MC 7840ul

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Contents / |r =|
Precautions / =r=r|r
Safety Precautions / ==rr =r=r|r
Unpacking & Installing / =rrr r rr|n +r
Child Lock / r;-= r+
Micro Power Cooking / =r;>r r +|+n
Micro Power Level / =r;>r r n
Grill Cooking / |n +|+n
Grill Combination Cooking / |n +r-|r +|+n
Convection Combination Cooking / +-r +r-|r +|+n
Convection Preheat / +-r |;|c
Convection Cooking / +-r +|+n
Light Disinfect / r;c |==;-c
Various Cook Functions / ||-r--r ++ +rrr|r
Nutri Care / -c| +
Health Plus/;-r -=, Soup/=, Continental/+r-c|-c
Indian Rasoi / ;|= =r;
Indian Cuisine/-rrn| , Sweets Corner/|c +r
Breakfast / +rc
Child's Favourite / -r +| ==
Snacks / =
Bakery / +|
Fermentation / =-cr
Quick Start / |+ crc
Important Safety Instructions / =;-r ==rr |r
Utility Corner / =|=rr +r
Technical Specifications / Two recipes for starter |==r + | r
Either use earth or use exclusive 230V socket with earth.
i i ;-n-i i i ii l(li- 230V i i- ;-n-i |
Do not bend power cord forcefully or break.
i( i i ( -i i ri ni|
Do not pull out power cord.
i( i i ii ri|
Do not use several power plug in one socket at the same time.
- - rn i i( ^ i- - ii ;-n-i |
Do not plug in or pull out power cord with wet hand.
ii^ r riii ^ ri ^i i ri li|
Do not spray water inside and outside of microwave oven.
-i;>i(( i( i ir i i ii l|
Plug out power cord during cleaning or maintenance of set.
i( i i; i --n ii i( i i ir li |
Do not heat up the food more than necessary.
ii i i(ni li ^- |
Do not use microwave oven other than cooking or sterilization such as
cloth drying etc.
-i;>i(( i( i iii i i --ii;i lnln ;-n-i
i i iii ;-il|
Do not insert pin or steel wire etc. into inside/out side of case.
i i ir l i(i --i i ni i|
Please be careful during taking the food since high temp. water or soup
may be overflow to cause burn.
iii lin - i(ii n il ni i ii i i
ni r|
Safety Precautions
Do not plug in power cord when socket hole is loose or plug is damaged.
i- ri ii ri i ^ l(-in ri i( i ^i|
Do not use oven while some foreign material is attached on the door.
(i i; i= ii ^i ri ni i( i ;-n-i |
Do not place the water container on the set.
i( + ii i n i|
Do not place heavy things on the set & do not cover the set with cloth while
- + iii i i i ;-n-i n - - i |
Do not install the set in the damp space or water sputtering area.
- i ^i -ii i ri ii i- r ri, ^i|
Do not let children hang onto oven door.
i i i( (i - |
Do not heat the unpeeled fruit or bottle with lid.
li l r i ^i r; in ^- |
Do not hold food or accessories as soon as cooking is over.
iii nn i ii i ri ii i |
Plug out oven if it is not used for long duration.
l i( i (li l ;-n-i ri rii r ni ^ ir li |
Install microwave oven in the well ventilated, flat place.
-i;>i(( i( i r(ii i -n -ii ri ^i|
There is danger of blast if covered bottle, sealed food, egg, and chestnut etc.
are cooked inside oven.
in, i- iii, i i ;-il i i( - i - i ini r|
==rr =r=rr|r
ROTATING RING / rc|cn |n
LOW RACK / r + HIGH RACK / ';r;' +
GLASS TRAY / +r +| c
MULTI COOK TAWA / =-c| ++ nr
Mi ro c
r G ill
e l h Plu
H a t s
In an Cuis n
di i e Ta door Se. .
. Child's vo it Fa r e Br a fas e k t
Snacks S t C ne
wee s or r Con inental Menu
A wa s sh
l y Fre
ti i n
U l ty Cor er
S p to
e Cl ar Start
M 10 in 1 n Mi
0 1 Sec
lo k C c
(If you press any button).
(i ir ;li +- +i))
Press MICRO Twice to select 80% power.
80% +i i l MICRO i i +i +i)|
(900W )
(720W )
(540W )
(360W )
(180W )
First press COMBI & then GRILL one time each.
r COMBI i l GRILL +- )-) +i +i)|
Press MICRO one time.
MICRO +- ) +i +i)|
Press 10 MIN 2 times/ 10 l-- . +i +i)|
Press 1 MIN 5 times/ 1 l-- : +i +i)|
Your oven has a combination cooking
feature which allows you to cook food
with heater and microwave at the same
time or alternately. This generally means
it takes less time to cook your food.
You can set three kinds of micro power
level (20%, 40% and 60%) in combi mode.
i ( - r l(ii ; l i i ^;
r nil i ; i^ ii i ri- (
-i;>i(( ,ii ri - - ii ii i
| i-in ;i i rini r l ii
- ^ (i - i n|
i ii -i - ni i -i;>i i(
-n ( 20%, 40% i 60%) n r|
Grill Combination Cooking
|n +r-|r +|+n
Convection Combination Cooking
+-r +r-|r +|+n
In the following example I will show you how to programme your oven with micro power
540W (60%) and at a convection temperature 200C for a cooking time of 25 minutes.
l iri - !iii ^i r l i( i .: l-- l^ - l) -i;i i(
540W i (!i ni-i 200C ii - |
Press Stop/Clear / Stop/Clear +i)|
Press Conv. one time / Conv. ) +i +i)|
Press Combi one time / Combi ) +i +i)|
Press + two times / + i +i +i)|
Press 10 Min two times / 10 Min i +i +i)|
Press 1 Min five times / 10 Min i +i +i)|
Press Start / Start +i +i)|
Be careful when removing your food because the container will be hot.
[kkuk fudkyrs le; lko/kkuh cjrsa] D;ksafd crZu ml le; xeZ gksxkA
The oven has a temperature range of
100C ~ 230C. (180C is automatically
available when convection combination
mode is selected.)
You can set three kinds of micro power
level (180W, 360W and 540W) in
combi mode.
i( - n ni-i
i-i rini r| (i ili -i
ni-i -(n ri
i ri ini r|
100C ~ 230C
i ii -i - ni i -i;>i
i( -n ( i )
n r|
180W, 360W 540W

Press Micro one time / Micro ) +i +i)|

Convection Preheat
+-r |;|c
In the following example I will show you how to preheat the oven at a temperture of 230C.
l iri - !iii ^i r l i( i 230C ni-i iri- |
The convection oven has a temperature range of 40C and
100C~230C (180C is automatically available when
convection mode is selected).
* The oven has a ferment function at the oven temperature of
40C. When you use this function, if the oven temperature is
over 70C, then the display shows "E05" error code. You may
wait until the oven is cool.
Your oven will take a few minutes to reach the selected
Once it has reached correct temperature, y our oven will BEEP
to let you know that it h as reached the correct temperature.
Then place your food in your oven: then t ell your oven to start
i( - i n ni-i i-i rini
r| (i -i ni-i -(n ri i
ri ini r|
40C 100C ~ 230C
r = ;| =r +| =|=rr ;| | r
+r nr=r = = ; nr rrnr
;| r r + a=r ;r +| n|=rr + =+n ;|
70C "E05" error code
ii i( r ni-i n r - l--i
i - ^i|
i ri ni-i r ii i( r ni
l i ^i l i( ri ni-i r ^i r|
n i i( - i iii i i i l --i-
Press Stop/Clear / Stop/Clear +i)|
Press Convection one time / Convection ) +i +i)|
Press + five times / + i +i +i)|
Press Start / Start +i +i)|
Preheat will be started with displaying Pr-H.
Pr-H !ii iril-^ ii ri i^i|
The convection oven has a temperature
range of 40C and 100C ~ 230C
(180C is automatically available when
convection mode is selected).
If you do not set a temperature your
oven will automatically select 180C, the
cooking temperature can be changed by
pressing +/.
The rack must be used during
convection cooking.
i( - i n ni-i
i-i rini r| (i -i
ni-i -(n ri i ri ini r|
40C 100C ~ 230C
l i ni-i - ri n r ni ii
i( -(n ri ^i, l^ ni-i
i i i ni r|
|n +|+n + rr + +r rn
+r r|;|
Convection Cooking
+-r +|+n
In the following example I will show you how to cook some food at a temperature of 230C for 50 minutes.
l iri - iii ^i r l 50 l-- l ni-i 230C iii i|
Press Stop/Clear / Stop/Clear +i)|
Press Convection one time / Convection ) +i +i)|
Press + five times till 230C is displayed.
230C !ii n + i +i +i)|
Press 10 Min five times / 10 Min i +i +i)|
Press Start / Start +i +i)|
Light Disinfect
In the following example I will show you how to programme your oven with Light Disinfect function.
Press Light Disinfect.
Light Disinfect +i)
r;c |==;-c
The oven has a special function Light
Disinfect which allows you to sterilize
the Microwave Safe Glass Utensils
thereby giving a hygienic and clean
-i;>i(( i( - l(li- l>i
i;- l;- rini r l i
-i;>i(( i -l- i
i-ii-n -(i- i n
ri i ni i(i i iir i i
n ri|
l iri - iii ^i r l i;- l;- i i( i i^i- li ini r|
Procedure / l(li :
1. Sterilize Microwave Safe Glass Untensil : Keep the empty utensil and press the button Light Disinfect.
-i;>i(( i -l- i i-ii-n i iii n i( - i i i;- l;- i|
2. Clean the cavity : Keep the cavity empty and press the button Light Disinfect. When time ends (beeps),
clean the cavity with a damp cloth.
iir i i i n i iii i( - i i;- l;- - i| i i; ^i
n i iir i i |
Note : The Light Disinfect does not disinfect the food, so do not put food in the utensils.
i;- l;- ii i i, ri ni, ;l n iii i|
Health Plus (HP), Soup (So), Continental (Co), Indian Cuisine (IC), Sweet Corner (SC),
Breakfast (bF), Child's Favourite (CF), Snacks (Sn), Bakery (bA)
Health Plus (HP), Soup (So), Continental (Co), Indian Cuisine (IC), Sweet Corner (SC),
Breakfast (bF), Child's Favourite (CF), Snacks (Sn), Bakery (bA)
Fermentaiton (FE), Utility Corner (UC)
Fermentaiton (FE), Utility Corner (UC)
Press Stop/Clear
Press any of above food category button to select the required food category
(HP-1~8), (So-1~5), (Co-1~6), (IC-1-12), (SC-1~6),(bF-1~7), (CF-1~8),
(Sn-1~10), (bA-1~7)
Press Stop/Clear
Press FE & UC button to select the required
food category (FE-1~2 & UC-1~4)
Press + / to select weight (if required)
Press Start
Stop/Clear i Stop/Clear i
l (^ (FE-1~2 & UC-1~4)
l FE i UC i|
l (^ (HP-1~8), (So-1~5), (Co-1~6), (IC-1-12), (SC-1~6), (bF-1~7),
(CF-1~8), (Sn-1~10), (bA-1~7) l in (^ i i; ii
- i|
( liiln
l + / i (l i( ri)|
( liiln
l + / i (l i( ri)|
Start i Start i
Please follow the given steps to operate cook functions (Nutri Care - Health Plus, Soup, Continental), (Indian Rasoi - Indian Cuisine, Sweet Corner), Breakfast, Child's Favourite, Snacls. Bakery, Fermentation, Utility Corner) in your Microwave.
i -i;>i(( i l(li iiili (Nutri Care - Health Plus, Soup, Continental), (Indian Rasoi - Indian Cuisine, Sweet Corner), Breakfast, Child's Favourite, Snacls. Bakery, Fermentation, Utility Corner) i i
l i l ^ ii i i |
Press + / to select weight (if required)
While cooking you can extend the cooking time at any point by pressing increase/decrease button. There is no need to stop the cooking process.
i ii i r ri, ni ( increase/decrease - i ri - - l(n li i ni r| ii i i l>i i i
i i; i(ni ri r|
Note / |c-r| :
Various Cook Functions
||-r- ++ +rrr|r
Press Start
Light Disinfect
Light Disinfect
Press Stop/Clear
Press Light Disinfect button to select
the function.

Press Start
Stop/Clear i
; l>i i i( l
Light Disinfect - i|

Start i
Nutri Care
1. Health Plus (HP)
2. Soup (So)
3. Continental (Co)
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Health Plus
;-r -=
||=r : 1. i ini li^i, -i;>i(( i - ii^ r ii
ii i | -i i ( --i- i|
Nutri Care
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe bowl
HP1 Kala Chana (soaked overnight)
Onion Chopped
Salt, Chat Masala, Red Chilli Powder, Hara Dhania As per your taste
0.1 kg
200 ml
1/2 cup
1 tbsp
0.2 kg
400 ml
1 cup
2 tbsp
0.3 kg
600 ml
1 cup
3 tbsp
Method : 1. Soak chana overnight, in a MWS bowl put soaked chanas
with water & cover. Select menu and weight and press start.
2. When beeps, remove & drain the water.
3. In a *MWS bowl add oil, chopped onion,salt, chaat masala,
red chilli powder and hara dhania and press start. Mix well.
Press start.
4. When beeps, add chanas to the bowl along with little hot
water and press start. Mix well. Give standing time of 3
minutes. Serve hot.
i i; , i ir li i ii ri |
-i;>i(( i - n, -i r; i, -, i- -ii,
i l- i i ri ili i i --i- i| i nr
l-i l --i- i|
4. i i; , i i - ii ^- ii ii i i
--i- i| i nr l-i| 3 l-- n ii r |
^-^- i|
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i - n, i;, ii, ri^, r-i, -i r;
i | -i --i- i|
HP2 Microwave
safe bowl
0.3 kg For
Chopped karela
Chopped onion
Rai, jeera, hing & haldi
Salt, sugar, garam masala, dhania powder, jeera powder
Grated coconut
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add oil, rai, jeera, hing, haldi, chopped
onion. Select menu and press start.
2. When beeps, add the chopped karela & cover. Press start.
3. When beeps, add some water, salt, sugar, garam masala,
dhania powder, jeera powder and cover. Press start.
Allow it to stand for 5 mins. Garnish with grated coconut
and serve.
0.3 kg
300 g
2 tbsp
As required
For tempering
As per taste
For garnishing
2. i i; , -i ri i i | --i- i|
3. i i; , iii ii, -, ii, ^- -ii, ili i,
ii i i | --i- i| 5 l-- n ii r |
r il i i i|
* MWS - Microwave Safe
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
HP3 Microwave
safe bowl
Moong Dal 0.2 kg
Moong Dal soaked in water (for 1 hour)
Hari Mirch
Curry Leaves
Salt, Dhania-Jeera Powder, Haldi, Hing, Kasuri Methi, Lemon Juice,
Hara Dhania
200 g
0.2 kg
400 ml
2 tbsp
1 tsp
2-3 nos.
5-6 nos.
As per your taste
Method : 1. Take 200 gms dal in Microwave Safe bowl, add Water,
Haldi & Hing.
Select menu press start to cook.
When beep take another bowl add oil, jeera, hari mirch,
curry leaves & press start.
4. When beep add dal, salt, dhania jeera powder, hara
dhania, kasuri methi (optional), water (if required) &
lemon juice and press start to cook.
Health Plus
;-r -=
Nutri Care
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - 200 ^i- i i ii, r-i nii ri^ i|
-i i l --i- i|
i i; i i i n, ii, ri l-,
i -ii i nii --i- i|
i i; i, -, ili ii i, ri ili,
i -ii ((l-), ii (l i( ri) nii i i
i i l --i- i|
i(, i i iii i ii 4 i- l
li^i i |
i, l-i i 8 10 i- n i-i i|
;i -- n ^i| ;i ^i i|
-i ( ( liiln i i l --i- i|
rc : -(iii l-ln li i i- (iri l
ri --, -(i- i, ^i, ^iii ;-il)
||=r :
Method : Method : 1.
Wash & Soak rice, Urad dal & Soya beans for 4 hours.
Grind, mix and ferment for 8 to 10 hours.
3. Grease Idli Stand with Oil. Put Idli batter in it. Select menu &
weight and press start to cook.
Chop mix vegetables as per your taste (for example
green peas, Sweet Corns, Carrots, Cauliflower etc.)
Note :
HP4 Microwave safe
Idli Steamer*
Soya Idli 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Urad dal
Soya beans
Mix vegetables - Green peas, sweet corns, carrots
0.3 kg
300 g
4 tbsp
4 tbsp
2 tsp
0.2 kg
200 g
3 tbsp
3 tbsp
As required
2 tsp
As required
0.1 kg
100 g
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
1 tsp
* Provided with Starter Kit
1. -i;>i(( i - n i ^ | -i i
( --i- i|
||=r :
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i - n, ii, i | -i ( (
--i- i| i nr l-i|
Health Plus
;-r -=
Nutri Care
HP5 Microwave
safe bowl
Nutrinuggets 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Soaked and boiled nutrinuggets
Chopped onion
Tomato puree
Chopped coriander leaves
Salt, garam masala, red chilli powder, haldi, dhania powder
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add oil, jeera, onion. Select menu and
weight and press start. Mix well.
2. When beeps, add tomato puree,nutrinuggets, potato,
salt, red chilli powder, haldi, dhania powder and add
the amount of water mentioned per weigh(For eg.
For 100g, add 1 cup of water) and press start. Mix well.
3. When beeps, add the remaining amount of water and
press start. Mix well. Allow to stand for 3 minutes.
Garnish with coriander leaves & serve hot with roti.
0.3 kg
150 g
150 g
2 tbsp
1 cup
1 cup
2 cup
0.2 kg
100 g
100 g
1 tbsp
As per taste
1 cup
1 cup
For garnishing
As per taste
0.1 kg
50 g
50 g
1 tbsp
1/2 cup
1 cup
HP6 Microwave
safe bowl
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Curry leaves
Mustard & cumin seeds
Chopped giner
0.3 kg
300 g
300 g
3 tbsp
3 tsp
3 tsp
0.2 kg
200 g
200 g
2 tbsp
A few sprigs
2 tsp
As per taste
2 tsp
0.1 kg
100 g
100 g
1 tbsp
1 tsp
1 tsp
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add oil & brinjal. Cover. Select menu &
weight & press start.
2. When beeps, remove & in another MWS bowl add oil,
mustard & cumin seeds, curry leaves & chopped ginger.
Press start.
3. When beeps, add brinjal, curd & salt. Mix well &
press start.
2. i i; , -i--i i, -i^-, i, -, i
l- i, r-i, ili i i i (ii ni ^
ii i -iii i iii ii i (iriii 100 ^i- l
1 ii)| --i- i| i nr l-i|
3. i i; , i ri ii i i --i- i| i
nr l-i| l-- n ii r | ili i l-ii
i i i-i ii ^-^- i|
2. i i; , i ir li i -i;>i((
i - n, i i (i; i, i -ii i -i r;
i| --i- i|
3. i i; , ^, ri i - i| i nr l-i
--i- i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
HP7 Microwave
safe flat glass dish
safe idli steamer*
Leaf Rolls 0.2 ~ 0.4 kg
Palak leaves
Cabbage leaves
For Filling
Boiled Veg (Potato, capsicum, carrot, freanch beans, sprouts)
Chopped onions
Salt, chaat masala, lemon juice
100 g 150 g 200 g
0.2 kg 0.3 kg 0.4 kg
100 g 150 g 200 g
1 cup 1 cup 2 cups
no. 1 no. 1 no.
As per taste
Method : 1. In a bowl mix boiled vegetables, chopped onions, salt,
chaat masala & lemon juice.
2. Add water to the steamer. Place palak & cabbage in MWS
flat glass dish.
3. Select menu & weight & press start.
4. When beeps, remove the leaves from the steamer.
Spread the filling on leaves & roll them. Make all the rolls
in same way. Place the rolls in the steamer. Press start.
Health Plus
;-r -=
Nutri Care
||=r : 1.
i - i r; li, -i r; i, -, i- -ii i
i i nr l-i |
--i- - ii i| i i ^iii -i -i;>i(( -
i li - i|
-i i ( --i- i|
i i; l-ii i --i- ir li| ii( i l-ii
+ i - | ii i- ;i i i| i- i
--i- - i --i- i|
1. -i;>i(( i - n, -i r; i i| -i
--i- i| i nr l-i|
||=r :
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add oil, chopped onions. Select menu
and press start. Mix well.
2. When beeps, in the same bowl add tomato puree and
haldi and press start. Mix well.
3. When beeps, add chopped green chillies, red chilli
powder, garam masala, coriander powder, salt, soyabean
and water.
Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot.
HP8 Microwave
safe bowl
0.2 kg For
Soyabeen (soaked overnight)
Chopped onions
Tomato puree
Chopped green chillies
Red chilli powder, garam masala, coriander powder, salt
Coriander leaves
0.2 kg
200 g
1 tbsp
1 cup
1 tbsp
As per taste
200 ml
For garnishing
* Provided with Starter Kit
2. i i; i i - -i--i i i r-i i
--i- i| i nr l-i|
3. i i; -i r; ri l-, i l- i, ^-
-ii, ili i, -, iii i ii i|
ili i l-ii i i ^-^- i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-(i- i i ii ii i i -i;>i(( i
i - i ii ii i| -i i ( --i-
i| --i i li |
i i; , -i;>i(( i - n, ri
l- i i i|
l --i i ;- i| iii ii - -i i i-i
l-i --i - i| l i(nii i ii, -,
ii, ii l- i --i- i| ^- i|
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i i - i i-i- -, -i r;
^iii i i i i ii ii i | -i
--i- i|
i i , i i ir li i --i i i | l
--i i li i i i(nii ii i|
3. i - n, - r -i- i i --i- i|
4. i i , li r --i i ; i - i i iii
ii - -i i i-i l-i ; --i - i| l -,
ii l-, ii i -i--i i i --i- i|
r i i ^-^- i|
Nutri Care
So1 Microwave
safe glass bowl
Corn Soup
0.3 kg For
Sweet Corn
Salt, sugar,kali mirch, chopped onion and green chilli
Method : 1. Grind sweet corn with some water. Put in MWS glass
bowl along with 2 cups water. Select menu & press start.
Strain the stock.
2. When beeps, remove in another MWS glass bowl add oil,
green chilli and onion. Add the stock in it. Mix cornflour
with cup water and add to the stock.
Add 2 cups water as your requirement, salt, sugar, kali
mirch and press start. Serve hot.
0.3 kg
200 g
2 cups
1 tbsp
2 tbsp
As per taste
So2 Microwave
safe glass bowl
0.3 kg For
Cabbage (chopped)
Onion (chopped)
Tomato sauce
Corn flour
Salt, sugar, pepper (black)
Method : 1. In MWS glass bowl put potato in small pieces, chopped
cabbage and onion with 2 cups of water. Select menu
and press start.
2. When beeps, take the bowl out & grind the stock. After
grinding the stock, strain it and add water (if required).
3. In another bowl add oil, chopped mushroom and press start.
4. When beeps, add strained stock. Mix corn flour with cup
water & add to the stock. Add salt, black pepper, sugar and
tomato sauce and press start. Serve hot garnish with grated
0.3 kg
100 g
1 No.
50 g
1 small
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
As per taste
2 tbsp
2 cups
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
0.3 kg Microwave
safe glass bowl
So3 Tomato
100 g
25 g
1 small
Chopped Tomato
Chopped Carrot
Chopped Onion
Chopped Ginger
Chopped Garlic
Salt, Sugar, Pepper
Oil / Butter
1 tsp
As per your taste
2 tbsp
2 cups
2 tbsp
1 tsp
Nutri Care
Method :
1. In MWS glass bowl add chopped tomato, chopped onion,
ginger, garlic and carrot with 2 cup of water. After that put
the MWS bowl in Microwave. Select the menu and then
press start.
When beeps, grind and strain the whole stock and add water
as per your requirement.
Serve hot and garnish with bread croutons, coriander (green
dhania) and fresh cream.
In another bowl add oil/butter and stock and then put the
bowl in Microwave and press start. When beeps, add sugar,
salt, black pepper as per your taste and cornflour paste
which is made up by mixing the half cup of cold water and
add the grinded stock & press start.
From Stock (Boiled Vegetables)
||=r :
-i;>i(( i i - - r --i-, i, , r
i ^i i ii ii i| l i i i( -
i -i i ( liiln i --i- i|
i i; i i li i i i(ni
i ii l-i |
i - n,-i i --i i i i i i( -
i --i- i| i i; ii, -, -(iii ii
l- i ii -- i iii -i ii i i; ini r
i l r --i (i r; i-^i) i i i --i- i|
4. ^-^- i i -i, r ili nii nii >i- i|
cr+ (=| ;; =|r) =
0.2 kg
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i i - ii, li i, ii i,
li, ii, -, l- i i ii-i-i l-i | -i
--i- i|
2. i i; i nr lri i i i i ii
-i r; li - i i --i- i|
3. i i; i nr lri i -i i i-i, -i--i
i i i -i i i --i- i |
Method :
1. In a MWS glass bowl mix 2 cups of water, chili sauce,
soya sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper powder and
ajinomoto. Select menu & press start.
2. When beeps, stir well & add all the chopped vegetables,
except paneer. Press start.
3. When beeps, stir well & add corn flour, tomato sauce,
paneer pieces & press start.
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Nutri Care
So4 Microwave
safe glass bowl
Hot & Sour
0.3 kg For
Chilli sauce
Soya sauce
Paneer (small pieces)
Tomato sauce
Salt, pepper, sugar
Chopped vegetables - Capsicum, spring onions, carrots, cabbage
0.3 kg
2 cups
2 tbsp
1 tbsp
2 tbsp
100 g
2 tbsp
2 tbsp + cup water
As per taste
A pinch
1 cup
So5 Microwave
safe glass bowl
Corn Basil &
Fusili Soup
0.3 kg For
Cream style corns
Tomato puree
Chopped onion
Chopped garlic
Olive oil
Method : 1. In a MWS glass bowl add oil, chopped onion, garlic.
Select menu & press start.
2. When beeps, mix well & add water, cream style corns,
basil leaves, fusili leaves, tomato puree. Press start.
3. Garnish with grated cheese & basil leaves.
2 Corn Basil & Fusili Soup
100 g
10 leaves
10 leaves
2 tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
2 cups
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i i - n, -i r; i, i r
i| -i --i- i|
i i; i nr l-i i >i- -i i,
l i l-ii, li l-ii, -i--i i i --i- i|
i r; i nii l l-ii i|
||=r : 1. Method : 1. In MWS bowl take pasta with hot water. Select menu
& weight press start.
Penne Pasta
Garlic Chopped
Onion Chopped
Chopped Palak leaves
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Co1 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg 0.3 kg
3 tbsp
3 tbsp
3 tsp
100 gm
1200 ml
0.2 kg
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
2 tsp
75 gm
800 ml
0.1 kg
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tsp
50 gm
400 ml
safe bowl
safe glass flat dish
High Rack
Hot Water
1 cup 1 cup cup Cream
4 tbsp 3 tbsp 2 tbsp Grated Cheese
tsp tsp tsp Oregano
1 pinch Nutmeg Powder
As per your taste
As per your taste
Salt & Pepper
2. Drain water from pasta. In MWS flat glass dishl add
butter, onion, garlic & palak, mix well press start.
3. Add cream, cheese, nutmeg powder, oregano, salt &
pepper and boiled pasta add some hot water, mix well
& sprinkle grated cheese keep the vessel on high rack
press start.
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( - i li - -i, li i -i i,
i nr l-i| -i i ( --i- i|
Method : 1. In MWS flat glass dish take butter, vegetable & maida,
mix well, select menu & weight press start.
Mix Vegetables - Gajar, Cauliflower, French Beans (cut into
small pieces), Sweet Corns, Green peas etc.
Co2 0.2 kg
2 tbsp
2 tsp
2 cup
safe flat glass dish
High rack
Veg Au Gratin
Hot Water
4 tbsp Grated Cheese
Salt, Sugar & Pepper
2. When beeps, add milk, hot water, salt, sugar & pepper,
mix well & press start.
3. When beeps, mix well and spread grated cheese on it
and keep on high rack. Press start.
-i;>i(( i - -ni ^- ii ii | -i i
( --i- i|
2. -ni i ii li | -i;>i(( - i li - -i,
i, r i i i i nr l-i i --i- i|
3. >i-, i, -^i i, il^i, -, l- i i ri
-ni i, iii ^- ii i i nr l-i i i
ri i l| li i ri; i --i- i|
2. i i; i, ^- ii, -, ii i l- i
i nr l-i i --i- i|
3. i i; i nr l-i i + i ri
i i i ri; + i --i- i|
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg
1 tbsp
1 tsp
1 Cup
2 tbsp
0.3 kg
3 tbsp
3 tsp
2 cup
6 tbsp
Nutri Care
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i - li - i lnln ii
i-l^i i i i nr l-i| -i i (
--i- i|
Method : 1. In MWS glass flat dish put all the ingredients except
cheese, mix well. Select menu & weight, press start.
Salt, Kali Mirch, Grated cheese
White Sauce
Co3 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg 0.3 kg
150 gm
2 tbsp
0.2 kg
100 gm
As per taste
1 tbsp
0.1 kg
50 gm
1 tbsp
safe flat glass dish
High Rack
2. When beep keep high rack in the oven. Spread grated
cheese on the top of the mixture. Place the dish on
the rack. Press Start.
Mushrooms 150 gm 100 gm 50 gm
2. i i; i( ri; i i| l-i
+ i ri i i i li i ri; i
--i- i|
Nutri Care
||=r : 1. ii i l ii i-^i i ii l-i ii
ni | l 9-10 i- i- ^i i |
;i --i- - ii i i ili i ;i -- -
i | -i i ( --i- i|
i i; , ili i ir li |
l i -i ri | -i;>i(( - i li -
-i i i - ili i i --i- i|
Co4 Microwave
safe idli steamer*
safe flat glass dish
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Boiled & grated potato
Grated paneer
Salt, pepper, nutmeg powder
Finely chopped spinach
Butter & finely chopped garlic
Pizza sauce
Method : 1. Mix all the ingredients together for making dough for
dumplings. Make 9-10 balls out of the dough.
2. In the idli steamer, add water & place the dumplings in
the idli stand. Cover. Select menu & weight & press start.
3. When beeps, remove.
4. Allow them to cool. In a microwave safe flat glass dish
add butter and put the dumplings in it and press start.
0.2 kg 0.3 kg 0.1 kg
2 tbsp 3-4 tbsp 2 tbsp
75 gms 100 gms 50 gms
50 gms 75 gms 25 gms
As per taste
cup 1 cup cup
2 tbsp 4 tbsp 1 tbsp
1 tbsp each 1 tbsp each tbsp each
* Provided with Starter Kit
||=r : 1. ii ii- i i i i ii i-l^i -i;>i((
i i - i nr l-i | -i --i- i|
Method : 1. Except Lasagne sheets and cheese mix all the ingredients in
MWS glass bowl. Select menu & press start.
Lasaneya Sheets (cooked)
White Sauce
Mix Vegetables (boiled) - Egg plant, Zukini,
Brocolli, Mushrooms, Sweet Corns etc.
Pizza Sauce
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Co5 0.3 kg 150 gm
1 cup
2 cups
2 tbsp
safe flat glass dish
High Rack
As per your taste Oregano, Salt & Black Pepper
4 tbsp Grated Cheese
2. When beep, in MWS flat glass dish arrange lasagna sheet in
the bottom. Then spread vegetable mixture on it again keep
another lasagna sheet on it and make layers of sheets and
vegetable mixture. Spread grated cheese on the top and
press start.
2. i i; -i;>i(( - i li - ii ii-
i| l + li i l-i i| ii
+ i ii ii- i| ;i i ii ii- i
li i i n ^i| + i ri i i
i --i- i|
3. When beep, keep high rack in the oven and place the dish on
the rack and press start.
3. i i; ri; i i( - i + li
i i i --i- i|
Nutri Care
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i i - -ii ^- ii ii | -i
i ( --i- i|
Method : 1. In MWS bowl take Macaroni with hot water. Select menu &
weight press start.
Hot Water
Spring Onion Chopped
Garlic Chopped
Co6 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe bowl
Mushrooms Chopped
Tomato Sauce
Chilli Sauce
0.3 kg
1200 ml
3 tbsp
3 tbsp
3 tsp
5 Nos.
0.2 kg
800 ml
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
2 tsp
4 Nos.
0.1 kg
400 ml
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tsp
3 Nos.
3 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 tbsp
3 tsp 2 tsp 1 tsp
As per your taste Salt, Sugar, Pepper & Oregano
2. Drain water from it. In MWS bowl add all the ingredients with
boiled Macaroni, mix well & press start.
2. ;i ii li | -i;>i(( i - ii i-l^i
r; -ii ii i, i nr l-i i --i- i|
Indian Rasoi
1. Indian Cuisine (IC)
2. Sweets Corner (SC)
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe bowl
IC2 Mix Veg
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl mix all the vegetables and keep aside.
2. In another bowl add oil, all other ingredients. Mix it well
and press Start by selecting the desired weight. When
beep sounds, stir the bowl.
3. Now add vegetables to the gravy and continue cooking it
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - ii li i l-i i i
^ i |
i - n i i - ii ii i i
i nr l-i nii l ( --i- i|
i i; i i lri|
li i ^(i ii l-i i l^ i i|
Onion, Garlic, Carrot, Capsicum, Cabbage
1 tbsp
100 gm
1 tbsp
200 gm
2 tbsp
300 gm
Salt, Red Chilli Powder
Corn Flour
Soya Sauce
Tomato Sauce
Brown Sugar
1 tbsp
3/4 cup
1 tsp
1 tsp
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp
To taste
2 tbsp
1 cup
2 tsp
2 tsp
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp
1 pinch
2 tbsp
1 cup
3 tsp
3 tsp
3/4 tsp
1/2 tsp
Indian Cuisine
Indian Rasoi
0.3 kg Microwave
safe glass bowl
MWS Idli
Gajar ka
Grated gajar
Milk powder
Elaichi powder & dry fruits
4 tbsp
As per taste
300 g
0.3 kg
2 tbsp
5 tbsp
4 tbsp
Method : 1. In MWS glass bowl take all the ingredients and mix well.
2. Place the bowl in Idli Steamer. Select menu & press start.
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i i - ii i-l^i i i nr
l-i |
2. i i ;i --i- - i | -i --i- i|
* Provided in Starter Kit
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add oil, laung, dalchini, elaichi, tej patta,
pepper corns, mix vegetables. Select menu & weight &
press start.
2. When beeps, add water, soaked rice & salt. Mix well &
cover. Press start.
3. Allow to stand for 5 minutes when cooking ends. Serve
hot with raita or salad.
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe bowl
Method :
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - n, i, i r --
i i nr l-i i --i- i|
i i; -i--i i, -i, nii >i-, r-i, i
l- i, ^- -ii, i -ii, -, i i i
- i, i nr l-i i --i- i| ri ili
ii i i ^-^- i|
Method : 1. In Microwave Safe Bowl take oil, onion paste, ginger garlic
paste, mix well and press start.
2. When beep, add tomato puree, butter, fresh cream, haldi,
red chilli powder, garam masala, kasuri methi, salt, sugar
and paneer cubes, mix well and press start, garnish with
hara dhania and serve hot.
Onion Paste
Tomato Puree
Ginger-Garlic Paste, Salt & Sugar
Red Chilli Powder, Halid, Kasuri Methi, Garam Masala
Fresh Cream
100 g
0.1 kg
3 tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
200 g
0.2 kg
4 tbsp
2 tbsp
As per taste
As per taste
1 tbsp
2 tbsp
300 g
0.3 kg
5 tbsp
3 tbsp
2 tbsp
3 tbsp
Indian Cuisine
Basmati Rice (soaked for 1 hour)
Laung, Elaichi, Dalchini, Pepper, Tej Patta, Salt
Mix Vegetables - (Gobhi, Mutter, Gajar, French Beans.)
100 g
0.1 kg
1 tbsp
200 ml
200 g
0.2 kg
2 tbsp
400 ml
As per taste
1 Cup
300 g
0.3 kg
3 tbsp
600 ml
1 Cup
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe bowl
IC3 Veg
Indian Rasoi
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - n, i^, iii, ;ii, n-ii, l-,
-i i, l-ln li i| -i ( ( --i- i|
i i; ii, ii^ r i( i - i| i nr
l-i i --i- i|
3. i 5 l-- n ii r | ini i i ii
^-^- i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Indian Cuisine
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg IC5 For
Dal (soaked for 1 hour)
Rai, jeera, kasuri methi, hara dhania, hing, haldi, green chilli
0.2 kg
200 g 300 g 100 g
400 ml 600 ml 200 ml
2 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 tbsp
Dal Tadka Microwave
safe bowl
As per taste
As per taste
Indian Rasoi
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - i i ii, r-i nii ri^ i|
-i i l --i- i|
i i; i i , - n, ii, ri l-,
i -ii , -i --i- i|
i i; i, -, iliii i, ri ili,
i -ii ((l-), ii (l i( ri) ( i i|
-i --i- i|
Method : 1. Take 200 gms dal in Microwave Safe bowl, add Water,
Haldi & Hing.
2. Select menu & weight and press start to cook.
3. When beeps, take another bowl add oil, jeera, hari mirch,
curry leaves, select menu & start
4. When beeps, add dal, salt, dhania jeera powder, hara
dhania, kasuri methi (optional), water (if required) and
lemon juice. Select menu & press start to cook.
0.3 kg IC6 For
Baingan (Chopped in big pieces)
Chopped onions
Chopped green chillies
Chopped ginger
Chopped tomato
Tomato puree
Salt, dhania powder, garam masala, red chilli powder, haldi
Chopped coriander leaves
0.3 kg
300 g
1 tbsp
1 cups
3 nos.
Baingan Ka
safe bowl
1 tbsp
2 nos.
2 tbsp
As per taste
A few sprigs
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add the chopped baingan. Sprinkle some
water. Cover. Select menu & press start.
2. When beeps, remove & mash the baigan well.
3. In another MWS bowl add oil, chopped onion, green chillies,
ginger, tomato, tomato puree, salt, dhania powder, garam
masala, red chilli powder, haldi. Mix well. Cover & press start.
4. When beeps, mix well. Add the mashed baingan & mix well.
Press start.
Allow to stand for 3 minutes.
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - - r ^ | iii i ii l
| -i --i- i|
i i; ^ i ir li i nr |
-i;>i(( i - n, -i r; i, ri l-,
, --i-, -i--i i, -, ili i, ^- -ii, i
l- i, r-i i i nr l-i i --i- i|
i i; i nr l-i| r ^ i i
nr l-i i --i- i| , l-- n ii r |
0.1 kg 0.3 kg
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Indian Cuisine
0.3 kg IC7 For
For making gattas
Red chilli powder, haldi, dhania powder, salt
For Subzi
Rai, jeera
Curry leaves
Sour curd
Red chilli powder, haldi, dhaniya powder, salt
Tomato puree
0.3 kg
100 g
As per taste
Gatte Ki
safe bowl
As required
1 tbsp
2 tsp
A few
1 cup
As per taste
Indian Rasoi
||=r : 1. i - , i l- i, r-i, ili i, -
l-i | ii i iii n i ini i
-i i |
Method : 1. In a bowl mix besan, red chilli powder, haldi, dhania powder,
salt. Add water, little oil and make it like a chapati dough.
2. After making the dough break the dough into different
pieces and make the rolls out of those pieces.
3. In a MWS bowl add the rolls & water (to cover the rolls
completely). Cover.
4. Select menu & press start.
5. When beeps, remove. Take out the gattas, allow to cool.
Cut them into slices.
6. In a MWS bowl add oil, rai, jeera, curry leaves, tomato
puree, red chilli powder, dhaniya powder, haldi, salt. Cover
& press start.
7. When beeps, add beaten curd, gattas & haldi. Mix well &
press start.
ii i i i i l(li -i - ni i
-i i- i |
-i;>i(( i - i- i ii i (i- ii - i
nr i)| |
-i --i- i|
i i; , i i ir li| ^;i i li
-i ri | l i -i;l - i- |
-i;>i(( i - n, ii, i -ii, -i--i i, i
l- i, ili i, r-i, - i| --i- i|
i i; , -i r; ri, ^; i r-i i i
nr l-i --i- i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Indian Cuisine
Indian Rasoi
0.2 kg IC8 For
Arhar Dal (soaked for 2 hours)
Onion chopped
Tomato chopped
Mixed vegetables - Drumsticks, ghiya, brinjals, red pumpkin
Boiled water
Imli pulp, green chilli, sambhar masala, salt, gud
0.2 kg
200 g
100 ml
1 medium
1 medium
Sambhar Microwave
safe bowl
1 cup
4 cup
As per taste
Method : 1. Soak dal for 2 hours, In Microwave Safe Bowl take dal,
haldi, onion, green chilli, tomato, mix vegetables and
boiled water. Select menu and press start.
When beeps, in another Microwave Safe Bowl take oil,
add rai, hing, curry leaves, dhania, red chilli. Press start.
When beeps, mash dal very well and add to tadka.
Add imli pulp sambhar masala, gud and some water
(if required). Press start. Stand for 5 mins. Garnish with
coconut and hara dhania and serve with Idli.
||=r : 1.
i i 2 i- li^i| -i;>(( i - i, r-i, i,
ri l-, --i- | l-ln li i r ii i i
nr l-i| -i i --i- i|
i i; -i;>i(( i - n | -
i;, ri^, i -ii, ili, i l- i| --i- i|
i i; i i i nr i - ni ^i
| l ;-i, ii -ii, ^ i i(nii ii l-i|
--i- i| 5 l-- n | il i ri ili i
i ;i ii i|
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - n, i;, ii, -i r; i i|
-i i ( --i- i|
i i; , l-i i , ri,-;i, -, i l-
i, r-i, ili i, - i, ii ( ( i
iii) i| l-i --i- i|
i i; , l-i i r ii i i --i-
i| l ni i i|
IC9 Microwave
safe bowl
Kadhi 0.3 ~ 0.5 kg For
Curd / matha
Rai, cumin seeds
Chopped onions
Salt, red chilli powder, haldi, coriander powder, amchur
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add oil, rai, jeera, chopped onion. Select
menu & weight & press start.
2. When beeps, mix & add besan, curd/matha, salt, red
chilli powder, haldi, coriander powder, amchur powder,
water (1/2 the amount mentioned per weight). Mix &
press start.
3. When beeps, mix & add remaining water & press start.
Pour tempering & serve.
0.5 kg
75 g
1 cup
2 tbsp
1 cup
4 cups
0.4 kg
50 g
1 cup
1 tbsp
1 cup
3 cups
As per taste
As per taste
0.3 kg
25 g
1/2 cup
1 tbsp
1 cup
2 cups
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Indian Cuisine
Indian Rasoi
||=r : 1.
i-i, , r --, -, r-i i i iii
n i nr l-i | ii i i | l ;
^i ni |
---i n( li; ^i + i-i i i| l
- i ri; i| -i i ( --i- i|
i i; , i-i i - --i- i|
IC10 Multicook tawa
High rack
Baati 0.2 ~ 0.4 kg For
Ginger garlic paste
Haldi & salt
Method : 1. Mix atta, besan, ginger garlic paste, salt & turmeric
powder, little oil. Add water for kneading the dough.
Make big balls out of the dough.
2. Grease the multicook tawa & place the baati over it.
Place the tray on high rack. Select menu & weight
& press start.
3. When beeps, turn the side & press start.
0.2 kg 0.3 kg 0.3 kg
150 g 200 g 250 g
1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbsp
As per taste
tbsp 1 tbsp
For kneading
1 tbsp
50 g 100 g 150 g
IC11 Microwave
safe bowl
Dalma 0.3 kg For
Moong dal (soaked for 1 hour)
Chopped vegetables (drumsticks, potato, raw banana,
pumpkin, brinjal, tomato)
For tadka
Bay leafs, jeera, dry chillies, salt, haldi
Grated coconut
Chopped onion
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add soaked moong dal, chopped
vegetables & water. Mix well. Select menu & press start.
2. When beeps, in another bowl add oil, bay leafs, jeera,
dry chillies, salt, haldi, grated coconut & chopped onion.
Mix well & press start.
3. When beeps, mix well add the tadka ingredients to the
dal. Mix well & press start.
0.3 kg
300 g
600 ml
2 tbsp
As per taste
4 tbsp
1 no.
2 cups
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i - ii^i r; -^ i, -i r; li i
ii | i nr l-i| -i --i- i|
2. i i; i - n, i, ii, ii l-,
-, r-i, i ri il i -i r; i i i
i nr l-i --i- i|
3. i i; i nr l-i ni i-^i i - i|
i nr l-i i --i- i |
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Indian Cuisine
Indian Rasoi
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - n( i, -, ri^, r-i i i ii
i| i nr l-i| -i --i- i|
i i; i i ir li |
-i;>i(( i - n, i i, ii, ii
-i r; , i; - i-i ^; ri l-, i -ii, -i r;
i, i l- i i| i nr l-i i --i- i|
IC12 Microwave
safe bowl
Tuvar Dal
0.3 kg For
Tuvar dal / Arhar dal (soaked for 2 hours)
Mustard seeds
Finely chopped ginger
Slit green chillies
Curry leaves
Chopped tomato
Chopped onion
Salt, turmeric powder, red chilli powder
Jaggery (Gud)
Method : 1) In a MWS bowl add tuvar dal, salt, hing, turmeric powder,
water. Mix well. Select menu & press start.
2) When beeps, remove the dal.
3) In another MWS bowl add oil, mustard seeds, jeera, finely
chopped ginger, slit green chillies, curry leaves, chopped
onions, red chilli powder. Mix well & press start.
4. When beeps, remove the bowl & add these ingredients to
the dal. Add tomato, jaggery & mix well. Press start.
Squeeze lemon juice & serve.
0.3 kg
300 g
600 ml
1 tbsp
3 nos.
A few
2 nos.
1 no.
A pinch
As per taste
As per taste
1 tbsp
4. i i; i i ir li i ii i-^i i
- i | --i- i ^i i i nr l-i| --i- i|
i li i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - i ii | -i i --i- i|
i i; lri i ii --i- i|
i i; ; lri i --i- i|
-i ri | i i ;ii i i| i nr l-i
i i|
Method : 1. In Microwave Safe Bowl take besan and ghee. Select
menu & weight and press start.
When beeps, stir it and press start.
When beeps, stir and press start again.
4. Allow to cool. Add powdered sugar and elaichi powder.
Mix it well and make a ladoo.
0.3 kg
150 gm
1 tsp
7 tbsp
0.2 kg
100 gm
1 tsp
5 tbsp
0.1 kg
50 gm
1/2 tsp
3 tbsp
Elaichi Powder
Powder Sugar
safe glass bowl
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg SC1 Besan
Sweets Corner
|c +r
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg SC2 Microwave
safe flat glass dish
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - i ri i, l---, l-- i,
-i i i-i i ;ii i i | i nr
l-i, -i ( ( i --i- i|
i i; ; ii l-i i --i- i|
i -(i ii i i - i i ; -i - i-|
Method : 1. In Microwave Safe Bowl take grated paneer, milkmaid,
milk powder, cornflour, elaichi powder, kesar. Mix well
select menu & weight and press start.
2. When beep. Mix it again and press start.
3. Garnish with dry fruits when set cut into pieces.
Grated Paneer
Milk Powder
Elaichi Powder
0.1 kg
1 tbsp
1/2 tsp
50 gms
1/2 tsp
0.2 kg
2 tbsp
1 tsp
100 gms
1 tsp
0.3 kg
3 tbsp
1 tsp
200 gms
1 tsp
Indian Rasoi
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg SC3 Shahi
safe glass bowl
High Rack
||=r : 1.
ri; -i;l i (l-in | -i i --i-
i i; -i;l i - i --i- i|
l---, i, ii, i -( i ;ii i i
-i;>i(( - li - i nr l-i| ; l-i i
-i;l + i i --i- i| ^-^- i|
Method : 1. Arrange bread slices on high rack. Select menu & press
2. When beep turn slices press start.
3. Mix Milkmaid, milk, sugar, dry fruits and kesar elaic hi
powder in Microwave Safe Flat Dish. Pour the mixture on
slices and press start. Serve hot.
1 slice
25 ml
1 tbsp
50 ml
2 tbsp
3 slices
100 ml
3 tbsp
150 ml
4 tbsp
Bread Slices
Badam, Pista Pieces
Kesar-Elaichi Powder
2 slices
50 ml
2 tbsp
100 ml
3 tbsp
As per your taste
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Sweets Corner
|c +r
Indian Rasoi
SC5 Microwave
safe glass bowl
Suji Halwa 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Ghee (melted)
Cashewnuts, kishmish, kesar, elaichi powder
Method : 1. In a MWS glass bowl add ghee & suji, mix well. Select
menu & weight & press start.
2. When beeps, stir well & press start.
3. Add water, sugar, cashewnuts, kishmish, kesar, elaichi
powder & press start. Mix well & serve.
0.3 kg
300 g
4 tbsp
900 ml
300 gms
0.2 kg
200 g
3 tbsp
600 ml
200 gms
As per taste
01 kg
100 g
2 tbsp
300 ml
100 gms
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i i - ii i i i nr l-i|
-i i ( --i- i|
i i; , i nr lri i --i- i|
l ii, ii, i, lil-i, , ;ii i i
--i- i| i nr l-i i|
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - i i -i ( ( i
--i- i|
i i; , i - l(i i i --i- i|
i i; , i -(i i i ^- i -i
SC4 Microwave
safe bowl
Kheer 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Seviyan (roasted)
Badam paste
Kesar & elaichi powder
Method : 1. In a MWS glass bowl take milk & select menu & weight
& press start.
2. When beeps, add seviyan to the bowl & press start.
3. When beeps, add almond paste, sugar, kesar & elaichi
powder & press start. Garnish with dry fruits & serve hot
or chilled.
0.3 kg
300 ml
30 g
150 g
2 tbsp
0.2 kg
200 ml
20 g
100 g
1 tbsp
As per taste
0.1 kg
100 ml
10 g
50 g
1 tbsp
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Sweets Corner
|c +r
Indian Rasoi
SC6 Microwave
safe bowl
Payasam 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Rice (soaked for 1 hour)
Milk + Water
Kesar, elaichi powder dry fruits
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl take ghee, soaked rice, milk & water
& cover it.
2. Select menu & weight & press start.
3. When beeps, add more milk, dry fruits, kesar, elaichi
powder. Mix well & press start. Stand for 5 minutes.
Sprinkle kewada jal on it. Serve hot or chilled.
0.3 kg
300 g
600 ml
200 g
2 tbsp
0.2 kg
200 g
400 ml
150 g
1 tbsp
As per taste
0.1 kg
100 g
200 ml
75 g
1 tbsp
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - ii, ii^ r i(, i i ii i
-i i ( --i- i|
i i; i i i i -(, , ;ii
i i| i nr l-i --i- i| l-- n ii
r | l + (i l| ^- i -i i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-i; -i ^i, i i n ^i
+ -i r; li i, i ri i l| l
i -i; |
l( i ri; + i | -i i ( --i-
i i; , l( i - i ii --i- i|
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - n, i;, ii, i -ii i| -i i
( --i- i|
i i; , i, ri l-, ri^, r-i i l-i i
--i- i|
i i; , ii ri iri, -, i l- i, ^-
-ii i ii i| i nr l-i --i- i| i
i li |
r il i r il i i|
bF1 High rack Veg
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Bread slices
Sauce / spread
Chopped vegetables (onion, tomato, capsicum)
Grated cheese
Salt & pepper
Method : 1. On a bread slice apply butter, layer with sauce, spread
chopped vegetables, sprinkle grated cheese.
Cover it with the other bread slice.
2. Keep the sandwich on high rack. Select menu & weight
& press start.
3. When beeps, change the side of the sandwich & again
press start.
0.3 kg
300 g (6 slices)
4 tbsp
4 tbsp
6 tbsp
6 tbsp
0.2 kg
200 g (4 slices)
2 tbsp
3 tbsp
4 tbsp
4 tbsp
As per taste
0.1 kg
100 g (2 slices)
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
bF2 Microwave
safe bowl
Poha 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Poha (washed)
Rai, jeera, hing, haldi, curry leaves
Chopped onion
Green chillies
Salt,red chilli powder, garam masala, sugar
Grated coconut & hara dhania
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add oil, rai, jeera, curry leaves. Select
menu & weight & press start.
2. When beeps, add onion, green chillies, hing, haldi. Mix
& press start.
3. When beeps, add washed poha, salt, red chilli powder,
garam masala & sugar. Mix & press start. Squeeze
lemon juice.
Garnish with grated coconut & hara dhania & serve.
0.3 kg
300 g
1 cup
3 Nos.
0.2 kg
200 g
1 tbsp
As per taste
1 cup
2 Nos.
For garnishing
As per taste
01 kg
100 g
1 tbsp
1/2 cup
1 No.
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - li i ii i i nr l-i|
-i i ( --i- i|
i i; , l-i, ii, ii i ^, ;ii i,i
i, i i i i i nr l-i --i- i|
l-- n ii r | ^- i ii i| 5
uksV % ;fn vki feBkl ds fy, xqM+ bLrseky dj jgs gSa rks tk;Qy ikmMj
Mkysa vkSj tc feBkl ds fy, phuh bLrseky dj jgs gksa rks byk;ph
ikmMj MkysaA
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - n, i;, ii, i, ri l- i
i i i nr l-i|
-i i ( --i- i|
i i; , i i, i nr lri i --i- i|
i i; , ii, ii, - i i i| i
nr l-i --i- i| 5 l-- n ii r |
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
bF3 Microwave
safe bowl
Upma 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Sat & sugar
Green chilli
Rai, jeera, hing, curry leacves, urad dal
Lemon juice
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add oil, rai, jeera, urad dal, green chilli,
suji. Mix well
2. Select menu & weight & press start.
3. When beeps, add onions, stir well & press start.
4. When beeps, add water, sugar, salt, lemon juice. Mix well
& press start. Stand for 5 minutes.
0.3 kg
300 g
3 tbsp
600 ml
2 Nos.
3 Nos.
0.2 kg
200 g
2 tbsp
400 ml
As per taste
2 Nos.
3 Nos.
As per taste
As per taste
01 kg
100 g
1 tbsp
200 ml
1 No.
2 No.
bF4 Microwave
safe bowl
Daliya 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Sugar or gud
Ghee (melted)
Elaichi powder, nutmeg powder, chashewnuts
Method :
1. In a MWS safe bowl, add dalia & ghee. Mix well.
2. Select menu & weight & press start.
3. When beeps, mix, add water, sugar or gud, elaichi,
powder/nutmeg powder, cashewnuts. Mix well &
press start.
Stand for 5 minutes. Serve with hot milk.
Note: If you are using gud for sweetness then add
nutmeg powder & add elaichi powder if using sugar
for sweetness.
0.3 kg
300 g
200 g
3 tbsp
900 ml
0.2 kg
200 g
150 g
2 tbsp
600 ml
As per taste
As required
0.1 kg
100 g
75 g
1 tbsp
300 ml
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
bF5 Paratha 0.2 kg High Rack
Multicook tawa
||=r : 1.
-i ---i n(i ri; i i --i- i|
i i; i-i n( i i ii ^i --i- i|
i i; i-i i - i --i- i| -i i
ini ii ^-^- i|
Method : 1. Select menu, keep multicook tawa on high rack &
press start.
When beeps, keep paratha on tawa and brush with
oil & press start.
When beeps, turn paratha and press start serve hot
with chutney or raita.
Paratha Dough
Stuffing : Alu, Muli, Methi, Paneer, whichever you like.
0.2 kg
As per your taste
2 tbsp
||=r : 1.
-i i(i ii i-l^i i ii l-i |
l - -- i | -- i n
^i |
+ -i i ^i | -- i ---i n(
(l-in i ri; + i |
-i i ( --i- i| 3.
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg High rack
Multicook tawa
bF6 For
Bread crumbs
Boiled Vegetables-(Potato, Cauliflower, Carrots, green peas)
Ginger garlic paste
Chilli paste
Salt, garam masala
Lemon juice
200 g 100 g 300 g
2 tbsp - 3 tbsp
0.2 kg 0.1 kg 0.3 kg
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tsp
2 tbsp
1 tsp tsp 1 tsp
As per taste
As per taste
Method : 1. Mix all the ingredients except bread crumbs together.
Shape them into flat cutlets. Brush the cutlets with oil.
2. Coat with bread crumbs. Arrange the cutlets on
multicook tawa. Keep on the high rack.
3. Select menu & weight & press start.
4. When beeps, turn over & press start.
i i; , - i --i- i| 4.
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - ii^ r i(, -^ i, ii, - i
ii i i| -i i ( --i- i|
i i; i nr lri i l i( ri ni
i ii i| --i- i|
i i; i nr lri ir li |
-i;>i(( i - ii, i, ii i l- i --i- i|
i i; r i^ + i|
bF7 Microwave
safe bowl
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Rice (soaked for 1 hour)
Moong dal (soaked for 2 hours)
Cashewnuts, pepper, jeera & salt
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add soaked rice, moong dal, water,
salt & few drops of ghee. Select menu & weight &
press start.
2. When beeps, stir well & add more water (if required).
Press start.
3. When beeps, stir well & remove. In another MWS
bowl add ghee, cashewnuts, jeera & pepper.
Press start.
4. When beeps, pour over cooked pongal.
0.2 kg 0.1 kg 0.3 kg
100 g 50 g 150 g
100 g 50 g 150 g
400 ml 200 ml 600 ml
1 tbsp
As per taste
tbsp 1 tbsp
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - -i i -i r; i i| -i i (
--i- i|
i i; ir li |
-i i i-i i - ii|
i, i -, - i l- i| i nr l-i --i- i|
i i; i nr l-i i --i- i|
Child's Favourite
-r +| ==-
CF1 Microwave
safe bowl
0.2 ~ 0.4 kg For
Chopped onions
Cheese spread
Salt & pepper
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add butter & chopped onions.
Select menu & weight & press start.
2. When beeps, remove.
3. Dissolve the cornflour with milk.
4. Add milk, cheese spread, salt &
pepper. Mix well & press start.
5. When beeps, mix well & press start.
0.3 kg 0.4 kg 0.2 kg
1 cup 1 cup cup
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
As per taste
0.3 kg
300 g
1200 ml
3 tsp
1 tsp
1 tsp
1 tsp
1 cup
0.2 kg
200 g
800 ml
2 tsp
1 tsp
1 tsp
1 tsp
As per taste
01 kg
100 g
400 ml
1 tsp
CF2 Microwave
safe bowl
Noodles 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Soya sauce
Chilli sauce
Salt, sugar, kali mirch powder
Mix Vegetables - Cabbage, capsicum, carrot, freanch beans etc.
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - -, ii, n i| -i ( ( --i- i|
i i; - i i i nr l-i --i- i| ^-^- i|
i i; ni - i li i + -i ii i| -i;>i((
i - iii i n i ii -i r; li i, l -(iii li,
ii i, li i, -i i-- i l- i | --i- i|
Method : 1. In Microwave Safe Bowl take noodles, water, oil. Select
menu & weight and press start.
2. When beeps, strain noodles & pour cold water over it. In
Microwave Safe Bowl put some oil and finely chopped
vegetables, add vinegar, soyasauce, chilli sauce, MSG
salt & paper to taste press start.
3. When beep, add noodles and mix well press start serve hot.
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - ii i -(i- i i| -i
i ( --i- i|
i i; i i i - l(-iiln | l-ln
, -, i l- i, i- -ii, i i| i
nr l-i i|
Child's Favourite
-r +| ==-
* Do not put anything in the oven during preheat mode (Pre-h). / iri- -i (Pre-h) ii i; ii (-n i( i|
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe bowl
Sweet corn
Salt, red chilli powder, chaat masala, lemon juice
Mix fruits (Pomegranate, cucumber, apple)
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add some water & sweet corns. Select
menu & weight & press start.
2. When beeps, transfer the corns in a bowl add mix fruits,
salt, red chilli powder, chaat masala, lemon juice.
Mix well & serve.
0.1 kg
100 g
0.2 kg
200 g
1 cup
As per taste
0.3 kg
300 g
2 cup
||=r : 1.
-i, r i --, -, ii l- i i nii
i^ii i ii l-i | ; l-i i -i;l
ii n ^i |
i i i( i -i;l i
(l-in | -i --i- i|
rc ^il i l i ;-n-i |
Method : 1. Mix butter, garlic paste, salt, kali mirchi powder and oregano
together. Apply this mixture to both sides of bread slices.
2. Keep low rack in the oven & arrange the bread slices. Select
menu and press start.
Note : Use French bread to make garlic bread.
0.3 kg CF5 Garlic
Low rack Bread slices
Garlic paste
Grated cheese
Salt, kali mirchi powder, oregano, chilli flakes
4 pices
5 tbsp
2 tbsp
4 tbsp
As per taste
0.3 kg CF4 Pizza* Low rack Pizza base
Mix Vegetables : Tomato, capsicum, onion
Grated cheese
Oregano & Chilli flakes (optional)
1 Big Pizza base
3 tbsp
1 cup
As per taste
Method : 1. Keep low rack inside and press start to preheat.
2. Pizza topping on Pizza base, spread chopped vegetables
on it. Sprinkle some grated Cheese over it place Pizza
on rack, press start
||=r : 1.
i i( i i ^- l --i- i|
ii + -il i| + -i r; li
i i| l i ri i l| ii i
+ i i --i- i|
Method : 1. Mix smashed potato, boiled vegetables, bread crumbs,
ginger, garlic paste, salt, pinch of garam masala, green
chilli paste, lemon juice together, make tikki from it and
roll it in cornflour by keeping in metal tray drop some oil
on it. Select menu & press start.
2. When beeps, turn tikki to crisp another side press start.
Cut the burger bun horizontally apply butter & sauce.
Place tikki, cheese slice, letuce (optional) between
burger halves and close it properly. press start, serve hot.
||=r : 1.
- r i, i r; li, -, r i --,
-, -i ^- -ii, ri l- i --, i i ii
l-i , ; l-i i i -- - in r -i
i- - , + iii i n i| -i i --i- i|
i i; l-i i i i l i lii - -,
--i- i| ^ i l-li i horizontally i- -i i
i ^i| ^ iii^i i l-i, i -i;, -
((l-) i i -i | --i- i, ^-^- i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Child's Favourite
-r +| ==-
CF6 Metal tray
High rack
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Boiled vegetables - Potato, Cauliflower, Carrots, Green peas
Bread crumbs
Ginger-garlic paste
Ghilli paste
Garam masala
Lemon juice, salt, sugar
0.2 kg 0.3 kg 0.1 kg
2 to 3 tablespoon
1 cup
1 cup
1 tsp
As per taste
1 tsp
1 tsp
0.5 kg
500 ml
2 tbsp
50 g
As required
CF7 Microwave
safe bowl
0.5 kg For
Strawberry pieces
Strawberry custard powder
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - i, --ii -- i, ii i i nr l-i|
-i --i- i|
i i; i nr lri --i- i|
i i; i nr lri --i- i|
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add milk, strawberry custard powder,
sugar. Mix well.
2. Select menu & press start.
3. When beeps, stir well. Press start.
4. When beeps, stir well. Press start.
0.3 kg Microwave
safe flat glass dish
Pizza sauce
Chopped onion, tomato
Grated cheese
0.3 kg
300 g
1 cup
6 tbsp
2 cups
Method : 1. In a MWS flat glass dish add nachos, chopped onion,
tomato, pizza sauce & grated cheese. Select menu &
press start.
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( - i li - ii, -i r; i, --i-,
ii i i i ri i | -i --i- i|
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i - n, r --, -i r; i i -
r --i- i nr l-i| -i i (
--i- i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
Sn1 Microwave
safe bowl
High rack
Multi cook tawa
Pav Bhaji 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Mix veg (chopped) - Potato, Cauliflower, Capsicum, Green Peas
Chopped onion
Chopped tomato
Pav bhaji masala
Garlic paste
Red chilli powder, salt, lemon juice, butter
Hara dhania
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl take oil, garlic paste, chopped onion,
chopped tomato. Mix well & select menu & weight &
press start.
2. When beeps, add vegetables, water, red chilli powder,
pav bhaji masala, salt. Mix well & press start.
3. When beeps, remove mash it well, add butter & lemon
juice. Garnish with coriander leaves.
4. For grilling pav-bhaji buns: Cut each bun in centre,
apply butter, arrange on tawa on high rack. Press
start. Serve with bhaji.
0.3 kg
300 g
2 tbsp
2 Nos.
3 Nos.
2 tsp
2 tsp
0.2 kg
200 g
2 tbsp
2 Nos.
2 No.
1 tsp
1 tsp
As per taste
For garnishing
As per taste
01 kg
100 g
1 tbsp
1 No.
1 No.
1 tsp
1 tsp
2. i i; li, ii, i l- i, i(iii
-ii, - i| i nr l-i --i- i|
i i; i nr -i i i
i| ili i l-ii i|
i(iii l-l+i i i l - l-+i i i i-,
-i ^i, n( (l-in ri; + i|
--i- i| iii ii i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
, ri, ii, -, ii, ri l- --, ii ^,
- i-- ii i nr l-i| 5-10 l-- n
ii r |
; l-i i -i;>i(( - i li - i| -i
i ( --i- i|
i i; , -i;>i(( i - n,
i -ii i --i- i| n - iii i ii i|
; n i ii - i | l-- n ii r
| r il i i|
Sn2 Microwave
safe flat glass dish
safe bowl
Dhokla 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Warm water
Green chilli & ginger paste
Fruit salt
Oil, rai, curry leaves, water
Grated coconut
Salt & sugar
Method : 1; Mix besan, curd, sugar, salt, water, green chilli-ginger
paste, yellow color, fruit salt together. Mix well. Keep
for 5-10 minutes.
2. Pour the mixture in MWS safe flat glass dish. Select
menu & weight & press start.
3. When beep, in another MWS bowl add oil, rai & curry
leaves & press start. Add some water to the tempering.
4. Add this tempering to the dhokla & cover. Stand for 5
minutes. Garnish with grated coconut & serve.
0.3 kg
300 g
100 ml
4 tbsp
2 tsp
2 tsp
0.2 kg
200 g
75 ml
3 tbsp
1 tsp
1 tsp
For tempering
For garnishing
As per taste
01 kg
100 g
50 ml
2 tbsp
1 tsp
1 tsp
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
100 g 200 g 300 g
2 tbsp 3 tbsp 4 tbsp
150 ml 200 ml 300 ml
As per taste
2 tbsp 3 tbsp 4 tbsp
Moong sprout
Chopped onion
Salt, Chat masala, Hara dhania
Chopped tomato
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Sn3 Microwave
safe bowl
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - -i-, ii i - i|
-i ( ( --i- i|
i r ir li li | -i r; i
( --i-, ri ili i i- -ii i i i|
Method : 1. In Microwave Safe Bowl add sprouts, water and salt.
Select menu & weight and press start.
2. When cooking ends, take it out and strain add chopped
onion, chopped tomatoes, hara dhania, chat masala
and serve.
Sn4 Microwave
safe bowl
Shimla Mirch
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
For stuffing
Boiled potatoes
Boiled peas
Chopped green chillies
Chopped giner
Chopped coriander leaves
Amchur powder, coriander powder, garam masala, jeera powder & salt
Shimla (scooped)
Method : 1. Mix the boiled potato, peas, chopped green chillies,
ginger & coriander leaves together. Add amchur powder,
coriander powder, garam masala, jeera powder & salt.
Mix well.
2. Fill this stuffing in the scooped shimla mirch.
3. Grease the shimla mirch with little oil. Keep the stuffed
shimla mirch in a MWS bolw. Cover & press start.
0.2 kg 0.3 kg 0.1 kg
200 g 300 g 100 g
2 nos. 3 nos. 1 no.
1 cup 1 cup cup
2 nos
2 tsp
1 tbsp
A few sprigs
As per taste
3 nos.
3 tsp
1 tbsp
1 no.
1 tsp
||=r : 1.
r i, --, -i r; ri l-, i ili i
l-ii ii l-i| - i, ili i, ^-
-ii, ii i i - i i nr l-i|
; ii( i iii i ^; li-i l-i - i |
li-i l-i iii n ^i | ii r; li-i l-i i
-i;>i(( i - i i --i- i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - i, l-i i iii ii i
| -i i ( --i- i|
i i; i nr lri| --i- i|
l ii, -, i l- i i i- -ii i i
3 l-- n ii r |
Sn5 Microwave
safe bowl
Aloo Kand
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Shakarkandi (cut in medium pieces)
Aloo (cut in medium pieces)
Sugar, salt, red chilli powder, chaat masala
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add aloo, jimikand & add little water
Cover. Select menu & weight & press start.
2. When beeps, stir well. Cover & press start.
3. Add sugar, salt, red chilli powder, chaat masala.
Allow to stand for 3 minutes.
0.3 kg
150 g
150 g
0.2 kg
100 g
100 g
As per taste
01 kg
50 g
50 g
||=r : 1.
-i;l i ri; + i| -i i (
--i- i|
i i; -i;l i - --i- i|
l i- i i + ir l i i|
Sn6 High rack Cottage
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Grated cottage cheese
Bread slices
Sugar, salt, red chilli powder, chaat masala
Method : 1. Keep the bread slices on high rack. Select menu & weight
& press start.
2. When beeps, change the side. Press start.
3. Spread cottage cheese & drizzle honey over it & serve.
0.3 kg
6 nos.
0.2 kg
4 nos.
As required
As required
01 kg
2 nos.
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - ii^ r i ii i |
-i i ( --i- i|
i i; ir li i i ii ri | -i;>i((
i - n, ii, ri^ i --i- i|
i i; r , -, i l- i, i-
-ii, i , ;-i i -i, -i r; i, r i
i i nr l-i i i|
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe bowl
Sn7 For
Kala chana (soaked overnight)
Jeera, hing
Chopped onion
Boiled potato
Salt, red chilli powder,chaat masala,lemon juice, imli chatni
0.1 kg
100 g
250 ml
1 tbsp
1 tsp
1 no.
0.2 kg
200 g
500 ml
2 tbsp
1 tsp
1 cup
2 nos.
As per taste
0.3 kg
300 g
750 ml
3 tbsp
2 tsp
1 cup
3 nos.
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add soaked chana, water & cover. Select
menu & weight & press start.
2. When beeps, remove & drain water from the chanas. In a
MWS bowl add oil, jeera, hing & press start.
3. When beeps, add boiled chanas, salt, red chilli powder,
chaat masala, lemon juice, imli chatni, chopped onion,
boiled potato. Mix well & serve.
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - n, i i li-i l- i| -i
i ( --i- i|
i i; i nr l-i i i, ili i l-ii
ili i, ii i, i l- i nii - i
i nr l-i i --i- i|
-i-- ii i i-i - - i|
Sn8 Microwave
safe bowl
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
Paneer (mashed)
Chopped capsicum
Chopped onion
Coriander leaves
Coriader powder, jeera powder, red chilli powder, salt
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl add oil, onion & capsicum. Select menu
& weight & press start.
2. When beeps, mix well & add paneer, coriander leaves,
coriander powder, jeera powder, red chilli powder & salt.
Mix well & press start.
3. Serve with toast or wrapped in roti.
0.2 kg 0.3 kg 0.1 kg
200 g
1 tbsp
2 nos.
1 cup
A few sprigs
As per taste
300 g
2 tbsp
3 nos.
1 cup
100 g
1 tbsp
1 no.
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - , ii, ri, -, ri l- i
-- i ii l-i |
-i --i- i|
i i; i nr lri --i- i|
i i; i nr lri --i- i|
ni l-i i - l - n ^i i | -i
ri i i l;i - i-|
l;i i -, i;, ili i l-ii i r il
i i i|
Sn9 Microwave
safe bowl
Khandvi 0.3 kg For
Green chilli & ginger paste
Chopped coriander leaves
Rai seeds (spluttered)
Grated coconut
Method : 1. In a MWS bowl mix besan, water, curd, salt & green
chilli & ginger paste together. Mix well. Cover.
2. Select menu & press start.
3. When beeps, stir well & press start.
4. When beeps, stir well & press start.
5. Spread the batter on a greased smooth flat kitchen
slab. Allow to cool, cut into lengthwise strips.
6. Roll the strips, garnish with spluttered rai, coriander
leaves & grated coconut & serve.
0.3 kg
100 g
1 cup
1 cup
As per taste
As per taste
A few sprigs
As required
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-i;l i ri; + i| -i i (
--i- i|
i i; -i;l i - --i- i|
l i- i i + ir l i i|
Sn10 Metal muffin case
High rack
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg For
For filling
Bread slices
Salt, chaat masala, imli chutney, lemon juice
Moong sprouts, pomegranate, cucumber, onion, boiled potato, chopped mango
Method : 1. Keep the bread slices on high rack. Select menu & weight
& press start.
2. When beeps, change the side. Press start.
3. Spread cottage cheese & drizzle honey over it & serve.
0.3 kg
6 nos.
2 cups
0.2 kg
4 nos.
As per taste
1 cup
01 kg
2 nos.
1 cup
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-i, l^ i i ii i i ii i|
l--- i -i i ii r-i i ni^i ri n
-| l -i i ; l-i - i i nr -|
l-i ln l^i( i (l-in l ii,i
i| l-i i l -- l- - i i
+ i|
-i --i- i|
i i; i i( - i --i- i|
bA1 Metal cake tin
Low rack
0.3 kg For
Baking powder
Cocoa powder
Method : 1. Sieve maida, baking powder & cocoa powder together.
2. Cream milkmaid & butter together till light & fluffy. Add
maida to the mixture. Beat well.
3. Add water/milk to adjust the batter to dropping consistency.
Pour the batter in a greased metal cake tin. Keep on
low rack.
4. Select menu & press start.
5. When beeps, place the low rack. Press start.
0.3 kg
100 g
tin (200 ml)
75 g
1 tsp
3-4 tbsp
||=r : 1.
-i i ii i n - n (r ni^i ri i|
(ii ;i i i -i i i i|
; l-i ii i |
l ; -- ii ^i i i - +
i i| l i ---i n( + i i n( i
i i|
-i --i- i| i i; , - i i
--i- i|
bA2 Low rack
Multicook tawa
Naan Khatai 0.2 kg For
Powdered sugar
Vanilla essence
Almonds & cashewnuts
Method : 1. Beat the butter & sugar together till it turns fluffy.
2. Add vanilla essence followed by maida & suji.
3. Make a dough out of this mixture.
4. Roll out a medium sized ball & put cashewnut on the top
of each piece. Arrange them on multicook tawa & place
the tawa on low rack.
5. Select menu & press start. When beeps, place the tray &
press start.
0.2 kg
150 g
50 g
85 g
1 tsp
100 g
A few
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1. -i, l^ i i ii i | i i -i i -
i i nr - | -i, ii i, (i; i
ii ii ii -i- ii i | -i-i i-i
i i i-ii-i i i- i i- |
---i n( + (l-in i n( i i i|
bA3 Low rack
Multicook tawa
0.3 kg For
Powdered suger
Jeera / Ajwain
Baking powder
Soda bi carb
Method : 1. Sieve maida, baking powder and soda. In a bowl add
powdered sugar and butter and beat well. Add maida,
jeera powder, ajwain and make a soft dough with little
water. Roll a thick roti and cut cookies with the cutter.
Prick with a fork. Arrange on multicook tawa & place
the tawa on low rack.
2. Select menu & press start. When beeps, keep the rack
& press start to bake. Remove when it gives a beep.
Allow them to cool.
0.3 kg
200 g
75 g
75 g
As per taste
As required
1 pinch
2. -i --i- i| i i; i -i;>i(( -
i i | l --i- i| i i;
ir li | -i ri l i |
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1. -i, l^ i, li i i l- i i i| -i,
-i i i i - i ^li i(i n n
^ n (r - ri i| -i- ii i
l iii i -i ii l-i| ; -i. i i-i
i ni l;i i-| l i - -- l- - i|
bA4 Low rack
Metal cake tin
0.3 kg For
Grated cheese
Cold water
Pepper powder
Baking powder
Chilli powder
Method : 1. Sieve maida, baking powder, chilli powder and pepper
powder. In a bowl add maida and butter and cheese
and rub it with fingertips till it resembles breadcrumbs.
Add little cold water to make a soft dough. Roll it in to
c.m. roti and cut thin strips. Twist them and put in the
metal cake tin.
2. Select menu & press start. When beeps, put the tin on low
rack. Press start to bake. Remove when it gives a beep.
0.3 kg
200 g
50 g
50 g
As required
1/4 tsp
1/8 tsp
1/2 tsp
1/4 tsp
2. -i --i- i| i i; l- i i( - i
i | l --i- i| i i;
ir li | -i i|
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
bA5 Low rack
Multi cook tawa
Patties 0.2 kg For
Cold fat (Butter or margarine)
Cold water
Dry mix vegetables for stuffing
Method : 1. Sieve the flour with salt. Divide the fat into three equal
portions. Rub one portion into the flour to get a bread
crumb texture, add salt & make a dough of rolling
consistency with iced water.
2. On a lightly floured marble top roll out the dough (about
cm thickness) into oblong shape (Fig.1). Take the
second portion of fat; cut into small pieces; place them
on 2/3rd of the rolled dough. Leave the remaining 1/3rd
portion without fat.
3. Bring up the bottom third of the pastry dough & fold like
an envelope with its flap open (Fig.2). Then bring up the
folded portion over again so as to close the envelope
4. Turn the pastry at right angles; seal open ends of the
pastry & rib it (Fig.4). This means to depress it with
rolling pin at intervals. Cover & cool in the fridge for
5-10 minutes. Repeat the step 2 with third portion of the
fat & chill it for 30 minutes.
5. Roll out the dough 1/4 thick & put the stuff. Fold it back.
Prepare all the patties in same way.
6. Select menu & press start. When beeps, arrange the
patties on tawa & keep the tawa on lor rack & press start.
0.2 kg
200 g
1/2 tsp
100 g
For making dough
As required
||=r : 1.
i- i - ii i | i i ni i ii^i - l(iiln
| ii^ i i- ii ;ni ^ l > -
i ri i| - i ^ini i ii in r ii
i |
l i i -i i + cm i -i-i; -
inii ii - | i ii^ i i-i-
-i - i-, ^ i i lnri; ii^ + i|
r lnri; ii^ i i |
i i i -i-i; - i ii( i i i i i n
-i| ii -i i ;i i ni |
-i --i- i| i i; -i i ---i n(
(l-in i n( i i + i --i- i|
--i i lnri; ii^ i i (ii nr i + i n i
i i li -i -i (li )| li i
l l - r ii^ i + i i i|
i ii + i i i|
4. --i i -ii -, --i ii i -i| ;i
ni- il^ l ,ii iiii n i| 5-10 l--
n l - -i | i i - lnri; ii^ ii
iri i 30 l-- n -i |
||=r : 1.
i, ii i i i iii ii i ii l-i |
; l-i i -i;>i(( - i li - i |
-i --i- i|
i i; , -i;>i(( - i li i i
i | --i- i|
bA6 Low rack
Microwave safe
flat glass dish
Chena Poda 0.2 kg For
Method : 1. Mix chena, sugar & suji together adding little water.
2. Transfer this mixture to MWS flat glass dish.
3. Select menu & press start.
4. When beeps, place the MWS flat glass dish on low rack.
Press start.
0.2 kg
200 g
100 g
20 g
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1. -i i l^ i i ii i | -i i ii i
ii - >i- i |
bA7 Low rack
Multi cook tawa
0.3 kg For
Baking powder
Salt, chilli powder, coriander powder
Method : 1. Sieve maida & baking powder together. Cream butter &
sugar together.
2. Add maida to the butter & cream mixture. Add salt, chilli
powder & coriander powder. Mix them well adding little
water (if required) to form a soft dough.
3. Roll out the dough & shape into biscuits with the help of
a biscuit cutter.
4. Select menu & press start.
5. When beeps, keep the biscuits on the multi cook tawa &
keep the tawa on low rack. Press start.
0.3 kg
150 g
50 g
50 g
1 tsp
As per taste
-i i -i i >i- l-i - i| l -, l- i
i ili i i| iii ii i i nr l-i i
-i- ii i |
i i l-- - i rini l-- i ii |
-i --i- i|
i i; l--i i ---i n( i i n( i
i + i --i- i|
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i i - ^^i i | l - ri,
ii, ^ i ;i i| i nr lri| -i --i-
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - i | -i --i- i|
i i; ir li i ri, ili i ii i|
i( - i --i- i|
i i; ir li i li -l-
FE1 Microwave
safe glass bowl
Yoghurt 0.3 kg For
Pink food colour
Strawberry essence
Method : 1. Put lukewarm milk in MWS glass bowl. Add curd,
sugar, colour, essence to it. Stir it very well. Select
menu and press start.
2. When it gives a beep put the bowl in lower rack.
Press start. Remove and cool. Refrigerate it.
0.3 kg
300 ml
2 tbsp
3 tbsp
1/4 tsp
1/4 tsp
FE2 Microwave
safe glass bowl
0.5 kg For
Method : 1. In MWS glass bowl add milk. Select menu and
press start.
2. When it gives a beep, remove and add curd,
coriander and jeera. Press start.
When beeps, remove and strain and press in a
muslin cloth.
0.5 kg
500 ml
2 tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tsp
2. i i; i i i( - i i| --i-
i| ir li -i i l- - i |
Utility Corner
=|=rr +r
Menu Weight Limit Utensil Instructions
UC1 Mircowave
safe bowl
Keep Warm 0.3 kg Method : 1. Any cooked food with cover (rice, dal, subzi, halwa, upma etc.). Select menu & press start.
UC2 Mircowave
safe bowl
Steam Clean 0.3 kg Method : 1. Take water in a bowl, add vinegar & lemon juice in it. Select menu & press start.
UC3 Mircowave
safe bowl
Defrost Veg 0.2 ~ 0.5 kg Method : Veg (Paneer, green peas, sweet corn etc.)
1. Take vegetables in a MWS bowl. Select menu & weight & press start.
||=r :
||=r :
i - ii - li i i i| -i --i- i|
i; ii ii (i(, i, i, r(i, -i ;-il) | -i --i- i|
||=r :
1. -i;>i(( i - li -i ( ( i --i- i|
iiiri (i, ri --, -(i- i ;-il)
UC5 Mircowave
safe bowl
De-humidification 0.3 kg Method : Namkeen, biscuits, papad, bhujia, wafers etc.
1. In a MWS bowl add the food to be dehumidified. Select menu & press start.
||=r :
1. -i;>i(( i - -i lrn l i| -i --i- i|
-i, l--, i, ili, ( ;-il|
=;-r ==rr |r =r = a r -r| + =-r + | =r
230 V AC 50Hz
900 W (IEC60705 rating standard)
2450 MHz
510mm (W) X 305mm (H) X 520mm (D)
1350 Watts
1250 Watts
Microwave Frequency/-i;>i(( l(i
Outside Dimension/iri -i
Power Consumption/i( i
Power Input/i( ;-
2650 Watts
1350 Watts
Technical Specifications / Two Recipes for starter
n+|+| r+r| / |==r + | r
Procedure :
1. Place the raw papad at the
centre of Glass Tray, as
shown in the picture above.
2. Select Micro-100% Power
Level and Cook time.
3. After Papad cooking give
standing time of 30-45
To Cook Multiple Papads :
*Place Multiple papads over one
another, as shown in the picture
Crispy Papad :
1. Press Quick Start without
2. Sprinkle little water or oil over
the papad.
3. After beep, place the papad
at the centre and press Start.
*Note : The cooking time may
a. As per the composition of the
papad material.
b. As per the Quantity of papad
2. POP CORN : Place the pop
corn bag to the glass tray
properly as instructed on
packing. Use Quick Start to set
3~4 minutes. Remove the bag
after popi ng sound has
stopped. Take care that bag
corners do not touch sides
while rotating.
Note : Attend poping process
carefully. Do not overheat as
cause flash fire.
2. r +r : l^ l ^
liii i i i ^
i i - -i i| 3~4
l-- - l l(
--i- i i^ | i i
i(i -in ri i ^ i
r-i | i i l ^ i
i-in - i; |
rc : i i l>i i
i( i| i(ni
li ^- il ;
i^ ^ ni r|
1. -r ; r=
ikiM+ %
1. i - i - i i i,
i l in li - iii ^i
2. -i;>i-100% i( -n i i
i - liiln |
3. i i i 30-45
n ii r |
vf/kd ikiM+ idkus ds fy, %
*rn i i + i,
i l in li - iii ^i r|
fLih ikiM+ %
1. i i r l( --i-
2. i + iii ii i n
3. i i, i - i - i
i, i l in li -
iii ^i r|
*uksV % i - - n ri
ni r
a. i i i-^i i i(-
b. ;-n-i l ^ ii i
-iii i|
P/No: MFL06477241

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