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Student Experience
Transitional space The SLS has been consulted on the transitional space, and has conducted at least one survey of what students expect during the transition. The SLS must be agile over the summer and fall as new issues and concerns emerge, and respond in a way that takes student concerns seriously and effectively advocates for them. Mental health Considerations of mental health ought to inflect all aspects of the SLSs work. We propose that the SLS create the position of SLS Equity Officer, to be the student point- person on mental health and accommodation issues. For example, he or she could conduct a review of SLS services to see how they contribute to mental health, sit on the Health and Wellness Student Advisory Committee, and provide support and assistance to students who are seeking accommodation from the Faculty. Faculty Student Services The SLS should conduct independent information gathering about services that are important to students, including the Career Development Office, the Study Abroad Program, and the Library, with an eye to offering the Faculty suggestions to improve its service delivery. The course evaluation process needs to be improved. One positive change would be for full-year courses (i.e. 1L courses) to be evaluated mid-year, so that professors could make improvements and changes for the second term. Curriculum The SLS has a seat at the table when it comes to curriculum. While we cant promise a revolution in the manner in which courses are offered, we pledge to start creating the conditions under which change is possible. Areas in particular need of attention include the 1L curriculum, course scheduling, the uneven quality of adjunct professors, and the mandatory moot. SLS Services We recognize that high quality services and events can make a huge difference in students experience at the law school. We pledge to remain responsive to student input and suggestions for improving SLSs services, events, and facilities. We also pledge to advocate for students interests with respect to the schools services and facilities. The SLS should identify opportunities to provide services which supplement those offered by the Faculty, for example providing assistance on course selection/advising, and offering peer support with resumes, cover letters, and internship applications. The clubs funding process could be streamlined, to keep clubs attention focussed on whats important: running awesome events and programming. Funding priorities should be transparent. The SLS should be proactive about diversifying the types of events that it runs - how about bowling, trivia night, or skating? Sports and other recreational opportunities ought to be championed by the SLS as a way to improve mental health. The SLS can also use its resources to help students build the case for change at UT Law. That could involve simply keeping a record of student concerns, or it could involve using its resources to conduct a costs review of the Facultys spending.

2. Accessibility
Tuition and financial aid We accept that the SLS has a mandate to work toward the goals of the End 8% petition. The SLS can work toward these goals by conducting/advocating for a cost review to find alternatives to annual 8 percent increases; advocating for financial disclosure through the Deans Committees; tapping alumni to become champions of the project; filing freedom of information requests, if necessary; and meeting with other law societies to create a province-wide campaign. Improvements to the law school program are welcome and important, but we must be cognizant of the effect that high tuition/low financial aid will have on the accessibility of the program. This will take away with one hand what we gave with the other - effectively barring access to individuals with prohibitive tuition rates will only stand to hurt the quality and vibrancy of the law school community. Half time program, illness and bereavement accommodation Students who have been denied accommodation are often told that it wouldnt be fair to other students if they were accommodated. Therefore, the SLS has a responsibility to advocate for students experiencing inequitable treatment by the administration with respect to accommodations for illness and bereavement leave. At a minimum, the experiences of students who have sought accommodation should be recorded by the SLS, so that future students can know what to expect and can advocate for themselves using available precedent. An SLS Equity Officer could provide assistance to students seeking accommodations, by helping them frame their request effectively, and providing information on services offered by the University, including the Office of the Ombudsperson. Partnership It is important to establish and maintain a free and frank discussion of student concerns as we go through the building development/improvement process. This is especially true for ensuring that the administration is able to respond quickly to student challenges There needs to be a similar dialogue with respect to program development and tuition increases - while students expect the administration to be improving the program, this cannot be done in a way that impacts students ability to attend the Faculty. This balancing of aspirations and limitations can only be done with active and ongoing consultations.

3. Transparency
Of the SLS It is important that the SLS publicize meetings, invite student groups, and let students know in advance about what will be discussed at meetings. The SLS can utilize its website, the SLS Weekly and Facebook to publicize the outcomes of meetings, SLS plans/actions, and upload minutes more quickly, including duplicating important messages on Facebook so that it is not relying on a single avenue to disseminate information to students. The SLS must commit that information disclosed to the SLS by the administration is then disclosed to students. Student representatives sitting on Faculty committees will update the student body on the committees work (via SLS meeting minutes, SLS weekly, website and Facebook). Of the Administration The SLS will monitor policy changes and advocate for students interests with respect to policy decisions and changes. The SLS will communicate those policies to the student body and get feedback on any important changes. The SLS will ensure that the administration, or failing that, the SLS, keeps and releases accurate information about the diversity of our student body, sets targets for improving diversity, etc.

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