The Link 1st Nov'09

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The Link The month long Mega Review

Mega Review concluded

properly adhering the established parameter of discipline for the same, he advised. He insisted that the Vision & Mission of BISWA are to be followed as sincerely as possible. Managing micro finance is our backbone; he agreed and said that profit from this single operation is not sufficient for our self sustainability. So we have to take up other activities, like Insurance & Marketing, with the same priority and then only we may think for our sustenance. Similarly o u r programmes on health related activities assure our health care as well as uninterrupted w a g e earning. Similar other activities like promotion of individual household latrines and availability of potable water at our doorsteps carry equal importance for upbringing a healthy society, he added. We must reach out to our community to propagate these ideas and that is why regular weekly meetings of our self help groups are essential, he said. He insisted that each of our Community Organisers have to ensure to organise weekly meeting at our self help group level. The Mega Review came to its conclusion on 27th October 2009. The findings on this long carried on exercise were put before the second line staff meeting for elaborate discussion later on. These findings warrant sincere follow up to refine our management procedures, The Chairman insisted in his concluding remarks.

started on 5.10.2009 and was concluded on 28.10.2009. It was intended to bring forward all the maladies in managing branch offices of BISWA, so all the findings are found valuable to refine the management process. The Mega Review was supported by long rehearsed exercises of second line staff members of BISWA. A team of hand picked reviewers were pressed into service f o r conducting the review. T h e Chairman addressed the gathering of second line staff members including the reviewers and the field staff at the inaugural session each day. He said that it was the occasion not only for the critical review of our field operation but also for the capacity building of our field staff. He was in direct communication with the reviewers as well as field staff. He insisted the reviewers to ascertain that the three tiers review process is to cover the Branch Managers, the Area Managers & the community Organisers in tiers. He advised for mutual understanding, as it is the only way to increase our collective efficiency. He clarified that the role of BISWA as an NGO is very clear and all of us have to propagate it accordingly. He expressed his keenness on maintaining transparency as well as efficiency at all levels for the sake of sustainability of the organisation. Financial dealings are to be handled very carefully with

Published by Debabrata Malick, Chief Editor. The Link, at BISWA, Danipali, Budharaja, Sambalpur. PIN-768004 Ph.No. 0663-6451237, Fax: 0663-2533597, Email:

The Link

Communicate Minds

1st November 2009


National Capacity Building Framework

Our Source of Inspiration If you want to subscribe online The Link, please log on to our website: /newsletter

Sri K. C. Malick Chairman, BISWA

Pitabasa Sethi Duryodhan Malick Ajoy Shroff Shiv Prasad Meher Bibhu Prasad Mohanty Prasant Kumar Sahu Dr. Jharana Mishra Ninu Nair In this Issue... Editorial National Capacity Building Framework Other news of BISWA

three days long t r a i n i n g programme for Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) under the National C a p a c i t y

Project Director ( Te c h n i c a l ) , District Rural Development A g e n c y ( D R D A ) , Sambalpur and Mr. Lalit Kumar M i s h r a ,



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The Link
Chief Editor Debabrata Malick Editor Ashisbala Dash DTP Govinda Ch. Tripathy Central Office
BISWA At- Danipali, PO- Budharaja Dist. Sambalpur, PIN-768004 Tele fax- +91-663-2533597, ORISSA Gada Gopinath Colony, In front of High School, Plot No. E/7, PO: Rasulgarh Bhubaneswar-751010 CHHATTISGARH K-7, Sector-2, Agrasen Nagar, In front of Deendayal Upadhyay Nagar Thana, Ring Road No.1, Raipur Chowk, Raipur (C.G.)



State Offices

Building Framework was inaugurated on 22nd Oct 2009 at BTI. It was organised by Mr Arun Das, Manager Programme BISWA with support from his team members, Mr Subash Mishra, Asst. Manager Programme & Ms Sandhyarani Das Adhikari, Asst. Manager Programme. PRI members like Sarpanch, Naib-Sarpanch, Samiti Members, Ward Members from Paramour, Tabala, Mathpali as the Selected Gram Panchayats of Maneswar Block, Sambalpur district came as participants. Altogether 36 persons participated in the training programme. Mr. Ashok Kumar Panda & Ms Manjubala Bank, both as district level trainers participated in that programme as the Resource Persons. Other Resource Persons from the district administration were, Mr. Rishikesh Dansana, Additional

A.B.D.O., Jujumora. Similarly it was organised later on with the same objectives for Nuatihura, Bhikampur, Sindurpank selected Gram Panchayats of Maneswar Block, Sambalpur district on 28th October with participation of 38 PRI Members. It was found that most of the participants were not fully aware about Rules, Role Clarity and Responsibilities of PRIs. The objectives of the programme was to create awareness on Rules , Role Clarity and Responsibilities of PRIs. BISWA is entrusted to organise as well as take care of the logistic needs of the programme as a facilitator, so any complaints in this concern may be addressed to BISWA. This was the message given to the participants in that training programme. The participants shared their experiences & views among themselves on that occasion.


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The Link

The Link

E ditorial
Review helps Planning
reveals our success as well as failure. It informs us where we are. It is an ongoing process for any running organisation. Rather it is a must to run an organisation. It reflects the real functionability of the reviewed system. If the process of review is appropriately designed, then it bluntly exposes the maladies in the system. Thus the management may act in time to initiate necessary action to do the needful in such a situation. It is appropriate for them, who believe in 'stitch in time saves nine'. There could be a review of an emerging situation to decide on the next possible action. But that is situation specific only. We want to discuss here on regular review process of an organisation and its necessity. It is obviously very necessary for them, who believe in lodging their regular progress. But we have to come forward with a clear heart to confess our mistakes, while participating in the review process. So, that we can undo the committed mistakes for optimum result in the right direction. In such a way it paves way for our future planning if the review findings are incorporated in our planning process. Thus it also enables us for our future planning with targeted achievement.

Eye Camp in Nawagarh

Eye Camp by Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Agency (BISWA) in Chhattisgarh was organised in collaboration with Champa Christian Hospital at village Nawagarh on the 6th of October 2009. It was the first eye camp of BISWA there. Nawagarh comes under the jurisdiction of JanjgirChampa district in Chhattisgarh. BISWA has a Branch Office in Nawagarh. In this eye camp, a total of 39 patients were examined. Eye drops were applied and after preliminary checking, 25 of them were referred to the Mission Hospital, Champa for further detail check up on 10th of October 2009. On subsequent examination; 10 were confirmed to be having matured cataracts. They were advised to undergo operation for removal of cataract. It is to be noted that the cataract operations of these patients were conducted at free of charges in Champa Christian Hospital. In

'SINGHABAHINI' inspired others

BISWA SHG 'Singhabahini' is a woman self help group based at the Kantapali Gram Panchayat in Barkot Block of Deogarh district in Odisha. The members of the group selected Ms. Jully Kalo as the President and Ms. Puspanjali Dehuri as the Secretary for their able leadership quality. They used to collect Rs. 20 per head initially as the monthly saving amount from each member of the group. The members of this group are mostly illiterate but they believed in collective responsibility. They used to conduct monthly meeting regularly on the fixed days and made it a point to be present in it. All the members of this group took equal responsibility in conducting monthly meeting, regular saving and adhere to the scheduled rules and regulations of the group. Besides this, the entire group also took initiatives for conducting so many works for the social development. The members of the group tried to present themselves as a model SHG for its noble continuity for 6 months. They applied for loan from BISWA for its renewable activity and over all development of the group. BISWA sanctioned their request for loan and provided an initial loan of Rs.20, 000 on 04.04.2007 to this group. The loan amount was equally distributed among all members as their group onlending. The members invested the amount in raising a goatery farm. Though goatery is a profit making business, they could lodge a meagre profit initially in this front. But the experience gained in this business inspired them to march ahead for a bright future. It made them learnt to involve themselves with more time for different types of social activity. Finally all the members paid back the taken loan amount in its due time from the profit made in goatery farm. They availed another loan of Rs.50,000/from BISWA on 20.10.2008. They invested the entire amount in Watermelon cultivation, as by then it was summer and the time was suitable for cultivation of the same. All the members of that group took utmost care of the plants with assuming to gain more profit from Watermelon cultivation. As the members of that group possessed good intellectuality and volunteerism in their mind, so they came forward suo motto to clean the village streets and surroundings. They also cleaned the village pond in two days by pulling out the garbage and other unwanted vegetation growth from it. As a result to it other people in the society tried to follow the BISWA SHG Singhbahini's activies on environment protection, forest conservation and bring peace in the society as a whole. In such a way the group became an ideal for the village and others. to late Dr. Prabhabati Devi for her important role in the freedom struggle of India as well as her dedicated services to human kinds. He appreciated her decision to establish the Ashram, as it is now able to shelter so many orphaned children and helping them to own back their appropriate position in the society. He advised the inmates to emulate her ideology. He expressed his utmost pleasure for being among the children of RLBN and even desired to be photographed with them on that occasion. His official photographer obeyed him immediately. He spent about 90 minutes among the children and appreciated the cultural programme presented by them. He attended many a functions in Sambalpur district that day and


R eview

addition to this; glasses also were provided to the other patients at free of cost. Dr. P. Joseph Emmanuel, Medical Superintendent & Eye Surgeon, provided the medical support on behalf of Champa Christian Hospital. Mr. Roopesh Kant Rathod, ADC-Nawagarh, coordinated the Eye Camp in association with the Area Coordinators and Community Organisers of Nawagarh Branch Office. Mr. Krishna Kumar Kaushik, ADC, Janjgir-Champa coordinated with the Eye Specialists and Doctors at Mission Hospital. Mr. Arun Nanda, District Coordinator, Janjgir-Champa district supervised the whole programme. On the whole, the eye camp earned a good name for BISWA not only in Janjgir-Champa district but also in the entire Bilaspur region of Chhattisgarh state.

Governor visited RLBN

Managing Committee Meeting of ISTD

The Managing Committee of
Sambalpur Chapter of Indian School of Training & Development (ISTD) sat in a meeting on 22.10.2009 at its MTI office in the MCL campus. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the ongoing preparation of its ambitious programme to organise Eastern Regional Convention, 'ERC 2009' in the theme of 'Attracting and Retaining Talent: A Challenge for Organisational Excellence'. Almost all the prominent Industrial Houses, Corporate and similar high profiled Organisations are invited to this regional convention for their valuable participation in the field of human resources development. As such ISTD is the apex body at the national level to promote the good

practices in human resources development. It is also known for setting new trends in this field with a broader spectrum. Its participation is open to almost all the public as well as private sectors. BISWA was requested to take a lead role in contributing matters related to NGO with Human Resources, as it is the leading organisation in this sector operating here with its countrywide reach out. Sri Shiv Prasad Meher, Manager Public Relations, participated in the Managing Committee meeting representing BISWA. He assured the Committee to try his best to come upto their expectation.

His Excellency Shri Murlidhar

Chandrakant Bhandare, Governor of Odisha, visited Rukmani Lath Bal Niketan (RLBN) during his visit to Sambalpur on 25.10.2009. He was received with a very warm welcome in the presence of all invited guests, RLBN officials and inmates at the gate. He garlanded the bust portrait of late Dr. Prabhabati Devi in the Ashram campus to honour the founder of RLBN and a freedom fighter of very high reputation. He also inaugurated the Prayer Hall newly built in that campus and dedicated it to the inmates. He was ushered to the well decorated stage for his much awaited participation. He was flanked by Sri

Nirmal Chandra Satpathy, Additional District Magistrate of Sambalpur; who also presided over the function on behalf of the district administration. Smt. Nalini Pradhan, Chairperson of the Managing Committee of RLBN, Sri Shiv Prasad Meher, Member of the Managing Committee of RLBN & Manager Public Relations of BISWA and Sri Bipin Bihari Behera, Secretary of RLBN also graced the dais with the Governor. The Governor was also felicitated on the dais by the members of Managing Committee of RLBN present there. Speaking to the occasion he shared one of his childhood stories that may extend some moral lessons to the children as his audience. He also paid his floral tributes 3

spoke to the gatherings.

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