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After the stages of initial release, the next and final step up is the secondary release, more commonly known as Bankai. It takes a great deal of time, effort and skill to reach even the lowest levels of Bankai and to master it can take sometimes up to an entire lifetime. There are four stages of bankai: mainfestation, bankai stages 1 and 2, and mastery. Training Each phase of training for bankai requires time and effort. The time spent training is measured in 5 day weeks, spending 8 hours each day training (split in two blocks of 4 hours). During a week of training, the character can allocate up to 50 XP per character level to his Bankai training. Each session of Bankai training is treated as normal technique training for the purposes of chakra expenditure. The character may not allocate XP to his training if doing so would bring his character level down. Level-independant Experience Under the level-independant experience variant, the XP cost of all bankai powers vary depending on the level of the character.
Character Level 1-5 5-10 11-15 16-20 21 or higher Experience Multiplier x4 x10 x20 x30 x75


The first stage of Bankai training allows the character to manifest the spirit of his soul blade in the physical world. The spirit in this stage is very weak and unable to sustain or deliver damage or attacks in any manner (see Control Soul Blade skill). To complete the first stage training, the character must pay an amount of experience points depending on its soul blade bloodline level. In addition, depending on his bloodline level, the character gains free skill points in the Control Soul Blade skill.
XP Cost Bloodline Skill Level Points 5,000 1 +3 1,000 2 +6 250 3 +9

The first stage of training is perhaps the most important one. It grants the ability to call upon his bankai once completed. Unlike the first stage of training, it takes a great deal of time and effort to complete the second stage of training. The XP Cost varies depending on the strength of the Bankai itself. See MAKING OF BANKAI: STAGE I for more details.


There are three types of Bankai: summoning, enhancement and weapon-centric. A Summoning type will manifest the spirit of the soul blade in full power, to aid the wielder and fight at his side. An Enhancement soul blade will focus on enhancing the character's physical and energy attacks and aptitude. Finally, a Weapon-centric soul blade will focus on increasing the strength of the weapon to tremendous levels, granting it arcane and mystical powers far beyond the scope of mundane and even seal-enhanced weapons. Release Powers When the soul blade is released, a character who chose a release power for his soul blade may activate his chosen ability at the same time. The release time will likely be affected by the release power chosen. A release power does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Time: 1 move-equivalent action Effect: Releases the soul blade. Duration: Instantaneous. This technique can only be used while the user's soul blade is in initial release state. While performing Bankai, the user's chakra pool peaks at Outstanding before returning to normal, and releasing the soul blade into Bankai state. The release is instantaneous and lasts until cancelled. The released state can be used for 50 rounds every week without paying chakra. After 50 rounds of usage, the Bankai state costs 3 chakra per round that can't be converted to maintain. XP Modifier: None.

Energy Attack: Line

Time: 1 attack action Range: 60 feet Area: 5-ft. wide line centered on the user Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex DC 16+Int half. Targets in the area of effect suffer 4d6 points of damage of the chosen type, halved with a reflex save. XP Modifier: +500 XP.

Energy Attack: Cone

Time: 1 attack action Range: 30 feet Area: Cone-shaped burst centered on the user Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex DC 16+Int half. Targets in the area of effect suffer 4d6 points of damage of the chosen type, halved with a reflex save. XP Modifier: +500 XP.

Energy Attack: Burst

Time: 1 attack action Range: 0 feet Area: 20-ft. radius burst centered on the user Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex DC 16+Int half. Targets in the area of effect suffer 4d6 points of damage of the chosen type, halved with a reflex save. XP Modifier: +750 XP.

Healing Touch
Time: 1 attack action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous The user is healed 2d10 points of damage. XP Modifier: +1,250 XP.

Healing Burst
Time: 1 full-round action Area: 20-ft. radius burst centered on the user Duration: Instantaneous Allies in the area are healed 1d12 points of damage. XP Modifier: +2,000 XP. SUBTYPE: SUMMONING A summoning Bankai is similar to a summoning creature, but more complex in its creation. Though it begins with no feats, it has the same skill ranks as the wielder. In addition to the abilities noted in this chapter, the soul blade manifestation (spirit) gains the following abilities: - Damage Reduction 20/chakra - All Soul Blade techniques known by its wielder - The soul blade gains a bonus to Defense equal to half the wielder's class bonus to Defense In its fully released form, the manifestation has a hit points pool and chakra pool separate from its sword and initial release form. If it is wounded or expends chakra, the spirit heals and regains chakra half as fast as a normal creature, and only in its fully sealed state. Type The soul blade's creature type grants it various benefits and penalties, and each have a different XP modifier. The character gains the hit dice, special traits and natural attack damage of its type, but it

always has an intelligence score and has its own skill points and feats progression. If the spirit is a fey, giant, humanoid, outsider or undead, it can be manifested with the soul blade in its released state but becomes ineligible for the extra natural attack power. The soul blade is manifested as a weapon appropriate for its size category.
Creature Type Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Bonus save save Aberration 3/4 HD Poor Poor Animal 3/4 HD Good Good Construct 3/4 HD Poor Poor Dragon HD Good Good Elemental 3/4 HD * * Fey 1/2 HD Poor Poor Giant 3/4 HD Good Poor Humanoid 3/4 HD * * Magical Beast HD Good Good Monstrous Humanoid HD Poor Good Ooze 3/4 HD Poor Poor Outsider HD Good Good Plant 3/4 HD Good Poor Undead 1/2 HD Poor Poor Vermin 3/4 HD Good Poor Will save Good Poor Poor Good * Good Poor * Poor Good Poor Good Poor Good Poor Hit Base XP Dice Cost D8 2,000 D8 2,500 D10 3,500 D12 7,000 D8 6,500 D6 1,000 D8 2,000 D8 2,000 D10 4,500 D8 3,000 D10 4,500 D8 4,750 D8 3,500 D12 4,500 D8 4,250

* Elementals pick two good saves. Humanoids pick 1 good save. Dragons can gain the Breath Attack and Flight power at 50% cost. Elementals can gain the Energy Immunity/Vulnerability at 50% cost. Giants begin Large size. XP Cost modifier for Huge size remains +25%. Humanoids gain low-light vision. Vermins can gain any Poison powers at 50% cost.

Archetype The soul blade's archetype determines the amount of hit dice it has and its chakra pool. The amount of hit dice per character level of the wielder must be rounded down. Base XP cost modifiers are additive.
Archetype Minion Mundane Overlord Legendary Hit Dice Base XP Cost per Level Modifier 0.5 -25% 1 1.5 +15% 2 +25%

Size The soul blade's size manifestation also has an effect on its XP cost.
Size Category Str Dex Con Natural Base XP Cost Armor Modifier Tiny -8 +4 -2 -10% Small -4 +2 -2 Medium-size Large +8 -2 +4 +2 +10% Huge +16 -4 +8 +5 +25% Gargantuan +24 -4 +12 +9 +40%

Ability Scores Although the soul blade's Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores were previously rolled, its Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores must still be determined from the arrays offered below. The distribution is entirely up to the player.
Ability Score Array Elite - 18, 16, 13 XP Cost +750

Excellent - 17, 14, 12 Superior - 15, 14, 12 Average - 14, 12, 11

+500 +250

Instead of increasing every 4 hit dice, the summoned spirit can increase its Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score every 10 hit dice. Conditionals There are other conditions which may increase or decrease the cost of Bankai. These effects last for as long as Bankai is active.
Condition Mind Link Soul Blade Discorporation Telepathy Base XP Cost Effect Modifier +5% Character and spirit able to communicate telepathically within 10 miles. -10% Soul blade vanishes during bankai, character unable to use soul blade techniques. +10% Spirit is able to communicate telepathically with creatures within 100 feet. Telepathy is not language-specific but requires an Intelligence score of 3 or higher to be understood.

Powers The summoned spirit can gain up to 3 major powers and 5 minor powers at normal costs. Any further powers gained increases the costs of all stage I powers by 5% each (maximum 25%).
Power Name Major Bloodline Breath Attack Energy Immunity/Vulnerability Extra Natural Attack Flurry Poison Breath Powerful Charge Speed Strength True Mimic Special Power Minor Celerity Conferred power Feat Flight Poison Scent Sense Chakra Shapechange Skill XP Cost Description Special The spirit gains its wielder's Bloodline powers. +1,500 XP The spirit gains a devastating breath attack. +2,000 XP The spirit gains immunity to an element but vulnerability to its opposite element. +2,000 XP The spirit gains extra natural attacks. +1,400 XP The spirit can make a flurry of blows. +2,000 XP The spirit can breathe out a deadly poison gas. +1,250 XP The spirit gains a powerful charge attack. +1,000 XP The spirit gains Speed ranks. +1,000 XP The spirit gains Strength ranks. +1,500 XP The summoned spirit is able to mimic spells, powers and techniques and return them as shadow illusions. Special The spirit gains a special power (see GM). +500 The spirit's movement speed is increased. Special The character and summoned spirit both gain a minor power during Bankai. +500 XP The spirit gains 2 feats. +1,000 XP The summoned spirit gains a Fly speed. +2,000 XP One of the spirit's natural attack releases a potent venom in its victim. +600 XP The spirit gains the Scent quality. +600 XP The spirit gains the Sense Chakra passive ability. +750 XP The spirit gains Shapechanging capabilities. +500 XP The spirit gains skill points.

Bloodline: The spirit gains all bloodline powers and levels of its wielder. XP Cost: +1,500 XP (Major); +1,000 XP (Intermediate); +750 XP (Minor). Breath Attack (Su): The spirit is able to breathe in a 60-ft. line or 30-ft. cone-shaped burst a breath

attack that deals 1d8 points of damage every 4 hit dice (maximum 10d8). The damage is halved with a successful Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 spirit HD + spirit's Con modifier). This can happen no more often than once every 3 rounds and up to three times per day. XP Cost: +1,500 XP. Celerity: The spirit's movement speed for all forms of movement is increased by 10 feet. XP Cost: +500XP, increasing by 100 XP each consecutive time it is taken (maximum 3 times). Energy Immunity/Vulnerability (Su): The spirit gains an immunity to one energy type, and an energy vulnerability to its opposed type. The spirit takes one-half again as much damage from vulnerable sources.
Immunity Vulnerability Fire Water Water Lightning Lightning Earth Earth Wind Wind Fire Cold Fire Negative energy Holy Holy Negative energy

XP Cost: +2,000 XP. Energy Resistance, Lesser: The spirit gains an energy resistance to a single element (pick one from cold, earth, electricity, fire, holy, negative energy, water or wind) of 10. XP Cost: +2,000 XP. Extra Natural Attack: The spirit gains an extra natural attack of the chosen type. If the creature is a quadruped possessing fangs and claws, it gains 1 bite attack and 2 claw attacks. Otherwise, the natural attack must be of a type it already has. XP Cost: +2,000 XP. Feat: The spirit gains 2 feat (or monster feats). XP Cost: +500 XP, increasing by 300 XP each consecutive time it is taken. Flight (Ex): The spirit gains a Fly speed equal to its movement speed with Good maneuverability if it is Small or smaller, or Clumsy maneuverability otherwise. If the spirit has no land speed, its Fly speed is 60 feet. XP Cost: +1,000 XP. Flurry (Ex): The spirit gains the ability to make a flurry of blows, gaining an additional attack with its held weapon or primary natural attack. However, all attacks made during that round suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. This ability can be used twice per encounter. XP Cost: +1,400 XP. Poison (Su): The spirit's natural attack (pick one) or held weapon gain a poison (injury) with a Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 spirit's HD+spirit's Con modifier) that deals 1d8 points of temporary Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma damage (pick one) as primary damage, but no secondary damage. XP Cost: +2,000 XP.

Poison Breath (Su): The spirit is able to breathe a 30-ft. long, cone-shaped spread of poisonous gas that deals 1d6 points of acid damage every 6 hit dice to every creature in the area of effect (maximum 5d6). In addition, the poison breath counts as a contact poison with a Fortitude save (DC 0+1/2 spirit's HD+spirit's Con modifier) that deals 1d6 points of temporary Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma damage (pick one) as primary damage, but no secondary damage. This ability can be used no more than once every 3 rounds and up to twice per day. The poison evaporates very quickly and does not linger on surfaces enough to coat it with enough poison to inject a creature touching it. XP Cost: +2,000 XP. Powerful Charge (Ex): When the spirit charges, it deals an additional +1d6 points of damage per 4 hit dice (maximum +5d6). If the spirit is able to make multiple attacks in a charge, the damage is applied only to the first one. XP Cost: +1,250 XP. Scent (Ex): The spirit gains the Scent extraordinary quality. XP Cost: +600 XP. Sense Chakra (Su): The spirit gains the Sense Chakra supernatural quality as a passive ability, with a range of 5 feet per hit dice. XP Cost: +600 XP. Shapechange (Su): The spirit is able to shapechange at will, as per Henge technique, with the following exceptions: the disguise cannot be seen through with See Chakra or See Through Chakra, but can be disbelieved with a Will save (DC 19+spirit's Cha modifier). The disguise is not disrupted when the spirit takes damage. XP Cost: +750 XP. Skill: The spirit gains 3 times its Int modifier in skill points. XP Cost: +500 XP, increasing by 300 XP each consecutive time it is taken. Speed (Ex): The spirit gains 1 Speed rank every 7 hit dice (maximum 4). XP Cost: 1,000 XP. Strength (Ex): The spirit gains 1 Strength rank every 7 hit dice (maximum 4). XP Cost: 1,000 XP. True Mimic (Sp): The spirit is able to use the Shin Genryuudan technique up to 4 times per encounter to mimic any technique, spell or psionic power that it witnessed within 5 rounds and that meet the requirements for the technique. The technique's cost is paid normally, and it requires no special components (such as hand seals, concentration or a material focus). XP Cost: +1,500 XP. SUBTYPE: ENHANCEMENT An enhancement Bankai focuses on enhancing the wielder's capabilities to superhuman levels. From the table below, the player may choose up to 4 major and 5 minor powers for stage 1 of Bankai at normal costs. Any further powers gained increases the costs of all stage I powers by 5% each

(maximum 25%).
Power Name Major Celerity Chakra Capacity Empower Energy Fortification Harden Skin, Major Heighen Energy Potence Power Blows Supercharge (Energy) Supercharge (Physical) Special Power Minor Battle Synergy Catfall Diamond Armor Elemental Power Energy Resistance, Lesser Everlasting Energy Harden Skin, Minor Hulking Strength Sense Chakra Swiftstrider XP Cost Description

+4,500 XP Character's effective Speed ranks increase. +1,500 XP Character's chakra pool increases. +3,500 XP Empowers soul blade-powered energy attacks. +2,000 XP Character is less likely to be critically hit by an attack. +1,750 XP Character gains natural armor (greater than harden skin, minor). +2,250 XP Character's soul blade-powered energy attacks are higher grade. +4,500 XP Character's effective Strength ranks increase. +2,250 XP Character's attacks deal damage as though a larger creature. +1,500 XP Character can supercharge a technique every round. +1,500 XP Character can supercharge an attack every round. Special Character gains a special power (see GM). +500 XP Character cannot be disarmed. +750 XP Character can negate falling damage twice per day. +1,250 XP Character gains damage reduction 5/chakra. +750 XP Character deals energy damage as backlash from melee attacks. +1,000 XP Character gains energy resistance to one type. +1,750 XP Character can enhance an additional damaging energy attack per day. +900 XP Character gains natural armor. +750 XP Character's carrying capacity increases. +950 XP Character gains Sense Chakra, or improves Sense Chakra ability. +800 XP Character's movement speed and agility increases.

Battle Synergy (Su): Once per encounter, the character can reroll a failed opposed disarm check with a +10 bonus, and gains a passive +4 bonus to resist disarm attempts while in bankai state. XP Cost: +500 XP. Catfall (Ex): The character can negate up to 2d6 points of falling damage per level per day, divided at the character's discretion between up to two times per day. XP Cost: +750 XP. Chakra Capacity (Su): When entering bankai state, the character gains 20 temporary chakra. The unusued chakra is lost when leaving the bankai state. Each time it is used in the same 24 hour period, the chakra is reduced by 10. XP Cost: +1,500 XP. Celerity (Ex): The character's effective Speed rank increase by one every 4 levels (maximum 5) in bankai statethus a 20th level character using Speed rank 1 gains the benefits of rank 6. The actual chakra cost of the speed ranks is unchanged. The character cannot gain the Potence power in addition to this power. XP Cost: +4,250 XP. Diamond Armor (Ex): The character gains a damage reduction 5/chakra in bankai state. XP Cost: +1,250 XP. Elemental Power (Su): Anyone attacking the character with a melee weapon suffers 1d4 points of energy damage as backlash. Reach weapons negate this advantage. Selecting this ability twice increases

the damage by 1 die, up to 3d4. The energy damage is based on the character's primary elementla affinity. XP Cost: +750 XP. Empower Energy (Su): Any Ninjutsu or Soul Blade (Energy) attacks used while expending a daily use of the True Soul Blade ability counts as Empowered (as per Empower Technique meta-chakra feat) while in bankai state. The chakra cost of the technique is not increased. XP Cost: +3,500 XP. Energy Resistance, Lesser: The character gains an energy resistance to a single element (pick one from cold, earth, electricity, fire, holy, negative energy, water or wind) of 10 in bankai state. XP Cost: +1,000 XP. Everlasting Energy (Su): Once per day when using a damaging Soul Blade (Energy) attack in bankai state, the character may declare using the True Soul Blade ability without expending a daily use of it. XP Cost: +1,750 XP. Fortification (Su): When being affected by a critical hit or sneak attack, the character has a 5% chance plus 5% every 5 levels (maximum 25%) to negate the extra damage from the critical hit or sneak attack. XP Cost: +2,000 XP. Harden Skin, Major (Ex): The character gains a natural armor bonus to Defense +1, increasing by +1 every 5 levels (maximum +5) while in bankai state. XP Cost: +1,750 XP. Harden Skin, Minor (Ex): The character gains a natural armor bonus to Defense of +1 every 5 levels (maximum +4). XP Cost: +900 XP. Heighten Energy (Su): Any Ninjutsu or Soul Blade (Energy) attacks used while expending a daily use of the True Soul Blade ability gains the benefits of the Heighten Technique meta-chakra feat while in bankai state. The technique's chakra cost is not increased. XP Cost: +2,250 XP. Hulking Strength (Ex): The character's carrying capacity triples while in bankai state, and he gains a +4 bonus to Strength checks and Break checks. XP Cost: +750 XP. Potence (Ex): The character's effective Strength rank increase by one every 4 levels (maximum 5) in bankai statethus a 20th level character using Strength rank 1 gains the benefits of rank 6. The actual chakra cost of the Strength ranks is unchanged. The character cannot gain the Celerity power in addition to this power. XP Cost: +4,250 XP. Power Blows (Ex): The character's attacks deal damage as though he was one size category larger, and he gains a +1 bonus to weapon damage rolls. XP Cost: +2,250 XP. Sense Chakra (Su): The character gains Sense Chakra as an active ability while in bankai state, with a

range of 5 feet per hit dice. If the character already had Sense Chakra, the range increases to 15 feet per hit dice. XP Cost: +950 XP. Supercharge (Energy) (Su): The character may declare one technique per round as supercharged. If the technique dealt damage, it deals an additional 1 point of non-elemental damage every level (maximum +20). This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit, and cannot be applied more than once to a single source per round. XP Cost: +1,500 XP. Supercharge (Physical) (Su): The character may declare two attacks per round as supercharged, and deal an additional 1 point of damage every 2 levels (maximum +10). This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. XP Cost: +1,500 XP. Swiftstrider (Ex): The character's base movement speed increases by 10 feet in bankai state and gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity-based checks. XP Cost: +800 XP, increasing by +200 XP every consecutive times it is taken (maximum 3 times). SUBTYPE: WEAPON-CENTRIC The weapon-centric type of Bankai focuses on enhancing the power of the weapon itself, oftentimes changing the form of the weapon itself to a more advanced, more destructive one as well. The weaponcentric Bankai can gain up to 3 major powers and 10 minor powers at normal costs. Any further powers gained increases the costs of all stage I powers by 5% each (maximum 25%).
Power Name Major Frenzied Beat Healing Surge XP Cost Description

+3,000 XP The character gains bonus to attack and damage depending on the number of successful hits in one round. +4,000 XP The character gains a healing surge each time he makes a successful attack.

Minor Armor Piercing Change Form: Reach Change Form: Shape Change Form: Size Energy Blade

+750 XP +300 XP +400 XP +500 XP +600 XP

The soul blade can pierce a wider range of damage reduction. The soul blade's reach increases by 5 feet. The soul blade's shape changes to that of another weapon. The soul blade grows larger during Bankai. The soul blade deals energy damage each attack.

Armor Piercing (Su): The soul blade can bypass dark iron or silver damage reduction on a successful hit in addition to chakra damage reduction. XP Cost: +750; can be taken twice to bypass an additional type of damage reduction.

Change Form: Reach (Requires Change Form: Shape): The soul blade's grants a reach of 5 feet to all attacks. The wielder's threatened area is not increased. Some weapons, because of their shape and properties (such as gauntlets, iron knuckles or a dagger) cannot gain this power. XP Cost: +300 XP; can be selected up to three times (+15 feet reach). Change Form: Shape: The soul blade's weapon type changes, and its characteristics (base damage, critical range, damage type, etc.) change with it. The wielder retains proficiency with the Bankai regardless of its weapon type. A projectile weapon fashions its own ammunition. XP Cost: +400 XP. Change Form: Size: The soul blade's size category and effective damage and weight change to accomodate its new size, but the wielder suffers no penalty for inappropriately sized weapons. The new damage of the new weapon changes as follow: 1 -> 1d2 -> 1d3 -> 1d4 -> 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 2d6 -> 3d6 -> 4d6 -> 6d6 -> 8d6 1d4 -> 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 3d6 -> 4d6 -> 6d6 -> 8d6 This power cannot increase the size of the weapon above two size category over the wielder's size. Increasing the weapon above one size category over the wielder's makes the Bankai ineligible for the Energy Blade power. For the purpose of this power, a whip size for a Medium-size creature counts as a Fine weapon. A reach weapon does not grant additional reach when its size increases. XP Cost: +500 XP; cost reduced by 50% if the weapon's original size was 2 category below the wielder. Energy Blade (Su): Each time the wielder hits with the soul blade or a technique that deals weapon damage, he deals an additional 1d4 points of damage of one energy type, selected when gaining this power. XP Cost: +600 XP; increasing by 150 each consecutive time this power is taken, up to 3 times. The damage increases by 1 die each time (up to 3d4). Frenzied Beat (Su): Each time the wielder hits with the soul blade, he gains a cumulative +1 circumstance bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls during his next turn (maximum +5). XP Cost: +3,000 XP. Healing Surge (Su): Each time the wielder hits with the soul blade, he gains 1 healing surge for the rest of the encounter and heals himself for 1 point of damage. He may discharge 1 healing surge every 2 levels as an attack action to heal any ally within 30 feet for 1d6 points of damage per healing surge expended. The wielder cannot hold more than 10 healing surges at any one time. XP Cost: +4,000 XP.


The second stage of Bankai grants immense power beyond the scope of what is expected by any mortal. Soul State When in true soul state, the character may gain the elite, boss or solo trait. This is treated as a separate hit points pool from the character's standard hit points. The soul state is a separate entity in the character and any damage it takes does not carry over to the character, and any damage the character incurs does not carry over to the soul state. The soul state has all the abilities of bankai state, as well as the abilities of the true soul state. The soul state gains double benefit from fast healing, regeneration, conjuration (healing) spells and Medical ninjutsu techniques that restore lost hit points. Further, a soul state with the boss traits heals twice the normal hit points in an evening of rest, while a soul state with the solo traits heals four times the normal hit points. Training Each time a battle is fought during bankai state, the wielder is able to assign up to half the experience points gained to his true soul state training instantly.

True Soul State: Bankai

Time: 1 attack action Effect: Unleashes the soul blade. Duration: Instantaneous. This technique can only be performed while in bankai state. While this technique lasts, the user's chakra signature is always Abysmal and cannot be concealed by any means. The release is instantaneous and lasts until cancelled. Each round spent in true soul state counts as 5 normal bankai round. After 50 rounds of usage, the true soul state costs 15 chakra per round. XP Modifier: None.

True Soul State: Soul Lock, Lesser

Requires Boss or stronger soul state. Time: 1 attack action Effect: Unleashes the soul blade. Duration: Instantaneous. As True Soul State: Bankai but the user's soul state is sealed when first released. The soul state's strength is reduced one step (solo becomes boss and boss becomes elite). The chakra signature while in true soul state is Outstanding and can be concealed unless unsealed. Unsealing the soul state is a swift action. XP Modifier: +500 XP.

True Soul State: Soul Lock, Greater

Requires Solo soul state. Time: 1 attack action

Effect: Unleashes the soul blade. Duration: Instantaneous. As Lesser Soul Lock, but the sealed soul state is reduced 2 steps (solo becomes elite). The soul lock cannot be partially unsealed. XP Modifier: +750 XP. SUBTYPE: SUMMONING A summoning Bankai in true soul state gains in power as the wielder. Soul State (Summon) Choose one of the soul states below for the bankai creature.
Soul State (Choose one) Elite traits Boss traits Base XP Cost 12,500 45,000

Soul State (Wielder) As the summon creature grows stronger, so too does the wielder of bankai.
Soul State (Choose one) Elite traits Boss traits Solo traits Base XP Cost Modifier +10% +20%

Powers The summoned spirit can gain any number of powers, up to 1 every 2 levels of the wielder when he gains the true soul state.
Power Name Chakra Resistance Divine Breath Weapon Frightening Presence Great Size Lesser Negation Surge Size Changing Sweeping Blow Stage I ability Special Power XP Cost Description +8,000 XP The summon gains chakra resistance. +3,500 XP The summon's breath weapon is stronger. +3,000 XP The summon gains frightening presence. +4,000 XP The summon is larger than normal. +4,000 XP The summon can negate one attack per encounter. +3,000 XP The summon can become smaller at will. +3,000 XP The summon is adept at slaying many creatures at once. Varies See stage I ability. Special The spirit gains a special power (see GM).

Chakra Resistance (Su): While in true soul state, the summon creature gains a chakra resistance 10 + 1/3 summon hit dice (round down). XP Cost: +8,000 XP. Divine Breath Weapon (Su): When the summon uses its breath weapon in true soul state, it comes out as a 120-ft. long line or 60-ft. long cone and deals 1d6 points of damage every 2 hit dice. XP Cost: +5,000 XP; Requires: Breath weapon power. Frightening Presence (Ex): While in true soul state, the summon creature gains the frightning presence extraordinary quality. The ability requires a Will save DC 10 + 1/2 summon creature's HD + Cha modifier and lasts 5d6 rounds. A successful save against the ability makes the creature immune to it for 24 hours. This is a fear effect.

XP Cost: +4,500 XP. Great Size (Su): While in true soul state, the summon creature gains 1 size category. Can be selected twice. XP Cost: +7,000 XP. Lesser Negation Surge (Su): Once every encounter while in true soul state, the summon or the wielder is able to negate the effect of one attack, spell, power, technique or effect on itself as an free action. If both the summon and the user are targeted by the same attack, both can negate it. XP Cost: +4,000 XP. Size Changing (Su): While in true soul state, the summon creature can spend a full-round action to reduce its size category by 1 or more categories, minimum Tiny. Reversing the change is a move action. XP Cost: +3,000 XP. Sweeping Blow (Ex): When attacking with its held weapon or natural attack in true soul state, the summon creature targets an additional creature in an adjacent square to the target. XP Cost: +6,000 XP; Requires: Large or larger creature. SUBTYPE: ENHANCEMENT The enhancement Bankai while in true soul state brings the already superhuman abilities of the wielder to even greater levels. Soul State The wielder of the true soul state controls awesome power beyond the scope of mortal capabilities.
Soul State (Choose one) Elite traits Boss traits Solo traits Base XP Cost 5,000 10,000 15,000

Powers The wielder gains awesome powers while in true soul state. He can gain up to 1 every 2 levels of the wielder when he gains the true soul state.
Power Name Boundless Energy Chakra Resistance Divine Celerity Divine Potence Metacreativity Lesser Negation Surge Steelwall Stage I ability Special Power XP Cost Description +5,000 XP The character gains gains chakra every round. +8,000 XP The character gains chakra resistance. +3,000 XP The character's effective speed ranks increase. +3,000 XP The character's effective strength ranks increase. +2,500 XP The character gains extra meta-chakra charges. +4,000 XP The character can negate one attack per encounter. +3,000 XP The summon is adept at slaying many creatures at once. Varies See stage I ability. Special The spirit gains a special power (see GM).

Boundless Energy (Su): While in true soul state, the character gains temporary chakra each round equal to his character level minus 5. This temporary chakra does not count towards the maximum amount of temporary chakra, and lasts 1 round. If not used before the user's next turn, it disappears. XP Cost: +5,000 XP. Chakra Resistance (Su): While in true soul state, the character gains a chakra resistance 7 + character

level. XP Cost: +8,000 XP. Divine Celerity (Ex): The character's effective Speed ranks increase by +1 every 10 levels (maximum +3)while in true soul statethus a 20th level character using Speed rank 1 gains the benefits of rank 3. The actual chakra cost of the speed ranks is unchanged. The character cannot gain the Divine Potence power in addition to this power. XP Cost: +3,000 XP; Requires: Potence power. Divine Potence (Ex): The character's effective Strength ranks increase by +1 every 10 levels (maximum +3)while in true soul statethus a 20th level character using Strength rank 1 gains the benefits of rank 3. The actual chakra cost of the speed ranks is unchanged. The character cannot gain the Divine Celerity power in addition to this power. XP Cost: +3,000 XP; Requires: Celerity power. Lesser Negation Surge (Su): Once every encounter while in true soul state, the character is able to negate the effect of one attack, spell, power, technique or effect on itself as an free action. XP Cost: +4,000 XP. Metacreativity (Su): While in true soul state, the character gains 1 extra meta-chakra charge per encounter. XP Cost: +2,500 XP. Steelwall (Su): While in true soul state, the wielder's melee or ranged attacks with the soul blade target additional foes. If the wielder uses melee or natural attacks, his attacks target an additional target adjacent to both him and his first target. If the wielder uses a reach, thrown or projectile weapon, his attacks target one creature in the adjacent square behind the target, following the trajectory of the attack. XP Cost: +3,000 XP.

SUBTYPE: WEAPON-CENTRIC The weapon-centric Bankai increases the potency of the soul blade. Soulborn Power The wielder's weapon is the center of his strength and grows to accomodate his power accordingly.
Soul State (Choose one) Base XP Cost Weapon damage +1 step 10,000 Weapon damage +2 steps 25,000

Soul State The weapon grows to match the soul of the wielder, which gives him tremendous power.
Soul State (Choose one) Elite traits Boss traits Base XP Cost Modifier +25%

Solo traits


Powers The weapon's powers are great and nothing can stand in its way and remain in one piece. It gains up to 1 every 2 levels of the wielder when he gains the true soul state.
Power Name Chakra Defense Chakra Tap Divine Form Alteration Divine Mending Lesser Negation Surge Sundering Sweeping Strikes Stage I ability Special Power XP Cost Description +4,000 XP The weapon can disperse energy once per round. +5,000 XP The weapon shares chakra with the wielder. +2,000 XP The weapon bypasses all damage reduction. +6,000 XP The weapon builts up healing energy. +4,000 XP The weapon can negate one attack per encounter. +2,500 XP The weapon can cut through most materials like a paper. +3,000 XP The weapon targets additional foes. Varies See stage I ability. Special The spirit gains a special power (see GM).

Chakra Tap (Su): While in true soul state, the weapon grants the wielder temporary chakra each round equal to his character level minus 5. This temporary chakra does not count towards the maximum amount of temporary chakra, and lasts 1 round. If not used before the user's next turn, it disappears. XP Cost: +5,000 XP. Divine Form Alteration (Su): While in true soul state, the weapon negates all types of damage reduction except damage reduction that cannot be negated. XP Cost: +2,000 XP; Requires: Armor piercing power. Divine Form Alteration (Su): While in true soul state, there is no limit to the number of soul state that can be accumulated. Each missed attack generates 1 healing surge, and eat successful attack generates 2 healing surges. A healing surge can be spent to heal an ally or to pay part of the chakra cost of any Medical ninjutsu technique, where 1 chakra can be substituted for 1 healing surge. The number of healing surges that can be discharged is one-half the wielder's level plus 5. XP Cost: +2,000 XP; Requires: Healing surge power. Lesser Negation Surge (Su): Once every encounter while in true soul state, the wielder is able to negate the effect of one attack, spell, power, technique or effect on itself as an free action. XP Cost: +4,000 XP. Chakra Defense (Su): Once per round while in true soul state, the character can gain a chakra resistance 7 + character level against a single attack. XP Cost: +4,000 XP. Sundering (Su): While in true soul state, attacks with the soul blade ignore hardness 15 or lower and deal half again as much damage to objects. XP Cost: +2,500 XP. Sweeping Strikes (Su): While in true soul state, melee or ranged attacks made with the soul blade target additional foes. If the soul blade uses melee or natural attacks, the attacks target an additional target adjacent to both him and his first target.

If the soul blade uses a reach, thrown or projectile weapon, the attacks target one creature in the adjacent square behind the first target, following the trajectory of the attack. XP Cost: +3,000 XP.

The Ultra creature is a creature of such untold power seen once a millenium. Ultra traits: Hit Dice: An ultra creature gains eight times the maximum number of hit points per level or hit die, plus its Constitution modifier every level or hit die (not multiplied). The Toughness feat gives an ultra creature 30 hit points. Defense: An ultra creature gains a +3 luck bonus to Defense. Saves: An ultra creature gains a +2 luck bonus all saving throws. Actions: An ultra creature gains an additional move action and attack action each turn that can be spent performing any action other than casting a spell, using supernatural or spell-like ability, manifesting a psionic power or performing a technique. Three times per encounter, the ultra creature may manifest a power, cast a spell, supernatural or spelllike ability, or use a technique with its extra action, or make an additional attack at its highest attack bonus and a second at a -5 penalty. The extra attacks stack with other effects that grant additional attacks, such as the Renzuki taijutsu technique. Lesser Negation Surge (Su): Once every encounter, the ultra creature is able to negate the effect of one attack, spell, power, technique or effect on itself as an instant action. Immunities: An ultra creature is immune to ability damage, ability drain, daze, death effects, fear, nausea, negative levels, paralysis, and stunning effects, as well as other effects that cause the loss of a turn. Challenge Rating: An ultra creature individually gives eight times the experience awarded by a creature of its challenge rating. When calculating the level of an encounter, an ultra creature counts as eight creatures of its challenge rating.

End Boss
The endboss is a well deserved title. End boss traits: Hit Dice: The end boss creature gains sixteen times the maximum number of hit points per level or hit die, plus its Constitution modifier every level or hit die (not multiplied). The Toughness feat gives the end boss creature 60 hit points. Defense: The end boss creature gains a +3 luck bonus to Defense. Saves: The end boss creature gains a +2 luck bonus all saving throws. Actions: The end boss creature gains an additional move action and attack action each turn that can be spent performing any action other than casting a spell, using supernatural or spell-like ability, manifesting a psionic power or performing a technique. Three times per encounter,the end boss creature may manifest a power, cast a spell, supernatural or spell-like ability, or use a technique with its extra action, or make an additional attack at its highest attack bonus, a second at a -5 penalty and a third at a -10 penalty. The extra attacks stack with other effects that grant additional attacks, such as the Renzuki taijutsu technique. Immunities: The end boss creature is immune to ability damage, ability drain, daze, death effects, fear, nausea, negative levels, paralysis, and stunning effects, as well as other effects that cause the loss of a turn. Negation Surge (Su): Once every 2 rounds, the end boss creature is able to negate the effect of one attack, spell, power, technique or effect on itself as an instant action. Challenge Rating: The end boss creature individually gives twelve times the experience awarded by a creature of its challenge rating. When calculating the level of an encounter, the end boss creature counts as twelve creatures of its

challenge rating.

Control Soul Blade (Wis) Trained Only. Check (Manifest Blade Spirit): With a successul control soul blade check, the character can manifest the spirit of his soul blade for a 4 hours period. During that period, the blade spirit retains a physical body as long as it remains within 100 feet of the character. The blade spirit can take no offensive action against another being, but is able to aid the character in bankai training and is otherwise a physical being. The DC of the manifest blade spirit check is 15. Retry: The character can retry; each attempt takes 5 minute. Check (Gain Conferred Power): The character can make a control soul blade check to gain use of his conferred power while outside of the Bankai state.
Action taken Move action Attack action Control Soul Blade DC 30 20

Retry: The character can on his next turn. Check (Quicken Training): The character is able to hasten the pace of his bankai training. Instead of allocating XP every week, he is able to do so every day, or every hour.
Quickened Training Control Soul Blade DC Time 8 hours 80 1 hour 120

Special: A character can't Take 10 or Take 20 when using this skill. Faux Body: This device is a featureless, waxy humanoid body. A creature able to manifest a soul blade spirit can focus chakra in the device to allow another creature to manifest the soul blade spirit, eliminating the need for the Control Soul Blade skill. For as long as the creature aids in the training, the trainee is able to make a quicken training check every hour with a +110 circumstance bonus.

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