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Redemptive Gifts of Individuals

by Arthur Burk
Heart Motives: which type of person are you?
Consider each person type A to G listed below and select the person that has the best match with your personality. Best fit is probably an 80% match. When you were conceived the Lord made you into one of these types. Your life experience may suggest that two types are possible if this is so then it is the dominant of the two that we are looking for here.

Person Type
Person A

Personality DNA
Adapts well to new ideas Assess new situations fast Can have black and white view Bold Capacity for Faith Competitive Compulsion for Honesty and integrity Enjoys new things Generous impulsively Hates bondage or captivity Judges people Lives experience before (s)he gets there Desires to meet others needs Honest Trustworthy Busy hard working Flexible No enemies Accuracy is vital Can be sometimes self centred Good sense of Humour Hates imposing discipline, instead uses rules, Late for appointments Likes to reason and explain, More confidence in the word than in peoples real experience of God Needs to validate truth Not critical Can have significant disagreements without falling out Creates and sustains relationships Crosses social and political divides Flexible Hates being alone Master communicator Looks ahead Needs the big picture or objectives Needs to make sense of everything Not interested in yesterdays relationships Operates over a wide range of emotions Optimistic Passion for excellence Sees right and wrong very clearly Takes initiative Verbally expressive Very poor at working in static support environments People Pleaser Accommodating, cant say no, Victim spirit Anger only over loyalty to family or friends Poor time management Unusually can be competitive Loyal person Possible poor money management Safe person emotionally Slow to make decisions Takes time to evaluate new ideas Unwillingness to begin process until the end is known needs faith Usually last person to speak in group brings clarity Can be poor at returning what they borrow Meets easily with strangers starts up conversations Quick to see opportunities Relates well to people Moves from small talk to the gospel with ease Understands people Visionary

Person B

Person C

Person D

Person Type
Person E

Personality DNA
Ability to make money without effort Adaptable Cant be manipulated to part with money Concern for evangelism but not evangelist Creative Delegate Spiritual warfare Does not learn from the past Dont invest in poor but to those who are wise Generational world view, looking after the future for children Gives wisely not risk taker Busy Likes (needs) pressure Needs people round them also under pressure Keeps busy even on Holiday Good time management Needs Loyalty Works well on objectives not detail Loves to worship to come into Gods presence Anger over Loyalty for someone else not self Avoids warfare except for third parties Can become people pleaser or victim Cant explain Why Gods does things but knows his Heart Has compassion for others Hates confrontation, hates hurting people In tune with the heart of God Indecisive when someone could be hurt Independent singleness? Intuitive of hidden motives Keeps options open No welfare spirit Opportunistic Not confrontational Personally frugal Private life is private Relates to wide range of people Spirit of Nurture to develop family environment Takes long term view Versatile Flexible Confides in small group round them In control Does not accept guilt Empire builder Independent Not a committee person Makes good use of imperfect / broken people Task oriented Intuitive in spirit Many respect them Need for Intimacy Needs physical contact and hugs Needs time to adapt to new things No enemies Possibly poor at disciplining Children Quick to blame self for someone elses actions Safe person for wounded people Slow to make changes Small number of close friends Takes initiative and spots the wounded

Person F

Person G

Once you have decided which type you are then look at the Redemptive Gift overview and listen to the Tape of that gift. For more information please see the information on Redemptive Gifts of Individuals on the Plumbline Ministries web site

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