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Introduction The problems created by bad, immoral, illegal, and unpleasant activities which harm and hinder the development of individual and society. There are many social problems existing in our society. These problems can be different from each other depending on place religion, caste, creed and so many other factors. Drug addiction, girl trafficking, gender, discrimination neglecting our rich culture and imitation of western cultures blindly, theft, robbery, dacoit, corruption child marriage etc are the examples of social problems. No society is free from problems. There are many social problems prevailing in our society. Some people have the habit of smoking alcoholic drinks. Such habits cause depression, damage of different organs of our body and create disturbances in the society. The habits of smoking and alcoholic drinks creates bad environment in the society which leads the other people to try that and involve them in anti social activities. We should get rid of such social problems while trying to solve such problems first of all we must try and correctly identify the root cause of the problem. To develop civilized society such problems should be eliminated from the root. An individual alone can do very little to prevent such problems. So we should work untidily. Some social problems which are existing in May society are given below with its major causes and possible solutions

2. Load shedding: a social problem

Load shedding is one of the major social problems prevailing in the present time n the community especially in Nepal. It is the time period when there is absence of electricity. This is not a problem from the past but now a days electricity has been basic need of people. People cannot perform any word without electricity. No industries can be run without it. Even household work cant be performed without electricity. It has been great importance in this present life. But there is scarce of it. It is not enough to the entire house. It is lack. There is 8/9 hours of load shedding a day. Due to this people are facing a lot of problems. Every problem has its cause and the solutions.

2.1. Causes: Load shedding 1. Carelessness of government 2. Leakage and stealing of electricity 3. Lack of public awareness 4. Lack of technical manpower 5. Lack of utilization for better purpose 6. Illegal connections to electrical wires and poor maintenance. 2.2. Solutions: Load shedding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The leakage and stealing must be checked More technical manpower should be generated. Electricity based industries should be established. Awareness of use and saving of electricity should be made The wind energy should be the next way to electricity

3. Lack of drinking water: social problems

Nepal is one of the richest counties in resources of water. But the people of hilly and terrain region are facing the problems of drinking water. Water, water everywhere, but not drop to drink. There is an acute problem of population growth so, due to this, the water is not enough to all the people, and they are facing the water problems. As people have to fulfill their needs, they are buying water from the private sector by paying money.

3.1. Causes: Drinking water 1. Lack of awareness in the society people 2. No conversation of water resources 3. No equal distribution of water in urban areas 4. No concept of purification of water before drinking 5. Deforestation 6. Lack of budget for the drinking water project 7. Population growth 8. Waiting for the abroad investment

3.2. Solution: Drinking water 1. Awareness should be brought among the society people. 2. Water sources should be conserved 3. Arrangement of drinking water in urban areas should be managed. 4. The purification of water concept should be taught to the local people. 3

5. Got should fix the budget required for water project 6. Forestation 7. Government should separate its own budget for the project neither of abroad investment.

4. Alcoholism: a social problem Alcoholism is one of the major social problems existing in the society. People drink the alcoholic drinks with the various causes. This is the bad habit of people. This problem can be solved by the individual by not involving in the problem. Alcoholism can be done but not regular. Drinking alcohol is one Nepalese culture which needs to be reformed. 4.1. Causes: Alcoholism 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. As the culture festival Illiteracy and unemployment In the company with bad friends Due to personal tensions issue and family conflicts Due to high pressure and temper

4.2. Solutions: Alcoholism 1. The drinking alcohol should be banned. 2. Awareness in the people should be taught about its defect. 3. Price hike of the drinks or banned to local areas. 4. Dare to say no to alcoholic drinks 5. Employment opportunities should be provided so that they dont have chance to involve in alcoholism. 6. Education should be given about the defect of alcohol in the organs. 4

5. Neglecting our cultures and imitation of western cultures: a social problem Neglecting our culture and imitation of western cultures is also kind of problem. The main reason for this problem is media people watch TV cinemas, telefilms etc. in the TV due to this people forget or neglect our culture and go back either western culture, but we cannot blame directly to media. We should be able to take only good things from such media. If we do so, our culture will be promote spending money lavishly for festivals, feasts etc is the social evils in our society, even giving big party in birthday, naming ceremony etc is also defect of this problem 5.1. Causes: Neglecting our culture and imitation of western culture. 1. Lack of awareness among people 2. Lack of information about Nepalese cultures 3. Due to adverse effects of TV, serials, movies

5.2. Solution: Neglecting our cultures and imitation of western culture 1. Awareness should be brought among people 2. The information should about our culture should be provided to future generation 3. People should able to take only necessary things from media not unnecessary things 5

6. Child labor: a social problem

Child labor is also a great problem in our country which is still prevailing in our society. We can still see in the market the child working in hotels, restaurant. They are not allowed to do the work in any places. The child working in those places are mostly orphans. So to stop this government has established the various organizations for those orphans and needy people. But some are not going in this; they are working in the hotels and homes for little money.

6.1. Causes: Child labor 1. Poverty 2. Illiteracy 3. Unemployment 4. Orphans and needy children are involved in it 5. Carelessness of parents who have

6.2. Solutions: Child labor 1. The parents should cure their childrens 2. Orphans and needy children should be admitted only in SOS, paropakar, ball ashram etc. 3. The education must be provided free to all 4. The children should not be kept in work

Conclusion: social problem In conclusion if we need to say something about social problems then social problems are the bad immoral unusual undesirable and violent acts of the people in the society which harms the individual and the society directly and indirectly. No society is free from social problems. Every society or community has problems so we must work untidily to remove those problems from the root. Social problems are the community evil. So, such problems should be identified and abolished in item, otherwise it may greatly damage the society and the nation. The problems given in the project are the problems of my community. There is always load shedding in the society, which harms me and people of my community socially and economically. A lot of money is spender on buying batteries, invertors, candals. Similarly the lack of drinking water is also the major problem of all hilly and terrain region. There comes an hour of water in the tap a week. Through which the life of people have been difficult. Alcoholism is also the problem of my community; I can see the people fighting after drinking alcohol. (Read more social studies 6, 7, 8, 9)

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