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FOR PREPARING CROP VARIETY EVALUATION PROPOSALS The proposals, prepared by the Breeders for the evaluation of new varieties of agricultural and horticultural crops are proposed to incorporate data on the following lines: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. SUMMARY 3. PROPOSED NAME OF THE VARIETY 4. SPECIES 5. PARENTAGE / PEDIGREE 6. BREEDING HISTORY 7. VCU AND ADAPTABILITY STUDIES 8. PROPOSED AREA OF ADAPTABILITY 9. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIETY 10. DISTINCTNESS OF THE VARIETY 11. PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY 12. METEOROLOGICAL DATA 1. INTRODUCTION: This may briefly cover the importance of the crop and its interaction with other crops of the area. Justification for the development of the new variety as compared to the existing commercial varieties of the same crop of the area. The last paragraph of the introduction may also contain Breeders acknowledgements for the donor country / agency, colleagues, contemporaries and / or pioneer workers etc. 2. SUMMARY: Introduction may follow one page summary covering prominent features of the new variety regarding yield performance, qualitative properties, other agronomic characteristics and morphological / physiological distinctness. 3. PROPOSED NAME: The denomination must enable the new variety to be identified and be short and simple and may not consist solely of figures. It must be clearly different from the existing variety names. The denomination may be after the names of institutions, national heroes, rivers, mountains, valleys, seasons, folk heritage and culture etc. 4. SPECIES: Standardized botanical name consisting of genus and species names e.g.

Wheat Triticum aestivum Carrot Daucus carota 5. PARENTAGE / PEDIGREE: Detail of the male and female parents and pedigree from crossing to final selection / bulking. 6. BREEDING HISTORY: This will include the following information regarding: i. Method of breeding: It may include the method and procedure used for developing the variety. The breeding method may be conventional or non-conventional e.g. Introduction, Selection, Crossing / Hybridization, Mutation breeding, Tissue culture and Biotechnology etc. ii. Details of the parental materials: Inbred lines, nurseries, and crosses etc. Whether local or exotic, if exotic the name of country and donor agency. iii. Different stages of selection: Selection and testing on the Research Station and in the area of adaptability. State of uniformity and stability observed during different stages of selection, multiplication may also be indicated. It will be very useful if the development data of the variety could be given in chronological order e.g.: Year 1990 1991-94 1995 F. generation / Trial F0 F1 through F4 F5 Operation Cross attempted Different stages of selection and Testing in tests like MVTs and VTs. Bulking and testing in Out-reach Trials, ZVTs and starting of Variety Maintenance program for pure seed production.


Bigger Block, Trials in bigger blocks in the area of NUYT, NCVT, DCR adaptability and seed provided for VCU and DUS & DUS Trials etc. assessment to VEC and FSC&RD, respectively. Data compilation and Evaluation of data by Sub-committees and FSRC proposal preparation for registration and approval from PSC and NSC.



VCU AND ADAPTABILITY STUDIES: Value for Cultivation and Use of the new variety over the existing cultivated / commercial varieties of the same crop in terms of economic factors. Superiority of the variety over the check variety regarding its produce i.e. food, feed, fibre or fodder etc. The following information must be given in comparison with the existing comparable commercial varieties (check) and the data must be statistically analyzed. 1. Yield performance: Yield performance must include: a. Station yield trials: (preferably after bulking when the variety has attained sufficient homogeneity / uniformity). Replicated trials following some suitable statistical model.

b. Micro Plot Yield Trials: (MVTs & VTs) at the research station and in the area of adaptability. c. Bigger Block Yield Trials / Zonal Varietal Trials: Trials conducted in the areas of adaptability. The test sites and the names of growers may be mentioned with yield harvested in each case. The tables must show the differences in yield of the new variety and the check / standard. d. Regional adaptability trials: Results of the trials conducted by agencies other than the breeder e.g. VEC, Coordination Board, Adaptive Research Farms or any departmental committee etc. 2. Sowing date: The optimum date of sowing in different areas proposed for the release of the variety. It must be supported by results of different sowing date trials conducted in the proposed area of adaptability for more than 1 year. 3. Fertilizer requirements: It can include the data on different fertilizer trials conducted in relation to the prevalent cropping system on all types of soils with recommendations regarding optimum fertilizer dozes in each case. 4. Water requirements: It may include the delta of water required for the crop from land preparation to maturity. In cases of shortage of water and drought the information must be provided about the most critical states of crop growth and development for the application of limited available water.

Resistance against Insects and diseases: Indicate the major insect pests and diseases that the new variety could fall susceptible to and their control measures. These studies must be established by the concerned specialists and supported by experimental data both under natural and artificial inoculation conditions.

8. AREA OF ADAPTABILITY: The name of the province with the names of districts / zones can be given. 9. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIETY: Botanical description of the variety must be given preferably according to the crop variety descriptors proposed by the National Seed Registration Department. 10. DISTINCTNESS OF THE VARIETY: This will include only the most outstanding features and key characteristics of the variety which could be used for identification of the variety for the purpose of pure seed production and quality control. 11. PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY: Brief mention of the recommendations of the package of production technology. 12. METEOROLOGICAL DATA: Especially rainfall. Prepared by: Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department, Government of Pakistan

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