Doctrine of Knowledge Old Testament

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Doctrine of Knowledge thy seed shall be a stranger in a land

that is not theirs, and shall serve

Nine Categories of Knowledge them; and they shall afflict them four
hundred years;
 What a Person Can Know
 What a Person Does Not Know 4. A person can know by personal
 What a Person Presumes to Know desire and experience carnal sexual
 What a Person Pretends Not to Know perversion such as homosexuality.
 What the Unbeliever Can Know
 What the Unbeliever Does Not  Genesis 19:5 And they [the men of
Know Sodom] called unto Lot, and said
 What a Person Can Ask to Know unto him, Where are the men
[angels] which came in to thee this
 What God the Father Knows
night? Bring them out unto us, that
 What God the Son Knows
we may know them [sexually].
5. A person can know there is a sin
unto death.
Knowledge in the
Old Testament
 Genesis 20:7 Now [Abimelech]
therefore restore the man [Abraham]
What a Person Can Know
his wife [Sarah]; for he is a prophet,
and he shall pray for thee, and thou
From the Books of Genesis
shalt live: and if thou restore her not,
know thou that thou shalt surely die,
1. A person can know good and evil.
thou, and all that are thine.
 Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God 6. A person may know if God has
said, Behold, the man is become as
favored them in a given situation.
one of us, to know good and evil:
and now, lest he put forth his hand,
 Genesis 24:14 And let it come to
and take also of the tree of life, and
pass, that the damsel to whom I shall
eat, and live for ever:
say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray
thee, that I may drink; and she shall
2. A person can know the beauty of a
say, Drink, and I will give thy
camels drink also: let the same be
she that thou hast appointed for thy
 Genesis 12:11 And it came to pass, servant Isaac; and thereby shall I
when he was come near to enter into
know that thou hast shewed kindness
Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his
unto my master [Isaac].
wife, Behold now, I know that thou
art a fair woman to look upon: 7. A person can know the personality
and character of others.
3. A person can know whatever future
God reveals to him.
 Genesis 29:5 And he [Jacob] said
 Genesis 15:13 And he [God] said unto them, Know ye Laban the son
unto Abram, Know of a surety that
of Nahor? And they said, We know 12. A person may know the future of a
him. child if God has placed His prophetic
word in the heart.
8. A person can know the hard work of
another individual.  Genesis 48:19 And his father [Jacob]
refused, and said, I know it, my son
 Genesis 31:6 And ye know that with [Joseph], I know it: he [Manasseh]
all my power I [Jacob] have served also shall become a people, and he
your father [Laban]. also shall be great: but truly his
younger brother [Ephraim] shall be
9. A person can know the clothing or greater than he [Manasseh], and his
garments that are associated with [Ephraim’s] seed shall become a
another. multitude of nations.

 Genesis 37:32 And they [the brothers From the Book of Exodus
of Joseph] sent the coat of many
colours, and they brought it to their 13. A person called of God can know the
father [Jacob]; and said, This have Lord in a personal and direct way.
we found: know now whether it be
thy son's [Joseph] coat or no.  Exodus 6:7 And I will take you to
me for a people, and I will be to you
10. A person can know the character of a God: and ye shall know that I am
another person though testing. the LORD your God, which bringeth
you out from under the burdens of
 Genesis 42:33 And the man [Joseph], the Egyptians.
the lord of the country, said unto us,
Hereby shall I know that ye are true 14. A Christian can know for certainty
men; leave one of your brethren here what the attitude of the unbeliever
with me, and take food for the will be towards the LORD God and
famine of your households, and be that is an attitude of non-fear and
gone: hostility.

Genesis 42:34 And bring your  Exodus 9:30 But as for thee
youngest brother unto me: then shall [Pharaoh] and thy servants, I
I know that ye are no spies, but that [Moses] know that ye will not yet
ye are true men: so will I deliver you fear the LORD God.
your brother, and ye shall traffic in
the land. 15. A person may know the LORD by
the miracles He performs.
11. A person can know their brothers
and sisters according to the flesh.  There are the miracles of plagues.
Exodus 10:2 And that thou [Moses]
 Genesis 44:27 And thy servant my mayest tell in the ears of thy son
father [Jacob] said unto us, Ye know [child (children)], and of thy son's
that my wife [Rachel,] bare me two son [grandchildren], what things I
sons: [the LORD] have wrought in Egypt,
and my signs which I have done  Exodus 23:9 Also thou shalt not
among them; that ye may know how oppress a stranger: for ye know the
that I am the LORD. heart of a stranger, seeing ye were
strangers in the land of Egypt.
There is the miracle of the non-
barking dog. Exodus 11:7 But 18. An Israelite could know of their
against any of the children of Israel special covenant relationship to the
shall not a dog move his tongue, LORD by keeping the Sabbath.
against man or beast: that ye may
know how that the LORD doth put a  Exodus 31:13 Speak thou also unto
difference between the Egyptians the children of Israel, saying, Verily
and Israel. my Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a
sign between me and you throughout
There is the miracle of being alive at your generations; that ye may know
evening time. Exodus 16:6 And that I am the LORD that doth
Moses and Aaron said unto all the sanctify you.
children of Israel, At even, then ye
shall know that the LORD hath  Ezekiel 20:12 Moreover also I gave
brought you out from the land of them my Sabbaths, to be a sign
Egypt: between me and them, that they
might know that I am the LORD that
There is the miracle of manna. sanctify them.
Exodus 16:12 I have heard the
murmurings of the children of Israel: 19. A person can know how to perform
speak unto them, saying, At even ye specialized works of ministry, which
shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye God has placed in the heart.
shall be filled with bread; and ye
shall know that I am the LORD your  Exodus 36:1 Then wrought Bezaleel
God. and Aholiab, and every wise hearted
man, in whom the LORD put
16. A person can know the righteousness wisdom and understanding to know
of God by justice being rendered and how to work all manner of work for
the statutes of God and His laws by the service of the sanctuary,
being properly instructed. according to all that the LORD had
 Exodus 18:16 [Jethro] When they
have a matter, they come unto me; From the Book of Leviticus
and I [Moses] judge between one and
another, and I do make them know 20. An Israelite could know, remember
the statutes of God, and his laws. and identify with the hardships of the
Exodus Generation when the LORD
17. A person can know how to brought them out of Egypt.
empathize with someone having .
been through a similar experience.  Leviticus 23:43 That your
generations may know that I made
the children of Israel to dwell in
booths, when I brought them out of
the land of Egypt: I am the LORD  Deuteronomy 4:35 Unto thee it was
your God. shewed, that thou mightest know that
the LORD he is God; there is none
else beside him.

From the Book of Numbers 25. A person can know in a day through
deep meditation that the LORD He is
21. A second generation Israelite could God of heaven and earth. Time and
know the Land of Promise, which again the sovereign of God over the
the LORD brought them into safely earth is affirmed which makes the
despite the murmuring comments of devil out to be the liar he is when he
unbelief within the Exodus tries to promise the kingdoms of this
Generation. world to anyone, especially Christ.

 Numbers 14:31 But your little ones,  Deuteronomy 4:39 Know therefore
which ye said should be a prey, them this day, and consider it in thine
will I bring in, and they shall know heart, that the LORD he is God in
the land which ye have despised. heaven above, and upon the earth
beneath: there is none else.
22. A person can know why God is
disciplining them. The Exodus 26. A person can know the essence of
Generation was told plainly why God. Particularly God’s attributes of
they were condemned to roam in the faithfulness, His desire to keep a
dessert for forty years. covenant and His mercy may be
 Numbers 14:34 After the number of
the days in which ye searched the  Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore
land, even forty days, each day for a that the LORD thy God, he is God,
year, shall ye bear your iniquities, the faithful God, which keepeth
even forty years, and ye shall know covenant and mercy with them that
my breach of promise. love him and keep his
commandments to a thousand
23. A person can know if a man is generations;
ordained of God or not to lead.
27. A person can know the reason for
 Numbers 16:28 And Moses said, prolonged periods of testing such as
Hereby ye shall know that the LORD the Wilderness Journey.
hath sent me to do all these works;
for I have not done them of mine  Deuteronomy 8:2 And thou shalt
own mind. remember all the way which the
LORD thy God led thee these forty
From the Book of Deuteronomy years in the wilderness, to humble
thee, and to prove thee, to know
24. A person can know the truth of what was in thine heart, whether
thou wouldest keep his to know whether ye love the LORD
commandments, or no. your God with all your heart and
with all your soul.
28. A person can know great spiritual
truths such as the fact that “man does 31. A person can know that God
not live by bread alone but by every withdraws certain legitimate foods
word that proceedeth out of the and beverages such as bread and
mouth of the LORD doth man live.” wine in order to enhance a spiritual
relation with Himself.
 Deuteronomy 8:3 And he humbled
thee, and suffered thee to hunger,  Deuteronomy 29:6 Ye have not eaten
and fed thee with manna, which thou bread, neither have ye drunk wine or
knewest not, neither did thy fathers strong drink: that ye might know that
know; that he might make thee know I am the LORD your God.
that man doth not live by bread only,
but by every word that proceedeth 32. A person can know God’s
out of the mouth of the LORD doth faithfulness in the present by
man live. remember His faithfulness in the
29. A person can know when a gospel
message is deliberately directed at  Deuteronomy 29:16 (For ye know
their hearts and lives. how we have dwelt in the land of
Egypt; and how we came through the
 Deuteronomy 11:2 And know ye this nations which ye passed by;
day: for I speak not with your
children which have not known, and 33. A person can know the future evil
which have not seen the individuals will think and do.
chastisement of the LORD your God,
his greatness, his mighty hand, and  Deuteronomy 31:27 For I [Moses]
his stretched out arm, know thy rebellion, and thy stiff
neck: behold, while I am yet alive
30. A person can know that God will with you this day, ye have been
often test His people through various rebellious against the LORD; and
means including false prophets to how much more after my death?
examine genuine of love. There are
people who love God only for the Deuteronomy 31:29 For I know that
health and wealth they can receive of after my death ye will utterly corrupt
Him. Many people fail this test for yourselves, and turn aside from the
when the promised health and wealth way which I have commanded you;
does not materialize heart turn away and evil will befall you in the latter
from God. days; because ye will do evil in the
sight of the LORD, to provoke him
 Deuteronomy 13:3 Thou shalt not to anger through the work of your
hearken unto the words of that hands.
prophet, or that dreamer of dreams:
for the LORD your God proveth you,
From the Book of Joshua for He is the one who establishes the
boundaries (Acts 17:26).
34. A person can know when their nation
is under the Fifth Wave of Divine  Joshua 3:10 And Joshua said, Hereby
Discipline, which is the ye shall know that the living God is
disintegration of human civilization among you, and that he will without
(Lev. 26, see Doctrine of Divine fail drive out from before you the
Discipline). Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the
Hivites, and the Perizzites, and the
 Joshua 2:9 And she [Rahab] said Girgashites, and the Amorites, and
unto the men, I know that the LORD the Jebusites.
hath given you the land, and that
your terror is fallen upon us, and that 38. A person can known and pass on
all the inhabitants of the land faint with certain knowledge spiritual
because of you. events that have become historical.

 Ezekiel 12:15 And they shall know  Joshua 4:22 Then ye shall let your
that I am the LORD, when I shall children know, saying, Israel came
scatter them among the nations, and over this Jordan on dry land.
disperse them in the countries.
39. A person can know that God will not
35. A person can know the geographical give military victory under certain
will of God. conditions.

 Joshua 3:4 Yet there shall be a space Victory for Joshua

between you and it, about two
thousand cubits by measure: come  Joshua 23:13 Know for a certainty
not near unto it, that ye may know that the LORD your God will no
the way by which ye must go: for ye more drive out any of these nations
have not passed this way heretofore. from before you; but they shall be
snares and traps unto you, and
36. A person can know if the special scourges in your sides, and thorns in
hand of God is upon their life. your eyes, until ye perish from off
this good land which the LORD your
 Joshua 3:7 And the LORD said unto God hath given you.
Joshua, This day will I begin to
magnify thee in the sight of all Israel, Victory for King Ahab
that they may know that, as I was
with Moses, so I will be with thee.  1 Kings 20:13 And, behold, there
came a prophet unto Ahab king of
37. A person can know God’s Israel, saying, Thus saith the LORD,
providential will to conquer a Hast thou seen all this great
country if the inhabitants are driven multitude? Behold, I will deliver it in
out. Land belongs to the Lord and to to thine hand this day; and thou shalt
whomever He is pleased to give it know that I am the LORD.
40. A person can know why God gives to teach them war, at the least such
military victory. as before knew nothing thereof;

 1 Kings 20:28 And there came a What God wanted to know

man of God, and spake unto the specifically through military conflict
king of Israel, and said, Thus was whether or not the people of the
saith the LORD, Because the covenant would listen to and obey
Syrians have said, The LORD is the commandments of the Law.
God of the hills, but he is not
God of the valleys, therefore will Judges 3:4 And they were to prove
I deliver all this great multitude Israel by them, to know whether they
into thine hand, and ye shall would hearken unto the
know that I am the LORD. commandments of the LORD, which
he commanded their fathers by the
41. A person can know that God keeps hand of Moses.
His word. The promises made to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 43. A person can know by specifically
concerning the boundaries of the answered prayer the will of God.
Land of Promise, a seed and a royal
descendant have all been fulfilled.  Judges 6:37 Behold, I will put a
fleece of wool in the floor; and if the
 Joshua 23:14 And, behold, this day I dew be on the fleece only, and it be
am going the way of all the earth: dry upon all the earth beside, then
and ye know in all your hearts and in shall I know that thou wilt save
all your souls, that not one thing hath Israel by mine hand, as thou hast
failed of all the good things which said.
the LORD your God spake
concerning you; all are come to pass 44. A person can know the principle of
unto you, and not one thing hath blessing by association.
failed thereof.
 Judges 17:13 Then said Micah, Now
From the Book of Judges know I that the LORD will do me
good, seeing I have a Levite to my
42. A person can and should know how priest.
to fight for God and country. The
Lord left some of the tribal nations 45. A person can know if other people
of Canaan in the land to teach the are worshipping false gods and
Israelites to fight. engaging in idolatry.

 Judges 3:1 Now these are the nations  Judges 18:14 Then answered the five
which the LORD left, to prove Israel men that went to spy out the country
by them, even as many of Israel as of Laish, and said unto their
had not known all the wars of brethren, Do ye know that there is in
Canaan; 2 Only that the generations these houses an ephod, and teraphim,
of the children of Israel might know, and a graven image, and a molten
image? Now therefore consider what matter will fall: for the man will not
ye have to do. be in rest, until he have finished the
thing this day.
46. A person can know the most vile of
sexual sins such as homosexuality 50. A person can know the mind and
are manifested in succeeding intentions of someone else through
generations. open discussion confirmed in the
presence of witnesses.
 Judges 19:22 Now as they were
making their hearts merry, behold,  Ruth 4:4 And I thought to advertise
the men of the city, certain sons of thee, saying, Buy it before the
Belial, beset the house round about, inhabitants, and before the elders of
and beat at the door, and spake to the my people. If thou wilt redeem it,
master of the house, the old man, redeem it: but if thou wilt not redeem
saying, Bring forth the man that it, then tell me, that I may know: for
came into thine house, that we may there is none to redeem it beside
know him (cf. Genesis 19:5). thee; and I am after thee. And he
said, I will redeem it.
From the Book of Ruth
From the Book of 1 Samuel
47. A person can know about and
promote the good reputation of a 51. It is possible to know what one does
virtuous woman. not know. There is a time in the life
of every person in which it can be
 Ruth 3:11 And now, my daughter, said, they do “not yet” know the
fear not; I will do to thee all that thou LORD.
requirest: for all the city of my
people doth know that thou art a  1 Samuel 3:7 Now Samuel did not
virtuous woman. yet know the LORD, neither was the
word of the LORD yet revealed unto
48. A person can know how to be him.
discreet in society so as to avoid
scandal for self and shame for others. 52. It is possible to know the origin of
. certain sins.
 Ruth 3:14 And she lay at his feet
until the morning: and she rose up  1 Samuel 14:38 And Saul said, Draw
before one could know another. And ye near hither, all the chief of the
he said, Let it not be known that a people: and know and see wherein
woman came into the floor. this sin hath been this day.

49. A person can know how to be patient 53. It is possible for a person to know
and wait for the outcome of a the LORD will save a people but not
situation. through military force. No one
should put their ultimate trust for
 Ruth 3:18 Then said she, Sit still, my national security in military
daughter, until thou know how the readiness or strength.
 1 Samuel 17:47 And all this 57. A person can know whey they are
assembly shall know that the LORD lying and deceiving through clever
saveth not with sword and spear: for words designed to convey one
the battle is the LORD's, and he will meaning while something else is
give you into our hands. being done.

54. A parent can know and should know  1 Samuel 28:2 And David said to
the friends of their children. Achish, Surely thou shalt know what
thy servant can do. And Achish said
 1 Samuel 20:3 And David sware to David, Therefore will I make thee
moreover, and said, Thy father keeper of mine head for ever.
[Saul] certainly knoweth that I have
found grace in thine eyes; and he
saith, Let not Jonathan know this,
lest he be grieved: but truly as the From the Book of 2 Samuel
LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth,
there is but a step between me and 58. It is possible for a person to know
death. they are being deceived or have
55. A person can know if they are lying
about their activities.  2 Samuel 3:25 Thou knowest Abner
the son of Ner, that he came to
 1 Samuel 21:2 And David said unto deceive thee, and to know thy going
Ahimelech the priest, The king hath out and thy coming in, and to know
commanded me a business, and hath all that thou doest.
said unto me, Let no man know any
thing of the business whereabout I 59. It is possible for a person to know
send thee, and what I have how to show kindness and grace to
commanded thee: and I have one’s enemy.
appointed my servants to such and
such a place.  2 Samuel 3:38 And the king [David]
said unto his servants, Know ye not
56. A person can know when a that there is a prince and a great man
dangerous life-threatening situation [Abner, the commander in chief of
is present. Saul’s army] fallen this day in Israel?

 1 Samuel 25:17 Now therefore know 60. A person can recognize the tongue of
and consider what thou [Abigail] the flatterer for such a one will use
wilt do; for evil [injurious behavior] excessive praise in the manner of the
is determined against our master woman of Tekoah.
[Nabal], and against all his
household: for he is such a son of  2 Samuel 14:20 To fetch about this
Belial, that a man cannot speak to form of speech hath thy servant Joab
him. done this thing: and my lord is wise,
according to the wisdom of an angel
of God, to know all things that are in boundaries they should remain
the earth. within as part of a just judgment.

61. A person can know when they have  1 Kings 2:37 For it shall be, that on
acted foolishly and should confess the day thou [Shimei] goest out, and
sin and plead for mercy as did passest over the brook Kidron, thou
Shimei the son of Gera. Having once shalt know for certain that thou shalt
cursed David, Shimei bows before surely die: thy blood shall be upon
him. thine own head.

 2 Samuel 19:20 For thy servant doth 65. It is possible for a person to know
know that I have sinned: therefore, when they are violating the
behold, I am come the first this day principles of grace as when Shimei
of all the house of Joseph to go down violated the grace of King David, to
to meet my lord the king. his own peril.
62. A person can know what position 1 Kings 2:42 And the king sent and
they hold by divine design in the called for Shimei, and said unto him,
economy of life. With this realization Did I not make thee to swear by the
comes responsibility and restraints. LORD, and protested unto thee,
saying, Know for a certain, on the
 2 Samuel 19:22 And David said, day thou goest out, and walkest
What have I to do with you, ye sons abroad any wither, that thou shalt
of Zeruiah, that ye should this day be surely die? And thou saidst unto me,
adversaries unto me? Shall there any The word that I have heard is good.
man be put to death this day in
Israel? For do not I know that I am 66. A person can know their need for the
this day king over Israel? LORD to lead and guide them.

63. A person can know that certain  1 Kings 3:7 And now, O LORD my
information gathered will only God, thou hast made thy servant
inflame pride, and so they gather the [Solomon] king instead of David my
data as David did in numbering the father: and I am but a little child: I
people of Israel. know not how to go out or come in.

 2 Samuel 24:2 For the king said to 67. A person can know the plague or
Joab the captain of the host, which inward corruption of his own heart.
was with him, Go now through all
the tribes of Israel, from Dan even to  1 Kings 8:38 What prayer and
Beer-sheba, and number ye the supplication soever be made by any
people, that I may know the number man, or by all thy people Israel,
of the people. which shall know every man the
plague of his own heart, and spread
From the Book of 1 Kings forth his hands toward this house:

64. It is possible for a person to know 68. By witnessing the attitude and
the limitations of life and the actions of another, a person may
know if an individual is truly a man  2 Kings 5:8 And it was so, when
of God or not. Elisha the man of God had heard that
the king of Israel had rent his
 1 Kings 17:24 And the woman said clothes, that he sent to the king,
to Elijah, Now by this I know that saying, Wherefore hast thou rent thy
thou art a man of God, and that the clothes? Let him come now to me,
word of the LORD in thy mouth is and he shall know that there is a
truth. prophet in Israel.

69. A person can know when God has 72. A person can become convinced by
granted the gift of repentance to a conversion there is but one God, the
person for the hearts of the people God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
will return to keeping the law of the Such a person was Naamam.
Lord and loving one another.
 2 Kings 5:15 And he [Naaman]
 1 Kings 18:37 Hear me, O LORD, returned to the man of God, he and
hear me, that this people may know all his company, and came, and stood
that thou art the LORD God, and that before him: and he said, Behold, now
thou hast turned their heart back I know that there is no God in all
again. earth, but in Israel: now therefore, I
pray thee, take a blessing of thy
From the Book of 2 Kings servant.

70. A person can know the day they will 73. A person can know or discern what
lose a loved one in the providence of their enemies will think and do under
God despite much sorrow of heart. certain conditions.

 2 Kings 2:3 And the sons of the  2 Kings 7:12 And the king [Jehoram,
prophets that were at Bethel came reigned 852 BC - 841 BC] arose in
forth to Elisha, and said unto him, the night, and said unto his servants,
Knowest thou that the LORD will I will now shew you what the
take away thy master from thy head Syrians have done to us. They know
to day? And he said, Yea, I know it; that we be hungry; therefore are they
hold ye your peace. gone out of the camp to hide
themselves in the field, saying,
2 Kings 2:5 And the sons of the When they come out of the city, we
prophets that were at Jericho came to shall catch them alive, and get into
Elisha, and said unto him, Knowest the city.
thou that the LORD will take away
thy master from thy head to day? 74. A person can know the evil in the
And he answered, Yea, I know it; heart of others.
hold ye your peace.
 2 Kings 8:12 And Hazael said, Why
71. A person can know there is a prophet weepeth my lord? And he [Elijah]
of God in the land. answered, Because I know the evil
that thou wilt do unto the children of
Israel: their strong holds wilt thou set  1 Chronicles 28:9 And thou,
on fire, and their young men wilt Solomon my son, know thou the God
thou slay with the sword, and wilt of thy father, and serve him with a
dash their children, and rip up their perfect heart and with a willing
women with child. mind: for the LORD searcheth all
hearts, and understandeth all the
75. A person can known when disturbing imaginations of the thoughts: if thou
information has been delivered. seek him, he will be found of thee;
but if thou forsake him, he will cast
 2 Kings 9:11 Then Jehu came forth thee off for ever.
to the servants of his lord: and one
said unto him, Is all well? Wherefore 79. A person can know God will test
came this mad fellow [young hearts for the purpose of approval
prophet] to thee? And he said unto that He might have pleasure in
them, Ye know the man [Elisha], and righteousness.
his communication. 80. 1 Chronicles 29:17 I know also, my
God, that thou triest the heart, and
76. A person can know the Word of God hast pleasure in uprightness. As for
shall not fail. me, in the uprightness of mine heart I
have willingly offered all these
 2 Kings 10:10 Know now that there things: and now have I seen with joy
shall fall unto the earth nothing of thy people, which are present here, to
the word of the LORD, which the offer willingly unto thee.
LORD spake concerning the house
of Ahab: for the LORD hath done From the Book of 2 Chronicles
that which he spake by his servant
Elijah. 81. A person can know the skills that
exist in another nation.
From the Book of 1 Chronicles
 2 Chronicles 2:8 Send me [Solomon]
77. It is possible for some people to have also cedar trees, fir trees, and algum
political and social acumen in order trees, out of Lebanon: for I know that
to guide the affairs of a nation. thy servants can skill to cut timber in
Lebanon; and, behold, my servants
 1 Chronicles 12:32 And of the shall be with thy servants,
children of Issachar, which were men
that had understanding of the times, 82. A person can know their own
to know what Israel ought to do; the personal sorrows and griefs through
heads of them were two hundred; self awareness.
and all their brethren were at their
commandment.  2 Chronicles 6:29 Then what prayer
or what supplication soever shall be
78. The children of believing parents can made of any man, or of all thy
know the God of their father. people Israel, when every one shall
know his own sore and his own grief,
and shall spread forth his hands in unto all the people of other lands?
this house: Were the gods of the nations of those
lands any ways able to deliver their
83. A person can know the reason for lands out of mine hand?
national enslavement and domination
of by a foreign power. From the Book of Ezra

 2 Chronicles 12:8 Nevertheless they 86. A person can know the historical
shall be his [Shishak of Egypt, c. 945 record that surrounds a particular
BC - 924 BC] servants; that they geographical location.
may know my service, and the
service of the kingdoms of the  Ezra 4:15 That search may be made
countries. in the book of the records of thy
fathers: so shalt thou find in the book
of the records, and know that this
city is a rebellious city, and hurtful
84. A person can know the term “for unto kings and provinces, and that
ever” is used in a restricted way in they have moved sedition within the
Scripture to refer to the extent of the same of old time: for which cause
promise initially given. was this city destroyed.

 2 Chronicles 13:5 Ought ye not to 87. A person can know the law of the
know that the LORD God of Israel Lord well enough to rule from it.
gave the kingdom over Israel to
David for ever, even to him and to  Ezra 7:25 And thou, Ezra, after the
his sons by a covenant of salt? wisdom of thy God, that is in thine
hand, set magistrates and judges,
85. It is possible to know that individuals which may judge all the people that
will not listen to godly counsel. are beyond the river, all such as
know the laws of thy God; and teach
 2 Chronicles 25:16 And it came to ye them that know them not.
pass, as he [the prophet] talked with
him [Amaziah, 796 BC - 767 BC], From the Book of Nehemiah
that the [ninth] king [of Judah] said
unto him, Art thou made of the 88. A person can know the deception
king's counsel? Forbear; why and treachery the enemies of the
shouldest thou be smitten? Then the church are plotting. As Christians are
prophet forbare, and said, I know not to be ignorant of Satanic
that God hath determined to destroy strategies (2 Cor. 2:11) so Christians
thee, because thou hast done this, watch the sons of Satan.
and hast not hearkened unto my
counsel.  Nehemiah 4:11 And our adversaries
said, They shall not know, neither
 2 Chronicles 32:13 Know ye not see, till we come in the midst among
what I [Sennacherib king of them, and slay them, and cause the
Assyria], and my fathers have done work to cease.
92. A person can know if the children
From the Book of Esther will do well in life.

89. A person can know and should want  Job 5:25 Thou shalt know also that
to know about the welfare of loved thy seed shall be great, and thine
ones. offspring as the grass of the earth.

 Esther 2:11 And Mordecai walked 93. The general lessons of life others
every day before the court of the have learned can be known
women's house, to know how Esther
did, and what should become of her.  Job 5:27 Lo this, we have searched
it, so it is; hear it, and know thou it
Esther 4:5 Then called Esther for for thy good.
Hatach, one of the king's
chamberlains, whom he had 94. A person can known doctrinal truth
appointed to attend upon her, and as Job acknowledged the words of
gave him a commandment to his friends when they spoke.
Mordecai, to know what it was, and
why it was.  Job 9:1 Then Job answered and said,
2 I know it is so of a truth: but how
90. A person can know the meaning of should man be just with God?
the golden sceptre.
95. A person may know God will not
 Esther 4:11 All the king's servants, hold the guilty innocent.
and the people of the king's
provinces, do know, that whosoever,  Job 9:28 I am afraid of all my
whether man or woman, shall come sorrows, I know that thou wilt not
unto the king into the inner court, hold me innocent.
who is not called, there is one law of
his to put him to death, except such 96. A person can know that God does
to whom the king shall hold out the not extract from them all of sin’s
golden sceptre, that he may live: but merit. In His judgments He shows
I have not been called to come in mercy.
unto the king these thirty days.
 Job 11:6 And that he would shew
From the Book of Job thee the secrets of wisdom, that they
are double to that which is! Know
91. A person can know if their therefore that God exacteth of thee
possessions are safe and secure. less than thine iniquity deserveth.

 Job 5:24 And thou shalt know that 97. A person can know that God Himself
thy tabernacle [tent] shall be in is unfathomable.
peace; and thou shalt visit thy
habitation, and shalt not sin.  Job 11:7 Canst thou by searching
find out God? Canst thou find out the
Almighty unto perfection? 8 It is as
high as heaven; what canst thou do?  Job 21:27 Behold, I know your
deeper than hell; what canst thou thoughts, and the devices which ye
know ? wrongfully imagine against me.

98. A person can know as much as 103. A person can know they will die.
another about God and spiritual
matters.  Job 30:23 For I know that thou wilt
bring me to death, and to the house
 Job 13:2 What ye know, the same do appointed for all living.
I know also: I am not inferior unto
you. 104. A person can know better than to
give flattering titles.
 Job 15:9 [Job, asked Eliphaz the
Temanite] What knowest thou, that  Job 32:22 For I know not to give
we know not? What understandest flattering titles; in so doing my
thou, which is not in us? maker would soon take me away.

99. A person can know if they are 105. A person can know what is good
innocent or guilty in a given matter. and what is evil.

 Job 13:18 Behold now, I have  Job 34:4 Let us choose to us

ordered my cause; I know that I shall judgment: let us know among
be justified. ourselves what is good.

100. A person can know there will be 106. A person can know one of God’s
a resurrection from the dead. attributes is that of omnipotence.

 Job 19:25 For I know that my  Job 42:2 I know that thou canst do
redeemer liveth, and that he shall every thing, and that no thought can
stand at the latter day upon the earth: be withholden from thee.

101. A person can know there will be From the Book of Psalms
a Day of Judgment.
107. A person can know how pleased
 Job 19:29 Be ye afraid of the sword: the Lord is with the godly.
for wrath bringeth the punishments
of the sword, that ye may know there  Psalms 4:3 But know that the LORD
is a judgment. hath set apart him that is godly for
himself: the LORD will hear when I
 Job 21:19 God layeth up his iniquity call unto him.
for his children: he rewardeth him,
and he shall know it. 108. To know someone’s name is to
know their essence. A person can
102. A person can know if his friends know the Lord God in an intimate
believe in him or not. way.
 Psalms 9:10 And they that know thy  Psalms 78:6 That the generation to
name will put their trust in thee: for come might know them, even the
thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them children which should be born; who
that seek thee. should arise and declare them to their
 Psalms 46:10 Be still, and know that
I am God: I will be exalted among 114. A person can know they are
the heathen, I will be exalted in the divinely created and not the product
earth. of space plus time plus chance.

109. A person can know that the Lord  Psalms 100:3 Know ye that the
God will save His anointed. LORD he is God: it is he that hath
made us, and not we ourselves; we
 Psalms 20:6 Now know I that the are his people, and the sheep of his
LORD saveth his anointed; he will pasture.
hear him from his holy heaven with
the saving strength of his right hand. 115. A person can know the
110. A person can know if God has judgments are God are harsh but just.
favored them.  Psalms 119:75 I know, O LORD,
that thy judgments are right, and that
 Psalms 41:11 By this I know that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.
thou favourest me, because mine
enemy doth not triumph over me. 116. A person can know there is only
111. Through divine discernment a one God and thereby establish the
person can know wisdom in the doctrine of monotheism.
deepest part of their soul.
 Psalms 135:5 For I know that the
 Psalms 51:6 Behold, thou desirest LORD is great, and that our Lord is
truth in the inward parts: and in the above all gods.
hidden part thou shalt make me to
know wisdom. 117. A person can know the Lord God
will move to help the afflicted and
112. A person can know if their the poor.
enemies will be defeated because
God is present and providing  Psalms 140:12 I know that the
protection. LORD will maintain the cause of the
afflicted, and the right of the poor.
 Psalms 56:9 When I cry unto thee,
then shall mine enemies turn back: 118. A person can know the frailty
this I know; for God is for me. and futility of human friendship.

113. The generation to come can  Psalms 142:4 I looked on my right

know what the previous generation hand, and beheld, but there was no
knew about the law of God. man that would know me: refuge
failed me; no man cared for my soul.
From the Book of Proverbs  Ecclesiastes 8:12 Though a sinner do
evil an hundred times, and his days
119. A person can know what is be prolonged, yet surely I know that
appropriate speech and what is not. it shall be well with them that fear
God, which fear before him:
 Proverbs 10:32 The lips of the
righteous know what is acceptable: 123. A person can know the certain of
but the mouth of the wicked speaketh a day of divine evaluation.
 Ecclesiastes 11:9 Rejoice, O young
119. A person can know the meaning man, in thy youth; and let thy heart
of godly counsel written. cheer thee in the days of thy youth,
and walk in the ways of thine heart,
 Proverbs 22:20 Have not I written to and in the sight of thine eyes: but
thee excellent things in counsels and know thou, that for all these things
knowledge, 21 That I might make God will bring thee into judgment.
thee know the certainty of the words
of truth; that thou mightest answer
the words of truth to them that send
unto thee? From the Book of Isaiah

From the Book of Ecclesiastes 124. It is possible to know when

national destruction is pending as a
120. A person can know God works in result of divine judgment.
the sphere of eternity and not time.
 Isaiah 9:9 And all the people shall
 Ecclesiastes 3:14 I know that, know, even Ephraim and the
whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for inhabitant of Samaria, that say in the
ever: nothing can be put to it, nor pride and stoutness of heart,
any thing taken from it: and God
doeth it, that men should fear before 125. A person can know that times of
him. prosperity are not the product of their
labors per se but the results of divine
121. A person can know the value of provisions.
 Isaiah 41:18 I will open rivers in
 Ecclesiastes 7:25 I applied mine high places, and fountains in the
heart to know, and to search, and to midst of the valleys: I will make the
seek out wisdom, and the reason of wilderness a pool of water, and the
things, and to know the wickedness dry land springs of water. 19 I will
of folly, even of foolishness and plant in the wilderness the cedar, the
madness: shittah tree, and the myrtle, and the
oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir
122. A person can know it will be tree, and the pine, and the box tree
well with the righteous. together: 20 That they may see, and
know, and consider, and understand
together, that the hand of the LORD
hath done this, and the Holy One of  Isaiah 49:23 And kings shall be thy
Israel hath created it. nursing fathers, and their queens thy
nursing mothers: they shall bow
126. A person may know that God down to thee with their face toward
alone exits. There was none before the earth, and lick up the dust of thy
Him and there will be none after feet; and thou shalt know that I am
Him. the LORD: for they shall not be
ashamed that wait for me.
 Isaiah 43:10 Ye are my witnesses,
saith the LORD, and my servant 129. A person can know how to speak
whom I have chosen: that ye may to a person in a gracious manner in
know and believe me, and the hour of their need.
understand that I am he: before me
there was no God formed, neither  Isaiah 50:4 The Lord GOD hath
shall there be after me. given me the tongue of the learned,
that I should know how to speak a
word in season to him that is weary:
 Isaiah 44:8 Fear ye not, neither be he wakeneth morning by morning, he
afraid: have not I told thee from that wakeneth mine ear to hear as the
time, and have declared it? Ye are learned.
even my witnesses. Is there a God
beside me? Yea, there is no God; I 130. A person can know there is no
know not any. shame in doing what is right.

 Isaiah 45:6 That they may know  Isaiah 50:7 For the Lord GOD will
from the rising of the sun, and from help me; therefore shall I not be
the west, that there is none beside confounded: therefore have I set my
me. I am the LORD, and there is face like a flint, and I know that I
none else. shall not be ashamed.

127. A person can know that any 131. A person can know what is right
comprehension of spiritual truth is a and what is right because the moral
gift of divine grace. law is written in the heart.

 Isaiah 45:3 And I will give thee the  Isaiah 51:7 Hearken unto me, ye that
treasures of darkness, and hidden know righteousness, the people in
riches of secret places, that thou whose heart is my law; fear ye not
mayest know that I, the LORD, the reproach of men, neither be ye
which call thee by thy name, am the afraid of their revilings.
God of Israel.
132. A person can know the name of
128. A person can know that waiting God and that He still speaks to the
on the Lord never brings them person who cares to listen.
 Isaiah 52:6 Therefore my people
shall know my name: therefore they
shall know in that day that I am he  Jeremiah 5:1 Run ye to and fro
that doth speak: behold, it is I. through the streets of Jerusalem, and
see now, and know, and seek in the
133. A person can know what it is to broad places thereof, if ye can find a
delight in approaching God. man, if there be any that executeth
judgment, that seeketh the truth; and
 Isaiah 58:2 Yet they seek me daily, I will pardon it.
and delight to know my ways, as a
nation that did righteousness, and 137. Through divine appointment a
forsook not the ordinance of their person can know the ways of others
God: they ask of me the ordinances whether they be good or bad.
of justice; they take delight in
approaching to God.  Jeremiah 6:27 I have set thee for a
tower and a fortress among my
people, that thou mayest know and
try their way.

134. A person can know the

wickedness of their own hearts. 138. A person can know the
limitations of humans.
 Isaiah 59:12 For our transgressions
are multiplied before thee, and our  Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know
sins testify against us: for our that the way of man is not in himself:
transgressions are with us; and as for it is not in man that walketh to direct
our iniquities, we know them; his steps.

From the Book of Jeremiah 139. Through the spiritual gift of

divine discernment a person will
135. A person can know the bitterness have special knowledge to know
of forsaking the Lord. what others have done or are doing.

 Jeremiah 2:19 Thine own  Jeremiah 11:18 And the LORD hath
wickedness shall correct thee, and given me knowledge of it, and I
thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know it: then thou shewedst me their
know therefore and see that it is an doings.
evil thing and bitter, that thou hast
forsaken the LORD thy God, and  Acts 5:3 But Peter said, Ananias,
that my fear is not in thee, saith the why hath Satan filled thine heart to
Lord GOD of hosts. lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep
back part of the price of the land?
136. By making a public search a
person can know if there is a 140. A person can know by divine
righteous person in the midst of a pressure the name of the LORD.
 Jeremiah 16:21 Therefore, behold, I
will this once cause them to know, I
will cause them to know mine hand of a truth the LORD hath sent me
and my might; and they shall know unto you to speak all these words in
that my name is The LORD. your ears.

141. Through poverty and need many 144. A person can know God has
come to know the Lord. spoken and still speaks to the human
 Jeremiah 22:16 He judged the cause
of the poor and needy; then it was  Jeremiah 29:16 Know that thus saith
well with him: was not this to know the LORD of the king that sitteth
me? Saith the LORD. upon the throne of David, and of all
the people that dwelleth in this city,
142. A person can know about and and of your brethren that are not
enter into a covenant of grace with gone forth with you into captivity;
the LORD.

 Jeremiah 24:7 And I will give them 145. A person can know when God
an heart to know me, that I am the speaks about specific situations in
LORD: and they shall be my people, life.
and I will be their God: for they shall
return unto me with their whole  Jeremiah 42:19 The LORD hath said
heart. concerning you, O ye remnant of
Judah; Go ye not into Egypt: know
 Jeremiah 31:34 And they shall teach certainly that I have admonished you
no more every man his neighbour, this day.
and every man his brother, saying,
Know the LORD: for they shall all  Jeremiah 42:22 Now therefore know
know me, from the least of them certainly that ye shall die by the
unto the greatest of them, saith the sword, by the famine, and by the
LORD; for I will forgive their pestilence, in the place whither ye
iniquity, and I will remember their desire to go and to sojourn.
sin no more.
 Jeremiah 44:28 Yet a small number
 Ezekiel 16:62 And I will establish that escape the sword shall return out
my covenant with thee; and thou of the land of Egypt into the land of
shalt know that I am the LORD: Judah, and all the remnant of Judah,
that are gone into the land of Egypt
143. A person can know the to sojourn there, shall know whose
repercussion of their evil actions so words shall stand, mine, or theirs.
they are without excuse.
146. A person can know there are
 Jeremiah 26:15 But know ye for divine signs that God is acting in
certain, that if ye put me to death, ye grace or in judgment.
shall surely bring innocent blood
upon yourselves, and upon this city,  Jeremiah 44:29 And this shall be a
and upon the inhabitants thereof: for sign unto you, saith the LORD, that I
will punish you in this place, that ye thereof, and the princes thereof, and
may know that my words shall surely led them with him to Babylon;
stand against you for evil:
151. A person can know and should
From the Book of Ezekiel know about the sins of their fathers.

147. A person can know if a prophet  Ezekiel 20:4 Wilt thou judge them,
has been in their midst. son of man, wilt thou judge them?
Cause them to know the
 Ezekiel 2:5 And they, whether they abominations of their fathers:
will hear, or whether they will
forbear, (for they are a rebellious 152. A person can know God is
house,) yet shall know that there hath blessing a nation when He
been a prophet among them. establishes them in a land.

148. A person can know God keeps  Ezekiel 20:42 And ye shall know
His word and does not lie. that I am the LORD, when I shall
bring you into the land of Israel, into
 Ezekiel 6:10 And they shall know the country for the which I lifted up
that I am the LORD, and that I have mine hand to give it to your fathers.
not said in vain that I would do this
evil unto them. 153. A person can know God is
blessing a nation when He deals with
149. A person can know they have the people on the basis of grace.
been spared to testify to their
abominations.  Ezekiel 20:44 And ye shall know
that I am the LORD, when I have
 Ezekiel 12:16 But I will leave a few wrought with you for my name's
men of them from the sword, from sake, not according to your wicked
the famine, and from the pestilence; ways, nor according to your corrupt
that they may declare all their doings, O ye house of Israel, saith
abominations among the heathen the Lord GOD.
whither they come; and they shall
know that I am the LORD.
From the Book of Daniel
150. A person can know the meaning
of current calamities from a divine 154. A person can know they have
perspective once a man of God has dreamed a dream that is significant.
revealed them.
 Daniel 2:3 And the king said unto
 Ezekiel 17:12 Say now to the them, I have dreamed a dream, and
rebellious house, Know ye not what my spirit was troubled to know the
these things mean? Tell them, dream.
Behold, the king of Babylon is come
to Jerusalem, and hath taken the king
155. A person can know when the  Hosea 2:20 I will even betroth thee
heart of another person is filled with unto me in faithfulness: and thou
false gods. shalt know the LORD.

 Daniel 4:9 O Belteshazzar, master of  Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your

the magicians, because I know that wives, even as Christ also loved the
the spirit of the holy gods is in thee, church, and gave himself for it; 26
and no secret troubleth thee, tell me That he might sanctify and cleanse it
the visions of my dream that I have with the washing of water by the
seen, and the interpretation thereof. word, 27 That he might present it to
himself a glorious church, not having
156. By God’s grace the secret truths spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing;
of the Lord can be known when but that it should be holy and without
revealed. blemish.

 Daniel 7:16 I came near unto one of 159. A person can know if they press
them that stood by, and asked him on in holiness and spiritual matters
the truth of all this. So he told me, they shall be rewarded.
and made me know the interpretation
of the things.  Hosea 6:3 Then shall we know, if we
follow on to know the LORD: his
 Daniel 8:19 And he said, Behold, I going forth is prepared as the
will make thee know what shall be in morning; and he shall come unto us
the last end of the indignation: for at as the rain, as the latter and former
the time appointed the end shall be. rain unto the earth.

157. It is possible for a person to  Hosea 8:2 Israel shall cry unto me,
know when a prophetic utterance and My God, we know thee.
its completion is realized.
160. A person can know and
 Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand Bible doctrine.
understand, that from the going forth
of the commandment to restore and  Hosea 14:9 Who is wise, and he shall
to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah understand these things? Prudent,
the Prince shall be seven weeks, and and he shall know them? For the
threescore and two weeks: the street ways of the LORD are right, and the
shall be built again, and the wall, just shall walk in them: but the
even in troublous times. transgressors shall fall therein.

From the Book of Hosea

158. A person can know they have

been married to the Lord.
From the Book of Joel From the Book of Micah

161. A person can know if the Lord is 164. A person can know the
in the midst of His church. righteousness of God by remember
the Lord’s past acts with His people.
 Joel 2:27 And ye shall know that I
am in the midst of Israel, and that I  Micah 6:5 O my people, remember
am the LORD your God, and none now what Balak king of Moab
else: and my people shall never be consulted, and what Balaam the son
ashamed. of Beor answered him from Shittim
unto Gilgal; that ye may know the
 Joel 3:17 So shall ye know that I am righteousness of the LORD.
the LORD your God dwelling in
Zion, my holy mountain: then shall From the Book of Zechariah
Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no
strangers pass through her any more. 165. A person can know by the power
of effective gospel preaching and by
 Revelation 1:13 And in the midst of the coming to pass of any prophetic
the seven candlesticks one like unto utterance if a person has been sent of
the Son of man, clothed with a God.
garment down to the foot, and girt
about the paps with a golden girdle.  Effective preaching. Zechariah 2:11
And many nations shall be joined to
From the Book of Jonah the LORD in that day, and shall be
my people: and I will dwell in the
162. Once people could discern the midst of thee, and thou shalt know
will of the Lord by the casting of that the LORD of hosts hath sent me
lots. Today, God speaks to His unto thee.
people by His Spirit through His
Word.  Prophecy fulfilled. Zechariah 4:9
The hands of Zerubbabel have laid
 Jonah 1:7 And they said every one to the foundation of this house; his
his fellow, Come, and let us cast lots, hands shall also finish it; and thou
that we may know for whose cause shalt know that the LORD of hosts
this evil is upon us. So they cast lots, hath sent me unto you.
and the lot fell upon Jonah.
 Both elements combined. Zechariah
163. A person can know if they are 6:15 And they that are far off shall
the source for the suffering of others. come and build in the temple of the
LORD, and ye shall know that the
 Jonah 1:12 And he said unto them, LORD of hosts hath sent me unto
Take me up, and cast me forth into you. And this shall come to pass, if
the sea; so shall the sea be calm unto ye will diligently obey the voice of
you: for I know that for my sake this the LORD your God.
great tempest is upon you.
From the Book of Malachi 4. A person does not always know
whom God will send to assist them
166. A person can know a specific in the work of the ministry.
commandment of God has been sent
to the soul.  Exodus 33:12 And Moses said unto
the LORD, See, thou sayest unto me,
 Malachi 2:4 And ye shall know that I Bring up this people: and thou hast
have sent this commandment unto not let me know whom thou wilt
you, that my covenant might be with send with me. Yet thou hast said, I
Levi, saith the LORD of hosts. know thee by name, and thou hast
also found grace in my sight.

What a Person Does Not Know 5. Sometimes a person will not know to
whom valuable property belongs. In
1. A person does not know for certainty such a situation the property is to be
the day of their death. held and protected in a sacred trust
until the rightful owner redeems it.
 Genesis 27:2 And he [Isaac] said,
Behold now, I am old, I know not the  Deuteronomy 22:2 And if thy
day of my death: brother be not nigh unto thee, or if
thou know him not, then thou shalt
2. A person does not know how another bring it [the valuable animal] unto
individual will react to an honest thine own house, and it shall be with
responses to questions. thee until thy brother seek after it,
and thou shalt restore it to him again.
 Genesis 43:7 And they said, The
man asked us straitly of our state, 6. A person does not always know the
and of our kindred, saying, Is your motives or the heart of another
father yet alive? Have ye another person. Eliab was out of line when
brother? And we told him according he pretended to know what
to the tenor of these words: could we compelled David to speak as he did
certainly know that he would say, to the soldiers of Israel.
Bring your brother down?
 1 Samuel 17:28 And Eliab his eldest
3. A person does not know how to brother heard when he spake unto the
worship the LORD properly until men; and Eliab's anger was kindled
instructed. against David, and he said, Why
camest thou down hither? And with
 Exodus 10:26 Our cattle also shall go whom hast thou left those few sheep
with us; there shall not an hoof be in the wilderness? I know thy pride,
left behind; for thereof must we take and the naughtiness of thine heart;
to serve the LORD our God; and we for thou art come down that thou
know not with what we must serve mightest see the battle.
the LORD, until we come thither.
7. A person does not always know the 11. A person cannot fathom eternity or
secret dealings of God with His infinity.
 Job 36:26 Behold, God is great, and
 1 Kings 18:12 And it shall come to we know him not, neither can the
pass, as soon as I am gone from thee, number of his years be searched out.
that the Spirit of the LORD shall
carry thee whither I know not; and so 12. A person does not know how many
when I come and tell Ahab, and he days there are to live.
cannot find thee, he shall slay me:
but I thy servant fear the LORD from  Psalms 71:15 My mouth shall shew
my youth. forth thy righteousness and thy
8. A person does not always know the salvation all the day; for I know not
outcome of a matter though he the numbers thereof.
speaks with confidence and with
certainty. The story of king Ahab of 13. Sometimes it is a great challenge
Israel and the situation in Ramoth trying to understand evil or injurious
confirms this truth. behavior and how the wicked
 1 Kings 22:3 And the king of Israel
said unto his servants, Know ye that  Psalms 73:16 When I thought to
Ramoth in Gilead is ours, and we be know this, it was too painful for me;
still, and take it not out of the hand
of the king of Syria? (Read the rest 14. A person will never understand the
of the story in 1 Kings 22:4-38). ways of a wicked woman apart from
9. A person does not know how to
resolve every major crisis that faces  Proverbs 5:3 For the lips of a strange
the nation. woman drop as an honeycomb, and
her mouth is smoother than oil: 4 But
 2 Chronicles 20:12 O our God, wilt her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp
thou not judge them? For we have no as a two-edged sword. 5 Her feet go
might against this great company down to death; her steps take hold on
that cometh against us; neither know hell. 6 Lest [unless] thou shouldest
we what to do: but our eyes are upon ponder the path of life, her ways are
thee. moveable, that thou canst not know
10. No matter how much a person learns
there is a sense in which it can be 15. A person cannot know the way of an
said they know nothing due to the adulterous woman.
brevity of life.
 Proverbs 30:18 There be three things
 Job 8:9 (For we are but of yesterday, which are too wonderful for me, yea,
and know nothing, because our days four which I know not: 19 The way
upon earth are a shadow:) of an eagle in the air; the way of a
serpent upon a rock; the way of a
ship in the midst of the sea; and the demonstrates in one of his
way of a man with a maid. 20 Such soliloquies. Job declares he knows
is the way of an adulterous woman; God intended to create him in order
she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, to hurt him.
and saith, I have done no
wickedness.  Job 10:11 Thou hast clothed me with
skin and flesh, and hast fenced me
16. There are times when a person loses with bones and sinews. 12 Thou hast
sight of spiritual realities and does granted me life and favour, and thy
not comprehend clearly the will of visitation hath preserved my spirit.
God. There is a sense of being 13 And these things hast thou hid in
overwhelmed by life or a given thine heart: I know that this is with
situation. thee.

 Isaiah 1:3 The ox knoweth his 2. A person in the anguish of soul can
owner, and the ass his master's crib: presume to believe that God has
but Israel doth not know, my people completely overthrown them when
doth not consider. the spiritual fact might be far
different namely that God has come
17. A person cannot know the depths of to test a soul in order to establish it
deceitfulness of the human hearts. in righteousness.
Hell is a bottomless pit because there
are depths to sin which are deeper  Job 19:6 Know now that God hath
still. overthrown me, and hath compassed
me with his net.
 Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful
above all things, and desperately 3. A person can presume to know the
wicked: who can know it? simple course of nature and nature’s
creatures, but even there such
18. When sin saturates the soul a person knowledge is beyond true
cannot know the thoughts of the comprehension.
LORD nor understand His counsel.
 Job 37:15 Dost thou know when God
 Micah 4:12 But they know not the disposed them [the works of
thoughts of the LORD, neither creation], and caused the light of his
understand they his counsel: for he cloud to shine?
shall gather them as the sheaves into
the floor.  Job 37:16 Dost thou know the
balancings of the clouds, the
wondrous works of him which is
~*~ perfect in knowledge?

What a Person Can Presume to Know  Job 38:12 Hast thou commanded the
morning since thy days; and caused
1. A person can presume to know the the dayspring to know his place;
mind of God and His motives as Job
 Job 38:20 That thou shouldest take it 7. A person can presume to be a
[light and darkness] to the bound prophet and speak for the Lord. A
thereof, and that thou shouldest false prophet can be recognized by a
know the paths to the house thereof? failed message and by articulating
information contrary to sound
4. A person can presume to know doctrine.
God’s political agenda for a nation.
 Ezekiel 13:9 And mine hand shall be
 Isaiah 19:12 Where are they? Where upon the prophets that see vanity,
are thy wise men? And let them tell and that divine lies: they shall not be
thee now, and let them know what in the assembly of my people,
the LORD of hosts hath purposed neither shall they be written in the
upon Egypt. writing of the house of Israel, neither
shall they enter into the land of
5. A person can presume to know the Israel; and ye shall know that I am
future. the Lord GOD.

 Isaiah 41:21 Produce your cause,

saith the LORD; bring forth your
strong reasons, saith the King of ~*~
Jacob.22 Let them bring them forth,
and shew us what shall happen: let
them shew the former things, what
they be, that we may consider them,
and know the latter end of them; or
declare us things for to come. 23
Shew the things that are to come What the Unbeliever Can Know
hereafter, that we may know that ye
are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, 1. The natural man can know facts and
that we may be dismayed, and figures about the Lord by intuition
behold it together. and by empirically acquired
6. A person can presume to know
various deities exist besides the Lord  Exodus 7:5 And the Egyptians shall
God. They are either self delusional know that I am the LORD, when I
or erroneously taught this belief stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt,
illustrated by Mormon theology and and bring out the children of Israel
the Hindu religion. from among them.

 Jeremiah 7:9 Will ye steal, murder, Exodus 7:17 Thus saith the LORD,
and commit adultery, and swear In this thou shalt know [Pharaoh]
falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, that I am the LORD: behold, I will
and walk after other gods whom ye smite with the rod that is in mine
know not; hand upon the waters which are in
the river, and they shall be turned to
that the Egyptians may know that I
Exodus 8:10 And he [Pharaoh] said am the LORD. And they did so.
[unto Moses], To morrow. And he
[Moses] said, Be it according to thy Exodus 14:18 And the Egyptians
word: that thou mayest know that shall know that I am the LORD,
there is none like unto the LORD our when I have gotten me honour upon
God. Pharaoh, upon his chariots, and upon
his horsemen.
Exodus 8:22 And I [the LORD] will
sever in that day the land of Goshen, 4. The non-Christian can know the
in which my people dwell, that no omnipotent power of God by hearing
swarms of flies shall be there; to the of the miracles He has performed.
end thou mayest know that I am the
LORD in the midst of the earth.  Exodus 18:11 Now I [Jethro] know
that the LORD is greater than all
Exodus 9:14 For I [the LORD] will gods: for in the thing wherein they
at this time send all my plagues upon dealt proudly he was above them.
thine heart, and upon thy servants,
and upon thy people; that thou
mayest know that there is none like 5. The unbeliever can know with
me in all the earth. certainty the reality of spiritual
religious events that have become
2. Through empirical data the
unbeliever can know the earth is the  Joshua 4:24 That all the people of
Lord’s. It is His by creation. It does the earth might know the hand of the
not belong to man or devil. LORD, that it is mighty: that ye
might fear the LORD your God for
 Exodus 9:29 And Moses said unto ever.
him, As soon as I am gone out of the
city, I [Moses] will spread abroad 6. The unbeliever can know if the
my hands unto the LORD; and the LORD God has been offended.
thunder shall cease, neither shall
there be any more hail; that thou  1 Samuel 6:9 And see, if it [the cattle
mayest know how that the earth is driven cart] goeth up by the way of
the LORD's. his own coast to Beth-shemesh, then
he hath done us this great evil: but if
3. The unbeliever can know the not, then we [Philistines] shall know
hardening of his heart and the that is not his hand that smote us; it
destruction of the wicked will serve was a chance that happened to us.
the glory of God.
Note. The story surrounding this
 Exodus 14:4 And I will harden even reveals the Philistine version of
Pharaoh's heart, that he shall follow “putting out the fleece.” What is
after them; and I will be honoured authentic in the Christian experience
upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host;
is often counterfeited by the thy robe in my hand: for in that I
unconverted. [David] cut off the skirt of thy robe
and killed thee not, know thou and
7. The unbeliever can know that God see that there is neither evil nor
favors certain nations. transgression in mine hand, and I
have not sinned against thee; yet
 1 Samuel 17:46 This day will the thou huntest my soul to take it.
LORD deliver thee into mine hand;
and I will smite thee, and take thine 10. The unbeliever can know or discern
head from thee; and I will give the a general sense of direction about
carcasses of the host of the another person.
Philistines this day unto the fowls of
the air, and to the wild beasts of the  1 Samuel 24:20 And now, behold, I
earth; that all the earth may know [King Saul] know well that thou
that there is a God in Israel. [David] shalt surely be king, and that
the kingdom of Israel shall be
On March 6, 1957 the African nation established in thine hand.
of Ghana gained its independence
from Great Britain. The name Ghana 11. The unbeliever knows what his next
is an acronym meaning course of violent action will be as the
efforts of the righteous are enlisted in
G- God an unrighteous cause. .
H – has
A–a  1 Samuel 28:1 And it came to pass in
N – nation those days, that the Philistines
A – Ahead gathered their armies together for
warfare, to fight with Israel. And
The new political leaders wanted Achish said unto David, Know thou
people to know they believed God assuredly, that thou shalt go out with
had favored them as a nation. me to battle, thou and thy men.

8. The unbeliever knows how to stalk a 12. An unbeliever can know that certain
victim of their hostility. structures are sacred and have been
 1 Samuel 23:22 Go, I [Saul] pray dedicated unto the LORD God and
you, prepare yet, and know and see have been called into existence by
his [David’s] place where his haunt His name.
is, and who hath seen him there: for
it is told me that he dealeth very  1 Kings 8:43 Hear thou in heaven
subtly. thy dwelling place, and do according
to all that the stranger calleth to thee
9. The unbeliever knows if they have for: that all people of the earth may
been the object of grace and mercy know thy name, to fear thee, as do
from those who are righteous. thy people Israel; and that they may
know that this house, which I have
 1 Samuel 24:11 Moreover, my father builded, is called by thy name.
[King Saul], see, yea, see the skirt of
13. The unbeliever can know there is 18. An unbeliever can know when
only one God and all other deities do someone is stalling for time in order
not exist. to feign knowledge by formulating
an answer.
 1 Kings 8:60 That all the people of
the earth may know that the LORD  Daniel 2:8 The king answered and
is God, and that there is none else. said, I know of certainty that ye
would gain the time, because ye see
14. The unbeliever can know themselves the thing is gone from me.
to be weak and not divine.
19. With divine illumination an
 Psalms 9:20 Put them in fear, O unbeliever can know the secrets of
LORD: that the nations may know the heart.
themselves to be but men. Selah.
 Daniel 2:30 But as for me, this secret
15. The unbeliever can know God has a is not revealed to me for any wisdom
covenant people He will protect. that I have more than any living, but
for their sakes that shall make known
 Isaiah 49:26 And I will feed them the interpretation to the king, and
that oppress thee with their own that thou mightest know the thoughts
flesh; and they shall be drunken with of thy heart.
their own blood, as with sweet wine:
and all flesh shall know that I the 20. An unbeliever can know they are
LORD am thy Saviour and thy soon coming under divine judgment.
Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.
 Daniel 4:25 That they shall drive
16. The unbeliever does not fully know thee from men, and thy dwelling
the way of the Lord or the just shall be with the beasts of the field,
judgment of God. and they shall make thee to eat grass
as oxen, and they shall wet thee with
 Jeremiah 5:4 Therefore I said, Surely the dew of heaven, and seven times
these are poor; they are foolish: for shall pass over thee, till thou know
they know not the way of the LORD, that the most High ruleth in the
nor the judgment of their God. kingdom of men, and giveth it to
whomsoever he will.
17. The unbeliever can know God in
some way but chooses not to. The 21. So wretched can the heart of the
unbeliever can know God as Creator unbeliever become through violence
and Law giver for even the heavens and robbery he no longer knows
declare His glory. Evil is normal.

 Jeremiah 9:6 Thine habitation is in  Amos 3:10 For they know not to do
the midst of deceit; through deceit right, saith the LORD, who store up
they refuse to know me, saith the violence and robbery in their palaces.
know not the manner of the God of
What the Unbeliever Does not Know the land: therefore he [God] hath sent
lions among them, and, behold, they
1. The natural man does not know slay them, because they know not the
the Lord. manner of the God of the land.

 Exodus 5:2 And Pharaoh said, Who 5. The unbeliever does not comprehend
is the LORD, that I should obey his the importance of the justice of God
voice to let Israel go? I know not the or His love for holiness.
LORD, neither will I let Israel go.
 Psalms 82:5 They know not, neither
2. The unbeliever does not know the will they understand; they walk on in
outcome of a relationship based on darkness: all the foundations of the
the principle of righteousness earth are out of course.

 1 Samuel 20:30 Then Saul's anger 6. The unbeliever does not know the
was kindled against Jonathan, and he wickedness over which they stumble.
said unto him, Thou son of the
perverse rebellious woman, do not I  Proverbs 4:19 The way of the wicked
know that thou hast chosen the son is as darkness: they know not at what
of Jesse to thine own confusion, and they stumble.
unto the confusion of thy mother's
nakedness? 7. The unbeliever does not even know
enough to be ashamed.
3. The unbeliever does not know the
true heart or innermost character of  Isaiah 44:9 They that make a graven
another person, no one does. image are all of them vanity; and
their delectable things shall not
 1 Samuel 29:9 And Achish answered profit; and they are their own
and said to David, I know that thou witnesses; they see not, nor know;
art good in my sight, as an angel of that they may be ashamed.
God: notwithstanding the princes of
the Philistines have said, He shall not 8. In the Day of Judgment the
go up with us to the battle. unbeliever will never know the
ultimate origin of his clammily nor
will he be able to anticipate the
4. The non Christian does not know and immediate instrument of source God
cannot believe how terrible a matter will use. The events of December 7,
it is to fall into the hands of the 1941 and September 11, 2001 are
living God when He is moved to historical examples of how judgment
anger against a people. can come to a nation quickly and
without warning.
 2 Kings 17:26 Wherefore they spake
to the king of Assyria, saying, The  Isaiah 47:11 Therefore shall evil
nations which thou hast removed, come upon thee; thou shalt not know
and placed in the cities of Samaria, from whence it riseth: and mischief
shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be
able to put it off: and desolation shall 3. In order to avoid becoming involved
come upon thee suddenly, which a person can pretend not to know an
thou shalt not know. unjust verdict has been passed on
someone not worthy of execution.
9. The unbeliever does not and cannot
know the way of peace. The  Proverbs 24:12 If thou sayest,
testimony of time and the lack of any Behold, we knew it not; doth not he
ability to stop war is a testimony to that pondereth the heart consider it?
this truth. And he that keepeth thy soul, doth
not he know it? And shall not he
 Isaiah 59:8 The way of peace they render to every man according to his
know not; and there is no judgment works?
in their goings: they have made them
crooked paths: whosoever goeth 4. A person can pretend not to know
therein shall not know peace. the sufferings of the poor.

10. The unbeliever does not know God is  Proverbs 29:7 The righteous
the ultimate source of all blessings. considereth the cause of the poor: but
the wicked regardeth not to know it.
 Hosea 2:8 For she did not know that
I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, 5. A person can pretend to know there
and multiplied her silver and gold, is no value in life or the creative acts
which they prepared for Baal. of God.
 Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made
What a Person Can Pretend every thing beautiful in his time: also
Not to Know he hath set the world in their heart,
so that no man can find out the work
1. A person can pretend not to know that God maketh from the beginning
the evil they have done. to the end. 12 I know that there is no
good in them, but for a man to
 Genesis 4:9 And the LORD said unto rejoice, and to do good in his life.
Cain, Where is Abel thy brother?
And he said, I know not: Am I my 6. A person can pretend not to know
brother's keeper? they are morally polluted.

2. A person can pretend not to know  Jeremiah 2:23 How canst thou say, I
individuals are worthy of being am not polluted, I have not gone
helped generously. after Baalim? See thy way in the
valley, know what thou hast done:
 1 Samuel 25:11 Shall I [Nabal] then thou art a swift dromedary traversing
take my bread, and my water, and her ways;
my flesh that I have killed for my
shearers, and give it unto men, whom ~*~
I know not whence they be?
What a Person Can Ask to Know presumptuously: thou shalt not be
afraid of him.
1. A person can ask to know what God
has promised as an inheritance. 5. A person can ask for divine counsel
regarding whether or not to proceed
 Genesis 15:8 And he [Abram] said, in a certain course of action.
Lord GOD, whereby shall I know
that I shall inherit it?  Judges 18:5 And they said unto him
[the Levite], Ask counsel, we pray
2. A person can pray and ask the Lord thee, of God, that we may know
to know Him in an intimate way. whether our way which we go shall
be prosperous.
 Exodus 33:13 Now therefore, I pray
thee, if I have found grace in thy 6. A person can wait and ask to know
sight, shew me now thy way, that I what God will do for them.
may know thee, that I may find grace
in thy sight: and consider that this  1 Samuel 22:3 And David went
nation is thy people. thence to Mizpeh of Moab: and he
said unto the king of Moab, Let my
3. A person can ask to know the Lord’s father and my mother, I pray thee,
will in a specific matter. come forth, and be with you, till I
know what God will do for me.
 Numbers 22:19 Now therefore, I
[Balaam] pray you, tarry ye also here 7. A person can ask that others may
this night, that I may know what the come to know the LORD God only.
LORD will say unto me more.
 2 Kings 19:19 Now therefore, O
4. A person can ask how to know the LORD our God, I [Hezekiah]
true Word, which the LORD has beseech thee, save thou us out of his
spoken. hand, that all the kingdoms of the
earth may know that thou art the
 Deuteronomy 18:21 And if thou say LORD God, even thou only.
in thine heart, How shall we know
the word which the LORD hath not 8. A person can ask to know their
spoken? iniquities and sin.

Such a prayer will be answered and  Job 13:23 How many are mine
the answer is this: fruit follows truth. iniquities and sins? Make me to
know my transgression and my sin.
Deuteronomy 22 When a prophet
speaketh in the name of the LORD, 9. A person can ask to know why God
if the thing follow not, nor come to is placing them through the dark
pass, that is the thing which the night of the soul.
LORD hath not spoken, but the
prophet hath spoken it  Job 23:1 Then Job answered and
said, 2 Even to day is my complaint
bitter: my stroke is heavier than my 14. A person can ask God to search the
groaning. 3 Oh that I knew where I heart.
might find him! That I might come
even to his seat! 4 I would order my
cause before him, and fill my mouth  Psalms 139:23 Search me, O God,
with arguments. 5 I would know the and know my heart: try me, and
words which he would answer me, know my thoughts:
and understand what he would say
unto me. 15. A person can plead with God to be
caused to walk in the paths of
10. A person can ask to know how frail righteousness.
they are.
 Psalms 143:8 Cause me to hear thy
 Psalms 39:4 LORD, make me to lovingkindness in the morning; for in
know mine end, and the measure of thee do I trust: cause me to know the
my days, what it is; that I may know way wherein I should walk; for I lift
how frail I am. up my soul unto thee.

11. A person can ask God to reveal

Himself in His wrath to the enemies ~*~
of the church through military defeat,
national calamities and a premature What God the Father Knows
1. God knows when a person has
 Psalms 59:13 Consume them in violated His revealed will as when
wrath, consume them, that they may Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden
not be: and let them know that God fruit.
ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the
earth. Selah.  Genesis 3:5 For God doth know that
in the day ye eat thereof, then your
12. A person can inquire with wonder eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be
into the mystery of divine as gods, knowing good and evil.
2. God knows the disposition, heart and
 Psalms 73:11 And they say, How future of individuals such as
doth God know? And is there Abraham.
knowledge in the most High?
 Genesis 18:19 For I know him
13. A person can ask to have spiritual [Abraham], that he will command his
understanding. children and his household after him,
and they shall keep the way of the
 Psalms 119:125 I am thy servant; LORD, to do justice and judgment;
give me understanding, that I may that the LORD may bring upon
know thy testimonies. Abraham that which he hath spoken
of him.
3. God knows about the sin that takes 7. God knows the natural strengths and
place in cities such as Sodom and weakness of each individual.
 Exodus 4:14 And the anger of the
 Genesis 18:21 I will go down now, LORD was kindled against Moses,
and see whether they have done and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite
altogether according to the cry of it, thy brother? I know that he can
which is come unto me; and if not, I speak well. And also, behold, he
will know. cometh forth to meet thee: and when
he seeth thee, he will be glad in his
4. God knows when a person has not heart.
8. God knows how to treat individuals
 Genesis 20:6 And God said unto him based on their response to His call to
[Abimelech] in a dream, Yea, I know repent.
that thou didst this in the integrity of
thy heart; for I also withheld thee  Exodus 33:5 For the LORD had said
from sinning against me: therefore unto Moses, Say unto the children of
suffered I thee not to touch her. Israel, Ye are a stiff-necked people: I
will come up into the midst of thee in
5. God knows when a person truly fears a moment, and consume thee:
Him. therefore now put off thy ornaments
from thee, that I may know what to
 Genesis 22:12 And he [God] said do unto thee.
[unto Abraham], Lay not thine hand
upon the lad [Isaac], neither do thou 9. God knows individuals by name.
any thing unto him: for now I know
that thou fearest God, seeing thou  Exodus 33:12 And Moses said unto
hast not withheld thy son, thine only the LORD, See, thou sayest unto me,
son from me. Bring up this people: and thou hast
not let me know whom thou wilt
6. God knows the suffering of His send with me. Yet thou hast said, I
people. know thee by name, and thou hast
also found grace in my sight.
 Exodus 3:7 And the LORD said, I
have surely seen the affliction of my 11. God knows the economic strength of
people which are in Egypt, and have a nation.
heard their cry by reason of their
taskmasters; for I know their  Deuteronomy 3:19 But your wives,
sorrows; and your little ones, and your cattle,
(for I know that ye have much
 Hosea 13:5 I did know thee in the cattle,) shall abide in your cities
wilderness, in the land of great which I have given you;
12. God knows the present as well as the
future evil imaginations of the heart.
One divine remedy to arrest sin in providential circumstances in their
the soul is to sing a song. lives. In any given matter there is the
action and the reaction. God is often
 Deuteronomy 31:21 And it shall interested in the reaction to the
come to pass, when many evils and pressures of life which make a
troubles are befallen them, that this person either better or bitter.
song shall testify against them as a
witness; for it shall not be forgotten  2 Chronicles 32:31 Howbeit in the
out of the mouths of their seed: for I business of the ambassadors of the
know their imagination which they princes of Babylon, who sent unto
go about, even now, before I have him [Hezekiah], to inquire of the
brought them into the land which I wonder that was done in the land,
sware. God left him, to try him, that he
might know all that was in his heart.
13. The LORD God knows if His people
are in a state of rebellion or 17. God knows the integrity of a
transgression. particular heart

 Joshua 22:22 The LORD God of  Job 31:6 Let me be weighed in an

gods, the LORD God of gods, he even balance, that God may know
knoweth, and Israel he shall know; if mine integrity.
it be in rebellion, or if in
transgression against the LORD, 18. God knows His own creation.
(save us not this day,)
 Psalms 50:11 I know all the fowls of
14. The LORD knows His servants and the mountains: and the wild beasts of
how to move in such a way they in the field are mine.
turn know Him.
19. God knows the hatred people harbor
 2 Samuel 7:20-21 And what can against Him in their hearts.
David say more unto thee? for thou,
Lord GOD, knowest thy servant. 21  Isaiah 37:28 But I know thy abode,
For thy word's sake, and according to and thy going out, and thy coming
thine own heart, hast thou done all in, and thy rage against me.
these great things, to make thy
servant know them. 20. God knows the works as well as the
thoughts of nations.
15. God knows the rage of men that is
directed against Him.  Isaiah 66:18 For I know their works
and their thoughts: it shall come, that
 2 Kings 19:27 But I know thy abode, I will gather all nations and tongues;
and thy going out, and thy coming and they shall come, and see my
in, and thy rage against me. glory.

16. God knows the heart of a person by 21. God knows the injustices His people
observing their response to His suffer.
 Ezekiel 11:5 And the Spirit of the
 Jeremiah 15:15 O LORD, thou LORD fell upon me, and said unto
knowest: remember me, and visit me, Speak; Thus saith the LORD;
me, and revenge me of my Thus have ye said, O house of Israel:
persecutors; take me not away in thy for I know the things that come into
longsuffering: know that for thy sake your mind, every one of them.
I have suffered rebuke.

22. God knows His own mind. There is a ~*~

divine self-awareness.
What God the Son Knows
 Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the
thoughts that I think toward you, 1. In His humanity Immanuel knew
saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, how to choose the good and refuse
and not of evil, to give you an the evil.
expected end.
 Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord
himself shall give you a sign;
23. God knows specific acts of evil such Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and
as adultery, lies spoken, unjustified bear a son, and shall call his name
anger, the taking of a bribe and the Immanuel. 15 Butter and honey shall
turning away of the poor. he eat, that he may know to refuse
the evil, and choose the good.
 Jeremiah 29:23 Because they have
committed villany in Israel, and have
committed adultery with their Addendum
neighbours' wives, and have spoken
lying words in my name, which I  Tetragrammaton. This word means
have not commanded them; even I literally, having four letters. It is
know, and am a witness, saith the derived from tetra- + grammat-,
LORD. gramma. The four Hebrew letters
usually transliterated JHVH or
 Jeremiah 48:30 I know his wrath, YHWH form a biblical
saith the LORD; but it shall not be tetragammaton and thus the proper
so; his lies shall not so effect it. name of God which is translated in
the KJV as JEHOVAH but should
 Amos 5:12 For I know your probably be translated, YAHWEH.
manifold transgressions and your This special name for God is placed
mighty sins: they afflict the just, they in capital letters, LORD in the
take a bribe, and they turn aside the Authorized Version. The name itself
poor in the gate from their right. speaks of the self-existent, Eternal
24. God knows the thoughts will
eventually come into the mind.  Putting out the Fleece. In Judges 6
the story is told of Gideon putting
out a fleece to discern the will of the
Lord. The question arises as to
whether or not Christians today
should use the concept of “putting
out the fleece” as a way to know the
will of God. I would discourage this
approach to knowing the will of God
and look rather to the principles,
promises and precepts in the
completed cannon of Scripture for
divine guidance combined with
prayer and providential
circumstances. James 1:5 If any of
you lack wisdom, let him ask of
God, that giveth to all men liberally,
and upbraideth not; and it shall be
given him.

An arbitrary and subjective test may

or may not fully reveal the mind of
the Lord in a given matter.


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