Riz-Lesson Plan Year 3 Grammar N Writing

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English Lesson Plan for teaching grammar and writing-Year 3.

Subject Class Date / Day Time Theme / Topic Focused Skills Teaching aids : : : : : : : English 3 Felix 9 July 2012 / Monday 10.00 11.00 am World of Knowledge Writing Computer, Power point, projector, hand outs, story image layout, envelopes, OXFORD dictionary.

Prepared by

Siti Rizwana Binti Shuaib ( DPLI A December 2011 intake )

Stage / Time


Teaching Learning Activity


Activity Writing and Grammar Picture Illustration of Party timeBirthday celebration

Teacher explains the rules of the game A Gift for U. Teacher will pass the gift box to the pupils. The gift box need to be passed when the music start.

To activate pupils imagination based on their experience

To create interest in the topic of the lesson

Teaching aid: Powerpoint

A Gift for U Game

Teacher will stop the music and the person who holding the gift need to open the box and pick any colour roll paper and read loud the word written on it.

presentation,co mputer, projector, printed illustration, gift box ,music, maker and majong paper.

The pupil given 1 minute to think about suitable simple sentence to describe the word.

To exposed the vocabulary to pupil

To train pupil to write simple

The pupil required to write it in front of the class.


To let the pupil explore and

The teacher will start the music and the gift box will move again until teacher stops the music again.

learn in fun way.

Once the music stop, the pupil who holding the gift box needs to repeat the steps. To bring out pupils idea and imagination.

The games continue 5 times.

Teacher introduces the concept of Preposition to the class.

Teacher gives

example of preposition to make sure pupil understand. Teacher correct pupils work -simple sentences create from the game in front of the class. To make sure pupil understand the preposition.

Pupil required to copy the correct simple sentences inside English work book.

Pupil able to understand preposition and write simple sentence according to the simple preposition.

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