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University of Jordan Faculty of Engineering and Technology Mechatronics Engineering Department Measurements and Control Lab (EE 448)

Experiment no. 3 Control of Temperature System

Prepared by: Eng. Rasha Noufal

Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

Control of Temperature System

In this experiment, the students will learn the basic operation of a temperature controlled system and will also learn the static and transient behaviour of the temperature process. Following are the objectives of the experiment: - Study the effect of flap, ventilator-motor, and input power over the temperature output. - Evaluation of the step response of the temperature process. - Find the transfer function of the temperature process. - Design a suitable PID controller for the system.

The objective of any automation is to be able to efficiently and reliably control the behaviour of the process. Temperature systems are widely used in real life as in industrial applications, domestic domain (home, office), medical and biological process engineering The basic operation of a temperature-controlled system is analyzed in this experiment. Further, we should understand the system and determine the mathematical model of the process (Transfer function). This transfer function is used to design a PID controller that improves the performance of the system in closed loop.

Components and Equipments:

1 Refererence variable generator 1 Power amplifier 1 Power Supply +/- 15 V 1 Temperature controlled system 1 Two position controller 1 P controller 1 I controller 1 D controller 1 CASSY-interface with Compute Set of bridging plug. Cassy lab software
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73402 73413 72686 73412 73401 73403 73404 73405

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

1- Reference variable generator 73402

Description/function If switch S1 (1) is in the lower position, the following signal may be tapped at output (2): 1. with a bridging plug connected to (3): 10 V to + 10 V 2. with a bridging plug connect to (7): 0 V to + 10 V If switch S1 (1) is in the upper position, a reference voltage or reference variable may be connected to input (6). If connections (5) and (7) are plugged in, then positive step changes from 0 V to the set end value are generated by the switch (1). Positive or negative outgoing step functions can be supplied with connection (5) and (3). The voltage value is determined by the setting of the reference variable generator (4). Output (2) is buffered. Technical data Power supply: Input and output signal range:

15 V 10 V

2- Stabilized power supply 15 V/3 A 72686

Read the instruction sheet carefully before putting the device into operation! Safety instructions - Never connect an external voltage source to the sockets. - Switch off the device when replacing the mains fuse. - This device may only be operated in the upright position in the panel frame provided for its operation (cooling). - If you assume that safe operation is no longer possible (e.g. in the case of visible damage), then the device must be switched off immediately and secured to prevent it from being accidentally put back into operation.

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

Description/function (1) Mains switch, illuminated (2) Mains fuses M 1.0 (3) Safety sockets, (+15 V DC) for tapping of the output voltage (4) Safety sockets, (0V) for tapping of the output voltage +15 V DC (5) Safety sockets, (15 V DC) for the tapping of the output voltage (6) LED, for monitoring the output voltage +15 V DC (7) LED, for monitoring the output voltage 15 V DC (8) Connection socket Technical data Input voltage: 230 V AC, 50...60 Hz Output voltage: 15 V DC/3 A stabilized Fuse: Mains fuse M 1.0 Output: 8 safety sockets, 4 mm Connection: Mains connection cable with earthing-pin plug

3- Temperature controlled system 73412

Description/function The temperature controlled system as an oven with timer bell contains a halogen lamp 124V, and is equipped with a heat sink. Thus, the first storage element and resistor are realized. A PTC sensor (2) with its mass and the thermal resistor between heat source and sensor forms the second storage element of the PT-2 controlled system. The entire arrangement consists of a ventilator motor (3) whose output power can be adjusted using the potentiometer (4) . adjustable flap (5). The entire system is arranged in a transparent channel (6). The heating power (7) is supplied by the power amplifier 734 13 via a diode, so that it is guaranteed that the control loop is operated only in the first quadrant (+U; +I) and that positive feedback is not transformed into negative feedback in the controller.

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

The oven temperature is measured with a PTC sensor (2) and converted via transducers in either 2 mA/10C or 1 V/10C: The operation mode is selected using the switch (8). Output (9) : the controlled variable x. The ventilator (3) is located at the beginning of the controlled system. It is supplied via an electronically stabilized voltage source so that constant disturbance variables z1 can be set using the potentiometer (4). The flap (5) has calibrated positions (z2) at the end of the controlled system. Recommended settings: Motor: 2 scale divisions Flap: 2 scale divisions Technical data Power supply: Temperature: Delay time TV: Compensation time TG:
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15 V max. 100 C approx. 10 s approx. 120 s

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

4- Two position controller


Description/function The two position controller has one non-inverting input (1), and one inverting Input (2), which lead to a differential amplifier at the input of the controller. The difference can be tapped at (3). If the reference variable W is fed to the (+) input and the controlled variable X to the () input, the error signal Xe = W X = Xw is formed. Here Xw is the control deviation.The controller is designed as a comparator with adjustable hysteresis (max. 2.5 V) (4).The output signal at output (5) is 0 or 10 V, and 0 or 5 V at output (6). Technical data Power supply: Input voltage: Output voltage: Hysteresis: 15 V 10 V 0/+10 V, 0/+5 V 2.5 V

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

5- P controller

734 03

Description/function The P controller has two non-inverting inputs (1) and outputs (2). The amplification factor (proportional-action coefficient) Kp can be adjusted roughly with (3) in steps of x 0.1; x 1 and x 10 and finely and continuously from 1 to 10 with (4). Correcting range: 0.1 Kp 100 . Outputs (2) are operational amplifier outputs (I 20 mA). If the modulation limit is exceeded (of the proportional band), the LED (5) lights up. Critical frequency fg 4 kHz for Kp = 100 and U2 = 10 Vpp. A smaller value for Kp produces a correspondingly higher value for fg. The controller can therefore also be used in very fast control processes. Technical data Power supply : Input and output signal range : Kp :

15 V 10 V 0 ... 100

6- D controller

734 05

Description/function The D controller operates non-inverting via inputs (1) and outputs (2) . It is switched on and off with switch (3). The derivative-action coefficient KD (unit: seconds) can be roughly adjusted in steps of x 0.1; x 1; x 10 with switch (5) and fine, continuous adjustment is made with potentiometer (4) from 0.02 to 0.2. Correcting range: 2 ms KD 2 s The outputs (2) are buffered. If the circuit is overdriven, this is indicated by the OVER LED (6). Technical data Power supply: 15 V Input and output signal range: 10 V

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

7- I controller

734 04

Description/function The I controller operates non-inverting via inputs (1) and outputs (2). The off input (3) leads to the reset switch of the integral-action capacitor and is required when operating with the test function generator 734 40. This ensures that the starting condition Ua = 0 is restored after each recording period. Switch S2 (4) is connected in parallel to the automatic reset switch. The integral-action capacitor can only be charged in position ON. The integral-action coefficient KI (unit: second s1) can be roughly adjusted in steps of x 0.1; x 1;x 10 with switch (6) and fine, continuous adjustment is made with potentiometer (5) from 1 to 10: Correcting range:

If the circuit is overdriven, the OVER LED (7) lights up. This condition can be remedied by discharging the integral-action capacitor: switch S2 (4) to off. The integral action capacitor can be short-circuit via the input (3): initial condition NULL.

Technical data Power supply: Input and output signal range:

15 V 10 V

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

Experiment Instructions:
A. Static Performance
Static test Static test is performed to check the linearity of the equipment under test. If we want to test the input power we need to keep the ventilator-motor, and flab at constant values and vary the input power scale. Experiment: - Connect the Temperature Control System Block Diagram (Figure 1) to the Power Supply unit and with the Reference Variable generator. - Set the output switch to 1V/10C. - Make sure that the temperature of the process settles at room temperature ( Output voltage = the room temperature ).

Figure .1

1. Effect of input power over temperature - Keep the flap at scale 2 and ventilator potentiometer at scale 3. - Record the temperature ( using multimeter to reading the output voltage ) of the system at inputs 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 Volts. Input Voltage 0 2 4 6 8 (V) Temperature (C)

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System


Evaluation - Plot the temperature versus the input power. - Label your scales very carefully.

B- System Identification.
The dynamic model of the temperature process can be described as first order linear transfer function:

Where K is the DC gain defined as the ratio of output voltage to input voltage.

y() = final (steady state) value of the output u() = input to the system : time constant when the output reaches 63% of the final value. L : velocity lag (time delay) pure time delay (dead time), The time required for the system to start responding to the input change. as shown in Figure2

Figure 2 Representation of transient response A linearized quantitative version of this model can be obtained with an openloop experiment, by using the following procedure: 1. With the plant in open loop, take the plant manually to a normal operation point. Assume that the plant output settles at y(t) = y0 for a constant input 0 u(t) =u . 2. At an initial time 0 t , apply a step change to the plant input, from 0 u to u .
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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

3. Record the plant output until it settles to the new operating point. Assume that you obtain the curve shown in figure 2. This curve is known the process reaction curve. In this figure m.s.t stands for maximum slope tangent. 4. Compute the parameters model Experiment: 1- Connect the open loop Temperature control experiment as shown in the figure 3 . 2- Connect the Temperature control system with the profi-cassy in order to plot the input and output signals (channel A: Output , channel B: input ). 3- Open Cassy-lab software, Start => Programs => Cassy lab. First measurements When the software detects one or more CASSY devices, the CASSY tab of the setup dialog (F5) dis-plays the current configuration (including any attached sensor boxes). To conduct a measurement, just click on the corresponding input or output (1)

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

the channel initially appears automatically in the table (5) and in the diagram (6) .

And will appear the box Allows you to change the settings of measuring parameters which control the actual measurement.

put the Meas. Time to 200 s When you want to start measurement just press to , Starts and stops a new measurement. You can use the right mouse button to open the table display menu in the table and the evaluation menu in the diagram.
4- Using Cassy lab software, Record the transient behaviour for the

following case: ( Step input ): 1. Cool down the system at room temperature ( remove the input power from the temperature system open flab to 4 and increase the potentiometer to 10 to increase speed of motor until the output voltage equal the room temperature ). 2. After cooling the system restore the input power, Set the flap at scale 2 and ventilator potentiometer at scale 3. 3. Start with Reference voltage = 6 V until you reach a steady state.
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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

4. Record the time required to achieve this state, name it T.

Figure 3
5- From the transient responses in above case, deduce the open loop

transfer function of the temperature process (identify the parameters K, and L from the obtained response).
6- Comment all of your result.

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

C. Open-Loop Two-Position Control

The main targets of the previous Parts were to have an understanding of modelling concepts in terms of static and transient performance. The temperature process was used in its open-loop form. In this Part will introduce the idea of open and closed-loop control. Following are the objectives of this Part: - Study the two-position (discontinuous) controller. - Examine the effect of hysteresis on the temperature process. - Maintaining output temperature close to a reference (set point) value. There are many controllers that could be used to perform the task. They differ in simplicity and configuration.

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

In this part, the two-position controller is introduced as the regulator. This controller will recognize only two states and will have only two actions: On or OFF. Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the circuit under study:

Figure 4: Block diagram of a closed loop two-position controller. The controller that we will study can have hysteresis effects, by examining the block diagram, we can easily deduce that: e(t) = r(t) y(t) If there is no switching hesteresis (h = 0), the two stales of the controller are:

However, if there is switching hysertersis h, the two states:

Experiment: 1- Cool down the system at room temperature ( remove the input power from the temperature system open flab to 4 and increase the potentiometer to 10 to increase speed of motor until the output voltage equal the room temperature ). 2- Set up the experimental arrangement as shown in the block diagram of Figure 5 3- Keep the same settings as before (switch off). 4- Disconnect the feedback path from the output to the input of the controller. 5- Setting fan potentiometer to 2-scale division and the flap to 2-scale. 6- Set the reference to 6 V.

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

7- Set the switching hysteresis to 0 V and plot the reference and the output on the same graph.

Figure 5

D. Closed-Loop Two-Position Control

Experiment: 1- Cool down the system at room temperature ( remove the input power from the temperature system open flab to 4 and increase the potentiometer to 10 to increase speed of motor until the output voltage equal the room temperature ). 2- Set up the experimental arrangement as shown in the block diagram of Figure 5 3- Setting fan potentiometer to 2-scale division and the flap to 2-scale. 4- Set the reference to 6 V. 5- Plot the output and control signal for the following values of hysteresis: 1) h = 0 V 2) h = 0.5 V Observe the behaviour of the lamp!, Deduce the frequency of the control signal. 6- Comment your results.
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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

7- Discuss the difference between the open-loop and the closed-loop twoposition controller. 8- Discuss the effects of the hysteresis on the output and control signal.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Note : All the plots must be Labeled.

E. PID-Controller:
So far, a simple control technique has been evaluated: the two-position control. This part will introduce another type of controller; which is called PID (Proportional, Integral and Derivative). This control approach is one of the oldest and most popular techniques used in the industry, because it is simple and effective. Figure 6 shows a block diagram of this control.

Figure 6 In this part, we will see two methods to design a PID controller.

First: Cohen and Coon method. The model obtained (transfer function) can be used to derive various tuning methods for PID controllers. Cohen and Coon proposed one of these methods. The suggested parameters are shown in table 1. Table 1
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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

The PID controller is given by:

Experiment: The connection for this experiment is given below Figure 6: 1. Cool down the system at room temperature ( remove the input power from the temperature system open flab to 4 and increase the potentiometer to 10 to increase speed of motor until the output voltage equal the room temperature ). 2. Set the flap and ventilation pot to div 2 and power supply to 6 V.

Figure 6

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Experiments No. 2

Control of Temperature System

A. Effect of KP, KI, and KD : A proportional controller (Kp) will have the effect of reducing the rise time and will reduce ,but never eliminate, the steady-state error. An integral control (Ki) will have the effect of eliminating the steadystate error, but it may make the transient response worse . A derivative control (Kd) will have the effect of increasing the stability of the system, reducing the overshoot, and improving the transient response. Study the Effects of change each of controllers Kp, Kd, and Ki on a closed- loop system and summarized it in table shown below:

B. General tips for designing the PID controller: When you are designing a PID controller for a given system, follow the steps shown below to obtain a desired response: 1. Obtain an open-loop response and determine what needs to be improved. 2. Add a proportional control to improve the rise time (Kp = 1, 10). 3. Add a derivative control to improve the overshoot. 4. Add an integral control to eliminate the steady state error. 5. Adjust each of the KP, KD and KI until you obtain a desired overall response. Important Notes: 1. Use the table to decide which KX where X=P, I or D to increase or decrease. 2. Probably, you dont need to implement all the three controllers. Plot and evaluate the response in terms of speed, steady state error, overshoot etc
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