that you can fly over with
Invincible. Make your way through the mountainous maze and the Cave of Shadow
is at the very end.

___ ___________________________ ____

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_^^__ _^^__

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|____| |______|

| | |

| |^^|

|_________| |____|


|___________| | | |




| Shadows|



| Cave of |



| \

| __________|^^|____|^^|____|



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| _____


______________ ____ ____

| |

|___|^^|_____| |_____| |



____ ___^^___ _^^___



_^^__ ______^^_ _____^^_



| |

|_____|^^|_________| |________|




NOTE: Just like in Falgabard, if you aren't using a Dark Knight equipped with

a dark blade, then the enemies in this cave will Divide if you don't
kill them in one hit. This is referring to physical attacks. You can
cast your magic without them dividing.

Cave, level 1:
Inside the Cave of Shadows, head right into a secret area. You can find your
first [BLACK MUSK] in here. Yay! Go back and then down into the cave.

Along the way, grab the [DARK CLAWS]. To the right of here you can find an
injured Dark Knight. Talk to him and he will give you a [KOTETSU]. Thanks! :)
After that, take the stairs to the next level of the cave.

Cave, level 2:
Follow this path to the right. It will start to go up. Stop here! There is a
secret passage to the left. You can find a [TRANQUILIZER] in the chest. Ok,
continue back up the path. Further up you will find another secret passage,
but since it's the main path, so it's hardly secret! :P

Through here you will immediately find a chest with a [LILITH'S KISS] inside.
Go down from this spot into the blackness. Find the next room, the go left
into some more blackness. Go down from here into the next level.

Cave, level 3:
Follow this path down and around to the stairs to the next area. There is a
secret passage here, but it's pointless.

Cave, level 4:
In the next area, there are a ton of secret passages! Don't worry, I will
take you only where you need to go, getting you all items possible. First, go
right. In this next room, you'll have 3 options to go into.

Option 1 (left), leads to the [GENJI GLOVES] and stairs to next level.
Option 2 (middle), nothing.
Option 3 (right), nothing.

Cave, level 5:
The next area is pretty simple. Even though there are secret passages, it's
just a long straight path to the end. There are no treasures or hidden things
so just find your way through.

Cave, level 6:
On this level, immediately go right. Follow the long path right, down, then
left. Grab the treasure chest here with holds a [KIKU-ICHIMONJI]. Now go
down the stairs.

Cave, level 7:
Level 7 has the exact same layout as Level 6. Here, grab the [GENJI SHIELD]
on the left. Take the path to the right. You will do the same thing you just
did in the last room. Right, down, then left. Stairs.

Cave, level 8:

Finally!!! No it's not the end, but something exciting and new to look at.
It's a huge spine, and you use it as a bridge! How awesome is that!? :D At
the right side of this skeleton, you can find the [GENJI HELM]. Go up to the
FINAL area of the cave. Yay again! ^_^

Cave, level 9: Preparing for the Boss:

In this final area, immediately go right to find a secret passage. You will
find the final piece of the Genji set. [GENJI ARMOR]. Go back and head up
another cool spine. The Fang of Earth is on the pedestal!

First we must defeat its guardian.



{boss-12} |

|Level: 43




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole



| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

|---------------------------| Shining Curtain...5.1% |


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |



| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |



|Weakness: None.


|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:


Afterwards, you'll receive the [FANG OF EARTH]. Now we have them ALL! Guess
what means? You can get the last set of Jobs if you want to. You'll have to
fight a boss to get them, though.

<Earth Crystal:>
After you beat the Cave of Shadows and get the Fang of Earth, you can go ahead
and make your way to the Ancients' Maze. This will result in you getting the
final set of Jobs earlier than usual. If you want the Jobs now, skip ahead to
the "Ancients' Maze" section. Ctrl+F. {AM}

Make SURE you come back here after you've gotten the last set of Jobs. There
are still plenty of things that need to be done!

Whatever you decide to do, you need to first leave the Cave of Shadows, so go
back to your ship. Maybe I'll just use an Ottershroom... see ya there! ;)

Section 40 |

| -Checklist-


{40} The Dragon Kings, Leviathan & Bahamut


Bestiary Logs:
#139 Ouroboros ...........(Lv 36, HP 2660) W: Lightning
#140 Plancti .............(Lv 35, HP 2260) W: Lightning
#141 Sea Lion ............(Lv 35, HP 2275) W: Lightning
#142 Remora ..............(Lv 36, HP 2720) W: Lightning
#143 Grenade .............(Lv 36, HP 2305) W: Ice, Water
#144 Drake ...............(Lv 37, HP 3260) W: Wind
#145 Greater Boros .......(Lv 37, HP 3280) W: Lightning
#146 Sabertooth Liger ....(Lv 37, HP 3300)
#147 Queen Lamia .........(Lv 39, HP 7300)
#208 Leviathan ...........(Lv 43, HP 32000) W: Lightning
#209 Bahamut .............(Lv 45, HP 34000) W: Wind

Aegis Shield, Arctic Wind (x2), Bacchus's Cider (x2), Black Hole,
Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath, Earthen Drums (x2), Elixir (x2), Eurytos Bow,
Golem Staff, Heavenly Wrath (x2), Hi-Potion (x3), Kotetsu, Lilith's Kiss,

Phoenix Down (x3), Platinum Hammer (x2), Raven's Yawn, Reflect Mail,
Turtle Shell (x2), White Musk (x2)

Miscellaneous Items:
Silence Seal .............(rare Grenade drop)

Summon Magic:
Leviath, Bahamur

Recommended Level:

In this VERY rewarding section, you have a choice. You can go explore either
Lake Dohr first, or Bahamut's Lair first. Whatever you decide, you will want
to visit both places for very OBVIOUS reasons! ;)

I suggest that you visit Lake Dohr first because the levels of enemies there
are lower than the enemies in Bahamut's Lair.

| {41} Lake Dohr |

Bestiary Logs:

#139 Ouroboros ...........(Lv 36, HP 2660) W: Lightning

#140 Plancti .............(Lv 35, HP 2260) W: Lightning
#141 Sea Lion ............(Lv 35, HP 2275) W: Lightning
#142 Remora ..............(Lv 36, HP 2720) W: Lightning
#208 Leviathan ...........(Lv 43, HP 32000) W: Lightning

Aegis Shield, Arctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Black Hole, Black Musk,
Earthen Drums, Elixir, Heavenly Wrath, Hi-Potion (x3), Lilith's Kiss,
Phoenix Down, Platinum Hammer (x2), Raven's Yawn, Reflect Mail,
Turtle Shell, White Musk

Summon Magic:
----------------------Lake, level 1:

Lake, level 2:

Lake, level 3:

Lake, level 4:

Recommended Level:

This is the home of Leviathan. It is located on the floating continent and is

directly south of Gulgan Gulch. (you can see a shadow swimming in the water)

But to actually get to the lake, you must fly your Invincible in from the
south and fly over the thin mountains blocking your path. Land your ship on
the small grassy area and go in the lake. With your Canoe, paddle around the
lake until you enter the underwater cave.


To get a Complete Bestiary and 100% Treasure, you will need to get every chest
and encounter all the enemies in this area. You can't come back here once
you have defeated the Boss!

Lake, level 1:
Walk your way through the cave. At the first fork, go down. There are four
treasure chests in here. You'll receive an [ARCTIC WIND], [HEAVENLY WRATH],
[EARTHEN DRUMS], and a [PHOENIX DOWN]. After getting these, head up. There
are four more treasures up here. All nice and neat like, too! ;) Open them
to get three [HI-POTION], and an [ELIXIR]. From here, go down and take the
stairs to the next level.

Lake, level 2:
Here just follow the path. Grab the first treasure chest you see for a superrare item, the [WHITE MUSK].


Ooo, another one so soon? Hehe. :) There are only 9 White Musks in the
entire game. Don't use or sell any of them if you want a complete item list.
You cannot steal them or win them from enemies as loot. It's limited to 9!

After this, go north. Four more treasures await. Open them all to find a
Go all the way down now and take the stairs.

Lake, level 3:
In this area, the paths are in the shape of an X. You came from the bottom
right of the X. First, go to the top-right of the X to find a [BLACK MUSK],

Next go to the bottom-left to find a [LILITH'S KISS] and [RAVEN'S YAWN]. The
stairs to the next level are at the top-left of the X.

Lake, level 4: Preparing for the Boss:

This is the last area of Lake Dohr. You know what THAT means! Hehe. Follow
the path to the left and all the way around the room. Here you will meet...



{boss-13} |

|Level: 43




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion




| 3. Hi-Potion






|Weakness: Lightning.

| 4. Hi-Potion





|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:


When you win, you'll receive the Leviath Summon. Yay! And that's everything

there is to find down in Lake Dohr.

Before you leave, though, make sure you find all enemies, since you won't be
able to come back here ever again.

| {42} Bahamut's Lair |

Bestiary Logs:
#143 Grenade .............(Lv 36, HP 2305) W: Ice, Water
#144 Drake ...............(Lv 37, HP 3260) W: Wind
#145 Greater Boros .......(Lv 37, HP 3280) W: Lightning
#146 Sabertooth Liger ....(Lv 37, HP 3300)
#147 Queen Lamia .........(Lv 39, HP 7300)
#209 Bahamut .............(Lv 45, HP 34000) W: Wind

Arctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Chocobo's Wrath, Earthen Drums, Elixir,
Eurytos Bow, Golem Staff, Heavenly Wrath, Kotetsu, Phoenix Down (x2),
Turtle Shell, White Musk

Miscellaneous Items:
Silence Seal .............(rare Grenade drop)

Summon Magic:

Lair, level 1:
50% - Drake
50% - Grenade

Lair, level 2:
35% - Drake
35% - Sabertooth Liger
30% - Greater Boros

Lair, level 3:
30% - Drake
30% - Sabertooth Liger
30% - Greater Boros
10% - Queen Lamia

Recommended Level:

This place is located just west of Tozus, on the floating continent. If you
go over to Tozus now, you will see some thin mountains that you can fly over.

So go ahead and fly over them, and enter the cave.

Lair, level 1:

Go across the first bridge. To the left you'll find some treasure chests with
an [EARTHEN DRUMS] and a [HEAVENLY WRATH]. To the right is a [PHOENIX DOWN]
and [ARCTIC WIND]. Now, let's take the bridge heading down. Across here are
some stairs going to the next level.

Lair, level 2:
Go left here across the bridge, getting the [GOLEM STAFF] along the way. Take
the bridge going south from here and the path will take you back up. Open
the chest here for a [WHITE MUSK]. Head right. Get the [BACCHUS'S CIDER].

Now follow the path heading down and grab the two treasure chests for a
[CHOCOBO'S WRATH] and [TURTLE SHELL]. Take the stairs.

Lair, level 3: Preparing for the Boss:

In the next area, grab the [EURYTOS BOW] to the left. Continue along the
path and you'll find a [PHOENIX DOWN], [ELIXIR] and [KOTETSU]. After getting
these head up across the bridges.

Bahamut attacks!



{boss-14} |

|Level: 45




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion





| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion







|Weakness: Wind.




|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:


Once you defeat the ultimate Dragon you will receive the Bahamur Summon. With
this you have the power of Bahamut at your fingertips! :P This is definitely
a good time to be a summoner since Megaflare is an extremely powerful attack.

Well, there isn't anything else to do, so let's keep following the story. It's
not long until we reach the final set of Jobs! (unless you got them after you
finished the Cave of Shadows)

When ready, go retrieve your Nautilus airship.

Section 43 |

| -Checklist-


{43} Doga's Grotto



Bestiary Logs:
#155 Peryton ..........(Lv 41, HP 9650) W: Wind
#156 Ogre .............(Lv 39, HP 5680)
#157 Cyclops ..........(Lv 39, HP 4700)
#158 Nemesis ..........(Lv 39, HP 4720) W: Fire
#159 Humbaba ..........(Lv 39, HP 6740)
#210 Doga .............(Lv 45, HP 22800)
#211 Unei .............(Lv 44, HP 21800)

Key Items:
Eureka Key, Syrcus Key

10000 Gil (x2),Chocobo's Wrath, Lust Dagger, Phoenix Down (x2),
Rising Sun, White Musk
----------------------Grotto, level 1:

Grotto, level 2:

Grotto, level 3:

Grotto, level 4:

Recommended Level:

Now that you are loaded with treasure, let's continue on our quest. Head back
to Dalg Continent. Remember that Unei wanted us to go visit her and Doga once
we've obtained the Fang of Earth? So, here we go! :)

NOTE: Go and get the Nautilus so you can fly to Doga's Manor.

Once you get to Doga's Manor, you'll almost instantly watch a scene. Doga and
Unei are waiting for you. So, enter the portal they created.



To get a Complete Bestiary and 100% Treasure, you will need to get every chest
and encounter all the enemies in this area. You can't come back here once
you have defeated the Boss!

Grotto, level 1:
Inside the grotto, follow the path as usual. This is kind of cool, because it
circles around the cave and deeper into the grotto. I liked it anyway...

Grotto, level 2:
Ok, into the next area. Grab the treasure chest in plain sight for a very nice
reward! [10,000 Gil]. Follow the path to the left as it descends further
into the cave. At the bottom, pick up another [10,000 Gil]. :D Then go down
and in to the next area.

Grotto, level 3:
In this cave, there are two rooms on the west side.

3A, North room: [RISING SUN], [LUST DAGGER], and [WHITE MUSK].
3B, South room: Nothing. :(

Make your way around to the east side of the cave to find your stairs. Here,
grab the [CHOCOBO'S WRATH] and continue down the path.

Grotto, level 4:

Get the [PHOENIX DOWN] and keep going. Again the path will descend deeper into
the grotto. Pick up another [PHOENIX DOWN] at the very bottom. Now, go to the
final area.

Grotto, level 5: Preparing for the Boss:

Run up the narrow rock path and you will find Doga and Unei. Watch the scenes
to find out their true intentions!



{boss-15} |

|Level: 45




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion




| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion







|Weakness: None.




|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:




{boss-16} |

|Level: 44




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion




| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion







|Weakness: None.




|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:


Ok, so their intentions weren't bad. They knew what they were doing! >_>

For defeating Doga and Unei, you will receive the [EUREKA KEY]. Watch the very
nice scene to learn about the light within each of the main characters. Then,
Unei will give you the [SYRCUS KEY]. After all the scenes are over go back to
the Nautilus.

To proceed with the story, go and get the Invincible.

Section 44 |

| -Checklist-


{44} Ancients' Maze



Bestiary Logs:
#160 Death Needle .....(Lv 40, HP 4060)
#161 Liger ............(Lv 41, HP 5870)
#162 Aeon .............(Lv 43, HP 10060)

#163 Minotaur .........(Lv 41, HP 5960)

#164 Iron Claws .......(Lv 41, HP 5760)
#165 Greater Demon ....(Lv 42, HP 10750) W: Light
#166 Unei's Clone .....(Lv 42, HP 10000)
#167 Thanatos .........(Lv 42, HP 11800)
#168 Bone Dragon ......(Lv 43, HP 14000) W: Light
#169 King Behemoth ....(Lv 50, HP 45000)
#212 Titan ............(Lv 46, HP 29000)

Break Blade, Chocobo's Wrath, Crystal Gloves, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail,
Crystal Shield, Dual Haken, Elixir, Hellish Claws,
Holy Lance, Lilith's Kiss, Phoenix Down (x3), Protect Ring, White Musk

Miscellaneous Items:
Elixir ................(easy King Behemoth steal/drop)
Protect Ring ..........(rare King Behemoth steal/drop)
----------------------Grasslands near Ancients' Maze:
40% - Death Needle
40% - Liger
20% - Minotaur

Forest near Ancients' Maze:

25% - Death Needle
25% - Liger
25% - Minotaur
25% - Aeon

Maze, level 1 & 4:

30% - Iron Claws
30% - Unei's Clone
20% - Greater Demon
20% - Thanatos

Maze, level 2 & 3:

20% - Iron Claws
20% - Unei's Clone
20% - Greater Demon
20% - Thanatos
20% - Bone Dragon

Maze, level 5:
20% - Iron Claws
20% - Unei's Clone
20% - Greater Demon
20% - Thanatos
19% - Bone Dragon
1% - King Behemoth

Recommended Level:

Once you have the Invincible, head over to the northeast continent. It is the

only land mass that you haven't been able to explore yet. And the reason for
that are the Guardian Statues that will destroy you, if you don't carry all 4
of the elemental Fangs.

Well, now that you have the Fangs, you can pass! When you get to the statues,
get out of your airship and take a walk down the row of guardians. Once all
of them have disappeared, get back in your ship and fly deeper into the scary

Eventually you will find a white tower surrounded by a wall of some kind. Go
in the wall and you will enter the Ancients' Maze!

Earth Crystal: Preparing for the Boss:

Once inside, go north to find a door. This is the Crystal's Chamber. You have
finally found the last Crystal. But wait.....a goober!



{boss-17} |

|Level: 49




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion





| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion







|Weakness: None.



|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:


When you put an end to Titan, watch the exciting scenes. :D You will then be
blessed with the Crystal's light. And that means new Jobs!! Check them out,
they are indeed VERY good.

For more information on Jobs, go to the "Job Guide" section. Ctrl+F. {EARTH}
Or jump to a specific Job using these codes and copy/paste the brackets {}.



{SAGE-21} {NINJA-22}

All of these Jobs are really awesome, but since it is so late in the game, it
means you'll have to do EXTRA grinding to raise their Job levels to be useful
like your current Jobs. Whatever team you've been using up until now might be
more than enough to finish the last dungeons of the game. If you are having
difficulties, though, then you may need to upgrade your Jobs, or take that
extra time to level up.

Here are some brief desriptions for you:

Black Belt:
Black Belts are very similar to Monks. Their Boost skill is really, really
lame. Out of all Job skills in FFIII, the Black Belt has the worst one. All
boost does is multiply damage dealt for your next basic attack. Let's say
you were to hit 3 times for 1000 damage each. You would deal 3000 damage,
right? (example) If you were to have used Boost two times and the attacked
on the 3rd turn, you'd deal the same amount of 3000 damage. They have the
same results! If you are ok with extra grinding, then upgrading your Monk to
Black Belt is well worth it since they are a lot more powerful.

If you want a strong mage for dealing lots of damage to single-targets, then
the Magus is a very good option to use. Compared to Sages or Onion Knights,
which have less MP for higher-level spells, the Magus will be able to deal a
lot more damage for longer periods of time, without needing to rest. Their MP
curve is much better than that of Sages and Onion Knights. It is more evenly
balanced across all levels of spells, allowing you to cast those powerful
spells more often. If you have a Black Mage, definitely upgrade to a Magus.

Devouts are the best support class in the whole game. You really shouldn't go
anywhere without one. :P They are the best Job for healing, reviving, and
dealing light-elemental damage. Sure the Sage and Onion Knight can cast all
magic, but they have considerably less MP, meaning less castings of all magic.
Also, the Devout Job probably has the cutest outfit. :P All those super-tough
boss enemies (Iron Giant) won't be able to handle the guilt of attacking Refia
in a kitty outfit. If you have a White Mage, definitely upgrade to a Devout.

If you are trying to decide on a mage, and want something that can hit hard
while damaging all enemies, the Summoner is the job for the job. :P Because
summons aren't reduced for multi-casting, you won't have to worry about less
powerful attacks, when compared to black magic spells like Thundaga, Firaga,
and Blizzaga. Summoners are great for dealing with random encounters and can
even hold their own against the toughest bosses. Summoners have TONS of MP
to use. You will rarely run out. This is something to consider if you hate
having to constantly rest at an Inn or go to a wellspring to refill MP.

The Sage is a very fun Job to use. It's so diverse in its ability to cast all
white, black, and summon magic that you have something for any occasion. If
there is a spell that you just won't ever use, you could learn something else
from an completely different school of magic! This makes it possible to have
a set-up customized to exactly what you want and like from magic. Sages are

the best mage. Well, not counting Onion Knights. They do have less MP than
Jobs like Magus and Devout, but with that sacrifice they deal massive damage
with Flare and Holy, or use Raze, or the many effects summons. The amount of
possibilities are near endless.

It's true that Ninjas are strong, but they are very EXPENSIVE, as well. Their
most powerful means for dealing damage costs 65,500 gil. I'm speaking of the
swift and powerful Shuriken. If you want to throw them at everything you'll
need to have some serious gil lying around. That is the only downside to the
Ninja. It will kill everything quick and easy like. Taking that extra time
to grind a Ninja to high Job levels will definitely be worth it. The last few
dungeons will be much easier with one in your party.

<GETTING 9999 HP:>

If this is something that interests you, everything you will need to know is
explained in the "Getting 9999 HP" section. Ctrl+F. {MaxHP}

Before we continue, go back to the World Map and save. When you are finished
adjusting your new team, continue through the maze!

NOTE: If you changed your Jobs, like me, you will be VERY weak to upcoming
monsters. This is only because your Job levels are now so low. If you
want to train your new Jobs to give them some meat, go right ahead. Or
you could just keep using the Jobs you have been throughout the game.

| Ancients' Maze |

Bestiary Logs:
#164 Iron Claws .......(Lv 41, HP 5760)
#165 Greater Demon ....(Lv 42, HP 10750) W: Light
#166 Unei's Clone .....(Lv 42, HP 10000)
#167 Thanatos .........(Lv 42, HP 11800)
#168 Bone Dragon ......(Lv 43, HP 14000) W: Light
#169 King Behemoth ....(Lv 50, HP 45000)
#212 Titan ............(Lv 46, HP 29000)

Break Blade, Chocobo's Wrath, Crystal Gloves, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail,
Crystal Shield, Dual Haken, Elixir, Hellish Claws,
Holy Lance, Lilith's Kiss, Phoenix Down (x3), Protect Ring, White Musk

Miscellaneous Items:
Elixir ................(easy King Behemoth steal/drop)
Protect Ring ..........(rare King Behemoth steal/drop)
----------------------Maze, level 1 & 4:
30% - Iron Claws
30% - Unei's Clone
20% - Greater Demon
20% - Thanatos

Maze, level 2 & 3:

20% - Iron Claws
20% - Unei's Clone
20% - Greater Demon
20% - Thanatos
20% - Bone Dragon

Maze, level 5:
20% - Iron Claws
20% - Unei's Clone
20% - Greater Demon
20% - Thanatos
19% - Bone Dragon
1% - King Behemoth

Recommended Level:

Maze, level 1:
From the Earth Crystal's room, head to the right. Follow the path up and
then to the left, grabbing the [ELIXIR] on your way. Then go through up the
stairs and through the large door.

Maze, level 2:
In this area, head left first. You'll find two chests with a [CRYSTAL SHIELD]
and [LILITH'S KISS]. Continue to the right, up, left, then down. Here you'll
find a [CRYSTAL MAIL]. Ok, go up again. Up up up!

Another treasure chest waits for you here. It is a [WHITE MUSK]. Ok, be on
your way now. Along this path you will find a pair of [CRYSTAL GLOVES]. The
passage to the right leads to the next area.

Maze, level 3:
Go right first to get [CRYSTAL HELM]. Then head down, then right, then down
again. Down here you will find even more treasure! The three chests here
contain a [PHOENIX DOWN], [BREAK BLADE], and [CHOCOBO'S WRATH]. Now go back
up and take the right path.

Before heading into the next area, go left to get a [DUAL HAKEN]. OK, now to
the next area.

Maze, level 4:
This area is really simple. Just follow the path to the end, picking up a
[PHOENIX DOWN] and [PROTECT RING] on the way.

Maze, level 5:
The next room is an interesting one. I like it. :P Go up either side and
get the [HOLY LANCE] at the top. Afterwards, continue up either side and pick

up the [HELLISH CLAWS] in the last treasure chest in Ancients' Maze.

The King Behemoth is a VERY rare monster in this room. It's so rare that you
maybe fight 30 battles before seeing one. You may get lucky, though!

It's possible to steal/win Protect Rings King Behemoth. In order to steal a

Protect Ring, your Thief must be JobLv. 99, though. Lame... x_x It does have
a 10.2% chance to drop one, too.

Also, King Behemoth has 45,000 HP! Crazy! It's really not that hard to beat
and luckily it only gets 2 attacks per round instead of 4. The difficult part
is finding it in the first place.

Continue north and you will then be leaving the Ancients' Maze. When you get
to the World Map, you'll notice that you're within the walls of the tower.

Make sure you're certain that you're positive that you're ready, and that you
are stocked up on items, then proceed.

If you need to get back to your airship quickly, you have to walk. Entering
the Ancients' Maze and using an Ottershroom or Teleport, will only transport
you to the World Map within the walls of Ancients' Maze. Sucks, I know. :(

Save your game and then enter the Crystal Tower. This place is huge!

Section 45 |

| -Checklist-


{45} The Forbidden Land, Eureka


Bestiary Logs:
#170 Abaia ............(Lv 42, HP 6970)
#171 Sleipnir .........(Lv 43, HP 7000)
#172 Haokah ...........(Lv 43, HP 7200)
#173 Acheron ..........(Lv 44, HP 13600)
#174 Oceanus ..........(Lv 44, HP 13200)
#213 Ninja ............(Lv 47, HP 24000)
#214 Amon .............(Lv 48, HP 33500) W: Varies
#215 Kunoichi .........(Lv 48, HP 29000)
#216 General ..........(Lv 48, HP 35000)
#217 Guardian .........(Lv 49, HP 33700)
#218 Scylla ...........(Lv 49, HP 35000)

Chocobo's Wrath (x2), Elder Staff, Elixir (x4), Excalibur, Fuma Garb,
Masamune, Moonring Blade, Omnirod, Phoenix Down (x3), Ragnarok, Ribbon,
Shuriken (x4), White Musk (x3)

Miscellaneous Items:
Chocobo's Wrath .......(rare Abaia/Sleipnir/Haokah/Acheron/Oceanus drop)
Shining Curtain .......(rare Abaia/Sleipnir/Haokah/Acheron/Oceanus drop)

White Magic:
Tornado, Arise, Holy

Black Magic:
Flare, Death, Meteor

Summon Magic:
Odin, Leviathan, Bahamut
----------------------Eureka, Level 1:
35% - Abaia
35% - Sleipnir
30% - Haokah

Eureka, level 2:

2A & 2B:

35% - Abaia

50% - Haokah

35% - Sleipnir

25% - Abaia

30% - Haokah

Eureka, level 3:
35% - Abaia
35% - Sleipnir
30% - Haokah

Eureka, level 4:

25% - Sleipnir

30% - Abaia
30% - Sleipnir
30% - Haokah
10% - Acheron

Eureka, level 5:
50% - Oceanus
50% - Acheron

Eureka, level 6:
25% - Sleipnir
25% - Haokah
25% - Oceanus
25% - Acheron

Eureka, level 7:
25% - Sleipnir
25% - Haokah
25% - Oceanus
25% - Acheron
HP/MP, Revive

Recommended Level:

First let's go to the forbidden land. There's a ton of good stuff here. Why

would you want to miss out on that awesome treasure list!? ^_^

To get to Eureka, enter the Crystal Tower. Inside the tower, go up and there
will be some big stairs. At the top of the stairs is a moat with water and a
door in the middle tower. Go in here to find the portal to Eureka. The key
that Doga gave you will activate and you will be transported to the ultimate
treasure land! :D

Eureka, Level 1:
When you are through the portal, don't go anywhere. Take a second to listen to
the epic music! Haha. Intense. Ok, let's go.

The path in this room is a huge circle. Around the right side you can find
an [ELIXIR] and [WHITE MUSK]. On the left side you can find a [FUMA GARB]
and a [CHOCOBO'S WRATH]. Make your way to the bottom of the circle and enter
the stairs to the next level.

Eureka, Level 2:
At the fork, go left first. You will soon see a door. Go in to find a chest
containing a [WHITE MUSK]. When you leave this room, go back to the right of
the area. You will find a door over here too. Inside here you'll find three
treasure chests with a [WHITE MUSK], [CHOCOBO'S WRATH], and [PHOENIX DOWN].

When you leave this room, head south. But don't go too far without getting
the [RIBBON] hidden in a secret passage near the middle! The chest is a trap
so you'll have to fight a Ninja! Bring it.



{boss-18} |

|Level: 47




| Hi-Potion.........8.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Black Hole........8.2% | 2. Black Hole



| Lilith's Kiss.....8.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss


| Raven's Yawn......8.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

|---------------------------| Shining Curtain...8.1% |



| Shell Breaker.....8.1% |



| Black Musk........8.0% |

|Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...8.0% |

|My Level:


After getting the Ribbon, head south again. You will come to another fork in
the road. Go down the left side first to get a [SHURIKEN] and then come back
up and go down the right side and into the next level.

Eureka, Level 3:
In this area, take your first left to find a treasure chest with a super-yay
[ELIXIR] inside. Continue along the windy path and grab the another treasure
chest, but this time with a pointy [SHURIKEN] inside. *throws*

After this you will find a [PHOENIX DOWN] near the stairs to the next level.

Eureka, Level 4:
Follow the simple path and you will come across a pedestal with a weapon
floating in circles! It is the Moonring Blade, Force of Darkness!



{boss-19} |

|Level: 48




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion




| 3. Hi-Potion






|Weakness: Varies.

| 4. Hi-Potion


|My Level:


Your prize for this fight is the Moonring Blade. Excellent! I needed a new
weapon for my Thief. ^_^ This weapon does full damage from the back row, as
do all Throwing weapons. You knew that, though!

Continue on the path to the left and go down to find more stairs.

Eureka, Level 5:

In the next area, you will come to a 4-way intersection. You came from above,
so go right first. Upon the pedestal is Masamune, the Mystic Blade.



{boss-20} |

|Level: 48




| Hi-Potion.........8.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Black Hole........8.2% | 2. Black Hole



| Lilith's Kiss.....8.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......8.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

|---------------------------| Shining Curtain...8.1% |



| Shell Breaker.....8.1% |



| Black Musk........8.0% |

|Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...8.0% |

|My Level:


For winning you get the Masamune! :D

Go back to the intersection and go left. Here you'll find the [OMNIROD]. You
don't have to fight anything to get it either! Yay for free. Next, take the
path down at the intersection. Along the way you'll find a [PHOENIX DOWN] in
a treasure chest. Now, to the next level!

Eureka, Level 6:

Here you will cross 4 bridges. After the 4th bridge continue following the
path to the right. (ignore the stairs) Follow this path down and you'll find
another pedestal. On top of this one lies Excalibur, the Legendary Sword.



{boss-21} |

|Level: 48




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion




| 3. Hi-Potion





|Weakness: None.

| 4. Hi-Potion


|My Level:


After this fight Excalibur is YOURS! Yes! :D I''re so happy.

Go back up and enter the next area.

Eureka, Level 7:
Cross the bridge in front of you and there you'll see a portal. This portal

takes you to the final area of Eureka, but don't go in yet. Follow the path
to the right first and at the end is Ragnarok, the Demonblade.



{boss-22} |

|Level: 49




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion




| 3. Hi-Potion





|Weakness: None.

| 4. Hi-Potion


|My Level:


You received the Ragnarok! Another excellent sword for your collection. Too
bad it's not an airship, though. *coughFF8cough* It might just be me, but I
thought the Ragnarok was the coolest airship out of all FF's.

Next, follow the path to the left of the portal. Over here you will discover
the final legendary weapon, The Elder Staff. Aww, final? :(



{boss-23} |

|Level: 49




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion




| 3. Hi-Potion





|Weakness: None.

| 4. Hi-Potion


|My Level:


Afterwards you get the Elder Staff. Congratulations on all your new, exciting
treasures! Now nothing will stand in your way and survive! Hehe.

Go into the portal. This is the final area of Eureka. Noo!

Eureka, Level 8:
Go north and you will find two people standing around. Open the four treasure
chests around them to receive two [ELIXIR] and two [SHURIKEN]. The 2 people
here will sell you the most powerful magic in the game so buy them ALL! Roar!

NOTE: The pools of water by the Magic Shops are wellsprings. They are HP/MP
and Revive Wellsprings, so use them if you need to.

To the right of these shops is a secret passageway that leads to another shop
person. This dude is selling some really rare stuff. Buy whatever you need!

==Magic Shop 1=============

Flare ............60000 gil
Death ............60000 gil
Meteor ...........60000 gil
Tornado ..........60000 gil
Arise ............60000 gil
Holy .............60000 gil

==Magic Shop 2=============

Catastro .........40000 gil
Leviath ..........50000 gil
Bahamur ..........60000 gil

==Hidden Shop=======Gil==Atk==Hit%==Effect==
Shuriken..........65500 200 100 Apollo Harp ......60000 60 100 +10 Mnd, Inflicts silence

==Hidden Shop=======Gil==PDef=MDef==Effect==
Crystal Shield ...50000 20 15 (see below)
Crystal Mail .....50000 55 24 Crystal Gloves ...50000 30 15 +4 Str, +4 Vit
Crystal Helm .....50000 31 17 -

Crystal Shields protect against Poison/Blind/Mini/Toad/Petrify/Paralyze/Death.

Not to make you sad or anything, but that is all in Eureka. Now you must make
your way back to the Crystal Tower.

Teleport if you want! ;)

(Optional) |

| (Optional)





Now would be the best time to do the "Legendary Blacksmith" sidequests! You
will get a ton of rare items. ;) If you are interested in doing this now,
start by going to the "Legendary Blacksmith" section. Ctrl+F. {SQ}

You can also do the "Secret ??? Dungeon" sidequest as well. If you want to
try this too, go to the "Secret ??? Dungeon" section. Ctrl+F. {SD}

It's all up to you though. If you want to continue your journey, you can.
The last few areas have really good items as well, so either way... treasure!

Section 46 |

| -Checklist-


{46} The Crystal Tower



Bestiary Logs:
#175 Gomory ............(Lv 45, HP 19976)
#176 Bluck .............(Lv 44, HP 6720)
#177 Doga's Clone ......(Lv 45, HP 18500)
#178 Azer ..............(Lv 45, HP 17560) W: Ice, Water
#179 Platinal ..........(Lv 47, HP 19976)
#180 Kum Kum ...........(Lv 46, HP 9600)
#181 Shinobi ...........(Lv 46, HP 11000)
#184 Dark General ......(Lv 48, HP 20000)
#185 Yellow Dragon .....(Lv 50, HP 79999)
#186 Green Dragon ......(Lv 60, HP 89999)
#187 Red Dragon ........(Lv 70, HP 99999)
#188 Glasya Labolas ....(Lv 52, HP 22800)
#190 Thor ..............(Lv 50, HP 12540)
#219 Xande .............(Lv 50, HP 49999)

Chocobo's Wrath (x3), Crystal Gloves, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail,
Crystal Shield, Elixir (x5), Elven Bow, Fuma Garb, Lilith's Kiss, Phoenix
Down (x5), Shuriken, White Musk (x2)

Miscellaneous Items:
Chocobo's Wrath ........(rare Gomory/Kum Kum/Azer/Platinal/Shinobi drop)
Elixir .................(easy Yellow, Green, Red Dragon steal/drop)
Onion Shield ...........(rare Yellow, Green, Red Dragon drop)
Onion Helm .............(rare Yellow Dragon drop)
Onion Gauntlets ........(rare Green Dragon drop)
Onion Armor ............(rare Red Dragon drop)
Onion Sword ............(rare Yellow, Green, Red Dragon drop)
Shell Breaker ..........(rare Gomory/Kum Kum/Azer/Platinal/Shinobi drop)
Shining Curtain ........(rare Gomory/Kum Kum/Azer/Platinal/Shonobi drop)
----------------------Tower, floor 1:
25% - Azer
25% - Gomory
25% - Doga's Clone
25% - Bluck

Tower, floor 2:
25% - Azer
25% - Kum Kum
25% - Platinal
25% - Shinobi

Tower, floor 3:
25% - Azer
25% - Kum Kum
25% - Platinal
25% - Shinobi

Tower, floor 4:
25% - Kum Kum
25% - Glasya Labolas
25% - Shinobi
25% - Dark General

Tower, floor 5:
25% - Kum Kum
25% - Glasya Labolas
25% - Shinobi
20% - Dark General
5% - Yellow Dragon

Tower, floor 6:
25% - Doga's Clone
25% - Glasya Labolas
25% - Thor
20% - Dark General
5% - Green Dragon

Tower, floor 7:
25% - Doga's Clone
25% - Glasya Labolas
25% - Thor
20% - Dark General
5% - Red Dragon

Recommended Level:

This is it. The final area of the game. Are you ready? Let's start by the
Eureka gateway.

Tower, floor 1:
From here follow the moat of water to the left and right. Then go up both of
the sides. On the right you will find a [LILITH'S KISS], and on the left you
will find a [CHOCOBO'S WRATH].

Now head back to the door by

the moat. This time instead of following the moat up, just go right. You'll
see a couple treasure chests over here, one with an [ELVEN BOW] and the other

Go down the stairs south of the Elven bow. Down here, there is a chest with
another [CHOCOBO'S WRATH] and a chest with a [WHITE MUSK]. Now head back to
the moat by Eureka again.

This time, go left! This side is similar to the right side. First head down
and grab the [FUMA GARB]. Now go back up, get the [WHITE MUSK] and talk to
the door at the top of this room. Watch the scene and proceed into the next
floor of Crystal Tower!

Tower, floor 2:

In the new room, just follow the path. At the first fork, go up and grab the
[ELIXIR] in the chest. Go back down and take the right path. Follow the
path, grabbing the [PHOENIX DOWN] along the way. Keep following the path and
after you ascend some stairs, take a left. At the top of the round walkway
is an [ELIXIR] in a lonesome chest.

Now head back to the stairs you just came up and go right. Take this path
all the way down and then it will go left. Over here are some stairs to the
next floor.

Tower, floor 3:
At the top of the stairs, go right. Follow this path down and then up. There
is an [ELIXIR] up here. Below this elixir, on the right wall, is a hidden
passage that will let you continue along your path. Find it and it will take
you to some more stairs that go up to the next floor.

Tower, floor 4:
Here take the stairs up and then go back down on the other side. You'll find
a chest with a [PHOENIX DOWN] over here. To the left of this chest is a
hidden passage in the wall. At the end of this passage is another treasure
chest with a [SHURIKEN]. After getting this, take the stairs over here and
you'll end up back on floor 3, but a different part of floor 3.

Tower, floor 3: Again:

Follow the path and you'll find another [PHOENIX DOWN] and another [ELIXIR].

When you get to the circular area, head to the right of the circle to find
yet another valuable [ELIXIR]. Now go to the top of the circle and go into
the doorway. This takes you back up to floor 4.

Tower, floor 4: Again:

There is nothing in this room, just go up to the next floor.

Tower, floor 5:
In this room, head right. Go through an opening in the wall and you will be
in a room with narrow walkways. Follow this path for a while. It goes up
and down a few times and will start taking you down. Go down and then the
path starts going left.

Keep on following it and you come to some stairs going up. Take the stairs
to the next floor.

NOTE: The path to the left of these stairs has no treasure. It's just a big
dead-end. What a waste! GRR.

Tower, floor 6:
On this new floor, you can go left and right. Left side has a [PHOENIX DOWN
and the right side has a [CRYSTAL MAIL]. Don't fall in the water!

Next, go up the path in the middle.

Tower, floor 7:

Up here, go left first. Over here you can find some [CRYSTAL GLOVES] and
even more left, then up, there is a [CRYSTAL SHIELD].

Now go to the opposite side and grab the treasure over there. You'll get a
[PHOENIX DOWN] and a [CRYSTAL HELM]. Now head up the HUGE stairs in the
middle of the room. :s I would probably fall down them if I tried. >_>

Up here you will find the FINAL ROOM! Oh joy. :D

This is the point of no return!! Once you walk up to the mirror, you cannot
come back until you beat the game. I HIGHLY recommend that you teleport out
of the Crystal Tower and SAVE! It gets very difficult from here on out! ;)

If you were to die after this point you'd lose all your hard-earned progress
and probably want to smash a grape or something. You have been warned, hehe.

Tower, floor 8:
In this very exciting room, walk up to the big mirror in the middle. Watch
the scenes as they unfold. There are quite a few, so enjoy!

When you finally make it into the mirror, walk up the dark purple-y hallway.

Tower, floor 9: Preparing for the Boss:

Another scene will occur here. For the first time in the whole game, you get
to see who the main villain is! He was mentioned a couple times throughout
the game, but it was never made clear his intentions.



{boss-24} |

|Level: 50




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

|---------------------------| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion




| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion






|Weakness: None.




|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:


When you defeat Xande, he will tell you that it's too late. He says that the
Cloud of Darkness is already upon the world. The.........WHAT?


Cloud of Darkness

|Level: ????


| ????





| 1. ????



| 2.

| 3.

| 4.






|Weakness: ????




|Strategy: You cannot win this fight. So just die.


|My Level:


When I first died to Cloud of Darkness, I angrily turned off my DS because I

spent at least a two hours in Crystal Tower, leveling up. I thought all the
levels I has gained would ensure my victory. But when I died, I....sniff.

Once you die, some scenes will occur. Watch them to see what happens!

When you gain control again, talk to all your friends to say goodbye because
this is it. Go up and enter the swirling darkness. Righteous!

Section 47 |

| -Checklist-


{47} The World of Darkness



Bestiary Logs:
#182 Shadow Master ........(Lv 46, HP 10000)
#183 Kage .................(Lv 47, HP 12000)
#189 Yormungand ...........(Lv 52, HP 30560)
#190 Thor .................(Lv 50, HP 12540)

#192 Hydra ................(Lv 63, HP 33800)

#193 Queen Scylla .........(Lv 52, HP 34760)
#194 Garm .................(Lv 52, HP 19960)
#195 Twin Dragon ..........(Lv 54, HP 34920)
#220 Xande's Clone ........(Lv 49, HP 39000)
#221 Cerberus .............(Lv 55, HP 99999)
#222 Two-Headed Dragon ....(Lv 55, HP 99999)
#223 Echidna ..............(Lv 55, HP 99999)
#224 Ahriman ..............(Lv 55, HP 99999)
#225 Cloud of Darkness ....(Lv 60, HP 120000)

Ribbon (x4)

Miscellaneous Items:
Chocobo's Wrath ...........(rare Shadow Master/Kage/Queen Scylla/Garm drop)
Shell Breaker .............(rare Shadow Master/Kage/Queen Scylla/Garm drop)
Shining Curtain ...........(rare Shadow Master/Kage/Queen Scylla/Garm drop)
----------------------Main Hub:
40% - Shadow Master
40% - Kage
20% - Yormungand

Two-headed Dragon area.....(NE portal)

40% - Queen Scylla
20% - Shadow Master
20% - Kage
20% - Yormungand

Cerberus area..............(NW portal)

40% - Shadow Master/Kage
40% - Kage
20% - Yormungand

Echidna area...............(SE portal)

45% - Queen Scylla
45% - Shadow Master/Kage
10% - Garm

Ahriman area...............(SW portal)

40% - Queen Scylla
40% - Kage
20% - Yormungand

Cloud of Darkness area.....(center portal)

25% - Thor
25% - Queen Scylla
25% - Garm
20% - Twin Dragon
5% - Hydra

Recommended Level:

Everything in here is *INCREDIBLY* strong! So you better stay on your toes.

Once inside the World of Darkness, you'll notice that there are many paths to
follow. Each portal will take you to a small area, and at the end of each area
there is a Boss!

DON'T GO INTO THE CENTER PORTAL FIRST! It leads to the final Boss. ^_^

To even have a chance at defeating the Cloud of Darkness, you will need to
defeat ALL four Bosses, which in itself, is a difficult task.

Each of the four areas has a Ribbon, so look around to find them! AND when you
get all of them, MAKE SURE you equip one on every party member. They will help
tremendously with this last part of the game.

Northwest Portal

Northeast Portal



|Boss: Cerberus

||Boss:Two-Headed Dragon|

|Level: 55

||Level: 55

|HP: 99999

||HP: 99999

{boss-25} |Exp: 66666

||Exp: 66666

|Gil: 66666

||Gil: 66666

|Atk: 123

||Atk: 151

|Def: 46

||Def: 46



| {boss-26}

|Weakness: None.

||Weakness: None.


Southwest Portal

Southeast Portal



|Boss: Echidna

||Boss: Ahriman

|Level: 55

||Level: 55

|HP: 99999

||HP: 99999

|Exp: 66666

||Exp: 66666

{boss-27} |Gil: 66666

||Gil: 66666

|Atk: 117

||Atk: 107

|Def: 46

||Def: 46

| {boss-28}


|Weakness: None.

||Weakness: Wind.


With all four bosses defeated, go ahead and enter that Center Portal. Follow
the thin lines in this area and go through the portal at the end. After this
there is only one way you can go...


Cloud of Darkness

{boss-29} |

|Level: 60




| Nothing...........0.0% | 1. Nothing


| 2.




| 3.

| 4.





|Weakness: None.



|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:


Section 48 |

| -Checklist-


{48} Achievements & the 3 Golden Stars


Coming next update!

The 3 Gold Stars are just a mark of beating the game. 3 stars is the max.

Section 49 |

| -Checklist-


{49} End-game Stuff


Coming next update!

Section 50 |

| -Checklist-


{50} Defeating the Iron Giant



Coming next update!

In this section I will help you to defeat the game's most powerful foe, the
metallic Iron Giant. First thing, though, you need to gain access to the
Secret ??? Dungeon by performing certain tasks. Use this link. Ctrl+F. {???}


Iron Giant

{boss-30} |

|Level: 81




| Nothing...........0.0% | 1. Nothing


| 2.


| 3.




| 4.





|Weakness: None.




|Strategy: Coming next update!

|My Level:


This guy is extremely hard. He attacks 4 times per round and all of his
attacks are super powerful, too. Have fun!

I suggest you beat him yourself. It will be a lot more rewarding. ;)

Also, once you beat him, you can fight him whenever you want. Just talk to the
pedestal where you found him.











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III) Mognet: {MOG}



When FFIII DS was released there was a lot of misinformation about Mognet, it
was pretty crazy. Everyone was confused and had no idea what to do.

It's really not that complex. All the information here is correct and if you
read and follow everything carefully, you will never have problems with any
of the sidequests involving Mognet, kupo!

| {MOG-00} Introduction |

Mognet is a mailing system in FFIII. You can use it to send letters to some of
the characters in the game, or to your friends in real life. To send letters
to your friends, you will need to be able to use "Wireless Play: DS to DS", or
the "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection".

After you receive the Wind Crystal's light (the first set of Jobs), you'll be
able to use Mognet. A moogle, that runs the company, appears in every town
and sometimes will appear in other places, too. Simply talk to this fluffy

creature to use Mognet. That's it!

| {MOG-01} How to Use |

Send Mail = Send letters to Wi-Fi friends or FFIII Denizens.

View Mail = Read Mail from Wi-Fi friends or FFIII Denizens.

Address Book = Can Add/Delete Wi-Fi friends. Can view your own Friend Code and
see a list of all your added friends.


= This function has two uses.

1. When you enter someone's Friend Code, select Moghouse, then

"A Faraway Friend" to register it. If you and your friend
DON'T do this, your Friend Codes will remain grey and never
turn white.

2. Checking the mail. If you think someone has sent a letter

through "Nintendo Wi-Fi" or "Wireless Play; DS to DS" use
this function to receive it. If a letter stays in the Mail
for too long, it will be deleted. (server thing)

| {MOG-02} The Rules of Mognet |

There are some very important rules you have to remember when using Mognet.

01. You can ONLY send one letter per hour. One to any FFIII Denizen and one to
a friend over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. So basically you can send two
letters per hour. But wait! There is a way to send as many letters as you
want, with very little effort.

To do this, move the Nintendo DS Clock ahead by 1 or more hours after

every time you send a letter. By doing this, you can send as many letters
as you need without making it a time-consuming ordeal.

02. Sending mail. To complete ALL sidequests, you must send a maximum of 7
letters using either of the following:

- Wireless Play; DS to DS.

- Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

Receiving mail does absolutely NOTHING. As long as you have sent your 7
letters, you are good to go.

03. It doesn't matter how many Friend Codes you have, as long as you send the
required amount of letters. You could send all 7 letters to one person if
you wanted to.

04. Each of the game's 3 Save files has separate requirements for sending the

required mail. If you send 7 messages on File 1, you will still have to
send 7 messages on File 2, and File 3 as well. And if you send 7 messages
on File 1, then start a New Game on File 1, you will need to re-send all
seven messages again. No tricking the system here!

05. Sometimes certain Denizens won't send you a letter right away. To help
motivate them, send letters to other Denizens in your list. Sometimes you
only need to send one, but you may send 2-3 before anything happens.


There are a total of 6 FFIII Denizens that you can send letters to. Denizens
are important characters that you will meet on your journey through the game.

But in order to send them a letter, you will need to have met them AND also
help them with whatever they need. This isn't so bad because in order to
finish the game, you will have to help them anyways! Ok, now for the list of
all 6 characters that you can send letters to.

If you don't use the "Wireless Play; DS to DS" or have access to "Nintendo
Wi-Fi Connection", you will ONLY be able to get letter 1 from each denizen.

No. 01 - Topapa



This is the man who, along with Nina, raised Luneth and Arc.

Location: Ur Village.

You can start sending letters to Topapa as soon as you obtain the

Wind Crystal's light. (the first set of Jobs)

Letter 1: "How Are You?"

"Luneth, Arc, how fare you? Ur is just not the same without
you two. Everyone here misses you, and we all pray for your
safe return.

Letter 2: "Ur"
"A traveling merchant came to Ur the other day. He was riding a
chocobo! They're fine steeds indeed!"

Letter 3: "The Children of Ur"

"Recently, the children have started to play farther and farther
away from Ur. While I praise their adventurous spirits, I worry
that it will lead them to trouble..."

Letter 4: "The Children Are In Trouble!"

"Grave news... The children have not come back from their
recent "exploration" trip! We have searched as far from Ur as
we dared, but could not find them..."

No. 02 - Takka



This is Refia's father. He's a blacksmith.

Location: Kazus Village.


You can start sending letters to Takka after he and Refia attach

the Mythril Ram to Cid's airship.

Letter 1: "Refia"
"Are you doing all right, Refia? Remember to come straight home
once you've completed this journey of yours. There's much work
for you to do!"

Letter 2: "Kazus"
"Kazus has recovered well from that Djinn fiasco. You should
come visit when you have time."

Letter 3: "Must Be Getting Old"

"Hey, I got this order for mythril gear recently, so I went into
the mines to get some ore... I must be getting old. I wasn't
able to carry back half the mythril I used to!"

Letter 4: "The Legendary Smith"

"I don't know if I've told you, but there's supposed to be this
legendary smith wandering the world. Rumor has it that she fixes
things so well, they look brand new!"

Letter 5: "Orichalcum"
"Have I ever told you about orichalcum, the legendary metal?
Rumor says that there's nothing an orichalcum weapon can't cut!"

No. 03 - Sara


The Princess of Castle Sasune. She and Ingus are very close.

Location: Castle Sasune.


You can start sending letters to Sara after defeating Djinn and

then returning to Castle Sasune to lift the curse on Kazus.

Letter 1: "Hello, Ingus"

"Ingus, everyone, how are you doing? Father and I are both fine,
as well as the rest of the people in the castle. Stop by to say
hi if you have time."

Letter 2: "Bored..."
"Being a princess is not all that it's cracked up to be. I wish
I could go on great adventures like you. Take me with you
someday, all right?"

Letter 3: "Sasune of Late"

"Everyone in the castle has gone back to their daily routine
after the Djinn was banished. It's as if it never happened.
I would like to thank you again for helping us. Have a safe

Letter 4: "Help!"
"My pendant broke today... No one in the castle was able to fix
it. This pendant is very dear to me. Let me know if you meet

someone who can help."

No. 04 - Cid


Everyone knows who Cid is!

Location: Canaan Village.


You can start sending letters to Cid after you take him with you to

Canaan. That's where he lives.

Letter 1: "How I Met Mrs. Cid"

"The first time I met Mrs. Cid, she was a passenger on my airship.
It was love at first flight! Har har har! ...Ahhhhhh."

Letter 2: "My First Date With Mrs. Cid"

"I took Mrs. Cid to a village called Gysahl on our first date.
There isn't much to do there, but they sure grow some
great-tasting veggies, and don't you tell me women aren't into

Letter 3: "When You Were Babies"

"You four sure were a handful when you were toddlers! Y'all
turned out okay in the end. Or at the very least, you're all

Letter 4: "Something In the Basement..."

"Mrs. Cid came running up from the basement today, all scared-like.

She says she saw something big lurking in the shadows! I hope
we don't have a monster down there..."

No. 05 - The 4 Old Men


Weirdos who think they are the true Warriors of Light.

Location: Amur Village.


You can start sending letters to the 4 Old Men as soon as they

teleport you out of the Amur sewers.

Letter 1: "Long Time No See!"

"Salutations, Warriors! How are you little squirts? We wanted
to thank you again for helping us in the sewers, and we
owe you one. Let us know if you need our help!"

Letter 2: "What A Hero Makes"

"Heroes and champions like us must stay in top shape! Eating and
sleeping well are paramount! Now drop what you're holding and
go outside and exercise!"

Letter 3: "Sea Voyage"

"We once went on a sea voyage when we were a bit younger.
Halfway through the trip, we saw this huge shadow gliding
alongside our ship! We don't remember exactly where, but it
was impressive."

Letter 4: "True Heroes"

"Heroes are judged by the company they keep! Treat your friends
well, and you will be even closer to becoming true champions!"

No. 06 - Alus


The young ruler of Saronia Kingdom. Good friends with Arc.

Location: Saronia Castle.


You can start sending letters to Alus when you defeat Garuda and

bring peace back to Saronia kingdom.

Letter 1: "Hello Arc!"

"Arc, how are you? Saronia is a big city... and big cities have
very big problems. I'm doing my best, and I think I am finally
getting the hang of this... I hope your journey is going
smoother than my rule."

Letter 2: "Saronia Today"

"It has been a while since Father has gone... but Saronia is
flourishing in its newfound peace. You should visit us again

Letter 3: "The Nautilus"

"How has the Nautilus served you so far? The engineers assure
me that it should not budge an inch, even when flying against
the strongest gale!"

Letter 4: "Saronian Legend"

"There is an old legend in Saronia that speaks of a star
falling into the sea, creating a great wave the swallowed the
evils of the world..."











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IV) Sidequests: {OPT}



All sidequests require that you send 7 letters to someone over Wi-Fi, or the
wireless DS to DS funtion. After that, you never need to access it again.

However, if you have 2 different save files, then they both need to send the
seven letter requirement in order to access sidequests in both games.

| {OPT-01} Legendary Blacksmith |

Mmm, it's always nice to know there is one of these in a game. Then you know
for SURE that you have some super rare treasures to look forward to! Finding
the Legendary Blacksmith consists of the 4 following sections:

01. Sara's Pendant

02. Ultima Weapon
03. Locations
04. Mastery Cards & Items


The earlier in the game you start the Legendary Blacksmith sidequest, the more
troublesome it will be. So WAIT until...

AFTER you open the Eureka Gateway!

You can start it earlier than this, but it will cause problems, make you angry
and will give you absolutely nothing. Seriously! You won't be able to finish
this sidequest until the Eureka Gateway is opened anyway. :( If you follow as
suggested and do these steps, you won't have any problems getting the required
mail from Denizens.

When it comes time, you must start with getting Sara's Pendant.

| {OPT-02} Sara's Pendant |

Step 01: Trade Friend Codes with a friend. I did this at the GameFAQs message

Step 02: If you haven't already, send 7 messages to your friend. Once you send
7 letters, you'll NEVER have to connect to Wi-Fi again! REMINDER: You
only have to send 7 letters TOTAL to complete all of the Wi-Fi sidequests. Receiving letters does nothing!

Step 03: Send a bunch of letters to Sara until she sends you a letter that
talks about how she broke her Pendant. Now, go and visit her and
you will agree to find a way to fix it.

Step 04: Go to Kazus and show the pendant to Refia's father, Takka. He will
mention that it's beyond his skill to repair.

Step 05: Send a bunch of letters to Takka. Keep doing this until he sends you
his letter that talks about a Legendary Blacksmith. If he isn't
sending you his fourth letter, try sending more letters to the other
denizens, as well.

Step 06: Now you must find this Legendary Blacksmith. Get in your airship,
and fly on over to Northwestern Saronia. Look around town and you'll
eventually find her. Yep! It's a girl. :) Anyways, talk to her and
she will agree to fix the Pendant only if you agree to give her some
Orichalcum, IF you find any that is.

Step 07: Take Sara's Pendant back to her, if you want. If you want a more
complete Key Items list, don't give it to her. Keep it as a memento
of her trust towards Ingus! Hehe.

Step 08: Complete the "Orichalcum & the Ultima Weapon" sidequest below.

| {OPT-03} Orichalcum & the Ultima Weapon |

Step 01: Complete the "Sara's Pendant" sidequest above.

Step 02: Send some more letters to Takka and he should mention the Orichalcum
in his next letter. If he doesn't send it right away, try sending
some more letters to the other denizens, as well.

Step 03: Start sending letters to Cid. When you get his letter about Mrs. Cid
seeing a monster in the basement head on over there to see what's up.

Step 04: When you get to Cid's house, which is in Canaan, go down into the
basement. You will find the punk that scared Mrs. Cid!

Step 05: Defeat the monster, Aeon! After the battle, the monster will drop
some Unknown Metal. *wink wink*

Step 06: Go talk to Cid and he will recognize the metal as Orichalcum. Yay!

Step 07: You'd think to go find the Blacksmith girl at this point, but for
some odd reason, she doesn't appear ANYWHERE until you have opened
the Gateway to Eureka! Maybe she is trapped inside? Hmm...

Well? Go open up that gate! :p

Step 08: Go to Falgabard and you will find her. She should be located east
of the Weapon Shop. Once you give her the Orichalcum, she will
create for you the Ultima Weapon! *drool*

That's it! You have fully completed the Legendary Blacksmith sidequests. All
you have left to do is get the Mastery Item from each Job. These items are
easy enough to get, but they are very time consuming. So have fun! ^_^


| {OPT-04} Locations |

Once you complete the "Sara's Pendant" and "Ultima Weapon" sidequests, the
Legendary Blacksmith will continuously travel around the world.

When you visit these places, keep in mind that she shows up at random. So
enter one place and see if she is there. If not, then check at a different
place. Do this until you finally find her!

You must go back and forth between places to find her. So choose two places
that are really close together. Healing Copse and Gysahl are the best ones
to travel between. Whatever you like best is fine!

01. Healing Copse - This is located north of Tozus, the mini village.
02. Gysahl
03. Ur Village

- Inside the Chocobo's stable.

- Inside the well.

04. Castle Sasune - East Tower, 3rd floor.

05. Dwarven Hollows - Near the entrance to the Subterranean Lake.
06. Replito

- Inside the house at the north part of town.

07. Doga's Village - Near the huge tree in the middle.

08. Saronia Castle - Basement, 2nd level.
09. Ancient Ruins - Inside the Inn.
10. Village of the Ancients - Inside the Inn.

| {OPT-05} Mastery Cards & Items |


For those of you who take pleasure in getting a perfect file, know that this
time around, all the effort it takes won't go completely unrewarded!

For mastering a Job to Lv. 99, you can obtain a special item. (each Job has
its own special item that you can get) So once you master a Job, go talk to
the Legendary Blacksmith and she will reward you with that Job's Card and
Special Item! Also, to even be able to get these items, you must complete
the "Sara's Pendant" and "Ultima Weapon" sidequests above. Good luck to you!

NOTE: The Job you have mastered MUST be in your party.

NOTE: You can only get ONE of each item!

|Mastery Item: |Atk|PDef|MDef|Stat Bonus:


|Celestial Gloves|---| 40 | 18 |+15 All


|Gigantic Axe |155| -- | -- |+20 Str


|Shura Gloves |---| 45 | 19 |+20 Str

|Angel Robe
|Lilith Rod

|130| -- | -- |+20 Agi

|Artemis Bow


|Casts Death

|Crimson Vest |---| 50 | 25 |+10 All



|---| 45 | 45 |+20 Mind

|110| -- | -- |+20 Int


|122| -- | -- |+10 Str/Agi


|Effective on flying enemies |

|Save The Queen |140| -- | -- |+10 Vit/Mind |Casts Reflect


|130| -- | -- |+5 Int, +10 Mind|---

|Blessed Bell |130| -- | -- |+10 Agi/Int/Mind|---

|Mighty Hammer |145| -- | -- |+20 Vit


|Magic Lance

|145| -- | -- |+20 Str



|140| -- | -- |+20 Agi

|Effective on dividing enemies|

|Royal Crown

|---| 33 | 36 |+10 Int/Mind |---

|Ballad Crown |---| 35 | 35 |+10 Vit/Mind |---

|Master Dogi

|---| 54 | 23 |+10 Agi/Mind |---

|Millennium Rod |110| -- | -- |+10 Int/Mind |Casts Blizzaga

|Holy Wand

|110| -- | -- |+20 Mind

|Casts Curaga


|Astral Bracers |---| 47 | 20 |+10 Int/Mind |+50% resistance, all elements|

|Sage Staff

|110| -- | -- |+10 All



|140| -- | -- |+5 All, +10 Agi |Effective on dividing enemies|

|Onion Blade

|150| -- | -- |+7 All


These are the jobs you have to master for each item.
---------------Mastered Job:
---------------Celestial Gloves ....Freelancer
Gigantic Axe ........Warrior
Shura Gloves ........Monk
Angel Robe ..........White Mage
Lilith Rod ..........Black Mage
Crimson Vest ........Red Mage
Gladius .............Thief
Artemis Bow .........Ranger
Save The Queen ......Knight
Omnitome ............Scholar
Blessed Bell ........Geomancer
Mighty Hammer .......Viking

Magic Lance .........Dragoon

Murakumo ............Dark Knight
Royal Crown .........Evoker
Ballad Crown ........Bard
Master Dogi .........Black Belt
Millennium Rod ......Magus
Holy Wand ...........Devout
Astral Bracers ......Summoner
Sage Staff ..........Sage
Muramasa ............Ninja
Onion Blade .........Onion Knight

| {OPT-06} Secret ??? Dungeon |




This secret area is more like a cave. In fact, that's all it is. :P To find
out where this ??? cave is, do the following steps. It's easy!


You can gain access to the Secret ??? Dungeon anytime after the events during
Saronia Kingdom. You just need to be able to send letters to Alus. Careful
about entering here at that point of the game, though. You will most likely
be killed by the Dragons.

Step 01: Trade Friend Codes with a friend. I did this at the GameFAQs message


Step 02: If you haven't already, send 7 messages to your friend. Once you send
7 letters, you'll NEVER have to connect to Wi-Fi again! REMINDER: You
only have to send 7 letters TOTAL to complete all of the Wi-Fi sidequests. Receiving letters does nothing!

Step 03: Send a bunch of letters to the 4 Old Men until you receive ALL four
of their letters.

Step 04: Send letters to Alus until you receive ALL four of his letters.

Step 05: Fly over to the floating continent with your Nautilus, but don't go
inside. (stay in the main world)

Step 06: Next, fly east. About half-way between the floating continent and
Dalg Continent you will see a shadow in the water. This is the place
we are looking for! Dive underwater and you will find a patch of
sea weeds. Enter.

Now that you have found the Secret ??? Dungeon, you can battle the toughest
enemies in the game. For the random battles, you will fight nothing but the
Yellow, Green, and Red Dragons. They are tough, so be ready!

Deeper into the cave you will find a pedestal of some kind. When you go up to
it for the first time, you will automatically watch a scene, which is kinda
funny hehe, and then fight the Iron Giant! Check the very last section of the
Walkthrough for a strategy on defeating this big softy. Ctrl+F. {IG}

| {OPT-07} The Onion Knight Crystal Shard |




This secret Job is by far one of the best in the game. It can equip almost all
of the equipment and can cast all white and black magic.


You can obtain the Onion Knight job anytime after the Wind Crystal. Getting
the Onion Knight Job is a very easy task, but leveling it up to its maximum
potential is a whole different story! Now, to get the Job, follow these steps
even if you just barely defeated the Djinn boss in Sealed Cave.

Step 01: Trade Friend Codes with a friend. I did this at the GameFAQs message

Step 02: If you haven't already, send 7 messages to your friend. Once you send
7 letters, you'll NEVER have to connect to Wi-Fi again! REMINDER: You
only have to send 7 letters TOTAL to complete all of the Wi-Fi sidequests. Receiving letters does nothing!

Step 03: Send a bunch of letters to Topapa until he sends you a letter talking
about how the children have gone missing and they can't be found

Step 04: Go talk to Topapa in Ur Village to learn more.

Step 05: Head on over to Altar Cave and go in. Deep inside the cave are the
lost children. When you finally meet up with them, it looks like
they're in sticky situation with 3 Bombs, so they might need you to
help them out.

Step 06: Defeat the Bombs and watch the scene. For your efforts, you will
receive a Crystal Shard. This shard contains the Onion Knight Job
which you can now use.

It wasn't that hard after all! If you want to learn more about this newly
acquired Job, see the "Onion Knight" section. Ctrl+F. {ONION} Everything is
explained in there. :)











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V) Lists: Items, Weapons, Armor, Key Items: {LIS}



Here are the Job abbreviations:

FR - Freelancer
WA - Warrior
MO - Monk
WM - White Mage
BM - Black Mage
RM - Red Mage
TH - Thief
RA - Ranger
KN - Knight

Here are the Stat abbreviations:

SC - Scholar
GE - Geomancer
VI - Viking
DR - Dragoon
DK - Dark Knight
EV - Evoker
BA - Bard
BB - Black Belt

Str - Strength
Agi - Agility
Vit - Vitality
Int - Intellect
Mnd - Mind

MA - Magus
DE - Devout
SU - Summoner
SA - Sage
NI - Ninja
OK - Onion Knight

| {LIS-01} Consumable Item List |

Every consumable item (except Bomb Arm, Angel's Sigh, Shell Breaker, Shining
Curtain, Silence Seal, Sheep Pillow), can be found during a normal playthrough
of the game, by opening treasure chests or finding them, etc. If you follow
the walkthrough you won't miss anything. :) The exceptions listed can only be
obtained if you steal them or they are dropped as loot after battle.

I listed the easiest ways of obtaining the items, and not ALL possibilities.

| Target: | Effect:


| One | Restore 50 HP

| One | Restore 500 HP

| One | Fully restores HP/MP

|Phoenix Down | One | Revive KO'd ally with 1/10 of maximum HP

| One | Removes Poison

|Eye Drops

| One | Removes Blind

|Echo Herbs

| One | Removes Silence

|Gold Needle | One | Removes Petrify

|Maiden's Kiss | One | Removes Toad


| One | Removes Mini, Inflicts Mini

|Antarctic Wind | One | Blizzara...Deals medium amount of ice damage

|Bomb Fragment | One | Fira.......Deals medium amount of fire damage

|Zeus's Wrath | One | Thundara...Deals medium amount of lightning damage|

|Lamia Scale | One | Confuse....Inflicts confuse status

|Bacchus's Cider| One | Haste......Doubles the agility of target

|Tranquilizer | One | Shade......Inflicts paralysis

|Arctic Wind | One | Blizzaga...Deals large amount of ice damage

|Bomb Arm

| One | Firaga.....Deals large amount of fire damage

|Heavenly Wrath | One | Thundaga...Deals large amount of lightning damage |

|Earthen Drums | All | Quake......Deals large amount of earth damage

|Turtle Shell | One | Protect....Reduces damage from physical attacks |

|Angel's Sigh | One | Esuna......Removes all status ailments

|Black Hole
|Black Musk

| One | Warp.......Removes target from battle

| One | Death......Instantly kills target


|Lilith's Kiss | One | Drain......Absorbs large amount of HP from target |

|Raven's Yawn | One | Aeroga.....Deals large amount of wind damage
|Shell Breaker | One | Erase......Dispels beneficial magic

|Shining Curtain| One | Reflect....Creates magic-reflecting barrier

|Silence Seal | One | Silence....Prevents enemy from using magic

|Sheep Pillow | One | Sleep......Inflicts sleep status

|Chocobo's Wrath| One | Flare......Deals extreme non-elemental damage

|White Musk

| One | Holy.......Deals extreme light-elemental damage |

|Ottershroom | --- | Teleport out of dungeons

|Gnomish Bread | --- | Display a detailed world map

|Magic Key

| --- | Opens locked doors


|Gysahl Greens | --- | Used to attract Fat Chocobo, Kweh!

Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items.
---------------Potion ............Buy at various Item Shops
Hi-Potion .........Buy at various Item Shops
Elixir ............Win from Yellow, Green, Red Dragons
Phoenix Down ......Steal from Rust Bird at Dragon's Peak
Antidote ..........Buy at various Item Shops
Eye Drops .........Buy at various Item Shops
Echo Herbs ........Buy at various Item Shops
Gold Needle .......Buy at various Item Shops
Maiden's Kiss .....Buy at various Item Shops
Mallet ............Buy at various Item Shops
Antarctic Wind ....Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 31-99 Thief
Zeus's Wrath ......Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 99 Thief
Bomb Fragment .....Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 31-98 Thief

Lamia Scale .......Tokkul (tree)

Bacchus's Cider ...Tokkul (crate), Bahamut's Lair (chest)
Tranquilizer ......Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 99 Thief
Bomb Arm ..........Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 31-98 Thief
Arctic Wind .......Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 31-98 Thief
Heavenly Wrath ....Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 99 Thief
Earthen Drums .....Duster (hidden), Bahamut's Lair (chest)
Turtle Shell ......Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 99 Thief
Angel's Sigh ......Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 99 Thief
Black Hole ........Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 31-70 Thief
Black Musk ........Cave of Shadow (chest)
Lilith's Kiss .....Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 71-98 Thief
Raven's Yawn ......Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 99 Thief
Shell Breaker .....Enemy drop
Shining Curtain ...Enemy drop
Silence Seal ......Enemy drop
Sheep Pillow ......Steal from enemies, Best with Lv. 99 Thief
Chocobo's Wrath ...Bahamut's Lair (chest), Crystal Tower (chest)
White Musk ........Bahamut's Lair (chest), Crystal Tower (chest)
Ottershroom .......Invincible (Item Shop)
Gnomish Bread .....Tozus (Bakery)
Magic Key .........Gysahl (Locksmith)
Gysahl Greens .....Gysahl (Item Shop), Invincible (Item Shop)

NOTE: All consumable items can be dropped by enemies, except for: White Musk,
Ottershroom, Gnomish Bread, Magic Key, and Gysahl Greens. For more information
please visit the " Item Drop Rates" section below. Ctrl+F. {LT}

NOTE: To see a list of all the enemies you can steal these items from, please
visit the "Items to Pilfer" section below. Ctrl+F. {IP}

| {LIS-02} Weapon Equipment |

Here are the Job abbreviations:

FR - Freelancer
WA - Warrior
MO - Monk
WM - White Mage
BM - Black Mage
RM - Red Mage

Here are the Stat abbreviations:

TH - Thief
RA - Ranger
KN - Knight

Atk - Attack Power

Hit% - Weapon Accuracy

SC - Scholar
GE - Geomancer
VI - Viking
DR - Dragoon
DK - Dark Knight
EV - Evoker
BA - Bard
BB - Black Belt
MA - Magus

Str - Strength
Agi - Agility
Vit - Vitality
Int - Intellect
Mnd - Mind

DE - Devout
SU - Summoner
SA - Sage
NI - Ninja
OK - Onion Knight

{LIS-03} Knives

There are 11 types of Knives.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:


| 8| 85| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

| 9| 85| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Mythril Knife | 14| 85| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Spark Dagger | 23| 100| -| +2| -| -| -| ---


|Main Gauche | 35| 100| -| +3| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Poison Dagger | 40| 100| -| +4| -| -| -| ---

|Inflicts poison |

|Behemoth Knife| 78| 100| +8| - | -| -| -| --|Air Knife

| ---

| 89| 100| -| +6| -| -| -|Cast Aero |Wind-elemental

|Dark Knife | 93| 100| -| +5| -| -| -| --|Lust Dagger |110| 100| -| +8| -| -| -| ---

| ---

| ---


|130| 100| -|+20| -| -| -| ---

| ---

Here is the easiest way to obtain each item, Jobs used by, and its weight.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Knife .............Initial equip for Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus
Dagger ............Ur (weapon shop)
Mythril Knife .....Kazus (weapon shop), Canaan (weapon shop)
Spark Dagger ......Vikings' Cove (chest), Tower of Owen (chest)
Main Gauche .......Amur (weapon shop)
Poison Dagger .....Amur Sewers (chest)
Behemoth Knife ....Temple of Time (chest)
Air Knife .........Sunken Cave (chest)
Dark Knife ........Invincible (weapon shop)
Lust Dagger .......Doga's Grotto (chest)
Gladius ...........Master Thief Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Knife .............0, FR,WA,RM,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK
Dagger ............0, FR,WA,RM,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK
Mythril Knife .....0, FR,WA,RM,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK
Spark Dagger ......0, FR,WA,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK
Main Gauche .......0, FR,WA,RM,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK
Poison Dagger .....0, FR,WA,RM,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK
Behemoth Knife ....0, TH,NI,OK
Air Knife .........0, TH,NI,OK
Dark Knife ........0, TH,NI,OK
Lust Dagger .......0, TH,NI,OK

Gladius ...........0, TH

{LIS-04} Swords

There are 19 types of Swords.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:

|Golden Sword | 5| 20| -| -| -| -| -| --|Longsword

| ---

| 10| 80| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Wightslayer | 15| 80| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Mythril Sword | 17| 80| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Serpent Sword | 25| 80| -| -| -| -| -| --|Tyrfing

| 28| 75| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Salamand Sword| 30| 100| -| -| -| -| -|Cast Fire |Fire-elemental

|Freezing Blade| 32| 80| -| -| -| -| -|Cast Blizzard|Ice-elemental
|Royal Sword | 50| 80| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Blood Sword | 55| 80| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Absorbs life

|Ancient Sword | 80| 80| -| -| -| -| -| --|Defender


|Inflicts paralysis |

| 95| 100| -| -| +5| -| -|Cast Protect | ---

|Break Blade |125| 80| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Inflicts g-petrify |

|137| 90| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| --|140| 100| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| ---

| --| ---




|Save the Queen|140| 90| -| -|+10| -|+10|Cast Reflect | --|Onion Blade |150| 100| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| ---

| ---


|Ultima Weapon |155| 100|+15|+15|+15|+15|+15| ---

| ---

|Onion Sword |156| 100| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| ---

| ---

Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Golden Sword ......Goldor Manor (chest)
Longsword .........Altar Cave (chest), Ur (weapon shop)
Wightslayer .......Castle Sasune (chest)
Mythril Sword .....Kazus (weapon shop), Canaan (weapon shop)
Serpent Sword .....Nepto Temple (chest), Village of Ancients (weapon shop)
Tyrfing ...........Dwarven Hollows (weapon shop)
Salamand Sword ....Tower of Owen (chest)
Freezing Blade ....Molten Cave (chest)
Royal Sword .......Castle Hein (chest)
Blood Sword .......A New World - Wrecked Ship (chest)
Ancient Sword .....Sunken Cave (chest)
Defender ..........Temple of Time (chest), Ancient Ruins (weapon shop)
Break Blade .......Ancients' Maze (chest)
Excalibur .........Eureka (Boss reward)
Ragnarok ..........Eureka (Boss reward)
Save the Queen ....Master Knight Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Onion Blade .......Master Onion Knight Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Ultima Weapon .....Give Orichalcum to Legendary Blacksmith

Onion Sword .......Win from Yellow, Green, or Red Dragons - Secret ??? Dungeon
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Golden Sword ......1, FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Longsword .........0, FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Wightslayer .......0, FR,RM,KN,OK
Mythril Sword .....0, FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Serpent Sword .....0, FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Tyrfing ...........1, FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Salamand Sword ....1, FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Freezing Blade ....1, FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Royal Sword .......1, FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Blood Sword .......1, WA,KN,DK,OK
Ancient Sword .....1, WA,KN,DK,OK
Defender ..........1, WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Break Blade .......1, WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Excalibur .........1, FR,RM,KN,OK
Ragnarok ..........1, WA,KN,DK,OK
Save the Queen ....1, KN
Onion Blade .......1, OK
Ultima Weapon .....0, FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK
Onion Sword .......1, OK

{LIS-05} Staves

There are 9 types of Staves.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:


| 3| 50| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Fire Staff | 20| 50| -| -| -| +2| +2|Cast Fire |Fire-elemental

|Ice Staff

| 20| 50| -| -| -| +2| +2|Cast Blizzard|Ice-elemental

|Light Staff | 20| 50| -| -| -| +2| +2|Cast Thunder |Lightning-elemental|

|Golem Staff | 30| 70| -| -| -| -| +3|Cast Break | ---

|Rune Staff | 33| 80| -| -| -| -| +4|Cast Erase | ---

|Elder Staff | 85| 90| -| -| -| -| +6|Cast Cura | ---

|Holy Wand

|110| 95| -| -| -| -|+20|Cast Curaga | ---

|Sage Staff |110| 95|+10|+10|+10|+10|+10| ---

| ---


Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Staff ..........Ur (weapon shop), Kazus (hidden by pond)
Fire Staff .....Village of Ancients (weapon shop)
Ice Staff ......Village of Ancients (weapon shop)
Light Staff ....Village of Ancients (weapon shop)
Golem Staff ....NE Saronia (weapon shop)
Rune Staff .....NE Saronia (weapon shop)
Elder Staff ....Eureka (Boss reward)
Holy Wand ......Master Devout Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Sage Staff .....Master Sage Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith

----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:

----------------------------Staff ..........0, WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Fire Staff .....0, WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Ice Staff ......0, WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Light Staff ....0, WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Golem Staff ....0, WM,RM,EV,DE,SU,SA,OK
Rune Staff .....0, WM,RM,EV,DE,SU,SA,OK
Elder Staff ....0, WM,DE,SA,OK
Holy Wand ......0, DE
Sage Staff .....0, SA

{LIS-06} Rods

There are 8 types of Rods.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:

|Mythril Rod | 12| 60| -| -| -| +1| -| --|Wizard Rod | 20| 100| -| -| -| +5| -| ---

| --| ---


|Fire Rod

| 25| 70| -| -| -| +3| +3|Cast Fira |Fire-elemental

|Ice Rod

| 25| 70| -| -| -| +3| +3|Cast Blizzara|Ice-elemental

|Light Rod

| 25| 60| -| -| -| +3| +3|Cast Thundara|Lightning-elemental|


| 93| 80| -| -| -|+10| -| ---

|Inflicts g-petrify |

|Lilith Rod |110| 90| -| -| -|+20| -|Cast Death | --|Millennium Rod|110| 100| -| -| -|+10|+10|Cast Blizzaga| ---


Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Mythril Rod .......Kazus (weapon shop), Canaan (weapon shop)
Wizard Rod ........NE Saronia (weapon shop)
Fire Rod ..........NE Saronia (weapon shop)
Ice Rod ...........NE Saronia (weapon shop)
Light Rod .........NE Saronia (weapon shop)
Omnirod ...........Eureka (chest)
Lilith Rod ........Master Black Mage Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Millennium Rod ....Master Magus Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Mythril Rod .......0, BM,RM,EV,MA,SU,SA,OK
Wizard Rod ........0, WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Fire Rod ..........0, WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Ice Rod ...........0, WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Light Rod .........0, WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Omnirod ...........0, BM,EV,MA,SU,SA,OK
Lilith Rod ........0, BM
Millennium Rod ....0, MA

{LIS-07} Dark Blades

There are 6 types of Dark Blades.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:


|100| 100| -| -| -| -| -| ---



|105| 90| -| -| -| -| -| ---


|Kiku-Ichimonji|115| 90| -| -| -| -| -| ---




|132| 70| -| -| -| -| -| ---


|140| 90| +5|+10| +5| +5| +5| ---


|140| 100| -|+20| -| -| -| ---


Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Ashura ............Falgabard (weapon shop)
Kotetsu ...........Falgabard Cave (chest), Cave of Shadows (talk to NPC)
Kiku-Ichimonji ....Falgabard (defeat Shinobi), Cave of Shadows (chest)
Masamune ..........Eureka (Boss reward)
Muramasa ..........Master Ninja Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Murakumo ..........Master Dark Knight Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:

Ashura ............1, DK,NI,OK

Kotetsu ...........1, DK,NI,OK
Kiku-Ichimonji ....1, DK,NI,OK
Masamune ..........1, DK,NI,OK
Muramasa ..........1, NI
Murakumo ..........1, DK

{LIS-08} Bows

There are 9 types of Bows.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Properties:


| 10| 70| -| -| -| -| -|Effective against flying enemies |

|Great Bow

| 18| 65| -| -| -| -| -|Effective against flying enemies |

|Killer Bow | 26| 65| -| -| -| -| -|Effective against flying enemies |

|Rune Bow

| 42| 80| -| -| -| +2| +2|Effective against flying enemies |

|Selene Bow | 63| 75| -| -| -| -| -|Effective against flying enemies |

|Yoichi Bow | 70| 75| -| +5| -| -| -|Effective against flying enemies |
|Eurytos Bow | 95| 75| +5| -| -| -| -|Effective against flying enemies |
|Elven Bow

|109| 75| -| +5| -| -| -|Effective against flying enemies |

|Artemis Bow |122| 75|+10|+10| -| -| -|Effective against flying enemies |
Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.

----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Bow ............Ur (weapon shop)
Great Bow ......Canaan (weapon shop)
Killer Bow .....Village of Ancients (weapon shop)
Rune Bow .......Castle Hein (chest)
Selene Bow .....Amur (weapon shop)
Yoichi Bow .....Falgabard (weapon shop)
Eurytos Bow ....Bahamut's Lair (chest)
Elven Bow ......Crystal Tower (chest)
Artemis Bow ....Master Ranger Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Bow ............0, FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK
Great Bow ......0, FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK
Killer Bow .....1, FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK
Rune Bow .......1, RA,OK
Selene Bow .....1, RA,OK
Yoichi Bow .....1, RA,OK
Eurytos Bow ....1, RA,OK
Elven Bow ......1, RA,OK
Artemis Bow ....1, RA

{LIS-09} Arrows

There are 11 types of Arrows.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:

|Wooden Arrow | 6| 80| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Holy Arrow | 8| 75| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Light-elemental |

|Iron Arrow | 12| 75| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Fire Arrow | 17| 75| -| -| -| -| -| ---


|Ice Arrow


| 17| 75| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Light Arrow | 17| 75| -| -| -| -| -| ---


|Sleep Arrow | 20| 75| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Inflicts sleep

|Poison Arrow | 20| 75| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Inflicts poison |

|Medusa Arrow | 23| 75| -| -| -| -| -| --|Magic Arrow | 27| 75| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Inflicts g-petrify |
| ---

|Yoichi Arrow | 40| 80| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Wooden Arrow ....Ur (weapon shop)
Holy Arrow ......Castle Sasune (chest), Amur (weapon shop)
Iron Arrow ......Canaan (weapon shop), Amur (weapon shop)
Fire Arrow ......Village of Ancients (weapon shop)
Ice Arrow .......Village of Ancients (weapon shop)

Light Arrow .....Village of Ancients (weapon shop)

Sleep Arrow .....Invincible (weapon shop)
Poison Arrow ....Invincible (weapon shop)
Medusa Arrow ....Castle Argus (chest), Invincible (weapon shop)
Magic Arrow .....Invincible (weapon shop)
Yoichi Arrow ....Falgabard (weapon shop)
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Wooden Arrow ....0, FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK
Holy Arrow ......0, FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK
Iron Arrow ......0, FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK
Fire Arrow ......0, RA,OK
Ice Arrow .......0, RA,OK
Light Arrow .....0, RA,OK
Sleep Arrow .....0, RA,OK
Poison Arrow ....0, RA,OK
Medusa Arrow ....0, RA,OK
Magic Arrow .....0, RA,OK
Yoichi Arrow ....0, RA,OK

{LIS-10} Books

There are 8 types of Books.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:

|Book of Fire | 32| 70| -| -| -| +2| +2| ---


|Book of Ice | 32| 70| -| -| -| +2| +2| ---


|Book of Light | 32| 70| -| -| -| +2| +2| ---


|Tome of Fire | 53| 80| -| -| -| +3| +3| ---


|Tome of Ice | 53| 80| -| -| -| +3| +3| ---


|Tome of Light | 53| 80| -| -| -| +3| +3| ---



| ---

| 78| 100| -| -| -| +5| +5| ---


|130| 100| -| -| -|+10|+10| ---

| ---

Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Book of Fire .....Castle Argus (chest), Dwarven Hollows (chest)
Book of Ice ......Castle Argus (chest), Dwarven Hollows (chest)
Book of Light ....Castle Argus (chest), Dwarven Hollows (chest)
Tome of Fire .....Saronia Castle (chest)
Tome of Ice ......Saronia Castle (chest)
Tome of Light ....Saronia Castle (chest)
Cognitome ........Sunken Cave (chest)
Omnitome .........Master Scholar Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Book of Fire .....0, SC,OK
Book of Ice ......0, SC,OK

Book of Light ....0, SC,OK

Tome of Fire .....0, SC,OK
Tome of Ice ......0, SC,OK
Tome of Light ....0, SC,OK
Cognitome ........0, SC,OK
Omnitome .........0, SC

{LIS-11} Claws

There are 11 types of Claws.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:

|Bronze Knuckles| 12| 100| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Sonic Knuckles | 28| 100| -| +2| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Impact Claws | 34| 100| -| -| -| -| -| --|Cat Claws

| 42| 100| -| +3| -| -| -| ---

|Kaiser Knuckles| 50| 100| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| --| --| ---


|Wyvern Claws | 51| 100| -| +4| -| -| -| --|Tiger Claws | 82| 100| +5| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Faerie Claws | 89| 100| -| -| -| +2| +2| ---

| ---

|Metal Knuckles |100| 100| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Dark Claws

|115| 100| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Hellish Claws |121| 100| -| -| +5| -| -| ---

|Inflicts poison |

Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Bronze Knuckles ....Altar Cave (chest), Castle Sasune (chest)
Sonic Knuckles .....Tokkul (pot), Tower of Owen (chest)
Impact Claws .......Molten Cave (chest)
Cat Claws ..........Amur Sewer (chest)
Kaiser Knuckles ....Amur Sewer (chest)
Wyvern Claws .......Goldor Manor (chest)
Tiger Claws ........Sunken Cave (chest)
Faerie Claws .......Ancient Ruins (chest)
Metal Knuckles .....Sunken Cave (chest)
Dark Claws .........Cave of Shadows (chest)
Hellish Claws ......Ancients' Maze (chest)
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Bronze Knuckles ....0, FR,MO,BB,OK
Sonic Knuckles .....0, MO,BB,OK
Impact Claws .......0, MO,BB,OK
Cat Claws ..........0, MO,BB,OK
Kaiser Knuckles ....0, MO,BB,OK
Wyvern Claws .......0, MO,BB,OK
Tiger Claws ........0, MO,BB,OK
Faerie Claws .......0, MO,BB,OK
Metal Knuckles .....0, MO,BB,OK
Dark Claws .........0, MO,BB,OK

Hellish Claws ......0, MO,BB,OK

{LIS-12} Hammers

There are 6 types of Hammers.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:


| 55| 70| -| -| +1| -| -| ---


|Dragon Hammer | 70| 70| -| -| +4| -| -| ---


|Triton Hammer |110| 75| -| -| +5| -| -| ---


|Platinum Hammer|115| 70| -| -| +2| -| -| --|Blessed Hammer |120| 70| -| -| +3| -| -| ---


|Mighty Hammer |145| 80| -| -|+20| -| -| ---


Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Hammer .............Amur Sewer (chest)
Dragon Hammer ......Saronia Castle (chest)
Triton Hammer ......Sunken Cave (chest)
Platinum Hammer ....Lake Dohr (chest)
Blessed Hammer .....Falgabard (chest and hidden)
Mighty Hammer ......Master Viking Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith

----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:

----------------------------Hammer .............3, VI,OK
Dragon Hammer ......3, VI,OK
Triton Hammer ......3, VI,OK
Platinum Hammer ....3, VI,OK
Blessed Hammer .....3, VI,OK
Mighty Hammer ......3, VI

{LIS-13} Axes

There are 7 types of Axes.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:

|Viking Axe | 33| 70| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---


| ---

| 65| 70| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Dual Tomahawk | 73| 70| -| -| -| -| -| --|Rune Axe

|Demon Axe

|110| 75| -| -| -| +2| +2| --|116| 70| +2| +2| -| -| -| ---

|Dual Haken |122| 70| +3| -| -| -| -| ---

| --| ---


| --| ---


|Gigantic Axe |155| 75|+20| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.

----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Viking Axe .......Vikings' Cove (chest)
Battleaxe ........Amur (weapon shop)
Dual Tomahawk ....Sunken Cave (chest)
Rune Axe .........Invincible (weapon shop)
Demon Axe ........Falgabard (weapon shop)
Dual Haken .......Ancients' Maze (chest)
Gigantic Axe .....Master Warrior Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Viking Axe .......3, WA,VI,OK
Battleaxe ........3, WA,VI,OK
Dual Tomahawk ....3, WA,VI,OK
Rune Axe .........3, WA,VI,OK
Demon Axe ........3, WA,VI,OK
Dual Haken .......3, WA,VI,OK
Gigantic Axe .....3, WA

{LIS-14} Spears

There are 9 types of Spears.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:

|Thunder Spear | 45| 90| -| -| -| -| -|Cast Thunder |Lightning-elemental|
|Wind Spear | 53| 90| -| -| -| -| -|Cast Aero |Wind-elemental
|Heavy Lance | 84| 90| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Blood Lance | 95| 90| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Absorbs life



|108| 90| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Dragon Lance |117| 90| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

| ---

|Holy Lance |125| 90| -| -| -| -| -|Cast Holy |Light-elemental |


|140| 90|+10|+10| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Magic Lance |145| 90|+20| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Thunder Spear ...Amur (weapon shop), NE Saronia (weapon shop)
Wind Spear ......NE Saronia (weapon shop)
Heavy Lance .....Saronia Catacombs (chest)
Blood Lance .....Temple of Time (chest), Ancient Ruins (weapon shop)
Trident .........Sunken Cave (chest)
Dragon Lance ....Invincible (weapon shop)
Holy Lance ......Ancients' Maze (chest)
Gungnir .........Steal/Win from Odin (Saronia Catacombs)
Magic Lance .....Master Dragoon Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:

Thunder Spear ...1, DR,OK

Wind Spear ......1, DR,OK
Heavy Lance .....1, DR,OK
Blood Lance .....2, DR,OK
Trident .........1, DR,OK
Dragon Lance ....1, DR,OK
Holy Lance ......3, DR,OK
Gungnir .........3, DR,OK
Magic Lance .....3, DR

{LIS-15} Throwing

There are 5 types of Throwing Weapons.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:


| 40| 85| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

| 50| 85| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Rising Sun | 70| 85| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Moonring Blade|110| 85| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---


|200| 100| -| -| -| -| -| ---

|Can only be thrown |

Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:

----------------------------Boomerang .........Amur (weapon shop)

Chakram ...........Sunken Cave (chest)
Rising Sun ........Doga's Grotto (chest)
Moonring Blade ....Eureka (Boss reward)
Shuriken ..........Gysahl (chest), Eureka (chest), Eureka (weapon shop)
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Boomerang .........0, TH,RA,NI,OK
Chakram ...........0, TH,RA,NI,OK
Rising Sun ........0, TH,NI,OK
Moonring Blade ....0, TH,NI,OK
Shuriken ..........0, NI

{LIS-16} Bells

There are 4 types of Bells.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:

|Diamond Bell | 42| 100| -| -| -| -| -| --|Earthen Bell | 88| 100| -| -| -| -| -| --|Rune Bell

| 98| 100| -| -| -| -| -| ---

| ---

|Inflicts paralysis |
| ---

|Blessed Bell |130| 100| -|+10| -|+10|+10| ---

| ---

Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Diamond Bell ....Dwarven Hollows (weapon shop), Duster (weapon shop)
Earthen Bell ....Saronia Castle (chest)
Rune Bell .......Saronia Catacombs (chest)
Blessed Bell ....Master Geomancer Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Diamond Bell ....0, GE,OK
Earthen Bell ....0, GE,OK
Rune Bell .......0, GE,OK
Blessed Bell ....0, GE

{LIS-17} Harps

There are 5 types of Harps.

|Weapon Name: |Atk|Hit%|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Magic:

| Properties:

|Madhura Harp | 60| 100| -| -| -| -| +5| --|Loki Harp

| 60| 100| -| -| -| -| +5| ---

|Dream Harp | 60| 100| -| -| -| -| +5| ---

| --| ---


|Inflicts sleep

|Lamia Harp | 60| 100| -| -| -| -| +5| ---

|Inflicts confusion |

|Apollo Harp | 60| 100| -| -| -| -|+10| ---

|Inflicts silence |

Here are the easiest ways to obtain the items, and who can equip them.
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Madhura Harp ....Amur (weapon shop), Duster (weapon shop)
Loki Harp .......Duster (weapon shop)
Dream Harp ......Duster (weapon shop)
Lamia Harp ......Duster (weapon shop)
Apollo Harp .....Eureka (hidden shop)
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Madhura Harp ....0, BA,OK
Loki Harp .......0, BA,OK
Dream Harp ......0, BA,OK
Lamia Harp ......0, BA,OK
Apollo Harp .....0, BA,OK

| {LIS-18} Armor Equipment |

Here are the Job abbreviations:

FR - Freelancer
WA - Warrior

Here are the Element abbreviations:

MO - Monk
WM - White Mage

Fir - Fire

BM - Black Mage

Ice - Ice

RM - Red Mage

Ltg - Lightning

TH - Thief

Wnd - Wind

RA - Ranger

Ear - Earth

KN - Knight

Hly - Light

SC - Scholar

Drk - Dark

GE - Geomancer
VI - Viking

Here are the Stat abbreviations:

DR - Dragoon
DK - Dark Knight
EV - Evoker
BA - Bard

Str - Strength
Agi - Agility
Vit - Vitality

BB - Black Belt

Int - Intellect

MA - Magus

Mnd - Mind

DE - Devout
SU - Summoner
SA - Sage

PDef - Physical Defense

MDef - Magic Defense

NI - Ninja
OK - Onion Knight

Elemental resistances do NOT stack, so you can never have 100% resistance to
any element. +50% resistance is the max. Stat bonuses, however, DO stack so
try to use as many of the best armors with the highest bonuses as possible.

While wearing any of the Ice equipment, Fire damage received is reduced by
half. It does NOT make you weaker to ice-elemental attacks. The same thing
goes for the Flame Mail, too. Ice damage is reduced by half, and you don't
receive more fire damage. That's how is was in the original FF3, but not in
this version. :)

{LIS-19} Helmets

18 types:


Stat Bonus:

Elemental Resistance:


|PDef|MDef|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Fir Ice Ltg Wnd Ear Hly Drk |

|Leather Cap

| 1 | 1 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Mythril Helm

| 4 | 3 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Shell Helm

| 6 | 5 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |


| 8 | 3 | +1| +1| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Ice Helm

| 10 | 6 | -| -| -| -| -| 50% - - - - - - |

|Feathered Hat | 10 | 16 | -| +2| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Scholar Hat

| 11 | 16 | -| -| -| +1| -| - - - - - - - |

|Black Cowl

| 15 | 10 | -| +2| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Chakra Band

| 17 | 11 | -| -| +2| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Dragon Helm

| 18 | 9 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Viking Helm
|Diamond Helm

| 19 | 5 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |
| 21 | 10 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |


| 23 | 20 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Genji Helm

| 24 | 15 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Crystal Helm

| 31 | 17 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Royal Crown

| 33 | 36 | -| -| -|+10|+10| - - - - - - - |

|Ballad Crown

| 35 | 34 | -| -|+10| -|+10| - - - - - - - |

|Onion Helm

| 40 | 40 | -| -| -| +5| +5| - - - - - - - |

Next are the status immunities, who can equip them, and locations found.
----------------------------Status Ailment Protection:
----------------------------Ribbon ...........All status
Onion Helm .......All status
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Leather Cap ......Ur (armor shop)
Mythril Helm .....Kazus (armor shop), Kazus (pond area), Canaan (armor shop)
Shell Helm .......Nepto Temple (chest)
Headband .........Village of Ancients (armor shop)
Ice Helm .........Dwarven Hollows (armor shop)
Feathered Hat ....Duster (armor shop)
Scholar Hat ......Dwarven Hollows (chest), SW Saronia (armor shop)
Black Cowl .......Amur (armor shop)
Chakra Band ......Amur (armor shop)
Dragon Helm ......SE Saronia - Dragon Spire (chest)

Viking Helm ......Amur (armor shop)

Diamond Helm .....Sunken Cave (chest), Invincible (weapon shop)
Ribbon ...........Eureka (chest), World of Darkness (chest)
Genji Helm .......Cave of Shadows (chest)
Crystal Helm .....Ancients' Maze (chest), Eureka (hidden shop)
Royal Crown ......Master Evoker Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Ballad Crown .....Master Bard Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Onion Helm .......Win from Yellow Dragons - Secret ??? Dungeon
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Leather Cap ......0, All
Mythril Helm .....1, FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR,DK,NI,OK
Shell Helm .......1, FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR,DK,NI,OK
Headband .........0, FR,MO,BB,NI,OK
Ice Helm .........1, FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR,DK,NI,OK
Feathered Hat ....0, All
Scholar Hat ......0, FR,SC,OK
Black Cowl .......0, FR,MO,TH,RA,BB,NI,OK
Chakra Band ......0, FR,MO,BB,NI,OK
Dragon Helm ......1, FR,DR,OK
Viking Helm ......1, VI,OK
Diamond Helm .....1, FR,WA,KN,VI,DR,OK
Ribbon ...........0, All
Genji Helm .......1, FR,DK,NI,OK
Crystal Helm .....1, FR,WA,RM,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK
Royal Crown ......0, EV
Ballad Crown .....0, BA
Onion Helm .......1, OK

{LIS-20} Armor

29 types:


Stat Bonus:

Elemental Resistance:


|PDef|MDef|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Fir Ice Ltg Wnd Ear Hly Drk |

|Rusty Mail

| 1 | 0 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |
| 1 | 1 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Leather Armor | 3 | 1 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |
|Mythril Armor | 10 | 3 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |
|Mage Robe
|Shell Armor

| 13 | 22 | -| -| -| +1| +1| - - - - - - - |
| 18 | 9 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Kenpo Gi

| 20 | 8 | -| +1| +1| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Ice Armor

| 20 | 10 | -| -| -| -| -| 50% - - - - - - |

|Scholar Robe

| 20 | 23 | -| -| -| +2| +2| - - - - - - - |

|Flame Mail
|Knight Armor

| 21 | 11 | -| -| -| -| -| - 50% - - - - - |
| 25 | 7 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Black Garb

| 30 | 18 | -| +2| +2| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Reflect Mail

| 30 | 30 | -| -| -| +2| +2| - - - - - - - |

|White Robe

| 31 | 45 | -| -| -| -| +5| - - - - - - - |

|Black Robe

| 31 | 45 | -| -| -| +5| -| - - - - - - - |

|Bard Vest

| 32 | 28 | -| +2| -| -| +2| - - - - - - - |

|Black Belt Gi | 33 | 18 | -| +3| +3| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Dragon Mail

| 35 | 13 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Gaia Vest

| 35 | 25 | -| -| +3| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Viking Mail

| 36 | 5 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Demon Mail

| 38 | 17 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Diamond Mail

| 40 | 19 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Genji Armor

| 45 | 22 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Angel Robe

| 45 | 45 | -| -| -| -|+20| - - - - - - - |

|Fuma Garb

| 47 | 30 | -| +3| +3| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Crimson Vest

| 50 | 25 |+10|+10|+10|+10|+10| - - - - - - - |

|Master Dogi

| 54 | 23 | -|+10|+10| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Crystal Mail

| 55 | 24 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Onion Armor

| 60 | 40 | +5| -| +5| -| -| - - - - - - - |

Next are the status immunities, who can equip them, and locations found.
----------------------------Status Ailment Protection:
----------------------------Reflect Mail .....Blind/Mini/Petrify
Onion Armor ......All status
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Rusty Mail .......Saronia Castle (chest)
Vest .............Initial equip for Luneth
Leather Armor ....Ur (armor shop)

Mythril Armor ....Kazus (armor shop), Canaan (armor shop)

Mage Robe ........Village of Ancients (armor shop)
Shell Armor ......Nepto Temple (chest), Village of Ancients (armor shop)
Kenpo Gi .........Village of Ancients (armor shop)
Ice Armor ........Dwarven Hollows (armor shop)
Scholar Robe .....Castle Argus (chest), SW Saronia (armor shop)
Flame Mail .......Village of Ancients (armor shop)
Knight Armor .....Dwarven Hollows (chest)
Black Garb .......Amur (armor shop)
Reflect Mail .....Saronia Catacombs (chest), Sunken Cave (chest)
White Robe .......Ancient Ruins (armor shop), Invincible (weapon shop)
Black Robe .......Ancient Ruins (armor shop), Invincible (weapon shop)
Bard Vest ........Duster (armor shop)
Black Belt Gi ....Amur (armor shop)
Dragon Mail ......SE Saronia - Dragon Spire (chest)
Gaia Vest ........Duster (armor shop), Invincible (weapon shop)
Viking Mail ......Amur (armor shop)
Demon Mail .......Falgabard (armor shop)
Diamond Mail .....Sunken Cave (chest), Invincible (weapon shop)
Genji Armor ......Cave of Shadows (chest)
Angel Robe .......Master White Mage Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Fuma Garb ........Eureka (chest), Crystal Tower (chest)
Crimson Vest .....Master Red Mage Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Master Dogi ......Master Black Belt Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Crystal Mail .....Ancients' Maze (chest), Eureka (hidden shop)
Onion Armor ......Win from Red Dragons - Secret ??? Dungeon
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:

Rusty Mail .......1, FR,WA,KN,VI,DR,DK,NI,OK

Vest .............0, All
Leather Armor ....0, All
Mythril Armor ....1, FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK
Mage Robe ........0, FR,WM,BM,SC,GE,EV,BA,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Shell Armor ......1, FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK
Kenpo Gi .........0, FR,MO,BB,NI,OK
Ice Armor ........1, FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK
Scholar Robe .....0, FR,SC,OK
Flame Mail .......1, FR,WA,RM,RA,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK
Knight Armor .....1, FR,KN,OK
Black Garb .......0, FR,MO,TH,RA,GE,BB,NI,OK
Reflect Mail .....1, FR,WA,RM,KN,VI,DR,OK
White Robe .......0, FR,WM,RM,SC,EV,BA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Black Robe .......0, FR,BM,RM,EV,BA,MA,SU,SA,OK
Bard Vest ........0, FR,BA,OK
Black Belt Gi ....0, FR,MO,BB,NI,OK
Dragon Mail ......1, FR,DR,OK
Gaia Vest ........0, FR,GE,OK
Viking Mail ......1, VI,OK
Demon Mail .......1, FR,WA,VI,DR,DK,OK
Diamond Mail .....1, FR,WA,KN,VI,DR,OK
Genji Armor ......1, FR,DK,NI,OK
Angel Robe .......1, WM
Fuma Garb ........1, MO,TH,BB,NI,OK
Crimson Vest .....1, RM
Master Dogi ......1, BB
Crystal Mail .....1, FR,WA,RM,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK
Onion Armor ......1, OK

{LIS-21} Gloves

16 types:


Stat Bonus:

Elemental Resistance:


|PDef|MDef|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Fir Ice Ltg Wnd Ear Hly Drk |

|Bronze Bracers | 1 | 1 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |
|Mythril Bracers | 2 | 4 | -| -| -| +1| +1| - - - - - - - |
|Mythril Gloves | 3 | 1 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |
|Thief Gloves

| 8 | 4 | +1| -| +1| -| -| - - - - - - - |
| 11 | 8 | -| +3| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Rune Bracers

| 11 | 13 | -| -| -| +2| +2| - - - - - - - |

|Power Bracers | 13 | 9 | +2| -| +2| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Diamond Bracers | 13 | 16 | -| -| -| +3| +3| - - - - - - - |
|Diamond Gloves | 15 | 7 | +3| -| +3| -| -| - - - - - - - |
|Protect Ring

| 18 | 18 | +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% |

|Genji Gloves

| 20 | 14 | +4| +4| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Crystal Gloves | 30 | 15 | +4| -| +4| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Celestial Gloves | 40 | 18 |+15|+15|+15|+15|+15| - - - - - - - |
|Shura Gloves

| 45 | 19 |+20| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Astral Bracers | 47 | 20 | -| -| -|+10|+10| 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% |

|Onion Gauntlets | 50 | 25 | +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% |
Next are the status immunities, who can equip them, and locations found.
----------------------------Status Ailment Protection:
----------------------------Rune Bracers ........Mini/Toad/Petrify
Onion Gauntlets .....All status
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:
----------------------------Bronze Bracers .....Ur (armor shop)
Mythril Bracers ....Kazus (armor shop), Canaan (armor shop)
Mythril Gloves .....Kazus (armor shop), Canaan (armor shop)
Gauntlets ..........Dwarven Hollows (chest)
Thief Gloves .......Amur (armor shop)
Rune Bracers .......Duster (armor shop), SW Saronia (armor shop)
Power Bracers ......Amur Sewers (chest)
Diamond Bracers ....Sunken Cave (chest), Invincible (weapon shop)
Diamond Gloves .....Sunken Cave (chest), Invincible (weapon shop)
Protect Ring .......Temple of Time (chest)
Genji Gloves .......Cave of Shadows (chest)
Crystal Gloves .....Ancients' Maze (chest), Eureka (hidden shop)
Celestial Gloves ...Master Freelancer Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Shura Gloves .......Master Monk Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Astral Bracers .....Master Summoner Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith
Onion Gauntlets ....Win from Green Dragons - Secret ??? Dungeon
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:

----------------------------Bronze Bracers .....0, All

Mythril Bracers ....0, FR,WM,BM,RM,SC,GE,EV,BA,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Mythril Gloves .....1, FR,WA,MO,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR,BB,DK,NI,OK
Gauntlets ..........1, FR,WA,KN,VI,DR,DK,NI,OK
Thief Gloves .......0, FR,TH,NI,OK
Rune Bracers .......0, FR,WM,BM,RM,SC,GE,EV,BA,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Power Bracers ......1, FR,WA,MO,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR,BB,DK,NI,OK
Diamond Bracers ....0, FR,WM,BM,RM,SC,GE,EV,BA,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK
Diamond Gloves .....1, FR,WA,MO,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR,BB,DK,NI,OK
Protect Ring .......0, All
Genji Gloves .......1, FR,DK,NI,OK
Crystal Gloves .....1, FR,WA,RM,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK
Celestial Gloves ...0, FR
Shura Gloves .......0, MO
Astral Bracers .....0, SU
Onion Gauntlets ....1, OK

{LIS-22} Shields

10 types:


Stat Bonus:

Elemental Resistance:


|PDef|MDef|Str|Agi|Vit|Int|Mnd| Fir Ice Ltg Wnd Ear Hly Drk |

|Leather Shield | 2 | 1 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |
|Mythril Shield | 3 | 3 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Ice Shield

| 6 | 4 | -| -| -| -| -| 50% - - - - - - |

|Heroic Shield | 9 | 6 | +1| +1| +1| +1| +1| - - - - - - - |
|Demon Shield

| 12 | 8 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Diamond Shield | 14 | 10 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |
|Aegis Shield

| 16 | 17 | -| -| -| -| +4| - - - - - - - |

|Genji Shield

| 18 | 13 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |

|Crystal Shield | 20 | 15 | -| -| -| -| -| - - - - - - - |
|Onion Shield

| 30 | 30 | +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| - - - - - - - |

Next are the status immunities, who can equip them, and locations found.
----------------------------Status Ailment Protection:
----------------------------Leather Shield ....Poison
Mythril Shield ....Blind/Confuse
Ice Shield ........Silence/Sleep/Paralyze
Heroic Shield .....Poison/Blind/Mini/Toad/Petrify/Sleep/Confuse
Demon Shield ......Blind/Toad
Diamond Shield ....Blind/Silence/Petrify
Aegis Shield ......All Status
Genji Shield ......Poison/Blind/Mini/Toad/Petrify/Confuse/Death
Crystal Shield ....Poison/Blind/Mini/Toad/Petrify/Paralyze/Death
Onion Shield ......All Status
----------------------------Locations found/purchased:

Leather Shield ....Altar Cave (chest), Ur (armor shop)

Mythril Shield ....Kazus (armor shop), Canaan (armor shop)
Ice Shield ........Dwarven Hollows (armor shop)
Heroic Shield .....Dwarven Hollows (chest), Amur (armor shop)
Demon Shield ......Falgabard (armor shop)
Diamond Shield ....Sunken Cave (chest), Invincible (weapon shop)
Aegis Shield ......Saronia Catacombs, Sunken Cave, and Lake Dohr (chest)
Genji Shield ......Cave of Shadows (chest)
Crystal Shield ....Ancients' Maze (chest), Eureka (hidden shop)
Onion Shield ......Win from Yellow, Green, Red Dragons - Secret ??? Dungeon
----------------------------Item Weight & Equipped by:
----------------------------Leather Shield ....0, FR,WA,RM,TH,KN,VI,DR,DK,NI,OK
Mythril Shield ....1, FR,WA,RM,TH,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK
Ice Shield ........1, FR,WA,RM,TH,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK
Heroic Shield .....1, FR,WA,KN,DR,OK
Demon Shield ......1, FR,WA,VI,DR,DK,OK
Diamond Shield ....1, FR,WA,KN,VI,DR,OK
Aegis Shield ......1, FR,RM,KN,DR,OK
Genji Shield ......1, FR,DK,NI,OK
Crystal Shield ....1, FR,WA,RM,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK
Onion Shield ......1, OK

| {LIS-23} Key Item List |

There are 41 different key items.

|Name of Item:

|Effect of item:


|Folding Canoe

|Cross shallow waters

|Castle Sasune - King Sasune |

|Nepto Eye

|Calms the Nepto Dragon |Nepto Temple - Giant Rat

|Horn of Ice

|Puts out fire, Molten Cave|Subterranean Lake - Gutsco |

|Wheel of Time

|Allows Enterprise to fly |Castle Argus - King Argus |

|Levigrass Shoes

|Cross bottomless bog

|Chain Key

|Unlocks Enterprise

|Amur Sewer - Delilah

|Goldor Manor - Goldor

|Temple of Time

|Noah's Lute

|Awakens Unei

|Eureka Key

|Opens the way to Eureka |Doga's Grotto - Doga

|Syrcus Key

|Opens way in Crystal Tower|Doga's Grotto - Unei

|Fang of Water

|Subdues Guardian statues |Nepto Temple

|Fang of Wind

|Subdues Guardian statues |Castle Hein

|Fang of Fire

|Subdues Guardian statues |Unei's Cave

|Fang of Earth


|Subdues Guardian statues |Cave of Shadows

|Sara's Pendant-Broke|Broken pendant
|Sara's Pendant-Fixed|Unbroken pendant
|Unknown Metal

|Castle Sasune - Sara

|Legendary Blacksmith


|Chunk of unknown metal |Defeat Aeon, Cid's basement. |

|Used to make Ultima Weapon|Cid examines Unknown Metal. |

|Freelancer Card

|Obtain Celestial Gloves |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Warrior Card

|Obtain Gigantic Axe

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Monk Card

|Obtain Shura Gloves

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|White Mage Card

|Obtain Angel Robe

|Black Mage Card

|Obtain Lilith Rod

|Red Mage Card

|Obtain Crimson Vest

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|
|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Thief Card

|Obtain Gladius

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Ranger Card

|Obtain Artemis Bow

|Knight Card

|Obtain Save The Queen

|Scholar Card

|Obtain Omnitome

|Geomancer Card
|Viking Card

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|
|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Obtain Blessed Bell

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Obtain Mighty Hammer

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Dragoon Card

|Obtain Magic Lance

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Black Belt Card

|Obtain Master Dogi

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Dark Knight Card |Obtain Murakumo

|Evoker Card
|Bard Card

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Obtain Royal Crown

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Obtain Ballad Crown

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Magus Card

|Obtain Millennium Rod

|Devout Card

|Obtain Holy Wand

|Summoner Card

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Obtain Astral Bracers

|Sage Card

|Obtain Sage Staff

|Ninja Card

|Obtain Muramasa

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Onion Knight Card |Obtain Onion Blade

|Metal Card

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

|Proof of felled Iron Giant|Secret ??? Dungeon

NOTE: The top-half are required to beat the game, so you can't miss them. The
bottom-half can only be obtained by sending mail through Mognet. (you need to
have access to "Nintendo Wi-Fi connection" or "Wireless Play; DS to DS")











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{WM} {DE}

VI) Magic, Summons, Skills: {MAG}

{MA} {BM}


Here are the Job abbreviations:

FR - Freelancer
WA - Warrior
MO - Monk
WM - White Mage
BM - Black Mage
RM - Red Mage
TH - Thief
RA - Ranger

KN - Knight
SC - Scholar
GE - Geomancer
VI - Viking
DR - Dragoon
DK - Dark Knight
EV - Evoker
BA - Bard
BB - Black Belt
MA - Magus
DE - Devout
SU - Summoner
SA - Sage
NI - Ninja
OK - Onion Knight

| {MAG-01} Fundaments of Magic |

There a few things you need to know about casting magic. It's easy enough to
select targets and all that, but there is more to it than that.

When you choose a spell you want to use, you have a few options for how you'd
like to select your targets. It's a very simple and one of the options will
hardly ever get used, so that makes it ever easier, hehe.

Types of Targeting

Single Target: Cast magic on a single enemy or ally.

All Target:

Cast magic on all enemies or allies.

Group Target: Cast magic on a specific type of enemy only.

What is group target? Let's say, for example, that you were in a battle with
two Goblins and two Zombies. If you wanted to damage both Zombies using the
Cure spell, then you would want to select Group Target so you don't cast it on
the Goblins and heal them. While this does sound very helpful, there will
rarely be a use for it during the game.

If a spell can be used to "All" target, then it can "Group" target, as well.

Multi-Targeting Damage

You may have noticed that when you cast magic on multiple targets, be it a
healing spell or offensive spell, it will be less effective. This is because
multi-targeting weakens the spell by a certain percentage depending on the
number of targets selected.

So if you cast Firaga on a single Goblin for 1000 damage, then cast it again
but this time on two Goblins, it would do 600 damage to each Goblin. Same
thing applies to healing spells though they are reduced by different amounts.

NOTE: There is only 1 battle in the entire game that has 4 enemies, and it's

|# of Targets| Damage reduction: | Healing reduction: |










Status Magic Accuracy

Some magic spells can inflict status ailments on a target. You can cast them
on enemies, or allies if they are being mean to you. Sometimes it's just fun
to turn Refia into a toad. :P

NOTE: Using Mini and Toad outside of battle will always work.

The Base Hit% of spells is the lowest chance it has, without factoring in any
variables. It's just the individual Hit% of each spell, similar to a weapon's
Hit%. The Minimum Hit% below is calculated based on stats from a character at
Lv. 99, Job Lv. 99, and with an Intellect stat of 99. (Magus, Sage, etc.)

The reason I decided to list the minimum Hit%, is because the formula used to
determine success rate involves the Enemy's Mind stat, which is currently an
unknown stat.

Having said that, the Minimum Hit% below is assuming that the enemy target has
a Mind stat of 99. It's doubtful that most enemies have that high of a Mind
stat, so the Hit% will definitely be higher.

NOTE: Raze will always KO enemies that are lower level than you. Well, maybe
not always. It's hard to determine exactly how much lower the enemy has
to be for it to work, but at level 99 it will pretty much KO everything
that isn't immune to the Death status.

| Magic Spell | Base Hit% | Minimum Hit% | (all bosses are immune to status)

Mini | 10% |


Toad | 10% |


Confuse | 25% |

Silence | 40% |

Tornado | 40% |





Sleep | 25% |


Blind | 30% |


Poison | 30% |


Break | 30% |


Shade | 20% |


Raze | 100% | 100%

| <--- (see above)

Warp | 20% |


Breakga | 10% |

Death | 10% |



| Mesmerize | 25% |
| Mind Blast | 20% |



| Zantetsuken | 10% |


| Demon Eye | 10% |


Rend | 10% |



| {MAG-02} White Magic |

Freelancers, White Mages, Red Mages, Knights, Scholars, Devouts, Sages, and
Onion Knights can all use this magic. However, some of them are limited to
certain levels of spells in which they can cast. Scroll up a little bit for
more information about how magic works, including multi-targeting, status
accuracy, and damage.

For more information on ailments, please see the "Positive & Negative Status
Effects" section, near to top of the guide. Ctrl+F. {PN}

There are 24 different white magic spells.

|LVL| Name: | Power | Target: | Description:

| 1 | Cure

| 10 | One/All | Restores small amount HP

| 1 | Poisona | --- | One

| 1 | Sight | --- | ---

| Cures poison

| Displays a detailed World Map

| 2 | Aero

| 40 | One/All | Deals small amount of wind damage

| 2 | Mini

| --- | One

| Inflicts or removes mini status

| 2 | Toad

| --- | One

| Inflicts or removes toad status

| 3 | Cura

| 30 | One/All | Restores medium amount of HP

| 3 | Teleport | --- | --| 3 | Blindna | --- | One

| Escape from dungeons and battle

| Cures blind

| 4 | Libra | --- | One

| Displays enemy name, HP, and weakness

| 4 | Confuse | --- | One/All | Inflicts confuse status

| 4 | Silence | --- | One/All | Prevents enemy from using magic

| 5 | Curaga | 80 | One/All | Restores large amount of HP

| 5 | Raise | --- | One

| 5 | Protect | --- | One

| Revive KO'd ally with 1/10 of max HP

| Reduces damage from physical attacks

| 6 | Aeroga | 200 | One/All | Deals large amount of wind damage
| 6 | Stona | --- | One

| Cures petrification

| 6 | Haste | --- | One

| Doubles the agility of target


| 7 | Curaja | 120 | One/All | Restores massive amount of HP
| 7 | Esuna | --- | One

| Removes all status ailments

| 7 | Reflect | --- | One

| Creates magic-reflecting barrier


| 8 | Tornado | --- | One/All | Fierce winds reduce target's HP to 1

| 8 | Arise | --- | One

| 8 | Holy

| 300 | One

| Revive KO'd ally to full HP

| Deals extreme light-elemental damage

Here are the locations of the magic shops that sell these spells.
---------------Cure ........Canaan
Poisona .....Ur
Sight .......Village of the Ancients
Aero ........Tozus
Mini ........Vikings' Cove, Gysahl
Toad ........Gysahl
Cura ........Village of the Ancients, Doga's Village
Teleport ....Village of the Ancients, Doga's Village
Blindna .....Village of the Ancients, Doga's Village
Libra .......NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Confuse .....NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Silence .....NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Curaga ......NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Raise .......NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Protect .....NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Aeroga ......Doga's Village
Stona .......Doga's Village
Haste .......Doga's Village
Curaja ......Doga's Village, Invincible
Esuna .......Doga's Village, Invincible
Reflect .....Doga's Village, Invincible
Tornado .....Eureka

Arise .......Eureka
Holy ........Eureka
---------------Jobs used by:
---------------Cure ........FR,WM,RM,KN,SC,DE,SA,OK
Poisona .....FR,WM,RM,KN,SC,DE,SA,OK
Sight .......FR,WM,RM,KN,SC,DE,SA,OK
Aero ........WM,RM,SC,DE,SA,OK
Mini ........WM,RM,SC,DE,SA,OK
Toad ........WM,RM,SC,DE,SA,OK
Cura ........WM,RM,SC,DE,SA,OK
Teleport ....WM,RM,SC,DE,SA,OK
Blindna .....WM,RM,SC,DE,SA,OK
Libra .......WM,RM,DE,SA,OK
Confuse .....WM,RM,DE,SA,OK
Silence .....WM,RM,DE,SA,OK
Curaga ......WM,RM,DE,SA,OK
Raise .......WM,RM,DE,SA,OK
Protect .....WM,RM,DE,SA,OK
Aeroga ......WM,DE,SA,OK
Stona .......WM,DE,SA,OK
Haste .......WM,DE,SA,OK
Curaja ......WM,DE,SA,OK
Esuna .......WM,DE,SA,OK
Reflect .....WM,DE,SA,OK
Tornado .....DE,SA,OK
Arise .......DE,SA,OK
Holy ........DE,SA,OK

| {MAG-03} Black Magic |

Freelancers, Black Mages, Red Mages, Scholars, Magus, Sages, and Onion Knights
can all use this magic. However, some of them are limited to certain levels
of spells in which they can cast. Scroll up a little bit for more information
about how magic works, including multi-targeting, status accuracy, and damage.

NOTE: Quake doesn't work on enemies that are flying. The only earth-elemental
attacks in the game are: Quake, and Earthquake. Titan's Earthen Fury is an
earth-elemental attack, but it can still hit flying enemies.

For more information on ailments, please see the "Positive & Negative Status
Effects" section, near to top of the guide. Ctrl+F. {PN}

There are 24 different black magic spells.

|LVL| Name: | Power | Target: | Description:

| 1 | Fire

| 40 | One/All | Deals small amount of fire damage

| 1 | Blizzard | 43 | One/All | Deals small amount of ice damage

| 1 | Sleep | --- | One/All | Inflicts sleep status

| 2 | Blind | --- | One/All | Inflicts blind status

| 2 | Poison | 35 | One/All | Deals damage and inflicts poison

| 2 | Thunder | 46 | One/All | Deals small amount of lightning damage

| 3 | Fira

| 85 | One/All | Deals medium amount of fire damage

| 3 | Blizzara | 88 | One/All | Deals medium amount of ice damage

| 3 | Thundara | 85 | One/All | Deals medium amount of lightning damage |

| 4 | Break | 110 | One

| Deals damage and inflicts g-petrify

| 4 | Blizzaga | 180 | One/All | Deals large amount of ice damage

| 4 | Shade | --- | One/All | Inflicts paralyze

| 5 | Thundaga | 183 | One/All | Deals large amount of lightning damage
| 5 | Raze

| --- | All

| Instantly kills low level enemies

| 5 | Erase | --- | One/All | Dispels beneficial magic

| 6 | Firaga | 190 | One/All | Deals large amount of fire damage
| 6 | Bio

| 170 | One/All | Deals large amount non-elemental damage |

| 6 | Warp

| --- | One

| Removes target from battle

| 7 | Quake | 140 | All

| Deals large amount of earth damage

| 7 | Breakga | --- | One

| Inflicts petrify status

| 7 | Drain | 130 | One

| Absorbs large amount of HP from target


| 8 | Flare | 320 | One

| Deals extreme non-elemental damage

| 8 | Death | --- | One

| Instantly kills target

| 8 | Meteor | 170 | All

| Rains 4 astral bodies upon all enemies

Here are the locations of the magic shops that sell these spells.

---------------Fire ........Kazus, Vikings' Cove

Blizard .....Kazus, Vikings' Cove
Sleep .......Kazus, Vikings' Cove
Blind .......Canaan (magic shop), Vikings' Cove
Poison ......Canaan, Vikings' Cove
Thunder .....Canaan, Vikings' Cove
Fira ........Village of Ancients, Doga's Village
Blizzara ....Village of Ancients, Doga's Village
Thundara ....Village of Ancients, Doga's Village
Break .......NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Blizzaga ....NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Shade .......NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Thundaga ....NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Raze ........NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Erase .......NE Saronia, Doga's Village
Firaga ......Doga's Village
Bio .........Doga's Village
Warp ........Doga's Village
Quake .......Doga's Village, Invincible
Breakga .....Doga's Village, Invincible
Drain .......Doga's Village, Invincible
Flare .......Eureka
Death .......Eureka
Meteor ......Eureka
---------------Jobs used by:
---------------Fire ........FR,BM,RM,SC,MA,SA,OK

Blizard .....FR,BM,RM,SC,MA,SA,OK
Sleep .......FR,BM,RM,SC,MA,SA,OK
Blind .......BM,RM,SC,MA,SA,OK
Poison ......BM,RM,SC,MA,SA,OK
Thunder .....BM,RM,SC,MA,SA,OK
Fira ........BM,RM,SC,MA,SA,OK
Blizzara ....BM,RM,SC,MA,SA,OK
Thundara ....BM,RM,SC,MA,SA,OK
Break .......BM,RM,MA,SA,OK
Blizzaga ....BM,RM,MA,SA,OK
Shade .......BM,RM,MA,SA,OK
Thundaga ....BM,RM,MA,SA,OK
Raze ........BM,RM,MA,SA,OK
Erase .......BM,RM,MA,SA,OK
Firaga ......BM,MA,SA,OK
Bio .........BM,MA,SA,OK
Warp ........BM,MA,SA,OK
Quake .......BM,MA,SA,OK
Breakga .....BM,MA,SA,OK
Drain .......BM,MA,SA,OK
Flare .......MA,SA,OK
Death .......MA,SA,OK
Meteor ......MA,SA,OK

| {MAG-04} Summon Magic |

In FFIII, summons have 3 different types of effects. To make it simple, they

are Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. When Evokers and Sages use a summon, it
will randomly choose between Level 1 and Level 2. When summoners use them,
the Level 3 effect will always be used no matter what. Onion Knights cannot
use summons.

NOTE: Earthen Fury is earth-elemental, but it can still hit enemies that are
flying in the air.

Summons can only be used by Evokers, Sages, and Summoners.

Level 1 = White type magic.

Level 2 = Black type magic.
Level 3 = High powered summon.

There are 8 different summon creatures.

Escape = Chocobo

= Shiva

Spark = Ramuh
Heatra = Ifrit
Hyper = Titan
Catastro = Odin
Leviath = Leviathan
Bahamur = Bahamut

| Summon Level:

| Power |Description:

| 1-Chocobo Dash | --- |Instantly escape from battle

| 2-Chocobo Kick? | --- |Poor chocobo fails to kick a monster

| 3-Chocobo Kick | 150 |Damage one enemy with a powerful chocobo kick |
| 1-Mesmerize

| --- |Inflicts sleep status on all enemies

| 2-Icy Stare

| 190 |Damage one enemy with ice

| 3-Diamond Dust | 220 |Damage all enemies with freezing ice shards

| 1-Mind Blast

| --- |Inflicts paralyze status on all enemies

| 2-Thunderstorm | 193 |Damage one enemy with lightning

| 3-Judgment Bolt | 220 |Damage all enemies with pillars of lighting

| 1-Healing Light | 120 |Restore massive amount of HP to all allies
| 2-Hellfire

| 200 |Damage one enemy with fire

| 3-Inferno

| 220 |Damage all enemies with overwhelming fire


| 1-Clobber

| 170 |Damage one enemy with a punch

| 2-Stomp

| 175 |Damage one enemy with a kick


| 3-Earthen Fury | 220 |Damage all enemies with columns of the earth

| 1-Protective Light| --- |Casts Reflect status on all party members
| 2-Slash

| 255 |Deals massive damage to all enemies

| 3-Zantetsuken

| --- |Instantly kills all enemies


| 1-Demon Eye
| 2-Cyclone
| 3-Tidal Wave

| --- |Inflicts petrify status on all enemies

| 300 |Damage all enemies with fierce wind


| 350 |Damage all enemies with a devastating flood


| 1-Aura

| --- |Increases attack power of all allies

| 2-Rend

| --- |Instantly kills one enemy

| 3-Mega Flare


| 400 |Massive non-elemental damage to all enemies

Here are the locations of the magic shops that sell these spells.
---------------Escape (Chocobo) .......Replito, Doga's Village
Icen (Shiva) ...........Replito, Doga's Village
Spark (Ramuh) ..........Replito, Doga's Village
Heatra (Ifrit) .........Replito, Doga's Village
Hyper (Titan) ..........Replito, Doga's Village
Catastro (Odin) ........Eureka, Saronia Catacombs (defeat Odin)
Leviath (Leviathan) ....Eureka, Lake Dohr (defeat Leviathan)
Bahamur (Bahamut) ......Eureka, Bahamut's Lair (defeat Bahamut)

| {MAG-05} Terrain |

For more in-depth details on the Geomancer's Terrain ability, please see its
profile in the "Job Guide" section. Ctrl+F. {TR}

In this section here, I only listed a few places in which these attacks can be
used, not all possible locations. Those are discussed in much greater detail
in the Geomancer's Job profile, including the chance % of it happening.

NOTE: The Earthquake attack doesn't work on enemies that are flying.


|Targets| Description:

|Whirlpool | All | Call forth the waters of the sea drowning all enemies.|
|Wind Slash | One | Slices the enemy with blades of wind.

|Ice Storm | All | Damages enemies with the piercing cold of the Arctic. |

| All | Shoots out molten lava causing severe burn damage. |

|Ice Pillar | One | Incredible damage with spears of ice.

|Flame Burst | One | Scorches the enemy with a blazing fire.

|Black Hole | One | A world destructing force consumes the enemy.

|Earthquake | All | Shakes the earth causing damage to all enemies.


| One | Drop the weight of a thousand boulders onto the enemy.|

|Shadowflare | One | Massive non-elemental damage to the enemy.

Here are SOME locations where these Terrain attacks can be used.
---------------Whirlpool .......Sea, Nepto Temple, Tower of Owen, Sunken Cave, etc.
Windslash .......Everywhere
Ice Storm .......Grassland, Sky, Dragon's Peak, Crystal Tower, etc.
Magma ...........Molten Cave
Ice Pillar ......Sea, Tower of Owen, Sunken Cave, World of Darkness, etc.
Flame Burst .....Molten Cave, World of Darkness
Black Hole ......Tavern Fight, Eureka
Earthquake ......Desert, Altar Cave, Bahamut's Lair, World of Darkness, etc.

Close-In ........Desert, Altar Cave, Bahamut's Lair, Ancients' Maze, etc.

Shadowflare .....Everywhere

| {MAG-06} Bard Songs |

For more in-depth details on the Bard's Sing ability, please see its profile
in the "Job Guide" section. Ctrl+F. {SI}


| Song:

| Effect:

|Madhura Harp| Minne

| Casts Protect on all allies. (defense boost)

|Loki Harp | Minuet | Casts Aura on all allies. (attack boost)

|Lamia Harp | Requiem | Damages all enemies based on their current HP.
|Dream Harp | Paeon
|Apollo Harp | Elegy

| Restores HP of all allies.

| Casts Barrier on all allies. (damage reduction) |

Here are the locations where you can find these Harps.
---------------Madhura Harp ....Amur (weapon shop), Duster (weapon shop)
Loki Harp .......Duster (weapon shop)
Dream Harp ......Duster (weapon shop)
Lamia Harp ......Duster (weapon shop)

Apollo Harp .....Eureka (hidden shop)











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VII) Job Guide: {JOB}



{JOB-00} Introduction to Jobs


Jobs are special classes that you can assign to each of your party members.

At first you will start only with the FREELANCER Job, but as you get further
into the game, more will become available to you. There are many things that
you should know about, regarding Jobs, and hopefully I will be able to cover
all the important aspects without making it too confusing. :)

With each Job, I included its in-game description, explanations of all Battle
Commands, Weapons and Armor they can use, Mastery Item, and other very useful
information where needed! There is a lot.

Transition Phase:

All stats are decreased by 10% while in the Transition Phase. This decrease
does NOT affect HP growth at level up.

One of the worst parts about switching between Jobs is the horrible, horrible
"Transition Phase". Yes, it needed two. :P Here is an explanation of what
this phase is, and does.

Let's say you currently have Luneth as a Monk. Then after a while, you decide
to swap Jobs and make him a Warrior! Because you changed your Job, this will
put you into the transition phase. In this phase, your stats will be lowered,
and max # of hits decreased. Just think of it as you "learning" this new Job.

NOTE: Switching between melee and magic Jobs results in a longer transition.

That makes sense right? You have to use something for a while to become good
at it! :P Fortunately, this phase doesn't last very long. When you switch
Jobs the game will let you know how many battles you will need to fight in
order to become proficient at the new Job. (meaning normal stats and usage)

Too many Job changes at one time will result in you having to stay in the
transition phase LONGER. Max amount of battles is 10!

What does Job Level do?

The Job level. Every Job has its own individual level, and the higher the
level, the better your character will perform at that Job. For example, the
following things will be increased:

01. # of Hits for physical attacks.

02. Chance of executing a Critical Hit.
03. Physical attack damage.
04. Attack power of bare-handed Monks and Black Belts.
05. Black Magic damage.
06. White Magic damage/recovery.
07. Summon Magic damage/recovery.
08. Status Magic accuracy.
09. It also enhances the special abilities of most Jobs.

These are the ONLY things that Job level has any affect on. When you level up

your Job, you won't gain any HP or MP. Please remember!

Another very important thing you need to remember about all Jobs is that the
only statistic that is carried over between Job changes, no matter what, is
the MAX HP of party members. All other stats are adjusted to match the Jobs
specific stat chart, according to your character Level.

Earning JP (Job Points):

To level up a Job, you must earn JP (Job Points). Whenever you act during a
battle, the character you used will gain a certain amount of JP for the Job
they are currently assigned to. When a Job reaches 100 JP, then it will gain
a level. All extra JP over 100 is carried over to the next battle.

100 JP = Job Level Up

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

Because you are able to go over 100 JP, you could gain enough JP for almost 2
whole levels per battle. If you were to do that, the extra 99 JP would be
carried to the next battle, requiring you to take only 1 action to level up.

Here is a chart listing the JP Gains of each Job:


| JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |

|Freelancer | +20

| +20 |


| +20

| +14 |


| +20

| +14 |

|White Mage | +20

| +10 |

|Black Mage | +20

| +10 |

|Red Mage | +20

| +12 |


| +20

| +18 |


| +20

| +14 |


| +20

| +12 |


| +24

| +24 |

|Geomancer | +20

| +20

| +14 |

| +20

| +16 |

|Dark Knight | +20


| +20
| +20

| +14 |

| +14 |
| +10 |

| +18 |

|Black Belt | +20

| +14 |


| +20

| +10 |


| +20

| +10 |

|Summoner | +20

| +12 |


| +20

| +10 |


| +20

| +12 |

|Onion Knight| +20

+8 |



| {Job-01} Freelancer |

| Initial Job |




| ____|


| |__ _ __ ___ ___ | | __ _ _ __

___ ___ _ __

| __| | '__| / _ \ / _ \ | | / _` | | '_ \ / __| / _ \ | '__|


| | | __/ | __/ | | | (_| | | | | | | (__ | __/ | |



\___| \___| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \___| \___| |_|

|"Freelancers can use low-level |
| magic, but their base attributes |
| are pretty low."

- Expert Job NPC


There isn't much to say about Freelancers. They are weak and pretty much the
most useless Job. They do, however, have quite a large equipment pool, so at
least they have some diversity there.

As an added perk they can cast the lowest Lv. 1 White and Black magic spells.
Early in the game, when you don't have access to other jobs, this is an
excellent tactic against the beginning three bosses; Land Turtle, Griffon,
and Djinn. Especially Djinn who is weak to ice-elemental attacks.

After that, ditch them and never look back! Hehe. Actually, wait. Before
the second set of jobs, from the Fire Crystal, there are a couple bosses in
which Freelancers are very useful because they can equip armor that no one
else can at that time. And with that armor being the best available, that's

reason enough to use a them again, even for just a couple of battles.

THEN you can ditch them. Or how about a Freelancer-Only Challenge? :P

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Freelancers have surprisingly high stats. It's mastery item
is really awesome, and equipped with the Ultima Weapon, they have stats that
match, AND surpass, other late-game Jobs. This fact still isn't enough to
warrant its use, but at least they can deal decent damage while dual-wielding
the Ultima Weapon. (it's ultimate!)

Also, I try not to think about it's magic selection. Though it is funny to
imagine fighting the Cloud of Darkness or Iron Giant with a Freelancer in your
party, and using Cure to heal others. Poor Freelancer...

The Freelancer's mastery item, Celestial Gloves, is one of the best pieces of
armor in the game. It's stat bonus is matched only by the Ultima Weapon and
nothing else. If you are thinking about using a Freelancer, for whatever the
reason, then you must get the gloves. It's too bad that no other Job can use
this beautiful accessory. :(

Battle Command:
Magic: Cast Lv. 1 White and Black Magic.

Usable Weapons:
Knives..Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Spark Dagger, Main Gauche, Poison Dagger
Swords..Golden Sword, Longsword, Wightslayer, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing
........Salamand Sword, Freezing Blade, Serpent Sword, Royal Sword, Excalibur
........Ultima Weapon
Rods....Mythril Rod
Bows....Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow
Arrows..Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow
Claws...Bronze Knuckles

Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Headband, Ice Helm
........Feathered Hat, Scholar Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band, Dragon Helm
........Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Genji Helm, Crystal Helm
Body....Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Mage Robe, Shell Armor
........Ice Armor, Kenpo Gi, Scholar Robe, Flame Mail, Knight Armor
........Black Garb, Reflect Mail, White Robe, Black Robe, Bard Vest
........BlackBelt Gi, Dragon Mail, Gaia Vest, Demon Mail, Diamond Mail
........Genji Armor, Crystal Mail
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets
........Thief Gloves, Rune Bracers, Power Bracers, Diamond Bracers

........Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Genji Gloves, Crystal Gloves

........Celestial Gloves
Shield..All (excluding Onion Shield)

Mastery Item:
Name....Celestial Gloves
Bonus...All Stats +15

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Freelancer.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP. Freelancers and Knights share the same MP curve.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Freelancer MP Chart:

| |

Freelancer Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |

|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 1| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | 2| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
| 3 | 3| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 20 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
| 4 | 4| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
| 5 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 40 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 |
| 6 | 5| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 50 | 29 | 29 | 29 | 29 | 29 |
| 7 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 60 | 34 | 34 | 34 | 34 | 34 |
| 8 | 6| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 70 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 |
| 9 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 80 | 43 | 43 | 43 | 43 | 43 |
| 10 | 7| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 90 | 48 | 48 | 48 | 48 | 48 |
| 11 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 99 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 |
| 12 | 8| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | 9| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 15 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 16 | 10| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | 11| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | 12| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Attack | +20
| 22 | 13| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Magic | +20

| +20
| +20


| 23 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Guard | +20

| +20

| 24 | 14| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Item | +20

| +20

| 25 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 26 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 27 | 15| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 28 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 1 or higher,

you must take an average of 5
actions per battle, to level Up

| 29 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

a Freelancer.

| 30 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 31 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | 16| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 33 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 35 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

| 36 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

over to the next battle.

| 37 | 17| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 38 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 39 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 40 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 41 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 42 | 18| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 43 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 44 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 45 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 46 | 19| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 47 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 48 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 49 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 50 | 20| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 51 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 52 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 53 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 54 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 55 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 56 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 57 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

| 58 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 59 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 60 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 61 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 62 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 63 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 64 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 65 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 66 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 67 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 68 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 69 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 70 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 71 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 72 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 73 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 74 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 75 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 76 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 77 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 78 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 79 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 80 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 81 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 82 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 83 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 84 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 85 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 86 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

| 87 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 88 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 89 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 90 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 91 | 22| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 92 | 25| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 93 | 27| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 94 | 30| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 95 | 32| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 96 | 35| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 97 | 40| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 98 | 45| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 50| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 50| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| (Freelancer MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

"Freelancers lack any sort of particular expertise. While they can equip
most weapons and armor, as well as use magic, their overall abilities are
well below average."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-02} Warrior |

{WARRIOR-02} | Wind Crystal |






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\ /\ / | (_| | | | | | | | | (_) | | |
\/ \/ \__,_| |_| |_| |_| \___/ |_|

|"Warriors are weapons experts. |
| Their Advance ability allows them|
| to deal even more damage than |
| normal, but they also get hit |
| a lot harder."

- Expert Job NPC



The Warrior is the most basic fighting class. It can't cast any magic, but
its Advance skill does a lot more damage than a normal attack. At the same
time, however, it also decreases your defense so you take more damage - only
for the round it was used. At Job Lv. 1 it has a nice 50% boost in damage,
but your defense is reduced by 50% as well.

During the beginning and mid-way through the game, there are other jobs that
are better at dealing damage, mostly Black Mages, but during end-game is when
Warriors show their true potential.

At Job Lv. 99, using Advance will give you a whopping 140% increase in damage
dealt but along with that you'll receive 140% more damage. It can be extremely
powerful with the right equipment. Even more so if taking advantage of enemy
elemental weaknesses.

When using the Advance skill, the negative effect of taking more damage lasts
only one round, or until you make another command. Unless of course, you use
the Advance skill over and over, in which case you'll take more damage everytime.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, the Warrior is very powerful. Between its Gigantic Axe and
the Ultima Weapon, it can easily reach 99 strength stat. Also, the Gigantic
Axe has the same attack power as the Ultima Weapon, which means you'll deal
some crazy amounts of damage with Advance!

Off-topic: the Gigantic Axe isn't Gigantic at all. It's like the knife I use
to cut the crust of my sandwhiches... Oh well.

The Warriors basic physical attack can easily exceed 15,000 damage. Probably
even more than that. Using Advance will boost damage clear up to the 40,000+
damage range! You can't go wrong with a Warrior, and the best part is, you
get to use it for the entire game, so it will naturally have higher levels
when you obtain all the late-game Jobs. (it's a good thing if you don't feel
like training Job levels at that point)

Battle Command:

Advance: Attack with increased damage. Reduces your defense, as well.

Advance Damage = Original Damage x Factor

Damage Received = Original Damage x Factor

Job Lv | Factor
-------|------1 | 1.5
25 | 1.7
50 | 1.9
75 | 2.1
99 | 2.4

Usable Weapons:
Knives..Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Spark Dagger, Main Gauche, Poison Dagger
Swords..Golden Sword, Longsword, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing, Salamand Sword
........Freezing Blade, Serpent Sword, Royal Sword, Blood Sword, Ancient Sword
........Defender, Break Blade, Ragnorok, Ultima Weapon
Bows....Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow
Arrows..Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow

Usable Armors:

Head....Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat
........Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Crystal Helm
Body....Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor, Ice Armor
........Flame Mail, Reflect Mail, Demon Mail, Diamond Mail, Crystal Mail
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Power Bracers
........Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Crystal Gloves
Shield..Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Diamond Shield
........Demon Shield, Crystal Shield

Mastery Item:
Name....Gigantic Axe
Bonus...STR +20

Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Warrior.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Warrior Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|

| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +14

| 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 9 | | Advance | +20

| +14

| 20 | 17 | 17 | 16 | 14 | 14 | | Guard | +20

| +14

| 30 | 24 | 24 | 22 | 18 | 18 | | Item | +20

| +14

| 40 | 31 | 31 | 28 | 22 | 22 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 38 | 38 | 34 | 26 | 26 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 44 | 44 | 40 | 29 | 29 |

you must take an average of 7-8

| 70 | 51 | 51 | 46 | 33 | 33 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 58 | 58 | 52 | 37 | 37 |

a Warrior.

| 90 | 65 | 65 | 58 | 41 | 41 |
| 99 | 71 | 71 | 63 | 45 | 45 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"Warriors have high aptitude for wielding swords in battle. Having focused
all their training on physical combat, they are unable to use any magic."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-03} Monk

__ __

{MONK-03} | Wind Crystal |


| \/ |


| \ / | ___ _ __ | | __
| |\/| | / _ \ | '_ \ | |/ /
| | | | | (_) | | | | | | <
|_| |_| \___/ |_| |_| |_|\_\

|"Monks are very resilient melee |
| fighters. Their Retaliate

| ability allows them to counter- |

| attack while on the defensive." |

- Expert Job NPC


The first thing I want to talk about is the Monk's attack stat. When you gain
character levels, AND Job levels, the attack stat increases by +2. However,
it only increases for 92 of the 99 levels & job levels. This means that the
MAX attack stat for Monk is 368. If you
o-------------------------------o compare it to Black Belt, which gains +2
| Monks gain +2 attack power at | attack for all 99 levels, it is slightly
| every Character Level AND Job | weaker. (Monks have 28 less attack)
| Level up. The maximum attack |
| power for Monk is:

| At 368 attack stat, though, Monk's damage

368 Atk | potential is far more impressive than any

o-------------------------------o Job that can dual-wield weapons.

Monks are very powerful. During the beginning of the game, though, they are
just a normal Job, nothing special about them, and they have to equip Claws
to deal any damage. For most of the game Monk's will require that you equip

Claws, but when you gain enough character levels, and Job levels, their bare
handed attack power will far surpass any claws you dual-wield.

|Bare-Handed damage is calculated differently than Claw damage, so even if |
|your attack power is higher bare-handed, Claws may still deal more damage. |
|At higher levels, though, bare-hand attacks will deal way more damage than |
|even the two best Claws together.


|The determining factors for Claw damage are Attack Power, Strength, and Job|
|level, but for Bare-handed damage they are Job level, Character level, and |
|Strength. That is why it takes a lot longer for bare-handed attack to deal|
|more damage, because it depends more on the levels of your character.


Retaliate, at first, is useless. The effects of it last only for the round it
was used. At low levels this is basically saying: "I'll let you attack me
first and then I'll attack you back for double damage." This does sound nice
but you may not even get hit, thus wasting your turn for nothing.

When you get to a higher Job Lv. then it starts increasing your defense by a
noticable amount. With this you can use it as a means of taking a lot less
damage, while dealing damage at the same time. (it's like an enhanced Guard
command) It depends on the enemy striking you, though, so it can be useless
even at max levels. Either way you see it, it's much better than the Black
Belts "Boost" attack! Hehe. :P


End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Monks are excellent. In my opinion, they are better than
the Black Belt Job. It's not as strong as a Black Belt, though, but I think
it is a better Job to use because it has Retaliate.

Retaliate is basically just like Boost, but reversed since it is a counterattack, and you can only boost to double damage. And with +99 increase in
defense, Retaliate wins! It still relies on being hit, which may ruin its
appeal, but if you love a nice gamble, then you'll see a Monk's true power.

The Monk's mastery item increases Strength by +20, which is needed to get
their strength to 99. So it is very good to have. They have significantly
less Agility and Vitality than Black Belts, though, so that alone might be
the deciding factor on what you want to use. Retaliate > Boost, but when
considering everything else, Monk < Black Belt.

Battle Command:
Retaliate: Increases defense, Counterattacks if hit by physical attacks.

Counterattack Damage = Original Damage x 2

Defense Boost

= Defense + JobLv

Usable Weapons:


Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Headband, Feathered Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Kenpo Gi, Black Garb, Black Belt Gi, Fuma Garb
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Power Bracers, Diamond Gloves
........Protect Ring, Shura Gloves

Mastery Item:
Name....Shura Gloves
Bonus...STR +20

Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,

per battle, to level up a Monk.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Monk Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +14

| 10 | 11 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 9 | |Retaliate| +20

| +14

| 20 | 20 | 16 | 17 | 12 | 14 | | Guard | +20
| 30 | 28 | 22 | 24 | 15 | 18 | | Item | +20


| +14
| +14


| 40 | 36 | 28 | 31 | 19 | 22 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 45 | 34 | 38 | 22 | 26 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 53 | 40 | 44 | 25 | 29 |

you must take an average of 7-8

| 70 | 61 | 46 | 51 | 29 | 33 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 69 | 52 | 58 | 32 | 37 |

a Monk.

| 90 | 78 | 58 | 65 | 35 | 41 |
| 99 | 85 | 63 | 71 | 38 | 45 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"Monks are highly proficient in the martial arts. Although they are unable
to equip most types of weapons, they are highly adept at using their bare
hands in combat. Armor selections are also limited."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-04} White Mage |

{WHITE M-04} | Wind Crystal |


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| \/ \/ | | '_ \ | | | __| / _ \ | |\/| | / _` | / _` | / _ \
\ /\ / | | | | | | | |_ | __/ | | | | | (_| | | (_| | | __/
\/ \/ |_| |_| |_| \__| \___| |_| |_| \__,_| \__, | \___|
__/ |


|"White mages are casters who

| specialize in restorative magic. |

| They're not physically strong, |
| but their willpower is

| incomparable!"

- Expert Job NPC


At the start of the game, White Mages are pretty weak and have an extremely
limited equipment pool. They also have limited offensive spells. They're
great for keeping everyone healthy, but that isn't really an issue early on
in the game. There are wellsprings everywhere if you need to fully restore
HP or revive KO'd allies.

Also, any bosses you fight early game, you'll be better off using Red Mage as
a healer because of their superior armor selection. (they will die less)

For random battles they aren't very helpful since they will probably just sit
there most of the time, doing nothing. With access to only 2 offensive-type
spells, Aero and Aeroga, the White Mage will have difficulties in helping you
defeat enemies. At least all the cure spells damage undead enemies, but you
won't fight many of those during the game. There are a few, though, but even
then you'll want to save Cure spells for healing, not damaging.

As a support class, the White Mage is great. If you are going into a tough
boss fight you should consider taking a White along for its excellent healing
capabilities, buff spells, and MP supply. Sometimes though, the White Mage is
just not a good idea for boss fights since it dies very easily with its poor
equipment selection.

It's hard to tell if a White Mages good points outweigh its bad points, and
because of this, it's probably a better idea to have another job fill in as
your healer, like Red Mage, Scholar, or something else! Even the Freelancer
would be better! Hehe, just kidding.

Also, when you multi-target heal, the strength of spells is reduced depending
on the number of targets selected. Please see the "Magic and Summons" section
for more details. Ctr+F. {WM} Unfortunately, they cannot use Lv. 8 spells.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, White Mage is actually pretty good. Not the greatest, but
is can still do very well. If you are ok with not being able to cast Lv. 8

spells, then you have access to one of the best pieces of armor, the amazing
Angel Robe. With this, you can max the White Mages Mind stat to 99, which
really helps for restoring more HP with all the cure spells.

That's probably the only good point of end-game White Mages. Devouts are
just so much better, with higher overall stats and access to the very useful
Lv.8 spells. Also, they have a way cuter outfit than White Mages. ^_^

Oh there is one other thing. At max levels, White Mages have 99 MP for the
Lv. 1 spells. This is actually a really good thing. The Cure spell at this
time will heal for about 500 HP. That's basically 99 free Hi-Potions that
you never need to buy since you can refill MP for free! All of this healing
is definitely something worth considering.

Battle Command:
Magic: Cast Lv. 1 to Lv. 7 White Magic.

Usable Weapons:
Staves..All (excluding Sage Staff)
Rods....Fire Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod


Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe, Angel Robe
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:
Name....Angel Robe
Bonus...MIND +20

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a White Mage.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP. White Mages and Black Mages share the same MP curve.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

White Mage MP Chart:

| |

White Mage Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 4| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | 5| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 10 |
| 3 | 6| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 20 | 15 | 16 | 16 | 14 | 17 |
| 4 | 7| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 20 | 22 | 22 | 18 | 24 |
| 5 | 8| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 40 | 24 | 28 | 28 | 22 | 31 |
| 6 | 9| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 50 | 29 | 34 | 34 | 26 | 38 |
| 7 | 10| 1| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 60 | 34 | 40 | 40 | 29 | 44 |
| 8 | 11| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 70 | 38 | 46 | 46 | 33 | 51 |
| 9 | 12| 2| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 80 | 43 | 52 | 52 | 37 | 58 |
| 10 | 13| -| 1| -| -| -| -| -| | 90 | 48 | 58 | 58 | 41 | 65 |
| 11 | 14| 3| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 99 | 52 | 63 | 63 | 45 | 71 |
| 12 | 15| -| 2| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | 16| 4| -| -| -| -| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | 17| -| -| 1| -| -| -| -|
| 15 | 18| 5| 3| -| -| -| -| -|
| 16 | 19| -| -| 2| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | 20| 6| 4| -| -| -| -| -| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | 21| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | 22| 7| 5| 3| -| -| -| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | 23| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | 24| 8| 6| 4| -| -| -| -| | Attack | +20

| +10

| 22 | 25| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Magic | +20

| +10

| 23 | 26| 9| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Guard | +20

| +10

| 24 | 27| -| 7| 5| -| -| -| -| | Item | +20

| +10

| 25 | 28| 10| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o

| 26 | 29| -| -| 6| 1| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 27 | 30| 11| 8| -| -| -| -| -|

you must take an average of 10

| 28 | 31| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

actions per battle, to level Up

| 29 | 32| 12| -| -| 2| -| -| -|

a White Mage.

| 30 | 33| -| 9| 7| -| 1| -| -|
| 31 | 34| 13| -| -| -| -| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | 35| -| -| 8| -| -| -| -|
| 33 | 36| 14| -| -| 3| 2| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | 37| -| 10| -| -| -| -| -|
| 35 | 38| 15| -| 9| -| -| 1| -|
| 36 | 39| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

| 37 | 40| 16| 11| -| 4| 3| -| -|

| 38 | 41| -| -| 10| -| -| -| -|
| 39 | 42| 17| -| -| -| -| 2| -|
| 40 | 43| -| 12| -| -| -| -| -|
| 41 | 44| 18| -| 11| -| -| -| -|
| 42 | 45| -| -| -| 5| 4| -| -|
| 43 | 46| 19| -| 12| -| -| -| -|
| 44 | 47| -| 13| -| -| -| -| -|
| 45 | 48| 20| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 46 | 49| -| -| 13| 6| -| 3| -|
| 47 | 50| 21| 14| -| -| 5| -| -|
| 48 | 51| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 49 | 52| 22| -| 14| -| -| -| -|
| 50 | 53| -| 15| -| 7| -| -| -|
| 51 | 54| 23| -| -| -| 6| -| -|
| 52 | 55| -| -| 15| -| -| -| -|
| 53 | 56| 24| -| -| -| -| 4| -|
| 54 | 57| -| 16| 16| 8| -| -| -|

| 55 | 58| 25| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 56 | 59| -| -| -| -| 7| -| -|
| 57 | 60| 26| 17| 17| -| -| -| -|
| 58 | 61| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 59 | 62| 27| -| -| 9| -| -| -|
| 60 | 63| -| 18| 18| -| 8| 5| -|
| 61 | 64| 28| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 62 | 65| -| -| 19| -| -| -| -|
| 63 | 66| 29| -| -| 10| -| -| -|
| 64 | 67| -| 19| -| -| -| -| -|
| 65 | 68| 30| -| 20| -| 9| -| -|
| 66 | 69| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 67 | 70| 31| 20| -| 11| -| 6| -|
| 68 | 71| -| -| 21| -| -| -| -|
| 69 | 72| 32| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 70 | 73| -| 21| -| -| 10| -| -|
| 71 | 74| 33| -| 22| -| -| -| -|
| 72 | 75| -| -| -| 12| -| -| -|
| 73 | 76| 34| -| 23| -| -| -| -|
| 74 | 77| -| 22| -| -| 11| -| -|
| 75 | 78| 35| -| -| -| -| 7| -|
| 76 | 79| -| -| 24| 13| -| -| -|
| 77 | 80| 36| 23| -| -| -| -| -|
| 78 | 81| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 79 | 82| 37| -| 25| -| 12| -| -|
| 80 | 83| -| 24| -| 14| -| -| -|
| 81 | 84| 38| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 82 | 85| -| -| 26| -| -| 8| -|
| 83 | 86| 39| -| -| -| 13| -| -|

| 84 | 87| -| 25| 27| 15| -| -| -|

| 85 | 88| 40| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 86 | 89| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 87 | 90| 41| 26| 28| -| -| -| -|
| 88 | 91| -| -| -| -| 14| -| -|
| 89 | 92| 42| -| -| 16| -| 9| -|
| 90 | 93| -| 27| 29| -| -| -| -|
| 91 | 94| 43| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 92 | 95| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 93 | 96| 44| -| 30| 17| 15| -| -|
| 94 | 97| 45| 28| -| -| -| -| -|
| 95 | 98| -| -| 31| -| -| -| -|
| 96 | 99| 46| -| -| -| -| 10| -|
| 97 | -| -| 29| -| 18| 16| -| -|
| 98 | -| 47| -| 32| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 99| 47| 29| 32| 18| 16| 10| -| (White Mage MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

"White Mages excel in assisting the party with defensive and restorative
white magic. Some offensive magic is also available. They possess low
attack and defense."
- Official Instruction Booklet


| {Job-05} Black Mage |

{BLACK M-05} | Wind Crystal |



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| _ < | | / _` | / __| | |/ / | |\/| | / _` | / _` | / _ \
| |_) | | | | (_| | | (__ | < | | | | | (_| | | (_| | | __/
|____/ |_| \__,_| \___| |_|\_\ |_| |_| \__,_| \__, | \___|
__/ |


|"Black mages are casters who

| specialize in offensive magic. |

| Despite their appearance, they |
| can take a few hits, too."

- Expert Job NPC



Like the White Mage, Black Mages have a very limited equipment pool. However,
they can equip a few bows so if you run out of MP you still have a decent
means of dealing damage. Their spells are very powerful and if you take full
advantage of enemy weaknesses you'll deal massive damage. This will be the
strongest job during most of the early section of the game and is recommended
that you have one is your party lineup.

Status inflicting spells are generally useless since it would be a better idea
to just deal damage and kill your target. But for those of you who just love
inflicting those ailments on your foes, the Black Mage is one of the best jobs
to successfully inflict ailments.

In the accuracy formula, the main factors for success are your Intellect and
Job Level. (the Black Mage has a lot of Intellect) At the end of the game
the Magus is a better choice for inflicting all status ailments than the Black
Mage is, since it has a naturally higher Intellect stat.

Black Mages speak for themselves as they have everything you could want from
a class designed to deal damage. Unfortunately, they cannot use Lv. 8 spells.

Also, when multi-target casting, the strength of spells is reduced depending

on the number of targets selected. Please see the "Magic and Summons" section
for more details on multi-targeting and status accuracy. Ctr+F. {BM}

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, there is no reason to use a Black Mage. Magus are just way
better at casting Black Magic. They have tons more MP for all the -aga type
spells, Thundaga, Firaga, and Blizzaga. That alone should convince you to
use a Magus, instead.

Since the Magus has a much higher Intellect stat, they will have a better
chance of successfully inflicting all those ailments on monsters, and deal a
lot more damage. That doesn't mean the Black Mage is obsolete. It can deal
amazing elemental damage, as well. Also, Refia looks cute with that blue
ribbon on her outfit. :P

With the option to use a Magus, Sage, Onion Knight, you shouldn't have that
difficult of a time not using a Black Mage. If you want a Job with powerful

elemental attacks, you may also consider a Summoner. Summons don't receive
a multi-target damage reduction like black magic spells do.

The Black Mage's mastery item is very cool. It has +20 Intellect so it will
max it out at 99. But the best part is that it can cast the Death spell for
zero MP! Ok, so maybe there is 1 reason you may consider using a Black Mage
during end-game. By they way, Death is a Lv. 8 spell, so who said that they
can't use them? Huh? *whistle*

Battle Command:
Magic: Cast Lv. 1 to Lv. 7 Black Magic.

Usable Weapons:
Staves..Staff, Fire Staff, Ice Staff, Light Staff
Rods....All (excluding Millennium Rod)
Bows....Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow
Arrows..Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow

Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon

Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, Black Robe

Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:
Name....Lilith Rod
Bonus...INT +20
Effect..Casts death.

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Black Mage.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP. Black Mages and White Mages share the same MP curve.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Black Mage MP Chart:

| |

Black Mage Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |

|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 4| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | 5| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 9 |
| 3 | 6| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 20 | 15 | 16 | 16 | 17 | 14 |
| 4 | 7| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 20 | 22 | 22 | 24 | 18 |
| 5 | 8| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 40 | 24 | 28 | 28 | 31 | 22 |
| 6 | 9| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 50 | 29 | 34 | 34 | 38 | 26 |
| 7 | 10| 1| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 60 | 34 | 40 | 40 | 44 | 29 |
| 8 | 11| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 70 | 38 | 46 | 46 | 51 | 33 |
| 9 | 12| 2| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 80 | 43 | 52 | 52 | 58 | 37 |
| 10 | 13| -| 1| -| -| -| -| -| | 90 | 48 | 58 | 58 | 65 | 41 |
| 11 | 14| 3| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 99 | 52 | 63 | 63 | 71 | 45 |
| 12 | 15| -| 2| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | 16| 4| -| -| -| -| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | 17| -| -| 1| -| -| -| -|
| 15 | 18| 5| 3| -| -| -| -| -|
| 16 | 19| -| -| 2| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | 20| 6| 4| -| -| -| -| -| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | 21| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | 22| 7| 5| 3| -| -| -| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | 23| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | 24| 8| 6| 4| -| -| -| -| | Attack | +20

| +10

| 22 | 25| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Magic | +20

| +10

| 23 | 26| 9| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Guard | +20

| +10

| 24 | 27| -| 7| 5| -| -| -| -| | Item | +20

| +10

| 25 | 28| 10| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o

| 26 | 29| -| -| 6| 1| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 27 | 30| 11| 8| -| -| -| -| -|

you must take an average of 10

| 28 | 31| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

actions per battle, to level Up

| 29 | 32| 12| -| -| 2| -| -| -|

a Black Mage.

| 30 | 33| -| 9| 7| -| 1| -| -|
| 31 | 34| 13| -| -| -| -| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | 35| -| -| 8| -| -| -| -|
| 33 | 36| 14| -| -| 3| 2| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | 37| -| 10| -| -| -| -| -|
| 35 | 38| 15| -| 9| -| -| 1| -|
| 36 | 39| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

| 37 | 40| 16| 11| -| 4| 3| -| -|

| 38 | 41| -| -| 10| -| -| -| -|
| 39 | 42| 17| -| -| -| -| 2| -|
| 40 | 43| -| 12| -| -| -| -| -|
| 41 | 44| 18| -| 11| -| -| -| -|
| 42 | 45| -| -| -| 5| 4| -| -|
| 43 | 46| 19| -| 12| -| -| -| -|
| 44 | 47| -| 13| -| -| -| -| -|
| 45 | 48| 20| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 46 | 49| -| -| 13| 6| -| 3| -|
| 47 | 50| 21| 14| -| -| 5| -| -|
| 48 | 51| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 49 | 52| 22| -| 14| -| -| -| -|
| 50 | 53| -| 15| -| 7| -| -| -|
| 51 | 54| 23| -| -| -| 6| -| -|
| 52 | 55| -| -| 15| -| -| -| -|
| 53 | 56| 24| -| -| -| -| 4| -|
| 54 | 57| -| 16| 16| 8| -| -| -|
| 55 | 58| 25| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 56 | 59| -| -| -| -| 7| -| -|
| 57 | 60| 26| 17| 17| -| -| -| -|

| 58 | 61| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 59 | 62| 27| -| -| 9| -| -| -|
| 60 | 63| -| 18| 18| -| 8| 5| -|
| 61 | 64| 28| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 62 | 65| -| -| 19| -| -| -| -|
| 63 | 66| 29| -| -| 10| -| -| -|
| 64 | 67| -| 19| -| -| -| -| -|
| 65 | 68| 30| -| 20| -| 9| -| -|
| 66 | 69| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 67 | 70| 31| 20| -| 11| -| 6| -|
| 68 | 71| -| -| 21| -| -| -| -|
| 69 | 72| 32| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 70 | 73| -| 21| -| -| 10| -| -|
| 71 | 74| 33| -| 22| -| -| -| -|
| 72 | 75| -| -| -| 12| -| -| -|
| 73 | 76| 34| -| 23| -| -| -| -|
| 74 | 77| -| 22| -| -| 11| -| -|
| 75 | 78| 35| -| -| -| -| 7| -|
| 76 | 79| -| -| 24| 13| -| -| -|
| 77 | 80| 36| 23| -| -| -| -| -|
| 78 | 81| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 79 | 82| 37| -| 25| -| 12| -| -|
| 80 | 83| -| 24| -| 14| -| -| -|
| 81 | 84| 38| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 82 | 85| -| -| 26| -| -| 8| -|
| 83 | 86| 39| -| -| -| 13| -| -|
| 84 | 87| -| 25| 27| 15| -| -| -|
| 85 | 88| 40| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 86 | 89| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

| 87 | 90| 41| 26| 28| -| -| -| -|

| 88 | 91| -| -| -| -| 14| -| -|
| 89 | 92| 42| -| -| 16| -| 9| -|
| 90 | 93| -| 27| 29| -| -| -| -|
| 91 | 94| 43| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 92 | 95| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 93 | 96| 44| -| 30| 17| 15| -| -|
| 94 | 97| 45| 28| -| -| -| -| -|
| 95 | 98| -| -| 31| -| -| -| -|
| 96 | 99| 46| -| -| -| -| 10| -|
| 97 | -| -| 29| -| 18| 16| -| -|
| 98 | -| 47| -| 32| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 99| 47| 29| 32| 18| 16| 10| -| (Black Mage MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

"Black Mages excel in attacking enemies with offensive black magic. They
wield a variety of spells and can attack multiple targets at once. They
possess low attack power and defense."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-06} Red Mage

{RED M-06} | Wind Crystal |


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| |__) | ___ __| | | \ / | __ _ __ _ ___

| _ / / _ \ / _` | | |\/| | / _` | / _` | / _ \
| | \ \ | __/ | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | (_| | | __/
|_| \_\ \___| \__,_| |_| |_| \__,_| \__, | \___|
__/ |


|"Red mages can use both white and |

| black magic, but they cannot use |
| high-level spells from either |
| school."

- Expert Job NPC



Red Mages are basically a super Freelancer. They are also better healers than
White Mages in the beginning. (white mage have more MP, though) The main
reason is because they have a better equipment selection than White Mages and
can even deal decent damage with physical attacks. This is a great addition
to any beginning team. The only downside is they have a lot less MP than the
Black Mage and White Mage.

Because they have access to a wide variety of equipment and can cast all the
White and Black magic up to Lv.5, they are definitely -the- mage to use for
the first half, or longer, of the game. Setting them up can prove difficult,
though, since you can only choose 3 spells per MP level.

If you decide to use a Red Mage, make a choice to either focus on the offense
spells first, or defenses spells first. Since Red Mages are great physical
attackers, it's not a bad idea to learn only support spells. And if there is

a really tough boss coming up with a certain weakness, you can swap the spell
around to give your Red Mage an elemental advantage in battle.

Black Mages will still deal more damage than Red Mages, though, because they
have a higher Intellect Stat. If you have both a Red and Black Mage, the Red
Mage should be more focused on healing.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, there are way better Jobs available for use. You might just
put them on the bench with the Freelancer, hehe. The Red Mage served its main
purpose as being the Job to help you through the beginning of the game.

It is still pretty strong, though, since it can equip Ultima Weapon, but why
give it to a Red Mage, when you can give it to a power Job, like Warrior, or
Dark Knight, or Onion Knight? It would be a waste equipped on Red Mages.

Red Mages have the second best stats at end-game, next to Onion Knight. They
are very impressive, but require you to equip the Ultima weapons, which as I
just mentioned, would serve better in the hands of a power hitter.

The Crimson Vest is another very cool armor. Combined with Ultima Weapon, it
gives a +25 boost to all stats! Pretty crazy if you ask me. The stats are
definitely there, but its lack of higher level spells, or any unique physical
attack makes them fall short. At least they can cast Curaga, Raise, and the
Protect spell! They are all excellent.

Battle Command:
Magic: Cast Lv. 1 to Lv. 5 White and Black Magic.

Usable Weapons:
Knives..Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Main Gauche, Poison Dagger
Swords..Golden Sword, Longsword, Wightslayer, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing
........Salamand Sword, Freezing Blade, Serpent Sword, Royal Sword
........Defender, Break Blade, Excalibur, Ultima Weapon
Staves..All (excluding Elder Staff, Sage Staff)
Rods....Mythril Rod, Wizard Rod, Fire Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod
Bows....Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow
Arrows..Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow

Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat
........Ribbon, Crystal Helm
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor, Ice Armor, Flame Mail
........Reflect Mail, White Robe, Black Robe, Crystal Mail, Crimson Vest
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring, Crystal Gloves

Shield..Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Aegis Shield

........Crystal Shield

Mastery Item:
Name....Crimson Vest
Bonus...All Stats +10

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Red Mage.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Red Mage MP Chart:

| |

Red Mage Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|

| 1 | 4| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
| 3 | 5| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 20 | 15 | 15 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
| 4 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 20 | 20 | 22 | 22 | 22 |
| 5 | 6| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 40 | 24 | 24 | 28 | 28 | 28 |
| 6 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 50 | 29 | 29 | 34 | 34 | 34 |
| 7 | 7| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 60 | 34 | 34 | 40 | 40 | 40 |
| 8 | -| 1| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 70 | 38 | 38 | 46 | 46 | 46 |
| 9 | 8| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 80 | 43 | 43 | 52 | 52 | 52 |
| 10 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 90 | 48 | 48 | 58 | 58 | 58 |
| 11 | -| 2| 1| -| -| -| -| -| | 99 | 52 | 52 | 63 | 63 | 63 |
| 12 | 9| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | 10| 3| -| 1| -| -| -| -|
| 15 | -| -| 2| -| -| -| -| -|
| 16 | 11| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | -| 4| -| -| -| -| -| -| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | 12| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | -| -| 3| 2| -| -| -| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | 13| 5| -| -| -| -| -| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Attack | +20

| +12

| 22 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Magic | +20

| +12

| 23 | 14| 6| 4| -| -| -| -| -| | Guard | +20

| 24 | -| -| -| 3| -| -| -| -| | Item | +20

| +12
| +12


| 25 | 15| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 26 | -| 7| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 27 | 16| -| 5| -| -| -| -| -|
| 28 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 29 | 17| 8| -| 4| 1| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

you must take an average of 8-9
actions per battle, to level Up
a Red Mage.

| 30 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 31 | 18| -| 6| -| -| -| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | -| 9| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 33 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | 19| -| -| 5| 2| -| -| -|
| 35 | -| 10| 7| -| -| -| -| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

| 36 | 20| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

over to the next battle.

| 37 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 38 | 21| 11| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 39 | -| -| 8| 6| -| -| -| -|
| 40 | 22| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 41 | -| 12| -| -| 3| -| -| -|
| 42 | 23| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 43 | -| -| 9| -| -| -| -| -|
| 44 | 24| 13| -| 7| -| -| -| -|
| 45 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 46 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 47 | 25| 14| 10| -| -| -| -| -|
| 48 | -| -| -| -| 4| -| -| -|
| 49 | 26| -| -| 8| -| -| -| -|
| 50 | -| 15| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 51 | 27| -| 11| -| -| -| -| -|
| 52 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 53 | 28| 16| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 54 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 55 | 29| -| 12| 9| 5| -| -| -|
| 56 | -| 17| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 57 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 58 | 30| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

| 59 | -| 18| 13| -| -| -| -| -|
| 60 | 31| -| -| 10| -| -| -| -|
| 61 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 62 | 32| 19| -| -| 6| -| -| -|
| 63 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 64 | 33| -| 14| -| -| -| -| -|
| 65 | -| 20| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 66 | 34| -| -| 11| -| -| -| -|
| 67 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 68 | -| 21| 15| -| 7| -| -| -|
| 69 | 35| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 70 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 71 | 36| 22| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 72 | -| -| -| 12| -| -| -| -|
| 73 | 37| -| 16| -| -| -| -| -|
| 74 | -| 23| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 75 | 38| -| -| -| 8| -| -| -|
| 76 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 77 | 39| 24| 17| 13| -| -| -| -|
| 78 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 79 | 40| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 80 | -| 25| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 81 | 41| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 82 | -| -| 18| -| 9| -| -| -|
| 83 | -| 26| -| 14| -| -| -| -|
| 84 | 42| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 85 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 86 | 43| 27| 19| -| -| -| -| -|
| 87 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

| 88 | 44| -| -| 15| -| -| -| -|
| 89 | -| 28| -| -| 10| -| -| -|
| 90 | 45| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 91 | -| -| 20| -| -| -| -| -|
| 92 | -| 29| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 93 | 46| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 94 | -| -| -| 16| -| -| -| -|
| 95 | 47| 30| 21| -| -| -| -| -|
| 96 | -| -| -| -| 11| -| -| -|
| 97 | 48| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 98 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 49| 31| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 49| 31| 21| 16| 11| -| -| -| (Red Mage MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

"Red Mages are able to use a wide assortment of weapons, as well as both
black and white magic. However, they are unable to become true masters
of either school of wizardry."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-07} Thief

| {FL}


{THIEF-07} | Wind Crystal |


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|"Thieves are very fast and agile, |
| and they can swing their weapons |
| lightning-fast. They also have |
| the ability to pick locked doors.|
| Their Steal ability allows them |
| to take items from enemies. Also,|
| everyone will take less damage |
| while escaping if they use Flee."|

- Expert Job NPC


Thieves are my favorite Job. I can only say good things about them since they
have quite a few perks that help everyone. First, obviously, is the ability
to steal. It may not seem that great, but there are plenty of useful items
out there just waiting for us to take. Especially battle items, which can be
extremely power if used by the right Jobs. (Scholars)

Another useful perk but not quite as neccessary, is the ability to pick any
locked doors if placed at the top of your party. There will be a few times
where this is a good thing, but that's it. After that, you'll forget about
it completely.

They are also excellent damage dealers, too. Because of their high Agility,

they will execute more hits per attack. They have the highest # of max Hits
along with a few other Jobs. This can prove lethal with their excellent
weapon choice. Daggers are fast and powerful throughout the game. Speaking
of fast, Thieves will usually get to act first during battle. Not all the
time, but probably 90% of the time!

Finally, if you need to escape from battle, there is no better option than
using the Flee ability. The only difference between Flee and Run Away, is
that with Run Away, you can NEVER escape on the first attempt, if the enemy
level is higher than yours.

With Flee, it's possible to escape on the first attempt even if the enemy is
higher level than you. (though it's still not guaranteed) Your defense won't
be decreased, either, unlike Run Away, which decreases defense by 50%, just
for the round it was used.

There is no penalty from escaping battle. The only thing that will happen is
the old guy in Gysahl Inn keeps record of how many times you flee. I know we
all love random battles but sometimes it just gets annoying when all you want
is to get through an area quickly. Hehe. Use Flee. Love Flee.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Thieves don't lose any steam. Their Gladius weapon is very
powerful and with dual-wielding can easily deal 13,000+ damage. The Agility
bonus is kinda dumb, though, since the Thief naturally maxes it out anyway.
Because they have a naturally high Agility, they will deal critical hits way

more often. With critical hits, they will deal upwards to 20,000+ damage!

When you have stolen your share of treasure/battle items, you won't ever need
to use Steal again. I hate to admit it, but its usefulness is very limited
end-game. You'll use it a lot if you have a Scholar, so these two Jobs will
go hand-in-hand. They compliment eachother nicely.

With that said, Thieves are very similar to the Warrior, in regards that you
will likely have a Thief with high Job levels at the end of the game, so no
grinding will be required. It's ready to kick butt! If you don't feel like
leveling up those late-game jobs, then a Thief is a very good alternative to
deal excellent damage.

Stealing Stuff:
For details on stealing, see the "Stealing Guide" section below. Ctrl+F. {TH}

Battle Commands:
Steal: Steal and item from an enemy.
Flee: More likely to escape from battle. Defense is not decreased.

Flee Success = Attempt# > 1

Flee Failure = Attempt# < 1

Chance = Lowest Character Level - Highest Enemy Level

Bonus = Agility x (Random # between 0 and 0.4)

Attempt#1 = Chance + Bonus

Attempt#2 = Attempt#1 + Bonus
Attempt#3 = Attempt#2 + Bonus
Attempt#4 = Attempt#3 + Bonus

Usable Weapons:
Throwing..All (excluding Shuriken)

Useable Armors:
Head......Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat
..........Black Cowl, Ribbon
Body......Vest, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor, Ice Armor
..........Black Garb, Fuma Garb
Arm.......Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Thief Gloves, Power Bracers
..........Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring
Shield....Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield

Mastery Item:
Bonus...AGI +20

Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Thief.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Thief Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +18

| 10 | 10 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 9 | | Steal | +20

| +18

| 20 | 16 | 20 | 16 | 14 | 12 | | Flee | None

| None |

| 30 | 22 | 30 | 22 | 18 | 15 | | Item | +20

| +18

| 40 | 28 | 40 | 28 | 22 | 19 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 34 | 50 | 34 | 26 | 22 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 40 | 60 | 40 | 29 | 25 |

you must take an average of 5-6

| 70 | 46 | 70 | 46 | 33 | 29 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 52 | 80 | 52 | 37 | 32 |

a Thief.

| 90 | 58 | 90 | 58 | 41 | 35 |
| 99 | 63 | 99 | 63 | 45 | 38 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"During battle, Thieves are able to steal items from the enemy or assist the
party in escaping from combat. While on the field, placing a Thief at the
front of your party will allow you to open locked doors."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-08} Ranger

{RANGER-08} | Fire Crystal |



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|"Rangers are experts in ranged |
| combat. With their bows they can|

| attack for full damage from even |

| the back line! Their Barrage |
| ability allows them to unleash a |
| hail of projectiles at the enemy"|

- Expert Job NPC


The Ranger is a love it, hate it job. If you just LOVE having a bow user in
your party, then you can use a Ranger and do just fine. It's definitely not
the strongest job for dealing damage, but it can still deal amazing damage,
especially at high Job levels. It has plenty of elemental arrows for you to
take advantage of enemy weakness, as well, and to make it even more cool, all
flying-type enemies are weak to bow weapons. Neato!

The Barrage attack randomly hits all enemies using 4 arrows. Starting out, it
will deal less damage than your basic physical attack. The total damage dealt
with all 4 arrows will be 20% less than your normal attack, but only until
Job Lv. 21+, when it gets a small 20% increase in damage.

NOTE: Barrage won't use more arrows than it needs. i.e. If you fight a weak
monster, like a Goblin, Barrage will only use 1 arrow since that's all
it needs to kill the enemy. If there are 2 Goblins, it will only use
2 arrows, etc. Stronger enemies will usually get hit by all 4 arrows.

At Job Lv 71+ the Ranger's Barrage skill has a nice 60% increase, compared to
your basic attack, when combining all 4 arrows used to deal damage. It will
probably be very late in the game when you get that high of Job level, so
there will be other jobs for dealing better damage, BUT it is still a very
good option. Like most Jobs that rely on Job Levels, you'll need to take a

bit of time to focus on training a Ranger to see its true potential.

Unfortunately, Rangers have a horrible equipment pool. They have the lowest
defense and magic defense out of all Jobs. Rangers are powerful back-row
damage dealers, but are very squishy. Don't cry little Ranger! The Protect
spell will help keep them alive, or Bard's Elegy song. They will definitely
need as much protection as they can get.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Rangers are very good to use. Out of all melee classes, it
does have the weakest attack rating, but when equipped with the Artemis Bow
and some Yoichi Arrows, its Barrage attack will deal some crazy damage. And
since melee proficiency for both arms is leveled up together while using a
bow, the damage output will increase even faster.

The Rangers mastery item, Artemis Bow, gives it a much needed boost in both
strength and agility. Unfortunately, it doesn't max out strength, but it
does increase the agility to 99. The Rangers basic physical attack can deal
as much as 15,000+ damage. Barrage can do as much as 30,000+ damage, and if
the target is a flying enemy, damage will be further doubled!

The main downside to using a Ranger is its horrible armor selection. It has
the lowest defense rating out of all melee classes, as well. But since it
will be positioned in the back row anyway, that really isn't that big of an
issue. In the end, it comes down to one thing; Do you love bow and arrows,
or do you not really care? One thing is for certain; Rangers are powerful.

Battle Command:
Barrage: Attacks randomly, using 4 arrows, with decreased damage per hit.

Barrage Damage per Arrow = Original Damage x Factor x Bonus

Bonus = 1, if target is not a flying-type enemy.
2, if target is a flying-type enemy.

Job Lv | Factor
-------|------1-20 | 0.2
21-70 | 0.3
71-99 | 0.4

Usable Weapons:
Throwing..Boomerang, Chakram

Usable Armors:

Head......Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat
..........Black Cowl, Ribbon
Body......Vest, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor, Ice Armor
..........Flame Mail, Black Garb
Arm.......Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Power Bracers, Diamond Gloves
..........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:
Name....Artemis Bow
Bonus...STR +10, AGI +10

Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Ranger.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Ranger Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|

| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +14

| 10 | 10 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 9 | | Barrage | +20

| +14

| 20 | 17 | 20 | 16 | 14 | 14 | | Guard | +20
| 30 | 24 | 28 | 22 | 18 | 18 | | Item | +20


| +14
| +14


| 40 | 31 | 36 | 28 | 22 | 22 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 38 | 45 | 34 | 26 | 26 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 44 | 53 | 40 | 29 | 29 |

you must take an average of 7-8

| 70 | 51 | 61 | 46 | 33 | 33 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 58 | 69 | 52 | 37 | 37 |

a Ranger.

| 90 | 65 | 78 | 58 | 41 | 41 |
| 99 | 71 | 85 | 63 | 45 | 45 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"Rangers are highly skilled in the way of archery. With a bow in hand and
arrows readied, Rangers can deal the same amount of damage from either the
froont line or the rear line."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-09} Knight

{KNIGHT-09} | Fire Crystal |



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|"Knights take pride in their high |
| defense. Their Defend ability |
| allows them to step in and take |
| damage for weakened allies. And |
| they can use white magic, too!" |

- Expert Job NPC


Hmm, one of the few good things the Knight has going for it, is it's awesome
choice of equipment it can use. Call it a half-Tank. It's basically like a
Warrior, but without the Advance skill and instead crappy use of Lv. 1 white
magic. I guess you could find use in being able to use Poisona! With that
your other jobs won't have to waste MP, or you can save gil on Antidotes.

The Defend skill is a situational ability. It's only very useful when you're
fighting a tough opponent or something like that. Also, Knights only Defend
critically hurt party members, which you will probably heal, anyways, so they
won't even need to be defended.

At high Job levels, the Knight can absorb some crazy strong attacks. You'll
want to use two shields, though, to help him survive boss fights easier -which by the way, is a very good tactic against the tougher bosses. Since
you can equip weapons and shields freely during battle, you can swap them out

as neccessary to support your team, if they need to be Defended at all.

If you want a job with diversity, the Knight isn't the best choice. It can
cast magic and protect people but the magic is poo and the ability to protect
others might never even happen since party members don't stay critically hurt
for long. The Knight isn't a bad job, though, because it is very resiliant
to damage thanks to its excellent armor selection.

Compared to Vikings (the other defensive job), Vikings are better. They can
equip the same armors as Knights, and with their Provoke skill, can reduce
the enemy's defense by considerable amounts. If you want a Job to take hits
for your party, Knight's Defend < Viking's Provoke.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Knights have very good stats. As usual, it's thanks to the
wonderful stat boost of the Ultima Weapon. Knights can easily max out the
strength and vitality stats. They also have a higher-than-average Mind stat
to help take less damage from magical attacks. (if you use Save the Queen)

Save the Queen is an excellent weapon, too. You don't really need the Vit
boost it gives, so you may consider using the Ragnarok weapon instead. The
only thing you get from Save the Queen is the +10 Mind boost, but with the
Ragnarok you'd get +5 to everything, and without losing any attack power.
That extra Mind stat, though, may prove to be helpful against those really
powerful magic attacks from late-game bosses. It's up to you! :)

As a damage dealer, Knights are great. They don't have anything to help deal
more than just their basic physical attack so you might consider using a Job
like Dark Knight, Ninja, or even Warrior, if you want to deal damage in the
massive amounts.

Battle Commands:
Magic: Cast Lv. 1 White Magic.
Defend: Reduce physical attack damage. Takes damage for critical HP allies.

Job Lv | Damage Reduction

-------|-----------------1 | 40%
25 | 45%
50 | 50%
75 | 55%
99 | 60%

Usable Weapons:
Swords..All (excluding Onion Blade, Onion Sword)

Usable Armors:

Head....Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat
........Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Crystal Helm
Body....Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor
........Ice Armor, Flame Mail, Knight Armor, Reflect Mail, Diamond Mail
........Crystal Mail
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Power Bracers
........Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Crystal Gloves
Shield..Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Heroic Shield
........Diamond Shield, Aegis Shield, Crystal Shield

Mastery Item:
Name....Save The Queen
Bonus...VIT +10, MIND +10
Effect..Casts reflect.

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Knight.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP. Knights and Freelancers share the same MP curve.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Knight MP Chart:

| |

Knight Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 1| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | 2| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 10 | 11 | 9 | 11 | 9 | 10 |
| 3 | 3| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 20 | 20 | 14 | 20 | 14 | 15 |
| 4 | 4| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 28 | 18 | 28 | 18 | 20 |
| 5 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 40 | 36 | 22 | 36 | 22 | 24 |
| 6 | 5| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 50 | 45 | 26 | 45 | 26 | 29 |
| 7 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 60 | 53 | 29 | 53 | 29 | 34 |
| 8 | 6| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 70 | 61 | 33 | 61 | 33 | 38 |
| 9 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 80 | 69 | 37 | 69 | 37 | 43 |
| 10 | 7| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 90 | 78 | 41 | 78 | 41 | 48 |
| 11 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 99 | 85 | 45 | 85 | 45 | 52 |
| 12 | 8| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | 9| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 15 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 16 | 10| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | 11| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | 12| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Attack | +20

| +12

| 22 | 13| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Magic | +20

| +12

| 23 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Defend | +20

| +12

| 24 | 14| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Item | +20

| +12

| 25 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 26 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 27 | 15| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

you must take an average of 8-9

| 28 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

actions per battle, to level Up

| 29 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

a Knight.

| 30 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 31 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | 16| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 33 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 35 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

| 36 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

over to the next battle.

| 37 | 17| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 38 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 39 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 40 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 41 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 42 | 18| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 43 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 44 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 45 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 46 | 19| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 47 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 48 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 49 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 50 | 20| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

| 51 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 52 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 53 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 54 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 55 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 56 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 57 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 58 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 59 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 60 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 61 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 62 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 63 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 64 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 65 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 66 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 67 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 68 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 69 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 70 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 71 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 72 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 73 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 74 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 75 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 76 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 77 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 78 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 79 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

| 80 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 81 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 82 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 83 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 84 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 85 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 86 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 87 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 88 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 89 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 90 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 91 | 22| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 92 | 25| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 93 | 27| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 94 | 30| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 95 | 32| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 96 | 35| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 97 | 40| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 98 | 45| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 50| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 50| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| (Knight MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

"Knights are mighty warriors who are experts in close-range combat. They are
dependable allies who can defend themselves, as well as shield fellow party
members during harsh ordeals."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-10} Scholar

{SCHOLAR-10} | Fire Crystal |




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| (___

___ | |__

___ | | __ _ _ __

\___ \ / __| | '_ \ / _ \ | | / _` | | '__|

____) | | (__ | | | | | (_) | | | | (_| | | |
|_____/ \___| |_| |_| \___/ |_| \__,_| |_|

|"Scholars can examine enemies and |
| spot their weak points. They can|
| also enhance the effects of the |
| items they use. They can dispel |
| magic effects from enemies

| they've studied. Surprisingly |

| enough, these bookworms can also |
| use magic!"

- Expert Job NPC



Scholars are very underrated. It does seem like a pretty weak job, but it
is anything but that! The main attraction of this Job is its ability to
use Items with double the potency. Potions will now heal for 100 HP instead
of 50 HP, and Hi-Potions will heal for 1000 HP instead of 500 HP. Even the

battle items such as Antarctic Winds are doubled! You can deal some amazing
damage with the Scholar. The downside is that you need to keep your supply
of items regularly stocked, or you will run out.

NOTE: Item potency increases the power rating of the spell casted from the
item used. i.e. Heavenly Wrath casts Thundaga. Thundaga has an attack
power of 183, but with Scholars it has an attack power of 366.

To help keep a supply of items for the Scholar, you'll want to train someone
as a Thief and go on a hunting spree for the very best items. This may sound
troublesome at first thought, but I have put together and handy list of all
the items you can steal and at what Job Lv. If that interests you please see
the "Items to Pilfer" section below. Ctrl+F. {ST}

They are also able to cast Lv.1 to Lv. 3 white and black magic. At the time
you get this job, however, you won't have MP for Lv. 2 and Lv. 3 spells. The
MP curve is very weird. MP for Lv. 2 spells won't be available until you are
character Lv. 21! Until then you are stuck with Lv. 1 spells.

By that time you'll have way better jobs for casting magic, but at least it
gives the Scholar some extra versatility. Just don't forget that Scholars
have access to almost every magic spell in the game, through use of items,
so it has everything it needs already, without actually having to cast the
real magic. :P

The Study skill is pretty useful, too, but only rarely will you need to use
it since there are only two enemies in the whole game that shift weakness
during battle. It's definitely a better option that casting Libra because
there is no MP cost, and has an innate ability to remove beneficial effects

from magic. Some bosses like to cast Protect on themselves because they are
lame and dumb, and Study will rectify that!

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Scholars are VERY powerful, but require a ton of extra time
and maintenance to keep battle ready. Stealing all of those items may not
set well with a lot of people, but if you have the patience to farm for all
of those Chocobo's Wrath, then Scholars will become insanely useful and very
deadly. You do find a few free Chocobo's Wrath, so you could just save them
for the really tough bosses.

Don't forget that Scholars use items for double potency. You may be thinking
what is so great about using a Chocobo's Wrath? It's just Flare! Not it's
really not. It's Flaraga! Ok, I just made that up. :P But it's Flare with
a power of 640, instead of the regular 320. What's not to like about that?
All I have to say is -- That chocobo must've been really mad! ...kweh?!

To make it even better, Scholar's have 99 max Intellect. This is as good as

the Magus, Sage, and Onion Knight Jobs. Scholars may just be the strongest
mage in the game, but then it hits you in the head like a brick: "Ugh, do I
really have to farm for all those battle items?"

The Scholar's mastery item isn't that great. The +10 Int is useless since
that stat naturally reaches 99, and the +5 Mind won't make any difference
that is noticable. However, being the only option Scholar's have, it is a
neccessity, and therefore it is awesome.

Battle Commands:
Magic: Cast Lv. 1 to Lv. 3 White and Black Magic.
Study: Scan enemies HP and weakness. Also dispels beneficial magic.
Item: Use items with double the potency.

Item Potency = Original Effect x 2

Usable Weapons:
Books: All

Usable Armor:
Head....Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Scholar Hat, Ribbon
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, Scholar Robe, White Robe
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:

Bonus...INT +10, MIND +5

Enhanced Items:
One of the best features of the Scholar is the enhancement of all battle
items, including Potions, Arctic Winds, etc! When at a high Intellect stat,
Scholars become very powerful and useful.

Obviously you'll need the items, but that's easy if you steal them! :) For a
list of all the steal items, see the "Stealing Guide" section. Ctrl+F. {SC}

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Scholar.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Scholar MP Chart:

| |

Scholar Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 1| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 10 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 11 | 9 |
| 3 | 2| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 20 | 16 | 17 | 12 | 20 | 14 |
| 4 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 22 | 24 | 15 | 30 | 18 |
| 5 | 3| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 40 | 28 | 31 | 19 | 40 | 22 |
| 6 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 50 | 34 | 38 | 22 | 50 | 26 |
| 7 | 4| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 60 | 40 | 44 | 25 | 60 | 29 |
| 8 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 70 | 46 | 51 | 29 | 70 | 33 |
| 9 | 5| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 80 | 52 | 58 | 32 | 80 | 37 |
| 10 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 90 | 58 | 65 | 35 | 90 | 41 |
| 11 | 6| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 99 | 63 | 71 | 38 | 99 | 45 |
| 12 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | 7| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 15 | 8| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 16 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | 9| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | 10| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | 11| 1| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Attack | +24

| +24

| 22 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Magic | +24

| +24

| 23 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Study | +24

| +24

| 24 | 12| 2| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Item | +24

| +24

| 25 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o

| 26 | 13| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 1 or higher,

| 27 | -| 3| -| -| -| -| -| -|

you must take an average of 4-5

| 28 | 14| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

actions per battle, to level Up

| 29 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

a Scholar.

| 30 | 15| 4| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 31 | -| -| 1| -| -| -| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | 16| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 33 | -| 5| -| -| -| -| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | 17| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 35 | -| -| 2| -| -| -| -| -|
| 36 | 18| 6| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 37 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 38 | 19| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 39 | -| 7| 3| -| -| -| -| -|
| 40 | 20| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 41 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 42 | 21| 8| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 43 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 44 | 22| -| 4| -| -| -| -| -|
| 45 | -| 9| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 46 | 23| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 47 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 48 | 24| 10| 5| -| -| -| -| -|
| 49 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 50 | 25| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 51 | -| 11| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 52 | 26| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 53 | -| -| 6| -| -| -| -| -|
| 54 | 27| 12| -| -| -| -| -| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

| 55 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 56 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 57 | 28| 13| 7| -| -| -| -| -|
| 58 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 59 | 29| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 60 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 61 | 30| 14| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 62 | -| -| 8| -| -| -| -| -|
| 63 | 31| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 64 | -| 15| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 65 | 32| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 66 | -| -| 9| -| -| -| -| -|
| 67 | 33| 16| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 68 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 69 | 34| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 70 | -| 17| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 71 | 35| -| 10| -| -| -| -| -|
| 72 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 73 | 36| 18| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 74 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 75 | 37| -| 11| -| -| -| -| -|
| 76 | -| 19| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 77 | 38| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 78 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 79 | 39| 20| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 80 | -| -| 12| -| -| -| -| -|
| 81 | 40| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 82 | -| 21| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 83 | 41| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

| 84 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 85 | 42| 22| 13| -| -| -| -| -|
| 86 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 87 | 43| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 88 | -| 23| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 89 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 90 | 44| -| 14| -| -| -| -| -|
| 91 | -| 24| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 92 | 45| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 93 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 94 | 46| 25| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 95 | -| -| 15| -| -| -| -| -|
| 96 | 47| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 97 | -| 26| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 98 | 48| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 48| 26| 15| -| -| -| -| -| (Scholar MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

"Using their analytical prowess, Scholars are able to ascertain an enemy's

HP and any existing weaknessess. They also use the mystic power of ancient
tomes to damage enemies. Their extensive knowlege allows them to double
the effects of items they use."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-11} Geomancer | {TR}

{GEOMANCER-11} | Fire Crystal |



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___ ___ _ __

| | |_ | / _ \ / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | '_ \ / __| / _ \ | '__|

| |__| | | __/ | (_) | | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | (__ | __/ | |
\_____| \___| \___/ |_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \___| \___| |_|

|"Geomancers harness the power of |
| nature itself manifested in their|
| different terrain attacks. Their|
| damage potential rises

| exponentially by job level."


- Expert Job NPC


Geomancers are a really cool job. Its Terrain ability can deal some massive
damage, or just outright KO enemies. The downside to it is the randomness,
making it uncontrollable. It's not as bad as it sounds, though. All of the
Terrain attacks are pretty strong, so it doesn't matter which one gets used
it'll deal some decent damage, and sometimes to all enemies even.

The only weapon it can equip is a bell, which sounds silly, but it's actually
a surprisingly powerful weapon. It's too bad that there aren't many of them
to be found in the game. For a good part of the game, Geomancer's physical
attack damage matches those of melee classes but it has to be up in the front

row, which is bad because it doesn't have very many good armor choices.

Geomancers probably have the smallest equipment selection out of every job in
the game. (well, besides Ranger) It's mastery item more than makes up for
that because it is really cool, and with its excellent stat bonuses it boosts
Terrain damage by a lot!

When using the Terrain skill, no matter where you are, you will always have a
chance to cast the powerful Shadowflare attack. In some areas the chance of
it happening are higher, but at least know it can be used anywhere. This very
powerful attack will deal about 3500-4500 even at Job Lv 1. At high levels
it will far exceed 10,000+ damage. Like, really far. (see End-game)

Also, the wind-elemental Wind Slash attack can be used everywhere, too. This
is great considering how many enemies there are in the game that are weak to
wind. Being the weakest of all the Terrain attacks, Wind Slash is still very
strong. If you can deal with the randomness of Terrain attacks, you won't be
disappointed at all.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Geomancers will destroy everything. Their stats are pretty
average, nothing to get excited about, but its damage potential is among the
best in the entire game. Terrain is truly devastating.

Don't forget that it's random, though. There's always a catch, right? At
max levels, the Wind Slash attack will deal about 15,000+ damage to every

enemy it hits. Or 30,000+ damage to enemies weak to wind. It's the most
commonly used Terrain attack, so that's saying something about all the other
attacks which are FAR more powerful.

Shadowflare. This is one of the best attacks in the entire game. When you
have a fully trained Geomancer, this attack can deal around 55,000+ damage,
killing pretty much anything but those end-game bosses. Even though it won't
finish them in one hit, it still takes that huge chunk of HP. To make it
better is the increased % chance for areas like World of Darkness (10%), and
Eureka (40%)! Geomancers will destroy everything in the World of Darkness,
and the Forbidden Land, Eureka.

I better mention Black Hole, too. 80% chance to kill an enemy? *squeee*

The Geomancer's mastery Item is a must have. If you decide to use this Job,
you better have time to grind to Job Lv. 99 so you can get it. The Blessed
Bell offers really nice stat bonuses, which really help with increasing the
damage output of Terrain. It also increases Agility by +10. You'll be glad
they have high Agility because then they'll kill even faster!

Battle Command:
Terrain: Uses the environment to deal damage or kill enemies. (see below)

Usable Weapons:


Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, Black Robe, Gaia Vest
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:
Name....Blessed Bell
Bonus...AGI +10, INT +10, MIND +10

Terrain Skill:
|Attacks: |Targets| Description:

|Whirlpool | All | Call forth the waters of the sea drowning all enemies.|
|Wind Slash | One | Slices the enemy with blades of wind.

|Ice Storm | All | Damages enemies with the piercing cold of the Arctic. |

| All | Shoots out molten lava causing severe burn damage. |

|Ice Pillar | One | Incredible damage with spears of ice.

|Flame Burst | One | Scorches the enemy with a blazing fire.

|Black Hole | One | A world destructing force consumes the enemy.
|Earthquake | All | Shakes the earth causing damage to all enemies.


|Close-In | One | Drop the weight of a thousand boulders onto the enemy.|
|Shadowflare | One | Massive non-elemental damage to the enemy.

Damage = (Power + JobLv x 2) x (INT + MND) / Factor x Bonus

Bonus = (Random # between 0.8 and 1.0)

|Attacks: | Power | Factor: | Element Type: |
|Whirlpool | --- | --- | ---

| <--- 30% hit rate

|Wind Slash | 45 | 3 | Wind

|Ice Storm | 55 | 4 | Ice, Water


| 70 | 4 | Fire

|Ice Pillar | 80 | 3 | Ice, Water

|Flame Burst | 80 | 3 | Fire

|Black Hole | --- | --- | ---

| <--- 80% hit rate

|Earthquake | 90 | 4 | Earth
|Close-In | 100 | 3 | Earth


|Shadowflare | 110 | 1 | Non-elemental |




| Chance Percent: |

|(World Map) Grassland

| Wind Slash = 50% |

|(World Map) Forest

| Ice Storm = 48% |

|(World Map) Marshland

| Shadowflare = 2% |

|(World Map) Desert

| Earthquake = 40% |

| Close-in = 38% |

| Wind Slash = 20% |

| Shadowflare = 2% |

|(World Map) Sea surface

| Ice Pillar = 40% |

|(World Map) Sea underwater | Whirlpool = 38% |


| Wind Slash = 20% |

| Shadowflare = 2% |

|(World Map) Sky

| Wind Slash = 50% |

| Ice Storm = 48% |

| Shadowflare = 2% |

|Altar Cave

| Earthquake = 40% |

|Kazus - Mythril Mine

| Close-in = 38% |

|The Sealed Cave

|Tozus Tunnel
|Cave of the Circle
|Ancient Ruins

| Wind Slash = 20% |

| Shadowflare = 2% |


|Falgabard Cave

|Bahamut's Lair

|Cave of Shadows

|Doga's Grotto

|Ancients' Maze

|Castle Sasune: West Tower | Wind Slash = 50% |
|Dragon's Peak

| Ice Storm = 48% |

|Tower of Owen (Not Floor 1) | Shadowflare = 2% |

|Castle Hein

|Goldor Manor

|Dragon Spire

|Crystal Tower

|Garuda Boss Fight

|Bahamut Boss Fight


|Nepto Temple

| Ice Pillar = 40% |

|Tower of Owen (Floor 1 Only) | Whirlpool = 38% |

|Subterranean Lake
|Cave of Tides

| Wind Slash = 20% |

| Shadowflare = 2% |

|Amur Sewers

|Sunken Cave

|Saronia Catacombs

|Temple of Time

|Behind Falgabard Waterfall |

|Lake Dohr

|Secret ??? Dungeon


|The Molten Cave

| Magma

= 40% |

| Flame Burst = 38% |

| Wind Slash = 20% |

| Shadowflare = 2% |

|Ur (storage path)

| Wind Slash = 50% |

| Ice Storm = 50% |

|SW Saronia (tavern battle) | Blackhole = 50% |

| Shadowflare = 40% |

| Wind Slash = 10% |

|Eureka, The Forbidden Land | Blackhole = 40% |

| Shadowflare = 40% |

| Wind Slash = 20% |

|The World of Darkness

| Wind Slash = 23% |

| Ice Pillar = 23% |

| Flame Burst = 22% |

| Earthquake = 22% |

| Shadowflare = 10% | (Geomancer)

Terrain Chance % Chart

Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Geomancer.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Geomancer Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +14

| 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | | Terrain | +20

| +14

| 20 | 15 | 17 | 15 | 17 | 15 | | Guard | +20

| +14

| 30 | 20 | 24 | 20 | 24 | 20 | | Item | +20

| +14

| 40 | 24 | 31 | 24 | 31 | 24 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 29 | 38 | 29 | 38 | 29 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 34 | 44 | 34 | 44 | 34 |

you must take an average of 7-8

| 70 | 38 | 51 | 38 | 51 | 38 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 43 | 58 | 43 | 58 | 43 |

a Geomancer.

| 90 | 48 | 65 | 48 | 65 | 48 |
| 99 | 52 | 71 | 52 | 71 | 52 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"Geomancers are able to attack by tuning into their natural surroundings and
drawing out the latent powers around them."
- Official Instruction Booklet


| {Job-12} Viking

{VIKING-12} | Water Crystal |


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|"Vikings have the ability to lure |

| enemies into attacking them

| instead of other members of the |

| party, but it's gonna hurt!"

- Expert Job NPC


This is the BEST Defensive job in the game. While it can deal a decent amount
of damage with its physical attacks, the true role of Viking is to Provoke all
enemies into attacking it. This a really great for boss fights.

Provoke, at first, won't always work but at higher Job levels, it will get a
better hit rate. As a bonus, it also reduces the enemy's defense, making it
easier to deal more damage with physical attacks! Damage reduced only lasts
for a single round, so if you want to keep it down, you will need to Provoke
the enemy over and over.

Outside of using Provoke, Vikings have a powerful physical attack themselves

and can deal decent damage with Hammers and Axes, though the Hit% for those

types of weapons is lower than most other weapons. That doesn't mean you'll
miss or anything, it just means higher chance for less # of hits per attack.

At Job level 99 is when the Viking's Provoke skill really shines. Not only
will it have a hit rate of 100%, it will also reduce the enemy's defense by
about 50%! For most late-game bosses that have really high defense, this is
awesome and will prove to be most helpful. Of course if you are going to
make a Viking into a tank, you will want to give it two of the best shields
and the best armor available.

If you are looking for a Job designed to deal a lot of damage, the Viking is
not the best choice. It's definitely strong, but there are better jobs that
are meant to be damage dealers. The best defense, is not a good offense. :P

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Vikings are Vikings. Their physical attacks are strong and
can deal damage when you need them to, but it's a Defensive job at heart. It
will help your damage dealers hit harder thanks to its ability to reduce the
enemy's defense, so you should focus on using 2 shields and repeated uses of
Provoke. This will really help with managing your party's HP against tougher
end-game bosses or random encounters.

The Viking's mastery item has a huge +20 Vit bonus. This is a much needed
boost because the Viking has an unnaturally low Vitality stat. Even with max
levels and the best equipment, they still don't reach 99 vitality.

NOTE: Vikings would probably max it to 99, but there are some dicrepencies in
the strength bonuses of hammer weapons. (it appears to be a bug, but it
may not be)

They do have a lower Mind stat than the Knight (the other defensive Job), so
magic attacks will deal more damage to them. The Knight has very solid stats
that make it very durable. That's something to consider if you are trying to
decide on which defensive Job you want to use.

Personally, I just think the usefulness of Provoke far outweighs anything the
Knight has to offer, but you may just like Knight's ability to automatically
protect critically injured party members. Wait a sec, they wouldn't even be
critically hurt in the first place if a Viking had used Provoke! Hmm. ;)

Battle Command:
Provoke: Lure enemy attacks onto self, while reducing enemy defense.

Enemy Defense = Original Defense x Factor

Job Lv | Factor | Success %

-------|--------|----------1 | 1.0 | 60%
21 | 0.9 | 70%
41 | 0.8 | 80%
81 | 0.6 | 90%
99 | 0.5 | 100%

Usable Weapons:
Axes.....All (except Gigantic Axe)

Usable Armors:
Head.....Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat
.........Viking Helm, Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Crystal Helm
Body.....Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor
.........Ice Armor, Flame Mail, Reflect Mail, Viking Mail, Demon Mail
.........Diamond Mail, Crystal Mail
Arm......Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Power Bracers
.........Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Crystal Gloves
Shield...Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Demon Shield
.........Diamond Shield, Aegis Shield, Crystal Shield

Mastery Item:
Name.....Mighty Hammer
Bonus....VIT +20

Effect...Deals lightning damage.

Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Viking.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Viking Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +14

| 10 | 11 | 9 | 10 | 9 | 10 | | Provoke | +20

| +14

| 20 | 20 | 14 | 17 | 14 | 15 | | Guard | +20

| +14

| 30 | 30 | 18 | 24 | 18 | 20 | | Item | +20

| +14

| 40 | 40 | 22 | 31 | 22 | 24 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 50 | 26 | 38 | 26 | 29 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 60 | 29 | 44 | 29 | 34 |

you must take an average of 7-8

| 70 | 70 | 33 | 51 | 33 | 38 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 80 | 37 | 58 | 37 | 43 |

a Viking.

| 90 | 90 | 41 | 65 | 41 | 48 |
| 99 | 99 | 45 | 71 | 45 | 52 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"Vikings swing giant hammers and axes with ease. Their only drawback is that
they develop slower than other melee jobs.
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-13} Dragoon

{DRAGOON-13} | Water Crystal |



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|"Dragoons are polearm experts. |
| Their Jump ability allows them |
| to deal massive damage while
| being impervious to enemy
| attacks."

- Expert Job NPC




Dragoon is excellent for dealing powerful physical attacks. It's basically a

Knight, but without the ability to cast Lv.1 white magic or block attacks on
critically hurt party members. Instead, it can Jump really high into the air
and deal crazy amounts of damage, by landing on an enemy. And when it's in
the air, it can't be attacked by enemies! OK, it's nothing like a Knight. It
is more like a Warrior. Why didn't I just say that initially? >_>

Jump makes healing your party a lot easier. Since the Dragoon is in the air,
avoiding damage, multi-target heals won't affect it and only heal the 3 party
members on the ground. The strength of healing spells is reduced depending
on the number of targets selected, and with only 3 party members being healed,
instead of 4, it will heal more HP!

At Job level 99, the Dragoon's Jump ability will have a huge 140% increase in
damage dealt. It uses the same formula as the Warrior's Advance skill, but
it doesn't reduce your defense at all. Also, if the enemy has a weakness to
Wind-elemental attacks, then the total damage dealt is doubled! This can be
very devastating against all the flying enemies out there since they are weak
to wind.

Lastly, the Dragoon has an excellent weapon selection. Out of all the Jobs
in the game, it is definitely hardest to get the Dragoon's best weapons. The
Gungnir has the lowest drop rate at 0.3%. You can also steal it, which is
actually pretty easy, but your Thief must be Job level 71 or higher. Getting
both is quite a challange and will test your patience like nothing else.

Two Gungnirs isn't neccessary, though, since you can get the Magic Lance for
mastering the job. The Magic Lance is stronger than the Gungnir, because it
has a larger Strength bonus and slightly more attack power. If you want that

perfect file, though, getting 2 Gungnirs is a must!

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Dragoons are much like Warriors. They are meant to deal a
ton of damage quickly. Since Warriors and Dragoons have the same formula
for damage dealt with their Job ability, I will compare the two. It's tough
to say which is better. On one hand, Warriors get the Ultima Weapon and a
nice selection of other swords, but also takes more damage if hit.

On the other hand, the Dragoon has weaker weapons, but can Jump into the air
taking no damage, but deals slightly less damage. Well, except if the enemy
is weak to wind making Jump way more powerful than Advance.

At max levels, Jump has a huge 140% increase in damage dealt. This easily
deals 35,000+ damage with the best spears equipped. And because it will be
up in the air, attacks like Cloud of Darkness's Particle Beam will miss! The
only downside is that Dragoons are slower than poo. All of their best
equipment weighs a lot. (see equipment weight in the weapon section above)

The Dragoon's mastery item, Magic Lance, is one of the best weapons in the
game for damage potential. With its +20 Strength bonus, Dragoons are able
to max out their strength to 99. They also have a really high agility, so
that's a plus. It will definitely help them Jump faster to avoid damage.

If you can manage to get its best weapons, the Dragoon is Job that will help
deal massive damage to enemies.

Battle Command:
Jump: Jump into the air to avoid damage. Attack enemy on the next turn.

Jump Damage = Original Damage x Factor x Bonus


= 1, if target is not a flying-type enemy.

2, if target is a flying-type enemy.

Job Lv | Factor
-------|------1 | 1.5
25 | 1.7
50 | 1.9
75 | 2.1
99 | 2.4

Usable Weapons:

Usable Armors:

Head....Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat
........Dragon Helm, Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Crystal Helm
Body....Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor
........Ice Armor, Flame Mail, Reflect Mail, Dragon Mail, Demon Mail
........Diamond Mail, Crystal Mail
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Power Bracers
........Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Crystal Gloves
Shield..Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Heroic Shield
........Demon Shield, Diamond Shield, Aegis Shield, Crystal Shield

Mastery Item:
Name....Magic Lance
Bonus...STR +20

Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Dragoon.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Dragoon Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +16

| 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | | Jump | +20

| +16

| 20 | 17 | 17 | 15 | 15 | 15 | | Guard | +20

| +16

| 30 | 24 | 24 | 20 | 20 | 20 | | Item | +20

| +16

| 40 | 31 | 31 | 24 | 24 | 24 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 38 | 38 | 29 | 29 | 29 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 44 | 44 | 34 | 34 | 34 |

you must take an average of 6-7

| 70 | 51 | 51 | 38 | 38 | 38 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 58 | 58 | 43 | 43 | 43 |

a Dragoon.

| 90 | 65 | 65 | 48 | 48 | 48 |
| 99 | 71 | 71 | 52 | 52 | 52 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"Dragoons wield spears in battle and highly skilled against aerial foes.
They are renowned for their ability to launch deadly attacks from above."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-14} Dark Knight |

{D.KNIGHT-14} | Water Crystal |



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|"Dark Knights are warriors of the |

| dark blade. Their Souleater

| ability allows them to convert |

| their life into extra damage." |

- Expert Job NPC


The Dark Knight is a rather interesting Job. It's a great physical attacker
and can deal large amounts of damage with its basic attack, OR deal lots of
damage to all enemies, using Souleater. This skill calculates damage based
on your current HP plus other things, and will sacrifice 20% of your current
HP everytime it is used. It cannot kill you, though, just in case you are
wondering. :P

So, the stonger the weapons you have equipped, the higher the Job level, and
the more HP you have, the more damage Souleater will do. The downside is it
gets weaker everytime you use it because it reduces your HP. That means you
will have to be constantly healing, in order to deal the most damage. As a
bonus, though, Souleater does full damage even from the back row! This will
help Dark Knights survive much more easily.

Attaining 9999 HP is something all Dark Knights should strive for. It's not
really neccessary to beat the game, but having that much HP will increase the
Souleater's damage dealt by quite a bit. If you manage to get 9999 HP, and
keep the Dark Knight healed at all times, you'll have lots of fun destroying
all those pesky random encounters with ease.

Aside from all of that, the Dark Knight has an excellent equipment pool. It
can equip some amazing weapons and armor, but most noteworthy is its ability
to use the Ultima Weapon! If you want a job that deals tons of damage, and
can wipe out groups of enemies quickly, this is one of the best Jobs to use.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Dark Knights are very powerful, but not quite as powerful
single-hitters like Warrior, Dragoon, Geomancer, etc. The Dark Knight is
designed to deal large amounts of damage to all enemies, so naturally that
ability will be weaker than those skills like Advance, Jump, Terrain.

Against bosses, the Dark Knight is not the best job to use. There are much
better jobs for dealing more powerful attacks. It is still an awesome Job
to use, though. The main perk is that Souleater has no damage reduction
from being positioned in the back row. It's like Ranger, except it doesn't
attack multiple times. It's purpose is to strike all enemies at once for
quick damage.

With 9999 HP, Souleater will deal about 12,000+ damage to all enemies, from
the front or back row. It's a VERY good thing damage isn't reduced from

being in the back row, or the Dark Knight would probably suck. Also, don't
forget that you'll have to be constantly healing them for the best results.

At max levels, with best equipment, the Dark Knight has very good stats. It
has about 89 or so in strength, agility, and vitality, and about 69 in the
intellect and mind stats. It can definitely take some hits and be just
fine. If I were to descibe the Dark Knight, I'd say it's like the Mage of
physical attackers; being able to target all enemies like magic spells, but
also take more hits like a melee class.

The Dark Knight's mastery item, the Murakumo, is great. It gives a really
nice +20 Agi bonus, which this Job really needs. Surprisingly, between the
Ultima Weapon and Murakumo, its agility STILL does't reach max. It'll get
to about 89 total. Compared to other melee jobs, the Dark Knight does fall
a bit short in the stat department.

Battle Command:
Souleater: Sacrifice HP to damage all enemies. Full power from back row.

Souleater Damage = (Attack x 5 + Power) + CurrentHP x 0.9

HP Sacrificed = (CurrentHP x 0.2)

Job Lv | Power
-------|------1 | 10

25 | 250
50 | 500
75 | 750
99 | 990

Usable Weapons:
Knives.......Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Spark Dagger, Main Gauche
.............Poison Dagger
Swords.......Golden Sword, Longsword, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing, Salamand Sword
.............Freezing Blade, Serpent Sword, Royal Sword, Blood Sword
.............Ancient Sword, Defender, Break Blade, Ragnarok, Ultima Weapon
Dark Blades..All (excluding Muramasa)

Usable Armors:
Head.........Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat
.............Ribbon, Genji Helm, Crystal Helm
Body.........Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor
.............Ice Armor, Flame Mail, Demon Mail, Genji Armor, Crystal Mail
Arm..........Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring
.............Genji Gloves, Crystal Gloves
Shield.......Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Demon Shield
.............Genji Shield, Crystal Shield

Mastery Item:
Bonus.....AGI +20
Effect....Effective against dividing enemies.

Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Dark Knight.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Dark Knight Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +14

| 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | |SoulEater| +20
| 20 | 17 | 15 | 17 | 15 | 15 | | Guard | +20
| 30 | 24 | 20 | 24 | 20 | 20 | | Item | +20

| +14

| +14
| +14


| 40 | 31 | 24 | 31 | 24 | 24 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 38 | 29 | 38 | 29 | 29 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 44 | 34 | 44 | 34 | 34 |

you must take an average of 7-8

| 70 | 51 | 38 | 51 | 38 | 38 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 58 | 43 | 58 | 43 | 43 |

a Dark Knight.

| 90 | 65 | 48 | 65 | 48 | 48 |
| 99 | 71 | 52 | 71 | 52 | 52 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"Dark Knights are trained to harness the negative energies that flow
throughout the world. The dark blades they wield are very effective
against monsters that divide and multiply."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-15} Evoker

{EVOKER-15} | Water Crystal |


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|"Evokers are initiates of summon |

| magic, able to randomly draw

| either the light or dark power |

| of summoned beasts."

- Expert Job NPC



The Evoker is one of the few Jobs that I would never use. However, it is the
first time that you have access to summon magic, but it can be unimpressive
and a little unreliable. When you cast a summon as an Evoker, it will choose
randomly between the Level 1 and Level 2 effects of summons. Level 1 effect
is usually support magic, and Level 2 is usually a single-target elemental or
non-elemental attack. There is some diveristy there, so that's good.

Like all random things, if you have the patience for it, there are some very
useful summons that have good Level 1 and Level 2 effects. It's just a matter
of what you are looking for. If you want healing, Ifrit has a chance to heal
with the same strength as Curaja, Odin can cast Reflect, or Chocobo can flee
from battle with 100% success.

Because it is random is what really hurts the Evoker. When you want to deal
some damage, it'll probably end up using the support magic instead, and when
you want to inflict some status ailments, it just won't work. Most of the
status attacks, though, target all enemies, so there is more chance that it
will hit something which is nice.

If you like the Evoker, then you can use it and be just fine, though it can
make some battles more challanging. It's definitely not for everyone. Like
all mage classes, it has a poor selection of equipment options, so it'll die

just as easily. Oh, and it does have a lot of MP, so you'll be able to cast
summons quite a bit.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Evokers are not good at all. They don't specialize in anything, so they won't deal that great of damage or... anything. I just think
they are bad. Hehe.

Even with the best equipment, Evoker's can max Intellect to 99, but since it
takes place of the Ribbon it is really not worth it. Would you be willing
to sacrifice complete status immunity for a measly +10 Int bonus? It would
be nice to max those out, without being gimped, but unfortunately they can't
do that. This job is just so meh, that I don't even really have that much
to say about it.

The Evoker's mastery item, Royal Crown, is a very good piece of armor except
that it replaces the Ribbon, as I just mentioned. The Royal Crown has way
better stats and bonuses, but the Ribbon offers that awesome immunity to all
status ailments. Who would want to pass that up?

Battle Command:
Summon: Randomly chooses the Level 1 or Level 2 effect of summons.

Usable Weapons:
Staves..Staff, Fire Staff, Ice Staff, Light Staff, Golem Staff, Rune Staff
Rods....Mythril Rod, Wizard Rod, Fire Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod, Omnirod

Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon, Royal Crown
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe, Black Robe
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:
Name....Royal Crown
Bonus...INT +10, MIND +10

Summon Effects: (Evokers never use the Level 3 effect)

1-Chocobo Dash .......Instantly escape from battle
2-Chocobo Kick? ......Poor chocobo fails to kick a monster
3-Chocobo Kick .......Damage one enemy with a powerful chocobo kick
1-Mesmerize ..........Inflicts sleep status on all enemies
2-Icy Stare ..........Damage one enemy with ice
3-Diamond Dust .......Damage all enemies with freezing ice shards
1-Mind Blast .........Inflicts paralyze status on all enemies
2-Thunderstorm .......Damage one enemy with lightning
3-Judgment Bolt ......Damage all enemies with pillars of lighting
1-Healing Light ......Restore massive amount of HP to all allies
2-Hellfire ...........Damage one enemy with fire
3-Inferno ............Damage all enemies with overwhelming fire
1-Clobber ............Damage one enemy with a punch
2-Stomp ..............Damage one enemy with a kick
3-Earthen Fury .......Damage all enemies with columns of the earth
1-Protective Light ...Casts Reflect status on all party members
2-Slash ..............Deals massive damage to all enemies
3-Zantetsuken ........Instantly kills all enemies
1-Demon Eye ..........Inflicts petrify status on all enemies
2-Cyclone ............Damage all enemies with fierce wind
3-Tidal Wave .........Damage all enemies with a devastating flood

1-Aura ...............Increases attack power of all allies
2-Rend ...............Instantly kills one enemy
3-Mega Flare .........Massive non-elemental damage to all enemies

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up an Evoker.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP. Evokers and Summoners share the same MP curve.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Evoker MP Chart:

| |

Evoker Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 1| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | 2| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 10 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 10 | 10 |
| 3 | 3| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 20 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 17 | 17 |
| 4 | 4| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 22 | 20 | 18 | 24 | 24 |
| 5 | 5| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 40 | 28 | 24 | 22 | 31 | 31 |
| 6 | 6| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 50 | 34 | 29 | 26 | 38 | 38 |
| 7 | 7| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 60 | 40 | 34 | 29 | 44 | 44 |

| 8 | 8| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 70 | 46 | 38 | 33 | 51 | 51 |
| 9 | 9| 1| 1| 1| 1| -| -| -| | 80 | 52 | 43 | 37 | 58 | 58 |
| 10 | 10| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 90 | 58 | 48 | 41 | 65 | 65 |
| 11 | 11| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 99 | 63 | 52 | 45 | 71 | 71 |
| 12 | 12| 2| 2| 2| 2| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | 13| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | 14| 3| 3| 3| 3| -| -| -|
| 15 | 15| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 16 | 16| 4| 4| 4| 4| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | 17| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | 18| 5| 5| 5| 5| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | 19| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | 20| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | 21| 6| 6| 6| 6| -| -| -| | Attack | +20

| +10

| 22 | 22| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Summon | +20

| +10

| 23 | 23| 7| 7| 7| 7| -| -| -| | Guard | +20

| +10

| 24 | 24| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Item | +20

| +10

| 25 | 25| 8| 8| 8| 8| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 26 | 26| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 27 | 27| 9| 9| 9| 9| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

you must take an average of 10

| 28 | 28| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

actions per battle, to level Up

| 29 | 29| -| -| -| -| 1| -| -|

an Evoker.

| 30 | 30| 10| 10| 10| 10| -| -| -|

| 31 | 31| -| -| -| -| 2| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | 32| 11| 11| 11| 11| -| -| -|

| 33 | 33| -| -| -| -| 3| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | 34| 12| 12| 12| 12| -| -| -|

| 35 | 35| -| -| -| -| 4| 1| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

| 36 | 36| 13| 13| 13| 13| -| -| -|

over to the next battle.

| 37 | 37| -| -| -| -| 5| 2| -|
| 38 | 38| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 39 | 39| 14| 14| 14| 14| 6| 3| -|
| 40 | 40| -| -| -| -| -| -| 1|
| 41 | 41| 15| 15| 15| 15| 7| -| -|
| 42 | 42| -| -| -| -| -| 4| -|
| 43 | 43| 16| 16| 16| 16| 8| -| 2|
| 44 | 44| -| -| -| -| -| 5| -|
| 45 | 45| 17| 17| 17| 17| 9| -| -|
| 46 | 46| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 47 | 47| -| -| -| -| 10| 6| -|
| 48 | 48| 18| 18| 18| 18| -| -| 3|
| 49 | 49| -| -| -| -| 11| 7| -|
| 50 | 50| 19| 19| 19| 19| -| -| -|
| 51 | 51| -| -| -| -| 12| -| -|
| 52 | 52| 20| 20| 20| 20| -| 8| -|
| 53 | 53| -| -| -| -| 13| -| 4|
| 54 | 54| 21| 21| 21| 21| -| 9| -|
| 55 | 55| -| -| -| -| 14| -| -|
| 56 | 56| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 57 | 57| 22| 22| 22| 22| 15| 10| -|
| 58 | 58| -| -| -| -| -| -| 5|
| 59 | 59| 23| 23| 23| 23| 16| 11| -|
| 60 | 60| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 61 | 61| 24| 24| 24| 24| 17| -| -|
| 62 | 62| -| -| -| -| -| 12| -|
| 63 | 63| 25| 25| 25| 25| 18| -| 6|
| 64 | 64| -| -| -| -| -| 13| -|
| 65 | 65| -| -| -| -| 19| -| -|

| 66 | 66| 26| 26| 26| 26| -| -| -|

| 67 | 67| -| -| -| -| 20| 14| -|
| 68 | 68| 27| 27| 27| 27| -| -| 7|
| 69 | 69| -| -| -| -| 21| 15| -|
| 70 | 70| 28| 28| 28| 28| -| -| -|
| 71 | 71| -| -| -| -| 22| -| -|
| 72 | 72| 29| 29| 29| 29| -| 16| -|
| 73 | 73| -| -| -| -| 23| -| 8|
| 74 | 74| -| -| -| -| -| 17| -|
| 75 | 75| 30| 30| 30| 30| 24| -| -|
| 76 | 76| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 77 | 77| 31| 31| 31| 31| 25| 18| -|
| 78 | 78| -| -| -| -| -| -| 9|
| 79 | 79| 32| 32| 32| 32| 26| 19| -|
| 80 | 80| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 81 | 81| 33| 33| 33| 33| 27| -| -|
| 82 | 82| -| -| -| -| -| 20| -|
| 83 | 83| -| -| -| -| 28| -| 10|
| 84 | 84| 34| 34| 34| 34| -| 21| -|
| 85 | 85| -| -| -| -| 29| -| -|
| 86 | 86| 35| 35| 35| 35| -| -| -|
| 87 | 87| -| -| -| -| 30| 22| -|
| 88 | 88| 36| 36| 36| 36| -| -| 11|
| 89 | 89| -| -| -| -| 31| 23| -|
| 90 | 90| 37| 37| 37| 37| -| -| -|
| 91 | 91| -| -| -| -| 32| -| -|
| 92 | 92| -| -| -| -| -| 24| -|
| 93 | 93| 38| 38| 38| 38| 33| -| 12|
| 94 | 94| -| -| -| -| -| 25| -|

| 95 | 95| 39| 39| 39| 39| 34| -| -|

| 96 | 96| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 97 | 97| 40| 40| 40| 40| 35| 26| -|
| 98 | 98| -| -| -| -| -| -| 13|
| 99 | 99| 41| 41| 41| 41| 36| 27| -|
| 99 | 99| 41| 41| 41| 41| 36| 27| 13| (Evoker MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

"Evokers possess the ability to summon powerful beings into battle. Each
possesses a black and white magic effect, which is triggered randomly at
the time of summoning."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-16} Bard

| {SI}


{BARD-16} | Water Crystal |



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|"Bards use their songs to enhance |

| their party's performance. The |

| effect of their songs varies

| depending on the harp they use." |


- Expert Job NPC


The potential of the Bard is absolutely astonishing! It's main purpose is to

support the entire party by providing buffs that increase stats, heal HP, or
just simply reduce all damage received. It can even damage all enemies, too!

When you first get the Bard job, it's kinda iffy, but given a little bit of
training it will help out immensely. You only start with having access to a
single harp, the Madhura Harp, which increases defense. The effect won't be
that noticable with weak armor, however.

As you progress in the game, and get better equipment, higher Job levels, and
more Harps to use, the Bard becomes WAY more useful. At Job level 99, all of
the songs will have noticable effects. The Minne and Minuet will increase
Defense and Attack by about 100+%, respectively. If you have a party member
equipped with the Ultima Weapon and another powerul weapon, that % increase
is awesome. You could probably say it's the equivalent of giving them a third
weapon! The same can be said about Minne, with the best armors equipped.

Requiem can be VERY powerful or weak. The damage dealt by this song depends
on the current HP of the enemy. So against the bosses with TONS of HP, this
can deal amazing amounts of damage. It's best to use this at the beginning
of battles, when enemies have full HP.

If you have 9999 HP, Paeon will heal quite a bit of HP to all allies, but it

won't compare to Curaja. I'd say it's on par with Curaga maybe. Finally, is
the Elegy song. This song reduces ALL damage received from physical and
magical attacks both. When the Bard is Job level 99 it will reduce damage
by about 30%. There is no better Job for protection buffs!

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Bards are really, really cool. They have the potential to
be the most powerful Job in the game! Not only can they increase defense and
attack power by 130% for all party members, they can reduce ALL damage by a
nice 30%, both physical and magical damage. Excited yet? That's not even
the best part.

Against the game's two hardest bosses, Cloud of Darkness and Iron Giant, both
of which have massive amounts of HP, the Bard's Requiem song will deal crazy
amounts of damage. Since Requiem is calculated based on current enemy HP, it
may possibly be the most consistant powerful attack, especially during a lowlevel playthrough.

At Job level 99, Requiem will deal 23,000 damage to a full HP CoD, and 38,000
damage or so to Iron Giant. That's as strong as most melee Jobs, if not even
stronger! Don't forget it weakens if enemies have less HP. That might hurt
its appeal, but maybe not.

Another good perk about Sing, is its speed. It will always go first, even if
there is a Theif or Ninja with 99 agility in the party!

Unfortunately, I have to end on a bad note. The Bard's mastery item is very
horrible. The situation is similar to the Evoker's, where its mastery item
replaces the Ribbon. Who's bright idea was that, anyway? Since Ribbons are
the best head armor in the game, Bards will be forced to not be able to use
their Ballad Crown. Unless you don't mind sacrificing full status immunity?

Battle Command:
Sing: Play a song and Sing. The song varies for each Harp. (see below)

Usable Weapons:
Knives..Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Spark Dagger, Main Gauche, Poison Dagger

Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon, Ballad Crown
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe, Bard Vest
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:
Name....Ballad Crown
Bonus...VIT +10, MIND +10

Song Effects:
It may seem kinda limiting at first, but you can easily swap between different
harps during battle. All you need to do is select the "Equipment" menu in
battle, and equip a different Harp! This definitely makes the Bard a lot more

Also, the Bard's Sing ability is the fastest ability in the game. It always
goes first during the round, no matter what. Bonus!


| Song: | Effect:

|Madhura Harp| Minne | Casts Protect on all allies. (defense boost)
|Loki Harp | Minuet | Casts Aura on all allies. (attack boost)

|Lamia Harp | Requiem | Damages all enemies based on their current HP.
|Dream Harp | Paeon | Restores HP of all allies.

|Apollo Harp | Elegy | Casts Barrier on all allies. (damage reduction) |


Protect, Aura, and Barrier are dependent on the Job Level of the recipient,
and NOT the Job Level of the Bard.


| Increase defense | +100% at JobLv 1 |

| of target.

| +130% at JobLv 99 |


| Increase attack | +100% at JobLv 1 |

| of target.

| +130% at JobLv 99 |


| Reduce ALL damage | -20% at JobLv 1 |

| dealt to target. | -30% at JobLv 99 |


Requiem and Paeon are dependant on the Job Level of the Bard. Since Requiem
uses the enemy's current HP as a damage variable, it can never kill. It is
best to use at the beginning of battle, when enemy HP is full, so it can deal
as much damage as possible.

|Requiem: | Job Lv 1 = 10% damage to enemy's current HP. |

| Job Lv 50 = 15% damage to enemy's current HP. |

| Job Lv 99 = 19% damage to enemy's current HP. |


| Job Lv 1 = 10% of max HP healed.

| Job Lv 50 = 15% of max HP healed.

| Job Lv 99 = 19% of max HP healed.


Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Bard.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Bard Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +18

| 10 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | | Sing | +20
| 20 | 14 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | | Guard | +20
| 30 | 18 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | | Item | +20

| +18

| +18
| +18


| 40 | 22 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 26 | 34 | 34 | 34 | 34 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 29 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 |

you must take an average of 5-6

| 70 | 33 | 46 | 46 | 46 | 46 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 37 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 |

a Bard.

| 90 | 41 | 58 | 58 | 58 | 58 |
| 99 | 45 | 63 | 63 | 63 | 63 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"Bards have recieved extensive training, allowing them to play the harp
while singing. Depending on the harp used, some melodies can be used
against enemies, while others support allies in dire times."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-17} Black Belt |

{BLACKBELT-17} | Earth Crystal |



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| |_) | | | | (_| | | (__ | < | |_) | | __/ | | | |_
|____/ |_| \__,_| \___| |_|\_\ |____/ \___| |_| \__|

|"Black Belts are experts in

| unarmed combat. They can boost |

| their attack power to deal

| massive damage, but be careful |

| not to boost too much!"

- Expert Job NPC



Black Belts are very similar to Monks. If you want, you could just read the
entire Monk section and know everything about this Job. Black Belts gain +2
attack power for ALL 99 character levels and ALL 99 Job levels. That gives
the Black Belt a maximum attack power of 396. (the Monk gains +2 attack for
only 92 of 99 levels/Job levels) So when
o-------------------------------o Black Belts are fully leveled, they will
| Black Belts gain +2 atk power | have +28 more attack power than Monks.
| at every Character Level AND |
| Job Level up. The max attack | When comparing damage dealt with only a
| for Black Belt is:

| single hit, Black Belts are probably the

396 Atk | most powerful Job in the game, thanks to

o-------------------------------o their Boost ability.

When you first get Black Belts, they aren't very useful. They are obtained
from the very last Earth crystal which is near the end of the game. By then
you might already have a Monk that is higher levels, dealing more damage.

That's just one of the downsides to using a Black Belt. You must go out of
the way to train them, so they can be useful in the last dungeons. It's not
really worth it, is it? Most people at that point are probably a lot more
interested in finishing the game because it's right there in front of them.

|Bare-Handed damage is calculated differently than Claw damage, so even if |
|your attack power is higher bare-handed, Claws may still deal more damage. |
|At higher levels, though, bare-hand attacks will deal way more damage than |
|even the two best Claws together.


|The determining factors for Claw damage are Attack Power, Strength, and Job|

|level, but for Bare-handed damage they are Job level, Character level, and |
|Strength. That is why it takes a lot longer for bare-handed attack to deal|
|more damage, because it depends more on the levels of your character.


The Black Belts Boost skill is really, really lame. Out of all Job skills in
FFIII, the Black Belt has the worst one. All boost does is multiply damage
dealt for your next basic physical attack. Let's say you were to hit 3 times
for 1000 damage each. You would deal 3000 damage, right? (example) If you
were to have used Boost 2 times and the attacked on the 3rd turn, you'd deal
the same amount of 3000 damage. They have the same results!

Using your basic physical attack is WAY better since it gives you more chance
to deal critical hits. They also helps to kill the enemy faster, because you
are damaging it more often. (i.e. You might have killed an enemy if the turn
used to Boost, was instead used to attack)

The only real use for the Boost ability is to break the damage record that is
logged by that old man in Gysahl. His records keep track of your best attack
that dealt the most damage, and Boost is excellent for this. Although I said
Boost is lame and not very useful, it does allow Black Belts to have the most
powerful attack in the game, hands down. No other Job compares to the damage
dealt by a 3x Boosted Black Belt, especially if it crits.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Black Belts are probably the most powerful Job, and because

they are so powerful, it kinda makes fights easy and boring, hehe. That and
the crappy Boost skill are the Black Belts only flaws. Flaws that are good?

Their stats are fantastic, as well. Without needing any bonuses, the Black
Belt will naturally max out strength and vitality. 99 vitality alone allows
them to survive powerful hits from all those late-game bosses.

You really can't go wrong with using a Black Belt. The only thing that will
prevent you from using one is the extra grinding you'll have to do in order
to raise it to its full potential.

The Black Belt's mastery item, Master Dogi, is a NICE piece of armor. Lucky
for us it doesn't replace the Ribbon! (that would be horrible) The +10 Agi
and +10 Mind are VERY well placed. What I mean by that is it could've been
a situation like Thief, where its mastery item provides a boost to something
that will naturally max out. In that regard, Master Dogi doesn't disappoint.

Battle Command:
Boost: Raises attack power. Self-destructs if used too many times in a row.

Boost #1 = Next Attack's Damage x 2

Boost #2 = Next Attack's Damage x 3
Boost #3 = Self Destruct. Current HP is reduced by 50%. Boost it lost.


Usable Weapons:

Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Headband, Feathered Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Kenpo Gi, Black Garb, Black Belt Gi, Fuma Garb
........Master Dogi
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Power Bracers, Diamond Gloves
........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:
Name....Master Dogi
Bonus...AGI +10, MIND +10

Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until

level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Black Belt.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Black Belt Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +14

| 10 | 11 | 10 | 11 | 9 | 9 | | Boost | +20

| +14

| 20 | 20 | 17 | 20 | 12 | 12 | | Guard | +20
| 30 | 30 | 24 | 30 | 15 | 15 | | Item | +20


| +14
| +14


| 40 | 40 | 31 | 40 | 19 | 19 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 50 | 38 | 50 | 22 | 22 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 60 | 44 | 60 | 25 | 25 |

you must take an average of 7-8

| 70 | 70 | 51 | 70 | 29 | 29 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 80 | 58 | 80 | 32 | 32 |

a Black Belt.

| 90 | 90 | 65 | 90 | 35 | 35 |
| 99 | 99 | 71 | 99 | 38 | 38 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"Black Belts are masters of combat, able to use only their bare fists for
massive damage. They are capable of linking their mind and body to store
energy for an upcoming strike."

- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-18} Magus

{MAGUS-18} | Earth Crystal |



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|"Magi are casters who have

| mastered black magic. If they |

| can learn the forbidden black |
| magic spell, they may be able to |
| destroy all..."

- Expert Job NPC



Ah, we finally get to the Magus. This job is the upgrade to Black Mages. It
does everything better -- dealing more damage, higher chance to inflict those
status ailments, and nicer outfit! Hehe, well I think it looks nicer. :P

Unfortunately, it falls into the Earth Crystal category of being late to the
game and requires you to do extra grinding to train it. If you have a Black

Mage, you should definitely consider upgrading even if you have to take the
extra time to train it. Magus is better and has tons more MP for high spells.

If you want a strong mage for dealing lots of damage to single-targets, then
the Magus is a very good option to use. Compared to Sages or Onion Knights,
which have less MP for higher-level spells, the Magus will be able to deal a
lot more damage for longer periods of time, without needing to rest.

Their MP curve is much better than that of Sages and Onion Knights. It is
more evenly balanced across all levels of spells, allowing you to cast those
powerful spells more often.

When considering a mage for multi-target casting, the Summoner is probably a

better choice, because summons don't receive that damage reduction for multitargeting. The strength of spells is reduced depending on the # of targets
selected, remember? Also, summoners have tons of MP, so you'll rarely worry
about running out with them.

Please see the "Magic and Summons" section for more details on multi-target
damage and status accuracy. Ctr+F. {MA}

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, the Magus is a solid Job to use. Though you probably won't
use any of the lower level elemental spells, there is enough MP to spare on
multiple castings of the -aga spells. Blizzaga, Thundaga, and Firaga will
be your main means of attacking, including Quake, as well. Even Drain is a

great way to attack, and will absorb HP if you ever need extra healing.

While Quake is slightly weaker than the -aga spells, it targets all enemies
and doesn't have reduced damage for multi-targeting, kind of like a summon.
Quake can only multi-target, so it's a great alternative if you need to deal
damage to everything at once. (except flying enemies)

Then there is Raze. Raze is a multi-target DEATH spell that KO's all lower
level enemies. With a max leveled Magus, this will kill just about everything that isn't immune to the Death status. You'll love it and wish it had
more MP to spare. :)

The strongest black magic spell is Flare. This single-target, non-elemental

attack can deal crazy amounts of damage, and since it has no element there
isn't an enemy that can defend against it. That sounds great and all, but
when it is compared to Holy, which is light-elemental, it can be weaker.

If Holy were to hit something weak to light-elemental attacks, it would deal

WAY more damage than Flare could ever dream about. That's the only downside
to Flare. That means the -aga spells have the potential to deal more damage
than Flare, but only if taking advantage of enemy weaknesses.

The Magus's mastery item, Millennium Rod is just OK. It offers stat bonuses
that aren't really needed, and it casts Blizzaga. Since there aren't any
other Lv. 4 spells that are worth casting, it won't help you. If it were to
cast Thundaga, though, you'd be able to use all that extra MP for Raze, but
it doesn't. It's a sad day for the Magus when you get its mastery item. At
least it has a cool name! Hehe.

Battle Command:
Magic: Can use all Black Magic.

Usable Weapons:
Staves..Staff, Fire Staff, Ice Staff, Light Staff
Rods....All (excluding Lilith Rod)

Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, Black Robe
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:
Name....Millennium Rod
Bonus...INT +10, MIND +10

Effect: Casts blizzaga.

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Magus.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP. Magus and Devouts share the same MP curve.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Magus MP Chart:

| |

Magus Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | 2| -| -| -| 2| -| -| -| | 10 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 11 | 10 |
| 3 | -| 2| -| -| -| 2| -| -| | 20 | 14 | 16 | 15 | 20 | 15 |
| 4 | -| -| 2| -| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 18 | 22 | 20 | 30 | 20 |
| 5 | 3| -| -| 2| 3| -| 2| -| | 40 | 22 | 28 | 24 | 40 | 24 |
| 6 | -| -| -| -| -| 3| -| -| | 50 | 26 | 34 | 29 | 50 | 29 |
| 7 | -| 3| -| -| -| -| -| 2| | 60 | 29 | 40 | 34 | 60 | 34 |
| 8 | 4| -| 3| -| 4| -| -| -| | 70 | 33 | 46 | 38 | 70 | 38 |
| 9 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 80 | 37 | 52 | 43 | 80 | 43 |
| 10 | -| -| -| 3| -| 4| 3| -| | 90 | 41 | 58 | 48 | 90 | 48 |

| 11 | 5| 4| -| -| 5| -| -| -| | 99 | 45 | 63 | 52 | 99 | 52 |
| 12 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | -| -| 4| -| -| 5| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | 6| 5| -| -| 6| -| -| -|
| 15 | -| -| -| -| -| -| 4| -|
| 16 | -| -| -| 4| -| 6| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | -| 6| 5| -| 7| -| -| -| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | 7| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | -| -| -| -| -| 7| -| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | -| -| 6| -| 8| -| 5| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | 8| 7| -| 5| -| -| -| 3| | Attack | +20

| +10

| 22 | -| -| -| -| -| 8| -| -| | Magic | +20

| +10

| 23 | -| -| -| -| 9| -| -| -| | Guard | +20

| +10

| 24 | -| 8| 7| -| -| -| -| -| | Item | +20

| +10

| 25 | 9| -| -| -| -| -| 6| -| o----------------------------------o
| 26 | -| -| -| 6| 10| 9| -| -|
| 27 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

you must take an average of 10

| 28 | 10| 9| 8| -| -| -| -| -|

actions per battle, to level Up

| 29 | -| -| -| -| 11| 10| -| -|

a Magus.

| 30 | -| -| -| -| -| -| 7| -|
| 31 | -| -| -| 7| -| -| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | 11| 10| 9| -| 12| 11| -| -|

| 33 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 35 | 12| -| -| -| 13| 12| 8| 4|
| 36 | -| 11| 10| -| -| -| -| -|
| 37 | -| -| -| 8| 14| -| -| -|
| 38 | -| -| -| -| -| 13| -| -|
| 39 | 13| 12| -| -| -| -| -| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

| 40 | -| -| 11| -| 15| -| 9| -|
| 41 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 42 | -| -| -| 9| -| 14| -| -|
| 43 | 14| 13| -| -| 16| -| -| -|
| 44 | -| -| 12| -| -| -| -| -|
| 45 | -| -| -| -| -| 15| 10| -|
| 46 | -| -| -| -| 17| -| -| -|
| 47 | 15| 14| 13| -| -| -| -| -|
| 48 | -| -| -| 10| -| 16| -| -|
| 49 | -| -| -| -| 18| -| -| 5|
| 50 | 16| 15| -| -| -| -| 11| -|
| 51 | -| -| -| -| -| 17| -| -|
| 52 | -| -| -| -| 19| -| -| -|
| 53 | -| -| 14| 11| -| -| -| -|
| 54 | 17| 16| -| -| -| 18| -| -|
| 55 | -| -| -| -| 20| -| -| -|
| 56 | -| -| -| -| -| -| 12| -|
| 57 | 18| -| 15| -| -| -| -| -|
| 58 | -| 17| -| -| 21| 19| -| -|
| 59 | -| -| -| 12| -| -| -| -|
| 60 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 61 | 19| 18| 16| -| 22| 20| 13| -|
| 62 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 63 | -| -| -| -| 23| -| -| 6|
| 64 | 20| -| -| 13| -| 21| -| -|
| 65 | -| 19| 17| -| -| -| -| -|
| 66 | -| -| -| -| 24| -| 14| -|
| 67 | 21| -| -| -| -| 22| -| -|
| 68 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

| 69 | -| 20| 18| -| 25| -| -| -|

| 70 | -| -| -| 14| -| 23| -| -|
| 71 | 22| -| -| -| -| -| 15| -|
| 72 | -| 21| -| -| 26| -| -| -|
| 73 | -| -| 19| -| -| -| -| -|
| 74 | 23| -| -| -| -| 24| -| -|
| 75 | -| -| -| 15| 27| -| -| -|
| 76 | -| 22| 20| -| -| -| 16| -|
| 77 | -| -| -| -| -| 25| -| 7|
| 78 | 24| -| -| -| 28| -| -| -|
| 79 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 80 | -| 23| 21| 16| -| 26| -| -|
| 81 | 25| -| -| -| 29| -| 17| -|
| 82 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 83 | -| 24| -| -| -| 27| -| -|
| 84 | 26| -| 22| -| 30| -| -| -|
| 85 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 86 | -| -| -| 17| -| 28| -| -|
| 87 | -| 25| -| -| 31| -| 18| -|
| 88 | 27| -| 23| -| -| -| -| -|
| 89 | -| -| -| -| 32| -| -| -|
| 90 | -| 26| -| -| -| 29| -| -|
| 91 | 28| -| -| 18| -| -| -| 8|
| 92 | -| -| 24| -| 33| -| 19| -|
| 93 | -| -| -| -| -| 30| -| -|
| 94 | 29| 27| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 95 | -| -| -| -| 34| -| -| -|
| 96 | -| -| 25| -| -| 31| -| -|
| 97 | -| -| -| 19| -| -| 20| -|

| 98 | 30| 28| -| -| 35| -| -| -|

| 99 | -| -| -| -| -| 32| -| -|
| 99 | 30| 28| 25| 19| 35| 32| 20| 8| (Magus MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

"Magi can cast all black magic spells up to Lv. 8. They also possess higher
MP for high-level black magic."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-19} Devout

{DEVOUT-19} | Earth Crystal |




| __ \


| | | | ___ __ __ ___ _ _ | |_
| | | | / _ \ \ \ / / / _ \ | | | | | __|
| |__| | | __/ \ V / | (_) | | |_| | | |_
|_____/ \___| \_/ \___/ \__,_| \__|

|"Devouts are casters who have

| mastered white magic. They can |

| use all white magic spells, so |
| make sure to always have one in |
| your party!"

- Expert Job NPC


Devouts are the best support class in the whole game. You really shouldn't go
anywhere without one. :P However, there are some things you need to consider
if deciding to upgrade from a White Mage.

Even though Devouts have access to Lv. 8 spells, White Mages have a few nice
perks. Compared to Devouts, White Mages have better overall stats, and much
better physical defense thanks to the Angel Robe.

White Mages also have 99 MP for Lv. 1 spells. Wait, why is this good? Having
access to 99 castings of cure will keep your entire party healthy between
battles. At max levels, the cure spell heals for about 500 HP. That is 99
Hi-potions you won't ever need to buy and can easily refill, saving you tons
of money! Yay for money.

Devouts on the other hand, have more MP for higher level spells. This alone
may convince you to make the upgrade from White Mage, and is definitely a good
enough reason to. More castings of Haste, Protect, Curaja, and Raise is hard
to pass up. Plus, unlimited castings of Curaga! (mastery item)

Like the Magus, you can't go wrong with choosing a Devout. It's an excellent
upgrade in support Jobs and will prove to make life easier for you. Please see
the "Magic and Summons" section for more details on multi-target damage and
status accuracy. Ctr+F. {DE}

Unfortunately, Devouts fall into the Earth Crystal category of being late to
the game and requires you to do extra grinding to train it. But as I said in

the Magus section, this is worth it for the benefits of being a Devout over
a White Mage. It's depends on what your tastes are! :)

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Devouts are the best Job for healing, reviving, and dealing
light-elemental damage. Sure the Sage and Onion Knight can cast all magic,
but they have considerably less MP, meaning less castings of all magic. Also,
the Devout Job probably has the cutest outfit. :P All those super-tough boss
enemies (Iron Giant) won't be able to handle the guilt of attacking Refia in
a kitty outfit. Hmph!

When comparing stats to other mages, the Devout has an average score. Since
you'll want to increase Intellect as much as possible for Holy, you'll need
to equip weapons that have an Int bonus. Even then, it only maxes out at 60
Intellect. Versus Sage and Onion Knight's 99 Intellect, Holy will deal less
damage. (though it won't be by significant amounts) Besides, Devouts benefit
from more Lv. 8 MP, thus can cast is more. So it evens out.

The best part about Devouts is Curaja. They get 20 MP to use for Curaja when
at max levels, and to make it better it heals for 5000+ HP. And if somehow
that isn't enough healing and a party member is KO'd, the Devout has 8 MP for
the Lv. 8 spell Arise. This fully restores HP to a single KO'd ally! :)

Tornado and Holy are also great spells. Tornado has a very high success rate
at max levels and makes difficult random encounters easier to deal with. It
can still miss, though, so it's never a guarantee. At the minimum, it has a

54% chance to work.

Holy has slightly less power than Flare, but has great potential to deal the
massive damage, even more than Flare. A few enemies in the game are weak to
Holy so it will deal twice as much damage to them, where as Flare would deal
normal damage.

The Devout's mastery item, Holy Wand, is SO cool! You don't need the +20 Mnd
bonus, but its ability to cast Curaga for zero MP cost is awesome. You will
never run out of healing thanks to the Holy Wand. This is one of the bestest
perks of having this Job in your party. It would've been better if the Wand
gave a +20 Int bonus instead, but it's better to not think like that...

Battle Command:
Magic: Can use all White Magic.

Usable Weapons:
Staves..All (excluding Sage Staff)
Rods....Fire Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod
Wands...Holy Wand


Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:
Name....Holy Wand
Bonus...MIND +20
Effect..Casts curaga.

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Devout.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP. Devouts and Magus share the same MP curve.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Devout MP Chart:

| |

Devout Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | 2| -| -| -| 2| -| -| -| | 10 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 11 |
| 3 | -| 2| -| -| -| 2| -| -| | 20 | 14 | 16 | 15 | 15 | 20 |
| 4 | -| -| 2| -| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 18 | 22 | 20 | 20 | 30 |
| 5 | 3| -| -| 2| 3| -| 2| -| | 40 | 22 | 28 | 24 | 24 | 40 |
| 6 | -| -| -| -| -| 3| -| -| | 50 | 26 | 34 | 29 | 29 | 50 |
| 7 | -| 3| -| -| -| -| -| 2| | 60 | 29 | 40 | 34 | 34 | 60 |
| 8 | 4| -| 3| -| 4| -| -| -| | 70 | 33 | 46 | 38 | 38 | 70 |
| 9 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 80 | 37 | 52 | 43 | 43 | 80 |
| 10 | -| -| -| 3| -| 4| 3| -| | 90 | 41 | 58 | 48 | 48 | 90 |
| 11 | 5| 4| -| -| 5| -| -| -| | 99 | 45 | 63 | 52 | 52 | 99 |
| 12 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | -| -| 4| -| -| 5| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | 6| 5| -| -| 6| -| -| -|
| 15 | -| -| -| -| -| -| 4| -|
| 16 | -| -| -| 4| -| 6| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | -| 6| 5| -| 7| -| -| -| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | 7| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | -| -| -| -| -| 7| -| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | -| -| 6| -| 8| -| 5| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | 8| 7| -| 5| -| -| -| 3| | Attack | +20

| +10

| 22 | -| -| -| -| -| 8| -| -| | Magic | +20

| +10

| 23 | -| -| -| -| 9| -| -| -| | Guard | +20

| +10

| 24 | -| 8| 7| -| -| -| -| -| | Item | +20

| +10

| 25 | 9| -| -| -| -| -| 6| -| o----------------------------------o

| 26 | -| -| -| 6| 10| 9| -| -|
| 27 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

you must take an average of 10

| 28 | 10| 9| 8| -| -| -| -| -|

actions per battle, to level Up

| 29 | -| -| -| -| 11| 10| -| -|

a Devout.

| 30 | -| -| -| -| -| -| 7| -|
| 31 | -| -| -| 7| -| -| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | 11| 10| 9| -| 12| 11| -| -|

| 33 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 35 | 12| -| -| -| 13| 12| 8| 4|
| 36 | -| 11| 10| -| -| -| -| -|
| 37 | -| -| -| 8| 14| -| -| -|
| 38 | -| -| -| -| -| 13| -| -|
| 39 | 13| 12| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 40 | -| -| 11| -| 15| -| 9| -|
| 41 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 42 | -| -| -| 9| -| 14| -| -|
| 43 | 14| 13| -| -| 16| -| -| -|
| 44 | -| -| 12| -| -| -| -| -|
| 45 | -| -| -| -| -| 15| 10| -|
| 46 | -| -| -| -| 17| -| -| -|
| 47 | 15| 14| 13| -| -| -| -| -|
| 48 | -| -| -| 10| -| 16| -| -|
| 49 | -| -| -| -| 18| -| -| 5|
| 50 | 16| 15| -| -| -| -| 11| -|
| 51 | -| -| -| -| -| 17| -| -|
| 52 | -| -| -| -| 19| -| -| -|
| 53 | -| -| 14| 11| -| -| -| -|
| 54 | 17| 16| -| -| -| 18| -| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

| 55 | -| -| -| -| 20| -| -| -|
| 56 | -| -| -| -| -| -| 12| -|
| 57 | 18| -| 15| -| -| -| -| -|
| 58 | -| 17| -| -| 21| 19| -| -|
| 59 | -| -| -| 12| -| -| -| -|
| 60 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 61 | 19| 18| 16| -| 22| 20| 13| -|
| 62 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 63 | -| -| -| -| 23| -| -| 6|
| 64 | 20| -| -| 13| -| 21| -| -|
| 65 | -| 19| 17| -| -| -| -| -|
| 66 | -| -| -| -| 24| -| 14| -|
| 67 | 21| -| -| -| -| 22| -| -|
| 68 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 69 | -| 20| 18| -| 25| -| -| -|
| 70 | -| -| -| 14| -| 23| -| -|
| 71 | 22| -| -| -| -| -| 15| -|
| 72 | -| 21| -| -| 26| -| -| -|
| 73 | -| -| 19| -| -| -| -| -|
| 74 | 23| -| -| -| -| 24| -| -|
| 75 | -| -| -| 15| 27| -| -| -|
| 76 | -| 22| 20| -| -| -| 16| -|
| 77 | -| -| -| -| -| 25| -| 7|
| 78 | 24| -| -| -| 28| -| -| -|
| 79 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 80 | -| 23| 21| 16| -| 26| -| -|
| 81 | 25| -| -| -| 29| -| 17| -|
| 82 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 83 | -| 24| -| -| -| 27| -| -|

| 84 | 26| -| 22| -| 30| -| -| -|

| 85 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 86 | -| -| -| 17| -| 28| -| -|
| 87 | -| 25| -| -| 31| -| 18| -|
| 88 | 27| -| 23| -| -| -| -| -|
| 89 | -| -| -| -| 32| -| -| -|
| 90 | -| 26| -| -| -| 29| -| -|
| 91 | 28| -| -| 18| -| -| -| 8|
| 92 | -| -| 24| -| 33| -| 19| -|
| 93 | -| -| -| -| -| 30| -| -|
| 94 | 29| 27| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 95 | -| -| -| -| 34| -| -| -|
| 96 | -| -| 25| -| -| 31| -| -|
| 97 | -| -| -| 19| -| -| 20| -|
| 98 | 30| 28| -| -| 35| -| -| -|
| 99 | -| -| -| -| -| 32| -| -|
| 99 | 30| 28| 25| 19| 35| 32| 20| 8| (Devout MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

"Devouts can cast all white magic spells up to Lv. 8. They also possess
higher MP for high-level white magic."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-20} Summoner

{SUMMONER-20} | Earth Crystal |



/ ____|
| (___ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___

___ _ __

___ _ __

\___ \ | | | | | '_ ` _ \ | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | '__|

____) | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (_) | | | | | | __/ | |
|_____/ \__,_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| \___/ |_| |_| \___| |_|

|"Summoners are able to draw the |
| hidden powers of summoned beasts.|
| Their powers will be further

| enhanced if they can find the |

| legendary beasts..."

- Expert Job NPC



Summoners are amazing! Seriously. Not only do they have 8 powerful summons
to destroy enemies with, they have excellent equipment pool, and very good
stats for a mage. But they do, however, have the lowest Agility, next to the
Viking job. But Summomers don't need Agility at all so it's not an issue.
Wait, did I say 8 summons? I meant 7. Chocobo is just weak. Poor chocobo.

If you are trying to decide on a mage, and want something that can hit hard
while damaging all enemies, the Summoner is the job for the job. :P Because
summons aren't reduced for multi-casting, you won't have to worry about less
powerful attacks, when compared to black magic spells like Thundaga, Firaga,
and Blizzaga. Summoners are great for dealing with random encounters and can
even hold their own against the toughest bosses.

The only downside is that's it. There isn't anything else to Summoners. But
that's not such a bad thing because what is there, is a powerful Job that can
deal massive damage.

Lastly, Summoners have TONS of MP to use. You will rarely run out. This is
something to consider if you hate having to constantly rest at an Inn or go
to a wellspring to refill MP. Unfortunately, it falls into the Earth Crystal
category of being late to the game and requires you to do extra grinding to
train it.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Summoners are an awesome Job to use. This is thanks to the
nice stats it has and its mastery item. The Astral Bracers are extremely
useful and much much better than the Protect Ring, which is probably the best
wrist armor that other Jobs are stuck with.

Similar to the Protect Ring, the Astral Bracers reduce all elemental damage
by 50%. Lucky for us, otherwise it would turn into that whole "replacing the
Ribbon" ordeal. (Evoker's mastery item, the Royal Crown, replaces the Ribbon
which is really lame)

With the high physical/magical defense (for a mage), and extremly high Mind/
Intellect stats, the Summoner will be able to take some serious damage and
survive. Unfortunately its Vitality is nothing special. But any higher and
it would make them over-powered. :P

The Astral Bracers also boost Intellect and Mind by +10, which will help the
Summoner to max those out at 99. That's right, it can max both Intellect AND
Mind. Summons will deal massive amounts of damage with this set-up.

Bahamut and Leviathan will easily do 10,000+ damage to all enemies. Dealing
that much damage to ALL enemies is a difficult thing to do in this game, and
the only other Job capable of that is the Dark Knight with its Souleater.

With the other 4 main elemental summons, Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, and Titan, they
will deal about 5000+ damage or so to all enemies, or double that if taking
advantage of weaknesses. With these Lv. 2 to Lv. 5 spells, you have a total
of 41 MP each, so you can cast them A LOT. There is no need to conserve MP
while using a Summoner!

Battle Command:
Summon: Draws out the Level 3 powers of summoned beasts.

Usable Weapons:
Staves..All (excluding Elder Staff)
Rods....All (excluding Lilith Rod, Millennium Rod)

Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe, Black Robe
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring, Astral Bracers

Mastery Item:
Name....Astral Bracers
Bonus...INT +10, MIND +10, Reduce all elemental damage by 50%.

Summon Effects: (Summoners always use the Level 3 effect)

1-Chocobo Dash .......Instantly escape from battle
2-Chocobo Kick? ......Poor chocobo fails to kick a monster
3-Chocobo Kick .......Damage one enemy with a powerful chocobo kick
1-Mesmerize ..........Inflicts sleep status on all enemies
2-Icy Stare ..........Damage one enemy with ice

3-Diamond Dust .......Damage all enemies with freezing ice shards

1-Mind Blast .........Inflicts paralyze status on all enemies
2-Thunderstorm .......Damage one enemy with lightning
3-Judgment Bolt ......Damage all enemies with pillars of lighting
1-Healing Light ......Restore massive amount of HP to all allies
2-Hellfire ...........Damage one enemy with fire
3-Inferno ............Damage all enemies with overwhelming fire
1-Clobber ............Damage one enemy with a punch
2-Stomp ..............Damage one enemy with a kick
3-Earthen Fury .......Damage all enemies with columns of the earth
1-Protective Light ...Casts Reflect status on all party members
2-Slash ..............Deals massive damage to all enemies
3-Zantetsuken ........Instantly kills all enemies
1-Demon Eye ..........Inflicts petrify status on all enemies
2-Cyclone ............Damage all enemies with fierce wind
3-Tidal Wave .........Damage all enemies with a devastating flood
1-Aura ...............Increases attack power of all allies
2-Rend ...............Instantly kills one enemy
3-Mega Flare .........Massive non-elemental damage to all enemies

MP/Stat Charts:

The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Summoner.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP. Summoners and Evokers share the same MP curve.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Summoner MP Chart:

| |

Summoner Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 1| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | 2| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 10 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 11 |
| 3 | 3| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 20 | 14 | 14 | 15 | 20 | 20 |
| 4 | 4| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 18 | 18 | 20 | 28 | 28 |
| 5 | 5| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 40 | 22 | 22 | 24 | 36 | 36 |
| 6 | 6| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 50 | 26 | 26 | 29 | 45 | 45 |
| 7 | 7| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 60 | 29 | 29 | 34 | 53 | 53 |
| 8 | 8| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 70 | 33 | 33 | 38 | 61 | 61 |
| 9 | 9| 1| 1| 1| 1| -| -| -| | 80 | 37 | 37 | 43 | 69 | 69 |
| 10 | 10| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 90 | 41 | 41 | 48 | 78 | 78 |
| 11 | 11| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 99 | 45 | 45 | 52 | 85 | 85 |
| 12 | 12| 2| 2| 2| 2| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | 13| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 14 | 14| 3| 3| 3| 3| -| -| -|
| 15 | 15| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 16 | 16| 4| 4| 4| 4| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | 17| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | 18| 5| 5| 5| 5| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | 19| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | 20| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | 21| 6| 6| 6| 6| -| -| -| | Attack | +20

| +12

| 22 | 22| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Summon | +20

| +12

| 23 | 23| 7| 7| 7| 7| -| -| -| | Guard | +20

| +12

| 24 | 24| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Item | +20

| +12

| 25 | 25| 8| 8| 8| 8| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 26 | 26| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 27 | 27| 9| 9| 9| 9| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

you must take an average of 8-9

| 28 | 28| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

actions per battle, to level Up

| 29 | 29| -| -| -| -| 1| -| -|

a Summoner.

| 30 | 30| 10| 10| 10| 10| -| -| -|

| 31 | 31| -| -| -| -| 2| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | 32| 11| 11| 11| 11| -| -| -|

| 33 | 33| -| -| -| -| 3| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | 34| 12| 12| 12| 12| -| -| -|

| 35 | 35| -| -| -| -| 4| 1| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

| 36 | 36| 13| 13| 13| 13| -| -| -|

| 37 | 37| -| -| -| -| 5| 2| -|
| 38 | 38| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 39 | 39| 14| 14| 14| 14| 6| 3| -|
| 40 | 40| -| -| -| -| -| -| 1|
| 41 | 41| 15| 15| 15| 15| 7| -| -|
| 42 | 42| -| -| -| -| -| 4| -|
| 43 | 43| 16| 16| 16| 16| 8| -| 2|
| 44 | 44| -| -| -| -| -| 5| -|

over to the next battle.

| 45 | 45| 17| 17| 17| 17| 9| -| -|

| 46 | 46| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 47 | 47| -| -| -| -| 10| 6| -|
| 48 | 48| 18| 18| 18| 18| -| -| 3|
| 49 | 49| -| -| -| -| 11| 7| -|
| 50 | 50| 19| 19| 19| 19| -| -| -|
| 51 | 51| -| -| -| -| 12| -| -|
| 52 | 52| 20| 20| 20| 20| -| 8| -|
| 53 | 53| -| -| -| -| 13| -| 4|
| 54 | 54| 21| 21| 21| 21| -| 9| -|
| 55 | 55| -| -| -| -| 14| -| -|
| 56 | 56| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 57 | 57| 22| 22| 22| 22| 15| 10| -|
| 58 | 58| -| -| -| -| -| -| 5|
| 59 | 59| 23| 23| 23| 23| 16| 11| -|
| 60 | 60| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 61 | 61| 24| 24| 24| 24| 17| -| -|
| 62 | 62| -| -| -| -| -| 12| -|
| 63 | 63| 25| 25| 25| 25| 18| -| 6|
| 64 | 64| -| -| -| -| -| 13| -|
| 65 | 65| -| -| -| -| 19| -| -|
| 66 | 66| 26| 26| 26| 26| -| -| -|
| 67 | 67| -| -| -| -| 20| 14| -|
| 68 | 68| 27| 27| 27| 27| -| -| 7|
| 69 | 69| -| -| -| -| 21| 15| -|
| 70 | 70| 28| 28| 28| 28| -| -| -|
| 71 | 71| -| -| -| -| 22| -| -|
| 72 | 72| 29| 29| 29| 29| -| 16| -|
| 73 | 73| -| -| -| -| 23| -| 8|

| 74 | 74| -| -| -| -| -| 17| -|
| 75 | 75| 30| 30| 30| 30| 24| -| -|
| 76 | 76| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 77 | 77| 31| 31| 31| 31| 25| 18| -|
| 78 | 78| -| -| -| -| -| -| 9|
| 79 | 79| 32| 32| 32| 32| 26| 19| -|
| 80 | 80| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 81 | 81| 33| 33| 33| 33| 27| -| -|
| 82 | 82| -| -| -| -| -| 20| -|
| 83 | 83| -| -| -| -| 28| -| 10|
| 84 | 84| 34| 34| 34| 34| -| 21| -|
| 85 | 85| -| -| -| -| 29| -| -|
| 86 | 86| 35| 35| 35| 35| -| -| -|
| 87 | 87| -| -| -| -| 30| 22| -|
| 88 | 88| 36| 36| 36| 36| -| -| 11|
| 89 | 89| -| -| -| -| 31| 23| -|
| 90 | 90| 37| 37| 37| 37| -| -| -|
| 91 | 91| -| -| -| -| 32| -| -|
| 92 | 92| -| -| -| -| -| 24| -|
| 93 | 93| 38| 38| 38| 38| 33| -| 12|
| 94 | 94| -| -| -| -| -| 25| -|
| 95 | 95| 39| 39| 39| 39| 34| -| -|
| 96 | 96| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 97 | 97| 40| 40| 40| 40| 35| 26| -|
| 98 | 98| -| -| -| -| -| -| 13|
| 99 | 99| 41| 41| 41| 41| 36| 27| -|
| 99 | 99| 41| 41| 41| 41| 36| 27| 13| (Summoner MP Chart)

LV = Character Level

"Summoners are magic users who have harnessed the power of high summoning-the ability to call forth a combined black and white magic effect."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-21} Sage

{SAGE-21} | Earth Crystal |



/ ____|
| (___

__ _ __ _ ___

\___ \ / _` | / _` | / _ \
____) | | (_| | | (_| | | __/
|_____/ \__,_| \__, | \___|
__/ |

|"Sages are those who have gained |
| knowledge in all schools of

| arcane arts. They can use all |

| types of spells!"

- Expert Job NPC



The Sage is a very fun Job to use. It's so diverse in its ability to cast all
white, black, and summon magic that you have something for any occasion. If
there is a spell that you just won't ever use, you could learn something else

from an completely different school of magic! This makes it possible to have

a set-up customized to exactly what you want and like from magic.

Sages are the best mage. Well, not counting Onion Knights. They do have less
MP than Jobs like Magus and Devout, but with that sacrifice they deal massive
damage with Flare and Holy, or use Raze, or the many effects of Level 1 and 2
summons. The possibilities are near endless.

If you've been wanting to use an Evoker, this is the job to use. You can have
each summon learned, and won't be limited to just the randomness of casting
the Level 1 or 2 effect. If summons aren't cooperating, just cast the spell
from either black or white magic school instead. For example, Ifrit. If he
doesn't use what you want, you can always cast Curaja or Firaga instead!

You may be wondering what the point is? It's all about the diversity. There
might be times when you just like to have a bit of randomness involved to
make things a little more interesting. With Jobs like Magus and Devout, you
know what you get with their magic. Summons add a nice element to battle if
you are getting bored with casting the same spells over and over. Or summons
could be used as your means of inflicting status effects!

If you want a healer, then use Devout. If you want a damage dealer, then use
the Magus job. The reason I say that is the MP curve. They have more MP for
higher level spells, so they are more specialized. The Sage truly shines if
you mix it up and have the best of everything. It makes things fun! :)

Unfortunately, it falls into the Earth Crystal category of being late to the
game and requires you to do extra grinding to train it.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, the Sage is a nice change of pace. It is the first Job that
gives you a sense of customization so take full advantage of that. At max
levels, its stats are very impressive. It can max Intellect and Mind, and has
a surprisingly high Vitality stat, too. Better than most mages, anyway! :P

It does everything all mages can do, so if you aren't happy with your current
mage Job, try using a Sage. It's a Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage, Evoker,
Devout, Magus, and Onion Knight all in one. :) And with a superb mastery item
they are more appealing to use.

The Sage's mastery item, Sage Staff, is really worth getting. It boosts all
stats by +10! Without this, you wouldn't be able to max Intellect or Mind,
so make sure you get this if you plan to use a Sage. It's a must have.

This is why Sage's are so great. They can cast both black and white magic at
full power without being gimped by lowered stats. You would think since they
can cast all magic they wouldn't be able max Int and Mind, but they can! :D

Then it all comes back to being unspecialized. The Sage's diversity it great
and everything, but it requires effort to train and set-up. What's good to
have, and what are the best spells to learn? That's up to you. What do you
like? Some people love trying to inflict status ailments. If you turn out
creating a Sage that is specialized in one school of magic, you might as well
just switch them to appropriate Job (Magus, Devout) so you have more MP.

Battle Command:
Magic: Can use all White and Black Magic, plus use Level 1 or 2 of summons.

Usable Weapons:
Rods....All (excluding Lilith Rod, Millennium Rod)

Usable Armors:
Head....Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon
Body....Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe, Black Robe
Arm.....Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers
........Protect Ring

Mastery Item:
Name....Sage Staff
Bonus...All Stats +10

Summon Effects: (Sages never use the Level 3 effect)

1-Chocobo Dash .......Instantly escape from battle
2-Chocobo Kick? ......Poor chocobo fails to kick a monster
3-Chocobo Kick .......Damage one enemy with a powerful chocobo kick
1-Mesmerize ..........Inflicts sleep status on all enemies
2-Icy Stare ..........Damage one enemy with ice
3-Diamond Dust .......Damage all enemies with freezing ice shards
1-Mind Blast .........Inflicts paralyze status on all enemies
2-Thunderstorm .......Damage one enemy with lightning
3-Judgment Bolt ......Damage all enemies with pillars of lighting
1-Healing Light ......Restore massive amount of HP to all allies
2-Hellfire ...........Damage one enemy with fire
3-Inferno ............Damage all enemies with overwhelming fire
1-Clobber ............Damage one enemy with a punch
2-Stomp ..............Damage one enemy with a kick
3-Earthen Fury .......Damage all enemies with columns of the earth
1-Protective Light ...Casts Reflect status on all party members
2-Slash ..............Deals massive damage to all enemies

3-Zantetsuken ........Instantly kills all enemies

1-Demon Eye ..........Inflicts petrify status on all enemies
2-Cyclone ............Damage all enemies with fierce wind
3-Tidal Wave .........Damage all enemies with a devastating flood
1-Aura ...............Increases attack power of all allies
2-Rend ...............Instantly kills one enemy
3-Mega Flare .........Massive non-elemental damage to all enemies

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Sage.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP. Sages and Onion Knights share the same MP curve.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Sage MP Chart:

| |

Sage Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 10 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 11 |

| 3 | 2| 2| 2| -| -| -| -| -| | 20 | 12 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 20 |
| 4 | -| -| -| 2| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 15 | 15 | 22 | 28 | 28 |
| 5 | 3| 3| -| -| 2| -| -| -| | 40 | 19 | 19 | 28 | 36 | 36 |
| 6 | -| -| 3| -| -| -| -| -| | 50 | 22 | 22 | 34 | 45 | 45 |
| 7 | 4| 4| -| 3| -| 2| -| -| | 60 | 25 | 25 | 40 | 53 | 53 |
| 8 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 70 | 29 | 29 | 46 | 61 | 61 |
| 9 | 5| -| 4| -| -| -| -| -| | 80 | 32 | 32 | 52 | 69 | 69 |
| 10 | -| 5| -| 4| 3| -| 2| -| | 90 | 35 | 35 | 58 | 78 | 78 |
| 11 | 6| -| 5| -| -| -| -| -| | 99 | 38 | 38 | 63 | 85 | 85 |
| 12 | -| 6| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | 7| -| -| 5| -| 3| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | -| 7| 6| -| 4| -| -| -|
| 15 | 8| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 16 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | 9| 8| 7| 6| -| -| -| 2| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | -| -| -| -| 5| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | 10| 9| -| -| -| 4| 3| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | -| -| 8| 7| -| -| -| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | 11| 10| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Attack | +20
| 22 | -| -| -| -| 6| -| -| -| | Magic | +20

| +10
| +10


| 23 | 12| -| 9| -| -| -| -| -| | Guard | +20

| +10

| 24 | -| 11| -| 8| -| 5| -| -| | Item | +20

| +10

| 25 | 13| -| 10| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o

| 26 | -| 12| -| -| 7| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 27 | 14| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

you must take an average of 10

| 28 | -| 13| 11| 9| -| -| -| -|
| 29 | 15| -| -| -| -| -| 4| -|

actions per battle, to level Up

a Sage.

| 30 | -| -| -| -| 8| 6| -| -|
| 31 | 16| 14| 12| 10| -| -| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 33 | 17| 14| -| -| -| -| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | -| -| 13| 11| -| -| -| -|
| 35 | 18| -| -| -| 9| -| -| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

| 36 | -| 16| -| -| -| -| -| -|

over to the next battle.

| 37 | 19| -| 14| -| -| 7| -| -|
| 38 | -| 17| -| 12| -| -| -| -|
| 39 | 20| -| 15| -| 10| -| 5| -|
| 40 | -| 18| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 41 | 21| -| -| 13| -| -| -| -|
| 42 | -| -| 16| -| -| -| -| -|
| 43 | 22| 19| -| -| 11| 8| -| -|
| 44 | -| -| -| 14| -| -| -| -|
| 45 | 23| 20| 17| -| -| -| -| -|
| 46 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 47 | 24| 21| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 48 | -| -| 18| 15| 12| 9| 6| -|
| 49 | 25| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 50 | -| 22| -| -| -| -| -| 3|
| 51 | -| -| 19| 16| -| -| -| -|
| 52 | 26| 23| -| -| 13| -| -| -|
| 53 | -| -| 20| -| -| -| -| -|
| 54 | 27| -| -| 17| -| 10| -| -|
| 55 | -| 24| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 56 | 28| -| 21| -| 14| -| -| -|
| 57 | -| 25| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 58 | 29| -| -| 18| -| -| -| -|
| 59 | -| 26| 22| -| -| -| 7| -|
| 60 | 30| -| -| -| -| 11| -| -|

| 61 | -| -| 23| 19| 15| -| -| -|

| 62 | 31| 27| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 63 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 64 | 32| 28| 24| -| -| -| -| -|
| 65 | -| -| -| 20| 16| -| -| -|
| 66 | 33| 29| -| -| -| 12| -| -|
| 67 | -| -| 25| -| -| -| -| -|
| 68 | 34| -| -| 21| -| -| -| -|
| 69 | -| 30| -| -| -| -| 8| -|
| 70 | 35| -| 26| -| 17| -| -| -|
| 71 | -| 31| -| 22| -| -| -| -|
| 72 | 36| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 73 | -| 32| 27| -| -| 13| -| -|
| 74 | 37| -| -| -| 18| -| -| -|
| 75 | -| -| 28| 23| -| -| -| -|
| 76 | 38| 33| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 77 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 78 | 39| 34| 29| 24| 19| -| -| -|
| 79 | -| -| -| -| -| 14| 9| -|
| 80 | 40| 35| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 81 | -| -| 30| -| -| -| -| -|
| 82 | 41| -| -| 25| -| -| -| -|
| 83 | -| 36| -| -| 20| -| -| 4|
| 84 | 42| -| 31| -| -| -| -| -|
| 85 | -| 37| -| 26| -| 15| -| -|
| 86 | 43| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 87 | -| -| 32| -| 21| -| -| -|
| 88 | 44| 38| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 89 | -| -| 33| 27| -| -| -| -|

| 90 | 45| 39| -| -| -| -| 10| -|

| 91 | -| -| -| -| -| 16| -| -|
| 92 | 46| 40| 34| 28| 22| -| -| -|
| 93 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 94 | 47| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 95 | -| 41| 35| 29| -| -| -| -|
| 96 | 48| -| -| -| 23| -| -| -|
| 97 | -| 42| -| -| -| 17| -| -|
| 98 | 49| -| 36| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | -| 43| -| 30| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 49| 43| 36| 30| 23| 17| 10| 4| (Sage MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

"Sages are highly adept mages who have mastered all levels of black and
white arts. While they have numerous techniques at their disposal, their
MP is limited compared to those spell casters who are more specialized."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-22} Ninja

_ _ _

| \ | | (_)


| \| | _ _ __ _ __ _
| . ` | | | | '_ \ | | / _` |

{NINJA-22} | Earth Crystal |


| |\ | | | | | | | | | | (_| |
|_| \_| |_| |_| |_| | | \__,_|
_/ |

|"Ninja excel at using dark blades.|
| They have the ability to throw |
| weapons, which will deal enormous|
| amounts of damage."

- Expert Job NPC



Ninjas are the "win button" in FFIII and make everything... easier! They are
waaaaay powerful and can kill anything like it's nothing. But how can nothing
be something? It can't. It's everything. And Ninjas will kill it.

It's true that they are strong, but they are very EXPENSIVE, as well. Their
most powerful means for dealing damage costs 65,500 gil. I'm speaking of the
swift and powerful Shuriken. You do find some free ones during the game, but
if you want to throw them at everything you'll need to have some serious gil
lying around.

Being the most expensive Job is the only obvious downside to Ninjas. Well, and
the fact that, like all Earth Crystal Jobs, you'll have to take extra time and
effort to train Ninjas before they reach their full potential.

If you have the patience for this, you won't regret it at all. Ninjas will
bring the pain and suffering to enemies, even to the toughest boss enemies.

End-Game Notes:
During end-game, Ninjas are just as I described. Deadly. They have decent
average stats, but can max agility to 99, which is excellent. When using the
Shuriken as a throw weapon, it can deal 22,000+ damage to enemies. This is
the quickest and most consistant physical attack without any side-effects or
weird things included. It's simple and reliable! :)

Even though Ninjas have lower stats than most other melee jobs, they can take
a few hits and be fine. Magic attacks are their weakness, so you may have to
be prepared to heal a lot if fighting enemies that cast magic. But what Job
isn't resilient to magic? For a melee class, Ninja has a better-than-average
magic defense. Next to the Thief it has the highest one!

I'm making the Ninja seem a lot better than it really is. It's not invincible
and can still get KO'd. It's just that Ninjas deal damage so quickly that
most enemies won't even get a chance to attack before they die. Against boss
enemies a Ninja will probably end up dealing the most damage over time.

Just be ready to throw hundreds of shurikens if you want to use the Ninja's
full potential! 99 shurikens costs 6,484,500 gil. (thought you'd like to
know that depressing fact)

The Ninja's mastery item, Muramasa, increases all stats. Agility gets a nice
bonus of +10, and all other stats get +5. That Agility boost is required for
Ninjas to max it to 99, so you'll want to get it as soon as possible. Using
this Job is a smart choice. Using more than one might be a little excessive.

Battle Command:
Throw: Throw weapons for massive damage.

Throw Damage = (Weapon Attack x 2.5 + 100) x Power x 10 / 99 x Bonus


= (Random # between 1.0 and 1.8)

Job Lv | Power | Hit Rate

-------|-------|---------1 | 101 | 95%
25 | 125 | 96%
50 | 150 | 97%
75 | 175 | 98%
99 | 199 | 100%

Usable Weapons:
Knives.......All (excluding Gladius)
Dark Blades..All (excluding Murakumo)

Usable Armors:

Head.........Leather Cap, Headband, Feathered Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band

.............Ribbon, Genji Helm
Body.........Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Kenpo Gi, Black Garb
.............Black Belt Gi, Genji Armor, Fuma Garb
Arm..........Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Thief Gloves
.............Power Bracers, Diamond Bracers, Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring
.............Genji Gloves
Shield.......Leather Shield, Genji Shield

Mastery Item:
Bonus......STR +5, AGI +10, VIT +5, INT +5, MIND +5
Effect.....Effective against dividing enemies.

Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up a Ninja.

o----------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Ninja Stats:

| |

Job Point Gain:

|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | Attack | +20

| +12

| 10 | 10 | 11 | 10 | 10 | 10 | | Throw | +20

| +12

| 20 | 17 | 20 | 15 | 15 | 15 | | Guard | +20

| +12

| 30 | 24 | 28 | 20 | 20 | 20 | | Item | +20

| +12

| 40 | 31 | 36 | 24 | 24 | 24 | o----------------------------------o
| 50 | 38 | 45 | 29 | 29 | 29 |

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 60 | 44 | 53 | 34 | 34 | 34 |

you must take an average of 8-9

| 70 | 51 | 61 | 38 | 38 | 38 |

actions per battle, to level Up

| 80 | 58 | 69 | 43 | 43 | 43 |

a Ninja.

| 90 | 65 | 78 | 48 | 48 | 48 |
| 99 | 71 | 85 | 52 | 52 | 52 |

100 JP = Job Level Up

LV = Character Level

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

All extra JP over 100 is carried

over to the next battle.

"Ninjas are able to deal massive amounts of damage by throwing weapons

and specialized projectiles at the enemy."
- Official Instruction Booklet

| {Job-23} Onion Knight |

{ONION} | Secret Job |



_ __

/ __ \


| |/ /




| | | | _ __ _ ___ _ __ | ' / _ __ _ __ _ | |__ | |_

| | | | | '_ \ | | / _ \ | '_ \ | < | '_ \ | | / _` | | '_ \ | __|
| |__| | | | | | | | | (_) | | | | | | . \ | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | |_
\____/ |_| |_| |_| \___/ |_| |_| |_|\_\ |_| |_| |_| \__, | |_| |_| \__|
__/ |


|"The way of the onion knight is a |

| long and hard one... but once you|
| master the job, the rewards just |
| might be worth it!"

- Expert Job NPC


You may have heard a rumor that the Onion Knight has the best stats in the
entire game, and this is false. Just kidding it's true. No wait, it's both!

If your character is not Lv. 99, the Onion Knight Job is almost worthless,
because its stats are incredibly low. Far lower than every other job! Check
the following chart to see the stat progression and be amazed. Oooo....

o----------------------------------o Just like the Freelancer, there isn't



| much to say about Onion Knights. You

|----------------------------------| know how awesome they are!

| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Not only do their stats max out and Lv
| 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 99, but they can cast all Black Magic
| 10 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | and White Magic. They cannot cast any

| 20 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | summons, though, which is lame!

| 30 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
| 40 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | The Onion equipment makes them even
| 50 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | more powerful. (see below) It's good
| 60 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | that they are very rare, so the game
| 70 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | doesn't feel TOO broken when you start
| 80 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | using this veggie.
| 90 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| The best thing about the Onion Knight
| 91 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | is, in my opinion, the low stats! It
| 92 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | sets you up perfectly for an insanely
| 93 | 27 | 27 | 27 | 27 | 27 | hard challenge. Beating the game with
| 94 | 39 | 39 | 39 | 39 | 39 | nothing but Onion Knights! :D
| 95 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 51 |
| 96 | 63 | 63 | 63 | 63 | 63 | Yo ho ho! An onion life for meee.
| 97 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 |
| 98 | 87 | 87 | 87 | 87 | 87 | Oh, I forgot to mention that they can
| 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | <--- :O equip every single weapon and
o----------------------------------o armor, except the mastery item from
LV = Character Level

each Job. Which is also lame.

You see, the Onion Knight has some of the worst stats when compared to the
other Jobs at lower levels. So basically, you aren't going to want to play
through the game with one of these because it would make things a lot more
difficult for you. Though if you do manage to get to Lv. 99, it's the best
Job in the FFIII world!


How to Unlock:
See the "Onion Knight Crystal Shard" section above. Ctrl+F. {UNLOCK}

Battle Command:
Magic: Can use all White and Black magic.

Usable Weapons: (cannot equip Mastery Items of other Jobs)
Knives.......All (excluding Gladius)
Swords.......All (excluding Save the Queen)
Staves.......All (excluding Sage Staff)
Rods.........All (excluding Lilith Rod, Millennium Rod)
Dark Blades..All (excluding Muramasa, Murakumo)
Bows.........All (excluding Artemis Bow)
Books........All (excluding Omnitome)
Hammers......All (excluding Mighty Hammer)
Axes.........All (excluding Gigantic Axe)
Spears.......All (excluding Magic Lance)
Throwing.....All (excluding Shuriken)
Bells........All (excluding Blessed Bell)

Usable Armors: (cannot equip Mastery Items of other Jobs)
Head.........All (excluding Royal Crown, Ballad Crown)
Body.........All (excluding Angel Robe, Crimson Vest, Master Dogi)
Arm..........All (excluding Celestial Gloves, Shura Gloves, Astral Bracers)

Mastery Item:
Name.....Onion Blade
Bonus....All Stats +7

Onion Equipment:
The best Job in the game even has its own set of equipment! To get this rare
and powerful equipment, you must have access to the Secret ??? Dungeon or the
Crystal Tower. The reason for this is because all Onion Equipment is dropped
by Yellow, Green, and Red Dragons, only. Eww.

Now don't go thinking this will be easy, because it's NOT. The drop rates for
these items are VERY VERY low. You may fight 100 battles before you even get

an Onion Shield!(this is the most common piece!) To help speed this up, fight
the dragons in the Secret ??? Dungeon. The only enemies there are dragons.

Look on the bright side; You will have a million elixirs in your inventory
after you finish this, hehe. If this happens, and it will, I'd recommend to
put some in Fat Chocobo. ;) That's 198 elixirs total!

Anyway, good luck attaining your full Set of Onion Equipment! ^_^

Onion Sword:
Drop Rate....1.5%
Dropped by...Yellow, Green, and Red Dragons
Bonus........All Stats +5

Onion Helm:
Drop Rate....4.5%
Dropped by...Yellow Dragons
Bonus........Int +5, Mind +5
Effect.......Immune to all status.

Onion Gauntlets:
Drop Rate....4.5%
Dropped by...Green Dragons
Bonus........All Stats +3
Effect.......Immune to all status. All elemental damage reduced by 50%.

Onion Armor:
Drop Rate....4.5%
Dropped by...Red Dragons
Bonus........Str +5, Vit +5
Effect.......Immune to all status.

Onion Shield:
Drop Rate....7.0%
Dropped by...Yellow, Green, and Red Dragons

Bonus........All Stats +2
Effect.......Immune to all status.

MP/Stat Charts:
The Stat Chart will show you the predetermined stats at every 10 levels until
level 99. The JP Gain Chart shows you how many Job Points you gain for using
actions during a battle, and the average amount of actions you need to take,
per battle, to level up an Onion Knight.

The MP Chart only shows the increases in MP, and at what level you can expect
to gain more MP. Onion Knights and Sages share the same MP curve.

o------------------------------------o o----------------------------------o

Onion Knight MP Chart:

| |

Onion Knight Stats:

|------------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
| LV | L1| L2| L3| L4| L5| L6| L7| L8| | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
|----|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| 1 | 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 10 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
| 3 | 2| 2| 2| -| -| -| -| -| | 20 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
| 4 | -| -| -| 2| -| -| -| -| | 30 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
| 5 | 3| 3| -| -| 2| -| -| -| | 40 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
| 6 | -| -| 3| -| -| -| -| -| | 50 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
| 7 | 4| 4| -| 3| -| 2| -| -| | 60 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 |
| 8 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| | 70 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |

| 9 | 5| -| 4| -| -| -| -| -| | 80 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 |
| 10 | -| 5| -| 4| 3| -| 2| -| | 90 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
| 11 | 6| -| 5| -| -| -| -| -| | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 |
| 12 | -| 6| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 13 | 7| -| -| 5| -| 3| -| -|

LV = Character Level

| 14 | -| 7| 6| -| 4| -| -| -|
| 15 | 8| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 16 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o
| 17 | 9| 8| 7| 6| -| -| -| 2| |

Job Point Gain:

| 18 | -| -| -| -| 5| -| -| -| |----------------------------------|
| 19 | 10| 9| -| -| -| 4| 3| -| | Action: | JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |
| 20 | -| -| 8| 7| -| -| -| -| |---------|------------|-----------|
| 21 | 11| 10| -| -| -| -| -| -| | Attack | +20
| 22 | -| -| -| -| 6| -| -| -| | Magic | +20


+8 |
+8 |

| 23 | 12| -| 9| -| -| -| -| -| | Guard | +20

+8 |

| 24 | -| 11| -| 8| -| 5| -| -| | Item | +20

+8 |

| 25 | 13| -| 10| -| -| -| -| -| o----------------------------------o

| 26 | -| 12| -| -| 7| -| -| -|

Starting at Job Lv. 14 or higher,

| 27 | 14| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|

you must take an average of 13

| 28 | -| 13| 11| 9| -| -| -| -|
| 29 | 15| -| -| -| -| -| 4| -|

actions per battle, to level Up

an Onion Knight.

| 30 | -| -| -| -| 8| 6| -| -|
| 31 | 16| 14| 12| 10| -| -| -| -|

100 JP = Job Level Up

| 32 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 33 | 17| 14| -| -| -| -| -| -|

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

| 34 | -| -| 13| 11| -| -| -| -|
| 35 | 18| -| -| -| 9| -| -| -|

All extra JP over 100 is carried

| 36 | -| 16| -| -| -| -| -| -|

over to the next battle.

| 37 | 19| -| 14| -| -| 7| -| -|

| 38 | -| 17| -| 12| -| -| -| -|
| 39 | 20| -| 15| -| 10| -| 5| -|
| 40 | -| 18| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 41 | 21| -| -| 13| -| -| -| -|
| 42 | -| -| 16| -| -| -| -| -|
| 43 | 22| 19| -| -| 11| 8| -| -|
| 44 | -| -| -| 14| -| -| -| -|
| 45 | 23| 20| 17| -| -| -| -| -|
| 46 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 47 | 24| 21| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 48 | -| -| 18| 15| 12| 9| 6| -|
| 49 | 25| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 50 | -| 22| -| -| -| -| -| 3|
| 51 | -| -| 19| 16| -| -| -| -|
| 52 | 26| 23| -| -| 13| -| -| -|
| 53 | -| -| 20| -| -| -| -| -|
| 54 | 27| -| -| 17| -| 10| -| -|
| 55 | -| 24| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 56 | 28| -| 21| -| 14| -| -| -|
| 57 | -| 25| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 58 | 29| -| -| 18| -| -| -| -|
| 59 | -| 26| 22| -| -| -| 7| -|
| 60 | 30| -| -| -| -| 11| -| -|
| 61 | -| -| 23| 19| 15| -| -| -|
| 62 | 31| 27| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 63 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 64 | 32| 28| 24| -| -| -| -| -|
| 65 | -| -| -| 20| 16| -| -| -|
| 66 | 33| 29| -| -| -| 12| -| -|

| 67 | -| -| 25| -| -| -| -| -|
| 68 | 34| -| -| 21| -| -| -| -|
| 69 | -| 30| -| -| -| -| 8| -|
| 70 | 35| -| 26| -| 17| -| -| -|
| 71 | -| 31| -| 22| -| -| -| -|
| 72 | 36| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 73 | -| 32| 27| -| -| 13| -| -|
| 74 | 37| -| -| -| 18| -| -| -|
| 75 | -| -| 28| 23| -| -| -| -|
| 76 | 38| 33| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 77 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 78 | 39| 34| 29| 24| 19| -| -| -|
| 79 | -| -| -| -| -| 14| 9| -|
| 80 | 40| 35| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 81 | -| -| 30| -| -| -| -| -|
| 82 | 41| -| -| 25| -| -| -| -|
| 83 | -| 36| -| -| 20| -| -| 4|
| 84 | 42| -| 31| -| -| -| -| -|
| 85 | -| 37| -| 26| -| 15| -| -|
| 86 | 43| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 87 | -| -| 32| -| 21| -| -| -|
| 88 | 44| 38| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 89 | -| -| 33| 27| -| -| -| -|
| 90 | 45| 39| -| -| -| -| 10| -|
| 91 | -| -| -| -| -| 16| -| -|
| 92 | 46| 40| 34| 28| 22| -| -| -|
| 93 | -| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 94 | 47| -| -| -| -| -| -| -|
| 95 | -| 41| 35| 29| -| -| -| -|

| 96 | 48| -| -| -| 23| -| -| -|
| 97 | -| 42| -| -| -| 17| -| -|
| 98 | 49| -| 36| -| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | -| 43| -| 30| -| -| -| -|
| 99 | 49| 43| 36| 30| 23| 17| 10| 4| (Onion Knight MP Chart)
LV = Character Level

| {Job-24} Maxing Stats for Each Job |

This section is not what you might think. Remember, stats are predetermined
and can't be permanently changed. The point of this section is to show you
max stats of each Job while equipped with the best possible equipment. All
the many stat charts throughout the "Job Guide" section above only showed you
base stats with nothing equipped.

Since there is only 1 copy of certain items, some set-ups can't be used at
the same time, if they both require that same item. For example, if a Job
equips the Ultima Weapon. There is only 1 Ultima Weapon...

Jobs are listed in their usual Crystal order: Wind, Fire, Water, Earth.


Max Stats:

| Freelancer

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 87 | 87 | 87 | 87 | 87 | 292 118


Right Hand ........Ultima Weapon
Left Hand .............Excalibur
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ...............Crystal Mail
Arms ...........Celestial Gloves

Max Stats:

| Warrior

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 99 | 88 | 80 | 52 | 52 | 310



Right Hand ........Ultima Weapon
Left Hand ..........Gigantic Axe
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ...............Crystal Mail
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Monk

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 99 | 66 | 74 | 38 | 45 | 368 115


Right Hand .....................

Left Hand ......................
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ..................Fuma Garb
Arms ...............Shura Gloves

Max Stats:

| White Mage

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 54 | 65 | 65 | 50 | 99 | 110



Right Hand ..........Elder Staff
Left Hand ...............Ice Rod
Head .....................Ribbon
Body .................Angel Robe
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Black Mage

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 54 | 65 | 65 | 99 | 50 | 135
Right Hand ...........Lilith Rod
Left Hand ...............Ice Rod
Head .....................Ribbon
Body .................Black Robe
Arms ...............Protect Ring




Max Stats:

| Red Mage

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 84 | 84 | 95 | 95 | 95 | 292



Right Hand ........Ultima Weapon
Left Hand .............Excalibur
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ...............Crimson Vest
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Thief

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 65 | 99 | 68 | 47 | 40 | 240



Right Hand ..............Gladius
Left Hand ...........Lust Dagger
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ..................Fuma Garb
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Ranger

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef

| 99 | 83 | 99 | 67 | 47 | 47 | 162



Right Hand ..........Artemis Bow
Left Hand ..........Yoichi Arrow
Head .....................Ribbon
Body .................Black Garb
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Knight

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 99 | 62 | 99 | 62 | 79 | 295



Right Hand ........Ultima Weapon
Left Hand ........Save the Queen
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ...............Crystal Mail
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Scholar

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 65 | 73 | 40 | 99 | 67 | 208
Right Hand .............Omnitome
Left Hand .............Cognitome
Head .....................Ribbon



Body .................White Robe

Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Geomancer

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 54 | 83 | 57 | 83 | 64 | 228



Right Hand .........Blessed Bell
Left Hand .............Rune Bell
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ..................Gaia Vest
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Viking

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 99 | 47 | 96 | 47 | 54 | 265


Right Hand ........Mighty Hammer
Left Hand ........Blessed Hammer
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ...............Crystal Mail
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Dragoon

|----------------------------------| -----------------


| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef

| 99 | 99 | 83 | 54 | 54 | 54 | 285



Right Hand ..........Magic Lance
Left Hand ...............Gungnir
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ...............Crystal Mail
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Dark Knight

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 88 | 89 | 88 | 69 | 69 | 295



Right Hand ........Ultima Weapon
Left Hand ..............Murakumo
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ...............Crystal Mail
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Evoker

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 65 | 54 | 47 | 91 | 76 | 118
Right Hand ..............Omnirod



Left Hand .............Light Rod

Head .....................Ribbon
Body .................Black Robe
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Bard

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 47 | 65 | 65 | 65 | 80 | 60



Right Hand ..........Apollo Harp
Left Hand ......................
Head .....................Ribbon
Body .................White Robe
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Black Belt

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 99 | 83 | 99 | 40 | 50 | 396
Right Hand .....................
Left Hand ......................
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ................Master Dogi
Arms ...............Protect Ring



Max Stats:

| Magus

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 47 | 65 | 54 | 99 | 67 | 135



Right Hand .......Millennium Rod
Left Hand .............Light Rod
Head .....................Ribbon
Body .................Black Robe
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Devout

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 57 | 65 | 54 | 60 | 99 | 50



Right Hand ............Light Rod
Left Hand ...............Ice Rod
Head .....................Ribbon
Body .................White Robe
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Summoner

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 45 | 45 | 52 | 99 | 99 | 178 101


Right Hand ..............Omnirod
Left Hand ...........Elder Staff
Head .....................Ribbon
Body .................Black Robe
Arms .............Astral Bracers

Max Stats:

| Sage

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 50 | 50 | 75 | 99 | 99 | 195



Right Hand ...........Sage Staff
Left Hand ...........Elder Staff
Head .....................Ribbon
Body .................Black Robe
Arms ...............Protect Ring

Max Stats:

| Ninja

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 78 | 99 | 62 | 59 | 59 | 272
Right Hand .............Muramasa
Left Hand ..............Masamune
Head .....................Ribbon
Body ..................Fuma Garb



Arms ...............Protect Ring


Max Stats:

| Onion Knight

|----------------------------------| ----------------| LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND | Atk PDef MDef
| 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 311 150 105
Right Hand ........Ultima Weapon
Left Hand ...........Onion Sword
Head .................Onion Helm
Body ................Onion Armor
Arms ............Onion Gauntlets











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VIII) Stealing Guide: {STL}



This section will explain to you the mechanics of a steal. If you put some
effort into training a Thief, you will find that you can steal a TON of very
useful items and treasure! While some of the items are worthless and pretty
much lame, the small handful of rare items that can be stolen are excellent.

Don't forget that stealing is the best source of battle items. (arctic wind,
tranquilizer, bomb arm, zeus's wrath, etc.)

The very best items to steal are: Gungnir, Protect Ring, Elixir, Phoenix Down,
and the amazing Sheep Pillow. If you plan to use a Scholor at all, having a
Thief will help them out tremendously.

NOTE: You can't steal two Gungnirs. The second one must be dropped as loot.

| {STL-01} The Mechanics of Stealing |



To make things simple, there are 4 different items that you can steal from

enemies. Out of those four, you can only steal ONE per battle. All further
attempts to steal, after you've successfully stolen an item, will result in
a message saying: "Nothing to steal!" Items reset after battle.

Now to explain the items. Here are the Job Level ranges at which they can be

| Item: | Job Level |
| 1 | 1-30 |
| 1-2 | 31-70 |
| 1-3 | 71-98 |
| 1-4 | 99-99 |

So if you are between Job Levels 1 and 30, you can only steal Item 1. If you
are between Job levels 31 and 70, you can steal Items 1 or 2. If you are at
Job level 71-98, the you can steal Items 1, 2, or 3. Lastly if you are Job
level 99 than you have a chance to steal any of the items.

Next up is the Success Rate for each item.

| Item: | Success Rate: |
| 1 |


| 2 |


| 3 |


| 4 |



And finally, when you attempt to steal an item, the game will try to get the
rarest item first. So if you are Job Lv. 82, it will try to steal Item 3,
and if that fails, it will try to steal Item 2 next. If that fails, it will
then try to steal Item 1, and if that fails, you fail completely and have to
try again next turn.

| {STL-02} Items to Pilfer |




This list will show you every item that can be stolen and what enemy you can
steal it from! Note that I didn't list every single monster but just a few,
so it doesn't get too cluttered, and remains easy to read. :)

NOTE: I also listed the Job level you must be, for these specific enemies, to
steal each item. If you exceed the highest Job level listed, that item
will become more difficult to steal since the game will attempt to get
the NEXT item according to your job level. Please remember!

For your convenience, items go in alphabetical order. If you want faster

results, use Ctrl+F to find the Item/Enemy you are looking for.


| Job Lvl | Stolen from:

|Angel's Sigh | 99 | Knocker, Red Cap

|Antarctic Wind | 31-99 | Sea Devil, Merman, Ruinous Wave, Adamantoise


| 71-99 | Killer Bee, Revenant, Poison Bat, Hornet

|Arctic Wind | 31-98 | Sea Witch, Killer Hermit, Ologhai, Kelpie

|Bacchus's Cider| -- | n/a

|Black Hole

| 31-70 | Needle Monkey, Death Claw, Gomory, Bluck, Azer |

|Black Musk

| -- | n/a

|Bomb Arm

| 31-98 | Bomb, Vulcan, Rock Gargoyle, Fachan, Grenade

|Bomb Fragment | 31-98 | Crocotta, Red Marshmallow

|Chocobo's Wrath| -- | n/a

|Earthen Drums | -- | n/a

|Echo Herbs

| 71-98 | Pugman, Blood Bat


| 1-99 | Yellow Dragon, Green Dragon, Red Dragon

|Eye Drops

| 1-70 | Killer Bee, Revenant, Poison Bat, Hornet


|Gold Needle | 1-99 | Helldiver, Petit Mage, Manticore, Myrmecoleon


| 71-99 | Odin

|Heavenly Wrath | 99 | Roper, Black Flan, Dread Knight


| 1-99 | Sand Worm, Simurgh, Harpy, Liger, Bone Dragon

|Lamia Scale | -- | n/a

|Lilith's Kiss | 71-98 | Needle Monkey, Death Claw, Gomory, Bluck, Azer |
|Maiden's Kiss | 31-70 | Pugman, Blood Bat


| 99 | Pugman, Blood Bat

|Phoenix Down | 1-99 | Rust Bird


| 1-99 | Goblin

|Protect Ring | 99 | King Behemoth

|Raven's Yawn | 99 | Needle Monkey, Death Claw, Gomory, Bluck, Azer |
|Sheep Pillow | 99 | Crocotta, Red Marshmallow

|Shell Breaker | -- | n/a

|Shining Curtain| -- | n/a

|Silence Seal | -- | n/a

|Tranquilizer | 99 | Bomb, Vulcan, Rock Gargoyle, Fachan, Grenade

|Turtle Shell | 99 | Sea Witch, Killer Hermit, Ologhai, Kelpie

|Zeus's Wrath | 99 | Griffon, Slime

NOTE: All items here can be dropped. Also, I didn't list missable enemies.

| {STL-03} Thievery Walkthrough |

The areas below are in the order that they appear in the walkthrough. (some
enemies will probably make more than one listing) This was intended so it
could be used at the exact same time as the walkthrough! Perhaps you could
open a second tab? ;) Anyway, I just wanted to give you all the option so
that's why it's here. I hope you find a use for it!

NOTE: An enemy with a * by its name is a Boss.

{01} Altar Cave - The Beginning


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Goblin





| Eye Fang





| Carbuncle





| Blue Wisp





|*Land Turtle






{02} The Parmeni Mountains & Ur Village


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

|(world map)

| Goblin


| Killer Bee

|Eye Drops |Eye Drops

| Werewolf



| Berserker



| Goblin












{03} Cursed Town, Kazus


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

|(world map)

| Goblin


| Killer Bee

|Eye Drops |Eye Drops

| Werewolf
| Berserker












{04} Castle Sasune


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Dark Eye





| Red Wisp





| Zombie
| Griffon





|Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |

NOTE: You fight the Griffon when you open the treasure chest on the top floor.

{05} The Sealed Cave


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Mummy
| Skeleton



| Cursed Copper |Potion

| Shadow
| Larva









|Eye Drops |Eye Drops




|Eye Drops |Eye Drops




|Eye Drops |Eye Drops

| Revenant






{06} Return to Kazus & Exploring the Mythril Mine


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Mummy




| Skeleton



| Shadow

|Eye Drops |Eye Drops





| Cursed Copper |Potion

| Larva



|Eye Drops |Eye Drops





{07} Through Nelv valley to Canaan!


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

|(world map)
| Killer Bee
| Werewolf
| Berserker
| Mandrake
| Basilisk
| Bugbear

|Eye Drops |Eye Drops
















{08} Dragon's Peak


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:


| Helldiver

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Rukh





| Firefly





| Rust Bird

|Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |






NOTE: Rust Bird is rare.

{09} The Healing Copse & Tozus


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

|(world map)

| Werewolf


| Berserker
| Killer Bee


| Bugbear
| Leprechaun
| Darkface












|Eye Drops |Eye Drops

| Mandrake
| Basilisk













{10} Vikings' Cove


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

|(world map)

| Werewolf


| Killer Bee



| Mandrake



| Bugbear





|Eye Drops |Eye Drops

| Berserker

| Basilisk









{11} Nepto Temple


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Lilliputian
| Petit




|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Poison Bat
| Blood Worm
| Wererat


|Eye Drops |Eye Drops








|*Giant Rat


|*Nepto Dragon

|Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |






{12} Adventures on the Sea







|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Killer Fish



| Sea Elemental |Potion



|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

| Hermit





| Tangie


|Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |

| Sahagin


|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Location: Inner sea of Continent.


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Hornet
| Lynx
| Parademon

|Eye Drops |Eye Drops







|Wooden Arrow |Holy Arrow |Iron Arrow |Light Arrow |

Location: South edge of the continent. Grasslands.


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Red Cap


|Zeus's Wrath |Zeus's Wrath |Angel's Sigh |

| Tarantula





| Cuphgel





| Slime
| Barometz


|Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |




Location: Southeast edge of continent. Grasslands and forest.


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Flyer





| Gorgon



| Knocker


|Zeus's Wrath |Zeus's Wrath |Angel's Sigh |

| Lizardman
| Griffon








|Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |

Location: Around Village of the Ancients and Tokkul.

{17} Gulgan Gulch & the Tower of Owen


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Petit Mage

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Pugman


|Maiden's Kiss |Echo Herbs |Mallet

| Far Darrig



| Blood Bat


|Maiden's Kiss |Echo Herbs |Mallet

| Aughisky



| Fury






|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion






NOTE: Fury is located on Floor 1, only. (with toads)

{18} Gysahl


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Mermaid


|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

| Seahorse


|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

| Anet
| Sea Serpent


|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|


|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Location: Outer sea of Continent.

{19} The Dwarven Hollows



|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:


| None


{20} The Subterranean Lake


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Manticore
| Bomb

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm

| Stalagmite
| Sea Devil


|Tranquilizer |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


| Ruinous Wave
| Merman

|Bomb Arm


|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|
|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




{21} The Molten Cave


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Crocotta


|Bomb Fragment |Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |

| Balloon

|Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm

| Red Marshmallow |Potion

| Adamantoise


| Myrmecoleon

|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |

|Bomb Fragment |Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




{22} Castle Hein


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Demon

|Wooden Arrow |Holy Arrow |Iron Arrow |Light Arrow |

| Pharaoh

|Eye Drops |Eye Drops

| Lemur
| Dullahan
| Lamia




|Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |




|Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




{23} Into the New World


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:


| None


{24} Cave of Tides


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Poison Toad





| Twin Heads





| Roper


|Bomb Arm

|Arctic Wind |Heavenly Wrath|

| Agaliarept





| Cockatrice

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




{25} Amur Village & the Stinky Sewers


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:


| Twin Liger





| Darklegs





| Gigantoad
| Stroper
|(world map)






| Black Flan


|Bomb Arm

| Hellgaroo



| Magician

|Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

| Dracrocotta
| Vulcan
| Simurgh



|Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

|Arctic Wind |Heavenly Wrath|





|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |

NOTE: Simurgh is in the grass areas, but very rare.

{26} Goldor Manor


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Gold Warrior

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Gold Bear

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Gold Eagle

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Lost Gold

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Nightmare

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Gold Knight

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




{27} Adventures in the Sky





|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Black Flan


|Bomb Arm

| Hellgaroo



| Magician

|Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

| Dracrocotta
| Vulcan



|Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm

|Arctic Wind |Heavenly Wrath|





|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |

Location: Southeast island on World Map.


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Sorcerer
| Catoblepas

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Hellgaroo Mage |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Needle Monkey |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Sand Worm

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



Location: Saronia continent. Northwest on World Map.


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Gargoyle

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Harpy

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

| Frostfly

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

| Chimera

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Simurgh

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



Location: Dalg continent, south on World Map.


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Mermaid


|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

| Sea Serpent


| Seahorse
| Anet

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|


| Sea Dragon

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



SEA DRAGON: Anywhere in the Main World sea. (not Floating Continent)

{30} Saronia Kingdom & Dragon Spire


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

|(Dragon Spire) |
| Sorcerer
| Catoblepas

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Hellgaroo Mage |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Needle Monkey |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Sand Worm

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion


|(SW Saronia)

| Gold Knight

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


NOTE: The Gold Knight here is a one-time battle.(at the tavern)

{31} Dalg Continent, Doga's Manor, & the Cave of the Circle



|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

|(world map)

| Gargoyle

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




| Harpy

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion


| Frostfly

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

| Chimera

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Simurgh

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

|(Cave of Circle) |
| Flyer Mage

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

| Demon Horse
| Bovian


| Dread Knight


|Bomb Arm




| Rock Gargoyle |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |

|Arctic Wind |Heavenly Wrath|


{32} Adventures under the Sea






|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Abtu
| Kagura

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion
|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




| Noggle
| Charybdis

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion





NOTE: Fight these monsters under the sea.


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Balor

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

| Fachan

|Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm

| Boss Troll

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

| Kyklops

|Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

| Cenchos
| Ouroboros

|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |




NOTE: Fight these monsters in the Saronia Catacombs.


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Killer Hermit |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |
| Sea Witch
| Aegir
| Ologhai
| Kelpie
| Dozmare

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |
|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |
|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |
|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



NOTE: Fight these monsters in the Sunken Cave.


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Peryton

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

| Death Claw
| Eater



|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion


| Zombie Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




NOTE: Also in Sunken Cave, but they are one-time battles.

{36} The Temple of Time


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Chimera Mage
| Dira

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

| King Lizard


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| King Seahorse |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




| Wyvern

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Dragon

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Behemoth

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Pterodactyl

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




{37} The Ancient Ruins & the Invincible


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Azrael

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Silenus

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Gaap

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Eater

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Pyralis

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Zombie Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




{38} Falgabard


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Silenus

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Gaap

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Valefor

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Haniel

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |


{39} The Cave of Shadows


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Valefor

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Haniel

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Hellish Horse |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Vassago

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Chronos

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Death Claw

|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |


|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |


{40} The Dragon Kings, Leviathan & Bahamut





|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Plancti
| Ouroboros

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Remora

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Sea Lion

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



NOTE: Fight these monsters in Lake Dohr.


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Drake

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion


| Sabertooth Liger |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

| Grenade

|Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm


|Bomb Arm


|Tranquilizer |

| Greater Boros |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |
| Queen Lamia

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion
|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




NOTE: Fight these monsters in Bahamut's Lair.

{43} Doga's Grotto


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Peryton

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Nemesis

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Cyclops

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Humbaba
| Ogre

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




{44} Ancients' Maze


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion


| Greater Demon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

| Iron Claws
| Unei's Clone
| Bone Dragon
| Thanatos

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion






|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

| King Behemoth |Elixir




|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion






|Protect Ring |

KING BEHEMOTH: Last room, closest to Crystal Tower. Extremely rare.

{45} Eureka, The Forbidden Land


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Abaia
| Haokah
| Sleipnir

|Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

|Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |
|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



| Oceanus

|Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

| Acheron

|Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |


|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion


|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion







{46} The Crystal Tower


|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

|(world map-air) |
| Frostfly
| Gargoyle
| Harpy
| Simurgh

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion
|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion
|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




| Chimera

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|(world map-ground)|
| Liger

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

| Death Needle
| Aeon

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

|(inside the tower)|


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

| Minotaur

| Azer





|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Gomory

|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Doga's clone
| Bluck





|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Kum Kum

|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Shinobi

|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Platinal

|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Glasya Labolas |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Dark General
| Thor

|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



|Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

| Yellow Dragon |Elixir




| Green Dragon




| Red Dragon




|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

|*Cloud of Darkness|Nothing








{47} The World of Darkness



|Item 1:

|Item 2:

|Item 3:

|Item 4:

| Shadow Master |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |
| Kage

|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Queen Scylla

|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Yormungand

|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Twin Dragon

|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Thor

|Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

| Garm

|Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

| Hydra

|Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

| Xande's Clone |Nothing





|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion




|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion



|*Two-Headed Dragon|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion


|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion

|*Cloud of Darkness|Nothing






You did it! You are a master Thief. :D













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IX) The Leveling Up Cynosure: {LVL}


{LVL-00} Introduction


Within these sections you will learn everything there is to know about leveling up! To start, there are only two things that gain levels. Try not to get
the mixed up as they govern completely different things! ^_^

1. Characters - To level up your characters you must fight battles. If you win
a battle, each living party member will gain a certain amount
of experience (exp) and when you get enough experience you'll
gain a level!

2. Jobs

- To level up your Jobs you must use them in battle. Every

action you take in battle will give you (JP) job points! When
you take enough actions to reach 100 JP you will level up
your Job.

OK, so this introduction was kind of pointless, but hey, you never know! :P

| {LVL-01} Character Level |

When you level up your character, there are 3 things that will happen.

1. MAX HP will increase using the following formula:

HP Gain = Character's Level + Vitality + Bonus

Bonus = (Random # between 0 and 0.5) x Vitality

2. Stats will increase.


3. MP will increase. Even if you are a job that has no MP, like Monk, the MP

for your mage jobs still increases even though you don't see it.

Important Notes:
1. Strength, Agility, Vitality, Intellect, Mind, and MP, are predetermined
stats. This means that each Job has its own fixed stat "chart" that will
always be the same, no matter what you do.

2 MAX HP is the ONLY thing that is carried over between Job changes.

Experience Chart:
This is a chart showing you how much experience is needed to level up at each
character level.

| Level | +0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90|
| 1 | 16 1044 5636 16037 34269 62226 101707 154439 222095 306298|
| 2 | 31 1304 6380 17475 36597 65627 106356 160506 229744 315689|
| 3 | 58 1601 7185 18995 39024 69144 111139 166724 237561 325264|
| 4 | 99 1940 8051 20596 41552 72781 116058 173095 245546 335023|
| 5 | 159 2321 8982 22282 44183 76538 121115 179619 253701 344968|
| 6 | 239 2748 9980 24053 46918 80417 126311 186299 262028 355100|
| 7 | 343 3222 11046 25913 49760 84420 131648 193137 270529 365422|
| 8 | 473 3745 12183 27863 52710 88549 137128 200134 279205 375934|
| 9 | 631 4321 13393 29904 55769 92805 142752 207292 288057 ------|
| 10 | 821 4950 14676 32039 58941 97191 148522 214611 297087


| {LVL-02} Where should I Level-Up? |

Now let me explain to you how this section will work. All of these locations
go in the order of the walkthrough. This is because not everyone is at the
end of the game. So find the location where you are currently at in your game
and see what the most EXP-rewarding enemies are in your area!

Altar Cave
Here you don't have much of a choice. The best place to level up this early is
near the wellspring that can restore your HP and MP. Be careful as you can't
save yet!

The Village of Ur
On the World Map for the first time, I'd say the forests are the best spot to
level up. However, you might still be too weak at this point. So what you
should do, is go to Ur Village, and buy a Bow with A LOT of Wooden Arrows.

Put the character you want to level up in the back row, and give them the Bow
and Arrows. Equip the best Armor and kill off the other 3 characters. You

should gain levels very fast this way. When finished, revive the rest of the
party in Ur Village. (revive wellspring in Elder Topapa's house)

Castle Sasune
I'd say when you are at least Level 5, to come here and level up. Use the
same strategy that you used on the World Map.

The Sealed Cave
If you are able, level up in here! Preferably in the room where you fight the
Boss, Djinn. You will get a lot of experience in this room.

You could even go to the Mythril Mines in Kazus. (it has the same monsters
except for the Revenant)

Dragon's Peak
This is an ok place to level up. This thing about this place is that some of
the enemies can petrify you. So you might end up spending way more Gil than
you wanted to, on Gold Needles. Besides that downside, it's easy to gain a
level or two in here.

Also, the longer you are here the more Rust Birds you'll see. You can steal
Phoenix Down from them.

Your only options are the World Map and Tozus Tunnel. I would stick to the
World Map. Oh wait, nevermind, I would wait until the Nepto Temple. :P

Nepto Temple
Level up in the last area where the Giant Rat lives. You can fight three
different enemies here, and the one with the most exp, too.

Tower of Owen
Ok, you have a lot of options here. The best place to level up, before going
to the Tower of Owen, would be the Outer Edge of the continent. You might
need to level up to be able to efficiently defeat the monsters there, but it
is worth it.

What I do is stock up on potions at the Village of the Ancients and then

take a lap around the continent. It works well! After you are done on the
World Map, level up in the Tower of Owen.

The Subterranean Lake
I would rather level up in the Molten Cave. :P Though it is cooler down here.

The Molten Cave
This place is good for about 1 or 2 levels. I usually fight in the area with
that huge lava waterfall. And only because of that huge lava waterfall. :P

Castle Hein
This is a very good place to level up! More specifically the room right
before you can go outside. You will fight Dullahans in here and they give
excellent experience. That bad thing about leveling up in this castle is
that you can't save your progress. So be very careful!

Amur Village
Anywhere on the World Map! I usually start in the forests. If things are too
rough for you, go into the Amur Sewers and level up.

Saronia Kingdom
Anywhere on the World Map is good.

If you are already trapped inside the walls of the castle, the only place you
can level up are in the World Map forests or at the Dragon Spire. This is
located in Southeastern Saronia. It's not as bad as it sounds, because all the
enemies in here are all the ones you would fight on the World Map! So either


Doga's Manor and the Cave of the Circle
Dalg Continent! This place is loaded with EXP rich enemies! You can fight
them on the ground or while flying around in your airship.

Also, you can go to the Sunken Cave and Saronia Catacombs which ALSO have
enemies that give a ton of experience. The choice is always up to you!

The Temple of Time
I always level up in the first room of this temple. The enemies give a lot of
experience AND since you are at the beginning, you can leave whenever you

The strategy behind this is because you might run out of supplies fast, due to
a certain enemy. The Chimera Mage! Arg! Even though they are deadly, they
give excellent EXP!

The Ancient Ruins
I never level up in here. Just continue. At least there is an Inn! :p

The Cave of Shadows

This is a very good place to level up. Make your way to the end of the cave,
though. There are huge skeleton bridges here and you usually fight enemies
in large groups. This gives a lot of experience! The end of the game is very
close so you may also want to just continue the game. Hehe.

Ancients' Maze
Don't bother leveling up in here. Since this is pretty much end-game, there
are a few other places that are more worthwhile. (next section)

| {LVL-03} The BEST Locations for Grinding End-Game |

There are 3 MAIN AREAS that are considered the "Best". These places give a
TON of experience and are all highly recommended! Just to test it out though,
what I did was level up for 30 MINUTES in each area. You will be able to see
exactly what happened and how effective it was! If your team is weaker than
the ones I used, expect smaller results.

Thanks to dcgames and Masamune_DS for providing me with their own 30 minute
results for the Secret ??? Dungeon. Thanks guys!


Bahamut's Lair - The Second Room


In this room, you will always fight 3 monsters at a time. The Greater Boros
can petrify you, so it would be wise to equip a Ribbon or any Armor that
protects against this ailment.

This is probably the best place to level up until LEVEL 70. After this, it
gets really slow and very boring.

|Enemy Name:

| Experience: | Gil: |


| 7600

| 1650 |

|Greater Boros | 7600

|Sabertooth Liger | 7600

| 1700 |
| 1800 |


PROS: Easy to kill enemies.

Excellent experience for being so weak.
Leveling Up goes quickly at lower levels.

CONS: Harder to level up at higher levels.

Poor experience for higher levels.

30 Minutes - Result:

Here is the team used:

Luneth - KO'd
Arc - KO'd
Refia - KO'd
Ingus - Lv 71, Black Belt - JobLv 33

|Enemy Name:

| Killed | Experience Received: | Gil Received: |


| 18 |


|Greater Boros | 36 |
|Sabertooth Liger | 45 |







Total Experience = 752,400

Total Gil

= 171,900

The Crystal Tower - Blucks and Kum Kums

In the first room of the tower, you can fight a monster called "Bluck". In
battle, this creature will summon Kum Kums. Kill off the Kum Kum and then
another one will be summoned! Repeat as much as you like.

To speed things up, try casting Haste on the Bluck! This will really get the

battle moving! ;)

Also, don't fight with 4 party members alive; It will go slower.

Use only 1 of your characters, and if you want, revive the other 3 when you're
ready to end the battle. Fighting with 1 character, though, will allow you to
kill A LOT more Kum Kums in a shorter amount of time.

|Enemy Name:

| Experience: | Gil: |

|Kum Kum

| 8400

| 1655 |

| 8800

| 3600 |


PROS: Easy to kill enemies.

Excellent experience for being so weak.
Excellent Gil.
Can kill TONS of Kum Kums in a matter of minutes.
Only need to fight 1 battle.

CONS: None really.

30 Minutes - Result:

Here is the team used:

Luneth - KO'd
Arc - KO'd
Refia - KO'd
Ingus - Lv 71, Black Belt - JobLv 33

|Enemy Name:

| Killed | Experience Received: | Gil Received: |

|Kum Kum

| 2 |


| 111 |



| 399600


Total Experience = 993,600

Total Gil

= 402,910

Secret ??? Dungeon - The Colored Dragons

This place is different. Sure you can get massive amounts of Experience and
Gil, but it's very hard to do. In order to be able to efficiently kill the
colored dragons, you MUST be at high levels.

So, instead of one 30 Minutes Result, there are two. Compare them and take
notice of the teams used. You should get the idea! ;)


|Enemy Name:

| Experience: | Gil: |

|Yellow Dragon | 30000 | 12000 |
|Green Dragon
|Red Dragon

| 45000 | 13330 |
| 60000 | 14666 |


PROS: Loads of Elixirs.

Can win Onion Equipment.
Excellent Experience.
Excellent Gil.

CONS: Extremely powerful.

Can take a long time to kill dragons if not strong enough.

30 Minutes - Result 1:

Here is the team used:

Luneth - Lv 80, Onion Knight - JobLv 37

Arc - Lv 76, Ninja

- JobLv 95

Refia - Lv 76, Bard

- JobLv 99

Ingus - Lv 76, Devout

- JobLv 58

|Enemy Name:

| Killed | Experience Received: | Gil Received: |

|Yellow Dragon | 4 |



|Green Dragon



|Red Dragon

| 3 |
| 3 |




Total Experience = 327,000

Total Gil

= 131,998

30 Minutes - Result 2:

Here is the team used:

Luneth - Lv 99, Onion Knight - JobLv 99

Arc - Lv 99, Onion Knight - JobLv 99
Refia - Lv 99, Onion Knight - JobLv 99
Ingus - Lv 99, Onion Knight - JobLv 99

|Enemy Name:

| Killed | Experience Received: | Gil Received: |

|Yellow Dragon | 6 |



|Green Dragon

| 7 |



| 19 |


|Red Dragon

| 278654


Total Experience = 1,635,000

Total Gil

= 443,964

It doesn't really matter where you level up. They are all very good places to
train, but all of them obviously have downsides. I would suggest leveling up
in Bahamut's Lair until Lv. 70, then fight Blucks and Kum Kums until Lv. 85-90
and then destroy some dragons in the Secret ??? Dungeon until Lv. 99.

You decide! And have fun reaching Lv. 99!!! ;)

| {LVL-04} Job Level |

Every Job has its own level. The more you train as that Job, the higher the
level will become, and the better your character will perform! Here is a list
of EVERYTHING that Job Level affects:

01. # of Hits for physical attacks.

02. Chance of executing a Critical Hit.
03. Physical attack damage.
04. Attack power of bare-handed Monks and Black Belts.
05. Black Magic damage.
06. White Magic damage/recovery.
07. Summon Magic damage/recovery.
08. Status Magic accuracy.

09. It also enhances the special abilities of most Jobs.

| {LVL-05} Earning "JP" Job Points |

Now, to level up a Job, you must gain (JP) Job Points! And just so you know,
you can't actually see JP like you can see Experience points. So you kind of
have to keep track of how much JP you have, in your head. It's not as bad as
it sounds, trust me. :P (paper works, too!) All excess JP over 100, will be
carried over to the next battle.

100 JP = Job Level Up

199 JP = Max JP per Battle

To gain JP you must select any of the following actions in battle: "ATTACK",
"GUARD", "ITEM", or that Job's Special Ability. If you are wondering how
much JP you gain for each action, look below. The chart lists the JP gained
for each Job, using any of the 4 main battle commands. NOTE: The Thief's
Flee ability does not gain any JP.

JP Gain:

| JobLv 1-13 | JobLv 14+ |

|Freelancer | +20

| +20 |


| +20

| +14 |


| +20

| +14 |

|White Mage | +20

| +10 |

|Black Mage | +20

| +10 |

|Red Mage | +20

| +12 |


| +20

| +18 |


| +20

| +14 |


| +20

| +12 |


| +24

| +24 |

|Geomancer | +20

| +20

| +14 |

| +20

| +16 |

|Dark Knight | +20


| +20
| +20

| +14 |

| +14 |
| +10 |

| +18 |

|Black Belt | +20

| +14 |


| +20

| +10 |


| +20

| +10 |

|Summoner | +20

| +12 |


| +20

| +10 |


| +20

| +12 |

|Onion Knight| +20

+8 |


| {LVL-06} Fastest Way to Increase Your Job Level |

If you are looking to quickly increase your Job Level, without over-leveling,
then you found the right place! This method is short and simple.

Step 01: Change the Jobs of all party members, to the ones you want leveled,
and equip the best armors you have at that point in the game.

Step 02: Next, head over to Ur Village. The only enemy in the grasslands is
a Goblin, which only gives 1 exp, so you won't ever have to worry
about dying, or leveling up.

Step 03: Before you start fighting, position all your party members in the
Back Row. Since Goblins are so weak they will do ZERO damage to
your party.

Step 04: Now get into A LOT of fights.

Step 05: Just keep taking commands without killing the enemy. The best one
for this would be the "Guard" command. If the Job you are using
doesn't have this command, then what you will want to do is use a
different command, as long as it doesn't kill the enemy or run away
from the battle.

When you reach 100 JP for each character, end the battle!

Let's say you are trying to level up your ONION KNIGHT. At Job levels 1-13,
you will gain 20 JP for every action you take in battle!

100 / 20 = 5

So to get to 100 JP you will need to take 5 actions each battle! The best way
to do this is "Guard" 4 times, and then use your 5th action to kill off the

If you are Job level 14 or higher, you will get 8 JP for every action you take
in battle.

100 / 8 = 12.5

Ok I know it's impossible to take 12.5 actions, so you must do 13 instead! Use
the same strategy and "Guard" 12 times, and then use the 13th action to kill
off the enemy! Onion Knight is the hardest Job to level, so this might take a
while. Scholars are the easiest Job to level up.

1 Battle = 1 Job Level

This is the easiest/fastest way to level up your Job. However, what you COULD
do is kill off 3 party members and work on 1 character at a time! It does seem
a lot faster this way, but it's not. Or maybe it is? Hmm...

Well, do what you prefer and what makes you the happiest. Yo ho ho! ^_^











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X) Walkthrough Maps: {MAP}


{MAP-00} Introduction


Work in Progress!

These maps were drawn to show you your current area and what you must do. But
just so you know, they aren't necessary for you to look at. I included them
for your viewing pleasure, and also, to make this FAQ a little more exciting.

I tried to make them as neat and simple as possible, letting you know which

ways you can go and where all the treasure is located!

When more are released, they will be included into the Walkthrough as well! :)

| {MAP-01} Towns


Dwarven Hollows:

Vikings' Cove:

| {MAP-02} Dungeons


Altar Cave:

Ancient Ruins:

Ancients' Maze:

Bahamut's Lair:

Castle Hein:

Cave of Shadows:

Cave of Tides:

Crystal Tower:

Doga's Grotto:

Dragon's Peak:


Goldor Manor:

Gulgan Gulch:

Lake Dohr:

Molten Cave:

Nepto Temple:

Saronia Catacombs:

Sealed Cave:

Subterranean Lake:

Sunken Cave:

Temple of Time:

Tower of Owen:

World of Darkness:

| {MAP-03} Overworlds |











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XI) The Perfect File: {PER}



{PER-00} Introduction


Every game has its own definition of a Perfect File, and most of the time this
kind of achievement is attempted in RPG's. So what I'm going talk about in the
following sections is what must be done in FFIII to get absolutely everything.

Compared to a lot of other RPG's out there, this game is one of the more
simple ones to get everything possible. Don't get me wrong, though. Saying
it would be easy would be an honest lie! There are things in here that can
drive you up a wall. But that just sounds fun, huh? Yes! :D

So here they are, the different levels of a Perfect Game. They are supposed to
go from easiest to hardest, but remember, most of this will be very difficult
and seriously time-consuming.

Choose any level of a Perfect Game that you're interested in trying.

| Perfect Game Level Types |

LEVEL 1: (no Wi-Fi required)

- Beat the game and receive the 3 Gold Stars.
- 100% Treasure found.
- A complete Bestiary list, excluding Iron Giant.
- At least 1 of every Item, Weapon, Armor, and Magic. (*)
- Mognet Letter #1, from all Denizens.
- All characters at Lv. 99.
- Have 9999 HP for every character.
- Each characters' main Job at Lv. 99.

- Everything from level 1.
- 110% Treasure found.
- Defeat Iron Giant.
- All 23 Mastery Cards and Items, including Ultima Weapon.
- Every Mognet Letter from all Denizens.
- At least 1 full set of Onion Equipment.

- Everything from level 2.
- All Jobs to Lv.99 for ALL characters.
- Max amount of Items, Weapons, Armor, and Magic.
- At least 4 full sets of Onion Equipment. One for each party member. (**)
- At least 1 of every item possible in Fat Chocobo. (***)


- Everything from level 3.
- MAX out all possible items in Fat Chocobo.

- Everything from level 4.
- Have 99 sets of Onion Equipment.
- Max out experience and Gil.

(*): Excluding the ones received through Wi-Fi quests and Onion Equipment.

(**): These are the only items you don't need a MAX amount of for this level.

(***): Since you can only get a limited amount of certain items, you don't
have to put those in Fat Chocobo.


Level 3 would be the ideal Perfect File. It gets you everything possible and
you at least know you are ABLE to attain up to Level 4 and 5.

As you can see, Level 4 and 5 would be the hardest. I don't think anyone will
ever do them seeing how they require a TON of time and patience. That's not
to say it won't happen, but if it does, don't tell anyone about it. You would
probably be committing social suicide if you did. :P Haha just kidding.

Keep in mind that this is only listed here to make this FAQ more complete and

for those that actually do want the extra challenge.

"Please remember, it's not about HAVING the perfect game, it's about still
being able to attain it. If you've done everything else, you have a
potentially perfect game, which is practically a perfect game. Comprende?"

- Cloud VS Sephiroth

| {PER-01} 100% Treasure |

For this game I would say there are two definitions of "all treasure".

1. 100% - This would require you to open all treasure chests. You can know if
you got this by talking to the secret Old Man at Gysahl Inn and he
will tell you your percentage!

2. 110% - This also would require you to open all treasure chests, but you
would also have to get all hidden treasures. These can be found
from the "shiny spots" that are scattered around towns and some
dungeons. This would also include the treasures that people will
give to you after helping them or from just talking to them.

These are pretty simple. The treasures are easy to find, and there aren't that
many hidden items. The walkthrough covers everything! :) Also, please note
that the old man in Gysahl will never say 110%. This is something I made up

for the sake of completion.

| {PER-02} Item Maxing |

The lists in this section show the max amount of every item that you can find
in the normal course of the game- in treasure chests, finding shiny spots, or
rewards from NPCs. All buyable items are listed at 99 max.

All of the rare and missable items are in the walkthrough, so if you follow
that, you won't miss anything!

NOTE: There are only 9 white musks, total! They can't be stolen or dropped as
loot from enemies. All other consumable items can be stolen or won from
random encounters.

NOTE: The Shell Breaker, Shining Curtain, and Silence Seal items can ONLY be
won from random battles. To find out which enemies drop these items,
go to the "Item Drop Rates" section. Ctrl+F. {IM}

NOTE: To get both Gungnirs, you must steal AND win one from Odin. It's very
rare to win one after the battle, but possible. (0.3% drop rate)


Max Item

Max Item

Max Item




|99| Antarctic Wind | 7| Turtle Shell | 4| Sheep Pillow | 0|


|99| Zeus's Wrath | 6| Angel's Sigh | 0| White Musk

|99| Bomb Fragment | 3| Black Hole

| 9|

| 1| Ottershroom |99|

|Phoenix Down |43| Lamia Scale | 1| Black Musk

| 2| Gnomish Bread |99|


|99| Bacchus's Cider| 3| Lilith's Kiss | 4| Magic Key

|Eye drops

|99| Tranquilizer | 1| Raven's Yawn | 1| Gysahl Greens |99|

|Echo Herbs |99| Bomb Arm

| 0| Shell Breaker | 0| ---



|Gold Needle |99| Arctic Wind | 3| Shining Curtain| 0| ---


|Maiden's Kiss |99| Heavenly Wrath | 2| Silence Seal | 0| ---




|99| Earthen Drums | 4| Chocobo's Wrath| 8| ---



Max Swords

Max Staves

Max Rods



| 4| Golden Sword |11| Staff


|99| Longsword

|99| Fire Rod

|99| Fire Staff


|99| Ice Rod

|Mythril Knife |99| Wightslayer | 1| Ice Staff


|99| Light Rod


|Spark Dagger | 2| Mythril Sword |99| Light Staff |99| Mythril Rod |99|
|Main Gauche |99| Tyrfing

|99| Golem Staff |99| Wizard Rod

|Poison Dagger | 1| Serpent Sword |99| Rune Staff

|99| Omnirod

|Behemoth Knife| 1| Salamand Sword | 1| Elder Staff | 1| Lilith Rod

|Air Knife

| 1| Freezing Blade | 1| Holy Wand

|Dark Knife |99| Royal Sword | 1| Sage Staff

|Lust Dagger | 1| Blood Sword | 1| --|Gladius

| 1| Ancient Sword | 1| ---

| 1| ---

|--| ---


|--| Defender

|99| ---

|--| ---



|--| Break Blade | 1| ---

|--| ---



|--| Excalibur


|--| Ragnarok

| 1| ---

|--| ---


|--| ---

|--| ---

| 1|
| 1|

| 1| Millennium Rod | 1|


| 1| ---




|--| Save the Queen | 1| ---


|--| Onion Blade | 1| ---


|--| Ultima Weapon | 1| ---


|--| Onion Sword |99| ---

|--| --|--| --|--| --|--| ---




Max Dark Blades Max Bows

Max Arrows



|--| Ashura

|99| Bow

|99| Wooden Arrow |99|


|--| Kotetsu

| 3| Great Bow


|--| Kiku-Ichimonji | 2| Killer Bow


|--| Masamune


|99| Holy Arrow


|99| Iron Arrow


| 1| Rune Bow

| 1| Fire Arrow


|--| Muramasa

| 1| Selene Bow

|99| Ice Arrow



|--| Murakumo

| 1| Yoichi Bow

|99| Light Arrow |99|


|--| ---

|--| Eurytos Bow | 1| Sleep Arrow |99|


|--| ---

|--| Elven Bow


|--| ---

|--| Artemis Bow | 1| Medusa Arrow |99|


|--| ---

|--| ---

|--| Magic Arrow |99|


|--| ---

|--| ---

|--| Yoichi Arrow |99|

| 1| Poison Arrow |99|



Max Claws

Max Hammers

Max Axes


|Book of Fire | 2| Bronze Knuckles| 2| Hammer

| 1| Viking Axe

| 1|

|Book of Ice | 2| Sonic Knuckles | 2| Dragon Hammer | 1| Battleaxe


|Book of Light | 2| Impact Claws | 1| Triton Hammer | 1| Dual Tomahawk | 1|

|Tome of Fire | 1| Cat Claws

| 1| Platinum Hammer| 2| Rune Axe


|Tome of Ice | 1| Kaiser Knuckles| 1| Blessed Hammer | 2| Demon Axe


|Tome of Light | 1| Wyvern Claws | 1| Mighty Hammer | 1| Dual Haken

| 1|


| 1| Tiger Claws | 1| ---


| 1| Faerie Claws | 1| ---

|--| Gigantic Axe | 1|

|--| --|--| ---



|--| Metal Knuckles | 1| ---



|--| Dark Claws

| 1| ---

|--| ---



|--| Hellish Claws | 1| ---

|--| ---




Max Throwing

Max Bells

Max Harps


|Thunder Spear |99| Boomerang
|Wind Spear |99| Chakram

|99| Diamond Bell |99| Madhura Harp |99|

| 1| Earthen Bell | 1| Loki Harp

|Heavy Lance | 1| Rising Sun

| 1| Rune Bell


| 2| Dream Harp


|Blood Lance |99| Moonring Blade | 1| Blessed Bell | 1| Lamia Harp


| 1| Shuriken

|99| ---

|--| Apollo Harp |99|

|--| ---

|--| ---

|Dragon Lance |99| --|Holy Lance | 1| --|Gungnir

| 2| ---

|Magic Lance | 1| ---

|--| --|--| --|--| ---

|--| --|--| --|--| ---





Max Body

Max Arms

Max Shields


|Leather Cap |99| Vest

| 1| Bronze Bracers |99| Leather Shield |99|

|Mythril Helm |99| Rusty Mail | 2| Mythril Bracers |99| Mythril Shield |99|
|Shell Helm | 1| Leather Armor |99| Mythril Gloves |99| Ice Shield
|Ice Helm

|99| Mythril Armor |99| Gauntlets

|99| Mage Robe


| 1| Heroic Shield |99|

|99| Thief Gloves |99| Demon Shield |99|

|Feathered Hat |99| Shell Armor |99| Rune Bracers |99| Diamond Shield |99|
|Scholar Hat |99| Ice Armor

|99| Power Bracers | 1| Aegis Shield | 3|

|Black Cowl |99| Kenpo Gi

|99| Diamond Bracers |99| Genji Shield | 1|

|Chakra Band |99| Scholar Robe |99| Diamond Gloves |99| Crystal Shield |99|
|Dragon Helm | 5| Flame Mail |99| Protect Ring |99| Onion Shield |99|
|Viking Helm |99| Knight Armor | 1| Genji Gloves | 1| ---


|Diamond Helm |99| Black Garb |99| Crystal Gloves |99| --|Ribbon


| 5| Reflect Mail | 4| Celestial Gloves| 1| ---


|Genji Helm | 1| White Robe |99| Shura Gloves | 1| ---


|Crystal Helm |99| Black Robe |99| Astral Bracers | 1| ---


|Royal Crown | 1| Bard Vest

|99| Onion Gauntlets |99| ---

|Ballad Crown | 1| Black Belt Gi |99| ---

|--| ---

|Onion Helm |99| Dragon Mail | 4| ---


|--| ---



|--| Gaia Vest

|99| ---

|--| ---



|--| Viking Mail |99| ---

|--| ---



|--| Demon Mail |99| ---

|--| ---



|--| Diamond Mail |99| ---

|--| ---



|--| Genji Armor | 1| ---

|--| ---



|--| Fuma Garb

| 2| ---

|--| ---



|--| Crystal Mail |99| ---

|--| ---



|--| Angel Robe | 1| ---

|--| ---



|--| Crimson Vest | 1| ---

|--| ---



|--| Master Dogi | 1| ---

|--| ---



|--| Onion Armor |99| ---

|--| ---





Max Black

Max Summon


Key Items


|99| Fire
|99| Blizzard
|99| Sleep

|99| Escape
|99| Icen
|99| Spark

|99| Folding Canoe

|99| Levigrass Shoes |

|99| Chain Key


|99| Blind

|99| Heatra

|99| Noah's Lute


|99| Poison

|99| Hyper

|99| Eureka Key


|99| Thunder


|99| Fira

|99| Catastro
|99| Leviath


|99| Blizzara


|99| Thundara


|99| Break

|99| ---

|99| ---

|99| Shade


|99| Blizzaga


|99| Thundaga
|99| Raze

|99| Sara's Pendant |

|99| Bahamur



|99| Syrcus Key

|99| Metal Card

|--| All 23 Job Cards |

|--| ---


|99| NOTE: You can choose to give Sara's


|99| Erase


Pendant back to her or not.


|99| Firaga


If you want a more complete


|99| Bio


|99| Warp



|99| Quake



|99| Breakga

|99| NOTE: Most of the Key Items were


|99| Drain


|99| Flare


|99| Death


|99| Meteor



Key Items list, then keep it.

She won't be mad. :p

used to further progress the

story, but these are the
ones that are left over at
the end of the game.



Most of the MAX amounts in these lists would take FOREVER to get, even if you
can buy the items. So just for fun, here is a list of the total amount of Gil

you would need, in order to purchase 99 of each buyable item.

Item Name:
Potion ...............4,950 Gil
Hi-Potion ...........59,400 Gil
Antidote .............7,920 Gil
Eye drops ............3,200 Gil
Echo Herbs ...........9,900 Gil
Gold Needle ..........9,900 Gil
Maiden's Kiss ........9,900 Gil
Mallet ...............9,900 Gil
Ottershroom ........198,000 Gil
Gnomish Bread .......19,800 Gil
Magic Key ............9,900 Gil
Gysahl Greens .......14,850 Gil
Dagger ...............5,940 Gil
Mythril Knife .......49,500 Gil
Main Gauche ........693,000 Gil
Dark Knife .......2,970,000 Gil
Longsword ............9,900 Gil
Mythril Sword .......49,500 Gil
Tyrfing ............198,000 Gil
Serpent Sword ......148,500 Gil
Defender .........2,772,000 Gil
Staff ................3,960 Gil
Fire Staff .........346,500 Gil

Ice Staff ..........346,500 Gil

Light Staff ........346,500 Gil
Golem Staff ......1,336,500 Gil
Rune Staff .......1,782,000 Gil
Fire Rod ...........990,000 Gil
Ice Rod ............990,000 Gil
Light Rod ..........990,000 Gil
Mythril Rod .........39,600 Gil
Wizard Rod .......1,980,000 Gil
Ashura ...........1,584,000 Gil
Bow ..................9,900 Gil
Great Bow ..........118,800 Gil
Killer Bow .........396,000 Gil
Selene Bow .......1,584,000 Gil
Yoichi Bow .......4,158,000 Gil
Wooden Arrow ...........396 Gil <-- Winner!
Holy Arrow .............990 Gil
Iron Arrow .............792 Gil
Fire Arrow ..........14,850 Gil
Ice Arrow ...........14,850 Gil
Light Arrow .........14,850 Gil
Sleep Arrow .........19,800 Gil
Poison Arrow ........19,800 Gil
Medusa Arrow ........29,700 Gil
Magic Arrow .........24,750 Gil
Yoichi Arrow ........49,500 Gil
Battleaxe ..........732,600 Gil
Rune Axe .........3,465,000 Gil
Demon Axe ........3,960,000 Gil

Thunder Spear ......792,000 Gil

Wind Spear .........990,000 Gil
Blood Lance ......2,772,000 Gil
Dragon Lance .....3,960,000 Gil
Boomerang ..........891,000 Gil
Shuriken .........6,484,500 Gil <-- Loser!
Diamond Bell .......445,500 Gil
Madhura Harp .......990,000 Gil
Loki Harp ..........990,000 Gil
Dream Harp .......1,188,000 Gil
Lamia Harp .......1,188,000 Gil
Apollo Harp ......5,940,000 Gil
Leather Cap ..........1,485 Gil
Mythril Helm ........12,870 Gil
Headband .......... 118,800 Gil
Ice Helm ..........118,800 Gil
Feathered Hat ......594,000 Gil
Scholar Hat ........742,500 Gil
Black Cowl .........396,000 Gil
Chakra Band ........445,500 Gil
Viking Helm ........544,500 Gil
Diamond Helm .....1,980,000 Gil
Crystal Helm .....4,950,000 Gil
Leather Armor ........8,910 Gil
Mythril Armor .......34,650 Gil
Mage Robe ..........198,000 Gil
Shell Armor ........123,750 Gil

Ice Armor ..........237,600 Gil

Kenpo Gi ...........198,000 Gil
Scholar Robe .......544,500 Gil
Flame Mail .........237,600 Gil
Black Garb ........ 495,000 Gil
White Robe .......2,673,000 Gil
Black Robe .......2,673,000 Gil
Bard Vest ..........544,500 Gil
Black Belt Gi ......594,000 Gil
Gaia Vest ..........752,400 Gil
Viking Mail ........792,000 Gil
Demon Mail .......2,475,000 Gil
Diamond Mail .....3,168,000 Gil
Crystal Mail .....4,950,000 Gil
Bronze Bracers .......7,920 Gil
Mythril Bracers .....11,880 Gil
Mythril Gloves ......11,880 Gil
Thief Gloves .......247,500 Gil
Rune Bracers .......495,000 Gil
Diamond Bracers ....990,000 Gil
Diamond Gloves .....990,000 Gil
Crystal Gloves ...4,950,000 Gil
Leather Shield .......3,960 Gil
Mythril Shield ......17,820 Gil
Ice Shield .........178,200 Gil
Heroic Shield ......346,500 Gil
Demon Shield .....1,237,500 Gil

Diamond Shield ...1,782,000 Gil

Crystal Shield ...4,950,000 Gil
Cure .................9,900 Gil
Poisona ..............9,900 Gil
Sight ................9,900 Gil
Aero ................69,300 Gil
Mini ................99,000 Gil
Toad ................69,300 Gil
Cura ...............148,500 Gil
Teleport ...........148,500 Gil
Blindna ............148,500 Gil
Libra ..............297,000 Gil
Confuse ............297,000 Gil
Silence ............297,000 Gil
Curaga .............495,000 Gil
Raise ..............495,000 Gil
Protect ............495,000 Gil
Aeroga .............990,000 Gil
Stona ..............990,000 Gil
Haste ..............990,000 Gil
Curaja ...........1,980,000 Gil
Esuna ............1,980,000 Gil
Reflect ..........1,980,000 Gil
Tornado ..........5,940,000 Gil
Arise ............5,940,000 Gil
Holy .............5,940,000 Gil
Fire .................9,900 Gil

Blizzard .............9,900 Gil

Sleep ................9,900 Gil
Blind ...............69,300 Gil
Poison ..............69,300 Gil
Thunder .............69,300 Gil
Fira ...............148,500 Gil
Blizzara ...........148,500 Gil
Thundara ...........148,500 Gil
Break ..............297,000 Gil
Shade ..............297,000 Gil
Blizzaga ...........297,000 Gil
Thundaga ...........495,000 Gil
Raze ...............495,000 Gil
Erase ..............495,000 Gil
Firaga .............990,000 Gil
Bio ................990,000 Gil
Warp ...............990,000 Gil
Quake ............1,980,000 Gil
Breakga ..........1,980,000 Gil
Drain ............1,980,000 Gil
Flare ............5,940,000 Gil
Death ............5,940,000 Gil
Meteor ...........5,940,000 Gil
Escape ...............9,900 Gil
Icen ...............693,000 Gil
Spark ..............693,000 Gil
Heatra .............693,000 Gil
Hyper ..............693,000 Gil

Catastro .........3,960,000 Gil

Leviath ..........4,950,000 Gil
Bahamur ..........5,940,000 Gil
Total ..........183,302,423 Gil

Um.... that's a lot of Gil. Maybe you should just save your money.

| {PER-03} Missable Items & Missable Enemies |

All of the items in this section are found in areas that can't be accessed
after a certain parts of the game. Meaning they are missable. And since most
of them are inside treasure chests, your Treasure % total will never reach
to the perfect 100%. This will be very crucial to anyone who is working on
a perfect file.

Some of the items aren't very rare and can even be purchased in stores, but I
listed them anyways because these specific ones are in treasure chests which,
as I just mentioned, add to your % total. An NPC at Gysahl Inn will tell you
your exact % of treasure found.

All Missable Enemies:


Killer Fish ........Inner sea of the Floating Continent.

Hermit .............Inner sea of the Floating Continent.
Sea Elemental ......Inner sea of the Floating Continent.
Tangie .............Inner sea of the Floating Continent.
Sahagin ............Inner sea of the Floating Continent.
----------------------------------Anet ...............Outer sea of the Floating Continent.
Mermaid ............Outer sea of the Floating Continent.
Seahorse ...........Outer sea of the Floating Continent.
Sea Serpent ........Outer sea of the Floating Continent.
----------------------------------Demon ..............Castle Hein.
Pharaoh ............Castle Hein.
Lemur ..............Castle Hein.
Dullahan ...........Castle Hein.
Lamia ..............Castle Hein.
----------------------------------Sea Dragon .........Anywhere in the Main World sea. (not Floating Continent)
----------------------------------Plancti ............Lake Dohr.
Remora .............Lake Dohr.
Sea Lion ...........Lake Dohr.
----------------------------------Nemesis ............Doga's Grotto.
Cyclops ............Doga's Grotto.
Humbaba ............Doga's Grotto.
Ogre ...............Doga's Grotto.

All Missable Items:

Knife ..............Initial weapon for each party member. Don't sell them!
Vest ...............Initial armor for Luneth. Don't sell it!
----------------------------------Holy Arrow .........Castle Hein.
3000 Gil ...........Castle Hein.
3000 Gil ...........Castle Hein.
Bomb Fragment ......Castle Hein.
Antarctic Wind .....Castle Hein.
Phoenix Down .......Castle Hein.
Phoenix Down .......Castle Hein.
Phoenix Down .......Castle Hein.
Phoenix Down .......Castle Hein.
Elixir .............Castle Hein.
Royal Sword ........Castle Hein.
Rune Bow ...........Castle Hein.
----------------------------------Zeus's Wrath .......Wrecked Ship in the New World.
Blood Sword ........Wrecked Ship in the New World.
----------------------------------Wind Spear .........Southwest Saronia; When Alus is in your party, talk to
Dragon Mail ........the Old Men wearing orange clothes.
----------------------------------Arctic Wind ........Lake Dohr.

Heavenly Wrath .....Lake Dohr.

Earthen Drums ......Lake Dohr.
Phoenix Down .......Lake Dohr.
Hi-Potion ..........Lake Dohr.
Hi-Potion ..........Lake Dohr.
Hi-Potion ..........Lake Dohr.
Hi-Potion ..........Lake Dohr.
Elixir .............Lake Dohr.
White Musk .........Lake Dohr.
Bacchus's Cider ....Lake Dohr.
Turtle Shell .......Lake Dohr.
Aegis Shield .......Lake Dohr.
Black Musk .........Lake Dohr.
Reflect Mail .......Lake Dohr.
Black Hole .........Lake Dohr.
Lilith's Kiss ......Lake Dohr.
Raven's Yawn .......Lake Dohr.
Platinum Hammer ....Lake Dohr.
Platinum Hammer ....Lake Dohr.
----------------------------------10,000 Gil .........Doga's Grotto.
10,000 Gil .........Doga's Grotto.
White Musk .........Doga's Grotto.
Chocobo's Wrath ....Doga's Grotto.
Phoenix Down .......Doga's Grotto.
Phoenix Down .......Doga's Grotto.
Rising Sun .........Doga's Grotto.
Lust Dagger ........Doga's Grotto.

Gungnir ............Steal and win from Odin.

| {Per-04} Getting 9999 HP |




Getting the max amount of HP isn't that hard. It's just very time consuming.

The HP growth, on any character, is determined by Vitality and a little bit

of luck. (luck is not a stat, haha) So the higher the Vitality stat on your
character, the more HP they'll gain at level up.

NOTE: ALL stat increases from the weapons and armor you equip, DO NOT count
toward HP gains. Even the stat decreases from being in the horrible
Job Transition Phase don't count. That's good to hear! :P

The only Job that will get you to 9999 HP is: BLACK BELT! This Job has the
best Vitality stat when compared to all other Jobs.

Seeing as how you don't get Black Belt until very late in the game, I made a
chart (thanks to Penguin Knight) that lists how much HP you should have at
every character level. Your goal for all of this is to try and catch up to
the "Target HP" values on the chart. Think of it as a "safe zone", since your
HP will be guaranteed to reach 9999 as long as you keep using a BB.

RECOMMENDED LEVEL: Begin working on 9999 HP at about level 60-70, or lower

if your character has been a mage the whole game. Any

job with low vitality actually, should start a bit sooner

since they probably have fewer HP. ^_^

| Character Lv: | Target HP | Since you don't get Black Belt until late in
|---------------|-------------| the game, and by then your levels will be
| ----

| ----

| pretty high, ignore all levels below Lvl ~50.





| The latest that you should start working on



| getting 9999 HP is level 70. I once got to



| max HP while having started at level 72, but



| it was cutting it very close.





| That risk isn't worth it since you might miss


| 1053

| it by a few measly HP. 9998 HP! Eww!


| 1109


| 1167


| 1227

| =================


| 1289

| Getting Started:


| 1353

| =================


| 1419

| Ok, your goal in this section is to reach the


| 1487

| Target HP in the chart to the left.


| 1557


| 1629

| To help achieve this please read the following


| 1703

| strategy:


| 1779


| 1857



| 1937

| When you level up, there is a chance that you


| 2019

| can get a bonus in your HP Gain.


| 2103


| 2189

| -----------------------------------------------


| 2277

| HP Gain = Character's Level + Vitality + Bonus


| 2367


| 2459

| Bonus = (Random # between 0 and 0.5) x Vitality


| 2553

| -----------------------------------------------


| 2649


| 2747

| As you can see, the Bonus you receive will be


| 2847

| completely random.


| 2949


| 3053

| It is possible to get a Bonus up to HALF of


| 3159

| your Vitality, but it's also possible to get


| 3267

| absolutely no Bonus.


| 3377


| 3489

| So if you need to, SAVE before you level up


| 3603

| and then see how much HP is gained. Now do


| 3719

| a little bit of math to find out how much of a


| 3837

| bonus you just received. If it's a HIGH bonus,


| 3957

| meaning you got close to half your Vitality,


| 4079

| save it! If you got a very small Bonus, then


| 4203

| reset and try again. To get an idea of what


| 4329

| it's like trying to reach the Target HP, here


| 4457

| is a small chart with my progress. ;)


| 4587


| 4719

| o----.--------.-----------o


| 4853

| | Lv | My HP: | Short by: |


| 4989

| |----|--------|-----------|


| 5127 ----|-->| 70 | 4796 | 331 |


| 5267

| | 71 | 4970 | 297 | NOTE: At each


| 5409

| | 72 | 5135 | 274 | of these levels


| 5553

| | 73 | 5312 | 241 | I get closer to


| 5699

| | 74 | 5488 | 211 | the Target HP.


| 5847 ----|-->| 75 | 5670 | 177 |


| 5997

| | 76 | 5856 | 141 |


| 6149

| | 77 | 6043 | 106 |


| 6303

| | 78 | 6234 |

69 |


| 6459

| | 79 | 6429 |

30 |


| 6617 ----|-->| 80 | 6625 |


| 6777

| o----'--------'-----------o


| 6939


| 7103

| Take notice that I still haven't reached the


| 7269

| Target HP even at level 70.


| 7437


| 7607

| This doesn't mean I'm doomed to never get


| 7779

| to 9999 HP, it just means I need to rely on


| 7953

| getting larger HP Gain bonuses.


| 8129


| 8307

| From a result of proper leveling, meaning


| 8487

| I only got HIGH bonuses, I finally reached


| 8669

| the Target HP at level 80. Yay!


| 8853


| 9039

| Once you get to this point, it's nothing but


| 9227

| smooth-sailing to level 99. There is no more


| 9417

| need to get the Target HP, you've done it!


| 9609


| 9803

| Remember to stay as a Black Belt, though, when


| 9999

| you level up. Hehe.


-8 |

Here is something to raise your spirits; The Target HP values DO NOT include
any HP Gain Bonuses, at all. So if you do receive a Bonus at level up, be it
small or large, you'll have a huge advantage!


Worried that you won't be able to make it? Check the following chart to see
if you can still get Max HP. If you have LESS then the Required HP, for your
current level, you will NEVER be able to get 9999 HP. Sorry. :P

| Character Lv: | Required HP |
| ----

| ----




| 1059


| 1186


| 1316


| 1449


| 1584


| 1721


| 1861


| 2004


| 2149


| 2296


| 2446


| 2599


| 2754


| 2911


| 3071


| 3234


| 3399


| 3566


| 3736


| 3909


| 4084


| 4261


| 4441


| 4624


| 4809


| 4996


| 5186


| 5379


| 5574


| 5771


| 5971


| 6174


| 6379


| 6586


| 6796


| 7009


| 7224


| 7441


| 7661


| 7884


| 8109


| 8336


| 8566


| 8799


| 9035


| 9271


| 9511


| 9754


| 9999












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XII) Bestiary: {BES}


{BES-00} Introduction


Most of this information was logged from the Bestiary that is within the game.

To access this In-Game Bestiary, go to the Gysahl Inn. There is a secret

passage in the first room leading to an Old Man. He will tell you all sorts
of cool information so go check it out! ;) Ok, now on to the beasties.

Here is an example chart explaining each term:



| Number: | Monster Name:

| !BOSS |

| Level: --

| HP:

| Item..............0.0% | 1. --





o===========================| ---

| 2. --

| Exp:

| Gil:


| --| ---

| 3. -| 4. --

o===========================| ---

| Atk:


| ---

| Def:


| ---

| Weakness: --

| ---


| Attacks: Only Boss attacks will be listed.



| Strategy: Only Bosses will have strategies.

| Location: ---


Number...........Bestiary entry number.
Level............Enemy level.
HP...............Max Hit Points.
Exp..............Experience won.
Gil..............Money won.
Weakness.........Elemental weakness of monster.
Drops............Possible Item Drops after the battle, and drop rates.
Steal............Items you can steal. Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, or Item 4.
Location.........Where the enemy can be found.

| !BOSS |..If the enemy is a boss, it will have this indicator.

-Total Experience is divided among all LIVING party members!

-See the "Stealing Guide" section above for DETAILS! Ctrl+F. {STL} Just to
make things clear, you can only steal one of the four items! It depends
on the Job level of your Thief.

-I only listed one location where they can be found, not all of them. Also,
when you go to an area to find a monster, explore the whole area! You won't
be able to find every single monster in the first room of a dungeon! :p

-There are a total of 226 monsters in FFIII.

| {BES-01} Enemies |

| No. 001 | Goblin

| Level: 1

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion




o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:

| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:

| Def:

| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands near Ur village. Altar Cave, levels 1, 2, & 3.


| No. 002 | Carbuncle
| Level: 1

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:

| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Altar Cave, levels 2 & 4.


| No. 003 | Eye Fang
| Level: 1

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:

| Def:

| Weakness: None.

| Location: Altar Cave, levels 2 & 4.


| No. 004 | Blue Wisp
| Level: 1

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:

| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:

| Weakness: None.

| Location: Altar Cave, levels 2 & 4.


| No. 005 | Killer Bee
| Level: 2

| HP:

| Eye Drops.........2.6% | 1. Eye Drops





o===========================| Antidote..........2.4% | 2. Eye Drops

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Antidote

| 4. Antidote


| Atk:

| Def:

| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Desert near Kazus, Forest near Castle Sasune.


| No. 006 | Werewolf
| Level: 3

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:

| Def:

| Weakness: None.

| Location: Desert near Kazus, Forest near Castle Sasune.


| No. 007 | Berserker
| Level: 4

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Desert near Kazus, Forest near Castle Sasune.


| No. 008 | Red Wisp
| Level: 5

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Light.

| Location: Castle Sasune: West Tower. All floors.


| No. 009 | Dark Eye
| Level: 5

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Light.

| Location: Castle Sasune: West Tower. All floors.


| No. 010 | Zombie
| Level: 6

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Light.

| Location: Castle Sasune: West Tower. All floors.


| No. 011 | Mummy
| Level: 6

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion

| Gil:


| 4. Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Light.

| Location: The Sealed Cave, levels 1, 2, & 3.


| No. 012 | Skeleton
| Level: 6

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Light.

| Location: The Sealed Cave, levels 1 & 2.


| No. 013 | Cursed Copper

| Level: 6

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Light.

| Location: The Sealed Cave, levels 1 & 3.


| No. 014 | Larva
| Level: 6

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Light.

| Location: The Sealed Cave, level 3.


| No. 015 | Shadow
| Level: 7

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Light.

| Location: The Sealed Cave, levels 2 & 3.


| No. 016 | Revenant
| Level: 7

| HP:

| Eye Drops.........3.6% | 1. Eye Drops





o===========================| Antidote..........3.4% | 2. Eye Drops

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Antidote

| 4. Antidote



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Light.

| Location: The Sealed Cave, level 3. Rare.


| No. 017 | Firefly
| Level: 9

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Ice, Wind.

| Location: Dragon's Peak.


| No. 018 | Helldiver
| Level: 8



| HP:


| Gold Needle.......3.0% | 1. Gold Needle

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle

| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Wind.


| Location: Dragon's Peak.


| No. 019 | Rust Bird
| Level: 9

| HP:

| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 1. Phoenix Down




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. Phoenix Down

| 3. Phoenix Down

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Wind.

| 4. Phoenix Down



| Location: Dragon's Peak. Rare.


| No. 020 | Rukh
| Level: 9

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Dragon's Peak.


| No. 021 | Basilisk
| Level: 9

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands near Canaan, Forest near Tozus/Vikings' Cove.


| No. 022 | Bugbear
| Level: 9

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands near Canaan, Forest near Tozus/Vikings' Cove.


| No. 023 | Mandrake
| Level: 9

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Fire.

| Location: Grasslands near Canaan, Forest near Tozus/Vikings' Cove.


| No. 024 | Leprechaun
| Level: 9

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Tozus Tunnel, paths 1 & 2. Rare.



| No. 025 | Darkface

| Level: 9

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Tozus Tunnel, paths 1 & 2.


| No. 026 | Petit
| Level: 9

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......3.0% | 1. Gold Needle




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle

| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.



| Location: Nepto Temple, levels 1 & 3.


| No. 027 | Poison Bat
| Level: 9

| HP:

| Eye Drops.........2.6% | 1. Eye Drops





o===========================| Antidote..........2.4% | 2. Eye Drops

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Antidote

| 4. Antidote


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Nepto Temple, level 2.


| No. 028 | Lilliputian
| Level: 10

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Nepto Temple, level 1.


| No. 029 | Wererat
| Level: 10

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Nepto Temple, level 3.


| No. 030 | Blood Worm

| Level: 11

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Nepto Temple, levels 2 & 3.


| No. 031 | Killer Fish
| Level: 13

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Inner sea, Floating Continent.


| No. 032 | Hermit
| Level: 13

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Inner sea, Floating Continent.


| No. 033 | Sea Elemental
| Level: 12

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....2.5% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Potion............2.2% | 2. Antarctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...2.1% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Arctic Wind.......2.0% | 4. Antarctic Wind


| Atk:



| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Inner sea, Floating Continent.


| No. 034 | Tangie
| Level: 13

| HP:

| Potion............3.2% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Bomb Fragment.....3.2% | 2. Bomb Fragment

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Antarctic Wind....3.2% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Zeus's Wrath......3.1% | 4. Zeus's Wrath


o===========================| Silence Seal......3.1% |

| Atk:


| Tranquilizer......3.1% |

| Def:


| Angel's Sigh......3.0% |

| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Inner sea, Floating Continent.


| No. 035 | Sahagin
| Level: 13

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....3.5% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Potion............3.2% | 2. Antarctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...3.1% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Arctic Wind.......3.0% | 4. Antarctic Wind


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: Inner sea, Floating Continent. Easy to find in water by Canaan. |

| No. 036 | Parademon
| Level: 16

| HP:

| Wooden Arrow......3.2% | 1. Wooden Arrow





o===========================| Holy Arrow........3.2% | 2. Holy Arrow

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Iron Arrow........3.2% | 3. Iron Arrow

| Ice Arrow.........3.1% | 4. Ice Arrow

o===========================| Light Arrow.......3.1% |

| Atk:


| Fire Arrow........3.1% |

| Def:


| Medusa Arrow......3.0% |

| Weakness: Fire.

| Yoichi Arrow......3.0% |


| Location: Grasslands along the south edge of Floating Continent.


| No. 037 | Griffon
| Level: 6

| HP:

| Potion............3.2% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Bomb Fragment.....3.2% | 2. Bomb Fragment

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Antarctic Wind....3.2% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Zeus's Wrath......3.1% | 4. Zeus's Wrath


o===========================| Silence Seal......3.1% |

| Atk:


| Tranquilizer......3.1% |

| Def:

| Angel's Sigh......3.0% |

| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Desert near Tokkul, Village of the Ancients. |

| No. 038 | Lynx
| Level: 16

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands along the south edge of Floating Continent.


| No. 039 | Hornet
| Level: 15

| HP:

| Eye Drops.........2.6% | 1. Eye Drops





o===========================| Antidote..........2.4% | 2. Eye Drops

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Antidote

| 4. Antidote


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Grasslands along the south edge of Floating Continent.


| No. 040 | Knocker
| Level: 13

| HP:

| Zeus's Wrath......3.4% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Angel's Sigh......3.3% | 2. Zeus's Wrath

| Exp:


| Potion............3.2% | 3. Zeus's Wrath

| Gil:


| Shell Breaker.....3.1% | 4. Angel's Sigh

o===========================| Heavenly Wrath....3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Desert near Tokkul, Village of the Ancients. |

| No. 041 | Flyer
| Level: 12

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Desert near Tokkul, Village of the Ancients. |

| No. 042 | Lizardman

| Level: 13

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Desert near Tokkul, Village of the Ancients. |

| No. 043 | Gorgon
| Level: 13

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Desert near Tokkul, Village of the Ancients. |


| No. 044 | Red Cap
| Level: 18

| HP:

| Zeus's Wrath......3.4% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Angel's Sigh......3.3% | 2. Zeus's Wrath

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Potion............3.2% | 3. Zeus's Wrath

| Shell Breaker.....3.1% | 4. Angel's Sigh

o===========================| Heavenly Wrath....3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest near southeast corner of Floating Continent. |

| No. 045 | Barometz
| Level: 18

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Fire.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest near southeast corner of Floating Continent. |

| No. 046 | Slime
| Level: 17

| HP:

| Potion............2.2% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Bomb Fragment.....2.2% | 2. Bomb Fragment

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Antarctic Wind....2.2% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Zeus's Wrath......2.1% | 4. Zeus's Wrath


o===========================| Silence Seal......2.1% |

| Atk:


| Tranquilizer......2.1% |

| Def:


| Angel's Sigh......2.0% |

| Weakness: Fire.

| Location: Grasslands near southeast corner of Floating Continent.


| No. 047 | Tarantula
| Level: 18



| HP:


| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion

o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Fire.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest near southeast corner of Floating Continent. |

| No. 048 | Cuphgel
| Level: 18

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands near Gysahl. Southeast Forest on Floating Continent. |

| No. 049 | Pugman
| Level: 14

| HP:

| Maiden's Kiss.....2.3% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Echo Herbs........2.3% | 2. Maiden's Kiss

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Potion............2.2% | 3. Echo Herbs

| Mallet............2.2% | 4. Mallet


o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.0% |
| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Tower of Owen, floors 1 to 4.


| No. 050 | Far Darrig
| Level: 14

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Tower of Owen, floors 2 to 10.


| No. 051 | Blood Bat
| Level: 14

| HP:

| Maiden's Kiss.....2.3% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Echo Herbs........2.3% | 2. Maiden's Kiss

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Potion............2.2% | 3. Echo Herbs

| Mallet............2.2% | 4. Mallet


o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.0% |
| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Tower of Owen, floors 5 to 10.


| No. 052 | Petit Mage
| Level: 13

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......3.0% | 1. Gold Needle





| 2. Gold Needle


| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Gold Needle

| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Tower of Owen, floors 1 to 10. (all floors)


| No. 053 | Fury
| Level: 16

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Tower of Owen, floor 1. Rare. (the one with toads)



| No. 054 | Aughisky

| Level: 15

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Tower of Owen, floors 5 to 10.


| No. 055 | Bomb
| Level: 16

| HP:

| Bomb Arm..........2.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......2.3% | 2. Bomb Arm

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........2.2% | 3. Bomb Arm

| Silence Seal......2.1% | 4. Tranquilizer

o===========================| Lilith's Kiss.....2.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Ice, Water.



| Location: The Subterranean Lake, levels 1 & 2.


| No. 056 | Manticore
| Level: 17

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle

| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: The Subterranean Lake, levels 1 & 2.


| No. 057 | Stalagmite
| Level: 17

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle



| Exp:
| Gil:




| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle
| 4. Gold Needle




| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: The Subterranean Lake, levels 2 & 3.


| No. 058 | Sea Devil
| Level: 17

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....3.5% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Potion............3.2% | 2. Antarctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...3.1% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Arctic Wind.......3.0% | 4. Antarctic Wind


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: The Subterranean Lake, level 3.


| No. 059 | Merman

| Level: 17

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....3.5% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Potion............3.2% | 2. Antarctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...3.1% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Arctic Wind.......3.0% | 4. Antarctic Wind


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: The Subterranean Lake, level 3.


| No. 060 | Ruinous Wave
| Level: 16

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....2.5% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Potion............2.2% | 2. Antarctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...2.1% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Arctic Wind.......2.0% | 4. Antarctic Wind


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: The Subterranean Lake, level 3.


| No. 061 | Balloon
| Level: 18

| HP:

| Bomb Arm..........2.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......2.3% | 2. Bomb Arm

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........2.2% | 3. Bomb Arm

| Silence Seal......2.1% | 4. Tranquilizer


o===========================| Lilith's Kiss.....2.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Ice, Water.

| Location: The Molten Cave, levels 1 to 3.


| No. 062 | Myrmecoleon
| Level: 19

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle



| Exp:
| Gil:




| 3. Gold Needle
| 4. Gold Needle

| Atk:

| 2. Gold Needle



| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: The Molten Cave, levels 2 to 4.


| No. 063 | Crocotta
| Level: 19

| HP:

| Bomb Fragment.....3.4% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Sheep Pillow......3.3% | 2. Bomb Fragment

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Potion............3.2% | 3. Bomb Fragment

| Lamia Scale.......3.1% | 4. Sheep Pillow


o===========================| Bomb Arm..........3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Ice, Water.

| Location: The Molten Cave, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 064 | Adamantoise
| Level: 21

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....5.5% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Potion............5.2% | 2. Antarctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...5.1% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Arctic Wind.......5.0% | 4. Antarctic Wind


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Ice, Water.


| Location: The Molten Cave, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 065 | Red Marshmallow
| Level: 18

| HP:

| Bomb Fragment.....2.4% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Sheep Pillow......2.3% | 2. Bomb Fragment

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Potion............2.2% | 3. Bomb Fragment

| Lamia Scale.......2.1% | 4. Sheep Pillow

o===========================| Bomb Arm..........2.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Ice, Water.

| Location: The Molten Cave, levels 1 to 3.


| No. 066 | Pharaoh
| Level: 20

| HP:

| Eye Drops.........3.6% | 1. Eye Drops





o===========================| Antidote..........3.4% | 2. Eye Drops

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Antidote

| 4. Antidote


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Light.

| Location: Castle Hein, levels 2 to 6.


| No. 067 | Lemur
| Level: 19

| HP:

| Potion............2.2% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Bomb Fragment.....2.2% | 2. Bomb Fragment

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Antarctic Wind....2.2% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Zeus's Wrath......2.1% | 4. Zeus's Wrath

o===========================| Silence Seal......2.1% |

| Atk:


| Tranquilizer......2.1% |

| Def:


| Angel's Sigh......2.0% |

| Weakness: Light.


| Location: Castle Hein, levels 2, 3, 5, & 6.


| No. 068 | Lamia
| Level: 23

| HP:

| Potion............5.2% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Bomb Fragment.....5.2% | 2. Bomb Fragment

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Antarctic Wind....5.2% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Zeus's Wrath......5.1% | 4. Zeus's Wrath


o===========================| Silence Seal......5.1% |

| Atk:


| Tranquilizer......5.1% |

| Def:


| Angel's Sigh......5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Location: Castle Hein, levels 5 & 6. (easy to find in room 3B, 3C)


| No. 069 | Demon
| Level: 23

| HP:

| Wooden Arrow......3.2% | 1. Wooden Arrow





o===========================| Holy Arrow........3.2% | 2. Holy Arrow

| Exp:


| Iron Arrow........3.2% | 3. Iron Arrow

| Gil:


| Ice Arrow.........3.1% | 4. Ice Arrow

o===========================| Light Arrow.......3.1% |

| Atk:


| Fire Arrow........3.1% |

| Def:


| Medusa Arrow......3.0% |

| Weakness: Light.


| Yoichi Arrow......3.0% |

| Location: Castle Hein, levels 2 to 4.


| No. 070 | Dullahan
| Level: 24

| HP:

| Potion............5.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........5.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Castle Hein, level 4. (easy to find in room 3C)


| No. 071 | Anet

| Level: 14

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....2.5% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Potion............2.2% | 2. Antarctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...2.1% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Arctic Wind.......2.0% | 4. Antarctic Wind


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: Outer sea, Floating Continent.


| No. 072 | Mermaid
| Level: 15

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....3.5% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Potion............3.2% | 2. Antarctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...3.1% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Arctic Wind.......3.0% | 4. Antarctic Wind


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: Outer sea, Floating Continent.


| No. 073 | Seahorse
| Level: 14

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....2.5% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Potion............2.2% | 2. Antarctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...2.1% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Arctic Wind.......2.0% | 4. Antarctic Wind


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: Outer sea, Floating Continent.


| No. 074 | Sea Serpent
| Level: 17

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....5.5% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Potion............5.2% | 2. Antarctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...5.1% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Arctic Wind.......5.0% | 4. Antarctic Wind



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Outer sea, Floating Continent. Common by Village of the Ancients. |

| No. 075 | Cockatrice
| Level: 20

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle

| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Cave of Tides, levels 2 to 4.


| No. 076 | Poison Toad
| Level: 19



| HP:


| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion

o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Cave of Tides, levels 1 & 2.


| No. 077 | Twin Heads
| Level: 19

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Cave of Tides, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 078 | Roper
| Level: 20

| HP:

| Potion............2.2% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Bomb Arm..........2.2% | 2. Bomb Arm

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Arctic Wind.......2.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Heavenly Wrath....2.1% | 4. Heavenly Wrath

o===========================| Lamia Scale.......2.1% |

| Atk:


| Bacchus's Cider...2.1% |

| Def:


| Turtle Shell......2.0% |

| Weakness: Lightning.


| Earthen Drums.....2.0% |

| Location: Cave of Tides, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 079 | Agaliarept
| Level: 21

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Cave of Tides, level 4. Rare.


| No. 080 | Dark Legs
| Level: 21

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Fire.

| Location: Amur Sewers, levels 1, 2, & 4.


| No. 081 | Gigantoad
| Level: 20

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Amur Sewers, levels 1, 2, & 4.


| No. 082 | Twin Liger
| Level: 22

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Amur Sewers, levels 1, 2, & 4.



| No. 083 | Stroper

| Level: 21

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Amur Sewers, level 4. Rare.


| No. 084 | Black Flan
| Level: 22

| HP:

| Potion............2.2% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Bomb Arm..........2.2% | 2. Bomb Arm

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Arctic Wind.......2.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Heavenly Wrath....2.1% | 4. Heavenly Wrath

o===========================| Lamia Scale.......2.1% |

| Atk:


| Bacchus's Cider...2.1% |

| Def:


| Turtle Shell......2.0% |

| Weakness: Fire.

| Earthen Drums.....2.0% |




| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Desert near Amur Village & Goldor Manor.


| No. 085 | Hellgaroo
| Level: 22

| HP:

| Potion............2.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........2.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Desert near Amur Village & Goldor Manor.


| No. 086 | Vulcan
| Level: 26

| HP:

| Bomb Arm..........5.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......5.3% | 2. Bomb Arm

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 3. Bomb Arm

| Silence Seal......5.1% | 4. Tranquilizer


o===========================| Lilith's Kiss.....5.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Ice, Water.

| Location: Grasslands near Amur Village & Goldor Manor. Uncommon.


| No. 087 | Dracrocotta
| Level: 23

| HP:

| Potion............3.7% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Hi-Potion.........3.3% | 2. Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 3. Potion


| 4. Potion

| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: Ice.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Desert near Amur Village & Goldor Manor.


| No. 088 | Magician

| Level: 23

| HP:

| Heavenly Wrath....3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......3.3% | 2. Heavenly Wrath

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Heavenly Wrath

| Shining Curtain...3.1% | 4. Tranquilizer


o===========================| Chocobo's Wrath...3.1% |

| Atk:


| Black Musk........3.0% |

| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Forest/Desert near Amur Village & Goldor Manor.


| No. 089 | Lost Gold
| Level: 23

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......3.0% | 1. Gold Needle




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Gold Needle

| Atk:


| Def:



| 4. Gold Needle

| 2. Gold Needle


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Goldor Manor, the Library. Rare.


| No. 090 | Gold Eagle
| Level: 23

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......3.0% | 1. Gold Needle




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| 4. Gold Needle

| Weakness: Wind.


| Location: Goldor Manor, the Main Hall & Locked Room.


| No. 091 | Gold Warrior
| Level: 24

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle



| Exp:
| Gil:




| 3. Gold Needle
| 4. Gold Needle

| Atk:

| 2. Gold Needle



| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Goldor Manor, the Main Hall & Locked Room.


| No. 092 | Gold Bear
| Level: 24

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle

| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Goldor Manor, all areas.


| No. 093 | Gold Knight
| Level: 25

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle





| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle

| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Goldor Manor, the Library & North Wing.


| No. 094 | Nightmare
| Level: 25

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Gold Needle

| 4. Gold Needle

| Atk:


| Def:


| 2. Gold Needle


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Goldor Manor, the Library & North Wing.


| No. 095 | Hellgaroo Mage
| Level: 25

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands/Forests/Marshlands near Duster, Replito, and Saronia. |

| No. 096 | Needle Monkey
| Level: 25

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.2% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Black Hole........2.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....2.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......2.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...2.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....2.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........2.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...2.0% |

| Location: Grasslands/Forests/Marshlands near Duster, Replito, and Saronia. |

| No. 097 | Catoblepas
| Level: 26

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle

| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Grasslands/Forests/Marshlands near Duster, Replito, and Saronia. |

| No. 098 | Sorcerer
| Level: 26

| HP:

| Arctic Wind.......3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Turtle Shell......3.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Gil:


| Black Hole........3.1% | 4. Turtle Shell

o===========================| Raven's Yawn......3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands/Forests/Marshlands near Duster, Replito, and Saronia. |

| No. 099 | Sand Worm
| Level: 26

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Forests/Marshlands near Duster, Replito, Saronia, Dragon Spire. |

| No. 100 | Frostfly

| Level: 28

| HP:

| Arctic Wind.......3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Turtle Shell......3.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Black Hole........3.1% | 4. Turtle Shell


o===========================| Raven's Yawn......3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Fire, Wind.

| Location: Forest/Skies on Dalg Continent.


| No. 101 | Simurgh
| Level: 28

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Skies on Dalg Continent.


| No. 102 | Harpy
| Level: 30

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Skies on Dalg Continent.


| No. 103 | Gargoyle
| Level: 28

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Skies on Dalg Continent.


| No. 104 | Chimera
| Level: 28

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle

| Atk:


| Def:


| 4. Gold Needle


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Grasslands/Forest/Skies on Dalg Continent.


| No. 105 | Demon Horse
| Level: 29



| HP:


| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Cave of the Circle, paths 1 to 3. (all paths)


| No. 106 | Rock Gargoyle
| Level: 29

| HP:

| Bomb Arm..........3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......3.3% | 2. Bomb Arm

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Bomb Arm

| Silence Seal......3.1% | 4. Tranquilizer

o===========================| Lilith's Kiss.....3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Cave of the Circle, paths 2 & 3.


| No. 107 | Bovian
| Level: 29

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Cave of the Circle, paths 1 to 3. (all paths)


| No. 108 | Dread Knight
| Level: 29

| HP:

| Potion............3.2% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Bomb Arm..........3.2% | 2. Bomb Arm

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Arctic Wind.......3.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Heavenly Wrath....3.1% | 4. Heavenly Wrath

o===========================| Lamia Scale.......3.1% |

| Atk:


| Bacchus's Cider...3.1% |

| Def:


| Turtle Shell......3.0% |



| Weakness: None.

| Earthen Drums.....3.0% |

| Location: Cave of the Circle, paths 1 & 3.


| No. 109 | Flyer Mage
| Level: 28

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Cave of the Circle, path 3. Rare.


| No. 110 | Noggle
| Level: 30

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Main world sea, underwater.


| No. 111 | Abtu
| Level: 29

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Main world sea, underwater.



| No. 112 | Sea Dragon

| Level: 27

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Main world sea, surface. Rare.


| No. 113 | Kagura
| Level: 29

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: Main world sea, underwater.


| No. 114 | Charybdis
| Level: 30

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Main world sea, underwater. Rare.


| No. 115 | Dozmare
| Level: 31

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Sunken Cave, levels 1 & 3.


| No. 116 | Sea Witch
| Level: 31

| HP:

| Arctic Wind.......3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Turtle Shell......3.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Black Hole........3.1% | 4. Turtle Shell

o===========================| Raven's Yawn......3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Sunken Cave, levels 1 & 2.


| No. 117 | Killer Hermit

| Level: 31

| HP:

| Arctic Wind.......3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Turtle Shell......3.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Black Hole........3.1% | 4. Turtle Shell


o===========================| Raven's Yawn......3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Sunken Cave, levels 1 to 3. (all levels)


| No. 118 | Ologhai
| Level: 30

| HP:

| Arctic Wind.......2.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Turtle Shell......2.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........2.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Black Hole........2.1% | 4. Turtle Shell


o===========================| Raven's Yawn......2.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Sunken Cave, levels 1 to 3. (all levels)


| No. 119 | Kelpie
| Level: 30

| HP:

| Arctic Wind.......2.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Turtle Shell......2.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........2.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Black Hole........2.1% | 4. Turtle Shell


o===========================| Raven's Yawn......2.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Sunken Cave, levels 1 to 3. (all levels)


| No. 120 | Aegir
| Level: 31

| HP:

| Arctic Wind.......3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Turtle Shell......3.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Black Hole........3.1% | 4. Turtle Shell

o===========================| Raven's Yawn......3.0% |

| Atk:



| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Sunken Cave, levels 2 & 3.


| No. 121 | Kyklops
| Level: 32

| HP:

| Heavenly Wrath....3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......3.3% | 2. Heavenly Wrath

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Heavenly Wrath

| Shining Curtain...3.1% | 4. Tranquilizer


o===========================| Chocobo's Wrath...3.1% |

| Atk:


| Black Musk........3.0% |

| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Saronia Catacombs, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 122 | Boss Troll
| Level: 32

| HP:

| Arctic Wind.......3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Turtle Shell......3.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Black Hole........3.1% | 4. Turtle Shell


o===========================| Raven's Yawn......3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Saronia Catacombs, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 123 | Fachan
| Level: 32

| HP:

| Bomb Arm..........3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......3.3% | 2. Bomb Arm

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Bomb Arm

| Silence Seal......3.1% | 4. Tranquilizer


o===========================| Lilith's Kiss.....3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Saronia Catacombs, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 124 | Cenchos
| Level: 32

| HP:

| Arctic Wind.......5.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Turtle Shell......5.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Black Hole........5.1% | 4. Turtle Shell


o===========================| Raven's Yawn......5.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Saronia Catacombs, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 125 | Balor
| Level: 32

| HP:

| Arctic Wind.......3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Turtle Shell......3.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Black Hole........3.1% | 4. Turtle Shell

o===========================| Raven's Yawn......3.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Saronia Catacombs, levels 2 & 4.


| No. 126 | Dira
| Level: 33

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Temple of Time, levels 1 to 3.


| No. 127 | Chimera Mage
| Level: 33

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle



| Exp:



| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle


| Gil:


| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Temple of Time, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 128 | King Lizard
| Level: 33

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Temple of Time, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 129 | Pterodactyl

| Level: 33

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Temple of Time, rooms 4A & 4B. Rare. (Noah's Lute room)


| No. 130 | Wyvern
| Level: 36

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Temple of Time, levels 1 & 2.


| No. 131 | Behemoth
| Level: 37
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Temple of Time, levels 3 & 4.


| No. 132 | King Seahorse
| Level: 33

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Temple of Time, levels 1 to 4. (all levels)


| No. 133 | Dragon
| Level: 38
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Temple of Time, level 4.


| No. 134 | Pyralis
| Level: 37



| HP:


| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Ice, Water.

| Location: Ancient Ruins, levels 1 to 7. (all levels)


| No. 135 | Silenus
| Level: 35

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........1.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......1.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:





| Weakness: Dark Blades. |

| Location: Ancient Ruins, levels 4 to 7. Cave of Shadows, level 3 & 4.


| No. 136 | Gaap
| Level: 34

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........1.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......1.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Dark Blades. |

| Location: Ancient Ruins, levels 4 to 7. Cave of Shadows, level 3 & 4.


| No. 137 | Azrael
| Level: 34

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........1.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......1.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Dark Blades. |

| Location: Ancient Ruins, levels 1 to 7. (all levels)


| No. 138 | Eater
| Level: 35

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........1.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......1.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Dark Blades. |

| Location: Ancient Ruins, levels 1 to 7. (all levels)


| No. 139 | Ouroboros
| Level: 36

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle





| 2. Gold Needle


| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Gold Needle

| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: Lake Dohr. Saronia Catacombs (chest x4).


| No. 140 | Plancti
| Level: 35

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Lake Dohr.



| No. 141 | Sea Lion

| Level: 35

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Lightning.

| Location: Lake Dohr.


| No. 142 | Remora
| Level: 36

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: Lake Dohr.


| No. 143 | Grenade
| Level: 36

| HP:

| Bomb Arm..........2.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......2.3% | 2. Bomb Arm

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........2.2% | 3. Bomb Arm

| Silence Seal......2.1% | 4. Tranquilizer


o===========================| Lilith's Kiss.....2.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Ice, Water.

| Location: Bahamut's Lair, level 1.


| No. 144 | Drake
| Level: 37

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Bahamut's Lair, levels 1 to 3. (all levels)


| No. 145 | Greater Boros
| Level: 37

| HP:

| Gold Needle.......4.0% | 1. Gold Needle




| Exp:
| Gil:


| 4. Gold Needle


| Atk:


| Def:


| 2. Gold Needle

| 3. Gold Needle

| Weakness: Lightning.


| Location: Bahamut's Lair, levels 2 & 3.


| No. 146 | Sabertooth Liger

| Level: 37

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Bahamut's Lair, levels 2 & 3.


| No. 147 | Queen Lamia
| Level: 39

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Bahamut's Lair, level 3. Rare.


| No. 148 | Zombie Dragon
| Level: 41
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Light.

| Location: Ancient Ruins, levels 4 to 7. Rare.


| No. 149 | Death Claw
| Level: 38

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.2% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Black Hole........2.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....2.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......2.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...2.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....2.1% |


| Def:


| Black Musk........2.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...2.0% |

| Location: Cave of Shadows, levels 6 to 9. Easy to find on level 9.


| No. 150 | Hellish Horse
| Level: 38

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Cave of Shadows, levels 2 to 9.


| No. 151 | Chronos
| Level: 38

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........1.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......1.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Dark Blades. |

| Location: Cave of Shadows, levels 3 to 9.


| No. 152 | Valefor
| Level: 38

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........1.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......1.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:





| Weakness: Dark Blades. |

| Location: Cave of Shadows, levels 1 & 3 to 9.


| No. 153 | Haniel
| Level: 37

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........1.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......1.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Dark Blades. |

| Location: Cave of Shadows, levels 1 & 3 to 9.


| No. 154 | Vassago
| Level: 38

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........1.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......1.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Dark Blades. |

| Location: Cave of Shadows, levels 2 to 9.


| No. 155 | Peryton
| Level: 41

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Wind.

| Location: Doga's Grotto. Sunken Cave (chest x1).


| No. 156 | Ogre
| Level: 39

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| Gil:


| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Doga's Grotto.


| No. 157 | Cyclops
| Level: 39

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Doga's Grotto.


| No. 158 | Nemesis

| Level: 39

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Fire.

| Location: Doga's Grotto.


| No. 159 | Humbaba
| Level: 39

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Doga's Grotto.


| No. 160 | Death Needle
| Level: 40

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......2.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest near Ancients' Maze.


| No. 161 | Liger
| Level: 41

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest near Ancients' Maze.


| No. 162 | Aeon
| Level: 43
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Forest near Ancients' Maze.


| No. 163 | Minotaur
| Level: 41



| HP:


| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Grasslands/Forest near Ancients' Maze.


| No. 164 | Iron Claws
| Level: 41

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Ancients' Maze, levels 1 to 5. (all levels)


| No. 165 | Greater Demon
| Level: 42
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........3.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......3.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Light.

| Location: Ancients' Maze, levels 1 to 5. (all levels)


| No. 166 | Unei's Clone
| Level: 42
| HP:



| Gil:


| Nothing...........0.0% | 1. Nothing

| Exp:



| 2. -| 3. --

| 4. --


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: Ancients' Maze, levels 1 to 5. (all levels)


| No. 167 | Thanatos
| Level: 42
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: Ancients' Maze, levels 1 to 5. (all levels)


| No. 168 | Bone Dragon
| Level: 43
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Light.

| Location: Ancients' Maze, levels 2, 3, & 5.


| No. 169 | King Behemoth
| Level: 50
| HP:




| Elixir...........10.8% | 1. Elixir

o===========================| Protect Ring.....10.2% | 2. Elixir

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Elixir

| 4. Protect Ring


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: Ancients' Maze, levels 5. Very rare.



| No. 170 | Abaia

| Level: 42

| HP:

| Heavenly Wrath....3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......3.3% | 2. Heavenly Wrath

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Heavenly Wrath

| Shining Curtain...3.1% | 4. Tranquilizer


o===========================| Chocobo's Wrath...3.1% |

| Atk:


| Black Musk........3.0% |

| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka, levels 1 to 5.


| No. 171 | Sleipnir
| Level: 43

| HP:

| Heavenly Wrath....3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......3.3% | 2. Heavenly Wrath

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Heavenly Wrath

| Shining Curtain...3.1% | 4. Tranquilizer

o===========================| Chocobo's Wrath...3.1% |

| Atk:


| Black Musk........3.0% |

| Def:


| Weakness: None.





| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka, levels 1 to 7. (not level 5)


| No. 172 | Haokah
| Level: 43

| HP:

| Heavenly Wrath....3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Tranquilizer......3.3% | 2. Heavenly Wrath

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Heavenly Wrath

| Shining Curtain...3.1% | 4. Tranquilizer


o===========================| Chocobo's Wrath...3.1% |

| Atk:


| Black Musk........3.0% |

| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka, levels 1 to 7. (not level 5)


| No. 173 | Acheron
| Level: 44
| HP:




| Heavenly Wrath....5.4% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Tranquilizer......5.3% | 2. Heavenly Wrath

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 3. Heavenly Wrath

| Shining Curtain...5.1% | 4. Tranquilizer


o===========================| Chocobo's Wrath...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka, levels 4 to 7.


| No. 174 | Oceanus
| Level: 44
| HP:




| Heavenly Wrath....5.4% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Tranquilizer......5.3% | 2. Heavenly Wrath

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 3. Heavenly Wrath


| Shining Curtain...5.1% | 4. Tranquilizer


o===========================| Chocobo's Wrath...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Def:


| Weakness: None.



| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka, levels 5 to 7.


| No. 175 | Gomory

| Level: 45
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Location: The Crystal Tower, level 1.


| No. 176 | Bluck
| Level: 44

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........2.2% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Black Hole........2.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....2.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......2.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...2.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....2.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........2.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...2.0% |

| Location: The Crystal Tower, level 1.


| No. 177 | Doga's Clone
| Level: 45
| HP:




| Nothing...........0.0% | 1. Nothing

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 2. -| 3. --

| 4. --


| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: The Crystal Tower, levels 1, 6, & 7.


| No. 178 | Azer
| Level: 45
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |


| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: Ice, Water.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Location: The Crystal Tower, levels 1 to 3.


| No. 179 | Platinal
| Level: 47
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Location: The Crystal Tower, levels 2 & 3.


| No. 180 | Kum Kum
| Level: 46

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Black Hole........3.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....3.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......3.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...3.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....3.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........3.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...3.0% |

| Location: The Crystal Tower, levels 2 to 5.


| No. 181 | Shinobi
| Level: 46
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........3.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....3.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......3.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...3.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....3.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........3.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...3.0% |

| Location: The Crystal Tower, levels 2 to 5.


| No. 182 | Shadow Master
| Level: 46
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Location: The World of Darkness, NE, NW, & SE Portals.


| No. 183 | Kage
| Level: 47
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Location: The World of Darkness, NE, NW, & SW Portals.


| No. 184 | Dark General
| Level: 48
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......5.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Location: The Crystal Tower, levels 4 to 7.


| No. 185 | Yellow Dragon
| Level: 50
| HP:




| Elixir...........87.0% | 1. Elixir

o===========================| Onion Shield......7.0% | 2. Elixir

| Exp:


| Onion Helm........4.5% | 3. Elixir

| Gil:


| Onion Sword.......1.5% | 4. Elixir


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: The Crystal Tower, level 5. Rare. Secret ??? Dungeon. Common. |

| No. 186 | Green Dragon
| Level: 60
| HP:




| Elixir...........87.0% | 1. Elixir

o===========================| Onion Shield......7.0% | 2. Elixir

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Onion Gauntlets...4.5% | 3. Elixir


| Onion Sword.......1.5% | 4. Elixir


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: The Crystal Tower, level 6. Rare. Secret ??? Dungeon. Common. |

| No. 187 | Red Dragon

| Level: 70
| HP:




| Elixir...........87.0% | 1. Elixir

o===========================| Onion Shield......7.0% | 2. Elixir

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Onion Armor.......4.5% | 3. Elixir


| Onion Sword.......1.5% | 4. Elixir


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: The Crystal Tower, level 7. Rare. Secret ??? Dungeon. Common. |

| No. 188 | Glasya Labolas
| Level: 52
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Location: The Crystal Tower, levels 4 to 7.


| No. 189 | Yormungand
| Level: 52
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Location: The World of Darkness, NE, NW, & SW Portals.


| No. 190 | Thor
| Level: 50
| HP:




| Heavenly Wrath....3.4% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Tranquilizer......3.3% | 2. Heavenly Wrath

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........3.2% | 3. Heavenly Wrath

| Shining Curtain...3.1% | 4. Tranquilizer

o===========================| Chocobo's Wrath...3.1% |


| Atk:


| Black Musk........3.0% |

| Def:


| Weakness: None.


| Location: The Crystal Tower, levels 6 & 7. World of Darkness, Center Portal.|



| No. 191 | Hecatoncheir

{boss-12} | !BOSS |

| Level: 43
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Attacks:



| Location: Cave of Shadows.


| No. 192 | Hydra
| Level: 63
| HP:




| Arctic Wind.......5.4% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Turtle Shell......5.3% | 2. Arctic Wind

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 3. Arctic Wind

| Black Hole........5.1% | 4. Turtle Shell


o===========================| Raven's Yawn......5.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Location: The World of Darkness, Center Portal. Very Rare.


| No. 193 | Queen Scylla
| Level: 52



| HP:


| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Location: The World of Darkness, NE, SE, SW, & Center Portals.


| No. 194 | Garm
| Level: 52
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Location: The World of Darkness, SE & Center Portals.


| No. 195 | Twin Dragon
| Level: 54
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........5.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........5.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....5.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss


| Raven's Yawn......5.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...5.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....5.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........5.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...5.0% |

| Location: The World of Darkness, Center Portal.


| {BES-02} Bosses |



| No. 196 | Land Turtle

{boss-01} | !BOSS |

| Level: 4

| HP:

| Antarctic Wind....8.5% | 1. Can't steal yet. |




o===========================| Potion............8.2% | 2.
| Exp:


| Gil:


| Bacchus's Cider...8.1% | 3.

| Arctic Wind.......8.0% | 4.


| Atk:

| Def:

| Weakness: None.

| Attacks: Bite - Physical attack; Single target

| My Level: Luneth (2)

|Strategy: This boss fight can be slightly challenging or super easy. It all |
|depends on how fast you ran through the cave. If you didn't gain any levels |
|then you might have some trouble.


|Before the fight, be sure to equip the Longsword you found in the cave. This|
|will really help you out. If you forgot to do this before the fight, you can|
|still equip it during. Just scroll down the battle menu to "Equipment".

|Start off by just attacking. Don't use the Antarctic Winds you found in the |
|cave. You don't need them and you WANT to save them for the next boss.

|When Luneth gets close to about 10 HP use a Potion on him, then continue your|
|attacks until the Land Turtle is dead. The end.

| Location: Altar Cave.




| No. 197 | Djinn

{boss-02} | !BOSS |

| Level: 7

| HP:

| Bomb Fragment.....8.4% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Sheep Pillow......8.3% | 2. Bomb Fragment

| Exp:


| Gil:


| Potion............8.2% | 3. Bomb Fragment

| Lamia Scale.......8.1% | 4. Sheep Pillow

o===========================| Bomb Arm..........8.0% |

| Atk:


| Def:

| Weakness: Ice, Water.

| Attacks: Slash - Physical attack; Single target

Fire - Magic attack; Fire-elemental; Single target

Fire - Magic attack; Fire-elemental; Multiple targets


| My Level: Refia (7), Luneth (6), Arc (7), Ingus (8)

|Strategy: To start, have everyone in the back row. There is no need to have |
|your melee attackers do any physical damage.

|If you got everything so far, you should have 3 Antarctic Winds. Lucky for |
|us this boss is weak to Ice, so we are totally going to take advantage, hehe.|

|Try not to use all your Antarctic Winds. During the first round, use only |
|one of them and have your "mage" cast Blizzard. The others can just use Guard|
|or Attack. The next round cast Blizzard a second time and he should die. If|
|not, attack him a couple times to finish him.

|One Antarctic Wind will deal 300+ damage to Djinn. You could actually defeat|
|him in a single round, if you are lucky, but he might get to act before you. |

|Djinn can attack twice per round. If you are in the front row, his physical |
|attacks will deal about 50 damage per hit. Two hits is enough to take out a |
|single character in one round.


|His Fire attack will deal about same amount of damage. Sometimes he will |
|target your entire party with Fire, but this is a good thing. It will deal |
|way less damage than if he had only targeted one person.

|If he KO'd someone in the first round, use a Phoenix Down then defeat him by |
|using another Antarctic Wind or Blizzard. Hopefully everyone is alive so they|
|all gain experience. This battle shouldn't last more than 3 rounds.

|Occasionally, Princess Sara will jump into the battle to cast Cure on every- |
|one or attack Djinn with Aero. Try not to rely on it, though. :p

| Location: The Sealed Cave.




| No. 198 | Nepto Dragon

| !BOSS |

| Level: ??

| HP:

| ????..............0.0% | 1. ????






| 2. --

| Exp:

| Gil:


| 3. --

| 4. --


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Jigglypuff.

| Attacks: ---

|My Level: ---

|Strategy: ---

| Location: Get on the Enterprise and sail north, BEFORE Nepto Temple.




| No. 199 | Giant Rat

{boss-03} | !BOSS |

| Level: 11

| HP:

| Potion............8.2% | 1. Potion





o===========================| Bomb Fragment.....8.2% | 2. Bomb Fragment

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Antarctic Wind....8.2% | 3. Antarctic Wind

| Zeus's Wrath......8.1% | 4. Zeus's Wrath


o===========================| Silence Seal......8.1% |

| Atk:


| Tranquilizer......8.1% |

| Def:


| Angel's Sigh......8.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Attacks: Fang - Physical attack; Single target; Inflicts poison

Thunder - Magic attack; Lightning-elemental; Single/Multi target |

Fire - Magic attack; Fire-elemental; Single/Multi target

Blizzard - Magic attack; Ice-elemental; Single/Multi target


| My Level: Refia (10), Luneth (10), Arc (10), Ingus (10)

|Strategy: Giant Rat gets to attack 2 times per round. Its physical attack |
|isn't that much of a threat since you're in the back row, but sometimes it'll|
|inflict poison on you. Good thing we bought some antidotes! Just hope that |
|Giant Rat uses its physical attacks and not its magic attacks. Ha ha...

|Speaking of magic attacks, this boss has 3 of them. They are all pretty much |
|the same, though. Each magic attack will do 100+ damage to a single target, |
|and about 20-50 damage when multi-target. Heal immediately after it uses any|
|of them. Two potions for single target spells or Cure for multi-targets.

|Have your two weakest characters focus on healing while the other two use the|
|strongest magic available to them. If you have a character Lv. 10 Black Mage|
|or a character Lv. 11 Red Mage, you'll have 1 MP to cast Lv. 3 spells. Fira,|
|Blizzara, and Thundara will deal around 250+ damage to Giant rat. Using this|
|tactic, you could deal a lot of damage very quickly.

|If you don't have any MP for Lv.3 spells, just stick to your next strongest |
|spell, Thunder. It deals 100+ damage. Poison does not work against this boss.|

|Also, if you have extra Antarctic Winds they will deal 200+ damage giving you|
|even more of an advantage. And if you are really lucky Desch will jump in and|
|use his Thundara spell which deals about 150+ damage to Giant Rat.

| Location: Nepto Temple.




| No. 200 | Medusa

{boss-04} | !BOSS |

| Level: 17

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion



| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Attacks: Strike - Physical attack; Single target; Inflicts silence

Fira - Magic Attack; Fire-elemental; Single/Multi target

Blizzara - Magic Attack; Ice-elemental; Single/Multi target

Thundara - Magic Attack; Lightning-elemental; Single/Multi target |

Stare - Status Attack; Single target; Inflicts petrify

| My Level: Refia (14), Luneth (14), Arc (14), Ingus (14)

|Strategy: This is a tough fight if you aren't properly equipped. At low level|
|you'll want to use armor with high magic defense. Fortunately for us, we have|
|a few armors with excellent magic defense!

|Use the suggested party and equipment below and this fight will be a lot more|
|managable than if you had used your normal party. Without this setup you'll |
|have a pretty tough time defeating Medusa, unless you power-leveled, hehe. :p|

| White Mage
| ----------

Black Mage


| Ice Staff

Fire Staff

| Mage Robe


| Cura



Red Mage


2 Shields

Mage Robe

| Cure



2 Shields

Scholar Robe Flame Mail


Blizzara or Fira

|Medusa gets to attack 2 times per round. All of her magic is very strong and|
|can cripple the whole party without much effort. When casting on a single |
|target, any of her spells will do about 200 damage, or less depending on who |
|got hit. (better armor) When multi-targeting, her spells will deal anywhere|

|from 60-100 damage. Since we're in the back row, her physical attack isn't a|
|threat except that it can silence you. Stare rarely hits, so it's great when|
|she uses it. Immediately heal anyone that is silenced or petrified.

|Start round one by attacking with everyone. Use the weapons to cast magic so|
|you don't waste MP for Cure. The Freelancer can use the Salamand Sword to |
|cast Fire for free. Black Mage use Thundara and Red Mage use either Blizzara|
|or Fira. Thundara is the strongest and deals about 350-400+ damage. When all|
|your Lv.3 MP is gone, use the Light Staff or Thunder.

|Do NOT use any Antarctic Winds or the Arctic Wind you found in Castle Argus! |

|Attack with everyone but the White Mage. Every round, no matter what, always|
|cast a multi-target Cure. The White Mage has a lot of MP for Lv. 1 spells so|
|that's why we are using one. If someone gets hit by a single target spell, |
|then have a second character help the White Mage heal them. You should have |
|three party members with Cure so always be ready to heal with them. Save the|
|Cura spell for when you need mass-healing to save yourself.

|This will be a long fight since you'll do 350+ damage per round, at most. If|
|you are lucky, Desch will use Thundara for an extra 150+ damage. Just slowly|
|take down Medusa's HP and after a while you'll win.

| Location: The Tower of Owen.


| No. 201 | Gutsco

{boss-05} | !BOSS |

| Level: 17

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks: Punch - Physical attack; Single target

Mini - Status attack; Single/Multi Target; Inflicts mini

Cure - Healing magic; Single target

| My Level: Refia (16), Luneth (16), Arc (16), Ingus (16)

|Strategy: This boss is MUCH easier than Medusa, but can be very annoying with|
|his Mini spell. Gutsco gets to attack 2 times per round. His main attack is|
|a physical attack and it can be very powerful, if you are Mini. All damage |
|you receive from physical attacks is increased, while Mini'd. So whenever he|
|casts Mini, stop all attacks and remove it with the Mallet item. Sometimes |
|it will miss, though, or he will just cast it on a single target which helps.|

|Being in the back row will really help in this fight. Try to limit your front|
|row party members to just 1, to keep damage received under control.

|Sometimes Gutsco will heal himself with Cure, but it only heals ~90 HP. This|
|shouldn't be an issue since you can easily do that much back.

|As usual, your magic is the best way of dealing damage here. Black Mages are|
|so handy! :) Or as an alternative, you could have a few Monks in your party|
|and use nothing but their Retaliate ability. With this they will take less |
|damage (slightly) and counterattack, dealing double damage.

|The only downside to that is they will have to be in the front row. Using at|
|least one Monk is a great idea. Even though Retaliate depends upon being hit|
|by Gutsco, that will most likely happen so it's well worth it.

|There isn't much else I could tell you. It's a pretty easy fight. Just keep|
|everyone big whenever he cast Mini and you will be ok. Also, don't even think|
|about using your Antarctic Winds or Arctic Wind. Hehe. We absolutely need |
|those from the next boss, who is even harder than Medusa! Oh no...

| Location: The Subterranean Lake.




| No. 202 | Salamander

{boss-06} | !BOSS |

| Level: 19

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion
| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Ice, Water.


| Attacks: Bite

- Physical attack; Single target

Fire Breath - Magic attack; Fire-elemental; Multi target


Fire breath is used when Salamander has 30% HP left. (1700 HP) |

| My Level: Refia (17), Luneth (18), Arc (18), Ingus (18)

|Strategy: Salamander gets to attack 2 times per round. If you use the party |
|I suggested below, you'll have little to no trouble. At first, he only uses |
|his physical attack which deals, at most, 100+ damage. The Black Mage will |
|get hit the hardest, and will need to be constantly healed by your Red Mage |
|and Freelancer. If he dies, just quickly bring him back with a Phoenix Down.|

|Casting Blizzard with the Freezing Blade won't do any damage against the boss|
|so you can put it on the Warrior to help him deal more damage with physical |
|attacks. The Freelancer should be the support healer, so only cast Blizzard |
|when everyone is healthy.

| Warrior

Black Mage

| -------



| Freezing Blade Ice Staff

| Ice Shield
| Ice Armor

Light Staff
Mage Robe




Red Mage (healer)


Ice Shield

Ice Shield

Mythril Shield Mythril Shield

Scholar Robe Ice Armor




|To start the fight, use your Black Mage's Blizzara spell. It'll deal around |
|700-800+ damage. Attack with everyone else except your healer. Always cast |
|cure with your healer, unless everyone is at full HP, which is doubtful.

|KEEP track of how much damage you do. When you get close to 4000 damage, that|
|will put him near 30% HP left. That's when he'll start using his Fire Breath|
|attack, which is insanely powerful and hits all party members. Since we have|
|Ice equipment, it will be reduced by 50%. :) Even then it's still strong. |

|OK, so when you get to about 4000 damage dealt to Salamander, on the next |
|turn, have your Black Mage use the Arctic Wind. (you should have 1 from when |
|you visited Castle Argus) With this you'll defeat Salamander since he only |
|has ~1700 HP left, and the Arctic Wind will deal about 2000+ damage. Sweet! |

|Have some other party members use an Antarctic Wind, just in case the Arctic |
|Wind doesn't deal enough damage to take out Salamander. It should, though, as|
|long as you use it with your Black Mage.

| Location: The Molten Cave.




| No. 203 | Hein

{boss-07} | !BOSS |

| Level: 22

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| Gil:


| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Varies.

| Attacks: Slap

- Physical attack; Single target

Blizzara - Magic attack; Ice-elemental; Single/Multi target

Sleep - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts sleep

Poison - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts poison |

Blind - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts blind

Confuse - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts confuse |

Barrier Shift - Changes weakness

|My Level: Refia (18), Luneth (19), Arc (19), Ingus (19)

|Strategy: Hein gets to attack 2 times per round. If you are in the front row|
|his physical attack will almost 1-hit KO anyone it touches. It is very very |
|strong, so stay in the back row. His Blizzara magic is powerful, too, and if|
|he single-targets someone, they are dead no matter what, unless he casts it |
|on a party member with the Flame Mail. (Flame Mail reduces Ice damage by 50%)|

|When he multi-targets your party with Blizzara, it'll deal about 200+ damage |
|to everyone, so quickly heal using multi-target Cure and/or Cura. It's best |
|to try and defeat Hein before Cura MP runs out, because Cure alone will have |
|a difficult time keeping up with Hein's damage output. He will rarely use his|
|Blizzara spell, though, so it's not as threatening as it seems.

|Here is my recommended party to use against Hein:

| Scholar
| -------

Black Mage

| Book of Ice


Ice Staff

| Book of Light Light Staff

| Scholar Hat

Mage Robe

| Scholar Robe
| Cure



Diamond Bell Ice Shield

Diamond Bell Ice Shield

Mage Robe



Red Mage (healer)

Ice Helm

Flame Mail




|Geomancers are great for this fight since their Terrain ability usually does |
|500+ damage no matter what is used. And if you are very lucky, it will use |
|the Shadowflare attack that will pretty much kill Hein in one hit. :)

|During the first round Hein has NO elemental weakness, so don't use your best|
|spells/items to deal any damage. Instead conserve your MP and items. Just |
|use Guard to take less damage, or heal any damage that he does to you. Or you|
|can use your weaker spells/physical attacks so you at least damage him some. |

|The reason for this is because you'll deal a lot LESS damage, wasting MP and |
|valuable items. He needs to have a weakness first, so you are able to take |
|full advantage and deal as much damage to him as possible.

|During the second round, and every other round after, Hein will use his lame,|
|but super-cool ability, Barrier Shift, which changes his elemental weakness |
|to something new. Use the Scholar to Study Hein's new weakness and use the |
|best spells and items you have to deal massive damage. Libra works, too, but|
|that requires your healer to STOP healing, which is really bad, hehe.

|Scholars are amazing damage dealers here since they have the special ability |
|to use items with double potency. Their damage even matches the Black Mage, |
|which has a much higher Intellect stat. If Hein is weak to Ice-elemental |
|attacks, an Antarctic Wind will deal 900-1000+ damage when used by Scholars, |
|but only 800-900+ damage with a Black Mage. Crazy!

|Do NOT use your Zeus's Wrath or Heavenly Wrath items, if you have any! We'll|
|need them for the next boss, which is weak to lightning-elemental attacks. |

|Thankfully Hein doesn't have a whole lot of HP. At most, this battle should |
|last 5-6 rounds. He may KO someone, but quickly bring them back, and use as |
|many Phoenix Downs as you need since we will find plenty more later.

| Location: Castle Hein.




| No. 204 | Kraken

{boss-08} | !BOSS |

| Level: 24

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Attacks: Whip

- Physical attack; Single target; Inflicts Blind

Blizzara - Magic attack; Ice-elemental; Single/Multi target

Blind - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts Blind


| My Level: Refia (20), Luneth (20), Arc (20), Ingus (20)

|Strategy: Kraken gets to attack 2 times per round. Fortunately, that's all he|
|gets, otherwise we'd be in trouble! His physical attack will deal 100-250+ |
|damage depending on who gets hit, and if it's a critical. His Blizzara magic|
|is even more scary and will KO anyone with a single-target cast. Or if it's |
|a multi-target cast, it'll deal about 200+ damage to everyone.

|If you are lucky, Kraken will rarely use Blizzara. It is possible that he'll|
|use it only once and you won't see it again. This makes the fight a million |
|times easier, but if you are unlucky, however, he will use it almost every |
|round and pretty much destroy your party. So cross all your fingers that you|
|don't see it more than that. :P

|Geomancers are NOT recommended for this fight since it's possible for them to|
|use only their Whirlpool attack, which doesn't work on Kraken, and thus being|
|a complete waste of turns. So if you've been using one, switch it out for a |
|more useful job. Here is the team I recommend for defeating Kraken:

| Scholar
| -------

Black Mage


| Book of Light Ice Staff

| Book of Light Light Staff
| Scholar Hat

Mage Robe


Red Mage (healer)


Heroic Shield Ice Shield

Ice Shield

Ice Shield

Flame Mail

Flame Mail


| Scholar Robe
| Cure








|Start the battle by using Zeus's Wrath with the Scholar which will deal 1000+|
|damage to Kraken. Hopefully you taught Blizzaga to your Black Mage, because |
|it will deal quite a bit of damage even though Kraken isn't weak to ice. It |
|will deal about 1200+ damage, so use it as much as you can! If you are at my|
|levels, you'll have 3 MP for Blizzaga.


|You should also have a small supply of Zeus's Wrath items, so use them ALL if|
|you need to. Kraken has a ton of HP so you need to use everything you've got|
|in your inventory. If you try to hold out, the battle will last longer, and |
|the more likely you will lose the fight. Three castings of Blizzaga will deal|
|about 4500+ damage, and with 4 Zeus's Wrath you can easily finish him off. |

|After your MP for Blizzaga is gone, use Thundara. Save the Zeus's Wrath for |
|your Scholar. With the Knight and Red Mage, do nothing but HEAL your party |
|even if they have FULL HP. Kraken will usually get to attack before they do,|
|so always always always heal. (x3) Hehe.


|Having your Scholar help heal as well is a great idea, but only if you need |
|the extra healing. There is a good chance you will, so be ready. This boss |
|requires a little bit of luck, and if he ends up winning just try again using|
|the same strategy. It all depends on if he uses Blizzara a lot, or not.

| Location: Cave of Tides.




| No. 205 | Goldor

{boss-09} | !BOSS |

| Level: 26

| HP:

| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion





o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks: Punch - Physical attack; Single target

Thundara - Magic attack; Lightning-elemental; Single/Multi target |

Silence - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts Silence |

Blind - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts Blind

Confuse - Status attack; Single/Multi target; Inflicts Confuse |

Protect - Increases defence

| My Level: Refia (22), Luneth (23), Arc (23), Ingus (23)

|Strategy: Goldor gets to attack 2 times per round. He will use his physical |
|attack mostly, which deals anywhere from 50-200+ damage. Make sure your two |
|melee attackers are in the front row so they can do maximum damage. With the|
|suggested set up, Goldor won't deal that much damage to them even if they are|
|in the front row. His Thundara spell is pretty strong, too, dealing 200, or |
|less, damage to everyone. You will rarely see it, though.

|If your melee attackers are Blinded, heal them first using Eye Drops. And if|
|they are Confused at all, attack them with your mages. They can really hurt |
|your party if they attack eachother. Here is my recommended team:

| Thief
| -----



Red Mage (Healer)


| Poison Dagger Book of Light Cat Claws

| Main Gauche

2 Shields

Book of Light Kaiser Knuckles Ice Helm

| Black Cowl

Scholar Hat

| Black Barb

Scholar Robe Black Belt Gi

| Thief Gloves Cure

Chakra Band

Power Bracers

Flame Mail



|Goldor has very high magic defense, so we need at least TWO melee attackers |
|for this battle. I happen to choose a Thief and Monk because they have the |
|highest Job levels out of all my melee Jobs. You can pick whatever you want |
|since they will all work. Just don't pick a Dragoon! You can start using |
|a Dragoon after you defeat Goldor. ;)


|Definitely take a Scholar, though, because Goldor can cast Protect on himself|
|which never goes away. A Scholar's Study ability will dispel Protect, so |
|it's really helpful to have. The Red Mage is the healer, as usual! You can |
|try using a White Mage if you want, but Red Mages have better defense.

|Every round attack with your physical attackers. They will deal about 500+ |
|damage each, more or less depending on Job levels, which makes it 1000 damage|
|dealt to Goldor each round. Just keep this up and Goldor will be defeated in|
|about 8-10 rounds.


|The Red Mage should heal every round, same with the Scholar. A multi-casting|

|of Cure from both of them can easily keep the party healed even with Goldor's|
|damage output. Occasionally you might need to use Cura, though, especially if|
|he uses Thundara. But that's rare.

|If Goldor ever uses Protect on himself, use the Scholar's Study ability to |
|dispel it. Protect will drastically reduce damage dealt, making this battle |
|very long and tiring.

|Compared to previous bosses, Goldor is more annoying than challenging, since |

|he loves to use his status inflicting spells. Just use your two best melee |
|attackers for damage, heal with the Red Mage and Scholar, and you'll win. :)|
| Location: Goldor Manor.




| No. 206 | Garuda

{boss-10} | !BOSS |

| Level: 28
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:


| 3. Hi-Potion

| Gil:


| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Wind.


| Attacks: Wing Strike - Physical attack; Single target


Lightning - Magic attack; Lightning-elemental; Multi target

| My Level: Refia (24), Luneth (24), Arc (24), Ingus (24)

|Strategy: Garuda gets to attack 2 times per round. His physical attack isn't|
|that powerful, but if he uses it before or after Lightning, it can easily KO |
|a party member. Lightning is his strongest attack. It's a very cheap attack|
|and can kill your entire party with ease. With the recommended set-up below,|
|it'll deal 300-700+ damage. It can't get any better than that, unless you go|
|and grind a bunch of levels for an easy win. But that's no fun! ;)

|If you are lucky, Garuda will only use his physical attack and cast Lightning|
|1-2 times, or less. If you are unlucky, though, he will use Lightning every|
|single round, giving you no chance to do anything, but die. Hehe. That will|
|happen to everyone, there is no stopping his cheapness, so just try again and|
|the fight will eventually go in your favor.


|EVERYTIME he uses Lightning, have everyone that was hit use a Hi-Potion. This|
|will help you survive longer, even another casting of Lightning. I suggested|
|bringing at least 12 Hi-Potions so you have enough to survive three casts of |
|Lightning. (3 Hi-Potions per person) Having a Dragoon is nice because it'll|
|be in the air, Jumping, and avoid getting hit altogether. (see below)

|If someone is KO'd, do NOT revive them. Reviving them is a waste of a turn, |
|and Garuda will have a better chance to KO your party. Don't stop attacking |
|to revive anyone. It's a race to see who dies first! It's rare to defeat |
|Garuda with ALL party members alive, so take what you can get, even if there |
|is only one person remaining.

|Use this party to defeat Garuda. I've tried MANY party combinations, and even|
|some bizarre strategies, but I believe this is the BEST way to defeat Garuda.|

| Geomancer
| ---------

Black Mage




| Diamond Bell

Light Staff

| Diamond Bell

Ice Staff



Wind Spear
Wind Spear

Diamond Bell

Diamond Bell

| Feathered Hat Feathered Hat Feathered Hat Feathered Hat

| Gaia Vest
| Rune Bracers

Mage Robe

Leather Armor Gaia Vest


Rune Bracers Power Bracers Rune Bracers



|Black Mage: (My Job Lv. = 33)


|Always cast Blizzaga with the Black Mage. This attack will deal 1500+ damage,|
|and at character level 24, you'll have 5 MP to cast it. That is plenty since|
|this fight shouldn't last longer than that. Lightning will deal ~350 damage |
|to this Black Mage, if you have the equipment I listed.

|Geomancers: (My Job Lv. = 17 and 11)


|The Geomancers will usually cast Wind Slash which deals 700-1000+ damage. If|
|you are lucky they will use Shadowflare which deals 5000+ damage. I had this|
|happen to me and Garuda went down SO easy. :P The chance of it happening is|
|rare, so don't rely on it. They might also use Ice Storm, which deals less |
|damage than Wind Slash, but not by a lot.


|They will usually get to act before Garuda, as well. This is the main reason|

|I recommended using them, plus the fact that they can also survive Lightning |
|easily. It will hit each Geomancer for about 300+ damage if you have all the|
|equipment I listed. Out of all available Jobs and equipment, Geomancers can |
|have the highest Defense AND Magic Defense, both at the same time. Most Jobs|
|can only have one or the other, at this point.

|Dragoon: (My Job Lv. = 5)


|Always Jump with the Dragoon. His Jump attack will deal 1700-2500+ damage, |
|if you are in the front row, and equipped with 2 Wind Spears. My Dragoon was|
|dealing 2100+ damage and it is only Job Level 5! One time it hit for 1800+ |
|damage, though, but that's still a lot!


|Dragoons are very slow, especially if you equip all their heavy gear. Giving|
|them a Feathered Hat and LEATHER Armor will give them a nice boost in speed, |
|and they will definitely have a better chance to act before Garuda. (this is |
|due to equipment weight) The Feathered Hat increases your Agility by 2, so |
|that helps them act even faster during the round. :)

|The downside to using a Dragoon is that Lightning will probably always KO it,|
|no matter what you do. They just have horrible magic defense. Use my listed|
|equipment set up and you'll have a better chance to Jump before getting hit. |
| Location: Saronia Castle.


| No. 207 | Odin

{boss-11} | !BOSS |

| Level: 40
| HP:




| Elixir............0.4% | 1. Elixir

o===========================| Gungnir...........0.3% | 2. Elixir

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Gungnir

| 4. Gungnir


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: Saronia Catacombs.


| No. 208 | Leviathan

{boss-13} | !BOSS |

| Level: 43
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion


| Atk:


| Def:


| Weakness: Lightning.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: Lake Dohr.


| No. 209 | Bahamut

{boss-14} | !BOSS |

| Level: 45
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Wind.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: Bahamut's Lair.


| No. 210 | Doga

{boss-15} | !BOSS |

| Level: 45
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: Doga's Grotto.


| No. 211 | Unei

{boss-16} | !BOSS |

| Level: 44
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: Doga's Grotto.


| No. 212 | Titan

{boss-17} | !BOSS |

| Level: 46
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: Ancients' Maze.


| No. 213 | Ninja

{boss-18} | !BOSS |

| Level: 47
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........8.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....8.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss

| Raven's Yawn......8.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...8.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....8.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........8.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...8.0% |

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.


| No. 214 | Amon

{boss-19} | !BOSS |

| Level: 48
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: Varies.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.


| No. 215 | Kunoichi

{boss-20} | !BOSS |

| Level: 48
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.2% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Black Hole........8.2% | 2. Black Hole

| Exp:
| Gil:


| Lilith's Kiss.....8.2% | 3. Lilith's Kiss


| Raven's Yawn......8.1% | 4. Raven's Yawn

o===========================| Shining Curtain...8.1% |

| Atk:


| Shell Breaker.....8.1% |

| Def:


| Black Musk........8.0% |

| Weakness: None.

| Chocobo's Wrath...8.0% |

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.


| No. 216 | General

{boss-21} | !BOSS |

| Level: 48
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.


| No. 217 | Guardian

{boss-22} | !BOSS |

| Level: 49
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.


| No. 218 | Scylla

{boss-23} | !BOSS |

| Level: 49
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.


| No. 219 | Xande

{boss-24} | !BOSS |

| Level: 50
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The Crystal Tower.


| No. 220 | Xande's Clone

| Level: 49
| HP:




| Nothing...........0.0% | 1. Nothing

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 2. -| 3. --

| 4. --


| Atk:


| Def:



| Weakness: None.

| Location: The World of Darkness.




| No. 221 | Cerberus

{boss-25} | !BOSS |

| Level: 55
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The World of Darkness.




| No. 222 | Two-Headed Dragon

{boss-26} | !BOSS |

| Level: 55
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The World of Darkness.




| No. 223 | Echidna

{boss-27} | !BOSS |

| Level: 55
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The World of Darkness.




| No. 224 | Ahriman

{boss-28} | !BOSS |

| Level: 55
| HP:




| Hi-Potion.........8.9% | 1. Hi-Potion

o===========================| Phoenix Down......8.0% | 2. Hi-Potion

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. Hi-Potion

| 4. Hi-Potion

| Atk:


| Def:




| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The World of Darkness.




| No. 225 | Cloud of Darkness

{boss-29} | FINAL !BOSS |

| Level: 60
| HP:




| Nothing...........0.0% | 1. Nothing

| Exp:
| Gil:



| 3. --

| 4. --


| Atk:


| Def:


| 2. --


| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: The World of Darkness.




| No. 226 | Iron Giant

{boss-30} | SUPER !BOSS |

| Level: 81
| HP:




| Nothing...........0.0% | 1. Nothing

| Exp:
| Gil:


| 3. --

| 4. --


| Atk:


| Def:


| 2. --


| Weakness: None.

| Attacks:

|Strategy: Coming next update!

| Location: Secret ??? Dungeon.


| {BES-03} Quick List of Locations |

If you want exact floors or areas of dungeons, please see the "Bestiary" above
here. It tells you precisely where you can find enemies. This list will only
tell you the general area where they are found, for quick reference use.

001. Goblin ............Altar Cave

002. Carbuncle .........Altar Cave
003. Eye Fang ..........Altar Cave
004. Blue Wisp .........Altar Cave

005. Killer Bee ........Forest near Castle Sasune

006. Werewolf ..........Forest near Castle Sasune
007. Berserker .........Forest near Castle Sasune
008. Red Wisp ..........Castle Sasune: West Tower
009. Dark Eye ..........Castle Sasune: West Tower
010. Zombie ............Castle Sasune: West Tower

011. Mummy .............The Sealed Cave

012. Skeleton ..........The Sealed Cave
013. Cursed Copper .....The Sealed Cave
014. Larva .............The Sealed Cave
015. Shadow ............The Sealed Cave
016. Revenant ..........The Sealed Cave
017. Firefly ...........Dragon's Peak
018. Helldiver .........Dragon's Peak
019. Rust Bird .........Dragon's Peak
020. Rukh ..............Dragon's Peak

021. Basilisk ..........Forest near Vikings' Cove

022. Bugbear ...........Forest near Vikings' Cove
023. Mandrake ..........Forest near Vikings' Cove
024. Leprechaun ........Tozus Tunnel
025. Darkface ..........Tozus Tunnel
026. Petit .............Nepto Temple
027. Poison Bat ........Nepto Temple
028. Lilliputian .......Nepto Temple
029. Wererat ...........Nepto Temple
030. Blood Worm ........Nepto Temple

031. Killer Fish .......Inner sea, Floating Continent

032. Hermit ............Inner sea, Floating Continent
033. Sea Elemental .....Inner sea, Floating Continent
034. Tangie ............Inner sea, Floating Continent
035. Sahagin ...........Inner sea, Floating Continent
036. Parademon .........South Edge of Floating Continent
037. Griffon ...........Grasslands near Tokkul
038. Lynx ..............South Edge of Floating Continent
039. Hornet ............South Edge of Floating Continent
040. Knocker ...........Grasslands near Tokkul

041. Flyer .............Grasslands near Tokkul

042. Lizardman .........Grasslands near Tokkul
043. Gorgon ............Grasslands near Tokkul
044. Red Cap ...........Southest corner of Floating Continent
045. Barometz ..........Southest corner of Floating Continent
046. Slime .............Southest corner of Floating Continent
047. Tarantula .........Southest corner of Floating Continent
048. Cuphgel ...........Southest corner of Floating Continent
049. Pugman ............Tower of Owen
050. Far Darrig ........Tower of Owen

051. Blood Bat .........Tower of Owen

052. Petit Mage ........Tower of Owen
053. Fury ..............Tower of Owen
054. Aughisky ..........Tower of Owen
055. Bomb ..............The Subterranean Lake
056. Manticore .........The Subterranean Lake
057. Stalagmite ........The Subterranean Lake

058. Sea Devil .........The Subterranean Lake

059. Merman ............The Subterranean Lake
060. Ruinous Wave ......The Subterranean Lake

061. Balloon ...........The Molten Cave

062. Myrmecoleon .......The Molten Cave
063. Crocotta ..........The Molten Cave
064. Adamantoise .......The Molten Cave
065. Red Marshmallow ...The Molten Cave
066. Pharaoh ...........Castle Hein
067. Lemur .............Castle Hein
068. Lamia .............Castle Hein
069. Demon .............Castle Hein
070. Dullahan ..........Castle Hein

071. Anet ..............Outer sea, Floating Continent

072. Mermaid ...........Outer sea, Floating Continent
073. Seahorse ..........Outer sea, Floating Continent
074. Sea Serpent .......Outer sea, Floating Continent
075. Cockatrice ........Cave of Tides
076. Poison Toad .......Cave of Tides
077. Twin Heads ........Cave of Tides
078. Roper .............Cave of Tides
079. Agaliarept ........Cave of Tides
080. Dark Legs .........Amur Sewers

081. Gigantoad .........Amur Sewers

082. Twin Liger ........Amur Sewers
083. Stroper ...........Amur Sewers

084. Black Flan ........Forest near Amur Village

085. Hellgaroo .........Grasslands near Amur Village
086. Vulcan ............Grasslands near Amur Village
087. Dracrocotta .......Grasslands near Amur Village
088. Magician ..........Forest near Amur Village
089. Lost Gold .........Goldor Manor
090. Gold Eagle ........Goldor Manor

091. Gold Warrior ......Goldor Manor

092. Gold Bear .........Goldor Manor
093. Gold Knight .......Goldor Manor
094. Nightmare .........Goldor Manor
095. Hellgaroo Mage ....Marshlands south of Saronia Kingdom
096. Needle Monkey .....Marshlands south of Saronia Kingdom
097. Catoblepas ........Marshlands south of Saronia Kingdom
098. Sorcerer ..........Marshlands south of Saronia Kingdom
099. Sand Worm .........Marshlands south of Saronia Kingdom
100. Frostfly ..........Skies on Dalg Continent

101. Simurgh ...........Skies on Dalg Continent

102. Harpy .............Skies on Dalg Continent
103. Gargoyle ..........Skies on Dalg Continent
104. Chimera ...........Skies on Dalg Continent
105. Demon Horse .......Cave of the Circle
106. Rock Gargoyle .....Cave of the Circle
107. Bovian ............Cave of the Circle
108. Dread Knight ......Cave of the Circle
109. Flyer Mage ........Cave of the Circle
110. Noggle ............Main world sea, Underwater

111. Abtu ..............Main world sea, Underwater

112. Sea Dragon ........Main world sea, Surface
113. Kagura ............Main world sea, Underwater
114. Charybdis .........Main world sea, Underwater
115. Dozmare ...........Sunken Cave
116. Sea Witch .........Sunken Cave
117. Killer Hermit .....Sunken Cave
118. Ologhai ...........Sunken Cave
119. Kelpie ............Sunken Cave
120. Aegir .............Sunken Cave

121. Kyklops ...........Saronia Catacombs

122. Boss Troll ........Saronia Catacombs
123. Fachan ............Saronia Catacombs
124. Cenchos ...........Saronia Catacombs
125. Balor .............Saronia Catacombs
126. Dira ..............Temple of Time
127. Chimera Mage ......Temple of Time
128. King Lizard .......Temple of Time
129. Pterodactyl .......Temple of Time
130. Wyvern ............Temple of Time

131. Behemoth ..........Temple of Time

132. King Seahorse .....Temple of Time
133. Dragon ............Temple of Time
134. Pyralis ...........Ancient Ruins
135. Silenus ...........Ancient Ruins
136. Gaap ..............Ancient Ruins

137. Azrael ............Ancient Ruins

138. Eater .............Ancient Ruins
139. Ouroboros .........Lake Dohr
140. Plancti ...........Lake Dohr

141. Sea Lion ..........Lake Dohr

142. Remora ............Lake Dohr
143. Grenade ...........Bahamut's Lair
144. Drake .............Bahamut's Lair
145. Greater Boros .....Bahamut's Lair
146. Sabertooth ........Bahamut's Lair
147. Queen Lamia .......Bahamut's Lair
148. Zombie Dragon .....Ancient Ruins
149. Death Claw ........Cave of Shadows
150. Hellish Horse .....Cave of Shadows

151. Chronos ...........Cave of Shadows

152. Valefor ...........Cave of Shadows
153. Haniel ............Cave of Shadows
154. Vassago ...........Cave of Shadows
155. Peryton ...........Doga's Grotto
156. Ogre ..............Doga's Grotto
157. Cyclops ...........Doga's Grotto
158. Nemesis ...........Doga's Grotto
159. Humbaba ...........Doga's Grotto
160. Death Needle ......Forest near Ancients' Maze

161. Liger .............Forest near Ancients' Maze

162. Aeon ..............Forest near Ancients' Maze

163. Minotaur ..........Forest near Ancients' Maze

164. Iron Claws ........Ancients' Maze
165. Greater Demon .....Ancients' Maze
166. Unei's Clone ......Ancients' Maze
167. Thanatos ..........Ancients' Maze
168. Bone Dragon .......Ancients' Maze
169. King Behemoth .....Ancients' Maze
170. Abaia .............Eureka

171. Sleipnir ..........Eureka

172. Haokah ............Eureka
173. Acheron ...........Eureka
174. Oceanus ...........Eureka
175. Gomory ............The Crystal Tower
176. Bluck .............The Crystal Tower
177. Doga's Clone ......The Crystal Tower
178. Azer ..............The Crystal Tower
179. Platinal ..........The Crystal Tower
180. Kum Kum ...........The Crystal Tower

181. Shinobi ...........The Crystal Tower

182. Shadow Master .....The World of Darkness
183. Kage ..............The World of Darkness
184. Dark General ......The Crystal Tower
185. Yellow Dragon .....The Crystal Tower or Secret ??? Dungeon
186. Green Dragon ......The Crystal Tower or Secret ??? Dungeon
187. Red Dragon ........The Crystal Tower or Secret ??? Dungeon
188. Glasya Labolas ....The Crystal Tower
189. Yormungand ........The World of Darkness

190. Thor ..............The Crystal Tower

191. Hecatoncheir ......Cave of Shadows

192. Hydra .............The World of Darkness
193. Queen Scylla ......The World of Darkness
194. Garm ..............The World of Darkness
195. Twin Dragon .......The World of Darkness
196. Land Turtle .......Altar Cave
197. Djinn .............The Sealed Cave
198. Nepto Dragon ......Enterprise during Nepto Temple events
199. Giant Rat .........Nepto Temple
200. Medusa ............Tower of Owen

201. Gutsco ............The Subterranean Lake

202. Salamander ........The Molten Cave
203. Hein ..............Castle Hein
204. Kraken ............Cave of Tides
205. Goldor ............Goldor Manor
206. Garuda ............Saronia Kingdom
207. Odin ..............Saronia Catacombs
208. Leviathan .........Lake Dohr
209. Bahamut ...........Bahamut's Lair
210. Doga ..............Doga's Grotto

211. Unei ..............Doga's Grotto

212. Titan .............Ancients' Maze
213. Ninja .............Eureka
214. Amon ..............Eureka
215. Kunoichi ..........Eureka

216. General ...........Eureka

217. Guardian ..........Eureka
218. Scylla ............Eureka
219. Xande .............The Crystal Tower
220. Xande's Clone .....The World of Darkness

221. Cerberus ..........The World of Darkness

222. Two-Headed Dragon .The World of Darkness
223. Echidna ...........The World of Darkness
224. Ahriman ...........The World of Darkness
225. Cloud of Darkness .The World of Darkness
226. Iron Giant ........Secret ??? Dungeon

| {BES-04} Item Drop Rates |





Welcome to the loot sections! There will be two parts to this section. The
first part is a list of all monster loot in alphabetical order. Along with
that I have listed the TOP 6 enemies that drop these items. There are tons
of enemies so I figured the top six with the highest drop rates would make
the most sense to list. (more efficient)

NOTE: Some items are dropped by less than six enemies.

A lot of these items can be stolen, as well. If you are looking for a certain
item, check to see if it can be stolen or not, first, since stealing is much

easier than trying to wait for items to drop. Please note, though, that some
items can only be dropped. (silence seal, shining curtain, shell breaker)

Here is a sample chart to explain things.


Dropped by:

|Sample Item |(9.6% Enemy 1)

|(3.4% Enemy 4)

(7.3% Enemy 2)

(1.2% Enemy 5)

(5.3% Enemy 3)

(0.4% Enemy 6)


The highest drop rate will be listed first, as Enemy 1, with the last enemy
having the lowest drop rate, Enemy 6.

For your convenience, items go in alphabetical order. If you want faster

results, use Ctrl+F to find the Item/Enemy you are looking for.


Dropped by:

|Angel's Sigh |(5.0% Lamia)

|(3.0% Tangie)

(3.3% Knocker)

(3.0% Griffon)

(3.3% Red Cap)

(2.0% Slime)

|Antarctic Wind |(5.5% Adamantoise) (5.5% Sea Serpent) (5.2% Lamia)

|(3.5% Sea Devil) (3.2% Griffon)

(2.2% Slime)


|(3.4% Revenant) (3.4% Pharaoh)

|(2.4% Hornet)

(2.4% Killer Bee)

(2.4% Poison Bat)



|Arctic Wind |(5.4% Cenchos)


|(3.4% Aegir)

(5.0% Adamantoise) (3.4% Boss Troll)

(3.4% Frostfly) (3.4% Sorcerer)

|Bacchus's Cider|(5.1% Adamantoise) (5.1% Sea Serpent) (3.1% Dread Knight) |

|(3.1% Merman)

(2.1% Roper)

|Black Hole

|(5.2% Platinal) (5.2% Azer)

|(5.1% Cenchos)

(5.2% Gomory)

(3.1% Boss Troll) (3.1% Frostfly)


|Black Musk

|(5.0% Platinal) (5.0% Azer)

|(5.0% Gomory)

(5.0% Oceanus)

(5.0% Acheron)

(3.0% Magician)

|Bomb Arm

|(5.4% Vulcan)

(3.4% Fachan)

(3.4% Rock Gargoyle) |

|(3.2% Dread Knight)(3.0% Crocotta) (2.4% Bomb)

|Bomb Fragment |(5.2% Lamia)

|(2.2% Lemur)

(3.4% Crocotta) (3.2% Griffon)

(2.2% Slime)

(2.4% Red Marshmallow) |

|Chocobo's Wrath|(5.1% Oceanus)

|(5.0% Azer)

(5.1% Acheron)

(3.1% Kyklops)

(5.0% Gomory)

(3.1% Magician)

|Earthen Drums |(3.0% Dread Knight)(2.0% Black Flan) (2.0% Roper)

|Echo Herbs

|(2.3% Blood Bat) (2.3% Pugman)


|(87% Green Dragon) (87% Red Dragon) (87% Yellow Dragon) |


|Eye Drops

|(3.6% Revenant) (3.6% Pharaoh)

(2.6% Poison Bat)

|(2.6% Killer Bee) (2.6% Hornet)

|Gold Needle |(4.0% Myrmecoleon) (4.0% Cockatrice) (4.0% Greater Boros) |

|(4.0% Catoblepas) (4.0% Manticore) (3.0% Helldiver)


|(0.3% Odin)

|Heavenly Wrath |(5.4% Oceanus)

(5.4% Acheron)

|(3.4% Magician) (3.0% Red Cap)

(3.4% Abaia)

(3.0% Knocker)


|(5.9% Queen Lamia) (5.9% Behemoth) (5.9% Wyvern)

|(5.2% Vulcan)

(5.2% Cenchos)

(3.9% Sand Worm)

|Lamia Scale |(3.1% Crocotta) (3.1% Dread Knight)(2.1% Red Marshmallow) |

|(2.1% Black Flan) (2.1% Roper)

|Lilith's Kiss |(5.2% Platinal) (5.2% Gomory)

|(5.0% Vulcan)

(3.0% Fachan)

(5.2% Azer)

(2.2% Needle Monkey) |

|Maiden's Kiss |(2.3% Pugman)

(2.3% Blood Bat)


|(2.3% Pugman)

(2.2% Blood Bat)

|Onion Armor |(4.5% Red Dragon)

|Onion Gauntlets|(4.5% Green Dragon)


|Onion Helm

|(4.5% Yellow Dragon)


|Onion Shield |(7.0% Green Dragon)(7.0% Red Dragon) (7.0% Yellow Dragon) |

|Onion Sword |(1.5% Green Dragon)(1.5% Red Dragon) (1.5% Yellow Dragon) |

|Phoenix Down |(5.0% Wyvern)

(5.0% Behemoth) (5.0% Dragon)

|(5.0% Queen Lamia) (5.0% Peryton)

(5.0% Aeon)


|(3.7% Goblin)

|Protect Ring |(10.2% King Behemoth)


|Raven's Yawn |(5.1% Platinal) (5.1% Azer)

|(5.0% Cenchos)

(5.1% Gomory)

(3.0% Frostfly) (3.0% Sorcerer)


|Sheep Pillow |(3.3% Crocotta) (2.3% Red Marshmallow)


|Shell Breaker |(5.1% Platinal) (5.1% Azer)


|(3.1% Kum Kum)

(5.1% Gomory)

(3.1% Red Cap)

(3.1% Knocker)

|Shining Curtain|(5.1% Platinal) (5.1% Azer)

|(5.1% Oceanus)

(5.1% Gomory)

(5.1% Acheron)

(3.1% Magician)

|Silence Seal |(5.1% Vulcan)

|(3.1% Fachan)

(3.1% Griffon)

(2.1% Bomb)

(3.1% Rock Gargoyle) |

(2.1% Slime)

|Tranquilizer |(5.3% Oceanus)

(5.3% Acheron)

|(3.3% Magician) (3.3% Kyklops)

(5.3% Vulcan)

(3.1% Griffon)

|Turtle Shell |(5.3% Cenchos)

(3.3% Sea Witch) (3.3% Sorcerer)

|(3.3% Frostfly) (3.3% Balor)

(3.3% Aegir)

|Zeus's Wrath |(5.1% Lamia)

|(3.1% Griffon)

(3.4% Knocker)

(3.1% Tangie)

(3.4% Red Cap)

(2.1% Slime)


| {BES-05} Loot & Treasure |

Almost every monster has an item in its pockets. Most monsters carry 8 items
but there are some that carry less. The following charts are pretty easy to
follow, but here's another example chart anyways:

Item Drops:
| Enemy Name: | Item 1
| Number:

| Item 2

| Item 3
| Item 4

| Item 5
| Item 6

| Item 7
| Item 8



Stealing Notes:
Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, and Item 4 can be stolen. Thieves must be at least
job level 1 to steal Item 1, job level 31 to steal Item 2, job level 71 to
steal Item 3, and job level 99 to steal Item 4. Please check the "Mechanics
of Stealing" section for more details. Ctrl+F {MS}

For your convenience, the enemies go in numerical order. If you want faster
results, use Ctrl+F to find the Item/Enemy you are looking for.

Item Drops:
| Goblin
| 001.





|Phoenix Down |

| Carbuncle
| 002.






|Phoenix Down |

| Eye Fang
| 003.





|Phoenix Down |

| Blue Wisp





| 004.




|Phoenix Down |

| Killer Bee |Eye Drops
| 005.

|Eye Drops


|Eye Drops


|Eye Drops


| Werewolf
| 006.





|Phoenix Down |

| Berserker
| 007.





|Phoenix Down |

| Red Wisp
| 008.





|Phoenix Down |

| Dark Eye
| 009.





|Phoenix Down |

| Zombie
| 010.





|Phoenix Down |

| Mummy
| 011.





|Phoenix Down |

| Skeleton
| 012.





|Phoenix Down |

| Cursed Copper |Potion
| 013.







|Phoenix Down |


| Larva





| 014.




|Phoenix Down |

| Shadow
| 015.





|Phoenix Down |

| Revenant
| 016.

|Eye Drops
|Eye Drops



|Eye Drops
|Eye Drops



| Firefly





| 017.




|Phoenix Down |

| Helldiver
| 018.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Rust Bird
| 019.

|Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |

|Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |

| Rukh





| 020.




|Phoenix Down |

| Basilisk





| 021.




|Phoenix Down |

| Bugbear
| 022.





|Phoenix Down |

| Mandrake
| 023.






|Phoenix Down |

| Leprechaun |Potion
| 024.





|Phoenix Down |

| Darkface
| 025.





|Phoenix Down |

| Petit

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| 026.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Poison Bat |Eye Drops
| 027.

|Eye Drops



|Eye Drops
|Eye Drops



| Lilliputian |Potion
| 028.





|Phoenix Down |

| Wererat
| 029.





|Phoenix Down |

| Blood Worm |Potion
| 030.







|Phoenix Down |

| Killer Fish |Potion
| 031.





|Phoenix Down |

| Hermit
| 032.





|Phoenix Down |

| Sea Elemental |Potion

|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| 033.

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| Tangie
| 034.


|Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

|Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |

| Sahagin
| 035.


|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| Parademon
| 036.

|Wooden Arrow |Iron Arrow |Light Arrow |Medusa Arrow |

|Holy Arrow |Ice Arrow

|Fire Arrow

|Yoichi Arrow |

| Griffon
| 037.


|Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

|Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |

| Lynx





| 038.




|Phoenix Down |

| Hornet
| 039.

|Eye Drops
|Eye Drops


|Eye Drops
|Eye Drops



| Knocker
| 040.


|Zeus's Wrath |Angel's Sigh |Heavenly Wrath |

|Zeus's Wrath |Angel's Sigh |Shell Breaker |Heavenly Wrath |

| Flyer





| 041.




|Phoenix Down |

| Lizardman
| 042.






|Phoenix Down |


| Gorgon
| 043.





|Phoenix Down |

| Red Cap
| 044.


|Zeus's Wrath |Angel's Sigh |Heavenly Wrath |

|Zeus's Wrath |Angel's Sigh |Shell Breaker |Heavenly Wrath |

| Barometz
| 045.





|Phoenix Down |

| Slime


|Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

| 046.

|Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |

| Tarantula
| 047.





|Phoenix Down |

| Cuphgel
| 048.





|Phoenix Down |

| Pugman
| 049.


|Echo Herbs |Maiden's Kiss |Mallet

|Maiden's Kiss |Mallet

|Echo Herbs


| Far Darrig |Potion
| 050.





|Phoenix Down |


Item Drops:
| Enemy Name: | Item 1

| Item 3

| Item 5

| Item 7

| Number:

| Item 2

| Item 4

| Item 6

| Item 8

Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, and Item 4 can be stolen.

Item Drops:
| Blood Bat
| 051.


|Echo Herbs |Maiden's Kiss |Mallet

|Maiden's Kiss |Mallet

|Echo Herbs


| Petit Mage |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |
| 052.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Fury





| 053.




|Phoenix Down |

| Aughisky
| 054.





|Phoenix Down |

| Bomb
| 055.

|Bomb Arm

|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

|Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |

| Manticore
| 056.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Stalagmite |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |
| 057.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Sea Devil


|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| 058.

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| Merman
| 059.


|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| Ruinous Wave |Potion
| 060.

|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| Balloon
| 061.

|Bomb Arm

|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

|Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |

| Myrmecoleon |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |
| 062.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Crocotta
| 063.


|Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Bomb Arm

|Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Lamia Scale |Bomb Arm

| Adamantoise |Potion
| 064.

|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

|Red Marshmallow|Potion
| 065.

|Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Bomb Arm

|Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Lamia Scale |Bomb Arm

| Pharaoh
| 066.

|Eye Drops
|Eye Drops


|Eye Drops
|Eye Drops



| Lemur
| 067.


|Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

|Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |


| Lamia
| 068.


|Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

|Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |

| Demon
| 069.

|Wooden Arrow |Iron Arrow |Light Arrow |Medusa Arrow |

|Holy Arrow |Ice Arrow

|Fire Arrow

|Yoichi Arrow |

| Dullahan
| 070.





|Phoenix Down |

| Anet


|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| 071.

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| Mermaid
| 072.


|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| Seahorse
| 073.


|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| Sea Serpent |Potion
| 074.

|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| Cockatrice |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |
| 075.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Poison Toad |Potion
| 076.





|Phoenix Down |

| Twin Heads |Potion
| 077.





|Phoenix Down |

| Roper
| 078.

|Bomb Arm

|Arctic Wind |Lamia Scale |Turtle Shell |

|Heavenly Wrath|Bacchus's Cider|Earthen Drums |

| Agaliarept |Potion
| 079.





|Phoenix Down |

| Dark Legs
| 080.





|Phoenix Down |

| Gigantoad
| 081.






|Phoenix Down |

| Twin Liger |Potion
| 082.





|Phoenix Down |

| Stroper
| 083.





|Phoenix Down |

| Black Flan |Potion

|Arctic Wind |Lamia Scale |Turtle Shell |

| 084.

|Heavenly Wrath|Bacchus's Cider|Earthen Drums |

|Bomb Arm

| Hellgaroo
| 085.





|Phoenix Down |

| Vulcan
| 086.

|Bomb Arm

|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

|Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |

| Dracrocotta |Potion




| 087.




|Phoenix Down |

| Magician
| 088.


|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

| Lost Gold
| 089.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Gold Eagle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |
| 090.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Gold Warrior |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |
| 091.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Gold Bear
| 092.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Gold Knight |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |
| 093.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Nightmare
| 094.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Hellgaroo Mage|Hi-Potion
| 095.







|Phoenix Down |

| Needle Monkey |Hi-Potion
| 096.

|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


| Catoblepas |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| 097.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Sorcerer
| 098.


|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |

| Sand Worm
| 099.








|Phoenix Down |

| Frostfly
| 100.


|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |


Item Drops:
| Enemy Name: | Item 1
| Number:

| Item 2

| Item 3
| Item 4

| Item 5
| Item 6

| Item 7
| Item 8


Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, and Item 4 can be stolen.

Item Drops:
| Simurgh
| 101.





|Phoenix Down |

| Harpy
| 102.





|Phoenix Down |

| Gargoyle
| 103.





|Phoenix Down |

| Chimera
| 104.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Demon Horse |Hi-Potion
| 105.







|Phoenix Down |

| Rock Gargoyle |Hi-Potion
| 106.

|Bomb Arm

|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

|Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |

| Bovian
| 107.





|Phoenix Down |

| Dread Knight |Potion
| 108.

|Arctic Wind |Lamia Scale |Turtle Shell |

|Bomb Arm

|Heavenly Wrath|Bacchus's Cider|Earthen Drums |

| Flyer Mage |Hi-Potion
| 109.







|Phoenix Down |

| Noggle
| 110.





|Phoenix Down |

| Abtu





| 111.




|Phoenix Down |

| Sea Dragon |Hi-Potion




| 112.




|Phoenix Down |

| Kagura
| 113.





|Phoenix Down |

| Charybdis
| 114.





|Phoenix Down |

| Dozmare
| 115.







|Phoenix Down |

| Sea Witch
| 116.


|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |

| Killer Hermit |Hi-Potion
| 117.

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |

| Ologhai
| 118.


|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |

| Kelpie


|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

| 119.

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |

| Aegir


|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

| 120.

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |

| Kyklops
| 121.


|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk


| Boss Troll |Hi-Potion

| 122.

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |

| Fachan
| 123.


|Bomb Arm

|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

|Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |

| Cenchos
| 124.


|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |

| Balor


|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

| 125.

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |

| Dira





| 126.




|Phoenix Down |

| Chimera Mage |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |
| 127.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| King Lizard |Hi-Potion
| 128.





|Phoenix Down |

| Pterodactyl |Hi-Potion
| 129.







|Phoenix Down |

| Wyvern
| 130.





|Phoenix Down |

| Behemoth
| 131.








|Phoenix Down |

| King Seahorse |Hi-Potion
| 132.







|Phoenix Down |

| Dragon
| 133.





|Phoenix Down |

| Pyralis





| 134.




|Phoenix Down |

| Silenus
| 135.





|Phoenix Down |

| Gaap
| 136.





|Phoenix Down |

| Azrael
| 137.





|Phoenix Down |

| Eater





| 138.




|Phoenix Down |

| Ouroboros
| 139.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Plancti





| 140.




|Phoenix Down |

| Sea Lion





| 141.




|Phoenix Down |

| Remora
| 142.





|Phoenix Down |

| Grenade
| 143.


|Bomb Arm

|Bomb Arm

|Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

|Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |

| Drake
| 144.





|Phoenix Down |

| Greater Boros |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |
| 145.

|Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

| Sabertooth |Hi-Potion
| 146.





|Phoenix Down |

| Queen Lamia |Hi-Potion
| 147.







|Phoenix Down |

| Zombie Dragon |Hi-Potion
| 148.







|Phoenix Down |

| Death Claw |Hi-Potion
| 149.

|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Hellish Horse |Hi-Potion
| 150.







|Phoenix Down |


Item Drops:
| Enemy Name: | Item 1
| Number:

| Item 2

| Item 3
| Item 4

| Item 5
| Item 6

| Item 7
| Item 8


Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, and Item 4 can be stolen.

Item Drops:
| Chronos
| 151.





|Phoenix Down |

| Valefor
| 152.





|Phoenix Down |

| Haniel
| 153.





|Phoenix Down |

| Vassago
| 154.





|Phoenix Down |

| Peryton
| 155.





|Phoenix Down |

| Ogre





| 156.




|Phoenix Down |

| Cyclops
| 157.








|Phoenix Down |

| Nemesis
| 158.








|Phoenix Down |

| Humbaba
| 159.







|Phoenix Down |

| Death Needle |Hi-Potion
| 160.







|Phoenix Down |

| Liger





| 161.




|Phoenix Down |

| Aeon
| 162.





|Phoenix Down |

| Minotaur
| 163.







|Phoenix Down |

| Iron Claws |Hi-Potion
| 164.





|Phoenix Down |

| Greater Demon |Hi-Potion
| 165.







|Phoenix Down |

| Unei's Clone |None




| 166.

| Thanatos
| 167.





|Phoenix Down |

| Bone Dragon |Hi-Potion
| 168.







|Phoenix Down |

| King Behemoth |Elixir
| 169.




|Protect Ring |Elixir


|Protect Ring |

| Abaia


|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

| 170.

|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

| Sleipnir
| 171.


|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

| Haokah
| 172.


|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

| Acheron
| 173.


|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

| Oceanus
| 174.


|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

| Gomory
| 175.


|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


| Bluck


|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

| 176.

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Doga's Clone |None
| 177.




| Azer


|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

| 178.

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Platinal
| 179.


|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Kum Kum
| 180.


|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Shinobi
| 181.


|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Shadow Master |Hi-Potion
| 182.

|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Kage


|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

| 183.

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Dark General |Hi-Potion
| 184.







|Phoenix Down |

| Yellow Dragon |Elixir
| 185.

|Onion Shield |Onion Helm


|Onion Sword |

| Green Dragon |Elixir
| 186.

|Onion Shield |Onion Gauntlets|Onion Sword |

| Red Dragon |Elixir
| 187.

|Onion Shield |Onion Armor |Onion Sword |

| Glasya Labolas|Hi-Potion
| 188.

|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Yormungand |Hi-Potion
| 189.

|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Thor


|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

| 190.

|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|*Hecatoncheir |Hi-Potion
| 191.

|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Hydra
| 192.


|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

|Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole

|Raven's Yawn |

| Queen Scylla |Hi-Potion
| 193.

|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Garm
| 194.


|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| Twin Dragon |Hi-Potion

|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

| 195.

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Item Drops:
| Enemy Name: | Item 1
| Number:

| Item 2

| Item 3
| Item 4

| Item 5
| Item 6

| Item 7
| Item 8


Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, and Item 4 can be stolen.

Item Drops:
|*Land Turtle |Potion
| 196.

|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

| 197.


|Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Bomb Arm

|Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Lamia Scale |Bomb Arm


|*Nepto Dragon |None


| 198.



|*Giant Rat
| 199.


|Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

|Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |

| 200.







|Phoenix Down |


| 201.





|Phoenix Down |

|*Salamander |Hi-Potion
| 202.







|Phoenix Down |

| 203.







|Phoenix Down |

| 204.





|Phoenix Down |

| 205.





|Phoenix Down |

| 206.





|Phoenix Down |

| 207.



| 208.








|Phoenix Down |

| 209.







|Phoenix Down |

| 210.





|Phoenix Down |

| 211.





|Phoenix Down |

| 212.





|Phoenix Down |

| 213.


|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| 214.





|Phoenix Down |

| 215.


|Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk

|Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|

| 216.





|Phoenix Down |

| 217.







|Phoenix Down |

| 218.





|Phoenix Down |

| 219.





|Phoenix Down |

| Xande's Clone |None




| 220.

| 221.







|Phoenix Down |

|*Two-Headed |Hi-Potion


| 222. Dragon|Hi-Potion




|Phoenix Down |

| 223.






|Phoenix Down |

| 224.







|Phoenix Down |

|*Cloud of


| 225. Darkness|




|*Iron Giant |None
| 226.
















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XIII) Secrets and Miscellaneous: {MIS}


{MIS-01} The Chocobo Woods


Chocobo Woods are scattered all over the world. In these very special forests
you can find cute yellow birds playing among the trees! If you find one of
these Woods, try to catch a chocobo and take it for a ride around the entire
World Map. Yay! ^_^

While riding a chocobo you avoid all random encounters.

Another very interesting thing, is the boss of the Chocobo Woods. You can't
find him initially, so you must have the required item to lure him out! This
item is a Gysahl Green. If you have one of these, go to the Chocobo Woods

and examine the huge tree in the middle. You will smell chocobo... haha.

Use the Gysahl Green and... POOF!!! Fat Chocobo.

This bird is weird. He will let you store any items, that you don't want to
carry around, inside of his belly! How odd. Well, look at it this way,
at least you don't have to insert Gil to use him. :P Phew!

Here are the locations of all Chocobo Woods:

01. Just east of the Village of the Ancients.

02. Forest north of Gulgan Gulch.
03. Forest on Dwarven Isle.
04. East of Amur Village. At the bottom of the huge forest.
05. Forest south of the Bottomless Bog and Goldor Manor.
06. South of Saronia Kingdom. At the bottom of the huge forest.
07. Forest east of Falgabard.
08. West of Replito, in the forest across the river.
09. Northwest of Guardian Statues. In the Paw-shaped forest.
10. Southeast of Guardian Statues. In the U-shaped forest.

Even though there are 10 woods, Fat Chocobo will appear in more places
than just that. You will still need to search for his scent, and use a
Gysahl Green to make him appear, but he is a little more hidden.

Here are the locations of Fat Chocobo, outside of Chocobo Woods:

01. Saronia SW District, the huge house on the east side of town.

02. Doga's Manor, to the right of the moogle shops.

03. The Invincible, to the left of the resting area and beds.

Take advantage of Fat Chocobo. It may seem useless and a waste of time, BUT
what if you get 99 of an item, and you want MORE!? Especially Phoenix Downs
and Elixirs! ;)

| {MIS-02} Wellsprings


Here are all the different types of Wellsprings and where they are located! :)

HP/MP = Fully restores HP and MP.

Revive = Brings any KO'd ally back to life, with full HP and MP.
Status = Removes all status ailments.

HP/MP = 9 total
Revive = 15 total
Status = 2 total

| Wellspring:

| Locations:

| Status

| Healing Copse

| Status

| Castle Hein; not a wellspring, but a pot.



| Altar Cave


| Ur Village


| Kazus


| Healing Copse


| Castle Argus


| Castle Hein; not a wellspring, but a pot.


| Water Temple


| Doga's Manor; not a wellspring, but a pot.


| Eureka



| Revive

| Ur Village

| Revive

| Canaan

| Revive

| Healing Copse

| Revive

| Vikings' Cove

| Revive

| Castle Argus

| Revive

| Dwarven Hollows

| Revive

| Village of the Ancients

| Revive

| Gysahl

| Revive

| Castle Hein; not a wellspring, but a pot.

| Revive

| Water Temple

| Revive

| Amur Village

| Revive

| Falgabard

| Revive

| Southwestern Saronia

| Revive

| Doga's Manor; not a wellspring, but a book.

| Revive

| Eureka



| {MIS-03} Shopping List |

Here is a list of every shop located in Final Fantasy III. The shops never
change so you won't ever need to worry about missing something. If you want
to find something quickly, use the search function. Ctrl+F. Then type in
the item/town you are looking for. Yay! :)

The locations are listed in the order that they appear in the walkthrough.

01. Ur Village
02. Kazus
03. Canaan
04. Tozus
05. Vikings' Cove
06. Village of the Ancients
07. Gysahl
08. Dwarven Hollows
09. Amur
10. Duster
11. Replito
12. Northwestern Saronia
13. Northeastern Saronia
14. Southwestern Saronia
15. Doga's Manor
16. Doga's Village
17. Ancient Ruins
18. Falgabard

19. The Invincible

20. Eureka, The Forbidden Land

01. Ur Village



|Item Shop |

Inn = Free

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Potion....................50 gil| |Dagger....................60 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Longsword................100 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |Staff.....................40 gil|

| |Bow......................100 gil|

| |Wooden Arrow...............4 gil|

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Armor Shop |

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Leather Armor.............90 gil| |Poisona..................100 gil|
|Leather Shield............40 gil| |

|Leather Cap...............15 gil| |

|Bronze Bracers............80 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o


02. Kazus



|Item Shop |

Inn = Free

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Potion....................50 gil| |Mythril Rod..............400 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Mythril Knife............500 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |Mythril Sword............500 gil|
o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------'

|Armor Shop |

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Mythril Armor............350 gil| |Fire.....................100 gil|
|Mythril Shield...........180 gil| |Blizzard.................100 gil|
|Mythril Helm.............130 gil| |Sleep....................100 gil|
|Mythril Gloves...........120 gil| |

|Mythril Bracers..........120 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

03. Canaan



|Item Shop |

Inn = 40 gil

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o

|Potion....................50 gil| |Mythril Rod..............400 gil|

|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Mythril Knife............500 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |Mythril Sword............500 gil|
|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Great Bow...............1200 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Iron Arrow.................8 gil|
o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Armor Shop |


|--------------------------------o |Magic Shop |

|Mythril Armor

350 gil| |--------------------------------o

|Mythril Shield

180 gil| |Cure.....................100 gil|

|Mythril Helm

130 gil| |Thunder..................700 gil|

|Mythril Gloves

120 gil| |Poison...................700 gil|

|Mythril Bracers

120 gil| |Blind....................700 gil|

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

04. Tozus



|Item Shop |

Inn = 80 gil

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Potion....................50 gil| |Fire.....................100 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Blizzard.................100 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |Sleep....................100 gil|
o--------------------------------o |Thunder..................700 gil|

|Poison...................700 gil|

|Blind....................700 gil|

|Leaf Top Bakery |

|Aero.....................700 gil|

|--------------------------------o |

|Gnomish Bread............200 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

05. Vikings' Cove



|Item Shop |

Inn = 40 gil

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Potion....................50 gil| |Fire.....................100 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Blizzard.................100 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |Sleep....................100 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Thunder..................700 gil|
|Maiden's Kiss............100 gil| |Poison...................700 gil|

| |Blind....................700 gil|

| |Mini....................1000 gil|

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

06. Village of the Ancients |==============================================

|Item Shop |

Inn = 120 gil

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Potion....................50 gil| |Serpent Sword...........1500 gil|
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Fire Staff..............3500 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Ice Staff...............3500 gil|
|Maiden's Kiss............100 gil| |Light Staff.............3500 gil|
|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Killer Bow..............4000 gil|
|Mallet...................100 gil| |Fire Arrow...............150 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Ice Arrow................150 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |Light Arrow..............150 gil|
o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Armor Shop |


|--------------------------------o |Magic Shop |

|Shell Armor.............1250 gil| |--------------------------------o
|Flame Mail..............2400 gil| |Sight....................100 gil|
|Headband................1200 gil| |Fira....................1500 gil|
|Kenpo Gi................2000 gil| |Blizzara................1500 gil|
|Mage Robe...............2000 gil| |Thundara................1500 gil|

| |Cura....................1500 gil|

| |Teleport................1500 gil|

| |Blindna.................1500 gil|

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

07. Gysahl



|Item Shop |

Inn = 120 gil

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Gysahl Greens............150 gil| |Toad....................1000 gil|

| |Mini....................1000 gil|

| |Break...................3000 gil|

o--------------------------------o |Shade...................3000 gil|

|Libra...................3000 gil|

|Confuse.................3000 gil|

|Locksmith |

|Silence.................3000 gil|

|--------------------------------o |

|Magic Key................100 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

08. Dwarven Hollows



|Item Shop |

Inn = 80 gil

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Potion....................50 gil| |Tyrfing.................2000 gil|
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Fire Staff..............3500 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Ice Staff...............3500 gil|
|Maiden's Kiss............100 gil| |Diamond Bell............4500 gil|
|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Iron Arrow.................8 gil|

|Mallet...................100 gil| |Holy Arrow................10 gil|

|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |

|Antidote..................80 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Armor Shop |
|Ice Armor...............2400 gil|
|Ice Helm................1200 gil|
|Ice Shield..............1800 gil|
|Mage Robe...............2000 gil|
|Kenpo Gi................2000 gil|

09. Amur



|Item Shop |

Inn = 200 gil

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Potion....................50 gil| |Battleaxe...............7400 gil|
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Main Gauche.............7000 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Thunder Spear...........8000 gil|
|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Selene Bow.............16000 gil|
|Gysahl Greens............150 gil| |Boomerang...............9000 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Iron Arrow.................8 gil|

|Antidote..................80 gil| |Holy Arrow................10 gil|


| |Madhura Harp...........10000 gil|

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Armor Shop |
|Viking Helm.............5500 gil|
|Viking Mail.............8000 gil|
|Heroic Shield...........3500 gil|
|Thief Gloves............2500 gil|
|Black Garb..............5000 gil|
|Black Cowl..............4000 gil|
|Black Belt Gi...........6000 gil|
|Chakra Band.............4500 gil|

10. Duster



|Item Shop |

Inn = 320 gil

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Diamond Bell............4500 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Madhura Harp...........10000 gil|
|Maiden's Kiss............100 gil| |Loki Harp..............10000 gil|
|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Lamia Harp.............12000 gil|

|Mallet...................100 gil| |Dream Harp.............12000 gil|

|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |

|Antidote..................80 gil| |

|Gysahl Greens............150 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Armor Shop |
|Gaia Vest

7600 gil|

|Bard Vest

5500 gil|

|Feathered Hat

6000 gil|

|Rune Bracers

5000 gil|


11. Replito



|Item Shop |

Inn = 200 gil

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Escape...................100 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Icen....................7000 gil|
|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Spark...................7000 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Heatra..................7000 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |Hyper...................7000 gil|
|Ottershroom.............2000 gil| |

|Gysahl Greens............150 gil| |

|Gnomish Bread............200 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

12. Northwestern Saronia



|Item Shop |

Inn = 320 gil

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Fira....................1500 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Blizzara................1500 gil|
|Maiden's Kiss............100 gil| |Thundara................1500 gil|
|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Cura....................1500 gil|
|Mallet...................100 gil| |Teleport................1500 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Blindna.................1500 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |

|Gysahl Greens............150 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

13. Northeastern Saronia



|Item Shop |

Inn = 320 gil

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Fire Rod...............10000 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Ice Rod................10000 gil|
|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Light Rod..............10000 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Golem Staff............13500 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |Rune Staff.............18000 gil|
|Ottershroom.............2000 gil| |Wizard Rod.............20000 gil|
|Gysahl Greens............150 gil| |

|Gnomish Bread............200 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Magic Shop |


|--------------------------------o |Weapon Shop |

|Thundaga................5000 gil| |--------------------------------o
|Raze....................5000 gil| |Thunder Spear...........8000 gil|
|Erase...................5000 gil| |Wind Spear.............10000 gil|
|Curaga..................5000 gil| |
|Raise...................5000 gil| |
|Protect.................5000 gil| |


o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Magic Shop |
|Break...................3000 gil|
|Blizzaga................3000 gil|
|Shade...................3000 gil|
|Libra...................3000 gil|

|Confuse.................3000 gil|
|Silence.................3000 gil|

14. Southwestern Saronia



|Armor Shop |
|Rune Bracers............5000 gil|
|Gaia Vest...............7600 gil|
|Scholar Robe............5500 gil|
|Scholar Hat.............7500 gil|

15. Doga's Manor



|Item Shop |

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Firaga.................10000 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Bio....................10000 gil|
|Maiden's Kiss............100 gil| |Warp...................10000 gil|

|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Aeroga.................10000 gil|

|Mallet...................100 gil| |Stona..................10000 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Haste..................10000 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |Curaga..................5000 gil|
|Gysahl Greens............150 gil| |Raise...................5000 gil|
o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

16. Doga's Village



|Magic Shop |

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Fira....................1500 gil| |Break...................3000 gil|
|Blizzara................1500 gil| |Blizzaga................3000 gil|
|Thundara................1500 gil| |Shade...................3000 gil|
|Cura....................1500 gil| |Libra...................3000 gil|
|Teleport................1500 gil| |Confuse.................3000 gil|
|Blindna.................1500 gil| |Silence.................3000 gil|
o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Magic Shop |

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Thundaga................5000 gil| |Firaga.................10000 gil|
|Raze....................5000 gil| |Bio....................10000 gil|
|Erase...................5000 gil| |Warp...................10000 gil|

|Curaga..................5000 gil| |Aeroga.................10000 gil|

|Raise...................5000 gil| |Stona..................10000 gil|
|Protect.................5000 gil| |Haste..................10000 gil|

| |Curaga..................5000 gil|

| |Raise...................5000 gil|

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Magic Shop |

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Quake..................20000 gil| |Escape...................100 gil|
|Breakga................20000 gil| |Icen....................7000 gil|
|Drain..................20000 gil| |Spark...................7000 gil|
|Curaja.................20000 gil| |Heatra..................7000 gil|
|Esuna..................20000 gil| |Hyper...................7000 gil|
|Reflect................20000 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

17. Ancient Ruins



|Item Shop |

Inn = 200 gil

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Defender...............28000 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Blood Lance............28000 gil|
|Maiden's Kiss............100 gil| |Medusa Arrow.............300 gil|

|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |

|Mallet...................100 gil| |


|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |

|Antidote..................80 gil| |

|Gysahl Greens............150 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Armor Shop |
|Diamond Shield.........18000 gil|
|Diamond Helm...........20000 gil|
|White Robe.............27000 gil|
|Black Robe.............27000 gil|
|Diamond Mail...........32000 gil|
|Diamond Bracers........10000 gil|
|Diamond Gloves.........10000 gil|

18. Falgabard



|Item Shop |

Inn = 640 gil

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Ashura.................16000 gil|
|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Yoichi Bow.............42000 gil|

|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Yoichi Arrow.............500 gil|

|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Demon Axe..............40000 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |

|Ottershroom.............2000 gil| |

|Gysahl Greens............150 gil| |

|Gnomish Bread............200 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Armor Shop |

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Demon Mail.............25000 gil| |Fira....................1500 gil|
|Demon Shield...........12500 gil| |Blizzara................1500 gil|

| |Thundara................1500 gil|

| |Cura....................1500 gil|

| |Teleport................1500 gil|

| |Blindna.................1500 gil|

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

19. The Invincible



|Item Shop |

Inn = Free

|Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Potion....................50 gil| |Sleep Arrow..............200 gil|
|Hi-Potion................600 gil| |Poison Arrow.............200 gil|

|Gold Needle..............100 gil| |Medusa Arrow.............300 gil|

|Echo Herbs...............100 gil| |Magic Arrow..............250 gil|
|Eye Drops.................40 gil| |Dark Knife.............30000 gil|
|Antidote..................80 gil| |Rune Axe...............35000 gil|
|Ottershroom.............2000 gil| |Dragon Lance...........40000 gil|
|Gysahl Greens............200 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Armor Shop |

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o
|Diamond Shield.........18000 gil| |Quake..................20000 gil|
|Diamond Helm...........20000 gil| |Breakga................20000 gil|
|Diamond Mail...........32000 gil| |Drain..................20000 gil|
|Diamond Bracers........10000 gil| |Curaja.................20000 gil|
|Diamond Gloves.........10000 gil| |Esuna..................20000 gil|
|White Robe.............27000 gil| |Reflect................20000 gil|
|Black Robe.............27000 gil| |
|Gaia Vest...............7600 gil| |


o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

20. Eureka, The Forbidden Land |===========================================

|Magic Shop |

|Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------o |--------------------------------o

|Flare..................60000 gil| |Catastro...............40000 gil|

|Death..................60000 gil| |Leviath................50000 gil|
|Meteor.................60000 gil| |Bahamur................60000 gil|
|Tornado................60000 gil| |

|Arise..................60000 gil| |

|Holy...................60000 gil| |

o--------------------------------o o--------------------------------o

|Hidden Shop |
|Shuriken...............65500 gil|
|Crystal Shield.........50000 gil|
|Crystal Mail...........50000 gil|
|Crystal Gloves.........50000 gil|
|Crystal Helm...........50000 gil|
|Apollo Harp............60000 gil|

| {MIS-04} Item Duplication |

There's always a way to duplicate your items. Haha. ^_^ Even though this
trick is from the FFIII cheats tab at GameFAQs, I re-worded it a little bit
to make things easier to understand.

The original poster gave a warning saying that there is a possibility that
it could ruin your save file. Here is his warning:

"WARNING: This item duplication will ruin the game play,

please note to do this at your own risk. It may also
damage your save file so please duplicate your save before
you attempt this."

Just so you know, I have done this item trick quite a bit and have
experienced *NO* problems. I am perfectly comfortable duplicating items! :)

NOTE 1: You may experience problems if you exceed 99 of any item.

NOTE 2: This works with battle items, ONLY!

How to Duplicate:
1) First you need to be in an area where you can fight random battles.
2) Open your menu screen via non-battle.
3) Select the "Items" menu.
4) Put the item you want to duplicate in the top left or top right of your
item list. You can do two items at the same time if you want.
5) Enter a random battle.
6) When in battle, select the "Item" command on any character.
7) Your cursor should be at the very top left of the item box, and the
item(s) you want duplicated on the top left or top right spots.
8) Put the cursor on the item you want duplicated.
9) Push Up + A, at the SAME time! One of two things will happen:

1. If done *incorrectly*, you'll be taken to the weapon screen and here

that "buzzing" sound the game makes. Cancel everything and try again.

2. If done *correctly* you will see the equipment screen appear for about a
1/2 a second and then disappear. Go to step 10.

10)Before doing anything, cancel your action. Go back into the "Item" list,
and you should have 1 extra of whatever item you duplicated.











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. ..



XIV) Version History



August 21, 2007

- Today I wanted to try something new! Having a broken foot, just beaten FF7,
and not much to do, I decided to make this before the new Zelda comes out.

September 8, 2007
- I know it's not released yet, and this is kind of like me talking to myself,
but I finished the walkthrough today! Yahoo!

September 16, 2007

- Today is NOT my lucky day. Don't ask how, but I accidentally saved over the
file that has everything on it! Noooo!! *sniff* I was so close to
completing everything too! Despite the horrible incident, I did manage to
finish most of the "Sidequests and Optional Things" section.

September 17, 2007 - Version 1

- Release Date! Well, more like "submitted" date. I wasn't aware of the
waiting time for it to be posted. Now I know! :P Also, I'd say it's
90% finished so expect a few updates! :P

September 19, 2007 - Version 2

- I included all the Mognet letters that you can receive and also the in-game
Job descriptions for the last set of Jobs.
- Speaking of Jobs, all of the Terrain attacks are now in the "Geomancer"
section and all the Songs you can sing in the "Bard" section.
- Included the HP Gain formula in the "Getting 9999 HP" section.
- Started the "Shopping List" section. I'll finish it as I go through the
game again, so it will take a while to finish. :( I guess something good
did come out of accidentally deleting my save file! Yay! ^_^
- Few spelling errors were also fixed.

September 20, 2007 - Version 3

- Made some things in the walkthrough a little more clear. Some descriptions
before weren't fully clear on what to do, but they are now!
- Re-explained a few minor things in the "Getting 9999 HP" section.
- Added some very useful information in the "Job Info" section. Like the
"Transition Phase" and.....other stuff. :P
- I completely redid the Chocobo Woods section. It now has more bird to it!
Haha, it just may be worth-while now...
- Added the correct drop rates for the Onion Equipment.
- Some spelling errors were fixed.

September 21, 2007 - Version 4

- I spent all night working on a new section. It's the "Perfect File" section.
I made it for all the completionists out there. Go ahead, check it out!
- Did some more work on making things look better. Sloooowly skimmed through

the entire FAQ, revising anything that needed it!

- Added more to the "Job Info" section. Like an easy way to gain Job levels.
- Finished the "Shopping List". :)

September 23, 2007 - Version 5

- Fixed some incorrect values for items and amounts.
- Finished the "Secret ??? Dungeon" section.
- Added Gil totals to the "Item Maxing" section. Don't freak out! :P
- Fixed a spelling error.

September 24, 2007 - Version 6

- Added the "Enemy Loot" section to the Bestiary! It's cool, go see! :D
- Re-did the "Getting 9999 HP" section. It's explains things better, I hope.
- It turns out that I totally missed an item! It's called the "Silence Seal".
This rare item will most likely never make it to your Inventory if you don't
know about it, but now that I've added it to this FAQ, you can at least have
a chance to get it! ;)

September 25, 2007 - Version 7

- I did a massive spell check! There were a TON of small spelling errors here
and there. It's all nice and clean now!
- Changed some minor information that was incorrect.

September 27, 2007 - Version 8

- Just fixed a few minor things.

- Put in better explanations in certain sections.

September 29, 2007 - Version 9

- Added 2 items to the "Miss-able Items and Enemies" section. They were in the
walkthrough, but I forgot to add them to that section.
- Added all of the Legendary Blacksmith locations.

October 3, 2007 - Version 10

- Added Walkthrough maps! How cool! They're way better than anything ASCII!
They aren't all finished, but I will release a few at a time, every week. ;)
- Added Walkthrough Maps 1-6.

October 4, 2007 - Version 11

- Added 1 more location to the "Chocobo Woods" section.
- Added Walkthrough Maps 7-9.

October 5, 2007 - Version 12

- Item Drop RATES are now available! Sweet! Go ahead and check out the
"Enemy Loot" section.
- Changed the "Getting 9999 HP" section, again! Hehe.
- Added 1 more location to the "Wellsprings" section.

October 8, 2007 - Version 13

- Created a NEW section! It is the "Leveling-Up Cynosure". Ooo, fancy! ^_^

- Found 3 more Chocobo Woods locations.

- Changed the "Miss-able Items and Enemies" section. It's more clear on what
is just Miss-able and not Lost Forever.
- Added 2 "Perfect Game Notes". Sorry they're late, I hope you didn't miss
them. They just mention some hard to miss enemies, so you shouldn't worry.
- Added Walkthrough Maps 10-12.

October 23, 2007 - Version 14

- Fixed some mistakes in the FAQ. There were quite a few! :P
- Added a little more depth to the "Ultimate Grinding Areas" section.

October 25, 2007 - Version 15

I will still make updates to the FAQ, but only if someone suggests something
that needs to be fixed, changed, or whatever...
- In the "Secrets and Sidequests" section, I made clear that you only need to
send 7 letters TOTAL though Wi-Fi.
- Added Walkthrough Map 27. I will make more by requests only. Check out the
section "Walkthrough Maps" for the details.

February 25, 2008 - Version 16

- Completely rewrote the beginning of the Guide. I included the "Starting your
Adventure" section. It will answer many questions for beginners!
- I added a bunch of useful information to the FAQ. I've received a ton of
emails that had suggestions.
- I also revised A LOT of the guide to help it make sense and easier to read.
- Put in more precise locations of where you can find all the enemies in the

Bestiary. They are all very accurate now.

- The "Mognet" section is better than ever! It's so neat and perfect. ^_^
- In the "Table of Contents" section I added more locations in the
"Walkthrough" list. They were already in the Walkthrough, but you couldn't
go directly to them using Ctrl+F. Now you can! :)
- Fixed a couple minor errors and spelling errors.
- Re-did all Boss information in the Walkthrough.
- Added A LOT to the "Job Info" section.

February 27, 2008 - 17

- I made a few mistakes with the last update. Mostly spelling errors but some
information was incorrect.(boss information)
- Added a couple more tips to the "Mognet" section.
- Revised more of the Walkthrough. Added more Tips and Battle Tips.
- I started to play the game again, and will be including my Party Level in
every Boss Box throughout the Walkthrough.(not done yet)

March 13, 2008 - Version 18

- Added a couple more "Perfect Game" notes. Don't worry, they aren't new items
or anything. I just made it clear that they can't be purchased or found
anywhere else in the game.
- More additions included. These are mostly suggestions from emails.

November 30, 2008 - Version 19

- Spelling, grammar, and error revisions. Also, reworked a couple charts to
make them more presentable.

- I still plan on finishing Boss strategies, just so you know. When I do, I
will update them in here and in the Job Stats FAQ. :)

December 25, 2008 - Version 20

- Hello again. So I've completely redone the style of the guide. Sort of. It
is mostly noticable in the Walkthrough sections.
- DELETED all the old Boss strategies because they were CRAP! Haha. I've set
up new Boss Boxes in the walkthrough, to get ready for some serious, intense
strategies, so look out! They will be full of awesomeness.
- I also did a spell check while I was at it. There were just a few minor
errors, but nothing icky.

May 12, 2010 - Version: Refia

- Back in 2008, I was unable to finish any updates due to work, life, and...
stuff. :p After that I just forgot about it and it faded away into that
weird part of the brain that just doesn't remember anything. -_- This update comes with a complete overhaul. New layout, new everything,
more coolness, I hope, and tons of maps! Every single dungeon now has a
map to go with it. :D Pretty big update, I think.
- A lot of the extra file size came from redoing the bestiary. It's now way
more helpful and detailed.
- Drop rates are now as accurate as can be. They were correct before, too,
but a little bit confusing. All I did was make them a definite rate.
- Look for more updates in the future! Boss strategies are coming! :D

August 31, 2012 - Version: Refia+


After 5 years, the guide is almost complete. I still need to write a few
boss strategies. I've written strategies for all bosses til Odin. After
that they are all easy anyways! Hehe. I'll gradually finish them with
more time. I get very busy in life. Thanks to everyone who helped me out
by sending emails and stuff. It's been lots of fun! I will finish the
last few bosses when I have time. :)

- Massive overhaul of all sections of this guide.

- Finally made boss strategies! (still working some)
- Completed the Job Guide section.
- Changed everything in the walkthrough.
- Re-wrote A LOT of sections throughout the entire guide.
- Added a MANY new sections to the guide.
- Included MORE detailed checklists for sections in the walkthrough.
- Update MANY charts and lists, to make them easier to read.
- Added lots of Rates and Variables to many sections.
- Millions of other small things here and there to make life Complete.
- Fixed/added typos. I tried. ~_~











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XV) Credits



If I forgot to include you for something, please let me know by email. Sorry!

Square Enix:
They make good games. Like Final Fantasy Tactics! :P

For being a great website, and hosting my guide!

Cloud VS Sephiroth:
The outline and style of this guide is taken from his Final Fantasy VII
FAQ/Walkthrough. Thank you so much! :) It made this FAQ a lot easier to
put together.

iori kusanagi:

For contributing the "Item Duplication" trick to GameFAQs.

Let me know that in order to find the Legendary Blacksmith and give her the
Orichalcum, you need to have opened the Eureka Gateway.

Mark 1:
This guy suggested that I put in an easy way to gain Job levels. I wouldn't
have ever thought of this, so thanks! He even contributed the strategy.

Suggested I include the easy way to kill Garuda. Heh.

Gave suggestions for certain sections that proved to be very helpful. Like
with the "Missable Items & Enemies" section. Also, made note that I forgot
a few Missable enemies.

Mark 2:
A different Mark. He helped me with the Legendary Blacksmith locations that
I didn't have listed.

Gave me the Iron Giant's bestiary info.

He suggested that I include the formula for HP Gains. He also pointed out
a spelling error which lead to the finding of more! AND he helped me with
the Mognet letters and Job Descriptions. AND he even provided me with the

drop rates for the Onion Equipment. Thanks for all your help! :)

Helped out with the Mognet letters and Job descriptions.

Suggested casting Haste on the Blucks, to make them summon more often!

Provided all the Item Drops from enemies! Thank you!

Provided all the Item Drop *RATES* for each enemy. Wahoo! ;) Also helped
by finding mistakes in the FAQ or noticing things I forgot to add.

Created the "30 Minutes - Result 1", for the Secret ??? Dungeon.

Created the "30 Minutes - Result 2", for the Secret ??? Dungeon.

Provided rule #5 in the "Mognet" section.

Provided accuracy Hit Rates and weight for all weapons/armor. Thank you!

Penguin Knight:
For his "Job Stats FAQ". It helped me understand a lot about all of the game

mechanics. It was very helpful with formulas and values I would've never
known about. Especially with the HP Gains, JP Gains, and my most favorite,
how Stealing works. Thank you!

Me. I wrote this whole thing just for you!

For using my guide. ;) Unless you hated it. GRR! Just kidding. Yo ho ho!











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.......:.7+7?,~77777.$7+~?$.+$7.. . . ..

..:77I.+?7..7?.Z??7=$$Z...Z..77,?. . ,..

. ..



XVI) Copyright



Information within this guide was found by research, exploration, playing the
game, and testing. I've spent an unspeakable amount of hours fine-tuning all
the different parts of this guide, trying to make everything as ACCURATE as I
possibly could. A lot of hard work was invested into this project, so please
help me to help you. Be honest.

This may *NOT* be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site, or as a part of any public display, is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright. (Copyright) Seferaga (aka) Doug Cengiz. 2007-2012.



FAQ Contact:

Thanks for reading, I hope you had fun! Please, send me an

email if you have any comments or suggestions about
my guide. :) Even if you think the

guide was lumpish. Anything will certainly make me happy!

Final Fantasy III: FAQ/Walkthrough by Seferaga

Version: Refia | Last Updated: 2012-08-31 | View/Download Original File
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