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BA (HONS) Design Communication - Advertising Communication PROJECT TITLE BACKGROUND

Student Name: Valenisha Student ID: 13660 Class: BAAC5NA

Integrated Campaign: THE DARE DIARY In todays context, there are various advertising strategies that we can embed into an advertisement. In the midst of ads clutter, Social Networking has been expanding. Many advertisers are unaware that people pay less attention to traditional media nowadays, since there are way too many messages around. Rather than spending the extra cash on creating physical ads that will get lost in the sea of ads clutter, advertisers should rely on the more practical platforms. It is obvious that the usage of Social networking platforms enable us to reach out to a lot of people, and this is very useful when planning for a campaign or ads. It is time for us to let go of traditional media and explore the digital, online media. By making use of interactive demonstrative advertisement, brands can display a products Single-Minded Proposition in a unique, engaging way that make consumers remember it. Moreover, online advertisements not only reach out to larger group of people; it creates a personal relationship between a brand and a person as well. Advertisers can keep consumers updated without having to worry about time and money, since messages can be delivered almost right away as soon as it is posted online. Editing information, posting up news, etc can also be done within less than an hour; since it is available live and information can be accessed anytime. Consumers are now also able to voice out their opinion and speak out in the community, having the image that brands are more approachable and friendly. Branding is now no longer a one-way thing, as consumers are looking for more interactive and engaging relationship. There are also advantages in using the Social Networking Platforms: online advertisements are able to get viral within one night. As a lot of people use the p latforms, word-of-mouth spread way faster in comparison to people spreading the words in real life. It is in human nature that we trusts the word of our friends or family a lot, and therefore relying on Social Networking Platforms and its ability to share will make a good strategy to spread brands messages around. Design Issue Statement In the midst of ads clutter, it is more practical to save up on advertising costs while still reaching out to target audience. Traditional media is no longer effective while online advertisements, which rely on Social Networking Platforms, have been expanding lately. Hence, there is a need for advertisers to look into applying these pointers into a better marketing strategy. Design Hypothesis Statement In order to reach out to larger target audience without wasting unnecessary amount of time and money, brands have to come up with an interactive demonstration strategy that creates impact at a glance, and then make use of social media to retain target audiences attention despite the online ads clutter. An emotional trigger can be applied into the products demonstration to impress each individual while creating a special relationship between brands and the consumers through social networking platforms. Background of Department of Health: The Department of Health is located in England. It provides strategic leadership for public health, the NHS and social care in England. Its purpose is to enhance the health level in England, and to achieve better value for everyone. The vision for health and social care is focused around five priorities which are: a patient-led NHS, delivering better health outcomes, more autonomous and accountable system, improvement in public health, and reforming long-term and social care. Department of Health has the responsibility for standards of health care in which they set strategic framework for adult social care and influence local authority spend on social care. DH also set the direction on improving the public health, promoting and protecting public by taking the lead on issues such as environmental hazards to


health, infectious diseases, health promotion and education, safety of medicines and ethical issues. Other than caring for public's health standard, DH is also responsible for supporting ministers in accounting to the public and Parliement. DH has the responsibility to explain how their money is being spent and what is being achieved as the result. This is because public trust in democratic process and information provided by Goverment is very important and therefore the accuracy and truthfulness in the information to Parliament and public is very important. DH's Facebook page allows individuals to share their personal experiences, ideas and information on issues affecting the health and care system, as well as the Department. As of this moment (Friday, March 15, 2013) the Facebook page has 1,251 likes. Background of the chosen brief: Burning calories should be as fun as eating them. The issue of weight gain is a global problem. For example, almost half of the people in the UK are either overweight or obese. This is because our lifestyles have changed: we used to hunt and farm, work in tough manual jobs and play outside. Now we sit at desks, or in front of the TV, increasingly craving fats and sugars but not necessarily burning them off. To create an impact to the society about the need of exercising that is lasting and involving and to express the message that exercising can be fun as well, and that we do not need to worry about what we eat as long as we exercise.



To get consumers and potential consumers to be involved in the campaign in an easy, convenient manner by making use of social media to ensure easy uploading and sharing without having to physically watch them doing the tasks to believe. Primary Target Audience: AGE: 23-55 years old GENDER: Female / Male OCCUPATION: Office employers / Unemployed / Housewives / Tertiary students This group of people are people whose daily lives revolve around their careers, therefore they lack the time of managing their own health. Due to concentrating too much on their work, they might neglect eating OR eat too much, thus causing them to be slightly plump or obese. As this group of people is working, there is a high possibility that they are families or individuals who are under pressure to buy low cost, quick and easy to cook, convenience foods. This might be because of their salary being not enough or the need to save the money for other form of investments. (e.g. family, housing, bills, etc.)

Secondary Target Audience: AGE: 13-22 years old GENDER: Female / Male OCCUPATION: Students This group of people are people who are still in their more fit state as they go to school and often exercise, be it during Physical Education lesson or as a hangout activity with their peers. However, they might still be overweight or unhealthy as they have yet to discover the importance of exercising in their phase of lives and they are not very affected by their income as they depend on their guardian or parents for allowance.


To share the fun of exercising by challenging each other online through social networking platforms rather than to go on a diet alone. Provocative





Fun On average, jumping rope burns about 11 calories per minute. If you crank up the intensity of your jumps, you can burn in the neighborhood of 20 calories per minute. (iFitandHealthy, 2007) o This quote is talking about the advantage of doing jumping rope / skipping rope, which many people do not know. By making the people / public do the small exercise, we create awareness to public and educate them about doing exercise and its advantages. It generated huge amounts of press, seeing me running from one place to another, being interviewed and squealing as I spotted another taxi, completely liveried in our campaign. Hey, your job should be enjoyed and this was great. Heaps of work, yet yielding something special. (Rachel, Pritchard, 2012) o This quote is talking about the reaction people give towards guerrilla stunts (flash-mob). It obviously create impact and attract reactions from people as it is unusual and holds the surprise elements. "Social networking is quickly becoming an important outlet for sharing new and interesting content online" (Kim Malone, Googles Director of online sales and operations, 2007 o The quoted article above shows that social networking can encourage a campaign to be more articulated and spread through online, as it is an important outlet as mentioned. YouTube, a closely held company in San Mateo, Calif., says its users watch videos more than 100 million times each day, making the site a leader in the fast-growing online-video arena. The year-and-a-half-old company has to date carried display and text advertisements it sold itself or brokered by third parties. (Delaney, Kevin J, 2006) o To further support the former point, the above point shows how capable the platform of YouTube is when it comes to making videos go viral online. This does not only apply to Youtube but also through networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter as well. The former point is proven through an article on Visiongain, in which it says To illustrate the scale of mobile social networking, the number of unique visitors to the Facebook mobile site increased fivefold from 5 million per month in January 2008 to 25 million in February 2009. The latter figure represents 18 percent of Facebook's 120million-strong user community in February 2009, a proportion that has gradually increased over time () (Visiongain, May 2009). Designed outcomes of an integrated campaign. A demonstration video consisting: o Platform 1: Viral video o Platform 2: Mobile App o Platform 3: Facebook Page Barnett, George A., 2011. Encyclopedia of Social networks. 1st ed. N/A: Los Angeles: Sage Publications, c2011. Barnett, George A., 2011. Encyclopedia of Social networks. 2nd ed. 2011: Los Angeles: Sage Publications, c2011. Delaney, K. J. (2006, Aug 22). YouTube to sell advertisements in video format. Wall Street Journal, pp. 2-B.2. Retrieved from Department of Health | Public health, adult social care, and the NHS. 2013. Department of Health | Public health, adult social care, and the NHS. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 March 2013]. Dharmesh Shah, Brian Halligan, 2010. Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs. 1st ed. New Jersey, U.S.A: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. EDGECLIFFE-JOHNSON, A. (2007, Aug 22). Google unveils YouTube advertising format. Financial Times, pp. 20-20. Retrieved from Flash mobs guerilla marketing on the streets | 2013. Flash mobs guerilla marketing on the streets | [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 February 2013]. Flynn, Nancy, 2012. The Social Media handbook. 1st ed. N/A: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John.


How Many Calories Does Jumping Rope Burn? . 2013. How Many Calories Does Jumping Rope Burn? . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 February 2013]. Visiongain: "mobile social networking, the number of unique visitors to the Facebook mobile site increased fivefold from 5 million per month in January 2008 to 25 million in February 2009. ", says visiongain brand new telecoms report. (2009, May 22). M2 Presswire, pp. n/a. Retrieved from

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