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MGT 403



COURSE OBJECTIVES Total Quality management is a continuous process of improvement for individuals, groups of people and whole organizations. This course helps the student to understand the four guiding principles: delight the Customer, Management by fact; People based management, Continuous improvement. Through this one can learn the process to produce less rework, less scrap, minimal downtime, and high productivity COURSE CONTENTS SECTION 1 1. 2. 3. PHILOSOPHY AND BASIC CONCEPT

Introduction (Introduction, Basic Approach, fundamentals of QM, Various Def. of Quality, 8Dimensions of Quality, Historical Review and Evolution, Obstacle and Benefits) TQM & Business (Importance of Quality in Business, Quality Centered Strategic Planning, Motivation & Commitment) Customer Satisfaction (Introduction, Customer Perception of Quality, Feedback/Customer Complaints, Service Quality, Translating need into Requirements) PRINCIPLES AND APPROACHES OF TQM

SECTION II 1. 2. 3.

Gurus and Their Approaches (Japanese (Taguchi, Ishikawa), Early American (Juran, Deming), Modern ( Crosby), Contemporary) Leadership (Definition, Characteristics, Leadership Concepts, 7 Habits of Effective People) Ethics (Definition, Root Cause of Unethical Behavior, Ethics Management Program, Final Comment) IMPLEMENTING TQM

SECTION III 1. 2. 3.

Implementing TQM (Emergence, Implementing, Choice of QM Concept, Measurement, Road Map for TQM, Where TQM Fails) Tools and Techniques (QC, Kaizen, SPC, DEMAC, PDSA, BPR/BM, CMM/ CMMI, JIT, MUDA/MURI, Six Sigma, Quality Awards, DPAC, European Quality, MBNQ) Information Technology (Introduction, Computer and Quality Function, Information Quality Issues)


Statistical Process Control(Introduction, seven QC tools-Checks Sheet, Pareto chart, Cause and Effect Dig, Control chart, Histogram, Scatter Dig., Run Chart, Theory of Sampling Inspection-Defining quality of Lot, Sampling Plan, Characteristics of Plan, AQL, AOQL , Introduction to Double and Multiple Sampling Plan) FOCUS ON CUSTOMER

SECTION IV 1. 3. 3.

Quality Circle (Introduction, Quality Circle, Teams) QFD (Introduction, QFD Teams, Voice of Customer, House of Quality) CRM (Introduction, Definition, Advantages, Limitations, E-CRM) ISO

SECTION V 1. 2. 3.

Management Systems (Introduction, Benefits, Documentations-Dual (Softcopy & Hard Copy, Benefits, Implementation)), internal audits, Outsourcing (Methods, Benefits) IS/ISO9001-2000 (Scope, Normative Ref., Terms, QMS, Management Responsibility, Resource Management) Environmental System-ISO 14000 (General Requirement, Environmental Policy, Implementation and Operation, Relationship to Health and Safety, Review)

REFERENCE : 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.


Total Quality Management Text, Cases and Readings by Joel E. Ross Total Quality Management - Parag Diwan In pursuit of Quality - David Hutches 100 Methods for Total Quality Management -Gopal K.Kanji and Mike Asher Organizational Excellence Thru TQM - H.Lal New Age Intr. Pub. Total Quality Management (Text & Cases) - B. Janakiraman, R.K. Gopal TQM - Besterfield- Pearson

1. Singh S.k., ISO 9000 and Six Sigma- Commonwealth, 1996 2. Jain P.l., Quality Control and TQM, Tata Macgraw Hill, 2001 3. Greg Veeru, Six Sigma for Managers, Tata Macgraw Hill, 2002.

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