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Seiyara: The mall was bustling today, at it's maximum capacity it ever had been in years as the christmas

and new years rush was overflowing the traffic in this huge mall quite harshly. Yet even with everyone going on, there sat a rather tall, muscular Elven Warrioress, clad in a tight sporta bra with short short barely hiding that enormous package that was shamelessly resting down the inner side of her thigh, and that was when it was completely -limp-, she sat there eating a rather tough steak she'd bought off one of the food facilities, having gotten a discount from the Waitress as she had.. given her a proper reason to treat this Elven Vixen like she were a Goddess. Getting of track aside.. there the Elf sat, eating that red meat which she hadn't had enough of in what felt like months on her military patrol, until she'd spotted a rather fine looking Red Fox, having all the curves that Seiyara indulged in.. licking her lips clean in that deep ache that sparked to life in her heart, and namely , her crotch, that dick that rested upon her inner thigh began to stiffen, fatten underneath the table the more she eye-humped this beauty of a bimbo fox.. only observing her as she was 'that' crude, she was an Elf for a reason, and it showed in her patience to gain atleast a smidgen of observational knowledge before going up and.. revealing her intentions. Still, that fur.. just caught and kept her full attention, a bright vibrant red with black covering her body so exquisitely, one of the more exotic bodies Seiyara has ever eye-raped from afar, and she loved every second of swallowing up that body with her eyes and forming proper fantasies about those lips... that ass.. that body covered in her jizz.. Zoe: The whorishly dressed slut teasingly swayed her hips with every step, the mini skirt and tight little top hugging every curve of her perky form. She wasn't at the mall to do anything that day other than parade herself around, like always, eager to be eye-fucked and groped by every horny male, or female, that laid eyes upon her....and perhaps get some fun out of it before the day was over. Just earlier she'd been surrounded by a group of wolves, each of them pressing up against her from every direction, groping her, grinding their hidden excitement up against her, promising to have their way with her...just as she wanted. They were empty words however, and now she walked onward through the mall with eyes full of lust, her body hot from being teased and dripping wet down below. She made her way to the food court, casting a glance around through the crowd and looking over her options. There were countless prospects to choose from, all of which might have been a decent little fuck, but nothing like she dreamed of. There appeared to be no bulls or horses, taurs or beasts...nothing that would bend her over and have her begging for mercy by the time it was over because of their size and brutality.

That was, until her gaze happened to fall upon perhaps one of the most appealing sights she'd seen all day; a large blue Elven Vixen whose own gaze was locked on the horny slut, a beautifully large bulge appearing from her waist. The canine's eyes widened in thankfulness as she took in the sight of the creature, her body growing hotter as she imagined having such a powerful creature defiling her...and she was soon making her way over to the vixen. Seiyara: since forgotten about that half-eaten steak, sliding the plate away as she watched this Canine Bombshell over towards her, indulging in every thick curve and feminine coutoure that had her eye-raping that form the larger it came into view and closer she could smell her scent. With each soft tap of her feet down against the ground, the tips of her ears twitched, and as she watched those thick, strong thighs jiggle with each step taken that cock grew that much stiffer, aching deeper and deeper to cram it self down that devilish, hungry smile plastered on the canine's lips. She couldn't help but to think of those strong riding legs spread wide, those deep eyes rolled to the back of her head as that body was bound into and going utterly crazy with that fuck momentum she'd inevitably, soon finding herself rutting into. As the Canine took her final steps up to her, she only looked up a few inches toward the woman, offering a warm, inviting smile as she pushed her chair out from the table a bit, patting her thigh, clearly signalling for the Bitch to take a seat on half of her lap, as she'd been coming towards her for a reason, and with that predatoria lgleam in her eye it wasn't hard for Seiyara to assume what she wanted. "Am I just going to be stared at or are you going to tell me what's got a hottie like your's interest." She spoke rather loudly over the hustle and bustle of the mall, unable to control that raging boner that was growing larger every passing moment. Zoe: The slut's eyes opened wide in surprise and pleasure as she watched the Elf pad her legs, spreading them and offering her a seat, the thick indication of a beautifully massive cock pathetically hidden by her short shorts. Swaying her hips seductively the canine closed the short distance between them and eased down, still facing her newest form of pleasure as she straddled herself over her right leg. "Oh I would love to do more than just stare at you." she murmurs lustfully, grinding her waist down over the leg and groping the massive indention that was the vixen warrior's erection. "Names Zoe, but you can call me whatever you want sweety." she eases her body up against hers even further, still tracing her paws between the two well-toned legs that hardly hid the throbbing cock between them, not caring if anyone else could see her doing it in public.

Seiyara: grinned, the moment those strong thighs straddled her leg that cock almost ripped out of those confines holding it down so restrainingly. Her hand instinctively reaching up and around to dip into the Slut's short shorts, taking a full handful of her backside to 'reel' her in that much closer, pressing her flush up against the side of her strong torso only to press a playful kiss on the tip of her snout. "I'm sure I'll find myself calling you many names beauty, though.. dishonesty is such a begotten trait.." Her right hand slipped up behind her back, grasping at the ends of her hair, yanking down, forcing the Canine to fixate her gaze upon her own. "If you wanted to do more than just stare at me.. you'd be doing it like a good little Harlot by now, clearly I'll just have to find us a proper place so you'll feel more comfortable, hm? The next few moments were filled with grinding, holding the Whore's lower back down against her thigh to really 'dig' that muscled limb against her crotch, straining that cock against her own short shorts that were just about ready to rip, Zoe's scent had been wracking at her self-restraint quite easily, as if her body wasn't enough, that animalistic hunger growing like a wildfire in her heart, namely her crotch if it wasn't already bovious enough. Zoe: The whorish canine felt herself growing wet with every subtle movement between her legs, wrapping her feet around this Elven goddess's ankle and latching herself into place in her lap, grinding her hot little body against her thigh and the massive throbbing tool running down it as if her entire world depended on the act. Upon feeling the hand sliding down her shorts she can't help but clench her firm rear, pressing even rougher against the warrioress and emphasizing as best she could how desperately she needed to the satisfied. Her eyes begged with lust as she edged up against her next master's chest, her perky tits smushing up against her own as she moaned softly and looked up to catch her gaze. "I could care less where we are...." her words breathed out with passion as her mind tries to focus on speaking for a moment, and not the beautiful fuckstick beneath her, "and I could care less about staring anymore too." Seiyara: smiled that carnivorous smile she always had when a Dove like this had fallen into her web. Gripping those tightened cheeks to stand up off the chair, clutching this bodacious bombshell of a furry on her leg before she dipped her fingers in between those tight asscheeks, hooking her fingers between her thighs to pull her by the bottom of her cunt, prying her up off her leg before lifting her up a few inches higher,jerking her pelvis to one side as she thrust her hip out for the Canine to wrap one leg around, then repeating that process for her other leg until this Whore's legs were wrapping around her hips like a good cock-riding Bitch. Her free hand then gripped down at that asscheek again, tugging and yanking on that mini skirt that did little to hide those toned cheeks that could use a little more.. cushion this Elf would soon be pushing up into this Whorelette. Her legs however, worked in

that elegant stride to relocate these two, walking through the entire mall until she soon found herself walking to the very middle of this Mall. Looking towards a few customer's sitting at a table before nodding them dismissfully off to give her the room to rest this Skank down against the table, taking her thighs up into her grip as she began to grind hard down against her body, taking in that scent of her own primal ache that seemed to further the Elf's own. She'd then reached underneath that pinned down body to grip at the root of her large fluffy tail, tugging roughly at the base just to elicit a reaction out of her before she began to dig her canines into the Slut's neck, pumping her hips up against her crotch, only to undulate her hips and tease this Harlot with what should be pounding into her by now. Still held under those nearuseless booty shorts that did everything it could to tease Whore's like this into aching for that restrained cock to pound and destroy them. "Mmf.. hope you don't mind an audience babe.. you're going to feel like a rhino was fisting every one of your holes by the time I finish." She growled hungrily into her ear, hesitantly prying her hands up off the Cumsleeve's body to dig at the seams of her short shorts, prying them apart from her hips as she began to tug them down, finding that perpetual humping and mashing of her hips down on this Harlot, difficulty to properly disrobe herself for what was needed, yet in seconds that enormous tree trunk of an Elfdick, in all of it's cunt-crushing throat-gaping asshole-demolishing glory found it's way between these two, grinding against the Fox's clothes and up along her belly with it's sheer side, until that aching command spilled from the Warrioress' lips. "Take your clothes off or I'll rip a fucking hole through them to get to your cum-holes Bitch." Zoe: The cock-hungry canine merely allowed the Elven goddess to take over, the slut wrapping her legs around her waist and grinding her dripping wet snatch against her side as she felt the fingers dip up inside her cunt, pulling her into place, right where she deserved to be. With every step they took through the mall she only grew hotter, panting and rubbing her waist against the massive indention of this vixen's fuck-stick, wanting to feel it splitting her open and pounding mercilessly away at her. Before long she felt her back fall upon a table, moaning hotly up at the Elf as she felt their waists grind together, her tail being jerked up as teeth dig into her neck, eliciting even more carnal reactions from the bitch in heat. Seiyara: With every teasing thrust from the Elven warrioress she felt the massive throbbing cock hiding behind her shorts grow larger and hotter, driving her wild with passion and lust. This was what the bitch needed. No pitiful wolf of fox cock, or even some half worthy horse dick. No, she needed a monstrous tool such as the one being sported by the creature looking down over her, knowing it's owner would show absolutely no remorse, regardless of

how she responded to it. Finally her prayers were answered and she felt the excitement from her own snatch run even thicker between her legs as she watched the monstrous fem cock reveal itself for the first time, it's massive length falling over her stomach and running up her chest, promising a fuck unlike any she'd ever had before. She eyes the tool in amazement, her gaze desperate and begging this snake-like object to waste no time in fucking her to the point of insanity, making her wonder why she ever thought this was a good idea in the first place. Zoe: She faintly hears the order, almost smiling as she realizes the truth behind the promise of fucking straight through her clothes if she chose not to disrobe, but refraining as her hungry gaze remains on that monstrous thing on her belly. Quickly she reaches down, ripping open the button to her shorts and jerking them away wildly, then bringing her legs up and spreading them as far apart as she could possibly manage, knowing it wouldn't do near enough to help her take this pole but hoping the act would atleast entice it to use any hole her body had. "Mmm, I bet you would." Seiyara: swooned happily at the obedience this Bitch posessed just to sate the endless hunger for Cock. She bared her teeth, pressing her hands right under the Canine's thighs to force this Bitch to do the chinese splits on her back, providing ample room for her hips to draw and angle back, the sheer weight of that aching cunt-crusher dropping down from it's sheer weight to aim perfectly at the Cockwhore's cunt. In here moments she was already 'driving' her hips forward, splitting those cunt lips -far- apart just to fit that dick into that sopping wet snatch, driving deeper and deeper up inside her cunt, pushing past her cunt like it were some useless wall effortlessly, only to continue that one, single brutal powerthrust deeper, before bashing harshly against the sacred wall of her womb, prying it open atleast an inch which definitely wouldn't be enough for that coc kto bury itself into. In those next few moments she was already using that built-up momentum and hunger to send powerthrust after powerthrust driving violently up into her cunt, forcing that womb to yield with each merciless fuckthrust up into her, each drive of her hips sending those swelling, churning balls slapping obscenely against the lower clefts of her ass. Panting and thrusting like this Bitch were a mere fleshlight made to take her cock to the very intimidating hilt! "Unngh fuck you Bitches have the -best- cunts to rail!!" Zoe: pants happily as she sees the massive fuckstick being raised up and led into position, being able to moan only slightly as she feels it split her pussy lips apart. Yet that moan soon turns into a high pitched scream of surprise and absolute pleasure as the relentless too continued onwards up into her, gaping her hole wide and far and showing it no mercy, causing the slut to thrash her head from side to side and fling her paws down below as she tried

to pull her holds further open. Finally the single monstrous thrust ended, the bitch cumming already from the mere entrance, only to be surprised as it soon started back up again, feeling her womb give way a little more as this Elven beast seemed determine to fuck her stomach, to satisfy her the way she'd wanted to be satisfied for so long. "fffffffuckkkk.........s-so h-huge!!!!!!" Seiyara: growled only as that momentum picked up, pulling out and 'thrusting' in with all of her might seeming like she wanted to utterly crush this helpless Canine under those relentless power thrusts, the further she screwed this cock-brained fucksleeve to her heart's content the more those thrusts began to lok more violent than what they truly were. Folding this Bitch's lower back up from those thrusts only to drop back down onto the table and go through the entire process again! The way she held her thighs wide apart just to keep those flexible legs far onto their sides whilst thrusting ruthlessly into her began to wear on the table, forcing those creaking sounds of the support legs of that table moving and scraping along the ground, even going so far as beginning to bend at the slightest from those merciless powerthrusts her hips were bearing down on this Canine cockslut entirely! "Mhh!! F..fuck it's going up that pretty little ass next!! Ohh fuck!~" Zoe: can only lay beneath the powerful Elven vixen, each of them doing what they do best at the moment as she feels the monstrous tool relentlessly and expertly fucking away at her cunt and womb, giving the slut a better ride than any she'd ever experienced. With every jack-hammed like thrust the slut felt her barriers being broken away, her tongue hanging out and slobber running down her cheek as she felt the table move beneath the two wildly fucking animal, the vixen showing absolutely no pity for the hot little canine at all....not that she wanted any. In fact, after faintly hearing her promise of sticking that slut-breaker up the canine's ass later, she couldn't help but groans and start to work herself back against the tool, ignoring the pain and focusing on the pleasure as the monstrous rod beat away at her. "Yyessss....stick that m-monster...a-anywhere you want!" she screams back, completely ignoring the the crowd they've drawn Seiyara: From the heavy panting spilling from her throat perpetually as she driled this Whore deep, she could feel that first orgasm rolling around her body, tightening her muscles and more so, that heavy sack swaying pendulously beneath the two, colliding lewdly against the lower clefts of this Hot canine bombshell's ass, bringing the Elf to tighten her grip upon the Bitch's legs, plowing that dick 'deep' up in her cunt, to the point that dick was buldging obscenely from that taut, strong stomach, conforming to the shape and bitch-breaking size of that cock! This Elf could only handle half a minute more of fucking before those final thrusts looked to the crowd like she was trying to puncture that dick entirely through this Dogslut, some gasping as they could see that dick protruding out of her abdomen so lewdly, while

others could be seen masturbating to the sight, and others looking towards the Canine Skank with shame and disgust, some tossing out names like "Hoe!" or "Tramp!", even others egging this Elf on to completely brutalize this Canine until she was a twitching, immovable husk of overflowing jizzloads! Thousands of people had gathered around the two, from different levels of the mall to the ground level, staring at the pair fucking like wild animals in a place like this, security had clearly taken a blind eye to this act, as Seiyara was well-known in this Facility, hving screwed the head of security and of course, the manager of the entire establishment, it was rare Sei took a Whore like this, but when she did her prey was never gain seen without the Elf's own leash, parading them around the mall on their hands and knees. Finally, as the Elf bore her entire weight down on this sex-crazed nympho, she let out a rather ferocious howl, digging her hips down into the Whore's groin before those balls tightened up and that dick erupted in a violent torrent of thickerthan-glue fucksludge beginning to pump through that colossal pillar of Fuckmeat, straight into the Whore's womb. Each lewd pump of that nut butter could be heard in thick, grotesque pumping noises all driving up into the Canine Whore's womb! Zoe: the once slutty, proud whore who had just earlier been strutting around this very mall with a sense of power and pride, was no longer to be seen in the eyes of anyone at this point. As she lay beneath this powerful Elven vixen, her monstrous cock pole absolutely tearing away at her cunt as she felt her body being groped, held, and pulled against with every thrust, she was more of a sight to laugh at and insult, which was the case...not that she could hear the words coming from the massive crown that had gathered round to watch the bimbo bitch get ruined. She was far too busy screaming out in ecstasy every time that cunt destroyed planted itself up inside her gaping wide, gorged open, pussy. Finally, just faintly hearing the howl from the vixen over the own ringing in her ears, the pupslut felt the thickest, hottest concauction of slutfeed she'd ever known being released up into her quivering cunt, filling up her womb and heading further into her belly. Seiyara: The Elf utterly filled this Jizz Junkie up on what had to have been 'gallons' of that thick gooey jizz! All the hormones and testosterone residing in each ounce of that sperm, pumping straight through this Whorelette's intestines as that magical Elfseed had this Dogslut's chest tingling and that aching ass feeling the same, what this Elf knew that the Jizz-brained sexuallyhigh couldn't feel through the ache and soreness rolling through her body, those fuck udder's for breasts were beginning to grow heavier, and more sensitive, puffing out with every lewd gallon of jizz wildly pumped into her womb, at that same time her ass had been growing as well! Heavier thicker and meatier, the perfect Bimbo body for taking a cock as large as this daily! To strut around like the sexually-insane Cockwhore in public, to be flaunted

like the Fuckmeat she was. Only until the Elf's first orgasm had subsided, finally, having pumped gallons of that fertile elfjizz up into her womb that left a high chance to leave this Canine whore pregnant with her child. Seiyara dragged that entire meatskewer from the depths of that stretched out- gaping cum-hole, only to take the Bitch's legs up into her arms, arching her hips at just that right angle to aim that cock down at her aching, quivering butthole. As a devilish grin formed on her lips she began to prod and poke at that needy asshole, just wanting to elicit a reaction from this jizzhigh Dog Skank, threatening with just that cock at how big that dick was prodding at that juicy fuckhole, being spread wide just at that playful teasing that could send the dumbest of Bimbo's into a series of orgasm's, who knew what effect it would have on this Harlot already in a state of hopeless arousal wracking her body relentlessly! Zoe: more or less can only lay there as everyone's free fuck show, feeling gallon upon gallon of thick rich baby batter being pumped into her stomach, unbeknownst to her filling out her breasts and ass as well, and leaving her an even sluttier canine bitch than she had once been. on and on the time passed, the crowd watching eagerly and calling the red furred slut countless names, only getting her hotter, as she was pumped utterly full of the Elven's cum. Eventually, the massive fuckstick was drug from her gaping cunt, the hole oozing cum nonstop, before being replaced at her waiting backdoor. At this she couldn't help but moan out in pleasure and fear, wanting to be wrecked but still knowing having such a titanic thing being shoved into her would be equal that of a bowling ball going through a wedding ring. As she felt the massive cockhead teasing her anus the slut couldn't help but clench the hole open and closed in excitement, moaning like a good bitch and begging to be dismantled. Seiyara: had held herself to the very colon-gouging hilt, pumping load after gut-busting load of that thick breeding fucksludge, after having watched as gouts of her jizz pumped straight through her body and out of the Canine Whore's throat, she opened her palm and clenched it down around her snout, giving no outing for those relentless fuckpumps into her quivering, helpless body, not even from her mouth which she had forced to close tight, even as thick drool dribbled out from around her tightly clenched snout, Sei's hips bucked up against this newly Sei-baptized body, that limp body forced to take gallons upon endless gallons of her jizz without her ever pulling out a single inch through her entire orgasm. Those gallons upon gallons of jizz continued to pump into her body even without any way to exit, before it came 'GUSHING' out from her jaw that was forced open just from that intense pressure gushing into her. That heavy fucksludge was torrented high into the air before splattering down onto the

canine's face. After her orgasm had finally subsided the crowd was left baffled. Speechless as the sheer obscenity left most sick, others ashamed to have called this Canine another person that were equal with them. Still.. a couple hundred had whipped out their phone and had taken pictures, even some had recorded video's! And even then others were livestreaming this event, giving this Bitch-slut a proper name throughout more than half of America. As "Sei's worthless Breeding Bitch" yet to Sei she found nothing but an appealing future having this Woman bore her children, no matter how many litter's were pumped into her monthly. She clenched Zoe's mouth shut again as she rode out that final minute of orgasmic bliss, pumping another few gallons into that exit-less body, only to lean over and shout down at her. "Name your new Breeding Owner little Bitch!! Scream it for all of these people to hear!!!" Zoe: The neverending torrent of thick hot spunk being pumped into her stomach left the whore gurgling like the cum-dumpster she was as it ran out of her mouth like a faucet, her eyes still rolled up in her skull, occasionaly being flung back downward after a body shaking jerk or twitch from the monstrous thing up inside of her, allowing her to look over the thousands of animals and creatures watching her. The mixed looks of admiration and disgust, of camera's and phones taping it all, left her feeling like even more of a worthless slut, and the idea of such a brutal fucking being watched by the entirety of the rest of the world provoked an even sharper orgasm from between her own legs. She felt her mistresses hand wrap around her muzzle, the whore immediately trying to moan out in dismay as she felt the torrent of sludge backing up in her neck and stomach, only a small trickle of it running from her nose. She could feel the pressure increasing, the massive cock still remaining hilted up in her ruined asshole, somehow refusing to stop with the flood of cum it was releasing. Finally, however, the Elven slut-wrecker who had so expertly defiled the canine girl released the hold on her muzzle and the gallons upon gallons of thick wadded whore-batter shot into the air above her, soon coming back down and properly bathing the slut in her favorite food, leaving her gasping and panting, trying to comprehend what had just happened, only to once again feel the hand close around her maw...the vixen STILL streaming her release up into her without slowing. She merely continued to do what she had been, laying beneath the creature who was ruining her and allowing the act to unfold, managing to look up at her as she screamed out another order, wanting to answer but being unable to, and merely reaching forward with a shaky paw and placing it on the side of her face, not caring what reaction it got her, only doing whatever she could to answer until her mouth was once again freed and able to scream to the world whose property she was. Seiyara: smiled when she'd yelled at the top of that hoarse voice, a product

from the merciless fucking she was forced to endure. Her other hand grasping at the paw that had pressed against her chee kt osmile down at her newest most breeding Bitch. Giving one final thrust to emphasize her new ownership over the Canine Whore. Leaning over to lick at her cum-blanketed muzzle rather endearingly. "Your Fat Ass is mine now, little Whorelette, and you're coming home with me." Despite the helpless shape her Pupslut was now in, she grasped at her red and black mane, picking her up off the sticky, enormous puddle that had flooded under her body, picking her up off what used to be a table, more so an indentation of the Canine's body forever imprinted in the table with that slightly bent support leg leaving a permanent marking of this day, the day that would mark the future of this Dogslut's life. As if a suddenly blessing had come over this Dogslut however, the Elven Warrioress picked her up entirely into both arms, cradling her body like a mate would her Lover, legs hooked up under both of her knees whilst the other held her by the back, providing the first semblance of a resting place as only the steps of her strong feet could be felt on the way to her new home. Zoe: utterly used and completely defiled by what she would now forever call her mistress, her master, and her mate, the cum-drenched, exhausted canine merely leaned into the comfortable pair of breasts that belonged to the Elven vixen, allowing her to do with her what she wanted, knowing a life of pleasure and satisfaction would follow no matter what the result. She could feel the excess of thick warm cum oozing out of her body, an almost calming feeling, as the powerful hips of her breeder swayed with every step, lulling the exhausted creature to sleep as she was held against her chest...having received the best, and most ruthlessly satisfying fuck of her entire life.

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