Maths Part 2

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SOUD1213 Now to expand out the equation using binomial series we need to write it out as so




1x(2a)(3b) + 6x(2a)(3b) + 15x(2a)(3b) + 20x(2a)(3b) + 15(2a)(3b) + 6(2a)(3b) + 1(2a)(3b) 64a + 576ab + 2160ab + 4320ab + 4860ab + 2916ab + 729b

Trigonometric Formula 9. The angle of depression of a ship viewed at a particular instant from the top of a 75m vertical cliff is 30. The ship is sailing away from the cliff at a constant speed and 1 minute later its angle of depression is 20. Find the ships initial distance from the bass of the cliff. P

75m a 90 Q X R

90 b 30 20 The initial distance from the base of the cliff would be at point R we know the right angle is 90 and the angle at R is 30 and all 3 angles of a triangle add to 180 meaning our remaining angle must be 180 90 - 30 = 60 We need to find length X, using Soh Cah Toa, we know we need to find the adjacent and we have the height. So Tan(30) = O or 75 A X As we need to find X we move the formula around X = 75 = 129.9m Tan(30) If we wanted to find the distance from the cliff base to point S we would use 75 = 206.1m Tan(20) As a method of proving I have used a right angle triangle calculator from The website provides only final figures and not methods of working out but is a good way to confirm your answers.

SOUD1213 10. An aeroplane is sighted due east from a radar station at an elevation of 50 and a height of 5000m. later it is sighted at an elevation of 45 and at a height of 2500m in a direction of E70S. If it is descending uniformly, find the angle of decent. To start we need to try and put this into three triangles so that we can find all the relevant angles and distances. Drawings are not to scale

X 2500 5000m







Above I have drawn out the three triangles with all the values we are given, my first aim is to find a length for X on triangle (c). As triangles (a) and (b) are right angle triangles we already know two of the angles in each, so we can easily find the third. To obtain the missing angle in triangle (a) = 180 90 - 45 = 45 To obtain the missing angle in triangle (b) = 180 90 50 = 40 to make it look more simple I will separate the triangles and flip them round to look like a standard right angle triangle.# (a) 2500 45 90 To find Z we use Z= 2500 x sin(45) = 2500m so Z = 2500m sin(45) Z 45

For triangle (b) we do the same except we replace the values Y = 5000 Sin(50) x sin(40) = 4195.5m so Y = 4195.5m

SOUD1213 Once again I have double checked my answer on the right angle triangle calculator from to ensure that my calculations are accurate. We are now left with length X to find on triangle (c) knowing that Y = 4195.5 and Z = 2500 we can now use Pythagoras theorem to find X a= b+c so X = 4195 + 2500 = 4883.6m Now we have X we can move on to trying to find the angle of decent , This is most easily explained by drawing another right angle triangle on top of a rectangle.


_____________________ Q a 5000 b R 2500 c

X 4883.6 The angle of decent is angle Q, this is the opposite of angle R and the values are identical, we know a = 2500 and b = 4883.5 we can find the length of c using Pythagoras C = 4883.6 + 2500 = 5486.3m and we can find the angle R R = Tan 2500 = 27.1 4883.6 As Q is the exact opposite as R it must also equal 27.1 So angle of decent is 27.1

SOUD1213 Polar and Cartesian co-ordinate systems 11. Change the following Cartesian co-ordinates into polar co-ordinates, correct to 2 decimal places, in both degrees and in radians. Illustrate your answers on a diagram: a. (-2.3, 5.4). Polar RLO Cartesian ( X,Y) (-2.3,5.4)




we can use the POL button on the calculator to convert from Cartesian to polar POL(-2.3,5.4) = r=5.87 O = 113.07 in degrees O = 1.97 rads An alternate method of converting between polar and Cartesian is to use trigonometry in Radians C (R) A (Y) C = B+A So (-2.3)+(5.4) = C or R So R = 5.87 B (X) Now we need to find O = Tan Y X = Tan 5.4 -2.3 = 1.168

Now we use 1.168 = 1.97 radians To convert this to degrees we use 1.97 180 Now we can complete the table from above Polar RLO 5.87 L 1.97 112.9 Cartesian ( X,Y) (-2.3,5.4) = 112.9

SOUD1213 B. (7.6,-9.2) Polar RLO 11.93 L -0.88 -50.44 Cartesian ( X,Y) (7.6,-9.2)

Ive filled in the table above using Pol on my calculator in both radian mode and degrees. To find O = Tan -9.2 = -0.88 7.6 To convert this to degrees = -0.88 x 180

= -50.42

To find R we use Pythagoras = -9.2 + 7.6 = 11.93 12. Change the following polar co-ordinates into Cartesian co-ordinates, correct to 3 decimal places. A. (6.5, 132) Again we can use a button on the calculator REC to find the answers Polar RLO 6.5 L 132 Cartesian ( X,Y) -4.349, 4.831

90 132

O= 180 132 = 48 0 180 270 To find Y we need to use Rsin O = 6.5sin132 = 4.830 To find X we need to use Rcos O = 6.5cos132 = -4.350 B. (3,3radian) To convert from radians into degrees we use 3 x 180 = 171.887 Y = 3 sin 171.887 = 0.423 X = 3 cos 171.887 = -2.970 This can also be proved by using the REC button on the calculator. 360

SOUD1213 Properties of the circle 13. Find the diameter of a circle whose perimeter is 149.8cm To find radius when given the perimeter we need use the formula P 2

149.8 = 23.84 and diameter = 2xradius = 23.84 x 2 = 47.7cm 2 So the diameter is 47.7cm Or we could just use perimeter dived by pi to get the same answer. I double checked on to make sure these formulas were correct

14. The floodlights at a sports ground spread its illumination over an angle of 40 to a distance of 48m. determine the maximum area that is floodlit. According to John Bird (2012, P125), Area of sector = RO we can find a value for O = 40 x = 0.6981 180 we can now write out the sum 48 (0.6981) = 804.2 2 so the area of the sector that is floodlit is 804.2m

15. A crank mechanism is shown, where XY is a tangent to the circle at point X. If the circle radius OX is 10cm and the length OY is 40cm determine the length of the connecting rod XY

For clarity I will flip this over to show a basic right angle triangle O c 40 a 10 X b? Y b = c - a

So B = 40 - 10 = 38.7cm XY = 38.7

SOUD1213 Application of sinusoidal functions 16. A complex voltage waveform, V, is comprised of a 141.4v rms fundamental voltage at a frequency of 200 Hz, a 40% third harmonic component leading the fundamental voltage at zero time by 4 rads and a 20% fifth harmonic component lagging the fundamental by 3 rads. a. Write down an expression for the voltage V V = 141.4v so the max amplitude = 2 x 141.4v = 200v F = 200W = 2F = 2 x x 200 = 400 or 1256.6rads T = 1 = 1 = 0.005 F 200

t = T = 0.001 4

The diagram above, taken from Higher Engineering Mathematics (2010, P143), shows how a vector correlates with a sin wave . So the fundamental voltage = 200sin(400t)

The third harmonic is 40% 0f 200v so third harmonic = 80v The frequency of the third harmonic = 200hz x 3 = 600hz so the angular velocity for the third harmonic = 2600= 1200 So the third harmonic voltage = V = 80sin(1200t + ) 4 The fifth harmonic is 20% of 200 = 40v The frequency of the fifth harmonic = 200hz x 5 = 1000hz so the angular velocity for the fifth harmonic = 21000 = 2000 So the fifth harmonic voltage = V = 40sin(2000t ) 3 Now we can put them all together V = 200sin(400t) + 80sin(1200t+ ) + 40sin(2000t ) 4 3

SOUD1213 b. Plot the resulting complex waveform for V over one cycle of the fundamental waveform. Volts

time (S)

Excel file for the graph with all relevant data can be found at the back of this assignment.

SOUD1213 Application of trigonometric identities 17. Express the equation 5.5cos(t) + 7.8sin (t) in the form Rsin (t) + . Hence solve the equation: 5.5cos(t) + 7.8sin(t) = 4.5 in the range 0t2 First we need to find a value for and R 5.5cos(t) +7.8sin(t) = Rsin (t) + = R(Sin(t)cos ()+cos(t)sin) = (Rcos ()Sin(t)+Rsin()Cos(t) 5.5 = Rsin 7.8 = Rcos So Cos = 7.8 R and Sin =5.5 R

So R = 7.8 + 5.5 = 9.544 And Tan = 5.5 so 7.8 tan 5.5 7.8 = 0.614rad =

Re can now re-write our formula with R and 5.5cos(t) + 7.8sin(t) = 9.544sin (t) + 0.614 So 9.544sin(t) + 0.614 = 4.5 Converts to Sin (t)+ 0.614 = 4.5 = 0.47 9.544

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