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Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

Navigate to and register to get a 32 bit version of JBASE database. You will get a link to the key in your mail. The jBASE for Windows is a 150Mb zip file and the evaluation software lasts for one month. STEPS: 1. Double click on the software you downloaded to begin the installation. Click on Setup.

2. Select your Language. On the evaluation version, we only have French and English.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

3. For the installation type, select customized.

Accept the license.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

4. Select the installation directory. Select the checkbox next to Third party software

The directories will be created if they do not exist. Click Yes.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

The next screen will give you a summary of the software to be installed.

From this screen we see that the following are going to be installed: The kernel, jDP (Jbase Data Provider), C compiler and javaObjex. Click on Next to begin the installation.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

5. If you do not have a C compiler in your computer, the installation will install one for you so accept the license.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

6. Next it will ask you to install the .Net framework if you do not have it.

Select the defaults and click next. After a successful install, you will get the screen below.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

7. Next we need to apply the evaluation license that came in the email. Open the command prompt and start the license server if it is not already running using the command jLicServer start

8. Next use the command jLicClient to start thelicense GUI application.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

Click on Ok. 9. Click on Tools - > Add key

10. Enter the key and expiry date as sent in your mail and click ADD. I have rubbed some parts of my key for obvious reasons.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

11. When you click ADD, it will give you a summary information about the KEY. Clcik OK.

12. Check the Key status, it should be active.

Close the jLicensing client.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

Once you have installed JBASE, launch the JBASE Shell (jsh) program so that we can start programming in Jbase Basic. First though, we need to create a directory where our source files will reside. We will have them in C:\JBASE_SOURCES. Open command prompt and type jsh.

On the jsh prompt, use the command CREATE-FILE to create the directory C:\JBASE_SOURCES as shown below.

Where the key word DATA is used to create a directory. Check in your drive C:\ if the directory has been created. You should find a directory with a single .jbase_header file. Remember if this was unix, this file would be hidden since any file whose name begin with a .is a hidden file in unix.

You can use the LIST command to check the contents of the directory.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

You should get no records listed.

Now open your favorite editor and create a Hello World program. Save it as HELLO in the folder you just created.

Compile the program by running the command BASIC C:\JBASE_SOURCES HELLO . This simply means that we are using BASIC to compile the program HELLO that is in the folder C:\JBASE_SOURCES.

Next catalog the program you just compiled.

Then run.
Do your best, or nothing at all.

OGUTU.ORG P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya

Tel: 0753777423 Email: Web:

Now that you know how to compile and run a program in JBASE, visit this website for the best book about BASIC and let the sky be the limit.

Do your best, or nothing at all.

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