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National Service Training Program Civic Welfare Training Service/ Literacy Training Service

NSTP SECTION:__________________ GROUP NAME:__________________ FACILITATOR:___________________

Date:______________ Score:______________

DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND PREPAREDNESS EVALUATION TOOL FOR STUDENTS Reminders: 1. Make sure to watch the video, provided by your NSTP facilitator, prior to the date of your practical exam 2. Read thoroughly the e-READ for Chapter 4: Disaster Management and Preparedness 3. Things to bring: a. Blanket (1 per group) b. Extra clothes c. Drinking water d. Printed evaluation tool (1 per group)


2. 3. 4.



Skill Scene Size-up Ensure the safety of the emergency scene by looking for hazards that could be dangerous to you, the victim or bystanders Determine the mechanism or cause of the injury or illness and the number of victims Activate the EMS system Man with the ___ shirt, call an ambulance Determine unresponsiveness by tapping the victim on both shoulders and ask loudly. Hey! Hey! Are you okay? Establish rapport with the victim by introducing yourself and explaining that you are there to help. Airway and Spine Stabilization Head-Tilt/Chin Lift Maneuver
Place one hand, palm down, on the victims forehead and apply firm, backward pressure to tilt the head back. Place the index and middle finger of the other hand under the bony part of the lower jaw near the chin; be careful not to compress the soft tissues underneath the chin.




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Lift the jaw to bring the chin forward while avoiding complete closure of the victims mouth and maintaining pressure on the victims forehead to keep the head tilted backward. Facing the top of the victims head Place your fingers under the angles of the victims lower jaw and lift with both hands If the lips close retract the lower lip with your thumb.

7. Jaw Thrust Maneuver


8. Do the finger sweep. Wrap your index and middle finger in cloth and sweep any liquid or foreign objects seen in the mouth. 9. Establish manual in-line spinal stabilization by bringing the victims head into a neutral in-line position. Have someone in the scene hold the victims head so that the nose is in line with the navel (belly button) and the neck is not bent forward or backward. Maintain this position all throughout the procedure. 10. Apply a rigid cervical collar to the victims neck. Breathing Assessment 11. Look for chest rise and fall 12. Listen for sounds of air movement coming from the victim by placing your ear next to the victims mouth and nose 13. Feel for air passing in and out by placing your cheek next to the victims mouth and nose 1, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006,... 1009, 1010 Circulation and Bleeding Assessment 14. Assess the circulation by feeling for the carotid pulse. Using the index and middle fingers, locate the Adams apple and slide your fingers to the side near you. 15. Check for serious or profuse bleeding by looking over the victims entire body for blood (bloodsoaked clothing or blood pooling on the floor or ground). 16. Check the victims skin condition. If there is decreased circulation or slow pulse, the skin becomes cool and pale or cyanotic (blue-gray color). Disability Check 17. For unconscious victims: Treat all unconscious victims as if they have spine injuries until proven otherwise 18. For conscious victims, check for the following:
Head injuries Disaster Management And Preparedness Evaluation Tool For Students Page 2

19. 20.

Painful movement of the arms and legs Numbness, tingling, weakness, or burning sensation in the arms or legs Loss of bowel or bladder control Paralysis of the arms or legs Deformity (odd-looking angle of the victims head and neck)

21. 22.






Immobilization and Splinting of Fractures Recognize the signs and symptoms of fractures Prepare the materials for splinting. Pad the splints to prevent pressure and discomfort to the victim; prepare the triangular bandages. Assess the pulse and sensation below the injury. Measure the splint to make sure it is the right size. The splint should be long enough to immobilize the entire bone plus the joints above and below the fractured site. Splint the injury in the position you found it. Immobilize the entire injured extremity plus the joints above and below the fractured site. Secure the splints with the bandages starting from the distal end of the splint to the proximal end. In slipping the bandage under the extremity, place the bandage over a separate splint and slide the splint under the extremity. Avoid any movement or lifting of the fractured site. Splint firmly enough to immobilize but not tightly enough to stop blood circulation or prevent lung expansion. In securing the chest with a bandage, ask the victim to inhale deeply or if unconscious, use three finger breadths as allowance for lung expansion before tying the bandage. Make sure that the bandages have no loose ends. For added protection, put some padding in between splints and the treated extremity. Reassess the pulse and sensation below the injury after you apply the splint and evaluate these signs every 15 minutes to make sure that the splint is not impeding circulation.

Moving the victim using the spine board 1. Bring the long board to within arms reach. 2. Kneeling at the victims side, reach across the victim and grab his or her shoulder and hip. With another first aider stabilizing the head and neck, log roll the victim toward you. To ensure synchronized




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movement, the leader will shout Ready to roll? and the other rescuers will respond, Ready! Rolling will proceed once the leader commands Roll! 3. With the victim on his or her side, examine the victims back for possible cuts and injuries; then pull the backboard toward you and place it on edge against the victims back. Roll the victim onto the board in synchronized movement. 4. Make sure that the victim is at the center of the backboard. Use the push and pull technique in moving the victim; lifting should be avoided. 5. Strap the victim securely to the board using the triangular bandages. Observe the following guidelines:
In securing the head of the patient to the spine board, make sure the bandage is secured from the chin (not the neck) and another bandage from the forehead to the spine board. Use a separate bandage in securing the victims arms in a crossed position and another bandage in securing the feet. Secure the upper body with two bandages forming an X. Make sure the victim is secured tightly and there are no loose bandages.

6. In moving the victim, make sure to go about it in a synchronized manner. The squad leader shall initiate the lifting using commands. 7. Continue to monitor the victims ABCDs until he or she is completely transported to a medical facility.

Extremity Lift 1. One First Aider kneels at the victims head; the other kneels at the victims knees. Buddy help 2. The First Aider at the victims head places one hand under each of the victims shoulders, the second First Aider grasps the victims wrists. Buddy,ready to elevate ready 3. The First Aider at the victims knees pulls the victim to a sitting position by pulling on the victims wrists; the First Aider at the victims head assists by pushing the victims shoulders and support his back. in a count of 3, elevate... 1,2,3 4. The First Aider at the victims head slips his or her hands under the arms, grasps the victims wrists.




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5. The First Aider at the victims knees slips his or her hands beneath the victims knees. 6. Both First Aider crouch on their feet and then simultaneously stand in one fluid motion. buddy ready to lift?, ready in a count of 3, lift... 1,2,3


2. 3.



Flat Lift and Carry Three First Aiders line up on the least injured side of the victim; if one First Aider is noticeably taller, that person stands at the victims shoulders; another stands at the victims hips, and the third at the victims knees. buddy help Each First Aider kneels on the knee closest to the victims feet. The First Aider at the victims shoulder works his or her hands underneath the victims neck and shoulders; the next First Aiders hands go underneath the victims hips and pelvis; and the final First Aiders hands go underneath the victims knees. buddy, ready to insert hands? ready Moving in unison, the First Aiders raise the victim to knee level and slowly turn the victim towards themselves until the victim rests on the bends of their elbows. buddy ready to transfer to knees? ready in a count of 3, transfer... 1,2,3 clip in a count of 3... 1,2,3 Moving in unison, all three rise to a standing position and walk with the victim to a place of safety or to the stretcher. To place the victim on the stretcher, simply reverse the procedure. buddy ready to lift?, ready in a count of 3, lift... 1,2,3




Using an improvised stretcher (Blanket) 1. Lay out the blanket so you are standing facing the long side with the short edges to the right and left. 2. Lay one pole about 1/3 of the way from the right side and fold the right flap of the blanket over the pole 3. Lay the second pole on top of both layers 1/3 from




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the left edge 4. Fold left flap over the top 5. Lay the patient on top

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Using an improvised stretcher (Shirt) The first rescuer grasps the litter poles on both hands While the first rescuer is grasping the litter poles, the second rescuer pulls the shirt off the head of rescuer one. All buttons should be buttoned with the possible exception of the collar and cuffs. The rescuers then reverse the procedure and switch sides. Lay the patient on top






3. 4.


Hammock Carry Three or more rescuers get on both sides of the victim. The strongest member is on the side with the fewest rescuers buddy help Reach under the victim and grasp one wrist on the opposite rescuer. buddy ready to insert hands? ready insert in a count of 3.. 1,2,3 buddy interlock arms The rescuers on the ends will only be able to grasp one wrist on the opposite rescuer. The rescuers with only one wrist grasped will use their free hands to support the victim's head and feet/legs. The rescuers will then squat and lift the victim on the command of the person nearest the head, remembering to use proper lifting techniques. buddy ready to transfer to knees? ready in a count of 3, transfer... 1,2,3 buddy ready to lift?, ready in a count of 3, lift... 1,2,3




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