Alliotts Bankruptcy Article Importance of Till

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The Importance of ‘Till’
By Craig Rankin and Christopher Alliotts

n may 17, the U.S. Supreme rate in the debtors’ plan of reorganization.
Court issued its decision in Till v. The starting point in determining this
SCS Credit Corp., 124 S. Ct. 1951. rate is the national prime rate, which was
In that case, consumer debtors 8% at the time. The court then augmented
had purchased a used truck pur- this rate to account for the additional risk
suant to a financing agreement by which of nonpayment posed by borrowers
they agreed to pay an annual interest rate of in a similar financial condition to the
21%. As part of their Chapter 13 plan, the debtors. After considering evidence (includ-
debtors proposed to pay interest to the ing expert testimony) of what those risks
finance company on account of its lien reasons. First, even though Till is a consumer were and the role of the bankruptcy process
against the truck, which was worth $4,000, case under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy in assessing that risk, the court set the
at the rate of 9.5%. Over the finance Code, there is a comparable version of the interest rate at 9.5%.
company’s objection that the interest rate cram down provision in Chapter 11, which On appeal, the district court reversed.
did not accurately reflect the present value of applies principally to corporate reorganiza- It held that the 7th U.S. Circuit Court
its security interest in the truck, the tions. Thus, the decision will have a signifi- of Appeals required application of the
bankruptcy court confirmed the debtors’ cant impact on business cases throughout forced loan approach. Under that test, the
plan of reorganization, and the finance the country. Second, interest rates in the court must consider what interest rate
company appealed. current economic cycle have apparently the creditor could obtain if it had foreclosed
The question presented in this case was bottomed out. With interest rates on the on its loan, sold the collateral and reinvested
by which method a court should calculate rise, it is important for debtors and creditors the proceeds in loans of comparable duration
the rate of interest that must be paid to a to know to what extent a court’s interest rate and risk. Based upon the secured creditor’s
secured creditor when allowing a debtor to calculation will affect their claims in a unrebutted testimony in the case, the
“cram down” a plan of reorganization. A bankruptcy case. district court determined that the rate
cram down occurs when the bankruptcy The Supreme Court’s description of the should be 21%.
court confirms a plan of reorganization over decisions by the lower courts demonstrates On further appeal, the 7th Circuit
the objection of a secured creditor that it is the divergence of opinions on the subject. adopted the contract rate approach, which
being deprived of its contractual right to As the case made its way through the lower was characterized as a modified forced loan
possession of the collateral and is, instead, courts, each employed a different approach analysis. Beginning with the forced loan
being provided with the promise of install- for calculating what it believed was the rate, the court looked to the rate set in the
ment payments over time. Such payments appropriate interest rate. Like the courts prebankruptcy contract between the parties.
are supposed to equal or exceed the “value, below, the Supreme Court also failed to form Either party could then object and seek to
as of the effective date of the plan,” of the a consensus. As a result, we are left to have a higher or lower rate applied based
allowed amount of such claim. ponder the different approaches set forth in upon the particular circumstances of the case
The decision in Till is important for two the plurality opinions. and how they affect the risk of nonpayment
under the proposed reorganization plan.
Craig Rankin is a partner at Los Angeles-based
bankruptcy boutique Levene, Neale, Bender,
A review of the approaches The 7th Circuit’s decision was not
unanimous. The dissenting opinion advocat-
Rankin & Brill. Christopher Alliotts is counsel by the various courts ed utilizing either the formula approach or a
to the Menlo Park, Calif., office of Los Angeles- The bankruptcy court applied the “cost of funds” approach. Under the latter,
based SulmeyerKupetz. formula rate approach in setting the interest the court would have to determine what the

cost would be to the creditor to obtain the there was no requirement in § 1325 of the the lower bound, of the appropriate interest
cash equivalent of the collateral from an Bankruptcy Code that a secured creditor be rate in a cram down and should therefore be
alternative source. The dissenter also compensated for the risk of nonpayment the presumptive rate. Either party would
thought it appropriate to consider the extent because such risk is included within the have the opportunity to prove that a higher
to which the creditor had already been consideration of the value of its secured or lower rate should apply. The dissent’s
compensated for its risk of nonpayment in claim. Contrary to the plurality and dissent, approach has some appeal to it. Foremost of
making the loan. Thomas believed that the statute only its advantages is that the contract rate
On further appeal, a plurality of the requires a straight present-value analysis and presumption would eliminate the need for a
Supreme Court reversed and remanded. that the prime rate, without adjustment, was fact-intensive inquiry except in cases in
Justice John Paul Stevens delivered an sufficient to compensate a secured creditor which one party disputed the actual contract
opinion in which justices David H. Souter, for the time value of money. Because the rate. At the same time, the approach is
Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. debtor’s plan provided for payments in excess flexible enough to allow parties to alter
Breyer joined (and Justice Clarence Thomas of this amount, he would have upheld contract rates based upon significant
concurred). In determining which approach confirmation of the debtor’s plan. changes in the financial markets.
to use, these justices were guided by three Of course, the contract rate approach
considerations. First, the Bankruptcy Code appears to be somewhat draconian when
contains many provisions that require a applied to the debtors in Till. But that is
present-value analysis and there should be a Even though it was a due in part to the fact that we are in an era
uniform method for doing so. Second, the of interest rates that have gone as low as they
method should reflect the risks and consumer case, the could virtually go. Thus, the disparity
protections offered by the bankruptcy between the prime rate and the contract rate
process. Third, it should be familiar to the high court decision will is so great that it is difficult to find a middle
financial community, minimize the need for ground. Certainly, 9.5% seems too low under
expensive evidentiary proceedings and have a major impact on the circumstances.
adequately compensate secured creditors on With interest rates on the rise, however,
an objective basis for the time value of their business cases the contract rate approach may provide a
money and risk of default. favorable presumption to debtors in the
With these considerations in mind, the
plurality adopted the formula approach. It
throughout the future. If they continue to rise, many
contract rates will soon be lower than cur-
rejected the other approaches as being too
complicated, imposing significant evidentiary
country. rent market rates. In that situation, secured
creditors will then bear the burden of
costs and improperly focusing on the demonstrating that the contract rate is too
circumstances of individual creditors as low and should be adjusted upward.
opposed to an objective present-value analysis. As it is, the plurality’s more traditional
Indeed, the plurality favored the formula
The dissenting justices formula approach will probably continue
approach because it begins by looking to the preferred the contract rate to be the method applied by bankruptcy
national prime rate, which is reported daily Justice Antonin Scalia, with whom Chief courts. However, it should not be forgotten
in the press and reflects the financial Justice William H. Rehnquist and justices that the method is only a means of
market’s estimate of the amount a Sandra Day O’Connor and Anthony M. reaching the ultimate end of accurately
commercial bank should charge a Kennedy joined, filed a dissenting opinion compensating a creditor in a cram down
creditworthy borrower to compensate for advocating the contract rate. Their prefer- situation. Keeping that objective in mind,
the opportunity costs of the loan, the risk ence for the contract rate was premised upon application of a particular method should
of inflation and the relatively slight risk two assumptions. The first was that financial not lead to results as disparate as the 9.5% to
of default. The bankruptcy court will then markets, including the subprime market 21% spread in Till. NLJ
have to adjust the rate to reflect such factors involved in this case, were competitive and
as the circumstances of the estate, the nature largely efficient. The second was that risks
of the security and the duration and associated with a Chapter 13 plan are at least
feasibility of the reorganization plan. The as great as at the time of the initial loan. The
result is that the analysis will begin with a inference to be drawn from these assump-
low estimate of the proper rate of interest tions is that the contract rate reasonably
This article is reprinted with permission from the
and place the burden squarely on the reflects the actual risk at the time of borrow- December 20, 2004 edition of THE NATIONAL
creditor to have that rate adjusted upward. ing and that the same risk persists in the LAW JOURNAL. © 2004 ALM Properties, Inc. All
Thomas concurred in the plurality’s bankruptcy case. rights reserved. Further duplication without permis-
sion is prohibited. For information, contact ALM,
decision on separate grounds. As a matter of The dissent therefore opined that the Reprint Department at 800-888-8300 x6111 or
strict statutory construction, he stated that contract rate is a decent estimate, or at least #005-05-06-0018

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