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TV Planning Process

Start with a Brief :

Ujala plans to launch a dishwasher in Maharashtra market, the objective is generate sales in the next three months of the launch budget 35 lacs 50@3+ . Tg :Fe 25+abc Creative unit:25

Why TV ?

Reasons for using

Geographic flexibility Reach of both selective and mass markets Cost efficiency Better Impact (Audio + Video)
High total cost Short lived messages No catalog value No local (Specific) activity

Reasons for not using

Types of TV plan

Reach Based

GRP Based

Reach Based Planning

Brief Required
Objective TG Budget Campaign Duration Market Commercial Duration

Data/input Required
Top Channel Top Program Program wise rate Channel Rate Card

Process Required
Cumm Reach By Daypart Prog Perfomance Log File Creator Spot R & F Pre

Output TV Plan (Allied Format) Schedule Deliveries

Brief Required

Objective of the plan

What is the reach required ?

Ex 50 @3+


TG for the marketing campaign

Ex Males 25+ ABC

Marketing Budget

Total Budget for the marketing campaign

Ex 50 lacs / 20 lacs

Campaign Duration

Period of the campaign (From & TO)

Ex 10th jan to 31st Feb / 3 months / 1 year

Commercial Duarion

What is the Commercial duration

Ex 20 sec or 30 sec / Mix of 20 & 30 sec


Which are the markets which need to be captured ?

Ex Mumbai or Rest of Maharashtra , Delhi

Input / Data Required What are the top channels in the market ? Channel reach in market . What is programs which will give me the desired reach ? Program reach

Step 2 Formating & Input Phase How do we make actual plan? Format of Planning Put in the programs , Daypart (Day ,time), Duration of the commercial ,rate /10 sec.

Format of Plan
D Channel Aaj Tak Programme RODP RODP RODP RODP RODP RODP RODP RODP RODP Aaj Tak Total Day Mon - Fri Mon - Fri Mon - Fri Mon - Fri Mon - Fri Sat-Sun Sat-Sun Sat-Sun Sat-Sun Time 0700-1000 1800-2100 2100-2300 2300-2500 0500-1800 1000-1300 1500-1800 1800-2100 0500-1800 Rate/10 s 3840 12440 14640 11200 Bonus 2800 2960 14320 Bonus 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 uSpot s r 31 25 25 15 130 26 15 12 24 303 FCT 620 500 500 300 2600 520 300 240 480 6060 Spends 238080 622000 732000 336000 Bonus 145600 88800 343680 Bonus 2506160

Step 3 Optimization

How do we then Optimise then built plan based on the reach objective of 50@3+ in the monies that we ? Create a Log file Change the program genre / Channel mix if needed . Slog file : Iterate the log to get the optimized reach

A general guideline on how to increase Reach or Frequency

Same GRPs level

GRPs / TRPs, Reach & Frequency


Increasing day parts

Buying same kind of

programming, usually Increasing # TV

channels/publication Buying only 3 days of the week

Things to remember before we make a log.

Consider a similar environment while we build a log . Check abnormal viewing due to cricket , news channels peak due to elections, Finale of Reality shows . While choosing the RODP component please put the edit unit size. Movie titles in the Log needs to be similar in terms of reach.( Blockbuster Vs Normal Movies generally deliver different reach levels .)

GRP based Planning

Ujala plans to launch a dishwasher in Maharashtra market, the objective is generate sales in the next three months of the launch budget 35 lacs 400 Grps Tg :Fe 25+abc Creative unit:25

Steps in planning-GRP Based

Channel Shares by Daypart Program performance (TVR ) Input the relevant Program in the Plan format Input rates and evaluate the Program and channel CPRP. Make a log file and Iterate the same to achieve the set objective

Start with a Brief exercise :

Ujala plans to launch a dishwasher in Maharashtra market , the objective is generate sales in the next three months of the launch budget 35 lacs 50@3+. Tg :Fe 25+abc unit:10,15,25 Creative

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