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Name: Claudia Patricia Lpez Cruz

Subject: Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language (Part III)

Topic:TPI Profile Sheet

INTRODUCTION Be a good teacher of English does not means only to know all about the language English, it is important to know how transmit that knowledge such way that

learners wants to learn every day of their life all regarding the English teacher must take into a count many things in the learning process. The teachers have the responsibility to teach very well any subject and the students have the responsibility to learn from the teacher.

Nowadays there are many resources that help to improve the manner to teach, one of them it is the TPI (Teaching Perspective Inventory) that help us to identify our point of view, beliefs, intentions and actions. Good teachers take learners systematically through tasks leading to content mastery: providing clear objectives, adjusting the pace of lecturing, making efficient use of class time, clarifying misunderstandings, answering questions, providing timely feedback, correcting errors, providing reviews, summarizing what has been presented, directing students to appropriate resources, setting high standards for achievement and developing objective means of assessing learning.

Good teachers are enthusiastic about their content and convey that enthusiasm to their students. For many learners, good transmission teachers are memorable presenters of their content.

TPI Profile Sheet ???????????,claudia. ???????????? ?????????????,???? ?????. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 TRANS = 31 B = 11 I=7 A = 13 APPREN = 44 B = 14 I = 15 A = 15 DEVEL = 36 B = 13 I = 13

A = 10 NURTUR = 40 B = 14 I = 15 A = 11 SOC REF = 36 B = 13 I = 11 A = 12 ???: 37.4 ???: 4.4 ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ??: 31 ??: 44 ??: 36 ??: 40 ??: 36 B I A = = = ?? ?? ?? ?????????? ??????????? ??????????


Transmission: When I have the opportunity to teach I try to be enthusiastic about my content and I try to convey that enthusiasm to my students making several activities into the classroom. Also I try to answer any questions, doubt regarding the topic. Apprenticeship: according my score I have knowledge to socialize whit the

students but it is important to do a good work into the classroom for the students pay attention for that reason I must handle the matter. Developmental: according my score I have a good develop to teach because in this part it is important to teach according the point o view of the students this means that I can identify the different types of learning of the students. Nurturing: It is possible help the student according my score this people become motivated and productive learners when they are working on issues or problems without fear of failure. Learners are nurtured in knowing that (a) they can succeed at learning if they give it a good try; (b) their achievement is a product of their own effort and ability, rather than the benevolence of a teacher; and (c) their learning efforts will be supported by both teacher and peers. Therefore I have the capacity to help others according my score.

Social reform: taking into a count my score I have the capacity to challenge the students for them make social reform that will help them and the all society.


Taking into a count the factor before mentioned are very important to put into practice because help us and help others especially into the classroom however not always will be possible use one hundred percent. Personally I will try to use all of them I know that in the future could help me as teacher and as student too. Some question was very difficult to answers because I do not have a good understanding about question but it is a good test that helps very much to teach and learn in the best way.

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