Moraga Rotary Newsletter - March 12 - 2013

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Herb Wehmeyer opened the meeting with an Irish blessing. President Frank followed up with a series of announcements: Nite at the Races Last minute details were reviewed for the Clubs big fund raising event for next Saturday. Appreciation was noted for all those who secured auction items and promoted attendance. District Assembly on May 4th All members of the Club Board of Directors were urged to put the District Assembly to be held at Solano College in Vallejo on May 4th. It is an excellent event to become more aware of activities which improve club operations and service opportunities. It is a fun time,too! Odyssey of the Mind Teams Rich Render gave a report on the 12 Odyssey of the Mind Teams which are sponsored by Moraga Rotary. Among the 202 teams at last weeks competition our 12 teams were especially prominent, since they were the only teams sponsored by Rotary, instead of their local school districts. One of the teams from the 8th grade at Joaquin Moraga School will be going to the state competition.

MARCH 12, 2013

NEXT MEETING: March 19 PROGRAM: Mike Rosa Staying Behind the Handlebars the Thrill of Motorcycling. Greeter & Invocation Doug Damaschino
~~ COMING UP ~~ *Mar.26 Moraga Police Chief Bob Priebe Effects on Service Levels of Moraga Police. *Apr. 2 Jim Young Richmond Tales Preparing a Community History. **Apr. 9 Clive Worsley, Lafayette Community Theater. Monthly Evening Meeting Invite your guests *Apr.16 Dr. Joe Serra Creating a Medical Training Hospital in Malawi, Africa. *Apr. 23- Fire Chief Randy Bradley, Are You Fire Wise? *Regular weekly luncheon in Soda Center **Monthly evening meeting at Soda Center


Bo Morse Concord Rotary and Speaker Linda May Guest of President Frank Lou Roessler Guest of Debbie Yelena Mucovich Guest of Ron Ann Damaschino Guest of Doug Leslie Lynch Guest of Lad


How do you handle a huge natural disaster? Our speaker this week, Rotarian Bo Morse, described the response of Disaster Aid International to the destruction caused by Typhoon Pablo which hit the Philippines last December. With graphic video pictures, she gave a first person view of the immediate needs after disaster hits and entire communities are wiped out. When the population has lost everything, the first responders are the ones who meet basic needs housing, food, medicine and equipment to start the rebuilding process. As one observed the total destruction, you have to wonder how and where do you start to rebuild a village. In the Philippines, Disaster Aid International was one of the first to arrive with supplies. In addition to help for the families, it was important to help rebuild the local churches and schools to restore some sense of community. Disaster Aid Boxes provide a tent and basic resources for a family of 8 persons. The speaker told about the role of Non-Governmental Organizations doing most of the work in restoration, since the national governments were not deeply involved. Emergency aid was far more charity driven than government initiated.

A high point of the evening was to recognize Debbie & Lou Roessler as they celebrated their 36th Anniversary! No place better for an Anniversary dinner than at a Rotary meeting! Congratulations! Normally, they would pay a recognition award except Debbie owns the fine free hat for this month! Plus, Debbie was able to announce the results of the Oakland Museums White Elephant sale which topped out at a net $1,807,608. What a fantastic job to sell all the stuff that other people dont want! The red ticket was held by Ann Damaschino, but alas, the white marble was nowhere to be found and she walked away with $10.


Our appreciation this week has just got to go to all of the members who are working every day to handle the behindthe-scenes tasks for our Nite at the Races fund-raiser. These events seem to be so easy only because a few people are working their buns off to handle all of the little details which only show if they are not done. A few members have really worked to get dozens of silent auction items. Others have worked with caterers for food and bar set-up. Some handle the details of getting the reservations, handling the money, assigning seats, preparing the detailed program, making bid sheets, printing the placards for the auction tables, selling horses, designing gift baskets, and lining up students to assist. We hope you enjoy next Saturdays great event and if you do, just remember a handful of Club members have worked really hard to pull it off! They deserve our THANKS!

Our Nite at the Races next Saturday is a fund raiser as well as a fun raiser! We hope you and your friends will have a good time. However lets keep reminding ourselves that our purpose is to raise the funds to support the wide variety of service projects, both locally and internationally, that Moraga Rotary undertakes each year. So, bid on the great auction items and encourage your friends also to bid and buy those raffle tickets. Perhaps join with others on a few of the golf and special packages. Dont neglect the chance to put some money in the tip jars for the Interact students projects, too. There are so many good causes which need our help and thus, our Club depends upon the dollars raised to take on some important projects throughout the year! So, have a lot of FUN and lets help all of our visitors to have a great time, too!


Mar. 16 Nite At The Races Fundraiser April 20 E-Waste Collection Center April 27 Rotary at Work Day May 4 District Assembly Solano College, Vallejo May 11 Moraga Community Faire May 15 Moraga Rotary Field Day June 8 Rotary Bocce Ball Tournament June 25 Demotion Dinner July 13 District Awards Dinner Woodland Community Center
MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-13 President....Frank May President-elect ..Nora Avelar Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer..Louise Schopke Community Service Chair.Barbara Bruner New Generations...Rich Render International Service ChairTony Schoemehl Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Membership.Nora Avelar Director at LargeDebbie Roessler Director at Large..Mary Elena Dochterman Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary InternationalSakuji Tanaka District Governor, 5160..Laura Day Assistant District Governor.Jose Avelar
Newsletter Editor for March Cliff Dochterman

Rotary International Theme for 2012-13 PEACE THROUGH SERVICE

I normally do not quote items out of the Readers Digest, they just always seen so abbreviated. However, I noticed this little story a short time ago, which applies to absolutely nothing. When I ran out of shampoo the other day, I borrowed some from my wife. Later, I complained that the scent was far too feminine for my taste. No problem, she explained, Just dab a little gasoline behind each ear. Youll smell fine.


Herb Wehmeyer opened the meeting with an Irish blessing. President Frank followed up with a series of announcements: Nite at the Races Last minute details were reviewed for the Clubs big fund raising event for next Saturday. Appreciation was noted for all those who secured auction items and promoted attendance. District Assembly on May 4th All members of the Club Board of Directors were urged to put the District Assembly to be held at Solano College in Vallejo on May 4th. It is an excellent event to become more aware of activities which improve club operations and service opportunities. It is a fun time,too! Odyssey of the Mind Teams Rich Render gave a report on the 12 Odyssey of the Mind Teams which are sponsored by Moraga Rotary. Among the 202 teams at last weeks competition our 12 teams were especially prominent, since they were the only teams sponsored by Rotary, instead of their local school districts. One of the teams from the 8th grade at Joaquin Moraga School will be going to the state competition.

MARCH 12, 2013

NEXT MEETING: March 19 PROGRAM: Mike Rosa Staying Behind the Handlebars the Thrill of Motorcycling. Greeter & Invocation Doug Damaschino
~~ COMING UP ~~ *Mar.26 Moraga Police Chief Bob Priebe Effects on Service Levels of Moraga Police. *Apr. 2 Jim Young Richmond Tales Preparing a Community History. **Apr. 9 Clive Worsley, Lafayette Community Theater. Monthly Evening Meeting Invite your guests *Apr.16 Dr. Joe Serra Creating a Medical Training Hospital in Malawi, Africa. *Apr. 23- Fire Chief Randy Bradley, Are You Fire Wise? *Regular weekly luncheon in Soda Center **Monthly evening meeting at Soda Center


Bo Morse Concord Rotary and Speaker Linda May Guest of President Frank Lou Roessler Guest of Debbie Yelena Mucovich Guest of Ron Ann Damaschino Guest of Doug Leslie Lynch Guest of Lad


How do you handle a huge natural disaster? Our speaker this week, Rotarian Bo Morse, described the response of Disaster Aid International to the destruction caused by Typhoon Pablo which hit the Philippines last December. With graphic video pictures, she gave a first person view of the immediate needs after disaster hits and entire communities are wiped out. When the population has lost everything, the first responders are the ones who meet basic needs housing, food, medicine and equipment to start the rebuilding process. As one observed the total destruction, you have to wonder how and where do you start to rebuild a village. In the Philippines, Disaster Aid International was one of the first to arrive with supplies. In addition to help for the families, it was important to help rebuild the local churches and schools to restore some sense of community. Disaster Aid Boxes provide a tent and basic resources for a family of 8 persons. The speaker told about the role of Non-Governmental Organizations doing most of the work in restoration, since the national governments were not deeply involved. Emergency aid was far more charity driven than government initiated.

A high point of the evening was to recognize Debbie & Lou Roessler as they celebrated their 36th Anniversary! No place better for an Anniversary dinner than at a Rotary meeting! Congratulations! Normally, they would pay a recognition award except Debbie owns the fine free hat for this month! Plus, Debbie was able to announce the results of the Oakland Museums White Elephant sale which topped out at a net $1,807,608. What a fantastic job to sell all the stuff that other people dont want! The red ticket was held by Ann Damaschino, but alas, the white marble was nowhere to be found and she walked away with $10.


Our appreciation this week has just got to go to all of the members who are working every day to handle the behindthe-scenes tasks for our Nite at the Races fund-raiser. These events seem to be so easy only because a few people are working their buns off to handle all of the little details which only show if they are not done. A few members have really worked to get dozens of silent auction items. Others have worked with caterers for food and bar set-up. Some handle the details of getting the reservations, handling the money, assigning seats, preparing the detailed program, making bid sheets, printing the placards for the auction tables, selling horses, designing gift baskets, and lining up students to assist. We hope you enjoy next Saturdays great event and if you do, just remember a handful of Club members have worked really hard to pull it off! They deserve our THANKS!

Our Nite at the Races next Saturday is a fund raiser as well as a fun raiser! We hope you and your friends will have a good time. However lets keep reminding ourselves that our purpose is to raise the funds to support the wide variety of service projects, both locally and internationally, that Moraga Rotary undertakes each year. So, bid on the great auction items and encourage your friends also to bid and buy those raffle tickets. Perhaps join with others on a few of the golf and special packages. Dont neglect the chance to put some money in the tip jars for the Interact students projects, too. There are so many good causes which need our help and thus, our Club depends upon the dollars raised to take on some important projects throughout the year! So, have a lot of FUN and lets help all of our visitors to have a great time, too!


Mar. 16 Nite At The Races Fundraiser April 20 E-Waste Collection Center April 27 Rotary at Work Day May 4 District Assembly Solano College, Vallejo May 11 Moraga Community Faire May 15 Moraga Rotary Field Day June 8 Rotary Bocce Ball Tournament June 25 Demotion Dinner July 13 District Awards Dinner Woodland Community Center
MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-13 President....Frank May President-elect ..Nora Avelar Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer..Louise Schopke Community Service Chair.Barbara Bruner New Generations...Rich Render International Service ChairTony Schoemehl Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Membership.Nora Avelar Director at LargeDebbie Roessler Director at Large..Mary Elena Dochterman Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary InternationalSakuji Tanaka District Governor, 5160..Laura Day Assistant District Governor.Jose Avelar
Newsletter Editor for March Cliff Dochterman

Rotary International Theme for 2012-13 PEACE THROUGH SERVICE

I normally do not quote items out of the Readers Digest, they just always seen so abbreviated. However, I noticed this little story a short time ago, which applies to absolutely nothing. When I ran out of shampoo the other day, I borrowed some from my wife. Later, I complained that the scent was far too feminine for my taste. No problem, she explained, Just dab a little gasoline behind each ear. Youll smell fine.

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