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English Journal

Name : Yudha Saputra Syam NIM : 113040060 Class : IF-29-01

Journal 1st 2007



It was first day when the English class begun. But I missed the class, because I was still at home. At that time, I could go back to Bandung immediately because Jakarta was flood. After I asked my friend, our teacher, Miss. Ima, ordered us to introduce ourselves and told the motivation why we chose Informatics as our major.

Journal 2nd 2007



The second meeting, once again I could not attend the class because I was in journey to go back to Bandung. My friend attending the class told me that we practiced to describe each other in pair. But before that, we had to do an interview each other.

Journal 3rd 2007



It was my first day attending the English class. Miss. Ima told us to describe things physically and then make a description paragraph. We explained size, color, shape, thickness, interior, exterior, edge, length, width, height, and weight of things that I chose. I described my earphone as exercise.

Journal 4th 2007



The meeting still discussed about describing something. But at that day, we described an electronic device in group of three. I have two partners. They are Ahmad Aswawrji and M. Bagus N. We described an MP4 player for our assignment. The MP4 player was described physically. Journal 5th 2007 Miss. Ima discussed about correcting a paragraph. She gave us a task to identify errors in capitalization, punctuation, and subject verb agreement. I felt difficult to identify errors in capitalization and punctuation. But it is important things that must be paid attention to make a good paragraph. February 22th,

Journal 6th 2007



In that day, our teacher explained about composition in paragraph. A paragraph always consists of topic sentence, supporting ideas, and concluding sentences. If we have known about composition of paragraph, we had to pay attention with the relation for each paragraph. Journal 7th March 6th, 2007

In that Tuesday morning, our teacher, Miss. Ima, gave lessons about making an outline before continuing to make a paragraph from that outline. As an exercise, she gave us an example of an outline. She told some steps to make an outline. First, we had to make a topic sentence. Second, we defined some supporting ideas from the topic sentence. Finally, we made concluding sentences. It can refer from topic sentence. So we could make a paragraph from that outline easily. Anyway, Contents of the paragraph are expanded from the outline. After she explained those steps, we were ordered by her to make an outline and paragraph.

Journal 8th

March 7th, 2007

The lessons in March 7th, 2007 continued from the last meeting. It was still about making an outline and paragraph from the outline. Before she explained the lessons further, she discussed one of outlines that we made.

She explained very well, so almost of us understood what she said. After that, she gave a topic sentence, some supporting ideas, and concluding sentences. After that, she told us to correct the outline. Actually we just had to correct the supporting ideas that had no parallelism. Because she told that to make an outline, we must pay attention for choosing the familiar letters and using parallelism not only in a sentence, but also to make supporting ideas. Beside Miss. Ima gave us exercises to fill verb in some paragraph to make us understand about using verb in certain conditions. In this case, understanding the complex sentences.

Journal 9th

March 13th, 2007

I was so sleepy at that day, because I had problem to wake up early in the morning ;). But I still enjoyed in English class. In that meeting, Miss. Ima gave answers of the exercises last week. I did so many mistakes next time I have to be more careful. Then, she continued the lesson to discus about how to make a thesis. The introducing paragraph has to contain thesis statement. In addition, the body will explained about anything related with thesis statement. Furthermore, the concluding paragraph can contains thesis statement again and closing sentences. After she finished explaining the lessons, we exercised to make an introducing and concluding paragraph from a body paragraph that was available.

Journal 10th

March 14th, 2007

The 10th meeting we learned about defining the true or false sentence. In that day we just discussed and corrected the paragraph, especially correcting the verb using in that paragraph. For examples, defined the word advise whether its a verb or noun and what the adjective of Economics is.

Journal 11th

March 20th, 2007

I still got the problem to wake up in the early morning. Finally, I missed my English class. But luckily Miss. Ima could not attend the class too. I got the information from my friend, but he didnt what happened with her. Although she didnt attend the class, she gave us an exercise to make an essay about process with free topic. The essay had to have three paragraphs consist of introducing, body, and concluding paragraph.

Journal 12th

March 21th, 2007

In that meeting, once again, I could not attend the class, because I had to finish my tasks in other lecture. I felt regret very much. I asked my friend what happen in the class. He told that he and others friends made a team consists of maximum 10 persons to act an object given by Miss. Ima.

After that, she gave a task to make a paragraph explaining what everybody was done in a team.

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