Disaster: Elements of A Disaster Response Plan

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Disaster Response Plans

Overview of a Disaster Response Plan

A Disaster Response or Emergency Operations Plan sets the course for an agencys response following a disaster. As such, plans should be realistic and include the input of key organizational staff. Plans should consider the accompanying information required to fulfill the plan and should be tested and updated on a regular basis. While Disaster Response Plans cannot be one size fits all, the following outline is a framework that can be adapted to any agency in order to prepare for a response when the situation requires it.

Suggested Outline for a Disaster Response Plan

1. Mission & Purpose Describe the overall intent of the Plan document 2. Threat Assessment A. Definitions Describe common terminology used in the plan B. Situations List the various hazards that have been assessed as a threat to your agency i. Natural Disasters ii. Unnatural Disasters 3. Organization and Responsibilities Describe the Incident Command Structure and continuity of operations plans for the agency A. Organization B. Responsibilities C. Media Relations D. Information Technology E. Internal Communication F. Program Openings and Closings 4. Evacuation Procedures Describe staff procedures for evacuation in the event of a disaster event A. Basic Evacuation Procedures B. Regional Evacuation Procedures C. Local Evacuation Procedures 5. All Hazards Policies and Procedures Provide detail for situations identified in 2.B and corresponding procedures. Only include the hazard as relevant to your agency. A. Hurricanes and Tropical Storms B. Floods and Flash Floods C. Tornadoes D. Earthquakes E. Fires F. Accidental Explosions G. Intentional Explosions/Bomb Threats H. Aggressive Persons Onsite I. Unauthorized Intrusion
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J. Kidnapping K. Hostage Situations L. Suspect Identification Description Sheet M. Hazardous Materials Exposure/Terrorist Attacks 6. Recovery and Immediate Disaster Response Detail agency procedures for activation and response.

Disaster Partnerships

7. Disaster Agreements Identify agreements agency maintains specific to continuity of operations or disaster response. 8. Contact/Reference Lists/Resources Identify contacts and listings maintained for notification or activation following a disaster event. A. Agency Resource Guide B. Board List C. Adjacent Catholic Charities Phone List D. Phone Tree E. American Red Cross Contact List F. FEMA VALS Tab 9. Checklists and Worksheets Tab 10. Acknowledgements Source: Archdiocese of New Orleans Emergency Operations Plan

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