Ashringa: 4 Horses of The Moon The Lore of The Unicorn

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Werehorses for White Wolf’s Werewolf: the Apocalypse 

By Laura M. Henson © 2005

Chapter Four
Joachim, the Silver, the Horse-in- the-Moon “Come dance in the forest among us,”
Looked down from a nighttime sky “We’ll spin as we play to your song.”
To a ribbon of dark that was river Joachim, the Waxing, the Horse-in-the-Moon
With his Moon’s unwinking eye. Looked down in the farmlands to see
“Come down!” the beech trees whispered Men with their whips and their bridles,
With a dried leaf rattle and hiss. “We’ll ride on your back- You’ll be free.”
“Come down,” they sang with a breezy snarl, Joachim the Waning, wise and aloof
“Come down for a beech trees kiss.” Remained where he was in the sky.
Joachim, the Ageless, the Horse-in-the-Moon Like a spider, slow spinning,
Whose heart beat ardent with time A web’s end to beginning,
Looked past to the forest’s dark secrets Watching the mortals pass by.
Where his shadow lay pooled in the pines.
“Come dance,” the meat-eaters invited, - “The Horse-in-the-Moon” from Mary Stanton’s the
Hiding their hunger in song, “Heavenly Horse from the Outermost West”

This chapter details the gifts, rites, and fetishes of the Ashringa. The powers given below are from various
sources but most of the gifts and rites given below can be found in Werewolf: the Apocalypse, The
Werewolf Player’s Guide (second edition), and the Mokole’ Tribe Book.

“Funny thing how that Avalanche came up on that howling horse. He’d forgotten that, but it
came back to him now, sharp an’ clear. That big old animal a howlin’ like a wolf, and then the snow
crashen’ down on them and buryin’ poor Great Knox and somehow jest missing all the horses.”
- “Weither a Borrower Be…” a Mad Amos story by Alan Dean Foster.
As in werewolves, Ashringa start with three gifts, one from breed, suhn, and bão. The gifts of the
appropriate Garou breed and auspice can be learned by Ashringa as can certain Garou tribal gifts but in
some cases the gifts in question may have to be modified in order to be appropriate for Ashringa characters.
For example, the Garou gift Razor Claws would only work in Chalico form as that is the only Ashringa
shape that has claws. Gifts unique to the Ashringa can be found below.


Homid Gifts
Hoof's Might (1)
In Homid form, the Ashringa may call on her foot to become as strong as a horse's hoof for feats of
strength. This Gift is taught by a Horse-spirit.
The Ashringa spends 1 Rage and rolls Strength + Brawl difficulty 6. A kick of this can break doors, shatter
wood, but not metal or stone, and is good for one kick only.

Nature’s plenty (1)

As the Gurahl gift.

Scholar’s Friend (1)

As the Bastet (Bubasti) gift.

Soothe Cousin (2)

Homid Ashringa gains the ability to soothe any horse, no matter
how frightened it is. A Horse-Spirit teaches this Gift.
The werehorse spends 1 Gnosis and rolls Charisma +Empathy,
difficulty depending on the height of the horse's rage. After this
Gift succeeds, the horse will be calm for the rest of the scene.

Talk (2)
As the Mokolé gift.

Inspiration (3)
The Ashringa appears so impressive and inspiring that to humans that they are inspired to work just as hard
to preserve nature. Some people affected by this gift have become activist for cleaning up pollution while
others have been inspired to paint nature scenes. As soon as the avatar of Gaia blesses the werehorse with
this Gift, it stays in effect for as long as the Ashringa lives and affects any human who sees it in Monoceros
form on a Charisma + Empathy roll ,difficulty = the viewers Delirium score.

Voice of a Thousand (3)

The Ashringa, to work together with humans of any race, may invoke the power to translate any human
language in her vicinity, and speak in it. A monkey-spirit teaches this Gift.
Roll Manipulation + Linguistics difficulty 6. Lasts for five minutes per success.

Adaptation (4)
As the Garou Gift of the same name.

Control Spider's Brood (4)

As in the Garou Glass Walker Gift Control Complex Machines

Fools Luck (4)

As the level three Mokolé
Icy Chill of Despair (5)
As the Garou gift.

Touch of Hoof (5)

some human Kinfolk of the Ashringa are so proud of their heritage, that they wish to be able to become
horses themselves. With this special Gift, the Homid Ashringa may invoke an enchantment that turns a
human into a horse for one day. This Gift is taught by a Horse-spirit.
The Ashringa spends five Gnosis and touches the Human, then rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken, difficulty
equaling the human‘s willpower. The human turns completely into a horse and doesn't revert back to
Human shape until the next morning.

Métis Gifts
Hobble (1)
The user can, by expending a Gnosis point and winning a Willpower roll at a difficulty equal to the target‘s
dexterity + 4, cause any opponent to be hobbled. The user may only take small steps and may not run
(divide speed by the number of successes) and has a -3 penalty to dexterity. This gift lasts for one scene and
is taught by a snail spirit.

Unicorn's Favor (1)

The Ashringa can call upon the spirit of the Unicorn, grow a temporary horn on her skull in any form.
Although this protrusion is a bit unsightly, it allows horn attacks in shapes other than Monoceros. This Gift
is taught by an avatar of Unicorn.
The Ashringa spends one Gnosis point to grow the horn. This lasts for one scene, and allows her to gore
her opponent for Strength+2, Aggravated damage Difficulty 7.

Hoof of Diamond (2)

The Ashringa may turn her Hoof as hard as diamond allowing her to walk through rocky terrain, over
broken glass or on hot coals unharmed. A Rock-Spirit teaches this Gift.
The Ashringa spends one Willpower point and the gift is activated, and stays on for one scene per success
on a stamina + athletics, difficulty 6, roll…

Mother's Touch (2)

As the Garou gift.

Open the Gate (2)

The user can, by expending 2 Gnosis, open any door or gate that bars his path. This gift will not work on
electrical locks. This gift is taught by a pony spirit.

Stomp (2)
The Ashringa focuses all her strength into one devastating kick, which can break bone and shatter steel.
This Gift is taught by an Elephant-Spirit.
The Ashringa spends one Willpower point, and rolls Strength + Primal-Urge, Difficulty depending on what
the target is. This Gift works only once and inflicts strength + 3 aggravated damage. If the kick misses, the
roll has to be repeated and the Willpower point is lost.

Eyes of the Dragon Kings (2)

As the level one Nagha gift.

Scent of Sweet Honey (2)

As the level one Garou Bone Gnawer gift.

Love of Gaia (3)

The Ashringa can look a human in the eye and activate this Gift which shows the human the beauty of
Gaia. Even Fomori will be bedazzled by it and might repent. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Unicorn.
The Ashringa spends one Gnosis and one Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Empathy difficulty 6. For
a normal human, one success is enough, for a wyrm-tainted human, it takes three, for Fomori and Black
Spiral Dancers it has to be a perfect row of successes.

Power of the Mule (3)

The user can, by expending 4 Gnosis points, quadruple her Strength for pulling objects. If the user botches
any roll while using this gift she loses a permanent Strength point.

Talon's Terror (3)

Since the Red Talons and most other Garou try to hunt the Ashringa down for sport, the Ashringa may turn
their hooves to pure silver and gain an aura of power that sends some younger Garou running away in
panic. An avatar of Pegasus teaches this Gift.
The Ashringa spends one Rage and one Willpower point and rolls Strength + Intimidation against a
difficulty of 7. If it succeeds, the Gift gives the werehorse silver hooves that do aggravated damage against
Garou, and works like "Icy Chill of Despair". If it botches, however, a great weakness overcomes the
Ashringa, and she seems vulnerable and open to attacks.

Walking Between Worlds (3)

With this gift, the Ashringa gains the ability to enter the Umbra. The werehorse may now enter in the
same way as the Garou.

Heave-Ho (4) As the Nuwisha Gift.

Pegasus' Flight (4)

for the remainder of the scene, the Ashringa grows a set of bird's wings. With
these, the werehorse can fly as if he has the winged merit. This Gift is taught by
a bird spirit or an avatar of Pegasus.
The Ashringa spends two Gnosis points to grow the wings. This lasts for one
scene and vanishes afterwards.

Umbral Leap (4)

As the level three Ratkin gift.

Bright Glory (5) when activated, the Ashringa transforms to Monoceros form, her fur and mane becomes
brightest white, the horn on her forehead grows golden, and her eyes bright blue. The white of the fur is so
bright that non-Ashringa are blinded for a few seconds, and find them selves nearly overwhelmed by the
glory of the beast. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Unicorn.
The Ashringa spends three Gnosis points and two points of Willpower to cause the change. The Ashringa
must now roll Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty 7, to invoke fear in the hearts of foes (-1 to all rolls)
and courage in the hearts of good-willed folk (+1 to all rolls). For the blinding effect, the Ashringa rolls
Appearance + Expression Difficulty 8, for every success scored, the foe is blinded for 1 turn.

Earthquake Stomp (5)

The Ashringa focuses all his might into one foot and stomps onto the ground, creating a tremor. This Gift is
taught by Earth-Spirits.
The Ashringa spends two Rage points and two Gnosis points then rolls Strength + Primal Urge, difficulty
9, before stomping a hoof onto the ground. An earthquake is created that breaks the ground in a single line,
racing towards a target. If it connects, whatever target it was aimed at is swallowed by the Earth. All
others within a hundred yards of the werehorse (except the Ashringa himself of course) must also roll
Dexterity + Athletics, diff 7, to remain standing. If they succeed, the take no damage; if they fail, they must
soak 3 levels. Buildings can be damaged by this gift.

Horn of Life (5)

This powerful gift is taught only to the wisest and most honorable Ashringa and it is not to be shared with
the other Bete. Utilizing this gift the werehorse can actually bring the recently dead (less than an hour) back
to life. In the past this gift was only used on those who died nobly sacrificing themselves for others. This
gift is taught by Unicorn.
The Ashringa spends a permanent point of gnosis and rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty = 6 for mortals, 8
for other bete and 10 for other supernatural beings) and on a success the dead is resurrected with a
number of regained health levels equal to the Ashringa’s successes up to the racial maximum. On a failure
the dead person’s spirit will not return to the living and on a botch the Ashringa will take an amount of
aggravated damage equal the dead person’s willpower.


Equine Gifts
Banish Crop (1)
When the Ashringa cast a glance at a human holding a riding crop, whip, or any other tool of horse
domestication that tool turns to dust in the target's hands immediately. This Gift is taught by a Rust-Spirit.
The Ashringa simply spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge Difficulty 7. For each
success scored, the Ashringa may "disintegrate" one object, if she scores more successes than objects are
around, she can't "save" them up, they're simply lost. For whip fetishes wielded by other skin changers, she
must score successes equal to the "level" of the Fetish +2.

Leap of Pegasus (1)

As the Garou gift Leap of the Kangaroo.

Prancing the Moon's Path (1)

While the moon is out, the user many run across the air as if he was flying. This gift is useable any night
the moon rises, including during lunar eclipses.
The Ashringa rolls dexterity + occult, difficulty equaling the difficulty to rage during the current lunar
phase, and can gallop across the sky at normal running speed for a number of turns equal to successes.

Sense Skin (1)

With this gift, the Ashringa may sense the true wereform of a skin changer. This Gift is taught by any
animal spirit.
The Ashringa spends one Gnosis and rolls Perception + Empathy, difficulty 6. If successful, a
ghostly/spectral image of the werecreatures true skin appears to the Ashringa (and only her), then

Camouflage (2)
As the level one Wendigo gift.

Impala’s flight (2)

As the Silent Strider Garou gift Speed of Thought.

Serene Pasture (2)

The user can, with the expenditure of a Gnosis point, cleanse any 100 ft
area of Wyrm taint and cause a meadow to grow at the site. This takes 14
days minus the Gnosis of the user. This gift will not work at Wyrm

Equus Speech (3)

The Ashringa may speak to any horse-related animal, such as mules, zebras, etc, and understand its
language. This Gift is taught by a Horse-Spirit
This Gift doesn't need to be activated, it just immediately comes into effect as it is learned.

Form of the Wild (3)

The Ashringa may take the form of any wild horse, such as Zebras, Takhis, etc. This Gift is taught by a
The Ashringa spends one Gnosis and rolls Appearance + Animal Ken, difficulty 6, to take the form. This
lasts for one scene.

Moonfire (3)
By expending 2 Gnosis, the user can immolate her body with silver fire. The user is not affected by this. All
Wyrm creatures will take 1 aggravated point of damage each time they touch the user. This gift lasts for 1

Sense Magic (3)

As the level one Uktena Garou gift.

Smell poison (3)

As the level three Ratkin gift.

Call the Herd (4)

The Ashringa may summon any other werehorse or Ashringa Kinfolk to her side that is in the same city, by
neighing out so loudly that everyone can hear. All Ashringa and their Kinfolk will find the call impossible
to resist. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Pegasus.
The Ashringa spends 1 Gnosis and 1 Willpower point, then rolls Manipulation + Leadership, difficulty 6.
The effect will draw all Ashringa and their Kinfolk to the caller’s side, as long as they're in the same city.

Flight of Infinity (4)

As the Garou gift Open Moon Bridge.

Scrying (4)
As the level 3 Uktena Garou gift.

Asura’s Bane (5)

As the level 4 Bastet (Khan) gift.

Snap Man's Restraints (5)

Though they can be friendly, Ashringa are oftentimes insulted by the way humans treat horses - first they
beat them into slavery with crops and whips, then use them until they grow old, then slaughter them. Equus
Ashringa oftentimes sees this behavior - rightfully- as a sin against Gaia. With this Gift, the werehorse can
weaken the ropes of horses, and send them into frenzy strong enough to free them selves, throw their riders
off and bolt away.
This Gift is taught by any Animal-Spirit, but mostly spirits of wolves who understand the Ashringa’s
purpose - just because the Garou don't, doesn't mean the spirits don't!-, and spirits of wild oxen.
The Ashringa spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge. The difficulty depends on the
number of horses to be freed.

Kelpies Nature (5)

Even though Ashringa are usually very forgiving, sometimes an offense can be so great they call upon the
true meaning of the Kelpie - a murderous faerie horse spirit. The Ashringa approaches a human in Equine
shape, and emits an aura that makes it seem like a friendly lost animal, persuading the human to mount it.
Anyone who falls for it will find them selves unable to get off the back of the Ashringa, as if glued on the
spot. Forgiving Ashringa may use this only to scare humans; particularly bitter ones will do what the
mythical spirits did - go to the nearest body of water and drown the rider. A Kelpie teaches this Gift.
The Ashringa rolls Charisma + Performance and spends a Gnosis point to call to the human. She spends
another two Gnosis points as soon as the human got on to glue him in space, then rolls Stamina + Primal-
Urge difficulty 6. Each success keeps the victim glued to the Ashringa’s back for one hour, or until the
rider dies or the Ashringa releases him by spending a willpower point - whichever comes first.

Hrunnhe (Caretaker) Gifts

The caretakers have gifts as in the Warding Mokolè in addition to the gifts below.

Armor of the Tortoise (1)

This gift gives the user two additional soak dice in Monoceros form as a tortoise shell forms on its back.
The Ashringa rolls stamina + occult, difficulty 7, each success equals the number of turns the shell
remains. This gift is learned from turtle spirits.

Blissful Ignorance (1)

As the Garou gift.

Sense Wyrm (1)

As the Garou gift

Scholar’s Friend (2)

As the Bastet (Bubasti) gift.

Lambent Flame (2)

As the Garou gift

Talk (2)
As the Mokolé gift.

Falling Touch (3)

As the Garou gift

Scent of Sweet Nectar (3)

As the Garou gift

Wise Mind (3)

Once this Gift is learned, the Ashringa can make a Perception roll to see through any illusion.

Sense Iron (4)

Same as sense Silver but with iron. The gift sense silver may still be learned, but separately.

Resist Weakness (4)

The Ashringa may ignore all symptoms of exhaustion or weakness for a time, to literally keep working no
matter what. If the werehorse does this too long, she's going have a nasty awakening, however...
The Ashringa spends 1 Willpower point for each day she doesn’t want to rest. Simple as that. For each day
thus decreed, she doesn't feel tired at all or feels the need to sleep, eat, or drink, she just keeps working.
After days of going on like this, she might very well awake to find herself worked to absolute exhaustion,
leaving her a perfect victim for slaughter-happy Garou...

Shed the Wolf Skin (5)

A truly fearsome gift, the Ashringa guards it closely. Some claim to have seen whole packs of Garou run
yelping in terror before an angry caretaker protecting her charges.
The Ashringa spends a permanent point of Gnosis and makes eye contact with the attacking predatory
shifter. The attacking shifter suddenly feels the terror of a prey animal, and sees the Ashringa using the gift
as the predator. The shifter enters a form of Fox Frenzy and flees from the werehorse.

Tame Sunbeam (5)

The Ashringa are kin to the sun as well as to the moon. Because of this, the Sun Stallion grants his
descendants the power to tame the sun. A werehorse with this gift may cause the light to shine at any time,
even when it is highly improbable or altogether impossible. It works just like the Mokolé gift of the same


Hrunnhai (Protector) Gifts

The protectors have gifts are as in the Ahroun Garou in addition to the gifts below.

Full Moon's Blessing (1)

While the full moon is out the user of this gift may use gifts and Rage in the same turn.

Razor Horn (1)

This gift works just like the Garou power of Razor Claws except that it only affects the horn of the
Ashringa in Monoceros

Crossing the Silver Veil (2)

The user may, by expending 1 Gnosis, cross to the Umbra. By expending 1 more Gnosis the user can bring
one other character with her. This gift may only be used during the full moon.

Sentinel’s Warning (2)

As the level one Gurahl gift.

Gaia's Lance (3)

The user may, by expending a Gnosis while the moon is full, gain an automatic success for all attacks
against Wyrm creatures.

Silver Horn (3)

This gift works just like the Garou power of Silver Claws except that it only affects the horn of the
Ashringa in Monoceros form.

Hero’s Stand (4)

As the Get of Fenris gift.

Might of Thor (4)

As the Get of Fenris gift.

Tiger Eater’s Rage (5)

The Ashringa may take the form of the Poh. By using this gift the Ashringa takes the form of a gigantic
hybrid of leopard and antelope with a unicorn’s horn. Statistics are as in Chalico form except that
movement is always quadruped. The poh can bite for strength +1 aggravated damage and claw for strength
+ 2 aggravated damage, as well as use its horn like a Monoceros.
The Ashringa must spend a point of gnosis to take poh form. The transformation lasts for one scene

Unstoppable Charge (5)

The Ashringa must be in Monoceros form to use this gift and he must be able to see an opponent. He can
then begin charging at a target within his line of sight and continue going, even through walls or other
barriers. He cannot be stopped unless he reaches his target, meets an object he cannot smash, dies en route,
or chooses to end the Gift. He spends a point of Willpower and begins running at full speed toward his
intended victim. He will always charge in a straight line toward his victim as long as he is within visual
range (even if the target runs behind a wall or is obscured from sight.) The Ashringa can turn on a dime if
necessary to maintain a straight charge to the target (assuming the target teleported behind him, the
Ashringa would do a complete 180' and continue toward the victim; however, if he teleported several miles
away, he would be out of the werehorse's visual range and the Ashringa would stop charging.) He can
cancel the Gift at will and come to a complete stop within 5' if necessary (to keep from falling in a pit or
running into a lake), though he will have to activate the Gift again. Any barriers between him and his target
(trees, walls) take double trample damage, which should be enough to blow through most anything; if this
isn't the case, the Ashringa inflicts his own trample damage on himself and the Gift ends.) Once the
werehorse reaches his target, he inflicts both normal trample and horn damage and the Gift ends. this gift is
taught by a rhinoceros or elephant spirit.

Hrunnsai (Storyteller) Gifts

Storytellers have gifts as in the Galliard Garou in addition to the gifts below.

Call the Breeze (1)

As the Wendigo gift.

Pebble (1)
By expending a Gnosis point, the user can cause a pebble to appear directly under an opponent's foot. The
victim must then immediately make a Dexterity check or fall down.

Shadhavar’s Horn (1)

By transforming to Monoceros and rolling performance + rites (difficulty 7) the Ashringa can form
openings in his horn through which he can play music. Each individual Ashringa has his own musical
sound (harmonica, saxophone, piano, etc.) and the character must choose his which sound he will make.
This gift is normally used to make music during certain rituals but by spending a gnosis point the user can
cause any listener to make a willpower roll (difficulty = the Ashringa’s willpower) or follow the Ashringa
about as if he were the Pied Piper. This gift is taught by Shadhavar, an aspect of Unicorn.

Moon Dancer (2)

The user can, by dancing and singing a happy tune, cause all who view her must roll stamina + occult at a
difficulty equal to the Hrunsai’s willpower or start to dance as she does. The victims will dance as long as
the user dances or until 1 hour per Stamina they have has passed. After this time they will need to make a
Stamina + athletics check or collapse from exhaustion. On a botch she dances herself to death. If this gift is
used during a gibbous moon the user may perform as long as she likes without making Stamina check of
her own.

Gaia's Steed (3)

The user may, by taking a rider of Gaia and expending a Gnosis point, travel at incredible speed. The user
may run so fast he become airborne if he assumes Monoceros form. This gift may only be used during a
gibbous moon.
By spending a gnosis point and rolling Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 6) the Ashringa can double her
speed for each success. In Monoceros form she can actually run about a foot above the ground for each
success as well.

Call Elemental (4)

As the Uktena gift.

Invoke the Spirit of the Storm (5)

As the Wendigo gift.

Hrunnsaiya (Dream Speaker) Gifts

Dream Speakers have gifts as in the Theurge Garou in addition to the gifts below.

Call Spirit (1)

The user may, by expending a Gnosis point, call a horse spirit to help him. The type of spirit depends on
location, an Ashringa using this gift in India would probably summon a gandharva, one in England would
summon a faerie steed, one in America a thunder horse, etc. This spirit will help the user in any way it is
asked, but will not fight for the user. The power of the spirit depends on the Dream Speaker’s Charisma +
Rituals roll.

Crossing the Silver Veil (1)

As in the level two Protector gift.

Force of Nature (2)

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point and rolling Manipulation + Herbalism (difficulty 7), cause any
one plant the user focuses on to grow to gigantic size. This takes 3 turns and a single plant will double in
size with each success. Using this gift a tree can become large enough for its roots to destroy the
foundations of buildings. This gift may only be used during a crescent moon. The plant remains its new
size much to the surprise of botanist.

Sense Moon (2)

As the level one mokolé gift.

Call the Rain (3)

As the level one mokolé gift.

Hands of Gaia (3)

The user can, by expending 4 Gnosis, heal all damage done to one target by a Wyrm creature. This includes
battle scars, effects from balefire and vampiric disciplines. This gift may only be used during a crescent

Voice of the Grave (3)

Both unicorns and horses (especially if they are black, grey, or white in color) are associate them with
death in both Oriental and European mythology. By going to a graveyard and spending a point of Gnosis
then rolling her Gnosis against the local gauntlet, a werehorse can enter the land of the dead. The Ashringa
finds herself in a grey misty land filled with the shades of the dead. the Ashringa cannot command these
wraiths but she can speak to them normally and move about the spirit graveyard to find a particular shade.

Force of Gaia (4)

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point and rolling Manipulation + Herbalism (difficulty 7), cause
several plants the to grow to gigantic size. This takes 3 turns and a number of plants equal to successes will
double in size. Using this gift a grove of saplings can be made into a group of trees large enough to conceal
a dwell. This gift may only be used during a crescent moon. The plants remains its new size much to the
surprise of botanist.

Speak with Wind Spirits (4)

As the level two Wendigo gift.

Calling the Spirit Herd (5)

By spending a point of Gnosis and rolling Cha + Animal Ken, the Ashringa can summon forth a number of
horse spirits equal the Gnosis in his pool. These are the spirits of normal equines (not unicorns, pegasi, or
other magical steeds) of the Ashringa's kin and the spirits don't have to spend power to manifest as this Gift
provides the power. The summoned horses will attempt to trample any opponents of the Ashringa and will
stay until defeated, dispelled or the combat is over. If summoned for a non-combative purpose, they will
stay for one scene. They will obey the summoner to the best of their ability. Each spirit horse that is "slain"
siphons a point of Gnosis from the Ashringa.
Gaia’s Vengeance (5)
As the Red Talon gift.

Hrunnya (Judge) Gifts
The Judges have gifts as in the Philodox Garou in addition to the gifts below.

Sense Guilt (1)

As the level one Get of Fenris gift.

Sense Wyrm (1)

As the level one Garou Gift.

Guidance of Gaia (1)

The Ashringa, by spending a Gnosis point and making a Gnosis roll against a difficulty of 6 in rural areas
and 8 in urban areas will be guided to food and water. If the roll succeeds, the werehorse is directed to
food, water, and safe shelter. If the roll is botched, The Ashringa misinterprets Gaia's directions and heads
to rotten food, poisoned water, and possibly Wyrm-inhabited shelter.

Weathering (2)
The user may, by expending 3 Gnosis points (and winning a resisted Willpower test if against living beings
or difficulty 8 if nonliving) age any person or object by the winds of time.

Success Amount Aged

1 1 day
2 1 week
3 1 month
4 1 year
5 10 years
6 100 years
7 1000 years

Secrets (3)
As the Uktena gift.

Gaia's Shield (3)

The user may, by expending a Gnosis point and protecting any creature of Gaia, gain 10 health levels. The
user may not initiate any attack unless in self-defense or in defense of others. While using this gift, only
half of the user will be visible. This gift may only be used during a half moon.

Cutting Wind (4)

As the level two Wendigo gift.

Elemental Favor (5)

As the level three Red Talon gift

Hrunnsaf (Trickster) Gifts
Tricksters have gifts as in the Ragabash Garou in addition to the gifts below.

Colt's Foot (1)

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point and touching an opponent, removes a random supernatural
power of the victim. This will last for once scene. This gift may only be used during a new moon.

Mimic (1)
As the level two Galliard gift.

Form of Mist (2)

By expending a Gnosis point, the user can convert his body to pure mist. In this form he can seep under
doors or avoid damage. The user then can only be damaged by fire attacks. He may maintain mist form for
1 turn per point of stamina . This gift may only be used during a new moon.

Shroud (2)
As the level one Uktena gift.

Gaia's Horn (3)

This gift is only useable in Monoceros form. The user may, by touching an opponent with her horn, remove
Wyrm taint from the opponent. This will cause 3 dice of aggravated damage to all Wyrm creatures.

Spirit of the Bird (3)

As the level two Uktena gift.

Recycle (4)
As the Red Talon gift.

Invisibility (5)
As the level three Uktena gift



Arweharis Gifts
The zebra tribe has the same gifts as the Shadow Lord Garou as well as the gifts below. Unlike the Shadow
Lords however the Arweharis do not have the gift Summon Storm Crow, as thunderbirds are not an African
spirit type.

Camouflage (1)
As the Windigo gift.

Sight Out the Triat (1)

Similar to the Garou gift Sense Wyrm, this gift allows the Ashringa to “see” what member of the Triat, if
any, is the most prevalent in the area. It senses any of the Triat, be it Wyrm, Weaver, or Wyld.

Sight out the Predator (1)

as the Garou gift Sense of the True Form.

Change Pattern (2)

The use of this gift is frowned upon, but most of the Arweharis tribe is willing to look the other way when
it is used. The Ashringa can take on the appearance of anyone she has ever seen before. In this way her
homid appearance can look like any person who she has ever seen, and many a cleaver Arweharis has used
this gift to fool Garou by changing her Chalico form to that of a Crinos werewolf.
The were-zebra rolls Performance + Subterfuge against the target’s Intelligence +3. If successful, the
Ashringa takes on the appearance of her choice. Note that any use of gifts of powers, such as Scent of the
True Form, will reveal the Ashringa.
Hide in Plain Sight (3)
This gift, a favorite of the Zebra-people, is used most often to help the Ashringa remain undetected. It is as
if the werehorse simply disappears.
The Ashringa spends a point of Willpower and rolls her Stealth rating. The number of successes dictates
how well she is hidden. She doesn’t disappear, but takes on the colors and patterns of the area around her,
by standing still, she can effectively “hide” in plain sight. This gift lasts as long as the Ashringa remains
still or moves no faster than in a walk.

Mark the Enemy (3)

As the Get of Fenris gift.

Fetish Doll (4)

As the level five Uktena gift.

Safety in Numbers (4)

On the African plains, zebras bunch together so that predators will have a hard time picking one out from
the rest. Many a Garou has attacked an Arweharis only to be nearly trampled by the sudden appearance of a
herd of huge zebras. When the dust settled the Ashringa was gone.
The Arweharis spends a point of permanent Gnosis to invoke this gift. As soon as the gift is used, ten
zebras, with exactly the same stripe pattern as she does in Equine form, appear before the Ashringa. These
apparitions bolt immediately, and the Arweharis often goes to her equine form and follows. The apparitions
are assumed to have one health level. While the attacker(s) are busy “killing” a few of the false zebras, the
Ashringa has an opportunity to escape. The apparitions vanish once the Arweharis is safe or when they are
all “dead”.

Heal the Broken Spirit (5)

the Arweharis are the only tribe that remained mostly untouched by the War of Rage. However, they see
the suffering of the other tribes, and this gift was developed to help ease the pain. By using this gift, the
Ashringa can temporarily cure any given target of one debilitating flaw, negative trait, or mental illness.
The Ashringa spends a point of willpower and rolls her Empathy + Medicine against a difficulty equal to
her target’s stamina. If successful, the target is ‘cured” of some randomly selected problem for the
remainder of the night.

Panic/Pacify the Masses (5)

Crowds of peaceful people have swiftly turned into riots or vise versa when a Arweharis uses this gift.
The Ashringa spends a permanent point of willpower and gnosis, and chants a single purpose under his
breath. Everyone within sight of the Arweharis suddenly feels compelled to try and achieve the goal the
Arweharis has set before them. The goal must be a small one, such as “calm each other down” or “stop
those gang members’. The goal cannot be very complex. Additionally, the Ashringa must remove a dot in
any random ability each time she uses this gift. All are affected EXCEPT those who are not “alive”, such as
vampires or wraiths.
Avarim Gifts
The Avarim have the same gifts as the Black Furies in addition to the gifts given below.

Daredevil's Flight (1)

Named after the truly fast horse of Brom Bones in Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".
The Ashringa may call upon a great burst of speed, taught by a horse spirit.
A successful Stamina + Athletics roll (difficulty 6) boosts the Ashringa’s maximum speed to double. It does
not confer additional actions in the same turn. The Gift lasts two turns per success, but unlike for Impala‘s
Flight, it doesn't work in all forms - only in Centaurus, Monoceros and Equus form.

Leap of Pegasus (1)

As the Garou gift Leap of the Kangaroo.
Neigh of Glory (2)
The Ashringa releases a loud neigh that inspires courage in her allies and panic in the enemy. A falcon
spirit teaches this Gift.
The werehorse rolls Charisma + Intimidation ,difficulty 8. All allies' battle difficulty rolls are reduced by 1,
and increased by 1 for the enemy.

Aternae’s Horn (3)

By changing to Monoceros form and spending a Rage point per attack the Ashringa’s horn becomes
covered with sharp barbs. As in the Garou gift Visceral Agony the horn attack inflicts no extra damage but
all wound penalties caused by the horn are doubled for the duration of the scene. This gift is taught by
Aternae, the saw horned Unicorn.

Awe (3)
As the Garou gift.

Chill of the Early Frost (3)

As the Wendigo gift.

Create Flame (3)

Much like the Create Element Métis Gift, the Ashringa may create any amount of fire - from a huge ball
she can throw at an opponent to a small flame for a candle. In all cases, she will not be harmed by the
The werehorse spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty depending on the amount of fire to be
created) and stays until it burns out.

Lighten Task (4)

Horses just weren't made to carry heavy loads. The Ashringa may reduce the weight of anything she
carries, which can also result in impressing people at "how much" she can carry. A bird-spirit teaches this
The Ashringa spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Enigmas, difficulty 6. For every success scored, the
weight upon her back is halved - meaning, at two successes, a 100lbs load would first become 50lbs, and
then 25lbs, in order. This effect lasts for 1 Chapter.

Weight of Feather (4)

The Ashringa may also reduce her own weight in the same manner as Lighten Task. This is for walking
narrow, fragile paths and ledges. It doesn't alter her actual appearance into a super model - it just reduces
her weight without appearance change. A bird-spirit teaches this Gift.
The Ashringa spends one Gnosis and rolls Wits + Enigmas at difficulty 6. For every success scored, her
own weight is halved until the end of the chapter.

Flame Defense (5)

Sometimes the proud Ashringa don't like being ridden on. In this case, they call upon flame spirits to turn
their mane and tail into blazing fire, that doesn't hurt them, but does burn anyone who touches it. This Gift
is taught by a Flame-Spirit.
The Ashringa spends two Gnosis, and rolls Wits + Enigmas, difficulty 7. This fire scores 3 points of
aggravated damage to anyone who touches it and lasts for an entire scene.

Fire Breath (5)

The Ashringa snorts through the nostrils, releasing two beams of flame shooting out at an opponent.
The Ashringa spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Athletics, difficulty 7, to hit an opponent. Each
success inflicts one aggravated Health Level of flame damage, which may ignite flammable items.

Javelin Horn (5)

This gift is similar to Wasp Talons except that it affects the horn of the Monoceros instead of the claws of
the Chalico. The horn of the Monoceros actually flies off the Ashringa’s head and embeds itself in a target.
A horn attack cannot be made for a full two turns after using this gift as the horn needs to regenerate.
To use this gift the Ashringa rolls Dexterity + Brawl with the difficulty determined by the location of the
target as in the chart below and modified using the firearms table. Damage is as in normal horn damage.

Range Point Blank (within 1 yard) Close (2-20 yards) Far (22-40 yards)
Difficulty 4 6 8

Karkadamm Gifts
The karkadamm have the same gifts as the Silent Striders in addition to the gifts below.

Find Water (1)

As the Mokolé gift.

Kick of Iron (1)

Fiercely territorial, the Asiatic wild asses will drive other horse types out of their territory. Cold iron burns
the Ashringa like a brand and by kicking the air, the Ashringa can transform his hooves into blocks of iron
to drive other Ashringa away.
The Karkadamm must kick the air twice and spend a point of gnosis to invoke this gift. The werehorse takes
no damage from the iron, but her speed is reduced by half. The hooves do aggravated damage to any who
fear iron more than any other metal. This gift lasts for an entire scene.

Defy Fatigue (2)

The onager has long been hailed as the most capable when it comes to endurance work, and sometimes this
gift is added to make them seem able to tackle tasks others would be to weary to do.
The Ashringa spends a point of willpower and does not feel tired for a full 24 hour day, no matter what he
does. At the end of the day, however, she is forced to collapse due to exhaustion.

Heat Metal (2)

As the Glass Walker gift.

Gold Shod( 3)
As per the gift Iron Shod but the hooves become gold instead.

Rage of the Predator (3)

By spending a point of Gnosis the Ashringa “steals” the Rage of her target, making it her own.

Survivor (3)
As the level five Bone Gnawer gift.

Steal the Wolf’s Jaws (4)

The Karkadamm are very proud of this gift, which they created. By glaring maliciously at a predatory
shape shifter, the Ashringa can effectively render the shifter’s teeth and claws bearable. They no longer do
aggravated damage, while the Ashringa’s hooves and teeth do.
The Ashringa rolls Strength + Brawl, difficulty 6. If successful, the gift works as mentioned before.

Silver Shod (5)

As per the gift Iron Shod but the hooves become silver instead.

Shed the Wolf Skin (5)

As the Caretaker gift.

Killina Gifts
The Killina have the same gifts as the Children of Gaia in addition to the gifts below.
Sky Running (1)
As the level three Wendigo gift.

Strength of the Shire (1)

The Mongolian pony has long been hailed for their strength, and the Killina’s use of this gift supports this
concept very well.
Simply roll Strength + Willpower. If successful, the Ashringa increases her strength rating by three for
one scene.

Mountain’s Peace (2)

While other horses may run in terror, the Killina can stand his ground against any being imaginable.
Through the use of this gift, the Ashringa becomes immune to the effects of any power that can affect the
mind such as Dominate or Presence as well as any gift that incites a Fox Frenzy of fear.
Roll Willpower + Intelligence and spend a gnosis point to use this gift.

Calm of the North Winds (2)

this gift is useful when the Ashringa faces predatory creatures such as the Garou. It is said that a slavering
pack of Crinos Get of Fenris can be reduced to passive people who rival the Children of Gaea for sheer
calm when this gift is used.
By spending a Willpower point and rolling Willpower + Manipulation, the Ashringa can reduce the Rage
of another creature by one point per turn until there is no Rage left. Needless to say this gift does not work
on anything that does not have Rage, like the Nuwisha.

Charge of the Righteous (3)

When the Charger hits an opponent that opponent is knocked off his feet. Once the charge is initiated it
cannot be dodged and any damage suffered is aggravated.
The Ashringa must chant an inspirational poem to her totem then spend a
permanent willpower point. Once the charge begins, the Ashringa cannot stop,
and the chosen target cannot dodge or remain standing. No other power can be
used to counteract the effects of this gift.

Dragon‘s Scales (3)

This gift gives the user two additional soak dice in Monoceros form as
dragon’s scales forms on its back.
The Ashringa rolls stamina + occult, difficulty 7, each success equals the
number of turns the scales remain. This gift is learned from the Wani.

Song of Sorrow (4)

The Killina have learned to channel the self pity of their almost extinct kin and give it to another. Any who
hear the wailing cry of an Ashringa using this gift is struck with a sense of loss and sadness bordering on
harano. (Not really very good in combat, this gift is still useful when trying to get others to see things from
the Ashringa’s point of view. The werehorse rolls her Manipulation + Performance against a difficulty set
by the number of Targets it hits. For each success, the more depressed the audience feels. The effects of
this gift last for one scene.

1-2 Targets = Difficulty 3 4-8 Targets = Difficulty 5 10-15 Targets = Difficulty 7

2-4 Targets = Difficulty 4 8-10 Targets = Difficulty 6 15+ Targets = Difficulty 8

Ferrier’s Rasp (4)

By speaking a sharp word the Ashringa can effectively dull the teeth and claws of any predator in the
immediate area. The fangs and talons that other bete are so proud of become flat and blunt. (The Killina
spends a gnosis point for each creature affected. The teeth and claws of all predators or animal form shifters
are dulled and the damage they cause is halved and no longer cause aggravated damage. This gift lasts for a
number of scenes equal to the Killina’s Gnosis rating.

Hand of the Earth Lords (5)

As the level four Uktena gift.

Nabrima Gifts
The Nabrima have the same gifts as the Stargazers in addition to the gifts below.

Gift of the Seahorse (1)

By spending a gnosis point the Ashringa can take on another form. The form taken depends on the
Ashringa’s shape when he triggered this gift and statistics stay the same except for the changes given in the
chart below. This gift works for an entire scene.

Original New Shape Powers when in this form

Homid Mermaid Swim at double land speed.
(A human with a fish’s tail)
Klatra Hippocampus Swim at double equine speed.
(Has a horse’s foreparts with the tail of a
Chalico Camparech As above plus claw and horn for
(A unicorn with a short horn, webbed feet strength +2 damage.
and a fish’s tail)
Monoceros Narwhal Swim at double Monoceros speed.
(A normal Narwhal) Horn attack as normal.
Equine Sea Horse Can breathe underwater, no effective
(A normal tiny sea horse) attacks.

Resist Pain (1)

As the Garou Gift

Snorkel Horn (1)

By transforming to Monoceros and rolling
stamina + athletics (difficulty 7) the
Ashringa can form an opening in the tip of
his horn through which he can breathe

Calm (2)
As the Child of Gaia Gift.

The Falling Touch (2)

As the Ahroun Gift.

Spirit of the Fish (2)

As the Uktena gift.

Add Weight (3)

sometimes it is best if an object is a lot heaver than it appears. With this gift a Nabrima may make a pebble
heavy enough to knock someone out when it is thrown or make a weapon to heavy to lift. The Ashringa
may add weight to any object he touches. This Gift is taught by an Elephant spirit.
The Ashringa spends one Gnosis and rolls Stamina + Enigmas difficulty 7, each success doubles the
target's weight. This lasts for 1 Chapter.

Find Land (3)

As the level one Mokolé gift.

Perfect Step (3)

Even through slippery ice and tricky rocks, the Ashringa’s step becomes sure and doesn't become a
problem, in an effort to keep going. This Gift is taught by a spider-spirit.
The Ashringa spends 1 Gnosis and 1 Willpower point to activate this Gift, which lasts for 1 Chapter.

Hoof of Ice (4)

The Ashringa’s hoof freezes anything it touches. An ice spirit teaches this Gift.
The Ashringa spends 1 Gnosis and 1 Rage, then rolls Strength + Enigmas, difficulty 7. Each success inflicts
an aggravated Health Level of ice damage when the target is hit by the hoof. The hoof's freezing effect
stays in effect for 1 scene.

Quicksand (4)
As the Red Talon gift.

Stand Ground (4)

To continue going, even in storms and heavy weather, the Ashringa can call on greatest willpower, to pull
through a storm without trouble. A storm-spirit teaches this Gift.
The Ashringa rolls Willpower against the difficulty appropriate for the storm or trouble the werehorse has
to pull through. The Gift lasts for an entire chapter.

Boxer's Might (5)

The Ashringa named this Gift after the famous hard-working house from "Animal Farm". Invoking this
Gift, they may increase their Strength attribute for one scene, to do amazing feats. An avatar of Gaia
teaches this Gift.
The Ashringa rolls Stamina + Athletics, upon success their Strength is quadrupled, ONLY for
accomplishing tasks to directly help Gaia, like plant an uprooted tree back into the ground, etc.

Strength of Will (5)

as the Ahroun Gift

Nhurim Gifts
The Nhurim have the same gifts as the Silver Fangs in addition to the gifts below.

Leap of the Unicorn (1)

The Ashringa can leap off a cliff or other high area when in Monoceros form and land unharmed by landing
on his horn. The Ashringa is effectively immune to falls under 100 feet but must spend his next turn
pulling his horn out of the ground.

Walk behind the Mirror (1)

This gift brings the ability to step into the umbra. Once learned, the werehorse can enter and exit the umbra
the same as the Garou do.

Scrying (2)
As the level three Uktena gift.

Winds of the North (2)

Many Garou have been surprised by this gift. With a shout or whinny, the Ashringa can call down a
blinding snowstorm.
The Nhurim spends a point of Gnosis and either shouts or neighs loudly. A light but thick snowfall ensures,
blinding all, except the Ashringa. The snow lasts for two scenes, and then ends abruptly.

Recognize Kin (2)

The name of this gift is deceptive, since it doesn’t detect anyone but a werewolf or kinfolk of the Garou
tribe of the Wendigo. However the Nhurim once considered these Garou to be their kin, and do so even
As per the gift Scent of True Form but it only shows who is Wendigo or Wendigo kinfolk.

Avalanche (3)
As the forth level Red Talon gift.

Scent of Kin (3)

The Nhurim still walk among their former allies the Wendigo tribe unassalted due to this gift as far as the
Garou are concerned , the Ashringa seems to be “one of us”
as per the 5th level Nimbi gift Scent of the Fae Wolf, but the Nhurim more closely resembles a Wendigo.

Hailstorm (4)
The trademark gift of the Nhurim, the Hailstorm is exactly what it sounds like: a hail storm that does
regular damage and is soakable.
The Ashringa spends a permanent point of Gnosis and rolls Strength + Stamina with the number of
successes equaling damage.

Tusks of the Predator (4)

Only male Ashringa or characters can learn this gift. The small, relatively blunt canines of the Ashringa
enlarge when this gift is used and become as sharp as any Garou’s. The Ashringa spends a point of
willpower and grows a set of fangs any werewolf would be proud of. The teeth of the Ashringa do +1
aggravated damage when this gift is used and they last for the remainder of the night.

Summon Storm Crow (5)

As the special Judge of Doom (Shadow Lord) gift except that any Nhurim can summon a thunderbird.

Warrior’s Pride (5)

Using this gift the Ashringa’s skin turns into solid iron, her teeth and
hooves do aggravated damage (unsoakable by other werehorses or
faeries), and she can not enter a Fox Frenzy when under the influence
of this gift.
The Ashringa rolls Strength + Stamina. If successful, the werehorse is
assumed to have a number of extra Rage points equal to her strength
rating. The gift continues to work until the Ashringa runs out of Rage.
Once the gift wears off, the werehorse must immediately attempt to
resist an automatic Fox Frenzy.

Nimbi Gifts
The Nimbi have the same gifts as the Fianna in addition to the gifts below.

Balance (1)
As the Stargazer gift but taught by a donkey, mule, or goat spirit.

Eyes of Oberon (1)

It is rumored that the Nimbi tribe is related to the faerie. If this is true, they certainly are good at
recognizing their own kin. Using this gift, the Nimbi can tell who is and who is not faerie or of fae stock.
By spending a willpower point the Ashringa can decipher any Faerie in the area no matter his disguise.

Cardboard Mansion (2)

As the level one Bone Gnawer gift.

Kick of Iron (2)

Cold iron burns the Faerie like a brand and by kicking the air, the Ninbi can transform her little hooves
into blocks of iron.
The Ashringa must kick the air twice and spend a point of gnosis to invoke this gift. The Ashringa takes no
damage from the iron, but her speed is reduced by half. The hooves do aggravated damage to any who fear
iron more than any other metal. This gift lasts for an entire scene.

Iron Stomach (2)

Horses have notoriously weak stomachs, but donkeys can eat much tougher food and their Nimbi kin have
found a way to ignore the danger of colic. When this gift is in use none may poison the Nimbi and alcohol
can’t make her drunk.
The Ashringa rolls Intelligence + Stamina and spends a willpower point. For the remainder of the night no
toxins, poisons, or alcohol can harm the Ashringa’s digestive system.

Glamour of the Faeries (3)

The Nimbi can cast an illusion on himself that has full visual, auditory, olfactory,
and tactile components. In this way he can make someone think that he is a bale of
straw, a rock, or even a golden statue. The only limitation is that the Nimbi’s size
does not change.
The Nimbi spends one Gnosis point then rolls perception + Alertness (difficulty
6). All who see the illusion veiled Ashringa must match or exceed the number of
successes with a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 6) or believe that the
illusion is real.

Unicorn’s Blessing (3)

When this gift is used a unicorn’s horn made of pure silver and gold grows in the center of the Nimbi’s
forehead. The horn can appear in any form and the sight causes the awe delirium even if she is not in
Monoceros form. The horn, being silver and gold, causes unshakable aggravated damage to most predatory
The Ashringa rolls her Stamina + melee to grow the horn. The number of successes is the number of scenes
the horn remains.

Pride of the Monarch (4)

By calling upon the totem spirit of the Faerie, the Nimbi can grow a set of satin-like butterfly wings. They
enable her to fly for a short period of time.
The Nimbi simply spends a point of willpower to grow the wings. She can fly at 20 miles per hour for one
scene, after which the wings are reabsorbed into her body.

Trackless Waste (4)

As the level three Red Talon gift.

Coat of the Fae Wolf (5)

How is it that the some Ashringa can walk among the werewolves and not be detected? The Nimbi’s use of
this gift is one of the reasons. When this gift is used the, the Nimbi can escape detection. If another uses a
power to tell what she is they see her as a werewolf, specifically a Fianna.
This gift lasts for the remainder of the night.
The Ashringa rolls her performance + subterfuge. Naturally if the Ashringa shifts to a horse like form, the
gift is automatically canceled.

Survivor (5)
As the Bone Gnawer gift.
“Unicorn rearing. Lion raises up on hind legs to full height, snarling, teeth gleam white in going light.
Appear like boxers sparing, lion striking out with paws, unicorn with his hooves. Move closer. Stop… can
see lion is not unsheathing claws as he strikes. All sounds and violent movements are of battle, but realize it
must instead be part of some strange, inoffensive , ritual.”
-Robert Vavra, “The Unicorn of Kilimanjaro”.

Ashringa have most of the rites known to the Garou. Not being predatory animals, the Ashringa do not
know the following rites: The Rite of the Winter Wolf, Voice of the Jackal, The Hunt, Rending the Veil, The
Great Hunt, The Rite of Keres, and Hunting Prayer. The Ashringa also know the Gurahl Rite of the Pure
Land, and the Mokolé rites Silence of the Oracles, Feed the Wallow (called by the Ashringa Feed the
Herd), The Oknanikilla, and Into the Waterhole. Two rites known by most Ashringa are Greeting the Sun
and Greeting the Moon. The Ashringa also can learn the following special rites:

Rite of Galgallim Level one, Mystic Rite.

This Rite is practiced by all tribes of Ashringa. It is a celebration of life and hope that summons
the spirit of Galgallim, the guide to the light which leads the Rite Master to a sacred spot.
This rite can only be performed during a thunderstorm. The Rite Master shifts to Monoceros form and
begins to leap, buck, rear and spin about in the storm. As he exalts in the tempest he rolls Stamina +
Rituals (difficulty 8). At the end of the dance a whirlwind will form out of the storm, move over the Rite
Master and appear to enter the Ashringa’s horn. The Rite Master’s horn will then begin to glow whenever
he points it in the direction of holy ground (a Garou cairn, Ashringa dwell, Faerie Circle, church etc.)
Once the holy ground is found the light goes out and the rite ends.

Rite of Balder Level two, Mystic Rite)

This rite calls upon the spirits to heal the injured leg of a horse or Ashringa. Horses have
particularly vulnerable legs and this rite can even heal severed limbs or shattered bones.
While chanting (exact chant depending on the Celestine being invoked) the Rite Master ties a black thread
with seven knots around the injury. Each success on the rituals roll heals one fractured limb (an extra
success is needed to heal a severed limb) and it works on multiple subjects.

Rite of the Lion Level two, Seasonal Rite

This rite is mostly practiced by the African Arweharis and the American Nhurim. This rite allows
an Ashringa to take some of the power from a great cat spirit.
This rite is performed in the spring and it represents a fight between the moon and the sun. The Rite Master
must first locate a big cat spirit (preferably a lion or puma), then persuades the spirit to engage him in
ritual battle. A rituals roll with a difficulty equal to the spirit’s willpower determines the outcome of the
rite. On a success the Ashringa gains dominance and can force the spirit to give up an amount of gnosis,
rage, or willpower points (or a combination) equal to the successes. These points are subtracted from the
spirit’s totals and the spirit will always keep at least one point in each category for himself. On a failure
the Ashringa loses the contest for dominance and does not gain any power. On a botch the cat spirit
becomes enraged and attacks the Rite Master.

Garlands of Bright Flowers Level three, Cairn Rite

This rite encourages a number of birds to nest near an Ashringa dwell. These birds act as an early
warning system for the dwell in case of intruders and may encourage bird spirits to give assistance to the
The Rite Master moves to an open flower strewn area within the bawn of the dwell. Once there she rolls
charisma + rituals (difficulty 7) and one bird spirit per success appears. The Rite Master then spends a
gnosis point to allow the birds to materialize. The materialized birds will then gather flowers and decorate
the Ashringa’s mane and tail. This action attracts a number of bird pairs equal to successes to the dwell.
These physical birds will then build their nests upon the dwells borders and will call loudly whenever a non
Ashringa enters the bawn.

Rite of the Fearful Woods Level three Cairn Rite

This rite causes anyone who sees an Ashringa in Monoceros form to be affected by fear instead of
the awe normally experienced on the delirium chart.
The Rite Master stands in the center of the dwell in Monoceros form and calls upon Alma to shroud the
dwell in fear. He then rolls gnosis (difficulty 7) and walks to the edge of the bawn rapping upon the trees,
bushes and rocks that make up the boundary with his horn. On a success all humans who are not kinfolk
who enter the bawn will suffer the delirium upon sighting a Monoceros. This rite lasts one month per

Rite of the Hobby Horse Level four, Mystic Rite.

In the ancient times man attempted to appease the kelpies of the water by giving them the sacrifice of a
horse so that the hobgoblin steeds would not eat the villagers. This rite honors these spirits by offering a
substitute for an actual animal sacrifice.
A model horse is made of hide stuffed with the best grass, hay and other foods enjoyed by horses. This
hobby horse is supported by hoops so that it can be lifted by assistants and can support the Rite Master as
he rides it in a circle around the bawn. Before enacting this rite the Rite Master must shift to Asbar form or
wear a horse mask while remaining in human shape. After the dwells border has been completely circled
the hobby horse is thrown into the water and allowed to sink. If properly performed no water horse spirit
will prey upon any member of a dwell or their Kinfolk but will instead aid the Ashringa or kin.

Rite of Birth Level four, Cairn Rite.

This rite creates an umbral pocket within the dwell where the females of the grace can give birth in
safety. All females who bear their young within this area will not have any complications from the
pregnancy. In addition no natural predator will willingly set foot in the birthing area and any supernatural
hunters must make willpower roll at a difficulty of 6 + the Rite Master’s number of successes to enter.
This rite is performed by several male Ashringa during the full moon. During this rite all the stallions take
Monoceros form and begin to leap and rush about as if in a frenzy, rearing upon their hind legs and calling
to the moon. At the end of this display the Rite Master rolls Charisma + Rituals at a difficulty of 10 minus
the number of stallions that participated in the rite. On a success Luna was impressed by the performance
and fills an area of the dwell with moon light. For the next month any female who gives birth in that spot
will do so with no problems and will have a healthy child.

The Rite of Fertility Level four, Rite of Accord

This rite ensures fertility and increases the
chance that a birth will result in an Ashringa foal.
The Rite Master and the female Ashringa who desires
fertility change to Monoceros form. The mare then coats
her horn in honey (either by inserting it into a beehive or
by having a friend in human form assist her) then the Rite
Master trots about her several times before picking up a mouthful of flowers and shaking the petals onto
her horn. If the petals stick (a successful Rituals roll) the Rite Master then draws his horn down the
female’s side to her womb. The mare will now become pregnant the next time she mates and her chance of
bearing an Ashringa child increases to 7 out of 10.

The Rite of Torgut Level four, Seasonal Rite.

This rite was originated by the Avarim and it celebrates a major victory over the Garou. Legend
tells of a tribe called the Torguls who once lived in ancient Russia. The lovely princess Ingrid and the
magnificent Avarim stallion Runs-through-the -grass, decided to present their young son Torgut to all the
Ashringa in Russia. Stallions, mares and foals came from all over the compass to witness the event.
Unfortunately the Silver Fangs wanted the Torguls for themselves and attacked the Ashringa. This was the
first battle of the War of Rage encountered by the werehorses and after a ferocious battle where 20,000
wolves were routed the young Torgut rode to the victory glory on his father’s back.
This rite is performed on the autumn equinox and is the Ashringa equivalent to the Garou Rite of
Keres. The Rite Master first leads a dirge reciting the deeds of all the Ashringa who have died at the claws
of the Garou in the service of Gaia. The gathered Ashringa then take turns reciting how they have suffered
at the hands of the werewolves. After each tale the story teller tales Monoceros form and plunges his horn
into pond, stream, or bucker of water set in the middle of the gathered werehorses. The last to dip his horn
is the Rite Master who calls out to the spirit of Torgut to grant strength to replace the Ashringa’s grief. If
the rite is successful the wind will blow fearsomely through the dwell and the Rite Master will lead the herd
in a revel to celebrate the purging of the Wyrm taint from their souls.
All of the Ashringa who participated in this rite are may make a stamina + rituals roll (difficulty
7). If successful the participant receives one permanent point of willpower for casting forth her inner fears
and resisting the Garou. Failure causes them to lose honor in the eyes of the grace. A botch causes them to
lose one point of permanent willpower and will cause them to automatically suffer the Delirium the next
time they see a werewolf.

Rite of Samagin Level five, Mystic Rite.

With this rite the Rite Master creates a miniature replica of the
Garden of Samagin (Eden) on Earth. It is one of the most famous Ashringa
rituals and is performed by striking the ground with a hoof or piercing it with
a horn. On a success a stream of pure water will gush from the ground and
this stream will quickly make the soil fertile. Within two days after
performing this rite the plants will be growing even in the most contaminated
of soil. Within a month the plants will have grown to their full size and
wildlife will begin to inhabit the area. In this way a toxic waste dump can be
turned into virgin forest in less than three weeks! This rite is used to restore
those areas devastated by the Wyrm and it restores one mile of land per

Rite of the Vampire Slayer Level five, Mystic Rite

This rite is performed so that the hidden coffin of a vampire can be discovered so that the undead demon
can be safely destroyed during the day.
The Rite Master enters the cemetery, house, or other area where it is suspected that a vampire lies hidden
and assumes Monoceros or Equine form. A young virgin child then rides the Ashringa as he begins the
intricate dance like series of steps that enact this rite. If it is performed properly the spirits will lead the
Rite Master to a number of vampires or ghouls equal to the successes.


“Oh winged horse as fast as light, take me on a magic flight”

-the little boy in the old cartoon series Luno whenever he summoned the spirit inside a toy Pegasus.


Carbuncle Level 3 Gnosis 7

This is a flawless red gemstone (usually a garnet or ruby) cut by a jeweler into a domed shape and
infused with a fire spirit. Once made the fetish is heated in a fire then branded into the Ashringa’s forehead
where it is visible in all forms as a nasty boil except when in Monoceros when the carbuncle is covered
with the horn. When activated the gem appears as its normal appearance and glows giving the Ashringa
three extra dice on intimidation rolls verses vampires, fomori, and other creatures of the Wyrm and

Golden Bridle Level 3 Gnosis 4

This fetish is a bridle made out of golden thread or ribbons with the metal parts, including the bit,
made out of solid gold. Needless to say this item is both extremely expensive and very fragile. When
placed upon any member of the horse family it causes that horse to become instantly tame and obedient to
the owner of the bridle. In game terms the attempt control a horse wearing this fetish has its difficulty
reduces by an amount equal to the user’s Animal ken trait. This fetish will also work on other Ashringa as
well as on Pegasus and other spirit horses. To make this fetish the item must have a horse spirit bound into

Horseshoes of Surefootedness * Level 1 Gnosis 2

This fetish is a pair of iron horseshoes with runes of grace and balance carved into them. Once
made the shoes are worn on the hind feet and actually change shape with the wearer. In horse form they
remain typical horseshoes while in human shape they become hiking boots or tennis shoes. When activated
the shoes give their wearer an automatic success when walking along cliffs, narrow ledges, or steep
mountain passes. This fetish has a goat, mountain sheep, chamois, or donkey spirit bound into it.

Lightning Shoes Level 4 Gnosis 6

This fetish is a pair of horseshoes made of pure silver. They are worn upon the forefeet and
manifest only when the Ashringa is in Monoceros or Equine form. In other shapes they appear to be simply
silver nail polish. Because they are made of silver these weapons are used as weapons against other shape
changers. These shoes not only cause strength +2 unsoakable aggravated damage to those were beasts
“allergic” to silver but they also inflict strength +2 aggravated damage (though this is soakable) to any
other creature struck with the hooves. This extra damage is caused by electrocution. In addition these
shoes can create sparks when their wearer strikes them against rock or metal. These sparks can be used to
light fires or briefly illuminate a dark room. This fetish has a lightning or storm spirit bound into it.

Lucky Horseshoe * Level 2 Gnosis 4

This is another horseshoe fetish, in this case it is a single iron horseshoe decorated with runes and
feathers. This item is a protective charm which is used by nailing it above a doorway with the convex side
up and the “horns” turned upward so the luck will not run out. Once activated a lucky horseshoe will
prevent any Wyrm spirit or unseelie faerie from entering the building it is nailed to for a full 24 hours. A
lune or other moon spirit is bound into this fetish.

Medicine Bag of the Asvins Level 1 Gnosis 6

This fetish is a small bag decorated with feathers and containing the hairs taken from the crucifix
shaped dorsal stripe of a donkey. When hung on a cord around the neck of a sick person and activated this
fetish will cure one nonfatal disease (like the flu, mumps, whooping cough, etc.) and when combined with a
healing rite or gift it will even cure diseases (like cancer, aids, diabetes, etc.) that are usually fatal. Only
supernatural diseases cannot be cured using this fetish. One of the donkey or horse spirits who serve the
Asvins must be bound into this fetish.

Purification Cup Level 3 Gnosis 6

This item is a cup carved from rhinoceros, ibex, or antelope horn or the tusk of a narwhal. It is
carved inside and out with images of birds, animals, and forest plants and painted red at the bottom, back in
the middle, and white around the rim. A unicorn spirit is then bound into the cup. When activated any
liquid placed inside the cup becomes pure, any dirt or contaminants will disappear and any poison
(including alcohol) will be neutralized.

Ring of the Unicorn Level 2 Gnosis 5

This is a simple ring carved of horn or ivory. When activated it changes to a purple hue and begins
to “sweat” in the presence of poison. The closer to the source of the poison the darker the ring will become.
If placed upon a poisonous substance it will turn nearly black. A unicorn spirit is bound into this device.
Saddle of Epona Level 3 Gnosis 6
This is a leather saddle or woven blanket that has been decorated with runes of stability and
balance. Another cloth soaked in a mixture of honey and glue is then sewn into the item and a wind, eagle,
or horse spirit is bound into the fetish. Once activated anyone who sits on the saddle will not fall off even if
unconscious or the horse performs a back flip! This fetish is generally used to help move injured herd
mates or kinfolk.

Socks of Nyssa Level 2 Gnosis 4

This fetish is a pair of socks woven from Ashringa hair and infused with a chameleon spirit. When
worn and activated it will make the wearer, even if he is human or in human form, resemble a normal horse
of the same color as the socks. This is an illusion (so anybody who touches the horse will feel the wearer’s
actual form) but it is a useful way of fooling pursuers.

Sword of Mech-Gladinez * Level 4/5/6 Gnosis 7

The first sword of this type was forged for the legendary Russian hero Ilya Muromets and it is
both the most potent and the rarest of Ashringa fetishes. Like a Garou klave, most of these swords are very
ancient and are handed down by Ashringa lineages (especially the Nhurim, Avarim, and Killina) as their
manufacture is not only deadly to the Ashringa but the spirits bound to this item are many and powerful.

To manufacture this fetish one must first forge an iron long sword with a horsehide hilt and scabbard.
Once the physical weapon is forged one must bind a war spirit, a light spirit, and a Pegasus spirit to the
item. Because these fetishes are so honored these spirits are often honored to share the item but each spirit
may give a special request (or ban) to keep them bound to the item. A sword with a single spirit bound to it
is worth 4 points, two spirit swords cost 5 and the rare sword containing three spirits can only be created in
play (a 6 point fetish)

Because of its size and nature a Sword of Mech-Gladinez causes unshakable aggravated damage to
any Ashringa or Faerie it strikes. In addition any Ashringa of fae who carries one of these swords loses two
points of effective gnosis. In addition each of the three spirits contained in the sword grants it an additional
The war spirit allows the user of this sword to add three dice to his attack pool when wielding this
weapon. In addition the sword inflicts strength +4 aggravated damage to anything it strikes. Without the
war spirit this fetish will not do aggravated damage (unless used on creatures “allergic” to iron) or give a
bonus to hit. The most common ban for this spirit is that it must taste blood at least once a moon.
The light spirit will cause the sword to glow in response to the proximity of Wyrm spirits. When it
is glowing the sword illuminates an area with a radius of 15 feet. This glow is bright enough to illuminate
even magical darkness. The Most common ban for this spirit is that it must be laid out in full sunlight (or
moonlight, depending on the whim of the spirit) for three days (or nights) a month.
The Pegasus spirit will materialize when summoned and allow itself to be ridden by the wielder of
the sword. This “horse of lightning speed” varies in appearance depending on the type of Pegasus spirit
bound into it. Spirits from America, Europe or Africa resemble the conventional image of a horse with
wings but one from the Orient or Indonesia will most likely be a dragon horse (aka a Ri-rin or Ky-lin).

Statistics for the horse of lightning speed

Attributes: Str: 6, Dex: 4, Sta: 6, Int: 3, Per: 4, Wits: 4, ,Cha: 2, Man: 2, App: 4, Will: 7, Rage: 6, Gnosis: 4,
Power: 11 (not counting the 27 points used to materialize).Abilities: Alertness 3, Empathy 2, Survival 1
Charms: Airt sense, Armor, Frozen breath, Materialize, sense Wyrm, Updraft.
Powers: Move: 19/ fly 37, Health levels: as normal +1 extra bruised level, Delirium Difficulty: 7 (awe),
Soak Bonus due to armor: +1, Damage: Strength +0 (bite), Strength +1 aggravated (hooves).

Turquoise Charm Level 3 Gnosis 6

This charm is a piece of turquoise with a kelpie spirit bound into it. The charm when attached to
the saddle of a horse keeps the steed from becoming exhausted and keeps the rider from falling. All
difficulties for stamina (for the horse) and balance (for the rider) rolls are reduced by 2. In return for
inhabiting this fetish the spirit inside demands a yearly horse sacrifice or the enacting of the Rite of the
Hobby Horse in his name.


Buckeye Gnosis 4
This is the seed of a horse chestnut tree. If the plant is awakened and the seed worn about the neck
or in one’s pocket then it will cure lameness or arthritis for one day.

Chastity Water Gnosis 6

By mixing pure waters with lavender oil and awakened this plant extract will help maintain the
chastity of anyone it is sprinkled upon. The user has a +2 added to all difficulties to seduce the character.

Coltsfoot Tobacco Gnosis 4

Coltsfoot is a plant found in Europe, America, and the east Indies. When smoked it adds +1 to all
healing rolls against severe coughs or bronchitis. It can also be used to make a yellow green dye. When
awakened this plant will instantly cure any disease which causes coughs and if chewed and the resulting
paste smeared upon the affected area it will also cure insect bites, burns and leg ulcers.

Horn of the Evil Eye Gnosis 7

This talen is made to help ward off the evil eye. A piece of stag or Monoceros horn is tipped with
silver and attached to a cord made from the tail hairs of a black mare. A falcon or other keen eyed bird
spirit is then bound into the item which is then worn around the neck. If a spell, gift, charm, or power is
used on the wearer with intent to harm him then the necklace banishes the magic before falling apart.

Horseweed Gnosis 8
When un-awakened this plant is used to help cure digestive problems, internal bleeding, and
menstrual irregularities. Once awakened however this plant truly lives up to its nickname of “Blood
Staunch”. If a vampire is somehow forced of tricked into drinking a tea made from this plant will be unable
to spend any blood points for one turn of the moon. This prevents the vampire from healing itself and, as
the leech continues to lose one blood point every night he rises from his coffin the vampire may very well
starve. Even worse every time the vampire attempts to feed he must roll Willpower at difficulty 8 or be
unable to digest the blood.

Periadham Gnosis 7
This is a small round ball of pearlescent ivory made from the Ashringa’s horn ground up and
mixed with resin. When swallowed this item removes all feelings of anger, rage, depression (including
harano) and guilt for one turn per Rank of the Ashringa who made it. Werewolves who eat this talen cannot
Rage or spend rage points for the duration of the item.

Soma of the Gandharvas Gnosis 8

The Soma of the Gandharvas is the most potent of all talens. Soma is a milky white fermented
liquor pressed out of a rare plant from India (though variations made out of saki or wine can also be made)
that when infused with a unicorn or phoenix spirit can cure any disease, heal up to four aggravated health
levels, or bring the recently dead back to life. The soma must be drank (or poured into the corpse’s mouth
for resurrection) and one dose can only perform a single function Cure, Heal or Resurrect. Resurrected
people are revived with a single health level and will have to be healed beyond incapacitated level to travel.
Buying this talen will give the character a small vial containing only a single dose of soma. Buying more
than one dose will only give the character a larger flask containing more doses.
These items are made of Iron so their manufacture is deadly to the Ashringa. Those who carry these items lose one point from their
effective gnosis rating and using them against another Ashringa is considered a grave offence.

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