Analysis Using SAS

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Table of Contents
1.0 1.1 1.2 a) b) c) 2.0 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.4 2.4.1 3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 TASK 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 3 SAS Macro Programming .............................................................................................................. 5 Substituting text with %LET .............................................................................................................. 5 Creating Modular Code with Macros ................................................................................................ 7 Adding Parameters to Macros .......................................................................................................... 8 TASK 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 9 Source of Dataset ...................................................................................................................... 9 Description of Dataset .............................................................................................................. 9 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ..................................................................................................... 10 Descriptive Analysis ................................................................................................................ 10 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ................................................................................................. 12 Report on Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ................................................................................ 13 Regression Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 14 Model Adequacy Checking ...................................................................................................... 14 Regression Model ................................................................................................................... 16 Correlation Analysis ................................................................................................................ 18 Multicollinearity Test .............................................................................................................. 19 Stepwise Analysis .................................................................................................................... 20 Lack of Fit Test......................................................................................................................... 24 Report on Regression Analysis ................................................................................................ 26 Correlation Analysis using Macro ............................................................................................... 27 Report on Correlation Analysis ............................................................................................... 28

TASK 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 29 Question 1 ................................................................................................................................... 29 Question 2 ................................................................................................................................... 30 References ...................................................................................................................................... 39

1.0 TASK 1
1.1 Introduction
The data is about Sales of Mini Supermarket. This data is about the study of sales of mini supermarket of different branch. There are all 16 observation from this data and 6 variables. The variables are Branch, State, Date, NumWorker, SaleYear and Manager. The variable description are shown in the table below.

Variable Name Branch State Date NumWorker SaleYear Manager

Description List branch area in Malaysia Name of state of the branch Date of the branch been open Number of worker for each branch Number of sales per year Name of manager in charge of the branch

The SAS Command:

libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; data indi.task; infile 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\data\task1.txt'; input Branch $ 1-16 State $ 17-32 Date 33-48 NumWorker 49-56 SaleYear 57-65 ManagerName $ 66-75; run; proc print data=indi.task; title 'Meister Supermarket Sales'; format SaleYear dollar9. Date date9.; run;

The data:

1.2 SAS Macro Programming a) Substituting text with %LET

Getting sales from Penang.
libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; data indi.task; infile 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\data\task1.txt'; input Branch $ 1-16 State $ 17-32 Date 33-48 NumWorker 49-56 SaleYear 57-65 ManagerName $ 66-75; run; %let slecstate = Penang; proc print data=indi.task noobs; title "Meister Supermarket Sales in Penang"; where State = "&slecstate"; format SaleYear dollar9. Date date9.; run;

Getting State and Branch in charge by Mahmood.

libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; data indi.task; infile 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\data\task1.txt'; input Branch $ 1-16 State $ 17-32 Date 33-48 NumWorker 49-56 SaleYear 57-65 ManagerName $ 66-75; run; %let slecnum = Mahmood; proc print data=indi.task noobs; title "Meister Supermarket Sales in Penang"; where ManagerName = "&slecnum"; var managername branch state; format SaleYear dollar9. Date date9.; run;

b) Creating Modular Code with Macros

libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; data indi.task; infile 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\data\task1.txt'; input Branch $ 1-16 State $ 17-32 Date 33-48 NumWorker 49-56 SaleYear 57-65 ManagerName $ 66-75; run; %MACRO meister ; proc sort data=indi.task; by descending date; proc print data=indi.task; var Branch State ManagerName Date; title 'Meister Supermarket by Branch Date Open'; format SaleYear dollar9. Date year4.; %MEND sample; %meister run;

c) Adding Parameters to Macros

libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; data indi.task; infile 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\data\task1.txt'; input Branch $ 1-16 State $ 17-32 Date 33-48 NumWorker 49-56 SaleYear 57-65 ManagerName $ 66-75; run; %MACRO select(State=,sortvar=); proc sort data = indi.task out = indi.task1; by &sortvar; where State="&state"; proc print data=indi.task1; var Branch State Date; format SaleYear dollar9. Date year4.; TITLE1 "States by Date Order"; %MEND select; %select (State=Penang, sortvar=date) %select (State=Selangor, sortvar=date); run;

2.0 TASK 2
2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Source of Dataset
We are taking our data from database from New York University Stern (NYU Stern). The title of the data is Movie Buzz Data

2.1.2 Description of Dataset

Our data is all about movie. We were using movie sales data. Where this data have 62 observations which are from different movies. This dataset contain 12 variables. The data have 6 quantitative variables and 6 qualitative variables. The 6 quantitative variables are Budget, StarPower, Addict, ComingSoon, Fandango and CantWait. Variable Budget mean production budget in million dollar. StarPower stand for star power measure by index of star poser. Variable Addict is the variable that count people view watching trailer at ComingSoon is the variable that count the comment on message board at The variable Fandago is variable that count people attention on the movie in The last variable CantWait stand for cant wait to see vote in Here are summarize of the variable description.
Variables Budget StarPower Addict ComingSoon Fandago CantWait Descriptions Production budget ($ million) Index of star poser Trailer views at Number of people comment on message board at Number of people read review at Percentage of Fandago votes that cant wait to see

The 6 qualitative variables are MPRating, Sequel, Action, Comedy, Animated and Horror. Variable MPRating mean MPAA rating code. Sequel stand for sequel movie. Variable Action is the variable for action movie. Comedy is the variable for comedy movie. The variable Animated is the variable for animated movie. The last variable Horror is the variable for horror movie.

Variables MPRating Sequel Action Comedy Animated Horror

Descriptions MPAA Rating where code 1=G (general) 2=PG (parental guide) 3=PG13 (parental guide and may not appropriate under 13 years old) 4=R (Restricted) Sequel movie where code 1=sequel 2=not sequel Action movie where code 1=action film 2=not action film Comedy movie where code 1=comedy film 2=not comedy film Animated movie where code 1=animated film 2=not animated film Horror movie where code 1=horror film 2=not horror film

2.2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) been done towards sales and types of movie. The type of movie consist of variable comedy animated horror and action.

2.2.1 Descriptive Analysis

The coding:
libname sas 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\project'; data sas.anova; set work.project; length type $ 10; if action=1 then type='action'; else if comedy=1 then type='comedy'; else if animated=1 then type='animated'; else if horror=1 then type='horror'; else if type=1 then delete; keep type sales; run; proc univariate data = sas.anova normal plot; class type; run;

1. Normality analysis for variable horror


Based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis, the p-value is 0.15 where the value is greater than alpha 0.05. We can conclude that the variable horror is normal. 2. Normality analysis for variable comedy

Based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis, the p-value is 0.15 where the value is greater than alpha 0.05. We can conclude that the variable comedy is normal. 3. Normality analysis for variable animated

Based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis, the p-value is 0.15 where the value is greater than alpha 0.05. We can conclude that the variable animated is normal. 4. Normality analysis for variable action

Based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis, the p-value is 0.0851 where the value is greater than alpha 0.05. We can conclude that the variable action is normal.


2.2.2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

The coding:
libname sas 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\project'; data sas.anova; set work.project; length type $ 10; if action=1 then type='action'; else if comedy=1 then type='comedy'; else if animated=1 then type='animated'; else if horror=1 then type='horror'; else if type=1 then delete; keep type sales; run; proc anova data=sas.anova; class type; model sales=type; means type / hovtest=bf; run;

Based on the analysis of variance, the p-value is 0.5102 where this value is greater than alpha 0.05. we can conclude that the sales does not have relationship with the types of movie.


2.2.3 Report on Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) been done towards sales and types of movie. The type of movie consist of 4 variables which the variable are comedy, animated, horror and action. All the 4 variables must first be analyze for normality. Therefore descriptive analysis been done. The analysis been done each of the variables. Based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis for variable Horror, the p-value is 0.15 where the value is greater than alpha 0.05. Based on this result, we can conclude that the variable horror is normal. For variable Comedy, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis show that the p-value is 0.1. Where this value is greater than alpha 0.05. This mean that we can conclude that the variable comedy is normal. Then for variable animated, based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis, the p-value is 0.15 where the value is greater than alpha 0.05. By this we can conclude that the variable animated is normal. Next is analysis for variable action. Based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis, the p-value is 0.0851 where the value is greater than alpha 0.05. Therefore we can conclude that the variable action is normal. After all variable been confirm normal, we do the analysis of variance toward the sales of the movie. Based on the analysis of variance, the p-value is 0.5102 where this value is greater than alpha 0.05. By this we can conclude that the sales does not have relationship with the types of movie.


2.3 Regression Analysis 2.3.1 Model Adequacy Checking

The coding for p-p plot original data:
libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; proc import out = indi.project datafile = "C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\movie.xlsx" dbms = xlsx replace; run; proc capability data = indi.project normal; var sales; qqplot sales/ normal; ppplot sales/ normal; histogram / normal; inset mean std; run;

The coding for p-p plot transform data:

data indi.trans; set indi.project; transform = ln(sales); run; proc capability data = indi.trans var transform; qqplot transform / normal; ppplot transform / normal; histogram / normal; inset mean std; run; normal;


P-value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov less than P-value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov more than alpha. We can conclude that the distribution alpha. We can conclude that the distribution is not normal. Transformation needed is normal. Transformation succeed.


2.3.2 Regression Model

The coding for regression model of the transform data:
libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; proc import out = indi.project datafile = "C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\movie.xlsx" dbms = xlsx replace; run; data indi.trans; set indi.project; transform = ln(sales); merge indi.trans,indi.project; run; proc reg data=indi.trans ; model transform = MPRATING BUDGET STARPOWR SEQUEL ACTION COMEDY ANIMATED HORROR ADDICT CMNGSOON FANDANGO CNTWAIT; plot residual.*cases.; run;

The model is significant since the p-value = 0.0001 less than alpha 0.05


Regression model Sales = 15.25374 0.21222MPRating + 0.00515Budget 0.00471StarPowr + 0.39390Sequel 0.74909Action 0.00164Comedy 0.82118Animated + 0.43770Horror + 0.00002216Addict 0.00013618CmngSoon + 0.00020521Fandango + 3.29154CntWait


2.3.3 Correlation Analysis

The coding for correlation:
proc corr data=indi.trans; var transform BUDGET STARPOWR ADDICT CMNGSOON FANDANGO CNTWAIT ; run;

The correlation matrix above shows the coefficient of Pearson correlation between quantitative variables in the data set. There is 5 predictor variables that are significant correlated with the dependent variable (Sales). That is BUDGET, ADDICT, CMGSOON, FANDAGO and CNTWAIT with correlation 0.45708, 0.43750, 0.0133, 0.37974 and 0.65501 respectively. Some of the predictor variables also shows a correlation exist among them. BUDGET and STARPOWR have a significant correlated and this indicates that a movie with high STARPOWR tend to increase the budget to make the movie.


2.3.4 Multicollinearity Test

The coding for correlation:

MPAA Rating Budget StarPower Sequel Action Comedy Animated

Interpretation of Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF No multicollinearity since tolerance value No multicollinearity since VIF value 0.602 more than 0.2 1.660 less than 10 No multicollinearity since tolerance value No multicollinearity since VIF value 0.401 more than 0.2 2.495 less than 10 No multicollinearity since tolerance value No multicollinearity since VIF value 0.547 more than 0.2 1.827 less than 10 No multicollinearity since tolerance value No multicollinearity since VIF value 0.544 more than 0.2 1.837 less than 10 No multicollinearity since tolerance value No multicollinearity since VIF value 0.498 more than 0.2 2.009 less than 10 No multicollinearity since tolerance value No multicollinearity since VIF value 0.515 more than 0.2 1.940 less than 10 No multicollinearity since tolerance value No multicollinearity since VIF value 0.523 more than 0.2 1.912 less than 10


Horor Addict Coming Soon Fandago CantWait

No multicollinearity since tolerance value 0.617 more than 0.2 No multicollinearity since tolerance value 0.465 more than 0.2 No multicollinearity since tolerance value 0.376 more than 0.2 No multicollinearity since tolerance value 0.570 more than 0.2 No multicollinearity since tolerance value 0.440 more than 0.2

No multicollinearity since VIF value 1.621 less than 10 No multicollinearity since VIF value 2.150 less than 10 No multicollinearity since VIF value 2.660 less than 10 No multicollinearity since VIF value 1.754 less than 10 No multicollinearity since VIF value 2.273 less than 10

2.3.5 Stepwise Analysis

The coding for stepwise:
libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; proc import out = indi.project datafile = "C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\movie.xlsx" dbms = xlsx replace; run; data indi.trans; set indi.project; transform = ln(sales); merge indi.trans,indi.project; run; proc reg data=indi.trans ; model transform = MPRATING BUDGET STARPOWR SEQUEL ACTION COMEDY ANIMATED HORROR ADDICT CMNGSOON FANDANGO CNTWAIT / selection=stepwise ; run;


1. Steps of stepwise

Step 1

Step 2

1. 2.

Variable CNTWAIT have the higher 1. correlation value. Which is 0.4290. Thus the variable is selected as the first 2. variable to be enter to the model. 3.

Variable ACTION have the higher correlation value. Which is 0.4856. Thus the variable is selected to be enter to the model. The two variable tested and no variable are deleted.


Step 3

Step 4

1. 2. 3.

Variable ADDICT have the higher 1. correlation value. Which is 0.5217. Thus the variable is selected to be enter 2. to the model. The three variable tested and no variable 3. are deleted.

Variable SEQUEL have the higher correlation value. Which is 0.5420. Thus the variable is selected to be enter to the model. The four variable tested and no variable are deleted.


Summary of the stepwise selection:

Based on 12 variable 4 are selected for the final model. All the selected variables are CNTWAIT, ADDICT, SEQUEL and ACTION. Therefore the final model is y = 14.56468 + 0.41590SEQUEL 0.69464ACTION + 0.00002895ADDICT 3.81397CNTWAIT Here the test of the model Hypothesis H0: 1=2=3=4 =0 H1: at least one i is not equal zero Significant value =0.05 Test statistic P value=0.0001 Decision Since P-value=0.0001 < =0.05 to reject H0. Conclusion The model is significant.


2.3.6 Lack of Fit Test

The coding for lack of fit: Full model:
libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; proc import out = indi.project datafile = "C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\movie.xlsx" dbms = xlsx replace; run; data indi.trans; set indi.project; transform = ln(sales); merge indi.trans,indi.project; run; proc reg data=indi.trans ; model transform = MPRATING BUDGET STARPOWR SEQUEL ACTION COMEDY ANIMATED HORROR ADDICT CMNGSOON FANDANGO CNTWAIT / lackfit ; run;

Full reduced model:

proc reg data=indi.trans ; model transform = SEQUEL ACTION ADDICT CNTWAIT / lackfit ; run;


Full model

Reduced model (after stepwise)

Hypothesis H0: There is no lack of fit H1: There is lack of fit Significant value =0.05 Test statistic P value=0.0001 Decision Since P-value=0.0001 < =0.05 to reject H0. Conclusion The model have lack of fit.

Hypothesis H0: There is no lack of fit H1: There is lack of fit Significant value =0.05 Test statistic P value=0.0001 Decision Since P-value=0.0001 < =0.05 to reject H0. Conclusion The model have lack of fit.


2.3.7 Report on Regression Analysis

To do regression model, first we plot the p-p plot to see either the data is normal or not. Based on descriptive analysis the p-value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov less than alpha. We can conclude that the distribution is not normal. Then transformation needed to be done. After transformation been done using natural log transformation. The KolmogorovSmirnov value is 0.15 which is more than alpha. We can conclude that the distribution is normal. Therefore the transformation is succeed. Then we run the data to get the regression model. The regression model is Sales = 15.25374 0.21222MPRating + 0.00515Budget 0.00471StarPowr + 0.39390Sequel 0.74909Action 0.00164Comedy 0.82118Animated + 0.43770Horror + 0.00002216Addict 0.00013618CmngSoon + 0.00020521Fandango + 3.29154CntWait. For correlation matrix shows the coefficient of Pearson correlation between quantitative variables in the data set. There is 5 predictor variables that are significant correlated with the dependent variable (Sales). That is BUDGET, ADDICT, CMGSOON, FANDAGO and CNTWAIT with correlation 0.45708, 0.43750, 0.0133, 0.37974 and 0.65501 respectively. Some of the predictor variables also shows a correlation exist among them. BUDGET and STARPOWR have a significant correlated and this indicates that a movie with high STARPOWR tend to increase the budget to make the movie. Multicollinearity analysis been done and based on the result we can conclude that there is multicollinearity exist. This is because since all the tolerance value more than 0.2 and VIF value is less than 10. Then stepwise analysis been done. Based on 12 variable 4 are selected for the final model. All the selected variables are CNTWAIT, ADDICT, SEQUEL and ACTION. Therefore the final model is y = 14.56468 + 0.41590SEQUEL 0.69464ACTION + 0.00002895ADDICT 3.81397CNTWAIT For lack of fit analysis, we can conclude that the full model and reduced model is not fit. This is because the p-value 0.0001 less than alpha.


2.4 Correlation Analysis using Macro

The coding for correlation:
libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; proc import out = indi.project datafile = "C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\movie.xlsx" dbms = xlsx replace; run; data indi.trans; set indi.project; transform = ln(sales); merge indi.trans,indi.project; run; %MACRO correlation ; proc corr data=indi.trans; var transform BUDGET STARPOWR ADDICT CMNGSOON FANDANGO CNTWAIT; %MEND sample; %correlation run;


2.4.1 Report on Correlation Analysis

The correlation matrix above shows the coefficient of Pearson correlation between quantitative variables in the data set. There is 5 predictor variables that are significant correlated with the dependent variable (Sales). That is BUDGET, ADDICT, CMGSOON, FANDAGO and CNTWAIT with correlation 0.45708, 0.43750, 0.0133, 0.37974 and 0.65501 respectively. Some of the predictor variables also shows a correlation exist among them. BUDGET and STARPOWR have a significant correlated and this indicates that a movie with high STARPOWR tend to increase the budget to make the movie.


3.0 TASK 3
3.1 Question 1
libname indi 'C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project'; proc import out = indi.project datafile = "C:\Users\Meister\Documents\SAS\individual project\data\country.txt" dbms = tab replace; run; proc print data = indi.project; run;

Partial output


3.2 Question 2
a) Total population of the world SAS Command:
proc sql; select sum(population) as TotalPopulation from indi.project; quit;


b) List all region SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'List of All Region'; select distinct(region) from indi.project group by region; quit;



c) Total GDP of Cambodia SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'Total GDP of Cambodia'; select name , sum(gdp) as total from indi.project where name='Cambodia'; quit;


d) Number of countries with area greater than 1000000 SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'Number of Country with Area more than 1000000'; select count(name) as NumberOfCountry from indi.project where area ge 1000000; quit;


e) Total population of France, Greece and Spain ???? SAS Command:

proc sql; title Total Population France Greece and Spain; select sum(population) as total label='Total Population' from indi.project where name in ('France', 'Greece', 'Spain'); quit;



f) Number of countries by region SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'Number of Countries by Region'; select region, count(name) as no label='Number of Countries' from indi.project group by region; quit;


g) Number of countries by region with population at least 15 million SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'Number of Countries by Region with Population more than 15 million'; select region, count(name) as no label='Number of Country' from indi.project where population ge 15000000 group by region; quit;



h) List of region with population at least 150 million SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'List of Region with Population more than 150 million'; select distinct(region) from indi.project where population ge 150000000 group by region; quit;


i) Total population and GDP of South Asia SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'Total Population and GDP of South Asia'; select distinct(region),sum(population) as Pop label='Total Population', sum(gdp) as ttl label='Total GDP' from indi.project where region='South Asia'; quit;



j) List of countries per capita with population more than 200 million SAS Command:
proc sql; title 'List of Countries per Capita'; title2 'Population more than 200 million'; select name, (gdp/population) as capita from indi.project where population ge 200000000; quit;


k) List of Country for region middle east in million SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'List of Country for Middle East in million'; select name, (population/1000000) as pop label='Population' from indi.project where region='Middle East'; quit;



l) List of Country for region middle east in million SAS Command:

proc sql; title Total Population France Greece and Italy; select name, population from indi.project where name in ('France', 'Greece', 'Italy'); quit;



m) List of country name with United SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'Countries Name with "UNITED"'; select name from indi.project having name ? 'United'; quit;


n) List of countries that population larger than Russia SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'List of Countries that Population larger than Russia'; select name from indi.project where population gt (select population from indi.project where name='Russia') ; quit;



o) List of country name with United SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'List of Countries that region of India and Iran'; select name, region from indi.project where region in (select region from indi.project where name in ('India','Iran')) ; quit;



p) List of country name with United SAS Command:

proc sql; title 'List of Countries'; title2 'region more than Canada less than Algeria'; select name from indi.project where population gt (select population from indi.project where name in ('Canada')) and population lt (select population from indi.project where name in ('Algeria')); quit;



4.0 References
Books: Douglas C. Montgomery, Elizabeth A. Peck and G. Geoffrey Vining [2006], Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis Michael H. Kutner, Christopher J. Nachtsheim, John Neter and William Li, Applied Linear Statistical Models



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