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Little known fact about the ocean, is that a single-celled organism creates half our oxygen.

Its called phytoplankton. The plant of the sea. Now, because of global and ocean warming, these organisms are decreasing. If humans dont stop wasting resources, and destroying the ocean, and environment, we could all suffocate. And not in a hot car. Class dismissed. A Q U A M A N A small sea-side town is shown. A large school is seen, with teens pouring out of the doors. We see a average sized, 16-year old, with blond hair run down some stairs. Hes wearing an orange jacket. Hey! Hey, Arthur, are you still going to Kyles? A 16 year old that looks younger than that age, runs to the blond boy. No, I cant. Dad wants to watch some old cartoons with me. Thinks Itll be fun. Well, that sucks. Theres gonna be girls! Arthur: There are always girls. Well, this is, like, my first party! Im gonna talk to girls! Arthur: I dont know you! The teen runs away, leaving Arthur to run down the steps. CUT TO: Arthur runs across a beach, towards a lighthouse. He goes into the structure, breathing heavily. A small rectangular space is connected to two stairways, one going up, and another down. A tall, brown haired man walks towards Arthur. Youre late. Arthur: I...took the long way. Is that alright Tom? Tom: Dont call me Tom. Any homework? Arthur: No. No, Ive got nothing. Tom: Hand over the backpack. Arthur: Here. Tom grabs the backpack. Arthur: So, dad...cartoons. Tom: Party tonight? Arthur: Yeah. Tom: Whos? Arthur: Kyles. Tom: Has he been grounded in the past month? Arthur: No. Tom: Where? Arthur: Beach. Tom: Hmm. far side, or near? Arthur: The middle. He reserved it. And no, I will not drink. Tom: You can go. He reaches into the backpack, and pulls out a textbook full of papers. Tom: After this. CUT TO: That Night Arthur runs across the beach. Its almost pitch black, and he stumbles in the dark. Suddenly, a hand touches his chest, stopping him. Arthur: Oh god. Okay, dont mug me. Arthur Curry. As I live and breathe. Arthur: Who are you? Thats the question. Just...for you. Arthur: Who are you? What do you want? Im Jim. Jim Lockhart. I need to talk to you. Arthur: Um...I just remembered. I forgot my sandwich. Bye. He ran towards the lighthouse.

CUT TO: THE LIGHTHOUSE Arthur slams the door, and runs through the lighthouse, looking for his father. Arthur: Dad! Tom runs towards his son. Arthur: Dad, something happened. Tom: What? Did someone get drunk? Die? You got a girlfriend. Arthur: No! Its...okay, I think I was mugged. Tom: Okay. Okay, what did the guy look like? Arthur: I dont know. I think his name was Jim Lockhart. Tom: Oh. Arthur: Oh? What does oh mean? Tom: I know Jim. He isnt a bad guy. He wanted to talk, I assure you. Arthur: You assure me? How do we know- Tom: Ive known Jim since you were born. Before. Arthur: Dad? Tom: Dont...Im sorry. Just...leave me alone for awhile. Im going to call Jim. CUT TO: The Next Day Arthur walks into a diner. A bell above the doorway rings. Arthur walks through a row of booths, and a man raises his hand. Arthur walks towards his booth. Arthur: Are you Jim Lockhart? I am. Take a seat. Jim has short, blond hair, and brown eyes. Hes also pale. Arthur: Okay, what do want? Jim: I want you to listen to me. Theres a war brewing. If your half-brother kills you, it will begin. And trust me, he wants to kill you. Arthur stares at him, with a blank expression. Jim: Well? Arthur: I dont have a half-brother. Jim: Not on land. Arthur: Okay, Im out of here. Jim: No. Please, sit. Dont you know? Arthur: Know what? Jim: Tom didnt tell you. Well, make sure he does. Ill tell you everything you need to know. Okay? Arthur: Okay. Jim: Humans pollute, they dont care for the oceans, because they dont realize there is a civilization under the waves. Arthur: Are you trying to teach me something? Because I got the same message from WALL-E. Jim: You were sent up here because you could be. To learn of the humans, to spare them. You, Arthur Curry, are a hybrid. Arthur: Okay. Half-human and half what? Jim: Atlantean. Arthur: I come from Atlantis? Jim: Youve never been. As I said, youre half-brother wants to kill you. Arthur: Why? Jim: Power. Youre a king. Arthur: Im not a king. Jim: You arent. Not yet. Arthur: Im a freaking teenager. My grades are below average! Im not a king! Jim: Then you will perish, along with the rest. Arthur: Ominous. Nice. Im just going to get up, and, yknow, back away very slowly. He got up, and backed away from Jim, soon running out of the diner. A waitress walks over to Jims booth. Waitress: That your son? Jim: I wish he was. Do you have anything besides seafood? CUT TO:

THE LIGHTHOUSE Arthur runs to a square room, with a large TV. Tom: Did you talk to him? Arthur: Sadly. Is he insane? Are you...are you pranking me? Tom: I should have told you. Arthur: Told me what? He wasnt...lying? Tom: He wasnt. I swear, he wasnt. But you were the only chance we had. Arthur: So...I have a vengeful half-brother who wants to kill everyone? Tom: Yes. Arthur: Where are the cameras? Whos the guy in charge of this? He starts lifting up rugs, and looking behind photos on the wall. Tom: You look like an idiot. Arthur: Youre saying that Im from Atlantis! Whos the idiot here? Tom: Come on. He opened a door in the rom, and walked out to a rocky shore. Tom motioned for Arthur to go out. CUT TO: Tom and Arthur sit on the edge of the rocks. Its calm. Tom: Im not lying Arthur. Arthur: Yeah. Tom puts his hand on Arthurs shoulder...and pushes him into the water. Arthur: Youre insane! Tom reaches down, and grabs the back of Arthurs head, pushing it below the water. Bubbles surface, and he laughs. Tom: Breathe! Arthur could hear him perfectly, even under the water. Tom: Breathe! Arthur: Are you insane? He could hear himself perfectly! Bubbles came to the surface. Arthur was struggling to get out of his fathers grip. He shook his head, but his father didnt let go. Tom: Breathe! Arthur gave in, and took a small breath. And it felt like air. He took a deep breath, and it felt like air! He exhaled, and bubbles came out. Tom let go, and Arthur surfaced. Arthur: What the hell? It was awesome how I could breathe and all...but what the hell? Tom: I had to. Dry off. Arthur: Um... Tom: Pancakes. Arthur: Im not a little kid. Tom: Well, youre going to have to grow up real soon. Arthur: Whats that supposed to mean? CUT TO: That Night Arthur lays on his bed, eyes wide, thinking. CUT TO: The Next Day Arthur is with Tom, walking along a dock. He sees Jim, in a motorboat. Tom: Get on. Arthur: What? Tom: Youre going to get on that boat. When it stops, you are going to swim to the bottom, with Jim. The people will recognize you, and let you pass. Okay? Arthur: What? No! Hes insane! Tom: You know what happened last night. I was holding you down for ten minutes.

Arthur: Ten-what? Tom: Get on that boat, and go. Now. Arthur: Im not going to- Tom: Go. Everything will make sense if you do. Arthur: Fine. Fine, Ill go to the middle of the ocean with a crazy person. Tom: Have fun. Arthur: Shut up. He climbs into the boat. Jim salutes Tom, and starts the engine. Soon, the boat is zooming away. Tom looks at the boat, and walks away from the dock. CUT TO: THE PACIFIC OCEAN The motorboat is speeding across the water, leaving a trail of foam and waves. Jim: Your mother was the queen of Atlantis. Keyword: was. We never intended for her to die so early. Thats why we have to bring you back. You were supposed to stay until 20, but I suppose this will do. Orm cant be ruler of Atlantis, okay? Rule 1, dont die. Rule 2, stay away from Orm. Got it? Arthur: Um...sure. Jim: Good. You dont have any blood. The queen married twice. The first was through natural conditions. The second had Orm. We suspect that Orm murdered him. Dont worry, well keep you safe. Arthur: Okay. Howd I end up being born? Jim: Theres always been tension between the Atlantians and the humans. They just dont realize it. To try to break that tension, to save the two races from war, it was decided that there would be a hybrid. An Atlantian who could go on land. I was also a hybrid, but we needed one who knew only of humans. No knowledge of Atlantis. Then, we would bring you down, and let you tell us what humanity was worth. The queen, after the first died, and in secret, fell in love with your father, and gave birth to you. The boat stops. Jim: Were here. Im going to swim down, and let them know were here. Arthur: What? Jim: Its nothing, only a few hundred feet. Arthur: What? How far out are we? Jim: I dont know. 7, maybe 8. 10, Im not sure. Arthur: 10 what? Jim: Miles. Arthur: What? Get me out of here! Jim: If you insist. He pushed Arthur off of the boat, and jumped into the water. Arthur: ARE YOU INSANE!?! Jim: Swim down, and breathe! He stuck his head under the water, and swam down. Arthur: Dont just leave me here! A hand grabbed his leg, and he was pulled under. CUT TO: Jim swims down, still holding onto Arthurs leg. Arthur is punching his hand, and pulling away, trying to break free of his grasp. Then he sees it. The huge city is made of stone. Hes unable to see the end, and the entire area is walled off. No buildings have roofs. Some parts of buildings are missing, or knocked down but the entire area is beautiful. Arthur stares at it with wide eyes. Jim: Still think Im crazy? He lets go of Arthurs leg, and he swims towards the city of Atlantis. Arthur: Woah. Jim swam towards the sand on the ocean floor. Jim: Talk! Start breathing. Im getting some boots. Arthur opened his mouth, and water rushed in. He quickly closed it. Jim dug through the sand, near a large rock. He grabbed something, and pulled out two pairs of boots. He swam towards Arthur. Jim: Here, put these on. Hope you like green. Arthur, again, opened his mouth, but quickly shut it. Jim: Theyll keep you grounded, but just as mobile. Dont worry. He put them on, and sank to the ground. He started walking. Arthur stayed afloat, holding his boots, with his mouth shut. He slowly put them on, and sank to the bottom. He said something, muffled, and with his mouth

mouth shut. He slowly put them on, and sank to the bottom. He said something, muffled, and with his mouth closed. Jim: Come on. Okay, breathe. Breathe. Dammit Arthur, if you dont breathe, we all die! He grabbed Arthurs head, and forced his mouth open. He breathed. Arthur: Dont do that again. How am I talking? Can you please tell me how the hell Im talking? Jim: Walk. Youre half Atlantian. You can do everything a human can underwater, but also above. So can I. Full Atlantians, well, air to them is what water was to you. An Atlantian comes into contact with air, the sun, anything above sea level, and they pretty much die. Ground is fine, the sun burns their skin, and air is like poison. Not poison, just , it destroys their interiors if breathed in. Arthur: So, do they have tails? Jim: Land isnt a problem for them. If you put an Atlantian on the beach, it wont flop around. Their human. Just, underwater. Arthur: Okay. How did this...happen? Jim: Easy. Atlantis was Venice. Only, hundreds of years before Venice. We were much more advanced than other humans. Back then, we were still fully human. We evolved at a much faster rate. Our surroundings had us evolve into a fish-man, but mostly man. We could breathe and talk underwater, all that. We evolved over the coarse of centuries. Then the tsunamis came. Most were wiped out, or city was plunged underwater. It was on an island. Some survived, however. They revived the city, and reproduced. Centuries later, you have Atlantis. Arthur: Well, thats...interesting. Jim: Were at the gates. Welcome home. CUT TO: Arthur walked past large, stone buildings, some with open roofs, others with chunks of wall missing. People walked through the streets, looking at Arthur, and whispering to each other. Arthur: Why are they whispering? Because of their king? Jim: Lets just say Atlantians arent a big fan of blonds. Arthur: Why? Some ancient prophecy? Jim: Yes. Keep going. Arthur: Where are we going? Jim: You didnt see the castle? Arthur: Ca-castle? Oh man. Jim: You need to meet Orm. Arthur: The guy who wants to kill me? Thats a good plan. Jim: You have to. They continued to walk. CUT TO: Arthur is at the castles door. Arthur: After you. Jim: Go. He opened the door, and walked inside the castle. He looked back at Jim, then forward. Arthur: Please wake up. Please wake up. He went up a set of steps, and saw a large throne. A tall, dark-haired man, with a scar running down a dead eye stands near it. Hes wearing dark armor, and a gold trident in hand. He frowns. Arthur: Whos he? Jim: I think you know. The man walks towards them. Hello. Jim: Arthur, this is Orm Marius. Orm: Pleasure. Arthur: Yeah. Orm: So, who is he? Did he escape from Xebel? Jim: Hes the king. Orm: Really? I didnt...expect that. Tell me, has he been trained? Jim: Trained? Orm: Hmm. So, this boy, who is not trained, and has most likely never been in a fight, is our new king? It amuses me. Jim: How so? Orm: Well, does he even understand monarchy? Do we vote, or not?

Arthur: Um...not? Orm: Well, at least you know that. Let me train him. Jim: No. Orm: Why not? Jim: Damn it Orm! I said no! Arthur: Stop! The stopped arguing, as soon as Arthur said. Arthur: Okay, look, Jim, let him train me. Okay? Is that okay? Jim: But- Orm: Jim, the king of Atlantis has commanded that you let me train him. Jim: Are you sure? Arthur: Would I say it if I wasnt? CUT TO: Orm and Arthur are standing in a room full of targets, and stuffed mannequins. Orm picks up a trident from the ground, and hands it to Arthur. Arthur: So, what are we gonna do? Fight? Orm: Of course not. Throw that at the target. Arthur: Thats it? Simple. Orm: Extremely. Arthur held the trident with one hand, in the center. He lifted it vertically, on par with his head. He pulled back his arm, stepped forward, and threw the trident at a target. It missed the actual target by half a foot. Orm: Well, that was disappointing. Arthur: Yep. Orm: Again. He did it again, with the same results. Orm: Again. The same. Orm: This is sad. Arthur: Break? Orm: Hit the target first. CUT TO: 20 minutes later. Arthur is sitting at the top of a staircase. Orm comes up behind him, holding two glasses. He sits next to Arthur. Orm: Here. He hands him a glass. Arthur: What is it? Orm: Water. Arthur: Water? How is know. Orm: Weve made it a separate density from the surrounding water. The water surrounding it isnt able to absorb the water. You wouldnt understand. Arthur: But...the city looks ancient. Orm: It is. We dont waste materials on unnecessary renovations. We use them on technology. Unlike humans. Arthur: Shut up. Atlantis is great, but its no Metropolis. Orm: Dont lie to yourself. What did Jim say? Arthur: About? Orm: You know what about. Arthur: Oh. Well, he said you want to kill me. Orm: Weve been surrounded by weapons for thirty minutes, why wouldnt I? Arthur: Well...did you kill your father? Orm: Everyone suspects that. They have no proof. I dont care what others think. I dont, however, want to be executed because of rumor. Arthur: Execute? Orm: You wouldnt want to die. You would have the power, as king. Arthur: You sir, are paranoid. Orm: Never take any chances. Get the trident. I want you to stab that dummy. Anywhere. Ill judge the place you go for.

you go for. Arthur: Yes sir! He got up, and grabbed the trident. CUT TO: One Hour Later Orm walks to Jim, who is standing by the throne. Jim: Where is he? Orm: Hes coming. Arthur isnt the best fighter. Give him a week, and he should be decent. I dont plan on murdering him. Jim: Youve said that before. Arthur ran into the room. Orm: See? Arthur: Sorry Im late. What time is it? Jim: Time to rest. Orm: I believe he should see the castle first. Jim: That can wait. Orm: And if he has to navigate the grounds? Jim: Ill be there. Orm: And what if you arent? Jim: I will be. Orm: And if you arent? Jim: What makes you think I wouldnt be? Orm: It was a question, Jim. Why must you over think everything I say? Jim: Youre lucky youre still in Atlantis. Orm: Well Im sure the king will change that very soon. Jim: Youre overreacting! Orm: Youre breaking. Notice how Im staying calm? Arthur: Shut up! Both of you. Look, just take me to the royal chamber, or some crap, and we can argue tomorrow. Okay? Good. Orm smiles as Arthur and Jim walk away. Jim points to a doorway. Jim: Go in there, everything should be fine. Theres a bed, made, bathroom, everything you need. If theres something you want, just call. Arthur: Thanks. CUT TO: 30 minutes later Arthur is asleep, snoring. Jim walks into the throne room, not looking happy. Orm looks at him, and smiles. Orm: Hello Jim. Jim: Stay the hell away from Arthur. Orm: Why wouldnt I? Jim grabs Orms shoulders, and shoves him against a wall. Orm: Dont do that again. He kicks Jims ankle. Jim lets go of Orms shoulders, and Orm grabs Jims neck. He pushes down on his throat, staring into Jims eyes. Just ass Jim is about to die, Orm throws him against a wall. He walks away, scowling. Arthur runs in. Arthur: What happened? Orm: You know. Arthur: bastard. Orm: It was painful for him, but quick. I will make your death last long enough for you to know just how much you will lose. Arthur: You bastard. Dont walk away. Orm: You want to fight? Arthur: No. I want you to prove that you arent a coward! Orm: You amuse me. After seeing what I have done to a grown, trained, Atlantian, who trains regularly, how can you possibly beat me? Arthur: I can try.

Orm: And fail. He walks to the training room. Arthur: Get back here! Orm: You think you can give me orders? You cannot. You are not a king, and you are not mine. Do you understand? Arthur looked at Orm, and Threw a punch. Orm grabbed Arthurs fist, and twisted it behind his back. He slammed him into a wall, pulled him back, and slammed him into the wall again. Orm laughed. He pulled Arthur back, and shoved him. Arthur stumbled, and fell to the floor. Orm walked past him, and down a stairway. Arthur: Leaving so soon? Orm: I want to kill you. But I want to enjoy it. Not have my victory last one minute. Arthur breathes heavily, lying on the floor. He rolls onto his back, and looks at Jim. He lifts his head, and lets it drop to the floor, as guards rush in. CUT TO: The Next Day Arthur walks through Atlantis, and out of the city. He looks at it from a distance, and swims upwards. Arthur reaches the surface, and, subconsciously, gasps for air. He swims towards land. CUT TO: THE LIGHTHOUSE Tom is sitting on a bed, a hand on his forehead. Arthur: Hi. He quickly looks up, with wide eyes. Tom: No. Arthur: What? Tom: Get back Arthur, what happened!?! Arthur: Orm, he killed Jim, and tried to kill me. Noone knows where he is, and I dont care. Apparently this is real, and I shouldnt have gone. Okay? Tom: You dont understand! If Orm finds out, hell take Atlantis, and then, well... Arthur: Then what? Tom: Expansion. Arthur: What? Tom: Orm is insane. He wants more. He wants to rule, but he isnt okay with just, oh, 75% of the world. He wants more. Arthur: You cant expand the ocean. Tom: Have you ever paid attention in school? If Orm were to use Atlantians technology, and wait a little bit, allow nature to do what it does, combined with human stupidity, he could completely melt the Arctic. Arthur: And that would... Tom: If he were to melt enough ice in the ocean, more water would be created. This would lead to either the ocean getting deeper, or every coastal city being wiped out. If he were lucky, tsunamis would be created, leaving less survivors. Good-bye Miami, good-bye Boston, good-bye every city with a beach connected to an ocean!" Arthur: "How do you know?" Tom: "I don't, not for sure, but me and Jim have talked it over, based on what Orm has said and done in the past." Arthur: So, this is a save the world thing now? Tom: It always was Arthur. CUT TO: THE BEACH Arthur walks towards the ocean. He has on a orange hoodie, and green pants. His feet are swallowed by water, and he keeps going. Soon, his chest is covered, and he keeps walking. His head is covered, and people on the beach stare at the spot. They go back to doing what they had been. CUT TO: ATLANTIS

ATLANTIS Arthur runs through the city. Atlantians whisper, others simply stare. Arthur runs into the castle. Orm is waiting by the throne. Orm: Ah, Arthur. The prodigal son returns. Arthur: Shut the hell up! Orm: Dont speak like that. Arthur: Melting the polar ice caps. Thats your plan. To wipe out hundreds? Orm: Think of it as...renovation. He clenched his fist, and punched Orm in the jaw. Arthur: You should be dead! Orm: As can arrange that. He uppercutted Arthur, grabbed his neck, and threw him against a wall. Arthur collapsed on the floor, and Orm kicked his face. The second time he tried, Arthur grabbed his leg. Orm pulled away, allowing Arthur to get up. Orm punched him. Arthur stumbled back, and charged at Orm. He slammed his fist into Orms nose. Orm went back, his nose bloody, the blood flowing upwards, mixing with the water. Orm, hunched over, looked up, and saw Arthurs fist. It slammed into him. Arthur grabbed the back of Orms head, and slammed it into his knee. Orm looked up, put his hands together, and slammed them into Arthurs chin. Arthur was knocked back, and stumbled, coming down to the floor. He rolled out of the way, just as Orms boot came crashing down. Orm lifted his boot again, and it came down. Arthur grabbed the foot. and kicked Orms groin. Orm lifted his boot again, and it hit Arthurs face, breaking through his hands. Orm looked at Arthur, furious, and lifted his boot again. It went down, but again, Arthur rolled out of the way, quickly coming up, and uppercutting Orm. He felt his chin, bleeding, and tackled Arthur. They slammed against a wall. Orm grabbed Arthurs shoulder, and punched him repeatedly. Arthurs face became bloody. Orm punched Arthur again, and threw him to the other side of the room. Arthur slowly got to his feet as Orm slammed his fist into Arthurs face. Arthur threw a punch. His fist was easily grabbed by Orm, who twisted his arm. He head butted Arthur, slammed him against a wall, and let go of his arm. Arthur dropped to the floor, gasping. Orm stared at him. Orm: Pathetic. Blood continued to flow upwards, covering Orms dead eye. CUT TO: 10 minutes later Arthur is lying in his bed, a guard standing over him. Arthur: Where is he? Guard: Orm? No one knows. Arthur: He wants to expand. Kill...hundreds. I have to stop him. Guard: Youre in no condition to fight. Let us do our jobs. Arthur: I have to stop him. Guard: Rest. Well stop him. Arthur: You cant juyst...blood. He was bleeding. A shark can follow him, if theres a trail. Granted, I only know that from Jaws, but... Guard: Were trying that. Arthur: Oh. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and Arthur passed out. CUT TO: The Next Day Arthur walks through the guards barracks. He now wears the New 52 outfit. He has a trident in his hand. Arthur: Everyone get up. Were going after Orm. The guards, sleepily, get up. They rub their heads. One guard approaches Arthur. Guard: We havent found Orm yet. Arthur: Then we search. Guard: He could be anywhere in the ocean. Arthur: This man murmured one of my fathers friends, he lied to my face, he manipulated Jim to a point where he could easily kill him, and he tried to kill me twice. Im not about to let him get away. Do you understand? Guard: Yes sir. But... Arthur: No. Im going to make this animal pay. Guard: How many detachments should we send? The path is dangerous. The shark-men will not like us entering their territory.

Arthur: We rule the seas, dont we? Guard: They hate us. And there is no diplomatic immunity. Arthur: Then Orm wouldnt be there. Find a map of the territories, or something. Mark off everywhere Orm would be torn apart, or wouldnt have made a deal. But send a few. Guard: Yes, sir. Arthur walks away. CUT TO: THE OCEAN We see a large patch of white anemone. A booted foot steps through the patch. We see Orm. A large, shark-human hybrid swims by his side. Orm: Im glad that you have given me a chance to speak. The hybrid speaks, in a raspy voice. Do not think I will simply let you go, Marius. Orm: Of course not, Nanaue. Atlantis is conspiring to attack you. They shall send guards. A small amount, to your territory. Nanaue: Why do you tell us this? Orm: They hate me. And you are much, much stronger. Why would I want to be on a losing, hateful side? Nanaue: That is a good point. Orm: Theyre going to come, I assure you. I just need a detachment of soldiers. Nanaue: For what, Atlantian? Orm: For my own needs. Nanaue: Where? Orm: The Arctic. Nanaue: Ha! You are serious? Orm: Completely. Nanaue: Fine. I will give you 20 of my soldiers. Orm: Thank you. The hybrid growls, and quickly swims away, leaving Orm smiling. CUT TO: Three Atlantian guards, each armed with a trident, run towards two patrolling guards. The patrolling guards are shark hybrids, about seven feet tall. Guard: Let us pass. Hybrid: Why would we do that, Atlantians? Guard: By order of the king. We are searching for Orm Marius. He is a criminal. Hybrid: What makes you think we would hide him? Guard: We mean to search. Everywhere is a valid spot. Hybrid: Except here. Leave, before we slaughter you. Guard: Let us pass! Another hybrid comes, a foot taller than the others. Guard: Nanaue. Nanaue: Hello, Atlantians. You two, leave us. Hybrid: Yes, king. The two hybrids swam away. Nanaue: Orm is here, but he came to us. Dont worry, we know where he is going. Guard: Where? Tell us. Nanaue: He went to the Arctic. I sent 20 of my best men with him, with strict orders to not allow him to leave when he arrived there. They will not attack you if you arrive. Im a man of my word. Now go. The guards walked away, as Nanaue looked on. He turned, and swam away. CUT TO: ATLANTIS Arthur looks at the spot where Jim had died. The guards seen before walk up to him. Guard: We know where he is. Arthur: Arctic? Guard: Yes. Well, not for sure, we gained the information from the shark-men, but, he should be there, with 20 of the hybrids.

20 of the hybrids. Arthur: Okay. Wait, shark-people? Guard: I told you before. Horrible creatures. Arthur: Okay, 50 troops. But I deal with Orm. Guard: When should I ready the troops? Arthur: Now. CUT TO: THE OCEAN 50 guards swim north. Some are in speeders. They all carry tridents. Arthur leads them. CUT TO: THE ARCTIC Orm smiles, a trident in hand, as shark hybrids slam themselves into chunks of ice. Chunks of ice appear over the guards. They swim faster. Soon, they see 19 shark-men, and Orm. Arthur: 1, 2, 3...only 19 sharks. There were 20. Oh no. Move! One shark swam towards the guards. It ripped through them. A speeder was caught in the hybrids mouth, and was thrown, killing two guards. It swam in the other direction, avoiding a trident, and ripping a third guard in half. Orm looked on, and smiled. More sharks swam towards the guards. One guard punched a hybrid in the nose, and stuck his trident through the bottom of its head, only to be ripped in half by a second hybrid, and the torso thrown into a crowd of guards. They scattered, and three were killed by hybrids. Arthur held his trident in both hands. He looked forwards, and quickly turned around, stabbing a shark. Blood came out, and flowed upwards. More hybrids swam towards the blood. Arthur threw his trident, and it pierced its body. Arthur swam towards it, and ripped the trident out of it, and turned around, slashing another. He swam towards one, who had cornered a guard, but was grabbed. Arthur was pulled by a shark, dropping his trident. He was face to face with a bloody snout, with two black eyes staring at him. The shark smiled, with red teeth. It opened its mouth for the kill, and a trident went through its throat. Arthur pulled away from the beast, as it floated upwards. Orm had been behind the hybrid. Arthur: Having second thoughts? Orm: No one kills you but me. Arthur swam down, grabbing his trident,, and stopped Orms from piercing his skull. Orm: Youve learned. Arthur: Thanks! He kicked Orms crotch, unlocked the tridents, and pointed his at Orm. Arthur raised his, and threw it at Orm, who swam out of the way, grabbing the trident. Orm: Never let go of your weapon! Arthur punched him, grabbing his trident, and slamming it into Orms face, taking it back. Orm looked at Arthur, his eye burning with hate. He charged forward, swimming straight into Arthur. He was knocked back, and Orm stabbed Arthurs shoulder. Arthur steadied himself, and grabbed his shoulder. Orm swam away, and threw his trident. It just missed Arthur. Arthur: Never let go of your weapon! He swam towards Orm, and kicked him. Arthur slammed the bottom of his trident on Orms head, knocking him back. Orm swam towards Arthur, and was hit by the side of Arthurs trident. Arthur then punched him. Orm was furious. He charged towards Arthur, and knocked him down. He punched the boy. He laughed. Arthurs face became red. The blood flowed up, onto Orms face. He grabbed Arthurs neck. The world was a blur. Then, a guard slammed the bottom of his trident onto Orms neck. He let go of Arthur, and grabbed the guards neck. Soon, the guard was sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Orm turned to Arthur, and was met with a punch. Then another. Arthur slammed his fist into Orms face. Blood soon flowed up from Orms mouth, and nose. Arthur: You think you can just try to kill people? He punched Orm. Arthur: You think that I would let you win? He punched Orm. Arthur: You thought you could wipe hundreds of people from the earth, just so you could expand your kingdom? He punched Orm. Arthur: And you thought you would succeed?

He punched him again, sending Orm backwards. Orm wiped blood from his face. Orm: You dont get it. I already have. This was a distraction. You, and 50 men, all gone from Atlantis? How could the sharks resist attack? Arthur: No! He grabbed Orms head, and swam upwards. Arthur surfaced, and exposed Orms head to the sun. He screamed. Orms hair started to burn. He grabbed his face, and shook it back and forth. He screamed endlessly. Arthur buried Orms head under the water. Steam rose up from the water. Bubbles, and a faint yelling came to the surface. Arthur breathed heavily, and went back under the water. Steam continued to rise. Under the water, Arthur punched Orm again, and he was sent sinking to the ocean floor. Arthur swam down, and grabbed his trident. Only 10 men were left, all the hybrids dead. Arthur: I want five men to stay here. The rest of you, come with me. We have to try to get to Atlantis before the hybrids. Oh man. He started to swim. CUT TO: ATLANTIS Arthur and his men arrive at Atlantis. They go through the main gates, and see hybrids ripping Atlantians apart. One sees Arthur, and rockets towards them. Arthur swims under it, sticking his trident in its stomach. A guard wiggles out of the hybrids mouth, bleeding. He grabs his leg, and another hybrid grabs him, swimming away. Arthur looks at the hybrid, and quickly turns around, slashing a hybrid, and saving a guard. Arthur: Spread out! Help whoever you can! Tell them that Orm is captured! Go! He swims straight ahead, towards the castle. CUT TO: ATLANTIS Arthur swims towards the castle, barely dodging sharks. He sees a guard. Arthur: You, get the guards to move towards the castle! We wont do anything if we arent together! Guard: Of course I will. The guard slashed another sharks chest. Arthur: Move! Get more! He muttered. Guard: Freaking teen. He shoved his trident into the sharks mouth. Arthur: Get to the castle. Have other troops go there. Move. Guard: Of course. He swam away, and Arthur headed towards the castle. CUT TO: Arthur walked towards the castle door. Hes about to open it, when a shark grabs him. Arthur drops his trident. Hybrid: Dont go in. Atlantis is already ours. Arthur: Not...yet. Arthur grabs the sharks neck, and rips off part of the gills. The shark screams, and lets go of Arthur, floating to the surface. Arthur looks at his hands. Arthur: How the hell did I just do that? He shrugs it off, and looks for his trident. He finds it, and goes into the castle. CUT TO: Nanaue is sitting on the throne. It is toppled over, the shark is sitting on its side. Arthur: Hi. The shark stands up. Arthur: You dont have any guards? Nanaue: I dont need them. The shark lunges at Arthur, tearing his arm. He smells the blood. Nanaue: You are not Atlantian. Not fully.

Nanaue: You are not Atlantian. Not fully. Arthur: Yeah. Im a hybrid. Like you, but not as...well, you know. The shark opened his mouth, revealing teeth stained with dark red. Arthur: One word. Dentist. Nanaue: Do you find yourself special? Powerful? You may be to the Atlantians, but not to me. To me, you are just another speck of blood in my mouth. Arthur: Yeah. No. He slashed the sharks mouth. Blood started to rise. Its black eyes widened. Its claws slammed into Arthur, knocking him back. His trident left his hand. Nanaue: You are nothing to me. He kicked Arthur, making his head face the ceiling. He placed his foot on Arthurs chest. Nanaue pushed down. Arthur screamed. The shark raised his foot again, an slammed it onto Arthurs chest. He screamed again. Nanaue removed his foot, and grabbed Arthurs body, throwing him to the other side of the room. He lunged at Arthur, who was getting up, slamming him against the wall. Arthur slipped his arm out of the sharks grasp, and grabbed one of Nanaues fingers, He moved it backwards, until it touched the back of his hand. The shark screamed, and grabbed his hand, letting go of Arthur. He dropped to the floor, and scrambled for his trident. Nanaue ran at Arthur, his hand in the air. Arthur grabbed his trident, and shoved it through the sharks hand as it came down. He screamed, and grabbed the trident, while it was still in his hand. The shark ripped the point in his hand off, ripping it out, then crushed the other two. He threw the first point away, charging towards Arthur. He tried to swim out of the way, but Nanaue hit him, pushing Arthur against a wall. He punched Arthur, and grabbed his neck. He threw Arthur to the door, and rammed through it, Arthur with him. Arthur was thrown through the air, landing on stone. Nanaue slowly walked to Arthur. He tried, unsuccessfully, to get up. The shark lifted Arthur by his back. A small crowd of guards stood by the castles steps, looking at the shark. Other hybrids were ripping Atlantis apart. Nanaue: This is your king? He is pathetic! He is a boy! And you may have him! The shark slammed Arthur on the ground, and picked him up by his left arm. He opened his mouth, and ripped his hand off. Arthur screamed, blood rising up. The shark threw him into the crowd of guards. He kept screaming. Arthur: Have to...get up. Guard: No. Arthur: Help me up! The guard did so, as Nanaue walked into the castle. Arthur awkwardly stood up, blood still flowing. He stumbled forward, holding his forearm. He went up the stairs, and into the castle. Nanaue saw him. Nanaue: You still fight? You arent as pathetic as I thought. Arthur: Yeah...Im...Im full of surprises. The shark lunged at Arthur, knocking him into a corner. Arthur saw one of his tridents points. He picked it up, and stood. Nanaue walked towards him. He opened his mouth, and Arthur shoved the point into his throat. The sharks eyes widened as blood came out. Arthur cut open the sharks throat. Blood spilled out, clouding part of the ceiling. Nanaue fell over, dead. Arthur dropped to his knees, breathing heavily. Guards poured in, taking Arthur to his bed. The last thing he saw before blacking out was the bloody stump that was his left hand. CUT TO: Arthur woke up. He was lying on his bed. A girl about his age was standing over him. She had red hair, and green eyes. Arthur: Hi. Am I the first guy youve watched while he slept? Cute. You were out for two days, but only because of sedatives. Arthur: Ah. Whats your name? Mera. Here, Im going to put this on your wrist. She took out something like a bracelet. It was silver, and fit Arthurs wrist perfectly. Mera: There. Turn it on. Arthur: What does it do? Mera: Youll see. She walked out of the room. Arthur found a small mechanic, and turned it on. Almost instantly, water formed around the spot Arthurs hand used to be. It was in the shape of his hand. The water was purified, and made clear. He looked at the attachment. Arthur: Sweet. Mera walked back into the room. Arthur: Dont ask, its great. Mera: Good. You might want to use it. The band is still a prototype. Arthur: Okay. Thanks, really. But...I need to know one thing. Mera: Just go down the stairs in the training area.

Arthur: Thanks. He walked out. CUT TO: Arthur walks through the training room. A guard stops him. Guard: Are you going to see... Arthur: Yeah. Are there anymore sharks here? Guard: Not that anyone knows of. CUT TO: We see a dark boot in a cell. The bars sink into the floor. Arthur walks in, and they rise. Arthur: Hi Orm. Orm: Arthur. I see that youre missing something. He punches Orm with the water. Orm falls on the floor. Arthur: Whyd you do it? You knew that the new territory would be mine. Or claimed by those hybrids, or some other thing! Orm: I did it as a distraction. Im surprised Nanaue could hold back. -cough- I was certain he would have ripped your head off. Arthur kicked him. Orm: It was all an elaborate scheme, if you could call it that. My entire plan was a distraction. I meant to lose. I dont care what you do to me, but my plan is complete. Arthur: And that was? Orm: The sharks were just the beginning Arthur. The forces of Atlantis are weak. Most of its people are dead. They may gain 30 more guards in a year, but they can crumble. The biggest threat is you. The bars sank into the ground, and Arthur walked out. CUT TO: THE LIGHTHOUSE Tom is making pancakes, when he hears footsteps. Arthur, in a hoodie and blue jeans, walks into the kitchen. Arthur: Hi. Tom: Arthur? Youre alive. Oh, thank god. Arthur: I dont think Orm will be bothering us anytime soon. Plus I killed the leader of the shark hybrids. Tom: The what? How are you? Arthur: Well, um... He pulls back his sleeve, revealing his missing hand. Tom: Oh. Im sorry. Arthur: Dont be, they manufactured a replacement. I just thought it would be weird for people to see a kid with a hand made out of water. Besides, I exposed Orms face to the sun. You should feel sorry for him. Tom: Well...Im making pancakes. Arthur:, go out back, and get some water. CUT TO: Soon, they were sitting at a table, eating. Arthur had the brace on, with the hand. Tom: Thats amazing. How does the hand feel? Arthur: Like a regular hand. Its weird. Nothing gets wet. Tom: So, Orm didnt succeed? Arthur: Well, obviously not. It wasnt his plan anyways. Tom: Then what was? Arthur: To make Atlantis vulnerable. He sent shark hybrids to murder everyone. Tom: Did that succeed? Arthur: Almost. He took a bite out of one pancake. CUT TO: 20 minutes later.

20 minutes later. Arthur stands by the rocks, behind the lighthouse. Tom is with him. Arthur: See you later. Tom: Yeah. Ill see you later. Bye. Arthur: Bye. He jumped into the water, and started swimming. CUT TO: A few hours later. Arthur was long gone. Tom looked at the ocean, and smiled. The camera enters an overview shot, and pulls back. We see the beach, and the huge body of water. THE END CUT TO: AFTER CREDITS SCENE We see the training room. Its dark. A guard hears a noise. Guard: Who are you? What are you doing? A blue gauntlet knocks him to the other side of the room. CUT TO: Orm sits in his cell. He hears a noise, and two guards screaming. Two, blue hands open the bars. A deep voice speaks. Orm Marius. I can offer you power. Power youve never had before. A blue gauntlet hands Orm the classic Ocean Master helmet. Orm smiles.

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