Ulangan Tengah Semester Genap SDN Joglo 09 Pagi Kec. Kembangan Kota Madya Jakarta Barat

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TAHUN PELAJARAN 2011/2012 Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris _____________________________ Hari / tanggal : _____ Waktu : 60 Menit Nama :

Nilai :

Kelas : V ( lima ) No. Absen : _____________________________

I. Berilah tanda silang pada salah satu huruf a, b, c atau d sebagai jawaban yang benar ! 1. Andra : What do you feel after working hard all day, Darwis ? Darwis a. thirsty 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. a. angry a. thirsty a. sad a. happy a. am a. am a. pintar a. flat a. curly a. tall : I feel ... b. hungry b. Sad b. sad b. happy b. sad b. is b. is b. kaya b sharp b. tall b. short c. big c. fat c. thin c. are c. are c. buta d. small d. big d. big c. tired c. happy c. angry c. angry c. sleepy d. the d. the d. miskin d. happy d. tired d. happy d. sleepy d. tired

My mother is ..., because my sister disturbs her ... His friend gets an accident, he feels ... We go to bed late at night, so we feel ... Rahma is .... she gets nine for mathematic Iwan ... angry with me Fani and Fajar ... playing badminton in the hall The man is blind. Blind means .... Aliya has a ... nose. ( mancung ) Your sister has .... hair Her brother is fat, but her sister is .... Your hair is straight, but your sisters hair is ...

a. short 13. 14. 15. 16. a. fat a. four a. hot a. America Yordania 17. 18. 19. 20.

b. curly b. big b. two b. cold b. Malaysia

c. long c. blind c. five c. bright c. Indonesia

d. thin d. thin d. one d. nice d.

The oldman can not see anything. He is a ... man There are ........ seasons in indonesia In the rainy season the weather is very...... there are four seasons in ........

Dinner in Indonesia means ........ a. makan malam a. winter a. open a. Jacket b. fall b. close b. pyjamas b makan siang c. makan siang d. tidur siang people always wear warm clothes in ........ c. spring c. switch on c. skirt d. summer d. switch off d. trousers The weather is very hot, can you .... the Air Conditioner ? When I am sleeping, I wear ....

II. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. III. 31.

Isilah titik titik dengan jawaban yang benar ! If you feel ................... , please eat this food. We always have flag ceremony every .......... The leaves fall in the ........... Two seasons in Indonesia . They are................. season and rainy season I am very thirsty. I want to ...................... a glass of orange juice The weather is very ............ in the dry season. In Japan and Europe there are .............. seasons. In the rainy season people need an/a.................... The weather in summer is ........................ The baby drinks a bottle of milk, because he is ................. Jawablah Pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar ! Write the meaning of these seasons !

1. Summer : ................................. 3. 2. Spring 32. ... 33. ... 34. Complete the dialogue ! Arman Arman 35. : Here is the money. : ........................ Raditya : Thank you : ...............................

Autumn : ............................... Winter

: ................................. 4.

How many seasons in Indonesia? Mention, please ! .......................................................................................................................... Mr. Robinson lives in Australian. What language does he speak ? ..........................................................................................................................

Arrange the words into a good sentence ! There passengers are the in waitingroom a lot of

............................................................................................................... ..............

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