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A T R I MB L E C O MPA N Y January 2013 | GPS World 3

January 2013
Vol. 24, Number 1

coVer storY
Spectrum Interference Standards
Out in Front 6
Let the Chips Fall
By Alan Cameron
exPert advice 8
High-Level Perspective on PNT Frontiers
By James D. Litton
the SyStem 18
Galileo IoV-3 broadcasts e1, e5, e6 signals; russian
sbAs luch-5b in orbital slot; eGNos and Galileo in
emergency call, road tolling; compass IcD rumored
the buSineSS 29
locata lands Air Force contract; raytheon uK GPs
Anti-Jam; Navman Wireless Professional Fleet tracking;
u-blox medical Alert system; leica Viva Gs14; events;
theres an App for GPS World; and more
An Evolving SAASM Receiver Story 74
Excerpt from Profession OEM Newsletter by Tony Murfin
OPiniOnS & dePartmentS
2013 Receiver Survey 35
SPecial 24-PaGe inSert
the only authoritative industry
resource for GPs chipset, module,
and receiver manufacturing
furnishes detailed design and
performance specifications for
more than 500 receivers from 55
Seeking a Win-Win Rebound from Lose-Lose
based upon lessons learned from the lightsquared situation, the author
identifies important considerations for GPs spectrum interference standards,
recommended by the PNt eXcom for future commercial proposals in bands
adjacent to the rNss band to avoid interference to GNss.
By Christopher J. Hegarty Bow highrise in Calgary; photos courtesy Rocky Annett, MMM Group Ltd.
Sponsored by | receiver Survey 2013
January 2013 | GPS World 39
Cold start 3 Warm start 4 Reacquisition 5 No. of ports Port type
Baud rate Operating temperature (degrees Celsius) Power source Power consumption (Watts) Antenna type 6
Description or Comments
<45s <15s <1s 4 2 RS-232, 1 Bluetooth, 1 TNC 1,200-115,200 -20 to +65 INT/EXT (9-18 V DC) 7 W INT/EXT
Dual Frequency Geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
<45s <15s <1s 4 2 RS-232, 1 Bluetooth, 1 TNC 1,200-115,200 -20 to +65 INT/EXT (9-18 V DC) 7 W
Triple Frequency Geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
<45s <15s <1s 4 2 RS-232, 1 Bluetooth, 1 TNC 1,200-115,200 -20 to +65 INT/EXT (9-18 V DC) 7 W INT/EXT
Dual Frequency Geodetic and RTK GNSS & TERRASTAR
L-Band receiver
<45s <15s <1s 8 3 RS-232, 1 Bluetooth, 1 USB, 1 Ethernet, 2 TNC 1,200-115,200 -20 to +65 EXT (9-30 V DC) 11 W EXTERNAL (1 or 2) Dual or Triple Frequency Geodetic and RTK, GNSS
Heading, & TERRASTAR L-band receiver
45s 35s 3s 3 RS-232, RS-232, USB 2.0 1 RS232 up to 921.6 kbits/ sec (RxD, TxD, CTS and RTS signals) 40 to +85 external < 0.8W in GPS L1; < 0.95W in GPS L1/L2 or GPS+GLONASS L1
Ext. active patch/antenna.; 2 antenna connectors Compact Dual-Frequency RTK OEM Board.; 2 antenna
connectors for handheld integration.; BLADE Technology
45s 35s 3s 4 RS-232, LV-TTL, LV-TTL, USB 2.0 RS-232 up 921.6 kbits/sec; LV-TTL up to 5 Mbits/sec; USB 2.0 up to 12 Mbps
-40 to +185F external 1.9W (GPS only),; 2.4W (GPS+GLONASS) Ext. active antenna (L1, L2) GPS/ GLONASS GPS+GLONASS+SBAS Dual-Frequency OEM Board.;
Z-BLADE Technology inside.
nr nr <3s 2 RS-230
300115,200 30 to +70 external 3
Patch, active (ER) For aviation; designed to FAA/RTCA specications
45s 35s 3s 6 3x RS-232, USB 2.0, Bluetooth, Ethernet RS-232 up 921.6 kbits/sec; USB 2.0 up to 12 Mbps; -22 to +149F external 5W with one GNSS antenna Ext. active antenna (L1, L2) GPS/ GLONASS GPS+GLONASS+SBAS Dual-board RTK+Heading System.;
Z-BLADE Technology inside.
90s 35s 3s 2 RS-232
300115,200 20 to +55 external 6
Patch with ground plane (ER) Precise heading, pitch, roll, and 3D position
90s 35s 3s 3 RS-232
300115,200 30 to +70 external 1.2 Microstrip GPS/beacon Uses SBAS signals for sub-meter differential positioning
90s 35s 3s 3 RS-232
300115,200 30 to +60 external 1.3 Microstrip GPS/beacon Sub-meter GPS+Beacon+SBAS receiver
45s 35s 3s 3 - 4 2-3 RS-232, USB 2.0,
-22 to +140F external 2.4 W - 6.5 W GNSS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS GNSS-centric engine. GLONASS-only capable. Z-BLADE
Technology inside.
<8 min <50 s 2-5 s 4 RS-422
960038,400 25 to +60 ext/int 5.5 patch (E)
For LEO satellites
<2min 20 s 25 s 1,1 RS-422, RS-232
9,60038,400 40 to +85 ext 3.75 patch (E)
Smart munitions
<2min 20 s 25 s 1,1 RS-422, RS-232
9,60038,400 40 to +85 ext 3.75 patch (E)
Inertial system integration
<2min 20 s <1s 1, 1 RS-232, RS-422
30019,200 40 to +71 ext/int 6
patch (E)
Satellite launchers, missiles
<2min 20 s <5 s 1, 1 RS-232, RS-422
30038,400 40 to +71 ext/int 4.5 patch (E)
<2min 5s <1s 1,1 RS-422, RS-232
9,600115,200 40 to +71 ext 14
4X patch (E) Artilery GPS ight computer
<2min 20s 25 s 1,1 RS-422, RS-232
115200 40 to +85 ext 4.5 patch (E)
10-MHz in, 2x1PPs out
<2min 13 s 3 s 2 TTL
9,600115,200 40 to +85 ext 1
GPS for artilery
<2min 6 s 3 s 2 TTL
9,600115,200 40 to +85 ext/int 3
GPS for artilery
<2min 5s <1s 1,1 RS-422, RS-232
9,600115,200 40 to +71 ext 14
4X patch (E) A/J GNSS for high dynamics
2ms 2ms 2ms na na
na na na
SW based GPS receiver
2ms 2ms 2ms 2 Serial/Parallel
TBD 3.3 TBD na
RFIC module
30s 30s 1s 3 I2C, SPI, UART
Up to 1/32 of reference clock 30 to +85 1.5-3.6 V 13mW na
Single-chip, single-die baseband and RF tuner
30s 30s 1s 3 UART, SDIO, SPI,I2C,PCM, I2S UART: 4M -30 to +85 1.2V - 5.5V 10mW na
Single chip, single die, GPS + GLONASS + Bluetooth +
30s 30s 1s 2 UART, I2C
UART: 4M -30 to +85 1.5-3.6 V 13mW na
Single chip, single die, GPS + GLONASS baseband
and RF tuner
30s 30s 1s 96 GPIO, HS UART (x4), SPI, I2C, SDIO/ MMC (x3), PCM, I2S UART: 4M -40 to +85 C Core: 1.2V, I/O: 3.3V, Audio 3V 300mW @ 700MHz na
Highly intergrated ARM11 Apps Processor + VFPU + GPS
Baseband + RF + LNA with support of DDR2
30s 30s 1s 2 UART, I2C
UART: 4M -30 to +85 1.5-3.6 V 13mW na
Single chip, single die, GPS + GLONASS baseband
and RF tuner
33s 33s <1s 1 SPI
2 Mbps 40 to +85 Single 1.8v supply 20mW average na
Single die GPS/AGPS baseband and RF front end
33s 33s <1s 1 SPI
2 Mbps 40 to +85 Single 1.8v supply 20mW average na
33s 33s <1s 1 SPI
2 Mbps 40 to +85 Single 1.8v supply 20mW average na
Two dies solution. GPS/AGPS baseband and RF front end
+ electronic compass
33s 33s <1s 1 APB
2 Mbps na na na
GPS/AGPS baseband IP for integration with host-processor
33s 33s <1s 1 APB
8 Mbps na na na
GPS/AGPS baseband IP for integration with host-processor
na na na 1 Serial
12-26 Msps 40 to +85 Single 1.8v supply 30mW max na
Single die GPS RF front-end
<45s <20s <1s 2 RS-232
19200-115200 -20 to +70C int LiPo/ext 9-30V 5W
active, external
<35s <34s <1s 2 UART, SPI, I2C
user selectable -40 to +85 Ext 0.008 E
Single die tracker
<35s <34s <1s 2 UART, SPI, I2C
user selectable -40 to +85 Ext 0.008 E
Single die engine
<35s <34s <1s na na
user selectable -40 to +85 Ext ~ 0.7 to 0.9 E
SOC: Apps Processor + GPU + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na
user selectable -40 to +85 Ext ~ 0.7 to 0.9 E
SOC: Apps Processor + GPU + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na
user selectable -40 to +85 Ext ~ 0.7 to 1.5 E
SOC: Apps Processor + GPU + video + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na
user selectable -40 to +85 Ext ~ 0.7 to 1.5 E
SOC: Apps Processor + GPU + video + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na
user selectable -20 to +70 Ext ~ 0.55 to 0.9 E
SOC: Apps Processor + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na
user selectable -20 to +70 Ext ~ 0.55 to 0.9 E
SOC: Apps Processor + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na
user selectable -40 to +85 Ext ~ 0.55 to 1.5 E
SOC: Apps Processor + GPU + GPS
<33s <32s <1s 2 UART, SPI, I2C
user selectable -40 to +85 Ext 0.008 E
Single die GNSS engine
<33s <32s <1s 2 UART, SPI, I2C
user selectable -40 to +85 Ext 0.008 E
single die tracker
<40s 36s <1s 1, 1, 1, 1 Serial, A/D, USB, Bluetooth 1,200115,200 bps 30 to +70 int., ext., LiIonP. 2.2 L1/L2 (E)
GPS L1/L2 carrierphase and data collection. WR
<40s 36s <1s 2, 1, 1, 1 Serial, A/D, USB, Bluetooth 1,200115,200 bps 30 to +70 int., ext, ., LiIonP. 3.2 L1/L2 GNSS (E) RTK,VRS, Precision post-procecssing, Precision GIS, GSM
modem opt. WR
<40s 36s <1s 1,1 PC Card (PCMCIA), USB 1,200115,200 bps -40 to +85 ext. 1.5
L1/L2 GNSS (E) RTK,VRS, Precision post-procecssing, Precision GIS, GSM
modem opt. WR
<40s 36s <1s 1,1 USB, Bluetooth option 1,200115,200 bps -40 to +85 int., ext, ., LiIonP. 1.5 to 2 L1/L2 GNSS Internal RTK,VRS, Precision post-procecssing, Precision GIS, GSM
modem opt. WR. Fully wireless operation capable.
<40s <36s <1s 2 Serial
1,200115,200 bps 40 to +85 ext. 1.5
L1/L2 GNSS (E) Based on easy-to-upgrade/modify FPGA design
<40s <36 s <1s 2 Serial
1,200115,200 bps 40 to +85 ext. 1.5 L1/L2 GNSS (E) as above
<<34s <33s <1s 1 1 BT
57600 20 to +50 internal battery
Active, 27 db
5 min 2 min < 1 min 2 1 Ethernet, 1 RS-232 10/100 Base-T, 19200 0 to +50 External < 10W L1 (ER)
GPS Time & Frequency
5 min 2 min < 1 min 2 1 Ethernet, 1 RS-232 10/100 Base-T, 19200 0 to +50 External < 7W L1 (ER)
GPS Time & Frequency
5 min 2 min < 1 min 2 1 Ethernet, 1 RS-232 10/100 Base-T, 19200 0 to +50 External < 7W L1 (ER)
NTP and PTP/IEEE-1588
5 min 2 min < 1 min 2 1 Ethernet, 1 RS-232 10/100 Base-T, 19200 0 to +50 External < 7W L1 (ER)
NTP and PTP/IEEE-1588
external, active
<40s <38s <3s 4 RS-232, CMOS
-40 to +85 ext <1W external, active SAASM
Now in its 21st year, the annual GPS World Receiver Survey provides
the longest running, most comprehensive database of GPS and
GNSS equipment available in one place. With information provided by 55 manufacturers on more
than 502 receivers, the survey assembles data on the most
important equipment features. Manufacturers are listed
alphabetically. Footnotes and Abbreviations below supply
additional information to guide you through the survey.
We have made every effort to present an accurate listing
of receiver information, but GPS World cannot be held
responsible for the accuracy of information supplied by the
companies or the performance of any equipment listed. In
some cases, data had to be abbreviated or truncated to fit
the space available. Contact the manufacturers directly with
questions about specific units. To be listed in the 2014 Receiver
Survey, e-mail
abbreviations apps: applications ARINC: Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
standard async: asynchronous bps: bits per second CP: carrier phase CEP: circular error probable
diff: differential ext.: external / int. = internal
m, min: minutes na or NA: not applicable nr: no response opt.: optional par.: parallel prog.: programmable ppm: parts per million
RMS: root mean square
s: seconds SBAS: Satellite-Based
Augmentation System
typ.: typical VRS: Virtual reference station
WP: waterproof WR: water resistant
1 User environment and applications: 2 Where three values appear, they
refer to autonomous (code), real-time
differential (code), and post-processed
differential; where four values appear,
they refer to autonomous (code),
real-time differential (code), real-
time kinematic, and post-processed
differential. 3 Cold start: ephemeris, almanac, and
initial position and time not known. 4 For a warm start, the receiver has
a recent almanac, current time,
and initial position, but no current
5 Reacquisition time is based on the
loss of signal for at least one minute.
6 E = provision for an external antenna
R = antenna is removable
A = aviation C = recreational D = defense G = survey/GIS H = handheld L = land M = marine Met = meteorology N = navigation O = other P = other position reporting
R = real-time DGPS ref.
S = space T = timing V = vehicle/vessel tracking
1 = end-user product
2 = board/chipset/module for
OEM apps
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GPS World | January 2013 6
out in front
Editor-in-Chief and Publisher Alan Cameron |
Managing Editor Tracy Cozzens |
Art Director Charles Park |
1360 East 9th St, Suite 1070
IMG Center
Cleveland, OH 44114, USA
847-763-4942 | Fax 847-763-9694 |
ContributinG editorS
Innovation Richard Langley |
Defense PNT Don Jewell |
LBS Insider Kevin Dennehy |
Professional OEM Tony Murfin |
Survey/GIS Eric Gakstatter |
Aviation Bill Thompson |
Wireless Pulse Janice Partyka |
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Chris Litton | | 323-229-6165
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ManuSCriPtS: GPS World welcomes unsolicited articles but cannot be held responsible for
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Published monthly
e either continue to totter at
the brink of a global financial
precipice, or we sit crumpled
on the canyon floor far below, peering
skyward, wondering what might have
been, and resolving to pick up what
pieces we can and carry on.
It is impossible to tell as this
magazine goes to press in December
just where we may find ourselves, and
in what shape, come the early days of
January 2013. Those elected parties
with responsibility for the state of our
fiscal affairs, who in the best of all
possible worlds would possess some
sort of vision for the future, continue
to posture, prevaricate, pander, and
generally excuse themselves from
worrying about what may happen to the
rest of us. After all, they will still be in
office and drawing good salaries come
the New Year, come what may.
The GNSS industry has pulled
through the last half-decade of
worldwide recession as well as most,
better than many. There have been
some casualties along the way, and
almost universal belt-tightening.
But we keep moving onward and
upward, blessed with a technology
that continues to find new and profit-
bearing applications, and encouraged
by researchers further out in front of us,
who discover and develop yet newer
possibilities at an astonishing rate.
Now we face new uncertainty. The
domino-paths of the global economy
wend this way and that, curving,
intertwining, doubling back, snaking
everywhere. A toppled piece here can
lead to a cascaded pile-up way over
on the other side of the board, and vice
It all comes down to end-user ability
to buy, to upgrade, to invest in the
future as opposed to holding tight
to whatever can be preserved in the
If characterizing GNSS end-users
could be done by naming off surveyors,
farmers, fishermen, and other outdoor
enthusiasts, then determining the
economic outlook for this industry
would be easier to do, though the
picture might not necessarily be any
more optimistic. But the GNSS end-
user community has swelled almost
immeasurably to include the automotive
industry, the telecommunications
industry (in both its infrastructure and
its own end-user equipment), utilities,
airlines and the aircraft industry,
militaries around the world, and even
governments themselves municipal,
state, and national. Every one of these
entities has a budget and acutely feels
the chills and in more delayed
fashion, the warmings of national
and global economies.
Should the United States Congress,
in full possession of all its political
wisdom, drive the country over the
fiscal precipice, reverberations of
the crash in the chasm below will
propagate far and wide and into the
very marrow of our bones.
We have overcome before. With
science and technology as our co-pilots
(or are they our engines?), we shall
overcome again. We may and should
speak out, attempting to influence the
political process, but we cannot control
its outcomes.
We can do our own jobs, and we
will. Accept change, keep calm, carry
Let the Chips Fall
The GNSS industry has
pulled through the last
half-decade of worldwide
recession as well as most,
better than many. Now we
face new uncertainty.
When youre working in remote locations, the last thing
you want to worry about is infrastructure. You need reliable
positioning, here and now.
Septentrio receivers, supported by TERRASTAR services,
can now realize reliable global DGNSS positioning with
an accuracy to 10 cm for people, vehicles and other assets
anywhere on land. Positioning that does not require local
base stations, radios or cell coverage.

With a background as one of the early innovators in
precise positioning, TERRASTAR is a leader in precise
land navigation, positioning, and guidance solutions.
TERRASTAR uses both GPS and Glonass satellites, and
its own worldwide network of reference stations to assure
accuracy, availability and reliability.
Why Septentrio?
Because we are reliable experts.
Because we are ahead.
Septentrio has implemented TERRASTAR
Global DGNSS services in its high quality GNSS
receivers, so people now have access
to decimeter accuracy even
in the most remote areas,
without the need for
ground infrastructure.
Giles Mack,
Business Director TERRASTAR
Visit us at
GPS World | January 2013 8
expert advice
he sixth annual Stanford PNT Symposium in
November brought together a select group of
experts to share insights from the latest research,
developments, and proposals, GNSS and non-GNSS, that
show promise for the international community. Among
other noteworthy presentations, we heard Brad Parkinsons
suggested incremental system changes to significantly
improve signal availability and accuracy, a comprehensive
update on Chinas Compass system, and the latest in
spoofing and proposed proofs of location.
GNSS in General
The budget realities of U.S. GNSS development, and
the need to maintain the systems at the high levels
of performance upon which so many critical and
commercially beneficial applications now depend, were
analyzed by two men with industry-household names, Brad
Parkinson and Gaylord Green.
Nibbles. Professor Parkinson gave a very sophisticated,
nuanced presentation entitled Nibbles, in which he
outlined feasible and productive technical steps to ensure
the preservation of what he described as the three As:
availability, affordability, and accuracy. Rather than do
radical surgery on accuracy or availability in order to
preserve affordability, he identified so-called nibbles at
requirements, incremental improvements enabled by use of
current technology advances, for example, vector (Spilker)
receivers, power-conversion efficiency improvements,
antenna gain and steering modifications, weight reduction
for multiple launch capability, and use of sensor fusion for
more robust receivers with greater jam resistance.
It was a high-level but quantitative system design
approach aimed at improving affordability and interference
resistance while maintaining and improving availability and
accuracy. He made the salient point that affordability with
a given level of performance is enhanced by availability,
that is, maintaining 30+ satellites on orbit brings multiple
benefits that improve affordability. The estimates of gain
from the nibbles struck me as conservative, at least for
those with which I had some quantitative feel.
Alternative Architectures. Col. Gaylord Green addressed the
same subject with a different approach, in a presentation
entitled GPS Alternative Architectures. His motivation
for alternative architectures was to provide the needed
PNT capability at an affordable cost. He pointed out that
GPS satellites have increased in dry weight from 334 to
2,100 pounds, and that the cost of the IIA, IIF, and III
satellites have gone from $100 million on orbit to $400
million on orbit. Colonel Green indicated that starting a
new development with the same signals cost more than
continuing with GPSIII. (The Congressional Budget Office
has recommended consideration of using IIF satellites to
maintain the constellation and bypassing GPS III.)
The reduced capability satellites are called NavSats.
He suggested that a mixed constellation of NavSats (with
minimal ancillary payloads and frequencies) such as 15
GPSIII and 15 NavSats would enable a constellation of 30
satellites; the minimum necessary to assure sky-challenged
users of satisfactory coverage. He recommended that
design of satellite power conversion to be set by start-of-
life, not end-of-life goals. Colonel Green identified the
signal priorities in terms of their functions (L-5, L-2, L1C,
and four military signals requiring crypto). Like Parkinson,
he identified technology changes in antennas and signal
architecture to reduce costs, necessitating a demonstration
program. He also indicated that advantage could be taken
of other GNSS constellations for civil signal purposes,
alleviating the demands on GPS satellites. Colonel Green
identified satellite constellation arrangements which would
be more cost effective (multiple launch) and provide
adequate coverage. He pointed out that such a NavSat
program would require a new start and would necessarily
constrain GPS modernization funding. In short, such a
GPS Alternative Architecture approach would combine
High-Level Perspective on PNT Frontiers
New Technology, New Applications, New Science from the Stanford Symposium
James D. Litton
Affordability with
a given level of
is enhanced
by availability:
maintaining 30+
satellites on orbit
brings multiple
benefits that improve affordability.
GPS World | January 2013 10
expert advice
continuation of GPS III as planned with the addition of
simpler, lighter satellites with reduced diversity of signals
to replace the aging GPS satellites now on orbit beyond
their design life.
Compass. Professor Jingnan Liu of the GNSS Research
Center of Wuhan University gave what most observers
thought was the first comprehensive and data-intensive
description of Precise Positioning results with the
COMPASS (Beidou) system. He showed that the Beidou
regional system, from which he presented copious data, can
currently provide standard positioning service with <10M
horizontal and <20M vertical accuracies at 95% confidence
level. He also showed that results with Beidou plus GPS
are 10-20% better than GPS alone. He provided results
for surveying, for ground-based augmentation, for RTK,
PPP, clock stability, orbital statistics, wide area differential
and many other metrics of PNT. Professor Parkinson
noted, in appreciating the presentation, that it was the first
detailed release of so much technical data on COMPASS
performance. The results noted above were obtained with
4GEO+5 IGSO+2MEO satellites. The constellation is
expected to grow to 5GEO+5IGSO+4MEOs by the end
of 2012 and to 5GEOs+3IGSOs+27 MEOs by 2020 for
a global service. The amount of data and the diversity
(application and instrumentation) of the data were truly
GPS Modernization. Dr. Keoki Jackson of Lockheed Martin
presented a comprehensive review of GPS Modernization
with charts which described the evolution of GPS from
Block I to Block III. He depicted the program as on
schedule for delivery of the first GPS III vehicle in May,
2014, with a 2015 launch. Most of this material was the
same as reported from the AFCEA GC-12 program in GPS
World earlier this year. A matrix comparing the attributes of
GPS III with GPSII and beneficial outcomes from Back-
to-Basics Investments were key takeaways.
Ground Control. Ray Kolibaba of Raytheon presented
a detailed overview of the OCX program, the next
generation Operational Control System. This presentation
also emphasized improvements in program management,
simplification of development practices, extensive use of
commercial development methods and predicted on-time
delivery with all of the attributes needed for both GPS III
and the existing constellation.
Military User Equipment. Col Bernie Gruber, Director of
the GPS Directorate, gave an update on current activities
with emphasis on progress in Military User Equipment
(MGUE) development. This material was somewhat further
advanced in schedule than the equivalent May 2012 time
frame in which the same subject was presented in much
detail at the AFCEA GC-12 meeting at the Directorate.
The currently hot topics of jamming and spoofing threats,
countermeasures and affordability were prominent in the
presentation. Some of the key achievements for 2012 listed
were the release of BAAs (Broad Agency Announcements)
for NavSat studies and the completion of a Congressional
Report on Cost Effective GPS). Launch of GPS IIF-3 and
delivery of GPS IIF-4, 5,6 & 7 were also noted. Security
Certification for MUE cards was a very noteworthy
achievement, which will make future MGUE development
and utilization much easier for the challenging jamming
and spoofing environment which is expected. The themes
of affordability and jamming and spoofing threats were
dominant in this review, as well.
General PNT
Norvald Kjerstad is a professor of Nautical Science at
Aalesund University College and a long-time professional
navigator in academic, geophysical, and shipping
communities. His paper vividly depicted the risks brought
about by climate change, by increased commercial interest
in shipping and mineral resource exploration in the Arctic
region, and by the very limited navigation infrastructure
and limited communications assets.
Arctic Navigation. Both DGPS and SBAS systems are
quite limited in the arctic, magnetic compass systems are
Stanford University professors Brad Parkinson, Jim
Spilker, Per Enge, Leo Hollberg, Mark Kasevich,
Sherman Lo, and Tom Langenstein, among others,
conduct an annual PNT Symposium, organized by
Tom Langenstein. The presentations given by the
invited speakers are generally very good indeed and
are selected to communicate new technology, new
applications, and new science. The subjects range
from breakthroughs in scientific understanding of
phenomena revealed by (or for) GNSS (and other
sensor systems) to strategic political and economic
issues in GNSS internationally and nationally in
defense and civil sectors, in universities, on farms,
and in oil fields. The by-invitation-only audience
consists of people whose expertise approximates that
of the speakers in their own corners of the field.
This article summarizes the principal messages, not
in order of presentation nor in detail, but grouped
by general subject matter. Those presentations given
short paragraphs here are more generally available
and have been presented in other, larger-scale
venues. No inference should be drawn about merit;
all were very worthwhile and I learned much from
Stanford PNT Symposium
GPS World | January 2013 12
expert advice
less accurateat the very high latitudes
( and their errors propagate into
navigation radar, collision avoidance
and other systems). Auroral effects
limit the availability of GNSS at times
(Glonass improves GPS because of
the higher orbital inclinations) and
hydrographic charts of the arctic
are frequently quite wrong, due to
changes in water depth and to limited
surveying frequency. Increased
tourism, shipping and resource
interest intensify the consequences of
the increased risk to seafarers.
The advent of Galileo and
Compass, integrated with GPS-
Glonass will greatly improve the
reliability of GNSS signals. However,
navigation through the ice, at places
thin and navigable and at random
places deep and massive (ice ridges)
is much more than knowing where
one is with respect to the center of
the earth. Radar helps with detection
and avoidance of ice ridges but the
sinking and grounding of icebreakers
and commercial vessels demonstrate
that much better knowledge of the
environment is needed to avoid
future disasters. The thousand-
kilometer shorter route over the
Pole can be very expensive and
not necessarily the fastest one.
However the increased activity in
the Arctic is going to continue, and
it is mandatory that safety factors
be given greater attention by the
International Maritime Organization
(satellite compasses are reliable where
magnetic ones are not, but the IMO
has not approved them) and by the
hydrographic services of the affected
From Farm to Front Office. Jim
Geringer, former governor of
Wyoming, now a director of ESRI and
a member of the GPS Excom gave, as
usual, a very entertaining presentation
(GPS/GNSS From the Farm to the
Front Office) with highly interesting
examples of the very broad and deep
impact of GNSS on society, including
financial statistics and object lessons
in the misuse or inaccurate use of
geospatial data. Geringer was an
engineer before he went into politics
and that came through clearly in
the presentations, even though he
was very self-effacing concerning
his technical credentials. He gave
amusing examples, not all from
Apple, of the effects of combining
current and historical geospatial data,
such as airport runways shown in
topography layers obtained before
leveling the airport areas, and a road
running across the valley filled by
Hoover Dam.
Geringer critiqued an attitude
on the part of GNSS professionals
in which their attention is more
devoted to the how of obtaining the
information than to the effects that
future changes might have on the
users. He discussed policy challenges
presented by the FCC mandate to find
500MHz of spectrum for high speed
wireless data, by affordability, by the
potential for jamming and spoofing.
It was good to be reminded of the
awesome realized economic benefits
of GNSS, the manifold applications
which GNSS systems enable and the
ease with which this potential can be
limited or actually damaged by pursuit
of other worthwhile objectives which
are politically favored or which bring
short term revenue into the treasury
at the expense of GNSS system
requirements in bandwidth. The less
obvious but equally or more beneficial
economic benefits of high accuracy
GNSS and the impact of actual lives
lost or resources untappedwere
illustratedand quantified in Geringers
broad presentation. One hopes that
this presentation will be or has been
seen at High GSA and policy levels in
the FCC and NTIA.
Geringers presentation provides a
nice segue into a presentation by:
LightSquared Lessons Learned.
Rich Lee of Greenwood
Telecommunications Consultants,
LLC and iPosi. Entitled Lessons
Learned from the GPS-LightSquared
Proceeding, it was an assessment
of the opportunities missed and
damage done in the drive to enable
the use of spectrum adjacent to GNSS
frequencies for 4G LTE wholesale
services through high power Auxiliary
Terrestrial Components (ATCs)
using MSS spectrum reallocated (or
repurposed) to the purpose under a
conditional waiver by the Chairman
of the FCC, Julius Genachowski, on a
recommendation by the International
Bureau of the FCC. According to
Lee, Greenwood was called in to
solve, if solutions exist the problem
of the spectrum collision between
the LSQ design and GPS, after the
collision occurred. He likened the
role of Greenwood to that of a tow
truck operator called in to clear up a
collision after the impacts. Lee served
on the TWG (Temporary Working
Group) as head of the cellular
subgroup and headed the NTIA/
Excom cellular tests. The presentation
was very good, technically, in both its
detailed and more strategic aspects
but both the history described and
Geringer critiqued an attitude on the part of GNSS professionals in
which their attention is more devoted to the how of obtaining the
information than to the effects that future changes might have on
the users.
Highway patrols monitor highways and catch those who violate speed limits.
There is no serious monitoring of GNSS bands. GNSS bands are routinely
intentionally or un-intentionally violated. This webinar focuses on GNSS
interference awareness and how to defend, monitor, and report such

JaNuary WebiNar
All About GNSS Interferences
How to Defend, Monitor, and Report
Javad ashjaee
President and CEO, JAVAD GNSS
Thursday, January 31
10 a.m. Pacific time / 1 p.m. U.S. Eastern
time / 6 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time
register today Free!
marketi nsi ghts
webi nar
Interference-free example
Moderately interfered example (5 dB)
Heavily interfered example (18 dB)
GPS World | January 2013 14
expert advice
the lessons learned (see below) were,
understandably, from the perspective
of a party which was unable, in this
particular instance, to achieve the
goals desired by their sponsors.
This failure was for reasons of basic
spectrum policy conflicts between
GNSS applications and those mooted
to become transcendent- mobile high
speed data for consumer and industrial
Lee depicted the lack of a
requirement in history for regulation
of receiver standards, as opposed to
transmitter standards, to the inability to
anticipate the crowded spectrum (for
example, his statement that spectrum
was regarded as free and minimizing
interference was the key objective, a
burden placed on the transmitters).
Now that spectrum is seen as
scarce and underutilized in many
U.S. government applications and
inadequately conserved in many civil
applications, the concept of receiver
standards for avoiding interference and
the use of advanced filterand antenna
technology in receivers as well as in
transmitterswould enable easier, less
confrontational and more lucrative use
of this 21st century El Dorado.
Parenthetically, Pierre de Vries
(University of Colorado, and a member
of the FCCs Technical Advisory
Committee) and others recently
testified to a House of Representatives
panel, recommending that harm
claim thresholds be established
with which to manage the trade-offs
between intrinsic receiver protection
requirements and transmitter power
distribution, so that instead of just
adding the specification requirement to
receivers, a flexible system approach
be adopted. They noted that it was
very difficult to anticipate the receiver
design needs for all applications. The
failure to understand the requirements
of precision GNSS receivers and the
simplistic concept of fences was a
large driver in the collision between
LightSquared and GNSS.
Lees lessons learned summary is:
Upper 10: candidate for ground
augmentation? The upper 10 MHz
(1545-1555 MHz) of spectrum was
originally allocated to LightSquared
through its acquisition of TerraSat.
During the 2012 conflict months,
LightSquared publicly abandoned
operating in the Upper 10.
Question: sound alternatives for this
band? (Including as a good GNSS
guard band)
Consider: sub-microwatt uses for
short range augmentation, such
as Department of Transportation
Intelligent Transport Systems
(ITS)-TWG findings. Given very
low effective isotropically radiated
power (EIRP), ample compatibility
with precision GPS nearby.
Precision GPS: 82 dBm worst case
Upper 10 susceptibility (1 dB C/
1 uW EIRP transmitter is about 13
dB below at 1 meter
Seems suitable for high availability
in urban areas; provides urban in-fill,
redundancy such as ITS
At 100-mETER range: Signals
~-135 dBm incident power at an ITS
receiver antenna
Band continues as a space-to-earth
downlink, shared with geostationary
Earth orbit-mobile satellite services,
including carriage of GPS/GNSS
corrections (OmniSTAR, StarFire)
Lee contested the FCC chairmans
assertion that the LightSquared-GPS
matter was an anomaly, saying instead
that it was foreseeable.
However, foreseeable anomalies
such as singularities exist in predictions
of scientists. I believe that this anomaly
was clearly foreseeable, but a hedge-
fund mentality, financial engineering,
and a long-held attitude toward GPS
in the FCC were the drivers of these
benighted decisions.
The gold rush is still on for finding
underutilized spectrum. Some systems,
including GNSS, utilize bandwidth
that needs protection for purposes
other than the usual communications
requirements. It is vital to honor the
homesteads of GNSS and protect the
noise floors. Receiver standards must
be considered very carefully because
communications receivers and high
precision GNSS receivers are very
different systems.
Scientific Subjects
Some presentations grouped under this
topic are available in ION publications
from GNSS 2012.
Atom Interferometry. Mark Kasevich
of Stanford presented his paper
on precision navigation sensors
based upon atom interferometry.
While application of these sensors
in general awaits many highly
difficult engineering advancements,
the outcome would be a great boon
to navigation, were the outcome
comparable to the evolution of chip-
scale atomic clocks.
Now that spectrum is seen as scarce and underutilized
in many U.S. government applications and inadequately
conserved in many civil applications, the concept of receiver
standards for avoiding interference and the use of advanced
filterand antenna technology in receivers as well as in
transmitterswould enable easier, less confrontational and
more lucrative use of this 21st century El Dorado.
here naviga ion
mee he worl

Munich, February 26 28, 2013
GPS World | January 2013 16
expert advice
Andrei Shkel reprised his paper
entitled Precision Navigation,
Timing, and Targeting enabled by
Microtechnology: Are we there yet?
Gravity. Tom Murphy of the
University of California, San Diego,
gave a fascinating paper of fundamental
importance to understanding gravity
by laser ranging to retroreflectors left
on the moon by various Apollo and
Russian missions. A highly contrived
initialism for the project is APOLLO,
for Apache Point Laser Observatory
Lunar Laser-Ranging Operation. The
work is a product of a seven-university/
research center consortium.
The system of APOLLO for
measuring the range of the moon
relative to the earth at Apache Point is
a marvel of experimental ingenuity and
advanced instrumentation in collecting
the few photons that get back from
the laser shots at the moon. Laser light
is caught by the retroreflectors and
returned to the telescope at Apache
Point. A very sensitive gravimeter
system at the observatory enables
compensation for the Earths crustal
motions, and orbital deviations are
compensated. Precisions of a few
millimeters in range to these devices
on the moon are achieved, almost
good enough to be useful in testing
the Strong Equivalence Principle of
General Relativity.
From an engineering point of view,
the timing, motion compensation,
detection sensitivity (a few photons
per shot), and several other features
of the system are truly impressive,
and the potential for improving our
understanding of general relativity,
so-called dark matter or energy, and
more, are exciting aspects of this work.
To have much better precision through
placing laser transceivers on the moon
to increase the number of reflected/
transponder photons in the samples
would appear to be quite valuable
and relatively simple NASA missions
for future work, even though the data
may eventually be sufficient to enable
theoretical advancements without such
added signal-to-noise benefit. This
paper was an example of excellent
engineering in the service of important
Vulnerabilities and Limitations
Charles Schue of UrsaNav gave a very
detailed and comprehensive paper on
wide-area timing, navigation, and data
using low-frequency technology. He
provided data for timing, location, and
data transmission over distances greater
than 125 nautical Mmiles.
eLoran. He made the point and
showed examples to demonstrate that
the technology for these systems exists
today, is highly affordable, and can
represent a major strengthening of the
nations critical infrastructure. The
systems and hardware he presented
are very attractive and seemingly very
Schue was preaching to the choir,
as far as I can tell; there is, in the PNT
community, no controversy about the
need for eLoran. Further, there is a
sense of disappointment and wonder
that so little money was saved at the
expense of great risk to our critical
PNT infrastructure, particularly in view
of the vulnerability to jamming and
spoofing of GPS and the other GNSS
systems for civil use; a vulnerability
analysis which informed the balance
(two) of the papers in this summary
Spoofing. Dennis Akos presented
data on spoofing tests conducted at
Lulea, Sweden, near a low-density
commercial airport with limited
road traffic and a restricted Swedish
Air Force weapons test area, and in
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, near a very busy
airport with dense roadway traffic.
The incidence of radio-frequency
interference (RFI) in the latter case was
great and in the former case negligible,
until the team introduced their jamming
and spoofing equipment.In both
cases, a simple automatic gain control
(AGC) monitoring design, which was
computationally efficient, was able to
detect and measure the RFI from the
Using all commercial off-the-shelf
(COTS) hardware, the jammer was
identified and located with time-of-
arrival and power-difference-of-arrival.
The researchers showed that using a
controlled reception pattern antenna
(CRPA) like the Stanford four-element
CRPA and all-COTS equipment,
jammers could be indentified and
located efficiently through AGC
processing. A large amount of detailed
data were presented with screen shots
and plots of the effects of the jamming
on the receivers.
Proof of Location. Logan Scott of LS
Consulting gave a paper on proof of
location. He projected the need for
location proof in several applications,
ranging from system control and data
acquisition intrusions that would affect
industrial control systems to bogus
Mayday calls, the response to which
is very expensive, and he provided
many examples of data security
applications. He also provided several
schemes, ranging from cryptographic
GPS RF signal structures to the use of
overlapping systems, like Galileo and
GPS, to enable verification of location.
Scott identified the massive security
threat represented by millions of smart
phone and tablet users who can store
millions of bytes of information, such
as maps of sensitive locations. An
authorized user of such a map, GNSS-
Scott identified the massive security threat represented by millions
of smart phone and tablet users who can store millions of bytes of
information, such as maps of sensitive locations. January 2013 | GPS World 17
expert advice
enabled, on a tablet or smart phone,
should be able to access the restricted
information if the user is in the right
location. However, a user, authorized
or not, outside of the restricted area
would find that area of the map blank if
he tries to access it externally, a kind of
location need-to-know control.
Scott anticipates the use of
temporary keys for weapons usage;
such keys would require that the user
be in a location authorized for such use.
He provides block diagram descriptions
of systems that would be feasible
to achieve these location proofs for
high-value and dangerous operations.
These block-diagram level descriptions
are accompanied by quantitative
assessments of the difficulties and
benefits of such system modifications.
It was a compelling tour de force
on the subject. We do not have time or
space to cover it well but the material
has gradually been built up from earlier
available publications by Scott at ION
conferences and in GNSS journals
and magazines. Both the need for such
systems and the means by which they
may be practically achieved are well
worth studying by those responsible for
policy and programmatic decisions, and
by technologists seeking new product
ideas and applications.
And More
A few interesting presentations do
not fit into the above categories.
Stan Honey, founder of the company
Sportvision (the creator of the first-
down yellow-line overlay in televised
American football, and many other
broadcast enhancements for sporting
events) and considered sailings
master navigator, gave a wonderful
dinner talk about the PNT technology
being utilized in the Americas Cup
TV graphics, umpiring, and race
management. Honey reflected upon
how competitive sailing, unlike other
professional sports, has fully adopted
the use of advanced PNT technology in
how the sport is umpired and managed.
Jason Wither of Microsoft presented
a paper on spatialized data for mixed
reality, which was very informative in
how various types and layers of data
are combined to create mixed-reality
Ron Fugelseth of Oxygen
productions showed his very
entertaining video entitled A Toy
Train in Space. The video was posted
on YouTube a few months ago and
immediately went viral. It is a fine
example of the use of GPS technology.
James D. Litton heads the Litton Consulting
Group and previously played key executive roles
at NavCom Technology and Magnavox.
Catamaran Resort Hotel San Diego, California
2013 International Technical Meeting
January 28-30, 2013
Plenary Session
Exploring the Frontiers of Navigation Unique & Exciting
New Uses of Navigation Technologies
Partial list of session topics:
Alternative Sensors and
Emerging Navigation
Augmentation Systems
(SBAS, GBAS, etc.)
Autonomous Navigation
Aviation Applications
Emerging GNSS and
GNSS Processing and
Interference and
Spectrum Management
Marine Applications
MEMS, Atomic Clock and
Micro PNT
Receivers and Antenna
Space Applications and
Remote Sensing
Space and Atmospheric
Terrestrial Applications
Urban and Indoor
GPS World | January 2013 18
GPS | Galileo | GLONASS | Compass
fter reaching its final
position, the Galileo IOV-3
satellite started transmitting
its first ranging signals on December
1. Within three days, the various
carriers (E1, E5, E6) and associated
modulations were activated, and full
in-orbit testing is now in progress.
Anyone with commonly available
GNSS receivers can presently access
the open signals in the E1, E5a, and
E5b frequency bands as well as the
wide-band E5 AltBOC signal.
According to statements made
at the recent 6th ESA Workshop on
Satellite Navigation Technologies
(Navitec 2012) in Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, the IOV-3 satellite,
which is also identified as Flight
Model 3 (FM3) and E19 after its
pseudorandom noise code, will
continue to use binary offset carrier
modulation specifically BOC(1,1)
on the E1 Open Service signals for
the time being. In contrast to this, the
first pair of IOV satellites has already
started to use composite binary
offset carrier modulation, which
offers better multipath suppression
in the received signal.
Right after its activation, IOV-3
could be tracked immediately by
the global network of stations
participating in the Multi-GNSS
Experiment (MGEX;
mgex) initiated by the International
GNSS Service (IGS).
The high quality of the
IOV-3 signals is illustrated by
measurements collected by the
Tanegashima station during a
10-hour pass of the satellite over
Japan (see Figure 1). The E5 AltBOC
pseudorange measurements in
particular exhibit an exceptionally
low noise and multipath level of
better than 10 centimeters at mid-
and high-elevation angles.
An attractive feature of the
Galileo system is the availability of
multiple signal frequencies, which
opens up numerous prospects for
precise positioning and scientific
Carrier-Phase Measurements
While the E6 signals foreseen
for a future Commercial Service
are not presently supported by
geodetic receivers due to the lack
of information on the transmitted
codes and possible licensing issues,
users can already benefit from the
E5a and E5b signals in addition to E1.
By way of example, the ionosphere-
free and geometry-free linear
combination can be formed from
carrier-phase measurements on
these frequencies. Results of some
galileo iOV-3 Broadcasts e1, e5, e6 Signals
Oliver Montenbruck, German Space Operations Center and Richard B. Langley, University of New Brunswick
3h 6h 9h


3h 6h 9h
GPS Time [s]

3h 6h 9h


Continued on page 27

Figure 1 Pseudorange errors of IOV-3 tracking at Tanegashima, Japan, using the E1 BOC(1,1)
signal (top) and the E5 AltBOC signal (center). The elevation angle over time is shown in the
bottom panel.
Lift Lift Tilt Tilt
1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65
1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1


View your target point on the TRIUMPH-VS
screen and walk towards it to stake it.
your GNSS January 2013 | GPS World 27
the SyStem
first tests using this combination for
IOV-3 are shown in Figure 2, based on
measurements made at four MGEX
stations: CUT0 (Perth, Australia),
GMSD (Tanegashima, Japan), KZN2
(Kazan, Russia), and SIN1 (Singapore).
The results provide an indication
of carrier-phase noise and multipath
effects but are free of long-term
variations that have earlier been
found in GPS L1/L2/L5 signal
It is anticipated that similar
measurement quality will be
obtained with the E1 and E5 signals
of IOV-4, which were activated on
December 12 and 13.
This level of performance
highlights the potential benefit of
Galileo signals in advanced triple-
frequency techniques such as
undifferenced ambiguity resolution
and ionospheric monitoring.
3h 6h 9h

Continued from page 18
Galileo E1, E5, E6

Figure 2 The difference between the ionosphere-free carrier-phase combinations formed from E1/E5a and E1/E5b signals received at four
MGEX stations: CUT0 (Perth, Australia), GMSD (Tanegashima, Japan), KZN2 (Kazan, Russia), and SIN1 (Singapore).
russian SBAS Luch-5B in Orbital Slot
The second Russian satellite-based
augmentation system (SBAS) satellite,
Luch-5B, has now been positioned
at its designated orbital slot of 16
degrees west longitude. The satellite
had been in a drift orbit since its launch
on November 2 at 21:04:00 UTC along
with the domestic communications
satellite Yamal-300K.
NORAD/JSpOC tracking data
showed Luch-5B arriving at its
geostationary position by about
December 13. Figure3 shows the
footprint of the satellite with the
elevation-angle contours at 30-degree
Luch-5B, the second of a set of
three geostationary satellites being
launched to reactivate Roscosmoss
Luch Multifunctional Space Relay
System, is expected to use PRN code
The Luch system will relay
communications and telemetry
between low-Earth-orbiting spacecraft,
such as the the Russian segment
of International Space Station, and
Russian ground facilities. The systems
satellites also carry transponders for
the System for Differential Correction
and Monitoring (SDCM), Russias SBAS.
The transponders will broadcast GNSS
corrections on the standard GPS L1
Luch-5A, launched in December
2011, resides in an orbital slot at 95
degrees east longitude. It began
transmitting corrections on July 12,
2012 using PRN code 140.

Figure 3 Geostationary position of Luch-5B, carrying a transponder for the Russian System for Differential Correction and Monitoring.
GPS World | January 2013 28
The Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
World Congress in Vienna this fall drew
attention to the multi-constellation
advantages provided by Galileo during
a session on eCall, the European
initiative for safer mobility. Galileo
will provide accuracy and reliability in
all the transport markets, but in the
case of emergency rapid assistance,
the positioning need is even more
critical, said Fiammetta Diani, market
development officer at the European
GNSS Agency (GSA).
A multiconstellation approach for
eCall and similar initiatives will deliver
better performance without additional
costs. Yaroslav Domaratsky from
NIS-GLONASS, the Russian national
navigation services provider, confirmed
that ERA-GLONASS, the Russian
version of eCall, will benefit from
multiconstellation. Solutions including
also Galileo are welcome in the Russian
Satellite ITS applications in road
transport cover much more than
in-car navigation. They include road-
user charging with satellite-based toll
collection systems; in-vehicle dynamic
route guidance for drivers; intelligent
speed adaptation to control the
speed of vehicles externally; traveller
information systems; and fleet-tracking
systems for better management of
freight movements and goods delivery.
Road Tolling
European road-toll operators outlined
how they plan to emply the European
Geostationary Navigation Overlay
Service (EGNOS) and Galileo to provide
new tolling solutions.
Luigi Giacalone, managing director
of Autostrade Tech, which provides the
technology for the French Ecomouv
project, said EGNOS will contribute
to reliably collect taxes on the heavy
trucks using the road charging scheme.
This is a tax, not a toll. It aims to collect
a new tax reliably and fairly according
to distance travelled, while dissuading
fraud, he said. Thanks to GNSS multi-
constellation, only 10 locations out of
the 15,000-kilometer network need
support beacons.
Ecomouv, which Includes
anti-jamming and anti-spoofing
mechanisms, covers 600,000 French
lorries and 200,000 foreign ones, and
will run from July 2013 for 11.5 years.
Giacalone said its performance target
was 99.75 percent accuracy of the
entire collection chain, and its trials had
already 99.8 percent accuracy.
Miroslav Bobok from SkyToll,
which operates Slovakias electronic
tolling operations, explained how the
system was able to cover not only 570
kilometers of motorways, but also 1,800
kilometers of first class roads in the
country. We needed a flexible system
to cover different roads in different
circumstances. And also to be fair to
drivers, so they pay only for what they
use, said Bobok. We cover all services,
not just toll collection, but enforcement,
and technological maintenance and
GNSS tolling means flexibility as well
as feasibility for SkyToll: since its launch
in mid-2010, many changes have been
made to the operation of the network,
but thanks to the technology, they were
easy to make. And they were cheap,
he said. While it is difficult to compare
costs with other country, SkyToll has the
lowest cost per kilometer to operate, he
said. GNSS is the best possible solution
for electronic tolling system in Slovakia,
and GNSS is the most suitable for ITS.
Changing the Game
Volker Vierroth from T-Systems, the
German IT services subsidiary of
Deutsche Telekom, explained GNSSs
game-changing role: the availability of
a huge variety of additional data linked
to actual positions; more computing
power, notably mobile and cloud-
based; fast and reliable networks
available now with broad coverage,
most recently with the shift from 3G to
4G; and smartphones, powerful and
versatile, surging to the fore.
GNSS [in the form of EGNOS] has
proved to be a reliable technology for
large-scale road charging on complex
networks, he said. Galileo will bring
further improvements, and may
become the cornerstone of future road
EGNOS and Galileo in Emergency Call, Road Tolling
Compass ICD Rumored
As this magazine goes to press,
unconfirmed reports from Shanghai
state that the Compass Interface Control
Document (ICD) will be released on
Decembe 27.
Such rumors surfaced in late 2010 and
again in late 2011. An October, 2011 GPS
World newsletter reported The long-
awaited signal ICD for Chinas growing
GNSS will appear this month, according
to representatives of the system who
spoke in a Compass: Progress, Status, and
Future Outlook workshop in September
The ICD has been rumored to
be available previously to receiver
manufacturers within China, creating
some disgruntlement among companies
outside the country. A workshop panelist
affirmed that GPS/Compass chips and
receivers are being actively developed
by many Chinese manufacturers and
research institutes. January 2013 | GPS World 29
Locata Tests Lead to Air Force Contract
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) signed a sole-
source, multi-year, multi-million dollar
contract with Locata Corporation
to install a ground-based LocataNet
positioning system at the White Sands
Missile Range in New Mexico. The
USAF will field Locatas technology for
reference-truth positioning across a
large area of White Sands when GPS is
being completely jammed.
In a recent USAF technical report,
the need for a new non-GPS based
positioning capability was described
by the 746th Test Squadron as the
key component for the realization of
the new gold standard truth system
for the increasingly demanding test
and evaluation of future navigation
systems for the U.S. Department
of Defense. The Air Force has now
contracted with Locata to provide this
capability for the USAFs future truth
reference, the Ultra High-Accuracy
Reference System (UHARS).
The report documented extensive
testing of a LocataNet covering 1,350
square miles (3,500 square kilometers)
deployed at White Sands. The USAF
and the 746th Test Squadron proved
a LocataNet can accurately position
USAF aircraft over a large area when
GPS is denied. Locata delivered
accurate independent positioning as
good as, or better than, the USAFs
current CIGTF Reference System (CRS).
The Locata non-GPS based positioning
capability is core to the UHARS that
will replace the CRS in 2014.
After aircraft testing, the USAF
concluded that the Locata system
had not only met the demanding
contractual tracking and positioning
requirements, but actually exceeded
them on many points. Some of the
milestones documented by the USAF
LocataNet position accuracy of 2.5
inches (6 centimeters) horizontally
and 6 inches (15 cm) vertically for
aircraft flying at a distance of 30
miles (50km) at up to 350 mph (550
km/hr) at 25,000 feet, without GPS.
Throughout the period of the
testing, the entire White Sands
network achieved nanosecond-
accurate synchronization within
several minutes of the LocataNet
being activated, and remained
synchronized even during severe
weather until turned off at the end
of each test.
By attaching a simple10 watt
amplifier, the USAF proved that
Locata signals could be acquired
and tracked by aircraft at distances

GooGle earth depiction of the USAF LocataNet test bed deployed at the White Sands Missile Range.
Industry news and developments | GPS | Galileo | GLONASS
Continued on page 30
GPS World | January 2013 30
the business
Raytheon UK has been awarded
a contract by the UK Ministry of
Defence for delivery of a new GPS
anti-jam antenna land system. The
contract is for an undisclosed number
of advanced systems for deployment
in operational theaters spanning
multiple vehicle platforms. This UOR
(Urgent Operational Requirement)
contract is the first award for
Raytheons GPS Anti-Jam (AJ) Land
product family. Raytheon UK has
delivered more than 7,000 units for air
and naval capabilities in the UK and
U.S., according to Bob Delorge, chief
executive, Raytheon UK.
The contract will see the
deployment of the systems under
a very short timescale, with final
delivery of the capability expected
to be completed six months from
contract award.
Raytheon UK is a subsidiary of
Raytheon Company.
Raytheon UK Wins Contract for GPS Anti-Jam System

fleet trackinG
Navman Wireless is offering two
professional services packages to
expedite, optimize and provide
problem resolution for 100-plus-
vehicle implementations of its
OnlineAVL2 fleet management
platform. The new services are
designed to reduce rollout and
configuration time by up to 80 percent,
produce a 50 percent faster return on
investment, and help corporate and
construction fleet managers derive
maximum value from the system by
doubling the number of features used.
Both the Standard and Turnkey
professional services bundles entitle
customers to a dedicated project and
account team, including a field services
engineer serving as a single point of
contact and project manager, plus the
use of a dedicated phone line staffed
with support specialists assigned
exclusively to handle larger accounts.
The Standard package includes
installation support, basic OnlineAVL2
configuration, a training website
and weekly group training webinars,
priority issue escalation, and a
yearly account review to evaluate
the customers use of the system
and identify opportunities to realize
greater benefits from the deployment.
The Turnkey package includes all
Standard features plus 80 hours of
project management time for on-site
project planning and user training
as well as weekly update calls and
advanced OnlineAVL2 configuration
for features such as geofences,
maintenance module setup, report
scheduling, and email and text alerts.
This premium package also includes
ongoing best practice guidance,
regular on-site business reviews,
API-based integration into backend
systems, and guaranteed 45-day
implementation with appropriate
advanced notice and asset availability.
Optional add-on services include
custom training and documentation,
installation and training at
additional depots or terminals, and
project management for complex

of up to 60 miles (100 km). Longer
distances could be enabled
by attaching higher-powered
The Locata system functioned
under dynamic aircraft operating
maneuvers, including banking,
angular and linear accelerations,
airspeeds up to 300 knots (560 km/
hr), and altitudes up to 30,000 feet
above sea level.
The USAF required Locata to
design, prototype, and deliver
aircraft-certified antennas for
use on both the Locata ground-
based transmitters and the USAF
aircraft. Locata worked with
Cooper Antennas Ltd. of Marlow in
Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom,
to produce an aircraft-certified
version of Locatas quadrifilar helix
antenna design.
Under the new contract, Locata
will provide the USAF with Locata
receivers and LocataLite transmitters
to blanket 2,500 square miles (6,500 sq
km) of the White Sands Range. Locata
will also deliver extended hardware
warranty, along with ongoing Locata
software and firmware upgrades, to
the year 2025; and provide long-term
consultation and expert technical
advice to ensure optimal operational
performance of the USAFs fielded
LocataNet systems.
Continued from page 29
Navman Wireless Debuts Professional Services for Fleet Tracking January 2013 | GPS World 31
the business
Munich Navigation Satellite Summit
Change of Dates: now June 1820, Munich, Germany
An announcement arriving at press
time states that the Munich Summit will
move from its previous February dates
to June 1820 instead. The Summit
features invited high-ranking speakers
from industry, science, and governments
dealing with the directions of satellite
navigation now and in the future.
European Navigation Conference
Apil 2315, 2013, Vienna Austria;
Sponsored by the Austrian Institute
of Navigation, ENC 2013 will focus on
present status and future developments
in navigation systems, with special
emphasis on Galileo. It will be a
showcase for state-of-the-art and
innovations in terrestrial and satellite
navigation. The implementation of
new technologies will be illustrated
by the industry exhibition, running
in parallel to the conference. Status,
Development, and Interoperability of
GNSS; Certification and Standardization;
Receiver and Antenna Technologies; and
China Satellite Navigation
May 1517, 2013, Wuhan, China
BeiDou Application Opportunities
and Challenges. Academic exchange,
commercial exhibition, technical forum.
9th European Conference on
Precision Agriculture
July 711 , 2013; Lleida, Catalonia, Spain
IGNSS Society 2013 Conference
July 1618, 2013, Queensland, Australia
The call for abstracts closes February 4.
Leica Geosystems has
released the Leica Viva
GS14 GNSS receiver.
It features built-in
GSM and a UHF radio,
internal memory, and
IP68 protection. When
combined with the Leica
Viva GNSS RTK, the
GS14 creates a tightly
integrated GNSS system.
The Viva GS14 can
be used as a light-
weight rover and as a
base station. It offers
a range of GNSS and
total-station solutions
combining precision
with maximum
versatility, the
company said. Users
gain speed and efficiency
by reducing the number
of setups and control
points with the unique
SmartStation, and the
SmartPole allows
instant switching
between GNSS and
TPS with a simple
icon tap. The
system exceeds
specifications in
industrial standards.
The temperature
range from -40C
to +65 C ensures
performance even in
challenging working
With Leica
SmartTrack and
integrated, the
Leica Viva GS14
tracks signals
with quality
and constantly
evaluates and verifies
the RTK solution to
ensure the most
reliable RTK positions.
The Leica Viva GS14
also is ready for
future satellite

Leica Viva GS14


NovAtel is completing final
qualifications for its next-generation
Wide-Area Augmentation System
(WAAS) G-III reference receiver, which is
the measurement engine for the FAAs
modernized WAAS network, and will
be commercially available in 2013. The
WAAS G-III receiver provides standard
integrity monitoring and reference
measurements for the legacy GPS L1
C/A, L2 P(Y) as well as the modernized
L5, L1C, and L2C signals. The receiver
is ideally suited for a commercial-off-
the-shelf (COTS) measurement engine
at the front end of a dual-frequency
satellite based augmentation system
The G-III receiver platform is
designed to support multiconstellation
SBAS evolution programs, and can
support Galileo, Compass, and
GLONASS signals through software
upgrades and/or added circuit cards for
increased capacity. This enables rapid
evolution of existing ground reference
systems to support modernized GPS
and added GNSS constellations.
NovAtel WAAS Receiver
GPS World | January 2013 32
the business
Mobile Storefronts Distribute 81 Billion Apps

Alberding GmbH, a developer and
distributor of professional GNSS
system solutions, will be offering its
Alberding A07 personal navigator
featuring NVS Technologies AGs
NV08C-CSM high-performance
multi-GNSS constellation receiver.
The Alberding A07 is a low-cost
single-frequency GNSS receiver
designed for personal navigation
and other sub-meter accuracy
positioning applications in an urban
The device integrates NVS
Technologies NV08C-CSM multi-
constellation (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
COMPASS, and SBAS) L1 receiver with
GPRS and Bluetooth communication
modules, an RFID reader, and a
processor. The Alberding A07 comes
with an integrated GNSS antenna,
but for monitoring and tracking
applications, it is also available with
an external antenna.
Applications include: pedestrian
navigation and tracking; navigation
for the visually impaired; RFID-based
indoor positioning; transportation;
GIS data collection; and displacement
monitoring and alarming.
The Alberding DGNSS processing
algorithm and Kalman filter take raw
GNSS observation data to compute
a highly accurate position solution
in real time. Position information can
then be transmitted via Bluetooth to
custom-specific applications running
on devices such as smartphones. For
example, the Alberding A07 can assist
blind or visually impaired people with
orientation and navigation on the
NVS Technologies Selected by Alberding for Sub-Meter GNSS Receiver

China Industry Report: Growth in Mobile Market

A new China Navigation Map Industry
Report, 2012-2014, released by
Sino Market Insight, predicts that
the revenue of Chinese navigation
electronic map industry will reach RMB
2.1 billion ($334 million) in 2014.
Started in 2002, the navigation
industry in China is still in the initial
stage of development compared with
the international market, the report
says. Chinas car navigation market,
PND navigation market and mobile
phone navigation market are in the
stage of rapid development, while the
markets of LBS service, real-time traffic
information service, and value-added
electronic map application services
based on mobile communication
technology are still in the initial stage of
From 2006 to 2011, the sales volume
of car navigation in China maintained
high-speed growth, with CAGR hitting
47.5 percent. However, the penetration
rate of car navigation is still low, so
Chinas car navigation market still has
huge growth potential. Meanwhile, the
growth speed of GPS mobile phone
market in China is amazing, the report
says. The sales volume of GPS mobile
phone in China approximated 100
thousand sets in 2006, and skyrocketed
to more than 50 million sets in 2011.
Mobile application storefronts had
collectively distributed a cumulative
total of 81 billion smartphone and
tablet apps as of the end of September
2012, according to a recent market
study from ABI Research. Of these, 89
percent were downloaded from native
storefronts that come with the devices
operating system.
The current status quo is based on
storefronts that the operating system
vendors provide as part of the OS
experience, and there is no evidence
that this would change in the future,
said ABI Research senior analyst
Aapo Markkanen. A year ago it still
looked like that, for example, mobile
operators could find a viable business
case in the curation of Android apps,
but that opportunity evaporated once
Google got its storefront act together.
Today, it makes sense for operators
to distribute apps only under special
circumstances, such as the ones that
were seeing in China. January 2013 | GPS World 33
the business
Apple iPad owners can now read GPS
World on their devices, through a free
application that provides an interactive
version of the magazine at your
touchtip, with access to digital back
issues, and an RSS feed of latest industry
Downloading the app is free and
simple. Search GPS World in the App
Store, or go to

location-baSed ServiceS
Trimble Outdoors Elite membership
program provides access to more
than 2,500 topo map bundles that
can be stored on smartphones
and tablets, and used with other
provided tools.
The program caters to hikers,
backpackers, and off-roaders, with a
smartphone app (iPhone, Android)
and tablet app (iPad, Android, Kindle
Fire) . Membership includes:
offline topographic maps of
remote areas, in large swathes,
storable on mobile devices,
bundled by state, county or park
more than 2,500 areas across the
United States These map files are
dragged-and-dropped onto a SD
memory card or into an iTunes
account then transferred to the
phone or tablet.
Public Lands: With the U.S.
patchwork of private and public
lands, its important to know
where the boundaries are and
whether the land is under private
or public ownership.
Weather Maps: Before heading
out the door, members can check
interactive weather maps to see
what clothing/gear to pack or
whether to change their itinerary.
Zoom in on exact areas for real-
time weather overlays, including
Doppler radar, satellite images,
wind speed, and temperature.
Printed Maps: Search-and-
rescue experts advise outdoor
enthusiasts not to depend solely
on electronics in the field.
Trip Planner to draw routes and
mark waypoints.
Trimble Outdoor Mapping for Fresh-Air Enthusiasts
Telit Wireless Solutions
has introduced the Jupiter
SE880 ultra-compact
GPS receiver module
for applications in the
commercial, industrial,
and consumer segments
including wearable and
handheld devices. The miniature
4.7 x 4.7 millimeter land grid array,
SiRFstarIV-based receiver module
employs 3D component embedding
technology to achieve performance
in all dimensions critical for regular or
size-constrained GPS applications. The
SE880 receiver module was conceived
to shorten time-to-market and to make
the chipset-versus-module decision an
easy one to make for device integrators.
Integrators can attain a working SE880-
based design in as little as a week
versus several months when starting
from a chipset reference
The Jupiter SE880
includes all components
necessary for a fully
functioning receiver
design, requiring
only a 32-KHz external
crystal for its time-base and TCXO
to complete the design, along with
antenna, power and data connections
adequate to the integrators needs, the
company said. For advanced designs
incorporating the supported satellite
based augmentation system (SBAS),
ephemeris data collected from the
satellites can be stored to SPI Flash
memory instead of the more common
and expensive alternative of the
EEPROM again reducing costs and
improving the business case for the

conSumer oem
Telit Receiver Based on 3D Embedded Technology

PerSonal trackinG
u-blox runs inside MobileHelp, a
provider of M-PERS (Mobile-Personal
Emergency Response System)
technology. Based on u-blox LISA
2G/3G wireless modem and MAX
GPS modules, the system includes
compact, portable alert devices that
function in and around the home,
and while traveling. Unlike traditional
911 services, MobileHelp devices
deliver instant position information
as well as personalized medical data
to an emergency response center at
the touch of a button.
The system is integrated with
nationwide wireless voice, data and
GPS for real-time medical monitoring
services, location tracking, and
instant voice contact with trained
emergency response operators; also
offers caregiver tools.
u-blox Medical Alert
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Eric Gakstatter, Survey editor for GPS World, produces, the Geospatial Solutions Weekly
enewsletter, frequent webinars, and a Twitter newsfeed with the latest news,
analysis, and trends in the expanding geospatial industry: software, services and data.
The GIS industry rang up $5 billion in 2011,
and will grow to $10.6 billion by 2015.
Keep up with this growing market.
Get ahead of it with expert analysis!
Now in its 21st year, the annual GPS World Receiver Survey provides
the longest running, most comprehensive database of GPS and
GNSS equipment available in one place.
With information provided by 55 manufacturers on more
than 502 receivers, the survey assembles data on the most
important equipment features. Manufacturers are listed
alphabetically. Footnotes and Abbreviations below supply
additional information to guide you through the survey.
We have made every effort to present an accurate listing
of receiver information, but GPS World cannot be held
responsible for the accuracy of information supplied by the
companies or the performance of any equipment listed. In
some cases, data had to be abbreviated or truncated to fit
the space available. Contact the manufacturers directly with
questions about specific units. To be listed in the 2014 Receiver
Survey, e-mail
apps: applications
ARINC: Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
async: asynchronous
bps: bits per second
CP: carrier phase
CEP: circular error probable
diff: differential
ext.: external / int. = internal
m, min: minutes
na or NA: not applicable
nr: no response
opt.: optional
par.: parallel
prog.: programmable
ppm: parts per million
RMS: root mean square
s: seconds
SBAS: Satellite-Based
Augmentation System
typ.: typical
VRS: Virtual reference station
WP: waterproof
WR: water resistant
User environment and applications:
Where three values appear, they
refer to autonomous (code), real-time
differential (code), and post-processed
differential; where four values appear,
they refer to autonomous (code),
real-time differential (code), real-
time kinematic, and post-processed
Cold start: ephemeris, almanac, and
initial position and time not known.
For a warm start, the receiver has
a recent almanac, current time,
and initial position, but no current
Reacquisition time is based on the
loss of signal for at least one minute.
E = provision for an external antenna
R = antenna is removable
A = aviation
C = recreational
D = defense
G = survey/GIS
H = handheld
L = land
M = marine
Met = meteorology
N = navigation
O = other
P = other position reporting
R = real-time DGPS ref.
S = space
T = timing
V = vehicle/vessel tracking
1 = end-user product
2 = board/chipset/module for
OEM apps
GPS World | January 2013 2
Beyond General Receiver
he in-depth specifications presented in
this GNSS receiver survey are critical for
making the correct purchase decision,
however specifications must always be considered
in relation to the demands of your application.
Buyers must consider matters of size, weight,
accuracy and availability and weigh them in
light of other factors such as cost and ease of
As well, certain aspects of a GNSS receivers
functionality may not be directly comparable by
considering receiver specifications alone. When
choosing your GNSS provider, consider the
following to ensure you optimize your GNSS
receiver purchase
Absolute Accuracy versus Relative Accuracy
The receiver survey displays the absolute
positioning accuracy of the various receivers, but
for some applications this is not the only quality
that matters. In traditional GNSS applications
such as surveying, absolute position accuracy is
critical. Precision farming and machine
automation require position
output that is also very
stable over time. GNSS
position accuracy can
vary over time with
changes in satellite
visibility or when
the receiver changes
between correction types.
These changes can result in
position solution discontinuities.
Receivers vary greatly in how they
deal with these shifts. When choosing a
receiver for your application, enquire about the
receivers relative position stability to ensure that
the receiver will suit your application. NovAtels
GL1DE and mode-match algorithms are specially
designed to ensure the position from the receiver is
as smooth as possible, regardless of the challenges
presented by the operating environment.
Heading and Orientation Determination
GNSS are by their nature position
determination systems. However many
applications such as excavating and drilling,
aircraft and marine vessel navigation, mobile or
airborne mapping require accurate orientation
information as well, which single-antenna GNSS
systems cannot easily provide. Direction of travel
can be used as an approximation of heading,
but true vehicle heading, roll and pitch must be
derived using an alternate approach.
There are multiple ways to work around this
limitation of GNSS. Heading can be determined
by measuring the 3D offset between two or
more GNSS antennas fixed to a vehicle. For
environments where the GNSS signal availability
is good, these systems can give a very accurate
measurement of the heading and pitch of a
vehicle. GNSS heading products like NovAtels
ALIGN technology can be easily deployed
onto a vehicle to provide heading for a range of
Inertial sensors (gyroscopes and accelerometers)
can also be used along with GNSS to compute a
3D attitude solution (roll, pitch, heading). GNSS/
INS systems have the advantage of computing
attitude and also of improving the position
reliability of the GNSS receiver. NovAtels tightly-
coupled SPAN GNSS/INS technology is available
on all our OEM6 receivers. SPAN offers a range
of IMUs to suit many applications requiring high-
rate, robust positioning and precise attitude.
Raw Data for Post-Processing
High precision applications usually rely on post-
mission processing of the GNSS data. GNSS
post-processing offers many advantages over
real time operation. If a real time solution is
not required, the raw GNSS measurement data
can be collected in the field and processed post-
mission to provide a precise position and velocity
solution. Post-processing allows for simplified
real time system operation without the need for
real time telemetry and allows lower cost receiver
hardware to be used. There are publicly available
reference station data or precise satellite clock and
orbit data for precise point positioning (PPP).
When choosing a receiver, consider how the data
James Hamilton January 2013 | GPS World 3
1. Does your vendor compete with you in your market? A true
OEM supplier will support you in winning market share in your
market and not show up at your customer with their product.
2. Does your vendor have a track record for GNSS innovation
and leading-edge technology?
3. Integrating a receiver into your system can be a complex
activity. Is your vendor set up to support you with the
integration effort? Is the product well documented and
designed for integration? Does the company have a support
structure of application engineers capable with assisting with
integration challenges?
4. Is your vendor a reliable and recognized manufacturer? As
receivers become more complex, only proven manufacturers
will succeed in offering high product quality and reliability.
5. Is your vendor a cooperative part of your supply chain?
Your vendor should support your needs with quick lead times
and flexible order fulfillment. NovAtels field-upgradeable
products allow customers to keep their inventory costs low and
offer product flexibility.
6. Is your vendor financially stable? The recent recession has
been difficult for the GNSS industry. Make sure your vendor is
likely to be around to support you with your current product
and to develop innovative, next-generation technology.
Choosing the right vendor
Just as there are technical considerations for choosing the right receiver, there are factors that should influence
whom you choose as your GNSS partner. Some questions to consider include:
processing will fit into your overall workflow. An easy to
use and easy to integrate software package can make all the
difference. NovAtels Waypoint post-processing packages
support GNSS and GNSS/INS processing with a simple,
yet extremely flexible user interface.
Antenna Selection
Choosing the correct GNSS antenna is vital to GNSS
system performance. A high performance GNSS antenna
provides superior multipath rejection and highly stable
phase center, both important to precision operations.
Matching the signals and frequencies between your antenna
and receiver is critical. If your vendor has an antenna
product-line, they can help fit the right antenna to the
With all spectrums of signals being utilized with modern
GNSS, intentional and unintentional interference and
jamming is becoming major concern. Anti-jamming
antennas such as NovAtels GAJT mitigate the threat to
military operations, timing and networks infrastructures.
Ease of Integration
Integration factors to be considered before you buy
of performance so that it can evolve as your needs
change. In this way by integrating one receiver, a
range of different applications can be satisfied with
only a change of software.
communication options available with the listed
receivers. It is also important to make sure the
receiver you choose has the interface protocols you
need for your application.
can be paired easily with other sensor devices to
provide position and velocity solutions with higher
precision and quicker update rates. These sensors
includes: accelerometers, gyroscope, and odometer
My interview in the 2011 GPS World GNSS Receiver
Survey provided additional information and advice
regarding the tradeoffs often required when choosing a
receiver. This information can be found on the NovAtel
website at
GNSS product information or integration advice can
also be obtained by clicking on the Get Expert Advice
button found throughout
A receiver should have a
scalable level of performance
so that it cn evolve as your
needs change.
receiver survey 2013 | Sponsored by
GPS World | January 2013 4
Manufacturer Model Channels/tracking
Signal tracked Maximum number of
satellites tracked
User environment and
Size (W x H x D) Weight Position: autonomous (code) / real-
time differential (code) / ; real-time
Position x update
rate (sec)
Altus Positioning Systems
APS-3 136 par. GPS+GLONASS L1, C/A & CP; L2, P-code & CP;
All in View GPS +
GLMNOPRV1 17.8 () x 9.0cm <1.3 kg 1.3m/0.5m/1cm+1ppm/2mm+0.5ppm
10 0.04
APS-3G 136 par. GPS L1, C/A L2, P-code & CP; L2C; L5 code &
CP, GALILEO L1 code & CP; E5a code & CP;
All in View GPS +
GLMNOPRV1 17.8 () x 9.0cm <1.3 kg 1.3m/0.5m/1cm+1ppm/2mm+0.5ppm
10 0.04
APS-3L 136 par. GPS L1, C/A L2, P-code & CP; L2C; L5 code &
CP, GALILEO L1 code & CP; E5a code & CP;
All in View GPS +
GLMNOPRV1 17.8 () x 9.0cm <1.3 kg 1.3m/0.5m/1cm+1ppm/2mm+0.5ppm
10 0.04
APS-U 136 par. GPS L1, C/A L2, P-code & CP; L2C; L5 code &
CP, GALILEO L1 code & CP; E5a code & CP;
All in View GPS +
GLMNOPRV1 17.7 x 16.7 x 4.8cm 1.6 kg 1.3m/0.5m/1cm+1ppm/2mm+0.5ppm
10 0.04
Ashtech / Boards & Sensors
MB 100 Board 45 par. GPS and GLONASS L1 C/A,; GPS L1/L2 P(Y)-
code, L2C, L1/L2 full wavelength carrier,; SBAS
code & carrier
AGLMNOPRV2 2.3 x 2.2 x 0.4in 0.78 oz 3m/25cm+1ppm/1cm+1ppm/ 0.3cm
+ 0.5ppm
nr 0.05s
MB 800 Board 120 par. GPS L1 C/A L1/L2 P-code, L2C, L5- GLONASS
L1 C/A, L2 C/A code- GALILEO E1 and E5 -
SBAS L1 code and carrier (WAAS/EGNOS/
MSAS)- Fully inde
AGLMMetNOPRV2 3.9 x 3.1 x 0.5 in 2.18 oz 3m/25cm+1ppm/1cm+1ppm/ 0.3cm
+ 0.5ppm
nr 0.05s
SkyNav GG12W
GPS+SBAS - FAA Certiable
12 par. L1 only, C/A-code and carrier (GPS and SBAS) as above ADNO2 4.3 x 3.3 x 0.6in 3.8 oz 3m/1m/nr/5mm + 1 ppm nr 0.2s
HDS800 RTK+Heading
240 par. GPS L1 C/A L1/L2 P-code, L2C, L5- GLONASS
L1 C/A, L2 C/A code- GALILEO E1 and E5 -
SBAS L1 code and carrier (WAAS/EGNOS/
MSAS)- Fully inde
AGLMMetNOPRV2 8.46x7.87x2.99 in 4.6 lb 3m/25cm+1ppm/1cm+1ppm/ 0.3cm
+ 0.5ppm
nr 0.05s
ADU5 3D Attitude Sensor 56 par./2 beacon L1 only, C/A-code and carrier, SBAS, Beacon 12GPS + 2 SBAS ADLMNOT1 8.5 x 3.75 x 7.7in 4.125 lb 3m/40cm/nr 200 0.2s
DG14 GPS+SBAS Board 12 GPS + 2 WAAS as above as above ADGLMNOPRSTV2 108 x 57mm 2.3 oz 3m/40cm/1cm + 1 ppm/1cm + 1 ppm 200 0.05s
ABX14 receiver 14 par. as above as above ADGLMNOPRTV1 8.70 in x 2.28 in x 6.30 in 2 lbs 15
as above 200 0.05s
ABX Series GNSS sensors 45, 120 or 240 par. GPS L1 C/A L1/L2 P-code, L2C, L5- GLONASS
L1 C/A, L2 C/A code- GALILEO E1 and E5 -
AGLMMetNOPRV2 7.48x2.28x6.3 in 2.70 lb 2.5m/25cm+1ppm/1cm+1ppm/ 0.3cm
+ 0.5ppm
nr 0.05s
BAE Systems Rokar
GPS SpaceNav 24 par. correlator GPS L1 C/A code, 24 GPS 12 - all in view S1 2.49 x 4.33 x 8.11in 1.4 kg 5m/na/na/na 150 1
BP GPS 12 par. Correlator L1 only, C/Acode 12 - all in view ADLNO2 4.72 x 0.63 x 4.82in 105 g 5m/na/na/na 300 1
NT4RLG GPS 12 par. Correlator L1 only, C/Acode 12 - all in view ADLNO2 4.72 x 0.63 x 4.82in 110 g 5m/na/na/na 300 1
GPS SWIFT-NT 24 par. L1 only, C/Acode 24 - all in view ADN1 3.72x2.52x10.37in 1.1 kg 5m/na/na/na 300 1
NAVPOD NT 12 par. L1 only, C/Acode 12 - all in view ADNOR1 3.72 x 1.20 x 7.00in 580 g 5m/na/na/na 300 1
NavComp 36 par. Correlator L1 GPS C/Acode, L1 Glonass 36 - all in view ADNOR1 5.60 x 2.70 x 6.61in 1.7 kg 5m/na/na/na 300 10
HNR-10 12 par. Correlator L1 only, C/Acode 12 - all in view ADNOT2 4.80x0.75x3.66in 150 g 5m/na/na/na 40 10
GH-C GPS 12 par. Correlator L1 only, C/Acode 12 - all in view ADNP2 2.5 in diameter 25 g 5m/na/na/na 300 1
GH-L GPS 12 par. Correlator L1 only, C/Acode 12 - all in view ADNP2 2.3 in diameter 40 g 5m/na/na/na 300 1
A/J SNIR GPS 24 par. Correlator L1 GPS C/Acode, L1 Glonass 24 - all in view ADNP2 2.49 x 4.33 x 8.11in 1.4 kg 5m/na/na/na 300 10
Baseband Technologies, Inc.
GPS/PC Pro user dene GPS L1 C/A code user dene ACDHLMNOPV12 na na ~5m na 500Hz
BTI-2800LP user dene GPS L1 C/A code user dene ACDHLMNOPV12 0.7 x 0.7cm < 1g ~5m na 500Hz
BCM4751 12 GPS L1, SBAS, QZSS 12 NHC2 3 x 2.9mm < 1g 2m/1m/na/na (CEP) 50 1
BCM2076 12 GPS L1, GLONASS, SBAS 12 NHC2 4.28 x 3.83mm < 1g 2m/1m/na/na (CEP) 50 1
BCM47511 18 GPS L1, GLONASS, SBAS, QZSS 18 NHC2 2.85 x 3.02mm <1g 2m/1m/na/na (CEP) 50 1
BCM4761 12 GPS L1, SBAS 12 NHC2 11 x 11 x 1.2mm <1g 2m/1m/na/na (CEP) 50 1
BCM4752 >100 GPS L1, GLONASS, SBAS, QZSS, IMES >35 NHC2 2.0 x 2.4mm <1g 2m/1m/na/na (CEP) 50 1
ACLYS GPS/AGPS IC 80 ch. Up to 16 SV GPS L1 C/A All in View CHNV2 5.0 x 5.0 x 0.9mm 0.07g 3m, 3m, 3m, 5m na 1
80 ch. Up to 16 SV GPS L1 C/A All in View CHNV2 13.0 x 16.0 x 1.97mm 0.6g 3m, 3m, 3m, 5m na 1
Electronic Compass IC
80 ch. Up to 16 SV GPS L1 C/A All in View CHNV2 5.0 x 5.0 x 0.9mm 0.07g 3m, 3m, 3m, 5m na 1
Baseband IP
80 ch. Up to 16 SV GPS L1 C/A All in View CHNV2 na na 3m, 3m, 3m, 5m 100nS 1
Baseband IP
192 ch. Up to 30 SV GPS L1 C/A, GLONASS G1 All in View CHNV2 na na 3m, 3m, 3m, 5m 100nS 1
ACLYS-L RF Front End All in View GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, COMPASS All in View CHNV2 5.0 x 5.0 x 0.9mm 0.07g na na na
Communication & Navigation (C&N)
TinyBrother GPS 24 GPS L1 C/A code & CP All-in-View AGLV1 73 x 37 x 116mm 250g 5m/<1m/n.a./n.a. <50ns 1Hz
GSD4t 48 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS,QZSS 24 CHNV2 3.4 x 2.7 x 0.6mm na 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
GSD4e 48 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS,QZSS 24 CHNV2 3.5 x 3.2 x 0.6mm na 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
SiRFPrima Up to 64 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS,QZSS All in View CHNV2 16 x 16 x 1.1mm na 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
SiRFPrima Automotive Up to 64 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS,QZSS All in View CHNV2 16 x 16 x 1.1mm na 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
SiRFPrimaII Up to 64 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS, Glonass, Galileo,
Compass, QZSS
All in View CHNV2 17 x 17 x 1.1mm na 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
SiRFPrimaII Automotive Up to 64 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS, Glonass, Galileo,
Compass, QZSS
All in View CHNV2 17 x 17 x 1.1mm na 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
SiRFAtlasIV Up to 64 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS,QZSS All in View CHNV2 12 x 12 x 1.1mm na 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
SiRFAtlasV Up to 64 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS,QZSS All in View CHNV2 10 x 13 x 1.2mm na 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
SiRFAtlasVI Up to 64 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS, Glonass, Galileo,
Compass, QZSS
All in View CHNV2 13.4 x 12.6 x 1.16mm na 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
SiRFstarV 5ea Automotive Up to 52 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS, QZSS, Glonass, Galileo,
24 CHNV2 7.00 x 10.00 x 1.2mm na 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
5t Up to 52 GPS L1 C/A, SBAS, QZSS, Glonass, Galileo,
24 CHNV2 3.11x2.20x0.6 10m/nr/nr/nr (95%) nr Variable
DataGrid, Inc.
Toughman 336 or more
depending on
L1 full cycle CP, C/Acode, L2 full cycle CP, P2 or
L2C code, SBAS, option: GLONASS L1, full cycle
CP, C/Acode, L2 full cycle and L2 C/A code.
20 or more depending
on cong
GLMNOVR1 20 x 8.5 x 3.5cm 600g 1.5m/<1m /1cm/<1cm (RMS) <35 1,1/2,1/5, 1/10
Mk3 Chameleon 336 or more
depending on
as above 20 or more depending
on cong
GLMNOVRT1 27 x 8.5 x 3.5cm 750 g 1.5m/<1m /1cm/<1cm (RMS) <35 1,1/2,1/5, 1/10
Gator 336 or more
depending on
as above 30 or more depending
on cong
GLMNOVRT1 10 x 8.4 x 3.5cm 340 g 1.5m/<1m /1cm/<1cm (RMS) <35 1,1/2,1/5, 1/10, 1/20
Colibri 336 or more
depending on
L1 full cycle CP, C/Acode, L2 full cycle CP, P2
or L2C code, SBAS, GLONASS L1, full cycle CP,
C/Acode, L2 full cycle and L2 C/A code.
30 or more depending
on cong
GLMNOVRT1 17cm x 10cm ~400 g
depending on
1.5m/<1m /1cm/<1cm (RMS) <35 1,1/2,1/5, 1/10
DGRx (OEM) 336 or more
depending on
L1 full cycle CP, C/Acode, L2 full cycle CP, P2
or L2C code, SBAS, option: GLONASS L1, full
cycle CP, C/Acode.
20 or more depending
on cong
AHGLMOVRT2 90 x 60 x 12mm ~ 50 g 1.5m/<1m /1cm/<1cm (RMS) <35 1,1/2,1/5, 1/10, 1/20
standard, higher rates
DGRx-GNSS (OEM) 336 or more
depending on
L1 full cycle CP, C/Acode, L2 full cycle CP, P2
or L2C code, SBAS, GLONASS L1, full cycle CP,
C/Acode, L2 full cycle and L2 C/A code.
30 or more depending
on cong
AHGLMOVRT2 90 x 60 x 12mm ~ 50 g 1.5m/<1m /1cm/<1cm (RMS) <35 as above
Efgis Geo Solutions / OnPOZ
SubX 16 par. GPS L1 C/A code and carrier-phase, SBAS 16 GIS Mapping 12 x 6.5 x 4cm 0.67 lb 2.5m/2m/na/0.01cm (CEP) 1Hz
EndRun Technologies
Meridian Precision
8 par. GPS L1 C/A code 8 T1 17 x 1.75 x 10.75 in. < 5 lb Autonomous < 10 ns RMS 1
Tycho Time & Frequency
8 par. GPS L1 C/A code 8 T1 17 x 1.75 x 10.75 in. < 5 lb Autonomous < 20 ns RMS 1
Tempus LX Network Time
8 par. GPS L1 C/A code 8 T1 17 x 1.75 x 10.75 in. < 5 lb Autonomous < 30 ns 1
Unison Network Time Server 8 par. GPS L1 C/A code 8 T1 17 x 1.75 x 10.75 in. < 5 lb Autonomous < 30 ns 1
MSN Receiver 12 GPS L1/L2; CA and P(Y) 12 D 18 x 19 x 5.25 inches 30 lbs
EGR 2500 12 GPS L1/L2; CA and P(Y) 12 D 2.45 x 1.76 x 0.38 in 31 grams <10m <30 ns 1Hz
Sponsored by | receiver survey 2013 January 2013 | GPS World 5
Cold start
Warm start
No. of ports Port type Baud rate Operating temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Power source Power consumption
Antenna type
Description or Comments
<45s <15s <1s 4 2 RS-232, 1 Bluetooth, 1 TNC 1,200-115,200 -20 to +65 INT/EXT (9-18
7 W INT/EXT Dual Frequency Geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
<45s <15s <1s 4 2 RS-232, 1 Bluetooth, 1 TNC 1,200-115,200 -20 to +65 INT/EXT (9-18
7 W INT/EXT Triple Frequency Geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
<45s <15s <1s 4 2 RS-232, 1 Bluetooth, 1 TNC 1,200-115,200 -20 to +65 INT/EXT (9-18
7 W INT/EXT Dual Frequency Geodetic and RTK GNSS & TERRASTAR
L-Band receiver
<45s <15s <1s 8 3 RS-232, 1 Bluetooth, 1 USB, 1
Ethernet, 2 TNC
1,200-115,200 -20 to +65 EXT (9-30 V DC) 11 W EXTERNAL (1 or 2) Dual or Triple Frequency Geodetic and RTK, GNSS
Heading, & TERRASTAR L-band receiver
45s 35s 3s 3 RS-232, RS-232, USB 2.0 1 RS232 up to 921.6 kbits/
sec (RxD, TxD, CTS and
RTS signals)
40 to +85 external < 0.8W in GPS L1; <
0.95W in GPS L1/L2 or
Ext. active patch/antenna.; 2
antenna connectors
Compact Dual-Frequency RTK OEM Board.; 2 antenna
connectors for handheld integration.; BLADE Technology
45s 35s 3s 4 RS-232, LV-TTL, LV-TTL, USB 2.0 RS-232 up 921.6 kbits/sec;
LV-TTL up to 5 Mbits/sec;
USB 2.0 up to 12 Mbps
-40 to +185F external 1.9W (GPS only),; 2.4W
Ext. active antenna (L1, L2) GPS/
GPS+GLONASS+SBAS Dual-Frequency OEM Board.;
Z-BLADE Technology inside.
nr nr <3s 2 RS-230 300115,200 30 to +70 external 3 Patch, active (ER) For aviation; designed to FAA/RTCA specications
45s 35s 3s 6 3x RS-232, USB 2.0, Bluetooth, Ethernet RS-232 up 921.6 kbits/sec;
USB 2.0 up to 12 Mbps;
-22 to +149F external 5W with one GNSS
Ext. active antenna (L1, L2) GPS/
GPS+GLONASS+SBAS Dual-board RTK+Heading System.;
Z-BLADE Technology inside.
90s 35s 3s 2 RS-232 300115,200 20 to +55 external 6 Patch with ground plane (ER) Precise heading, pitch, roll, and 3D position
90s 35s 3s 3 RS-232 300115,200 30 to +70 external 1.2 Microstrip GPS/beacon Uses SBAS signals for sub-meter differential positioning
90s 35s 3s 3 RS-232 300115,200 30 to +60 external 1.3 Microstrip GPS/beacon Sub-meter GPS+Beacon+SBAS receiver
45s 35s 3s 3 - 4 2-3 RS-232, USB 2.0, -22 to +140F external 2.4 W - 6.5 W GNSS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS GNSS-centric engine. GLONASS-only capable. Z-BLADE
Technology inside.
<8 min <50 s 2-5 s 4 RS-422 960038,400 25 to +60 ext/int 5.5 patch (E) For LEO satellites
<2min 20 s 25 s 1,1 RS-422, RS-232 9,60038,400 40 to +85 ext 3.75 patch (E) Smart munitions
<2min 20 s 25 s 1,1 RS-422, RS-232 9,60038,400 40 to +85 ext 3.75 patch (E) Inertial system integration
<2min 20 s <1s 1, 1 RS-232, RS-422 30019,200 40 to +71 ext/int 6 patch (E) Satellite launchers, missiles
<2min 20 s <5 s 1, 1 RS-232, RS-422 30038,400 40 to +71 ext/int 4.5 patch (E) A/C PODS
<2min 5s <1s 1,1 RS-422, RS-232 9,600115,200 40 to +71 ext 14 4X patch (E) Artilery GPS ight computer
<2min 20s 25 s 1,1 RS-422, RS-232 115200 40 to +85 ext 4.5 patch (E) 10-MHz in, 2x1PPs out
<2min 13 s 3 s 2 TTL 9,600115,200 40 to +85 ext 1 nr GPS for artilery
<2min 6 s 3 s 2 TTL 9,600115,200 40 to +85 ext/int 3 nr GPS for artilery
<2min 5s <1s 1,1 RS-422, RS-232 9,600115,200 40 to +71 ext 14 4X patch (E) A/J GNSS for high dynamics
2ms 2ms 2ms na na na na na na na SW based GPS receiver
2ms 2ms 2ms 2 Serial/Parallel na TBD 3.3 TBD na RFIC module
30s 30s 1s 3 I2C, SPI, UART Up to 1/32 of reference
30 to +85 1.5-3.6 V 13mW na Single-chip, single-die baseband and RF tuner
30s 30s 1s 3 UART, SDIO, SPI,I2C,PCM, I2S UART: 4M -30 to +85 1.2V - 5.5V 10mW na Single chip, single die, GPS + GLONASS + Bluetooth +
30s 30s 1s 2 UART, I2C UART: 4M -30 to +85 1.5-3.6 V 13mW na Single chip, single die, GPS + GLONASS baseband
and RF tuner
30s 30s 1s 96 GPIO, HS UART (x4), SPI, I2C, SDIO/
MMC (x3), PCM, I2S
UART: 4M -40 to +85 C Core: 1.2V, I/O:
3.3V, Audio 3V
300mW @ 700MHz na Highly intergrated ARM11 Apps Processor + VFPU + GPS
Baseband + RF + LNA with support of DDR2
30s 30s 1s 2 UART, I2C UART: 4M -30 to +85 1.5-3.6 V 13mW na Single chip, single die, GPS + GLONASS baseband
and RF tuner
33s 33s <1s 1 SPI 2 Mbps 40 to +85 Single 1.8v supply 20mW average na Single die GPS/AGPS baseband and RF front end
33s 33s <1s 1 SPI 2 Mbps 40 to +85 Single 1.8v supply 20mW average na GPS/AGPS Module
33s 33s <1s 1 SPI 2 Mbps 40 to +85 Single 1.8v supply 20mW average na Two dies solution. GPS/AGPS baseband and RF front end
+ electronic compass
33s 33s <1s 1 APB 2 Mbps na na na na GPS/AGPS baseband IP for integration with host-processor
33s 33s <1s 1 APB 8 Mbps na na na na GPS/AGPS baseband IP for integration with host-processor
na na na 1 Serial 12-26 Msps 40 to +85 Single 1.8v supply 30mW max na Single die GPS RF front-end
<45s <20s <1s 2 RS-232 19200-115200 -20 to +70C int LiPo/ext 9-30V 5W active, external
<35s <34s <1s 2 UART, SPI, I2C user selectable -40 to +85 Ext 0.008 E Single die tracker
<35s <34s <1s 2 UART, SPI, I2C user selectable -40 to +85 Ext 0.008 E Single die engine
<35s <34s <1s na na user selectable -40 to +85 Ext ~ 0.7 to 0.9 E SOC: Apps Processor + GPU + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na user selectable -40 to +85 Ext ~ 0.7 to 0.9 E SOC: Apps Processor + GPU + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na user selectable -40 to +85 Ext ~ 0.7 to 1.5 E SOC: Apps Processor + GPU + video + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na user selectable -40 to +85 Ext ~ 0.7 to 1.5 E SOC: Apps Processor + GPU + video + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na user selectable -20 to +70 Ext ~ 0.55 to 0.9 E SOC: Apps Processor + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na user selectable -20 to +70 Ext ~ 0.55 to 0.9 E SOC: Apps Processor + GPS
<35s <34s <1s na na user selectable -40 to +85 Ext ~ 0.55 to 1.5 E SOC: Apps Processor + GPU + GPS
<33s <32s <1s 2 UART, SPI, I2C user selectable -40 to +85 Ext 0.008 E Single die GNSS engine
<33s <32s <1s 2 UART, SPI, I2C user selectable -40 to +85 Ext 0.008 E single die tracker
<40s 36s <1s 1, 1, 1, 1 Serial, A/D, USB, Bluetooth 1,200115,200 bps 30 to +70 int., ext., LiIonP. 2.2 L1/L2 (E) GPS L1/L2 carrierphase and data collection. WR
<40s 36s <1s 2, 1, 1, 1 Serial, A/D, USB, Bluetooth 1,200115,200 bps 30 to +70 int., ext, ., LiIonP. 3.2 L1/L2 GNSS (E) RTK,VRS, Precision post-procecssing, Precision GIS, GSM
modem opt. WR
<40s 36s <1s 1,1 PC Card (PCMCIA), USB 1,200115,200 bps -40 to +85 ext. 1.5 L1/L2 GNSS (E) RTK,VRS, Precision post-procecssing, Precision GIS, GSM
modem opt. WR
<40s 36s <1s 1,1 USB, Bluetooth option 1,200115,200 bps -40 to +85 int., ext, ., LiIonP. 1.5 to 2 L1/L2 GNSS Internal RTK,VRS, Precision post-procecssing, Precision GIS, GSM
modem opt. WR. Fully wireless operation capable.
<40s <36s <1s 2 Serial 1,200115,200 bps 40 to +85 ext. 1.5 L1/L2 GNSS (E) Based on easy-to-upgrade/modify FPGA design
<40s <36 s <1s 2 Serial 1,200115,200 bps 40 to +85 ext. 1.5 L1/L2 GNSS (E) as above
<<34s <33s <1s 1 1 BT 57600 20 to +50 internal battery Active, 27 db
5 min 2 min < 1 min 2 1 Ethernet, 1 RS-232 10/100 Base-T, 19200 0 to +50 External < 10W L1 (ER) GPS Time & Frequency
5 min 2 min < 1 min 2 1 Ethernet, 1 RS-232 10/100 Base-T, 19200 0 to +50 External < 7W L1 (ER) GPS Time & Frequency
5 min 2 min < 1 min 2 1 Ethernet, 1 RS-232 10/100 Base-T, 19200 0 to +50 External < 7W L1 (ER) NTP and PTP/IEEE-1588
5 min 2 min < 1 min 2 1 Ethernet, 1 RS-232 10/100 Base-T, 19200 0 to +50 External < 7W L1 (ER) NTP and PTP/IEEE-1588
ext external, active
<40s <38s <3s 4 RS-232, CMOS -40 to +85 ext <1W external, active SAASM
receiver survey 2013 | Sponsored by
GPS World | January 2013 6
Manufacturer Model Channels/tracking
Signal tracked Maximum number of
satellites tracked
User environment and
Size (W x H x D) Weight Position: autonomous (code) / real-
time differential (code) / ; real-time
Position x update
rate (sec)
CommSync II 12 par. Or 24 par. GPS L1 or L1/L2 24 (SAASM MRU) ADLMMetNOPT1 448mm (17.65) (19 EIA
Rack) x 134mm (5.25)
(3U) x 381mm (15.0)
25 lbs max Autonomous <50ns Peak 1
CommSync II-D 12 par. Or 24 par. GPS L1 or L1/L2 24 (SAASM MRU) ADLMMetNOPT1 448mm (17.65) (19 EIA
Rack) x 87mm (3.50)
(2U) x 381mm (15.0)
27 lbs max Autonomous <50ns Peak 1
GSync 12 par. Or 24 par. GPS L1 or L1/L2 24 (SAASM MRU) ADLMMetNOPT1 448mm (17.65) (19 EIA
Rack) x 44mm (1.75)
(1U)x 381mm (15.0)
10 lbs max Autonomous <50ns Peak 1
GSync II 12 par. Or 24 par. GPS L1 or L1/L2 24 (SAASM MRU) ADLMMetNOPT1 448mm (17.65) (19 EIA
Rack) x 87mm (3.50)
(2U) x 381mm (15.0)
15 lbs max Autonomous <50ns Peak 1
AccuSync II 12 par. Or 24 par. GPS L1 or L1/L2 24 (SAASM MRU) ADLMMetNOPT1 448mm (17.65) (19 EIA
Rack) x 44mm (1.75)
(1U) x 305mm (12.0)
10 lbs max Autonomous <50ns Peak 1
NanoSync IV 12 par. Or 24 par. GPS L1 or L1/L2 24 (SAASM MRU) ADLMMetNOPT12 102mm (4.00) x 89mm
(3.50) x 210mm (8.25)
4.4 lbs Autonomous <50ns Peak 1
NanoSync III 12 par. Or 24 par. GPS L1 or L1/L2 24 (SAASM MRU) ADLMMetNOPT12 102mm (4.00) x 58mm
(2.25) x 204mm (8.00)
3 lbs Autonomous <50ns Peak 1
NanoSync II 12 par. GPS L1 Only 12 ADLMMetNOPT12 109mm (4.3) x 32mm
(1.25) x 88mm (3.45)
0.7 lbs Autonomous <50ns Peak 1
GPStar Plus 12 par. GPS L1 Only 12 ADLMMetNOPT1 448mm (17.65) (19 EIA
Rack) x 44mm (1.75)
(1U) x 310mm (12.2)
7.2 lbs max Autonomous <50ns Peak 1
ftech Radio Frequency System
FM03 22 tracking + 66
GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 22 ACHLMNRTV2 11.5 x 13.0 x 2.15mm 2g 3m CEP/1.5mCEP < 100ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 10Hz by user
FMP04 22 tracking + 66
GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 22 ACHLMNRV2 26 x 26 x 11.7mm 12.5g 3m CEP/1.5mCEP < 100ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 10Hz by user
FMP04-TLP 22 tracking + 66
GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 22 ACHLMNRV2 26 x 26 x 11.7mm 12.5g 3m CEP/1.5mCEP < 100ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 10Hz by user
FMP04-RLP 22 tracking + 66
GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 22 ACHLMNRV2 26 x 26 x 11.7mm 12.5g 3m CEP/1.5mCEP < 100ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 10Hz by user
FMP04-ULP 22 tracking + 66
GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 22 ACHLMNRV2 26 x 26 x 11.7mm 12.5g 3m CEP/1.5mCEP < 100ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 10Hz by user
FM06-TLP 22 tracking + 66
GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 22 ACHLMNRTV2 16 x 16 x 6.7mm 6g 3m CEP/1.5mCEP < 100ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 10Hz by user
FM11 22 tracking + 66
GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 22 ACHLMNRTV2 11 x 11 x 2.15mm 2g 3m CEP/1.5mCEP < 100ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 10Hz by user
FGM-RLP 22 tracking + 66
GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 22 ACLMNRV2 30 x 34.1 x 8mm 50g 3m CEP/1.5mCEP < 100ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 10Hz by user
FGM-ULP 22 tracking + 66
GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 22 ACLMNRV2 30 x 34.1 x 8mm 50g 3m CEP/1.5mCEP < 100ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 10Hz by user
FGU04-T 50 GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 50 ACHLMNRV2 26 x 26 x 11.7mm 12.5g 2.5m CEP 60ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 5Hz by user
FGU-RLP 50 GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 50 ACHLMNRV2 30 x 34.1 x 8mm 50g 2.5m CEP 60ns RMS 1Hz default, max
up to 5Hz by user
FSP04-TLP 48 GPS L1 C/A code, SBAS 48 ACHLMNRV2 26 x 26 x 11.7mm 12.5g na/2.5 m CEP50 < 50ns RMS 1Hz
GN8421 32 L1 only, C/Acode, SBAS 12 Navigation 22.0 x 22.0 x 3.0mm 1ms (Max) 1
GN85 32 L1 only, C/Acode, SBAS 12 GPS, 2 SBAS Navigation 18.0 x 21.5 x 3.0 mm 1ms (Max) 5Hz
GV84H 32 L1 only, C/Acode 12 Navigation 15.0 x 64.0mm 1
GV85 32 L1 only, C/Acode, SBAS 12 GPS, 2 SBAS Navigation 18.0 x 21.5 x 3.0 mm 1Hz
GT8031 16 L1 only, C/Acode, SBAS 12 Timing/CDMA/Wi-MAX/LTE 33.8 x 20.8 x 6.3mm 30ns @ 2
GT8036 12 L1 only, C/Acode 12 Timing/CDMA/Wi-MAX/LTE 40.0 x 60.0mm 34ns 1
GT85 32 L1 only, C/Acode, SBAS 12 GPS, 2 SBAS Timing/CDMA/Wi-MAX/
18.0 x 21.5 x 3.0 mm 30ns @ 2
GT8536 32 L1 only, C/Acode, SBAS 12 GPS, 2 SBAS Timing/CDMA/Wi-MAX/LTE 40.0 x 60.0mm 30ns @ 2
eRideOPUS 5SD 32 L1 only, C/Acode, SBAS 12 GPS, 2 SBAS Automotive/Navigation/Timing 9.0 x 9.0mm 30ns @ 2
eRideOPUS 5FS 32 L1 only, C/Acode, SBAS 12 GPS, 2 SBAS Navigation 6.0 x 6.0mm 5Hz
GF180TC 16 L1 only, C/Acode 12 Timing/CDMA/Wi-MAX/LTE 51 x 51 x 16mm <50g 30ns @ 2
GF8052 16 L1 only, C/Acode, SBAS 12 Timing/CDMA/Wi-MAX/LTE 51 x 51 x 19mm <50g 30ns @ 2
GF8048 16 L1 only, C/Acode 12 Timing/CDMA/Wi-MAX/LTE/
Digital Broadcast
207 x 327 x 98.5mm <3kg 30ns @ 2
GF8557 32 L1 only, C/Acode, SBAS 12 GPS, 2 SBAS Timing/CDMA/Wi-MAX/LTE/
Digital Broadcast
100 x 100 x 28.3mm <120g 30ns @ 2
Geneq inc.
SXBlue GNSS 39 channel L1 C/A code & phase, GPS + GLONASS, SBAS 27 DGLMNR1 8.5 x 3.5 x 11.2cm .6 lb 2.5m/60cm/3cm/1cm , 95% na 1 to 10Hz, optional
SXBlue II GPS 12 channel L1 C/A code & phase GPS, SBAS 12 DGHLMNR1 8.0 x 4.7 x 14.1cm 1 lb (w/batt.) 2.5m/60cm/3cm/1cm , 95% na 1 to 10Hz, optional
SXBlue II GNSS 39 channel L1 GPS C/A code & phase, GPS + GLONASS,
27 DGHLMNR1 8.0 x 4.7 x 14.1cm 1 lb (w/batt.) 2.5m/60cm/3cm/1cm , 95% na 1 to 10Hz, optional
SXBlue II-L GPS 12 channel L1 C/A code & phase GPS, SBAS, OmniSTAR
12 + 1 DGHLMNR1 8.0 x 5.6 x 14.1cm 1 lb (w/batt.) 2.5m/80cm/3cm/1cm , 95% na 1 to 10Hz, optional
SXBlue II-B GPS 12 channel L1 C/A code & phase GPS, SBAS, DGPS Beacon 12 DGHLMNR1 8.0 x 5.6 x 14.1cm 2 lb (w/batt.) 2.5m/60cm/3cm/1cm , 95% na 1 to 10Hz, optional
SXBlue GNSS L1/L2 117 channel L1/L2/(L2C) C/A & P code, GPS + GLONASS,
27 DGLMNR1 8.5 x 3.5 x 11.2cm .6 lb 2.5m/60cm/3cm/1cm , 95% na 1Hz, optional 10
& 20Hz
SXBlue III GNSS 117 channel L1/L2/(L2C) C/A & P code, GLONASS, CP, SBAS 27 DGHLMNR1 8.0 x 4.7 x 14.1cm 1 lb (w/batt.) 2.5m/60cm/3cm/1cm , 95% na 1Hz, optional 10
& 20Hz
SXBlue III-L GNSS 117 channel L1/L2/(L2C) C/A & P code, CP, GPS +
27 + 1 DGHLMNR1 8.0 x 5.6 x 14.1cm 1 lb (w/batt.) 2.5m/60cm/3cm/1cm , 95% na 1Hz, optional 10
& 20Hz
Geodetics Inc.
PDSU All in view GPS L1 C/A code, 24 GPS; (L2 optional) All in view 25 Cubic inches 1.5 lbs < 1m CEP 15 ns 1 sec up to 5Hz
Geo-LDV All in view GPS L1 C/A code, 24 GPS; (L2 optional) All in view 25 Cubic inches 15.8 oz +- [10mm + 0.2mm/km)] horizontal. 2
times less precise in vertical (1 standard
15 ns 1 sec up to 10Hz
Geo-Pointer All in view GPS L1 C/A code, 24 GPS; (L2 optional) All in view 40 Cubic inches 15.8 oz < O.01 deg depending on antenna
15 ns 1 sec up to 10Hz
SAASM RTK All in view Precise Position Service (PPS) Y-code on
both L1 and L2
All in view 85.6 cubic inches 28.7 oz +- [10mm + 0.2mm/km)] horizontal. 2
times less precise in vertical (1 standard
15 ns 1 sec up to 10Hz
GlobalTop Technology
FGPMMOPA6C 66 Channels All in
View Tracking
GPS L1 C/A code 66 ACDGHLMMetNPRSTV2 16 x 16 x 6.2mm Weight< 6g Without aid: 3.0m (50% CEP); DGPS
(50% CEP)
10 ns RMS Up to 10Hz(Default:
FGPMMOPA6H as above GPS L1 C/A code 66 ACDGHLMMetNPRSTV2 16 x 16 x 4.7mm Weight< 4g Without aid: 3.0m (50% CEP); DGPS
(50% CEP)
10 ns RMS Up to 10Hz(Default:
Sponsored by | receiver survey 2013 January 2013 | GPS World 7
Cold start
Warm start
No. of ports Port type Baud rate Operating temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Power source Power consumption
Antenna type
Description or Comments
< 20 min < 2 min < 2 min 4 RS-232/Ethernet/GbE 19.2K 0 to +50 C Ext Varies Active L1 or L1/L2 GPS Timing System - Modular, redundant, 13 expansion
< 20 min < 2 min < 2 min 4 RS-232/Ethernet/GbE 19.2K 0 to +50 C Ext Varies Active L1 or L1/L2 GPS Timing System - Modular, redundant, 8 expansion slots
< 20 min < 2 min < 2 min 3 RS-232/Ethernet/GbE 19.2K 0 to +50 C Ext Varies Active L1 or L1/L2 GPS Timing System - Modular 4 expansion slots
< 20 min < 2 min < 2 min 3 RS-232/Ethernet/GbE 19.2K 0 to +50 C Ext Varies Active L1 or L1/L2 GPS Timing System - Modular, 8 expansion slots
< 20 min < 2 min < 2 min 3 RS-232/Ethernet 19.2K 0 to +50 C Ext Varies Active L1 or L1/L2 GPS Timing System - Multiple xed time and frequency
outputs with PTP/NTP
< 20 min < 2 min < 2 min 2 RS-232/Ethernet 19.2K 0 to +50 C Ext 25W @ 25 C steady state Active L1 or L1/L2 Small form, Rubidium and C/A or SAASM PNT engine with
< 20 min < 2 min < 2 min 1 RS-232 19.2K 0 to +50 C Ext 5W @ 25 C steady state Active L1 or L1/L2 Small form, OCXO and C/A or SAASM PNT engine with
< 20 min < 2 min < 2 min 1 RS-232 19.2K 0 to +50 C Ext 10W @ 25 C steady state Active L1 Small Form and OEM GPSDO with 1PPS/10MHz
< 20 min < 2 min < 2 min 1 RS-232 Selectable 0 to +50 C Ext 50W @ 25 C steady state Active L1 1U Rackmount, GPS Event Trigger and Time Tag capability
<35s <34s <1s 1 UART 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext 30mA at 3.3V ext., active or passive MT3329 chipset, very high senstivity at -165dBM
<35s <34s <1s 1 UART 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext / built-in
backup battery
36mA at 3.3v active internal antenna as above
<35s <34s <1s 1 UART 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext / built-in
backup battery
24mA at 3.3V active internal antenna as above
<35s <34s <1s 1 RS232 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext / built-in
backup battery
24mA at 3.3V active internal antenna as above
<35s <34s <1s 1 USB 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext / built-in
backup battery
31mA at 3.3V active internal antenna as above
<35s <34s <1s 1 UART 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext 24mA at 3.3V active internal antenna as above
<35s <34s <1s 2 UART 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext 19mA at 3.3V ext., active or passive as above
<35s <34s <1s 1 UART/RS232 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext 37mA at 3.3V active internal antenna Smart antenna model, multi type connector and various
cable length availavle
<35s <34s <1s 1 USB 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext 37mA at 3.3V active internal antenna Smart antenna model, multi type connector and various
cable length availavle
<27s <27s <1s 1 UART 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext / built-in
backup battery
45mA at 3.3V active internal antenna uBlox AMY-6M
<27s <27s <1s 1 UART/RS232 4800115200 -40 to +85 ext / built-in
backup battery
45mA at 3.3V active internal antenna Smart antenna model, multi type connector and various
cable length availavle
<35s 35s <1s 1 UART 4800/9600 -40 to +85 ext / built-in
backup battery
24mA at 3.3V active internal antenna SiRF/CSR Star IV chipset GSD4e
38s 33s 2s 1 NMEA 9600 40 to +85 ext Passive
38s 33s 2s 1 NMEA 4800-115200; 40 to +85 ext Passive or Active
45s 34s 2s 1 NMEA 9600 30 to +85 ext Direct mount, passive. High
performance Dead Reckoning.
High performance Dead Reckoning, Antenna directly
38s 33s 2s 2 UART1 (for NMEA Input/Output); UART2/
I2C selectable (for IMU sensor data input),
Wheel tick capable
115200 40 to +85 ext Passive or Active High performance Dead Reckoning (Fusion)
44.9s 36s 8.4s 1 NMEA 9600 30 to +80 ext Active
52s 37s 9s 1 M12 (Motorola) compatible 9600 40 to +85 ext Active M12 (Motorola) compatible
70s 70s 5s 1 NMEA or M12 (Motorola compatible)
rmware selectable
4800-115200; 40 to +85 ext Active M12 (Motorola) compatible
70s 70s 5s 1 NMEA or M12 (Motorola compatible)
command selectable
4800-115200; 40 to +85 ext Active M12 (Motorola) compatible
33s 30s 1s NMEA 4800-115200; 40 to +85 ext Passive or Active Timing software available
32s 30s 1s NMEA 4800-115200; 40 to +85 ext Passive or Active Built-in ash
- - 1 Board to Board Connector; (10MHz,
9600 40 to +85 ext <0.7W Active GPS Disciplined 10MHz via TCXO oscillator; Master/
Slave Function
1 Board to Board Connector; (10MHz,
9600 20 to +80 ext Warm up:<6W; Steady
state :<3W
Active GPS Disciplined 10MHz via OXCO oscillator; Master/Slave
Function; Hold Over:<260 usec / 24h
2+18 Serial (DSUB9pin) ; Alarm (DSUB 15pin);
9BNC(10MHz), 9BNC(1PPS)
4,800 - 230,400 -40 to +70 ext; (internal
battery is available
for short term
Warm up:<63W; Steady
state :<25W
Active GPS Disciplined 10MHz via ; Ribidium oscillator (Low Phase
Noise); Master/Slave Function; Hold Over:<400 nsec / 1h;
( <3 usec / 24h)
- - 2 Board to Board Connector; (10MHz,
1PPS, NMEA, TOD); MCX Connector
4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 ext Warm up:<14W; Steady
state :<8W
Active GPS Disciplined 10MHz via OXCO oscillator; Hold
60s 35s <1s 2 Bluetooth, RS-232 (all independent) 4,800 - 230,400 -40 to +85 Ext (5V, 12V
or 24V)
3.2 W L1 GNSS Active The SXBlue series make optimal use of SBAS signals for
ground users
60s 35s <1s 3 Bluetooth, USB, RS-232 (all independent) 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 Integrated battery 1.9 W L1 GPS Active to provide submeter realtime positioning all the time
60s 35s <1s 3 Bluetooth, USB, RS-232 (all independent) 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 Integrated battery 3.3 W L1 GNSS Active to provide submeter realtime positioning all the time
60s 35s <1s 3 Bluetooth, USB, RS-232 (all independent) 4,800 - 230,400 -40 to +70 Integrated battery 2.9 W L1 GPS/LBand Active Worldwide Portable OmniSTAR receiver (VBS Service).
Integrated Battery.
60s 35s <1s 3 Bluetooth, USB, RS-232 (all independent) 4,800 - 230,400 -40 to +85 Integrated battery 2.5 W Combined L1 GPS/DGPS Beacon Portable DGPS Beacon receiver. Integrated battery.
60s 35s <1s 2 Bluetooth, RS-232 (all independent) 4,800 - 230,400 -40 to +85 Ext (5V, 12V
or 24V)
3.3 W L1/L2 GNSS Active Dual Frequency GPS+GLONASS (external power)
60s 35s <1s 3 Bluetooth, USB, RS-232 (all independent) 172 Kbps -20 to +60 (batttery) Integrated battery 3.3 W L1/L2 GNSS Active Dual Frequency RTK GPS+GLONASS. Integrated battery.
60s 35s <1s 3 Bluetooth, USB, RS-232 (all independent) -20 to +60 (batttery) Integrated battery 3.9 W L1/L2/LBand GNSS Active Dual Frequency GNSS, Worldwide 10cm with OmniSTAR G2
service. Integrated battery.
<<34s <33s <1s 2 Serial, Ethernet, RF link TDMA -20 to +60 (batttery) ext/int (LIPO) 39ma External (user provided); will
support active or passive
Ruggedized for dismounted soldeir operations and low
dynamic vehicle
<<34s <33s <1s 2 Serial, Ethernet, RF link TDMA Input power 10-30
volts DC
External (user provided); will
support active or passive
Real-time navigation system for dynamic platforms
<<34s <33s <1s 3 Serial, Ethernet 4800/9600/14400/19200/
38400/57600/115200 bps
40 to +85 Input power 10-30
volts DC
External (user provided); will
support active or passive
High-accuracy, real-time heading system for dynamic
platforms based on GPS antennae mounted on a platform to
compute precise heading and pitch information.
Serial, Ethernet as above 40 to +85 Input power 10-30
volts DC
External (user provided); will
support active or passive
high-accuracy GPS capabilities using the military Precise
Position Service (PPS) Y-code on both L1 and L2.
<<35s <33s <1s 1 UART as above 40 to +85 ext 66 mW Ceramic Patch Antenna MTK (MediaTek) 3339 chipset, low power consumption,
advanced software supported
<<35s <33s <1s 1 UART as above 40 to +85 ext 66 mW 1. Ceramic Patch Antenna; 2.
Support for External Antenna
MTK (MediaTek) 3339 chipset, additional ext antenna
receiver survey 2013 | Sponsored by
GPS World | January 2013 8
Manufacturer Model Channels/tracking
Signal tracked Maximum number of
satellites tracked
User environment and
Size (W x H x D) Weight Position: autonomous (code) / real-
time differential (code) / ; real-time
Position x update
rate (sec)
GlobalTop Technology
Gmm-u2p as above GPS L1 C/A code 66 ACDGHLMMetNPRSTV2 9 x 12.7 x 2.1mm Weight< 1g as above 10 ns RMS Up to 10Hz(Default:
FGPMMOSL3C as above GPS L1 C/A code 66 ACDGHLMMetNPRSTV2 11.5 x 13 x 2.1mm Weight< 2g as above 10 ns RMS Up to 10Hz(Default:
Gmm-g3 99 channels GPS/Glonass/Galieo (on request) 99 ACDGHLMMetNPRSTV2 11.5 x 13 x 2.1mm Weight< 1g Without aid: 3.0m (50% CEP); DGPS
(50% CEP)
10 ns RMS Up to 10Hz(Default:
Hemisphere GPS
MBX4 2 ind. RTCM SC104 na GLMNPV1 4.9 x 2.0 x 5.9in 1.4 lb na/na/na/na na na
SBX4 (OEM) 2 par. RTCM SC104 na GLMNPV2 2.0 x 0.54 x 3.0in 0.06 lb na/na/na/na na na
A101 12 par. L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS) 12 AGLMNPRV1 5.7 x 4.1in 1.23 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 50 0.05
R100 12 par. L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS) 12 AGLMNPRV1 4.5 x 1.8 x 6.3in 1.2 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 50 0.05
R110 12 par. L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS) and Beacon 12 AGLMNPRV1 4.5 x 1.8 x 6.3in 1.2 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 50 0.05
R120 12 par. + 1 L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS), L-Band 12 + 1 AGLMNPRV1 4.5 x 1.8 x 6.3in 1.2 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 50 0.05
R131 12 par. + 1 L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS), Beacon
and L-Band
12 + 1 AGLMNPRV1 4.5 x 2.8 x 7.4in 1.9 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 50 0.05
P102 (Crescent (OEM)) 12 par. L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS) 12 AGLMNPRV2 1.6 x 0.5 x 2.8in 0.06 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 50 0.05
H101 (Crescent Vector II ) 12 par. (x2) L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS) 12 AGLMNPV2 2.8 x 1.1 x 4.3in 0.12 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 50 0.05
H102 12 par. (x2) L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS) 12 AGLMNPV2 14.8 x 4.1 x 1.0in 8.8 oz 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 50 0.05
VS101 12 par. (x2) L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS) 12 AGLMNPV1 4.5 x 2.8 x 7.4in 1.9 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 50 0.05
PA300 117 par L1/L2, C/A & P code & CP, (SBAS) and
27 AGLMNPRV2 3.2 x 2.0 x 1.5in <4.7 oz 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 20 0.05
P300 117 par L1/L2, C/A & P code & CP, (SBAS) and
27 AGLMNPRV2 1.6 x 0.5 x 2.8in <0.7 oz 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 20 0.05
P301 117 par L1/L2, C/A & P code & CP, (SBAS) and
27 AGLMNPRV2 1.6 x 0.5 x 2.85in <0.7 oz 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 20 0.05
P320 (Eclipse II (OEM)) 117 par. + 1 L1/L2, C/A & P code & CP, (SBAS), L-Band
27 + 1 AGLMNPRV2 2.8 x 0.5 x 4.3in <2.5 oz 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 20 0.05
H320 117 par. (x2) + 1 L1/L2, C/A & P code & CP, (SBAS), L-Band
27 + 1 AGLMNPV2 2.8 x 0.5 x 6.0in <3.0 oz 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 20 0.05
R320 117 par. + 1 L1/L2, C/A & P code & CP, (SBAS), L-Band
27 + 1 AGLMNPRV1 4.5 x 1.8 x 6.3in 1.4 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 20 0.05
S320 117 par. + 1 L1/L2, C/A & P code & CP, (SBAS), L-Band
27 + 1 AGLMNPRV1 4.5 x 7.8in 3.3 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 20 0.05
V102 12 par. (x2) L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS) 12 AGLMNPV1 16.4 x 6.2 x 2.7in 3.3 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/na 1-sigma 50 0.05
V103 12 par. (x2) L1 only, C/Acode & CP (SBAS) 12 AGLMNPV1 8.2 x 5.7 x 26.1in 5.4 lb 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 50 0.05
A325 117 par. + 1 L1/L2, C/A & P code & CP, (SBAS), L-Band
27 AGLMNPRV1 4.09 x 5.7in 19.7 oz 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma 20 0.05
SX-NSR user-dened;
Multi- & vector-;
up to 8 (with 2nd RF front-end)) signal chains
tracked in real-time in parallel GPS L1 C/A, L2
P, L2C, L5 Galileo E1, E5a, E5b, E5 AltBOC, E6
user-dened LNP1 15.7 x 6.9 x 18.0cm 3.5 lb ~10m (95%); Code accuracy: <20cm;
Carrier accuracy: < 1mm
<10 ns up to 25Hz PVT
NavX-NTR 120 par.; Narrow;
GPS L1 C/A, L2 P, L2C, L5, Galileo E1, E5ab, E6,
60 NP1 19 x 2HU x 33cm 19.8 lb ~10m (95%) <10 ns 10Hz PVT
ike100 16ch GPS L1 C/A code, CP 16 GPS 16 DGH1 28x11x6 0.6m CEP (SBAS)/1.5m CEP
na 1Hz PVT
ike300 16ch GPS L1 C/A code, CP 16 GPS 16 DGH1 28x11x6 0.6m CEP (SBAS)/1.5m CEP
na 1Hz PVT
ike1000 16ch GPS L1 C/A code, CP 16 GPS 16 DGH1 28x11x6 0.6m CEP (SBAS)/1.5m CEP
na 1Hz PVT
Interstate Electronics Corporation
TruTrak for projectile 12 dedicated or
L1 only, L2 optional C/A and Pcode, Ycode 12 D 6.2 x 3.9 x 0.5in <0.25 lb ITAR Controlled - Data available
upon request
100 0.5
TruTrak Locator 12 dedicated L1/L2 C/A and P(Y) 12 D 4.0 x 2.3 (ares to 2.65)
x 0.495in
<0.25 lb ITAR Controlled - Data available
upon request
100 1
TruTrak Munitions 12 dedicated or
L1/L2 C/A and P(Y) 12 D 3.42 x 3.42 x 0.495in <0.25 lb ITAR Controlled - Data available
upon request
100 0.5 or 1
TruTrak Evolution DS 24 dedicated L1/L2 C/A and P(Y) 12 D 1.75 x 2.45in 35g ITAR Controlled - Data available
upon request
Data available
upon request
Data available upon
TruTrak Evolution SS 12 dedicated L1 C/A and P(Y) 12 D 3.07 x 0.93in with tabs
to 1.49in
23g ITAR Controlled - Data available
upon request
as above as above
TruTrak Type II 24 dedicated L1/L2 C/A and P(Y) 12 D 1.76 x 0.368 x 2.45 35g ITAR Controlled - Data avliable
upon request
40 ns
TruTrak DM 24 dedicated L1/L2 C/A and P(Y) 12 D 2.46 x 0.347 x 2.49 ITAR Controlled - Data avliable
upon request
40 ns
Inventek Systems
ISM300F2-C4.1 20 par Channel
(200,000 correlators)
GPS L1 C/A code, 24 GPS 12 ACDGHLMNO 18 x 18 x 3.1mm 3.5g 5m, 2DRMS 1us 1Hz PVT
ISM300F2-C5.1-V0002 20 par Channel
(200,000 correlators)
GPS L1 C/A code, 24 GPS 12 ACDGHLMNO 18 x 18 x 3.1mm 3.5g 5m, 2DRMS 1us 1Hz PVT
ISM300F2-C5.1-V0003 20 par Channel
(200,000 correlators)
GPS L1 C/A code, 24 GPS 12 ACDGHLMNO 18 x 18 x 3.1mm 3.5g 5m, 2DRMS 1us 1Hz PVT
ISM300F2-C5.1-V0004 20 par Channel
(200,000 correlators)
GPS L1 C/A code, 24 GPS 12 ACDGHLMNO 18 x 18 x 3.1mm 3.5g 5m, 2DRMS 1us 1Hz PVT
ISM300F2-C5.0-V0005 20 par Channel
(200,000 correlators)
GPS L1 C/A code, 24 GPS 12 ACDGHLMNO 18 x 18 x 3.1mm 3.5g 5m, 2DRMS 1us 5Hz PVT
EZ-GPS 20 par Channel
(200,000 correlators)
GPS L1 C/A code, 24 GPS 12 ACDGHLMNO 18 x 18 x 12mm 7g 5m, 2DRMS 1us 1Hz PVT
ISM420 48 Track verication
GPS L1 C/A code, 48 GPS 24 ACDGHLMNO 9.5 x 10.5 x 2.5mm 3g 5m, 2DRMS 1us 1Hz PVT
ISM470 48 Track verication
GPS L1 C/A code, 48 GPS 24 ACDGHLMNO 12.5 x 15.0 x 2.5mm 5 f\g 5m, 2DRMS 1us 1Hz or 5Hz PVT
ISM480 48 Track verication
GPS L1 C/A code, 48 GPS 24 ACDGHLMNO 16.5 x 16.5 x 7.0mm 5 f\g 5m, 2DRMS 1us 1Hz or 5Hz PVT
Jackson Labs Technologies, Inc.
Chip Scale Cesium Atomic
Clock) GPSDO
12 par. L2, L1, Y(P), C/A, SAASM 12 ADLMMETNOT2 3 x 2.9 x 1in <3 Oz <2m RMS <15ns RMS 1Hz
HD CSAC (Chip Scale
Cesium Atomic Clock)
SWAP optimized GPSDO
50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOT2 2 x 2.5 x 0.5in <2 Oz <2m RMS <15ns RMS 1Hz
CSAC (Chip Scale Cesium
Atomic Clock) GPSDO
50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOT2 3 x 2.5 x 0.5in <2 Oz <2m RMS <15ns RMS 1Hz
FireFly-IIA 10MHz GPSDO 50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 1.5 x 3 x 1in 1.74 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
FireFly-IIB 10MHz GPSDO 50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 1.5 x 3 x 1in 1.74 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
Fury-DOCXO 10MHz
12 par. L1, C/A 12 ADLMMETNOT2 10.0 x 10.0 x 2.6cm 0.25lb <5m RMS <2ns RMS 1Hz
Fury-SOCXO 10MHz
12 par. L1, C/A 12 ADLMMETNOT2 10.0 x 10.0 x 2.6cm 0.25lb <5m RMS <2ns RMS 1Hz
FireFly-1A 16MHz GPSDO 50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 1.0 x 2.5 x 0.5in 0.64 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
FireFly-1A 10MHz GPSDO 50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 1.0 x 2.5 x 0.5in 0.64 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
FireFly-II 10MHz GPSDO 50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 1.5 x 3.0 x 0.8in 1.74 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
FireFly-IIA Ruggedized,
low-g 10MHz GPSDO
50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 1.5 x 3.0 x 0.8in 2 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
Sponsored by | receiver survey 2013 January 2013 | GPS World 9
Cold start
Warm start
No. of ports Port type Baud rate Operating temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Power source Power consumption
Antenna type
Description or Comments
<<35s <33s <1s 2 UART as above 40 to +85 ext 50 mW ext MTK (MediaTek) 3339 chipset, low power consumption,
advanced software supported
<<35s <33s <1s 2 UART 4,8009,600 30 to +70 ext 50 mW ext MTK (MediaTek) 3339 chipset, additional ext antenna
<<35s <33s <1s 2 UART 4,800115,200 30 to +70 ext 96 mW ext MTK (MediaTek) 3333 chipset, additional ext antenna
<60s <2s 2s 1 RS-232 or RS-422 4,800115,200 40 to +70 External 2.5 Beacon (ER) (included) 61108-4 compliant beacon receiver
<60s 30s <10s 2 3.3 V HCMOS 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <0.25 Beacon (ER) 61108-4 compliant beacon board with database search
receiver module
60s 30s <10s 2 RS-232, CAN 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <3 Integrated GPS+SBAS GPS and SBAS smart antenna
60s 30s <10s 3 RS-232, USB 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <3 GPS + SBAS + LBand (ER) (inc.) GPS and SBAS receiver
60s 30s <10s 3 RS-232, USB 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <3 GPS + SBAS + LBand (ER) (inc.) GPS, Beacon and SBAS receiver
60s 30s <10s 3 RS-232, USB 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <3 GPS + Beacon + SBAS (ER) (inc.) GPS, OmniSTAR and SBAS receiver
60s 30s <10s 3 RS-232, USB 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <3 GPS + SBAS + LBand (ER) (inc.) GPS, OmniSTAR, Beacon and SBAS receiver
60s 30s <10s 4 3.3 V HCMOS 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <1.0 GPS + SBAS (ER) GPS and SBAS receiver module
60s 30s <10s 4 3.3 V HCMOS 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <1 GPS + SBAS (ER) GPS and SBAS compass receiver module
60s 30s <10s 2 RS-232 4,800115,200 40 to +70 External <3 GPS + SBAS (ER) GPS and SBAS compass receiver module
60s 30s <10s 2 RS-232 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <5 GPS + SBAS (ER) (included) GPS and SBAS compass computes heading < 0.1 accuracy
(optional beacon differential)
60s 30s <10s 2 3.3 V HCMOS 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <1.9 GPS + SBAS + GLONASS (ER) L1/L2 GPS & GLONASS and SBAS receiver module
60s 30s <10s 4 3.3 V HCMOS, USB 4,800115,200 40 to +85 External <1.9 GPS + SBAS + GLONASS (ER) L1/L2 GPS & GLONASS and SBAS receiver module
60s 30s <10s 4 3.3 V HCMOS, USB 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <1.9 GPS + SBAS + GLONASS (ER) L1/L2 GPS & GLONASS and SBAS receiver module
60s 30s <10s 5 3.3 V HCMOS, USB 4,800115,200 40 to +70 External <2.5 GPS + SBAS + Lband +
SBAS receiver module
60s 30s <10s 5 3.3 V HCMOS, USB 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <3.25 GPS + SBAS + Lband +
compass receiver module
60s 30s <10s 4 RS-232, USB 4,800115,200 30 to +70 External <4.3 GPS + SBAS + Lband + GLONASS
(ER) (inc.)
SBAS receiver
60s 30s <10s 6 RS-232 (Multi-Use), RS-232, Bluetooth,
USB, Bluetooth, SD
4,80038,400 30 to +70 Internal w/ Option
of External
Rover: 4.4 Base Tx
UHF: 7
Integrated GPS + SBAS + Lband +
SBAS Samrt Antenna
60s 30s <10s 2 RS-232 4,800115,200 -40 to +70 External <3 GPS + SBAS GPS and SBAS compass receiver
60s 30s <10s 2 RS-232 480 Mbps USB 0 to +50 External <5 Integrated GPS + SBAS GPS ans SBAS compass receiver with integrated antennas
(optional beacon differential)
60s 30s <10s 2 RS-232, Bluetooth, CAN 10/100 Mbps -10 to +60 External <4.6 GPS + SBAS + Lband + GLONASS
(ER) (inc.)
SBAS receiver module
<55s <10s <1s 1 (2) 1 USB 2.0; (2 USB 2.0 with 2nd RF
-10 to +50 external <7.5W (<15W with 2nd
RF front-end)
Active, external Multi-frequency real-time software receiver with heading
(dual antenna) feature and external sensor data interface;;
includes an external notebook
<60s <30s <1s 1 1 Ethernet -10 to +50 ext (AC/DC) 90W Active, external Monitoring and reference station apps
<35s <20s <5s 1 USB, RS232 -10 to +50 int na Internal Patch internal Laser rangender (100m), compass and camera. For
measuring remote positions and dimensions from images
<35s <20s <5s 1 USB, RS232 153.6k (nominal) 42 to +85 int na Internal Patch internal Laser rangender (300m), compass and camera. For
measuring remote positions and dimensions from images
<35s <20s <5s 1 USB, RS232 9,600 (nominal) 20 to +70 int na Internal Patch internal Laser rangender (1000m), compass and
camera. For measuring remote positions and dimensions
from images
120s 35s 5s 2 RS-422, TTL 153.6k (nominal) 40 to +85 ext 3 (typ) E
120s 35s 5s 2 Serial RS-232 Serial TTL - CDU (debug) Data available upon
Data available upon
ext 3 (typ) E
120s 35s 5s 2 Serial RS-422 Serial TTL - CDU (debug) as above as above ext 3 (typ) E
Data available
upon request
Data available
upon request
Data available upon
3 COM1 ( either RS-232 or CMOS), COM2
(CMOS), DS-101/102, TOD and 1PPS
Input power
3.3 VDC
Data available upon
Two active Fully security approved conguration
as above as above as above 3 1 x RS 232 and 2 x CMOS serial ports,
DS-101,TOD and 1-10PPS
as above as above Passive as above
- 40 to +85
<120s <60 Data Avaliable on
8 serial data ports, 2RS - 232 2 SPI ( 7
slaves) 2 SDLC AMRAAM IMU Ports 21
general purpose I/O Extrenal 10MHz input
- 40 to +85 3.3 1.5 Passive and Active
4800 NMEA and 57,600
SiRF Binary
40to +85
Data avliable on
Data avliable on request 5 x RS - 422 supports SDLC/AMRAAM
DS101/102 TOD & 1PPS
4800 NMEA and 57,600
SiRF Binary
40to +85 3.3 2 Passive
<<35 <<35 100ms 2 UARTS up to 115200 Kbps 4800 NMEA and 57,600
SiRF Binary
40to +85 3.0-5V dc 100 mW acquisition, 65
mW tracking
Active direct connect via U.FL or
Pin 1 trace
Standard Firmware with -159 dBm tracking mode.
<<35s <<35s 100ms 1 UART NMEA 57600 SBAS enabled 4800 NMEA and 57,600
SiRF Binary
40to +85 3.0-5V dc 25 mA tracking Active direct connect via U.FL or
Pin 1 trace
Standard Firmware with -159 dBm tracking mode.
<<35s <<35s 100ms 2 NMEA 4800, Sirf Binary 57600 MID41 only 4800 NMEA and 57,600
SiRF Binary
40to +85 3.0-5V dc 25 mA tracking Active direct connect via U.FL or
Pin 1 trace
MID41 only
<<35s <<35s 100ms 2 Sirf Binary 57600, NMEA 4800, High
Altitude Build 42000 meters
4800 NMEA and 57,600
SiRF Binary
40to +85 3.0-5V dc 25 mA tracking Active direct connect via U.FL or
Pin 1 trace
High Altitude for Balloons
<<35s <<35s 100ms 2 Sirf Binary 115200, NMEA 57600,
5Hz outpu
4800 NMEA, 57,600
35 to +85 3.0-5V dc 25 mA tracking Active direct connect via U.FL or
Pin 1 trace
True 5Hz output
<<35s <<35s 100ms 1 UART NMEA 4800 4800 NMEA, 57,600
OSP - Prog.
35 to +85 3.0-5V dc 25 mA tracking SMA tp actoive antennna USB dongle with external GPS
<<35s <<8s 100ms 1 SPI,UART,I2C 4800 NMEA, 5,7600
OSP - Prog.
35 to +85 1.8 V dc 10 mW trickle mode Ext. passive antenna, surface
mount device
Integrated LNA, Low Cost ROM based.
<<35s <<8s 100ms 1 SPI,UART,I2C 9,600 - 115,200 -45 to +85 1.8 V dc 10 mW trickle mode Ext. passive antenna, surface
mount device
Integrated LNA, Flashed based,SGEE and CGEE capability
<<35s <<8s 100ms 1 SPI,UART,I2C 9,600 - 115,200 -45 to +85 1.8 V dc 10 mW trickle mode Integrated ceramic Antenna 12 pin connector, fully integrated stand alone GPS with anti
jamming, SGEE and CGEE
<45s <1s <1s 2 DS101 Key-Port, RS-232, USB, Alarm,
10MHz, 5MHz, 1PPS, LCD port
9,600 - 115,200 -45 to +85 8.0-36.0 V <2.7W 5V SAASM GPS with Y(P) code (Keyed), C/A code, and Chip
Scale Cesium Atomic Clock, two NMEA and SCPI ports
<45s <1s <1s 2 RS-232, Alarm, 10MHz, 1PPS 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 11.0-14.0 V <1.2W 5V Chip Scale Cesium Atomic Clock with GPS Disciplining, low
Size Weight And Power optimized
<45s <1s <1s 2 RS-232, USB, Alarm, 10MHz, 5MHz,
1PPS, LCD port
9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 8.0-36.0 V <1.4W 5V Chip Scale Cesium Atomic Clock with GPS Disciplining,
two NMEA and SCPI ports, and Distribution Amplier with
5 isolated outputs
<45s <1s <1s 1 RS-232, Alarm, 10MHz, 1PPS 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 11.0-14.0 V <3.5W 5V Built-In 10MHz Distribution Amplier, 3-Axis Accelerometer,
low-g option
<45s <1s <1s 1 RS-232, Alarm, 10MHz, 1PPS 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 11.0-14.0 V <3.5W 5V Built-In 4-channel 10MHz Distribution Amplier, low
vibration sensitivity
<150s <40s <1s 1 RS-232, Alarm, 10MHz, 1PPS 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 11.0-14.0 V <4.5W 3.3V or 5V Rubidium Oscillator Replacement
<150s <40s <1s 1 RS-232, Alarm, 10MHz, 1PPS 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 11.0-14.0 V <4.5W 3.3V or 5V Better than 1E-012 stability
<45s <1s <1s 1 RS-232, Alarm, 16MHz, 1PPS 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 8.0-14.0 V <1.4W 3.3V Ultra small and light, 16MHz output
<45s <1s <1s 1 RS-232, Alarm, 10MHz, 1PPS 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 8.0-14.0 V <1.4W 3.3V Ultra small and light GPS Disciplined Oscillator
<45s <1s <1s 1 RS-232, Alarm, 10MHz, 1PPS 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 11.0-14.0 V <3.5W 3.3V 3D velocity, stability: <1E-011
<45s <1s <1s 1 RS-232, Alarm, 10MHz, 1PPS 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 11.0-14.0 V <3.5W 3.3V Mil rugged, stability <1E-011, <3E-010 per-g sensitivity
receiver survey 2013 | Sponsored by
GPS World | January 2013 10
Manufacturer Model Channels/tracking
Signal tracked Maximum number of
satellites tracked
User environment and
Size (W x H x D) Weight Position: autonomous (code) / real-
time differential (code) / ; real-time
Position x update
rate (sec)
Jackson Labs Technologies, Inc.
50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 1.5 x 3.5 x 0.8in 1.8 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
ULN-1100 100MHz GPSDO 50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 1.5 x 4 x 1in 1.8 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 1.07 x 1.42 x 0.5in 0.8 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 1.07 x 1.42 x 0.5in 0.8 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
USB GPSTCXO 10MHz 50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 3 x 2 x 0.5in 2 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
Mini-JLT GPSDO 50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 5.05 x 1.38 x 0.7in 2 Oz <2m RMS <15ns RMS 1Hz
LC_XO GPSDO 10MHz 50 par. L1, C/A, WAAS, EGNOS, SBAS 50 ADLMMETNOTV2 0.97x0.97x0.5 <1 Oz <2m RMS <30ns RMS 1Hz
Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
GPS9 Series: CCA-700 16 channels +
search channel
GPS/Galileo/SBAS/Quasi-zenith 16 CHLMNPV2 12.4mm(D) x 12.4mm(W)
x 2.5mm(H)
0.7g (approx) 2.3m typ;./2.0m typ;./na; (CEP) na 1Hz
TRIUMPH-1 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A/E5B;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1/E5B
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 178 x 96 x 178mm 1700 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
TRIUMPH-VS 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A/E5B;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1/E5B
all in view 1GHLMTNPROMet 178 x 109 x 110mm 1700 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; ; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
TRIUMPH-NT 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A/E5B;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1/E5B
all in view 1GHLMTNPROMet 178 x 100 x 110mm 1700 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
TRUIMPH-4X 216 4x GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; 4x Galileo E1/E5A;
4x SBAS L1/L5; 4x QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C;
4x Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 178 x 93 x 178mm 1850 g <2m/<0.5m /0.6cm+1 ppm/;
0.3cm+0.5 ppm
3 20Hz
Alpha G3 216 GPS CA; Galileo E1; GLONASS CA; SBAS L1;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 148 x 85 x 35mm 430 g <2m/<0.5m /1.5cm+2 ppm/;
3 100Hz
Alpha G2T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A; SBAS
L1/L5; QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 148 x 85 x 35mm 435 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5ppm 3 100Hz
Alpha G3T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A;
CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 148 x 85 x 35mm 448 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Alpha2-G3 216 GPS CA; Galileo E1; GLONASS CA; SBAS L1;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 148 x 85 x 35mm 430 g <2m/<0.5m /1.5cm+2 ppm/;
0.5cm+1.5 ppm
3 100Hz
Alpha2-G2 216 GPS CA; Galileo E1; SBAS L1; QZSS CA/SAIF/
L1C; Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 148 x 85 x 35mm 415 g <2m/<0.5m /1.5cm+2 ppm/;
0.5cm+1.5 ppm
3 100Hz
Alpha2-G2T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A; SBAS
L1/L5; QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 148 x 85 x 35mm 435 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Alpha2-G3T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A;
CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 148 x 85 x 35mm 448 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Delta G2T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A; SBAS
L1/L5; QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 109 x 35 x 169mm 394 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Delta G3T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A/E5B;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1/E5B
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 109 x 35 x 169mm 401 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Delta-G3TAJ 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A/E5B;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1/E5B
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 109 x 35 x 169mm 401 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Delta D-G2 216 2x GPS CA; 2x Galileo E1; 2x SBAS L1; 2x QZSS
CA/SAIF/L1C; 2x Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 109 x 35 x 169mm 414 g <2m/<0.5m /1.5cm+2 ppm/;
0.5cm+1.5 ppm
3 100Hz
Delta D-G2D 216 2x GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C; 2x Galileo E1; 2x SBAS
L1; 2x QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L1C; 2x Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 109 x 35 x 169mm 414 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Delta D-G3D 216 2x GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C; 2x Galileo E1; 2x
Glonass CA/P1/P2/L2C; 2x SBAS L1; 2x QZSS
CA/SAIF/L2C/L1C; 2x Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 109 x 35 x 169mm 414 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Delta Q-G3D 216 4x GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C; 4x Galileo E1; 1x
Glonass CA/P1/P2/L2C; 4x SBAS L1; 4x QZSS
CA/SAIF/L2C/L1C; 4x Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 109 x 35 x 169mm 454 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Sigma G2T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A; SBAS
L1/L5; QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 132 x 61 x 190mm 1270 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Sigma G3T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A/E5B;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1/E5B
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 132 x 61 x 190mm 1277 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Sigma G3TAJ 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A/E5B;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1/E5B
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 132 x 61 x 190mm 1270 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Sigma D-G2 216 2x GPS CA; 2x Galileo E1; 2x SBAS L1; 2x QZSS
CA/SAIF/L1C; 2x Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 132 x 61 x 190mm 1290 g <2m/<0.5m /1.5cm+2 ppm/;
0.5cm+1.5 ppm
3 100Hz
Sigma D-G2D 216 2x GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C; 2x Galileo E1; 2x SBAS
L1; 2x QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L1C; 2x Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 132 x 61 x 190mm 1290 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Sigma D-G3D 216 2x GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C; 2x Galileo E1; 2x
Glonass CA/P1/P2/L2C; 2x SBAS L1; 2x QZSS
CA/SAIF/L2C/L1C; 2x Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 132 x 61 x 190mm 1290 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Sigma Q-G3D 216 4x GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C; 4x Galileo E1; 1x
Glonass CA/P1/P2/L2C; 4x SBAS L1; 4x QZSS
CA/SAIF/L2C/L1C; 4x Compass E1
all in view 1AGLMTNPROMet 132 x 61 x 190mm 1330 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
GISmore 216 GPS CA; Galileo E1; GLONASS CA; SBAS L1;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 1GORPV 79 x 36 x 131mm 303 g <3m/<0.5m /1.5cm+2 ppm/;
0.7cm+1.5 ppm
3 100Hz
TR-G2 216 GPS CA; Galileo E1; SBAS L1; QZSS CA/SAIF/
L1C; Compass E1
all in view 2AGLMTNPROMet 55 x 40 x 13mm 21 g <2m/<0.5m /1.5cm+2 ppm/;
0.5cm+1.5 ppm
3 100Hz
TR-G3 216 GPS CA; Galileo E1; GLONASS CA; SBAS L1;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 2AGLMTNPROMet 57 x 66 x 12mm 34 g <2m/<0.5m /1.5cm+2 ppm/;
0.5cm+1.5 ppm
3 100Hz
TR-G2T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A; SBAS
L1/L5; QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 2AGLMTNPROMet 57 x 66 x 12mm 34 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
TR-G3T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A;
CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 2AGLMTNPROMet 57 x 88 x 12mm 47 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
TRE-G2T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A; SBAS
L1/L5; QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1
all in view 2AGLMTNPROMet 100 x 80 x 14mm 70 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
TRE-G3T 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A/E5B;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1/E5B
all in view 2AGLMTNPROMet 100 x 80 x 14mm 77 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
TRE-G3TAJ 216 GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C/L5; Galileo E1/E5A/E5B;
QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L5/L1C; Compass E1/E5B
all in view 2AGLMTNPROMet 100 x 80 x 14mm 77 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Duo-G2 216 2x GPS CA; 2x Galileo E1; 2x SBAS L1; 2x QZSS
CA/SAIF/L1C; 2x Compass E1
all in view 2AGLMTNPROMet 100 x 80 x 14mm 90 g <2m/<0.5m /1.5cm+2 ppm/;
0.5cm+1.5 ppm
3 100Hz
Duo-G2D 216 2x GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C; 2x Galileo E1; 2x SBAS
L1; 2x QZSS CA/SAIF/L2C/L1C; 2x Compass E1
all in view 2AGLMTNPROMet 100 x 80 x 14mm 90 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Duo-G3D 216 2x GPS CA/P1/P2/L2C; 2x Galileo E1; 2x
Glonass CA/P1/P2/L2C; 2x SBAS L1; 2x QZSS
CA/SAIF/L2C/L1C; 2x Compass E1
all in view 2AGLMTNPROMet 100 x 80 x 14mm 90 g <2m/<0.5m /1cm+1 ppm/; 0.3cm+0.5
3 100Hz
Sponsored by | receiver survey 2013 January 2013 | GPS World 11
Cold start
Warm start
No. of ports Port type Baud rate Operating temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Power source Power consumption
Antenna type
Description or Comments
<45s <1s <1s 1 RS-232, Alarm, 10/25/50/100MHz, 1PPS 115,200 -20 to +85 11.0-14.0 V <3.5W 5V Adds four 25MHz LVDS outputs (50MHz option), a 100MHz
output, and a 10MHz output
<45s <1s <1s 1 RS-232, Alarm, 10/100MHz, 1PPS 115,200 -20 to +85 11.0-14.0 V <3.5W 5V 3-Axis Accelerometer, 10MHz and 100MHz Ultra Low Phase
Noise outputs, low-g option
<45s <1s <1s 1 NMEA-0183, 10MHz 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +85 5V <1W 5V Drop-In replacement for Eurocan OCXO, Form-Fit-Function
compatible to standard OCXO footprint
<45s <1s <1s 1 NMEA-0183, 10MHz 9,600 - 115,200 -40 to +80 5V <0.6W 5V Low-Cost drop-In replacement for Eurocan OCXO, NMEA
output, fast warmup
<45s <1s <1s 1 USB NMEA-0183, 10MHz 9,600 - 115,200 -20 to +75 5V and USB <0.6W 5V GPSDO Evaluation unit with USB power and communication,
NMEA-0183, 10MHz Disciplined output
<45s <1s <1s 2 TTL/USB NMEA-0183, SCPI, 10MHz 9600bps async -30 to +70 5V <2.5W 3.3V/5V Trimble Mini-T Legacy Replacement unit with improved
phase noise, ADEV, and wider temp-range, Form-Fit-
Function compatible
<45s <1s <1s 1 TTL NMEA-0183, SCPI, 10MHz 460.8 kbps,; 480 Mbps;
10/100 Mbps; 54 Mps;
2 Mbps
-35 to +75 3.3V <0.55W 5V Socketable Low Cost GPSDO module with 1 inch square
footprint and 10MHz output
35 sec typ. 33 sec typ. 3 sec. typ. (within 5 sec.
block out)
1 1 UART 480 Mbps; 480 Mbps;
10/100 Mbps; 54 Mps;
2 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext 140mW; @3.3V Active, Includes Pre-amplier Galileo:Hardware Ready
<35s <5s <1s 2111111 RS232; USB; Ethernet; Wi-Fi; Bluetooth;
1PPS; Event Marker
480 Mbps; 480 Mbps;
10/100 Mbps; 54 Mps;
2 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext/int 4.5 I/E 2048MB memory; UHF/FH radio; GSM/GPRS/EDGE/
CDMA modem
<35s <5s <1s 1111111 USB OTG; USB; Ethernet; Wi-Fi;
Bluetooth; 1PPS; Event Marker/Ext.
Freq In/Out
480 Mbps; 480 Mbps;
10/100 Mbps; 54 Mps; 2
-35 to +75 ext/int 8 I/E 2048 MB embedded memory, 800x480 colour TFT LCD,
600 MHz processor running WinCE 6.0, removable microSD
card, UHF/FH radio,; GSM/GPRS/EDGE modem
<35s <5s <1s 1111111 USB OTG; USB; Ethernet; Wi-Fi;
Bluetooth; 1PPS; Event Marker or Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps; 12 Mbps;
2 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext/int 7.5 E 2048 MB embedded memory, 800x480 colour TFT LCD,
600 MHz processor running WinCE 6.0, removable microSD
card, GSM/GPRS/EDGE modem
<35 s <5 s <1 s 21111 RS232; USB; Ethernet; Wi-Fi; Bluetooth 460.8 kbps; 12 Mbps;
2 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext/int 6.2 I/E 2048MB memory; UHF/FH radio; GSM/GPRS/EDGE/
CDMA modem
11111 RS232; USB/RS232; Bluetooth; 1PPS/
IRIG; Event Marker
460.8 kbps; 12 Mbps;
2 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext/int 1.8 E 256MB memory; GSM/GPRS modem
11111 RS232; USB/RS232; Bluetooth; 1PPS/
IRIG; Event Marker
460.8 kbps; 12 Mbps;
2 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext/int 1.9 E 256MB memory; GSM/GPRS modem
11111 RS232; USB/RS232; Bluetooth; 1PPS/
IRIG; Event Marker
460.8 kbps; 12 Mbps;
2 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext/int 2.6 E 256MB memory; GSM/GPRS modem
11111 RS232; USB/RS232; Bluetooth; 1PPS/
IRIG; Event Marker
460.8 kbps; 12 Mbps;
2 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext 1.6 E 256MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 11111 RS232; USB/RS232; Bluetooth; 1PPS/
IRIG; Event Marker
460.8 kbps; 12 Mbps;
2 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext 1.4 E 256MB memory
11111 RS232; USB/RS232; Bluetooth; 1PPS/
IRIG; Event Marker
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,
480 Mbps, 10/100 Mbps,
1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext 1.7 E 256MB memory
11111 RS232; USB/RS232; Bluetooth; 1PPS/
IRIG; Event Marker
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,;
1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext 2.4 E 256MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 31111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,;
1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext 2.5 E 2048MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 31111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,;
1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext 3.4 E 2048MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 31111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,;
1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext 4.2 E 2048MB memory; ; In Band Interference Rejection
<35s <5s <1s 31111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,;
1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext 2.2 E 2048MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 31111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,;
1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext 2.2 E 2048MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 31111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,; 2
Mbps,; 1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext 3.9 E 2048MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 31111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8kbps,; 460.8kbps,;
480Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,; 2
Mbps,; 1Mps
-35 to +75 ext 5.2 E 2048MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 211111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet; Bluetooth;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,; 2
Mbps,; 1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext/int 3.3 E 2048MB memory; UHF/FH radio; GSM/GPRS/EDGE modem
<35s <5s <1s 211111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet; Bluetooth;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,; 2
Mbps,; 1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext/int 4.2 E 2048MB memory; UHF/FH radio; GSM/GPRS/EDGE modem
<35s <5s <1s 211111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet; Bluetooth;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8kbps,; 460.8kbps,;
480Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,; 2
Mbps,; 1Mps
-35 to +75 ext/int 5 E 2048MB memory; UHF/FH radio; GSM/GPRS/EDGE
modem; In Band Interference Rejection
<35s <5s <1s 211111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet; Bluetooth;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,; 2
Mbps,; 1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext/int 3 E 2048MB memory; UHF/FH radio; GSM/GPRS/EDGE modem
<35s <5s <1s 211111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet; Bluetooth;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps,;
480 Mbps,; 10/100 Mbps,; 2
Mbps,; 1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext/int 3 E 2048MB memory; UHF/FH radio; GSM/GPRS/EDGE modem
<35s <5s <1s 211111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet; Bluetooth;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
2 Mbps -35 to +75 ext/int 4.7 E 2048MB memory; UHF/FH radio; GSM/GPRS/EDGE modem
<35s <5s <1s 211111221 RS232; RS422; USB; Ethernet; Bluetooth;
CAN; 1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG/Ext.
Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 12 Mbps;
1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext/int 6 E 2048MB memory; UHF/FH radio; GSM/GPRS/EDGE modem
<35s <5s <1s 1 Bluetooth 460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps; 12
Mbps; 1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext/int 1.4 I GSM/GPRS modem
<35s <5s <1s 211111 RS232; USB; CAN; 1PPS; Event
Marker; IRIG
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps; 12
Mbps; 1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext 1.2 E 256MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 211111 RS232; RS422; USB; CAN; 1PPS; Event
Marker; IRIG
460.8 kbps,; 460.8 kbps; 12
Mbps; 1 Mps
-35 to +75 ext 1.4 E 256MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 211111 RS232; RS422; USB; CAN; 1PPS; Event
Marker; IRIG
460.8 kbps,; 460.8
kbps; 480 Mbps; 1 Mps;
10/100 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext 1.5 E 256MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 211111 RS232; RS422; USB; CAN; 1PPS; Event
Marker; IRIG
460.8 kbps,; 460.8
kbps; 480 Mbps; 1 Mps;
10/100 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext 2.2 E 256MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 22122211 RS232; RS232/RS422; USB; CAN;
1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG; Ethernet;
Ext. Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8
kbps; 480 Mbps; 1 Mps;
10/100 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext 2.5 E 2048MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 221222111 RS232; RS232/RS422; USB; CAN;
1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG; Ethernet; Ext.
Reference; Frequency; input
460.8 kbps,; 460.8
kbps; 480 Mbps; 1 Mps;
10/100 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext 3.4 E 2048MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 221222111 RS232; RS232/RS422; USB; CAN;
1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG; Ethernet;
Ext. Freq In/Out
460.8 kbps,; 460.8
kbps; 480 Mbps; 1 Mps;
10/100 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext 4.2 E 2048MB memory; ; In Band Interference Rejection
<35s <5s <1s 22122211 RS232; RS232/RS422; USB; CAN; 1PPS;
Event Marker; IRIG; Ethernet
460.8 kbps,; 460.8
kbps; 480 Mbps; 1 Mps;
10/100 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext 2.2 E 2048MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 22122211 RS232; RS232/RS422; USB; CAN; 1PPS;
Event Marker; IRIG; Ethernet
460.8 kbps,; 460.8
kbps; 480 Mbps; 1 Mps;
10/100 Mbps
-35 to +75 ext 2.2 E 2048MB memory
<35s <5s <1s 22122211 RS232; RS232/RS422; USB; CAN; 1PPS;
Event Marker; IRIG; Ethernet
Up to 115.2 k -40 to +85 ext 3.9 E 2048MB memory
RECEIVER SURVEY 2013 | Sponsored by
GPS World | January 2013 12
Manufacturer Model Channels/tracking
Signal tracked Maximum number of
satellites tracked
User environment and
Size (W x H x D) Weight Position: autonomous (code) / real-
time differential (code) / ; real-time
rate (sec)
0uallro-030 21 1x0P3CA/P1/P2/L2C,1x0a|||eoE1,1x
a|||rv|eW 2A0LVTNPR0Vel 100x120x11rr 130g <2r/<0.5r/1cr1ppr/,0.3cr0.5
3 100|z
John Deere
3larF|re3000 550N331
550N3313larF|re wP,LN0PR1,Prec|s|orAg 22.3x1.5x22.3 1.|g 2r/0.25r/1cr1ppr/5rr1ppr957 rr 10|z(0.1sec)
Leica Geosystems AG
0X12300N33 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A0LVNR1 1xZ9x212rr 1.2|g 5r/25cr/10rr1ppr/5rr0.5ppr <20 20|z
0RX1200 1L1,1L21L5
0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,38A3 20 A0LVel0RT1 1xZ9x212rr 1.25|g 5r/25cr/ra/ra <20 20|z
0RX12000N33 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A0LVel0RT1 1xZ9x212rr 1.25|g 5r/25cr/ra/ra <20 20|z
0R10 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A0LVel0RT1 190xZ8x210rr 1.50|g 5r/25cr/10rr1ppr/5rr0.5ppr <20 20|z
0R25 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A0LVel0RT1 190xZ8x210rr 1.81|g 5r/25cr/10rr1ppr/5rr0.5ppr <20 20|z
0VX901 12 L1,C/A code 12 Vel0P1 18x18x0rr 0.Z|g ra/ra/ra/ra <20 1|z
0VX90200 Z2 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,0L0NA33:L1,L2,38A3 28 Vel0P1 1Zx123x10rr 0.8|g ra/ra/ra/ra <20 20|z
0VX9020N33 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
Vel0P1 1Zx123x10rr 0.8|g ra/ra/ra/ra <20 20|z
0V10 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A0LVel0RT1 190xZ8x210rr 1.50|g 5r/25cr/10rr1ppr/5rr0.5ppr <20 20|z
PoWerArlerra Z2 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,0L0NA33:L1,L2,38A3 28 A0LVN0R1 018x|90rr 1.|g 5r/25cr/10rr1ppr/5rr0.5ppr <20 20|z
PoWer8ox Z2 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,0L0NA33:L1,L2,38A3 28 A0LVN0R1 190x159x82rr 2.Z|g 5r/25cr/10rr1ppr/5rr0.5ppr <20 20|z
|C0Ngps0 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A0LVN0R1 19Zx19Zx|130rr 1.15|g 2-3r/25cr/10rr1ppr/3rr0.5ppr <20 20|z
v|va0308p|us 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,0L0NA33:L1,L2,0a|||eo:
A0LVNR1 018rrx|Z1rr 0.Z|g 2-3r/25cr/10rr1ppr/3rr0.5ppr <20 5|z
v|va0312 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A0LVNR1 018rrx|89rr 0.95|g 2-3r/25cr/10rr1ppr/3rr0.1ppr <20 5|z
v|va0310 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A0LVNR1 1xZ9x212rr 1.20|g 2-3r/25cr/10rr1ppr/3rr0.1ppr <20 20|z
v|va0311 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,0L0NA33:L1,L2,0a|||eo:
A0LVNR1 0190rrx|119rr 0.93Kg 2-3r/25cr/10rr1ppr/3rr0.1ppr <20 20|z
v|va0315 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A0LVNR1 0198rrx|19rr 1.31|g 2-3r/25cr/10rr1ppr/3rr0.1ppr <20 20|z
v|va0325 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A0LVNR1 200x91x220rr 1.81|g 2-3r/25cr/10rr1ppr/3rr0.1ppr <20 20|z
Zero5 18 0P3:L1 18 A0|LVNR1 158rrxZ8rrx38rr 0.3Z5|g 2-5r/-/-/- <20 1|z
Zero10 11 0P3:L1code,0L0NA33:L1Code 11 A0|LVNR1 2Z8rr/102rr/15rr 0.Z1|g 2-5r/3uo-reler/-/10rr2ppr <20 5|z
Zero0003 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,0L0NA33:L1,L2,38A3 )OHxLEOH FRQlgXrDWLRQ: 120
A0LVNR1 018rrx|Z1rr 0.Z|g 2-5r/10cr/10rr2ppr/10rr2ppr <20 5|z
ZeroC3250N33 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,0L0NA33:L1,L2,38A3 )OHxLEOH FRQlgXrDWLRQ: 120
A0|LVNR1 111x212x10rr 1.1|g 2-5r/50cr/10cr/10rr2ppr <20 5|z
Microwave Photonic Systems
ALL 3ale|||les
0L0NA33,0a|||eo,0P3L1C/A,L2,L50P3 ALL 3ale|||les|rv|eW 3||p,A|rcrall,&Lard8ased 12x10x 12|os. ~10r/LAA3:<0.5r <<50rs 10|zPvT,1|z
NavCom Technology, Inc.
3app||re par. L1,L2,L5,01&02(E1,E5aready) 0N33,13larF|re 0A0LVNPRTv2 1.Z3x3.91x0.13|r 1oz 2r/15crppr/1cr0.5ppr/1cr
13rs(1PP3) 1|z100|z(user
3F-3050V par. L1,L2,L5,01&02(E1,E5aready) 0N33,13larF|re 0A0LVNPRTv1 .1Zx1.0x2.3Z|r 1.1|o asaoove 13rs(1PP3) 1|z100|z(user
3F-3010 par. L1,L2,L5,01&02(E1,E5aready) 0N33,13larF|re 0A0LVNPRTv1 8x1.3|r 3.2|o asaoove 13rs(1PP3) 1|z100|z(user
NavSys Corporation
0N3330R FP0A oased-
C/A (upgradelool|er0N33) 1(Cuslor|zao|e) A00|LVNPR3T2 FP0A oased-
10r/1r/0.1r/0.05r 3 1
Nexteq Navigation Corporation
T8 50c|arre|s 0P3L1C/A code,38A3 50 0|L0PRvE1 1Z9X91X31rr 250g 5r/2.5r/pp<1r ra 1|z
T 50c|arre|s 0P3L1C/A code,38A3 50 0|L0PRvE1 1Z9X91X31rr 250g <2r/<1r/20cr/20cr ra 1|z
T5A 12c|arre|s 0P3L1C/A code,38A3 12 0|L0PRvE1 215X9ZX5Zrr Z00g <2r/0.1r/20-2cr/20-2cr ra 1|z
3lereo Arc|.deperderl,
Arc|.0eperderl |NvCV02 sWoaseoard ra ~10r/ra/ra ~50rs FRQlgXrDEOH,
wave Arc|.deperderl,
Arc|.0eperderl 0LVVelNR2 sWoaseoard ra ~10r/ra/ra ~50rs FRQlgXrDEOH,
3A8RE )XOOy FRQlgXrDEOH L1,L5,L2C,L10F,L20F,E1,E5A,E58 )XOOy FRQlgXrDEOH AC00|LVVelN0PR3Tv2 ra ra ~10r/ra/ra ~50rs FRQlgXrDEOH,
JlN00 )XOOy FRQlgXrDEOH L1 )XOOy FRQlgXrDEOH AC00|LVVelN0PR3Tv2 ra ra ~10r/ra/ra ~50rs FRQlgXrDEOH,
0EV15 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,,0L0NA33:L1,L2,0a|||eo:
A00|LVVelN0PRTv2 1xZ1x11rr 21g 1.2r/0.1r00P3/0.r38A3/0.01r
20 50|zrax0N33
0EV28 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A00LVVelN0PRTv2 0x100x9.1rr 3Zg 1.2r/0.1r00P3/0.r38A3/0.r
20 100|zrax0N33
0EV3lar 11 0P3:L1,0L0NA33:L1,38A3 11 FKDQQHOV FRQlgXrDEOH
A00LVVelN0PRTv2 1xZ1x13rr 18g 1.5r/0.5r00P3/0.Zr38A3/ 20 10|zrax
0EVv-3 Z2 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A00LVVelN0PRTv2 85x125x13rr Z5g 1.2r/0.1r00P3/0.r38A3/0.r
20 50|zrax0P3or|y,
F|exPa|-02-3lar 11 0P3:L1,0L0NA33:L1,38A3 11 FKDQQHOV FRQlgXrDEOH
A00LVVelN0PRTv12 15x11Zx113rr 313g 3ee0EV3larrode| 20 10|zrax
F|exPa| 120 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A00LVVelN0PRTv12 15x11Zx113rr 33Zg 3ee0EV28rode| 20 100|zrax0N33
ProPa|-v3 Z2 0P3:L1,L2,L2C,L5,0L0NA33:L1,L2,
A00LVVelN0PRTv12 185x10xZ1rr 1.0|g 3ee0EVv-3rode| 20 50|zrax0P3or|y,
Sponsored by | receiver survey 2013 January 2013 | GPS World 13
Cold start
Warm start
No. of ports Port type Baud rate Operating temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Power source Power consumption
Antenna type
Description or Comments
<35s <5s <1s 221222111 RS232; RS232/RS422; USB; CAN;
1PPS; Event Marker; IRIG; Ethernet;
Ext. Freq In/Out
2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext 5.2 E 2048MB memory
<60s <50s <20s 4 1xCAN/ 3xRS232 2,400115,200 40 to +65 9 to 26 V DC 7.2 Internal dipole, Ext Integrated 6-axis terrain compensation, proprietary RTK-
Extend operating mode, compatibility with space-based
differential corrections network (StarFire)
50s 35s 0.5s 4 4 RS-232, 1 Power, 1 TNC, 1 PPS Out,2
2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext/int 3.2 AR10/AS10 triple frequency or
AR25/AR20 choke ring
Triple frequency geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver.
50s 35s 0.5s 5 4 RS-232; 2 power; 1 TNC, Ethernet, PPS,
ext osc, event
2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext/int 3.2 AR10/AS10 triple frequency or
AR25/AR20 choke ring
Permanent dual frequency GPS receiver w/ Ethernet.
50s 35s 0.5s 5 4 RS-232; 2 power; 1 TNC, Ethernet, PPS,
ext osc, event
2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext/int 3.2 to 3.9 AR10/AS10 triple frequency or
AR25/AR20 choke ring
Permanent triple frequency GNSS receiver w/ Ethernet.
50s 35s 0.5s 5 1 (2 port) power, 1 RS-232, UART, USB,
TNC, Ethernet, ext osc
4800 115200 40 to +65 ext 3.1 to 3.5 AR10/AS10 triple frequency or
AR25/AR20 choke ring
Permanent triple frequency GNSS receiver w/ Ethernet.
50s 35s 0.5s 7 1 (2 port) power, 2 RS-232, 1 UART, 2
USB, 1 Ethernet, 1 bluetooth (plus TNC,
PPS, event, Oscillator)
2,400230,400 40 to +65 ext/int 3.1 to 3.3 AR10/AS10 triple frequency or
AR25/AR20 choke ring
Permanent triple frequency GNSS receiver w/ Ethernet.
<120 s * <45 s* <10 s 1 1 LEMO-1 connector, 8 pin 2,400230,400 40 to +65 ext 1.7 Integrated Leica AT501 microstrip
antenna with built-in groundplane
Single frequency GPS smart antenna for structural
50s 35s 0.5s 2 2 RS-232, 2 Power, 1 TNC, 1 PPS output 2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext 1.7 AR10/AS10 triple frequency or
AR25/AR20 choke ring
Dual frequency GNSS receiver for structural monitoring
50s 35s 0.5s 2 2 RS-232, 2 Power, 1 TNC, 1 PPS output 2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext 1.7 AR10/AS10 triple frequency or
AR25/AR20 choke ring
Triple frequency GNSS receiver for structural monitoring
50s 35s 0.5s 5 1 (2 port) power, 1 RS-232, UART, USB,
TNC, Ethernet, ext osc
2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext 3.1 to 3.5 AR10/AS10 triple frequency or
AR25/AR20 choke ring
Permanent triple frequency GNSS receiver w/ Ethernet
for monitoring
50s 35s 0.5s 1 1 RS-232/Power in, 1x RS422/Power
in, Bluetooth
2,400115,200 40 to +60 ext/int 3.8 Internal Dual frequency RTK GNSS receiver for site survey and
machine navigation
50s 35s 0.5s 5 2 RS-232, 1 Power/RS-232, 1 RS232/
RS422, 2 CAN, 1 TNC
2,400115,200 30 to +60 ext 3.8 MNA1202 GG Dual frequency RTK GNSS machine navigation receiver
50s 35 s 0.5s 6 1 combined RS-232/PWR in/PWR out, 1
USB Host, 1 UART &USB, 1 TNC, 1 QN,
1 Bluetooth; 1 USB Host; 1 UART&USB;
1 Bluetooth
2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext/int 6.0 Internal or external (e.g.
MNA1202 GG)
Triple frequency construction RTK GNSS receiver; including
build in Display and Keyboard; external GNSS antenna
support to be used on a construction machine
50s 35s 0.5s 2 Combined (RS-232, Power, USB), 1
2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext/int 2.0 Internal Dual frequency geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
50s 35s 0.5s 2 Combined (RS-232, Power, USB), 1
2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext/int 1.8 Internal Triple frequency geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
50s 35s 0.5s 4 2 RS-232, 1 Combined (RS-232, USB), 1
Power, 1 TNC, 1 Bluetooth
2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext/int 3.2 AR10/AS10 triple frequency or
AR25/AR20 choke ring
Triple frequency geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
50s 35s 0.5s 2 1 RS-232, 1 combined (RS-232, Power,
USB), 1 UART &USB, 1 Bluetooth
2,400115,200 40 to +65 ext/int 2.0 Internal Dual frequency geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
50s 35s 0.5s 4 1 RS-232, 1 combined (RS-232, Power,
USB), 1 UART &USB, 1 Bluetooth
2,400115,200 10 to +50 ext/int 3.2 Internal Triple frequency geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
50s 35s 0.5s 8 2 RS-232, 1 Combined (RS-232, USB), 1
UART &USB, 1 PPS, 2 Event, 1 Mini USB,
1 Power, 1 TNC, 1 Bluetooth
ext/int 3.4 AR10/AS10 triple frequency or
AR25/AR20 choke ring
Triple frequency geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
<120 s * <35 s* <10 s 2 1 Bluetooth, 1 USB (SnapOn module) ext/int 1.3 Internal Single Frequency Handheld GPS receiver
2,400115,200 40 to +65
2,400115,200 40 to +65
<120 s * <35 s* <10 s 4 1 Bluetooth, Wireless LAN, 1 RS-232, 1
Combined (RS-232, USB)
2,400115,200 23 to +60 ext/int 2.5 Internal/External Single Frequency Handheld GNSS receiver
50s 35s 0.5s 2 Combined (RS-232, Power, USB), 1
100 Kbps ARINC 55 to +80 ext/int 2.0 Internal Dual frequency geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
50s 35s 0.5s 5 2 USB, 1 RS-232, LAN, Power, 1
RS232: 9.6kbps 115kbps;
USB: up to 12Mbps;
Ethernet: up to 100Mbps;
Bluetooth: up to 230.4kbps
-40 to +85 ext/int 7-10 Internal/External Dual frequency geodetic and RTK GNSS receiver
<<75 s <20 s <1 s 1 8 I/P, 3 O/P ARINC H/L,; 1 RS-232 RS232: 9.6kbps 115kbps;
USB: up to 12Mbps;
Ethernet: up to 100Mbps;
Bluetooth: up to 230.4kbps
-40 to +70 ext 14W Active, RTCA DO-228 Change
1 compliant
ARINC-743 Compliant sensor
<60 s <50 s <20 s 5 2 x RS232 (1 congurable to RS422); 1
x USB 2.0 (host or device); 1 x Ethernet
(10T/100T); 1 x Bluetooth
RS232: 9.6kbps 115kbps;
USB: up to 12Mbps;
Ethernet: up to 100Mbps;
Bluetooth: up to 230.4kbps
-40 to +70 ext 6W typical Crossed dipole (ER) Latest generation of John Deere technology
<60 s <50 s <20 s 5 as above FPGA based -
FPGA based -
ext < 4 W Crossed dipole (ER) Integrated StarFire/RTK Extend multi-frequency receivers
<60 s <50 s <20 s 5 as above 300-115,200 I10 to +60 hot swappable
< 4 W Crossed dipole (ER) Integrated StarFire/RTK Extend multi-frequency receivers
15mn max 30 sec <10s FPGA based -
FPGA based - Customizable 300-115,200 I10 to +60 FPGA based -
FPGA based -
29s 29s <1s 2 USB/Blue tooth 300-115,200 I20 to +60 battery/ext.USB 0.5W with the GPS on intertnal/external Rugged and ready-to-use handheld with GIS data
collection SW
26s 26s <1s 2 USB/Blue tooth Fully congurable battery/ext USB 0.5W with the GPS on intertnal/external RTK, i-PPP data service, Post processing,GIS data
collection SW preinstalled
60s 45s <1s 2 USB/Blue tooth Fully congurable battery/ext USB <2W intertnal/external RTK, i-PPP data service, Post processing ,GIS data
collection SW preinstalled
<40s <35s <2s Arch. dependent IP, USB Fully congurable ext Arch. dependent E Dual frequency GNSS front end to be used with, for
example, software dened radio GNSS receiver. Stereo
contains two Front Ends (with common clock).
<40s <35s <2s Arch. dependent IP, USB, LVDS Fully congurable ext Arch. dependent E Multiple frequency direct bandpass GNSS front end to
be used with, for example, software dened radio GNSS
<40s <35s <2s Fully congurable Fully congurable 300 to 921,600 bps;; 1
Mbps; 12 Mbps
-40 to +85 na na na Pure SW receiver for GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO. Single
or combined constellations. Snap-shot, kalman ltering, PPP
positioning. Real-time or post-processing on digital IF.
<40s <35s <2s Fully congurable Fully congurable 300 to 921,600 bps; 300 to
921,600 bps;; 1 Mbps; 12
Mbps; 10/100 Mbps
-40 to +85 na na na SW GPS receiver for detection of GPS SPS SIGNAL
INTERFERENCE. Uses pre-correlation, correlation and
post-correlation techniques.
50s 35s 0.5s 6 3 x LV-TTL, 2 x CAN, 1 x USB2.0 300 to 230,400 bps;
12 Mbps
-40 to +85 3.3 V DC 1W (typical) Active (E) RoHS-compliant; RT-2, GL1DE, PDP, RAIM, ALIGN and
SPAN software features available
50s 35s 0.5s 7 1 x RS-232 or RS-422, 2 x LV-TTL, 2 x
CAN, 1 x USB2.0, 1 x Ethernet
300 to 921,600 bps; 300
to 921,600 bps; 300 to
230,400 bps; 1 Mbps;
5 Mbps
-40 to +85 3.3 V DC 1.3W (typical) Active (E) RoHS-compliant; RT-2, OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP, GL1DE,
PDP, RAIM, ALIGN and SPAN software features available
65s 35s <1.0s 3 2 x LV-TTL; 1 x USB2.0 300 to 921,600 bps; 300 to
230,400 bps;; 12 Mbps
-40 to +85 3.15 to 5.25 VDC 0.36W GPS; 0.45W
Active (E) RoHS-compliant; GL1DE and PDP software features
60s 35s 0.5s 6 1 x RS-232 or RS-422; 1 x RS-232 or LV-
TTL; 1 x LV-TTL; 2 x CAN, 1 x USB1.1
300 to 921,600 bps; 300 to
921,600 bps;; 12 Mbps; 1
Mbps; 10/100 Mbps
-40 to +75 4.5 to 18 VDC 2.1W (typical) Active (E) RoHS-compliant; RT-2, OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP, GL1DE,
PDP, ALIGN, and SPAN software features available
65s 35s <1.0s 3 1 x RS-232; 1 x RS-232 or RS-422,
1 x USB1.1
300 to 921,600 bps; 300
to 230,400 bps; 300 to
230,400 bps; 5 Mbps
-40 to +75 6 to 18 V DC 0.6W (typical); Active (E) RoHS-compliant; GL1DE and PDP software features
50s 35s 0.5s 5 1 x RS-232, 1 x RS-232 or RS-422, 1 x
USB2.0, 1 x CAN, 1 x Ethernet
300 to 921,600 bps; 300
to 230,400 bps; 300 to
230,400 bps; 5 Mbps,
10/100 Mbps
-40 to +75 6 to 36 V DC 1.8W (typical) Active (E) RoHS-compliant; RT-2, OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP, GL1DE,
PDP, RAIM, ALIGN and SPAN software features available
60s 35s 0.5s 4 3 x RS-232 or 2 x RS-422 plus 1 x RS-
232; 1 x USB1.1
300 to 921,600 bps; 12
Mbps; 10/100 Mbps
-40 to +65 6 to 18 V DC ; 2.8 W typical Active (E) RoHS-compliant; RT-2, OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP, GL1DE,
PDP, ALIGN, and SPAN software features available
RECEIVER SURVEY 2013 | Sponsored by
GPS World | January 2013 14
Manufacturer Model Channels/tracking
Signal tracked Maximum number of
satellites tracked
User environment and
Size (W x H x D) Weight Position: autonomous (code) / real-
time differential (code) / ; real-time
rate (sec)
DL-V3 72 GPS: L1, L2, L2C, L5; GLONASS: L1, L2;
SBAS; L-band
14 GPS L1, 14 GPS L2, 6
1 L-band
ADGLMMetNOPRTV12 185 x 163 x 76mm 1.3 kg See OEMV-3 model 20 50Hz max
SE 72 GPS: L1, L2, L2C, L5; GLONASS: L1, L2;
SBAS; L-band
14 GPS L1, 14 GPS L2, 6
1 L-band
ADGLMMetNOPRTV12 200 x 248 x 76mm 3.4 kg See OEMV-3 model 20 20Hz max
GPStation-6 120 GPS: L1, L2, L2C, L5; GLONASS: L1, L2;
Galileo: E1, E5; GIOVE-A/GIOVE-B (test);
Compass; SBAS
40 L1/L2/L5 ALMetOT12 235 x 154 x 71mm 1.4 kg 1.2m 20 50Hz max
ADGLMMetNOPRTV12 155mm diameter x
68mm height
500 g 1.2m/0.4m DGPS/0.8m SBAS/0.2m
RT-20/0.02m + 1ppm RT-2 L1TE/ 5mm
+ 1 ppm post processed (All values in
Horiz. RMS)
20 20Hz max
SMART-MR10 72 GPS: L1, L2; GLONASS: L1, L2; SBAS; L-band 14 GPS L1, 14 GPS L2,
12 GLONASS L1, 12
1 L-band
ADGLMMetNOPRTV12 233 x 232 x 89mm 1.9 kg See OEMV-3 model 20 20Hz max
SMART-MR15 72 GPS: L1, L2; GLONASS: L1, L2; SBAS; L-band 14 GPS L1, 14 GPS L2,
12 GLONASS L1, 12
1 L-band
ADGLMMetNOPRTV12 233 x 233 x 90mm 2.1 kg See OEMV-3 model 20 20Hz max
L1, 60 L1/L2
ADGLMMetNOPRTV12 152 x 137 x 50.5mm 640g 1.2m/0.4m DGPS/0.6m SBAS/0.01m
+ 1ppm RT-2/5mm + 1 ppm post
processed (All values in Horiz. RMS)
20 20Hz max GNSS
only, 200Hz max
SPAN-CPT 72 GPS: L1, L2, L2C; SBAS; L-band 14 GPS L1, 14 GPS L2, 2
SBAS, 1 L-band
ADGLMMetNOPRTV12 152 x 168 x 89mm 2.36 kg See OEMV-3 model 20 20Hz max GPS only,
100Hz max GPS
SPAN-MPPC 72 GPS: L1, L2, L2C; SBAS; L-band 14 GPS L1, 14 GPS L2, 2
SBAS, 1 L-band
ADGLMMetNOPRTV12 85 x 125 x 27mm 75g See OEMV-3 model 20 20Hz max GPS only,
200Hz max GPS
SPAN-SE 72 GPS: L1, L2, L2C, L5; GLONASS: L1, L2;
SBAS; L-band
14 GPS L1, 14 GPS L2, 6
1 L-band
ADGLMMetNOPRTV12 200 x 248 x 76mm 3.4 kg See OEMV-3 model 20 20Hz max GNSS
only, 200Hz max
NVS Technologies AG
NV08C-MCM 32 par., All-in-view GPS L1 C/A code, GLONASS L1, SBAS L1,;
32 A, C, G, H, L, M, N, R, V, 2 9 x 12 x 1.5mm 1 g RMS:<2.5m/<1m/na 25 ns 1, 2, 5, 10Hz
NV08C-CSM 32 par., All-in-view GPS L1 C/A code, GLONASS L1, SBAS L1,
32 A, C, G, H, L, M, N, R, T, V, 2 20 x 26 x 2.5mm 5 g RMS:<1.5m/<1m/na 15 ns 1, 2, 5, 10Hz
NV08C-Mini PCI-E 32 par., All-in-view GPS L1 C/A code, GLONASS L1, SBAS L1,
32 A, C, D, G, H, L, M, N, R, V, 2 30 x 50.95 x 4.2mm 7 g RMS:<1.5m/<1m/na 15 ns 1, 2, 5, 10Hz
ORCA Technologies, LLC
GS-101 12 parallel channels GPS L1 C/A code 12 Time, Frequency, Position -
Static or Mobile
3.07 x 1.06 x 4.72in 1 lb <9m 90%/2m CEP 50%/na/na <100ns 1 second
GS-102 12 parallel channels GPS L1 C/A code 12 Time, Frequency, Position -
Static or Mobile
4.06 x 2.09 x 4.72in 1 lb <9m 90%/2m CEP 50%/na/na <100ns 1 second
ORCA637VME 12 parallel channels GPS L1 C/A code 12 Time, Frequency, Position -
Static or Mobile
6U x 160mm 1 lb <9m 90%/2m CEP 50%/na/na <100ns 1 second
Precise Time and Frequency, Inc.
3203A GlobalTyme 12 L1, C/A 12 LOT1 19 x 1.75 x 12in <10 lb <25m/nr/nr/nr 20 1
3204A GlobalTyme 12 L1, C/A 12 LOT1 19 x 3.5 x 12in <10 lb <25m/nr/nr/nr 20 1
3203AB Mobile 12 L1, C/A 12 LOT1 19 x 1.75 x 12in <10 lb <25m/nr/nr/nr 60 1
3203A SAASM 12 L1, C/A, p(y) code 12 LOT1 19 x 1.75 x 12in <10 lb <25m/nr/nr/nr 40 1
3203A WiMax 12 L1, C/A 12 LOT1 19 x 1.75 x 12in <10 lb <25m/nr/nr/nr 20 1
3223A NetTyme 12 L1, C/A 12 LOT1 19 x 1.75 x 12in <10 lb <25m/nr/nr/nr 20 1
3225A NetTyme 12 L1, C/A 12 LOT1 7 x 1.75 x 9in <5 lb <25m/nr/nr/nr 20 1
3207A GlobalTyme 12+12(optional) L1, C/A 12+12(opt) LOT1 19 x 1.75 x 16in <10 lb <25m/nr/nr/nr 20 1
3208A GlobalTyme 12+12(optional) L1, C/A 12+12(opt) LOT1 19 x 3.5 x 16in <10 lb <25m/nr/nr/nr 20 1
LabSat; RLLSR01 All in View GPS L1 C/A Code All in View ACDGHLMNOTV1 17.0 x 12.8 x 3.8cm 750 g 1.5m/na/na 50 ns; (RMS) 16.368 MHz
LabSat; RLLSR02-GNL1 All in View GPS L1 C/A Code, Galileo E1, GLONASS L1,
Compass B1
All in View ACDGHLMNOTV1 17.0 x 12.3 x 4.6cm 750 g 1.5m/na/na 50 ns; (RMS) 16.368 MHz
Rockwell Collins
MPES, Miniature Precision
Lightweight GPS Receiver
(PLGR) Engine (SAASM)
Type II
12 channels parallel,
dual frequency
L1, C/A and P or Y Code; L2, P or Y Code 12 ADLMNTV2 2.45 x 0.285 x 1.76in 0.75 oz <4m CEP (WAGE), <2m (SDGPS) <100 1
Polaris Link, miniature GPS
receiver engine (SPS)
12 channels L1, C/A 12 ADLMNTV2 2.45 x 0.6 x 3.4in 2.5 oz <2m (SDGPS) <100 1
MicroGRAM 12 channels parallel,
dual frequency
L1, C/A and P or Y Code; L2, P or Y Code 12; All in view 1.0 x 1.25 x 0.275 0.25 oz DGPS: <2m CEP; WAGE <4m CEP;
PPS <12m CEP
<100 1
NavStorm+, Integrated GPS-
AJ System w/Digital Nulling,
Gun Hard, SAASM-Based
12/24 par. L1, C/A, P or Ycode; L2, Pcode or Ycode all in view ADLNO2 2.62 Dia x 0.9in <0.5 lb <8m SEP/na/<16m SEP 30 125 dependent
on aiding
GPS Embedded Module,
12/24 par. as above all in view ADNS2 3.5 x 3.0 x 0.75in <0.5 lb na/3.7m/nr 30 125 dependent
on aiding
IGAS, Integrated GPS-AJ
System w/ Digital Nulling
and Beam-forming, SAASM-
24 par. as above all in view ADNS2 4.35 x 5.15 x 0.9in <2 lb na/2m typ./nr 30 125 dependent
on aiding
DAGR (Defense Adv. GPS
Receiver) SAASM-Based
12 channel, parallel,
dual frequency
as above all in view ADGHLMNPTV1 6.4 x 3.5 x 1.6in, 25cu in 15 oz. with
<5.1m Horiz 95% (WAGE), <2.4m Horiz
95% (DGPS)
<52 (95%) 1
Micro DAGR (Defense Adv.
GPS Receiver) SAASM
12 channel, parallel L1, C/A and P or Y code all in view ADHLMNPT1 3.9 x 2.6 x 1.4in 6.5 oz with;
L91 batteries
<18.1m Horiz 95% 8QYHULHGDV
of this date
Polaris Guide ; handheld
GPS receiver (SPS)
12 Channel L1, C/A all in view ADGHLMNPTV1 6.4 x 3.5 x 1.6in, 25cu in 15 oz. w/
<2.4m Horiz 95% (DGPS) <52 (95%) 1
GPS Embedded Module
12/24 L1, C/A, P or Y code, L2, Pcode or Ycode all in view ADLMNPRSTV1 5.88 x 5.7 x 0.57 <0.8 lb na/2m typ./nr 30 125 dependent
on aiding
Airborne SAASM
Reciever 3.3
12/24 Channel L1, C/A, P or Y code, L2, Pcode or Ycode all in view 4.9 W x 3.2 H x 0.80 <0.6 lb PPS:<5.6m RMS horizontal SPS:<6m
RMS horizontal
RMS; SPS:<45
4-25 dependent
on aiding
DIGAR 24 channel L1, C/A, P or Y code, L2, Pcode or Ycode all in view 8.0 W x 2.27 H x 12.0 <11lbs PPS: <5m SEP; SPS: <6m horizontal <100
Unaided: once-per-
second pseudorange
based, delta range
based, 10 Hz
4 Element GPS Anti-jam
Antenna Electronics
4 Channel L1, C/A, P or Ycode; L2, Pcode or Ycode na 17cm (W) x 20cm (L)
x 5cm (H)
<5lbs na na
AsteRx-m OEM 136 par. GPS+GLONASS L1, C/A and P-code & CP; L2,
All in view (GPS/GLONASS) ADGHLMMetNOPRTV2 70x48mm 40g 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10sec 25Hz
AiRx2 64 par GPS L1; (GPS L5 and GAL L1-E5a ready) All in view GPS (GAL ready) A 61 x 100 x 13.5mm <100gr 5m (95%)/3m (95%) 50 ns (95%) 20Hz
Sponsored by | receiver survey 2013 January 2013 | GPS World 15
Cold start
Warm start
No. of ports Port type Baud rate Operating temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Power source Power consumption
Antenna type
Description or Comments
60s 35s 0.5s 6 3 x RS-232 or 2 x RS-422 plus 1 x
RS-232; USB1.1, Ethernet, Bluetooth,
Compact Flash card drive
9,600 to 230,400 bps;
12 Mbps
-40 to +65 9 to 28 V DC 3.5 W typical Active (E) RoHS-compliant; RT-2, OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP, GL1DE,
PDP, and ALIGN software features available
60s 35s 0.5s 10 4 x RS-232 or RS-422; 1 x UART COM
Port; 1 x USB 2.0 Host; 1 x USB 2.0
Device; 1 x Ethernet; 1 x SD card drive; 1
x IMU Connection
300 to 460,800 bps;;
1 Mbps
-40 to +75 9 to 28 VDC 10W (typical) Active (E) (dual antenna input
RoHS-compliant; RT-2, OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP, GL1DE,
PDP, and ALIGN software features available
60s 35s 0.5s 4 3 x RS-232 or RS-422, 1 x USB2.0 300 to 230,400 bps; ;
1 Mbps;
-40 to +70 4.5 to 18 V DC 6W (typical) Active (E) Multi-frequency multi-constellation GNSS Ionospheric
Scintillation and TEC Monitor (GISTM); receiver. Provides
50Hz phase and amplitude scintillation measurements (S4,
), TEC and TEC phase.
60s 35s 0.5s 4 2 x RS-232; 1 x CAN NMEA2000; 1 x
Bluetooth (optional)
300 to 230,400 bps; ;
1 Mbps;
-40 to +65 8 to 36 V DC 2.5W (typical) Patch RoHS-compliant; RT-2 L1TE, GL1DE, and ALIGN software
features available
65s 35s 0.5s 6 1 x RS-232 or RS-422; 2 x RS-232; 1
x CAN NMEA2000; 1 x Bluetooth; 1 x
Emulated Radar
300 to 921,600 bps; 1
Mbps; 12 Mbps
-40 to +65 9 to 36 VDC 3.7W (typical) Pinwheel RoHS-compliant; RT-2, OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP, GL1DE,
PDP, and ALIGN software features available
65s 35s 0.5s 6 1 x RS-232 or RS-422; 1 x RS-232; 1
x CAN NMEA2000; 1 x Bluetooth; 1 x
Ground speed output, 1 x GPRS/HSDPA
or CDMA radio
300 to 921,600 bps; 1
Mbps; 5 Mbps
-40 to +65 9 to 36 VDC 4.5W (typical) Pinwheel RoHS-compliant; RT-2, OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP, GL1DE,
PDP, and ALIGN software features available
50s 35s 0.5s 4 1 x RS-232; 1 x RS-232 UART COM Port;
1 x CAN; 1 x USB1.1
300 to 921,600 bps; 12
Mbps; 10/100 Mbps
-40 to +85 10 to 30 VDC TBD Active (E) RoHS-compliant; RT-2 software features available
60s 35s 0.5s 4 2 x RS-232 UART COM Port; 1 x CAN;
1 x USB1.1
300 to 921,600 bps; 12
Mbps; 10/100 Mbps
-40 to +65 9 to 18 VDC 15W (max) Active (E) RoHS-compliant; RT-2, and OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP
software features available
60s 35s 0.5s 9 4 x RS-232 or RS-422; 1 x UART COM
Port; 1 x USB 2.0 Host; 1 x USB 2.0
Device; 1 x Ethernet; 1 x IMU Connection
up to 230 400 bps -30 to +85 C 9 to 30 VDC 8W (typical) Active (E) RoHS-compliant; RT-2, and OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP
software features available
60s 35s 0.5s 10 4 x RS-232 or RS-422; 1 x UART COM
Port; 1 x USB 2.0 Host; 1 x USB 2.0
Device; 1 x Ethernet; 1 x SD card drive; 1
x IMU Connection
up to 230 400 bps -40 to +85 C 9 to 28 VDC 10W (typical) Active (E) (dual antenna input
RoHS-compliant; RT-2, and OmniSTAR VBS/HP/XP
software features available
30s 30s <1s 2 2xUART; 2xSPI; 1xTWI (I2C compatible);
up to 230 400 bps -40 to +85 C ext. 150mW (GNSS)/100mW
(GPS)/5mW (Sleep mode)
Active & Passive (auto-switching
current detector)
In-car & PNDs, asset & personal tracking, Telematics & anti-
theft, surveillance & security + other mobile applications/A-
GNSS, dead reckoning & raw data output
25s 25s <1s 2 2xUART; 1xSPI; 1xTWI (I2C compatible);
9600 bps - 115200 bps 0 to 50 ext. 180mW (GNSS)/120mW
(GPS)/5mW (Sleep mode)
Active Fleet mgmt, Telematics & anti-theft, in-car & PNDs, asset
and personal tracking, surveillance & security/LTE, WiMAX,
Wi-Fi & cell. base station timing/A-GNSS, dead reckoning,
raw data output/Flash memory + power mgmt
25s 25s <1s 1/NMEA (default)
or binary protocol
PCI-Express standard bus/virtual COM
port device
9600 bps - 115200 bps 0 to 50 ext. 200mW (GNSS)/140mW
(GPS)/0.4mA (Sleep
Active & Passive (auto-switching
current detector)
Rugged notebook PCs, tablets & handheld computers.
Telematics & marine navigation. Surveillance, security and
public safety. GIS, survey, machine control & PrecisionAg/A-
GNSS, dead reckoning, raw data output/Flash memory
+ power mgmt.;
<20min <1min <1s 3 2 serial/1 USB 0 to 50 external 30 mw active Small portable GPS Receiver providing IRIG time, pulse
rates, event capture and position over serial and USB ports.
Can be portable with optional battery.
<20min <1min <1s 3 2 serial/1 USB 1,20057,600 0 to +50 external 30 mw active Small portable GPS Receiver providing IRIG time, pulse
rates, event capture and position over serial and USB ports.
Powered by external supply or internal rechargeable battery.
<20min <1min <1s 1,20057,600 0 to +50 bus active VME Time & Frequency Processor
<20min <5min 1s 2 RS-232, 100baseT 1,20057,600 0 to +50 Internal 90264
<10 35 dBi, 5 V DC Multiple frequency outputs, IRIG B, Low phase noise
<20min <5min 1s 2 RS-232, 100baseT 1,20057,600 0 to +50 Internal 90264
<10 35 dBi, 5 V DC as above
<20min <5min 1s 2 RS-232, 100baseT 1,20057,600 0 to +50 Internal 90264
AC Internal 20 -
70VDC (optional)
<10 35 dBi, 5 V DC Multiple frequency outputs, IRIG B, Low phase noise
<20min <5min 5s 2 RS-232, 100baseT 1,20057,600 0 to +50 Internal 90264
<10 35 dBi, 5 V DC Multiple frequency outputs, IRIG B, Low phase noise
<20min <5min 1s 2 RS-232, 100baseT 1,20057,600 0 to +50 Internal 90264
AC 20 - 70VDC
<10 35 dBi, 5 V DC 3x10MHz sine (low phase noise) + 3 x 1PPS TTL outputs,
<20min <5min 1s 2 RS-232, 100baseT 1,20057,600 0 to +50 Internal 90264
<10 35 dBi, 5 V DC 1PPS, IRIG B, NTP
<20min <5min 1s 2 RS-232, 100baseT 1,20057,600 0 to +50 15V DC <10 35 dBi, 5 V DC 1PPS, NTP
<20min <5min 1s 2 RS-232, 100baseT na 0 to +50 Internal 90264
<10 35 dBi, 5 V DC Multiple frequency outputs, IRIG B, Low phase noise,
Multiple input options, dual receiver engines (optional)
<20min <5min 1s 2 RS-232, 100baseT na 0 to +50 Internal 90264
<10 35 dBi, 5 V DC as above
na na na 3 2 x SMA , 1 x USB Variable 40 to +85 8V to 30V DC 5.8W; (Max) Active RF Record and Replay for GPS L1 C/A Code, Galileo E1
na na na 3 3 x SMA , 2 x USB Variable 40 to +85 8V to 30V DC 7.0W; (Max) Active RF Record and Replay for GPS L1, Galileo E1, GLONASS
L1, Compass B1
<100s typical <60s typical <8s for; <10s typical 3 RS-232, CMOS, Crypto (DS-101 and DS-
102), HVQK, 1PPS, NMEA, ant.
Variable 40 to +85 ext 0.7 W operating, 4 mW
active remote (E) U.S. Army standard; GB-GRAM; backward compatible
<100s typical <60s typical 3 RS-232, CMOS, HVQK, 1PPS,
NMEA, ant.
9,600230,400 54 to +85 ext 0.7 W operating, 4 mW
active remote (E) SPS version of MPE-S/GB-GRAM; backward compatible
<110s typical <90s typical <20s 2 Two independent serial ports (full duplex
CMOS), 1 PPS, DS-101 and DS-102, ant.
9,600230,400 54 to +85 ext <0.5 W operating, <0.3
mW Keep alive
active remote (E) The worlds smallest, lightest , lowest powered SAASM-
based GPS receiver in the world
<60s <8s <15s nr DS-101, 1PPS, 10PPS input, antenna(s) 9,600230,400 54 to +85 ext <2W passive, 2-element (E) 2-card GPS-AJ system with 2-element digital nulling;
20k-Gee hardened, Deep Integration capable
<60s <8s <15s nr RS-422, RS-232, DS-102, DS-101, HVQK,
1PPs, antenna
Variable 32 to +70 ext <4 W acquisition, <3 W
passive (E) Updated NavStrike GPS receiver using same form-factor,
<60s <8s <15s nr RS-422, DS-102, DS-101, HVQK, 1PPs,
antenna (4)
Variable -20 to +60 ext <12 W continuous active remote, 4-element (E) 2-card integrated GPS-AJ system with 4-element RF
<100s <70s <15s for <15min 3 RS-232, RS-422; radio, crypto, HVQK, 1
Variable 32 to +70 ext 932 V DC/intl
4 AA batteries
< 0.7 W tracking, < 1.5 W
active integral or active remote (E) THE handheld GPS receiver used by the US Army and other
services. Proven with over 450K units delivered.
Unveried as of
this date
<25s Unveried as of this date 1 RS-232, keyll, external power Variable 54 to +85 Intl 2 AA batteries Unveried as of this date integral SAASM-based, small, light-weight, portable 12-channel all-
in-view, with commercial style graphical user interface
<100s <70s <15s for <15min 3 RS-232, RS-422; radio, HVQK, 1 PPS, 10
variable -54 to +85 ext 932 V DC/intl
4 AA batteries
< 0.7 W tracking, < 1.5 W
active integral or active remote (E) Small, light-weight, portable 12-channel all-in-view GPS
<60s <10s <15s nr RS-232, RS-422, DS-102, DS-101, HVQK,
up to 921kbaud -40C to +71C ext <3 W active or passive GRAM-S (SEM-E) module
<60s <10s <15s nr RS-232, RS-422, DS-102, DS-101,
9600-230400 -55 C to +71 C ( ext <2W Active or passive ASR Form Factor
<60s <10s <15s 4 Dual redundant, RS-422 interfaces as
SHCI buses; 1553; DS101/102; HVQK
300230,400; -40 to +85 115V/400Hz 36 Passive 7-element CRPA
na na na 2 Dual redundant, RS-422 interfaces as
SHCI buses; 1553; DS101/102; HVQK
19.2 kbps - 115.2 kbps -40 to +85 28VDC 10 Active 4-element CRPA AJ accessory with RF output
<45s <15s (after
<1s 3,1,1,1 RS232, USB, event marker, PPS out 300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to +85 3.3V DC 500mW (E) Compact low-power dual frequency GPS/GLONASS
OEM receiver
<75s <3s 4 RS232 or RS422 (ARINC ready) 300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to + 60 3 - 5.5 VDC 3W max (E) FAA TSO certiable aviation receiver (BETA-3)
receiver survey 2013 | Sponsored by
GPS World | January 2013 16
Manufacturer Model Channels/tracking
Signal tracked Maximum number of
satellites tracked
User environment and
Size (W x H x D) Weight Position: autonomous (code) / real-
time differential (code) / ; real-time
Position x update
rate (sec)
AsteRx3 OEM 136 par. GPS L1, C/A L2, P-code & CP; L2C; L5 code &
CP, GALILEO L1 code & CP; E5abAltBOC code &
All in View
ADGLMMetNOPRTV2 60 x 90mm 60 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 25Hz
AsteRx3 HDC 136 par. as above as above ADGLMMetNOPRTV1 130 x 185 x 46mm 510 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 25Hz
AsteRx2eH OEM 272 par. GPS+GLONASS L1, C/A and P-code & CP; L2,
14 ADGLMMetNOPRTV2 77 x 120mm 90 gr 1.3m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/ 5mm
+ 1 ppm/0.3-0.6/m
10 20Hz
AsteRx2eH PRO 272 par. as above 14 ADGLMMetNOPRTV1 245 x 140 x 37mm 930 gr 1.3m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/ 5mm
+ 1 ppm/0.3-0.6/m
10 20Hz
AsteRx2i OEM 136 par. as above All in View GPS+GLONASS ADGHLMMetNOPRTV2 60 x 90mm 60 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 50Hz
AsteRx2i HDC 136 par. as above as above ADGHLMMetNOPRTV1 130 x 185 x 46mm 510 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 50Hz
AsteRx2e OEM 136 par. GPS+GLONASS L1, C/A & CP; L2, P-code & CP;
as above ADGHLMMetNOPRTV2 60 x 90mm 60 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 25Hz
AsteRx2e HDC 136 par. as above as above ADGHLMMetNOPRTV1 130 x 185 x 46mm 510 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 25Hz
AsteRx2eL OEM 136 par. GPS+GLONASS L1, C/A & CP; L2, P-code & CP;
as above ADGHLMMetNOPRTV2 60 x 90mm 60 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 25Hz
AsteRx2eL HDC 136 par. as above as above ADGLMMetNOPRTV1 130 x 185 x 46mm 510 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 25Hz
PolaRx4 PRO 264 Par. GPS L1, C/A L2, P-code & CP; L2C; L5 code &
CP, GALILEO L1 code & CP; E5a code & CP;
All in View ADGHLMMetNOPRTV1 235 x 140 x 37mm 980 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 50Hz
PolaRx4TR PRO 264 par. GPS L1, C/A L2, P-code & CP; L2C; L5 code &
CP, GALILEO L1 code & CP; E5a code & CP;
as above DGLMetOPRTV1 235 x 140 x 37mm 980 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 50Hz
PolaRxS PRO 136 par. GPS L1, C/A L2, P-code & CP; L2C; L5 code &
CP, GALILEO L1 code & CP; E5abAltBOC code &
All in View
DGLMetOPRTV1 300 x 140 x 37mm 980 gr 1.3m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/
5mm + 1 ppm
10 100Hz
PolaRx2e@ OEM 48 par. L1, C/A and P-code & CP; L2, P-code & CP;
9 + 1 SBAS; 16; 12 ADGLMMetNOPRTV2 160 x 100mm (Eurocard) 120 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/ 5mm
+ 1 ppm/0.3-0.6/m
10 10Hz
PolaRx2e@ PRO 48 par. as above 9 + 1 SBAS; 16; 12 ADGLMMetNOPRTV1 280 x 140 x 37mm 930 gr 1.5m (1s)/ 0.6m (1s)/1cm +1 ppm/ 5mm
+ 1 ppm/0.3-0.6/m
10 10Hz
SORGA 12 L1C/A, L1C, L2C, L5, E1, E5, G1, G2, SBAS,
36 ADGHLMMetNOS2 na: Pure real-time
na <5m autonomous (L1C/A) monofreq. na 10 Hz PVT
CIPREE 50 L1C/A, L1C, L2C, L5, E1, E5, G1, G2, SBAS,
>50 ADGHLMMetNOS2 150mm x 150mm x
2.3 kg <1 to 5m autonomous (L1C/A,
20 ns 10 Hz PVT
SiFEnR_One_By_One 3 gnss frequencies ALL SIGNALS all existing constellations ADGHLMMetNOS2 98.3 x 22 x 300mm 800g na na na
SkyTraq Technology, Inc.
Venus628LP 65 L1 GPS, SBAS 12 ACDGHLMMetNPRTV2 7 x 7 x 0.75mm 0.1g <2.5m/nr/nr/nr(CEP) 60ns 1,2,4,5,8,10,20Hz
Venus638LPx 65 L1 GPS, SBAS 12 ACDGHLMMetNPRTV2 10 x 10 x 1.3mm 0.3g <2.5m/nr/nr/nr(CEP) 60ns 1,2,4,5,8,10,20Hz
Venus638FLPx 65 L1 GPS, SBAS 12 ACDGHLMMetNPRTV2 10 x 10 x 1.3mm 0.3g <2.5m/<2.0m/nr/nr(CEP) 60ns 1,2,4,5,8,10,20Hz
S2532DR 65 L1 GPS, SBAS 12 ACDHLMNTV2 25 x 32 x 2.3mm 4g <2.5m/nr/nr/nr(CEP) 60ns 1,5,10Hz
S1722G2F 88 L1 GLONASS/GPS, SBAS 24 ACDGHLMMetNPRTV2 17 x 22 x 2.3mm 2g <2.5m/nr/nr/nr(CEP) 6ns 1Hz
S2532G2DR 88 L1 GLONASS/GPS, SBAS 24 ACDHLMNTV2 25 x 32 x 2.3 mm 5g <2.5m/nr/nr/nr(CEP) 6ns 1,5,10Hz
32 ACDGHLMMetNPRTV2 6 x 6 x .75mm 0.1g <2.5m/<2.0m/nr/nr(CEP) 6ns 1,2,4,5,8,10,20,25,40,
GRX2 226 Channels with
Universal Tracking
Channel Technology
GPS: L1 C/A, L2C, L2 P(Y); GLONASS: L1/L2
code and carrier
>50 GL1 184 () x 95mm 1.1 kg 23m /50cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.05
GSX2 226 Channels with
Universal Tracking
Channel Technology
GPS: L1 C/A, L2C, L2 P(Y); GLONASS: L1/L2
code and carrier
>50 GL1 150 x 150 x 64 (mm) 0.85 kg 23m /40cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.01
Spectra Precision
ProMark 120 45 par. SBAS; GPS L1 C/A ; Glonass L1 C/A All-in-view HGLN1 9.0 x 19.0 x 4.3cm 0.63 kg 3m/30cm+1ppm/1cm+1ppm/0.5cm+1
100 0.05s
ProMark 220 45 par. SBAS; GPS L1 C/A L1/L2 P-code, L2C; Glonass
L1 C/A, L2 C/A
All-in-view HGLN1 9.0 x 19.0 x 4.3cm 0.63 kg 3m/25cm+1ppm/1cm+1ppm/0.5cm+1
100 0.05s
Epoch 50 220 GPS L1C/A, L2C, L2P, L5; GLONASS L1C/A,
L1P, L2C/A, L2P; SBAS L1C/A, L5; Galileo
44 GHLPR1 19.0 x 10.7 x 20.0cm 1.34 kg 15m/25cm+1ppm/1cm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 1s
ProMark 800 120 par. GPS L1 C/A L1/L2 P-code, L2 C, L5, L1/L2/L5
full wavelength carrier; GLONASS L1 C/A and L2
C/A, L1/L2 full wavelength carrier; GALILEO E1
and E5 ; SBAS code and carrier
All-in-view GL1 22.8 x 18.8 x 8.4cm 1.4 kg 3m/25cm+1ppm/1cm+1ppm/3mm
nr 0.05s
ProFlex 800 120 par. GPS L1 C/A L1/L2 P-code, L2 C, L5, L1/L2/L5
full wavelength carrier; GLONASS L1 C/A and L2
C/A, L1/L2 full wavelength carrier; GALILEO E1
and E5 ; SBAS code and carrier
+ low signal acquisition
AGLMNOPR1 21.5 x 20 x 7.6cm 2.1 kg 3m/25cm+1ppm/1cm+1ppm/3mm
nr 0.05s
Spectrum Instruments
Custom Time/Frequency
12 or 16 par. L1, C/A-code 12 or 16 ADGLMMetOPT12 Various Various 2.5m/2.0m CEP 10 1
TM-4 12 or 16 par. L1, C/A-code 12 or 16 DGLMMetNOPT1 4.0 x 1.5 x 4.125in Rack
Brax avail.
1 lb 2.5m/2.0m CEP 15 1
TM-4D 12 or 16 par. L1, C/A-code 12 or 16 DGLMetOPT1 19.0 x 1.75 x 8.0in 6.5 lb 2.5m/2.0m CEP 10 1
TM-4M, TM4-M+,
12 or 16 par. L1, C/A-code 12 or 16 DGLMMetOPT1 9.5 x 1.75 x 9.0in 4 lb 2.5m/2.0m CEP 10 1
TM-4MR 12 or 16 par. L1, C/A-code 12 or 16 DGLMMetOPT1 9.5 x 3.5 x 12.0in Rack
7.5 lb 2.5m/2.0m CEP 5 1
TM4-MRII 12 or 16 par. L1, C/A-code 12 or 16 DLMetOPT1 19.0 x 3.5 x 8.0in 6 lb 2.5m/2.0m CEP 5 1
TM-4OEM 12 or 16 par. L1, C/A-code 12 or 16 ADGLMMetOPT2 3.875 x 1.0 x 4.00in 0.5 lb 2.5m/2.0m CEP 10 1
TM4-PC/104 12 or 16 par. L1, C/A-code 12 or 16 ADGLMMetOPT2 3.775 x 0.497 x 3.55in 0.5 lb 2.5m/2.0m CEP 10 1
TM4-SN, TM4-S 16 par. L1, C/A-code 16 ADGLMNOPT2 5.1 x 1.0 x 1.6in 0.5 lb 2.5m/2.0m CEP 15 1
TM5-OEM 16 par. L1, C/A-code 16 ADGLMNOPT2 60 x 114 x 16mm 0.5 lb 2.5m/2.0m CEP 10 1
Cartesio PLUS (STA2064) 32 GPS/Galileo (L1), SBAS 32 ACDGLHMNPTV 15 x 15 x 1.2mm na 2m/1.5m/na/na <50(rms) 1Hz
Cartesio PLUS (STA2065) 32 GPS/Galileio (L1), SBAS 32 ACDGLHMNPTV 16 x 16 x 1.2mm na 2m/1.5m/na/na <50(rms) 1Hz
Teseo Chipset 16 GPS (L1), SBAS 13 ACDGLHMNPTV2 RF 5x5mm BB 10x10mm na 2m/1.5m/na/na 50 (rms) 1Hz
Teseo MCM (STA8058) 16 GPS (L1), SBAS 13 ACDGLHMNPTV2 11 x 7 x 1.4mm na 2m/1.5m/na/na 50 (rms) 1Hz
TeseoII SOC;
32 GPS/Galileio/Glonass QZSS (L1), SBAS 32 ACDGLHMNPTV2 9x9x1.2 na 2m/1.5m/na/na <50(rms) 1Hz/5Hz/10Hz
TeseoII SAL; (STA8088FG) 32 GPS/Galileio/Glonass QZSS (L1), SBAS 32 ACDGLHMNPTV2 7x7x1 na 2m/1.5m/na/na <50(rms) 1Hz/5Hz/10Hz
RF Front-End (STA5620) na L1 na ACDGLHMNPTV2 5 x 5 x 1.0mm na na na na
RF Front-End (STA5630) na L1 na ACDGLHMNPTV2 5 x 5 x 1.0mm na na na na
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.
SGR-10 24 GPS L1 C/A >12 NS1 160 x 50 x 160mm 1 kg <10m/-/-/1m (95%) 500 1
SGR-20 24 GPS L1 C/A >12 NOS1 160 x 50 x 160mm 1 kg <10m/-/-/1m (95%) 500 1
SGR-07 12 GPS L1 C/A 12 NS1 120 x 47 x 76mm 450g <10m/-/-/1m (95%) 500 1
SGR-05P 12 GPS L1 C/A 12 NS2 70 x 10 x 70mm 60 g <10m/-/-/1m (95%) 500 1
SGR-05U 12 GPS L1 C/A 12 NS2 70 x 10 x 45mm 30 g <10m/-/-/1m (95%) 500 1
SGR-ReSI 24 GPS L1 C/A, L2C >12 NS1 300 x 40 x 200mm 1 kg 10m/-/-/<1m (95%) 500 1
SGR-Axio 24 GPS L1 C/A, L2C >12 NS1 160 x 50 x 180mm 1 kg 5m/-/-/<1m (95%) 100 1
bc637PCIe 8 par. L1 only, C/A-code 8 ADLMMetNPRT12 (dd) PCI Express Low Prole nr/nr/25m 170 1
Sponsored by | receiver survey 2013 January 2013 | GPS World 17
Cold start
Warm start
No. of ports Port type Baud rate Operating temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Power source Power consumption
Antenna type
Description or Comments
<45s <15s (after
<1s 4,1, 1, 2, 1 RS232, Ethernet, USB, event marker,
PPS out
300230,400, 10 Mbps 40 to +85 35.5 V DC 2.5W typ (E) Triple frequency high accuracy GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO
OEM receiver.
<45s <15s (after
<1s 3, 1,1, 2, 1 as above 300230,400, 10 Mbps 40 to +60 930 V DC 3W typ (E) Tripple frequency high accuracy GPS/GLONASS/
GALILEO receiver in a versatile waterproof high-impact
plastic housing.
<45s <15s (after
<1s 4, 1,1, 2, 1, 2 RS-232, Ethernet, USB, event marker,
PPS out, Ref in/out
300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to + 85 5 V DC 4W typ (E) Single-board, dual-antenna/heading GPS/GLONASS/SBAS
receiver board
<45s <15s (after
<1s 4, 1,1, 2, 1, 2 as above 300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to + 60 9-30 V DC 5W typ (E) High precision dual-frequency 2-antenna GPS/GLONASS/
SBAS heading receiver
<45s <15s (after
<1s 4, 1, 2, 1 RS232, USB, event marker, PPS out 300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to + 85 3.3V DC 2W IMU incl (E) high precision IMU enhanced GPS/GLONASS Dual-
frequency OEM receiver.
<45s <15s (after
<1s 3, 1, 2, 1 as above 300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to + 60 930 V DC 2.5W IMU incl (E) high precision IMU enhanced GPS/GLONASS Dual-
frequency receiver in a versatile waterproof high-impact
plastic housing.
<45s <15s (after
<1s 2, 1, 1, 2, 1,1 RS232, Ethernet, USB, event marker,
PPS out, Ref in
300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to +85 3.3V DC 1.5W typ (E) Dual frequency high accuracy GPS/GLONASS OEM
receiver .
<45s <15s (after
<1s 2,1, 1, 2, 1 RS232, Ethernet, USB, event marker,
PPS out
300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to + 60 930 V DC 2W typ (E) Dual frequency high accuracy GPS/GLONASS receiver in a
versatile waterproof high-impact plastic housing.
<45s <15s (after
<1s 4,1, 1, 2, 1 RS232, Ethernet, USB, event marker,
PPS out
300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to + 60 35.5 V DC 2.5W typ (E) Dual frequency high accuracy GPS/GLONASS OEM
receiver. TERRASTAR supported.
<45s <15s (after
<1s 3, 1,1, 2, 1 as above 300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to + 60 930 V DC 3W typ (E) Dual frequency high accuracy GPS/GLONASS receiver
in a versatile waterproof high-impact plastic housing.
TERRASTAR supported.
<45s <15s (after
<1s 2, 1, 1, 2, 1,1 RS232, Ethernet, USB, event marker,
PPS out, Ref in
300230,400; 1-2 Mbps -40 to + 70 930 V DC 6W typ (E) Multi-frequency GNSS reference receiver.
<45s <15s (after
<1s 2,1, 1, 2, 1,1,1,1 RS232, Ethernet, USB, event marker, PPS
out, Ref in, PPS in, Ref out
300230,400, 10 Mbps 30 to +70 930 V DC 6W typ (E) Multi-frequency GNSS reference receiver for highly accurate
timing and frequency transfer
<45s <15s (after
<1s 4, 1, 2, 1, 2 RS232, Ethernet, event marker, PPS
out, Ref out
300230,400, 10 Mbps 30 to +70 930 V DC 6W typ (E) Scintillation monitoring receiver
<90s <20s (after
<2s 4, 1, 2, 1, 2 RS-232, Ethernet, event marker, PPS
out, Ref in/out
na na 5 V DC Application-dependent (E) Single-board, triple-antenna/attitude GPS/SBAS receiver
<90s <20s (after
<2s 4, 1, 2, 1, 1 RS-232, Ethernet, event marker, PPS
out, Ref in
115kbps, 1Gb/s 10C to + 40C for
standard version
930 V DC Application-dependent (E) Versatile and high precision attitude GPS/SBAS receiver
<40s <20s <2s na na 8.4Gb/s (FMC) 10C to + 40C na na na Real Time Software Receiver, runs on PC, proposed to be
ported by SILICOM on any hardware
<40s <20s <2s 2 Serial, Ethernet 4800/9600/38400/115200 -40 to +85 ext 35W E FPGA Based multiconstellation Receiver
na na na 2 FMC, PCI express (if delivered with
FMC Boad)
4800/9600/38400/115200 -40 to +85 ext 25W E 3 channel input RF Stage
29s 28s <1s 1 UART 4800/9600/38400/115200 -40 to +85 ext 0.067 active or passive ROM GPS chipset
29s 28s <1s 1 UART 4800/9600/38400/115200 -40 to +85 ext 0.06 active or passive ROM GPS module
29s 28s <1s 5 2 UART, 2 SPI, I2C 4800/9600/38400/115200 -40 to +85 ext 0.067 active or passive Flash GPS module
1s 1s <1s 1 UART 4800/9600/38400/115200 -40 to +85 ext 0.13 active Dead-Reckoning GPS module
29s 28s <1s 1 UART 4800/9600/38400/115200 -40 to +85 ext 0.2 active GLONASS/GPS module
1s 1s <1s 1 UART 460800 40 to +65 ext 0.25 active Dead-Reckoning GLONASS/GPS module
26s 25s <1s 3 UART, SPI, I2C 460800 40 to +65 ext 0.02 active or passive GLONASS /GPS/Compass/Galileo, SBAS, QZSS chipset
<40 <20s <1s 2 RS-232, Ext Power 2,400115,200 20 to +60 ext./int. 4 int. Internal UHF digital radio and cellular option; Bluetooth
<40 <20s <1s 2 RS-232/Ext Power and mini USB 2,400115,200 20 to +60 ext./int. 2 int. LongRange Technology; Bluetooth
90s 15s 15s 3 RS232, USB, Bluetooth up to 115200 -40 to +60 Ext./int. 3 Patch internal, patch active
(ER) ext.
Versatile GNSS solution with exceptional post-processing
90s 15s 15s 3 RS232, USB, Bluetooth up to 115200 30 to +55 Ext./int. 3 Patch internal, patch active
(ER) ext.
All-in-one solution for network RTK
60s 30s 15s 3 2 x RS232, Bluetooth RS232/422: up to 921.6
kbits/sec; USB 2.0 host
& device; Bluetooth 2.0 +
EDR Class 2, SPP prole
-30 to +65 Int./ext. 4.4 Internal patch (ER) Survey-grade GNSS receiver capable of high accuracy
110s 30s 3s 4 RS232, RS422, USB, Bluetooth Selectable to 115,200 -40 to +85 Int./ext. 4.5 Internal patch active. GPS/GLO/
GAL L1/L2/L5
The Full GNSS Productivity; GNSS Centric; Z-Blade
90s 35s 3s 7 1 RS232/RS422, 2 RS232, USB,
Bluetooth, Ethernet, 3.5G/GPRS GSM,
Earth terminal
Selectable to 115,200 -20 to +70 Int./ext. with UHF and GNSS
antenna < 5
External active antenna depending
on application: Geodetic Survey
Antenna, Machine, Marine or
Choke Ring
Outstanding GNSS Performance in Ultra Rugged Design;
GNSS Centric; Z-Blade
<35s <38s <1s Various sine, 1PPS, RS-232, TTL, IRIG B,
NTP, various
Selectable to 115,200 -20 to +70 ext Various ext. Customizable time/frequency platform
<35s <38s <1s 2, 9 as above Selectable to 115,200 -20 to +70 ext 3.2 ext. Time/Frequency reference instrument. IRIG-B
<35s <38s <1s 24, 9 as above Selectable to 115,200 0 to +70 ext 4 ext. Time/Frequency instrument with integrated Distribution
Amplier. IRIG-capable.
<35s <38s <1s 6, 9 as above Selectable to 115,200 0 to +70 Universal AC 3.2 ext. Time/Frequency instrument with internal UPS
<35s <38s <1s 6, 9 as above Selectable to 115,200 -20 to +70 or -40 to +85 Universal AC < 12 ext. Time/Frequency instrument with Rubidium oscillator and
integrated UPS
<35s <38s <1s 6, 9 as above Selectable to 115,200 -20 to +70 or -40 to +85 Universal AC <12 ext. Time/Frequency instrument with Rubidium oscillator.
Rack Mount
<35s <38s <1s 2, 9 as above Selectable to 115,200 -40 to +85 ext Various to under 2 W ext. Board level module, Time/Frequency, IRIG-B
<35s <38s <1s 3, 9 10 MHz sine(x2), 1PPS, RS-232, TTL,
IRIG B, NTP, various
Selectable to 115,200 -20 to +70 or -40 to +85 ext as above ext. Board level module, Time/Frequency, IRIG-B, PC/104
<35s <38s <1s 2, 5 10 MHz LVDS, 1PPS LVDS, TTL, Custom 4800-115500 -40 to + 85 ext as above ext. Board level module, Time/Frequency, MGRS, WAAS, High
Sensitivity, Fully Shielded
<35s <38s <1s 2, 8 sine, 1PPS, TTL, various 4800-115500 -40 to + 85 ext 3.2 ext. Board level module, Time/Frequency, high sensitivity, WAAS,
Fully Shielded
35s 34s <1s 17 UART, SPI, I2C, USB, CAN, SD/MMC,
4800-115500 -40 to + 85 1.25V Variable (inquire) E (passive & active) Infotainment application processor with embedded GPS
35s 34s <1s 22 UART, SPI, I2C, USB, CAN, USB, SD/
MMC, I2S/TDM, SPDIF, SmartCard,
4800-115500 -40 to + 85 1.25V Variable (inquire) E (passive & active) Infotainment application processor with embedded GPS
39s 34s <1s 10 UART, SPI, I2C, USB and CAN 4800-115500 -40 to + 85 ext/int Variable (inquire) E (passive & active) Embedded Flash + EMI
39s 34s <1s 9 UART, SPI, I2C, USB and CAN 4800-115500 -40 to + 85 ext/int Variable (inquire) E (passive & active) Embedded Flash
35s 34s <1s UART, SPI, SQI, 2C, USB, CAN, , SD/
na -40 to + 85 1.2V/1.8V Variable (inquire) E (passive & active) Multiconstellation Sistem On Chip
35s 34s <1s UART, SPI, SQI, 2C, USB, CAN, ,GPIOs na -40 to + 85 1.2V/1.8V Variable (inquire) E (passive & active) Multiconstenstellatin Stand-Alone
na na na na na 9,60038,400 20 to +50 2.56 - 3.3V 40mW na Fully integrated RF Front-end
na na na na na 9,60038,400 20 to +50 1.62-1.98V 29mW na Low power GPS-Galileo RF Front-end
3.5min 60s nr 2 RS-422, CAN bus 9,60038,400 20 to +50 External <6 2 patch + LNAs Heritage space receiver
3.5min 60s nr 2 RS-422, CAN bus 9,60038,400 20 to +50 External <7 4 patch + LNAs Spacecraft att. determ.
9m/2m 60s nr 2 RS-422, CAN bus 9,60038,400 20 to +50 External <2 1 patch + LNA Packaged SGR-05P
9m/2m 60s nr 2 TTL, RS422, CAN 9,600115,200 20 to +50 External 1.5 1 Quadrilar/patch + LNA Rdcd-size OEM w TMR
9min 60s nr 1 UART TTL 9,600115,200 20 to +50 External 1 1 Quadrilar + LNA University-grade space OEM
3/2min 60s nr 3 RS-422, CAN bus, LVDS External 10 Four spiral array, plus standard
Remote Sensing Capability (Reection & RO)
3/2min 60s nr 3 RS-422, CAN bus, LVDS na 0 to +70 External 4-6 Up to 4 patches New Generation Space Receiver
na 0 to +70
receiver survey 2013 | Sponsored by
GPS World | January 2013 18
Manufacturer Model Channels/tracking
Signal tracked Maximum number of
satellites tracked
User environment and
Size (W x H x D) Weight Position: autonomous (code) / real-
time differential (code) / ; real-time
Position x update
rate (sec)
bc637PCI-V2 8 par. L1 only, C/A-code 8 ADLMMetNPRT12 (dd) Single-width (4.2 x
module =
5.8 oz
nr/nr/25m 170 1
bc637PMC 8 par. L1 only, C/A-code 8 ADLMMetNPRT12 (dd) Std (2.91 x 5.86in) height
module =
3.4 oz
nr/nr/25m 1000 1
XLi 12 par L1 only, C/A-code 12 ADLMMetNT1 17 x 1.75 x 15.4in 10 lb Autonomous <30 1
XL-GPS 12 par L1 only, C/A-code 12 ADLMMetNT1 17 x 1.75 x 15.4in 8 lb Autonomous <30 1
XLi SAASM GB-GRAM 12 par L1/L2 12 ADLMMetNT1 17 x 1.75 x 15.4in 10 lb Autonomous <30 1
SyncServer S250 12 par L1 only, C/A-code 12 ADLMMetNT1 17 x 1.75 x 15.4in 9 lb Autonomous <100 1
SyncServer S350 12 par L1 only, C/A-code 12 ADLMMetNT1 17 x 1.75 x 15.4in 9 lb Autonomous <100 1
SyncServer S350 SAASM 12 par L1/L2 12 ADLMMetNT1 17 x 1.75 x 15.4in 9 lb Autonomous <100 1
Tallysman Wireless
TW5300 16 GPS L1 C/A code, 16 GPS 16 LV1 66.5 x 21mm 150gm ~10m na 1Hz
TW5310 16 GPS L1 C/A code, 16 GPS 16 DLMNV1 66.5 x 21mm 150gm ~10m <100ns 1Hz
TW5330 16 GPS L1 C/A code, 16 GPS 16 DLMNT1 66.5 x 21mm 150gm ~10m <100ns 1Hz
TW5210 16 GPS L1 C/A code, 16 GPS 16 DLMNV1 57 x 15mm 175 gm ~10m <100ns 1Hz
TW5115 16 GPS L1 C/A code, 16 GPS 16 2 33 x 33 x 7.6mm 30gm ~10m <100ns 1Hz
THALES - Avionics Division
GNSS 1000C 12 L1 : C/A All in view ADLMNPT2 149.35 x 144.65 x; 19mm 430 g < 5m (95%) < 50 10Hz
GNSS 1000G 20 par. GPS L1 C/A code and; GLONASS L1 10 GPS + 10; GLONASS ADLMN2 149.35 x 144.65 x; 19mm 430 g < 30m (95%) < 50 5Hz
24 par. L1 : C/A, P or Y code; L2 : P or Y code All in view ADLMNPT2 149.35 x 144.65 x; 19mm 430 g < 5m (95%) < 50 10Hz
GNSS 100-2,; SAASM-
24 par. L1 : C/A, P or Y code; L2 : P or Y code All in view ADLMNPT1 221.5 x 162 x; 67.3mm 1,6 kg < 5m (95%) < 50 10Hz
GNSS 100-3, SAASM-Based 24 par. L1 : C/A, P or Y code; L2 : P or Y code All in view ADLMNPT1 211 x 160 x 49mm 1,4 kg < 5m (95%) < 50 10Hz
TOPSTAR 200NG 12 L1 : C/A All in view AN1 66 x 216 x 241mm 1,6 kg < 15m, 5m; (SBAS), 2.5; m (GBAS)
< 50 1Hz or 5Hz
GR-5 216 Universal
Tracking Channels
GPS: L1, L2, & L5 carrier; C/A L1, P L1, P L2,
L2C - GLONASS: L1, L2, & L5 carrier, C/A
L1, P L1, P L2, C/A L2 - Galileo: Giove-A,B
(E1 and E5a)
>50 GL1 158.1 x 253.0 x 158.1mm 1.44 kg 23m /30cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.01
HiPer V 226 Channels with
Universal Tracking
Channel Technology
GPS: L1 C/A, L2C, L2 P(Y); GLONASS: L1/L2
code and carrier
>50 GL1 184 () x 95mm 1.1 kg 23m /50cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.05
HiPer SR 226 Channels with
Universal Tracking
Channel Technology
GPS: L1 C/A, L2C, L2 P(Y); GLONASS: L1/L2
code and carrier
>50 GL1 150 x 150 x 64 (mm) 0.85 kg 23m /40cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.01
Net G3A 144 Universal
Tracking Channels
GPS: L1, L2, & L5 carrier; C/A L1, P L1, P L2,
L2C - GLONASS: L1, L2, & L5 carrier, C/A
L1, P L1, P L2, C/A L2 - Galileo: Giove-A,B
(E1 and E5a)
>50 GLR1 166 x 93 x 275mm 3.0 kg 23m /30cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.01
GB-3 72 See GR-3 36 GL1 110 x 35 x 240mm 0.6 kg 23m /30cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.05
MR-1 72 Universal
Tracking Channels
GPS: L1 C/A, L2C, L2 P(Y); GLONASS: L1/L2
code and carrier; WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS
20 GLM1 115x35x155mm 0.4 Kg 23m /30cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.01
GRS-1 72 Universal
Tracking Channels
GPS: L1 C/A, L2C, L2 P(Y); GLONASS: L1/L2
code and carrier; SBAS
36 GHNLR7E 199 x 90 x 63mm 0.67 23m /30cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.05
B110 226 Universal
Tracking Channels
GPS: L1 C/A, L2C, L2 P(Y); GLONASS: L1/L2
code and carrier; Galileo E1 and Compass ready
>50 2 40 x 55 x 10mm na 23m /30cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.01
OEM-1 72 Universal
Tracking Channels
GPS: L1 C/A, L2C, L2 P(Y); GLONASS: L1/L2
code and carrier; WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS
20 2 60 x 13 x 100mm < 60 gms 23m /30cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.01
112 PII 144 GPS: L1, L2, & L5 carrier; C/A L1, P L1, P L2,
L2C - GLONASS: L1, L2, & L5 carrier, C/A
L1, P L1, P L2, C/A L2 - Galileo: Giove-A,B
(E1 and E5a)
>50 2 112 x 14.7 x 100mm na 23m /30cm /10mm/3mm 10 0.01
Trimble AP10 Board Set 72 GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, QZSS,
24 ADGLMNOPR2 167 x 100 x 45Hmm
(including IMU)
0.68 kg
1.5 3m/0.25- 1m/0.02 - 0.05m
/0.02 - 0.05m
100 200Hz
Trimble AP20 Board Set 72 GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, QZSS,
24 ADGLMNOPR2 130 x 100 x 39Hmm (not
including IMU)
0.35 kg (not
1.5 3m/0.5 - 2m/0.02 - 0.05m
/0.02 - 0.05m
100 100Hz
Trimble AP40 Board Set 72 GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, QZSS,
24 ADGLMNOPR2 130 x 100 x 39Hmm (not
including IMU)
0.35 kg (not
1.5 3m/0.5 - 2m/0.02 - 0.05m
/0.02 - 0.05m
100 200Hz
Trimble AP50 Board Set 72 GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, QZSS,
24 ADGLMNOPR2 130 x 100 x 39Hmm (not
including IMU)
0.35 kg (not
1.5 3m/0.5 - 2m/0.02 - 0.05m
/0.02 - 0.05m
100 200Hz
Trimble AP60 Board Set 72 GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, QZSS,
24 ADGLMNOPR2 130 x 100 x 39Hmm (not
including IMU)
0.35 kg (not
1.5 3m/0.5 - 2m/0.02 - 0.05m
/0.02 - 0.05m
100 200Hz
BD910 GNSS Receiver 220 GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, QZSS,
44 DGLMNPRTV2 41 x 41 x 7mm 0.7 oz 15m/0.25m+0.5ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 20
BD920 GNSS Receiver 220 GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, QZSS,
44 DGLMNPRTV2 51 x 41 x 7mm 0.85 oz 15m/0.25m+0.5ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 50
44 DGLMNPRTV2 50 x 62 x 14mm 54 oz 15m/0.25m+0.5ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 50
BD982 GNSS Heading
220 x 2 GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, QZSS,
44 DGLMNPRTV2 100 x 84.9 x 11.6mm 3.2 oz 15m/0.25m+0.5ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 50
BD970 GNSS Receiver 220 GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, QZSS,
44 DGLMNPRTV2 100 x 60 x 11.6mm 2.2 oz 15m/0.25m+0.5ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 50
BX982 GNSS Heading
220 x 2 GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, QZSS,
44 DGLMNPRTV2 262 x 140 x 55mm 1.6 kg 15m/0.25m+0.5ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 50
Buffalo 32 L1, C/A code GPS, GLONASS, future FW
upgrades for Galileo and Compass
32 AGHLMMETNPV2 19 x 19 x 2.54mm 1.74 grams <1.5 50 1 Hz
Aardvark 22 L1, C/A code 22 AGHLMMETNPV2 16 x 12.2 x 2.13mm 0.544 grams <2.5 1, 5, 10Hz
A3000 22 L1, C/A code 22 LV1 115 x 78 x 26mm 100g <2.5 1, 5, 10Hz
Copernicus II GPS 12 L1, C/A code 12 AGHLMMETNPV2 2.54 H x 19 W x 19 L 0.7 oz 3m 50 1
Condor C1011 22 L1, C/A code 22 AGHLMMETNPV2 10 x 10 x 2mm 0.364 grams <2.5 1Hz
Condor C1216 22 L1, C/A code 22 AGHLMMETNPV2 16 x 12.2 x 2.13mm 0.544 grams <2.5 1Hz
Condor C1722 22 L1, C/A code 22 AGHLMMETNPV2 17 x 22.4 x 2.13mm 0.953 grams <2.5 1Hz
Condor C1919 22 L1, C/A code 22 AGHLMMETNPV2 19 x 19 x 2.54mm 1.74 grams <2.5 1Hz
Condor C2626 22 L1, C/A code 22 AGHLMMETNPV2 26 x 26 x 6mm 6.486 grams <2.5 1Hz
Acutime Gold GPS Smart
12 L1 only, C/A-code 8 LMPST1 3.74 D, 2.85in H 5.4 oz 40m CEP; velocity 0.25m/s CEP 50 1
Acutime Gold GPS
Starter Kit
12 L1 only, C/A code 8 LMPST1 5 x 6.12in 12.8 oz na 50 1
Acutime GG Mulit-GNSS
Smart Antenna
12 L1, C/A code GPS, GLONASS, future FW
upgrades for Galileo and Compass
32 LMPST1 3.74 D, 2.85in H 5.4 oz 40m CEP; velocity 0.25m/s CEP 15 1
Acutime GG Mulit-GNSS
Starter Kit
12 L1, C/A code GPS, GLONASS, future FW
upgrades for Galileo and Compass
32 LMPST1 5 x 6.12in 12.8 oz na 15 1
Bullet III GPS Antenna na L1 na TI 3.05 x 2.61 6.0 oz na na na
Bullet Multi-GNSS Antenna na L1, C/A Code GPS & GLONASS na TI 3.05 x 2.61 6.0 oz na na na
Resolution SMT Embedded
GPS Timing Module
14 L1 only, C/A code 14 T2 19 x 19 x 2.54mm 1.8 oz na 15 ns 1Hz
Resolution SMTx Embedded
GPS Timing Module
14 L1 only, C/A code 14 T2 19 x 19 x 2.54mm 1.8 oz na 15 ns 1Hz
Resolution SMT GG
Embedded Multi-GNSS
Timing Moduel
32 L1, C/A code GPS, GLONASS, future FW
upgrades for Galileo and Compass
32 T2 19 x 19 x 2.54mm 1.8oz <1.5 15 ns 1 Hz
Resolution T 12 L1 only, C/A code 12 T2 1.25 x 0.33 x 2.61in 0.4 <6m 50%,<9m 90% <15 ns 1
Thunderbolt E Disciplined
12 L1 only C/A code 12 T2 5 L x 4 w x 2 h 0.628 lbs na <15 ns 1Hz
Sponsored by | receiver survey 2013 January 2013 | GPS World 19
Cold start
Warm start
No. of ports Port type Baud rate Operating temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Power source Power consumption
Antenna type
Description or Comments
20 min 2 min 2 min na Register-based interface Selectable 0 to +50 ext 5V dc 900 mA L1 (ER/WR) PCIbus Universal signaling time/frequency processor
20 min 2 min 2 min na Register-based interface Selectable 0 to +50 ext +5 V DC @ 350 mA L1 (ER/WR) PCI mezzanine card GPS time/frequency processor
<20 min <2 min <2 min 2 RS-232/RS-422 Ethernet Selectable 0 to +50 ext 10-70 watts L1 (ER/WR) Modular, plug-&-play
<20 min <2 min <2 min 2 RS-232/RS-422 Ethernet na 0 to +50 ext 10-30 watts L1 (ER/WR) GPS time and frequency
<20 min <2 min <2 min 2 RS-232/RS-422 Ethernet ext 10-70 watts L1/L2 (ER/WR) Modular, plug-&-play
<20 min <2 min <2 min 3 Ethernet ext 25-45 watts L1 (ER/WR) Network Time Server
Congurable to 115.2kb -45C, +85C
Congurable to 115.2kb -45C, +85C
<39s <34s <1s 1 1 RS-232, 2 digital inputs Congurable to 115.2kb -45C, +85C 12 V ext 1W Integrated Active antenna Integrated Telematics GPS Receiver/Antenna
<39s <34s <1s 1 1 RS-232, differential 1PPS (RS-242) Congurable to 115.2kb -45C, +85C 5V or 12V ext 1W Integrated Active antenna Fixed mount, Integrated GPS Receiver/antenna
<39s <34s <1s 1 1 RS-232, differential 1PPS (RS-242) Congurable to 115.2kb -45C, +85C 5V or 12 V ext 1W Integrated Active antenna Fixed Mount, Timing applications
<39s <34s <1s 1 RS232 & opt USB 115 200 -46C to; +101C 5v or 12V ext 1W Integrated Active antenna Magnetic Mount GPS Receiver/Antenna
<39s <34s <1s 1 1 RS-232, 1 CMOS, opt 1PPS 115 200 -46C to; +92C 3.3V ext 0.25W Integrated Active antenna OEM GPS Receiver/Antenna
<60s 20s <5s 4, 1, 1, 1, 2 RS 422, DPRAM, DS-101,; DS-102,
HVQK, 1PPS; In/Out
115 200 -46C to; +101C External < 10W Ext. Passive; or active (E) SPS receiver, pin to pin compatible with GNSS 1000S.
GPS : 200 s;
GLO : 290 s
GPS : 50 s;
GLO : 60 s
<15s 3, 1 RS 422, DPRAM 4800, 115; 200 -46C to; +71C External 14 W Ext. Passive; or active (E)
<60s 20s <5s 4, 1, 1, 1, 2 RS 422, DPRAM, DS-101,; DS-102,
HVQK, 1PPS; In/Out
115200 -45C to; +82C External < 10W Ext. Passive; or active (E) SAASM Based,; GRAM-S (SEM E); module
<60s 20s <5s 1 or 2, 2, 1, 1,
1, 1, 2
1553 or ARINC 429,; RS422, NMEA, DS-
101, DS-102, HVQK, 1PPS In/Out
100 000,; 19200 -40C to; +70C 28 V dc < 25 W Ext. Passive; or active (E) SAASM Based
<60s 20s <5s 4, 1, 2 RS 422, HVQK, 1PPS; In/Out 460800 30 to +70 28 V dc < 20 W Ext. Passive; or active (E) SAASM Based
<210s 75s <10s 8,1, 3, 3 ARINC 429, RS 232, Time; Mark Pulse;
460800 40 to +65 28 V dc < 18 W Ext. Passive; or active (E) TSO C145; certied (Beta-3, Delta-4)
<30s <5s <1s 3 RS-232, USB, Ext Pwr 460800 40 to +65 ext./int. 3.3 int./ext. Internal UHF and FH915 (SpSp) digital radio and cellular
option; Bluetooth
<40 <20s <1s 2 RS-232, Ext Power 460800 40 to +65C ext./int. 4 int. Internal UHF and FH915 (SpSp) digital radio and cellular
option; Bluetooth
<40 <20s <1s 2 RS-232/Ext Power and mini USB 460800 40 to +60 ext./int. 2 int. LongLink Technology; Bluetooth
<30s <5s <1s 8 4 RS-232, 1 USB, 2 Power, 1 Ethernet 460800 40 to +75 ext. < 4.5 ext. GNSS reference network receiver; internal back up power
(UPS); upto 5 IP addresses available, client and server
<30s <5s 1s 4 RS-232, USB, Ethernet 460800 40 to +60 ext. 3.3 ext. Modular Recv, 20Hz, Bluetooth, PPS out, EM
<60s <10s <1s 3 1 common port for 2xRS-232 and Power,
2 ext antenna
460800 40 to +85 ext 4.0W Max ext. GNSS Modular receiver with dual antenna input support
for precise heading (and inclination) determination using
Topcons VISOR technology.
<60 s <10 s 1s 3 Mini USB, Power, Mini Serial 460800 30 to +85 ext./int. 3 int./ext. Internal GSM or CDMA modem; external 2W 915 MgHz TX/
Rx SpSp or DSP digital radio option
<60 s <35 s <1s 9 2 RS232, 4 LVTTL UART, 1 USB, 1 CAN,
1 I2C interface
460800 40 to +65C ext. 1 int./ext. Compact OEM L1/L2 GNSS board for high precision
RTK positioning
<60s <10s <1s 6 3 RS-232, 1 USB, 2 CAN 2,400115,200 -40 to +75 C ext. 1.8 int./ext. OEM GPS Board with dual antenna input support for precise
heading (and inclination) determination using Topcons
VISOR technology.
<30s <5s <1s 6 4 RS-232, 1 Ethernet, 1 USB 2,400115,200 -40 to +75 C ext. 5 int./ext. OEM GPS Board; USB Host and Device
<60s <30s <15s 1,4,1,5 Ethernet, RS232, 1PPS, Event 2,400115,200 -40 to +75 C ext < 20 Watts (incl IMU
and ant)
MMCX receptacle GNSS + Inertial for continuous positioning during satellite
<60s <30s <15s 1,4,1,5 Ethernet, RS232, 1PPS, Event 2,400115,200 -40 to +75 C ext < 20 Watts (incl ant, not
incl IMU)
MMCX receptacle GNSS + Inertial for continuous positioning during satellite
blockage and high accuracy orientation for mobile mapping
<60s <30s <15s 1,4,1,5 Ethernet, RS232, 1PPS, Event 2,400115,200 -40 to +75 C ext < 20 Watts (incl ant, not
incl IMU)
MMCX receptacle GNSS + Inertial for continuous positioning during satellite
blockage and high accuracy orientation for mobile mapping
<60s <30s <15s 1,4,1,5 Ethernet, RS232, 1PPS, Event 115,200 RS-232,
10/100Mbps Ethr
-40 to +85 ext < 20 Watts (incl ant, not
incl IMU)
MMCX receptacle GNSS + Inertial for continuous positioning during satellite
blockage and high accuracy orientation for mobile mapping
<60s <30s <15s 1,4,1,5 Ethernet, RS232, 1PPS, Event 115,200 RS-232,
10/100Mbps Ethr
-40 to +85 ext < 20 Watts (incl ant, not
incl IMU)
MMCX receptacle GNSS + Inertial for continuous positioning during satellite
blockage and high accuracy orientation for mobile mapping
<45s <30s <2s 4,1,1 RS-232, Ethernet, USB 115,200 RS-232,
10/100Mbps Ethr
-40 to +85 ext 1.1W MCXX receptacle
<45s <30s <2s 4,1,2 RS-232, Ethernet, USB 460,800 RS-232,
10/100Mbps Ethr
-40 to +75 ext 1.3W MCXX receptacle
<45s <30s <2s 4,1,2 RS-232, Ethernet, USB 115,200 RS-232,
10/100Mbps Ethr
-40 to +75 ext 1.3W MMCX receptacle, 44-pin header
<45s <30s <2s 4,1,1,1 RS-232, Ethernet, USB, CAN 460,800 RS-232,
10/100Mbps Ethr
-40 to +75 ext 2.1 W MCXX receptacle
<45s <30s <2s 3,1,1,1 RS-232, Ethernet, USB, CAN 38400 -40 to +85 ext 1.5W MCXX receptacle
<45s <30s <2s 3,1,1,1 RS-232, Ethernet, USB, CAN 57600 40 to +85 ext 4.1 W TNC
35s 32s 2.5s 2 serial 57600 40 to +85 ext 45mA @ 3V typical Can produce position solution from GPS + GLONASS
combined constellations
38s 35s 2s 1 + 1 serial & usb 38400 40 to +85 ext <37 mA typical 20C Dead reckoning position when connected to vehicle speed.
Onboard gyro.
38s 35s 2s 1 + 1 serial 9600 40 to +85 ext/int battery <40 mA typical, 9 -
30 VDC
supports active antenna Dead reckoning position when connected to vehicle speed.
Onboard gyro. IP54 packaging, onboard battery and charger
38s 35s 2s 2 TTL 40 to +85 ext/int 44 mA @3.0 V Micropatch (ER)
38s 35s 2s 1 serial 40 to +85 <37 mA typical 20C
38s 35s 2s 1 + 1 serial & usb 40 to +85 <37 mA typical 20C
38s 35s 2s 1 serial & usb 40 to +85 <37 mA typical 20C
38s 35s 2s 1 serial 9600 40 to +85 <37 mA typical 20C
38s 35s 2s 1 serial 9600 40 to +85 <37 mA typical 20C
<60s <2s <2s 2 RS-422/485 or RS-232 9600 40 to +85 ext <1.5 Patch
<60s <2s <2s 2 RS-422 9600 40 to +85 ext <1.5 Patch
<60s <2s <2s 2 RS-422/485 or RS-232 na 40 to +85 ext <1.0 Patch
<60s <2s <2s 2 RS-422 na 40 to +85 ext <1.0 Patch
na na na na na 9600 40 to +85 ext <20 mA - 3V 30 mA - 5V na
na na na na na 9600 40 to +85 ext <20 mA - 3V 30 mA - 5V na
na na na 2 TTL 38400 -40 to +85 ext 330 mW Active/external
na na na 2 TTL 9600 40 to +85 ext 330 mW Active/external
35s 32s 2.5s 2 serial 9600 0 - +60 ext 45mA @ 3V typical
<50s (90%) <45s (90%) <2s 1 TTL 40 to +65 Internal, External,
Power over Ethernet
ext 350 mW @3.3 V External active
na na na 1 RS232 115,200 (RS 232);
USB 1Mbp
30 to +60 ext na External active 5v
receiver survey 2013 | Sponsored by
GPS World | January 2013 20
Manufacturer Model Channels/tracking
Signal tracked Maximum number of
satellites tracked
User environment and
Size (W x H x D) Weight Position: autonomous (code) / real-
time differential (code) / ; real-time
Position x update
rate (sec)
Trimble NetR9 440 GPS: L1 C/A, L2C, L2E (Trimble method for
tracking L2P), L5 GLONASS: L1 C/A and
unencrypted P code, L2 C/A2 and unencrypted
P code, L3 CDMA Galileo L1 CBOC, E5A, E5B
& E5AltBOC Compass: B1, B2, B3QZSS: L1
C/A, L1C, L1 SAIF, L2C, L5, LEX SBAS: L1C/A,
L5 L-Band OmniSTAR (VBS, HP and XP) +
RTX Expandable for future signals pending
ICD releases.
88 GLMMetNVPRT1 26.5 x 13.0 x 5.5cm 1.75 kg 15m/0.25m+0.5ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 50Hz <60s
Trimble R3 12 L1 C/A Code, L1 Full Cycle Carrier, WAAS/
12 GHLP1 9.5 x 4.4 x 24.2cm 0.62kgs 1-5m/na/na/5mm+0.5ppm 100 1Hz
Trimble R4 72 GPS: L1C/A, L2E (Trimble method for tracking
(GLONASS M only), L2P; SBAS: L1C/A
24 GLMNVPR1 19.0 () x 11.5cm 1.35 kg 15m/0.25m+1ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 1Hz RTK
Trimble R5 72 GPS L1 C/A Code, L2C, L1/L2 Full Cycle
Carrier; GLONASS L1 C/A Code, L1 P Code,
L2 P Code, L1/L2 Full Cycle Carrier; WAAS/
EGNOS Channels
24 GLMMetNVPRT1 13.5 x 8.5 x 24cm 1.5 kg 15m/0.25m+0.5ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 1Hz RTK
Trimble R6 72 GPS: L1C/A, L2C, L2E (Trimble method for
tracking L2P); GLONASS: L1C/A, L1P, L2C/A
(GLONASS M only), L2P; SBAS: L1C/A
24 GLMNVPR1 19.0 () x 11.5cm 1.35 kg 15m/0.25m+1ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 1Hz RTK
Trimble R7 72 GPS L1 C/A Code, L2C, L1/L2/L5 Full Cycle
Carrier1; GLONASS L1 C/A Code, L1 P Code,
L2 P Code, L1/L2 Full Cycle Carrier, WAAS,
24 GLMMetNVPRT1 13.5 x 8.5 x 24cm 1.5 kg 15m/0.25m+1ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 1Hz RTK
Trimble R8 220 GPS: L1C/A, L2C, L2E (Trimble method for
tracking L2P), L5; GLONASS: L1C/A, L1P,
L2C/A (GLONASS M only), L2P; SBAS: L1C/A,
L5; Galileo
44 GLMNVPR1 19.0 () x 11.2cm 1.35 kg 15m/0.25m+1ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 1Hz RTK
Trimble R10 440 GPS: L1C/A, L1C, L2C, L2E (Trimble method
for tracking L2P), L5; GLONASS: L1C/A, L1P,
L2C/A (GLONASS M only), L2P, L3; SBAS:
L1C/A, L5; Galileo: E1, E5a, E5B; COMPASS:
B1, B2, B3; OmniSTAR VBS, HP, XP, G2;
88 GLMNVPR1 11.9 () x 13.6cm 1.12 kg 15m/0.25m+1ppm/8mm+1ppm/3mm+
0.1 ppm
100 1Hz RTK
GeoXR 220 GPS: L1C/A, L2C, L2E (Trimble method for
tracking L2P); GLONASS: L1C/A, L1P, L2C/A
44 GHLN1 9.9 x 23.4 x 5.6cm 0.925 kg 15m/0.25m+1ppm/13mm+1ppm/5mm+
0.5 ppm
100 1Hz RTK
Trimble SP985 GNSS Smart
440 L1/L2/L5,GLONASS L1/L2, Galileo, Compass,
Unrestricted GLVPRT1 12cm 13cm (4.7 in
x 5.1 in)
1.55 kg (3.42
lb) receiver
only including
radio and
100 1,2,5,10,20Hz
Trimble SPS855 GNSS
Modular Receiver
440 L1/L2/L5,GLONASS L1/L2, Galileo, Compass,
Unrestricted LMNPRTV1 24cm 12cm 5cm (9.4
in x 4.7 in x 1.9 in)
1.65 kg (3.64
lb) receiver
with internal
battery and
100 1,2,5,10,20Hz
Nomad 900G Series 12 par. L1 C/A code, SBAS 12 3.9 x 6.9 x 2.0in 1.23 lb na/2 - 5m/1 - 3m Post-proc na 1
GPS Pathnder ProXT 12 par. L1 C/A code and carrier, SBAS 12 GLN1 4.2 x 5.75 x 1.6in 1.16 lb na/<1m /50cm Post-proc (1cm with
na 1
GPS Pathnder ProXH 12 par. L1 C/A code and carrier , L2 carrier, SBAS 12 GLN1 4.2 x 5.75 x 1.6in 1.16 lb na/<1m/10-30cm Post-proc (1cm
with carrier)
na 1
Juno SB 12 par. L1 C/A code, SBAS 12 GHLN1 5.1 x 2.9 x 1.2in 0.52 lb na/2 - 5m/1 - 3m Post-proc na 1
Juno SC 12 par. L1 C/A code, SBAS 12 GHLN1 5.1 x 2.9 x 1.2in 0.54 lb na/2 - 5m/1 - 3m Post-proc na 1
Juno SD 12 par. L1 C/A code, SBAS 12 GHLN1 5.1 x 2.9 x 1.2in 0.54 lb na/2 - 5m/1 - 3m Post-proc na 1
Trimble Yuma tablet 12 par. L1 C/A code, SBAS 12 GLN1 5.5 x 9 x 2in 3.1 lb na/2 - 5m/2 - 5m Post-proc na 1
Trimble Pro 6T 220 GPS: L1C/A; GLONASS: L1C/A, L1P 24 GLN1 Height: 204mm (8
in); Diameter: 138mm
(5.4 in)
inc. battery:
1040 g
(2.3 lb)
2-5m/ 75cm/50cm/50cm na 1HZ
Trimble Pro 6H 220 GPS: L1C/A, L2C, L2E; GLONASS: L1C/A,
L1P, L2C/A, L2P
24 GLN1 Height: 204mm (8
in); Diameter: 138mm
(5.4 in)
inc. battery:
1040 g
(2.3 lb)
2-5m/ 75cm/10cm/10cm na 1HZ
Juno 3C 12 L1 C/A code, SBAS 12 GLN1 138mm x 79mm x
31mm (5.43 in x 3.11 in
x 1.22 in)
0.31 kg
(0.69 lb) with
na/2 - 5m/1 - 3m Post-proc na 1HZ
Juno 3D 12 L1 C/A code, SBAS 12 GLN1 138mm x 79mm x
31mm (5.43 in x 3.11 in
x 1.22 in)
0.31 kg
(0.69 lb) with
na/2 - 5m/1 - 3m Post-proc na 1HZ
Juno 5B 12 L1 C/A code, SBAS 12 GLN1 15.5cm x 8.2cm x 2.5cm
(6.1 in x 3.2 in x 0.9 in)
0.4 kg (0.84
lb) with
na/2 - 4m/2-4m Post-proc na 1HZ
Juno 5D 12 L1 C/A code, SBAS 12 GLN1 15.5cm x 8.2cm x 2.5cm
(6.1 in x 3.2 in x 0.9 in)
0.4 kg (0.84
lb) with
na/2 - 4m/2-4m Post-proc na 1HZ
Geo 5T 45 GPS: L1C/A; GLONASS: L1C/A, L1P 14 GLN1 19cm x 9cm x 4.3cm (7.5
in x 3.5 in x 1.7 in)
0.64 kg
(1.41 lb) with
na/submeter/submeter na 1HZ
GeoXT 3000 series 14 par. L1 C/A code and carrier; SBAS 14 GHLN1 3.9 x 8.5 x 3.0in 1.76lb 2-5m/75cm/ na /50cm (1cm with carrier) na 1Hz
GeoXT 6000 series 220 GPS: L1C/A; GLONASS: L1C/A, L1P; SBAS 44 GHLN1 234mm x 99mm x 56mm;
(9.2in x 3.9in x 2.2in);
925g; (2.0lb) 2-5m/75cm/ na /50cm (1cm with carrier) na 1Hz
GeoXH 6000 series 220 GPS: L1C/A, L2C, L2E; GLONASS: L1C/A, L1P,
44 GHLN1 234mm x 99mm x 56mm;
(9.2in x 3.9in x 2.2in);
925g; (2.0lb) 2-5m/75cm/10cm/10cm (1cm with
na 1Hz
Juno T41 50 SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS) 12 6.1 x 3.2 x 9in 13.5 oz na/2 - 5m/1 - 3m Post-proc 100 5 Hz
Yuma 2 50 L1 C/A Code SMAS ;WAAS, Egnos 12 936inx6.3inx1.5in 2.6 lb. Autonomous 2.5m CEP na 1
Force 22E MRU Module 24 L1, C/A, P; L2, P & Y-code (encrypted P-code) 12 ADLMNOPT2 3.14 x 3.82 x 0.5in 3.9oz <5m 40 1
FR-22 SAASM Receiver 24 L1, C/A, P; L2, P & Y-code (encrypted P-code) 12 ADLMNOPTV1 5.25 x 4.5 x 1.7in 1.1 lb <5m 40 1
Force 27 SEGR 24 L1, C/A, P; L2, P & Y-code (encrypted P-code) 12 ADLMNOPT2 3.92 x 4.92 x 0.6in 0.5 lb <5m 40 1 to 10
Force 524D GRAM/GASR
24 L1, C/A, P; L2, P & Y-code (encrypted P-code) 12 ADLMNOPT2 5.88 x 5.715 x 0.6in 0.94 lb <5m 40 1 to 10
Force 524D VMEA 24 L1, C/A, P; L2, P & Y-code (encrypted P-code) 12 ADLMNOPT2 6U VME, Single-Height 2.5 lb <5m 40 1 to 10
TA24 Certied Sensor 24 L1, C/A, P; L2, P & Y-code (encrypted P-code) 12 ADNOPT1 5.00 x 9.50 x 2.10in 3.73lb <5m 40 1
UBX-G7020-KA u-blox 7
GPS/GNSS single chip;
Automotive Grade
All in view, sequentially
(GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
Compass). All SBAS.
CDHLMMetNPTV2 5.0 x 5.0 x 0.55mm na GPS: 2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP);
GLONASS: 4.0m/na/na/na
50 (RMS) up to 10
UBX-G7020-KT u-blox 7
GPS/GNSS single chip;
Standard Grade
All in view, sequentially
(GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
Compass). All SBAS.
CDHLMMetNPTV2 5.0 x 5.0 x 0.55mm na GPS: 2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP);
GLONASS: 4.0m/na/na/na
50 (RMS) up to 10
Sponsored by | receiver survey 2013 January 2013 | GPS World 21
Cold start
Warm start
No. of ports Port type Baud rate Operating temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Power source Power consumption
Antenna type
Description or Comments
<30s <15s 1,1,1,1,1 D9 Serial; 7pin
Lemo; Mini USB
(Device and Host
modes); RJ45
Ethernet: TCP/
NTRIP Caster,
NTRIP Client,
NTRIP Server,
NTP; Bluetooth
2400 - 460800 38,400 (Port 1 115,200
(Port 2)
40 to +65 3.8 W (setting
Zephyr Geodetic II GNSS
Choke Ring GNSS-Ti
Choke Ring
Full GNSS CORS featuring
advanced data logging and power
parameters, 8GB internal memory,
global RTX correction capability,
secure Web User Interface with
Position Monitoring.
<90s <30s <15s 6 RS-232/USB/2 Compact Flash/GPS
115,200 (Port 13); USB
1 Mbps
40 to +65 ext/int 0.6 W receiver and
external TRIMBLE A3 Complete L1 GPS postprocessing solution
<60s <30s <15s 3,1,1 2 x RS232, Bluetooth, Radio coms 38,400 (Port 1 115,200
(Port 2)
40 to +65 ext/int < 3.1W in RTK mode Internal Zephyr 2 Trimble R-Track technology for GLONASS support, Advance
Maxwell survey GNSS chip
<60s <30s <15s 3,1,1,1 RS232, radio antenna, GNSS antenna,
Compact Flash
115,200 (Port 13); USB
1 Mbps
40 to +65 ext/int 4w Fast Static; 5.9 w/
radio, BT RTK
Zephyr 2, Z Geodetic 2 w/Stealth
GP, GNSS Choke Ring
as above
<60s <30s <15s 3,1,1 2 x RS232, Bluetooth, Radio coms 38,400 (Port 1 115,200
(Port 2)
40 to +65 ext/int < 3.1W in RTK mode Internal Zephyr 2 as above
<60s <30s <15s 3,2,1,1,1,1 RS232, radio antenna, GNSS antenna,
Compact Flash, Bluetooth
USB 2.0 1Mbps,
Serial 460,800 bps,
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR,
WiFi 802.11b/g, UMTS/
HSDPA 850/900/2100
850/900/1800/1900 MHz
40 to +65 ext/int 4w Fast Static; 5.9 w/
radio, BT RTK
Zephyr 2, Z Geodetic 2 w/Stealth
GP, GNSS Choke Ring
as above
<60s <30s <15s 3,1,1 2 x RS232, Bluetooth, Radio coms USB 2.0, Bluetooth
2.1 + EDR, WiFi
802.11b/g, UMTS/
HSDPA 850/900/2100
850/900/1800/1900 MHz
-20 to +50 ext/int < 3.1W in RTK mode Internal Zephyr 2 Trimble R-Track technology for GLONASS support, ; Galileo
Support, Advance Maxwell survey GNSS chip
<60s <30s <15s 1,1,1,1,1,1 USB, RS232, Bluetooth, WiFi, Radio
antenna, 3.5G UMTS Cellular Modem
38,400 (Port 1 115,200
(Port 2)
40 C to +65 C (40
F to +149 F)
ext/int < 5.1W in RTK mode Internal Zephyr 2 HD-GNSS processing technology, xFill Technology,
Surepoint Technology and Trimble 360 support, GLONASS
support, Galileo Support, COMPASS Support,Advance
Maxwell survey GNSS chip
<60s <30s <15s 1,1,1,1 USB, Bluetooth, WiFi, 3.5G Max 115,200
RS232,10/100Mbps Ethr
40 C to +65 C (40
F to +149 F)
ext/int 2.7W - 3.7W Internal and external L1/L2 antenna Trimble R-Track technology for GPS and GLONASS support,
advanced Maxwell survey GNSS chip
<60s <30s <12s 2,3 Wi-Fi, Lemo, Bluetooth -30 to +60 Internal Li-Ion
and ext
< 3.7W in RTK mode Smart Antenna with Internal Zephyr
Model 2
The Trimble SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna has an ultra-
rugged GNSS smart antenna design with integrated wireless
communications. It is ideal for construction applications
such as grade checking, construction site surveying, site
supervision, and as a temporary base station with traditional
radio or Wi-Fi communications.
<60s <30s <12s 3,1,3 RS-232, Ethernet, Bluetooth 110 - 115,000 -20 to +60 Internal Li-Ion
and ext
6 W Zephyr Model 2 The Trimble SPS855 GNSS Modular Receiver allows
maximum exibility for use as a base station or rover. The
modular receiver can be located in a safe location while the
external antenna can be placed for maximum usability.
60s typ. 40s typ. <5s typ. 2,1,1 RS-232/Bluetooth/USB (selected model or
via separate accessory)
110 - 115,000 -20 to +60 int/opt ext 1.3 w/typical use Int Patch Ultra rugged handheld available in a number of
congurations (camera, barcode scanner, cellular data).
60s typ. 30s typ. <5s typ. 2, 2 Bluetooth/RS-232 110 - 115,000 +0 to +60 int/opt. ext <1 Int Patch/Opt Ext antenna Fully integrated Bluetooth GPS receiver for submeter
60s typ. 30s typ. <5s typ. 2, 2 Bluetooth/RS-232 110 - 115,000 +0 to +60 int/opt. ext <1 Int Patch/Opt Ext antenna Fully integrated Bluetooth GPS receiver with H-Star
technology for decimeter to subfoot accuracy
60s typ. 40s typ. <5s typ. 1,1 Bluetooth/ USB 110 - 115,000 +0 to +60 int/opt. ext 0.2 - 0.3 In Patch/Opt Ext Patch Entry level GPS handheld
60s typ. 40s typ. <5s typ. 1,1 Bluetooth/ USB 110 - 115,000 -30 to +60 int/opt. ext 0.2 - 0.3 (without modem
In Patch/Opt Ext Patch Includes cellular capability (data)
60s typ. 40s typ. <5s typ. 1,1 Bluetooth/ USB 110 - 115,000 -20 C to +60 C (-4 F
to +140 F)
int/opt. ext 0.2 - 0.3 (without modem
In Patch/Opt Ext Patch Includes cellular capability (voice & data)
60s typ. 40s typ. <5s typ. 1,2,1,1,1 Bluetooth/USB/RS232/ExpressCard/SDIO 110 - 115,000 -20 C to +60 C (-4 F
to +140 F)
int/opt. ext In Patch Ultra rugged tablet computer running Windows 7
60s typ. 30s typ. <5s typ. 2,2 RS-232/Bluetooth/USB 110 - 115,000 -20 C to +60 C (-4 F
to 140 F)
ext/int <1 Internal and external L1/L2 antenna Trimble Floodlight satellite shadow reduction technology
60s typ. 30s typ. <5s typ. 2,2 RS-232/Bluetooth/USB 110 - 115,000 -20 C to +60 C (-4 F
to 140 F)
ext/int <1 Internal and external L1/L2 antenna Trimble Floodlight satellite shadow reduction technology
60s typ. 40s typ. <5s typ. 1,1 Bluetooth/ USB 110 - 115,000 -30 C to +60 C (-22
F to 140 F)
ext/int <0.5 Internal and external L1 antenna
60s typ. 40s typ. <5s typ. 1,1 Bluetooth/ USB 110 - 115,000 -30 C to +60 C (-22
F to 140 F)
ext/int <0.5 Internal and external L1 antenna
60s typ. 40s typ. <5s typ. 1,1 RS-232/Bluetooth/USB 110 - 115,000 -20 C to +60 C (-4 F
to +140 F)
ext/int <0.5 Internal and external L1 antenna
60s typ. 40s typ. <5s typ. 1,1 RS-232/Bluetooth/USB 109 - 115,000 -20 C to +60 C; (-4 F
to 140 F)
ext/int <0.5 Internal and external L1 antenna
60s typ. 40s typ. <5s typ. 1,1 RS-232/Bluetooth/USB 110 - 115,000 -20 C to +60 C; (-4 F
to 140 F)
ext/int <4 Internal and external L1 antenna
<60s <30s <5s 1,3,1,2 RS-232/Integrated virtual com ports/USB
(via support module)/Bluetooth
110 - 115,000 -20 C to +60 C; (-4 F
to 140 F)
external/internal <3.7W Internal or external L1 antenna
<60s <30s <5s 1,3,1,2 RS-232 (via cable adapter) /Integrated
virtual com ports/USB/Bluetooth
-30 to +60 C external/internal <4.5W (typ) Internal or external L1/L2 antenna Includes 3G cellular data capability, and Trimble Floodlight
<60s <30s <5s 1,3,1,2 RS-232 (via cable adapter) /Integrated
virtual com ports/USB/Bluetooth
external/internal <4.5W (typ) Internal or external L1/L2 antenna Includes 3G cellular data capability, and Trimble Floodlight
<60s <30s <30s 2,1,1 Bluetooth/USB/RS232/9 pin Serial/SD 110-115000 -30C to 60C int/opt ext <1.5 port Ultra rugged handheld available as a 3.75G Smart phone in
WEHH or Android models.
32 s 5s 2 s 2,1,1 USB, HDMI, Int/opt.ex In Patch and optional external
Ultra rugged tablet computer running Windows 7 with true
direct sun readable display
Bluetooth variable 40 to +85
variable 40 to +85
<60s <2s <2s 3 RS-232, RS-422 variable 54 to +85 ext <4W +5VDC Active L1/L2 FRPA SAASM Compliant
<60s <2s <2s 3 RS-232, RS-422 variable 54 to +85 ext <6W +5VDC Active L1/L2 FRPA SAASM Compliant
<60s <2s <2s 3 RS-232, RS-422 variable -40 to +55 ext <6W Various FRPA/CRPA/DAE SAASM Compliant
<60s <2s <2s 4 RS-232, RS-422, DP-RAM variable -20 to +55 ext <7.5W Various FRPA/CRPA/DAE SAASM Compliant
<60s <2s <2s 4 RS-232, RS-422, A24 and A32 VME 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 ext <7.5W Various FRPA/CRPA/DAE SAASM Compliant
<60s <2s <2s 4 ARINC-429, RS-422, RS-232 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 ext <15W +5VDC Active L1/L2 FRPA SAASM Compliant
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
28 s (1 s hot
and aided
<1s 4 1 x UART, 1 x USB, 1 x SPI, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 1.4 V 3.6 V 35 mW @ 1.4 V
(Continuous), 9 mW
@ 1.4 V Power Save
mode (1 Hz)
E (passive & active) u-blox 7 GPS, GLONASS & QZSS single-chip, standard
grade, QFN package
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
28 s (1 s hot
and aided
<1s 4 1 x UART, 1 x USB, 1 x SPI, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 1.4 V 3.6 V 35 mW @ 1.4 V
(Continuous), 9 mW
@ 1.4 V Power Save
mode (1 Hz)
E (passive & active) u-blox 7 GPS, GLONASS & QZSS single-chip, standard
grade, QFN package
receiver survey 2013 | Sponsored by
GPS World | January 2013 22
Manufacturer Model Channels/tracking
Signal tracked Maximum number of
satellites tracked
User environment and
Size (W x H x D) Weight Position: autonomous (code) / real-
time differential (code) / ; real-time
Position x update
rate (sec)
UBX-G7020-CT u-blox 7
GPS/GNSS single chip;
Standard Grade
All in view, sequentially
(GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
Compass). All SBAS.
CDHLMMetNPTV2 5.0 x 5.0 x 0.55mm na GPS: 2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP);
GLONASS: 4.0m/na/na/na
50 (RMS) up to 10
UBX-G6010-ST u-blox 6
GPS single chip; Standard
50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/
All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPTV2 Product na <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) up to 10
UBX-G6010-SA u-blox 6
GPS single chip; Automotive
50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/
All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPTV2 8 x 8 x 0.85mm na <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
u-blox 6 GPS single chip
with Dead Reckoning;
Automotive & Standard
50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/
All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPTV2 8 x 8 x 0.85mm na <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
UBX-G6010-NT u-blox 6
GPS single chip; Standard
50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/
All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPTV2 5 x 6 x 1.1mm na <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
receiver single chip with
Precision Timing
L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/
All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPTV2 8.0 x 8.0 x 0.85mm na <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
UBX-G6000-BA + UBX-
G0010-QA u-blox 6 GPS
Chipset (RF + Baseband)
50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPTV2 BB: 9 x 9mm; RF:
4 x 4mm
na <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
All in view, sequentially
(GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
Compass). All SBAS.
CDHLMMetNPV2 9.7 x 10.1 x 2.5mm 1.4g GPS: 2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP);
GLONASS: 4.0m/na/na/na
50 (RMS) up to 10
All in view, sequentially
(GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
Compass). All SBAS.
CDHLMMetNPV2 9.7 x 10.1 x 2.5mm 1.4g GPS: 2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP);
GLONASS: 4.0m/na/na/na
50 (RMS) up to 10
All in view, sequentially
(GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
Compass). All SBAS.
CDHLMMetNPV2 9.7 x 10.1 x 2.5mm 1.4g GPS: 2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP);
GLONASS: 4.0m/na/na/na
50 (RMS) up to 10
All in view, sequentially
(GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
Compass). All SBAS.
CDHLMMetNPV2 12.2 x 16.0 x 2.4mm 1.6g GPS: 2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP);
GLONASS: 4.0m/na/na/na
50 (RMS) up to 10
All in view, sequentially
(GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
Compass). All SBAS.
CDHLMMetNPV2 12.2 x 16.0 x 2.4mm 1.6g GPS: 2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP);
GLONASS: 4.0m/na/na/na
50 (RMS) up to 10
All in view, sequentially
(GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
Compass). All SBAS.
CDHLMMetNPV2 17.0 x 22.4 x 2.4mm 2.1g GPS: 2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP);
GLONASS: 4.0m/na/na/na
50 (RMS) up to 10
AMY-6M GPS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 6.5 x 8 x 1.2mm 0.8 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 4
NEO-6M GPS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 12.2 x 16.0 x 2.4mm 1.6 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
NEO-6Q GPS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 12.2 x 16.0 x 2.4mm 1.6 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
NEO-6G GPS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 12.2 x 16.0 x 2.4mm 1.6 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
NEO-6P GPS PPP Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 12.2 x 16.0 x 2.4mm 1.6 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
NEO-6T GPS Timing module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 12.2 x 16.0 x 2.4mm 1.6 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
NEO-6V GPS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 12.2 x 16.0 x 2.4mm 1.6 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
MAX-6G GPS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 9.7 x 10.1 x 2.5mm 1.4 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
MAX-6Q GPS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 9.7 x 10.1 x 2.5mm 1.4 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
LEA-6A GPS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 17 x 22.4 x 3mm 2.1 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
LEA-6H GPS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 17 x 22.4 x 3mm 2.1 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
LEA-6S GPS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 17 x 22.4 x 3mm 2.1 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
LEA-6T GPS Timing Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 17 x 22.4 x 3mm 2.1 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
LEA-6R Dead Reckoning
GPS Module
16 par. L1, C/A code, DGPS,; WAAS/EGNOS All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
DLNPV2 17 x 22.4 x 3mm 2.1 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 1
LEA-6N GPS/GNSS Module 50 par L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, GLONASS, WAAS/
All in view (GPS, GALILEO
or SBAS)
CDHLMMetNPV2 17 x 22.4 x 3mm 2.1 g <2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) 50 (RMS) 5
u-blox (Fastrax) UP501 GPS
antenna module
22 tracking + 66
L1, C/Acode and CP 22 ACHLMNTV2 22 x 8 x 22mm 9g 2.7m CEP95/1.5mCEP 50 (RMS) 1, use def to 10Hz
u-blox (Fastrax) IT530M
GPS/GNSS module
33 tracking + 99
L1, C/Acode and CP 33 ACHLMNTV2 9.6 x 9.6 x 1.85mm 0.4g 2.7m CEP95/1.5mCEP 50 (RMS) 1, use def to 10Hz
u-blox (Fastrax) UC530M
GPS/GNSS antenna module
33 tracking + 99
L1, C/Acode and CP 33 ACHLMNTV2 9.6 x 14.0 x 1.95mm 0.5g 2.7m CEP95/1.5mCEP 50 (RMS) 1, use def to 10Hz
u-blox (Fastrax) IT530
GPS Module
22 tracking + 66
L1, C/Acode and CP 22 ACHLMNTV2 9.6 x 9.6 x 1.85mm 0.4g 2.7m CEP95/1.5mCEP 50 (RMS) 1, use def to 10Hz
Fastrax UC530 GPS
antenna module
22 tracking + 66
L1, C/Acode and CP 22 ACHLMNTV2 9.6 x 14.0 x 1.95mm 0.5g 2.7m CEP95/1.5mCEP 50 (RMS) 1, use def to 10Hz
Loka GGD 117 L1/L2, C/A & P code & CP, (SBAS) and
27 DGHLMNOR1 215mm x 97mm x 57mm 710g 1.5m/0.3m/1cm/5mm 1-sigma na 1Hz
Loka GG 14 GPS/Glonass L1, (SBAS) 14 DGHLMNOR1 215mm x 97mm x 57mm 710g 1.5m/0.5m + 1ppm/na/5mm + 1ppm na 1Hz
Odin+ 50 L1, C/A code, L1 Galileo, WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS All in view (GPS,; GALILEO
or SBAS)
GHLMNO1 179.5mm x 91.2mm x
<2.5m/<2m/na/na (CEP) na 1Hz
Odin 50 L1 C/A code,L1 carrier, (SBAS) 50 GHLMNO1 179.5mm x 91.2mm x
2~5m/1~3m/na/na na 1Hz
Deva 50 L1 C/A code, (SBAS) 50 GHLMNO1 140mm x 77mm x 23mm 200g(w/o
2~5m na 1Hz
Mona 15 50 L1 C/A code, (SBAS) 50 CGHLMNO1 112mm x 68mm x 37mm 132g 2~5m na 1Hz
Mona 12 50 L1 C/A code, (SBAS) 50 CGHLMNO1 112mm x 68mm x 37mm 132g 2~5m na 1Hz
Hunter 220 L1/L2/L5, GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS, GIOVE-A
44 DGLMOR1 184mm, H 96mm 1.2kg(include
15m/0.25m + 0.5ppm/8mm +;
1ppm/3mm + 0.1 ppm
na 1Hz
Walle 50 L1 C/A code, (SBAS) 50 CGHLMNO1 213mm x 133mm x
2~5m/1~3m/na/na na 1Hz
Eva 50 L1 C/A code, (SBAS) 50 CGHLMNO1 134.5mm x 71mm x
2~5m/1~3m/na/na na 1Hz
Sponsored by | receiver survey 2013 January 2013 | GPS World 23
Cold start
Warm start
No. of ports Port type Baud rate Operating temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Power source Power consumption
Antenna type
Description or Comments
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
28 s (1 s hot
and aided
<1s 4 1 x UART, 1 x USB, 1 x SPI, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 1.4 V 3.6 V 35 mW @ 1.4 V
(Continuous), 9 mW
@ 1.4 V Power Save
mode (1 Hz)
E (passive & active) u-blox 7 GPS, GLONASS & QZSS single-chip, standard
grade, chip-carrier package
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 4 1 x UART, 1 x USB, 1 x SPI, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V; 2.5
- 3.6 V
< 30 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Galileo ready; Automotive Grade; Capture & Process mode
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 4 1 x UART, 1 x USB, 1 x SPI, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V; 2.5
- 3.6 V
< 30 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Galileo ready; Embedded Automotive Dead Reckoning;
Capture & Process mode
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 4 1 x UART, 1 x USB, 1 x SPI, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V; 2.5
- 3.6 V
< 30 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Galileo ready; Standard Grade; Smallest chip prole;
Capture & Process mode
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 4 1 x UART, 1 x USB, 1 x SPI, 1 x I2C as above -40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V; 2.5
- 3.6 V
< 30 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Precision Timing: 2 timepulse outputs (up to 10 MHz),
Output timepulse with at least one satellite in view,
Stationary mode for GPS timing operation, Time mark of
external event inputs
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 4 1 x UART, 1 x USB, 1 x SPI, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V; 2.5
- 3.6 V
< 30 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) as above plus ash memory support
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 4 2 x UART, 1 x USB, 1 x SPI, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V; 2.5
- 3.6 V
E (passive & active) RF front end dedicated to Capture & Process
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
28 s (1 s hot
and aided
<1s 2 1 x UART, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 1.65 V 3.6 V 47 mW @ 1.8 V
E (passive & active) Compact, low-power GPS/GLONASS/QZSS/Galileo
module, std. crystal
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
28 s (1 s hot
and aided
<1s 2 1 x UART, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 2.7 V 3.6 V 47 mW @ 1.8 V
E (passive & active) Compact, low-power GPS/GLONASS/QZSS/Galileo
module, TCXO
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
28 s (1 s hot
and aided
2 1 x UART, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 2.7 V 3.6 V 47 mW @ 1.8 V
E (passive & active) Compact, low-power GPS/GLONASS/QZSS/Galileo
module, TCXO
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
28 s (1 s hot
and aided
<1s 4 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x SPI, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 2.7 V 3.6 V 47 mW @ 1.8 V
E (passive & active) Versatile, multi-GNSS module for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo
and QZSS
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
28 s (1 s hot
and aided
<1s 4 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x SPI, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 1.65 V 3.6 V 47 mW @ 1.8 V
E (passive & active) Versatile, multi-GNSS module for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo
and QZSS
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
28 s (1 s hot
and aided
<1s 3 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 2.7 V 3.6 V 69 mW @ 3 V
E (passive & active) High-performance multi-GNSS module for GPS, GLONASS,
Galileo and QZSS
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 4 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x SPI, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V; 2.5
- 3.6 V
<50 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Standard crystal
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 5 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x SPI, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 2.7 - 3.6 V <50 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) TCXO
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 4 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x SPI, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 2.7 - 3.6 V <50 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) TCXO
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 4 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x SPI, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V <50 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active)
32 s (<3 s
hot and aided
32s <1s 4 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x SPI, 1x I2C as above -40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V <50 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Precision Point Positioning
32 s (<3 s
hot and aided
32s <1s 4 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x SPI, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 2.7 - 3.6 V <50 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) GPS module with embedded stand-alone Automotive Dead
Reckoning (ADR), rst mount
27 s (<3 s
hot and aided
29s <1s 4 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x SPI, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 -40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V <50 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Integrated Dead Reckoning
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
29s <1s 2 1 x UART, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 1.75 - 2.0 V <50 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Similar to NEO-6Q smaller package and fewer interfaces
29 s (1 s hot
and aided
29s <1s 2 1 x UART, 1 x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 2.7 - 3.6 V <80 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Integrated antenna supply and supervisor
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 3 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 2.7 - 3.6 V <80 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Integrated antenna supply and supervisor
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 3 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 2.7 - 3.6 V <80 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Integrated antenna supply and supervisor, ash
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 3 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 2.7 - 3.6 V <80 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Integrated antenna supply and supervisor
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 3 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x I2C 4,800 - 115,200 bps; USB:
12 Mb/s
-40 to +85 2.7 - 3.6 V < 30 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) Precision tiiming module
27 s (2 s hot
and aided
27s <1s 3 1 x UART, 1 x USB, 1 x SPI 9600 congurable -40 to +85 2.7 - 3.6 V <80 mW; PSM, 1Hz E (passive & active) GPS module with embedded stand-alone Automotive Dead
Reckoning (ADR), after-market
26 s (1 s hot
and aided
26s <1s 3 1 x USB, 1 x UART, 1x I2C 9600 congurable -40 to +85 2.7 - 3.6 V Internal battery last 10
E (passive & active) GPS and GLONASS modes
33s 33s <1s 1 UART 9600 congurable -40 to +85 ext. 75 mW at 3.0 V int, passive patch Extremely sensitive module with integrated patch antenna
using MTK 3329 chipset. Alternative versions are UP501B,
29s 23s <1s 2 UART 9600 congurable -40 to +85 ext. 57 mW at 3.0 V ext., active or passive Extremely sensitive module using MTK 3333 chipset.
Parallel GPS/GLONASS support.
29s 23s <1s 2 UART 9600 congurable -40 to +85 ext. 66 mW at 3.0 V int, chip antenna; ext, active
or passive
Extremely sensitive module with integrated chip antenna
using MTK 3333 chipset. Parallel GPS/GLONASS support.
31s 31s <1s 2 UART 9600 20 to +60 ext. 35 mW at 3.0 V ext., active or passive Extremely sensitive module using MTK 3339 chipset.
GPS support.
31s 31s <1s 2 UART 9600 20 to +60 ext. 45 mW at 3.0 V int, chip antenna; ext, active
of passive
Extremely sensitive module with integrated chip antenna
using MTK 3339 chipset. GPS support.
<60s <30s <1 s 3 USB, Bluetooth, GNSS Antenna 9600 20 to +60 Int./ext. <2W with GPS on Internal and External High Accuracy GNSS Handheld, Dual frequency, WCDMA
<65s <35s <1 s 3 USB, Bluetooth, GNSS Antenna 9600 20 to +60 Int./ext. <1.2W with GPS on Internal and External High Accuracy GNSS Handheld, Single frequency, WCDMA
26s (1s hot and
aided starts)
26s <1 s 3 USB, Bluetooth, GNSS Antenna 9600 20 to +60 Int./ext. 0.5W Internal and External Handheld Mobile GIS Solution, VGA display & WCDMA
60s 30s <1 s 3 USB, Bluetooth, GNSS Antenna na 20 to +60 Int./ext. 0.5W Internal and External Handheld Mobile GIS Solution, WCDMA
35s 1s <1 s 3 USB, Bluetooth, GNSS Antenna na 20 to +60 Int./ext. 0.5W Internal and External Compact Handheld Mobile GIS Solution, WCDMA
38s 3s <1 s 1 USB 115,200 RS-232 40 to +75 Int./ext. 0.5W Internal Compact GPS/GIS Handheld, with Electronic compass &
Barometric altimeter
38s 3s <1 s 1 USB na 20 to +60 Int./ext. 0.5W Internal Compact GPS/GIS Handheld
<60s <30s <15s 4 Power port + RS232, RS232 + USB,
Battery charge port, TNC port
na 20 to +60 Int./ext. 2W Internal Plug-and -play design convenient to transfer data, Long UHF
working distance, Support VRS or other NTRIP application.
35s 1s <1 s 4 USB, Bluetooth, 3.5mm av port,
Int./ext. 0.5W Internal Built-in sensor, Bluetooth, Wi, WCDMA(with call function),
RFID reader
35s 1s <1 s 2 USB, Bluetooth Int./ext. 0.5W Internal Built-in sensor, Bluetooth, Wi, WCDMA(with call
function),RFID reader

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n January 13, 2012, the U.S. National Positioning,
Navigation, and Timing Executive Committee
(PNT EXCOM) met in Washington, D.C., to
discuss the latest round of testing of the radiofrequency
compatibility between GPS and a terrestrial mobile
broadband network proposed by LightSquared. The
proposed network included base stations transmitting in
the 1525 1559 MHz band and handsets transmitting in
the 1626.5 1660.5 MHz band. These bands are adjacent
to the 1559 1610 MHz radionavigation satellite service
(RNSS) band used by GPS and other satellite navigation
systems. Based upon the test results, the EXCOM
unanimously concluded that both LightSquareds original
and modified plans for its proposed mobile network would
cause harmful interference to many GPS receivers, and
that further there appear to be no practical solutions or
mitigations to allow the network to operate in the near-
term without resulting in significant interference.
The LightSquared outcome was a lose-lose in the sense
that billions were spent by the investors in LightSquared
and, as noted by the EXCOM, substantial federal
resources have been expended and diverted from other
programs in testing and analyzing LightSquareds
proposals. To avoid a similar situation in the future, the
EXCOM proposed the development of GPS Spectrum
interference standards that will help inform future
proposals for non-space, commercial uses in the bands
adjacent to the GPS signals and ensure that any such
proposals are implemented without affecting existing and
evolving uses of space-based PNT services.
This article identifies and describes several important
considerations in the development of GPS spectrum
interference standards towards achieving the stated
EXCOM goals. These include the identification of
characteristics of adjacent band systems and an assessment
of the susceptibility of all GPS receiver types towards
interference in adjacent bands. Also of vital importance
to protecting GPS receivers is an understanding of the
Seeking a Win-Win Rebound
from Lose-Lose

typIcal cellular base-station tower.
Integration with Other Technologies
Based upon lessons learned from the LightSquared situation,
the author identifies important considerations for GPS
spectrum interference standards, recommended by the PNT
EXCOM for future commercial proposals in bands adjacent to
the RNSS band to avoid interference to GNSS.
Christopher J. Hegarty
GPS World | January 2013 60
Integration with Other Technologies
user base, applications, and where
the receivers for each application
may be located while in use. This
information, along with the selection
of proper propagation models, allows
one to establish transmission limits
on new adjacent-band systems
that will protect currently fielded
GPS receivers. The article further
comments on the implications of
the evolution of GPS and foreign
satellite navigation systems upon the
development of efficacious spectrum
interference standards.
Adjacent Band Characteristics
The type of adjacent-band system for
which there is currently the greatest
level of interest is a nationwide
wireless fourth-generation (4G)
terrestrial network to support the
rapidly growing throughput demands
of personal mobile devices. Such
a nationwide network would likely
consist of tens of thousands of base
stations distributed throughout
the United States and millions
of mobile devices. The prevalent
standard at the present time is Long
Term Evolution (LTE), which is
being deployed by all of the major
U.S. carriers. LTE and Advanced
LTE provide an efcient physical
layer for mobile wireless services.
Worldwide Interoperability for
Microwave Access (WiMAX) is a
competing wireless communication
standard for 4G wireless that is a far-
distant second in popularity.
For the purposes of the discussion
within this article, an LTE network is
assumed with characteristics similar
to that proposed by LightSquared but
perhaps with base stations and mobile
devices that transmit upon different
center frequencies and bandwidths.
The primary characteristics include:
Tens of thousands of base stations
nationwide, reusing frequencies
in a cellular architecture, with the
density of base stations peaking in
urban areas.
Base-station antennas at heights
from sub-meter to 150 meters
above ground level (AGL), with
a typical height of 2030 meters
AGL. Each base station site has
13 sector antennas mounted on
a tower such that peak power is
transmitted at a downtilt of 26
degrees below the local horizon,
with a 6070 degree horizontal
3-dB beamwidth and 89 degree
vertical 3-dB beamwidth.
Peak effective isotropic radiated
power (EIRP) in the vicinity of
2040 dBW (10010,000 W) per
Mobile devices transmit at a peak
EIRP of around 23 dBm (0.2
W), but substantially lower most
of the time when lower power
levels sufce to achieve a desired
quality of service as determined
using real-time power control
As LTE uses efcient transmission
protocols, emissions can be
accurately modeled as brickwall,
that is, conned to a nite
bandwidth around the carrier.
Throughout this article it will be
presumed that LTE emissions in
the bands authorized for RNSS
systems such as GPS will be
kept sufciently low through
regulatory means.
The opening photo shows a typical
base-station tower, with three sectors
per cellular service provider and
with multiple service providers
sharing space on the tower, including
non-cellular fixed point microwave
providers. As a cellular network is
being built out, coverage is at first
most important, and many base-
station sites will use minimum
downtilt and peak EIRPs within
the ranges described above. As the
network matures, capacity becomes
more important. High-traffic cells are
split through the introduction of more
base stations, and this is commonly
accompanied by increased downtilts
and lower EIRPs.
The assumed characteristics
for adjacent band systems plays
a paramount role in determining
compatibility with GPS, and
obviously lower-power adjacent-band
systems would be more compatible. If
compatibility with GPS precludes 4G
network implementation on certain
underutilized frequencies adjacent to
RNSS bands, then it may be prudent
to refocus attention for these bands on
alternative lower-power systems.

radiated testing of GPS receiver susceptibility to LightSquared emissions within an anecho-
ic chamber at White Sands Missile Range (courtesy of the United States Air Force). January 2013 | GPS World 61
Integration with Other Technologies
GPS Receiver Susceptibility
Over the past two years, millions of dollars have been
expended to measure or analyze the susceptibility of
GPS receivers to adjacent band interference as part
of U.S. regulatory proceedings for LightSquared.
Measurements were conducted through both radiated
(see photo) and conducted tests at multiple facilities, as
well as in a live-sky demonstration in Las Vegas. This
section summarizes the ndings for seven categories of
GPS receivers. These categories, which were originally
identied in the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC)-mandated GPS-LightSquared Technical Working
Group (TWG) formed in February 2011, are: aviation,
cellular, general location/navigation, high-precision,
timing, networks, and space-based receivers.
Aviation. Certied aviation GPS receivers are one of the
few receiver types for which interference requirements
exist. These requirements take the form of an interference
mask (see Figure 1) that is included in both domestic and
international standards. Certied aviation GPS receivers
must meet all applicable performance requirements
in the presence of interference levels up to those
indicated in the mask as a function of center frequency.
In Figure 1 and throughout this article, all interference
levels are referred to the output of the GPS receiver
passive-antenna element. Although the mask only
spans 15001640 MHz, within applicable domestic and
international standards the curves are dened to extend
over the much wider range of frequencies from 1315 to
2000 MHz.
A handful of aviation GPS receivers were tested against
LightSquared emissions in both conducted and radiated
campaigns. The results indicated that these receivers are
compliant with the mask with potentially some margin.
However, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
noted the following significant limitations of the testing:
Not all receiver performance requirements were tested.
Only a limited number of certied receivers were
tested, and even those tested were not tested with
every combination of approved equipment (for
example, receiver/antenna pairings).
Tests were not conducted in the environmental
conditions that the equipment was certied to tolerate
(for example, across the wide range of temperatures
that an airborne active antenna experiences, and
the extreme vibration prole that is experienced by
avionics upon some aircraft).
Due to these limitations, the FAA focused attention upon
the standards rather than the test results for LightSquared
compatibility analyses, and these standards are also
recommended for use in the development of national GPS
interference standards. One finding from the measurements
of aviation receivers that may be useful, however, is that
the devices tested exhibited susceptibilities to out-of-band
interference that were nearly constant as a function of
interference bandwidth. This fact is useful since the out-
of-band interference mask within aviation standards is
only defined for continuous-wave (pure tone) interference,
whereas LightSquared and other potential adjacent-band
systems use signals with bandwidths of 5 MHz or greater.
Cellular. The TWG tested 41 cellular devices supplied
by four U.S. carriers (AT&T, Sprint, US Cellular, and
Verizon) against LightSquared emissions in the late
spring/early summer of 2011. At least one of the 41
devices failed industry standards in the presence of a 5-
or 10-MHz LTE signal centered at 1550 MHz at levels
as low as 55 dBm, and at least one failed for a 10-MHz
LTE signal centered at 1531 MHz at levels as low as
45 dBm. The worst performing cellular devices were
either not production models or very old devices, and if
the results for these devices are excluded, then the most
susceptible device could tolerate a 10-MHz LTE signal
centered at 1531 MHz at power levels of up to 30 dBm.
Careful retesting took place in the fall of 2011, yielding
a lower maximum susceptibility value of 27 dBm under
the same conditions.
general Location/Navigation. The TWG effort tested 29
general location/navigation devices. In the presence of a
pair of 10-MHz LTE signals centered at 1531 MHz and
1550 MHz, the most susceptible device experienced a
1-dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) degradation when each
LTE signal was received at 58.9 dBm. In the presence
of a single 10-MHz LTE signal centered at 1531 MHz,
the most susceptible device experienced a 1-dB SNR
degradation when the interfering signal was received at
33 dBm.
Much more extensive testing of the effects of a single
LTE signal centered at 1531 MHz on general location/
navigation devices was conducted in the fall of 2011,

Figure 1 Certified aviation receiver interference mask.
GPS World | January 2013 62
Integration with Other Technologies
evaluating 92 devices. The final report on this campaign
noted that 69 of the 92 devices experienced a 1-dB SNR
decrease or greater when at an equivalent distance of
greater than 100 meters from the LightSquared simulated
tower. Since the tower was modeled as transmitting an
EIRP of 62 dBm, the 100-meter separation is equivalent to
a received power level of around 14 dBm. The two most
susceptible devices experienced 1-dB SNR degradations at
received power levels less than 45 dBm.
High Precision, Timing, Networks. The early 2011 TWG
campaign tested 44 high-precision and 13 timing
receivers. 10 percent of the high-precision (timing)
devices experienced a 1-dB or more SNR degradation in
the presence of a 10-MHz LTE signal centered at 1550
MHz at a received power level of 81 dBm (72 dBm).
With the 10-MHz LTE signal centered at 1531 MHz, this
level increased to 67 dBm (39 dBm).
The reason that some high-precision GPS receivers are
so sensitive to interference in the 15251559 MHz band
is that they were built with wideband radiofrequency
front-ends to intentionally process both GPS and mobile
satellite service (MSS) signals. The latter signals provide
differential GPS corrections supplied by commercial
service providers that lease MSS satellite transponders,
from companies including LightSquared.
Space. Two space-based receivers were tested for
the TWG study. The rst was a current-generation
receiver, and the second a next-generation receiver
under development. The two receivers experienced 1-dB
C/A-code SNR degradation with total interference power
levels of 59 dBm and 82 dBm in the presence of two
5-MHz LTE signals centered at 1528.5 MHz and 1552.7
MHz. For a single 10-MHz LTE signal centered at 1531
MHz, the levels corresponding to a 1-dB C/A-code
SNR degradation increased to 13 dBm and 63 dBm.
The next-generation receiver was more susceptible to
adjacent-band interference because it was developed to
be reprogrammed in ight to different frequencies over
the full range of GNSS and augmentation signals.
Discussion. Although extensive amounts of data were
produced, the LightSquared studies are insufcient by
themselves for the development of GPS interference
standards, since they only assessed the susceptibility
of GPS receivers to interference at the specic carrier
frequencies and with the specic bandwidths proposed
by LightSquared. If GPS interference standards are to
be developed for additional bands, then much more
comprehensive measurements will be necessary.
Interestingly, NTIA in 1998 initiated a GPS receiver
interference susceptibility study, funded by the Department
of Defense (DoD) and conducted by DoDs Joint Spectrum
Center. One set of curves produced by the study is
shown in Figure 2. This format would be a useful output
of a further measurement campaign. The curves depict
the interference levels needed to produce a 1-dB SNR
degradation to one GPS device as the bandwidth and
center frequency of the interference is varied. The NTIA
curves only extended from GPS L1 (1575.42 MHz) 20
MHz. A much wider range would be needed to develop
GPS interference standards as envisioned by the PNT
EXCOM. It may be possible, to minimize testing, to
exclude certain ranges of frequencies corresponding to
bands that stakeholders agree are unlikely to be repurposed
for new (for example, mobile broadband) systems.
Receiver-Transmitter Proximity
The LightSquared studies, with the exception of those
focused on aviation and space applications, spent far less
attention to receiver-transmitter proximity. Minimum
separation distances and the associated geometry are
obviously very important towards determining the
maximum interference level that might be expected for
a given LTE network (or other adjacent band system)
Within the TWG, the assumption generally made for
other (non-aviation, non-space) GPS receiver categories

Figure 3 Measurements of received power levels from one
experimental LightSquared base station sector in Las Vegas live-
sky testing.

Figure 2 Example of NTIA-initiated receiver susceptibility

measurements from 1998. January 2013 | GPS World 63
Integration with Other Technologies
was that they could see power levels that were measured
in Las Vegas a couple of meters above the ground from a
live LightSquared tower. Figure 3 shows one set of received
power measurements from Las Vegas. In the figure, the
dots are measured received power levels made by a test
van. The top curve is a prediction of received power based
upon the free-space path-loss model. The bottom curve is
a prediction based upon the Walfisch-Ikegami line-of-sight
(WILOS) propagation model. The NPEF studies presumed
that the user could be within the boresight of a sector
antenna even within small distances of the antenna (where
the user would need to be at a significant height above
The difference between the above received LTE signal
power assumptions has been hotly debated, especially
after LightSquared proposed limiting received power
levels from the aggregate of all transmitting base stations
as measured a couple of meters above the ground in areas
accessible to a test vehicle. After summarizing the aviation
scenarios developed by the FAA, this section highlights
scenarios where so-called terrestrial GPS receivers can
be at above-ground heights well over 2 meters. The
importance of accurately understanding transmitter-
receiver proximity is illustrated by Figure 4. This shows
predicted received power levels for one LTE base station
sector transmitting with an EIRP of 30 dBW and with an
antenna height of 20 meters (65.6 feet). The figure was
produced assuming the free-space path-loss model and a
typical GPS patch-antenna gain pattern for the user. Note
that maximum received power levels are very sensitive to
the victim GPS receiver antenna height.
Aviation. The rst LightSquared-GPS study conducted
for civil aviation was completed by the Radio Technical
Commission for Aeronautic (RTCA) upon a request
from the FAA. Due to the extremely short requested
turnaround time (3 months), RTCA consciously decided
not to devote any of the available time developing
operational scenarios, but rather re-used scenarios that it
had developed for earlier interference studies. It was later
realized that the combination of ve re-used scenarios
and assumed LightSquared network characteristics
did not result in an accurate identication of the most
stressing real-world scenarios. For instance, within the
RTCA report, base stations towers were all assumed to
be 30 meters in height. At this height, towers could not
be close to runway thresholds where aircraft are ying
very low to the ground, because this situation would
be precluded by obstacle clearance surfaces. Later
studies used actual base-station locations, from which
the aviation community became aware that cellular
service providers do place base stations close to airports
by utilizing lower base-station heights as necessary to
keep the antenna structure just below obstacle clearance
The FAA completed an assessment of LightSquared-
GPS compatibility in January 2012 that identified
scenarios where certified aviation receivers could
experience much higher levels of interference than was
assessed in the RTCA report. The areas where fixed-wing
and rotary-wing aircraft rely on GPS are depicted in Figures
5 And 6 (above the connected line segments), respectively.
Aircraft rely upon GPS for navigation and Terrain
Awareness and Warning Systems (TAWS). Helicopter
low-level en-route navigation and TAWS for fixed- and
rotary-wing aircraft are perhaps the most challenging
scenarios for ensuring GPS compatibility with adjacent-
band cellular networks. In these scenarios, the aircraft can
be within the boresight of cellular sector antennas and
in very close proximity, resulting in very high received-
power levels. The FAA attempted to provide some leeway
for LightSquared while maintaining safe functionality
of TAWS through the concept of exclusion zones (see
Figure7). The idea of an exclusion zone is that, at least
for cellular base-station transmitters on towers that are

Figure 5 Area where GPS use must be sssured for fixed-wing

Figure 6 Area where GPS use must be assured for rotary-wing

Figure 4 Received power in dBm at the output of a GPS patch
antenna from one 30 dBW EIRP LTE base station sector at 20
GPS World | January 2013 64
Integration with Other Technologies
included within TAWS databases,
that it would be permitted for the
GPS function to not be available for
very small zones around the LTE
base-station tower. This concept is
currently notional only; the FAA
plans to more carefully evaluate
the feasibility of this concept and
appropriate exclusion-zone size
with the assistance of other aviation
industry stakeholders.
High-precision and Networks:
Reference Stations. To gain insight
into typical reference-station heights
for differential GPS networks, the
AGL heights of sites comprising the
Continuously Operating Reference
Station (CORS) network organized
by the National Geodetic Survey
(NGS) were determined. The
assessment procedure is detailed in
the Appendix.
FiguRe 8 portrays a histogram
of estimated AGL heights for the
1543 operational sites within the
continental United States (CONUS)
as of February 2012. The accuracy of
the estimated AGL heights is on the
order of 16 meters, 90 percent, limited
primarily by the quality of the terrain
data that was utilized. The mean and

Bow HigHRiSe under construction in Calgary, showing GPS receivers in use (photos courtesy
Rocky Annett, MMM Group Ltd.)

FiguRe 8 Distribution of heights for CORS

FiguRe 7 Example exclusion area around base
station to protect TAWS. January 2013 | GPS World 65
Integration with Other Technologies
median site heights are 5.7 and 5.2 meters, respectively.
RALR, atop the Archdale Building in Raleigh, North
Carolina, was the tallest identified site at 64.1 meters.
This site, however, was decommissioned in January
2012 (although it was identified as operational in a
February 2012 NGS listing of sites). The second tallest
site identified is WVHU in Huntington, West Virginia at
39.6 meters, which is still operational atop of a Marshall
University building. 223 of the 1543 CORS sites within
CONUS have AGL heights greater than 10 meters, and
furthermore the taller sites tend to be in urban areas where
cellular networks tend to have the greatest base-station
High Precision and Networks: End Users. Many high-precision
end users employ GPS receivers at considerable heights
above ground. For instance, high-precision receivers
are relied upon within modern construction methods.
The adjacENt PHotos show GPS receivers used for the
construction of a 58-story skyscraper called The Bow
in Calgary, Canada. For this project, a rooftop control
network was established on top of neighboring buildings
using both GPS receivers and other surveying equipment
(for example, 360-degree prisms for total stations), and
GPS receivers were moved up with each successive stage
of the building to keep structural components plumb and
properly aligned. Similar techniques are being used for the
Freedom Tower, the new World Trade Center, in New York
City, and many other current construction projects.
Other terrestrial applications that rely on high-precision
GPS receivers at high altitudes include structural
monitoring and control of mechanical equipment such
as gantry cranes. At times, even ground-based survey
receivers can be substantially elevated. Although a
conventional surveying pole or tripod typically places
the GPS antenna 1.5 2 meters above the ground, much
longer poles are available and occasionally used in areas
where obstructions are present. 4-meter GPS poles are
often utilized, and poles of up to 40 ft (12.2 meters) are
available from survey supply companies.
General Location/Navigation. Although controlling received
power from a cellular network at 2 meters AGL may be
suitable to protect many general navigation/location users,
it is not adequate by itself. For example, GPS receivers
are used for tracking trucks and for positive train control
(the latter mandated in the United States per the Rail
Safety Improvement Act of 2008). GPS antennas for
trucks and trains are often situated on top of these vehicles.
Large trucks in the United States for use on public roads
can be up to 13 ft, 6 in (~4.1 meters), and a typical U.S.
locomotive height is 15 ft, 5 in (~4.7 meters). Especially
in a mature network that is using high downtilts, received
power at these AGL heights can be substantially higher
than at 2 meters.
Within the TWG and NPEF studies, the general
location/navigation GPS receiver category is defined
to include non-certified aviation receivers. One notable
application is the use of GPS to navigate unmanned
aerial vehicles. UAVs are increasingly being used for law
enforcement, border control, and many other applications
where the UAV can be expected to occasionally pass
within the boresight of cellular antennas at short ranges.
cellular. The majority of Americans own cell phones,
and a growing number are using cell phones as a
replacement for landlines within their home. Already,
70 percent of 911 calls are made on mobile phones.
Although pedestrians and car passengers are often within
2 meters of the ground, this is not always the case.
FiGUrE 9 shows three cellular sector antennas situated
atop a building lled with residential condominiums.
The rooftop is accessible and frequently used by the
building inhabitants. According to an online real estate
advertisement, The Garden Roof was voted the Best
Green Roof in Town and provides amazing 360 degree
views of downtown Nashville as well as four separate
sitting areas and fabulous landscaping. One of the sector
antennas is pointing towards the opposite corner of the
building. If the downtilt is in the vicinity of 26 degrees,
then it is quite likely that a person making a 911 call
from the rooftop could see a received power level of 10
dBm to 0 dBm, high enough to disrupt GPS within most
cellular devices if the antennas were transmitting in the
15251559 MHz band.
This situation is not unusual. Many cellular base
stations are situated on rooftops in urban areas, and many
illuminate living areas in adjacent buildings. In recent
years, New York City even considered legislation to
protect citizens from potential harmful effects of the more
than 2,600 cell sites in the city, since many sites are in very
close proximity to residential areas.
Propagation Models
Within the LightSquared proceedings, there was a
tremendous amount of debate regarding propagation

FiGUrE 9 Cellular antennas atop Westview Condominium Building
in downtown Nashville.
GPS World | January 2013 66
Integration with Other Technologies
models. Communication-system service providers
typically use propagation models that are conservative in
their estimates of received power levels in the sense that
they overestimate propagation losses. This conservatism
is necessary so that the service can be provided to end
users with high availability. From the standpoint of
potential victims of interference, however, it is seen as
far more desirable to underestimate propagation losses so
that interference can be kept below an acceptable level
a very high percentage of time. As shown in Figure 3,
some received power measurements from the Las Vegas
live-sky test indicate values even greater than would be
predicted using free-space propagation model. Statistical
models that allow for this possible were used in the FAA
Status Report. The general topic of propagation models
is worthy of future additional study if GPS interference
standards are to be developed.
Future Considerations
GPS is being modernized. Additionally, satellite
navigation users now enjoy the fact that the Russian
GLONASS system has recently returned to full strength
with the repopulation of its constellation. In the next
decade, satellite navigation users also eagerly anticipate
the completion of two other global GNSS constellations:
Europes Galileo and Chinas Compass. Notably, between
the GPS modernization program and the deployment
of these other systems, satellite navigation users are
expected to soon be relying upon equipment that is multi-
frequency and that needs to process many more signals
with varied characteristics. New equipment offers an
opportunity to insert new technologies such as improved
ltering, but of course the need to process additional
signals and carrier frequencies may make GNSS
equipment more susceptible to interference as well.
Clearly, these developments will need to be carefully
assessed to support the establishment of GPS spectrum
interference standards.
This article has identified a number of considerations for
the development of GPS interference standards, which
have been proposed by the PNT EXCOM. If the United
States proceeds with the development of such standards,
it is hoped that the information within this article will
prove useful to those involved.
Appendix: AGL Heights of CORS Network Sites
The National Geodetic Survey Continuously Operating
Reference Station (CORS) website provides lists of
CORS site locations in a number of different reference
frames. To determine the height above ground level (h
for each site within this study, two of these les (igs08_
xyz_comp.txt and igs08_xyz_htdp.txt) were used. These
two les provide the (x,y,z) coordinates of the antenna
reference point (ARP) for each site in the International
GNSS Service 2008 (IGS08) reference frame, which is
consistent with the International Terrestrial Reference
Frame (ITRF) of 2008. These coordinates are divided
into two les by NGS, since the site listings also provide
site velocities and velocities are either computed (for
sites that have produced data for at least 2.5 years) or
estimated (for newer sites). The comp le includes sites
with computed velocities and the htdp le includes sites
with estimated velocities (using a NGS program known
as HTDP).
The data files can be used to readily produce height
above the ellipsoid, h
, for each site. This height can be
found using well-known equations to convert from (x, y, z)
to (latitude, longitude, height). Obtaining estimates of h

requires information on the geoid height and terrain data,
per the relationship:
= hellipsoid N - h
For the results presented in this article, terrain data
was obtained from in the Shuttle
Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Terrain
Elevation Data (DTED) Level 2 format. For this terrain
data, the horizontal datum is the World Geodetic
System (WGS 84). The vertical datum is Mean Sea
Level (MSL) as determined by the Earth Gravitational
Model (EGM) 1996. Each data file covers a 1 by 1
degree cell in latitude/longitude, and individual points
are spaced 1 arcsec in both latitude and longitude. The
SRTM DTED Level 2 has a system design 16 meter
absolute vertical height accuracy, 10 meters relative
vertical height accuracy, and 20 meter absolute horizontal
circular accuracy. All accuracies are at the 90 percent
level. Considering the accuracies of the DTED data,
the differences between WGS-84 and IGS08 as well
as between the ARP and antenna phase center were
considered negligible. Geoid heights were interpolated
from 15-arcmin data available in the MATLAB Mapping
Toolbox using the egm96geoid function.
Lower AGL heights are preferred for CORS sites to
minimize motion between the antenna and the Earths
crust. However, many sites are at significant heights above
the ground by necessity, particularly in urban areas due to
the competing desire for good sky visibility.
Christopher J. hegarty is the director for communications, navigation,
and surveillance engineering and spectrum with The MITRE Corporation. He
received a D.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from George Washington
University. He is currently the chair of the Program Management Committee
of the RTCA, Inc., and co-chairs RTCA Special Committee 159 (GNSS). He is
the co-editor/co-author of the textbook Understanding GPS: Principles and
Applications, 2nd Edition. January 2013 | GPS World 67
Algorithms and Methods
his article deals with the problem
of position authentication. The
term position authentication
as discussed in this article is taken to
mean the process of checking whether
position reports made by a remote
user are truthful (Is the user where
they say they are?) and accurate (In
reality, how close is a remote user to the
position they are reporting?). Position
authentication will be indispensable to
many envisioned civilian applications.
For example, in the national airspace of
the future, some trafc control services
will be based on self-reported positions
broadcast via ADS-B by each aircraft.
Non-aviation applications where
authentication will be required include
tamper-free shipment tracking and
smart-border systems to enhance cargo
inspection procedures at commercial
ports of entry. The discussions that
follow are the outgrowth of an idea
rst presented by Sherman Lo and
colleagues at Stanford University (see
Further Reading).
For illustrative purposes, we will
focus on the terrestrial application of
cargo tracking. Most of the commercial
eet and asset tracking systems
available in the market today depend on
a GPS receiver installed on the cargo or
asset. The GPS receiver provides real-
time location (and, optionally, velocity)
information. The location and the time
when the asset was at a particular
location form the tracking message,
which is sent back to a monitoring
center to verify if the asset is traveling
in an expected manner. This method
of tracking is depicted graphically in
The approach shown in Figure 1 has
at least two potential scenarios or fault
My UnIvERsIty, the University of New Brunswick, is one of the few
institutes of higher learning still using Latin at its graduation exercises.
The president and vice-chancellor of the university asks the members of
the senate and board of governors present Placetne vobis Senatores,
placetne, Gubernatores, ut hi supplicatores admittantur? (Is it your
pleasure, Senators, is it your pleasure, Governors, that these supplicants
be admitted?). In the Oxford tradition, a supplicant is a student who has
qualified for their degree but who has not yet been admitted to it. Being a
UNB senator, I was familiar with this usage of the word supplicant. But I was
a little surprised when I first read a draft of the
article in this months Innovation column with
its use of the word supplicant to describe the
status of a GPS receiver.
If we look up the definition of supplicant in
a dictionary, we find that it is a person who
makes a humble or earnest plea to another,
especially to a person in power or authority.
Clearly, that describes our graduating students.
But what has it got to do with a GPS receiver?
Well, it seems that the word supplicant has been
taken up by engineers developing protocols for
computer communication networks and with
a similar meaning. In this case, a supplicant (a
computer or rather some part of its operating
system) at one end of a secure local area
network seeks authentication to join the
network by submitting credentials to the authenticator on the other end.
If authentication is successful, the computer is allowed to join the network.
The concept of supplicant and authenticator is used, for example, in the
IEEE 802.1X standard for port-based network access control.
Which brings us to GPS. When a GPS receiver reports its position to a
monitoring center using a radio signal of some kind, how do we know
that the receiver or its associated communications unit is telling the truth?
Its not that difficult to generate false position reports and mislead the
monitoring center into believing the receiver is located elsewhere unless
an authentication procedure is used. In this months column, we look at the
development of a clever system that uses the concept of supplicant and
authenticator to assess the truthfulness of position reports.
Its not that difficult
to generate false
position reports.
InnovaTIon InSIGhTS
with Richard Langley
Getting at the truth
A Civilian GPS Position Authentication System
Zhefeng Li and Demoz Gebre-Egziabher
Innovation is a regular feature that discusses advances in GPS technology andits applications as well as the fundamentals
of GPS positioning. The column is coordinated by Richard Langley of the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering,
University of New Brunswick. He welcomes comments and topic ideas. To contact him, see the Contributing Editors section
on page 6.
GPS World | January 2013 68
algorithms and Methods
modes, which can lead to erroneous tracking of the asset. The
rst scenario occurs when an incorrect position solution is
calculated as a result of GPS RF signal abnormalities (such
as GPS signal spoong). The second scenario occurs when
the correct position solution is calculated but the tracking
message is tampered with during the transmission from the
asset being tracked to the monitoring center. The rst scenario
is a falsication of the sensor and the second scenario is a
falsication of the transmitted position report.
The purpose of this article is to examine the problem of
detecting sensor or report falsication at the monitoring
center. We discuss an authentication system utilizing the
white-noise-like spreading codes of GPS to calculate an
authentic position based on a snapshot of raw IF signal from
the receiver.
Using White Noise as a Watermark
The features for GPS position authentication should be very
hard to reproduce and unique to different locations and time.
In this case, the authentication process is reduced to detecting
these features and checking if these features satisfy some time
and space constraints. The features are similar to the well-
designed watermarks used to detect counterfeit currency.
A white-noise process that is superimposed on the GPS
signal would be a perfect watermark signal in the sense that it
is impossible reproduce and predict. FIGURE 2 is an abstraction
that shows how the above idea of a superimposed white-noise
process would work in the signal authentication problem. The
system has one transmitter, T
, and two receivers, R
and R
is the supplicant and R
is the authenticator. The task of
the authenticator is to determine whether the supplicant is
using a signal from T
or is being spoofed by a malicious
transmitter, T
. R
is the trusted source, which gets a copy
of the authentic signal, V
(t) (that is, the signal transmitted
by T
). The snapshot signal, V
(t), received at R
is sent to
the trusted agent to compare with the signal, V
(t), received
at R
. Every time a verication is performed, the snapshot
signal from R
is compared with a piece of the signal from
. If these two pieces of signal match, we can say the
snapshot signal from R
was truly transmitted from T
. For
the white-noise signal, match detection is accomplished via a
cross-correlation operation (see Further Reading). The cross-
correlation between one white-noise signal and any other
signal is always zero. Only when the correlation is between
the signal and its copy will the correlation have a non-
zero value. So a non-zero correlation means a match. The
time when the correlation peak occurs provides additional
information about the distance between R
and R
Unfortunately, generation of a white-noise watermark
template based on a mathematical model is impossible. But,
as we will see, there is an easy-to-use alternative.
An Intrinsic GPS Watermark
The RF carrier broadcast by each GPS satellite is modulated
by the coarse/acquisition (C/A) code, which is known and
which can be processed by all users, and the encrypted
P(Y) code, which can be decoded and used by Department
of Defense (DoD) authorized users only. Both civilians and
DoD-authorized users see the same signal. To commercial
GPS receivers, the P(Y) code appears as uncorrelated
noise. Thus, as discussed above, this noise can be used as a
watermark, which uniquely encodes locations and times. In a
typical civilian GPS receivers tracking loop, this watermark
signal can be found inside the tracking loop quadrature signal.
The position authentication approach discussed here
is based on using the P(Y) signal to determine whether a
user is utilizing an authentic GPS signal. This method uses
a segment of noisy P(Y) signal collected by a trusted user
(the authenticator) as a watermark template. Another users
(the supplicants) GPS signal can be compared with the
template signal to judge if the users position and time reports
are authentic. Correlating the supplicants signal with the
authenticators copy of the signal recorded yields a correlation
peak, which serves as a watermark. An absent correlation
peak means the GPS signal provided by the supplicant is
not genuine. A correlation peak that occurs earlier or later
than predicted (based on the supplicants reported position)
indicates a false position report.
System Architecture
FIGURE 3 is a high-level architecture of our proposed position
authentication system. In practice, we need a short snapshot
of the raw GPS IF signal from the supplicant. This piece of
the signal is the digitalized, down-converted, IF signal before
the tracking loops of a generic GPS receiver. Another piece
of information needed from the supplicant is the position
solution and GPS Time calculated using only the C/A signal.
The raw IF signal and the position message are transmitted to
the authentication center by any data link (using a cell-phone
data network, Wi-Fi, or other means).
GPS satellite
Message packet
Time stamp
User vehicle
(with GPS receiver)
Monitoring center
GPS signal
Message channel

FIGURE 1 A typical asset tracking system. January 2013 | GPS World 69
Algorithms and Methods
The authentication station keeps track of all the common
satellites seen by both the authenticator and the supplicant.
Every common satellites watermark signal is then obtained
from the authenticators tracking loop. These watermark
signals are stored in a signal database. Meanwhile, the
pseudorange between the authenticator and every satellite is
also calculated and is stored in the same database.
When the authentication station receives the data from the
supplicant, it converts the raw IF signal into the quadrature
(Q) channel signals. Then the supplicants Q channel signal
is used to perform the cross-correlation with the watermark
signal in the database. If the correlation peak is found at
the expected time, the supplicants signal passes the signal-
authentication test. By measuring the relative peak time of
every common satellite, a position can be computed. The
position authentication involves comparing the reported
position of the supplicant to this calculated position. If the
difference between two positions is within a pre-determined
range, the reported position passes the position authentication.
While in principle it is straightforward to do authentication
as described above, in practice there are some challenges
that need to be addressed. For example, when there is only
one common satellite, the only common signal in the Q
channel signals is this common satellites P(Y) signal. So the
cross-correlation only has one peak. If there are two or more
common satellites, the common signals in the Q channel
signals include not only the P(Y) signals but also C/A signals.
Then the cross-correlation result will have multiple peaks.
We call this problem the C/A leakage problem, which will be
addressed below.
C/A Residual Filter
The C/A signal energy in the GPS signal is about double the
P(Y) signal energy. So the C/A false peaks are higher than the
true peak. The C/A false peaks repeat every 1 millisecond. If
the C/A false peaks occur, they are greater than the true peak
in both number and strength. Because of background noise,
it is hard to identify the true peak from the correlation result
corrupted by the C/A residuals.
To deal with this problem, a high-pass lter can be used.
Alternatively, because the C/A code is known, a match lter
can be designed to lter out any given GPS satellites C/A
signal from the Q channel signal used for detection. However,
this implies that one match lter is needed for every common
satellite simultaneously in view of the authenticator and
supplicant. This can be cumbersome and, thus, the ltering
approach is pursued here.
In the frequency domain, the energy of the base-band C/A
signal is mainly (56 percent) within a 1.023 MHz band, while
the energy of the base-band P(Y) signal is spread over a wider
band of 10.23 MHz. A high-pass lter can be applied to Q
channel signals to lter out the signal energy in the 1.023
MHz band. In this way, all satellites C/A signal energy can
be attenuated by one lter rather than using separate match
lters for different satellites.
FIGURE 4 is the frequency response of a high-pass lter
designed to lter out the C/A signal energy. The spectrum
of the C/A signal is also plotted in the gure. The high-
pass lter only removes the main lobe of the C/A signals.
Unfortunately, the high-pass lter also attenuates part of the

FIGURE 3 Architecture of position authentication system.

GPS satellite
(at least four for
position authentication)
User vehicle
Cell-phone tower Authentication site
(law enforcement)
GPS signal
RF data uplink 0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency (MHz)


Filter frequency response
C/A signal spectrum

FIGURE 2 Architecture to detect a snapshot of a white-noise signal.

FIGURE 4 Frequency response of the notch filter.
GPS World | January 2013 70
algorithms and Methods
P(Y) signal energy. This degrades the auto-correlation peak
of the P(Y) signal. Even though the gain of the high-pass
lter is the same for both the C/A and the P(Y) signals, this
effect on their auto-correlation is different. That is because
the percentage of the low-frequency energy of the C/A signal
is much higher than that of the P(Y) signal. This, however, is
not a signicant drawback as it may appear initially. To see
why this is so, note that the objective of the high-pass lter is
to obtain the greatest false-peak rejection ratio dened to be
the ratio between the peak value of P(Y) auto-correlation and
that of the C/A auto-correlation. The false-peak rejection ratio
of the non-ltered signals is 0.5. Therefore, all one has to do is
adjust the cut-off frequency of the high-pass lter to achieve a
desired false-peak rejection ratio.
The simulation results in FIGURE 5 show that one simple high-
pass lter rather than multiple match lters can be designed
to achieve an acceptable false-peak rejection ratio. The auto-
correlation peak value of the ltered C/A signal and that of
the ltered P(Y) signal is plotted in the gure. While the
P(Y) signal is attenuated by about 25 percent, the C/A code
signal is attenuated by 91.5 percent (the non-ltered C/A auto-
correlation peak is 2). The false-peak rejection ratio is boosted
from 0.5 to 4.36 by using the appropriate high-pass lter.
Position Calculation
Consider the situation depicted in FIGURE 6 where the
authenticator and the supplicant have multiple common
satellites in view. In this case, not only can we perform
the signal authentication but also obtain an estimate of the
pseudorange information from the authentication. Thus, the
authenticated pseudorange information can be further used to
calculate the supplicants position if we have at least three
estimates of pseudoranges between the supplicant and GPS
satellites. Since this position solution of the supplicant
is based on the P(Y) watermark signal rather than the
supplicants C/A signal, it is an independent and authentic
solution of the supplicants position. By comparing this
authentic position with the reported position of the supplicant,
we can authenticate the veracity of the supplicants reported
GPS position.
The situation shown in Figure 6 is very similar to double-
difference differential GPS. The major difference between
what is shown in the gure and the traditional double
difference is how the differential ranges are calculated.
Figure 6 shows how the range information can be obtained
during the signal authentication process. Let us assume that
the authenticator and the supplicant have four common GPS
satellites in view: SAT1, SAT2, SAT3, and SAT4. The signals
transmitted from the satellites at time t are S
(t), S
(t), S
and S
(t), respectively. Suppose a signal broadcast by SAT1 at
time t
arrives at the supplicant at t
is the travel
time of the signal. At the same time, signals from SAT2,
SAT3, and SAT4 are received by the supplicant. Let us denote
the travel time of these signals as
, and
, respectively.
These same signals will be also received at the authenticator.
We will denote the travel times for the signals from satellite
to authenticator as
, and
The signal at a receivers antenna is the superposition of the
signals from all the satellites. This is shown in FIGURE 7 where a
snapshot of the signal received at the supplicants antenna at
time t
includes GPS signals from SAT1, SAT2, SAT3,
and SAT4. Note that even though the arrival times of these
signals are the same, their transmit times (that is, the times
they were broadcast from the satellites) are different because
the ranges are different. The signals received at the supplicant
will be S
), S

), S

), and S

). This same snapshot of the signals at the supplicant is used
to detect the matched watermark signals from SAT1, SAT2,
SAT3, and SAT4 at the authenticator. Thus the correlation
peaks between the supplicants and the authenticators signal
should occur at t
, t

, t

and t

Referring to Figure 6 again, suppose the authenticators
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Shift time (milliseconds)


Filtered P(Y) signal
Filtered C/A signal
, y
, z
, y
, z

FIGURE 5 Auto-correlation of the filtered C/A and P(Y) signals.

FIGURE 6 Positioning using a watermark signal. January 2013 | GPS World 71
Algorithms and Methods
position (x
, y
, z
) is known but the supplicants position
, y
, z
) is unknown and needs to be determined. Because
the actual ith common satellite (x
, y
, z
) is also known to
the authenticator, each of the
, the pseudorange between
the ith satellite and the authenticator, is known. If
is the
pseudorange to the ith satellite measured at the supplicant, the
pseudoranges and the time difference satises equation (1):
is the differential range error primarily due to
tropospheric and ionospheric delays. In addition, c is the
speed of light, and t
is the measured time difference as
shown in Figure 7. Finally,
for i = 1, 2, 3, 4 is given by:
If more than four common satellites are in view between the
supplicant and authenticator, equation (1) can be used to form
a system of equations in three unknowns. The unknowns are
the components of the supplicants position vector r
= [x
, z
. This equation can be linearized and then solved using
least-squares techniques. When linearized, the equations have
the following form:
where r
= [x
, y
, z
, which is the estimation error of the
supplicants position. The matrix A is given by
where is the line of sight vector from the supplicant to the
ith satellite. Finally, the vector m is given by:

where is the ith satellites position error,
is the
measurement error of pseudorange
or pseudorange noise.
In addition, t
is the time difference error. Finally,
is the
error of
dened earlier.
Equation (3) is in a standard form that can be solved by a
weighted least-squares method. The solution is
where R is the covariance matrix of the measurement error
vector m. From equations (3) and (5), we can see that the
supplicants position accuracy depends on both the geometry
and the measurement errors.
Hardware and Software
In what follows, we describe an authenticator which is
designed to capture the GPS raw signals and to test the
performance of the authentication method described above.
Since we are relying on the P(Y) signal for authentication,
the GPS receivers used must have an RF front end with at
least a 20-MHz bandwidth. Furthermore, they must be
coupled with a GPS antenna with a similar bandwidth. The
RF front end must also have low noise. This is because the
authentication method uses a noisy piece of the P(Y) signal
at the authenticator as a template to detect if that P(Y) piece
exists in the supplicants raw IF signal. Thus, the detection
is very sensitive to the noise in both the authenticator and
the supplicant signals. Finally, the sampling of the down-
converted and digitized RF signal must be done at a high rate
because the positioning accuracy depends on the accuracy
of the pseudorange reconstructed by the authenticator.
The pseudorange is calculated from the time-difference
measurement. The accuracy of this time difference depends
on the sampling frequency to digitize the IF signal. The high
sampling frequency means high data bandwidth after the
The authenticator designed for this work and shown in
FIGURE 8 satises the above requirements. A block diagram of
the authenticator is shown in Figure 8a and the constructed
unit in Figure 8b. The IF signal processing unit in the
authenticator is based on the USRP N210 software-dened
radio. It offers the function of down converting, digitalization,
and data transmission. The rmware and eld-programmable-
gate-array conguration in the USRP N210 are modied to
integrate a software automatic gain control and to increase
the data transmission efciency. The sampling frequency is
100 MHz and the effective resolution of the analog-to-digital
conversion is 6 bits. The authenticator is battery powered and
can operate for up to four hours at full load.
Performance Validation
Next, we present results demonstrating the performance of the

FIGURE 7 Relative time delays constrained by positions.
GPS World | January 2013 72
algorithms and Methods
authenticator described above. First, we present results that
show we can successfully deal with the C/A leakage problem
using the simple high-pass lter. We do this by performing
a correlation between snapshots of signal collected from the
authenticator and a second USRP N210 software-dened
radio. FIGURE 9a is the correlation result without the high-
pass lter. The periodic peaks in the result have a period of
1 millisecond and are a graphic representation of the C/A
leakage problem. Because of noise, these peaks do not have
the same amplitude. FIGURE 9b shows the correlation result
using the same data snapshot as in Figure 9a. The difference
is that Figure 9b uses the high-pass lter to attenuate the
false peaks caused by the C/A signal residual. Only one peak
appears in this result as expected and, thus, conrms the
analysis given earlier.
We performed an experiment to validate the authentication
performance. In this experiment, the authenticator and
the supplicant were separated by about 1 mile (about 1.6
kilometers). The location of the authenticator was xed.
The supplicant was then sequentially placed at ve points
along a straight line. The distance between two adjacent
points is about 15 meters. The supplicant was in an open
area with no tall buildings or structures. Therefore, a
sufcient number of satellites were in view and multipath,
if any, was minimal. The locations of the ve test points are
shown in FIGURE 10.
The rst step of this test was to place the supplicant at point
A and collect a 40-millisecond snippet of data. This data was
then processed by the authenticator to determine if:
The signal contained the watermark. We call this the
signal authentication test. It determines whether a
genuine GPS signal is being used to form the supplicants
position report.
The supplicant is actually at the position coordinates that
they say they are. We call this the position authentication
test. It determines whether or not falsication of the
position report is being attempted.
Next, the supplicant was moved to point B. However,
in this instance, the supplicant reports that it is still located
at point A. That is, it makes a false position report. This is
repeated for the remaining positions (C through E) where
at each point the supplicant reports that it is located at point
A. That is, the supplicant continues to make false position
In this experiment, we have ve common satellites
between the supplicant (at all of the test points A to E) and

FIGURE 8 a) Block diagram of GPS position authenticator; (b) photo of constructed unit.
GPS antenna
A/D converter
(USRP N210)
Portable authenticator
Gigabit Ethernet
(with SSD)
Channel 1 PRN: 7 Correlation Result (window: 40 milliseconds)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Offset time (microseconds)
Time = 5117.280 microseconds
Channel 1 PRN: 7 Correlation Result (window: 40 milliseconds)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Offset time (microseconds)
Time = 1126.110 microseconds

FIGURE 9 Example of cross-correlation detection results: (a) without high-pass filter and (b) with high-pass filter. January 2013 | GPS World 73
Algorithms and Methods
the authenticator. The results of the
experiment are summarized in TABLE 1.
If we can detect a strong peak for every
common satellite, we say this point
passes the signal authentication test
(and note Yes in second column of
Table 1). That means the supplicants
raw IF signal has the watermark signal
from every common satellite. Next, we
perform the position authentication test.
This test tries to determine whether the
supplicant is at the position it claims to
be. If we determine that the position
of the supplicant is inconsistent with
its reported position, we say that the
supplicant has failed the position
authentication test. In this case we put a
No in the third column of Table 1. As
we can see from Table 1, the performance
of the authenticator is consistent with
the test setup. That is, even though the
wrong positions of points (B, C, D,
E) are reported, the authenticator can
detect the inconsistency between the
reported position and the raw IF data.
Furthermore, since the distance between
two adjacent points is 15 meters, this
implies that resolution of the position
authentication is at or better than 15
meters. While we have not tested it,
based on the timing resolution used
in the system, we believe resolutions
better than 12 meters are achievable.
In this article, we have described a GPS
position authentication system. The
authentication system has many potential
applications where high credibility of
a position report is required, such as
cargo and asset tracking. The system
detects a specic watermark signal in
the broadcast GPS signal to judge if a
receiver is using the authentic GPS signal.
The differences between the watermark
signal travel times are constrained by
the positions of the GPS satellites and
the receiver. A method to calculate an
authentic position using this constraint is
discussed and is the basis for the position
authentication function of the system. A
hardware platform that accomplishes this
was developed using a software-dened
radio. Experimental results demonstrate
that this authentication methodology
is sound and has a resolution of better
than 15 meters. This method can also be
used with other GNSS systems provided
that watermark signals can be found.
For example, in the Galileo system, the
encrypted Public Regulated Service
signal is a candidate for a watermark
In closing, we note that before
any system such as ours is elded, its
performance with respect to metrics
such as false alarm rates (How often
do we ag an authentic position
report as false?) and missed detection
probabilities (How often do we fail to
detect false position reports?) must be
quantied. Thus, more analysis and
experimental validation is required.
The authors acknowledge the United
States Department of Homeland Se-
curity (DHS) for supporting the work
reported in this article through the
National Center for Border Security
and Immigration under grant number
2008-ST-061-BS0002. However, any
opinions, ndings, conclusions or rec-
ommendations in this article are those
of the authors and do not necessarily
reect views of the DHS. This article
is based on the paper Performance
Analysis of a Civilian GPS Position
Authentication System presented at
PLANS 2012, the Institute of Electri-
cal and Electronics Engineers / Insti-
tute of Navigation Position, Location
and Navigation Symposium held in
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, April
2326, 2012.
The GPS position authenticator uses
an Ettus Research LLC (www.ettus.
com) model USRP N210 software-
dened radio with a DBSRX2 RF
ZhEfEng Li is a Ph.D. candidate in the
Department of Aerospace Engineering and
Mechanics at the University of Minnesota, Twin
Cities. His research interests include GPS signal
processing, real-time implementation of signal
processing algorithms, and the authentication
methods for civilian GNSS systems.
DEmoZ gEBrE-EgZiABhEr is an associate
professor in the Department of Aerospace
Engineering and Mechanics at the University of
Minnesota, Twin Cities. His research deals with the
design of multi-sensor navigation and attitude
determination systems for aerospace vehicles
ranging from small unmanned aerial vehicles to
Earth-orbiting satellites.
Further Reading
for references related to this article, go to and
click on Innovation in the navigation bar.
Pass Signal
Pass Position
A Yes Yes
B Yes No
C Yes No
D Yes No
E Yes No

TABLE 1 Five-point position authentication

figUrE 10 Five-point field test. Image courtesy of Google.
GPS World | January 2013 74
ProfeSSional oem e-neWSletter
hatever happed to Allen Osborne
Associates (AOA)? As a 1994
report (seeking a receiver for a GPS
Sounder task) stated, Signal-to-noise
ratio tests of three high-performance
GPS receivers in severe multipath
conditions clearly show the Alllen
Osborne Associates TurboRogue SNR-
8000 is superior in locking and tracking
C/A, P1 and P2 codes at very low
receiver-to-satellite elevation angles.
The advanced features of the
TurboRogue may well have been
key in AOA receivers being used for
a large number of ground reference
applications, including Monitor Station
Receivers for the U.S. Air Force GPS
Operational Control Segment (OCS).
AOA was acquired in 2004, and the
GPS group now resides and thrives
within the Communication Systems
Division of ITT Exelis Corporation
(ITT). Those AOA products and
technology have contributed to the ITT
military GPS receiver group becoming a
leading SAASM receiver supplier.
Exelis also has a Geospatial Systems
group, home to the GPS Payload,
Receiver and Control Systems group,
currently developing the ground
reference receiver as part of Raytheons
team for the next-generation GPS
Operational Control Segment (OCX).
Geospatial Systems has also been
continuously involved in the supply of
GPS payloads on every GPS satellite
launched and has accumulated more
than 500 years of on-orbit payload
life. Geospatial Systems is also part
of the Lockheed Martin team that is
developing and building the satellite
payloads for tomorrows GPS III
space segment. ITT is developing and
integrating the navigation payloads for
eight GPS IIIA satellites.
Today ITT boasts that it is the only
GPS systems developer to have been
a key contributor to all three GPS
program segments (space, OCS, and
user) with both legacy and modernized
The receiver guys in Van Nuys have
fielded a series of SAASM-based
receivers over the years, beginning
with the EGR-1020, which has gone
into a large number of Single Channel
Ground and Airborne Radio Systems.
SINCGARS is a combat net radio
currently used by U.S. and allied
military forces, adding position and
GPS time-sync to each radio terminal.
The handheld control display allows
each radio operator to see the location in
real-time of all SINCGARS-equipped
friendly-force groups, providing active
situational awareness on the battlefield.
The next generation EGR-2000
Small Serial Interface (SSI) SAASM
receiver has been integrated into
an in-country GPS designed and
manufactured system of a U.S.
International Ally, and can be found in
terminals, radios, and handhelds.
This brings us to the current ITT
receiver product, known as the EGR-
2500. Integration and miniaturization
have reduced the EGR-2500 to half the
size of the SSI receiver. With the same
capability to track through reduced
signal levels and producing high-
precision carrier phase and pseudorange,
its not surprising that the EGR-2500 has
found new OEM applications.
Both Geodetics and Technology
Advancement Group (TAG) have
worked with ITT to integrate the EGR-
2500 into their products to achieve
centimeter-level RTK positioning. The
EGR provides high-quality, variable
rate observations at up to 10 Hz for up
to 24 different satellite signals, enabling
Geodetics and TAG to offer anti-
spoofing RTK performance. With the
addition of external inertial aiding, the
EGR can also maintain a high-quality
RTK solution under high dynamics.
But the SAASM receiver world is
becoming even more competitive, and
ITT is developing yet another generation
of receiver, further improving power
consumption and performance. A pair
of ARM 9 processors has been added,
along with circuitry that is software-
controlled to reduce power to blocks
not being used, so the next EGR will
have reduced size, weight, and cost and
is targeted to consume 500 milliwatts
in low-power mode. The enhanced
correlator array design will dramatically
reduce time-to-first fix, and with todays
operational environment in mind, an
added front-end filter reduces the effects
of interference and jamming.
An Evolving SAASM Receiver Story
Tony Murfin
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ARMy SINCGARS has Exelis EGR-1020 inside.
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