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potboiler n. A literary or artistic work of poor quality, produced quickly for profit. doggerel n.

Crudely or irregularly fashioned verse, often of a humorous or burlesque nature stolid adj. stolider, stolidest Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; impassive: "the incredibly massive and stolid bureaucracy of the Soviet system" (John Kenneth Galbraith). vehement adj. 1. Characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid: a vehement denial. See Synonyms at intense. 2. Marked by or full of vigor or energy; strong: a vehement storm. puerile adj. 1. Belonging to childhood; juvenile. 2. Immature; childish. promontory n. pl. promontories 1. A high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water; a headland. 2. Anatomy A projecting part soporific adj. 1. Inducing or tending to induce sleep. 2. Drowsy. resplendent adj. Splendid or dazzling in appearance; brilliant. opprobrium n. 1. Disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct; ignominy. 2. Scornful reproach or contempt: a term of opprobrium. 3. A cause of shame or disgrace. A skyscraper is a large, modern structure. A shack is a small structure. A sonnet is a type of literature. Spring, the season, brings rain, in the same way that a suitor brings gifts. Common Relationships These next sections describe the eleven most common SAT analogy relationships. It is to your advantage to memorize them so you can approach the analogy questions on the SAT with confidence. Type 1: Type Of SOCCER:SPORT:: You saw one like this before, remember? Soccer is a type of sport.

Here's another example: JAYWALK:MISDEMEANOR:: Jaywalk is a type of misdemeanor, or minor crime. Type 2: Definition PROCRASTINATOR:DELAY:: A procrastinator is someone who delays. Or you could say, delay is what a procrastinator does. Whatever order you use for the stem words is the order you must use for each of the choices. Type 3: Opposites STARVATION:BINGEING:: Starvation is the opposite of bingeing. Type 4: Lack Of PAUPER:MONEY:: A pauper lacks money. The first word lacks the second word. Type 5: Same PERSUASIVE:CONVINCING:: Someone who is persuasive is also convincing; the two words are synonyms. Type 6: Extremes HOT:SCALDING:: The second word is the extreme of the first word. Type 7: Part to Whole PLATOON:SOLDIER:: The second word is part of the first word. Type 8: Use GILLS:BREATHING:: Gills are used for breathing. The first word is used for the purpose of the second word. Type 9: Place DESERT:OASIS:: The second word is located in the first word. Type 10: Sign Of SNARL:ANGER:: The first word is a sign of the second word. Type 11: Job-Related Pairs SURGERY:INCISION:: An incision is performed in surgery. The second word is something that is done during the first word. SCALPEL:SURGERY:: A scalpel which is a doctor's cutting tool is used in surgery. The first word is a tool used for doing the second word. CONSTRUCTION:CARPENTER:: The second word is someone who performs the first word.

Common Types of Analogies Used on the GRE

Group A: Definitions These types of analogies play off of the grammatical relationship between the words. As such, they tend to be highly specificregarding meaning. In other words, these types of analogies usually rely on very strict meanings of the words involved. Definition --Coward : Brave --A coward is by definition not brave Antonyms --- Miser : Spendthrift --A miser is the opposite of a spendthrift Synonyms --Interloper : Intruder --An interloper is an intruder

Level of Intensity --- Mad : Furious --Furious is more extreme than mad Group B: Traits and Subsets These kind of analogies concern what you might call the adjective-subset type of analogies. In these types of analogies, oneword will generally be a noun and the other word will be either an adjective describing a trait of the noun OR another noun thatdescribes a subset of the first noun. Part to Whole --- Star : Galaxy --Many stars make a galaxy Defining Characteristic --- Slippery : Ice --Ice is slippery Class and Member --- Eucalyptus : Tree --A eucalyptus is a type of tree Manner --- Boisterous : Speak --Boisterous is to speak loudly Sex --- Ewe : Sheep --A ewe is a female sheep Age --- Puppy : Dog --A puppy is a young dog Group C: Worker and Work These types of analogies concern workers and their activities. They usually revolve around the tools they use, the products theymake, or the places they work at. Worker and Product --- Souffl : Chef --A chef makes a souffl Worker and Tool --- Brush : Painter --A painter works with a brush Worker and Action --- Trick : Prestidigitator --A prestidigitator performs a trick Worker and Workplace --- Forge : Blacksmith --A blacksmith works at a forge Group D: Purpose or Effect These types of analogies generally describe a functional relationship between the two words. One word is either caused by theother OR follows as a purpose of the other. Action and Its Significance --- Shiver : Cold ---

Shivering means that one is cold Function --- Tablecloth : Table --A tablecloth covers a table Tool and Its Action --- Lathe : Carve --A lathe is used to carve wood Symbol and Quality it Represents --- Heart : Love --A heart is a symbol of love Group E: Order of Events These types of analogies describe an ordered relationship. In other words, the relationship between the words is one of physicalor temporal sequence. Time Sequence --- Start : Finish --The start comes before the finish Spatial Sequence --- Summit : Valley --The summit is the high point, the valley is the low point Cause and Effect --- Venom : Poisoning --Venom causes poisoning

GRE Analogies- Important Collective Nouns

An agenda of tasks An amble of walkers -An anvil of blacksmiths An archive of programmers An armada of war ships An army of caterpillars An army of frogs An array of luminaries An aurora of polar bears An autumn of leaves A babble of words A bale of turtles A ballet of swans A band of gorillas A bank of circuits A bank of monitors A barren of mules A bed of oysters A belt of asteroids A bend of willows A bevy of business angels A bevy of dowagers A bevy of swans A billow of smokers A bloat of hippopotami A college of electors A colony of ants A colony of beavers A colony of gulls A colony of penguins A colony of rabbits A company of parrots A conflagration of arsonists A conflagration of pyromaniacs A confusion of meanderings A congregation of plovers A congregation of worshipers A congress of baboons A constable of ravens A constellation of satellites A constellation of stars A convocation of eagles A corps of cadets A covey of partridges A covey of ptarmigans A culture of bacteria A flap of nuns A fleet of ships A flight of cormorants A flight of doves

A boast of soldiers A bouquet of pheasants A bout of estimations A bridge of admirals A brigade of soldiers A brood of hens A buffoonery of orangutans A building of rooks A business of ferrets A cackle of hyenas A calendar of saints A cast of falcons A cast of hawks A cavalcade of horsemen A cete of badgers A Charlotte of web pages A charm of finches A chorus of angels A cloud of bats A cloud of gnats A cloud of grasshoppers A cluster of grasshoppers A clutch of chicks A clutch of kleptomaniacs

A flight of golf balls A flight of refugees A flight of stairs A flight of swallows A flank of cows A float of crocodiles A flock of tourists A galaxy of starlets A gallop of Grey hounds A gam of whales A herd of elephants A herd of horses A host of sparrows A hover of hummingbirds A knot of frogs A knot of toads A mob of kangaroos A murder of crows A pace of asses .A pack of hounds A pack of wolves A paddling of ducks A parade of penguins A parliament of owls

1. WITH : BUT :: PREPOSITION : A. predicate B. conjunction C. interrogative D. adverb

2. ORANGE : ANGER :: GRAPE : A. reap B. range C. gripe D. ogre

3. MATISSE : FAUVISM :: DE KOONING : A. futurism B. cubism C. abstract expressionism

D. surrealism

4. ENCOMIUM : SERMON :: ? : MORALISTIC A. comprehensive B. praiseful C. discursive D. disapproving

5. STREP : BACTERIA :: MONOTREME : A. virus B. reptile C. mammal D. fish

6. TIC : GNAT :: ENTICE : A. magnate B. gigantic C. grants D. tangerine

7. ? : CROMWELL :: NICHOLAS II : CHARLES I A. Rasputin B. Lenin C. Pushkin D. Bukharin

8. SCIMITAR : SWORD :: TRUNCHEON : A. gun B. barricade C. sling D. stick

9. BAHAMAS : COLUMBUS :: HAWAII : A. Cook B. Franklin

C. Magellan D. Shackleton

10. III : XV :: CXII : A. MCV B. DCX C. DLX D. CDL

1. B - conjunction With is an example of a preposition, and but is an example of a conjunction. 2. A - reap If you take orange, remove the first letter, and rearrange the others, you get anger, and if you take grape, remove the first letter, and rearrange the others, you get reap. 3. C - abstract expressionism Matisse painted in the school of art known as fauvism, and DeKooning painted in the school of art known as abstract expressionism. 4. B - praiseful An encomium is by definition praiseful, and a sermon is by definition moralistic. 5. C - mammal Strep is a type of bacteria, and a monotreme is a type of mammal. 6. A - magnate If you take away the first two letters and the last letter of the word entice, you're left with the word tic; if you take away the first two letters and the last letter of the word magnate, you're left with the word gnat. 7. B - Lenin Oliver Cromwell ruled after toppling the reign of Charles I, and Lenin ruled after toppling the reign of Nicholas II. 8. D - stick A scimitar is a type of sword, and a truncheon is a type of stick. 9. A - Cook Columbus was the first westerner to discover the Bahamas, and Cook was the first westerner to discover Hawaii. 10. C - DLX The ratio of III (3) to XV (15) is 1:5, and the ratio of CXII (112) to DLX (560) is also 1:5.

Question 1
Enlistment : Conscription
A. rapprochement : arbitration B. surrender : bombardment C. resignation : dismissal D. contemplation : instruction E. acceptance : rejection

Question 2
Nod : Assent
A. glance : beneficence B. shudder : rudeness C. wink : mystification D. shrug : indifference E. frown : capriciousness

Question 3
Inflammable : Ignited
A. fragile : shattered B. flexible : broken C. somber : mourned D. famous : plagiarized E. small : magnified

Question 4
Electricity : Wire
A. fluid : pipe B. car : highway C. river : bank D. light : bulb E. music : instrument

Question 5
Cobbler : Leather
A. chandler : wax B. executrix : paper C. actor : words D. cartwright : wheels E. prosthetist : limbs

1). TIRE : RUBBER:: A). fork : metal B). tree : wood C). glass : silica D). candle : wax E). pottery : clay 2). NEEDLE:KNIT:: A). loom:weave B). soap:wash C). bed:sleep D). bait:fish E): match:fire 3). DEPART:ABSCOND:: A). store : secrete B). close : occlude C). speak : harangue D). intervene : interfere E). cover : eclipse 4). CURTAIN:STAGE:: A). lid : pan B). veil : face C). tarpaulin : car D). hair : head E). satchel : book 5). HACKNEYED : ORIGINAL A). mature:juvenile B). trite:morbid C). withdrawn: reserved D). evasive: elusive E). derivative: traditional 6). ALARM:TRIGGER:: A). prison:escape B). tunnel:dig C). criminal:corner D). fright:allay E). trap:spring 7). ALCOVE: RECESS::

A). turret:chimney B). dome:roof C). column:entrance D). foyer:ballroom E). foundation:building 8). REDOUBTABLE: AWE:: A). tart: pungency B). tacit: solitude C). despicable: contempt D). engrossing: obliviousness E). venerable: renown 9). SKIRMISH: INSIGNIFICANCE:: A). revolution: democracy B). duel: formality C). feud: impartiality D). bout: sparring E). crusade: remoteness 10). PLUCK: QUIT:: A). verve:flinch B). gall:skimp C). pride:grovel D). charm:smile E). poise:waver

Answers 1). D is the right answer -- X is primarily composed of Y and in process of using X , Y gets used up. -- "A tire/candle is primarily composed of rubber/wax, and in the process of using a tire/candle, the rubber/wax gets used up." 2). A is the best answer -- Y is the function of X - results in some creation. Needle knits Loom weaves. 3). A is the correct answer. Bridge -- Y is the secret form of X. To secrete is to store secretly To abscond is to depart secretly. 4). B is the right choice -- Curtain is used to cover the stage as veil is used to cover the face. 5). A is the correct answer -- bridge is "x lacks y" 6). E is the right answer -- an alarm is triggered; a trap is sprung. 7). B is the correct choice -- X is a kind of Y.

ALCOVE is a kind of RECESS and DOME is a kind of ROOF 8). C is the best answer -- X invokes feeling of Y in someone a redoutable(formidable,causing fear) thing fills u with awe; a despicable statement fills u with contempt. 9). B is the correct answer -- Y is the defining or characterising noun that describes X Skirmish is a fight of insignificance (as quality) Duel is a fight of formality (of quality) 10). C is the right choice -- X is an intention/feeling toward something positive which lacks Y. Pluck - noun - means "courageous intention/feeling to fight against odds", that excludes the possibility to quit.

11). DINGY: GLISTEN:: (A) slippery: Adhere (B) coarse: Polish (C) sharp: Hone (D) shallow: Overflow (E) savory: Taste 12). COUNTENANCE: TOLERATION:: A) defer: ignorance B) renounce: mistrust C) encroach: jealousy D) demur: objection E) reject: disappointment 13). SLITHER: SNAKE:: A) perch: eagle B) bask: lizard C) waddle: duck D) circle: hawk E) croak: frog 14). REDOLENT: SMELL::A) curious: knowledge B) lucid: sight C) torpid: motion D) ephemeral: touch E) piqant: taste 15). PROCTOR: SUPERVISE:: A) prophet: rule B) profiteer: consume C) profligate: demand D) prodigal: squander E) prodigy: wonder

Answer 11). A is the best choice - something X will not Y 12). D is the right choice -- To "countenance" can mean to approve or make a show of "toleration." To "demur" means to express or to show an "objection." -- "To X is to show Y." (A) -- incorrect - To "defer" does not clearly mean to express "ignorance." To "defer" could show "ignorance" in certain contexts and but there is not enough information in the analogy to allow this conclusion. (B) -- incorrect - To "renounce" could indicate "mistrust," "Mistrust" is not an essential element in the definition of renunciation. (C) -- incorrect - To "encroach" could be said to cause "jealousy," not to show it. (E) -- incorrect - To "reject" could be a way of showing "disappointment," Rejection is not an essential element in the definition of "disappintment." 13). C is the correct answer - In order to go forward and a "snake" will "slither," -- "In order to go forward animal Y will X." or "To X is a characteristic way for animal Y to move forward." In order to go forward and a "duck" will "waddle." To "waddle" is a characteristic way for a "duck" to go forward. A) -- incorrect - An "eagle" may "perch," but to "perch" does not imply forward movement. B) -- incorrect - A "lizard" may "bask", but to "bask" does not imply forward movement. D) -- incorrect - "Circle" describes the path of forward motion and not the characteristic physical motion by which the "hawk" moves forward. E) -- incorrect - A "frog" "croaks," but to "croak" is not a way of moving forward. 14). E is the right answer - Something "redolent" stimulates the sense of "smell." -"Something described as X stimulates sense Y." Something described as "piquant" stimulates the sense of "taste." A) -- incorrect - Something "curious" might stimulate one to acquire "knowledge," but "knowledge" itself cannot be stimulated. B) -- incorrect - "Lucid" means intelligible, clear and or understandable and Something "lucid" does not necessarily stimulate one's sense of "sight" C) -- incorrect - "Torpid" means having lost "motion" D) -- incorrect - Something "ephemeral" lasts for only a short time. No conclusion can be drawn about its ability to stimulate the sense of "touch." 15). D is the best choice -- A "proctor" is by definition one who "supervises" -- "X is one who, by definition, Ys and that is supervise (s)." "prodigal," one who is recklessly extravagant, "squander (s)" or spends wastefully. A) -- incorrect - A "prophet" does not by definition "rule." B) -- incorrect - A "profiteer" may "consume," but to "consme" is not a part of the definition of a "profiteer" C) -- incorrect - A "profligate" (one who is wildly extravagant) is likely to "demand," but demanding is not a defining characteristic of a "profligate" E) -- incorrect - A "prodigy" may cause wonder and but to "wonder" is not a defining characteristic of a "prodigy."

16). RHETORIC : LAWYER :: A). ineptitude : accountant B). oratory : engineer

C). maverick : scientist D). deduction : detective E). solidarity : warrior 17). VAGUE : NEBULOUS :: A). spectacular : legitimate B). mundane : commonplace C). magical : impressive D). steep : shallow E). lively : inactive 18). POTABLE: DRINK :: A). taxable : pay B). attainable : commute C). reparable : fix D). inedible : eat E). laughable : joke 19). CAPRICIOUS : IMPULSIVE :: A). magnanimous : generous B). articulate : critical C). petty : deceptive D). diligent : precise E). provocative : appealing 20). UTILITARIAN : QUIXOTIC :: A). disconcerting : unsettling B). ephemeral : fleeting C). malevolent : kind D). loquacious : talkative E). obdurate : stubborn

Answers 16). The correct answer choice is D. Rhetoric is a skill used by a lawyer. Deduction is a skill used by a detective. 17). The correct answer choice is B. Something vague is nebulous. Something mundane is commonplace. 18). The correct choice is answer C. Something that is potable is something one can drink, just as something that is reparable is something one can fix. 19). The best answer is A. The adjective "capricious" can be used to describe someone who is "impulsive." A general sentence that can be used to describe the analogy is: A "____" person is very "____." To find the answer to this question, look for an answer choice that contains two words that are synonyms. A "magnanimous" person is, by definition, "generous" (for example,

with money, gifts, and so on). Although someone who is "articulate" could also be "critical," the words are not synonyms, so answer choice B is incorrect. Likewise, even though someone who is "petty" could also be "deceptive," a "petty" person is not always "deceptive," so answer choice C is incorrect. A "diligent" person is characterized by "carefulness" and "determination," but not necessarily "precision," so answer choice D is incorrect. A "provocative" person could be "appealing," but "provocative" means "tending to provoke or excite," and is not a synonym of "appealing," . 20). The best answer is C. "Utilitarian" is an adjective that is used to describe something that is "useful" and "practical." Conversely, the adjective "quixotic" means "idealistic" or "impractical." A general sentence that can be used to describe the analogy is: Something that is appropriately described as "____" cannot be "____." To answer this question, determine which of the answer choices contains two words that are antonyms. Something that is "malevolent" would never be described as "kind" because the two words are opposite in meaning; therefore, answer choice C is correct.

21). POOR : UNEDUCATED :: A). debutant : vague B). monk : irreverent C). activist : involved D). adept : eager E). musician : extended 22). CHAPTER : BOOK :: A). alcove : nook B). paragraph : sentence C). page : rip D). epistle : letter E). room : house 23). CATATONIC : EMOTIONS :: A). valorous : regret B). turgid : water C). viscous : sickness D). rigid : flexibility E). shiny : flare 24). TUITION : STIPEND :: A). fee : post B). bill : check C). bail : bond D). subscription : membership E). fine : interest 25). CHOIR: SINGER:: A) election: voter

B) anthology: poet C) cast: actor D) orchestra: composer E) convention: speaker Answers 21). The correct choice is answer C. A boor is someone who is uneducated. An activist is someone who is involved. 22). The correct choice is answer E. Chapters make up a book. Rooms make up a house. 23). The correct answer choice is D. Someone who is catatonic shows no emotions. Someone who is rigid lacks flexibility. 24). The correct answer choice is C. A stipend is tuition that one person pays for another. A bond is bail that one person pays for another. 25). Official Answer -- C .A "choir" is a group of people that is composed of more than one "singer" Therefore and a rationale for this analogy might be "X (a choir) is a group of people that is composed of more than one Y (singer)." (A) is not the answer. More than one "voter" participates in an election and but the "election" is not itself a group of people. (B) is not the answer. An "anthology" is composed of works, not of persons. The "poet" or poets author the works. (C) is the answer. The "cast" (of a play) is a group of people that is made up of more than one "actor." (D) is not the answer. An "orchestra" is a group of people that is composed of more than one musician.It is not a group of composers. (E) is not the answer. A "convention" may have more than one "speaker," but it is not necessarily made up of speakers. 26). GLARING: BRIGHT:: (A) iridescent: colorful (B) perceptible: visible (C) discordant: harmonious (D) peoppery: salty (E) deafening: loud 27). TENDER: ACCEPTANCE:: (A) publish: wisdom (B) exhibit: inspection (C) scrutinize: foresight (D) authorize: approval (E) declare: observation 28). TRANSMIGRATE:STATE:: (A). invert:logic (B). substitute:replacement (C). metamorphose:form (D). intimate:implication

(E). deduce:reasoning 29). THIRST : DRIVE (A). inebriety : excess (B). success : ambition (C). indifference : passion (D). taste : gusto (E). smell : sense 30). OVER : ULTRAVIOLET :: (A). into: ultramarine (B). onto : ultraist (C). beyond : purple (D). through : inferior (E). under: infrared Answers 26). Official Answer -- E. One meaning of "glaring" is uncomfortably "bright." A rationale for this analogy could be "Something described as X is so strongly Y as to uncomforable for people to perceive." (A) is not the answer. "Iridescent" means producing a play of colors and does not imply strenght of color. (B) is not the answer. To be "visible" is to be "perceptible" in a particular way. No difference in strength is implied. (C) is not the answer. 'Discordant " and "harmonious" are opposites and so cannot be related to one another in the way described in the rationale. (D) is not the answer. 'Peppery " does not mean strongly "salty" (E) is answer. Something properly described as "deafening " is so "loud" that it is uncomfortable for people to perceive it. 27). B is the correct answer.Bridge for this analogy is -- To X is to offer (to others) for Y. To tender -- to offer for acceptance. e.g - We tender money when we want to purchase something 28). E is the right answer . GRE TIP -- synonyms (or particularly GRE analogy synonyms) must be interchangeable in sentences.. 29). Though the correct answer is B , I support C, B makes no sense to me. transmigrate -- to change one state to another metamorphose -- to change one form to another substitute -- to change one replacement to a different one or a person or thing that replaces Therefore do not see any reason for C being wrong and B being correct. Thus answer must be C 30). The correct answer choice is E. Light of a frequency over what the human eye can see is ultraviolet. Light of a frequency under what the human eye can see is infrared . 31). DRAW: DOODLE::

(A). talk: whisper (B). travel: ramble (C). run: walk (D). calculate: add (E). eat: gobble 32). OVERDOSE: PRESCRIPTION:: (A). deprivation: materialism (B). indiscretion: convention (C). affliction: sympathy (D). adventure: expedition (E). drug: medicine 33). WORSHIP : SACRIFICE(A). generation : pyre (B). burial : mortuary (C). weapon : centurion (D). massacre : invasion (E). prediction : augury 34). RANGE : MOUNTAINS:: (A). atlas : maps (B). plain : praire (C). string : beads (D). novel : short stories (E). sea : rivers 35). EXCESSIVE :: MODERATION:: (A). extensive : duration (B). arbitrary : courage (C). impulsive : reflection (D). distinguished : reverence (E). expensive : cost

Answers -31). Best answer is B -- to Y is to X aimlessly. To doodle is to draw aimlessly and to ramble is to travel aimlessly. 32). Best answer is B -- X is failure to conform to Y Overdose -- to take too much medication. Prescription -- what the doctor tells you to take. Indiscretion -- doing something foolish and embarassing. Convention -- generally accepted standard of behaviour. 33). The best ans is E -- Y is one of the possible actions to perform X, or more simply, Y is a kind of X. SACRIFICE ( the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to appease a deity) MAY be (not Necessarliy but could be) used as a part of WORSHIP ( to put more weight or momentum to the act of WORSHIPPING ). AUGURY which means, an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come, MAY BE (not Necessarily but could be) used as a factor of

PREDICTION ( to put more weight or momentum to the act of PREDECTING). 34). Best ans is C -- X is a series of Y. A range is a series of mountains, similarly a string is a series of beads. 35). Best ans is C -- X lacks Y. Excessive is opposite to moderation, something that is not restrained or moderated. Simailary, impulsive actions lack reflection, done without really thinking much about it....reflection also means a careful thought

36). DOSE:MEDICINE:: (A). current:river (B). electricity:shock (C). tremor:earthquake (D). tempo:music (E). sentence unishment

37). MOIST:SODDEN:: (A). warm:inviting (B). surprise:astonished (C). hopeless:bereft (D). magical:sentimental (E). soft:euphonius 38). FRUGAL:MISERLY:: (A). confident:arrogant (B). courageous ugnacious (C). famous:aggressive (D). rash:foolhardy (E). quiet:timid 39). MITIGATE:SEVERE:: (A). compile:available (B). restore:new (C). contribute:charitable (D). venerate:reverent (E). qualify:general 40). GULLIBLE:CHICANERY::(A). servile:domination (B). provincial:cosmopolitanism (C). adventurous:timidity (D). hypochondriacal:infection (E). placid:deliberation Answers -36). Best ans is E -- X is the prescribed form of Y. A dose is a prescribed form of medicine similarly a sentence is a prescribed form of a punishment .

37). B is the best ans -- X means(indicates) an amount of Y 38). A is the best answer -- X need not be Y. FRUGALITY' and MISERLY both denote less spending, but this does not means that every frugal person is miser. Similarly a confident person need not be arrogant. Note -- Frugal is +ve word whereas miserly is a negative word, hence in answer stem.... X must be a +ve word -- Confident and Y must be a -ve word -- Arrogant.. 39). E is the best answer -- X is to make something less Y Mitigate is to make less severe and qualify is to make less general. All dresses are beautiful. - General statement All dresses of pink colour are beautiful.- Qualified statement. Hence qualify in this sense means to make something, e.g a statement, less general. 40). A is the best answer -- somebody X is likely to be subjected to Y or X is prone to Y. gullible person is prone to chicanery CHICANERY means "use of tricks to deceive a person" and GULLIBLE means " easily deceived" a servile person is prone to domination SERVILE is pertaining to slaves 41). LAW:CRIMINALITY:: (A). ritual:orthodoxy (B). leadership:submission (C). consensus:factionalism (D). lesson:falsehood (E). rehabilitation:vacillation 42). LAW:JUDGMENT:: (A). jury:verdict (B). data:collection (C). information:decision (D).news:message (E). sample : population 43). IMPRESARIO:ENTERTAINMENT:: (A). pugilist eace (B). magnate:diplomacy (C). usher:concert (D). athlete:contest (E). broker:trade 44). INDISTINGUISHABLE:CONFOUND:: (A). exceptional:overlook (B). impregnable:attack (C). ostentatious:consume (D). equivalent:interchange (E). occluded:reveal

45). ASSERT:BELABOR:: (A). tend:fuss (B). refine:temper (C). describe:demean (D). resemble ortray urge (E). contaminate Answers -41). D is the best answer -- X keeps a check on Y or X is to remove Y or X is used to curb Y. LAW is used to curb CRIMINALITY lesson is used to curb falsehood. [consensus is achieved when there is no factionalism]. 42). Best ans is C -- the process of making Y is based on X. The process of making judgement is based on law. The process of making decision is based on information. Jury is supposed to deliver a verdict. However, law itself is not supposed to deliver a judgement. Indeed, law is a defining criterion for making a judgement 43). Best ans is E -- X is a promoter of Y or X is Y IMPRESARIO is an ENTERTAINER BROKER is a TRADER A broker conducts or more vaguely organises trade. 44). Best ans is D -- X and Y are like synonyms or if two things are X they can be Y. If two things are indistinguishable they can be confused. If two things are equivalent they can be interchanged. 45). Best ans is A -- To Y is to X excessively. To ASSERT is to make a statement that something is true or to defend one's statement, and to BELABOUR means to discuss repeatedly or at length over a statement. TEND means to care, and FUSS means to be excessively careful or concerned. Relationship: Higher Degree (Negative Extent) 46). MOSAIC:TILES:: (A). painting:canvas (B). fresco aintbrush (C). blend:beans (D). narrative (E). puzzle rologue ieces

47). SHRUG:INDIFFERENCE:: (A). jump:excitement (B). scowl leasure (C). snort:laughter (D). nod:agreement (E). sob:sorrow

48). DINGY:CHEER:: (A). sprawling:compactness (B). airy:ventilation (C). verdant:color (D). ebullient:mockery (E). wisdom:cleverness 49). BOLT:EAT:: (A). guzzle:swill (B). career:run (C). lambaste:talk (D). waver:stand (E). fabricate:lie 50). PROLOGUE:NOVEL:: (A). preamble:statute (B). drawing:sketch (C). movement:symphony (D). index:book (E). blueprint:building Answers -46). Best ans is E -- X is made up of Y Mosaic picture made of small colorful inlaid tiles; The pieces of the puzzle fit together i.e the puzzle is made up of pieces. 47). Best ans is D --Shrug is a gesture indicating indifference. Jump is not a gesture, nor does it always indicate excitement. Scowl is an expression indicating bad temper, not pleasure. Snort is a noise indicating rage, not laughter. Nod is a gesture indicating agreement; this is analogous to the relationship of the original pair. Sob is not a gesture, but an act of crying, though it does express sorrow and pain. 48). Best ans is A -- X lacks Y or X and Y are antonyms. 49). Best ans is B -- X is to Y with great speed or X is to Y hurriedly. bolt -- to eat hurridly career -- to rush (or run) hurridly. 50). Best ans is A -- X is an introduction to Y prologue is an introductory part of a literary work...novel etc preamble is an introductory part of a constitution or statute. 51). ENFRANCHISE:VOTE:: (A). advertise:sell (B). fumigate:kill (C). filter urify (D). illuminate:see (E). ignite:burn

52). MISCALCULATION:JUDGEMENT:: (A). breach:fortification (B). fumble:location (C). gaffe:decorum (D). exaggeration:statement (E). default:loan 53). REPROVE:REPRIMAND:: (A). blame:censure (B). control:contain (C). persuade:convince (D). thwart:confront (E). inconvenience:effect 54). DAGUERREOTYPE:PHOTOGRAPH:: (A). bust:statue (B). pastiche ainting (C). narrative:novel (D). hieroglyphic apyrus (E). musket:firearm 55). AUTHORITATIVE:ACCEPTANCE:: (A). conspicuous:attention (B). nebulous:validation (C). congruous:appropriation (D). maudlin assion (E). tangible:substance

Answers -51). Best ans is D -- X enables to Y The catch is, ENFRANCHISE enables to VOTE but one may choose not to vote. ILLUMINATE means brighten with light which in turn enables us to SEE, but one may choose not to see. IGNITE - catch fire, or set on fire; provoke or stir up...or IGNITE means already BURNT Both enfranchise and illuminate are +ve words whereas ignite is a -ve can be ruled out... 52). Best ans C -- X leads to negative Y Gaffe - an embarrassing blunder. Decorum - polite and socially acceptable behaviour. 53). Best ans is A -- Y is a greater/harsher degree of X or to Y is to X severely. Reprimand - a formal expression of disapproval. Reprove - reprimand; tell off. Censure - strong disapproval or criticism. Blame - criticism for doing something badly or wrongly. 54). Best ans is E -- X is an old fashioned Y or X is an old type of Y.

55). Best ans is A -- X calls for Y in others 56). EXORBITANT:MODERATION:: (A) dispassionate:equanimity (B) macabre:interest (C) perfidious:loyalty (D) brilliant:gullibility (E) lavish:extravagance 57). ARTICULATE:MURKY:: (A) credulous:amiable (B) desiccated:moist (C) formidable:dark (D) derelict:neglectful (E) opaque:milky 58). FERTILIZE:GROW:: (A) immunize:resist (B) nourish:enrich (C) heat:burn (D) graft:multiply (E) prune:dwarf 59). ENDORSE:CANDIDATE:: (A) sign:affidavit (B) endure:trial (C) idolize:celebrity (D) espouse:idea (E) devise lan

60). MARATHON:RACE:: (A) victory:competition (B) sprint:finish (C) filibuster:speech (D) novel:author (E) deposition:question Answers -56). Best ans is C -- X lacks Y Exhorbitant will lack moderation, and perfidious will lack loyalty. 57). Correct - Ans is B -- Something that is described as X cannot be Y. Something that is "articulate" is "clear" and "distinct," whereas something that is "murky" is "unclear" or "vague." To answer this question, look for an answer choice that contains two words that are antonyms. The adjective "desiccated" is used to describe something that has "dried up from a lack of

moisture," which is the opposite of "moist," so answer choice B is correct. Someone who is "credulous," or "naive" and "easy to deceive," may or may not be "amiable," or "friendly," so answer choice A is incorrect. Answer choices C, D, and E are incorrect because they each contain two words that are similar in meaning. 58). A is the best choice -- X helps to Y. As fertilize is to help to grow, so immunize is strength to resist. 59). D is the best choice -- People X a Y that is being considered for something if they support it. People often "endorse," or "give support to," a "candidate" who is being "considered for" something."Espouse" is a synonym of "endorse"; therefore, answer choice D is correct because people will "espouse" an "idea" that they support. To "endorse" can also mean "to sign," but people "sign" an "affidavit" to "swear" that something is true, so answer choice A is incorrect. To "endure" means "to put up with" or "suffer through," not "support," so answer choice B is incorrect. Although people may "idolize" a "celebrity," a "celebrity" is not a person or cause that is being "considered for" something, so answer choice C is incorrect. People may "devise" a "plan," but to "devise" does not mean to "support," so answer choice E is incorrect. 60). Best ans is C -- X is a longer version of a Y. A "marathon" is a "long-distance race.A "filibuster" is a "lengthy speech," or a longer version of a "speech." A "victory" is a possible outcome of a "competition," but not a longer version of a "competition," so answer choice A is incorrect. Someone may "sprint" to "finish," but "sprint" is not a type of "finish," so answer choice B is incorrect. A "novel" is a "lengthy narrative," but not a type of "author," so answer choice D is incorrect. A "deposition" includes several questions (plural), but is not a lengthy "question," so answer choice E is incorrect. 61). SUBSIDY:SUPPORT:: (A) assistance:endowment (B) funds:fellowship (C) credit ayment (D) debt:obligation (E) loan:note 62). SNOW:PRECIPITATION (A) lava:volcano (B) hurrican:cyclone (C) desert:drought (D) seed:germination (E) temperature:season 63). MARATHON:STAMINA (A) relay:independence (B) hurdle erseverance (C) sprint:celerity (D) jog:weariness (E) ramble:directness

64). MOCK:IMITATE (A) satirize:charm (B) condense:summarize (C) placate:assuage (D) adapt:duplicate (E) taunt:challenge 65). ILLUSION:PERCEPTION (A) lapse:miscalculation (B) justice:impartiality (C) cunning:truth (D) gaffe:judgement (E) forcefulness:coercion

Answers: 61). Official Answer - D - X is a kind of Y in form of money 62). Official Answer - B - X is extreme form of Y Hurricane - A severe tropical cyclone Snow - Very dense precipitation; a frozen precipitation 63). Official Answer - C - X is characterized by that which requires Y to win Sprint - To move rapidly or at top speed for a brief period, as in running or swimming Celerity - Rapidness of movement or activity 64). Official Answer - E - X is to Y in a ridicule manner 65). Official Answer - D - X is wrong Y Illusion is wrong perception. Gaffe is wrong judgement. 66). DUPLICATE:ALTER (A) greet:ignore (B) exchange:return (C) shake:stabilize (D) stretch:shrink (E) eradicate:implicate 67). FIRE:STORM (A) whale:minnow (B) speech:shout (C) plant:flower (D) wind:temperature (E) tornado:hurricane 68). PRESERVE:MORATORIUM

(A) tyrannize:revolt (B) shade:tree (C) solve roblem (D) accumulate:collection (E) cover:eclipse 69). ACQUIESCENT:CHANGE (A) irresistible:defy (B) surmountable:overcome (C) tolerant:bother (D) secluded:build (E) redundant:abridge 70). EXCRUTIATE:PAIN (A) marvel:sight (B) season:storm (C) enrapture leasure (D) consecrate lace (E) channel:flood

Answers:66) Official Answer - D. X and Y are antonyms ( where Y is not a positive word)Duplicate - Identically copied from an originalAlter - To change or make differentShrink To reduce in size, as by drawing togetherStretch - To become lengthened, widened, or distended67). Official Answer - E - X,Y are synonyms or X is a type of Y - Both the stem words are destructing.Fire - The discharge of firearms or artilleryStorm - A heavy shower of objects, such as bullets or missilesTornado - A whirlwind or hurricane68) A moratorium is an official halt or cessation of an activity. One possible purpose, or use, of a moratorium is to preserve (for instance, to preserve an endangered animal species). Similarly, one possible use of a tree is to shade. The second answer choice is the best response.69) Choice (A) is the opposite of the correct bridge - something that is irresistible cannot be defied. Neither tolerant and bother, in Choice (B), nor secluded and build , in Choice (D) have an ostensible link. Finally, in Choice (E) something that is redundant may or may not be capable of being abridged. 70) Official Answer - C - X is extreme Y

71). ATTENTIVE:OFFICIOUS:: (A) doubtful:ambiguous (B) absorbed:engrossed (C) refined:snobbish (D) magisterial:authoritative (E) impromptu:spontaneous 72). RUFFLE:SHIRT:: (A) rafter:roof (B) molding:cabinet (C) gate ath

(D) curb:sidewalk (E) shade:window 73). HACK:CARVE:: (A) grind olish (B) snip: mince (C) hew:fell (D) whet:blunt (E) gouge:engrave 74). PLAGIARISM:IDEAS:: (A) libel:words (B) forgery:documents (C) arson:buildings (D) kidnapping: ransom (E) rustling:cattle 75). PROOF:ALCOHOL:: (A) cream:milk (B) canteen:water (C) tanker:oil (D) octane:gasoline (E) pulp:juice

Answers: 71). Official Answer - C - Y is a bad form of X. 72). Official Answer - B - X is to arrange Y in a portable/decorative way Molding - an embellishment in strip form, made of wood or other structural material, that is used to decorate or finish a surface, such as the wall of a room or building or the surface of a door or piece of furniture Ruffle - a strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim 73). Official Answer - E - Doing X roughly is Y 74). Official Answer - B - X is illegal immitation another person's Y Plagiarism - copying of another's work Forgery - a fraudulent imitation 75). Official Answer - D - X is a measure of strength or purity of Y Proof - measure of strength or purity of alcohol Octane (number) - is a measure of quality of gasoline (number of molecules in the polymer); a measure of the antiknock properties of gasoline chain) 76). BANANA:PEEL:: (A). flour:sift

(B). potato:mash (C). tomato:slice (D). carrot:dice (E). peanut:shell 77). REFRIGERATOR:PERISHABLES:: (A). incinerator:debris (B). kiln ottery (C). generator:electricity (D). fireplace:wood (E). safe:money 78). REPROACHFUL ISAPPROVAL::

(A). diffident:confidence (B). modest:servility (C). august:vanity (D). solicitous:indifference (E). plaintive:sorrow 79). HAVEN ANGER::

(A). nirvana:suffering (B). sinecure:experience (C). sanctuary:immunity (D). limbo:uncertainty (E). arcadia:quiet 80). AIRTIGHT:LEAK:: (A). sporadic:continuity (B). incorporeal:importance (C). ancient:relevance (D). arcane:solution (E). invalid:certainty

Answers: 76). E is the answer - Outer skin/ covering of X is Y 77). E is the answer - X is used to store Y safely 78). E is the answer - X,Y are synonyms 79). A is the answer - X is free from Y where X is a noun 80). A is the answer - X, Y are synonyms where Y is a noun 81). EUPHEMISM:OFFENSE:: (A). rhetoric ersuasion

(B). prevarication:truth (C). metaphor:description (D). repetition:boredom (E). conciliation:appeasement 83). NUGATORY:SIGNIFICANCE (A). sublime:worthless (B). entrenched recedent (C). quotidian:regularity (D). deceptive lausibility (E). ethereal:substance 83). CONSTRICT IAMETER:: (A). circumvent:space (B). rotate:size (C). plumb:depth3t o H f ? L G H:M/L F5Q+^'T7^ (D). elevate:height . (E). truncate:length 84). BUCKET:VESSEL:: 9u,r (A). window:glass (B). ladle:tureen (C). car:train b0N Y3o.S @ q%F ? g g c A#Z (D). room:house (E). dagger:weapon L p6d E l;J;L 85). ENERVATE:STRENGTH:: (A). aggrandize:importance (B). exalt:admiration (C). blazon:reputation (D). repeat:redundancy (E). dispirit:morale Answers: 81. B is the answer - X avoids Y 82. E is the answer - X and Y are antonyms 83. E is the answer - To decrease Y is to X it 84. E is the answer - X is a type of Y 85. E is the answer - To X is to weaken/ lower in Y 86). MISDEMEANOR:CRIME:: (A). interview:conversation(B). lapse:error(C). oath romise(D). rebuke:criticism(E). vendetta:feud 87). ISTHMUS:LAND:: (A). peninsula:island(B). canal:river(C). stratosphere:air(D). strait:water(E). tunnel:mountain



(A). euphemism:offensive(B). respect:baseness(C). grandstand:impress(D). dandy reen(E). obstreperous:control 89). ABDICATE:THRONE:: (A). egress:chamber (B). submit:defeat (C). abstain:motion (D). resign:office (E). protest:ruling 90). QUARANTINE:CONTAGION:: (A). blockage:obstacle (B). strike:concession (C). embargo:commerce (D). vaccination:inoculation (E). prison:reform Answers: 86). Official Answer - B - Minor Y is X 87). Official Answer - D - X is a piece/ channel of Y joining 2 larger Ys Strait is a narrow channel joining two larger bodies of water Isthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land 88). Official Answer - E - One cannot Y the X person 89). Official Answer - D - To give up Y is X 90). Official Answer - C - A prevents B

91). METEOROLOGY:WEATHER:: (A) astronomy hysics (B) gerontology:heredity (C) pedagogy:textbooks (D) pathology:disease (E) anthropology:fossils 92). DEMOGRAPHY:POPULATION:: (A) venerable:denigration (B) novel:duplication (C) meteorolgy:weather (D) challenging:determination (E) creditable:verification 93). CANDY:SUGAR:: (A) chick:egg (B) tire:rubber (C) pen:ink

(D) mushroom:spore (E) rag:scrap 94). HILL:MOUNTAIN:: (A) grass:rocks (B) autumn:winter (C) creek:river (D) star:sun (E) cliff : slope 95). VEER IRECTION:: (A) align:connection (B) filter:contamination (C) convert:belief (D) deflect:motivation (E) substantiate:authenticity Answers: 91). Official Answer - D - Scientific study of Y is X 92). Official Answer - C - Study of Y is X 93). Official Answer - B - X is made up of Y 94). Official Answer - C - Small Y formed naturally is X 95). Official Answer - C - To change Y is X

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