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Te c h n o l o g y Tr a i n i n g M a n u a l

Student Success Through Excellence, Achievement, and Improvement

Course User Guide: Adobe Presenter

Office of Instructional Technology 11914 Dragon Lane San Antonio, Texas 78252 210-622-4395
Office of Instructional Technology 2006 May be reproduced for non-profit educational use so long as credit is given Created By: Lacey T. Gosch

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n ts
Notes Introduction What is Adobe Presenter?............................................................................................... 3 Using the Adobe Presenter Plugin.................................................................................. 3 Requirements for Using Adobe Presenter PowerPoint Skill ............................................................................................................... 4 Installing the Adobe Presenter Plugin ............................................................................ 5 Hardware.......................................................................................................................... 6 Creating the Adobe Presenter Presentation Preparing the PowerPoint Presentation......................................................................... 7 Recording Audio............................................................................................................... 7 Editing Audio .................................................................................................................... 11 Synchronizing................................................................................................................... 13 Publishing the Adobe Presenter Presentation Setting Presenter Preferences........................................................................................ 14 Choosing Presentation Themes...................................................................................... 17 Slide Properties ............................................................................................................... 18 Publishing......................................................................................................................... 19 Additional Presentation Options Creating Quizzes .............................................................................................................. 20 Adding Video .................................................................................................................... 23

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Notes What is Adobe Presenter? Adobe Presenter Presentation software enables teachers to create on-demand web-based content by converting PowerPoint presentation complete with animations, audio and even video into files delivered by Flash Player. Teachers with basic PowerPoint skill can easily create tutorials, supplemental materials and reviews for absent students as well as present students which work effectively on-line. Presentations can even include quizzes and surveys. Using the Adobe Presenter Plugin Adobe presenter appears as an addition or plugin for Microsoft PowerPoint.

Clicking on the Adobe Presenter menu will display new choices not previously available in PowerPoint.

All of these options will

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R e q u i r e m e n ts f o r U s i n g A d o b e P r e s e n t e r
Notes PowerPoint Skills You should be able to mark almost all of the following skills as + (can do independently) in order to be prepared to create Adobe Presenter presentations.
Design Guidelines Select slide layout Apply slide template Formatting slide backgrounds Text in text box Text animation Bulleted list Inserting Graphics Align Graphics Graphics and text animation Selecting animation Graphics animated to follow text items Selecting animation Start animation on click Animation timings Use drawing elements for emphasis Drawing element animations Hyperlinks +

You may wish to take a PowerPoint course in person or online if you feel uncomfortable performing these skills. Your Campus Instructional Technologist will assist you in selecting the best means of upgrading your skills.

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R e q u i r e m e n ts f o r U s i n g A d o b e P r e s e n t e r
Notes Installing the Adobe Presenter Plugin Adobe Presenter appears as an addition or plugin for Microsoft PowerPoint. The Adobe Presenter can be downloaded by going to and logging in.

The Technology Dept. or your Campus Instructional Technologist will assist you in downloading the Adobe Presenter Plugin.

Click on the Getting Started link.

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R e q u i r e m e n ts f o r U s i n g A d o b e P r e s e n t e r
Click on Downloads Notes

Click on Adobe Presenter and choose Save to disk. Choose the location to save the download. Once the download has been completed, move to the download location and double-click the file. The Adobe Presenter will be installed. When you next open PowerPoint, you will see Adobe Presenter as an additional menu item. Hardware To create Adobe Presenter presentations you will need: A PC with PowerPoint installed A microphone headset
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MS PowerPoint 2003 is preferred.

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C r e a t i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes Preparing the PowerPoint Presentation To make your presentation most effective: Consider your objectives. What do you want your viewers to learn or achieve as a result of the presentation? Story board your presentation to plan it. Depending on the length of the information, include copyright text on the first or last slide in a presentation, or add a separate slide containing only copyright information. Create slide titles so that users have easy access to any slide Add animation to make your presentation more powerful. It is best not to add slide transitions to your presentation. Adobe Presenter supports all PowerPoint animations. They must be set, however, to On Click.

Record Audio Narration can add a great deal to your presentation. It is very helpful to create a written script before recording audio for your presentation. To ensure a smooth delivery that covers all of your important points, consider creating script for the entire presentation before recording audio for it. If you have slide notes written in PowerPoint, you can easily import them.

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C r e a t i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes Preparing the PowerPoint Presentation If you are using an external microphone, connect the microphone. Click the Adobe Presenter drop-down menu. Select Record Audio. The Record Audio dialog box will appear and you will be asked to set the microphone recording level. Read the sentence provided. The red Check Input Level indicator will change to green and notify you Input Level OK. Click OK.

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C r e a t i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes If you are have slide notes entered on your slides, click Import Notes.

In the Import Notes window, click the radio button for All slides, then click OK.

Notes will appear in the window and you will be able to use them as you record your audio.

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C r e a t i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes Click the red record button and begin your narration.

When you have finished the narration for the slide, click the Stop Recording button.

If you have animation on a slide , the Next Animation button will appear when you begin recording. As you record, click the Next Animation button each time an animation should occur. When you have used all the animations, the button will change to Stop Recording. Click Stop Recording when you have finished the narration for the slide.

If you find it difficult to record and click the Next Animation button, you have the option of recording all of your slide first. The in the Synchronizing Audio section you will be able to synchronize your audio and animation.
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C r e a t i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes When you have finished recording the narration for a slide, click the Next button to move to the next slide. Continue recording each slide until you have completed all slides. Click the OK button. Editing Audio To edit audio which has been recorded, choose Audio Editor from the Adobe Presenter drop-down menu.

The Audio Editor window will appear. You may click the Play button on the lower left portion of the window to listen to the recording and identify areas that may need adjustments. At any time during play you may click the Pause button

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C r e a t i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes Highlight the area you wish to change. With the area highlighted you can remove imperfections such as coughs or other undesirable sounds by inserting silence or deleting the area. To delete a recorded portion, highlight it and click the X on the toolbar.

To insert silence, highlight the area and choose Silence from the Insert menu.

The Insert Silence dialog window will appear and allows you to enter the amount of silence in seconds that you with to insert.

You may also choose to change the placement of the animations on the audio timeline by moving the click markers.

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C r e a t i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes When you have finished making adjustments to the audio, click the save the Audio Editor toolbar. on Audio can be recorded in a program such as Sound Recorder and then imported into a Adobe Presenter presentation. To leave the Audio Editor window, click the red X in the upper right corner of the window. Synchronizing Audio Synchronizing audio is a method which allows the user to record audio and later add animations. It is also the only method by which the Adobe Presenter presentation can be viewed prior to publication. Synchronizing Audio can be selected from the Adobe Presenter menu.

The Synchronized Audio window will appear. To view the presentation, click the Play button. Move to the next slide by clicking the Next button.

To mix the animation with the audio, click the Synchronize button.
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P u b l i s h i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes You will now hear the narration and can use the Next Animation button to cue the animation.

Once you have completed all animations, the Next Animation button will change to Stop Editing. Click the Stop Editing button, then click the Next button to proceed to the next slide.

Audio can be recorded in a program such as Sound Recorder and then imported into a Adobe Presenter presentation.

Publishing the Adobe Presenter Presentation

Setting Presenter Preferences Setting presenter preferences allows the presenter to be identified on the Adobe Presenter presentation once it has been published. To access the presenter preferences, choose Preferences from the Adobe Presenter drop-down menu.

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P u b l i s h i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes The Adobe Presenter Preferences window will appear.

To add a new presenter, click the Add button.

Enter the information requested: Name, Job Title and E-Mail. To add a picture or loge, click the Browse button and navigate to the location of the picture you wish to use.

Click on the picture, then click Open.

Your chosen picture will appear with your other information.

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P u b l i s h i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes Click OK. Your information will now appear the Adobe Presenter Preference window. On the other tabs of the Preference window you may make additional changes. in

On the Quality tab you may set the Image and Audio qualities for your presentations.

On the Adobe Server tab, the URL of the districts Adobe server may be entered. Only one person per campus (Campus CIT) will publish to the Adobe Presenter server, so you need not be concerned with this tab.

On the Audio Source tab select the source from which you will record. This will normally be a microphone.

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P u b l i s h i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes Choosing Presentation Themes The Theme Editor dictates the appearance the presentation will take when published. To access the Theme Editor, choose it from the Adobe Presenter menu. The Theme Editor window will appear. Various color and appearance schemes are available from the Theme Publish drop-down menu. A preview of the them will be shown in the preview area of this window. General Options listed on the left side of the window include information the presenter wants the viewer to be able to access. Click on the check mark to remove the options. The preview pane will show the changes. The mode for startupeither default or full screencan be selected. Presenter Options such as the presenters photo and name will show throughout the presentation if checked. Click OK to finalize your selections.
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For most presentations you will probably want to select full mode startup and choose not to show a great deal of presenter information.

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P u b l i s h i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes Slide Properties Slide Properties which can be select from the Adobe Presenter menu allows the user to view properties such as slide title and speaker information for each individual slide in the presentation.

Click the Edit button at the bottom of the Slide Properties window will display the Edit Slide Properties window. Here you may change slide titles, navigation options and the assigned presenter.

One important option is the ability to select Advance by user when you do not want Adobe Presenter to automatically advance for the viewer.

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P u b l i s h i n g a n A d o b e P r e s e n t e r P r e s e n ta t i o n
Notes Publish To publish your completed Adobe Presenter presentation, select Publish from the Adobe Presenter menu in PowerPoint. The Publish window will appear. To publish a local copy, click on My Computer.

Your CIT is the designated person at your campus who is able to publish to the Adobe server.

Click on the Browse button. Locate the folder name My Adobe Presentations. Click on the folder. Click OK. Click Publish button. The presentation will be published to this location.

Once Adobe Presenter has completed the publishing process you will be able to view your presentation by clicking on the View Output button.
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P r e s e n ta t i o n O p t i o n s
Notes Creating Quizzes Using Adobe Presenter you can design many different types of questions such as multiple-choice, short answer, matching, true or false, rating scale (likert), and fill-in-the-blank. Questions can either be graded or be surveys that gather information. Click on the slide you wish the quiz to follow in the presentation. From the Adobe Presenter menu, select Quiz Manager. In the Quiz Manager, click Add New Quiz.

The quiz will follow the slide you have selected prior to choosing Quiz Manager.

In the New Quiz dialog box the at appears, accept the default name or enter a new name in the Name text box.

From the pop-up menu next to Required, select an option. When selecting an option, consider how the quiz fits in with your learning strategy for the presentation. For example, you can require users to pass the quiz or allow them to skip the quiz.
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P r e s e n ta t i o n O p t i o n s
Notes Select the settings you want to incorporate into the quiz, such as allowing backward movement, allowing users to review the quiz, and showing a score at the end of the quiz.

Click the Pass or Fail Options tab. Select an option in the Pass/Fail scoring area. Choose from a percentage of total score to pass (e.g., 8 out of 10). Select the actions that should take place when users receive a passing grade or failing grade on the questions associated with this quiz. For example, use the pop-up menu next to Action and select Go to Slide to have the presentation display a specific slide. Click OK. The quiz is added to the presentation.

To add a question to the quiz, click the Add New Question button.
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P r e s e n ta t i o n O p t i o n s
Notes Pick the type of question you wish to use: Multiple Choice True/False Fill in the blank Short answer Matching Rating Scale (Likert)

Design your question and select the correct answer or answers.

Click OK. Your question will be added to the quiz.

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P r e s e n ta t i o n O p t i o n s
Continue to add questions until you have completed your quiz. Click OK on the Quiz Manager window to add the quiz to the presentation Notes The quiz will be functional after the presentation is published.

Adding Video Adobe Presenter supports the Flash (SWF) and Flash Video (FLV) file formats. If you have videos in formats such as Windows media(/wmv), Quicktime (.mov) or .avi, they must be converted to Flash (SWF) or Flash Video (FLV) files before they can be added to a Adobe Presentation. From the Breeze menu, select Presentation Settings. Click the Flash Files tab. Select one of the Flash files in the list. Select the Controlled by Presentation Playbar option. You will now be able to control the selected Flash file by using the Breeze Presenter playbar in the published presentation. Click OK.

To test your presentation, publish it to your computer.

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