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International Research Journal of Biotechnology (ISSN: 2141-5153) Vol. 1(5) pp.080-085, December, 2010 Available online http://www.interesjournals.

org/IRJOB Copyright 2010 International Research Journals

Full Length Research Paper

An efficient method for extraction of C-phycocyanin from Spirulina sp. and its binding affinity to blood cells, nuclei and genomic DNA
P. Singh1, M. Kuddus2* and G. Thomas1

Jacob School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, SHIATS, Allahabad, India.


Department of Biotechnology, Integral University, Lucknow, India.

Accepted 20 December 2010

The natural flourochromes such as C-phycocyanin (C-PC) in diagnostics are being looked upon as a substitute for organic flourochromes because many of the chemicals used as fluorescent probes are expensive and cause biohazards. In the present study, C-PC was extracted from Spirulina by different methods, and analyzed for its binding affinity towards human red blood cells, platelets, lymphocytes and fowl red blood cells, and genomic DNA of human and plant (guava). The freezing and thawing method resulted in a maximum C-PC yield and the algal biomass dried under shade by air circulation gave the higher purity. The maximum binding affinity of C-PC was observed with human lymphocytes and a C-PC dilution ratio of 1:104. In case of fowl red blood cells, the maximum affinity was observed at with dilution ratio of 1:105. The study on the staining ability of C-PC towards the genomic DNA revealed very high strength of reaction. Thus, it is proposed that the partially purified C-PC could be used as a substitute of ethidium bromide and may be applied for immunological analysis and DNA staining. Key words: Spirulina, C-phycocyanin, blood cells, DNA staining INTRODUCTION The chemicals used in the early stages of molecular biology, such as ethidium bromide, have biohazards, expensive and carcinogenic in nature. During past centuries, science has explored many concealed natural resources and opened a big market to the chemical industries. So it was desired to find out new chemicals which are economical and safe to handle. C-PC is an antenna pigment found in many cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae to increase efficiency of photosynthesis by collecting light energy at wavelengths over which chlorophyll absorbs poorly (Glazer, 1981). C-PC contains multiple chromophore prosthetic groups, which are responsible for the fluorescent properties of these proteins. It belongs to the family of phycobiliproteins that are well suited as a fluorescent reagent without any toxic effect for immunological analysis (Hardy, 1986; Glazer, 1994; Kulkarni et al., 1996). C-PC has significant
*Corresponding author E-mail: ; Phone: +919415392163

antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and radical scavenging properties; commonly used as natural dyes in food and cosmetics, as it is nontoxic and noncarcinogenic (Romay and Gonzalez, 2000). The use of phycobiliproteins in diagnostics is being looked upon as a replacement for organic flourochromes. C-PC is a stable protein and does not alter its spectral characteristics in the staining process of tissues and DNA samples. The aim of present study was to standardized extraction method of C-PC from Spirulina, and to evaluate binding efficiency of C-PC to blood cells and genomic DNA. The study may find potential in analytical field and could showcase a green chemical toward protecting the environment.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Microbial culture and biological samples C-PC was isolated from Spirulina. The growth medium contained (g/l) NaHCO3 4.5; K2 HPO4 0.5; NaNO3 1.5; NaCl 1.0; K2 SO4 1.0;

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MgSO4.7H2O 0.2; FeSO4.7H2O 0.01; CaCl2.2H2O 0.04. The culture was maintained at 302C with an illumination of 3-5 K.lux light intensity provided by cool white fluorescent tubes with a dark and light cycle of 12:12 hours (Venkataraman et al., 1982). The algae were grown under different culture conditions and growth was monitored by spectrophotometric method (Sarada et al., 1999). Human intravenous blood samples were collected from healthy individuals of Hayes Memorial Hospital of SHIATS, Allahabad and stored at 4C for further use. The Fowl blood samples were collected from a local chicken shop. The leaf samples of guava cultivar were collected from the Orchard of the Department of Horticulture, SHIATS, Allahabad. The young leaves were washed and stored at -80C.

glycerol:water) and then observed for fluorescence using a Nikon fluorescent microscope. The isolated nucleated cells analyzed include the human lymphocytes (Yadava and Mukherjee, 1992) and the fowl red blood cells (Badakere et al., 1982). The cells were incubated with the serially diluted C-PC for 30 minutes in the dark at 20, 25 and 37C. The stained cells washed separately with 0.01mM PBS (pH 7.2) to remove the excess stain. A drop of stained cells was separately mounted on the slide with the mounting medium and observed for fluorescence by using fluorescence spectrophotometer. Staining of genomic DNA with C-PC Human genomic DNA was isolated from blood (Bangalore Genei DNA isolation Kit,) and plant genomic DNA from guava leaf was isolated by the method of Porebski et al. (1997). The isolated DNA samples were further purified by treating with RNase and phenolchloroform-isoamylalcohol (Sambrook et al., 1989) and quantified by a spectrophotometric method. To evaluate the binding affinity and lowest concentration of C-PC, DNA was stained with serially diluting C-PC at different temperature (20, 25 and 37C) and separated by agarose gel electrophoresis that was observed under a gel documentation system.

C-PC isolation from Spirulina Six different extraction methods were used to optimize isolation of C-PC and the method resulting in the maximum C-PC recovery was selected. The biomass was determined by spectrophotometric method. The C-PC concentration of was calculated by the method of Boussiba and Richmond (1979) and purity by was calculated by the method of Benett and Bogorad (1973). Wet methods C-PC was extracted from the wet biomass by using the modified methods of Sarada et al. (1999). In water extraction method, harvested biomass of Spirulina was suspended in distilled water and kept at 4C for 24 hours. The extract was centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 10 minutes and the supernatant was subjected to phycocyanin estimation. In homogenization method, harvested biomasss was homogenized using homogenizer at 4C for 5 min in presence of phosphate buffer at pH 7.0. The extract was centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 10 min and then the supernatant was subjected to phycocyanin estimation. In freezing and thawing technique, the wet biomass was frozen at -20C and thawed at 4C repeatedly for 4 hours in 10 ml of phosphate buffer at pH 7.0, the extract was centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 10 min, and the supernatant was subjected to phycocyanin estimation. Drying methods The harvested biomass of Spirulina was subjected to different drying methods and subsequently followed by incubation at 4C for 24 hours in phosphate buffer (0.1 M) at pH 7 (Sarada et al., 1999). Drying in water bath includes transfer of Spirulina wet biomass to a beaker and kept in a water bath at 50C for one hour. The dried biomass was then ground in mortar using pestle and sieved through 120- mesh size sieve. For sun light drying, wet biomass was kept in direct sun light for one hour, when ambient temperature was 35C. In air-drying method, wet biomass was dried at 25C under air circulation for 1 hour in shade. The dried powder was then ground in mortar using pestle and sieved through 120- mesh size sieve. C-PC binding to human and fowl blood cells The binding capacity of C-PC with human RBCs and platelets were investigated at different incubation temperatures (20, 25 and 37C). Human blood cells were isolated by the method of Bhatia (1977). The isolated cells (5%) were incubated with serially diluted C-PC for 30 minutes in the dark at different temperatures. The stained RBCs were then washed with isotonic phosphate saline buffer to remove the excess stain. A drop of these stained red blood cells was mounted on the slide with the mounting medium (9:1::

RESULTS C-PC extraction from Spirulina The efficiency of extraction methods was determined by calculating concentration and purity ratio of isolated CPC. The data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA. Extraction by wet methods C-PC yield of 13.4 mg/g with purity ratio 0.40 was observed in the water extraction method. In homogenization method yield was 82.10 mg/g with a purity ratio of 0.59. However, freezing and thawing method yielded a higher C-PC concentration of 86.3 mg/g with purity ratio 1.32 (Table 1). C-PC is considered to be pure when the absorption ratio (A620/280) is greater than 4 (Romay et al., 2003). As shown in figure 1, the correlation coefficient obtained between yield and purity was 0.686 which showed positive correlation i.e., with raise in C-PC yield due to different methods, purity was also increased simultaneously. Extraction by drying methods In the drying method of biomass by water bath, the yield of C-PC obtained was 16.5 mg/g with purity ratio of 0.90. In the sun light drying method the C-PC concentration and purity was 64.8 mg/g and 0.82, respectively. By airdried method the C-PC yield was 80.0 mg/g with purity ratio of 1.78 (Table 1). The correlation coefficient was 0.684 which showed positive correlation between yield

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Table 1: Comparison of different methods for extraction of C-PC from Spirulina Extraction Methods Wet methods Water Extraction (4C) Homogenization (4C) Frozen at -20C and thawed at 4C repeatedly for 4h Drying methods Water bath (50C for 1h) Sun dried (35C 2C for 1h) Air dried (25 2 C for 1h) Yield of C-PC (mg/g) 13.401.1 82.100.8 86.301.1 16.5 0.8 64.8 1.71 80.0 1.9 Purity ratio (A620/280) 0.400.1 0.590.03 1.320.05 0.90 0.07 0.82 0.03 1.78 0.06

A620/280 indicates purity of phycocyanin against total protein

Figure 1: Correlation coefficient between the variables of yield (mg/g) and purity (A620/280) of C-PC by different methods (Wet Method 1: Water extraction, Wet Method 2: Homogenization of cells, Wet Method 3: Freezing and thawing; Dry Method 1: Drying in water bath, Dry Method 2: Drying in direct sun light, Dry Method 3: Air-drying)

and purity. That is, as the yield of C-PC due to different methods increased, simultaneous increase in the purity of C-PC was also observed (Figure 2). Binding efficiency of C-PC to blood cells and Genomic DNA By using fluorescent microscope, the binding affinity of CPC to various nucleated and anucleated cells were analyzed. When the sample of human RBCs and platelets was stained with diluted C-PC, fluorescence was not seen, indicating negative results. However, with human lymphocytes and fowl blood cell nuclei this dye reacted very strongly, showing a titer of reactivity >10-4 (Table 2). The result showed that the reactivity was directed towards the cell nuclei rather than the cell surface, indicating that the dye penetrated the cell and stained the nuclei (Figure 2). There was no fluorescence

for cell wall and cytoplasm. The binding efficiency of diluted C-PC was also analyzed with genomic DNA of human and plant at different temperature. The maximum binding affinity was observed in both human and plant genomic DNA at 25 C. It was amazing to observe that CPC dilution had no effect on the sharpness of the genomic DNA at constant DNA concentration. It stained DNA even at a high dilution (10-6) gave comparable results with purified C-PC. The fluorescent image of stained human and plant genomic DNA is shown in figure 3. The genomic DNA could thus be stained and detected by using this natural dye. DISCUSSION The use of various phycobiliproteins for staining of DNA and as a fluorescent marker in diagnostic studies is already discussed (Kulkarni et al., 1996; Kuddus and

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Table 2: The binding affinity of C-PC to various cells and nuclei at (25 C) Cells stained with C-PC Human RBCs Human platelets Human Lymphocytes Fowl RBC Nuclei No. of samples 5 5 5 5 Binding affinity at dilution Nil (no fluorescence) Nil (no fluorescence) 10-4 (fluorescence) -5 10 (fluorescence)

Figure 2: Nucleated cells of human lymphocytes stained with C-PC at 25C and dilution ratio of 10-4 (magnification 40x)

Figure 3: Human (A) and plant (B) genomic DNA stained with diluted C-PC (10-6) at 25 C

Ramteke, 2009). The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of C-PC for immunodiagnostic applications and as a non-toxic natural DNA stain. From the present study, it can be concluded that the partially purified C-PC has great binding affinity towards the nucleus. Even the morphology of the nucleus can be clearly viewed and may be used to count nucleated cells. Harding and coworkers (Harding et al., 2000) visualized apoptotic cells, labeled with a streptavidin-allophycocyanin conjugate. The utilization of different stain/dye agents has greatly assisted the study of complex biological interactions in the field of biology. In particular, fluorescent labeling of biomolecules has been demonstrated as an indispensable tool in many biological studies. A variety of impaired physiological conditions are reported to be relieved by C-PC administration (Farooq et al., 2004; Chiu et al., 2006; Kahn et al., 2006; Riss et al., 2007; Sathyasaikumar et al., 2007). It has also been

observed that C-PC can inhibit cell proliferation (Liu et al., 2000), induce apoptosis in cancerogenic cell lines (Subhashini et al., 2004; Roy et al., 2007), inhibit the other enzyme activities and affect gene regulation in mammalian cell lines (Madhyastha et al., 2006; Cherng et al., 2007). The antioxidant and radical scavenging activities of C-PC from different cyanobacteria are well documented (Upasani and Balaraman, 2003; Benedetti et al., 2004; Bermejo et al., 2008; Soni et al., 2008). The deep blue colour of phycocyanin has been used as a naturally occurring colorant for food additive purposes (Kato, 1994; Hirata et al., 2000). Purified C-PC also has nutraceutical and pharmaceutical potentials (Belay, 2002). C-PC will have wide applications in fluorescence microscopy and in multi-color flow cytometry. It may be conjugated to monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies for use in multicolor FACS analysis. The electrophoresis result also highlights binding affinity

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of C-PC to genomic DNA. The dye migrates very well on -6 gel electrophoresis without dissociation even at 10 dilutions. C-PC has no specificity for any other proteins so it can be suitably employed as a DNA specific stain and in genomic DNA analysis. Also, because the dye is natural in origin and has been found to be without any toxic effects (Arad and Yaron, 1992), it can act as a substitute for the generally used ethidium bromide, which is a carcinogenic compound. It can also be used as a fluorescent probe for online monitoring of cyanobacterial growth (Sode et al., 1991) and detection of toxic cyanobacteria in drinking water (Izydorczyk et al., 2005). By using this natural dye as a marker various blood cells/molecules may be detected by adapting avidin/biotin as a non-conventional coupling agent. It may be suggested from the present study that C-PC from Spirulina may be used for highly sensitive fluorescence analysis because it can be conjugated with toxins, hormones, growth factors and other biologically interesting molecules. CONCLUSION The drying method under shade by air circulation could be used for C-PC extraction from Spirulina biomass at a large scale. The partially purified C-PC can be applied to stain different cells, tissues and genomic DNA. The C-PC pigment which exhibits no toxic effect has applications in several industries such as food, cosmetics, clinical research as well as for the diagnosis of biological molecules. This natural nuclear stain could be utilized for detection of genomic DNA at commercial level and commonly used synthetic dyes including ethidium bromide could be replaced by the naturally available CPC.
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