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Step into Life Berwick

Phone: Email: 0402 076913

March 2013, Issue 78

Dear Members, family and friends I hope youre all fit and well.

The Step into Life franchise family is growing. Share it and let your friends know that they too can take a step towards a fun, social and lasting fitness program. Step into Life building and inspiring fitter and healthier communities, one person at a time! NEW Step into Life Locations
VIC Altona Reservoir* Mt Waverley* Essendon* Glen Iris* Hampton Thornbury* Narre Warren SA Woodville NSW Cronulla Woonona ACT Gungahlin QLD Miami WA Morley

On a cold July Winters morning in 1995 a small group of enthusiastic would be sporting stars turned up for a training session in Caulfield with myself. This was the humble beginnings of Step into Life. Ive long admired the dedication and work ethic of Step into Life members towards their health and fitness goals. That dedication is personified in one member in particular that I would like to personally congratulate her. I trained this member for many years before I left her in the capable hands of Libby at Step into Life Caulfield. Liz Rand commenced her training in 2000. A quietly spoken person shes always friendly and determined with an impressive 12 years of training hard thats now seen her achieve an amazing Training Club Milestone of 8000 points, well done Liz! You are an inspiration and I thank you for your loyalty to the Step into Life brand. March will include endurit and powerflex training packages at all Step into Life franchises, so take yourself out of your comfort zone and try these excellent sessions. The focus for cardiomax training in March is endurance which is great for fat burning and building a base of fitness. A solid base of fitness will increase your metabolic rate and keep the metabolism burning energy for longer. Endurance sessions will use the handy route boards so you can enjoy some scenery in your local neighbourhood and know where you are going. Enjoy your training and pat yourself on the back after every session.

*Under new management


Regards Larry Cohen Director

Local News

Comic Relief

Test your limits! An inspiring cross training session using boot camp style drills to mould you into shape. The outdoors provides the perfect environment to use weighted bars, ropes, medicine balls and buddy drills to maximise fitness improvement, while strengthening and toning your body. Work as a team and leave feeling pumped!

What is happening? Id love to join in! Coming this year


Visor - Cotton $11.00

Full-Length Tights Ladies $69.95

Tempo Singlet $25.00

Clearance on old style: Bootcamp T-Shirt - $10.00

Member Profile
Who is?

Where were you born?
I was born in Colac, Victoria. (Don't hold that against me!!)

Sarah Holder (AKA STUBBY)

Sarah has been a member since September 2012

What is your current profession?

Admin/Receptionist for Extreme Mixed Arts.

What sports have you been involved with during your life/best achievement?
Netball and basketball in High School (Sucked at both!) Also tried rowing in High School but couldn't cope with the early morning training sessions! Best achievement would be crosscontry school champ in year 6!! :)

What is your favourite Step into Life session?

New Members
Welcome! Irene Horvath, Faye Owen, Jill Davis, Karina Villegas, Diane Underwood and Damian Donovan.

Roaming Oh! and I love

sessions! sessions!!!! :)

What is your favourite naughty treat when your trainers arent looking?

What are your top 3 goals you would like to achieve?

Member Birthdays
Happy Birthday!
March 7th - Fiona Young March 17th - Sandra Rousseaux March 23rd - Erin O'Neill March 27th - Jeff Robinson
Complete Complete a 10Km run Get in the boxing ring with Marko!!!!!

What goals have you achieved at Step into Life so far?

Completed a 5km run in under 27minutes.

Johns Corner
Fitness Myths 101
If I Lift Weights I'll Get Bulky If you were to look at 1 kg of fat, and 1 kg of muscle side by side, you would notice how much smaller the muscle is even though its the same weight. Meaning, the more muscle you have on your body, the less space you will take up. Many people -- both men and women -- think that lifting weights will make you look like a bodybuilder. Thats like saying studying physics will turn you into Einstein. The amount of time, food and discipline it takes to get huge from weights is almost a full-time job -- and sometimes influenced by illegal substances. So embrace weight training. Youll feel and look leaner and rev up your metabolism. As Long as I'm Moving, I'll Burn Fat If you are walking like a snail and your goal is to burn fat, its not going to happen. Since everyones body is different and responds differently to training, a good cardio starting point is 40 minutes of cardio, three to five times a week in your target heart rate zone. Most commonly, the target heart rate zone is 50% to 85% of your max heart rate. Wearing a heart rate monitor where you enter your age, weight and intensity level is the most accurate and efficient way to determine your heart rate zone. Heart rate monitors also give you the freedom to train anywhere you like. Morning Is the Only Effective Time to Train Are you a professional athlete doing two-a-day sessions? If not, the timing of your workout does not matter. What does is finding a time in your schedule when you can stay consistent with your training. Listening to your body and knowing when you perform the best will help you decide if, in fact, mornings, afternoons or evening workouts are your time of power. Energy and attitude are keys in having great workouts. So learn your body clock, and try to train when you feel the strongest. I Have to Train for an Hour in Order to Have Any Exercise Benefit Absolutely not! It all depends on the type of workout you're doing. If you're doing a HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout, you can accomplish all your goals in 15 to 20 minutes -- or less.

Tabata training (eight sets of 20 seconds of hard work followed by 10 seconds of rest) is only four minutes, but an incredible aerobic and anaerobic workout. So its not just the time you work. More importantly, its what you're doing, your exertion level and the overall structure of your training plan. Your session may be up to 1 hour in length when you include your warm-up, cool down and stretching which are all vital components of training. Women Need to Lift Only 3kg Weights This is some of the most irresponsible information youll find -- but its everywhere! Studies have shown weight training is a key to preventing osteoporosis, creating lean muscle mass, raising your metabolic rate and creating strength. How are you going to sculpt a flat belly, a nice back or great legs with only 3 kgs? Limiting your heavy strength training is just cheating your body out of the amazing benefits of strength training. And its not just limited to women -- men: pick up the heavy weights and push yourself! If I Have an Injury I Shouldn't Train at All It depends on the severity of your injury. If you have a spinal cord, head or internal injury, for instance, your doctor should determine when you can return to training. However, if its a minor injury (sprain, minor tear or something of that nature) you can work your training around the injury. Take 15 minutes before your workout to plan and write out the modification of your program so you can be efficient when training with minimal running around. Be sure to let your trainer know your limitations. An injury can get you down emotionally, and exercising releases endorphins that will keep your mood up and keep you motivated. So even if you can't hit that certain part of your body while you're healing, it's better to work out what you can than do nothing at all Training One Day a Week Is Better Than Nothing If you have a consistent training regimen, and once in a blue moon you have a week where you train only one time in a week, its not a big deal. However, if this is your training mantra, then you will fail. It might be tough to accept, but its the truth. The key to losing weight and keeping your weight in check is a mixture of hard work and consistency. Again, the time of the specific activity will depend on what type of exercise and the intensity. To lose 1 kg of weight a week, you have to have over 5000-calorie deficiency a week. Consistent training, good food choices and proper water hydration will get you there much faster without the muscle depletion that dieting can cause.

Cardio Is the Only Exercise Your Body Needs Gravity is not our friend. The reality is, our bodies are slowly collapsing as we get older, and weight training is what keeps us upright, aligned and strong. Raising the arches of our feet, strengthening our pelvic floor, and keeping our head from falling forward are the ultimate goals in preventing our bodies from collapsing as we age. Weight training strengthens tendons and ligaments as well as creates good bone density. While cardio can help with bone density and is an essential part of keeping your heart strong, it doesn't keep your body in alignment and strengthen your key postural muscles. Keep the balance and be sure weight training and cardio are in your repertoire. Kettlebells Are Great for Everybody Kettlebells are basically used to train in modified Olympic lifting patterns. If you have no foundation with this type of training, it can be a disastrous injury waiting to happen. Progression is the key with kettlebells, and using the correct weight for your level. Kettlebells are terrific for cardio and strength-training exercises; however, if you have no previous weight training history or any injury, its more effective to focus on building your strength with functional weight training and core work. When you feel strong and core connected, seek a trainer or class that has a good reputation and teaches proper progression. I Should Do the Exact Workout My Favorite Celebrities Do Because I Want to Look Like Them Unless you are the identical twin of a celeb, you will never have the same body. Trying to look like someone else is futile. Put your energy into perfecting YOUR body and its mechanics. You must train for your bodys weaknesses and personal physical goals. Envy will do nothing for you but produce negative energy. However, inspiration is a key element for personal transformation and motivation. So its not a problem using athletes and celebs as fuel, just make sure your goals are personal. Work Out on an Empty Stomach to Burn the Most Amounts of Calories This isn't true, but your schedule can dictate whether or not you eat. I suggest a small snack if you have an hour before you are training, but you dont need to eat. If you are a big breakfast eater, youd ideally wait about two to three hours before you train to maximize your calorie burn and get the needed energy from your food. Again, assess what type of training you will be doing (weights or cardio) and eat in accordance to the amount of energy needed, time you wake up and when you will be starting your workout.

Running Is the Only Way to Lose Weight Running is fantastic cardiovascular exercise, but the mechanics of running may not be for every persons body. What's more, weight training can lead to more calories burned during a 24-hour period because resistance training can keep your metabolism elevated for 24 to 48 hours after you stop exercising. Swimming and Cycling are other great alternative options. Being in Excruciating Pain After Training Is the Sign of a Great Workout A sign of a good workout is results, not soreness. Some localized muscular soreness that dissipates over a couple days can indicate that you worked hard. But feeling pain in your neck, lower back, or any joint is a sign that youre movement patterns were off, the weight load was too heavy or you did too many repetitions. Review the workout that caused your pain so you dont repeat the same disaster. Always communicate with your trainer. I Should Train Only What I Can See in the Mirror I like to call this mirror body syndrome. You need to train whats known as your posterior chain. This includes yo ur back, hamstrings, rhomboids, glutes and calves. Not doing so creates a seriously imbalanced body -- both aesthetically and biomechanically. For guys, its typical to over -train your chest, front shoulders, biceps, abs and quads. This can cause posture problems like a forward head posture and rounded shoulders, or neck, rhomboid and trapezius pain. A good way to build a balanced body is a workout that includes equal parts push and pull during your training. Fat Makes You Fat This is the mantra from 1982! There are so many incredible studies out about the positive effects that essential fatty acids have on the body. EFAs support the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune and nervous systems. They also help with maintaining a lean body and assist with consistent fat burning. Thats right: Eating fat burns fat! The chief function of EFAs is the production of prostaglandins, which control the bodys functions like blood clotting, fertility, heart rate and blood pressure, and helps with immune function by regulating inflammation, assisting the body to fight infection. Welcome to the year 2013 people! Fat is definitely your friend when consumed correctly and in the right portions.

7 reasons to make muscle

4. Muscle prevents falls

Keeping muscle as you age is one of the best defences against frailty-related falls. Strong legs, arms and abdominals will keep you upright and help you stabilise if you fall.

5. Muscle makes it easier to do stuff

The stronger you are, the easier it is to carry shopping bags, do household tasks and all the recreational activities you enjoy. More muscle means less fatigue.

6. Muscle makes your bones stronger

Weight bearing exercise that builds muscle also helps maintain bone mineral density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

7. Muscle makes you look better

Reducing body fat makes you look smaller, but building muscle gives you that fit, toned, athletic look. Working on your core muscles helps tighten your abdominals and can even give you some bumps that youd like to see.

Building muscle is not just for body builders. It should be a metabolic fitness and body shaping goal for everyone because there are so many benefits. Here are 7 reasons to make muscle. 1. Muscle burns calories at rest
Every kilogram of muscle on your body burns 10 Cal (42kJ) at rest every day. Put on 5kg of muscle and this equals over 18,000 Cal (75600 kJ) per year additional energy-burn or the equivalent of burning off 5kg body fat.

If you havent already added weight training to your fitness routine, book your next resistance training session. If you are not sure of the specific exercises to do, ask a Registered Personal Trainer to show you an effective program and motivate you to complete your workouts.

2. Muscle costs calories to move

Building muscle gives you more lean weight to carry around when you move. This means you burn more calories in every exercise session.

3. Muscle reduces blood sugar levels

Even at rest, muscle is highly effective at using blood sugars for energy. Adding muscle will enhance your blood glucose regulation and lower insulin levels, which will help you stay lean.

Matt ONeill BSpSc, MSc, APD, AN, Nutritionist, Sunrise & Morning Show

At Last - Guilt Free Eating!

Healthy Recipe

Steps to Jumpstart your Metabolism!

Tired of conflicting diet advice? Re-wire your appetite and re-ignite your metabolism through Matt ONeills Metabolic Jumpstart. This 4 week program provides you with a complete metabolically matched diet plan, report & program. For only $79.95 you will receive: Body shape assessment and health risk profile Personal calorie burning times for specific foods Menu plan sample with meals and correct portions Nutrition targets for kj, calories, fat, protein and carb Daily food group exchanges Mix & match guide Motivational Pack posted to you with 8 daily targets, fridge cards, fact sheets and special offers Access to My Jumpstart Online with audio guides, weekly checklists, faqs and discussion posts Enhance your results with your FREE MJ Plus + program (worth $120 per year) when you sign up through a Step into Life trainer for the duration of your membership, and receive: Weekly motivational emails and articles Motivation Planner MJ Recipes Tip Sheets Expert interviews from hormones to intolerances Downloads tools and templates Ongoing support & expert advice from Matt O Neill Access to seminars online Supermarket foods MJ Exchanges

Beetroot, beef and mozzarella salad

Serves: 2 Preparation: 15 minutes

Ingredients 1 cup wild rocket, raw 125 g can, drained, beetroot wedges medium tomato, cut into wedges 100g roast beef slices 30g mozzarella, reduced fat 30g pecan nuts, halved 2 tsp olive oil, to drizzle Method On a large platter or individual plates, arrange leaves, beetroot, beef, tomatoes and mozzarella. Scatter over pecans. Drizzle olive oil. Season to taste and garnish with herb of your choice. Exchanges per serve 1.5 0.75 0.5 2

For more information talk to your trainer.

Nutrients per serve 1263kJ (298Cal), 20.9g Protein, 21g Fat, 4.1g Saturated Fat, 6.2g Carbs, 5.9g Sugars, 3.3g Fibre, 266mg Sodium

Sara from Step into Life Hampton says she probably wouldnt have made it through her trek in Nepal if it werent for her Step into Life training!

Step into Life members love Nepal! Another one of our members, Cath from Step into Life Glenmore Park is looking thrilled to be at Mt Everest Base Camp.

Nine of the Step into Life Fulham Gardens crew competed in the Dolphin Run, with Lee-An Bright, Jamie West and st nd Joan Foster coming in 1 in their age group, and Ben West coming 2 in his age Group. Smiles all round, from both members and proud trainers!

The ladies at Step into Life Coogee cardiomax have the luxury of lunging by one of the most lovely beaches in Australia. With views like this, why wouldnt you want to train outdoors?

Members of Step into Life Sydney's Eastern Suburbs at achievit for Summer Running Series Race 1

Step into Life Cottesloe members training hard while enjoying beautiful sunsets and fantastic ocean views.

This month we recognise an absolutely massive achievement by Step into Life Caulfield member Liz Rand, who has reached an incredible 8000 Training Club Points! Liz has been a continuous and consistent member of Step into Life since 2000. She has completed well over 1700 sessions (over 1200 hours of training), has participated in almost every achievit package and nearly all of Caulfields endurit and bootcamp programs, competed in over 40 fun runs and events, worked her way through 27 fitness tests, and is the first to get involved with every challenge her trainer Libby gives her. Liz, your commitment to your training is such an inspiration to us all. Keep up the amazing work! Check out these photos of Liz with Step into Life.

Step into Life Iluka, Kingsley and Edgewater taking a dip during a recent endurit session.

More endurit action at the Wanda Sandhills for Step into Life Sans Souci and Miranda. Some very positive feedback from Jodie (pictured left) at Step into Life Berwick that we hope inspires you on your own fitness journey with your own Step into Life
I have been a member at SIL, Berwick since April 20 12. Since joining my life has never been the same! I was very sceptical about joining. I'm not a fan of the gym & I only ever played sport to manage my weight & fitness. I stopped playing sport 2 years prior to commencing at SiL and I gained a lot of weight! I weighed 85kgs when I commenced, I had problems with high blood pressure, I suffered from depression & had no idea how to control my eating habits. 10 months on I am now 68kgs, my blood pressure is back to normal, I no longer suffer from depression & thanks to the Metabolic Jumpstart program I have learnt how to eat properly. I started with 1 session a week (scepticism lingered) but quickly went to 3 sessions a week & now do 5, sometimes 6 sessions a week because I enjoy it so much! My favourite session is box-kick but I know for maximum weight loss I benefit so much more from cardio max. Our trainer, Marko, is fantastic! I cannot speak highly enough about him & what he does for all of us! He motivates, encourages & congratulates us & we celebrate our successes. I aspire to be like him one day. I have made some wonderful life-long friends & am grateful everyday that I Stepped Into Life!

Jodie, well done for your amazing health and fitness achievements with Step into Life. Were proud and happy that our wonderful Trainers like Marko can help and inspire our members to get fit and stay healthy. Keep up the great work!

Step into Life Kellyville members painted the town pink (and a number of other colours by the looks of things) at the Sydney Colour Run. Looks like a great time was had by all!

Leanne Braye from Step into Life Newcastle admiring the view from the top of at Mammoth Mountain in California, USA. What an amazing view!


Emily Bristow

Training Club Points! Awesome Work!

Fiona Young

Kim Girdwood

Matthew Bradfield

Sarah Holder

Refer a friend and well give you anything you want!

At Step into Life we value your patronage and the people you refer to us.
Thank you for giving a gift of good health and fitness to your friends and family by referring them to Step into Life. Due to customer demand we have Franchise territories available throughout Australia and New Zealand. If you know anyone with an interest in health and fitness that would love to run a Fitness Franchise, please let them know about this exciting opportunity. $1000 referral bonus for any one you refer that becomes a Step into Life Franchisee. For each friend who joins as a result of your referral to any Step into Life Franchise nationally, you will receive a Step into Life Any Store Gift Card to the value of $25. Use your referral gift card from us to purchase almost anything provided it can be purchased from a store which has EFTPOS facilities.

Contact your state office on 1300 134 136 for more information.

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
See your trainer to learn about the full range of Member benefits available to you.

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