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Course Outline

Course Title: Planning Design Studio Course Short Title: Planning Design Studio Course Code: ENP355 Faculty of Arts and Business Semester 2, 2012

DISABILITY AND LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES The University offers a range of services and supports for students with a disability and it is important that these are negotiated early in the semester. Students who require alternative arrangements such as Special Exam Arrangements and assessment or study support should discuss their needs with the Disability Services Officer and/or the Course Coordinator as soon as possible. The university offers a range of academic skills services to assist students with the development of writing and study skills. Workshops on topics such as critical thinking, referencing and essay writing are held most weeks throughout the semester. Powerpoints used in the workshops and self help documents are also readily available on the portal (located on the entry "Welcome" page, click on the "Academic skills" link within the "My Organisations" menu). Students can also make an appointment with an academic skills adviser at Student Services for one-on-one assistance with study and academic writing skills.

Page 2 Course Outline: Planning Design Studio (ENP355)

WORK EXPERIENCE IN INDUSTRY This course involves work experience in industry. This course does not involve work experience in industry. Learning and performance is directed by USC or persons engaged by USC. Learning and performance is supported by USC or persons engaged by USC. No support is provided for learning and performance by USC or persons engaged by USC. PROGRAM(S) Bachelor of Regional and Urban Planning MAJORS AND MINORS Nil REQUIRED COURSE IN PROGRAM Bachelor of Regional and Urban Planning CONTACT HOURS Lecture 2 hours Tutorial 1 hour PRE-REQUISITES 12 courses including 4 ENP coded courses ANTIREQUISITES ENP275 MODE Internal UNITS 12 ENROLMENT RESTRICTIONS Nil COURSE COORDINATOR Name: Nicholas Stevens Room: DG.21 Phone: 5459 4453 Email: COURSE MODERATOR Name: Dr Claudia Baldwin Room: D1.19 Phone: 5430 1283 Email:

Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 7 June 07

Date of most recent change: May 2012

Page 3 Course Outline: Planning Design Studio (ENP355)

COURSE DESCRIPTION TO BE USED FOR STUDENT HANDBOOK Students will gain experience in planning and design individually and in small groups as design consultants for an applied project. The lecture material and assessments incrementally build knowledge and skills from small scale design features to a real life case study which will be used in order for students to develop design skills and capacities within the context of strategic planning frameworks. There will be a focus on spatial analysis, form, and distribution of social and physical components according to the particular brief given. The design and justification will be developed to professional standards for a client. LEARNING OUTCOMES Learning/Assessment Tasks Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course students should be able to: Understand the purpose and methods of planning (the traditions, current philosophies, principles, practice, and the emerging issues) Understand and be familiar with natural and cultural environmental processes; principles of ecologically sustainable development; and methods of evaluating, improving, building and managing environments Understand urban design principles Understand urban and regional economies Understand strategic dimensions and their implications Understand and apply planning legislation and policy Identify, analyse and explain influences in the distribution, type and style of urban design and structures Understand policy formulation, evaluation and implementation
Field trip assessment sheet Subject site analysis Concept Plan and Vision Design for community facility Client Presentation

Apply relevant social, economic and environmental principles Apply spatial perspectives to reasoning Analyse critically and evaluate information Assess critically the use of professional knowledge, skills and communication Access and interpret different forms of information Define problems and formulate objectives for development and conservation Utilise and apply various planning techniques in different situations Apply systematically appropriate methods and tools of analysis Synthesise knowledge and apply this in planning practice Utilise the group work skills necessary for planning as a profession Communicate in a professional manner via verbal, written, and graphic media Use information technology effectively Structure information appropriately for different types of communication

Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 7 June 07

Date of most recent change: May 2012

Page 4 Course Outline: Planning Design Studio (ENP355) Design a plan using planning instruments Integrate value issues, ranging from professional practice ethics of consideration of future generations, to respect for diversity and the importance of social equity Offer creative and equitable solutions to current issues

COURSE CONTENT Introduction to course, assessments, individual and group work. Design models and world views. Community and site context for design assignment. Housing choice and diversity Constraints, opportunities and design attributes applied to selected sites. Site suitability analysis: information needed, how to analyse and present Aligning site analysis with planning requirements Open space, water, transport and pedestrian planning WSUD, CPTED Place-making, social opportunities and human scale Urban design principles and practice marketing places. Financial feasibility, Council requirements Consolidating planning and design practice Consolidating planning and design practice Consolidate planning and design practice Final presentation and assessment by client and course coordinator LEARNING/ASSESSMENT DETAILS Individual or Learning/Assessment Tasks Group task Individual Task 1 Field trip assessment Task 2 Subject site analysis report Task 3 Concept Plan and Vision Task 4 Detailed design for community facility area Group Group

Submission Method

Due Date Week 4 Week 6 Week 10 Week 12

Length/ duration 4 page Q&A

Weight 5%

Field sheet handed in at end of field trip Hand in hard copy in class Hand in hard copy in class Hand in hard copy in class


Group Task 5 Group Presentation of Concept Plan to the client TOTAL There are no hurdle tasks in this course

Presentation in class

Week 13

1500 word max, 25 page max Maps, models, images 1000 word max, 25 page max Detailed design: maps, models, images (1000 word max) Presentation 20 minute max

25% 30%




Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 7 June 07

Date of most recent change: May 2012

Page 5 Course Outline: Planning Design Studio (ENP355)

LEARNING/ASSESSMENT TASKS Learning/Assessment Task 1: Field trip assessment sheet (5%) Description: Complete the field trip assessment sheet identifying triple bottom line sustainability features of sites visited. Assessment Criteria*: Identification of social, environmental and economic sustainability features at each of the sites visited. Learning/Assessment Task 2: Site suitability analysis report (25%) Description: In groups of 3, prepare a site analysis report for the clients site, which clearly illustrates land-use suitability, constraints, and opportunities. It should be presented as a report in a maximum of 25 A4 sized sheet. Maps, graphics and text are used to illustrate: Location and community context Bio-physical and cultural heritage attributes, land use suitability, constraints (including contours, hazards, views, overlays, etc) influencing site development Psycho-physical analysis, conveying the science, sense, and spirit of the subject site, its character, qualities, and experience. Assessment Criteria*: Graphics and written text clearly illustrate constraints and opportunities Accuracy and coverage of land use suitability information Critical analysis of environmental and community constraints and opportunities supported by references Creativity and interpretation of identified opportunities. Learning/Assessment Task 3: Concept Plan and Vision for subject site (30%) Description: A: In groups of 3, prepare a Concept Plan, including a Vision showing evolution from, and relationship to, the site suitability analysis. The analysis will identify lot yield and how the Plan meets Council development criteria including density requirements. At this stage you will identify open space, vehicle and pedestrian circulation, boundaries/views/edges, precincts and node elements, and include a preliminary subdivision design. Use maps, plans, images, captions and headings to clearly convey and explain how the concept design achieves the assessment criteria. This is not a written report; rather the document should use graphics and captions to convey the message. B: Individual Presentation: Students meet with the Course Coordinator to clarify their role and contribution to the Concept Plan Report and Presentation Assessment Criteria*: Design must be appropriate to site features, constraint analysis and opportunities identified in previous exercise Demonstration of environmental sustainability Demonstration of social/human scale and livability Demonstrated understanding of design elements such as connectivity, separation, accessibility, enclosure, unity, balance Visual material conveys vision and concept plan Clarity of individual role and contribution towards the group and the project.

Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 7 June 07

Date of most recent change: May 2012

Page 6 Course Outline: Planning Design Studio (ENP355)

Learning/Assessment Task 4: Detailed design for community facility area (25%) Description: In groups of 3, prepare a detailed design for a community facility area to encompass a school, community hall, or recreation facilities. Use maps, graphics, and captions to illustrate good design concepts. Report Assessment Criteria*: Design must be appropriate to site analysis and concept plan identified in previous exercises Demonstration of environmental sustainability Demonstration of social/human scale and livability Demonstrated understanding of design elements such as connectivity, separation, accessibility, enclosure, unity, balance Visual material clearly conveys relationship to concept plan and place-making Learning/Assessment Task 5: Group Presentations of Concept Plan to client (15%) Description: In groups of 3 present the Concept Plan and detailed community facilities area plan to the client. This visual and oral presentation will demonstrate how the Concept Plan meets land suitability criteria and Council density requirements. It will also show how it delivers key design, psycho-physical, and sustainability features. The presentations will commence at the start of class time in week 13. The client will have an opportunity to clarify issues arising from the design. Each presentation should be no more than 20 minutes with 5 minutes allowed for questions. You may use power points. A hard copy of the power points (6 to a page) will be left with the course supervisor for marking. Assessment Criteria*: Presentation demonstrates critical site analysis, vision, concept plan and community facilities area design with supporting evidence and information to explain the design Demonstration of compliance with Council development requirements Clarity of visual material and verbal presentation Use of evidence to support answers to clients questions. * The grade awarded to each group will apply to all of its members unless individual interviews suggest otherwise. Please ensure that you retain backup copies of your design and report. This is a requirement of the course. You may be asked, in various circumstances, to produce a copy. ANY ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS *There are no Hurdle tasks in this course Students must submit specified assessment tasks via SafeAssign *Supplementary assessment/s can only be offered to a student in a course that contains a hurdle assessment task. A student will be offered supplementary assessment when they have obtained 50 percent or more in a course which contains hurdle assessment task/s but has failed a hurdle assessment task. Late submission of assignments will be penalised at the rate of 10 percent (of total available marks) per day from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task unless a VTA approval has been given by the Faculty office. Week days and weekend days are included in the calculation of days late.

Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 7 June 07

Date of most recent change: May 2012

Page 7 Course Outline: Planning Design Studio (ENP355)

COURSE SCHEDULE Teaching Content Focus of Week Week Introduction to course, assessments, 1 individual and group work. Design models and world views. 2 Community and site context for design assignment. Housing choice and diversity 3 Constraints, opportunities and design attributes applied to selected sites. Site suitability analysis: information needed, how to analyse and present Aligning site analysis with planning requirements Open space, water, transport and pedestrian planning WSUD, CPTED

Learning/Teaching Activities Tutorial - How to give a presentation

5 6

Council overlay mapping, ULDA policy and guidelines, including residential 30. Next Generation Planning Field trip to select sites and client site. Client explanation of project. Student assessment of sites. Read LaGro 2001, 2008 on reserve Readings from Carmona and Tiesdall 2007 on Blackboard and on reserve Studio - lecturer works with each group
Read Green Building Council Australia 2006, 2007 - on reserve

Place-making, social opportunities and human scale

Urban design principles and practice marketing places.

Assessment 1 due: Subject site suitability analysis report Readings from Friedman 2005; Carmona and Tiesdall 2007; Carmona et al 2003 on Blackboard and on reserve Lecture and Studio

MID SEMESTER BREAK 9 Monday, 1st October Queens Birthday Public Holiday 10 11 12 Financial feasibility, Council requirements Lecture and Studio

Consolidating planning and design practice Consolidating planning and design practice Consolidate planning and design practice

Assessment 2 due: Concept Plan for subject site Studio - lecturer works with each group


Studio Assessment 3 due: Community facilities plan for subject site Final presentation and assessment by client Assessment 4 - Presentations of Group and course coordinator Concept and community facilities plans to client Study Period Exam Period End of Semester Break

Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 7 June 07

Date of most recent change: May 2012

Page 8 Course Outline: Planning Design Studio (ENP355)

PRESCRIBED TEXT No Textbook RECOMMENDED READINGS Please note that the resources listed below are for you to select from when preparing your assignments, and for further information regarding particular aspects of your course. These resources are NOT compulsory reading for the course unless otherwise indicated. These resources complement the course material and will be of interest to those who wish to spend extra time and effort in this course and/or those who would like to investigate a particular topic more thoroughly. Alexander C, Murray S, Ishikawa S, Silverstein S, Jacobson M, Fiksdahl-King I, Ange S, 1977, A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, Oxford University Press, New York Alexander C, Hajo N, Anninou, A, King I, 1987, A New Theory of Urban Design, Oxford University Press, New York Birkeland, J. 2000 Design for Sustainability: A Sourcebook of Integrated Eco-Logical Solutions. Earthscan, London. Bowden, V 2007 accessed June 30 2008 de Bono, E 2007, How to have Creative Ideas, Vermilion, UK Carmona M, Heath T, Oc T and Tiesdell S 2003 Public Places Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design. Architectural Press, Oxford. Carmona M and Tiesdell, C (ed) 2007 Urban Design Reader. Architectural Press, Oxford. Friedman, A 2005, Homes within Reach: A Guide to the Planning, Design, and Construction of Affordable Homes and Communities, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ. Green Building Council Australia 2006, The Dollars and Sense of Green Buildings 2006: Building the Business Case for Green Commercial Buildings in Australia, Green Building Council Australia. Green Building Council Australia 2007, Rating tool, Green Building Council Australia, <>. Hargroves, K & Smith, M (eds) 2005, The Natural Advantage of Nations: Business Opportunities, Innovation and Governance in the 21st Century, Earthscan, London. Healthy Waterways 2006, WSUD Technical Design Guidelines & Factsheets, Healthy Waterways,, viewed 7 May 2007, <>. Holz, M 12placemusic Honeywill, R 2006, NEO Power: How the New Economic Order is Changing the Way we Live, Work and Play, Scribe Publications, Carlton North, Vic. Huffadine, M. 2000 Resort Design: Planning, Architecture, and Interiors. McGraw-Hill, New York. Hyde, R. 2000 Climate Responsive Design: A Study of Buildings in Moderate and Hot Humid Climates. E&FN Spoon, London.

Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 7 June 07

Date of most recent change: May 2012

Page 9 Course Outline: Planning Design Studio (ENP355)

James, S & Lahti, T 2004, The Natural Step for Communities: How Cities and Towns can Change to Sustainable Practices, New Society Publishers, Gabriola Is, BC. LaGro, J 2001, Site Analysis: Linking Program and Concept in Land Planning and Design. John Wiley and sons, New York. La Gro 2008 Site Analysis: A Contextual Approach to Sustainable Land Planning and Site Design. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ. Lynch, K 1984 Theory of Good City Form, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. Papanek, V. 1995, The Green Imperative : Ecology and Ethics in Design and Architecture, Thames and Hudson, London Pink, D 2005, A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW Queensland Government 2006a, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTD) Guidelines for Queensland, viewed 7 May 2007, <>. Queensland Government 2011, Next Generation Planning Handbook. Department of Local Government and Planning. Schumacher E, 1974, Small is Beautiful: a Study of Economics as if People Mattered, Sphere Books, London Steiner, F & Butler, K 2007, Planning and Urban Design Standards, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ Tract 2006, What Plan is That? Tract Brisbane, Brisbane. Tract 2007, The Caloundra Downs Brown Poo Square Essence Book, Tract Brisbane, Brisbane Yang, J., Brandon, P.S. and Sidwell, A.C. 2005 Smart and Sustainable Built Environment. Blackwell, Carlton, Victoria ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION The Faculty of Arts and Business provides information on plagiarism, cheating, the grading system, program advisers, Student Services, extensions, special consideration, special examinations and compulsory tutorials/workshops, special arrangements and first aid on the USC Portal/ Faculty of Arts and Business (Students)/Faculty Policies and Information. LOCATING JOURNAL ARTICLES If you have been notified that the journal articles in this course are available on e-reserve, use the on-line library catalogue to find them. For journal articles not on e-reserve, click on the "Journals and Newspapers" link on the Library Homepage. Enter the journal title e.g. History Australia, then search for the volume and issue or keyword as needed. EXCURSIONS AND INTERNSHIPS If as part of this course, students are required to undertake excursions and Internships they must be familiar with the Faculty of Arts and Business policy on excursions available on the USC Portal/ Faculty of Arts and Business (Students)/Faculty Policies and Information/Excursion-Internship Policy.doc
Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 7 June 07 Date of most recent change: May 2012

Page 10 Course Outline: Planning Design Studio (ENP355)

ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEETS The Faculty of Arts and Business assignment cover sheet can be found on Blackboard or on the USC Portal at: Faculty of Arts and Business (Students) > Student Resources > Assignment Cover Sheet. It must be completed in full identifying student name, assignment topic, tutor and tutorial time. This must be attached securely to the front of each assessment item prior to submission. Claims of loss of assignments will not be considered unless supported by a receipt. HELP: If you are experiencing problems with your studies or academic work, consult your tutor in the first instance or the Course Coordinator as quickly as possible. Timely assistance can prevent a problem turning into a major issue. DIFFICULTIES: If you are experiencing difficulties relating to teaching and assessment you should approach your tutor in the first instance. If not satisfied after that you should approach in order your Course Coordinator, Program Leader then Head of School. Semester 2 commences on the 23rd July
16/07/2012 23/07/2012 30/07/2012 6/08/2012 13/08/2012 20/08/2012 27/08/2012 3/09/2012 10/09/2012 17/09/2012 24/09/2012 1/10/2012 8/10/2012 15/10/2012 22/10/2012 29/10/2012 5/11/2012 12/11/2012 19/11/2012 Orientation 1 2 3 4 5 - Census 6 8 Break 9 10 11 12 13 Break Exams Semester 2 (1750) 7

COURSE TEAM Nicholas Stevens

Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 7 June 07

Date of most recent change: May 2012

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