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As elected student council officers of the University, we have been mandated to serve and represent the interests of the

student body. We are the reflectors of the needs that UP Manila students have. What happens, then, when a memo or a statement is issued under our institutions name that isnt reflective of what all of us believe in? What happens when a discussion or debate is railroaded due to time constraints, which then results to a poorly-discussed articulation? A compromise of student interest. That is what happens. This is not politicking, nor creating a ruckus for the sake of propaganda or division. This is but a mere exposition of what the Council has failed to do - to represent its constituents, to the truest meaning of the word. Moreover, this is carrying out our duty to be the mouthpieces of the students and correcting the wrongs and owning up to our shortcomings, no matter what the cost.

May it be clear that the undersigned, bona fide members of the USC34 General Assembly have taken no part, have not approved, and are in contradiction to the recently posted USC34 statement, taking into account that we have different beliefs in this matter, with all due respect to the student body.
We are, in our own right, strongly condemning the No Late Payment Policy of the UP Administration. We firmly adhere to the notion that education is a right. Regardless of race, gender, social and economic status, free, quality education should be made available to every Filipino who aspires to be the hope of this nation.

We challenge the UP Manila Administration to be accountable. Furthermore, we request the Institution to resonate what an Iskolar needs and deserves: a democratized and fully accessible education. We think it fit for the administration to assert and promote the rights and welfare of its core constituents. We are against placing blame on the childs parents, knowing fully that they have strived and did all in their capacity to come up with ways to send their daughter to school.

As the National Center for the Health Sciences no less, it is a stark irony that there is deterioration not only of mental health, but the general health of its students. According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical,

mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Let it be highlighted that from the time of Kristel Tejadas passing, we have witnessed all forms of diseases re-surface. It is a disease of apathy, neglect, and willful abandonment by the government of its people.

More than a summon and a call for unity, this is a call for collective action, this is a call to take a stand. We concur to the notion that we should make time to mourn and grieve, for one life lost is one too many. But let us realize that our sympathy and agitation, if not translated into action, is nothing but a futile attempt to spark the change we want to affect in our University and our Nation. Our sympathy can only do so much, but it will not bring our fellow Iskolar back to life; it only brings other poor students closer to her fate. Gumising at manindigan, Iskolar ng Bayan.

Solomon Peter John L. Ines Councilor Noreen Paige H. Sapalo Councilor

Adrian V. Sampang Councilor

Richard R. Tiu Councilor

Reggie Quinn Soriano CAS Representative to the USC Lionne S. Manalo CD Representative to the USC Jerson Jerick N. Taguibao UPPhA Representative to the USC

Dena Mae Amor N. Desabille CN Representative to the USC

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