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REGULATION: 2009 UNIT 1 PART A 1. What is a neuron? 2. What is synapse? 3. What is node? 4. what is nueral firing ? 5. What is firing frequency? 6. What is synaptic effiency? 7. What is a artificial neuron? 8. What is an ANN? 9. What is hebb's law? 10. What is neural learning? 11. What are the assumptions made in ANN model? 12. What are neuro transmitters? 13. compare biological neuron and ANN. 14. Draw a Biological neuron. 15. Draw an ANN. 16. What is presynaptic phase? 17. what is post synaptic phase? 18. What is statistical weights? 19. Write two piecewise linear functions? 20. What is guassian statistic? 21. what are the types of ANN? 22. What is modular ANN? 23. What is feed forward ANN? 24. What is Feed back ANN? 25. What is neural architecture? PART B 1. Write the fundamental concepts of ANN. 2. Draw and Compare Biological neuron with ANN. 3. Explain the basic models of ANN? 4. Explain artificial Intelligence. 5. Explain ANN learning rules. 6. Explain the processing elements of ANN. 7. Explain neural learning. 8. describe the types of ANN. 9. Classify ANN in detail. 10. Write about nodal connections in ANN.

UNIT II PART A 1. What is feed forward network? 2. What is supervised learning? 3. What is perceptron? 4. What is a multilayer perceptron? 5. What are the steps in constructing linear single layer perceptron? 6. What is back prop? 7. write the steps of back porp. 8. what is clustering? 9. What is a weight vector? 10. What is quantization? 11. What is vector quantization? 12. Write 2 applications of ANN. 13. What is pattern? 14. What is pattern association? 15. What is optimization? 16. What is Character recognition? 17. What is Search problem? 18. What is function approximation? 19. What is fore casting? 20. What is Control application? 21. What is excitatory synapse? 22. What is Inhibitory Synapse? 23. What are the type of synapse? 24. What is guassian function? 25. what is sigmoidal function? PART B 1. Explain perceptron training algorithm. 2. Explain Termination rule and rate of learning. 3. Explain back prop algorithm. 4. Explain multilayer perceptron. 5. Explain factors affecting supervised learning. 6. Explain the architecture of back prop. 7. Explain multilevel discrimination. 8. Explain least mean squared a;lgorithm. 9. Explain computation in hidden layers and steps involved in linear single layer perceptron. 10.Write the applications of ANN. UNIT III PART A 1. What is memory? 2. Neurons constitute to memory. justify? 3. What is associative memory? 4. what is hopfield network? 5. What is Temporal associative memory? 6. What is Auto association? 7. What is Bidirectional Associative memory?

8. What is Recurrent Auto Associative model? 9. What is Competitive learning? 10. What is hebbian learning? 11. What is SOM? 12. What is Hopfielfd Network? 13. What is the principle behind Hopfield network? 14. What is probability distibution? 15. What is feature extraction? 16. What is batach mode computing? 17. What is mean square error? 18. Write the examples of associative models? 19. What are the types of hopfield network? 20. What is storage capacity? 21. What are the modes of SOM? 22. What is discrete hopfield network ? 23. What is Continous hopfield network? 24. How will u train SOM? 25. Write the mode of operation of Hopfield network. PART B 1. Explain unsupervised learning principles. 2. Explain Feed back network using Association. 3. Explain the different types of associative models. 4. Explain hopfield network. 5. Explain TAM. 6. Explain RAAM. 7. EXPlain SOM. 8. Explain factors affecting unsupervised learning. 9. Explain the architecture of back prop. 10. Write the application of SOM. UNIT IV PART A 1. What is Character recognition? 2. What is medical diagnosis? 3. What is neuro fuzzy system? 4. What is fuzzy logic? 5. What is MATLAB? 6. What is Phonetic typewriter? 7. What is the application of ANN in Bioinformatics? 8. What is MATHEMATICA? 9. What is PDE? 10. What is Hopfield back prop? 11. What is Hetero association? 12. What is iterative node update rule? 13. What is SOFM? 14. What is map? 15. What is MAM? 16. What is Non iterative associative memory? 17. What is what is pattern recognition?

18. What is generalisability? 19. What is map space? 20. What is winning neuron? 21. What is eucledian distance? 22. What is BMU? 23. What is competitive unsupervised learning? 24. What is Complex number? 25. What is a hidden layer? PART B 1. Explain fuzzy logic. 2. Explain SOFM. 3. Explain the different functions of MATLAB. 4. write the application of ANN. 5. Write about phonetic typewriter. 6. Explain neuro fuzzy system? 7. What is pattern and Character recognition? 8. Explain TAM. 9. Explain RAAM. 10. Explain MATLAB TOOL BOX. UNIT 5 PART A 1. What is Taylor Series? 2. write the mathematical expression of taylor series. 3. What is Euler method? 4. write the mathematical expression of Euler series. 5. What is Runge Kutta method? 6. What is second order Runge Kutta method? 7. What is fourth order Runge Kutta method? 8. WHat is Fourier component? 9. What is Taylor Component? 10. What is Guass series? 11. What is ODE? 12. What is PDE? 13. What is hyperbolic function? 14. What is parabolic function? 15. What is Eliptical function? 16. What is numerical analysis? 17. What is m language? 18. what are the different versions of MATLAB? 19. What is Improved Euler method? 20. What is modified Euler method? 21. name two mathematical package for ANN. 22. What is feature extraction? 23. What is batach mode computing? 24. What is mean square error? 25. Write the examples of associative models?

PART B 1. Explain taylor series for ANN. 2. Justify the relation of Numerical methods to ANN. 3. Explain Runge kutta method. 4. Explain variations of Runge Kutta method. 5. Explain MATLAB TOOL BOX. 6. Write the applications of ANN. 7. EXPlain SOM. 8. Explain factors affecting unsupervised learning. 9. Explain the architecture of back prop. 10. Write the application of SOM.

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