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Platformer Template 2: Adding Level 2 ***IMPORTANT*** Please note that this tutorial is an EXTENSION to the 1st Platformer Template

tutorial. You NEED to have the 1st tutorial COMPLETED into order to follow this one. BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Have your GameSalad Platformer Template project already open. Step 1: Go to Home, then go to Scenes, and click the + to create a new scene.

Step 2: Rename Initial Scene to Level 1 and rename Scene 1 to Level 2.

Step 3: Double-click on Level 2 and add your Ground actors (platforms) into the game.

Platformer Template Step 4: Add your DeathZone actor(s) to the game.

Step 5: Add your Wall actors to the game (one on the left side and one on the right).

Step 6: Add your Door actor to the game.

Platformer Template 2: Adding Level 2 Step 7: Add your Player actor to the game.

Step 8: Double-click on Player actor, and open the code you named Level Win.

Step 9: Click on the part of the code that is called Reset Scene and DELETE it.

Platformer Template Step 10: Go to behaviors, find the Change Scene behavior, and add it into Timer.

Step 11: Click the Preview button and try it out! (Play from Level 1 to get to Level 2)

Level 1

Level 2

***If you want to create Levels 3, 4, 5, etc., then just simply repeat STEPS 1 THROUGH 7 ONLY***

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