Marketing Management: Submitted To Ms - Ayesha Latif

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Marketing Management

Submitted to Ms.Ayesha Latif

Submitted by Team Game Hunt 3/14/2013

Financial report

Total investment Rs.11, 600 (1450 * 8) Expenses: Del Frio-6,500 Transportation Cost- 1,000 Tent 3,500 Stuff toys 1,650 T-shirts - 400 Chart papers- 300 Toppings (sprinkles etc) 150

Total Rs. 13,500

Profit calculations
Capital Revenue 11,600 20,780 32,380 Less expense (13,530) 18,850 Less investment (11,600) Profits 7,250

Contribution to umbrella event branding prior to event: In BTL marketing, we made chart papers with name of our umbrella name above our own stalls name, we did SMS marketing, we took part in promoting the umbrella event by taking shifts at the promotional stall and we created buzz about the event through word of mouth. By using social media (Facebook), we sent invitation to our friends, we posted about our event on different groups on facebook, we also inbox our friends, links to our event page. We also made online posters and used them as our cover photos. Intended brand positioning understood by target market? Yes, our target market was able to understand that our services and products offered value to money. They recognized that our products and services were different to our competitors for example our competitors were offering snacks like chat and French fries but we were offering a branded ice cream, which showed diversification in our products and services. Product development was accepted, modifications requested by customers? Yes, we accepted product development for example our table tennis game was initially priced at Rs.30 per person. But our customers requested that the person who loses the tournament should pay for himself and for his/her partner, so we accepted their request and did some amendment in our game rules. Pricing decision proved unsuitable..any changes made in pricing? why? Initially we were selling a shirt for Rs.450 but due to poor sales we decided to change the price to Rs.250. Did sub branding prove more recallable or umbrella brand? Umbrella branding Hottest selling product/ service? Why? The hottest selling service for our brand was Table Tennis throughout the whole event because we were charging a low price for it, which made it easier and enjoyable for people to play. Slowest selling product/service? Why? T-shirts were the slowest selling product because we didnt have enough variety and maybe customers didnt have enough cash on them to buy t -shirts on campus

Crisis management done by team? We ran out of gifts that we were offering for the shooting games, so we asked some members to bring mugs as gifts. Sales revenue item wise: Table tennisDel FrioShooting gamesT-shirts- Rs.500 There were no sponsorships. Total proceeds amount in rupees bought to class. Rs. Customer insights understood via project: We learned that our customer were more inclined towards spending their money on products and services that were cost effective, and that they enjoyed playing games and that such activities should be conducted in Szabist more often Team dynamics and statement of contribution: Chengez Sultan: Zainab Essa: Aliza Saleem: Syeda Mehwish Kazmi: Ali Akbar: Zunair : Shayan : Mustafa:

Strategic Alliances with other business/brands? We had Del Frio ice cream as our edible item, since people knew about the brand; this made it easier for us to sell it and Del Frio was also able to advertise itself in Szabist.

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