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Week 8 Theme: My School and Friends Target Skills: At the end of the lesson the students should be able

to: Expressive Objective: Appreciate the work of ones community helpers Instructional Objectives: Oral Language: Predict the next event based on the story Phonological Awareness: Recognize that words can be broken down into individual phonemes Listening Comprehension: Predict the next event based on the story Vocabulary and Grammar: Use this is and that is in the sentences I. Pre-Assessment 1. The teacher will tell the situation shown in each picture. 2. The students will color the picture that shows the event that will happen next. Boy spills water on the floor girl walks towards the spilled water a. Girl slips b. girl drinks water Girl studies for an exam girl takes the exam a. Girl fails exam b. girl gets high score in the exam Child blows bubble gum bubble gum balloon becomes too big a. Bubblegum balloon pops b. child eats lollipop

II. Objectives Answer who, what, where, when and why questions about stories listened to Predict events that will happen next based on situations or stories Use the pronoun this is in sentences. III. Subject Matter and Materials Subject Matter: Predicting Outcome Materials: copy of the story The Carpenter, pictures for unlocking (nail, wood, blackboard), actual objects for unlocking (hammer, saw, measuring tape) IV. Procedure A. Activating Prior Knowledge Teacher will unlock the words using object-picture matching activity: Build tools, hammer (matched with nail), saw (match with wood) Measuring tape (match with blackboard dimensions) Tools can be used to build or fix things. This is a hammer. It can be used for pushing a nail. This is a saw. It can be used for cutting a piece of wood. This is a measuring tape. It can be used to find how long an object is. Motivation Question: What is your fathers or mothers work? Motive Question: In the story, we will find out what the characters work or what he or she does.

B. Presentation and Modeling 1. The class will listen to the teacher read a story about a carpenters tools. The Carpenter Dan saw Mang Manny building something. What are you building, Mang Manny? asked Dan. I am making a chair. Wow, thats exciting. I see you have many tools. What is that youre holding? This is my hammer. That is a saw. And that? This is my measuring tape. Thats a lot of tools! Im almost done, Dan. Can you help me keep my tools? Sure, said Dan. They put all the tools in the box. But the box fell on the floor. Crash! Post-Reading Activity: 1. The teacher will show three pictures of scenes in the story and will arrange them from the first to the last event as the students watch. First event: Dan asked about the tools. Second Event: Dan helped Mang Manny keep his tools. Third Event: The box of tools fell. 2. The teacher will ask this question: The box of tools fell. What do you think will Dan do with the tools? Day 2 I. Objectives: Answer who, what, where, when and why questions about stories listened to. Predict events that will happen next based on situations or stories. Use the pronoun this is in sentences. II. Subject Matter and Materials Subject Matter: Predicting Outcome Materials: copy of the stories The Santol Tree, Hannahs Fruit Juice Snack Time, a box of objects (pencil, shoes, sharpener, eraser, book, umbrella, etc.) III. Procedure A. Presentation and Modeling 1. The class will listen to the teacher read a short story about a kind of fruit. The Santol Tree Ben saw a Santol on the tree. He got a long stick.

What do you think he will do with the stick? 2. The teacher will ask the following questions: a. What is the title of the story? b. Who are the characters in the story? c. What did Ben get? d. Option 1: He will get the leaves that fell from the tree using the stick. Option 2: He will get the Santol fruit using the stick. Option 3: He will hit the animal lying on the branch of the tree with a stick. IV. Guided Practice 1. The class will predict the events that will happen next on the following short stories: A. Hannahs Fruit Juice Hanna sliced the orange. She squeezed the fruit. What will she do with the juice? Students Answer: _______________________. B. Snack Time Its recess time, Teacher Lea said. Tina got her snacks. What do you think Tina will do with her snacks? Students Answer: _______________________. 2. Teacher will explain the rules of a short game about the use of pronoun this is. The students will form a big circle. Music about snack time will be played. While the music plays, students will pass around a box shaped like a lunch box with objects inside. When the music stops, the child who holds the lunch box will get one object and complete the phrase: This is a/an ______. This can be used for ______. Ex. This is a pencil. It can be used for writing. Day 3 I. Objectives Answer who, what, where, when and why questions about stories listened to. Predict events that will happen next based on situations or stories. Use the pronoun that is in sentences. II. Subject Matter and Materials Subject Matter: Predicting Outcome Materials: copy of the stories Oops, Bedtime, Actual objects: rag, water, bottle and water III. Procedure A. Activating Prior Knowledge

The teacher will unlock the words using the actual object and demonstration: Spilled Sab tripped on the leg of a table. The glass of milk on top of the table spilled. (Demonstrate a glass of milk spilling on a table) What does spilled mean? Rag Sab got a rag and wiped the milk on the table. (Show an actual rag) What do we use a rag for? The teacher will say the word rag. Listen to the word rag. Lets try to listen to the sounds of the word rag. The first sound that I hear is /r/. I also hear the sound /a/. The last sound that I hear is /g/. Give the students other examples ask them the sounds they hear from the words. Ex: bat, cat, bug, dog, fan, hen, mug, man The teacher will ask: What will Leo use a rag for? B. Presentation and Modeling 1. The class will listen to the teacher read a short story about an accident: Oops! The water spilled on the table. Leo got a rag. What do you think Leo will do with the rag? 2. The teacher will ask the following questions: a. What is the title of the story? b. Who are the characters in the story? c. What did Leo get? d. What do you think will Leo do with the rag? C. Guided Practice 1. The class will predict the event that will happen next. Bedtime Jose wears his pajamas. Dad turns off the lights. What do you think Jose will do next? Students Answer: ______. 2. Teacher will explain an activity about the use of the pronoun that is The teacher will tell an example of a sentence pointing to an object inside the classroom. Students will tell own examples. Ex: That is a cabinet. That can be used for storing or keeping books. That is a/an __________. That can be used for _________. Day 4 I. Objectives Answer who, what, where, when and why questions about stories listened to. Predict events that will happen next based on situations or stories. Use the pronoun that is in sentences. II. Subject Matter and Materials

Subject Matter: Predicting Outcome Materials: copy of the stories: The Dirty Clothes, Paolos Glass, Poster of a school activity, cue cards of role play activity scenarios. III. Guided Practice The class will listen to the teacher read short stories and ask some students to answer: A. The Dirty Clothes It was a sunny day. Aling Cora washed the dirty clothes. She hanged the clothes. What do you think will happen to the clothes? The teacher will ask the following questions: a. What is the title of the story? b. Who are the characters in the story? c. How can you describe the weather? d. What did Aling Cora do with the dirty clothes? e. After washing, what did Aling Cora do? f. What do you think will happen to the clothes? Why do you think so? B. Paolos Glass Paolo was holding the glass. He suddenly dropped the glass. What do you think will happen to the glass? The Teacher will ask the following questions: a. What is the title of the story? b. Who are the characters in the story? c. What was Paolo holding? d. What happened to the glass that he was holding? e. What do you think will happen to the glass? Why do you think so? IV. Independent Practice 1. The class will predict the event that will happen next by acting it out through a role-playing activity. They will be divided into small groups and each will be given a scenario. Scenarios: a. The children are playing outside. It started to rain. b. The children are eating lunch. The school bell rang. c. Exam day is tomorrow. Rica fell asleep while studying. d. My friend has a new toy. The toy broke. e. A boy is hungry. His mom cooked spaghetti. 2. Teacher will explain show a huge poster about a school activity scenario and will ask the students to name some objects in the poster. Ex: That is a boy holding a small flag. That is a/an ____________________. Day 5 I. Objectives:

Answer who, what, where, when and why questions about stories listened to. Predict events that will happen next based on situations or stories. Use the pronouns this is and that is in sentences.

II. Subject Matter and Materials Subject Matter: Predicting Outcome Materials: copy of the stories: The Wet Floor, Bea in the Field, Pictures of objects III. Guided Practice The class will listen to the teacher read short stories and look at posted pictures. Students will predict what will happen next (in pairs). A. The Wet Floor The floor is wet. Carlo was running fast. What do you think will happen to Carlo? Students Answer: ________________. B. Bea in the Field Bea was walking in the field. It suddenly rained. What do you think will happen to Bea? The teacher will ask the students, What happened to the floor? The floor was wet. Lets listen to the word wet. What sounds can you heat from the word wet? /w/, /e/, /t/ The teacher will do an activity on breaking down words into individual phonemes. The teacher will say a word. She/he will say a sound. If the sound can be heard from the word, the students will repeat the sound, if not, they will say the word NO. In the end, they will repeat all the sounds of the word. For example: In the word lap: Can you hear the sound /l/? Can you hear the sound /e/? NO. Can you hear the sound /a/? - /a/ Can you hear the sound /b/? NO Can you hear the sound /p/? - /p/ Now lets repeat all the sounds of the word lap. - /l/ /a/ /p/. The teacher will give other words. Ex. Bus, cap, hat, lap, man, nap, net, pet. IV. Independent Practice 1. The class will be divided into small groups. Each group will be given 6 sets of pictures (person holding an object this is; or a person pointing an object that is). The group members shall form sentences about the picture using this is or that is. Pictures a. A person pointing to the sun, (That is the sun. That gives us light.) b. A person holding an Atis fruit. (This is an Atis fruit. This is sweet.) c. A person wearing a red jacket. (This is jacket. This is color red.) d. A person looking at a bicycle. (That is a bicycle. That belongs to my cousin.)

e. A person embracing a pillow. (This is a pillow. This is very soft.) f. A person pointing to the bird in the cage. (That is a bird. Thais is a parrot.) V. Post Assessment Students will match the pictures (Column A to Column B) that show the events that will happen next in each situation. A. a. A person pointing to the sun. b. A person holding an Atis fruit. c. A person wearing a red jacket. d. A person looking at a bicycle. e. A person embracing a pillow. f. A person pointing to the bird in the cage. B. a. A man wearing a cap while walking outside. b. A girl drinking water having an empty plate with Atis seeds. c. An event where all persons are wearing red attire. d. A man fixing a bicycle using a screwdriver. e. A family lying in bed, sleeping. f. The kid feeding his pet parrot.

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