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Uganda s Young Stars

Kabugho Moreen :: Age 13 :: Rwimi, Fort Portal District

Uganda has been independent for 50 years. In the next 50 years of independence I hope to see a few things change in the country. I think districts will have been converted into cities, to improve and raise awareness on governmental issues. There will also be improvement on: road conditions for easy means of transportation of goods and people from one place to another, and communication systems, whereby sending and receiving messages will become eas-

A newsletter for Ugandas youth, by Ugandas youth



building more hospitals, dispensaries, and clinics for saving lives of people of the country. A better education system will be introduced and established. More classrooms will be constructed, so lessons can run easy. Also there will be a good relationship between Uganda and outside countries. ier for the people of the country. I think we will see an increase of health sectors or facilities through There will be an increase in population in the nation during the next 50 years of independence. People marry after their studies

Ocokoru Glory :: Senior 3, Adumi SS :: Arua

There are many things I hope to see in the next 50 years in Uganda. I hope to see more security in urban and rural areas. I hope to see more women leaders in parliament. I hope to see better medical facilities and enough hospitals in rural areas. I would hope to see better education facilities. I would hope to see stable and organised government, corruption out of Uganda. I hope to see enough workers with improved salaries/wages. I hope to see improved transport and facilities (e.g. good roads to prevent accidents). I would like to see enough electricity in schools, hospitals, towns, and villages. I would hope to see street children away from the streets.I hope to see good industries to produce finished goods.
continued on pg. 5

Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 5 :: February 2012

Shooting Stars

Ugandas Shooting Stars dont just talk the talk, they walk the walk. These youth are actively working to promote change in their villages, schools, and country. This issue, we have two shooting stars! See below and on page 6.

YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER Winyi James :: S2, Wekomiire Senior Secondary School :: Kyegegwa District
Uganda has never seen a peaceful transition of power. I would advise someone who wants to be a successful and peaceful leader that a good leader should:
Fulfill what he had promised his people. Be faithful and not corrupt to his people. Be present. Have good visions and ideas, to bring about change. Be an example to the entire community. Be cooperative and hardworking, so as to manage leadership. Be selfless and always think about others. Be observant to his mistakes.

These are some qualities required to be a good leader.

Akello Judith :: Senior 3, St. Theresa Girls S.S. :: Alanyi, Alebtong District
I think a leader is anybody entrusted on authority to mobilize, monitor and run a particular group of people in achieving their goal so there are many leaders in Uganda. There is a lot of advice I would give to someone that wants to be successful and peaceful leader. In my opinion a good leader should be responsible and ready to complete work. He/she should be original and think of new ideas when solving problems. A leader should have self-confidence, confidence about his/ her abilities and be able to lead others and have good self-esteem. They should be enthusiastic and persistent in following up their goals. A good leader should be an intelligent person. They should be good at understanding peoples ideas and think clearly. Coming up with clear decisions and solutions to solve problems is important. Also understanding difficult soluput information in clear speaking and writing. A good leader should persevere and be knowledgeable. Perseverance is the determination to keep trying to achieve something, in spite of difficulties, and not quit until they succeed. A leader should knowledgeable about different types of work and the environment in which he/she operates and also about the various expectations of the businesses. Leaders should try to acquire as

tions and problems is important so that they can be dealt with properly. A good leader should be co-operative and flexible to adopt new methods of work. A good leader, as a good communicator, is able to properly communicate to peoples, workers, suppliers. They should use proper language and

leader should be an A good intelligent person.

They should be good at understanding peoples ideas and think clearly. Coming up with clear decisions and solutions to solve problems is important.

Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume :: Page Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 54 :: Page 22


Okot Robert :: 23 Years Old :: Lamwo District, Palabek Ogili Sub-County, Apyetta Parish, Odube Village Gulu Youth Development Association
Development is the availability of human beings basic needs, for example, education, medication, peace, and unity. My contributions, as a youth, in the development of Uganda in a peaceful way are being assertive and a role model. Being assertive is having the ability to stand up for oneself and the heart of positive communication, which enables us to develop confidence to enhance self-esteem and make good decisions as far as development is concerned. I am a role model by participating actively in development programs since we youth are the pillar and the light of today and tomorrow. The war in Uganda has affected development in many ways. Agricultural activities (since it is agriculturalization rather than industrialization), can contribute to the development of a country. The war retarded the farming because people were shifted or displaced from the fertile land. This led to poverty and laziness. The more important thing to note is that, it has also retarded education because most of the young agriculture, and many others. As a peace-maker, I will get involved in peace building by sensitizing my fellow Ugandans on the importance of peace and unity. In part because of the war, Uganda has never seen a peaceful transition of power, therefore, as a peace-maker, I would encourage fellow Ugandans to consider democracy so that power/ leadership is shared within Uganda. We should avoid a dictatorship. Also, I would encourage transparency so that we eradicate tribalism and corruption, which are common practices in Uganda and retarding development. Furthermore, I would encourage fellow youth to be peace promoters. In a nutshell, I would like to tell fellow Ugandans that there was never a good war and a bad peace so let us make peace superior and war inferior.

generation of Uganda were abducted and forced to be child soldiers. Problems like psychological trauma, emotional and economic issues are all over the country, which are a result of the war. My prediction is that in the future if the prevailing peace continues we shall get back to a better life and make improvements in the field of education, medicine,

Ogom Andy :: Age 23 :: Ngai Sub-County, Oyam District

Essay 1 Like birds you are daddy bird. As young ones, the youth are baby birds. We request that you should not only be feeding us on ready food, for we shall always hunger again and again. I also request that you teach us to fly, to fly so high that we can get our own food. Give us nets to fish, not fish. Dont develop us, but show us how to develop with your support!!!

Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 5 :: Page 3

Ogom Andy :: Age 23 :: Ngai Sub-County, Oyam District

Essay 2 My Fellow Young Ugandans Lets love and embrace our country. Lets stop crying, for it will not save our jobless situation. I pray and urge you and me to be more creative and productive, to stop waiting in vain. We must create our own jobs. We are in a productive age bracket, therefore, I advise that we should not ignore vocational training skills. Apply them immediately to save our financial status. Lets engage in groups and apply for help from NGOs within our communities and live productive lifestyles. I pray that we dont spoil our futures by engaging in early marriage, unrealistic sexual pleasures, theft, and disrespecting our parents and community elders. Remember that nobody can change you except yourself. I finally pray that God grants us energy, skills, and capacity and blesses the work of our hands.

Ariengu Simon :: Usuk Secondary School :: Katakwi District Usuk
I think the war affected the development of Uganda in many ways. First during the war there was killing of people in Northern Uganda. This affected Uganda economically, since people who farmed for food were killed. There was little income generation because the population became smaller. Also when people moved into towns for security, services were not utilized. For instance, roads, schools, and hospitals in the villages were not used. This resulted in a waste of services. The rebels killed many leaders who were going to contribute to the development of Uganda. In a home or family when a father dies it creates a gap and the development of the home decreases. These leaders who died were our fathers in Uganda, this led to a gap in Uganda. To me as a peacemaker I can help to make a positive impact for the people and my country, by using the knowledge I have learned at Peace Camp. I can teach my people how to communicate positively. Through forming a peace club in school I will teach students how to live positively.

Awekonimungu Amos :: Paidha P.T.C. :: Nebbi District, Atego Sub-county

My contribution to the development of our country, Uganda, is through the formation of creative peace clubs at the community level, schools and colleges through the use of positive communication. I can also contribute to the development of Uganda through organizing dramas, poems and other activities such as sports in order to boost morale of society in a peaceful way. The above strategic measure has worked in places like the Langi and Acholi regions, so I have been inspired to take it up. As a peacemaker from Peace Camp in Ocer, I can sensitize the community through the use of positive communication so that people can have a peaceful home. This can be achieved through tolerance and appreciation of culture. To recover the lost peace due to hardship of changing oneself, I can settle conflict through advocating for forgiveness, hence reconciliation so that there is togetherness. continued on pg. 5

Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 5 :: Page 4

Ocokoru Glory, continued from pg. 1

and begin producing children. The population increase will result in shortage of land, food, and other resources. Jobs will become scarce to the people of the country, which will lead to an increase in unemployment. Crime rates will increase. Cost of living will be hard to manage in terms of feeding the family member. High spread of diseases in the country is likely due to overpopulation. There will be destruction of the environment due to extraction of minerals, and deforestation for crop land. Pollution of air and water from industry contaminants will be worse.

Awekonimungu Amos, continued from pg. 4

With the help of a welfare tutor at the college level I can write a memorandum of understating and send it to the principal so that there is information of clubs like Youth Peace Makers (YPM) so that we can advocate for peace together!


Namayanja Kulusum :: Wanyange Girls Secondary School :: Jinja District
I think women can contribute to a wealth of technology by improving their status and showing their abilities,proving to men that they can rather than sitting back. By not giving up in sciences and technology programs and this goes to the youth, the youth who are ladies these days give up in sciences at an ordinary level as they consider them as very hard subjects. But I just advise them that even though sciences are hard, we have to work hard in them and dont give up easily because where there is life, there is hope. And lastly, I advise women to live to fight another in this world of ours even though they consider them as a weak sex, we dont care whatever they say about us but what we need is to develop our careers in science and technology.

Namuwase Rebecca :: 13 yrs. Old ::Wanyanga S.S. Girls :: Kakiro Jinja District
Women can greatly contribute to a world of technology. Unfortunately they have many factors hindering their efforts. Womens rights are abused. They are also overlooked and people think that their place is in the homes taking care of their husbands and children. Men often restrict their wives from working and earning their own salaries. Most men believe that women are there to be seen not to be heard, however this is not true. Given a chance, women can also do so much in the world of technology. Women can even contribute to a world of technology in many ways thinking that they cant achieve goals in technology and they should begin working hard. Fighting for their rights and getting government support in their fight. Women scientists should encourage and support girls in order to succeed in the science subjects and technology. I appeal to parents, guardians, teachers, you and us to encourage and support girls in science, with our help, they can contribute to a world of science and technology.

which include the following: Having a positive attitude towards science subjects. They should stop

Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 5 :: Page 5

Ugandas Shooting Stars

Women! Why cant we contribute to a world of technology? In some countries, like here in Uganda, women have been laid down in science activities and have already given up. But now, let us stand strong and prove to them that we can do it as well as men. If men can, why not women? What have men got that is better than women? So women, its up to us to change our world.

Below you can read about our Shooting Star, Akullo Ivy, is using her leadership abilities to empower youth. See page 9.

Akankunda Evas :: Kinoni Girls School :: Mbarara

We can change and contribute to worlds technology. By being responsible in everything By having interest in what we are doing By being assertive By believing in ourselves that we can make it By working hard, although it pains but it pays By being patient By having focus

By being principled By being time managers Women, we are very intelligent even more than men, So let us work hard towards a world of technology. If you dream it, you can do it, and if you can see it, there is nothing to it.


Namugayi Zubedah Shantel ::16 years :: PMM Girls SS :: Mukono District Wakisi
Change is anything new in the country, society or in the world that was not existing before. We have many changes in the world, e.g. biological change, physical, spiritual etc. Changes are good because we get introduced to new things like computers, robots, rockets; things which werent existing in the past. Changes like the biological ones help us to think more intelligently as we grow up. As we grow up we get introduced to new people in the country or in the world. We also get introduced to new subjects, especially from primary level to secondary level. Changes are also good because in the 1980s computers werent existing but now we are able to use computers and research. On the other hand, changes become bad when you lose some one especially your parents, because everything will change, and that will be the beginning of your suffering. Accidents, sicknesses, etc. are all changes which make people very sad in the society, country or in the world. So I conclude by saying changes are both good and bad but I realize that changes are more positive than negative. So I conclude by saying changes are both good and bad but I realize that changes are more positive than negative.

Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 5 :: Page 6

Nakiyinji Joan :: 15 years old :: Kasese District :: St. Theresa Girls SS :: Nsenyi
Change Change is a fact of life. Something has an advantage and disadvantage so change has good things and bad things. The good things with change are like change in education, because we used not to use computers but now the world is changing with automatic, electronic computers. Secondly and most important, change is constructing building roads is really very good because it helps our world to look good and helps in good transport networks. It was one day when rain dropped cats and dogs our roads were full of mud and you could fail to move and walk in the road but now it is constructed and everyone walks when it has rained. Lastly but not the least, change is bad when a person is sick. One day, I was very sick and they took me at the hospital with my sister but my sister died, thats why I am saying change is bad. My sister was called Oliver and she died of typhoid. She was 8 years old.

Nakakulo Halimah :: 15 years old :: Luzinga SS :: Aldina Village Jinja District

Change is a fact of life. years of history where by the inforActually change has good things mal education was used but today and bad things. things have change because of the Change is good because there are science technology. many things of experience in our Change is also good because of lives through change. the political instability and probUnfortunately lems e.g. if one is elected Change is also good if you dont and doesnt do good want change, because it can change for the wellbeing of the your capacity of think- people is most likely to be change will ing and you start change you. changed and get another thinking wisely and Change is also one. maturely. good because In this world there has it can change your capacity of been change. It is like moving on thinking and you start thinking a cycle. Once I was a baby when I wisely and maturely. was born by the mother but not there is a difference in change. There have been change in the Actually change is a fact of life because it is used by people, animals, plants, etc. change is everywhere. Change is also done politically, economically, socially, e.g. economically, change is included where by the prices of things are not on a stand still. Change is good where by in the past they used not to have computers but today because of the science technology we have been able to get computers. Change is also good because it can make the rural areas to become urban centers with very many people. Because of change we get to understand and know each and every person.

Noal Hawa :: Age 13 :: Miranda Memorial PS
Goals provide a sense of direction and purpose. They help us achieve our dreams. We all have dreams but dreams often dont become a reality unless we set goals and make the right daily choices to achieve those goals. One has to know about goals that will help him/her work out what you really want. Goals are well-defined targets that give you direction and motivation. They are your roadmap to success and the most common mistake people make when setting goals is using someone elses goals as their own. Dont fall into this trap and become someone youre not! Please, I encourage everyone to set a SMART goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. continued on next page

Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 5 :: Page 7

I am ending this topic by saying this advice to live well by in your daily life:

True happiness is that which does not depend upon external situations or circumstances to sustain and maintain the 3Ds: Decision,

Determination, Destiny! Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. The advice is this: Live the life you love, love the


Karungi Gorret :: S4, Wekomiire Senior Secondary School :: Kyegegwa District
GLOW stands for Girls Leading Our World. During Camp GLOW. Camp GLOW equipped and changed me. I practiced teamwork, whereby I shared important issues with my group. I also stayed with my group all the time, which helped me to participate effectively. The experience helped me to set goals which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely). I learned about critical thinking when it comes to decision-making: to think of a specific goal, and measure whether it is realistic to attain in a given period of time. I learned to think critically in order to attain my set goals, and to make decisions and to fulfill them. In Life Skills, I learned to be assertive and able to express my feelings. In the past, Ihad a passive behavior, but now, I can express my feelings, hence assertiveness. I also learned how important creativity is. This helped me to save money, which I was wasting to buy sanitary pads, but now I can make my own. I can also make pita bread to eat or sell. Camp also helped me to conserve the environment by planting trees, and to prevent the spread of malaria by slashing around homes. Through my experience, I also managed to learn new languages and make new friends. Generally, Camp GLOW was illuminating to me academically, economically, socially and biologically.

Natugonza Jacinta:: S4, Kakabara Secondary School :: Kyegegwa District

Camp GLOW taught me many things and it changed me in many ways. I learned to be assertive, that is to tell someone what I want without being rude or disrespecting myself or others. I learned to make resuable menstrual pads (RUMPS) so as to reduce on the money I would use to buy pads. I can now add that money to my school fees and other important things. I learned to make pita bread and coin purses, which I can sell to earn a living. I learned to set SMART goals. These are goals that produce a sense of direction and purpose. I want to set goals such as improving my currency skills, that produce a desirable outcome, such as being selfreliant in the future. I learned that HIV attacks the immune system and that someone who has HIV can get ARV treatment, stay positive, join a peer support network, and get immunized. I am thankful for everything Camp GLOW taught me and thankful for how it changed me.

Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 5:: Page 8

Namwase Rebecca :: 13 Years :: Wanyange Girls SS :: Kakiro, Jinja
THE ROAD TO SUCCESS IS NOT STRAIGHT For us to succeed, we should put it in mind that: There is a curve called failure A loop called confusion Speed bumps called friends Red lights called enemies Caution lights called family You will have flats called jobs But if you have a vehicle called vision And spares called discipline, dedication, determination, and devotion An engine called perseverance With fuel called the Holy Spirit Insurance called faith A driver called Jesus You will definitely make it to a place called success But because success does not come easy It had to be earned by hard work Then all obstacles will automatically transform in opportunities for success

Akullo Ivy :: Senior 5 :: St. Theresa Girls S.S. :: Alanyi, Alebtong District
To set the ball rolling, first and In addition to that, in Uganda foremost Im a shooting star betoday most of the leaders are male cause I always aim for the betterand me as a shooting star I would ment of our motherland country, not tolerate such a thing because Uganda. I want to become a future women also have their own rights. leader of You can In Uganda today there is a lot tomorrow imagine such of corruption in all areas: for a scenario who cares instance in the church, court where by about all and in other institutions. As a the citishooting star in years to come there isnt zens of my I will not just sit and watch any woman things happen in the way they whom they country. are not supposed to be. In Uganda have elected today as the there is a lot of corruption in all president of Uganda. As a shootareas: for instance in the church, ing star I will make some changes court and in other institutions. As and diversify the economy of our a shooting star in years to come I country. will not just sit and watch things Furthermore, when students drop happen in the way they are not out of the school, because they supposed to be, for example when are total orphans and there is no rich people go on bribing the poor one who would care for them, it ones at the court. pains me a lot to see them suffer. There are other people who have plenty but they cannot take a step of helping these kinds of children. I will help do them in necessary things for their lives. There is a lot of unnecessary murder nowadays and the widows are now suffering whereby some other clan members grab away their property and they are not allowed to comment on it but as a shooting star I will not just sit and see things happen in a disorganized way.

Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 5 :: Page 9


A farmer returns from the market, where he bought a she-goat, a cabbage and a dog. On the way home he must cross a river. His boat is small and wont fit more than one of his purchases. He cannot leave the she-goat alone with the cabbage (because the she-goat would eat it), nor he can leave the she-goat alone with the wolf (because the shegoat would be eaten). How can the farmer get everything on the other side in this river crossing puzzle?

E s s ay S u b m i s s i o n G u i d e l i n e s
Essay questions are optional. Please try to keep submissions for each question under 400 words. Entries submitted as personal testimony must be factual. Write your name, age, school (if applicable), village and district on the paper.


1. How has Ugandas Young Stars impacted you, personally? 2. Have you used UYS to create awareness within your community about any specific issues? 3. Do you have any New Years resolutions for 2013? Tell us what your New Years resolutions are and how you plan to keep them. 4. Do you think that youre a Shooting Star? Tell us about who you are and how youre actively working to promote change in your village, school, community, or Uganda as a whole.



Ugandas Young Stars was first published by American Peace Corps Volunteers in February 2012. The newsletter is written for youth, by youth and is designed to be an open forum where Ugandan kids can express their ideas, opinions, and experiences regarding gender and youth-related issues. Youth write and submit essays which are compiled by Peace Corps Volunteers, used as articles in the publication, and then distributed in communities all around the country.

Ugandas Young Stars :: February 2013 Volume 5 Page 10 Published by United States Peace Corps Volunteers

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