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2x03 – Orientation

(John Locke Centric)

Previously on LOST:

1) Locke sat down with his mother in the diner – 1x07

2) Locke hunting with his father – 1x07
3) The hatch top blowing up. – 1x19
4) Kate waking up in the food cupboard. – 2x02
5) Desmond saying – “To save the world” – 2x02
6) Desmond holding his gun at Jack and Inman holding his
gun at Locke. – 2x02
7) Sayid holding a gun at Desmond. – 2x02
8) Inman and Sayd fighting. – 2x02
9) Inman being shot. – 2x02
10)Ana Lucia and Eko leading the survivors to the bunker. –
11) Sun looking at Jae and saying – “Oh my God!” – 2x02

Interior. Arrow Bunker. (Night).

We see Sun still stood in front of Jae. Jin is stood beside her
looking confused.

You’re alive?! How? I thought you died!

Well I didn’t. A bunch of us survived. I never gave up hope of
being reunited with you.

We broke up! There would be no ‘reuniting’.

(Subtitled) What’s going on, Sun?

(To Jin)
(Subtitled) You remember me telling you I had a husband? That
he was in a plane crash? Well... that’s him.
Sun indicates Jae as Jin turns to look at him.


(Subtitled) This doesn’t change anything, Jin. I love you. Me and
Jae broke up years ago. It’s just me and you now.

You... love him?

Yes, I do. More than I ever loved you.

Oh. I missed you.

You broke it up. It was your fault! Don’t start feeling sorry for
yourself. I’ve moved on.

What about the message I left you? Before I boarded the plane?

I deleted it.

Just as Jae is about to reply, Sun takes Jin’s hand and they walk
away from Jae.

Ana Lucia:
It’s been along day. I think we should get some sleep now.

The group murmurs in agreement and we see Charlie, Claire,

Mr. Eko, Rose, Bernard, Cindy, Nathan, Neil and the rest of the
survivors make their way past the camera. The camera then
fades to black.

Commercial Break
Flashback. Interior. Toy Store – Tallahassee. (Day).

We see Locke dressed in the store uniform and a name badge

walking down some of the aisles. As he rounds the corner and
makes his way into the next aisle, he see’s a woman watching
him. We recognise the woman as his mother as seen in 1x07
“Sticks and Stones”. When Locke looks at his mother, she turns
and rushes away. Locke, confused, chases after her.

Exterior. Toy Store Car Park – Tallahassee. (Day).

The camera is focused on the store door as they slide open and
Locke’s mother comes rushing out of them. Locke runs after
her and manages to catch up to her. He grabs her by her arm.

What was that? Who are you?

I umm... I’m you’re mother, John.

The camera focuses on Locke’s face before it cuts to:

Interior. Cafe – Tallahassee. (Day).

We see Locke sat opposite his mother with a cup of coffee in

his hands.

What do you want? Why are you coming to find me now?

I dunno. I just wanted to see you, that’s all.

What about my father? Does he want to see me too?

I don’t know who your father is...

But you have to!
I’m sorry...

The camera focuses on Locke’s face as the flashback sound


Interior. Computer Room – Hatch. (Night).

We see Inman drop to the floor after Sayid accidently shot him.
Sayid stands over him, unemotional as he looks down.
Desmond rushes over and pushes Sayid to the side as he
kneels down to Inman.

Kelvin? Can you hear me?

Jack rushes over and drops to the floor. He gently eases

Desmond away.

Let me look at him... I’m a doctor.

Desmond stands up and moves away. He continues to stare

down at Inman. After a moment in which Jack examines Inman,
he looks up at Desmond.

I’m sorry... he’s dead.

Desmond looks over at Sayid, angrily. He rushes over to Sayid

and begins to hit him. Sayid retaliates and hits him back when
we hear another gun shot!! The camera pans out and we see
that the computer is smoking. Desmond loves over at it,
petrified as the camera cuts to:

Interior. Armoury – Hatch. (Early Morning).

The camera is focused on the far wall of the armoury as we see

Kate drop from the ceiling. She takes a moment to compose
herself before she looks around. She spots the guns and grabs
one of them as the camera cuts to:
Interior. Computer Room – Hatch. (Early Morning).

We see Desmond rush over to the smoking computer as Jack,

Locke and Sayid turn to watch him.

Oh, no. Oh, No.

What’s wrong?

Desmond turns to look at Jack.

He’s just killed us all!

Desmond’s gaze turns to Sayid before he turns back to the


What...? How-.. Look... how did you end up here?

Once again, Desmond turns to look at Jack.

It was about three years ago. I was on a sailing race around the
world. I crashed here, on this island. I was found, by Inman. He
brought me into the hatch. The first thing he does, cos it’s
beeping all ready, is input the numbers into the computer.
“What’s all that then?” I asked. “Just saving the world,” he
replied. So we pressed the button, for three years. And it was
nice; saving the world. And then that damn door blew up and
you lot came in. There! My story. Not let met get on with this.

Desmond turns back to the computer and begins to examine

the hard drive.

Oh, bloody hell.

Sayid makes his way forward and looks at the computer.

Look, I can help. I’m good at fixing things.

Knock yourself out, brother.

Desmond and Said begin to fuss over the computer as Jack


But what’s this place for?

(Without looking at him)
Behind Turn of the Screw. The film reels in the pantry.

The camera cuts to:

Interior. Living Area – Hatch. (Early Morning).

We see Jack and Locke sat down on the sofa. A projector is

stood beside Locke. The camera pans round and we see a film
begin to play on a white screen. A black screen pops up with
the words:

“Orientation Film
Station 3

This image remains on the screen for a moment before it fades

away and we see a man pop up onto the screen. He is stood
beside a cardboard plaque with a silhouette of a swan on it.

Dr. Marvin Candle:

Welcome, I’m Dr. Marvin Candle, and this is the Orientation Film
for Station 3 of the Dharma Initiative.

In a moment you’ll be given a simple set of instructions for how

you and your partner will fulfil the responsibilities associated
with the station. But first, a little history.
The Dharma Imitative was created in 1970, and is the
brainchild of Gerald and Karen Degroot – two doctoral
candidates at the University of Michigan. Following in the
footsteps of visionaries such as B.F. Skinner (there is a jump
cut/splice her) imagined a large scale communal research
compound where scientists and free thinkers from around the
globe could pursue research in meteorology, psychology,
parapsychology, zoology, electromagnetism and Utopian social
(splice) Danish industrialist and munitions magnate Alvar Hanso
whose financial backing made their dream of a multi-purpose
social science research facility a reality.

On the screen, Dr. Marvin Candle moves over to a small replica

of the computer room and indicates to it.

You and your partner are currently located in Station 3, or the

Swan, and will be for the next 540 days. Station 3 was originally
constructed as a laboratory where scientists could work to
understand the unique electromagnetic fluctuations emanating
from this sector of the island.

Not long after the experiments began, however, there was an

incident. And since that time the following protocol as been
observed: every 108 minutes the button must be (splice)
pushed. From the moment the alarm sounds you will have 4
minutes to enter the code into the microcomputer processor
(splice) Induction into the programme. When the alarm sounds,
either you or your partner must input the code. It is highly
recommended that you and your partner take alternating shifts.
In this manner you will stay fresh and alert (splice) utmost
importance that when the alarm sounds the code be entered
correctly, and in a timely fashion. Do not attempt to use the
computer (splice) for anything.

Congratulations, until your replacements arrive, the future of

the project is in your hands. On behalf of the Degroots, Alvar
Hanso and all of us at the Dharma Initiative, thank you.
Namaste. And good luck.

The screen once again fades to black and words pop up onto
the screen:
“The Hanso Foundation, 1980. All Rights Reserved.”

The camera cuts to Locke’s face as he turns to look at Jack.

I think we’re going to need to watch that again.

The flashback sound begins...

Flashback. Interior. Anthony Cooper’s Mansion – Tallahassee.


We see Locke being led into a room by a woman dressed in a

maid’s outfit.

You’re son if here, Mr. Cooper.

The maid exits the room and the camera pans round and we
see Anthony Cooper, Locke’s dad, connected to a dialyses
machine. A nurse is stood beside him, fiddling with the

Oh, John. You’re a little early.

Cooper chuckles and looks at the dialyses machine as the

nurse unhooks him. She exits the room and Locke looks at the

What’s wrong?

Oh, nothing. Don’t worry, son.

Locke looks at the machine again, worryingly.

(Looking at Locke)
I just have a bit of a dodgy kidney. I’m on the donor list... I need
a kidney transplant.

(Cutting him off)
Come on, let’s go for dinner and then go hunting.

We realize that this is the scene that took place before Locke
and Cooper went hunting in 1x07 “Sticks and Stones”. Cooper
stands up from the chair and walks over to Locke as the
flashback sound begins...

Interior. Swan Station – Living Area. (Early Morning).

We see Locke setting up the projector again as Jack turns to

look at him.

You seriously want to watch that again?

Why not, Jack?

Do you honestly believe it? A button that saves the world?

Jack begins to laugh as he glances into the computer room. We

see Sayid and Desmond still fussing about the smoking
computer. The camera pans back to Locke and Jack. Locke
flicks a switch on the screen and we see Dr. Marvin Candle pop
back up onto the screen. The camera fades to black.

Commercial Break.

Flashback. Interior. Anthony Cooper’s Mansion – Tallahassee.


The camera is focused on Anthony Cooper who is connected to

a dialysis machine once again. A nurse is there again fussing
about with it. The camera then pans round to the door as we
see Locke walk through it.
Mornin’ Dad.

Hey, Son. You ok?

Yeah, listen Dad. I’ve been thinking.


Yeah... your kidney. I want to give you one of mine. I want to...
donate a kidney to you.

The camera cuts from Locke smiling to Cooper looking mildly



Yeah. You don’t know how you’ve made me feel recently. It’s
been so good having a father recently.

As Locke walks over to Cooper the scene cuts to:

Interior. Cafe - Tallahassee. (Day).

This scene plays out the same as the scene with Locke and his
mother from 1x07 “Sticks and Stones”. Locke is sat in front of
his mother at a diner.

I’m glad you called, Mom. Haven’t spoke to you in ages.

Yeah, I’ve been wanting to talk to you. About your father.

Oh, yeah?

Just as Locke’s mother begins to talk her phone rings. She

answers it.

Man on Phone:
Emily, I have to see you.

Not now, I’m busy.

Man on Phone:
Why? What are you doing?

Emily looks at Locke before saying, more quietly than before:

I’m in the middle of a meeting, but yeah, I can come if you
really need to see me.

She hangs up the phone and puts it back into her pocket. She
stands up.

John, I’m sorry. I have to go.

Without waiting for Locke to reply, Emily walks out of the cafe.
The camera remains on Locke for a moment watching her go
before it follows her out of the cafe. Emily is still on the phone.

Exterior. Cafe Car Park – Tallahassee. (Day)

Christian, I’m on my way.

I’ll see you in twenty minutes then.

We hear the voice of Christian Shepherd!! Emily flips the cell

phone down as the flashback sound begins...

Interior. Computer Room – Swan Station. (Early Morning).

The camera is focused on the countdown timer. It reads 23:15.
The camera them pans down and we see Sayid and Desmond
still at the computer. Desmond puts his hands up to his head as
he sighs.

There’s nothing we can do, brother!

Desmond turns to the door as Sayid says:

But... what about the whole “world will end?”

Jack enters the room and glances at Sayid.

You’re wasting your time. The world isn’t gunna end. It’s fake!
Nothings gunna happen.

How’re you sure it’s not?

How are you so sure it is?

Well I guess we’ll find out in...
(glances at the counter)
20 or so minutes.

How do you know it’s real? Don’t you ever think that maybe
they just stuck you down here to see if you would press the

Every. Single. Day.

Desmond turns and runs from the room. The camera follows
him as he enters the living area.
Interior. Living Area – Swan Station. (Early Morning).

The camera is focused on the door from the computer room as

Desmond runs from it. He heads towards the bookcase and
grabs a book – “Our Mutual Friend.” He then rushes into the
pantry. Desmond comes out of the pantry with a backpack and
rushes out of the room. Jack follows him. The camera cuts to:

Interior. Bathroom – Swan Station. (Morning).

We see Desmond run into the bathroom and grab a photo from
the mirror. The photo is of Desmond and a woman. Desmond
turns and runs from the room.

Interior. Living Area/Kitchenette – Swan Station (Morning).

Desmond reaches a door and pulls it open and runs out of the
hatch. Jack follows him. The camera cuts to:

Exterior. Jungle. (Morning).

The camera is focused on a door (as seen in 1x01, 1x02) as it

clangs open. Desmond runs out of it and Jack follows. He pulls
out a gun (which he must have gotten from the armoury). He
chases after Desmond as the camera cuts to:

Interior. Computer Room – Swan Station. (Morning).

We see Sayid still at the computer as Kate walks in through the

door. She glances at the counter which now reads “16:04”.

What’s going on?

(Still looking at the computer)
Kate?! Where’ve you been?

Umm... out and about. Mainly in the vents.
Sayid glances at her with his eyebrows raised before turning
back to the computer.

Inman died. I shot him. By accident, of course. And then
Desmond attacked me and the computer was shot. And if we
don’t fix it... the world will end.

Sayid laughs for a moment as the camera pans over to Kate

who now has her eyebrows raised. The camera pans up to the
counter which now reads “15:42”. The camera cuts to:

Exterior. Jungle. (Morning).

We see Desmond still running through the jungle when he trips

on a branch sticking out on the ground. He goes flying to the

Ahhh, bugger!

Desmond grabs his foot.

Voice (O.S.):
Try lifting it up. For the swelling.

The camera pans over and we see Jack stood there, watching
him. Desmond laughs.

Aye... I remember you. The football stadium... yeah, it’s you.

Yeah, it is.

How’s that lass? The one that you were worried about.

Oh, umm...


Jack looks like he is fighting back tears.

Come on... what happened?

I married her!


Look, where are you going?

I have to get away.


The button...

(Cutting him off)
You honestly believe that? The button that could end the world?

Yeah, I do.

But why? It can’t be real.

Well I guess... we’ll find out in about 10 minutes.

Desmond glances back over towards the direction of the hatch.

He stands up.

I’m going.

Desmond turns and walks off into the jungle. Jack stops him:


Oh, yeah. You need the numbers for the computer. 4, 8, 15, 16,
23 and 42. And then hit “execute”. You got that? It has to be in
that list.

Desmond pulls his backpack further onto his back.

I’ll see you in another life, brother.

And Jack can only just watch as Desmond turns and runs off
into the jungle. The camera pans over to the trees behind Jack
and we see someone else watching Desmond run off. Christian
Shepherd!! The camera fades to black.

Commercial Break.

Flashback. Interior. Hospital – Tallahassee. (Day).

We see Locke lying down in a hospital bed beside his father.

They are both wearing hospital gowns. Locke turns to his

You nervous?

Yeah, a little. Look, son. I just wanted to thank you again... for
doing this.

You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help. I wanted to.

Locke and Cooper smile at each other as a couple of nurses

walk into the room.
It’s time.

The nurses wheel Locke and Cooper’s beds from the room as
the flashback sound begins...

Interior. Computer Room – Swan Station. (Morning).

We see Locke, Sayid and Kate still fussing about the computer.
Sayid fits the front on the hard drive and flicks the switch on.
The computer POPS! And smoke comes from it again. Sayid
glances at Locke.

We’ve only about 5 minutes left!

I know, I know.

Sayid takes the front of the hard drive again. The beeping
sound begins again as the camera cuts to:

Exterior. Jungle. (Morning).

We see Jack turn from watching Desmond run off. He looks

behind him. Christian is gone. Jack turns and begins to walk
back to the hatch. The camera cuts back to:

Interior. Computer Room – Swan Station. (Morning).

The camera is focused on the counter which now reads “3.42”

as it pans down to Sayid. He is getting stressed now. The
camera pans over to Locke as the flashback sound begins...

Flashback. Interior. Hospital – Tallahassee. (Day).

The camera is focused on Locke lying in the hospital bed as he

wakes up. He loves over to the bed beside him and the camera
follows him. Cooper isn’t there. We see a nurse walk past the
door and Locke calls to her.
My father... where has he gone?

He checked himself out. To be treated at home.

Well did he leave a message for me...?

No, I’m sorry.

The camera focuses on Locke’s face as it cuts to:

Exterior. Outside Cooper’s Home – Tallahassee. (Day).

We see Locke stood outside of Cooper’s mansion. He is

pressing the buzzer to the gate repeatedly. The camera pans
up and we see Cooper walking over towards the gate.

What do you want, John?

Why... why didn’t you leave a message for me? At the hospital?

I got what I wanted...

What do you mean?

Use your head, for Christ sake!!


You need a father figure and I need a kidney. It’s as simple as
that! Now go... or I’ll get security.
Cooper turns and walks back over to his house as the flashback
sound begins...

Exterior. Jungle. (Morning).

We see Jack now running through the jungle towards the hatch.
The camera cuts to:

Interior. Computer Room – Swan Station. (Morning).

We see Sayid placing the front on the computer once more. He

flicks the switch on and the computer screen buzzes to life.


What’s the code?!

I don’t know...

The camera cuts back to Jack running through the jungle before
going back to the hatch. Locke, Sayid and Kate are looking
extremely worried now. The camera pans up to the counter as
it reads “00.01” We see it flick down to “00.00”. A metallic
groaning is heard as the camera pans back down to Locke,
Kate and Sayid. The camera fades to black.

Next time:

VO: What’ll happen in the hatch?

1) Clip of Sayid, Locke and Kate.

2) The computer
3) The counter reading “00.00”

VO: Will Jack make it back?

1) Clip of Jack running through the jungle.

VO: And what will happen to the rest of the survivors.

1) Clip of the Arrow Station door.

2) The survivors inside.
3) The monster sound.

Main Cast (Order of appearance):

Sun Kwon – Yunjin Kim
Jae Lee – Tony Lee
Jin Kwon – Daniel Dae Kim
Ana Lucia Cortez – Michelle Rodriguez
Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan
Claire Littleton – Emilie De Ravin
Mr. Eko - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn
Sayid Jarrah – Naveen Andres
Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox
Kate Austin – Evangeline Lily

Guest Starring (Order of appearance):

Rose Nadler – L. Scott Caldwell
Bernard Nadler – Sam Anderson
Cindy Chandler – Kimberly Joseph
Nathan Stiles – Josh Randall
Neil “Froghurt” – Sean Whalen
Emily Locke – Swoosie Kurtz
Kelvin Joe Inman – Clancy Brown
Desmond David Hume – Henry Ian Cusick
Dr. Marvin Candle – Franҫois Chau
Anthony Cooper – Kevin Tighe
Christian Shepherd – John Terry

Questions Raised:

1) What is the Dharma Initiative?

2) Who are Gerald and Karen Degroot?
3) Who is Alvar Hanso?
4) If the Swan is station 3, what are the rest of the
5) What is the purpose of the ‘Arrow’?
6) What was the incident?
7) Why must the code be inputted?
8) Who was in the hatch before Desmond and Inman?
9) What is the story or Dr. Marvin Candle?
10)Why was Emily on the phone to Christian Shepherd?
11) What lead up to Jack marrying Sarah?
12) Why was Christian Shepherd watching Jack and
13) Will Jack make it back to the hatch in time?
14) If not, what will happen? Will the world end?!
15) What will happen to Desmond now?

Questions Answered:

1) Inman is dead. Sayid killed him.

2) The purpose of the Swan Station is to input a code into a
computer in order to save the world.

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