Employee Feedback Template For Efficiency Enhancement and Professional Improvement

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Employee Feedback Technique has become a highly effective tool for consistent enhancement of departments and companies no matter

what kind of business they are running. While there are Gallup and Six Sigma systems in place for several companies in the world, still a lot of SOHOs and SMEs can use free templates to get employee's feedback which can give them an insight to the general and specific issues in thier companies and the opportunity to improve them. Thinking on the same lines, I have made this generic Employee Feedback Template which may be used by mangers, supervisors, team leads and leadership for their staff in order to evaluate at department or company level with regards to professional working, learning & Exposure, Growth and overall environment of the organization. Considering the secrecy/privacy of employees Online Survey Services such as SurveyMonkey.com can be used where these questions can be copied to receive feedback from your audience. Read their terms and conditions for details. If you would like to provide feedback on this template, please drop me an email at mjunaidtahir@gmail.com Further, you may want to read more articles related to Leadership, management and mental wisdom, please do visit the blog:


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Comments/Specific Category Serial Item Drop Down Menu Examples

Working Environment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I feel I am contributing to my department's overall mission I have the materials and equipment I need to do my job well If I do good work I can count on being appriciated I feel I am valued at my department. I feel part of a team working toward a shared goal. (Team members fully in sync for a specific goal) Politics in our company are kept to a minimum I can keep a reasonable balance between work and personal life My physical working conditions are good I am given enough authority to make decisions I need to make my department can improve the overall "Working Environment" if we do 10 Learning & Exposure Our Company provides me adequate apportunities to learn and work on new 1 2 3 technologies The Company provides me adequate apportunities for personal gorwth (personality development, communication skills) The Company provides me addequate training to perform my job. My department can improve the overall "Learning & Exposure" for all team 4 members if these steps are taken NOT APPLICABLE Fully Agree Partially Agree Fully Agree 1) 2) 3) these things NOT APPLICABLE Partially Agree Fully Agree Partially Disagree Disagree Partially Agree Fully Agree Partially Agree Fully Agree Partially Agree 1) 2) 3)

BWA Implementation Team - Employee Feedback Form

Management (only direct reporting) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 My manager develop strategies and long term plans My manager thinks in terms of big picture and how the pieces fit together My manager makes bold moves and takes risk My manager Creates positive working relations within the team members My manager encourages open discussions and ideas My manager conducts regular meaningful dialogues My manager develops talent by coaching and providing chanelging works Fully Agree Partially Disagree Partially Disagree Fully Agree Disagree Fully Agree Fully Agree

My manager clearly communicates the actions to do in order to achieve goals Fully Agree My manager endevours buidling strong cohessive team Disagree My manager shows enthusiasm My manager easily makes tough decisions My manger takes responsibilities for the problems that occur in his team. My manager quicly understands the complex problems My manager stays focused and does not get distracted. My manager considers employees weakness and strengths while assigining tasks. My manager treats me fairly My manager treats me with respect My manager handles my work-related issues satisfactorily I like these things about my manager I dont like these things about my manager I think, my manager should improve these Partially Disagree Partially Disagree Partially Disagree Partially Disagree Disagree Fully Agree Partially Disagree Fully Agree Partially Disagree NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE

BWA Implementation Team - Employee Feedback Form

General 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 Timing of the Industry and timing of the company are inline My salary is fair for my responsibilities My last performance appraisal accurately reflected my performance I'm satisfied with the benefits package (salary, leaves, medical ) I believe my job is secure Fully Agree Partially Disagree Partially Agree Partially Agree

Partially Disagree Overall, I am satisfied with the company as an employer Partially Agree The Company should do the following in order to increase my job satisfaction level. How long I plan to stay with the company Not Applicable More than 1 year

BWA Implementation Team - Employee Feedback Form

1-ReasonsforNegativeThoughtsAndStressHowtoAvoidThem 23Learn To Differentiate Between Urgent and Important to Make Your Life Easy Count Them One By One

4-EthicalIssuesinOrganizationsHowtoHandleWhenTrapped 5Am I Corrupt? A Self Audit Article

6-WhatIsRealWealthHowToAchieve 789Need Success? Work On Your Thoughts The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Muslims How To Develop Analytical Skills

10- Understanding Ripple Effect In Multiple Dimensions 11- Compromising Ethical Values - What To Do when Trapped 12- How To Be Strong in Hard Moments? 13- Use Proactive Approach to Uplift your future 14- How To Build Trust To Empower Relationship 15-CriticismTheCreativityKiller? 16- Hard work Will Guarantee My Professional Growth? 17- Effective Communication for Strong Influence and Healthy Relationships 18- The Cricket Experience and The Touting Culture 19- Do You Judge People Fairly? 20- Benefits Of Being Organized And How To Be Organized? 21- Work-Life Balance Of A Newly Married Friend 22- How To Respond In Tragic Moments? 23-TheConceptofVirtualDiaperTreatmentofEthicalDiseases

24- 15 Ways To Find New Job 25- 10 Tips To Fight Depression 26-EmployeesAreLikeBatteries5TechniquesToRechargeThem 27- Sugar Coated Person Or A Genuine Human Being? 28-StoryCarelessnessinMedicinesUsage 29- Three Options To Fight Stress 30- Reducing The Gap Between Potential and Performance 31- Islamic: Do I Really Know what is Halal and What is Haram? 32- 10 Tips On How To Manage Emails Effectively 33- Are You A Responsible Citizen? 34- 9 Tips To Make Effective Decisions 35- The Power Of Not Looking Back 36- 6 Tips For Resolving Conflicts 37- Frequent Mood Swings Indicate Your Unstable Personality 38- Ten Tips To Simplify Your Life and Improve Your Happiness Index 39- Are You An Explosive Personality or the Implosive One? 40- How To Develop Good Habits and Get Rid of Bad Ones? 41- What Happens When Luxuries Become Routines? 42- Story-of-two-wolves.html 43- Time-does-not-stop-and-so-is-life.html 44- My Role To Resolve Energy Crisis 45- Enhancing Self Confidence in Childern 46- Giving The Right Advice 47- Everyone is unique - The Real Life Analogy

48- Spreading False Information 49- Arguing with Emotionally Hyper Minds and Idiots 50- Six Tips for Anger Management 51- Six Tips to Attain Peace of Mind 52- Which Smart Phone is the Best 53- Vision - A Critical personality Trait of Leaders 54- Six Techniquest to develop Empathic Skills 55- Keep the Engine Running 56- I am an Ideal Person 57- The Lady and the Salesman 58- Eighteen Ways to Make Your Parents Feel Great 59- Rumors - The Spices you enjoy may harm you too 60- Story - Manage Your Appearance 61- The Guide to Stress Management 62- The Dubai Beach and the Car Battery Issue 63- Zoom In and Zoom Out 64- Begin Your Leadership Journey 65- The Family Picnic and the Traffic Violation 66- Shielding Yourself From Negativity 67- Employee Feedback System 68- Quality of Work and the Quality of Workers 69- An Approach to Become a Successful Enterprenuer 70- Story: Mr Educated and Mr Wisdom 71- Top Ten New Year Resolutions 72- Do You Treat People Fairly?

73- The Seven Super Powers You Must Posses

1-ReasonsforNegativeThoughtsAndStressHowtoAvoidThem 23Learn To Differentiate Between Urgent and Important to Make Your Life Easy Count Them One By One

4-EthicalIssuesinOrganizationsHowtoHandleWhenTrapped 5Am I Corrupt? A Self Audit Article

6-WhatIsRealWealthHowToAchieve 789Need Success? Work On Your Thoughts The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Muslims How To Develop Analytical Skills

10- Understanding Ripple Effect In Multiple Dimensions 11- Compromising Ethical Values - What To Do when Trapped 12- How To Be Strong in Hard Moments? 13- Use Proactive Approach to Uplift your future 14- How To Build Trust To Empower Relationship 15-CriticismTheCreativityKiller? 16- Hard work Will Guarantee My Professional Growth? 17- Effective Communication for Strong Influence and Healthy Relationships 18- The Cricket Experience and The Touting Culture 19- Do You Judge People Fairly? 20- Benefits Of Being Organized And How To Be Organized? 21- Work-Life Balance Of A Newly Married Friend 22- How To Respond In Tragic Moments? 23-TheConceptofVirtualDiaperTreatmentofEthicalDiseases

24- 15 Ways To Find New Job 25- 10 Tips To Fight Depression 26-EmployeesAreLikeBatteries5TechniquesToRechargeThem 27- Sugar Coated Person Or A Genuine Human Being? 28-StoryCarelessnessinMedicinesUsage 29- Three Options To Fight Stress 30- Reducing The Gap Between Potential and Performance 31- Islamic: Do I Really Know what is Halal and What is Haram? 32- 10 Tips On How To Manage Emails Effectively 33- Are You A Responsible Citizen? 34- 9 Tips To Make Effective Decisions 35- The Power Of Not Looking Back 36- 6 Tips For Resolving Conflicts 37- Frequent Mood Swings Indicate Your Unstable Personality 38- Ten Tips To Simplify Your Life and Improve Your Happiness Index 39- Are You An Explosive Personality or the Implosive One? 40- How To Develop Good Habits and Get Rid of Bad Ones? 41- What Happens When Luxuries Become Routines? 42- Story-of-two-wolves.html 43- Time-does-not-stop-and-so-is-life.html 44- My Role To Resolve Energy Crisis 45- Enhancing Self Confidence in Childern 46- Giving The Right Advice 47- Everyone is unique - The Real Life Analogy

48- Spreading False Information 49- Arguing with Emotionally Hyper Minds and Idiots 50- Six Tips for Anger Management 51- Six Tips to Attain Peace of Mind 52- Which Smart Phone is the Best 53- Vision - A Critical personality Trait of Leaders 54- Six Techniquest to develop Empathic Skills 55- Keep the Engine Running 56- I am an Ideal Person 57- The Lady and the Salesman 58- Eighteen Ways to Make Your Parents Feel Great 59- Rumors - The Spices you enjoy may harm you too 60- Story - Manage Your Appearance 61- The Guide to Stress Management 62- The Dubai Beach and the Car Battery Issue 63- Zoom In and Zoom Out 64- Begin Your Leadership Journey 65- The Family Picnic and the Traffic Violation 66- Shielding Yourself From Negativity 67- Employee Feedback System 68- Quality of Work and the Quality of Workers 69- An Approach to Become a Successful Enterprenuer 70- Story: Mr Educated and Mr Wisdom 71- Top Ten New Year Resolutions 72- Do You Treat People Fairly?

73- The Seven Super Powers You Must Posses

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