SMPS Application Notes

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SMPS Application Notes



drawbacks to the Flyback topology are poor efficiency, typically no more than 80%, and Q1 must be rated for twice the input voltage to the primary. The reason for this is that the Flyback voltage imposed on Q1 can approach twice the input voltage. In addition, because there is no output inductor, ripple voltage and current are much higher than in a converter with an output inductor. When operating at higher power levels, the output capacitor would be extremely large. SINGLE SWITCH FORWARD CONVERTER TOPOLOGY

The Flyback Converter, shown in Figure 1, is considered to be the simplest and lowest cost of the Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) topologies. The reason for this is that it does not require an output inductor, has only one switching device and uses a simple current-mode control scheme. The Flyback Converter uses the principle of energy storage to transfer voltage from the input to the output. Energy is stored in the transformer primary when the switch (Q1) is closed and is transferred to the secondary when Q1 is opened. Q1 is driven at a fixed frequency, variable duty cycle with the output voltage determined by the ratio of closing Q1 to opening Q1 and the ratio of transformer turns or: Vout = (VINVQ1)* Ns Ton -VD1 Np * Toff

When Q1 is closed, current flows and stores energy in the transformer primary. The secondary diode (D1) is reversed biased and blocks any flow of current to the load. The term Flyback comes from the condition of opening Q1 which causes the bottom side of the primary to FlyBack to a voltage higher than the top side of the primary. The direction of the current in the primary and secondary then reverses, allowing D1 to forward bias. Notice that the dots of the transformer are opposite to accomplish the energy transfer. Flyback converters are an excellent choice when designing a low cost converter operating from a rectified AC universal input voltage range (90 to 264 VAC) and when power requirements are less than 200W. Power supplies such as these are called Off-Line Flyback Converters. The main

The Single Switch Forward Converter, shown in Figure 2, incorporates the same basic topology as the Flyback except that an extra output diode and an output inductor are required. This allows the Single Switch Forward Converter to operate at higher power levels than the Flyback (400W). Q1 is driven at a fixed frequency, variable duty cycle to regulate the output voltage, which is given as: Vout = (VINVQ1)* Ns * Ton VD1 Np Ts The Flyback transformer incorporates both transformer and inductor functions whereas the Single Switch Forward Converter only incorporates the transformer function. This means the same size transformer core can produce more power in the Single Switch Forward Converter application versus the Flyback. The penalty for this is the additional cost and circuit board real estate associated with the output inductor. As in the Flyback, control for the Single Switch Forward Converter is accomplished with a current-mode controller and the transistor voltage rating has to be twice the operating voltage.



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PH 800-729-2099

SMPS Application Notes

All current in the Single Switch Forward Converter flows through the primary and is reflected to the secondary and rectified. In contrast to the Flyback, where some stored energy is wasted, there is no stored energy in the Single Switch Forward Converter. Therefore the efficiency can reach a maximum of 85%. PUSH-PULL FORWARD CONVERTER TOPOLOGY inductor supplies energy to the load during the time when neither transistor is conducting. This leads to greater efficiency and power levels but at an increase in overall cost and circuit board real estate. As in the Flyback and Single Switch Forward Converter, the switches must be rated for twice the input voltage. Another drawback of the Push-Pull is its tendency to saturate the transformer in one direction. Transformer flux imbalance caused by mismatched storage delays creates a DC bias that can build inside the transformer. This is called walking the transformer and can create difficult control problems. Recent advances in control technology has lead to the control technique of slope compensation. This has solved the walking problem but is typically more difficult to implement than simple voltage or current mode controllers. See Unitrode Application Note U-93 for more details. HALF BRIDGE CONVERTER

The Push-Pull Forward Converter, shown in Figure 3, utilizes two switches (Q1 and Q2) located at the extremities of a center-tapped primary winding of a transformer. This converter is an efficient design (typically 92%) since Q1 and Q2 are switched on alternate half cycles. The current flows through one switch when the voltage imposed on that switch is nearly zero. In addition, since Q1 and Q2 are operating on half cycles, the maximum duty cycle for either is less than 50%. This operation improves efficiency and thermal performance of the converter. Q1 and Q2 are driven at a fixed frequency, variable duty cycle to regulate the output voltage. The output voltage is given as: Vout = (VINVQ1)* Ns * Ton VD1 Np Ts The Push-Pull Forward Converter requires an output inductor, two switches and two diodes that make this topology more expensive. Q1 and Q2 are required to produce the alternating current in the primary and the two diodes are required to rectify that current on the secondary. The output

An alternative to the Push-Pull is the Half Bridge Converter shown in Figure 4. The topology is similar to the Push Pull (same control concerns and methods) but two additional capacitors are required. These two capacitors will increase the space for implementation. The topology is also limited in output power (1000W) due to the maximum ripple current the capacitors can withstand. In the Half Bridge design the transformer primary is fed from capacitors C1 and C2, which are in series. When Q2 is switched, energy is drawn out



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PH 800-729-2099

SMPS Application Notes

of capacitors C1 and C2 to drive current into the transformer primary. When Q1 is switched, the current flows through Q1 and into the center tap of C1 and C2, which replenishes their energy. The percentage of change in the DC voltage across C1 and C2 is the same as the percentage of change in the output voltage. From this, the change in voltage is represented as: P OUT 1 dV = I PRIMARY * dT = * = (C1 + C2) (VCC/2) * (C1 + C2) 2F P OUT 2 * VCC * F * (C1 + C2) Where POUT is the desired output power, VCC is the input voltage and F is the switching frequency. The ripple voltage is then given by: P OUT Vr = dV = (VCC/2) VCC2 * F * (C1 + C2) As in the Push-Pull, the efficiency is approximately 92% and the output voltage is given by: Vout = (VINVQ1)* Ns * Ton VD1 Np Ts FULL BRIDGE CONVERTER across the transformer primary. In other words, Q1 and Q3 are switched to form a positive voltage across the primary and Q2 and Q4 are switched to form a negative voltage across the primary. Each pair is switched during a half cycle so that after a full cycle, an AC waveform appears across the transformer primary. The advantage of this scheme is the voltage rating of Q1Q4 has to be slightly higher than the input voltage where in previous topologies it needed to be over twice the input voltage. This allows the Full-Bridge to operate from larger input voltage sources and produce more power (2000W). Control of the Full Bridge is accomplished with a voltage or current mode controller with slope compensation. The controller drives Q1Q4 at a fixed frequency, variable duty cycle to regulate the output voltage. The output voltage is given as: Vout = (VIN2VQ1)* Ns * Ton VD1 Np Ts The additional two switches of the Full Bridge topology allow for the use of lower voltage switches but increases the cost and the amount of board real estate required to implement the design. Another drawback of the Full Bridge design is the possibility of simultaneous conduction of like-side switches. Should this occur, the two switches in question (Q1 and Q2 or Q3 and Q4) would be exposed to a direct short across the input voltage. This problem can be eliminated with good control practices and sensible protection circuitry. The remainder of the Full Bridge topology is identical to the Push-Pull such that there are two output diodes filtered by an LC filter. Efficiency is slightly lower (approximately 90%) because an extra transistor saturation voltage must be included. The same walking of the transformer problem also exists with the Full Bridge and can be handled with Slope Compensation.

Another alternative to the Push-Pull Converter is the Full Bridge Converter shown in Figure 4. The topology is similar except that four switches (Q1Q4) are used. A diagonal pair of switches (either Q1 and Q3 or Q2 and Q4) conduct simultaneously to impose the input voltage directly



M A N A S S A S P A R K , VA 2 0 1 1 1

PH 800-729-2099

SMPS Application Notes

SUMMARY The five topologies discussed all have strengths and weaknesses. Typically more than one topology will provide a solution to a power requirement. Table 1 is provided to give the design engineer a quick look at the trade-offs when designing an isolated SMPS. The values provided should be considered as a general rule of thumb and should not be interpreted as firm power supply operating parameters. Power supply design can also be limited by the ease of control of a specific topology. A good reference for controlling power supplies can be found in the Unitrode Applications Handbook. You may contact your local Unitrode representative for more details.

Table 1
Topology Flyback Converter Single Switch Forward Converter Push-Pull Forward Converter Half-Bridge Converter Full-Bridge Converter Maximum DC Input Voltage 500V 500V 500V 1000V 1000V Maximum Output Power 200W 400W 750W 1000W 2000W Maximum Efficiency 80% 85% 92% 92% 90%

Written by: Salvatore Riggio, Jr., PhD. P.E. and Richard A. Riggio



M A N A S S A S P A R K , VA 2 0 1 1 1

PH 800-729-2099

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